#like wanting to wax poetic
breakbreadwithme · 3 days
feeling a lot. no outlet. blah.
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hinamie · 4 months
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some quick jjk eye paintings
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t00thpasteface · 11 months
i'm so relieved that people like my retrobat stuff bc i can tell tumblr definitely prefers two very specific batmans: Tortured Diesel DILF and Edward Cullen But Cooler. meanwhile i'm out here like
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amaltheas-garden · 1 month
people still shocked that in the year of our lord 2024 some of us don't want to see Dany get her 'happy ending' by becoming the white savior who was promised
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blossoms-phan · 2 days
guys I’m actually going insane like they’re literally in love with each other
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uncanny-tranny · 2 months
Something that bothers me a bit about Americans talking about The Golden Age of the economy is... It wasn't a golden age, not for everyone.
People seem to universalize the fact that you could afford college and rent when... That was true for specific people. It wasn't the universal - especially those who were Black, or Indigenous, or for PoC in general, or women, or queer and trans people. Universalizing any stage of America's history only tells one story. You don't acknowledge the stories of anyone else when you do this.
This just reminds me of Paris Is Burning, and of what was said about the ballroom participates, many of whom were BIPoC and/or queer:
[Video Description: A clip from the documentary Paris Is Burning (1990). Pepper LaBeija is sitting on a chair and she is saying:
Those balls are, more or less, like our fantasy of being a superstar, you know like the Oscars or whatever. Or being on a runway as a model. You know, a lot of those kids that are in the balls, they don't have two of nothing. Some of them don't even eat. They come to balls starving, and they sleep in the under twenty-one, or they sleep on the pier or whatever. They don't have a home to go to, but they'll go out and they'll steal something and get dressed up and come to a ball for that one night and live the fantasy.
/End of Video Description]
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bitchslapblastoids · 2 months
new fic! "oh great, now im a furry" by cloej88
Dan/Phil Rating: E Word Count: 5800
Of course Phil would walk into his bedroom and spot his darkest secret immediately. Of course he would poke and prod until the secret was laid bare between them. Of course he would unfurl it, see it for what it was, and then treat it like it was something precious, until all Dan wanted to do was babble every secret he’d ever kept so that there was nothing left in between them. With that thought, Dan looked down at the bear and decided that he was going to just properly go for it. He remembered what Phil had said: "Just pretend I’m not here, pretend you’re home alone."
I saw this post on dnpredacted and…. this happened (thanks for the go-ahead to post, anon!)
I am currently working on a multi-chapter Dignified and Meaningful Fic. But in the meantime, have some teddy bear smut, lol.
(if you choose to unfollow me over this, I fully do not blame you)
some reference material under the cut
full credit for everything below goes to phandirectory's og 2009 phan timeline
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(highly cropped bc otherwise felt like Too Much)
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(fun note, the above was the same day as "i want to be there so you don't have to be brave")
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"hahaa" oh im sure, phil
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^those two of phil are the only pics i have no context for/no clue where they came from
read teddy bear fic here!
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Childhood in North Korea <3
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praesaepe · 7 months
person of interest and leverage are both hidden gems of late 2000's/early 2010's cable tv that you expect one thing out of (a typical procedural show of the era) and get something else that is completely mind blowing and difficult to really describe
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hammity-hammer · 10 months
“Isn’t it hard?”
The sunlight wove its way through the mess of curls on Eddie’s head, keeping Steve’s attention from the person next to him. Eddie seemed like he was glowing— like the light was coming from somewhere deep inside of him, rather than millions of miles away; like he was the center of their solar system, the warmth emitting from him keeping their little planets alive.
Steve felt a bony elbow nudge just under his shoulder, pulling him from his thoughts, “Huh?”
“Is it not hard? Loving him?” Dustin asked quietly, nodding his head toward the man laughing and running around with the rest of the party. Steve glanced at Dustin, trying to figure out how he should even broach answering that question, knowing that any explanation he gave would never make sense. How could it not be hard; falling so deeply in love with someone that won’t ever love him back? Knowing that he just had to be the guy to get some kind of fucked up curse that made him incapable of mutual romantic love?
“I… think it’s easy, honestly.” Steve shrugged, trying to keep his face from revealing his obvious lie.
Eddie’s laughter drew Steve’s attention back to him, the sound of his joy bringing a reflexive smile to his face.
“It doesn’t bother you? That he just… doesn’t love you the way you love him?” Dustin rested his chin on his crossed arms, sounding for all the world like he was the one who was unloveable.
“You can’t make people love you, kid, you know that. And you know I’m happy just to have him in my life; he can’t help the way his brain works.” Steve copied Dustin’s movement, turning his head so he could look at the younger man. That’s what he was now— a man, for all intents and purposes, and every time he remembered that, it made a bittersweet feeling bloom in Steve’s chest.
Dustin rolled his eyes, “Obviously you can’t, but he loves you! I see the way he is with you and that’s love! But he won’t just… be your boyfriend, or whatever, and I don’t get that, man.”
Steve sighed, “Not everything is about romance, Dustin. I love you, but I love you like a brother. I love Robin, and you were convinced for basically forever that she and I were end-game. He just happens to love me the way I love Robin, he can’t help it.”
He moved his gaze back to the group in front of them, his eyes instantly finding Eddie again. He was chasing Erica, running with his hands in claw shapes near his head like he was trying to look like some creepy vampire, or something. She was laughing uncontrollably as she ran, weaving through their other friends who were trying to behave semi-normally. Eddie’s head turned momentarily to where Steve and Dustin were sitting at their picnic table and a grin grew on his face when he made eye contact with Steve.
“I just don’t get it, though. Why can’t he love you like that? You’re like, a catch or whatever, aren’t you?” Dustin frowned, ignoring the finger wave Steve sent Eddie’s way to stare at the woodgrain on the table in thought.
Steve turned his head back to Dustin and unfolded his arms a bit to pat him on the head, “Doesn’t matter, man. I love him, he knows I love him, and how I love him, and he’s okay with it, even if he doesn’t feel the same. I just want to keep him near me however I can, and if that’s as my best friend, then that’s as my best friend.”
Dustin sighed deeply, seemingly giving up on his fight for Steve to finally get himself a partner, and Steve thanked everything he could think of for that.
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sunflowernyx · 5 months
I really love Spender and Padgett as antagonists to Scully.
Because the way they project their own vision of Scully onto her is so completely untrue that it contrasts perfectly with her truth.
They are a specific brand of monsters in the x files, a genre, if you will, that try to enforce patriarchal views onto women, and every time, every time the story presents it as completely ridiculous that they can't see what the truth is, that their denial of it becomes their eventual downfall.
Because they don't view Scully or any other woman as anything other than a vessel for their desire, something inhuman, waiting for them to imprint their world view upon her, taking away her voice, her body autonomy, her truth.
And every time the story proves them wrong. Every time Scully proves them wrong.
Rather than just focusing on how she's a strong woman who can fight back, and has agency, they set episodes like En Ami and Milagro up to show how men are capable of creating an incorrect narrative and believing in it so deeply that when Scully fights back and proves herself a full human being with her own opinions, desires, emotions and strengths that have nothing to do with them... they resort to punishing her with violence.
And always, always they stick with the central theme for Scully's character: that the truth is there, and it's Scully's role to make it plain, it is her power to articulate it.
Characters like Spender and Padgett are perfect antagonists to a character like Scully because they construct a truth and try to project it on her, to enforce it upon her, but she always has the last word.
The truth only ever comes from Scully
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saraminia · 6 months
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I just think that he + a piano (reprise)
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mossy-rot · 4 months
been going along with my gay little polycule with sebastian and elliott in stardew and i deeply enjoy the difference between their dialogue about being gay. sebastian says "I haven't felt this way about another guy before" and elliiott's is "I was worried you wouldn't feel this way about a man" seb's just now learning he's bisexual and elliott already knew he's gay as the day is long
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moirindeclermont · 4 months
Daily thread about BridgertonS3: first of all, thank you for all the support in this little adventure, I'll continue to write these daily snippets at least for another 10 days, just to get part 2 the attention it deserves - and I'm being optimistic that I'll arrive with my sanity intact.
Today let me take you on a journey about why we need shows like Bridgerton, especially in our time.
I could go on and on about the singular show and its merit. But that would just cover the tip of the iceberg. So, I'll use Bridgerton as an example for all the romance genre. Why do we need romance, especially in our time?
(Bridgerton, of course, is not the only romance out there, neither is the only show/book I could use for this, but since this is a daily thread about BridgertonS3, I'll use Bridgerton)
See, the thing about romance, it's not about the happy ending. At least, it's not just about the happy ending. It's about hope and love. It's about relationships and connections. It's about what makes us humans.
One of my favorite book quote is, and I paraphrase "and if we want to be more than humans, than love must be our polar star", and I have the word love tattooed twice in different ways. I'm the biggest sap in the universe, but I have to believe that love, hope and connections are the things that will make us grow.
So, when a show or a book comes, and I see those themes in them, how can I not be invested? It's inevitable. It's my cure against the cynism I see everywhere, all the time (heck, even when talking about Bridgerton people are still cynical).
And I'm tired that I'm continuously being told that I care too much. And so what? I relate so hard to Colin when he said "I spend so long trying to feel less" and, luckily, I've arrived at a point in which I don't care too much if people see me crying or singing along while walking.
We need show like Bridgerton, we need more romance, because we need more optimism in a world that tries so hard to make us feel less. We need to shed this armor of cynism and open ourself to humanity again. Because as long as hope is still alive, we are still alive.
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kindahoping4forever · 9 months
Ash IG Story
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ratatatastic · 2 months
"Battle of Alberta, right? It was my first game: Calgary, Edmonton. We would play them in the preseason, and you know—trying to make the team I'd always be asking him to fight in preseason, always. I'd be runnin' my mouth—like, tryna fight the biggest, baddest guys, tryna make an impression.
And he would never fight me. He'd always tell me, like If you make the team, I'll fight ya. You don't have to worry about that, but I'm not fightin' ya preseason. And I totally respect it, I'm not gonna chase him down. It is what it is. He's established—I'm looking for my chance.
So I get called up, we're playing Edmonton in Edmonton: Battle of Alberta. [He's] over there on the other side, and it's like the coolest thing ever... you know, the buildup was crazy 'cuz I knew if the opportunity presented itself—if the game went the way I hoped it would, I would get an opportunity to fight him.
I remembered in warmups tryna skate by the redline initially just kind-of gettin' a feel for it—to see if I have to say something or whatever... He's got no bucket on, his big, bald head is glarin' around, he skates by the redline with the biggest smile on his face, and just gives me the biggest wink...
At that moment I knew Okay, he remembers. It's gonna happen at some point.
We were up 1, I think it was 2-1 going into intermission or whatever—Oh, no, I think it was 1-1 and we had just scored so the position I'm like Yeah, I don't know if I can fight him now because we have the momentum and we're winning the game. I don't want to lose a fight, then we lose a game and now I'm, like, never getting a chance again.
You kind-of gotta play the game within the game like [...] there's an opportunity to fight, and there's an opportunities where you shouldn't fight. Things weren't looking good, then they score and now we need a spark. I'm like Fucking perfect.
I just skate by their bench and I'm like It's time, big boy! He jumps out, we line up, and he goes We squarin' up or we goin' right away?
I'm like I'm not fuckin' squarin' up with you right now! We're goin' right away!
Drop em, we go right away, grab each other. I know he's a lefty so he's gonna let go—let's go of my right arm before he throws one. I threw one. Big boy went down, he jumped back up pretty quick. I don't know, I tell people all the time, I'm like I would've been in the league fuckin' 2 years earlier if there was good footage of this fuckin' fight!
For some reason—For some reason, the cameras cut out. I don't know if [he] had his cousins working the cameras or something that night, or if they're in the video room or what happened.
That was my first NHL game.
It's funny 'cuz Chucky was there—Chucky's there and he knows, he saw, he always laugh when I say that I would've been in the league earlier 'cuz he knows how things like that go. You get a little bit of energy and buzz around ya, and then kind-of momentum takes you a little bit further but unfortunate[ly], I missed that opportunity but I don't regret a thing.
The opportunity was there, I just—unfortunately, for whatever reason, the Hockey Gods said not yet." (Ryan Lomberg reminiscing over his first NHL game/fight) (x)(x) (please go watch the second link to see lombos giant smile as he tells this story jfc)
and other genuinely bonkers things to say about a hockey player in your first fight... like why did this need to be said like that...what
#ryan lomberg#lombo what the fuck#for the sake of clarity lombo does refer em by name but i think its funnier to obscure it in this case for people who dont know who it is#im sure edm and the bald description gave it away of who it is#but youll never fucking guess who this bitch is waxing poetic about#the wha the huh#HIM??????#WE'RE ROMANTICISNG THAT FUCKIN GUY??? REALLY????#i hate it here#this just in the guy you adore just said the horniest shit about the worst person you know#completely forgot they both were on the flames at the same time its been erased from my memory#(guy who does not pay attention to anything that is not pantr related)#but also matthew giggling about lombos little I WOULDVE BEEN HERE EARLIER IF THE CAMERAS WORKED RIGHT#how dare we lose him to calgary again HOW DARE#hello special little matthew cameo#the homoeroticism of it all#the inherent homoeroticism of hockey fights#why did he describe it like that#do you know what “scrappy ahler tries to make it big by fighting everyone in sight to impress staff and even challenges the enforcer vet#knowing itll make him look good if he does and said enforcer vet does not give him the time of day and goes i promise ill fight you when yo#get called up during the regular season not now and to which said scrappy ahler gets called up during the regular season and doesnt expect#much but gets completely surprised when the vet 1. remembers who he is 2. the promise he made and 3. even gives him a cheeky wink about it.#and the game is chippy from the start the ahler isnt sure theyll be able to fight hin but low and behold the hockey gods bless him#and he does he even gets to decide the rules AND wins it in one punch. the downside? none of it was filmed.#but the memory of that vets wink rings clear“ does to me man?#also. a classic case of hockey gods giveth. hockey gods taketh away.#sweetheart you can be gay AND also want your cool fight filmed honey youre asking for too much#yeah lombo does like calling men bigboy yeah that's a thing
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