#like if someone is being racist just call them racist. if someone is being entitled just call them entitled.
vvitchy · 2 years
people just call any woman karen. they don’t even have to be doing anything wrong but they’ll be labelled as a karen anyways. and now normal interactions you see in public that could be a misunderstanding or easily misconstrued are filmed by people who don’t understand boundaries and it gets put on tiktok so they get attacked by hundreds of thousands of people for being potentially unpleasant
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supermaks · 2 years
this is just my opinion but I feel like you come across as very aggressive and it's hard to tell when you're serious and when you're joking maybe you could start using tone indicators to avoid the constant drama 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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feminist-furby-freak · 6 months
We need to talk about how men weaponize their marginalized identities to harass and manipulate women.
I recently was talking with a friend (for context she is biracial and black but often white passing) who was being harassed by the guy in the seat next to her on a long train ride. He was trying to get her number and get her to agree to go out with him and she kept refusing. Eventually he asked if it was because he was black and if she was being racist. He told her if he was a white man she would have no problem giving her his number. I’ve experienced pretty similar situations a few times. The first time this happened I was maybe 14 (for context I am white) and came home bawling that I had been racist against some man for turning down his advances. My mom was like, first of all you’re literally a child and second of all someone’s identity doesn’t entitle them to you. Ever. As progressive/left-leaning people who care deeply about issues of racism it can be hard to acknowledge the fact that SOME men of color or men of other marginalized identities knowingly use that fact against women. And to be clear this is not to diminish the history of racism and the ways white women have historically harmed (and still can) black men. But stuff like this needs to be talked about even though it is uncomfortable. Victims shouldn’t be expected to stay quiet because it might hurt marginalized men. Some activists condemned Alice Walker for publishing The Color Purple and writing about (black) male violence because they said it would hurt black men. Many of us know about the unrealistic standard of the “perfect victim” but what about the “perfect perpetrator.” You might have seen the recent case where a woman came forward after being assaulted by a black trans identified man and thousands of people were telling her she shouldn’t have called the police because he’s marginalized and at risk. As if her actual experience as a victim matters less than his potential for being victimized. Obviously other groups of men can do this as well (I know a woman who was coerced into sex by a disabled man who used that to manipulate her) but this is just the example I’ve experienced recently. My post about trans identified men weaponizing their transness to sleep with women has gotten a lot of attention and I just wanted to address other ways male entitlement plays out.
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Sometimes I see some excellent discussion around s1e5, which is just such a meaty episode, and a fun little game to play on rewatches is trying to spot the moment Ed's "fans" at the party stop laughing with him and start laughing at him.
And honestly? I kinda think it adds to the episode if you understand it as them laughing at him all along, with him just being too caught up in thinking it's possible for him to "win this interaction" to notice.
There's definitely a shift, there's a turning point at the dinner table when the angles go all unsettling as Ed realizes what's been happening, when Antoinette reaches for the bows in his beard in a very on-the-nose mirror of the experience pretty much every poc has ever had of someone feeling entitled to touch our hair, when a cork pops in the background and Ed flinches and they just keep laughing at him, but Ed is so unused to the passive-aggressive style of racism he experienced that I truly think they've been laughing at him all along and he just wasn't forced to acknowledge it until that moment.
From the start, they exoticize Ed, playing up his outlandish stories and making him the center of attention, and rewatching is so unsettling because you know they don't see Ed as a person, they see him as a novelty. Stede, unused to both the apparently positive attention Ed is getting and not equipped to notice the racist undertones, can't expect what's going to happen, and Ed's certainly more used to the kind of racism where people just call him a donkey to his face, so he tries so fucking hard to win these people over, to get them to laugh with him, unaware that they're already sharing a joke at his expense.
And I think it's honestly hard to get the whole point of the episode if you don't approach it with this reading! From the minute Ed walks in there, the only brown guest in the room, he's "lost" the game he wanted to play. It's a confirmation for him of his mother's warning that some people aren't meant for that life and never will be, and it's the reason why, when Stede tells him he thought Ed was actually quite sophisticated, letting him know that he'd done nothing fucking wrong, Ed falls for that man like a pile of bricks.
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"It's so unfair to the Rat Grinders that they are killed instantly and the Bad Kids get to roll death saves." SHUT UUUUUUUUUUUUP
I swear to god, this discourse is going to fucking be the end of me. Idk what kind of mind boggling spell Brennan Lee Mulligan wove into the fabric of the universe that spread through the data center of Dropout in order to absolutely hijack y'all's brains when it comes to Cocklord Assgape and her ragtag of character foils but whatever it was has made you Rat Grinder stans INSUFFERABLE in this site.
The levels of treating fictional characters as if they were real people have reached a level I honestly have never anticipated, to the point of y'all actually being mad AT THE CAST for "mistreating" them and ACTUALLY QUESTION BRENNAN'S CAPACITY TO DM. Do you not get how fucking insane that is?
We can't make fun of Copperkettle, one of the most pathetic, petty and incompetent villains in D20 history anymore (even though she is masterfully written and developed to generate this reaction from us) anymore because it's bullying apparently. I saw an account flip the fuck out because someone compared her rivalry with Kristen to Drake and Kendrick's beef. KIPPERLILY IS NOT A REAL GIRL. SHE IS A MAKE BELIEVE CHARACTER IN AN IMPROV SHOW SPAWNED FROM THE BRAIN OF A 36 YEAR OLD MAN
And then what truly pissed me off the MOST about this whole hell is the fact that, being chronically online avid consumers of this goddamn show, I would think you would have but a grasp of the main cast of characters' characterization.
Why the uproar about Riz saying they should chop Oisin's head off? The same Riz who tortured that pixie from Freshman year by shooting off their finger one by one? The same Riz who murked a disarmed and unconscious Coach Daybreak without battin an eye? The same Riz who ATE THE CORPSE OF KALVAXUS?
And the whole Fabian vs Ivy debacle MY GOD, THE GIRL WAS RACIST TO HIS GIRLFRIEND AND USED HER LAST BREATH TO CALL MAZEY "OBJECTIVELY UGLY". And the funniest thing is that is not even the most unhinged shit he has ever said.
And finally, Death Save Gate: THE RAT GRINDERS ARE NOT PLAYER CHARACTERS. THEY ARE NPCS! THE RULES FOR EACH WORK DIFFERENTLY, ESPECIALLY THEM BEING BOSS ENCOUNTERS. Imagine having to still hit Ivy or Oisin 2 more times to kill them when there is 14 foot tall Porter throwing legendary actions left and right, with Jace, and other 3 spell casters + Mary Ann and KLCK up and running. It's called balancing the fucking game. Also, game masters are entitled to break, mold and make up any rules they want if they find necessary in order to service themselves and their players. IF YOU PLAY WITH ALL THESE RULES AS THEY COME, GOOD FOR YOU AND YOUR TABLE. THIS IS NOT YOUR TABLE.
Not only is Brennan DMing for his CLOSEST FRIENDS EVER, he is also shooting and producing an ENTIRE TV SHOW. So yeah, i think he knows wtf he is doing.
"But the Ratgrinders had no real development": True. But it wasn't for lack of trying from the players. Everytime they tried to know more, the dice didn't let them, so they decided to focus on the mystery. It simply do be like that sometimes.
"But they are just kids!": And so were Penelope, Dayne, Ragh, Zayn, the Bloodrush Players, Aelwyn and Biz. Why wasn't it a problem then? Because most of them were evil to some extent and were about to bring the fucking apocalypse to the world? Yeah, sounds familiar right? And the ones who were manipulated or had any sort of redemption worked their way into earning it, right? Yeah.
In conclusion, I fucking love the Rat Grinders, I truly do, and not unlike 90% of this website, i'm still holding on to hope that they have any sort of development and redemption in the last episode, because I agree, they ARE children and they WERE manipulated by Porter and Jace, but like, can we also agree that they are fucking assholes and had it fucking coming? Also, the BKs are children too y'know. SO STOP BEING FUCKING ANNOYING.
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necroangelz · 2 months
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following trends and doing what's popular is okay because it allows people to gain interactions and a bigger following by doing what's popular!! and it's also okay because trends are usually what people like, so it makes sense if someone genuinely enjoys following a trend!! people can branch out, do their own thing, and find their own style later!
actively expressing positivity, and helping or encouraging each other is what will help a community. making big rant posts, or rant accounts centered around negativity, without offering even a simple solution to fix the problems you're calling out, is not helping!!
(the other ones are under the cut. also feel free to reblog with editblr hot takes that will shockingly shock you!!)
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sometimes things just... aren't a big deal. sometimes it genuinely does not matter
another person's personal business, creative decisions, etc. is not your business!
if you see someone who's not really educated on a certain topic or issue (and i mean, genuinely not educated. i don't mean people who are ignorant), the best move to take is to: patiently and kindly educate them! the worst move to take is to: yell at them and cancel them for not being as informed as you are.
people need to be careful with the words they throw around. it's not good to overuse words that have a very big weight on them, because those are important and sensitive words that shouldnt lose their meaning because people kept using them lightly. (what i mean is: people who throw around the words racist, ableist, etc. all the time even when what they're complaining about is not really either of those things.)
on the topic of words: it's important to be careful of the words you use online, and it's also important to be patient with people who worded their statements badly on accident.
don't treat every person like they're your friend. be aware of their boundaries and don't be overly comfortable with them if you don't actually know them. you are not automatically entitled to someone (or their personal business, or anything else) just because you're mutuals.
don't treat every person like they're your enemy. maybe you don't really need to be doubtful and passive aggressive towards a random person you see online.
gatekeeping kinda sucks tbh
god sometimes i find editblr so stupid like how do you create so much drama from a community that edits anime characters. how just HOW. and why.
please don't forget the other people behind the screen. the network of other people behind their screens. please.
sometimes people take the littlest problems and turn them into something HUGE even if it could all just be solved by a couple of civil conversations in dms. sometimes people take the littlest things and slap the "PROBLEMATIC!!!!!!!" label on it without even trying to understand what it is they're labeling as "PROBLEMATIC!!!"
people get followers then their ego becomes so high and they treat other people like dirt and think that their word is fucking scripture or something
oh yeah another hot take: i don't really like low contrast cluttered maximalist edits but if it's actually someone's style then I'll let it pass especially if it's good /silly
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theradfemprincess · 14 days
You know how many times I’ve been told that I must be a man, even before I made this controversial blog?
And no, I wasn’t being crazy on my other blogs, I was just genuinely posting sfw radfem opinions. Opinions that people didn’t like, opinions that made radfems call me a man.
It feels good, doesn’t it? It feels like an instant win. Well, I’m a woman, so I’m the good guy, and there’s this other person I don’t like… but if THEY’RE a man, aka Bad Guy, then I win!
I mean, it’s not like I can prove I’m NOT a man. So it’s your conclusions vs my testimony. But once you’ve said I’m a man, you’ve already won. No matter what I say in response, your radfem buddies don’t even want to think about agreeing with someone slightly alleged to be a man.
Even though you pulled it out of your ass. But okay.
Obviously I’m doing things much more egregious than you all are used to but my point is that this is a problem spread to even the tiniest radfem disagreements. Who can be the first to call the other the man, let’s race!
Not to mention the fatphobia.
You say “it’s okay to be fatphobic to men”, but I know I’m not a man. I know that for a fact, even if you don’t believe me, because I have XX chromosomes. but even if you don’t believe me, what happened to the “if you’re racist to men, you’re racist to women” rhetoric that’s constantly spread around radblr? Does it no longer apply when it’s fat people? Pancake tits, obese, ugly? There’s a million biological women that look just like me (I am one but what can I do to make you believe me). Even if I was a man, or if I stole that picture from the internet, you are insulting women who look that way. You are insulting fat people. That includes fat women.
I have been sent gore. I have never blocked in my life, but I had to for this because I felt unsafe.
All because someone assumed I was a man. Therefore, it’s okay.
Meanwhile people have been arguing with me that women can rape men. You hate men SO much that you can be fatphobic to them with no problem and send them gore, but you love them enough that you will defend them from women online who think women can’t rape them? I’m just looking for some consistency here. Either males are subhuman or they’re not. Choose one.
Anyway, radblr, you got some problems. You’re a couple of entitled women who can sit back unharmed in your beds while you harass people online as you please in a pretend daydream of faux rightousness. At least I know I’m the bad guy sometimes. Y’all seem incapable of doing the same self reflection, judging from my about a year of different accounts on radblr
This might be up for a while or might be deleted soon idk. But I’ll be back soon with a new acc and you won’t know a thing. I’ve blended in before. I’ve actually rounded up quite a following before. At the end of the day, I am an actual radfem.
Women can be fucked up creatures too, yall. You complain about tumblr virgins but I think you’re the naive ones if you don’t even know the kinda stuff women get up to on here. We can’t ALL be roleplaying tims. There’s absolutely some freaky ones amongst your beloved angel sex. Sorry you had to find out this way.
Tldr… fatphobia ain’t cool, so either start being freely racist to brown men too or suck it up and don’t be fatphobic to ANYONE, man or not. Stick to your own damn self-imposed rules
(not to mention I’ve been telling y’all to reverse image search that picture and none of you bothered! Lmfao)
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wilwheaton · 1 year
”Why do racists always invoke MLK…?”
This is a comment from Reddit. I swear to god, it’s like the redditor who wrote this transcribed all the shit my racist, entitled, privileged, Boomer parents said my entire childhood. Like, word for word.
”Why do racists always invoke MLK…?”
First, you gotta understand their position, which is “Racism doesn’t exist anymore”.  Because black people aren’t lynched, because there are wealthy rappers and basketball players, and because there was a black president, racism doesn’t exist in the US anymore.  And this is especially important; when black people get upset about their lot in life, it is because they are lazy and want a handout rather than earning their way like white people do.  When a black guy is killed by cops, he was a criminal and deserved his fate.  When a black woman loses her access to food stamps, it is because she was taking advantage of the system.  When black people get into college, it is because they are given special privilege they didn’t earn.  And when black folks talk about reparations, it is because they want to punish innocent people so they can be handed their success rather than earn it.  
Because there is no racism, and anytime some white person is called a racist it is likely because they don’t support simply handing success and money over to people who haven’t earned it, and not at all because they act racist in any way.  And the term “racist” has become toxic in the US lately; people lose their jobs after being called racists unfairly.  Heck, one could suggest minorities call white folks “racist” in retaliation, knowing there will be social consequences which are completely unearned.  So to combat this unfair and, in their view inaccurate, narrative they employ a couple tactics;
1) “I’m not racist, you are for even suggesting it”.  Since racism is defacto non-existent, playing the race-card is introducing a factor that doesn’t belong.  When a black person calls a white person racist, they are not only lying, but specifically targeting someone based on their race and falsely labeling them something socially toxic with intent to cause harm.  And the white person is defacto innocent because they would see anyone as insert accusation here, not just black/brown/gay/muslim/female/handicapped/immigrant people.
2) “Black people don’t know how good they have it”.  Classic myopic delusion that assumes the complete lack of racism in the US also means any ongoing hurdles faced by black/brown/gay/women/etc people are their own fault.  The fears behind CRT are great examples of the struggle to maintain this delusion, and not have people delve too deeply into history and see how cause/effect resulted in the current socio-economic imbalance.  And since there are successes in the black community, that is proof that racism is over.  Black folks had a black president, now shut up and stop making waves.  There is an attempt to show that any calls of racism are not only unfounded, but examples of success in the black community disprove systemic racism; wouldn’t MLK be proud?  And not only proud of the success, but would side with the white folks who are now experiencing reverse-racism as the lazy black folks ask for more.  Racism, they think, is simply targeting another race purposefully, and has nothing to do with power imbalance.
3) “I earned my success, so black folks need to earn theirs”.  And this is the crux of it all; white folks today don’t believe they are in a position of privilege because they work hard and their success was difficult.  Many of them come from poor families, struggled to pay for college, don’t have a family history of slaver ownership.  They see any minorities complaining as trying to get privilege unearned.  They assume that, because there is no more racism, there is balance and parity among the races.  Illegal immigrants are trying to circumvent the law, reparations and affirmative-action programs are unearned handouts, and special months/parades celebrating a particular group/race is promoting racism by giving them special attention they don’t deserve.  Many white people see themselves as victims because they don’t receive any overt benefits from being white, meanwhile minorities are showered with unearned benefits all the time.  The Great Replacement Theory is constantly being reenforced for them as they watch society take the side of minorities anytime someone attempts to call out this apparent imbalance in their favor.
But underneath all of this is the undeniable knowledge that they are, indeed, racist.  Whether it is a jealousy, or a fear of socio-economic parity, or ethnocentricity, they know that society isn’t accepting overt racism anymore.  And because of this, they have to hold back, watch what they say, watch how they treat people.  “Make America Great Again” was a call to return to a time when casual racism was fun, and didn’t mean anything, and people weren’t so thin-skinned.  Being “Woke” is forcing people to take difficult looks at the fact racism still exists, which is uncomfortable and threatens to challenge the current socio-economic stability, so terms like “woke” are being dismantled, misused, redirected into something that seems illegitimate.  There is an active, desperate avoidance of acknowledging racism still exists, because admitting otherwise means admitting their world-view is wrong.   invoking MLK isn’t done out of malicious intent, but out of desperate denial of a world that doesn’t fit their assumptions.  Many, perhaps most, white folks in the US have no consciously ill will towards minorities, and would recoil in distaste at the notion of being considered racist.  And they will spend all day explaining why they are perfectly justified in accepting a racist position on a topic and how that doesn’t make them racist because the minorities in question are to blame.  Deflection.  Denial.  Dismissal.  And then vote to prevent change.
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blackbullet99 · 2 months
Why SOME Zutara shippers personally disgust me (as a Person of Color).
⛔️WARNING! I’m gonna get into some pretty heavy subjects.
This should go without saying, but I have nothing against most people who ship Zutara. I take no issue with Zuko, I love him, I love his story arc, I love his an Katara’s relationship and if they did become a couple at the end of the show, they wouldn’t be toxic IMO, they’d be crazy rushed and forced, and it would be a prime example of the writers giving into fan-entitlement, but Zuko and Katara don’t have a toxic relationship, at least by the end of the show.
No, what really pisses me off the the racist, sexist, genocide downplaying, colonist supporting stuff some of the loudest Zutara shippers say, and for one anyone who says “it’s just a cartoon”, yes that’s true, but to things depicted are very serious issues, genocide, abuse, imperialism, colonization, slavery, these are issues that I feel strongly about, a majority of the reason being that as a PoC my family, my ancestors went through a lot of this stuff and seeing people online dismiss and downplay these issues all for the sake of a ship is pathetic and can easily reflect their issues of subject matter in real life.
Additionally, I’m aware “Bryke” are white, they have also done plenty of problematic things (and even some episodes), but that’s a story for another time, I’m not here to defend THEM specifically. ZKs always defend Zuko, even though they created him and did a good chunk of his story, so it is what is.
The main issue here, are the Zutara shippers, who claim to be Pro-Katara, the people who whine about Katara deserving better (even though to them Better=Zuko) and act like Aang was a horrible abusive 12 year old misogynist who never respected Katara and sexually assaulted her. Looking at you the-badger-mole / Miss Anthropy.
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I’m all for criticism, the issue is, almost none of the criticism regarding Aang are valid, and even the one’s that have some validity grossly villainize the character. What’s even worse is some of these people downplay the effect of Aang’s genocidal trauma, they straight up act like it didn’t effect him, or it shouldn’t effect him, these people blatantly downplay genocide can effect someone all for the sake of some lame-ship.
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It isn’t real-life genocide yes, but the issues and trauma that come from genocide are all to real and effect people in real life in many different way. Aang generally tries to enjoy life and remain positive despite what happened, but it effects him regularly, it’s comes up multiple times, he has survivor’s guilt, it something he has to live with for the rest of his life, it’s why he was generally so crestfallen when Appa was stolen, why he tries to preserve his culture. He’s 100 years removed from it, but to him it’s all to recent. If you generally don’t understand the effect of his trauma, then your stupidly braindead, if you dismiss it all for the sake of hating on Aang for some dusty-@$$ ship, your a heartless scumbag, no debate about it.
And despite what these people say they don’t care about Katara at all, they literally only care about her if she’s Zuko’s accessory, Zuko’s prize. Her whole story essentially has to be tied to Zuko, they don’t care about her otherwise. Without Zuko, she’s nothing to these people and they clearly don’t respect her, or value her.
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They adultify her, they sexualize her, the create this false narrative that she let people walk all over her and never expressed herself, they invalidate her trauma, they invalidate her accomplishments later it life. They invalidate her canon feelings towards Aang and her initial hatred of Zuko and the Fire Nation. They straight up call her a baby-maker.
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The worst of it all, the stuff that gets me the most is how, the act like a dark-skinned girl, becoming an accessory to the nation that colonized her tribe and killed her mother is a positive empowering thing.
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The think THIS would be an impactful ending for Katara.
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People like sokkastyles actually think imperialist propaganda supports Katara, because it means Zutara.
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People will say the Water Tribes were never colonized and once again downplay genocide because it means Zutara.
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People will write a young person of color becoming a slave to an imperialist nation and falling in love with their oppressor if it means Zutara, what the heck is wrong with these people?
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They think Katara should’ve married Zuko solely because of what Zuko would have to gain, even though he already has a father figure in Uncle Iroh (how do you miss a plot-point that major) and ignoring that fact that Ozai would essentially become Katara’s father in law, and Azulon her grandfather in law, these are literally the people who colonized her tribe and killed her mom. I know you shouldn’t judge people by their parents, but they’re making such a big deal in-laws that Zuko would gain and bathmouthing Mai because of her relatives (even her infant brother) that this just screams hypocrisy.
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And of course the racist colonizer supporters are offended that people don’t like this stupid-@$$ take. longing-for-rain actually dismissed a legit indigenous person and called them racist. F*ck these guys.
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They can’t handle any acknowledgment that the Fire Nation was an imperialist nation, to the point where people like this spider guy and “lie about Aaron Ehasz Araeph” actually believe the nation that committed mass genocide is more altruistic and innovative than the nation that suffered from genocide. Araeph, the guy on the right even says Sokka and Katara would gain more from Zutara because Fire Nation looks to the future, but the Air Nation is frozen in time. The Fire Nation’s idea of looking to the future literally cost Sokka and Katara their mom and is the reason why Aang’s Nation is sadly “frozen in time”. Sure you, you imperialism supporting dicks
People who downplay very serious issues such as genocide, colonization, trauma and slavery all for the sake of some lousy Wattpad self-insert ship are pathetic loser scumbags. They’re not real fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender, they don’t care about the themes or story, just Zuko and Katara being his accessory, the fact that they downplay and ignore all of Zuko’s actions and villainize Aang is beyond stupid and media-illiterate. I love Zuko because he was both antagonist, but also a sympathetic, he’s often temperamental and imature, but gradually matures and becomes kinder, he perpetuates the violence and colonization of his nation, but learns that they were wrong and HE was wrong, he makes a genuine effort to change himself, the world and his nation. If he knew you actively supported the colonization and violence of his nation he would torch your @$$€$.
So all in all, if you wanna downplay genocide and support colonization and slavery just for the sake a of mid non-canon ship because you haven’t matured since middle-school, you’re a dumb@$$ racist b!tch plain and simple, no debate about it. And if any of you toxic idiotic ZK come across this post, go f*ck yourself.
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stupendousfoxthing · 2 months
Random thought Wednesday: I think Tae posted the fries because they were cute and if he'd taken the picture right before posting I would not feel any differently about it or him as a person. I think this social media witch hunt over McD's/Starbucks is ridiculous. I've thought that the entire time. I think it will look more clearly like mass hysteria in hindsight, and some people focus so hard on this because for them it's about feeling like they're better people than others while they send death threats over a small fry. Thinking that it's the job of a fan to "educate" a grown adult, especially the laser focus on Kpop idols, feels abusive and racist in equal measure. This isn't education, this is trying to tell them how they should live their lives. And if they don't do what you want you'll unstan or something? When you could do that first and save them the mountains of harassment. If you care that much about them falling perfectly inline with your ideals, save yourself. But some of these people have been dragging out unstanning for months because they'll get zero attention once they leave the fandom and they want to hurt someone. Including the idols they clearly no longer have any respect for as artists or human beings. BTS did a massive promotion for McD's already, and that company was already doing fucked up things at the time. I called McD's out then, because of their involvement in horrendous factory farming practices. Factory farming, by the way, something so evil on such a massive scale that we will never be able to pay back the karmic debt for it. Watch Earthlings if you would like to educate yourself, because that's your choice. But anyway, I spoke up at the time about McD's farming practices. I of course didn't buy the BTS meal or anything else from that company. But I don't think BTS cosign mistreating farm animals. I've seen the way they care about animals and treat them. It is a much more complicated issue even as McD's and the things you eat there have a direct connection to this horrible thing. I choose not to eat there. I don't need everyone else to make the same choice I do, and I don't think everyone that eats there is a bad person. It's fast food. There are so many things that have to be changed societally and systematically to have any effect on McD's existence. And yeah, they do donate to good causes as well. 🤷 Whaddya do? Not my job to make that choice for everyone. If you think someone eating there makes them a bad person, if that is someone you're a fan of you can stop being a fan of them. You don't get to harass them or send them death threats. They never asked you to be a fan in the first place. Personally, I try to cut people off as soon as possible if they try controlling me and telling me how I should live my life. But some "fans" have a real sense of entitlement, and if they are allowed to push it once they will keep pushing it. This is why sometimes I want BTS to just disappear and go completely off the grid post-military (that thing they are forced to do that could involve killing people) and forget all of this. They've done so much in service of others, and they just get treated worse and worse by their own fandom, by their company, by their country. It's so sad.
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Katara comforts Aang when he found gyasto dead and lost appa =momtara /emotional labor aang is obviously an abuser
Mai not comforting Zuko in awakening in a way that makes him happy =abusive girlfriend she should have comforted zuko better, because she can totally get rid of his guilt over iroh and katara could do it better.. despite us its toxic how she has she to comfort aang
Zutaras: having logic and not having double standards , not possible
And don't forget:
Katara always speaking her mind even when people think she's wrong/obnoxious/stupid for it, going against Pakku for saying what she can or cannot be, and not letting Zuko get away with being a dick to her or others: Girlboss! Feminist icon! Deserved so much better than the (perfectly happy) ending she got in canon!
Mai always speaking her mind even people think she's wrong/obnoxious/stupid for it, resenting her parents and Azula for saying what she can or cannot be, and not letting Zuko get away with being a dick to her or others: What a selfish, petty, self-centered, ignorant, cold-hearted, sociopathic bitch! Can't believe the show let her get away with this shit!
Katara showing compassion and empathy for Zuko and offering to heal his scar even after he spent months chasing her and her friends around the world, with the explicit intention of capturing one of said friends and keep him hostage forever/kill him, and to help his nation continue to oppress the rest of the world: Such a kind, wise character! Such a lovely, meaningful moment!
Mai saving Zuko's life even after he broke up with her through a letter because he was one of the few people that liked her for who she was/would not abuse his power over her like Azula does: God, what a pathetic loser that throws her whole life away for a guy.
Kataang and Maiko PDA: Obnoxious, forced and stupid.
Zuko tying Katara to a tree/Katara touching Zuko's scar with the explicit intention of healing it, nothing more than that: such a hot/tender, intimate moments that show how much chemistry these two characters have!
Zuko getting violent and snapping at Mai because some guy she did not even pay attention to seemed to be into her, then trying to make a move on her after she literally shouted "LEAVE ME ALONE!": How dare MAI be such a bad girlfriend! Zuko deserves better!
Aang kissing Katara after she said she isn't sure how she feels, immediately regreting it: What an entitled, abusive creep!
Zuko nearly dying to save Katara's life: The most romantic thing in the world!
Aang giving up absolute power because he had a vision of Katara being captured: Why is he so OBSESSED? This is not romantic!
Zuko choosing to support his imperialist, racist nation that he just heard deeply traumatized Katara by killing her mother: He is madly in love with Katara and fiercely protective of her. Sourse "trust me, bro."
Aang temporarely letting go of Katara because if he doesn't they're all gonna die: See? He doesn't actually care about her! It's all there in the canon!
Katara healing Zuko, saving his life, and him being very grateful to her for it: How beautiful! Best scene of the entire show!
Katara healing Aang, bringing him back from the dead, and him being very greateful to her for it: She's not your personal doctor, you asshole! What an abusive, unequal dynamic!
Zuko not seeming to remember Katara's existence outside of "girl that travels with the Avatar" for 5/6 of the show: Totally doesn't mean he is not in love with her! Why do people call this ship fanon?
Zuko breaking up with Mai because he'll be going on a dangerous mission he felt would not be fair to drag her into, and smiling like a dork just because he got a chance to talk about her: He CLEARLY doesn't love her! Why does anyone like them as a couple?
Zuko needing emotional support very frequently because he is a victim of verbal, psychological and physical abuse: Poor thing! He deserves someone who loves and understands him!
Aang needing emotional support very frequently because nearly everyone he knew and loved died suddenly, he is struggling with survivor's guilt, and now shoulders the burden of needing to save the whole world despite being just a kid: God, what a baby, grow up!
Zuko being an imperialist prince for most of his life and betraying Katara in Ba Sing Se, leading to the death of one of her friends: He is a completely innocent child that indoctrinated into thinking these things were fine! The adults are to blame! Katara really can't hold any of this against him!
Sozin choosing to kill every air-nomad and start a war, and Azulon then choosing to order the raids on the Southern Water Tribes: Does this mean Kya's death was Aang's fault? It think it does. If only this 12-year-old that was not even a fully powered Avatar yet had not freaked out after nearly everyone around him disregarded his wants and needs completely! Such a selfish, awful character that never faces any consequences for anything! How could Katara ever be friends with him, let alone date him?
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grimreaperlover11 · 5 months
Ok, tea time.
I want to preface this by saying that although I love Buck being bi because I suffered through too many iterations of SuperHell to count that finally having a character in a show I watch be Bi and not somehow die due to either entities from other planes of existence or Japanese fox demons, or evil druids welding swords.
I recently came across a post from someone (I won't say who, they know who they are) calling Oliver Stark arrogant and saying that he never cared about Buddie.
Normally I wouldn't care about that because everyone is entitled to their belief.
The problem I have with this blogger is that they start throwing around accusations of r*cism all because people have started officially paring Buck and Tommy and making them into a recognized ship. Let me be clear. I don't really care for Buck/Tommy all that much, to me, it's a cute ship but not my cup of tea. Having said that, let's be real here...throwing around accusations of r*cism like beads at Mardi Gras is so beyond stale and old that it's just sad at this point, and not only that, but it's wrong.
Ok, Buck got paired with another white guy? Who cares? It's his first time being actively attracted to a guy and his first time that he is actually exploring it...you don't get to choose who you have these feelings for or when to explore them. So Buck actively exploring these feelings with another man who returning his feelings and helping him in exploring them...of course he's going to be with him, why wouldn't you choose the person who is returning your feelings and helping you understand them and explore more about yourself?
The bottom line of this entire rant is that just because something in a fictional show happens that you don't like...think before you decide to call people racist simply because they like a FICTIONAL character being with another FICTIONAL character that you don't want them to be with
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boreal-sea · 10 months
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"There are no terfs" - so no woman on planet earth is a transphobic radical feminist?
"There are no Karens" - white women can't be racist?
I actually want to talk about this! I want to talk about the semantic drift of TERF and Karen - and I want to talk about how why slut, whore, bitch, and "mean girl" are not in the same category.
If she'd said "the label terf has been inappropriately expanded past its original description of transphobic radfems, and is now applied to transphobes who are not radical feminists, and is even sometimes applied to any person - including trans people - who talk about feminism", I'd agree with her. I've been called a terf, and I'm a whole ass tranny.
If she'd said "Karen has been inappropriately expanded past its original meaning, which was to call out white women utilizing institutionally racist systems to terrorize black people, and is now applied to any woman who complains about anything", I would agree with her.
The expansion of these terms past their original meanings is actually really important to discuss. They came into the vernacular for really important reasons: to call out women who were expressing bigotry. Being called a TERF or a Karen was, at one point, a serious accusation; it meant that person was a transphobic bigot, or a racist bigot.
However, people have definitely blurred the lines on what those terms mean.
Nowadays, "TERF" is flung at one of two kinds of people: general transphobes, OR, anyone discussing sexism and how it's based on sex assigned at birth - even if that person is trans.
At best, TERF is usually flung at all kinds of transphobic people, who aren't always radical feminists. Sometimes they're cis men, which is extra funny because there aren't many cis men radfems since radfems in general do not accept that cis men can be feminists in the first place. But like I said, trans people also get called "terfs" or "terfy" if we discuss birth sex or sexism. It's happened to me a few times. It has in some cases drifted into actually being sexist/misogynistic, when it is used specifically to shut up someone who is a woman, or afab, who is speaking up against sexism or misogyny.
The reason it works is because the original meaning of "TERF" meaning "transphobic radfem" is still lingering there in the background, which is why calling someone a TERF is still an effective way to try to silence them, and an effective way to try to get people to hate the target. "Oh no, they're a transphobe!? Unfollowed!". So folks are still utilizing the original anger that term summons in order to apply that term to a larger group of people.
And "Karen", a term invented by the Black community, also had a very specific meaning: calling out white entitled women who were so steeped in privilege that they felt comfortable using the racist institution of the police to threaten black people, including children. The meaning of that term has also, unfortunately, migrated. It now gets applied to any woman who is being assertive, or complaining about anything at all, even if it has nothing to do with race. It has actually migrated far enough that it's now equivalent to "bitch" in the sense that it is now sometimes used as a sexist/misogynistic slur against women who are just standing up for themselves.
Again though, the reason "Karen" still works as a way to silence women is because the people misusing it are capitalizing on the original meaning of the term as "racist entitled white woman".
The migrated meanings of both of these terms would not have power if the original meanings of those terms didn't have power.
Calling a woman a transphobe isn't sexism or misogyny if she is actively being transphobic. Calling a woman racist is not sexism or misogyny if she is actively being racist. It is ok to call out bigoted women for being bigots!
The claim that anyone using "TERF" or "Karen" is being sexist or misogynistic is blatantly untrue.
I can only speak on TERF with regards to this semantic drift. As a trans person, it is incredibly frustrating that people have stretched the meaning of TERF so far, and it is frustrating that some people are using it in a misogynistic and sexist way, because that weakens it as a tool to call out women who are actually being transphobic.
Now when a trans person says "this person is a TERF", people like OP call us sexists and misogynists, claiming we are using a "slur specifically design to target and silence women".
And speaking of sexism and misogyny, slut and bitch and all the rest are not in the same category as TERF or Karen, as they are not terms originally created to call out bigoted women. These terms are slurs and derogatory phrases meant to criticize a woman's sexuality or her behavior when that behavior is outside what is expected of her by the patriarchy. This is a completely different can of worms: it is in fact actually sexism and misogyny.
And conflating these terms is harmful and very fucking frustrating as someone who, you know, has been damaged by TERFs.
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barbatosgossipsection · 6 months
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"I don't get why someone would dislike Asmo/Levi" Really? "ppl misunderstand Levi/Asmo by making them seem creepy when they aren't" No, no they don't. And here's why (read this, even if it's long. I won't hate on the characters):
--the writers made Asmo grope other characters when they didn't want to be touched and make sexual comments that made them uncomfortable (SA), had him flirt with his brothers, and try to put MC under his spell (likely due to homophobic gross stereotypes but that's a convo for another day)
--and made Levi an adult obsessed with child characters. He professed his love for Ruri chan multiple times during the game, called her sexy in that one event, and has a wall filled with posters of different lolis in the anime both in s1 and 2 (and depicted sexually too, in one a girl is half naked).
And yk? Players are entitled to disliking them for that, and them being creeped out by them it's not them "not getting them" because they're looking at literal canon.
Like, I get it. You love these characters and these are aspects of them that you want to ignore. But for some people, especially if they're a victim of sa/csa, it's too triggering to gloss over
Also, acknowledging that the devs wrote Asmo & Levi in a problematic way doesn't make it wrong for you to like them, there are still plenty of aspects of them that are amazing.
I repeat: you can like them and still be critical of Solmare's characterization of them, just like we can like Mammon and acknowledge that he was written out of racist steriotypes (if I remember correctly they even made a joke about him being like a gorilla on a fb post years ago)
Again, I'm not trashing on your fave or telling you it's wrong to like them. I love these characters myself and I purposely throw these unnecessary terribly written parts of their canon personalities away in my own hcs and rewrite them (fuck solmare)
So I'm not telling you stop liking them or anything, I'm just dropping a reminder of why some ppl feel the way they do and hopefully bring ppl to be more understanding of it?
(long one, sorry!)
— Anon
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Honestly, there's room for all problematic to be called out it doesn't have to be one or the other. I agree the current Dem nominee should be called out especially with her response to a genocide. But that goes back to white women. The only reason why white liberal women refuse to call out Harris is because for the first time they have something to lose, so nothing else matters not even a genocide. If Trump weren't a danger to issues that affect white liberal women do you think they'd care who won? No they wouldn't, because the last 30 years of elections prove it. Blake Lively falls under the white woman liberal, she only cares about herself, she's a white feminist. This is why I have no issue with white women getting called out. They should, they have caused a lot of harm in society along with white males. This is beyond woman hating trend, this is about white women especially rich white women pretending they're these caring, girl power, fighting for what's right women but then their true self gets revealed which shows the opposite and then they cry misogyny.
What is she even being called out for that white men don't do every day? That other white women don't do everyday?
I don't care if she gets called out, frankly I don't think Lively gives a shit either, I'm just saying that calling someone out for being at worst an average white woman is severely online and misogynist behavior. Yeah white women should be called out for being racist, but that's not even what's happening so idk why you came to dms acting like it was.
Nobody is using Lively to make an example out of racist white women or using this moment to educate themselves or asking people to be better allies to DV survivors. They're just shitting on Lively.
People who enjoyed a toxic abusive romance that ended in divorce are mad that Blake Lively has not centered more her life around this book and fans are grasping at straws to justify their entitlement. Like that's it. That's whats happening. That's the only reason anyone cares about her right now.
And since I'm here, no, I didn't even think the interview was rude. The interviewer asked how fans could approach Blake about the movie to discuss it. Do you know how wild that is to even assume would be okay? I hope that interviewer did feel bad when Blake answered by asking if she should also give fans her ssn.
Sometimes y'all are outta pocket, weird, and parasocial and you should be clocked for it, especially when that all mixes together and creates weird hate campaigns for actresses that nobody really cared about before hating them was trendy.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Re this anon: https://olderthannetfic.tumblr.com/post/718955493420384256
Yes, I will immediately throw into a trashcan anything Stitch attaches themselves to, and yes, I will also throw into a trashcan anything their devotees say, and I don't care if "it's not nuanced" or whatever other crap is the word of the day.
Stitch goes out of their way to attack people, screenshot their works and posts and then block them before they (Stitch) posts them onto their very public and followed Twitter profile, sending their followers to insult and attack anyone who doesn't agree with their braindead rants that we're all supposed to see as JSTOR worthy essays.
You wanna know who Stitch's besties in my fandoms are? All people who aren't black and who founded Discords they were forced to shut down because people were taking screenshots of them being openly racist against black characters, that's who.
How come people who are posting their stupid little fics are horrifically racist against Stitch and their followers specifically, to the point that a task force should be created to ban them from the internet as a whole, but Stitch's besties are totes okay writing vile shit, insulting and disrespecting all the POC in fandom, and attempting to blacklist all the creators who don't cater to their specific tastes?
None of the people who are pushing this movement have given me a single reason why I should listen to them. Not one. Oh, they wrote a manifesto? Cool! I can write one too! This doesn't mean I'm someone people should listen to or that should have the authority to delete others' works.
Moreover, fandom spaces are known for harboring racefakers, people who come up with batshit identities just because they want to belittle others. Remember HIVliving? What about that other one who was exposed like a year or so ago? If I'm not mistaken, the last grifter was constantly using Stitch's points too.
Am I supposed to be suspended from Ao3 and harassed (because this would absolutely happen, these people don't do a single thing if they can't use it as bragging material) because there's some white college student from Iowa who spends their days larping as a half Native American, half Iranian refugee who decided that they don't like a certain kink and therefore it means that anybody who writes about it is inherently racist? And we all know that, in the moment they were to be exposed, Stitch and devotees would suddenly decide that they prefer the "no comment" route, as well as weak attempts at defending them by saying "Yes, they were wrong in pretending to be of another race, but you all attacked them when you thought they were a POC, so you're still racist for calling them out and they're still right for sending their followers to harass you."
Sorry if I don't want my fics to be policed by these kinds of people. I've seen how they treat people they disagree with and who push back, and they're all absolutely vile and entitled individuals who see no issue in sending death and rape threats as long as the creator they're sending them to does something they don't like.
To sum it up: Stitch is trash, their followers are trash, and this whole campaign is just their 1000th attempt to censor people they don't like and who don't cater to their personal tastes (and that don't kiss their asses enough).
I presume the one from a year ago that you're thinking of is the Old Guard fandom racefaker. (Though, really, this pattern repeats regularly.)
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