#like i understand what stolas is saying and i guess hes not wrong but HE does not understand the complexity of this situation
ronithesnail · 4 months
Everybody is going insane over the “i think so highly of you i didnt realize you think so lowly of me” line but honestly it just made me feel like a deadpan parent whose kid is giving them a speech over how terrible it is that they have to do the dishes
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tealvenetianmask · 29 days
Thank you so much for defending Striker. His character was not ruined in the slightest and I honestly believe a lot of the “he was ruined” takes stem from media illiteracy. Because how can you genuinely expect Striker to act towards Stolas the same way he acted towards Blitz in HMF when it’s highly implied by him that royals ruined his life? He had EVERY right to get angry at Stolas when Stolas is part of a group of demons who took everything from him. Viv has liked tweets from people theorising that his hatred stems from grief, so someone he loved was definitely killed. Personally, I believe he had a partner and child who he lost. It fits in with HB’s two themes of romantic relationships and parental relationships. He’s also meant to be a parallel to Moxxie and Blitz (Moxxie has a wife and Blitz has a daughter). There’s also this narrative floating around on here that Viv hates Striker and that’s why she turned him “into a joke” or made him “more evil” and both of these tales are utter bs. Viv has literally liked tweets saying that Striker isn’t a bigot, and tweets DEFENDING HIM. Blitz’s supremacist comment probably stemmed from his idiocy and lack of understanding of Striker as a person. If the two made amends in the future and Blitz found out about Striker’s past, he’d probably learn that he was wrong. Striker going insane is a HUGE part of his character arc because it’s the start of them unravelling him so that we can reveal his past, why he hates royals and also why he became an assassin. I believe that he’ll probably be redeemed in the future and if they want to do that, they can’t keep him the same stereotypical evil cowboy like in HMF because a redemption wouldn’t feel warranted. You need to unravel his layers beforehand.
Hi- thanks for the ask! Honestly, I agree with some of your points here and disagree with others. I'm assuming you sent me this so I'd respond with my takes on my blog, and I hope that's what you want me to do, because it's happening.
"Thank you so much for defending Striker."
Did I? I guess I defended his Season 2 character development. Okay- you're welcome.
"His character was not ruined in the slightest and I honestly believe a lot of the “he was ruined” takes stem from media illiteracy."
100% with you on this.
"Because how can you genuinely expect Striker to act towards Stolas the same way he acted towards Blitz in HMF when it’s highly implied by him that royals ruined his life?"
Correct- we can't expect multidimensional characters to act the same in every situation. That would be boring and flat. And yes, Striker suggested that his beef with royals is personal.
"He had EVERY right to get angry at Stolas when Stolas is part of a group of demons who took everything from him."
Woah. No. Stolas didn't take a single thing from him. It would be like saying that each individual POC has the right to directly hurt every individual white person if they've been personally harmed by a white person. I cannot state this strongly enough. This take is wild.
"Personally, I believe he had a partner and child who he lost. It fits in with HB’s two themes of romantic relationships and parental relationships. He’s also meant to be a parallel to Moxxie and Blitz (Moxxie has a wife and Blitz has a daughter)."
It's possible. I don't personally have any sort of headcanon about Striker's past, but I don't mind this one.
"There’s also this narrative floating around on here that Viv hates Striker and that’s why she turned him “into a joke” or made him “more evil” and both of these tales are utter bs. Viv has literally liked tweets saying that Striker isn’t a bigot, and tweets DEFENDING HIM."
Yeah, he's no more evil in Season 2 than he is in Season 1. Could you show me which tweets? Because I think he IS a bigot.
"Blitz’s supremacist comment probably stemmed from his idiocy and lack of understanding of Striker as a person. If the two made amends in the future and Blitz found out about Striker’s past, he’d probably learn that he was wrong."
Okay, you just called my favorite character an idiot. *deep breath* No, I don't think Blitz is wrong. Striker treats other imps as inferior to himself. He calls them things like "vermin" (you know, like racists do). He IS a supremacist. Striker might believe that he's not, but he's shown us otherwise. More on that here. TBH I don't think a sad backstory would change this, for me or for Blitz. Striker would have to change his worldview and stop being a supremacist for us to stop seeing him as one. -_-
"Striker going insane is a HUGE part of his character arc because it’s the start of them unravelling him so that we can reveal his past, why he hates royals and also why he became an assassin. I believe that he’ll probably be redeemed in the future and if they want to do that, they can’t keep him the same stereotypical evil cowboy like in HMF because a redemption wouldn’t feel warranted. You need to unravel his layers beforehand."
Okay, so . . . I don't hate this, because I do think unraveling him is interesting character development, but I honestly don't think he's headed for a redemption arc. Why? Well because in my view, Striker serves two narrative purposes- the first is to be a formidable and interesting villain, and making him increasingly insane will ADD to this. And the second is to hold up a mirror to Blitz so that we can see Blitz (who has a lot of similar pain and biases) choosing a different path. As Striker gets unraveled, he's actually descending deeper into hate, while Blitz is learning to be open to love.
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
Full Moon anon, ask 2/2
OK, let's go back to these so called defences of Stolas
Blitzo isn't entitled to the book
Blitzo could negotiate his way out of the deal
Blitzo could do another job
it's not coercive because Stolas will give him a month or two off if he's sick/not feeling up to it
Blitzo enjoys sex and is fine making transactional deals/treating sex like a trade to get what he wants
Blitzo should know Stolas cares about him for more than sex because of the list of things he describes Stolas doing in Oops
First one - Blitzo isn't entitled to the book. That's true; it's not Stolas' responsibility or his fault that Blitzo founded a business around having access to the grimoire after he stole it. But I also have seen absolutely no one suggest Blitzo is entitled to the grimoire.
What I have seen them suggest is that Stolas could have proposed literally any other arrangement for the book, or none at all. He could have just taken it back. He could have told Blitzo about the Asmodean Crystals way, way sooner or helped him get one. He could even have punished Blitzo for stealing. Bottom line is, no one forced him to handle the situation by extorting Blitzo for sex despite having no reason to believe Blitzo would have been happy sleeping with him once a month - they had a one night stand then Blitzo started ducking his calls. Stolas assuming Blitzo would be happy trading sex for the book is his own delusion.
Also like - it bothers me no one acknowledges the sketchiness of Stolas mentioning explicitly 'you know how I've been permitting you to access the mortal realm less than legally for some time now?' In Stolas' own words, he let Blitzo have the book with no strings attached for some time, despite knowing it was illegal, and then when Blitzo was starting to get the business off the ground with a client he called up to change up the deal (and again, he waited until Blitzo had no time to think and didn't make it a proper transaction/business discussion).
That's way crueller than if he had just refused Blitzo the book before he'd started the business. Stolas knowingly broke the rules and was irresponsible with the grimoire, presumably because lending out the book gave him an excuse to keep calling Blitzo to do dirty talk over the phone (and then get hung up on, at least back when the pilot was canon). He was already seeing his book as a transactional way to have a one sided thing with Blitzo. Whatever it is he even does with the book as part of his duties he doesn't even care to have it in his possession apart from once every month and he doesn't care enough for the grimoire to protect it. He consistently sees it as a way to get what he wants out of his 'affair' with Blitzo.
Second one - Blitzo could negotiate his way out. This argument is annoying to me, to be honest, bcause it rests entirely on framing the argument through how the writers treat Stolas now and not how they wrote him back in Murder Family. Murder Family Stolas cares so little for Blitzo's well being that he shows zero concern when a gunshot goes off right next to Blitzo's head - given where Blitzo was holding the phone, it should've been pretty darn loud in Stolas' ear but all he has to say is 'then let me keep it simple: give me sex once a month or no book'. Stolas so far has not developed into understanding this was wrong (anyone's guess whether full moon will see him take 100% responsibility for the way he pitched the deal or not), they've just magically retconned him into the kind of person who wouldn't have done that in the first place (or so they tell us, a lot of what we're shown Stolas is like suggests he still has the same classist neglectful habits as s1 - only now we're supposed to think that's funny or Via should shut up whining)
anyway, It's kind of weird to suggest Blitzo should negotiate his way out when Blitzo circa season 1 was dealing with a way crueller, colder Stolas. He had no reason to assume that Stolas would hesitate to punish him for trying to wrangle his way out of the deal, not when he spends the entire Loo Loo Land trip ignoring Blitzo's boundaries and even as late as Truth Seekers (one episode before Stolas goes from just interested in sex to suddenly in love with Blitzo) he hammers home the message to Blitzo that even his help comes with transactional strings when he asks for a thank you for saving Blitzo's life and doesn't balk at Blitzo's assumption that he wants sex. Why would Blitzo, knowing what Stolas is like in s1, even bother trying to reason with him? In Stolas' own words, he's the owl's 'plaything'. You don't negotiate fairly with playthings, you pinch their cheek and put cigarettes out on them.
Third one - Blitzo could do another job. He could, sure. But I find this a weird line of argument since it assumes that it's fine to question Blitzo trying to rise above his station by starting a business that requires access to the human realm, but it's never fine to question why it's OK for Stolas to just be handed the power to get to the human realm. Also, like - going off Blitzo's dialogue about the business not killing people in Hell anymore, it implies maybe the business was based around Hell hits originally but that didn't work out for some reason, so they pivoted to a new USP. And given the economic precarity most imps are in, it's pretty unempathetic to say Blitzo should just give up on his business and get another job when he has a daughter to support and 'another job' in imp terms from everything we've seen in the show likely means low paid menial labor. It's fine for Stolas to have all the money and power that gives him, but Blitzo should be non stop judged for being poor wrong, for daring to want access to resources that were just handed to royalty for no other reason than birthright and succeed past expectations. If he didn't want Stolas extorting him for sex he should have been happy being a farmer providing food for everyone else, or being a butler to someone like Stolas who likes to use them as stress balls when he's mad at his wife!
Fourth one - it's not coercive because Stolas will give him a month or two off. I don't even think this kind of argument deserves dignifying with a response tbh. If Stolas treats Blitzo kindly or cruelly in this arrangement, the arrangement itself is still coercive. If Blitzo cannot easily end it as and when he wants to due to his economic circumstances, it's coercive. The circumstances Stolas used to make the deal were coercive. Period, end of.
Fifth one - Blitzo enjoys sex and is fine making transactional deals/treating sex like a trade to get what he wants. Two things here. We see him seduce Stolas to get the book the first time, but he wasn't actually interested in sleeping with him - he wanted to leave. He went back out of pity; it wasn't his original intention to trade sex for the book. Second, Blitzo enjoying sex doesn't make the circumstances Stolas used to pitch the deal any less coercive. Also, Blitzo enjoying sex with Stolas is very much something written in to season 2. Where is it hinted he actually enjoyed sex with Stolas in s1?? He spends the Loo Loo Land episode rebuffing/being annoyed by Stolas' advances and he's outright indifferent post sex in Harvest Moon (and it visibly gets to him when Striker says he shouldn't have to demean himself to be able to run his business - why is that the case if he enjoys being exploited?). Even in the ending of Truth Seekers it plays more like he's clawing what little power he can back by being the dominant one in the relationship. We see very few instances of Blitzo actually being enthused about sexual advances from Stolas in s1, even in some of the instas covering the deal; I don't think it's good enough to just claim this is tsundere behavior. Also there's a difference in a one time quid pro quo one night stand sort of thing and having a sustained affair whether you want to or not to keep your job going. Blitzo freely and enthusiastically jumped into bed with Chaz, partly to get info from M&M. But he did want to sleep with Chaz. He didn't wince in revulsion when Chaz made a move on him, even if the sex they actually had wasn't great due to Chaz being a loser.
Last one: Blitzo should know Stolas cares about him for more than sex because of the list of things he describes Stolas doing in Oops. So this argument goes that regardless if the audience isn't shown anything suggesting Stolas cares about more than sex from Blitzo, Blitzo should definitely know because of all the stuff he listed when he was ranting to Fizz.
I'm gonna be blunt - this line of argument is just rewarding the writers for lousy writing.
They couldn't be bothered to give the audience the sense Stolas has ever given Blitzo the impression he wants more than sex because he refused to end the deal until s2, so they just have the characters polyfill all that in and expect us to judge Blitzo as cynical or unreasonable based on a new relationship dynamic they retconned in just that second. It's even worse when they have long scrolls of blink and you miss it text messages - not only is it lazy but stans act like they have greater media literacy because they paused to read each message, even though important information like that should be in the actual show and not treated like some kind of bonus easter egg.
And just to drive the point home - even if we want to count all these lazy retcons around what the dynamic between Stolas and Blitzo is, it wouldn't matter all that much because their entire relationship is founded on the full moon deal. Until Stolas does something to end it, it's entirely valid for Blitzo to feel Stolas ultimately just wants sex. If someone takes advantage of the fact you can't freely consent to get you to hastily agree to monthly sex then tries to act sweet after the fact, personally I'd be more inclined to feel annoyed that they want to have it both ways and feel like they're a good person treating me like a romantic partner instead of being honest with themselves about how they've treated me until now. And wouldn't you know it, that's exactly what Blitzo tells him at the end of Ozzie's. And if we're counting blink and you miss is text messages as being valid ways to understand their relationship, there's also a text message from Stolas where he says he's sorry 'if anything he said or did offended Blitzo'. He's not sorry for the actual thing he did wrong; he obviously doesn't understand the problem. So if we're counting the lazy text messages and offscreen phonecalls as 'fixing' their dynamic to being cute and sweet on Stolas' end we also have to count the fact that he currently can't bring himself to understand why what he's doing is wrong.
It'd be like if Fifty Shades of Grey followed up that scene of Christian getting Ana drunk on purpose while they're supposed to be hammering out the dom/sub contract with scenes of him being an asshole who doesn't care about her freely consenting to anything just so long as he gets sex, then they tried to 'fix' all that by showing Ana's text history is full of Christian trying to be lovey dovey (while ignoring what the problem is with him getting her drunk). It doesn't fix the fact that she can't properly consent to the dom/sub lifestyle he wants if he gets her drunk while they're talking about it. If anything the audience would probably feel he was more creepy, not less, because he's engaging in lovebombing behaviors while all we're being shown on screen is him not respecting her consent or her as a person. And then being supposed to judge Anastasia for it and not Christian!
sorry for the long rant, it's just - Stolas defending arguments are like hydra. every time one is dismantled a bunch more worse and disturbingly victim-blamey ones pop up in their place. I'm honestly glad I'm giving up on the show for good after the next ep - mostly I'm just rubbernecking to see how bad they're gonna mess the 'breakup' episode up
You don't know how cathartic every last word of this precious sanity was to read. Gonna keep it on hand, when I need reminding that the world isn't completely hopeless.
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flower-boi16 · 4 months
I find Blitz unbearable sometimes. I know it's only two seasons but throughtout the series he learned so many things yet everything still sets back to zero and he never changed from day one. This miserable man drowned in his past for so long that he can never grow. His trauma is his character. It's so boring man the same shit happened over and over with him crying about his exes, friends and family. I know about his current relasionship with Fizz now but I want this dude to change too not just Fizz.
Personally I dont really hate Blitz as a character. Of all the characters in HB he’s the one that season 2 hasn’t completely ruined. He is actually fairly interesting as a character, but some other people have already talked about the depths of his character so I won’t go into it here.
That being said, I really think the issue with Blitz is less about the character himself and more how the show seems to treat him, mainly in regards to Stolitz. Season 1 directly paints Stolas as the one abusing Blitz in the relationship (as it should), making it seem like the show is taking Blitz’s side here, that he has a right to be mad at Stolas and cut him out.
But then season 2 comes along and suddenly the victim and abuser roles are SWAPPED. Now the show is painting Blitz as the one in the wrong for “not loving Stolas” even though he has every reason to hate him, while Stolas is portrayed as nothing but an UwU soft boy. I’ve talked about this before but the show demonizes all the people that Stolas has hurt in some way, and it does this as an artificial way to make him look more sympathetic but painting the characters calling him out on his shit as in the wrong.
Blitz next to Octavia gets the worst of this, both in the show and the fandom. The Circus directly tries to frame Blitz as in the wrong because he apparently was the one who gave Stolas the wrong idea of the relationship, but that fails because that doesn’t somehow change the fact that Stolas is coercing Blitz into sleeping with him, and Stolas should be the one to accept that his delusions of Blitz loving him aren’t gonna be true.
Plus the line with Stolas saying that Blitz was his “first ever friend” feels like a major case of the writing guilt tripping Blitz into having sex with him for Stolas’s pleasure. Oops then tries further to paint Blitz as in the wrong by gaslighting him by having Fizz say “oh, you just hate him for being a prince”, and by then trying to make Blitz look like an asshole for not loving Stolas because Stolas did “so many nice things for him”…of screen, and “he cares for him!!”
This ALSO fails because just because Stolas did some nice things for Blitz OFF-SCREEN and cares about him doesn't somehow mean that Blitz has no reason to get mad at Stolas for once again, sexually abusing him. And yes, that is what Stolas is doing. Plus, none of these "nice things" lined up with any of their interactions in season 1 COMBINED with them happening off-screen, and it makes it feel like a retcon. They can victimize and UwUify Stolas all they want and portay Blitz as a big meanie UwU but it won't change anything.
Nothing will ever change the fact that Stolas is sexually abusing Blitzo, and Blitz has EVERY REASON to dislike him for doing that, NOT TO MENTION him BELLITTLING Blitz in season 1 constantly. YET the show demonizes him. And guess what? The demonization is only gonna get WORSE based on the trailer, where we litteraly have Stolas singing in front of a sign that says "Blitzo sucks", and the line "do ever feel any kind of remorse for what you do" which is said by Stolas.
It's so funny to me how fans will call US media illiterate for not understanding the "nuances" and "complexities" of this reletionship, yet they demonize Blitz and coddle Stolas, ignoring the things Stolas actually did to Blitz like the fact that he....ya know...constantly bellittles and is sexually abusing him, and getting mad at Blitz for "hurting Stolas' feelings". Meanwhile, we're actually the ones taking note of these things and rightfully pointing out that OBJECTIVELY, Stolas is the abuser here, nothing the show can do can change that and I am SICK of the fandom having this braindead idea that Blitz is somehow in the wrong for not loving Stolas. Because he's not. He's REALLY not. No amount of mental gymnastics can somehow change that.
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dyenasaur · 2 months
I am askthedragonprinceviren! Sorry can't reblog the post because I was blocked for being an anti apparently :) just saying nice analysis! Though why not giving some actual slack to the chain?
Also blitz loves Stolas painfully. I would say, more than the other way around currently.
I don't pay enough attention to discourse generally to understand what is and isn't anti, but I gotta say I dislike untruths and half baked takes being passed around like they're cold hard factual truth.
Why they chose to keep the chain straight? Well, I'm only guessing as I'm not related to the show in the slightest, but the Doylist (IE, the author/the real world/technical limitations) explination is likely that it was cheaper to animate a straight line than bother with the swinging of loose chain, plus it keeps the animation focused on what matters- Stolas and Blitz moving closer and closer together.
The Watsonian explanation (in universe, character driven, etc) is likely either that, as a figment of Blitz's addled mental state, Mind-Stolas is simply interested in drawing Blitz closer, but without force.
I would suggest it's Blitz's subconcious picking up on how badly Stolas wants him in return but that is pretty decent conjecture and hard to base exactly. I will note that Mind- Stolas smiles at Blitz and moves and touches him gently. That he brings Blitz UP with him on the high throne. Even in an addled state it appears that Blitz recognizes that Stolas is putting him at an equal height, something that Blitz blushes over and can't meet Stolas' eyes for.
As far as 'currently loving Stolas more than Stolas loves Blitz' ..... have you ever experienced actual heartbreak? You don't get drunk as hell, go to a party you think is stupid, SING ON STAGE ABOUT HOW YOU MIGHT BE THE ONE IN THE WRONG, and confess that you want that person to want you while crying all four eyes out without feeling SOME TYPE OF WAY.
Is Stolas hurt? Absolutely. Is Stolas continuing to believe that Blitz' answer is 'no I don't want you' and therefore drunkenly smooching on someone else? Yes! Can raging heartbreak and still holding out hope that you will fix things and get back with someone coexist? ALSO FUCKING YES.
Complex characters means complicated emotions. Nobody is ever one thing, not really. Stolas is, during Apology Tour, a bunch of things for a bunch of different reasons. Shame (over his and Blitz' agreement), Hurt (Blitz roleplaying instead of talking, plus a bunch of other shit), Anger (Blitz refusing to leave him alone, among others), and more! In addition to ALL OF THAT, though- He loves Blitz enough to set him free. To recognize that their arrangement wasn't healthy, and to want to do right by Blitz and release him from an agreement that isn't fair.
Stolas loves Blitz so much that he gets trashed and goes to a stupid ass party in a vain attempt to soothe how much it hurts that the person he loves doesn't appear to love him back.
(Blitz does love him though, he's just got ~ISSUES~ and no one in this show knows how to fucking talk. I love them so much.)
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pocket-sized-person · 4 months
Since I can’t seem to stop thinking about that scene..
New Moon eh?
That was …something alright
The cherubs were fun I guess, execution could’ve been better but it was fun seeing them again
With that said, Stolitz falling apart the way it did is so good, like yes it hurt to watch, but the way it all came together, Stolas finally deciding to stop hoping Blitz would catch on, with Blitz immediately realizing Stolas wasn’t joking about how he felt, and taking it in the only way he knows how.
He got mad, and understandably so.
Both sides saw what they had from the opposite side, Stolas saw a potential opportunity for a genuine relationship (which I believe is still on the table, just not any time soon) and Blitz who saw it as Stolas using him to satisfy his “Perverted bird needs”, and in return IMP could use his book, a “transactional fucking”, as Blitz put it in Harvest Moon.
Both sides were wrong about what the other wanted, which of course was a pile of powder kegs in a ring of fire and every bit of that was in character for them and it hurts, especially if you’ve seen the trailer with Blitz saying “I don’t want to be like this, not forever”
He WANTS to be loved, to love someone truly, but he can’t. Not yet.
Stolas, loves Blitz in a way Blitz isn’t capable of yet, but seemingly only in the new episode does he realize this, although he doesn’t see that Blitz WANTS to love, he just sees that Blitz can’t.
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kirausamaria · 1 year
Stolitz’ Fanfic: Boyfriend’s Therapy Session.
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This is the first fanfic I have even added a fanart to, but I wanted to do something special for reaching 1000 plus followers on Twitter. Thank you so much for your love and support even when I don’t share too much art or fanfics (life’s fault), and I hope I can make you smile a little with this fanfic.
Stolas was expectantly looking at the main entrance of the palace, waiting for his dear Blitzy to arrive. Since they started dating they made a compromise of meeting at least twice a week, and until now Blitzo had kept his promise and arrived at his palace, or Stolas would visit at his place when his work finished a little later than usual. Everything was going smoothly for both of them.
‘Only 10 minutes left’, Stolas said to himself, happily looking at the clock.
10 minutes later, Blitzo opened up the door and entered with lazy legs. As Stolas stood up to receive him with a huge squeezy hug, he stopped when noticing something wasn’t alright.
Blitzo had a very tired face. You could even say he looked gloomy. Who are we kidding, the whole background behind him had a dark gray color.
‘Erm, Blitzy, are you alright?’
      ‘Of course, better than ever! Why would you even ask that?’Blitzo grumbled just clear enough and tugged himself to the living room’s sofa in order to sink his full face on it.
Stolas walked to the sofa as well and sat on the corner, silently staring at the depressed imp for a couple of seconds before opening his mouth:
‘Blitzo, are you sure you’re ok?
‘I mean, I woke up today so I guess my day was good enough’, Blitzo replied with a muffled voice because of the cushions.
‘Would you like to talk to me about it?’
Blitzo lifted his face to see a cute Stolas smiling while gently patting his own lap. How could Blitzo refuse his invitation? He crawled a little forward in order to rest his head on it. He needed some soft head strokes from his fluffy boyfriend in order to gain some strength to talk.
‘Well, actually I had a little argument with Loona this morning at the office’, Blitzo started explaining while looking at the floor. ‘I told her she should be more careful when going out with shady guys with ill intentions because they could hurt her. She just yelled at me telling me she was strong enough to handle things by herself and to back off. I begged her not to be with boys who could be a bad influence and she answered back telling me I was a bad influence myself and she just walked away.’
Stolas didn’t say a thing, he just kept listening at his boyfriend, waiting until he finished letting everything out.
‘I mean, she is not wrong, I did a bunch of things I’m not proud of, and hurted people I cared about…it’s just *sniffles*...I’m trying to do better, I really am, but not sure if it’ll ever be enough for Loona to listen to me, to love me’.
Blitzo just stopped talking and hid his face on Stolas’ robe. Stolas could feel some small and warm teardrops falling on it, and even when he tried to look calm while listening to Blitzo, he could only imagine how he felt as father to be dismissed for things he had done in the past.
‘Oh, my dear Blitzy’, Stolas finally replied while caressing Blitzo’s head, ‘I know sometimes because of fights like that you may feel that your daughter doesn’t appreciates you, but during the times I’ve spent together with you all I was able to see it, little moments that showed me how much she cares and understands you really love her. 
‘Really?, Blitzo asked with a soft whine. ‘Like what moments?’
‘Remember when you got sick and stayed home while I tried to help with the office’s paperwork? I was actually making such a mess *giggles*, not on purpose of course. Loona got angry at me and explained to me how to do things properly so you wouldn’t have to do extra work after you came back. Then after the job was done and I was about to leave and go to your apartment…do you remember that topper full of soup I got for you to eat?’
‘Huh, yeah, you made it for me, right?’
Stolas started scratching the back of his neck. 
‘Well, actually Loona made it’.
‘Sorry, what?’
‘Yeah, Loona prepared it at the office’s cafeteria. She brought a bunch of veggies and cooked it as well as she could. She was too shy to ask Moxxie for help, I guess’. Stolas said with a wide smile staring at Blitzo who had finally lifted his head from his lap.
‘Loona…did she really do that for me?’ 
‘Of course! He was worried for his dad!’, Stolas replied. ‘She made me swear I’d say I made it, but I’m only responsible for bringing you the medication and the horsie plushie’.
‘Loona…my sweet baby…she actually loves me…’ Blitzo started sniffling again while standing up and hugging tight to Stolas’ chest trying to hide his tears.
‘Blitzy, sometimes children say things that are hurtful because of the heat of the moment’, Stolas continued while reciprocating Blitzo’s hug. ‘I’ve been there with Via as well, it’s something that happens. But do not be wrong, everytime you show them worry and caring to them they feel it, they know your love is genuine. I know you have had a rough life path Blitzy, but each one of us can see how hard you’re trying to make things change for the better. You trying so hard to move forward and improve yourself for all of us around you is one of the reasons I fell in love with you’.
Blitzo sobbed quietly for a couple of minutes before he was calm enough to look at Stolas, who patiently waited until he was ready. 
‘Ugh, my bad, I hate to be seen like this, it’s so embarrassing’.
‘Aww, you don’t have to be embarrassed for showing me your crying face at all, Blitzy’, Stolas said with a sweet smile. ‘Your softness is another reason why I love you so much.’
‘I knew you were a f**king sadist’, Blitzo replied with a low voice. His face was blushing a little.
‘Do you feel a little better darling?’
‘Yeah, I guess so. Erm, thank you Stols’, Blitzo said with a shy smile.
‘Always my pleasure my sweet little imp’.
‘Stop calling me those names God damnit!’ Blitzo started giving little punches with his closed fists to Stolas, with a face redder than before.
‘Ahahaha, I’m sorry! You’re so cute I just want to give you all the pet names in the world!’, Stolas said while covering himself laughing.
‘Mmph!’ Blitzo pouted and saw the opposite way. Stolas knew he wasn’t actually angry. Actually he looked much calmer than before their talk. But Stolas was planning to improve his dear boyfriend’s humor a little more. Giving Blitzo a happy look he said:
‘You know what darling? I feel you’re still feeling a little down. Why don’t we work a little on it? You look like you need to relax a little more’, Stolas said, getting closer to Blitzo in a very suspicious way.
‘Stolas, I think I’m good enough to move forward with it so…’. Blitzo suddenly paused and recognized the naughty look Stolas always gave him when ‘that’ was about to happen. ‘Oh no, Stolas, don’t you even think about it…no, I refuse and…Woah!’.
Blitzo didn’t move quickly enough to Stolas grabbing him and cradding him like he was a big cat. He then gave him a little nuzzle and giving happy leaps he reached the bedroom. Then he laid on the bed still holding Blitzo with one arm, long enough to hold on his legs so he couldn’t go away.
‘Stolas, I, I swear to f**ing Satan that if you don’t let me go I…’. Blitzo was stuttering and trying not to show his excitement for what was about to come.
‘Oh, my little Blitzy, no need to be shy. Just enjoy your therapy session of the day, you really need it, don’t you think so?’ Stolas mischievously said.
‘I f**ing don’t, ok? J-ust don’t do it, I…Mmmph!’ Stolas started giving him peppering kisses and smooches all over his face, focusing more on his cheeks because he knew it made Blitzo giggle almost instantaneously. Blitzo tried to make an upset face as long as he could, but it was a lost cause.
‘S-Stolas, no, I’m warning y-you, cuhut it out…no…stop…pfff! Hehehe, nohoho…’
‘Oh, you’re laughing! That’s wonderful, it seems like you’re enjoying my kisses my dear Blitzy!
‘Nohoho, I’m nohohot!’, Blitzo protested between giggles. Not very convincing.
‘Oh, maybe you need a little more affection!’ Stolas then started walking his fingers slowly on Blitzo’s stomach, trying to get a wobbly nervous smile from him, which wasn’t too hard to do. Blitzo was very susceptible to Stolas’ playful teasing.
‘Please, don’t dohoho it…, I will…pfff! Ehehehehe!’.
Stolas wiggled a single finger over Blitzo’s stomach, giving light tickles only. Usually Stolas would tickle Blitzo with all his might to the point of Blitzo falling asleep right away after his play, but on this occasion Stolas just wanted to pamper him and make him feel happy. 
‘Ehehehe, Stohohoolas! Nohohot there, hehehe!’, Blitzo said between giggles and squirms. ‘Not my stomach, hehehe!’
‘But your stomach is so soft , cute and ticklish, I can’t stop tickling it!’, Stolas replied, not using all his hand’s fingers to keep the soft tickles going, making Blitzo laugh and squirm harder.
‘Ahahahaha! Stahahahahap!’
‘I got your belly button!’, Stolas cooed while wiggling one finger inside Blitzo’s belly button, after going under his shirt. It didn’t tickle as much as the rest of his stomach but Blitzo still laughed.
‘You f***heheher, juhuhust wait until I’m freheheheee!’, Blitzo yelled before falling into more laughter. Stolas just laughed at seeing his boyfriend trying to sound menacing with no avail. 
‘Aww Blitzy! You trying to sound menacing under these circumstances is totally adorable! Please do it again!’, Stolas cooed again, while tickling Blitzo’s neck with his fingers this time, making him squirm from one side to another, trying to cover the side of his neck Stolas attacked alternatively .
‘Ahahaha, I hate you sohohoho much!’, Blitzo said without meaning it so much.
‘Oh, is that so? Maybe you don’t feel relaxed enough yet. What if we focus on your favorite spot now?’.
Blitzo knew what spot he meant, but tried to act like he didn’t. ‘Whahahat the f*ck you’re talking about, hahaha!’.
‘Oh, yes you do, my dear Blitzy!’. Stolas began playfully walking his fingers from Blitzo’s stomach to his ribs, poking in some places just to keep his excitement going, Blitzo couldn’t stop giving nervous giggles while Stolas’ fingers were close to reach that feared spot.
When Stolas’ hand reached the upper rib right under his underarm and tickled  there, Blitzo jolted and let out a loud squeal while laughing and squirming like crazy.
‘There it is! There’s that happy spot! Stolas cooed while holding his own laughter. Blitzo’s laughter was Stolas’ serotonin without a doubt. Blitzo weakly tried to protect his side and squirmed on Stolas’ arm, and then let out a squeak when Stolas suddenly changed to tickle his other side.
Blitzo didn’t give any smart ass comeback as he usually did. He’d rather die than admitting that he really loved being tickled there, but the fact that he kept quiet while laughing his a** off meant he was trying to enjoy every single second of his tickle therapy. 
When Stolas vibrated both of his hands while still holding Blitzo on both sides of his ribs, he let out such a loud and happy squeal that his embarrassment grew about 150%.
‘Aww, that was such a cute sound! Please do it again for me!’ Stolas cooed while still teasing his dear mate’s ribs.
‘Youhhhhuuu…ahahaha *hic*! F*ck, hahaha *hic* stahahahap!’
‘Alright, alright, I’ll change places now’, Stolas said, holding Blitzo now over his chest. Then he started quickly poking his back, making him jumpy and squirmy all over again, especially when Stolas poked a very ticklish spot. 
Blitzo could only squirm and laugh, his face hidden on Stolas’ fluffy chest, trying not to show him his face, now red as a tomato. That changed when Stolas dug his fingers on his lower back. Blitzo instinctively arched his back, showing his face and cackling.
‘Ahahaha! Stolahahahas! Nohohot therehehehe!’
‘Why not? You love when I scratch the base of your tail’.
‘But not like thihihhis! Stahahahap!’
‘Alright, I just give you a little more treatment and I’m done’, Stolas said with the sweetest voice he could ever do, making Blitzo afraid about what would be coming next.
Stolas suddenly lifted Blitzo from his low back and let Blitzo’s waist and head hanging from the bed, making his blouse go down to his chest. Because of the force of gravity it was very hard for Blitzo  to lift his arms and protect himself from what Stolas was planning.
Stolas walked his fingers over Blitzo’s stomach at a very slow pace, making him both afraid and excited, making it hard not to start giggling in front of Stolas. First making circles around Blitzo’s belly button, then proceeded to skitter his talons all over Blitzo’s stomach and ribs, making him laugh at an instant.
‘Nahahahah! Stolahahahahs! You’re the worhohohorst ahahaha!’
‘Oh, really? I thought I was the sweetest boyfriend ever, giving my dear imp boyfriend so much attention!’, Stolas said feigning ignorance. Then he started softly scratching each rib and then giving him soft pinches on them, making Blitzo all giggly and squirmy.
‘You’re so cute, my dear Blitzy! How was I able to get the most handsome, yet the most ticklish imp in the whole hell?’.
Blitzo just stopped fighting all at once, now too lazy to lift his arms and fight against Stolas. His tickles were too light to even care, and at this point Blitzo was having a lot of fun feeling Stolas’ caring touch. Blitzo had given up a long time ago about falling in love, even more getting love from someone, but Stolas was giving him just that right now. Every touch, every caress he received from the owl prince, made him both shudder and melt.
After almost 10 minutes of being upside down laughing and hipcupping,  Stolas lifted Blitzo and gave him a tight hug, giving him a moment to compose himself. Blitzo finally gave a long sight and stared at his boyfriend.
‘God damnit Stolas! You and your silly games!’
‘Did I go a little too far, perhaps?’, Stolas replied, tilting his head and looking too cute for Blitzo to even fake he was angry at him. He just looked away, blushing.
‘As always’, he said. Next time it will be your turn to get a therapy session, and it will be a full 1 hour session!’
‘Oh, really? Do I need an appointment for that?’, Solas replied, a little too enthusiastic about that scenario’.
‘Ugh, I forgot you enjoy anything I do to you’.
‘Wait, you don’t enjoy everything I do to you?’stolas said, faking being offended.
‘Anyways, I’m tired and I just wanna go to bed now. Can we just take a bath and rest?’
‘Of course! Let me take you to the royal bath, your Highness!’, Stolas playfully said while carrying Blitzo to the bathroom as if they were dancing in a ball. Blitzo couldn’t do anything but stare at his charming Prince’s eyes while dancing, hypnotizing him.
‘Mom, look at the new trick I learnt today!’ A little Blitzo yelled while approaching his mom with a giant circus ball. His mom just stopped what she was doing and sat looking honestly eager to see what his son had prepared for her. His little twin sister also quickly joined the audience.
Holding a little baton on his right hand, Blitzo began spinning it and then jumped on the ball, doing circles across the room while still spinning the baton. Then he jumped backwards letting the baton go, kept standing on the now still ball and holding it with his tail. 
When the act was done, both his mom and sister clapped, smiling a lot.
‘Oh, my Blitzo! You’re so talented! Everyone will love your act!’
‘Do you really think so mom?’, Blitzo said with shinny hopeful eyes, receiving a hug from his mom. ‘Do you think people will love me’.
His mom kindly smiled.
‘Of course Blitzo. Someday people will love you as much as I do’. His mom held him tightly and gave him a lot of smooches, making him giggle.
Blitzo opened his eyes to find himself in the arms of Stolas, who was already asleep. Blitzo could feel his warm breath on the nape of his neck, and his soft chest feathers warming his back. Beginning to doze off again Blitzo took Stolas’ arm and held it against his chest, letting himself be hugged by him.
Before falling asleep, Blitzo mumbled to himself while smiling:
‘Mom, I’ve finally found someone who loves me’.
Hope you all enjoyed my fanfic. If you want to support me to work on more fanfics or art you can buy me a coffee on my Ko-fi site, https://ko-fi.com/kirausamaria 
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afrognamedfizzarolli · 5 months
Helluva Boss Season 2 break down. Pt 2: Apology Tour!
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I have a feeling this is how Apology Tour will start: Blitzø breaking down due to overwhelming self loathing. Possibly due to someone else going off on him. I believe the cake(? Some sort of food) depiction of him isn't real, but something he's picturing.
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Honestly I don't have a damn clue how we got here, but it seems Stolas is performing at a Verosika show, them bonding over there shared heartbreak from Blitzø, made most obvious by the curtain behind them with "BLITZO SUCKS" spelled out in huge letters.
I also think its possible this is the first time we will see the Envy Ring. As the sky looks more purple here to me than in Lust. But i might be crazy.
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My assumption is Blitzø crashes the show, why and how I am also not sure. I have a few theories but they aren't rooted in much. Presumably him and Verosika get into it, landing them both in jail. I think here we will see similar to in Oops him and Verosika fighting about their past, that leads to actually communicating, them both finally seeing the others side. They end up working together to escape.
Also want to point out that the window behind Verosika shows what might be a green sky. Which would be kinda strange for them to have traveled to a completely different ring. The neon light in the back of the cell seems to be more of Lust's aesthetic. So honestly who fucking knows what ring they are in anymore.
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I think these take place after Blitzø and Verosika escape. Possibly them talking about his relationship with Stolas, and her pointing out the blatantly obvious to Blitzø that Stolas does love him.
I believe the close up shots of them do take place directly after one another, mostly because they are in the same outfits they are shown to be in in their respective clips with Verosika. I think again this is finally them communicating and understanding each other, and possibly here is where they officially become a couple.
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I believe these shots of a fight sequence in the Lust Ring are going to be this episodes B plot. We get parts showing Millie, Loona, and Moxxie (and the cool mega man looking ass robot) but no Blitzø.
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These clips are a little difficult for me placement wise. They would fit with my expected story line of this episode where Blitzø is remembering and regretting everyone he has hurt. Although I have a feeling they are actually from Mastermind, Ill elaborate on [my post for that episode]
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I'm not completely sure where the shot of Millie with the broken glass fits, its been a really tricky one for me. I do not think it has anything to do with Blitzø, like how the line playing when it comes up alludes to. This episode is my best guess, but honestly it could fit a lot of places.
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I want to include this background detail from Hells Belles that may have possibly been foreshadowing to this episode. The sign does say "Pride Tour" though, which AGAIN just fucks with what ring this damn episode takes place.
Again I am sorry for the shit photo quality, and possible bad grammar and spelling. I currently have the posts for the rest of the episodes nearly done so expect those in the next few hours ♡ I'd love to hear any other ideas or theories about the upcoming episodes, or anything I missed/got wrong!
Pt. 1: The Full Moon | Pt. 2 :Apology Tour | Pt. 3: Ghostfuckers | Pt. 4: Mastermind | Pt. 5: Sinsmas
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sufferingsinnur · 2 days
My thoughts on Helluva Boss: APOLOGY TOUR and FULL MOON
Trigger warning to Stolas defenders, I guess.
I don't like the way the episode decided to make Blitzo the villain back to back. Stolas was such a hypocrite acting like he's done nothing wrong. "have you ever even apologized?" what a bold fucking thing to say after you banished him from your home when he attempted to do just that.
People keep getting something wrong about Stolitz, and that thing is..
And they never were. Blitzo does not have to spend every waking moment with this man if he doesn't want to. Sure, Blitzo does have feelings for him, but he also understands that they are strictly on BUSINESS because of a CONTRACT.
I don't see yall calling Angel Valentino's ex. Because they're not in a relationship. Same goes here.
Blitzo was hired as a BODYGUARD in LooLoo Land. Not a fucking escort. A BODYGUARD. Stolas made it very clear what his job would entail and what does he do? Flirt with him the ENTIRE TIME on a trip that was meant for HIM and his DAUGHTER.
I refuse to believe Blitzo has this many exes. How does he have this many when he couldn't even hold a relationship with Stolas or Verosika? Viv just wants to make him look worse than he is because there should be NO REASON why his exes can fill up a room.
He couldn't even bring himself to think Stolas or ANYONE could love him, yet he has this many exes? Viv, please. That's bullshit. They were flings or one night stands at best and you know it. Or idk, attended because Verosika is idk...A POPSTAR????
We don't know jack shit about these people. They could've been the toxic ones all along. And Verosika's just validating their pathetic asses. (Not all of them, but some select few, or most.)
Verosika's party is NOT helping anyone. She's acting like she's some unsung hero. "you almost make me feel bad for hating you" you should feel bad. You put this on yourself. It is NOT that hard to GET OVER IT. Blitzo is NOT that fucking hot. You're a grown ass woman, a millionaire probably at that. There should be NO REASON you can't afford therapy or find someone new.
She's not making it any better for the party goers. She's not letting them MOVE ON. She's bringing back these painful memories for the sake of 'helping them'.
I swear if she just got the fuck over it they would too. She's the one bringing in all this hurt EVERY YEAR.
Like, okay, it might work the first time. But EVERY YEAR?? Hell no. Now you're just being petty.
Can we talk about this "better than blitzo guy" who just swoops on in?? Like no. No no no. Stolas doesn't just get to have a happy ending. He has problems and we need to focus on those before we give him a new "impish little plaything" to toy with.
Neither of them are over Blitzo and they'll NEVER be over Blitzo, clearly. So this relationship is NOT going to work. Again, Stolas DEFINITELY has his issues and needs to fix the way he views people below him before he even DARES to try dating one again.
Blitzo put everything before Stolas, like his daughter and employees. As he should. Stolas puts Blitzo before everything, and THAT'S why his ass got his heartbroken.
Blitzo didn't even say NO. He just didn't understand. He knows this idiot has a hard time with these things, and yet held it against him anyway. I don't care what pills he was or wasn't on. There's no excuse for his actions when he KNOWS he's in the wrong.
Blitzo has already been called out for everything in the show itself, so I won't bother with him. They're both in the wrong. I need Stolas' to get what's coming to him.
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beastabyss666 · 1 year
You know as a former member of Vivziepop's cult and yes its a cult not a fandom anymore I am disgusted by a majority of the people in it.
Like someone on the subreddit brought up it being kinda tasteless or fucked that they sold sexy Stella merch in bdsm gear when she's abused Stolas physically. The post was deleted quickly and judging by my experiences in the fandom people were stanning Viv or harassing OP and that has got me thinking.
Why is Stella in bdsm gear? Like Stolas and Blitzo are canonically into it yet you give the abuser that...
Like isn't a bit fucked that instead of choosing the canonical practicioners in your show you choose to put someone who uses pain not to pleasure but to slowly break and hurt someone.
We know Vivziepop has a merch rep so how did that get into production?
I also find it fucked that Vivziepop and crew are attempting to tackle an issue as serious as domestic abuse and do it so poorly by writing Stolas and Stella as bickering children next we see them. Then the staff has the utter gawl to sell merch in general of Stella and the fans buying it up.
Like I understand autograph signings slightly but that's the only merch Stella should have.
Vivziepop's cult loves to claim that they utterly depise Stella and deserves to suffer because she's an abuser so how dare people want nuance or not just a generically evil cartoon villain but the moment she is drawn in a sexy way they start throwing money at that.
Like I just want to know how these people if their friends ask about the character on the pin will explain "Oh this is Stella who's a sexy domestic abuser"
Then again am I surprised when Vivziepop makes merch of a rapist and most of the crew have some weird fascination with Valentino and not in the way that he's their best written villain way more like they are simping over him.
I think a lot of fandoms, especially nowadays, have a lot of genuinely bad people who really need help/therapy but see nothing wrong in what they do or just keep doing that, though they know it ain't okay. That's so frustrating when you can't feel comfortable even in an Internet community. But Viv's "fandom"(I mean exactly these two shows, although Zoophobia also had...... not very pleasant people) is surely something... Where'd you find so many blatantly oblivious and blind brown nosers which keep pretending everything's good when there's already tons of red flags from Vivienne? Yeah, that's a rare case. I don't wanna interact with this fandom or even talk about it, tbh. I still watch the show cuz it's fun to see how it manages to be worse with every episode, though sometimes I don't make reviews as many other people do it faster and better and I just have nothing to say(I need to take my jaw from the floor). Regarding Stella – well, I don't know on what principles Viv or her team makes merch with the characters, but aren't all characters being sexualized anyway? They even have merch with Chaz, a guy who, like, died in the same episode. And they keep doing new merch with this jerk. And that's obviously because there are people who simp for him. I don't know if Stella's merch may be an insult to those who practice BDSM, I'm not into it, tbh, and I don't take these things seriously, but I find this just a bland sexualisation. Well, it's "sexy merch", but yeah, Stella's all character is based on being a mean aggressive yelling bitch, and this thing....... it must be a character trait, I guess? Or just a sweet treat for rule34 artists, like most of the stuff Viv does. Again, I don't take all of this seriously, this sexy merch was made to tease and please the simping fans, but there's certainly a part of irony in it. Like, people in this fandom hate Stella so much that they shit on people who simply want her to be a more complex character, and they're........ still buying all this stuff. They........ enjoy Stella being "hot dommy mommy" and still keep hating her? Ngl, only Viv's fanbase can do that, lol. I've seen this fandom from the start and I can say that many people here always had some weird obsession with Valentino. I even remember some person passive aggressively telling me that "he's just very charismatic and it's your problems if you can't see it". When there were, like........ A musical clip and a comic where he just was being an abusive jerk. Yeah, that's a really weird fascination. Also, doesn't one of HH's crew, who is an animator or a director(don't remember correctly), has a rape fetish and has drawn an animatic on their beloved ship Angel/Val? Hella ironic that a show about serious portrayal of trauma and abuse has a crew member(or members) which legit....... find it hot or cute. That's sick af but I guess Viv doesn't care who she hires. Oh, that's definitely not a pit I would like to fall in. I'm not sure there's any hope on Hazbin portraying trauma or mental illnesses properly, but I'll still watch it anyway. Whenever it comes out....
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doublejango · 4 months
The Full Moon - "novelization" of THAT scene, contains full spoilers.
It is okay to reblog, but please do not repost. The dialog lines are all taken directly from the show, I didn't write them! Like I said in the title, this is just a 'novelization' type thing of the scene--all of the staging, beats, etc, it's all Vivziepop & Crew! This is just my take on the episode, of course, please don't be angry if it doesn't jive with how you interpreted it! Also, this is largely from Blitz's point of view, other than at the very beginning, but please don't take that to mean I am at all anti-Stolas. I adore him, adore him, and am not blaming him. This episode was wonderful and felt like such a realistic way for things to go.
Stolas could do this. Somehow, somehow he could do this, he could get through the day. He wouldn't think about how many hours overdue he was for his antidepressants, which were gone. He wouldn't let himself think about what would happen if this went poorly--but of course, that was all he was thinking about. What if this went poorly? He sat on the edge of his bed, trying to be calm, trying not to fidget, and failed at both. Blitz would be here any minute; soon, their lives together would begin, or they would end.
Nothing could remain the way it was.
His heart was racing and his hands were cold. This was the right thing to do, he knew it was, so why did it feel wrong somehow? Why did he feel like he was standing on the edge of some terrible precipice? Why did it feel like he going to do something cruel? This was kindness. This was right. This was the only way he could even ever begin to convince his darling Blitz of how he felt. Love could hardly flourish under chains.
But then again, maybe Blitz wouldn't even come tonight. Maybe it would be one more night of disappointment and loneliness--and maybe part of him was hoping for that. Stolas sighed and hung his head, disappointed in himself for thinking it, yet unable to deny it: if Blitz didn't come, he wouldn't have to do this. Everything could stay as it was for another month, and they could live just that much longer in this beautiful, terrible lie.
As he thought it, a large bag was hefted over the balcony railing, as if Blitz had gathered up everything he'd stolen that wonderful day in their childhood.
Stolas's stomach felt like it was full of lead.
This was happening.
A moment later, Blitz appeared, climbing up over the balustrade. "Hidey-ha-hoo-ha, Stolas," he called out cheerfully. He sounded so playful, so happy, could it be so wrong to just--let this happen? Just once more?
The beautiful, darling, dangerous little imp dragged the heavy bag into the room, unaware that he held far more than the cloth in his hands. Stolas's heart was there somewhere--it had been from the beginning.
"Guess what I got for us? I got lots of fun shit for us to--" Blitz struggled with the bag--"play with tonight!"
Look at him. He was smiling. He was happy. He was even dressed differently than usual, so nicely. Stolas should smile too. He should get up, play along, say something, invite him closer, anything, but he couldn't. For a moment, he couldn't speak, couldn't move. His heart was too heavy. He wanted this, wanted the pleasure of another night with his beloved in his arms--
But he couldn't continue treating Blitz so cruelly.
Blitz deserved better than that. He always had. It didn't matter that Stolas had never meant to be cruel, he told himself, for he knew that he hadn't; all that mattered was that now that he understood the cruelty, he needed to do something about it. He had to protect his lover, even from himself, else Blitz's consent could never mean a thing, and that was a line that horrified Stolas to understand how he had tripped and danced across it.
"Like this extra large candle that smells like..." Blitz plastered his face against the glass and breathed it in, "horny!" Getting the damn candle had been more of an ordeal than it should have, but it was worth it. There was something about the smell, and while he often bought toys that he thought Stolas might like, the candle felt a little different to him--special, maybe. He couldn't just say that, that would be weird, but since it was sex-themed, it was safe, right? Stolas couldn't reject him for this, couldn't be upset about it. They were here for sex, it was going to be amazing, and if he could do anything to make his damn bird smile, he would.
"I got..." He dove back into the bag. Christ on a stick, he'd picked up way too much shit, hadn't he? Picking up a small plug, he made a face. When did I even buy this? "I got... whatever this little guy is, but..." No. No. Don't show doubt. Just keep this fun. Keep it light. He grinned and looked back at Stolas. "But I'm sure there's some place in your cloaca where you can stick it." He tossed the little plug aside, aware that Stolas really hadn't reacted to, well, anything, and pulled out the special toy Fizzie had pulled out for him. Thank fuck he had this, because Stolas was being oddly quiet, and the heat felt like it was on. If he couldn't please him...
Fuck worrying and fuck thinking. They were going to have a great fucking time. Everything was going to be fine.
"And look at this bad boy!" Flipping it up into the air with a flourish, he activated the toy, letting the massive cock take shape, tentacles whipping wildly. The rich red light behind him cast dark shadows on the floor, towards Stolas's feet.
Stolas still didn't seem to be reacting.
He was just... staring?
Was this not enough? Fuck. Stolas was a Goetia. Incredibly powerful, incredibly resilient. Almost nothing could hurt him--other than the shit Striker used on him, fuck that angelic bullshit--and so finding toys to at least give Stolas the pretense of danger was hard sometimes. Hard, but worth it. He usually seemed to like the more intense things--those bear traps felt more like a soft bite, Stolas had once confessed to him--so this should do it, should be close to edgeplay for Stolas, but...
What was going on?
Blitz looked at Stolas, trying not to falter.
"Do you...?" Stolas coughed quietly, clearing his throat, and seemed to intentionally soften his tone, but his next words still came out brisk. Businesslike. "Do you have my book, Blitz?"
Blitz's stomach dropped.
Something really was wrong.
He shut the giant vibrator down and made himself smile. "Yeah, uh, yeah. It's... right here." Blitz fetched the heavy tome out of the bag. The beautiful blue book seemed to get heavier every time he held it. Right now, it felt like it weighed far, far too much. "I, I always bring it." This would be fine. He walked closer to Stolas. "Why do you...?"
"I need it back." Stolas held out his hand and Blitz slowly started to give him the book, but then the beautiful owl said one more word: "Permanently."
Oh no.
Oh no.
Oh no.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Blitz whipped the book back out of reach. "Perman--hold, hold on Stolas." Clutching it to his chest, he tried, he tried not to sound like he was freaking out, and he tried to put that smile on. Fake it til you make it, right? That shit could count in this kind of situation too, sure it could. Think. Think, asshole. He's obviously mad, so what is he mad about? Figure this shit out. Figure this shit out and fix it, but keep it light. Don't fuck this up. Don't fuck this up. "Now, hold on. Is this because I've taken up skipping a few rounds with you in bed because I'm busy? That ain't fair." He held up a hand, closed his eyes. Don't panic. Smile. Eye contact. Move towards him. Do it. "I, I, I, I can still hold up my end of the bargain. Right? Let, let me show you a good time tonight." Stolas's hand was still outstretched, so Blitz reached for it. "You know I can."
But Stolas didn't let him touch him. He pulled his hand away.
What was happening?
Blitz's heart was beating faster now. The room was starting to feel different. Unfamiliar.
"Please," Stolas said quickly, tightly, closing his hand as if Blitz might have burned it if they'd touched, "don't say it like that, Blitz..." He wrapped his arms around himself.
Like what? How else should I say it? Isn't that what he wants? What am I doing wrong?
"Come on, bitch." Blitz rested his hand instead on a warm knee. Stolas looked different, felt different, felt a million miles away, but his body still felt the same under Blitz's hand, and that had to count for something. "You know I don't disappoint." Fuck, look at that precious blush on Stolas's face. Blitz tried to make his words into a purr, a promise, to make it everything Stolas might enjoy--but Stolas was...
"No!" Stolas got up quickly. "No, no, no. There's no need. I've made up my mind."
Blitz stared as Stolas turned and walked away from him, leaving him.
He's leaving.
Blitz had fucked up.
He wasn't--he wasn't good enough. Loona was right. Stolas was bored with him. Or disappointed, or something. Maybe he had realized that fucking an imp was just a novelty, fun for a little while, but that he could do so damn much better.
Stolas's long legs took him across the room so quickly--away from Blitz so quickly, and he carried the book with him.
No. Focus on the book, asshole! Not on how it fucking feels to... If he lost the grimoire, they were all screwed. Millie had family that were relatively safe to go to if she stopped being able to pay rent, but they would probably treat Moxxie like shit all over again, and that bitch Crimson wasn't going to be any help. Loona would be fine, right? She would be fine if I.M.P had to disband. She might even be happier away from then, and--and they would all go. Because if he couldn't employ them, what the fuck was anyone sticking around for, and Stolas was taking the book away and without it they would just be imps, the bottom of the fucking foodchain again, having to fight their way up from the bottom not to even get on top, but to just get out from whoever was stepping on them next.
Blitz started after him quickly, but reigned himself in as much as he could, stopped himself from running up and just grabbing.
"Stolas, please, don't... I--I need this this book. Please!" No. Calm down. Calm the fuck down, Blitz. If you panic, he'll throw you out. He'll see the desperation and know how weak you are and he'll throw you out. Calming himself, at least outwardly, Blitz lowered his head.
He knew what he had to say.
It was what he always had to say. Maybe never to Stolas before, but there had been others.
Fuck, there had been others. People thought they only wanted Something, but the truth was, they always wanted Everything. No boundaries allowed. No limits. Full submission or nothing at all. He had to offer everything, a blank check. There was no other choice.
"I need this book, Stolas." Blitz felt sick. His hands had been cold a moment ago, but now all of him seemed to flush with an old heat, an old shame, the kind of filth you couldn't wash off no matter how many showers you took, because he knew. He knew what could happen when he offered this, but he had to do it.
Tears burning his eyes, hot and heavy with all the shame and the old memories, Blitz forced the words out: "I will do anything."
But Stolas didn't take the bait.
He turned around, smiling that sweet smile of his, and shoved a box into Blitz's face, some fancy fucking jewelry-looking box. What the hell? What--what was this? Blitz's head was spinning, or maybe the room was. Maybe the floor was tilted. Maybe there was just nowhere left to stand.
"This," Stolas said, sounding calm and pleased as his grimoire floated beside him and he revealed a lovely amber crystal, seemingly oblivious to the fact that Blitz had just offered to sell him everything, including his self-respect, including his consent, his autonomy, just to keep the book, "is an Asmodean Crystal." He looked happy? How could Stolas be happy right now? But he went on. "It's registered in your name."
Blitz was struggling to keep up.
"A... what?"
Stolas seemed to light up at being asked, and his grimoire opened, a lovely little illusion sparkling to life above it, illustrating how Blitz could use the crystal apparently. Maybe Blitz should be paying attention to that, but he couldn't take it in. Just understanding Stolas's actual words felt hard right now. Trying to make sense of any of this, it was...
It wasn't working.
Oblivious to how he felt, Stolas went on. "Asmodeus has his demons legally travel to Earth for work all the time," he practically chirped, warming to the subject as if he had rehearsed it.
Fuck. He probably had.
Stolas snapped the grimoire shut. "I made the case for you to own one! You will be technically under his jurisdiction, but, you will be able to go anywhere you want in the human realm, without fear of consequence." He left the boxed gem in Blitz's hands and turned away yet again, walking away to shelve his grimoire.
Blitz studied the box for a moment, but his eyes went back to Stolas. This still didn't make sense. None of it did. Why was Stolas brushing him off like this? What..?
Stolas looked at the grimoire for just a moment, his expression incredibly sad, as he added, "Without breaking demon law." He managed a smile, but it didn't last long. As he put the grimoire on the shelf, putting away their tether, snapping the tie that had bound them, there was grief on his face.
Why? Why the fuck was Stolas doing this if it was making him sad? What did--what did it mean? The crystal was beautiful, sure, but it was... it was...
The grimoire was out of reach.
Was Stolas, too?
Stolas turned back to him, his voice quiet and genteel, and Blitz studied him, trying to take in every detail, every clue, studying him like he'd never seen him before.
"You no longer need my grimoire," the beautiful owl said.
He didn't sound happy about it.
"Whaaat?" Blitz tried to brighten the mood, to make it playful, to take this back somewhere safe, but Stolas didn't take the bait. If anything, he only sounded more and more distant as he went on.
"You..." Stolas paused for a moment, for one terrible moment, where if he would just reverse course everything could be okay, but he didn't. "You no longer have any obligation to see me, to touch me, to..." He hesitated again, and Blitz could hear that touch of shame in his voice, "to bed me. You are... you are free of me."
The words were recognizable. Blitz understood the words. But why did Stolas say them like he hated saying them? Why did he say them like something felt dirty? Like he had to wash something away?
Wash... Blitz... away?
That couldn't be what he meant.
This couldn't be happening.
Blitz's expression was entirely unguarded. His playfulness was wrong, mind whirling, heart breaking because it already knew, even if he was refusing to hear it.
"I.. don't... understand. Why are you giving me this?" Blitz gestured at the beautiful crystal again. There had to be a better explanation than that rambling crap Stolas had just offered, because every mixed signal there--Stolas wasn't happy about saying any of it, so why the fuck would he say it? He had the power here. He could say anything, ask for anything, so did he...
What was happening?
I'm doing something wrong. Think, think, fuck!
"Am I not like... fucking you good enough?" Blitz asked, and that felt right. Of course. Like Loona said, he was probably just boring to Stolas now. Maybe Stolas sensed that Blitz couldn't keep up with the crazy shit they got into--maybe Stolas sensed the truth, that there was a vanilla streak a mile fucking wide inside Blitz. Maybe that disgusted him and he didn't want anything to do with it, and, and, and.. yeah! That had to be it! And that was fixable! Hope came rushing back and Blitz started breathing again. "Because I could always, I can always do better," he protested, nodding, but as Stolas moved closer to him, crouching down to be closer to his level, he felt the desperation taking hold again, felt the edges of the world turning sharp as they began to crack.
Stolas didn't want to hear it. Wouldn't let him say it. He didn't care that Blitz could do better. That was the thought running through Blitz's mind, the truth hammering home. It didn't matter how he begged or pleaded or what he offered, Stolas had made some horrifying decision and now he was sticking to it and he was doing it so kindly and so distantly and it was fucking terrifying.
"Blitz." Stolas's tone was gentle but firm. He took the crystal in one hand, Blitz's left hand in the other, and Blitz couldn't move, couldn't breathe. "I'm giving you this because," his beautiful owl went on, "I care."
Stolas smiled as he said it.
As he pressed the crystal into Blitz's glove.
Blitz couldn't move.
So much for breathing.
Their arrangement had felt like a torment sometimes, for so many reasons, none of them Stolas's fault in Blitz's opinion, but as he felt that magical weight pressed into the glove, it felt like chains for the first time.
Or like the smashing of every wall.
Like living in a greenhouse. Some little plant, growing a new flower slowly, because it was safe, but then it didn't grow fast enough and the storm came and the glass broke and there was nothing left but the howling nothingness.
No safety.
Stolas was hurting him. Not physically, but it fucking hurt all the same. Hurting him. But he was being so gentle. So polite. So kind.
Why is he doing this? I love...?
Stolas was still speaking. Right. He had to listen.
"...very deeply for you, and I have for some time."
The crystal bonded so smoothly, its presence a warmth and a weight, almost alive, almost like someone holding his hand. There was no denying the precious magic to it, the immeasurable value, and under any other circumstances, Blitz might have been thrilled to get something like this...
But the crystal felt like a replacement. Not for the grimoire, but for... for Stolas. For them.
Blitz stared into his eyes.
Don't make this be real, Stolas. Please? Please, don't make this be real.
Stolas wasn't even meeting his eyes. "But this... transactional thing we have," he said, gesturing vaguely in the air, as if a gesture and a few words could sum up whole nights spent together, warm and ridiculous and sometimes rough and always good, and the wonderful mornings that came afterwards, "it's not right, anymore." Stolas's beautiful red eyes were finally on him now, his expression pleading, "it hasn't been, it never was. And now, all I can see is how wrong it is to be so tethered to someone in such an unfair way and not know how they feel."
Stolas said it like he was pleading. Like he was begging Blitz to understand. On some level, Blitz recognized that. But at the same time, the words were hitting him like blows, buffeting him and he couldn't understand, couldn't think.
Blitz looked at the crystal again, unable to take his hand fully back, barely able to move. Was this--what was happening? Why was Stolas speaking to him like they were already a world apart...?
Stolas must have sensed how lost Blitz was becoming, because he brightened his tone, even smiling a little as he went on. "But I want you to continue to be who you are. Your business!"
Blitz looked down at the crystal, finally lowering his hand. Be who he was? Without Stolas? But without Stolas... who was he now? When so much had changed? How could... How could Stolas go from grieving to pleading to persuading to this cheerfulness? What did he want? Mind whirling, Blitz was just trying to keep up when Stolas lowered his head and said the words that stopped everything.
"You don't have to stay here with me."
A flash of white static in Blitz's mind--then panic.
No. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO.
The bird took off his top hat and smiled at him, still here on the ground with him, low enough that he wouldn't loom over Blitz, wasn't overshadowing him, dominating him, like he was close when he, he, he, he fucking wasn't. He was still talking from somewhere out of fucking reach. Didn't he see that? Didn't he--what was he doing?
"But I... I want you to," Stolas said. Did he? After the way he'd sounded so ashamed earlier? After all of these messages bouncing back and forth so quickly that they weren't even mixed, they were just a chaos of atoms crashing around in the void.
"I want you to stay here with me," Stolas said more firmly, "because you want to. Only. If you want to."
Go if you don't want to be here.
Only stay if you do. If you're sure. If you understand--but how the fuck could he understand? Everything was flying at Blitz so quickly that all the velvet in that voice couldn't soften the blow. Barely breathing, hardly even aware of his own body, all Blitz could do was feel--feel himself flailing in that howling chaos inside, the emptiness, and try to grasp at any answer. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be happening--
So maybe it wasn't.
That was it! That had to be it. This wasn't happening. Stolas was playing a game and wanted Blitz to play, too. Thank fuck!
Blitz's chest eased up some and he smiled and, even if felt a little forced, even if he heard his own desperation, he said, "Ohhhh, okay. You're fucking with me! This is an interesting roleplay. Never done this one, but I can get into it. Alright, how's this, alright..." Play. Play, play, play, play, play. Play. Play. Blitz walked away to the bed, pressed his back against one of the posters, and struck a dramatic pose. Kinda rude to jump into a roleplay without talking about it first--they usually were pretty good about saying what they wanted and didn't want out of heavier kink scenes, the one bit of communication they did fucking right--but he wasn't gonna shame Stolas for that. Fuck, thank fuck that was all this was! Blitz threw himself into the roleplay with enthusiasm. "Oh, Stolas, I'll stay with you!" He danced towards him. "I love you so much, I--"
Stolas held a hand up, firm, in front of his face, a silent command:
Blitz stopped.
"Thank you, Blitz." Stolas stood.
The gap between them was rushing apart again. Doors were closing on something precious.
The cold was back.
The howling void.
"For awakening me," Stolas went on, his voice so kind, so tender, so loving. "For making me so happy, even if only for a little while." He put his hat back on.
Blitz had fucked up.
This wasn't a roleplay.
This wasn't a game.
This was real.
This was real and he had fucked it up. He was losing Stolas. He was losing Stolas. He hadn't understood and he fucked it up and he was losing him now and--
Stolas started for the door. "I wish you the best with your business," he said, suddenly brisk and formal, impersonal.
"Wait, what?" Blitz turned after him, still racing to try and recover, to find his footing. The ground had been unstable after all, but the world wasn't tilted anymore, it was upside down. "You were--serious? Hold, hold on now, Stolas. What the fuck?"
Stolas gripped the door. "I have my answer, Blitz. You needn't say anything."
He left.
Blitz ran after him.
"I have wanted you for so long," Stolas mused, justifying, aching, striding down a darkened hallway, the paintings covered with dropcloths as if Stolas expected to be leaving soon, as if he had begun saying goodbye long ago. "The fact that you couldn't believe that I might have these feelings about you..."
Blitz was chasing him, but the words Stolas was saying were like chaotic punches, blows coming, shattering everything. Feelings? This was real. Feelings? This was real and he had fucked up and Stolas was walking away and he couldn't just let him go, he couldn't--he had to stop this! Fuck!
"...that your first instinct is that it's always... about sex," he said it like it was such a tawdry thing, when it was wonderful between them, fun and beautiful and so, so much of what they had had, what was already gone, what was bleeding out between them too quickly to be staunched, "that's enough to know what this is."
"What?!" Blitz demanded, shock beginning to turn to something else. He couldn't keep up with the shock, with the pain, with being gutted, with being ripped off the plane he knew and thrust into something else, but there was one way he could survive this. He could fight. He could fight Stolas, fight this, fight the terror, the bleeding-out of their relationship, he could fight. And he wanted to. He wanted to--he didn't want to. Fuck, he didn't want to at all, but he needed to. Stolas wasn't fighting to keep it, so Blitz fucking would.
"FUCK YOU, Stolas! You spring this Feelings bullshit on me, are you fucking kidding?" Stolas just kept walking, but so did Blitz, following him into a grand hall, empty but for the light and their voices, his echoing with his own ugliness. The doors tried to close on him, but he kicked through them, determined not to let anything get in between them. "Can I get a fucking minute to think after everything you put me through? You pompous, rich asshole!"
The word was like a blow. Blitz felt it land. He hated it, but he couldn't take it back. He couldn't back down. He had to fight this, he had to fight, to fight Stolas, to stop him from leaving, to chase him and explain and get time to think and to understand because maybe, maybe they wanted the same fucking thing, maybe they could be on the same page but if Blitz opened that page, if he even looked at that page, and he opened himself up to it, and Stolas wasn't there too? He wouldn't recover. He wasn't good at this shit, at feelings and sincerity and opening up, but that didn't mean he didn't want it. He was bad at love, but he wanted it, fuck he wanted it, needed it, craved it, and he felt it. Love was there, fueling the anger, fueling the pain, bruising the air between them as he shouted at the only man he truly wanted, who was walking away because he didn't want Blitz enough if Blitz couldn't give him an immediate answer, if Blitz was reeling from the whiplash, if Blitz hadn't spent all day thinking about this too and...
What the fuck?
How was this happening?
How had this all blown up so badly?
Bltiz was breaking. Adrenaline surging, he paced and turned, tail lashing.
"Treat me like one of your little butler imps? You can't just dismiss me like that!" Snapping out of it, he stalked after Stolas, fury making him so much braver than his desires ever could. "I mean, you royal fucks think you can do this every time." Raw. Too true. Too open. Too honest. His throat ached and his eyes burned and tears began to fall. "That you can just play with our feelings because we're smaller and not as important!"
Stolas stopped, and so Blitz did as well, feet spread, tail low, balanced to fight. Stolas wouldn't look at him, so Blitz went on. Fuck it. What was there to lose now?
"Well I'm not letting you, bitch! LET'S GO!"
His voice echoed in the room and he knew, even as he shouted, that Stolas wasn't really there anymore. Stolas wasn't really hearing him. He hadn't been hearing him since he left the bedroom.
Blitz was losing this fight, but he wasn't going to give up. Chest heaving, he stood still, waiting, hoping, fearing, needing.
Stolas was very quiet for a long moment, but when he spoke, everything was there in the first tone of his voice. Heartache. Goodbye. It was over. It was over.
"Blitz," Stolas said, kind to the last, even when he was the cruelest thing that had ever happened in Blitz's world, "I think so very highly of you." So much self-composure, self-control--
But then it snapped, and when Stolas's voice broke, Blitz's heart broke right along with it.
"I didn't realize," Stolas was crying now, his voice tight, on the verge of losing all control, "you think so low of me."
Eyes widening, Blitz straightened. What? Was that really what Stolas thought he was saying? Didn't Stolas know how beautiful he was? That his voice was in Blitz's dreams every night? Didn't he--no. Because I didn't tell him. I have to tell him.
"Goodbye, Blitz." Tears ran freely down Stolas's face.
No. No, no. Blitz could fix this. He understood now. He reached out, leaping forward. "Stolas, wait. I'm sor--"
But magic swirled around him.
Stolas was gone.
Blitz stood below the steps of the palace.
The doors were closed.
Stolas was gone.
Stolas was gone.
I did this.
"FUCK!" he screamed into the sky, but there were only echoes now. No one was listening.
Stolas was gone.
11 notes · View notes
Hazbin Hotel x Helluva Boss Theory: Adam & Stolas Deserve Better (So Does Blitzo...)
[Note Edit Of May 7, 2024: I know I had put the tag for it yesterday...but just in case I'm editing this in now....one of the tags for this says "do not reblog without permission" so please read the tags so there be no misunderstandings in the future.]
[Note: Reading This Is Optional, BUT this will still be for Mature Audience Readers Only, so NO kids allowed and Parents need to stop scapegoating and actually make sure their kids don't view something that is 16+ to 18+ when they are not the correct age to view it...though half the time it wont be just the parent or parents at fault, it would also be the much older relative like a uncle or aunt or cousin, who lets the child watch something that is not meant for them until they become the proper age to view it........I seen a movie I shouldn't of seen when I was a little kid, and I had misremembered that being my Mom who let me watch it when we had rented at some old video place......but it was one of my much older cousins that let me, which I guess they did cover my eyes at some parts, well maybe not them but maybe my Mom. I still love the movie though and I finally own it on DVD, but I realized what happen when I was little was still irresponsible of them and they should of known better...it isn't the Movie that is at fault, it was the grown-up that had carelessly allowed me to watch it when I was not the proper age to view it....so yeah, since I do have the DVD of that movie now, I think maybe later today or maybe tomorrow I can find the time to watch it again...at least I know now what one of my older cousins did was irresponsible.]
so anyway, even if Stolas may have a right to be upset during what happen at Ozzie's and even after him being drop off by Blitzo.
but he shouldn't play some innocent victim after what happen at Ozzie, as it is no wonder why Blitz didn't want him to touch his hand and the whole not wanting to go inside Stolas's Home...
I might think that Stolas deserves better than Stella, who needs to get a clue and just let the divorce happen...
I don't even think Octavia understands anything about her parents relationship or the fact they were NEVER in love to begin with, and that Octavia's Mom has been always verbally abusive to Stolas.
they were in a LOVELESS Arranged Marriage, but in theory even those who did end up in a Arrange Marriage could end up falling love with each other at some point and or just growing to love each other in a platonic way...
even if Stella is upset the affair happen because of what it does to her image, but maybe the affair wouldn't of happen if she wasn't throwing in Stolas face that the two of them weren't divorced and even making it into a Not-Divorce Party.
even if some think she is some innocent victim, she really isn't.
what did she suspect, for Stolas to come around and treat her like the "Queen" like she deserves to be, to even worship her like the "Goddess" she views herself as....oh please, like that was ever going to happen in the canon.
even though what Stolas did was wrong, but he was with a woman like Stella who should be happy about getting a divorce from a man she hates, but the only reason she stayed with him was probably for the power and the title...and with the title she was given before, could very well be taken away as well as the power she was given.
but Stolas is probably no better than her, when it comes to how he can't see how much he hurt Blitz, well of course Verosika, Fizz and Ozzie did the same thing, but it probably hit him even more when Stolas chose to use that Menu to cover his face.
and I wouldn't be surprised if Verosika may have did something that caused Blitz to run off the way he did, but maybe they can still patch things up and become friends, like how he patch things up with Fizz.
Fizz and Ozzie, I love ya both and if you both were real I would slap you both if you EVER put Blitz through that again...
I would be on Alastor's Shoulder (when he is in Full Demon Mode" to slap Ozzie, and if Fizz is on Ozzie's Shoulder, then I will still slap him one too...
Ozzie & Fizz are so lucky they are so Adorkable and have those VERY cute and sweet sides to themselves, even if they were jerks to Moxxie, Millie, Blitz and Stolas..
well at least Ozzie from Helluva Boss, didn't cause me to accidentally exist like that one story about the whole King Solomon and Asmodeus basically implies...
NEVER gonna let The Embodiment Of Lust that was one of those Keys of Solomon, live that one down I guess.
I know it had to do with the ring and how Grandpa King Solomon was tricked into taking it off, and Asmodeus had threw him to the other side of the world, where he would end up meeting and getting together with one of my Ancestor Grandmothers.
so yeah, I may be a Defective Earth Angel Princess who calls herself "The Eveningstar Princess" because of that weird thing about my Mom having NEVER getting Morning Sickness when she was pregnant with me, and she had ONLY got Evening Sickness...
but what Asmodeus accidentally did, is maybe one of those weird little accidents that can't really be helped and not sure if it is more strange than the whole getting Evening Sickness...
I was a little weirdo even before I was finally born apparently.
and I came out looking like a 2 week old apparently, blame it on the Nephilim gene I guess...I mean if it does play a part in it...
I hope we can finally stop procrastinating in finally checking to see if my blood type will come out O RH D Negative for the third time.
we have been putting it off for way too long it seems, I guess one of the things I don't look forward to it, is the whole pricking and the whole last few tries we did, I ended up not feeling all okay and needed to go sit or lay down.
but it might not be so bad, if I just close my eyes through most of it.
I don't know if I have a certain phobia or not...
but anyway, Fizz should be lucky that his boyfriend didn't accidentally cause a Earth Angel to be born by hooking up her Ancestors together, cause the Earth Angel wouldn't let Big Blue Cotton Candy Ozzie live that one down...
and before I get back to the whole talking about Stolas and everything else, I think if we think about it some percent of Earth Angels are Demi-Angels, having Souls that are Half-Human & Half-Angel, which half the reason could be from the blood they/we carry and the other reason having to do with the souls they/we have.
of course some damages could happen to the Soul, no matter if it is a fully human soul or a hybrid soul.
(if you wish to skip some parts of this, just keep a look out for the bold words...)
like you end up dying way too early more than once in your past lives, and you are lucky not to have full memories of those times in each of them.....plus I really shouldn't be forced to forgive those that had hurt my past life selves, one of them being the reason I may of possibly had Stolas as a Caretaker if certain info is correct.
is it weird to think that he has a small lab type room with those beakers and other stuff that may also have some plants around as well...? like he keeps it a hot mess most of the time probably.
and yeah I'm talking about the Stolas from our Universe this time, that he keeps the room he has a hot mess possibly, which might be his type of lab...?
don't know if I'm right or not though, even with the thoughts that they have some kind of gladiator arena and have some type of fights to possibly show off their strength...
and there is the thoughts of them having a library, which could be a bit smaller than a library in Heaven, like the bookshelves in Heaven being super high that it would take a Angel to fly up to get a book or scroll to get the item your looking for if you aren't able to fly that way...like one of them being that you could still be scared of some heights and can't fly because ya don't have wings.
it might be a good thing that one can't remember fully of their past lives, one of the reasons could have to do with some damage done to their soul even if it did heal, but the problem could still be there.
I know one of my past lives had inspired the idea of some OCs I had made before, of course I had to change the ideas a bit on the OC that I had made, even if the first one was a Creepypasta (which I had posted the drawings about them in another place, like Deviantart.) and I had no idea at first that I was just remembering past life stuff...
and that past life is probably more closer to me, and I know I died in a dress when I was probably about 4 years old...which of course when I died at 4 years old before, I for some reason started to hate wearing dresses at 4 years old in my current life, and for all I know my 4 year old self was likely traumatized and remembered that we had died in a hospital when wearing a dress.
I do have a birthmark that may prove on the ways my past life self had lost her/our life in that time.
and it can suck for anyone to have bad luck dying a bit too early before they are too helpless to prevent it.
and some Toxic-Religious Inhuman people that have crossed a line when doing harm to children and babies do count as children...
they are lucky I don't go "Alessa Gillespie" on them, as tempting as that is...
Toxic-Satanist are not the only ones on that whole list, and if some of them think I will EVER forgive them for the messed up stuff they did, they can think again...
I suppose in theory, if they got me SUPER mad, and if Charlie, Vaggie and Emily were real, they would probably have to hold me back from trying to pull some hair...
like even if you never punched anyone before, but you think about the possibilities of if some who have did some messed up stuff, if they peeve you off to a very high point, you could go into a type of "Feral Earth Angel Mode" as I like to call it.
I know now that I was apparently born in a Catholic Hospital that had Nuns in it, even though my family is Christian, but most of our Ancestors came from different Religions anyway, and one of my Ancestor Grandpas was a Rabbi...
I am thinking of going by "Neo-Christian" again, but still go by "Neo-Spiritual" but I think I want to think about it a little more.
I still can't tell my family that I really don't go by "Christian" anymore.
or the fact that I don't just believe in God only, but also a Goddess now as well...and there is the whole believing the balance of the Divine Feminine needs to be healed and restored a bit more to stop the twisted form of justice and other stuff that involves a possible future that has to do with Jesus & is Army and the Antichrist.
how is it that not many have figured out how messed up that is, I mean you are doomed either way, but I still rather not take that mark and I would rather take a spray bottle, hold some food salt in my hands and pray to both the Heavenly-Father & Earthly-Mother and then place the salt in the spray bottle and then spray the Antichrist in the face than let him try that messed up stuff...
and even though I can't really do the same to Jesus, plus one of the reasons he could take part on that messed up logic is because he his being influenced by the Toxic-Masculine energy, and hopefully he can be saved from himself and to prevent those terrible futures that involve him and the Antichrist...
but yeah, if I were allowed to, I would use the spray bottle on Jesus's Army and maybe even the Antichrist's Army....that would probably need a lot of spray bottles there...
but if some info about what those two sides want to do is correct, it is still messed up, and hopefully such a terrible future can be prevented.
I guess the song "This Little Girl" by Cady Groves would match the feelings.
anyway back to the original topic, I can agree that Stolas deserves better than being married to Stella, even if she is a Party Girl, which I guess wouldn't be so bad....but throwing a party and celebrating Not being divorce was probably bite her in the tail feathers in a karma type way anyway...
Lilith is no better than Stella, even if Charlie might think her Mom is a good person who loved her kingdom, but we know there is always more sides to the story.
Lilith, Charlie's Mom....is just as Bad as my Dad, well my Human-Dad who is still biologically related.
I was told by my Mom that when she was pregnant with me at the time, both she and him got into a type of I guess heated argument.
I can only guess what it was about, and the thing I'm guessing it being about....hopefully I'm wrong.
I know my Dad wasn't there for my birth, he was off some place else...
it doesn't help that he cheated on my Mom, which if I remember right, I think I was told he did so when Mom was still pregnant with me.
at least Adam wasn't pregnant when Lilith cheated on him...
even if Adam did become a Sinner, I hope he can find someone better than Lilith, and well maybe also Eve....unless the whole there was never truly a Eve turns out to be canon in the show.
and well, blame it on some fan fics I couldn't help but love that involves Adam and Eve being one in the same, and it being because of Lilith leaving him.
Adam may have been sweet and innocent, and maybe a bit clingy during his younger days in The Garden of Eden.
he probably didn't understand most things, same with Lilith who is no better than him...
I mean, misunderstandings and miscommunications can happen.
and back then in the Garden, Adam's words of suggestion likely came out as a order and anything he did was probably good enough for Lilith.
if Lilith got off her high horse, she could realize that she just matured faster than Adam during those times, and Adam wouldn't of turned into a full of himself jerk if it weren't for the fact that both she and Lucifer had hurt him, like BADLY hurt him...
Adam and Lute's relationship could of been platonic, even if in the Fanon there is more to it and them being in a type of loving relationship, like a mix of lovers who are like best buddies.
and yeah, I'm still gonna view that both Adam and Charlie are both in the right and wrong, Adam can't just senseless give a game over to every Sinner, and Charlie needs to understand that there are some Sinners that should be taken out by the Extermination Day.
like the type of Sinners that shouldn't be in Pentagram City, and should just go to that dark and blue, and possibly cold place that we see in the Lucifer Tv Series, which if it were in the same world as Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, that place would be The Double-Hell...or as I like to call it "The Original Hell"....because of the whole current one that isn't the "Original" or "Double" Hell...
had possibly been a part of The Goddess's Earthly Queendom, before that whole imbalance happen and it had to be possibly placed under quarantine from the rest of the Earthly Queendom in the Celestial Realm.
for all we know, Double-Hell could be REAL in the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Universe, but it is meant for the very Worse and Toxic-Sinners that are just too far gone, and are even more bad than The Vees and have done far worse than The Radio Demon himself.
those are the types, who are send to Double-Hell, that Charlie can't save or get redeemed, and who deserve to be taken out in Extermination Day.
and as weird as it might be, Adam from Hazbin Hotel, reminds me of Spinel and Pink-Pearl from Steven Universe...
and right now, he also reminds me of Marianne from Strange Magic.
I like that movie, even if some might not.
Adam likely was all sweet and innocent, even if a little naive when his suggestions came off as orders when they weren't, and he could of been different from the Adam from our universe...
if the Adam from our universe knew what those three angels were going to do to Lilith, he would of left her alone and gave her the space she needed...
Adam from Hazbin Hotel, is The Marianne, and Lilith from Hazbin Hotel is The Roland.
yeah the people that Adam and Marianne became at some point are different, but that doesn't mean they weren't still hurt by Lilith and Roland.
it could be possible that Adam hides the fragile parts of himself that was caused by Lilith and Lucifer, that he likely only lets those closes to him see, like Lute.
Humanity already had some form of Free Will, even before the whole Forbidden Fruit Situation, cause Lilith had the free will to leave Adam.
but Adam isn't the only one that Lilith hurt, she also hurt Lucifer and Charlie, and possibly hurting Alastor as well.
even if Charlie might not realize that her Mom is hurting her, she needs to face the truth at some point.
plus it could be possible that Lilith in Hazbin Hotel, couldn't become pregnant like her Fanon Counterparts.
and if Lucifer being the one who was pregnant is true, it could be more than just Lilith not wanting to.....its just she couldn't, because she had become sterile, because that was one of her punishments for the forbidden fruit incident.
she is unable to have children, she can't bring a life into the world like Eve and those lucky enough to have a child.
Lucifer likely found a way to become pregnant with Charlie, and for all we know, Roo could be Charlie's True Mother, who had helped Lucifer have a child that he wanted to have have with Lilith but couldn't because they weren't able to, even if they took some DNA and Magic from Lilith's Soul and Body, it likely came out as a failure which ended up creating nothing.
a true mother would still love their child, even if the child ends up being adopted and not biologically theirs.
for all we know, the Flashbacks during the song "More Than Anything" that had Little Charlie in it...
it might of seem like Lilith in the Flashback, but for all we know, it could of been someone else, and Lilith left a long time after when Charlie was probably still a baby.
Roo is one of the likely people who could of been the "Lilith" in that Flashback, well either her or some other characters who is likely Charlie's real biological mother.
Roo could turn out to be Charlie's Bio-Mom, and she likely took the form of "Lilith" after the original Lilith left both Charlie and Lucifer, and Charlie's Dad was likely very aware of it.
anyway, I think that Adam, Stolas, Blitz and even Charlie's Dad Lucifer, were hurt and deserve better.
and hopefully things do work out with Stolas and Blitz, but Stolas should get slap over the head for making Blitz feel really bad at Ozzie's.
in theory, Adam could come back as a Sinner type Fallen Angel, but we will have to wait and see what the future seasons of Hazbin Hotel will bring.
and maybe like Charlie, Octavia will learn a bit more of how hurt her Dad Stolas has been, even before Octavia was born.
to Stolas, Octavia was the one good thing that came from his marriage to Stella, and he probably wouldn't change a thing if he had to do it all again.
even if Cain's Bio-Dad is like also technically my Grandpa too, but the Adam from our universe is also biologically my Grandpa but through Seth's side.
but Adam can be considered the true father of Cain, because despite the messed up stuff between Cain and Abel (which I'm still gonna view both Cain and Abel both being victims but also both of them still being in the wrong...) but Adam had possibly still loved Cain, and he is Cain's True Father, even if they aren't biologically related.
of course in Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss AU Fanon Timeline, if Adam turns into Eve every once in a while, and well that would mean that both Cain and Adam are biologically related.
even if it ends up not becoming canon and being one of those times when a fan accidentally predicting future canon events, like in Chapter 2 of Deltarune, with Kris eating the whole pie, and Darkners becoming items in the light world and turning to stone statues in different dark worlds...Best Accidental Fan Predictions Ever.
even if it does turn out Adam and Eve in Hazbin Hotel, not being one in the same and Adam not only having to be The Father of Humanity, but also the Mother of Humanity as well...
and it does turn out not to be one of those Accidental Fan Predictions, still gonna love the concept. :)
Stolas might of been hurt after what happen at Ozzie's, but he can't just act like he didn't do anything wrong either...
he hurt Blitz, even if Verosika, Ozzie and Fizz ended up hurting him words, Stolas hiding his face with the Menu had probably cut Blitz deeply in a emotional way.
and it's no wonder Blitz tried to drown his sorrows the way he did in that episode that Bee appeared in.
Bee and Bel are still gonna remind me of my childhood, always being tired and always having to go to the hospital because of seizures.
which by the way, even if my family and doctors might not agree with me, but I still think its possible the energies from both people and places that I was around, had caused my seizures and it is possible that half the time the energies would cause me to become really tired and go to sleep.
still need to post about the whole Empathic Epilepsy thing, I had been meaning to talk and post about it like maybe a month ago...?
so yeah, The Queens of Gluttony and Sloth remind me of all that...
Bee might be a hardcore party girl, but she could see and possibly feel how badly Blitz was doing and him not being okay.
and if she knew what happen at Ozzie's, who knows if she would get on Stolas, Fizz and Ozzie's cases about it, well them and also Verosika's as well.
and if Bee ever went to The Hazbin Hotel, and if Adam was there as a Sinner, she could probably feel the really bad feelings coming from him, that has to do with the hurt from what Lilith did to him.
there could be a reason why Bee couldn't feel the negative vibes coming from Loona, but could possibly feel it from Blitz and Adam.
Loona likely keeps a better barrier up of her really bad negative emotions.
also the stuff that happens in the Pilot of Helluva Boss, even if it isn't canon the other episodes, but we could view it as Semi-Canon.
that the Pilot episode of Helluva Boss, takes place in a Alternate Timeline.
so even if it does turn out the Loona from that Alternate Timeline, lied about Eddie being the target, the Loona from the other timeline who ended up getting a crush on Vortex, probably wouldn't stoop that low.
yeah, the kid was a brat and him being the way he is might have to do with his terrible parents who wouldn't just be Gray-Parents but more like Toxic-Parents.
and even if it did turn out the Pilot takes place in a Alternate Timeline, it could be possible the Eddie from the timeline we follow now, is probably very much alive unlike his counterpart from the Pilot Alternate Timeline.
the pilot from Hazbin Hotel, is likely still canon to the first season of Hazbin Hotel.
it could turn out it is only The Helluva Boss's Pilot, that is not fully canon but only Semi-Canon and takes place in a Alternate Timeline.
even if Adam, Lucifer, Blitz and Stolas became hot messes but maybe things will get more better for them.
I mean if Adam does come back as a Sinner, but the likely hood of that happening is possibly very slim.
Adam possibly needs a hug and being told that the reason why he became a worse version of himself, is because he was badly hurt by Lilith and Lucifer, and they were too high on their horses to see the damage they were causing.
I can't really bring myself to hate him, I mean it could be possible he became so terrible later in his life, because of what Charlie's Parents did to him, and he hides those really bad and depressing feelings by making him seem like he is the greatest gift to women, and give off that macho-man ego.
and yeah, it sucks that my Mom was cheated on...
which I guess misremembering what I was told, it either happen when she was still pregnant with me or sometime after she had me.
but I wouldn't be surprised if he did that cheating when she was still pregnant...
also anyone one could end up having Daddy Issues, like for some it can be for both your Human and Angel Dads...
and some can have Mommy Issues as well.
also if it does turn out that Charlie's Story book, has half-truths and half-lies in it.
maybe we will find out the full story on what it was like in the garden when Lilith, Adam and Lucifer were there in the future episodes of one of the future seasons.
we just have to wait and see.
the book was likely wrote by Lilith, it makes herself seem like a tragic heroine to her daughter, when really she isn't...
at least the Lilith from our universe has a reason why she became a worse version of herself, because she wasn't given the proper space she needed after her and Adam's fight, and Adam wasn't mature enough to understand that both she and him needed space.
he was likely a immature brat who couldn't understand that couples do need space from each other at times, and those Three Angels are just as much as fault and knew better than Adam did, I mean those three angels were old enough to know better, and probably been around for a SUPER long time even more than Adam and Lilith (and later Eve) were, so they should of just let Lilith be alone until she was ready to go back to where Adam was.
trying to force her was wrong and it is not love at all, it is messed up.
but the versions of Adam and Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, play out very different but at the same time the same as the ones from our universe.
Adam from Hazbin Hotel, was possibly just curious and had this innocence about him, and any suggestion on what he wanted to do got taken the wrong way by Lilith, who only saw him being bossy to her and trying to order her around when in theory, he wasn't.
she likely twisted the truth in that book she made for Charlie, in what she believed to be true, that Adam was demanding control...but that could only be what Lilith believed and she ends up twisting the truth in her favor to get Charlie to see Adam as having always been the "bad guy" but really he wasn't, he became that way because "The First B**th" and Lucifer, had hurt him and he became like The Marianne (from Strange Magic Movie) of Hazbin Hotel.
not everyone has to take this theory and thoughts the wrong way, the chance of it turning out to be true and canon is possibly very small chance....
I'm still gonna view Charlie's Mom by the nickname The First B**th.
Stolas and Blitz might still have a chance together, and Stolas may have time to tell Blitz he's sorry and not play the victim when he is partly the reason Blitz became so hurt at Ozzie's, not just Fizz, Ozzie and Mayday.....but Stolas himself also had hurt him.
even some fans could see that, that Stolas had hurt Blitz, and it could of been hinted from how Blitz spoke about Stolas when he and Fizz were captured.
Lucifer possibly holds on to hop that Lilith will come back to him, so they could be a happy family again.
but Lucifer needs to understand, and maybe he will in the future...
that it is possible that Lilith, will NEVER get back together with him.
even if they are still married and separated, he will need to get that divorce if things aren't going to go back to how they were when they were once deeply in love.
even if RadioApple might not become Romantically Canon, but some could view the whole Alastor x Lucifer as the highest favorite ship possibly, even if I still like the whole idea of Lucifer being ship with Angel's Dad...which someone is to blame for that. XD
also in theory, if Lucifer from our universe did have a Twin Flame...
she is possibly "Gone".....like Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz, like she may have pulled a Rose Quartz, even before Steven Universe.
not everyone has to agree on tat theory, but it could be a possibility.
if Adam does come back in the future as a Sinner Fallen Angels, the chances of it are pretty small, but we will have to wait and see.
and if it does happen, maybe someone at the hotel will get through to him and make him open up about the bottle up feelings that has to do with how badly Lilith and Lucifer, and possibly Eve (if Adam and Eve aren't one in the same) had hurt him.
Eve is possibly a even more sensitive topic for Adam, and Lucifer might of not understood how badly he hurt Adam.
even if we are suppose to see Adam as some Macho Jerk, but it could be possibly he didn't start out that way, he only became a worse version of himself because he was deeply emotionally hurt.
and I know that not all fans will agree about that, and it being possible that only half of the fans will agree on that possibly being true.
Adam and Lucifer (and possibly Alastor) were hurt by Lilith.
and Stolas was in a loveless arranged marriage that he tried to make work, to give his daughter a normal life.
but it was never good enough for Stella, who had to rub it in his face that they hadn't divorced.
even if Stella was hurt, but did she truly love Stolas...?
well maybe in a Fanon AU timeline she would of, and been a more nicer version of herself, and in some alternate timelines she is Stolas's Girl-Buddy and Wife, and their wedding was more of a Lavender Wedding, and her being more of a Pife.
Pife being short for Pal-Wife, and Budband being short for Bud or Buddy Husband.
we wont know if what we assume about Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, will turn out to be true...but a part of myself and maybe others, hope we are wrong.
that she isn't as heartless as she seems, and maybe a part of her still loves Lucifer and Charlie...but the likely of her not fully caring about them, and it possibly been Roo who had to shapeshift and take her form because she fell in love with Lucifer and had formed a motherly love for Charlie, like you know Roo being the Maleficent and Charlie being the Aurora from The First and Second Maleficent Movies.
we don't know if Stella did truly love Stolas, or was just in it for the power and title, or like she only acts like it was only for the power and title and she hides the fact she did love him...
but he couldn't truly be in love with her, despite how he did tried to make the family and life they made together work.
how Stella treated him was likely one of the reasons Stolas gave into his feelings for Blitz, I mean possibly...
I do have a theory about Blitz I will talk about after this post of course.
anyway even if some think Adam doesn't deserve to be given another chance, and well maybe he does and maybe he doesn't.
but it doesn't change the fact about him possibly hiding some pretty bad emotional pain and him probably secretly hating himself.
Blitz likely hates himself too, as it was implied in a episode.
and it doesn't help that both family and friends made him feel that way.
Fizz and Blitz rekindling their friendship, is one step in the healing that Blitz needs.
Adam, Lucifer, Blitz and Stolas would need some type of healing, maybe we will see it in the future.
I mean not sure if Adam will come back as a Sinner, but if he did, that man needs a hug and sit down and watch Strange Magic, and maybe some Steven Universe. XD
okay him watching Strange Magic and Steven Universe, would be like Fanon...but hope some can get what I'm trying to imply.
he needs to watch some shows and movies that reflect his deep hurt feelings he bottles up.
and even if not all fans like Steven Universe Future, but I and some do, and well we can relate a bit with Steven, and possibly a few other characters that have been hurt and ended up with some depressing feelings.
lucky I'm not having one of those depressing feeling days now. :D
I'm still gonna view that Greg was a spoiled brat who didn't have the full story, and his parents (Steven's Grandparents) likely wanted him to learn self-defense to stay safe, and likely gave him curfews because their neighborhood use to be really unsafe, and he was possibly given meatloaf for a reason.
and it could be possible that Greg couldn't understand that his parents either one of them or both, may of not been able to handle very loud sounds coming to the music he listens to and had the volume up really high to the point where it became painful for them, and the reason why they didn't let him have any music was because he was irresponsible with the volume that was causing one or both of his parents pain, and they likely couldn't afford certain things that Greg wanted, and he viewed it as them just being unfair.
sometimes there are more sides to the story, and maybe Greg wouldn't of thought so terribly about his parents, if his parents had sit him down and talk to him and explained to him a bit better about why they made him take up wrestling and have a curfews and even chaperons, because it was for his own safety. and the reason why he couldn't have music, because he wouldn't listen to them about turning the volume down because the high volume he puts it on ends up hurting one or both his parents, causing them great pain.
and him getting meatloaf, could have to do with iron or something else...who knows, maybe it was to help with giving him the proper diet...?
by the way I tried the guacamole on the meatloaf, and strangely enough.......I ended up liking it. XD
guess that is another thing that makes me super weird.
if it does turn out that Steven Universe is coming back, maybe like on a Adult Swim, I can't wait to see it.
still gonna view Sans being the future self of Steven Quartz Universe.
it doesn't help the image I saw with Steven wearing a blue jacket, reminds me of that theory that Sans and Steven are possibly one in the same.
Adam, Lucifer and Stolas deserve better than how Stella and Lilith treated them...
and Blitz deserves better as well, and hopefully both he and Stolas do work things out, and we will have to wait and see if they will work things out, and Stolas will stop and realize that he had hurt Blitz, not just Fizz, Ozzie and Mayday...
but we will need to wait and see if that realization will happen in the future or not, but hopefully things will work out for Blitz & Stolas.
is it weird to view Adam as not just as Spinel, but also the Pink-Pearl and as for Lucifer, he is like Pearl of the Crystal Gems.
Lucifer might not see how badly Lilith had hurt Adam, so picture in some Fanon Timeline of Hazbin Hotel AU.
Charlie is the Steven, and those two are The Pearls, and they end up fusing.
it's fine that not everyone views Adam being like Spinel & Pink-Pearl, and Lucifer being like Pearl of The Crystal Gems.
I'm weird okay, and those thoughts and views are likely gonna be a part of my weirdness. XD
it be nice if my Dad didn't sleep with another woman when he was still married to my Mom, and there is that whole possibility he could of well did that, even before my Mom finally gave birth to me...
it does also suck to know that my older brother was cheated on as well, but even if they are no longer together...but maybe I wont go too deep into that right now.
we can only make some guesses and theories about what could happen in both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, and it's fine if some theories end up getting debunked, plus the theories that do get debunked can still work in a Alternate Timeline way in the Fanon.
so hopefully Lilith being a terrible person, wont be true but we know that we have to wait and see if it is true or not.
like a part of you hopes that Lilith isn't a terrible person, who had purposely hurt Adam and Lucifer, and makes herself out to be a tragic heroine to her daughter who doesn't see her for the person she truly is and views her Mom as a wonderful and loving queen when really she possibly isn't.
Octavia is likely the same way, she possibly views her Mom as being the full victim, and she still loves both her parents.
but she can't see that there was always a problem between Stolas and Stella, that has been going on even before the affair.
but maybe Octavia will learn more about it in the future, maybe.
we can only hope that Octavia gets a even more better understanding of her Dad, and how bad it was for him being married to Stella, for all we know, Octavia just thought her parents had always been happy and in love but they hide their true feelings from her until the affair that Stolas and Blitz had, had made both Stolas and Stella a bit more open in front of Octavia on how bad their marriage truly was.
both Octavia and Charlie, were likely protect by both their Fathers: Stolas and Lucifer from a very cold and hurtful truth about their Mothers: Stella and Lilith...
but as much as Stolas and Lucifer love their daughters, they can't hide them from the truth forever.
just as much as Adam can't hide from his own hurt feelings forever.
if Lute, Blitz and Alastor had to sing a song together to Adam, Stolas and Lucifer...
it would be "Treat You Better" by Shawn Mendes.
some might get why that song, but it's okay not everyone agrees.
but Adam, Lucifer, Stolas and Blitz (from Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss) still deserve better and to be loved.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
can this fandom stop doing abuse apologia for two seconds? please?
someone on xitter is claiming Stolas "didn't realize how predatory the deal is and got upset when he figured it out" and that he didn't knowingly do anything wrong, & there's "a difference between doing it knowingly and not realizing you have an unhealthy power dynamic" (and also that it wasn't actually a deal, Blitzo just thought it was?? or something?? I guess using the phrase 'favors for favors' and 'I give you X if you give me Y' somehow isn't a deal now, but idk - contradictory excuses again)
and like, what?? assuming Stolas somehow didn't realize - I mean, he called when Blitzo was getting shot at, kept pressuring him when there were gunshot sounds and Blitzo repeatedly saying he couldn't talk, but let's just entertain the hypothetical for a second: then how is that better?
"I used my power, status and your need to keep your job to coerce you into monthly sex"
"I didn't realize the difference my power, status and your need to keep your job when I totally didn't coerce you into monthly sex and that was just the end result (because I still wanted sex from you and was going to get it one way or another)"
If anything the second possibility is scarier, tbh. The first one is awful but shows a baseline understanding of what it means for Stolas to be a royal and Blitzo to be an imp. He's at least aware on some level that what he's doing is coercive, has rationalized it away until now and while he's still an awful person, he could someday admit what he's done is wrong and not do it again.
The second one suggests a Stolas who has no real understanding of how the world around him actually works, or that it makes a massive difference for him to be a prince and Blitzo and imp. If he made that deal believing Blitzo freely consented to it then he has no understanding of how the lack of money and power dictates the lives of people below him, or how consent even works. He wouldn't be capable of even understanding what he's done wrong because he's incapable of understanding the forces that motivate those around him & he's functionally blind to his own ability to motivate the lower classes to do whatever he wants, even at the cost of their own bodies and time. Also like, ignorance is not an excuse.
And the saddest thing? I think the second version of Stolas is closer to the one in canon. Murder Family Stolas might have known exactly what he was doing, but s2 Stolas has been moving more and more towards "this situation is barely my fault at all" - the tweet saying he realized what he did wrong and it made him sad is giving Stolas too much credit, I suspect. imo everything is building towards Stolas letting him go not because he realizes what he did was wrong, but because he now wants something else from Blitzo - his love and affection and the ability to paint over ever having to think of his relationship with Blitzo as having involved coercion on his end. until then all we've seen him do is complain the "relationship" is a "lie", not notice or care that his "lover" is the exact same species as the servants he also exploits and abuses, and send passive-aggressive "I'm sorry if you were offended" type texts
tl:dr; but until Stolas says the words "I was wrong to use your job to get you to make the deal, I'm sorry and I was kidding myself you actually wanted to sleep with me this whole time" or something similar with no weasel-wording and putting the blame on Blitzo, I'm not going to believe he's learnt a damned thing. if anything I think the show is just going to lean more into making Stolas unaware of his flaws and privileges; attempting to make him more pitiable & sympathetic while accidentally making him more abhorrent
(also like, gee. how sad for Stolas. how awful it is for him to have realized he took advantage of someone. sure is nice for the story to focus on the feelings of the rich prince realizing he took advantage of someone instead of his victim coming to terms with that fact and breaking free. honestly, I hope these takes are all coming from the same couple of individuals; I'd hate to think the HB fandom is doing this on a widespread scale)
Sometimes, you've just got to wearily gesture to all of this.
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xfangheartx · 1 month
Summary- Blitzø and Stolas go out on their date, and things do happen!
 The portal flashed open as Blitzø, Moxxie, and Millie walked through, all of them with a generous spattering of blood on their clothing.
  “WHOO!!” Blitzø cheered as he pumped his fists into the air. “Man, that was a fuckin’ rush!”
  “We sure showed those druggies, huh, Blitzø?” asked Millie.
  “And we did it all in less than an hour and 30 minutes,” said Moxxie as he looked at his watch. “A new personal record!”
  “Well, another one bites the dust,” said Loona as she placed Stolas’s Grimoire inside the safe.
  “Welcome back, everyone!” Buffy greeted. “I’d hug you, but you’re covered in blood and human guts.”
  “That’s all right, sweetie,” Blitzø replied. “I’m actually gonna head home, take a shower, and then get dressed.”
  “What for?” asked Loona.
  “Oh, right!” Millie exclaimed in excitement. “You’ve got that date with Stolas, tonight!”
  Buffy gasped and made an excited squeal as she clapped her hands. “Oh, my Dog, oh, my Dog, OH, MY DOG! This is so exciting!”
  “What are you going to be doing with the prince tonight, sir?” asked Moxxie.
  “Oh, you know, romantic shit,” Blitzø shrugged. “A little dinner, a walk… maybe we go watch a movie or somethin’, I dunno.”
  “Well, I hope you have fun, tonight, Blitzø!” Millie added. “Tell Stolas we said hi!”
  “In the meantime, we need to get home and cleaned up, ourselves,” said Moxxie as he looked himself over. “I reek of human blood.”
  “Daddy, can Loona and I help you get ready?” Buffy asked before she gave Blitzø her best puppy eyes. “Pretty please~?”
  “Aww, you know I can’t say no to that face,” Blitzø cooed. “Why not?”
  “Yay!” Buffy cheered as she and Loona followed after their father. “I call accessories!”
  “I guess I’ll take care of the clothes,” said Loona as she walked out with her.
  “Aww, Moxx, isn’t it sweet?” Millie asked. “It looks like Blitzø and Stolas are really hittin’ things off, huh?”
  “Well, I can’t say it’s not a relief,” said Moxxie. “Blitzø does seem a bit happier these days… although, I still wish he’d stop borrowing money from us.”
  “He just needed to buy some food, Moxxie,” Millie pointed out. “Besides, Blitzø isn’t just our boss, he’s our friend! In fact, he treats us like family!”
  “Millie, while I do understand being a tight-knit group,” Moxxie began, “I’m just worried that one day, Blitzø is going to take it too far. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like he hasn’t come through for us, but… I often feel like he’s not really taking things seriously.” He then gently took his wife by the hands. “I just don’t want something to happen where we lose our jobs and we have no way of providing for ourselves… that’s all.”
  Millie smiled as she tenderly nuzzled her forehead against Moxxie’s. “Oh, Moxxie, I understand… but I think you worry just a little too much. Even if the worst happens, I’m sure we’ll find a way to get through it.”
  “Maybe you’re right,” Moxxie replied with a smile.
  “Now, what do you say we go home and take us a nice warm bubble bath?” asked Millie before she gave him a sultry grin. “I’ll scrub your back if you scrub mine~!”
  “Mills!” Moxxie exclaimed with a blush on his face, causing her to giggle before she kissed his cheek, then she and her husband proceeded to follow after Blitzø so that he could drop them off at their apartment.
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fuzedatti · 8 months
hi there!! first of all, love your art, your line work skill and how dynamic you make your characters is incredible. second, i found your blog through your Lucifer and Paimon redesigns, so i wanted to ask if you had any design advice for someone who isn’t pagan?
I’m a born and raised Christian, so I’ve never really been allowed to look at demonic, wiccan, or pagan stuff, but i find it so cool. Paganism is absolutely awesome and i can say much better things about it’s practitioners than my own religion’s given that i’ve never met a hateful or judgy pagan.
Anyway, I noticed in your Paimon redesign that you said he was your Patron, which is, again, awesome, and you depicted him as a fox and a middle eastern man because that’s how he presented himself to you and others.
I guess the long and short of this ask is how can someone like me who isn’t in touch with paganism best artistically depict these beings?You drew from personal religious experience to design him, which is awesome!! I’ve never seen him depicted as a fox anywhere else, but i trust you know your Patron better than whoever wrote his Wiki page. Given that I can’t connect like that, I guess i’m just wondering if there are, like, pagan run websites where i can learn from actual practitioners? Somewhere with actual, reliable information about pagan culture and how your Patrons present themselves in the modern day? Paganism has a bad rep cause of Christianity, so I’m always a bit concerned that when i’m doing research (which usually only leads to biblical websites) it’ll be biased or paint the deity wrong.
I don’t wanna just say “oh this is my oc now i’m gonna do what i want with them” because i think that’s just really disrespectful to do with a figure from a practiced religion. I wouldn’t want someone to bastardize my God by oc-ifying him, so I don’t wanna poorly represent someone else’s deity.
anyway i’m sorry if this is a lot, i’m a character designer and i’m gradually working my way through the Ars Goetia demons and i want to make sure to represent them as well as possible. If this is too long and/or you just don’t wanna answer it on your blog, i totally understand. If you wanna message me about anything at all in response to this instead of replying to this ask, that’d also be extremely appreciated. If you wanna just ignore this, that is also completely fine and i will not be personally offended. If this in any way made you uncomfortable or bothered you at all, i’m truly sorry as that was never my intention. I’m just looking to learn more about your religion and practices from a reliable source.
If you got to this point, thank you so much for reading all of that (again, i’m so sorry it’s so long) and I hope you have a good day/night!!
This is a pretty long but amazing question.
Please do not apologize, your question was sincere and came from a place of genuine doubt that is open to learn.
First of all, if you want me to answer any other Occult-related questions please send them to side blog! @sonofstarsnsea. Also thank you so much for the compliments! Line work is my favorite part of my art process, and I have never been told my characters are dynamic, it is truly awsome someone thinks of my art that way.
It is very nice of you to think on depth on how to make your designs more interesting and unique via research, since not a lot of people do that and just go away with the first thing that they come off with (Netflix's Lucifer ☠️).
You can absolutely design characters based off pagan/occult beigns! Asking us (occultists/pagans) about these matters is actually the best thing you can do, because you are getting unique and personal ideas that can be translated into amazing stories.
Actually, my Stolas' redesign is based on one of my friends' experience with him, so even inside our circles we can ask for advice regarding artistic matters.
Unfortunately, as much as I wish for outsiders to see and appreciate the unseen religions, there are going to be people who will take anything they see as theirs and won't do a more in-depth research.
I remember someone asking me to redesign Lilith, and while I could do that, I didn't (and still don't) feel comfortable doing it. Why? Because Lilith is a closed-practice deity from Judaism. I am not jewish nor I am planning into converting into judaism, thats why I keep a respectful distance from those designs/characters and leave them for those who actually have a say/voice into the matter.
There are other closed practices such as the Kabbalah, Voodou, etc; that you can encounter but it is better to respect it and leave it only to those who practice.
So when designing pagan/occult characters or stories ask yourself: Are these beigns from a closed practice? Am I representing them in a respectful way?
But most importantly listen to those who are part of those practices.
Even I struggle to get information and I take everything I read/hear with a grain of salt.
I personally love watching ESOTERICA on YouTube; he is a jewish scholar who focuses on the studies of the occult, esoterism and spirituality with an academic perspective. He doesn't really talk much about the Ars Goetia (although he does have some videos on it) but he explores Hermetic magic and Gnotisism, maybe that could help you!
I feel this channel should be a great start for you.
Regarding other sources, always use critical thinking and here on Tumblr there are actually good sources/masterposts you can look up to!
I hope this answer helped you.
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resisteverything · 2 months
Here are some examples of you not understanding some fairly simple shit
Especially that last one 💀
You'll have to elaborate. But since you haven't I'm going to guess.
I saw Vizie say "Stolas doesn't see reality because he's so wrapped up in his feelings". That doesn't change the fact that the story played the "I'll set us free" line straight. It doesn't change the way Stolas's character is weird tonally from the rest of the show, and that a lot of his narrative assumes things are happening between these two characters that are not happening.
Also episode nine of season 2 makes it very clear that while the writers are intellectually aware that Stolas is wrong and they have to acknowledge that, they really see Stolas as in the right, and don't actually want to seriously challenge Stolas's behavior like the thing it is. Like the whole framing of Blitz feeling bad that HE was the one that messed up and managed to fumble Stolas instead of the other way around, like the story genuinely thinks Blitz did something wrong by calling Stolas out on his actual flaws that he objectively, intentionally was given as a character.
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