#like tokens at an arcade
magnetic-tide · 5 months
no like, in what world was that warranted?
so afraid of a little pushing and shoving that you slam the guy into the ice!?
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monty-glasses-roxy · 7 months
What if the cut Hive Arcade that was in the Fazcade was an 18+ arcade? Like you go in there and it's all slots and one armed bandits and stuff
DJ's bouncer mode including just sorta sitting there in the doorway so little kids can't get past him into the Gambling Zone
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skelayton-lord · 4 months
Tfw you find some arcade tokens around forgotten spare change, because you used to buy them in bulk to be used along the weeks, and of which arcades have closed down for years now.
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freetoppings · 9 months
Going to the city tomorrow. Might slap a "laughing mike" sticker on a lamppost somewhere. If u spot it then hit me up and we can make out at the crusty nerd bar
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erdrea · 4 months
i have an extra $40 left over from the money my bf gave me to get a swim suit and there’s a sale going on at the nintendo eshop and i’m having a hard time deciding between getting the acnh dlc, no more heroes, unicorn overlord, a little to the left + unpacking, or the ace attorney trilogy
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prokopetz · 1 month
I think the hardest miss I've ever bumped into in children's educational television came from a show called Ghost Writer that debuted in 1992.
The opening story arc concerned a series of thefts at the protagonists' school; when the kids tried to figure out who was behind it, their investigation eventually discovered that a bunch of other middle schoolers had independently formed some sort of bizarre pseudo-Dionysian cult where they'd perform ominous chants and greet each other with secret mottos and wear masks with faces on both the front and back, except literally all this cult was doing was stealing the lunch money out of other kids' backpacks and using it to buy tokens at the local video arcade, which was also the cult's headquarters.
It was like they couldn't decide whether they wanted to do a Satanic Panic thing or a video-games-are-making-children-violent thing, so they split the difference in what I assume was intended as a grim cautionary tale, but all that nine-year-old me took away from the viewing experience was "wow, being in a cult looks cool as hell".
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springlock-suits · 1 year
The plushies are great but other things sold by sanshee feels like. Way too expensive
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evilyaoi · 1 year
some people will save up their nintendo eshop fun bucks for games that are actually good but i will drop them on whatever garbage is on sale for 1.99 and i will not be stopped
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
I need Dick's reactions to Gen Alpha Dami and Jon, maybe if he's babysitting or chaperoning them both or smth? Thank you!
Damian: Grayson, my friends are coming over.
Dick: I'll run down to the gas station for some snacks.
Damian: Tt. That's nothing but chemically treated junk peddled by megacorporations who fund deforestation and violate human rights at the cost of our health and taxpayer dollars.
Dick: Well we don't have much at home so I'll take you out to eat.
Dick, muttering as he leaves: Deforestation and taxpayer dollars...
Damian: Grayson, these are my friends. You already know Jon, Colin, and Billy. Meet Maya, Maps, Kathy, and Suren. Guys, this is my fossil of a brother, Richard.
Dick: I'm only 27!
Maya: 2024 minus 27...
Maya: You were born in the 1900s.
[in the car]
Dick: So, Kathy, where are you from?
Kathy: *stifles a laugh*
Kathy: Ohio.
The kids: *high five*
[at the arcade]
Dick: They're charging four tokens to play Doodle Jump? I played this for free on the school iPads in junior high.
Colin: Inflation.
Dick: How about your game, Suren?
Suren, wearing VR glasses: *whacks Dick with a plastic sword*
[at the prize counter]
Maps: I'll take that.
Maps: *points to a box*
Dick: What is it?
Maps: I don't know. It's a mystery. Now record me doing an unboxing for my gacha channel.
[at the pizza parlor]
Dick: Where's the menu?
Damian: It's the QR code on the table.
Billy: Mine's not loading.
Maps: Womp womp.
Dick: Here, we can use a print one.
Billy: *tries to zoom in on paper*
[at home]
Bruce: How was your day? Did you have fun?
Jon: Yeah. We even saw an influencer at the thrift store on the way back.
Damian: Tt, more like a they/them catboy Karen.
Bruce: That's... nice?
Bruce: *looks to Dick for an explanation*
Dick: *shrugs*
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wileys-russo · 2 months
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a deals a deal II l.williamson
"where'd you find this place?" you smiled in awe as you followed leah into the arcade, the blonde not missing the ways your eyes had lit up the moment the two of you had even parked outside, exactly the reaction she'd hoped for.
it having been your girlfriends turn to organize date night leah reveled in the fact that it was already seeming to be a success before it officially started, and you had to admit the older girl knew you like the back of her hand with this choice.
with both of you working full time, leah as a footballer and you as a primary teacher you both made a commitment early on, the moment things started getting serious, that despite your hectic schedules you'd still make every effort to keep consistent with spending quality time outside of work together.
and so the weekly date nights came into effect.
they weren't always big significant events nor did they always mean the two of you left your shared home, the key takeaway was quality time and so long as the two of you were focused on one another then that was guaranteed.
"lotte put me onto it, tao brought her here on one of their first dates." leah admitted as you gasped sarcastically. "and you're not even taking the credit? oh baby i'm so proud of you!" you cooed mockingly, pinching her cheeks as the taller girl shoved you playfully, the two of you making your way to the counter.
"i'll be taking credit for all the games i'm about to smash you at my girl, don't you worry your pretty little head about that." leah smiled smugly as you rolled your eyes and she hooked you both up with a large bag of tokens, even further fueling your excitement at the fact they still ran their games the old school way, physical tickets printed and all.
"oh my love me and my pretty little head cannot wait to watch you eat your words!" you grinned in response to her call out, and given neither of you liked to lose and were incredibly competitive, it was sure to be an interesting night.
there was a reason the two of you stopped getting invites to game night with leahs family, both of you banned until you learned how to behave like well mannered young women and not hotheaded impatient numpties, in the words of her grandmother.
"well either way you can consider tonight endless tokens, if you can spend them then i will buy them gorgeous." leah promised, pecking your lips sweetly with a charming smile and offering for you to pick the first game.
"mm good question babe. what do i want to beat you at first?" you pondered, stroking your chin as leah sighed dramatically at the time you were taking, tapping her foot and shoving her hands into the pocket of her jacket with a bored look written into her features.
"oh come on!" leah groaned impatiently as you pivoted away from yet another game, amused smirk on your features as you finally stopped and nodded happily.
"basketball. lets start off simple!" you decided, grabbing your girlfriends hand and dragging her over toward the game, the blonde hurrying to yank you back as a gang of young boys sprinted past almost smashing into you, leah looking after them with a deep seeded scowl.
"hey lee, need i remind you this place is actually designed for kids baby, relax." you smiled poking at her cheeks as she huffed air out of her nose but focused her attention back on you, both of you slipping tokens into your sides as the game lit up and a strong american accent yelled out the rules.
"ready...set....go!" leah counted down as the buzzer sounded, both of you scrambling to grab the balls, zoned in on your own rings as the points started to rack up for both of you.
leah snuck a quick glance to your side, bright eyes widening in shock seeing you were in the lead and by quite a significant amount. and just as you said neither of you liked to lose, which is what lead to her next move.
"oi!" you gasped as the defender leaned over and knocked the ball out of your hand, shooting with her other, doing it again and again as you reached for the basketballs.
"leah!" you laughed at her blunt competitiveness, shoving her as the final buzzer for the game sounded and the blonde cheered victoriously, pumping her fist and doing a victory wiggle having just beat you by two points.
"you are such a cheat and a shit loser." you shook your head as leah continued her victory dance, snatching her tickets from the machine and shoving them into her pocket.
"nah i'm not, cause i didn't lose." she booped you on the nose with a token as you smacked her shoulder. "right well if you want to carry on like that. would you care to make this interesting then williamson?" you challenged, crossing your arms over your chest.
"mm perhaps, what do you have in mind for a wager pretty girl?" leah raised an eyebrow curiously, cocky smirk still curled into her features.
"if i win, you do all the dishes and the laundry for a month." you stated, leahs jaw dropping and your smile widening knowing she detested the two tasks and would often offer you anything in return for not having to do them.
"a month!? nah two weeks mate max." "aw, are you that scared you'll lose baby?" "i am not! fine, a month then."
"but if i win... then you have to do that thing i've been asking you to since christmas, with my special gift." leah cocked her head to the side, storm blue eyes roaming over your body hungrily as you frowned a little in confusion before it clicked just exactly what she was after.
both half jokingly and half seriously the blonde had gifted you a very ill fitting maids costume for christmas, stating as part of your gift to her you should spend the day wearing it, claiming it would be great motivation for her to join you in doing the housework.
you only laughed and put it away, teasing that not even that would get her to pick up a dirty dish.
but every now and then leah would find it in the back of the wardrobe and the begging would start for you to live out what was clearly a fantasy for the taller girl, and each time you'd just teasingly shake your head in amusement and depart the room with a kiss, leaving her without a real answer.
"fine, a deal's a deal." you shrugged in agreement which was clearly to your girlfriends surprise as her eyebrows shot up in shock and you extended your hand, wiggling your fingers eagerly.
"brilliant. a deals a deal." the blonde echoed as she shook your hand but not before using it to pull your body into hers, stealing a kiss and nipping at your bottom lip, pulling away with a cheeky grin as your head spun and your cheeks flushed pink.
"right, my turn to pick then. and unlike some i won't take an hour to decide!"
"how in the hell do you even do this? its got no bloody control!" leah huffed, the two of you sat on motorbikes as you raced around the track on the screens in front of you, the girl beside you far from getting the hang of it despite it being the second time you'd raced, leah demanding a rematch after crashing her bike and earning a loss.
"like this, winner!" you cheered loudly, pumping your fists in the air as you zoomed across the finish line sitting back smugly as leahs eyebrows furrowed into a deep frown and she smacked at the handle bars in annoyance.
"loser." you pointed to her now with a wink as she flipped you off, rings glinting in the bright neon lights above.
"maybe i should get a motorbike." you teased, turning your body as leah jumped off the bike, appearing instantly in between your legs as you stayed sitting side sadle. "over my dead body, maybe focus on learning how to drive a car first babe." leah teased making you roll your eyes, her hands settling on your thighs and squeezing them with a grin.
"i'm a great driver thank you very much." "mmm but those handful of fines in your glovebox say differently baby girl." "those are parking fines leah, not driving offences." "oh i'm so sorry. correction then not only are you a shit driver but you're an appalling parker as well, can't even be trusted when the car is stationary!" leah tutted with a dissapointed shake of her head as you punched her in the shoulder and scoffed.
"sorry let me just get a score check, whose winning?" you asked, cupping a hand over your ear and leaning toward leah whose smile dropped.
"shut up." she mumbled with a small pout as you slid off the motorbike, the two of you wandering around for a moment as leah took her time choosing.
"perfect!" the taller girl grinned spotting a football shootout game in the back corner. "and how many goals do defenders normally score?" you hummed, pretending to be lost in thought as leah slotted in some tokens and rolled her eyes.
"don't be bitter that they don't have a teaching game babe, times tables aren't exactly something kids do in their time off for fun!" leah pouted sarcastically at your chosen career, you now the one to flip her off and gesture for her to start.
"right go on then superstar, dazzle me."
you had to hide your smile behind your hand as leah missed more kicks than she scored, the game clearly designed for a child with much less leg power as every ball sailed up and over the goal.
you watched as her shots became sloppier the more wound up and angry she got, only fueling her to continue to miss time and time again. "nah this is bullshit that's rigged!" leah scowled, kicking at the machine once her turn was over and grumbling under her breath.
"leah!" you scolded, moving her away from causing actual damage as she wound up for another kick.
"hey. breathe for me please, it's just a stupid arcade game, you're still a champion of europe baby. nothing takes that away!" you grabbed at her face, placing a soft kiss to her lips and feeling her body relax somewhat.
"...its just a good thing they didn't need you for any penalties because those attempts? massive yikes." "oi thats a red card for you my girl, absolutely uncalled for!"
"right, this ones the final game." leah glanced at the time and announced with a clap, the two of you so caught up you'd not even realized the time and how long you'd been here.
"oh how convenient, we're tied." you rolled your eyes, not believing that the 'score card' leah had been in charge of was really all that accurate, having been typed up in notes on her phone.
"and what is that supposed to mean?" "i'm accusing you of score tampering, williamson." "no idea what on earth you're on about love, i'll even be so kind as to forfeit my turn so that you choose our last game." "wow, and they say chivalry is dead?"
"mmm that one." you nodded to a shooting game in the corner you'd not yet tried, leah humming in agreement as you made your way over. "was that your stomach?" you asked in disbelief hearing a loud gurgle.
"yes! i'm fucking starving." leah moped with a huff, earning herself an unimpressed look from a mother standing at the next game with her two young kids, you smacking leah lightly and mumbling about her language.
"sorry miss." your girlfriend teased with a cocky smile as you rolled your eyes and gestured for her to take her turn. the gunner shot down 8 tin ducks out of 12 and shrugged, seemingly happy with her efforts.
"beat that, four eyes." leah smirked, flicking at your ear as you smacked away her hands and shot her a dirty look.
you only wore your glasses when you were using your laptop, reading or occasionally when teaching, and as much as leah found you utterly adorable in them the english captain also would never miss an opportunity to rib you about your poor eyesight.
"happily, noodle legs." you quipped back with a smile, grabbing the gun as leah mocked you under her breath and ordered for you to hurry up as her stomach rumbled again.
closing one eye you balanced the toy gun on your arm as the game commenced, shooting down six ducks with ease, a few more to go and you'd win still with plenty of time left to do so.
however as you placed your finger on the trigger, the timer counting down from ten, a set of hands wrapped themselves around your waist, one hand in particular slipping up the inside of your top and harshly squeezing at one of your boobs.
in shock at the unexpected touch you squeezed the trigger and dropped the toy gun, missing the ducks by a mile as the timer went off and leah's hands suddenly disappeared, your skin burning where they'd once been.
"oh that is so not fair! you. are. a. dirty. dirty. dirty. dirty. dirty. little cheat." you protested with a growl, turning on your heel to glare towards a smug looking leah, poking at her chest angrily with each word.
"i simply do not know what you're talking about gorgeous, i guess your aim was just off. and that is not my fault!" the blonde simply smiled cockily, knowing she'd now won.
though sensing your rapidly growing annoyance leah reached for your hand, pulling your body into hers and stepping the two of you in between two pinball machines, briefly tucked away from sight.
"leah catherine williamson you are an unbearably bad loser, a big child, bad mannered, short tempered and-" not even giving you the time to finish your sentence the taller girl cut you off by bringing your lips together, pressing your body against the arcade wall.
leahs hands settled themselves on your hips tucked away under her jacket you'd stolen from her earlier in the night, the defender slowly swiping her tongue against your bottom lip, taking control of the kiss as your arms wrapped around the back of her neck, tangling themselves in her recently chopped short blonde locks.
though before the two of you got any further carried away someone winning a game meant a loud siren went off behind you, the two of you jumping away from one another in shock at the abrupt noise of the machines, sharing a look before breaking out into soft laughter.
"come on hangry, lets go get you some food then." you smiled with a sigh as leahs stomach rumbled yet again, previous annoyance melting away as it always did when it came to the mischievous footballer you were head over heels for.
"no i think we should head home, i'm hungry for something else now." leah murmered quietly, thumb stroking your jaw, lips curling into a smug smile at how your cheeks flushed scarlet at her suggestive tone.
"plus i think you're due for a little outfit change baby girl. a deal's a deal and you're nothing short of a woman of your word, right?"
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storiesforallfandoms · 11 months
i need someone older ~ william afton;five nights at freddy's
word count: 3794
request?: no
description: after a bad breakup, she finds herself becoming more and more attracted to her much older boss
pairing: william afton x female!reader
warnings: swearing, age gap (reader is mid 20s, afton is 50s), power imbalance technically (but it's fine), bit of an au (so he doesn't unalive anyone in this one)
masterlist (one, two, three)
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I stormed into work, really pushing it for time. I had slept past my alarm and was incredibly reluctant to get out of bed. After the night I had, the last thing I wanted was to work eight hours in a children's restaurant, with screaming kids and the animatronics playing the same three songs all day. But I needed the money, and hopefully a distraction.
"Whoa, who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?" my coworker, Adam, asked.
"Fuck off," I muttered. "I gotta go change into my uniform. Can you punch me in so I'm not late?"
"Yeah. Be quick, though. Afton's here."
I rolled my eyes. "He doesn't even know our names. He's not going to know I'm supposed to be on the clock."
I changed as quickly as I could while having limited space in a tiny bathroom stall. I stuffed my clothes into my backpack and did a quick double check in the mirror to make sure I was work appropriate. I wasn't paying enough attention as I stepped out of the bathroom and managed to literally run into someone who was walking past. I cursed under my breath as I looked up and came face to face with the fucking owner of Freddy Fazbear's.
As if this day couldn't get any worse.
"|'m so sorry, Mr. Afton," I said.
"Don't worry about it," he said. "Where's the fire, though? You seem like you're in a hurry."
How do I answer this without getting in shit? "I'm just, uh...trying not to be late. I had to change, and bring my bag to my locker."
William looked down at his watch. I felt my heart starting to pound.
"Cutting it a little close there," he commented.
"I know."
My grip on my bag had tightened as I braced for the worst. I had never met William before. Despite owning the restaurant, he was rarely ever around. Whenever he was, he was usually tucked away in his office for most of the day and only ever spoke with our manager. Due to this, I didn't know if he would be a hard ass who was about to write me up for running late. After the events of the previous night, I didn't think I'd be able to take getting reprimanded today.
He took me by surprise when he smiled and said, "Just don't let it happen again, okay?"
I nodded, unable to form any words, and scurried around him to the lockers.
Adam looked at me when I finally returned to the floor. "What took you so long?"
"I ran into Afton," I responded.
His eyes widened. "Did he give you shit?"
"Luckily no. Just told me not to let it happen again."
"I warned you that he was here."
I flipped Adam off when I was sure none of the kids could see me.
As if my day couldn't get any worse, my manager came to tell me that I was stationed on the prize counter for the day. The prize counter was probably the worst part of the restaurant. There was never any downtime at the counter. Either there was rowdy children hopped up on candy and pizza screaming about wanting toys they didn't have enough tickets for, or there were tired parents wanting to buy tokens for the arcade games while their rowdy kids were nearby screaming. Not to mention it was right next to the main stage, so the sound of screaming children was only matched by the sound of pre-recorded music coming from the animatronics' speakers. And to top it all off, the closing duties for the prize counter took longer than any other section of the restaurant.
It was the worst section to work, and I already wanted to leave just knowing that was my station for the day.
The only plus side was that being kept busy made the day fly by. But the usual craziness of Freddy Fazbear's was extra unbearable to a point where I felt myself on the edge of tears numerous times. I knew it was going to be a bad idea for me to be at work, and I was really regretting coming in.
I let out a sigh of relief as the last family finally left and the animatronics finally powered down. Adam laughed at me as I put my head down on the cool glass that held the prizes. "You're giving yourself more work to do."
I looked at the smudge I had left on the glass before glaring up at him. "I don't think my one smudge is making things any worse."
"Okay seriously, what is up with you? You've been grumpy all day."
I sighed and shook my head. "I had a bad night."
"Do you want me to help you close up so you can get out of here sooner?"
I gave him a look. "We both know you don't actually want that."
"But I'd do it to help you."
"I appreciate it, but I'll be fine. My annoyance and desire to leave will make me work faster."
Adam didn't fight me on it anymore. He said goodnight and clocked out. Once I heard the front door close and lock, I immediately got to work with cleaning. That was the easiest part as all I had to do was clean the glass of the prize case and pick up the discarded tickets from the floor. When I finished that, I started counting the cash in order to close it off. That was supposed to be another easy task, but my mind being anywhere but the task at hand made it so much harder.
Restocking the prizes was the hardest part. I had been on my own for nearly an hour, and I was both mentally and physically exhausted, so I was trying to rush out of there but found myself fumbling a little extra. I was trying to dump a box of tiny soldier toys into their respective bin when the box slipped from my hands and landed on its side, the toys scattering all over the floor.
It was my breaking point. Everything finally came crashing down around me and the flood gates finally opened. I lowered myself to the floor, sitting with my back against the counter. I buried my head into my hands and began to sob.
"Seems like a bit of a strong reaction to dropping some toys."
I jumped and looked towards where the voice had come from. I was sure I was the only one left in the restaurant, everyone else having left while I was doing my closing duties. Even my manager had left, giving me the keys and the code to the security system. But, turns out, I was wrong, because there was William Afton leaning over the counter to look down at me.
I quickly scrambled to my feet, wiping the tears from my face. "S-Sorry Mr. Afton. I-I didn't realize - "
"Hey, it's okay," he said, cutting me off and speaking in a soft voice. "What's going on? You seem stressed."
"It's...personal things. I shouldn't have let it interfere with my work."
"Fuck the professional shit for a second here. Forget I'm your boss, forget we're on the clock. If there's anything going on that you want to talk about, I'm all ears."
I leaned against the counter across from him. "It's stupid."
"You're crying, so I don't think it's that stupid."
I sighed. "My boyfriend broke up with me last night, after admitting he's been cheating on me for the last three months."
William whistled in response. "That's tough."
I nodded. "It just...came out of nowhere. We've been together for three years, moved in together last year. There was no signs that anything was wrong. I didn't even suspect that he was cheating. He came home last night and suddenly told me everything. Packed a bag and went to his...I guess...girlfriend's house. Told me he'd be back at some point this week to get his stuff."
Tears were stinging my eyes again. I looked away so William wouldn't see me cry anymore. Upon looking down, I realized my bare arms were on the glass of the prize counter, leaving smudges again. I cursed under my breath and turned to grab the cleaner again.
"Here, let me," William said, reaching for the cleaner. "You pick up the toy soldiers and I'll help restock the prizes once I finish this."
I was a little shocked, but definitely was not about to argue over getting help. We worked much quicker as a team and, finally, I was able to clock out to leave. I stood by as William set the security system and locked the gates.
"Thank you for helping me," I said.
"You don't have to thank me," he said. "It seemed you needed help, and I wasn't about to let one of my employees struggle while I was on the property." I smiled at him and started for my car. "For what it's worth - " I paused and turned back to him. " - your ex-boyfriend is a fucking idiot. You seem like a great woman. Don't beat yourself up over him."
He smiled and turned to walk towards his own car. I watched him go, surprised by what he said. Even through the cold night air, I could feel my face burning.
William was around more after that. Not just in his office, but he was actually out on the floor. Everyone was noticing his increased presence, but I found myself noticing it in a different way. Whenever William was near, my eyes were practically glued to him. I found it difficult to concentrate whenever he was around. Luckily, everyone else was so distracted by his presence that they didn't notice how useless I had become.
It was wrong. I knew that. Having a crush on a coworker was bad enough, but a crush on your boss was a whole other level of bad. Especially when your boss is so much older. I had no idea whether or not he was even married or had kids for God's sake!
But every time I saw him, I couldn't stop my heart from racing. I wanted him in a way I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't stop myself.
During one of my shifts, I was put on the serving section. Serving was easy enough - take orders, bring food, check on tables. The hardest part was trying not to trip over a child running past while carrying a whole pizza on a hot tray. Most of us had learned the art of scanning the area before we walked, but sometimes you just don't notice quick enough and end up surprised by one of those little fuckers.
One of the cooks passed a pizza through the pass to me and told me the table number. I took the tray and balanced it against my shoulder, something I found was the easiest way to balance the bigger trays. The restaurant wasn't too busy, but there were still enough kids running around that I took in my surroundings before I started to walk. I was making a mental note about two kids who were stood by the stage, dancing to the song that Freddy was "singing", and didn't notice another kid who was racing from one of the playrooms in front of me. I stopped suddenly, just short of running into him, but found myself losing my balance after he ran past.
I felt two hands grab hold of my waist, holding me upright and saving me from a very embarrassing scene. When I turned to thank my savior, I came to face the blue eyes I had been trying to desperately to avoid today.
"That could've been a disaster," William said, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Th-thank you," I managed to stutter out. I could still feel the heat of his hands against my waist, like they were burning through the clothes and searing my skin. I almost forgot the heavy tray of pizza I was carrying in that moment.
When he let me go, his eyes still trained on me, I quickly turned and hurried to my table. I tried not to seem so flustered, but I knew I had failed. I stuttered through every sentence before finally dismissing myself to the prize counter where one of my other coworkers, Beth, was snickering to herself.
"What was that about?" she asked.
"Don't ask," I responded.
"Oh, I'm asking. Are you all hot and bothered for Afton?!"
"Shh!" I snapped, looking over my shoulder to make sure no one had heard. Not like anyone would over the usual noise of the restaurant.
"Oh, you so are!" she said. "Holy shit, (Y/N), you know that's bad news right? He's literally our boss."
"I know he is. I'm not stupid. But...I can't help it!"
"At least he would be more of a gentleman than that small dick asshole you call your ex." She looked over her shoulder as the front door to the pizzeria opened. When she looked back, her eyes were wide. "Speak of the devil."
I looked over to see none other than the small dick asshole himself, Josh, walking in. I wished I could disappear into the floor and never be seen again. I tried to turn and walk away before he spotted me, but no luck.
I groaned and turned back to him. "What do you want, Josh?"
"I was just over getting the last of my stuff - "
"Awesome, I do not care. If you've come to give me your key back, you could've just left it on the dining room table."
"No, I came to say that I couldn't find my Springsteen album."
I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms. "So you came all this way to...what? Ask me what I did with it? I have no idea, Josh, I threw everything that was yours into boxes and garbage bags. If it's not in there, you might've left it in your car or at your new girlfriend's house."
"It's not any of those places." I wasn't sure if I should've been hurt about the fact that he wasn't addressing my last comment directly, but I definitely was a little bit.
"What do you want me to do about it?"
"I wanted to see when you were going to be off work and maybe I could come by to look for it with you."
I scoffed. "Are you serious right now? Josh, I don't know what the fuck happened to your album, but you're sure as hell not coming over to the house. That is not your place anymore, and you're very much not welcome there."
"Why can't we be adults about this?"
"You lost the right to being adult about this the second you decided to cheat on me! And how dare you say that shit, but then come down to my place of work to try and, what, harass me into letting you back into my home? We're over, Josh. I don't ever want to see you again. If I find any of your shit left at the house, I'll drop it in the trash."
"What seems to be the problem here?"
I suppressed the urge to groan again. As if things couldn't get any more complicated.
"No problem, Mr. Afton," I said, turning to face William with the best, innocent smile I could muster. "Just an...unwelcome guest."
William looked at me for a moment before letting his eyes wander to Josh. I didn't have to say much else for him to recognize who the "unwelcome guest" was and I could see anger in his eyes.
"Well, time to get back to work, (Y/N)," he said to me. "Your customers are waiting."
I nodded and ducked away from the situation. As I walked away, Josh called after me, "That's fine, I'll be waiting for you to get off! We can talk more then!"
"Like hell you will."
A collective gasp from the parents and Beth cause me to spin around to see William had grabbed hold of the collar of Josh's shirt. William was easily a head taller than Josh, so even if the act wasn't meant to be intimidating, he definitely looked intimidating. I don't think I've ever seen such fear on Josh's face. William turned Josh around and basically dragged him towards the front door.
"If I see you back here, I will have your ass arrested," he said as he threw Josh out of the restaurant. "Are we clear, punk?"
He didn't wait for a response as he pulled the door shut. I could see Josh standing there, a mixture of fear and confusion on his face. William re-entered the main area, still looking angry, but tried to put on his best customer service smile as he addressed his new crowd. "Sorry everyone. Just an unruly customer. Sorry for any trouble."
To me he added, "Come see me in my office, please."
Beth and I exchanged a look before I followed William towards his office. I was so sure he was going to get upset with me. Not only had I brought my personal shit to the restaurant (even though that wasn't my fault), but it had also resulted in a not so great scene in front of the customers. People get to talking, and I was sure that this story was going to be spread through town before the night was out.
The moment I stepped into his office, I set in on the apologies. "Mr. Afton, I'm so sorry about that. I had no idea he was coming. I've been trying to avoid him while he's moving his stuff out and I guess he was getting tired of that or wanted to poke me one last time or something - "
"Did he hurt you?"
I paused my rambling to look up at him. All anger was gone from his face and had instead been replaced by concern.
"What?" I asked.
"Did he do anything to you just then?"
I shrugged. "Not physically. He was definitely still trying to mess with me mentally, though."
William nodded. "Well, he's not welcome on the property anymore. If you see him, you have my full permission to contact the police immediately."
"I...I don't think that's entirely necessary."
"I don't mean to sound like an old man or anything, but I've met plenty of assholes like your ex, (Y/N). You give them an inch and they take a mile. If you don't deal with this now, he will continue to come back and harass you. I don't want that for you. You don't deserve that."
I opened my mouth to say something else, but nothing came out. I was realizing how close we were now. We were mere inches away from one another. If I wanted to, I could just reach out and touch him right now; grab him. I could've kissed him right then and there if I really wanted to. Who would've known?
As if reading my mind, William suddenly reached out and cupped my face. Before I could comprehend what was happening, his lips were on mine. It was kind of ironic, the fact that I had just been thinking about doing this exact thing, but now that it was happening it was like my brain wasn't sure how to comprehend the situation.
William pulled away just as quickly as he had initiated the kiss. He backed away from me, suddenly worried. "I'm so sorry. I...I don't know what came over me. I shouldn't have done that."
In response, I pretty well threw myself at him. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him with such force that it pushed him back into his desk. He positioned himself so that he was sat on his desk and basically pulled me into his lap. It was risky, anyone could've come by and caught us, but something about that just made the experience so much better; so much hotter.
William pulled away first again. I tried to chase his lips with mine, but he pushed me back, chuckling at my eagerness.
"Hold on," he said. "There's some things we have to discuss before this goes any further."
"Please don't tell me you're married," I said.
He laughed. "No, I'm not married. Divorced with a 10 year old daughter. That was the first thing I wanted to discuss, in case single dad is a dealbreaker."
"Very much not a dealbreaker."
"So...the age thing is also not a dealbreaker then?"
I shook my head. "If anything, I think that makes it kinda hotter."
A grin spread on his face. "Okay, I'll keep that in mind. But there is the big issue of the fact that I'm your boss."
It felt like I had been shoved off of cloud nine and come crashing down to earth. For a moment, I had forgotten that part. He was right, that was the biggest issue here. Kind of hard to get around it unless I ended up quitting, which I really did not want to do. It was nearly impossible to find a good paying job these days, and I needed this now more than ever since Josh wasn't going to be splitting rent with me anymore.
I climbed off of William's lap and stood across from him. "I guess...that is a big issue, huh?"
"I just don't want you to feel pressured into anything, and I don't want anyone to look at you any different because you're dating the boss."
I raised a playful eyebrow at him. "You jumped to dating pretty quickly there."
His smile was a little more bashful. "What can I say? I'm old school. I don't believe in hooking up or anything like that. If there's anything going on here, I want you to be able to classify it as a relationship."
In that moment, I found myself wondering why I hadn't always dated older men. I had wasted so much of my time on guys my age when I could've been dating someone who was actually a gentleman and cared about me and my feelings.
"Why don't we see where things go with this, and then we can tackle that big elephant in the room?" I asked.
"I think I can agree to that."
I took a step closer and said, "I really want to kiss you again, though."
He laughed and met me halfway, standing from his desk and taking my face in his hands again. When he kissed me, I felt like I was flying right back on to cloud nine.
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glearyyyne · 6 months
we can't be friends (wait for your love)
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Part 2
Synopsis: Here you are at the Brighter Days Inc., hoping it would help you remove Satoru's memory in your fragile heart.
Word Count: 2,787 words
Warning: Heavy angst
Note: This was based on the mv of ariana's latest song, I felt like I need to make that version of the one and only it boy Gojo Satoru! This is best to read while listening to we can't be friends (wait for your love)
Pen clicking
You stared dully at the paper in front of you that was waiting to be sign. Your mind was all over the place the moment you walked inside with the stuff you used to cherish. With full determination, you decided to end things for your own good.
You have given extensive thought behind your decision and give "Brighter Days Inc." the exclusive permission to remove this person completely from your memory.
            ___ Yes            ___ No       
You sigh, dropping the pen as you try collecting your thoughts by staring at the box beside you that has all of the stuff you had with Gojo.
Oh how that name sounds so sweet yet painful.
Tears swell in your eyes reminiscing those elegant sapphire eyes that used to look at you with so much love that you missed.
Your eyes stumbled upon the white teddy bear, it was his first anniversary gift.
"Babe, look here" Satoru spoke with so much happiness.
You two were at the arcades, trying to have some fun after you two finished eating lunch together. "I bet you can't get that" You suddenly told him with a smirk. Satoru looked at you with his competitive look, "I bet you I can indeed get that" he said before putting a token inside the machine to start the claw machine.
The game was super easy, just try and claw a stuffed toy and bring it to where it was supposed to fall but this machine in front of you was known to scam people. That's what you taught, but Satoru proved you wrong.
With determination and focus he had when getting that teddy bear that only cost around a dollar to some store, he managed to safely get the teddy bear after so many tries.
Satoru's eyes widened when the claw didn't let go of the teddy bear when it was brought above as it safely held the teddy bear before dropping to where he could receive it. He screamed in joy not caring about the people around him.
"Darling! Look! I got it!" Satoru told you with a joyful tone as you giggled at his actions before he gave it to you. "Me? But you worked so hard just to get it" You said as you held the teddy bear with love.
"Yeah, but it shows how much I'll do anything to give you what you want" He said with those soft and loving eyes as if nothing else matters in this world just you and him.
When you heard your name being called, you stopped thinking about him as you touched your cheek when you felt a tear-stained. The nurse asked if you were ready to go. "A-ah just a second" you hurriedly said and hastily grabbed the pen to sign the paper.
You have given extensive thought behind your decision and give "Brighter Days Inc." the exclusive permission to remove this person completely from your memory.
          ✓ Yes            ___ No      
You stood up and gave the nurse the signed paper before grabbing the box and head inside the room. The doctor greeted you enthusiastically as he told you to give the nurse the box you were holding.
As soon as you gave her the box, you sat down on the treatment chair with anxiety creeping your body. Feeling your heart start to beat loudly as if fighting you to stop this nonsense.
"Is it your first time? I can see how your eyes move around" The doctor asked with his lightening laugh just to ease you up.
"Yeah, sorry I just really don't know how to calm myself" You said, fiddling your fingers to atleast help calm you down. "Don't worry actually what happens to most of our patients who came here for their first time" The doctor said while preparing the machine.
You looked at the table to see the box again, you felt as if your heart was screaming at you to stop this. 
“So who are you forgetting? We need to know so that we can ask you after this procedure is done” The doctor asked.
“Someone named Satoru Gojo” You were hesitant at first but you answered anyway.
"Don't worry, we'll give you those final moments with your memories before they disappear" The doctor assured you.
"Are you ready?" The doctor asked and with a final sigh, you nodded.
You closed your eyes as soon as you felt the doctor put something on your head. That's where the process begins.
"Satoru?" You softly spoke when you noticed those white hair that stood among the crowds as he turned around and smiled before waving at you.
He rushed up towards you with a grin, patting your hair leaving you groaning since you just finished brushing your hair. "Stop it! I just brushed my hair!" You whined, slapping Satoru's hand away with a glare.
He only giggled, "You just looked too cute" Satoru then took your bag. "I'll carry this, is there any place you want to see?" He asked.
"Should we go get some coffee?" You suggested.
"Sure, make sure mine is caramel macchiato with extra caramel" He said with a smile. "You and your sweet tooth" You said with a laugh.
"Well I can't really live without sugar and of course you my honey bunch" He said, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you close to him. You smiled while hugging him back.
Tears stained your eyes as you started to see your final moments with your memories.
"Happy Birthday!" You flinched when Satoru suddenly surprised you in your shared apartment. The feeling of tiredness and burnt out suddenly left, a smile crept up on your face.
"You didn't have to" You said, dropping your bag to the ground before heading to Satoru. "I have to, because it's your birthday baby," Satoru said, holding the cake near you with the candles being lit already.
"Make a wish" He said
When you first observe how the cake was made, you can see how messy the font was made. It already says that it was Satoru who made the cake. You gently close your eyes and begin making a wish.
Let us stay together, tomorrow as well
You blew the candle with ease, but this is satoru we're talking of course chaos is on his vocabulary. He dumped the cake into your face after he made sure to put out the candle to not hurt you. You stood there in shock before grabbing a handful of cake as you threw it into his face leaving you two a giggling mess. You were curious as to what the cake tasted like. 
“I didn’t even get to taste the cake” You said with a pout after Satoru came back with a tissue to clean your face. “Don’t worry, I made two cakes, that cake earlier is just for fun” He said while wiping your cheeks. “And look! I got you a gift!” He said placing the box that was wrapped well into your lap. 
You stared at the box suspiciously before you slowly unwrapped the present. Sooner, you found what was inside the box that left you gasping in surprise. It’s the stethoscope you’ve been wanting to get after beginning your doctor journey. You stared at him flabbergasted.
He only smiled more and spoke, “Happy Birthday baby”. Tears swell in your eyes before you throw yourself to Satoru, hugging him while thanking him endlessly. He hugged you back, placing small kisses to your head.
“I told you to leave me alone!” You shouted, crying hysterically while continuing to run in the rain without any shoes because all you wanted was to run away from Satoru.
But the moment Satoru was able to catch you by grabbing your arm and pulling you into a hug, you cried heavily into his chest. He made sure to take his jacket off to wrap it around you to stop you from shaking in the cold. 
You two stood there by the rain, Satoru was there hushing and comforting you to calm down.
“Shhh, baby, I know how much it hurts but it’s time to move on” Satoru spoke to you, “Toru, I can’t fucking move on knowing my mom died” you said as you stared at him with your red eyes.
“I know, I know but would your mom be happy knowing how her daughter cried in the middle of the rain that will definitely be the cause of your sickness the next day?” Satoru asked that you quickly shake your head.
“See, besides I promised your mom that I will take care of you and I hate it so much when you cry like this” Satoru admitted, his hand gently caressing your cheek. 
“I love you so much that it hurts me too when I see you like this” Satoru spoke in his broken voice.
From that moment, you saw how the usual chaotic, noisy Satoru is gone and it was replaced by this brokenness and pain evident from his face.
“Please, let’s head inside, I don’t want you to get sick” Satoru begged, you slowly stopped crying as you nodded.
Satoru sighs in relief, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead before holding you close as you two walk back to your shared apartment that night.
“I told you to stay still!” You told Satoru as you giggled trying to stop him from wriggling much as you wanted to put the night cream on his face. 
“But my skin is already clean! I don't know why you wanted to add that to my gorgeous skin” Satoru said, lying down on his back as you tried to put skincare products on his face.
“Just do it for me please?” You begged with those puppy eyes that Satoru can't resist.
“Fine, but I better have my kisses after this!” Satoru demanded.
You smiled before leaning and placing a quick kiss on his lips, “that's all you're getting now” You said with a mischievous smirk.
Satoru only pouted while you continued painting his face with the skincare you were using.
After some time, you finished the night cream and grabbed one of your lip masks. Placing the mask on his lips, Satoru immediately took this chance and swallowed the lip mask only for him to choke.
“You got karma real quick” You said while laughing at him.
“That hurts my pride,” Satoru said while coughing.
“That's why I told you to stay still” You told him, grabbing another lip mask and placing it on his lips again. He stared at you, “Stay quiet for now” You told him with a smile as you took a book to read.
Satoru didn't do much so he closed his eyes to take a nap.
When you take a break from reading, you stare at Satoru with those loving eyes.
How lucky I am to get to be with you
“What's your problem man?” Satoru spoke before punching the guy in the bar. 
You quickly jump into the scene as you try to stop Satoru, “Stop it! Satoru, we might get kicked out!” You frantically told him.
“I can't stop if he won't shut up about wanting to touch you!” Satoru shouted at you. You sigh as you apologize to the guy but it was too late, the both of you got kicked out of the bar.
“You need to learn how to control your temper, sometimes satoru” You annoyingly said.
“I just can't help it-” whatever satoru you always say that!” You snap at him.
Satoru only stood there, sighing as if he was tired.
“I’m tired, let's just go home” Satoru said but you weren't backing down.
“Oh no, no I’m most definitely tired Satoru! I have to deal with your ass whenever you get drunk!” You shouted in frustration as he was silent.
“I can't face you right now, you either stay with your family or friends for the night” You said as you quickly walked away, Satoru tried to stop you but you still left.
That's where the memory you wanted to rewind your actions as you didn't know this event will cause drastically to your relationship.
The process moves slowly to all of the sweet times you had with gojo before it arrived, to how you two ended your relationship that you always had nightmares about it.
You stared completely shocked at what Satoru showed you.
a pregnancy test
Your eyes quickly moved to Satoru wanting him to explain everything.
Satoru only stared down, “I’m sorry, I got someone pregnant” he revealed that left you shaking.
“Since when?” I asked, tears are already spilling from your eyes as your body went numb after consuming this information.
“The night we got into an argument after we got kicked out of the bar, I headed to another bar that time and-” Before Satoru could finish, you stopped him.
“You got some random girl pregnant?” You quickly cut him off. Your eyes looked at him to see if he at least felt guilty about what he did but…
There was none
“She’s not some random girl,” Satoru quickly defended.
“Oh, is that so?” You glared at him.
“Are you going to tell me that you fell out of love with me the moment she came into the picture? Is that it?” You angrily asked him.
Satoru only stared at you before nodding.
You sigh as you cover your face, it came too quickly.
“I’m sorry I couldn't keep my promise, I was just getting tired of the constant fighting we had and I think it's best for us to split,” Satoru spoke.
He didn't even show a slight guilt or sadness on his face.
Satoru only tried to hug you but you kept on punching his arm, once he did hug you your punch somehow got lessened only for you to cry loudly in his chest.
“I did love you, I didn't lie when I told you I loved you most of the time. I know I was a jerk for suddenly falling in love with someone but I can't help it” Satoru explained.
But no matter how many times he explained, he will never come back to you.
That day, Satoru left with all of his belongings leaving you alone in that shared apartment that was supposed to be your happy place.
You sat at the couch, staring at the wall trying to process everything, you looked at the picture frame that was from your graduation, and you can see how his eyes used to lighten up with you but now that eyes only looked at you with nothing.
You head to the bedroom and saw how clean it was, it felt so different to the one you’re used to.
You opened the closet to find your clothes only, but Satoru’s red scarf was there. Hands quickly grabbed them as you tried covering around your neck and just cried there.
Months later the news that Satoru and his girl got married, it was decided that you will remove him from your memories as soon as you see an advertisement that helps remove a certain person from your memory.
The moment it hit one hundred, every memory with Satoru was soon replaced. 
The first anniversary gift he got was soon replaced by you hanging out with your friends as you got lucky to win a teddy bear in the claw machine.
Every time he always fetches you after your university was replaced with you walking alone.
Those sweet birthdays you had were replaced with your family celebrating it with you.
The night that you heard your mom died was replaced by your cousin comforting you instead of Satoru.
The bar memory you had was replaced with you fighting your friend for making you two kicked out of the bar.
The day when Satoru told you he got someone else pregnant? Was replaced with your best friend telling you she got pregnant.
Your eyes quickly opened as you looked around and touched your cheek wondering why you were crying. The doctor and nurse quickly went to your side and asked you if you were okay and were asking tons of questions about this person you don't even know.
You got out of the office feeling fresh and left the Brighter Days Inc not knowing the box you had was burned leaving nothing else, not even the scarf you used to comfort yourself after you and Satoru split.
You entirely forgot the person who you used to call your soulmate.
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heartseungs-archive · 2 months
lucky strike | l.dh
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word count: 2.3k | genre: arcade employee! haechan, high school au, (sort of?) f2l, mc and hc are very cute | warnings: none
Haechan notices you the moment you step foot into the arcade. After all, it’s not every day that his crush walks into his workplace, unaccompanied and teary-eyed. You stick out like a sore thumb amongst the neon red and blues of the pinball machines, pristine white shoes thudding against the cement floor which hasn’t been cleaned in years.
He hasn’t had the opportunity to speak to you much, considering the both of you are in entirely different social circles. However, he does know you’re a responsible class representative and someone who never hesitates to greet him with a smile in the morning, which he shyly returns. His friends have teased him endlessly for the way he seemingly becomes mute when you approach, his cheeks always heating up. Haechan is extroverted, but he supposes even he becomes withdrawn in the presence of your warmth and friendliness.
Which is why the unfamiliar sight of you crying immediately sends a pang to his heart, but he’s not entirely sure how to approach you without making the situation become uncomfortable. You likely want solitude, and it’s the least Haechan can do to let you have it, both as a well-behaved employee and an almost-friend.
It’s a quiet weekday at the arcade, and Haechan’s eyes follow you as you move from the token machine to a few different games, until you finally settle on the fishing one. Throughout, your expression remains unchanged, even though you occasionally sniffle slightly.
Fuck it, Haechan thinks. Before he knows it, he’s made his way over to you, and he knows how clear the difference is between the both of you. While Haechan wouldn’t call himself a delinquent, he’s definitely not the model student you are. He’s had one or two tardies this semester, and his red Converse is definitely not in line with attire rules. Still, you light up at the sight of him, a wobbly smile making its way onto your face.
“Oh, Haechan-ah. I didn’t expect to see you here.” Haechan wants to say that your appearance here is even more unexpected, but instead, he rubs the back of his head nervously. “I work here.” Your mouth drops open in a silent ‘o’ of understanding, and he can’t help but think it’s one of the cutest things he’s seen.
“You shouldn’t play at the same seat. You’ll have a higher chance of winning if you switch the player more often,” Haechan blurts out. He’s afraid of allowing the silence to become too awkward, and so he’s bouncing on the balls of his feet anxiously.
You raise your eyebrows at that. “Really? I didn’t think it made a difference. Thankfully you work here. Do you want to sit and play with me?”
“Huh?” Haechan’s eyes widen, slightly taken aback. You’re asking him?
“Sorry, I forgot that you must be busy considering you work here. Please don’t let me disturb you.” Your cheeks are red from slight embarrassment, and you’re mentally kicking yourself for even making that ridiculous request. He must have just wanted to say hello. Now you’ve put him in a spot, Y/N.
He shakes his head fervently, so hard that it startles you. “No, I’m not busy at all. I’d love to. Besides, if I play with you, we can get more tickets.” Haechan immediately pulls a chair over, and you pass him your stack of tokens. The both of you play a few games, enough for you to realize that Haechan is much better at this than you are.
However, when you remark on his skills, he shrugs nonchalantly. “I used to play this every day when I was a kid.” Your eyes widen, and you grin a little. “Really? Me too!”
“Well, you’re quite bad at it for someone who says she plays often,” he teases, and you roll your eyes. ‘Okay, whatever you say.”
It’s interesting how rapidly your mood lightened the moment Haechan appeared, a wide smile on your face compared to your previously glum expression.
He clears his throat then, eyes shifting around. “What is it?” You ask, looking around as well.
“I just…sorry. This might be a bit too nosy of me. You don’t have to reply or anything. But your eyes were a little red when you came in. Are you alright?” The genuine concern in Haechan’s voice is surprising to you, considering the nature of your acquaintance. However, his doe-brown eyes are earnest as they stare into yours, and you find your gaze escaping to your feet, which tap on the floor nervously out of habit.
A small laugh escapes you, and you nod. “Yeah. It was just a bad argument with my parents. You know how it is. I just came here because I needed a distraction.” Haechan nods, sympathizing with your situation. If anything, he finds his fondness for you growing. The way that you’re so kind and welcoming to everyone at school, and to him, even if you’re having a bad day.
“Well, feel free to drop by whenever. Though preferably on weekdays, since that’s when I work. The other guy, Jaemin, is really strict about tickets. I’ll throw in freebies for you though.”
Haechan’s words allow your smile to grow even brighter, and he feels a sense of pride in seeing the way your shoulders gradually become less sunken and a familiar twinkle returning to your eye.
Suddenly, he gets up from where he’s sitting, causing your eyes to fix curiously on him.
“I’ve got a place to show you. Come on.” You immediately get up to follow after Haechan, who winds past the claw machines and basketball hoops to a more isolated part of the arcade.
A faded wooden sign dangles above the capsule machines, neatly lined up in rows . The light barely reaches this side of the arcade, and Haechan turns on a lightbulb that flickers precariously in the smaller space. Compared to the almost-deafening noises outside, this feels almost therapeutic in some way.
“MBTI Fortunes? I haven’t seen this in a while,” you mutter in mild surprise.
“This is one of my favourite sections. Try it.” You immediately head over to the roller machine and turn the knob, stainless metal cool against your fingers. Barely seconds later, the familiar sight of a red ball rolling gently down the chute enters your vision, before it lands neatly in your hand.
You tilt your head towards Haechan. “You try it too,” you say, smiling. So he’s an ENFP, you think, as he walks over. It makes sense, you suppose. Haechan’s definitely extroverted from the way he acts with his friends, and he’s constantly the center of attention. If anything, you wish you had more of his effortless confidence. There’s no way you could ever approach someone like he did. But you’re impossibly grateful for his presence.
“Should we open it?” He says, throwing the red ball up and catching it smoothly as he makes his way back over to you.
It takes a while, but the both of you eventually manage to twist the capsule open, unrolling the tiny folded piece of paper. Haechan holds it up to the light, squinting to read the writing.
“Take a chance. It just might be a lucky strike,” he mutters, humming in thought.
However, your voice rings out much clearer than his and causes Haechan to pause. “A heart-fluttering event will happen to you today.” You clear your throat nervously, cheeks immediately reddening. Right now, there’s only one person in mind, and he’s standing right in front of you.
“Ah…don’t get too bothered by it. These are all just random anyways.” Haechan is perturbed by the slight stutter in his voice, the way his pulse is speeding up, and how he’s unable to look at you for too long. It’s just because you’re pretty, he thinks. It’s not good to look at pretty people for too long, or his ego will be hurt.
When the both of you make your way back to the main area of the arcade, the silence becomes awkward, but it’s an almost endearing sight. You fiddle with your fingers, but you’re unaware of the fact that Haechan is the exact same.
“Well, thank you for today. That was fun. I should let you get back to work. I’ll see you in school?” You mumble, a faint smile on your face. Haechan nods eagerly. “Yeah. I'll see you.” He wonders if he’ll be able to strike up the same conversation in school. He thinks this is the longest time he's ever interacted with you, and he hopes it isn’t the last.
Haechan can’t help but feel slightly forlorn as he watches you make your way towards the exit of the arcade, red capsule ball in hand. His work is going to feel much longer without your presence. His eyes inevitably drift to the piece of paper that he, for some mysterious reason, hasn't yet thrown away. Take a chance, it says. Haechan's a spontaneous person. The most spontaneous one he knows, actually. Still, he finds it a bit hard to make rash decisions when it comes to you. Maybe it’s because your work is written in neat, clean lines while his is more of a legible scribble. Or that your stationery is neatly categorized in the same color while Haechan’s is more of a haphazard rainbow.
Still, he hopes you’ll accept the slightly disorganized mess that is him.
“Jaemin’s going to kill me for this,” he complains, as he makes his way towards the area containing all of the redeemable prizes. Still, he thinks it’s a worthy tradeoff, facing the wrath of the grumpy blue-haired man who acts like he’s so much older than Haechan when he’s just a college student.
You’re just about to turn a street when you hear the thundering of footsteps on cobblestone behind you, and you’re quick to turn around, alarmed. Haechan almost crashes into you, out of breath and face flushed.
“Haechan? Is something wrong?” There is evident alarm on your face, and Haechan shakes his head vehemently. Just then, you look down at what he’s holding in his hands and let out a slight laugh.
“Did you run all the way here…for this?” You ask.
“Yeah. It’s…for you.” Haechan extends out the Cinnamoroll plushie to you, an expression of anticipation on his face. You take it from him, smoothing your hand over its fluffy ears. A certain sense of warmth fills you. Maybe this was the heart-fluttering event the paper mentioned. Because you’re quite sure that your pulse is now fluttering wildly as you look at Haechan.
“Thank you. But how did you get it? I definitely didn’t have enough tickets for this.” There's a curious glint in your eyes, and Haechan lets out a little scoff.
“Well, I have some benefits as an arcade employee, I suppose,” he says nonchalantly. What he doesn't tell you is that he's now in crippling debt to Jaemin, and will likely spend much more money winning the tickets to pay it off than if he just bought you the plushie.
Seeing the radiant smile on your face only encourages Haechan to make another rash decision. Maybe he’ll fall flat on his face, but he wants to at least try.
“My shift ends in an hour. I know a really good tteokbokki place,” he says, the words coming out of him in a rush, and then realises the abruptness of his statement.
You smirk slightly, and it’s an unfamiliar expression to Haechan to see you so playful, but he doesn’t mind it at all.
“Are you asking me out on a date?” Your confidence is sudden, but you find that it comes more easily with Haechan around.
“It can be one. If you want it to be,” Haechan replies immediately. His gaze is much more determined now, and you’re almost intimidated by it. But you refuse to back down, especially when this is everything you’ve ever wanted.
“Okay. It’s a date.” You can’t hide your smile when you say it, and immediately saunter back in the direction of the arcade. Haechan, who still can’t wrap his head about the reality of the situation, automatically follows you. His crush agreed to go on a date with him. You, Y/N, model student and the girl who Haechan thinks has the most beautiful smile he's ever seen in his life, has agreed to eat tteokbokki with him. It's a small start, but a start nonetheless.
“Wait, actually? Also, why are you going back to the arcade?” He asks, confused.
You hold up the soft toy, not even looking back. “Apparently, someone’s in debt. I should return the favor, right?” Oh fuck, I said that out loud. You don’t bother to reply his first question, and Haechan’s quite sure he looks rather ridiculous with how big his smile is.
When the both of you are back, you immediately make a beeline for the fishing game again, looking even more committed to it than previously. The soft toy is placed gently in your lap, and you occasionally hug it unconsciously. Haechan's heartbeat has finally slowed down from it's breakneck pace, but he thinks the fondness he feels at the sight of you is an even more exhilarating feeling.
You’re his lucky strike, he thinks, and he'll gladly take as many chances as needed for you.
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wlntrsldler · 6 months
poisoned mercury | check yes, juliet
a/n: poisoned mercury is officially over halfway finished! i'll be posting poisoned mercury playlists soon! pls continue to send me songs that remind you of this series. i'm running out of songs to use as titles. thank u for all the love on this fic <3
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series masterlist | previous | next
vi. check yes, juliet by we the kings
“where are we going?” 
“are you going to ask that every two seconds?” 
“you kidnapped me, castellan.” 
luke stopped in his tracks, raising an eyebrow at you. you were about a quarter mile away from camp now, and it seemed like every ten steps, you asked him the same question. if he didn’t find you so cute, he would turn around and walk straight back to camp. 
“i will throw you over my shoulder and carry you the rest of the way there, five star,” he grumbled, rolling his eyes teasingly. he wasn’t opposed to the idea, but by the look on your face, you certainly were. “don’t test me.” 
“and i will scream bloody murder if you do,” you narrowed your eyes at him in a challenging manner. 
“here i am, trying to do something nice for you and you accuse me of kidnapping you,” luke continued his steps, slowing down to let you catch up to him. he didn’t realize how much shorter you were than him. the top of your head just went past his shoulders, but your personality made up for the difference. “we’re almost there, keep up.” 
“not everyone has long legs, castellan,” you huffed, increasing your pace. “slow down.” 
“do you want to get there or not?” he asked, throwing you a teasing smile over his shoulder. you guys really needed to get there soon. the sun was beginning to set and he didn’t want you to have to walk in the dark, even if he was with you. your safety came first, above everything, and he wasn’t gonna put you in a potentially dangerous situation. 
you whined, tugging on the side of his t-shirt, “how much longer?” 
“that’s it,” luke declared, squatting down to throw you over his shoulder. you squealed, hitting his back with your balled up fists. he knew you didn’t do it to hurt him. he can feel you pulling your punches. 
you felt the vibrations from his laughter on his back. luke was enjoying this too much. he carried you over his shoulder like it was nothing. perhaps all those morning workouts were paying off. you twisted your neck to scold him, thankful that he couldn’t see the smile on your lips, “put me down, i swear to god.” 
“nope,” he replied, popping the ‘p.’ he tapped your calf with his fingers, “it’s just around the corner.” 
luke put you down in front of a building. there were five store fronts, three of which had faulty neon lights. you could barely make out the store names. the other two stores had signs up declaring vacancy. it was a little sketchy, but luke seemed to love it. he had his hands on his hips, staring up at the sign that seemed to say “achilles arcade.” 
“what is this place?” luke held the door open for you as you wandered inside the store. the place was dimly lit with old-school arcade games lining the walls. an old man was sitting on a stool behind the counter, reading the morning paper. 
“just wait,” luke grinned, pulling on your hand to lead you to get some tokens, “chiron! my man.” 
the man placed the newspaper on the surface, eyes lighting up at the sound of luke’s voice. he beamed, “luke castellan! i was afraid you weren’t gonna come back.” 
“you know i keep my promises,” luke let go of your hand, introducing you to chiron, “chiron, this is yn. she goes to camp with me.” 
“pleasure to meet you,” he tipped his head, reaching under the counter to dig out a bucket full of golden tokens. 
you took out your wallet, “how much do we owe you?” 
“on the house,” he waved off, “he donated a ridiculous sum of money to keep this place up and running. too generous, this one, so it wouldn’t be right for me to charge you when he’s keeping me in business.” 
luke shook his head, sliding a hundred across the counter anyway. he took your wallet and stuffed it in his back pocket, knowing that you’ll probably try to slip him some cash if he didn’t. you grumbled, but decided not to pick a fight. it didn’t seem like one you’d win. 
luke grabbed the bucket by the handle and turned to you, “where do you want to start, five star?” 
“you took me to an arcade?” 
“yeah,” luke said, sheepishly, “whenever i run out of cigs, i always go to an arcade to keep my mind off things. it’s childish, but it works. figured you could try it. plus, there’s a smoke shop across the street so we can go there when we’re done here.” 
“only one thing is better than the feeling of a new cherry ice vape,” you got close to him, nearly toe to toe. luke could smell the perfume on your skin, the scent of your shampoo, and his cologne that lingered on the hoodie of his that you wore. he reminded you that you always got cold and that you should bring a sweater, but you assured him that you wouldn’t. halfway to the arcade, you were shivering and luke knew that he made the right decision bringing his hoodie with him. 
you rolled your eyes, but accepted it. his hoodie stopped mid-thigh and engulfed you, but it looked better on you than it ever did on him. something about you wearing a hoodie that had his band name on it made his heart skip a beat. he had to listen to you make fun of him for tripping over air after he saw you in his clothes, but he didn’t expect anything less from you. 
he licked his lips, eyes darting to your own, “and what is that, five star?”
“beating your ass at galaga.” 
luke’s laughter echoed throughout the empty arcade as you ran from him with the tokens in your hand. you looked back at him with a mischievous smile on your face and he felt his heartstrings tug in his chest. you stuck your tongue out at him, starting the game as he stayed in his spot, admiring you. 
there weren’t many moments where he could be out in public like this, so when his mom reluctantly agreed to stop at this building on the way to camp due to a flat tire, luke and the boys were ecstatic to find that there was an empty arcade hidden in montauk. luke talked to chiron and learned his story while the boys played random games to kill the time. luke found out that the arcade wasn’t doing well financially with the increase in rent prices and that they would have to close down at the end of the summer if things don’t pick up again. chiron mentioned that he and his partner started this business twenty years ago, and he was sad to see it go. 
luke excused himself and snuck back into the tour bus to grab his checkbook. he wrote a check that covered rent and other expenses for the year and gave it to chiron. of course the man refused it, but luke wasn’t taking no for an answer, not after chiron shared that the arcade was the last living piece of his partner. luke castellan was a hopeless romantic, which not many people knew. he knew he was done for the minute he heard their love story. 
he stood there for a few moments, watching as you cheered, dodging the blasts of your enemies. you were so animated while you played, so expressive with your eyes and your voice. he’d only seen you like this a handful of times, talking to clarisse about god knows what, talking to the younger campers and asking them questions about their projects and interests, and when you asked him about his music. all of your monotoned replies and deadpan looks were all he got for the longest time, it seemed like your nonchalance was only for him, so it was nice to see you like this. it felt like you were warming up to him. 
he thought about the talk the two of you had in your room, how different you’d been then. after being iced out for weeks, luke was a little shocked at how soft you were with him earlier, playing with his rings, holding his hand, talking to him. it was a welcomed surprise, of course, but he expected you to kick him to the curb. he still didn’t understand what actually happened after the concert, but he figured you already had a tough day, so that conversation can wait. 
he made his way to you, leaning across the screen to slightly block your view, “you might be better than me at this game, but your ass is mine at guitar hero.” 
“not fair,” you were focused on the game, eyes glued on the screen in front of you. “you’re in a band. of course you’re gonna be better than me at that.” 
“life’s not fair, five star,” luke poked your side, making you squirm. you died in the game because of it. “my turn, yeah?” 
you shoved his chest, reluctantly moving over. “you cheated.” 
he looked over his shoulder, smirking, “how did i cheat?” 
“you distracted me!” 
“i did not!” he argued, chuckles escaping his lips. his tongue darted out the corner of his mouth. his concentration face was annoyingly attractive. 
“did too,” you mumbled, watching over his shoulder to see how he was doing. he was doing really well. damn teenage boys and their affinity for video games. your chin rested comfortably on his shoulder blade as you watched him play. 
luke’s breath hitched in his throat, suddenly too aware that you were so close to him. he could feel your breath against the nape of his neck, your lips dangerously close to where his tattoo was. he snuck a glance at you, noting how you were too focused on his score inching closer to your own. 
“ha!” you yelled, pulling away from him. you bumped his hip with yours, moving him out of the way, “my turn.” 
“okay, you cheated.” 
you hit pause on the game, placing your hands on your waist, “how?” 
“you were distracting me! putting your head on my shoulder and shit.” 
“awww,” you cooed, playfulness in your tone, “do i make you nervous?” 
luke’s face flushed. he shook his head, tilting his head down to hide the color on his face. he rubbed the back of his neck, “play your fucking game.” 
you said something about him being a sore loser and cheered loudly when you beat his score. when you both ran out of lives, luke led you to guitar hero and as expected, kicked your ass at the game. the two of you played in the arcade until there was one golden token left in the bottom of the bucket. as you wandered around the room, your eyes landed on a black and white photobooth tucked away in the corner. 
“let’s take some pictures,” you grabbed his hand, leading him over there before he could say no. you shoved him inside the photobooth, tapping his knee to make him stop manspreading on the small bench. 
it could barely fit two people so it was a tight squeeze. you were sitting so close to luke, thighs pressed together as you tapped on the small screen to begin the process. luke could feel the warmth of your skin against his and he was glad that there was no colored photos option because his cheeks were bright red. maybe he can blame the lights making him feel hot if you brought it up, but he wasn’t sure if his voice even worked enough to utter out his excuse. 
“you better smile, castellan,” you threatened, turning to look at him before you inserted the token in the slot. “not that little side smirk shit that you do in all your pictures.” 
“what side smirk?” 
“that thing you do in your pictures!” you shouted, “in every single instagram post, you always do it.” 
luke raised an eyebrow, a cocky smile appearing on his lips, “you’ve stalked my instagram?” 
“not the point,” you ducked, pretending to mess with the settings of the photobooth. luke can see your shy smile on the screen in front of him. “i’m just saying, smile normally.” 
“that’s how i smile, five star! what do you want me to do?” 
“that is not how you smile!” you argued. you took a deep breath, steadying yourself as you faced him. he was already looking at you, soft eyes and a hint of a smile on his features. a stray curl was out of place on his head and you couldn’t stop yourself from reaching over to put it back in place. luke held his breath as your fingers grazed the side of his face, taking much longer than you needed to fix his hair. your thumb subconsciously rubbed against the scar on his cheek. luke let his eyes close at the feeling. 
“there,” you whispered, pulling your hand back to your side. “that’s how you smile.” 
he tried his best to keep that same expression on his face to see what you were talking about. he glanced at the screen and found himself stunned at what he found. you were right. this is not how he looked in his instagram pictures. he almost didn’t recognize himself as he stared. he looked different like this. 
there were no creases between his eyebrows or on his forehead, like there was no stress on his shoulders. his eyes looked brighter somehow as if he was at peace, exactly where he needed to be at that moment. his lips were quirked up in a tender smile, parts of his teeth showing between the gap of his top lip and bottom lip. did he always look like this when he was with you? awe-struck and enraptured by your presence? 
he should feel pathetic, but he couldn’t bring himself to, not when you were looking at him like you enjoyed this clandestine look on his face, a look that he reserved only for you. he couldn’t feel pathetic when you were looking at him in the same way. a secret language between the two of you, that nobody else in the world could even begin to understand.
the countdown on the screen started and luke was pulled from his thoughts quickly when you pressed your cheek against his, grinning as the timer flashed across the screen. he let himself smile, teeth on full display before the flash went off. the second countdown began and luke watched you fumble around to pick the next pose. you settled on a silly pose, sticking your tongue out as you held up the ‘rock and roll’ sign with your hand. he followed your lead, letting a snicker leave his lips at how fitting the pose was. 
the final photo was uncoordinated. luke wasn’t ready for the flash to go off. you placed your hand on his shoulder, craning your neck to look up at him. if he leaned down an inch or two, his lips would touch yours. the realization had the wires in his brain crossed. when the machine took the picture, luke was staring lovingly into your eyes, a look of indecision on his face. his lips were curled into a bashful smile, the tip of his nose touching yours. 
“five star,” luke breathed out, his arm snaking around your waist. your leg was now placed on top of his own. 
you gulped, nudging his nose with yours, “luke…” 
he’d never heard his name leave your lips before other than when you were mocking the gossips you heard about him. he’d never heard your real voice call him by his name. now that he has, he was addicted to the sound of it. he never liked his name that much, but somehow, when you said it, it sounded like poetry. he never thought a single syllable could sound so beautiful, have his knees buckling at the utterance of it. but with you, he supposed there was always a first for everything. 
when the bright red words stating “your photos are ready!” illuminated the inside of the photobooth, the two of you jumped apart from each other, blushing wildly. luke took a moment for himself inside the photobooth, rubbing his face with his palms, as you walked out to retrieve the pictures. luke followed you after taking a few deep breaths. 
he saw you leaning against the wall, the two strips of pictures in your hand. you had a goofy grin on your face, admiring them. luke sauntered next to you, taking a look at the photos. 
he accepted the strip of photos you handed him, “we probably should’ve discussed our poses beforehand.” 
“i dunno,” you were still staring at the pictures, biting your bottom lip. “i like ‘em.”
luke hummed, taking out his wallet. he folded the strip in threes, slotting the last photo in the clear compartment of his wallet. it looked perfect against the black leather, like it was the last thing needed to make his wallet look complete. he slipped it back in his back pocket, taking yours out to return to you. 
“smoke shop?” he asked. 
“please,” you nodded, beginning to walk out of the arcade. you waved goodbye to chiron who moved onto doing the daily crossword. “bye chiron! great to meet you!” 
he bid the two of you goodbye, a knowing gaze on his face. you were already out the door when he sent luke a wink that had him shaking his head, face turning red at the man’s antics. luke shut the door behind him, ushering you over to the sidewalk towards the smoke shop, “i’m out of cigs too, so this is actually perfect timing.” 
you waited outside the smoke shop, sitting on the curb. luke had a fake id (for research purposes, of course. he was just curious to see what the kentucky ids looked like.) so he bought your vape and his cigarettes. when he emerged, he joined you on the curb, pulling out his phone to call an uber back to camp. 
the sun was long gone and he could hear the owls hooting in the distance. it was not a good idea to walk back to camp, even if it wasn’t even a mile away. he watched you unwrap your vape, taking a small hit from it. he lit his cigarette with the lighter he carried with him and smoked with you in silence. 
“uber is gonna take twenty minutes,” he said, placing his phone between the two of you, face up. “i’m guessing there’s not many people around here.” 
you glanced at his phone, giggling at his lockscreen. it was a picture of the entire band, wearing matching novelty sunglasses taken at a .5 angle. they looked ridiculously like the guys you’ve grown to adore. “i like your lockscreen.” 
luke tapped his phone to wake it up. he let out a laugh, “mom took it when we played vegas for the first time. we were too young to go out and we were too afraid to use our fakes so we went to m&m world and got wired on sugar.” 
“you guys are really close, huh?” 
“got to be,” luke shrugged, “we’re together 24/7, but even before that… these guys are my brothers. love ‘em, even when they’re a pain in my ass. what’s your lockscreen?” 
you pulled out your phone, showing him the picture of you, clarisse, and silena flipping off the camera. it was taken during one of your (failed) attempts at studying at the library. you were all in sweatpants and large hoodies with the stress of midterms evident on your faces. “that’s silena, my other best friend from unc. her boyfriend, charlie, took this picture because he said we looked absolutely miserable. and we do, but it makes me happy looking back at it. we were struggling together and we somehow made it out together.” 
“i do not miss school at all,” luke blew out the smoke in his mouth, “i was a shit student.” 
“but now look at you,” you teased, “mr. rockstar.” 
“yeah, yeah,” luke copied your voice, “can’t complain.” 
you hummed, tucking your vape in the pocket of luke’s hoodie, “you can, especially with me. i’m the number one hater, so i enjoy complaining quite a bit.” 
“oh, i know.” 
you smacked his arm, rolling your eyes as he stumbled in his seat, laughing. you cleared your throat, voice turning serious, “seriously. i owe you for today, so complain to me all you want.” 
“you don’t owe me shit, five star,” luke put out his cigarette, standing up as his phone alerted him that the uber was coming soon. he held out his hand to help you up. “but i will take you up on that offer. of course, i can only do that if you don’t ignore me for weeks again.” 
you slapped his hand away, shaking your head, smiling, “shut the fuck up.” 
luke flagged down the uber, placing a hand on your lower back to lead you into the backseat. you entered, making polite conversations with the lady in the driver’s seat. 
“for chase?” 
luke nodded, “yup, thanks so much.” 
as the car drove off in the direction of camp, you turned to luke, mouthing, “chase?” 
he took out his wallet and handed you his fake id: chase reed, brown eyes, brown hair, 5’11. 
luke safely tucked the id back in its slot when you tossed it back at him, giggling at his alter-ego. he didn’t say anything when you moved closer to him, sitting in the middle seat, and held his hand the rest of the way back to camp.
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slerixx · 1 month
iv. first date (wbk series)
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synopsis. every moment spent with your significant other opens a new chapter of exploration and connection. featuring. sakura haruka, suo hayato, kaji ren, umemiya hajime x f!reader content. fluff, sfw, slight ooc (all) notes. this took so long, I'm so sorry T T  got really busy with school stuff, but please enjoy this new part! word count. 4.8k+
series masterlist | iii. confession | v. first kiss
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𓍢ִ໋ sakura haruka
the glowing neon lights of the arcade reflected off the windows, creating a vibrant, almost surreal atmosphere. you stood at the entrance, nervously fidgeting with the strap of your bag as you waited for your boyfriend, sakura.
the steady hum of arcade machines filled the air with a nostalgic kind of excitement, a mix of beeping sounds and the chatter of excited players. it had been ages since you'd been in a place like this, and now here you were, on your first date with sakura, no less.
you spotted him approaching, his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his jacket. his expression, as usual, was slightly flustered, his lips drawn into a thin line as if he were trying to downplay the significance of the moment. his hair fell slightly over his eyes, which were darting around, avoiding making direct contact with yours.
“hey,” he muttered, almost too casually. "you're early."
you smiled warmly, trying to put him at ease. "i was excited," you admitted honestly. "i’ve been looking forward to this."
sakura coughed awkwardly and glanced away, his cheeks lightly flushed. "it’s just an arcade," he grumbled, trying to sound indifferent. "don’t make it a big deal."
but the small smile tugging at the corner of his lips betrayed him. you could tell he was as nervous as you were, maybe even more so. you smiled as the thought.
the two of you entered the arcade together, the atmosphere inside instantly swallowing you in its vibrant, buzzing energy. rows of game machines blinked and beeped in an almost hypnotic rhythm, and the excited shouts of players filled the air. the scent of popcorn and cotton candy wafted from a nearby concession stand, mingling with the smell of metal tokens and electronics.
you both wandered around for a bit, taking in the sights, before stopping at a claw machine filled with a variety of plush toys. you nudged sakura playfully. "wanna give it a shot? win me something cute?"
he glanced at the machine, feigning disinterest, but you could see the determination flash in his eyes. "tch, easy," he said, cracking his knuckles for effect. "i’ve got this."
sakura stepped up to the machine, inserting a coin with a flourish, his fingers hovering over the controls. his gaze was sharp, his focus intense as he maneuvered the claw toward a particularly adorable plush cat nestled among the other prizes. you watched, holding your breath, as the claw descended slowly.
for a brief moment, it caught the toy’s head perfectly, lifting it up into the air. but then, just as quickly, it slipped free, tumbling back down into the pile of stuffed animals.
sakura's face turned a shade darker, his eyes narrowing. "huh?! this machine is rigged," he declared, his voice laced with annoyance.
you couldn't help but giggle at his reaction, and he shot you a quick, indignant look before his expression softened slightly. "okay, fine," he muttered, pulling out another coin. "i’ll get it this time."
he tried again, and after a few tense seconds, the claw finally caught hold of the plush cat securely, pulling it toward the chute. when the toy dropped with a satisfying thud, sakura quickly retrieved it, handing it to you with a huff. his gaze remained on the side as he mumbled, "here. it’s yours."
you took the plush cat, your heart fluttering at the gesture. "thank you, sakura," you said, blushing as you smile warmly at him. "it's really cute."
he shrugged, his cheeks slightly pink again. "it's nothing," he replied, trying to brush off the moment. "let’s just keep going."
the two of you wandered deeper into the arcade, trying out different games together. you challenged each other at rhythm games, laughing as you both fumbled to keep up with the rapid beats of the music. sakura, though normally so composed, was clearly struggling with the rhythm and precision of the game, making you laugh so hard that you almost missed half the notes yourself.
next, you found yourselves at a shooting game, where sakura's competitive side truly shone. his sharp reflexes and precise aim helped him rack up points effortlessly. he glanced over at you with a smirk, teasing, "try to keep up."
you playfully stuck your tongue out at him but secretly admired how serious he got during the game. there was something fascinating about seeing this new side of him—the quiet intensity, the focus, all masked behind that usual facade of indifference. by the end of the game, he had clearly beaten you, but not without sneaking a glance at you every now and then to make sure you were still having fun.
after a few more rounds of different games, you both found yourselves at a racing simulator. the large, side-by-side cabinets beckoned you, and you eagerly took your place in the driver's seat, ready to challenge sakura again.
"think you can beat me?" you teased, your hands gripping the steering wheel.
sakura shot you a sideways glance, his lips curling into a faint smirk. "i’ll go easy on you," he said, though the glint in his eyes suggested otherwise.
the race began, and you were instantly absorbed in the game. you focused on the track, your hands moving instinctively as you drifted around corners and dodged obstacles. but sakura was fast—his car speeding past yours with seemingly effortless precision.
determined not to let him win so easily, you pushed your skills to the limit. on the final lap, with the finish line in sight, you managed to slip past him in a well-timed maneuver, crossing the line just moments before he did.
"yes!" you cheered, throwing your hands up in triumph. "i actually won!"
sakura stared at the screen in disbelief, then turned to you with an expression of mock indignation. but before he could say anything, a small, rare laugh escaped him—a sound so genuine and unexpected that it caught you off guard.
"not bad," he admitted, his smile lingering for a moment longer than usual. "guess you’re better at this than i thought."
you grinned back, feeling a warmth spread through your chest at the sight of his genuine smile. "and you're not as tough as you pretend to be," you teased lightly.
sakura quickly averted his gaze, the flush on his cheeks deepening. "whatever," he muttered, trying to regain his composure. "let’s grab some food or something."
as you both left the arcade, the neon lights of the arcade glowed behind you, fading into the background as you walked down the street side by side. the plush cat was tucked securely under your arm, a sweet reminder of the night. despite sakura’s usual standoffish demeanor, the small moments of warmth and laughter between you had made the evening feel like something special.
you glanced at him out of the corner of your eye. sakura walked close beside you, hands once again in his pockets, but there was a quiet contentment in his posture that hadn’t been there before. and though he might never admit it, you knew he had enjoyed himself just as much as you had.
"thanks for tonight," you said softly, feeling the need to express your gratitude. "it was fun."
sakura’s shoulders tensed slightly, and for a moment, you thought he might brush it off. but then he glanced at you, his face softer than you’d ever seen it.
"yeah," he said quietly, the pink in his cheeks returning. "it was."
and as you walked side by side into the evening, you couldn't help but feel that this date had brought you closer to the real sakura—past the tsundere exterior and into something deeper, something more meaningful. this was just the beginning of a connection you both could feel growing, one step at a time.
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𓍢ִ໋ suo hayato
the sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden glow over the rolling hills of the park. the gentle breeze carried the scent of freshly cut grass and blooming flowers. as you walked along the path, basket in hand, your heart beat with a mix of excitement and nerves. you glanced at suo, who walked beside you with his usual calm and easy smile, his single visible eye gleaming with quiet amusement.
"are you nervous?" suo asked softly, his tone teasing but gentle as always. his voice was like a soft melody, so relaxed that it instantly put you at ease.
you chuckled, brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "maybe a little," you admitted, feeling a slight warmth in your cheeks. "but in a good way."
suo's smile widened just a fraction as he looked at you, his gaze filled with a warmth that made your heart skip a beat. "good," he said lightly. "i was worried i might be the only one."
you raised an eyebrow, playfully narrowing your eyes at him. "you? nervous? i find that hard to believe."
suo laughed quietly, a soft chuckle that seemed to resonate in the air around you. "i have my moments," he said, his tone almost conspiratorial, as if sharing a secret. "but i hide it well, don’t i?"
you rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the smile that tugged at your lips. he always had this way of making everything feel light and effortless, as if he carried the whole world on his shoulders but never let it weigh him down.
finally, the two of you found the perfect spot—a small clearing under a large oak tree, with dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves. suo spread out the picnic blanket, smoothing out the edges while you set down the basket. you began to unpack the food with meticulous care, laying out sandwiches, fruit, and some homemade sweets you’d prepared the night before.
"wow," suo said with a hint of admiration in his voice, eyeing the spread before him. "you really outdid yourself. are you trying to impress me?"
you smiled, feeling a little bashful. "maybe," you teased, glancing at him. "is it working?"
suo chuckled again, his eye gleaming with amusement. "i’m already impressed," he said smoothly, reaching for one of the sandwiches and taking a bite out of it. "this is really good."
you both settled down on the blanket, the afternoon sun casting a warm glow around you. the park was quiet, with only the occasional chirping of birds or the distant laughter of children playing nearby. it was a peaceful setting, perfect for a first date that felt intimate and relaxed.
as you nibbled on your food, you found yourself drawn into easy conversation with suo. he had a way of making you feel comfortable, as if every word you said was worth listening to. you talked about everything and nothing—how beautiful the day was, your favorite books and movies, and even a few funny anecdotes from your time in makochi. suo would occasionally offer a witty comment or a gentle tease, making you laugh more than you had expected to.
at one point, suo leaned back against the tree, his gaze drifting to the sky above. the late afternoon sunlight filtered through the branches, casting dappled shadows across his face. you admired the way the light softened his features, his usual calm expression now relaxed and peaceful.
"this is nice," he said quietly, his voice almost a murmur. "i could get used to this."
you smiled, leaning back beside him, feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin. "i’m glad," you said softly. "i wanted today to be something we’d both remember."
suo glanced at you, his expression softening. "you’ve already made it memorable," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "just by being here."
your heart fluttered at his words, the warmth in his gaze making you feel like the luckiest person in the world. suo wasn’t one to be overly expressive with his emotions, but when he did let his guard down, it was always in a way that made your heart swell.
as the two of you finished eating, you packed away the remains of the picnic, leaving the blanket spread out so you could relax for a while longer. suo lay back on the blanket, his hand reaching for yours as you lay beside him, your head on his chest. his fingers intertwined with yours, the simple gesture bringing a sense of comfort and closeness.
the sky above had begun to shift, the soft hues of blue fading into shades of pink and orange as the sun began to set. the air was cooler now, but the warmth of suo’s hand in yours kept you grounded.
"i can’t believe you made all of this," suo said after a few moments of quiet, his tone filled with admiration. "you didn’t have to go to all that trouble."
you turned your head to look at him, smiling softly. "it wasn’t trouble," you said gently. "i wanted to do something special for you. for us."
suo’s gaze softened even more as he looked at you, his thumb brushing lightly over your knuckles. "you’re something else," he murmured, his voice full of affection. "always thinking about others."
you blushed slightly, feeling the sincerity in his words. "i just wanted today to be perfect," you said softly.
"it is," suo replied, his voice low but certain. "because i’m here with you."
the simplicity of his words made your heart swell with emotion. there was something so natural, so effortless about being with suo—like everything just fell into place when you were together. you felt safe with him, like you could be yourself without any pretenses.
as the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the park, you found yourself feeling content in a way you hadn’t expected. this moment—just you and suo, lying together under the trees, your hands still entwined—felt like the beginning of something truly special. something that would only grow stronger with time.
suo shifted slightly, pulling the back of your hands closer to his lips to put a light kiss on it. "thank you for today," he whispered, his lips brushing against your skin. "for everything."
you smiled, feeling a warmth spread through you. "anytime," you whispered back, your heart full of love and gratitude for the person beside you.
and as the evening light faded into twilight, you knew that this picnic wasn’t just a first date—it was a moment that would stay with you forever, a reminder of the love and connection you shared with suo.
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𓍢ִ໋ kaji ren
the quiet, almost reverent atmosphere of the museum wrapped around you like a soft blanket as you walked alongside kaji.
it was your first official date as a couple, and kaji had chosen a museum—something thoughtful, calming, and intimate. you had always known he wasn’t one for grand gestures or flashy outings, and this felt perfect. the two of you could enjoy each other’s company without the distractions of the outside world.
kaji had been unusually quiet since you arrived, his gaze focused on the various paintings that adorned the walls of the exhibition. though you were used to his reserved nature, you could sense an underlying nervousness in him today. it was subtle—barely noticeable in the way his hands fidgeted slightly in his pockets, or how he seemed to be paying extra attention to the art, almost as if he was trying to distract himself.
you glanced at him, a small smile playing at your lips as you admired his serious expression. "you’re really taking this all in, aren’t you?" you teased lightly.
kaji blinked, momentarily startled out of his concentration. his eyes flicked to you, and a faint blush colored his cheeks. "ah… yeah," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. "just… trying to appreciate it, i guess."
you couldn’t help but chuckle softly at how adorably flustered he looked. "you don’t have to try so hard, you know," you said gently. "i’m just happy being here with you."
kaji’s blush deepened at your words, and he looked away, clearly embarrassed. "i know," he muttered. "i just… wanted to make this special for you."
your heart warmed at his sincerity. you knew how much he cared, even if he wasn’t the best at expressing it. reaching out, you gently took his hand in yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "it is special," you said softly. "because i’m with you."
kaji’s gaze flicked back to you, and for a moment, his usual guarded expression softened. his grip tightened around your hand, "you always know what to say," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
after that, the two of you continued your tour of the museum, strolling through the various galleries and admiring the art on display. as you paused in front of a large painting—a serene landscape of a distant countryside—kaji stood beside you, his arm brushing against yours. there was a comfortable silence between you, the kind that didn’t need to be filled with words. just being together was enough.
after a few moments, kaji shifted slightly, and you noticed him pulling out his phone from his pocket. you raised an eyebrow, curious as to what he was doing.
"what are you up to?" you asked playfully.
kaji froze for a moment, his expression caught somewhere between embarrassed and sheepish. "nothing," he said quickly, shoving the phone back into his pocket. but the slight redness in his ears betrayed him.
you narrowed your eyes, a grin tugging at the corners of your lips. "were you… taking a picture of me?"
kaji’s blush deepened, and he avoided your gaze. "no," he muttered, clearly flustered.
you couldn’t help but laugh softly at his reaction. "it’s okay, kaji," you teased, leaning a little closer to him. "you don’t have to be embarrassed. i think it’s sweet."
he groaned, clearly uncomfortable with being caught. "i just… you looked nice," he mumbled, finally glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. "didn’t want to forget it."
your heart melted at his words, and you couldn’t help but smile warmly at him. "you’re really something, you know that?"
kaji looked away again, trying to hide his embarrassment, but you could see the small pleased smile tugging at his lips. he was always so tough and stoic on the outside, but moments like this reminded you of the softer, more vulnerable side of him. the side that wasn’t always easy to see, but was all the more precious because of it.
as the two of you continued to walk through the museum, kaji’s nerves seemed to ease a little. he began to point out certain paintings that caught his attention, sharing his thoughts with you in that quiet, straightforward way of his. you could tell he was more relaxed now, more at ease in your presence, and it made your heart swell with affection.
at one point, you found yourselves in front of a particularly striking painting—a vivid portrait of a stormy sea, with crashing waves and dark clouds swirling overhead. kaji stared at it for a long moment, his brow furrowed in thought.
"this one’s… intense," he said quietly.
you nodded in agreement, taking in the painting’s raw energy. "yeah, it really captures that feeling of chaos," you said. "but there’s something beautiful about it too, don’t you think?"
kaji glanced at you, his expression thoughtful. "i guess," he murmured. "even in the middle of all that chaos, there’s still… something there. something that pulls you in."
you smiled softly at his words, finding them unexpectedly poetic. "that’s a good way of putting it," you said gently. "it’s like life, in a way. even when things get messy or overwhelming, there’s always something worth holding onto."
kaji looked at you then, his gaze intense yet tender. for a moment, the two of you stood there, locked in each other’s eyes, and the weight of your words seemed to hang in the air between you.
"you’re really good at seeing the beauty in things," he said quietly, his voice full of admiration. "even when it’s hard to see."
your heart warmed at his words, the sincerity of his tone making you feel deeply appreciated. "maybe it’s because you help me see it," you whispered back, a small, tender smile on your lips.
kaji’s gaze lingered on yours, and though he didn’t say anything more, the connection between you spoke volumes. he reached out, his hand reaching out to pull you closer to him—a simple, grounding gesture that was full of unspoken emotion. you smiled at him in return, feeling the depth of his care and the quiet reassurance of his hand in yours.
as the museum visit came to a close, the two of you made your way outside, the cool evening air wrapping around you. kaji still held your hand, his grip steady and comforting. you felt a sense of peace settle over you as you walked together, side by side. this date had been everything you could have hoped for—thoughtful, meaningful, and filled with small, significant moments that made you feel even closer to him.
"you know," kaji said softly as you walked, his voice carrying a hint of warmth, "i’m really glad we did this. it feels right."
you looked up at him, your heart swelling with affection. "me too," you said with a smile. "i wouldn’t have wanted to spend today with anyone else."
kaji’s lips curved into a small but genuine smile—a rare sight that made your heart flutter. he squeezed your hand gently, his touch full of reassurance, and the two of you continued walking into the evening, the bond between you growing stronger with every step you took together.
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𓍢ִ໋ umemiya hajime
the crisp evening air carried a hint of anticipation as you prepared for a special night in your cozy new apartment, nestled near your grandparents' house. the space, although modest, had become a warm sanctuary for you, and tonight, it was set to host a momentous occasion.
this evening was different from the friendly hangouts you and umemiya had shared over the years. this time, it was your first date as a couple, and you wanted everything to be just right. you had spent the afternoon carefully arranging the living room to create the perfect movie date atmosphere.
soft, fluffy pillows were scattered around the floor, creating a comfortable lounging area, while a pile of cozy blankets was draped over the couch to ensure maximum comfort. the coffee table was cleared and transformed into a delightful display of snacks: freshly popped popcorn, a colorful assortment of candies, and a couple of chilled sodas. you had even selected a movie that you thought would be the ideal blend of romance and comedy, aiming to make the evening both enjoyable and memorable.
as you made final adjustments to the setup, you found yourself repeatedly checking the time. the anticipation of the evening was almost palpable. the doorbell rang, and your heart skipped a beat. you took a deep breath to calm your nerves before opening the door, revealing umemiya standing there, dressed casually with his hair down, holding a bouquet of flowers and a bag of snacks.
his warm smile and the glint in his eyes made your heart flutter. “hello, my love,” he greeted, his voice carrying a note of excitement. “i brought a little something for our first date!”
he handed the bouquet to you, and you marveled at the soft petals of the vibrant tulips and roses. “these are beautiful, ume. thank you so much!” you said, feeling a rush of gratitude.
he gave a modest shrug, his smile widening. “i thought they’d add a special touch to our evening. and i wasn’t sure what you had planned, so i brought a few snacks as well.”
you led him inside, and he set the bag of snacks down on the coffee table. the aroma of the freshly popped popcorn filled the room, mingling with the subtle fragrance of the flowers.
“you didn’t have to bring so much, but i appreciate it,” you voiced, arranging the flowers in a vase and placing them in the center of the table. the vibrant colors of the bouquet added a touch of elegance to the cozy setup.
with everything in place, you both settled onto the couch, the atmosphere filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. as you opened the bag of snacks, umemiya glanced around, taking in the cozy setup with a look of genuine admiration.
“this looks amazing!” he exclaimed, reaching for a handful of popcorn. “you really went all out for our first date.”
“i wanted it to be special,” you replied, smiling at his enthusiasm while opening a bottle of soda. “it’s our first time as a couple, after all. i thought it deserved a little extra effort.”
he chuckled and playfully pinched you on the cheek. you giggled at his affectionate gesture before grabbing the remote and pressing play. as the movie began, the room was soon bathed in the soft glow of the tv screen, accompanied by the gentle sound of laughter from the film.
umemiya was attentive, making comments about the scenes and sharing his thoughts, which made the experience even more enjoyable. his insights and witty remarks kept you entertained and laughing. it was clear how much he cherished these moments with you, as his eyes sparkled with genuine interest.
as the night progressed, you found yourselves leaning closer, the comfort of the shared space drawing you nearer. umemiya’s arm brushed against yours, and a gentle warmth spread through you. this simple touch was a new kind of intimacy, signaling a deeper connection between you.
after a brief hesitation, umemiya decided to drape his arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer to his side. the warmth of his body against yours was comforting, and you felt a soft smile spread across your face while umemiya bit his lip, trying to contain his emotions.
“did you ever think we’d end up here?” umemiya asked softly during a quieter moment in the movie as you rested your head on his shoulder.
you looked up at him, a smile playing on your lips. “honestly, i didn’t know. but i’m really happy we did. it feels right.”
he smiled back, his eyes reflecting a mix of affection and relief. “me too. it’s nice to finally be here, together like this.”
the movie continued, but your focus was equally divided between him and the screen. you found yourself noticing the small details—how his eyes crinkled when he laughed, how comfortable he looked nestled among the pillows with you in his arms, and how his presence filled the room with warmth. the sound of his steady breathing and the occasional rustle of the blankets created a sense of serene intimacy.
after the movie ended, you realized that you had both ended up tangled in each other’s arms. the snacks were nearly finished, and the gentle hum of the city outside provided a soothing backdrop to your relaxed conversation. the lights were dimmed, adding to the ambiance of the evening.
“thanks for making this evening so special,” umemiya said, his voice carrying a note of sincerity. “i’ve really enjoyed it.”
“i’m glad you did,” you replied, feeling a flutter of happiness. “i’ve had a great time too. it’s been perfect.”
as you both tidied up, umemiya offered to help with the cleanup. the shared task felt natural and easy, and his interactions with you showed just how much he valued the time spent together. you worked together efficiently, exchanging playful comments and enjoying each other’s company.
standing by the door as he prepared to leave, umemiya turned to you with a tender smile. “i’m looking forward to more evenings like this with you, my love.”
“me too,” you said, feeling a sense of contentment. “i can’t wait to see you again, ume.”
he pulled you into a gentle hug, his warmth enveloping you in a comforting embrace. “goodnight, my love. i’ll see you soon,” he whispered in your ear, his breath warm against your skin.
you nodded, feeling a twinge of sadness at the thought of him leaving. however, you had made a promise to your grandparents, so reluctantly, you both parted from the hug. umemiya walked backward while waving at you as he left, his smile lingering. you waved back, closing the door once he was out of sight.
you looked around your apartment, now quiet and still, and felt a deep sense of satisfaction. the night had marked a significant step in your relationship with umemiya, and you were excited about the future. you knew that moments like these would be the foundation of something beautiful and enduring, and you couldn’t wait to see where this new path would lead.
as you tidied up the remaining snacks and turned off the lights, you reflected on the evening's special moments. the soft glow of the city lights through the window and the lingering scent of the bouquet filled the room with a sense of tranquility. you felt a profound sense of happiness, knowing that this night had set the stage for many more cherished memories to come.
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invvuu · 1 year
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author’s note — here are some troublemaker riki hcs dedicated to riki lovers 🙌
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— troublemaker!riki who first saw you when you lined up to buy mountain dew from the vending machine.
— he saw that you didn’t have enough money so he went by your side and bought the mountain dew for you. you were surprised he even helped you in the first place but he said that he just happened to be in the mood to lend a helping hand.
— troublemaker!riki who confessed to you by writing you a long love letter with your favorite lollipop by the side because he was too shy to confess his feelings to you face to face.
— troublemaker!riki who always keeps a few lollipops in his pocket so he could give it to you whenever you’re upset at him as a token of apology or whenever you’re not feeling well
— troublemaker!riki who you always have to bandage up whenever he gets into accidents or fights with some of his batch mates
— he would be the type of person who would not give a single damn if you’re scolding him about his safety. he’d just sit down and look at you putting medicine on his face while he admires yours cause he thinks you’re cute when you’re looking after him
— troublemaker!riki who would scare off your seat mate just so he could sit beside you in class.
— troublemaker!riki who would go as far as to prank the teachers so he could make you laugh
— troublemaker!riki who is willing to defend you from the people who hurt you even if he gets hurt himself
— troublemaker!riki who takes the blame when the teachers get mad at you because it’s completely normal for him to get scolded at
— troublemaker!riki who would bring you to arcade dates after classes. he would use his money on claw machines just so he could try win some goodies for both you and him. he’ll even make bets with you on who could get the higher score on certain games like tetris or the basketball games.
— the loser would have to treat the other to ice cream and mcdonalds. most of the time he’ll purposely lose the bet just so he could see you get excited and brag about your victory in front of his face but when you found out about it he brushed it off and told you that you were just making things up (you weren’t).
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© invvuu do not copy, translate, nor plagiarize any of my content on various platforms (wattpad, youtube, twitter, tumblr, etc.)
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