#like i’m willing to BET
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hungharrington · 1 year ago
*horny chanting* part two! Part two! Part two!
(Honestly it was so good. Thank you for healing a trauma in me I like to ignore lol)
horny chanting? oh MY well it’s THAT kinda chanting i guess i can’t ignore it…..
hehe i did plan from the beginning for them to like, yknow fuck and because that didn’t happen, i am keen to give it a shot!! with still reluctant reader vibes!! bcos that’s a whole nother hurdle!
(thank u so much! and i’m sorry there’s even anything to heal honey <3)
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turtleblogatlast · 1 year ago
Been thinking about how Donnie and Leo’s insecurities juxtapose each other.
Donnie is insecure about his place in the family, but confident in who he is outside of it.
Leo is secure about being a part of the family, but thinks he’s nothing outside of it.
I think it’s a very interesting comparison that reflects their respective personalities, Donnie’s “Will all I have to offer be enough?” versus Leo’s “Do I even have anything else to offer?”
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strohller27 · 2 months ago
Rewatching the Mysterious Affair at Styles again because yes
And I love how Poirot recognises Hastings right away even though he apparently hasn’t seen him in years
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And he immediately comes in to embrace him (and there’s Hastings’ hand on Poirot’s waist again @darthlenaplant !!)
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And of all of these pictures of their embrace in this episode, I will never be over this one (Poirot’s hand on Hastings’ shoulder. Standing cheek to cheek with Hastings all too briefly):
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Or the fact that they sit there holding and shaking each other’s hands and smiling at one another for a good solid like. 20 seconds after embracing
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And moments like this are the closest Poirot can get to the object of his affections within the confines of societal heteronormativity in 1917
Excuse me while I go cry about it
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luna-the-cretar · 1 month ago
I know we like to joke about Marius being an awkward himbo that doesn’t know how to flirt—and he is, to some extent—but also like. No?
Like, he used his looks and flirted with the High Inquisitor in order to get the information he needed, as well as distracting her to let the party get to where they needed to be without her noticing them. And he was smart enough to go about it so that he found all this information and such without ever having to sleep with her.
Like, sure, stats wise he’s not incredibly intelligent or charismatic, but character-wise he’s not lacking either. Remember, he was a knight (idk how high he was on the totem pole, but considering his quest and relationship with Victor, it’s probably fairly high), and was very close to the king (which he confirmed in canon that his relationship with Victor allowed him to participate in some royal events as a guest). So he’s not some stupid awkward himbo that I’ve seen some fics portray him as, and it annoys the piss out of me.
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cupophrogs · 1 year ago
do you think Think used to be a kid...or a acutal animal?
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“You know, I have no idea. He’s basically a cat, what with the mannerisms and things, but he’s way too intelligent to have been a normal cat. I’m pretty sure he understands English fully!”
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sleepy-spaceman · 4 months ago
As wonderfully tragic as it would be for simon and bob to have been the two people who died in the accident that happened before he worked for goddard futuristics, im on the side that jacobi is midland after the events of wolf 359, because that man deserves to have at least two friends that aren’t dead.
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cameronthecryptid · 3 months ago
I know this has been said before but Steven belongs in a little cottage in the woods baking, drinking tea, and knitting. He is prime for the cottage life he shouldn’t be in the city, he should be cuddled up in a blanket next to a fireplace with a good book.
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magicandmundane · 11 months ago
Y’all the foreshadowing in episode one keeps getting more and more insane on rewatches. Omega was in the walls, and now she’s in the walls again.
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tennessoui · 4 days ago
Hi Kit! Hope your doing well! I just wanted your thoughts on something: what do you think about the difference in tone when come to top!Obi-Wan and top!Anakin? Top Anakin always has more dubcon/noncon, and even in fests, prompts always lean one way or the other. Like top!wan is always so much more wholesome, while the other ship is very…not lmao (love both btw)
oh this is an interesting ask and I’ve gone back and forth on an answer!! I can definitely see what you’re talking about but I also feel like there’s at least a bit of confirmation bias as well as actual truth to the observation (at least for me)
but my guess is that maybe it has something to do with either the characters themselves or the ways people like to write the characters together?
Anakin has moments of being sweet and out of control but ultimately well meaning in canon but he also has moments of being, well, evil. so different authors can lean into different interpretations of his character for their fic and have it still ring true to him.
and Obi-wan can be seen as being very in control and cool and collected in the face of anakin’s out of control (but Obi-wan’s canon self doesn’t have that flavor of darkness or evil, except in sith aus which are very au from the get go), and different authors can lean into that sense of control as meaning that he would be a (soft) healthy and wholesome dom to anakin’s needing submission.
and other authors can want to explore what an Obi-wan who has lost his control to a forceful anakin would look like, which may lend itself more to dub/non con fics?
character analysis is definitely not my thing tho and this is all really just vibes (and sounds much more binary than I like tbh) but I do feel like it boils down to, at least in canon fics, what obi-wan’s character is likely to do, and while anakin’s character runs the whole spectrum of emotions in the movies, Obi-wan’s thing is being in the light. so I can see it being more common for fics where he tops to be topping while in the light lmao whereas that’s not necessarily true for top anakin fics
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starzz-n-roses · 8 months ago
Hey guys, remember in Ep.8 when Iris said something like: “We have this little group of oddballs in a Tavern that we all link up at together…”
So, are we all in agreement that these two—
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—are probably part of that group of oddballs that Iris and Patches know? :)
I mean, it’s not everyday you see someone with purple horns on their head (very cool horns might I add), nor see somebody associate with them.
I look forward to finding out these guys’ names when we see them again :3
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mc-tummy-blur · 9 months ago
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It probably gets lonely up there
Click for better quality
Check my pinned post to see links on how you can help the people in Palestine
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welcome-to-green-hills · 3 months ago
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Hey Y’All❤️✨
I’m going to try my best to get through as many asks as I can today. I don’t want to spam, so I’ll be taking my time answering asks and being thoughtful with answers. I promise that I’ll get to your ask as soon as I can!
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xbuster · 6 months ago
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Defending Koichi Sugiyama is insane because even if you’re okay with the rape and war crimes apologia and laughing at the suicide rates of LGBT people in Japan, as a Dragon Quest fan you should still hate him for intentionally making the OST for Dragon Quest XI midi so people would have to pay to go to his concerts and hear the orchestral score
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yaoi-hate-machine · 4 months ago
haha you know what can allegedly cause/aggravate a hiatal hernia (a hernia i have where my esophagus meets my stomach that causes me a lot of pain and suffering)? sucking your stomach in. you know what my mom taught me to do when i was like 10 years old and i have never stopped doing since?
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choices-binglebonkus · 8 months ago
Every time the MC in The Royal Heir calls it a miracle that she’s pregnant (yes, she does it multiple times) I roll my eyes so damn hard.
Like. Girl.
You are confirmed by a medical professional to be fertile, healthy, and tried for less than a month before successfully conceiving. You are a queen/duchess and have access to the best and most prompt healthcare in the world, as well as an incredible support network and an army of staff and servants devoted to caring for you throughout.
Not to mention there’s been an estimated 80-117 billion people born on the planet. Getting pregnant has been done billions and billions of times.
So how in the hell is it a miracle?
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heartbreakfeelsogood · 1 month ago
as if he WOULDNT title his wedding inspo pinterest board "for my bucky wucky boo bear ❤️ b + e wedding" 😤
well when he does that he and i can talk 😇
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