#like it's immature or something
dangerousdan-dan · 6 months
I invited a friend over and the moment he stepped into my room he said "wow, this is like a geek shrine" and I'm not sure if that was meant as a compliment or not
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violent138 · 2 months
Slightly enamoured by the idea that Bruce leaves Clark secret, romantic messages microscopically encoded in the punctuation of reports he gives him, under the pretense of Clark checking them over.
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
The fun thing about CFAU danny is that he grew up in crime alley during his early developmental and foundational years, and was only in amity park for four years before his accident. Which means: potential to explore how this affects his personality. How does he act?
If he grows up in crime alley, which is rife with violence and crime and he like everyone else bares witness to it, how will that change who he is compared to canon?
Because he’s not gonna be the exact same as canon, thats not how development works. Something’s gonna change. So is he violent? Is he a thief? A liar? A follower, a leader? A backstabber? How selfish is he? Because selflessness gets you killed.
How willing is he to get shot/stabbed/murdered/trafficked for another person when he’s surrounded by people who take priority over themselves more than others? And is largely not taught otherwise? (And are valid for their self-preservation?)
What’s his kindness look like, is it rough? Tough love all the way through, showing other kids how to bloody up their knuckles to keep their own face safe?
Showing kids how to file down their teeth with the broken glass at their feet, so that when they bite they make it hurt?
Or is it more gentle, but still bloody, showing kids how to keep their head down and out of the way of the bigger, meaner kids barreling their way past? How to blend in, how to hide? How to not get caught?
Is it a third option, and always bloody, always hurting? Does he get in the way, take the hits? Always a shield, never the shielded? His nose having been broken so many times it’s permanently crooked, are his eyes always black? His lip always bleeding? Does he have scars?
Is it a fourth option, a fifth option, a sixth? Is it bloody? It may as well be, Crime Alley is always bloody. Always bleeding. Danny will see death, he will see suffering, he won’t unless he closes his eyes and covers his ears.
Does he have bad habits? Stealing, smoking, drinking, kids mimic the adults and even if his parents try to teach him out of it, it takes a village to raise a child. If the village is violent, then the child will be too. Is he malnourished? Jason was. He will be.
How does Dan change in comparison to canon vs a Danny who grew up in crime alley? Does he change at all? Or is Danny just more horrified by him, because he’s more similar to him than he previously thought?
What are his thoughts on Batman and Robin? Does he like them, think them myth, distrust them? How does his time in Gotham influence his perspective on the people there, on the world around him? His thoughts on Bruce Wayne (beyond the improbable him immediately figuring out Bruce Wayne = Batman)? The Elite? Does he have an accent? What’s his education like?
And CFAU Danny is fun because I get to explore that. He is ultimately still Danny - still kind, and selfless, sarcastic, punny. But how does he show it? What other traits does he have? What has changed, and what has stayed?
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venti-death-watch · 2 months
so glad the hearth timeline is like… slightly more understandable than before. previously i had freminet down as being given to the hearth at about 5, arle killing the previous knave when he was about 8, and the twins being taken in a few months later at about 12 when he was still 8. for my au, that makes them about four years apart, which feels slightly large of an age gap but ultimately it works better than making them a year or two apart.
apparently, canonically arle was 16 when clervie died at 16, 17 when she killed the previous knave, and then spent an unknown amount of time in prison before becoming a harbinger and taking over as the director of the house of hearth.
freminet was taken in during the year between clervie’s death and crucabena’s death. the twins were taken in a few months after that.
if freminet was taken in at 5-6, the twins taken in around 9-10, that keeps the age gap between the trio as well as explains the ~10 year gap between this and canon. that would make freminet 15-16 and the twins 19-20, which fits them really well. i wish arlecchino was older, though; she definitely feels older than ~27.
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littlefankingdom · 9 days
The Batman fandom infantilizing a near 30 years old white man taking in a child, saying he was a brother more than a father as if he wasn't a full grown adult taking in a child he could have birthed, but parentifying a brown young adult taking in his brother pre-teen for less than a year, saying he was a father more than a brother (only a year is barely enough but ok), or saying he was more a father to his other brothers than Bruce, when he met them when he was 18 and 21 is making me uncomfortable, ngl.
Like, Bruce is a "kid" when he became Dick's guardian when he canonically was over 25 (he started being Batman at 25), and a brother to him when he raised him for 10 years (and Dick probably has not many memories from before Bruce now), but Dick is a "father" to Damian he only had as his charge for less than a year, half of which they were fighting each others??? Make it make sense???
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Could I possibly request a headcannon for the RDV Bachelors/Bachelorettes finding out the farmer that they’ve been dating for a while is a werewolf that’s been hiding it since they came to the valley?
To be honest, dear anon, I spent about 10 minutes trying to figure out what RDV was. Did you mean SDV (vanilla bachelors/ettes) or RSV (Ridgeside Village, the sdv mod)? So I decided to make vanilla candidates, hope I'm not wrong (if I am, feel free to ask again!). Thank you, and have a lovely day 💕
SDV bachelors/ettes discover that their s/o!Farmer is a werewolf
SDV bachelors:
Shane was in complete shock at what he saw, but his defence mechanism kicked in and outwardly he remained calm.
"Heh, so that's why you smelled like wet dog all the time." Now it was Farmer's turn to be surprised.
Not only is his lover not surprised (as they seem to be) at all, but he's also calling them names!
"???? And you always smelled like beer!" "Touché..."
Well, unravelling the truth went a lot easier than Farmer had anticipated.
The chicken man naturally had a ton of questions and a pattern-breaking experience from realising the existence of werewolves, but he endured it relatively calmly.
"Horror? Have you ever walked into a Joja Mart warehouse with their 'super' products? That's the real horror."
Farmer: *Literally transforms into werewolf form in front of their boyfriend Sam*
Sam's mind: "A giant doggo, heck yeah!"
Is there anyone sane in this town who would react to the Farmer with horror?
Don't get me wrong, Sam was actually surprised and jumped up on the spot from Farmer.
But apparently the human desire to pet absolutely everything was stronger than the instinct for self-preservation. Sam was no different.
Especially since his partner wasn't crazy in wolf form. It was still the same kind and lovely Farmer.
Only now as a big doggo!
"So fluffy!" "Sam, I'm a monster." "You're still the same Farmer, only cooler. And fluffier!"
Heh... Well, better that than disgust.
After witnessing Farmer's transformation, Elliott's face was as pale as death. "Merciful Yoba..."
Frightened and not knowing what to do, he took a couple of steps back and pressed himself against the nearest wall.
"Has my end come? Will I really meet death from my beloved Farmer who has taken the form of a beast? Will I be torn into a thousand pieces by their razor-sharp claws?"
"Elliott, I'm actually sane, and I'm not going to tear you apart."
What a relief! His beloved Farmer is still a Farmer!
"And how did you know what I was thinking? Are werewolves really capable of reading the minds of mere humans?" "Nah, you just said it all out loud."
Oh, well... that's was awkward.
Give the writer a week and he'll get used to Farmer, no problem.
Who would have thought that a man could feel fear and awe at the same time. Sebastian didn't think so, not until Farmer revealed the truth about their origins.
Sebby's whole body screams that he should run and hide. But in his head he thinks it's the coolest thing he's ever seen in his life. If he told Abigail or Sam, they wouldn't believe him.
And as he stood there thinking, Farmer leaned over to Sebby and looked at him with their wolf eyes.
Strangely, Sebastian didn't see any rage. Still the same Farmer he'd known for a long time.
And the fur on their muzzle is so nice. Soft... What's he talking about? Ah, yeah, a werewolf...
Sebastian's verdict: Farmer is cool, not a monster, he won't leave them and he'll keep the secret.
Right, Harvey's come to visit a Farmer, the time is perfect...
*Transforms into a werewolf* There, now Farmer will explain- *Harvey fainted* *Sigh...* Farmer reckoned the doctor would stay conscious longer.
Well, Harvey's awake again, now- *Harvey fainted again* Not again... Harvey, c'mon!
It took a few hours and a lot of sedation (wine) before they could explain everything to their beloved spouse.
Despite the not-so-good start, Harvey took the news quite well. Well, as normal as possible.
And life got back on track. Although there were a couple of awkward moments:
"I'm gonna eat you~" *Harvey startled* "Not literally! I was just flirting with you!"
After Farmer's transformation, Alex's "fight or flight" response was immediately triggered.
Our athlete chose to fight. And immediately punched Farmer in their sensitive wolf nose. It hurt....
"Ouch! Why?!" "And who the heck turns into a monster without warning beforehand?!" "....."
You can't argue with Alex's words, Farmer, so this is your mistake.
Basically, Alex asked only a few questions that interested him: whether the Farmer would bite him, whether they would chew the furniture in their werewolf form, whether their would mark the territory...
"For Yoba's sake, Alex, I'm a werewolf, not a dumb puppy!" "Just checking, you know."
Don't worry, these two will be fine.
SDV bachelorettes:
Farmer: *took their beast form in front of Abigail* "Abby, I know you're scared, but listen to me please-" "Would."
"....Abby, what the actual fuck?"
As you can see, Abigail has no problem with her lover being a werewolf.
On the contrary, in her eyes, Farmer is the coolest person on the entire planet! A real werewolf! That's brutal!
"Do you know other werewolves? Are you a member of a pack? Oh, oh, you've fought vampires, haven't you?!"
But Farmer is glad that the amethyst lover didn't turn on them after they uncovered the truth.
So basically, her attitude won't change.
Well, maybe a liiiittle bit.... ("Can I scratch your fluffy ear? Pretty please?" "Abby!").
Farmer must give Penny credit: their dear girlfriend was able to stay conscious for a full ten seconds before fainting from horror after what she had seen.
They thought she'd only last five seconds.
Good thing Farmer had prepared earlier and caught the young teacher before she hit the floor.
The conversation was very, very long.
And yet, Penny didn't turn her back on them. Even as a werewolf, it's still the same Farmer. Just a little more fur everywhere, no big deal.
She feels protected with them (she did before Farmer confessed, but even more so now) and, most importantly, just as loved.
But it's a pain to clean the fur off her blouse all the time....
Emily began whispering a prayer to keep herself safe from... wait, Farmer!?
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I was afraid you'd reject me-" Before Farmer could finish speaking, Emily rushed over to them and hugged them as hard as she could.
They told everything and the blue-haired girl had convinced them that she loved them and would not leave them.
They both also discussed some details so that there wouldn't be any surprises later, like not being able to return to human form during the full moon, or fur all over the house.
"Fur?" "Well, yeah, we moult about twice a year."
After saying that, they'll have a bunch of fancy clothes made from their own wool that Emily embroidered for them. She's a handy girl, what can I say.
Terrified, Maru threw the first thing she could find at Farmer. The first thing that came to hand was a spanner.
Ouch! That hurts!
"...Farmer?" "Well, who else!? Ouch..."
Actually, after Farmer's whining, Maru completely forgot about the fear and approached them to check if she had hurt them badly.
"There'll definitely be a bump, but it's no big deal. We werewolves can survive more than that."
Werewolves... The young inventor's mind boggles... A real transformation before her eyes, that's... It's phenomenal!
She has so many questions for Farmer! Oh, wait a second... She completely forgot to ask about their feelings. "Are you alright, dear?"
Don't let Farmer worry: she'll keep their secret and not abandon them.
"Holy shi-" Leah got into a fighting stance and held the sculpting tools in her hands. A self-defence tool of sorts, but it was sharp, so it would do.
Fortunately, the tools weren't needed.
"Leah, darling, put this back please." "Prove you're a Farmer I know." *Sigh* "I punched your ex when we had a picnic in the woods and then we went somewhere more secluded to..." "Okay, okay, I believe you."
Farmer told her everything: about the werewolves, how long they'd been hiding it, etc.
"Why didn't you tell earlier?" "Well, at the very least, because I was just expecting a reaction like yours." "Hmm, fair enough."
Well, werewolf, so what? The artist doesn't bother with it.
Especially after Farmer had scared her ex, Kel, in their wolf form when Kel came to the Valley again with another attempt to get Leah back. Bye, loser!
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" It's a wonder how the glass of the windows didn't crack from such a high-pitched sound, because you can see that Haley is trying.
Really, her goal isn't to break the glass of the windows, but to scare away the huge wolf-like man.
"Haley, it's me..." "Aaaaaaaaaaah!" This goes on like this for about five minutes.
Luckily for Farmer, their eloquence was enough to finally calm their girlfriend down and explain that they're still the same Farmer and won't hurt her.
"Ewww, your fur is now on my new skirt..." Heh, if she's complaining a little, she's not afraid anymore. Progress.
Though it's a little hard for her to get used to, Haley has concluded that it's still the same Farmer she loves.
And to be frank already - she loves their cuddles in werewolf form - will even tolerate fur everywhere.
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worstloki · 3 months
there is a difference between being born to a throne, maliciously vying for a throne, stealing a throne, and having a throne thrust upon you when you are already in the midst of an identity crisis. And I fear Loki's place in the line of succession has people unable to differentiate between any of these
#you can't really argue he planned the extent of Thor's downfall#that was all Odin#Loki didn't force Thor to invade Jotunheim he isn't even the one who gave Thor the idea -- Thor did that all on his own!#that he was doing waswasa @ thor didn't help but wasn't really crime worthy on its own#Thor himself took time convincing the other warriors to be okay with the trip despite the treason and danger involved#like. what. Thor can't differentiate good advice from bad and is emotionally volatile and reckless and that's Loki's fault?#THOR was the one who got them past Heimdall too#the entire ordeal inadvertently showed off the favouritism Thor was receiving in comparison to Loki#even though Loki was the one supposedly so easily influencing Thor to such an extent#call Thor a puppet the way he--wait. no. that sounds weird. uhhhhh#you get the point#people will claim Loki was all up in there rearranging Thor's mental processes to cause his downfall#when really it was Loki doing the bare minimum instigation and watching things only devolve from there#because Thor WAS reckless and immature ?? and he WAS quick to anger and enjoyed exerting his power with violence ??#Loki didn't STEAL THE THRONE FROM THOR he literally just is implied to undermine the coronation#that's not even confirmed but we assume it's true that he let the frost giants in near the casket etc.#Loki has his own actual crimes that he did against Thor and hugging his bro's arm and saying 'you're soooooo strong and correct' was not on#even if you manage to argue Loki was cheering Thor on for the invasion (he wasn't) it was clearly to dob Thor in with Odin#which he did when he had some guard inform Odin#that Odin's chosen punishment was for Thor's disobedience aside stop blaming Loki for the damage ODIN inflicted on him#focus on Loki making up lies to Thor about how Odin died instead like at least Loki DID SOMETHING for that#you can even ascribe as evil a motive as you want there bc Loki was slipping fr#twirling his hair and telling Thor he's smarter about the realm's safety than the king was on the normal scale#you want to talk morals go look at how eager Thor was to invade mass destroy and massacre in the other realm#and expected Odin to 'finish them off! together!' bc he was power high on whatever bloodlust pheromones battle apparently imitates for him#sigh. this is why you can't have nice things Thor. no Loki you're barely any better. sit down. have a cookie.
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bipunkharrington · 2 months
There's something that infuriates me so much about people mocking characters that fall into the "not like other girls" trap, because the reasons girls take on that stance is because they exist in a society that tries to put womanhood and femininity in a restrictive box that tells them who and how they should be.
They're generally mocked and derided for not wishing to conform to stereotypical femininity, but when they lash out in entirely predictable but ultimately unhelpful ways (by being dismissive and rude about other women and femininity in general) instead of understanding that it's a product of growing up in a society that's restricting them and punishing them for not conforming (either by choice or inability) so many people who claim to be feminists choose to mock them or make them out to be the cause of the problem rather than a symptom. Whether its being mocked in real life, or watching people deride the fictional characters they relate to, this behaviour just alienates those girls even further into thinking that the issue is other women, and confirms their belief that women who are typically feminine will only ever be derisive toward them and that they're somehow fundamentally different from other women.
If you know someone who thinks along those "I'm not like other girls" lines instead of mocking them try directing them towards resources that can help them understand where that harmful rhetoric comes from, and when you're critiquing characters that fit that mold try to consider why they behave that way, and what girls who see themselves in those characters take from your commentary.
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xbomboi · 23 days
apple: briar, remember when we first became best friends?
briar: only when i’m thinking about where my life went wrong.
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needylittlegirl · 3 months
if you dont “believe” in aftercare you deserve to get run over by a bus btw
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elvencantation · 8 months
i feel like i get literal psychic damage when i think about capitalism too long
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lord-squiggletits · 5 months
The reason this fandom hates IDW Optimus isn't because he's a cop (plenty of people are fine with Prowl) or because he's a bastard (most characters in IDW are) but because he commits the crime of being an actual person who's messy, flawed, and makes a shitload of high stakes mistakes fitting for the intense situations and pressure he's put under constantly.
But we can't have Optimus actually react to his situations by lashing out or being unpleasant, no, he has to have the personality of a cardboard cutout of G1 whose only defining personality traits are "dad, funny, nice," and if he ever vents negative emotions it can only ever be #relatable depression or him being sad on his own without ever letting it show during the important parts of the story. If Optimus dares do things like be angry or frustrated or bitter it's just a sign that he's a bastard and LITERALLY the worst Optimus ever. If Optimus ever makes mistakes or does wrong things in the heat of anger/frustration/stress it's because he's just an evil bastard with no redeeming traits.
God forbid Optimus go through an unending gauntlet of war, politics, atrocities, near-complete loneliness, and a seemingly endless cycle of violence for his entire life and come out of it kind of bitter, angry, and tired of dealing with people's shit. He's not allowed to be a realistic person, context doesn't matter, sympathy doesnt matter. IDW Optimus doesn't fulfill the fandom's fantasies of Father Figure or Perfect Cultural Icon or Twinky Fucktoy and since that's the only reason most people care about Optimus in general, the fandom collectively trashes on IDW OP.
All because he can't fit into the overly simplified and childlike double standard the fandom has where if any other character is messy and flawed, that's good writing and interesting and compelling, but if OPTIMUS is messy and flawed, he's Literally The Worst and he's an asshole for no other reason than He Sucks, context be damned
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merakiui · 9 months
LEONA, JAMIL, AND VIL IN THE LOUD CATAGORY?!?! 👀👀👀 pls,,,elaborate, you put them in a row too like the torture 🥵
I imagine Vil is going to be unabashed in his expressions. He sees no shame in being loud, and if your relationship with him isn't a secret of course he's going to want to flaunt it. He's proud of you and the relationship he has with you, so why should he limit that in bed? Also, I just think Vil can be dramatic and bratty in bed sometimes and so there are moments where he's louder than he usually is.
Jamil and Leona are within the same sub-category of fucks you so good that others nearby can hear the bed creaking and the headboard banging against the wall. Leona just doesn't care; he's shameless like that, so all of Savanaclaw is going to know he's getting laid. He growls a lot and if he really loses himself in sex those growl-moans of his can get quite loud. <3 but also when Leona's in the mood you're going to need help walking afterwards and everyone's going to know who rearranged your guts lol. That, and Savanaclaw's layout is open and many beastfolk have impeccable hearing, so if they don't hear the bed creaking or Leona's groans then they're definitely going to hear you.
Conversely, Jamil isn't one to make much noise verbally. He's more likely to be quiet, grunting or groaning softly in your ear. But he has a tendency to fuck you roughly when he's in the mood to do so (which is more often than you'd think because being Kalim's servant is both irritating and exhausting; and the bedroom is one of the few places Jamil has control), which often results in the bed making more noise than he does simply because the pace he sets is brutal and relentless. He often pushes your face into the sheets to muffle your sounds so that no one will hear either of you, but if anyone listens close enough they can put two and two together after hearing the creaking bed and the sinful slap and squelch of skin on skin.
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aflockofravens · 3 months
Tumblr media
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
Hi! Love your writing sm, hope you're having a good day! 💗
How about an older veteran reader with Rudy, Price, Soap, and Alejandro? Just sharing war stories and offering a place for them to stay if they ever need it, a sprinkle of elderly advice here and there
Hello! Thank you, that's very kind of you! My day was somewhat rough, but at the very least I got to go home early!
Price, Soap, Alejandro and Rodolfo with an Older Veteran!Reader
Price: He’s talked to plenty of people, a few among them were war veterans as well. Price has great respect for those kinds of people. After all, you’d been in the same business as he is for a while and saw all the horrors, so it’s not particularly hard for him to relate to the things you say. He’s not as open to talking about his experiences during daytime, but if you catch him during the evening alone when he’s had a drink or two, then he’s far more willing to open up. Doesn’t matter what war you’ve fought in, some things stay the same. He’s a captain, so naturally he’s stressed out about a lot of things, such as every member of his Task Force dying while he can’t do anything but watch. He doesn’t like to show such, preferring to keep his cool, but it does occupy his mind every once in a while, regardless of how capable his boys are. Price isn’t immune to the night time melancholy, so he might confide in you. Tell him a few stories of your own, he’ll retaliate with some of the things he’s seen. Nothing confidential, naturally, but the awful horrors he’s encountered. How he’s seen his own comrades be tortured in front of him. How they were killed like bugs, as if they didn’t have a life of their own. You set the tone, really. Tell him a hopeful story and he’ll tell you one of his own. Tell him a funny story, you’ll hear about Soap’s and Ghost’s midnight shenanigans. You’re more than welcome to tell him about the old times, while you were training, he remembers those fondly and will smile while looking into his tequila. If you offer him a place to stay, he’ll be a bit torn: You seem nice enough, but does he really wanna put you in potential danger like that? You know best what comes with his profession. If there’s really no other way out, if he really is being hunted by the world and doesn’t have a place to stay, then he’ll come to you, but otherwise he’ll try to keep you safe as well. However, he has an open ear for any and all advice you could give him. He’s in his mid to late thirties, so while he has seen a few things here and there he still has much to learn. Price is someone who can appreciate some advice from someone who knows what they’re doing.
Soap: Ever since his cousin had shown him the SAS base he’s wanted to join the military, actively asking his relatives if they knew any veterans who could tell him some cool stories. There were a few, but no amount of stories told could ever satisfy him. Even now that he’s one of, if not the youngest to have passed the SAS selection, he’s still stoked to be part of it all. One day, he wants to be able to tell stories of his own. Once he figures out that you’re a veteran he’ll gravitate towards you and ask you all sorts of questions. Unlike Price, he’s more than willing to exchange stories at any point in time, you don’t need to get him tipsy and melancholic for that. If he can tell you’re okay with it, he’ll even start talking about how his training went, what he had to do in order to become a sergeant. Soap loves talking about himself in that regard, he’s very proud of what he has accomplished, but will stay quiet for some moments so you can tell him about your own career as well. He’s all ears as soon as you start talking, soaking up every word you say like a sponge. If one of your stories reminds him of something that has happened to him he’ll butt in a bit and tell a short anecdote, but other than that he’s quiet. You can tell him anything and he’ll be happy to listen. While he can be a bit of a rascal from time to time, he does take your advice to heart and listens to it. His memory is pretty good so he’ll likely remember what you said for a long time as well, especially in the right moments. Despite him being in his mid twenties, he’ll also give you some advice. Soap just really wants to seem like a cool person in your eyes. Depending on what side you fought, you might even become a hero of sorts to him. Either way, he’s all too chipper to be spending time with you. If you offer him a place to stay then you can be certain he’ll take you up on your offer. He thinks you’re the coolest person out there, so sometimes he might just ask you if he could stay with you for a night just so he could talk with you over some drinks. So, it really doesn’t need to be an emergency for him to come knocking on your door. However, he’s more willing to stay with you during an emergency than Price, fully aware that you could likely defend yourself anyway if it came down to it.
Alejandro: Out of all the people on this list, he’s the oldest one, not counting you, of course, so he has quite some experience himself. He’s a colonel, he leads people on the daily, needs to make sure everything goes well and all. He knows what he’s doing. However, he’s also a pretty social guy, so he wouldn’t hesitate to chat with you for a bit, regardless of how busy he might be. If it’s clear you’ll be talking to each other for a longer time, then he might invite you to a bar or cafe for a drink or two. Alejandro is always more than happy to hear from fellow soldiers, regardless of whether they’re on duty, or not. You’re always more than welcome to seek him out for a chat or two, he’s a good man. Tell him stories of yours first, he, too, is more than happy to tell you some of his own. He has plenty to tell himself, having been a soldier for most of his lif. Although he’d prefer to start off easy with a funny anecdote or two before diving into something rougher. Being in the military can be wild, after all. Not all of it is bad, even if a good portion of it ends up being heartbreaking. Although he won’t confide in you immediately upon meeting you for the first time, he’ll open up some more if you seek each other out from time to time. Eventually he’ll tell you about his regrets as well as the things he loves. Not as melancholic as Price, but there’s still some sadness in his tone as he speaks. If you give him some advice he’ll laugh a bit. Yes, he knows you’re older than him by quite a bit, but he’s not really the youngest anymore either, so he has some advice up his sleeve himself. Doesn’t mean he can’t appreciate it, though. Just for retaliation purposes, he’ll crack a joke about your age, but it’s not ill intentioned. You can offer him a place to stay, but he won’t take you up on it during an emergency. He’s a highly sought after man, with El Sin Nombre being out for his head as well whenever she can, Alejandro knows that things won’t end well for you if he spends too much time with you when things are bleak, but he’s more than happy to come visit you when he has time, chat with you over a drink or two. Depending on how far away you live, he might stay with you for a night or two, though. He does like getting to spend time with you.
Rodolfo: While he may not actively seek out elders just to chat with them about what he sees on the daily, he doesn’t mind hearing about it either. If a good conversation starts, then he can convince himself to stay for a bit longer just to listen to you talk about your time in the military. Rodolfo doesn’t love being in the military as much as Soap or Alejandro do. Don’t get me wrong, he still likes his profession, but the spark that used to be there when he first started has since dimmed quite a bit. While you likely can’t reignite that spark, you can give him some respite. A break would do him good. He may try to not think about work too much when he can, but if you start talking about the good old times, then he’ll grow a bit sentimental and tell you about how he first started and what it was like back then. Rodolfo has always liked Alejandro, even looked up to him a bit since he was sort of just unkillable, no matter what happened. And yes, when he starts talking about this he loses track of time and himself and will simply ramble on and on about what it used be like. Don’t worry, though, you’ll get your turn to speak once he realizes just how much he’d been talking. Apologizes about this afterwards. That would be a good time to tell him about your own training back then. The good, the bad and the ugly. It’s not often that someone gets to see it, but if you reminisce together, you might even get to see a somber smile from the guy as well. Once he’s mellowed out a bit like that, you can give him just about any advice and he’ll listen. If it’s something silly, he might chuckle a bit, but will take it to heart. Who is he to deny an elderly person their right to give him some advice? You know what you’re talking about, after all. Always more than happy to be given such, he likes knowing what he has to do in the right situations. It’s not always easy, after all. Offer him a place to stay and he’ll actually take you up on it. Whether he needs some more advice or just wants a good chat, you’ll see him come up to your home every once in a while, always with a gift such as an expensive bottle of wine. If he’s in an especially precarious situation and nearby, he’ll actually come to you, knowing that he’ll be in good hands. Please take good care of him, Rodolfo could always, and I mean always, use someone like you.
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martyrbat · 7 months
a female character isn't allowed to be a character that is also female. she isn't allowed her own agency and complex motives nor any deeper emotions without it being centered around the male cast around her or a child. even if she's not a mother, she remains one because she could always potentially become a mother or she is the ‘mom character’ to the men/children around her and her actions MUST reflect that. if they don't, she's labeled a selfish bitch. if she is an (actual) mother than that's all she is—she isnt allowed deeper characterization or discussion because thats all she'll ever be, that's all she was made to be. male characters are allowed to be fathers (lireral or in the sense of providing for the people around them) with deeper feelings but a mother? never a mother.
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