#like i could on mobile but then i was limited to ten images. so
zecoritheweirdone · 28 days
hey if i told you guys that i made a whole slideshow for vagabonds where i gathered all my theories into one place, would you guys be interested?
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coolshadowtwins · 4 months
I have this au that just kinda… drops off half way through, which is why I haven’t posted it before. But I can’t think of anything else for it, so you get what little there is!
SXY manages to survive the poison when giving birth. Maybe it wasn’t as strong, maybe she managed to cut it off early enough, maybe LBH’s demon blood helped. Who knows. The point is, she is now half dead instead of fully dead, in a lot of pain, and has a newborn baby because she just gave birth! She’s just thinking about doing her original plan- sending LBH down the river- when a nice washer woman comes along and finds her.
I’m going to call her Ms Luo for this, since she doesn’t have a name in canon. Ms Luo is a kind woman! She’s kind of enough to take in a baby she has found in the wilderness, and she’s kind enough to take in this dying, half feral cultivator and her newborn baby as well!
SXY doesn’t trust it- obviously. But she doesn’t get much of a say when she falls unconscious, does she, hmmm? And she stays in and out of unconsciousness for the next few days, at least. The poi didn’t kill her, but it did mess her up. I imagine for this au it would limit her lower mobility, if it was trying to kill the baby. Some bad nerve damage there.
But Ms Luo is here! She doesn’t have much, but she does care for the baby as SXY is unconscious. She tries to get medication for SXY as well, but isn’t successful. Just as well- normal medication wouldn’t do much for what’s wrong anyway.
And this is the new normal that SXY wakes up to- a week plus later, her cultivation (which also would have taken a hit) having done its best at repairing the damage, her lover and the father of her child either dead or sealed away out of reach, and at the mercy of this random washerwoman.
She’s not getting any better until she could see a sect doctor, preferably one of the best ones. But that’s never going to happen- she’s wanted now, surely! Demonic sympathizers were never treated well. (The cultivation world thinks she’s dead, tragically killed by TJL. But she doesn’t know this yet.)
So she does the only thing she can- hang around and help Ms Luo out. She can’t leave, not with her mobility issues, nor would she be able to provide for her baby. But she can stay here, under the kindness of this woman, and try and help her out.
She starts to help wash the clothes- don’t have to be standing for parts of that! To save on food, she focuses her limited cultivation so she doesn’t have to eat the limited supplies they have. She’s terrifying, and she’s uses that to her advantage when intimidating Ms Luo’s shitty boss.
Ms Luo repays her by not only letting her live there, but also helping with LBH, giving SXY a new name to hide with, and her friendship. (SXY will never admit it, but she never had a lot of friends. Having one in Ms Luo was… nice)
LBH, meanwhile, is absolutely loving being raised by two moms. He’s learning to cook from Ms Luo, and learning cultivating from SXY. What else would a young boy need?
And then LBH is ten, and Ms Luo gets sick. Like, really sick. Nothing SXY, in her limited medical knowledge, does helps her. The town doesn’t have a clinic, and the nearest one is a while away. Not only that, they don’t have the money to go. SXY can see only one way to help her friend- go to the one place that (probably) wouldn’t turn her away for being a criminal when there’s a life of the line. CQM.
Cue a travel montage of SXY (who has limited mobility), Ms Luo (who is deathly sick), and LBH (who is ten), trying to get to CQM before it is too late.
They do make it there- only to be stopped at the stairs. They aren’t stopped by an actual person! They are stopped by the actual stairs. SXY can’t walk them. Ms Luo can’t walk them.
That leaves LBH, ten and scruffy and probably looking too thin, to be the one to climb the giant staircase, up to the sect in the heavens.
The last thought I have of this au is the funny image of whoever happens to be at the top of the stairs that morning, being greeted by what looks to be a street urchin tell you that his mother is the long thought dead SXY and that she’s down the stairs, along with his other mother (by the way, he has two), and both are dying. Would you believe him?
(I have nothing after this. Please, tell me in reblogs and replies about how you would continue this)
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psicheanima · 5 days
i got intrigued by the fact that you did a senior paper on the witches from madoka - can you please tell us some more about that? i love when academic work ties to personal interests.
I can do you one better. You can just read it. Screenshots as it’s from a website. This is the actual final. I can’t include my analysis portion in an image because there’s a ten image limit on mobile. So it’s under the cut. And please be gentle, because I wrote this when I was 18.
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Icebox Cake
Icebox Cake is the alternate name for the pastry Charlotte. This is of course a reference to the witch Charlotte, who the poem is about. This story is a direct adaptation of Charlotte’s canon backstory as revealed in the Magia Record Game. Charlotte is the only witch in this collection with a concrete backstory, and the only one who we know the real name of — Nagisa Momoe.
Nivelles Charaxinae
Nivelles Charaxinae is a reference to both this witch’s namesake and her design. The witch this story is about is Gertrud, named after the saint of gardens, Gertrud of Nivelles. Charaxinae is a reference to the type of butterfly that is in Gertrud’s witch form. The names of her roses in her diary entries are names of saints. I wanted to give her roses human names to show they are the true ‘humans’ to her, but also maintain a degree of disconnect. I think like Gertrud’s namesake, saints are the least human human you can be.
In case your words are all that’s left of me…
In case your words are all that’s left of me… is the only poem with a completely made up title. Though I want the ending of what happened to HN Elly, the witch of this story, to be up to reader interpretation, her feelings of having no real presence besides her online one was something I wanted to make very clear, so that’s why I chose this title.
The usernames are all references to songs sung by Marguerite in Faust. Faust is a work with immense impact on Madoka, having numerous references both visually and story wise. Most notably, quotes from it are littered in every witch labyrinth. Keeping with the theme of this poem being the odd one out name wise, HN Elly actually has another name— Kirsten. This is after Dorothy Kirsten, who famously portrayed Marguerite, which is why I paid tribute to her role.
I based most of my references off the real life women the witches are named after. It shows most in POESIE SCHMECKT GUT. The namesake of this story’s witch, Elsa Maria, is Elsa Asenijeff. POESIE SCHMECKT GUT was a publishing firm for one of Elsa’s books. The base storyline is based off of Elsa’s unhappy arranged marriage, and the religious and star theme was already there in Elsa Maria’s labyrinth.
This poem is all about visual art from the point of view of a girl who doesn’t really understand it, so I was a perfect person to write this. All the references were surface level, sort of awkwardly shoved in ones to famous pieces and artists. The title is reference to one of Piccaso’s most famous pieces, an extremely meaningful and striking abstract about war. For this witch, who is named Izabel, who does nothing but copy others, I couldn’t think of anything better to name her story, because I knew she herself could never find value in Guernica.
It’s raining again today. How long will I continue to be unlucky for?
There’s not a lot to say about this one, but I think the witch that it’s about, Patricia, would like that. The story is pretty self explanatory, but it’s one of my favorites because of that. The title is reference to a line in her labyrinth.
2 parts Absinthe 1 part Brandy 1/2 part Gin 3 parts Vodka 1 part Crème de Mûres
This witch, Roberta, is pretty special. First off, she’s an adult witch, the only in the series. She’s said to be fond of alcohol, which I tried to portray in the lack of grammar and punctuation, like you’re listening to the incoherent thought stream of the intoxicated. The title is the ingredients to her namesake, the Aunt Roberta cocktail, which is the strongest drink in the world.
Source Title: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Source Creators: Atsuhiro Shinbo & Gen Urobuchi & Shaft Productions
Year Published/Produced: 2011
Setting: The series mainly takes place in the fictional city of Mikakihara Japan, 2011. The rest of the series takes places in the otherworldly “Labyrinths”, dark mental landscapes based on the inner feelings of the witch they belong to.
Plot Summary: The series follows a middle school girl named Madoka Kaname, who is approached by a creature named Kyuubey to grant her any wish in exchange for becoming a “magical girl” and fighting against witches— supernatural creatures that kill humans. Eventually, it is revealed witches are fallen magical girls who fall into despair and that Kyuubey purposefully creates this magical girl to witch cycle to feed off their sadness, as his species uses said emotion like energy to fight otherworldly creatures far away, to prevent the destruction of the universe.
In the end, Madoka becomes a magical girl to wish for all magical girls to get happy endings— which erases witches from existence, including herself, as all Magical Girls eventually become witches. This creates a paradox through which no one remembers her anymore, except one person, the girl who had wished for her not to live a normal life more than anyone.
Key Character Descriptions
Charlotte— The witch of sweets, it is her nature to be tenacious. Charlotte used to be a ten year old girl named Momoe, who became a witch after falling in despair at the death of her mother.
H.N. Elly— The box witch, it is her nature to be covetous. Her labrynth and cards all imply that she was an internet addicted shut-in turned internet-famous idol, who cracked under the pressure of constant performance.
Elsa Maria— The shadow witch, it is her nature to be self-righteous. Due to her religious imagery, many theorize she was driven to despair after finding out the witches she slayed as a magical girl used to be fellow humans. However, I based my story on her on the life of her namesake, Elsa Asenijeff.
Gertrud— The rose garden witch, it is her nature to be distrustful. Nothing is known about her backstory, so I constructed my adaptation for her based on the info we do know about her, such as the fact that “she holds roses dearer than anything else” and that, “she loathes the thought of humans trampling her labyrinth”.
Patricia— The class representative witch, it is her nature to be an onlooker. It has been said she used to be a normal, serious girl who was overlooked by her classmates. In the show, her wish is for her school life routine to go on forever, which is what I based my adaptation for her on.
Izabel— The artist witch, it is her nature to be vain. In her prior life, she was an artist suffering from a creative block who yearned for others to notice her. It is said that every art piece she produced was something “that you have probably seen somewhere before”.
Roberta— The birdcage witch, it is her nature to rage. Before she became a witch, she was a party girl living a life of surface level relationships, specifically with men, but secretly, she was disgusted by all of them. Her wish was for friends who wouldn’t dislike her.
Cultural Themes
The fear of being alone is a major theme in Madoka Magica, as depicted through the struggles of various characters. Sayaka Miki's desire to win the affections of her crush, Kyousuke, despite his lack of care for her efforts, highlights her fear of being unloved. She becomes obsessed with trying to gain his love, ultimately leading to her downfall.
In a more subtle way, Mami Tomoe's yearning for companionship also highlights the theme of fear of being alone. Despite her cheerful and big sister-like front, Mami is revealed to be deeply lonely and craves companionship. She reaches out to other magical girls in an attempt to alleviate her loneliness, but her efforts are paid in dust.
And of course, the biggest example of this is Homura Akemi's refusal to let Madoka die. Homura goes to great lengths to protect Madoka, trapping herself in a time loop to prevent Madoka from becoming a victim of the magical girl system. Her actions are driven by her fear of losing Madoka and being left alone in a world without her, to the point where she would even let the universe itself be destroyed to save her love.
Through these characters, the series explores the visceral human need for connection, and the disastrous consequences that arise from the lengths we will go to to obtain it.
The central message I want to explore in my adaptation is the prior lives of monsters. Through these stories of monsters before they "became" monsters, I want to delve into the idea of how the creatures of Madoka Magica, framed as so inhumane the literal art style changes for them, used to lead extremely human, flawed lives before the show portrayed them. Using a simple, fairytale-like style of writing and multiple types of writing, like receipts, reviews, and diary entries, I want to portray the mundaneness of their lives, and just how involved in the world they were. That they were real little girls, with real lives that impacted the things around them.
The most common motif in Madoka Magica is fairytale motifs, specifically Eastern European fairytales. Witches, little girls tempted by strange creatures, candy houses. One character, Sayaka Miki, even has her entire story based on the little mermaid. She loves a boy, he doesn’t love her, she sacrifices everything for him anyways and then turns into a huge, mermaid monster. I aim to invoke this through my style of writing, taking a simple yet whimsical approach.
Why Madoka?
I like almost everything about this anime. The characters, the love they have for one another, the Czech fairytale-like art style, and that despite the dark themes, the story never supports falling into the darkness yourself. One thing I dislike is that the short 12 episode length, while making the series very “complete” also serves to stunt the potential of a majority of the characters. As the series relies on the connections these characters have, it would have benefited very extremely from a longer run-time to show us the chemistry between the girls and their loved ones, as the lack of screen time can make these deep bonds seem rushed and superficial. I want to try to convey the importance of those deep bonds in my work, but like I said, it’s a matter of time, not passion, so my adaptation can’t fix this issue.
Adding sequels and prequels has, in my opinion, sullied the impact of the original work. Madoka Magica is an intensely popular brand, and thus, is extremely profitable. Making spin-offs for the short series seems obvious from a business point of view. But a majority of these spin-offs are just made simply from this business point of view, and nothing else. One example of this is the most popular spin-off series for Madoka, "Magia Record," which takes place in the same universe with a new, expansive cast of characters. The show feels like a cheap imitation of the original series. Instead of trying to explore new interesting themes or go into depth on the topics brought up in Madoka, it’s just trying to recapture what made it so special without truly understanding why it was so special in the first place.
One of the primary cultural fears explored in Madoka Magica is the fear of death, specifically the death of the ones you love. At the end of the series, it is revealed that Madoka’s aloof best friend, Homura, is actually in love with her and has been stuck in a time loop trying to prevent Madoka’s death, which proves unavoidable. The finale deals with Homura stopping the time loop and accepting her crush’s death, and that the world will move on without her, and so should she. The series tells us death is natural, it happens to all of us, and we cannot stop it. But we can honor the ones we loved and lost and step into the future as they would want.
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PingXie Moments Compilation
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝟖𝟏𝟕 𝐃𝐚𝐨𝐦𝐢 𝐅𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥!! 🎉
On this special day, let's reminisce about PingXie moments in the book∼ Fanfictions are indeed tasty, but the canon moments are also delicious, right? (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
Truthfully, I planned to compile all of them in one post, but I realized that there are too many PingXie moments, I'm afraid if I post them all, I will become a PingXie Bot, thus I picked some moments (and some jokes) that I thought were quite memorable and interesting. It's only 40 moments, it doesn't follow the timeline, perhaps only 80% of them.
Warning: Spoilers! Very long post! CP-oriented post! It's a compilation of PingXie moments in the book, naturally, there are spoilers. I added a little notes/meta/comments/related interviews as supplementary files. And I'm not an expert in the Chinese language (as you already know, I use mtl) so I put the source below, just in case you want to check the Chinese raw or other translations yourself. I apologize in advance if there is any mistake m(_ _)m
(Since there is a limit to insert images, I went with quoting them.)
Sources: Chinese Raw | MereBear's Translation | 瓶邪bot
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1. Daomu Biji Vol. 1: Seven Star Lu Palace Chapter 2
As I was talking, I saw a young man walking out of the front door with a long thing on his back that was tightly wrapped in cloth. I knew at first glance that it was an ancient weapon. This thing was indeed very valuable, and if it sold well, the price could go for more than ten times its worth.
Note: In the book, it was their first meeting. But in an old Daomu Biji mobile game, NPSS added this line (it seems that he forgot about it later though):
“The first meeting with Zhang Qiling was not downstairs of Uncle Three's house, but at Wu Xie's full-month celebration, but they both forgot it.” ☆
2. Daomu Biji Vol. 4: Snake Marsh Ghost City (Part II) Chapter 18 | Chapter 47 (MereBear)
He continued, "I am a person without a past and a future. All I do is to find find my connection with this world. Where did I come from and why am I here?" He looked at his hands and said calmly, "Can you imagine that if someone like me disappears from this world, no one will find out, as if I have never existed in this world, without leaving any trace? Sometimes when I look in the mirror, I often doubt whether I really exist or am just a phantom of a person."
I was speechless and thought for a while before saying, "It's not as exaggerated as you say. If you disappear, at least I will find out."
3. Daomu Biji Vol. 6: Ancient Building Under the Dark Mountain Chapter 39
Pangzi gestured for me to ask Men You Ping. I looked at him and heard him say, "About five hours ago, you appeared where you are now, in a deep coma, barely conscious. We gave you a simple first aid, and then five hours later, you woke up."
I waited for Men You Ping to continue speaking, but he shut up.
"That’s it?" I asked in surprise.
"That’s it." He said in a muffled voice.
Pangzi nodded and said, "Xiaoge and I have been in another cave, which is relatively dry, but I will come here to get water every once in a while. When I found that there was suddenly another person in the cave, I was scared to death, but I recognized you immediately, called Xiaoge, and rescued you together. You were already dead, so if you really need to find someone to save your life, I, Pangye, was still qualified to make a guest appearance. Later, we were afraid that you might have broken bones, so we didn't dare to move and just waited here for you to wake up."
Note: Xiaoge gives Wu Xie mouth-to-mouth resuscitation here. Someone analyzed it and NPSS confirmed it. Here is the analysis:
“If you want to perform CPR on a person who is not breathing without moving the body, the most basic and important thing is artificial respiration. Judging from Pangzi's tone, the whole rescue process was completed by him and Men You Ping. But there is a key word here: "guest appearance". Pangzi did not play the main role in the rescue process. So who played this main role? I think everyone should understand.” ☆
4. Daomu Biji Vol. 6: Ancient Building Under the Dark Mountain Chapter 49
He leaned against the stone wall behind him and said calmly: "He and I can't leave."
"What nonsense are you talking about?" I cursed.
He suddenly smiled at me and said: "Fortunately, I didn't kill you..."
I was stunned. He spat out a mouthful of blood.
"You--" My head buzzed.
He still smiled at me, his head slowly lowered, and sat there, as if he was just taking a rest. However, the surroundings were completely silent.
Note: There once was a typo in the first draft, but it was edited later.
Edited version: “还好,我没有害死你……”
Unedited version: “一汀烟雨杏花寒好, 还好, 我没有害死你......”
“一汀烟雨杏花寒” comes from an ancient poem “戴叔伦:燕子不归春事晚,一汀烟雨杏花寒”, it describes the scenery of late spring and expresses the feelings of melancholy and separation. ☆
5. Daomu Biji Vol. 7: Stone Shadow in Qiong Cave Chapter 18
Men You Ping did not answer her. Instead, he turned to me and said, "Take me home." Then he walked out without looking back.
6. Daomu Biji Vol 8: The Finale Book 2 Chapter 3 | Part 2 Chapter 54 (MereBear)
I was stunned for a moment, and then froze. At that moment, my mind became blank.
I couldn’t describe the emptiness in my heart. I suddenly didn’t know what I should do.
Dead? You’ve got to be kidding me.
Is he really dead? Hey, what kind of international joke is this?
"Wake up. Let's go home." I patted his face, suddenly finding it all very funny. I turned to Pangzi and laughed. "Look at Xiaoge."
"I know." Pangzi said on the side, his voice was very low.
Then, my hands began to tremble uncontrollably. I looked at my hands and found that there was no sadness in my heart. My consciousness did not react, but my body instinctively felt despair.
I thought to myself, he’s really fucking sitting there, he’s really fucking dead. Men You Ping is really fucking dead!
There were actually such things in this world, and Men You Ping could actually die.
My instincts were collapsing under the pressure, but all kinds of uncomfortable feelings were still leaking out of the "pressure cooker" of emotions. I felt that I couldn't let my emotions run wild, because if I got sad, I might die here. I feel very strange in my heart, not just sad. I don’t know if others can understand my complicated feelings. First there was despair, then more of a distrust of what I saw. My mind went blank for a long time before all the emotions in my heart came to the surface.
I have always wondered how I would feel if Men You Ping died. I thought that maybe I was extremely sad, or maybe I had thought about it too much and done too much mental preparation, so I became numb and felt that I could totally bear it. Now that it has really happened, it has turned into a strange mood that I can’t even deal with.
After that, I was in a dilemma, not knowing whether I should be sad or pretend to be calm and endure the pain. In the end, the former gradually prevailed. I did nothing beside his body, just stared blankly.
But just when I felt that tears were about to fall, I suddenly saw Men You Ping's hand move and scratch the floor!
Comment: I feel like "Wake up. Let's go home." is the answer to Xiaoge's "Take me home." in the previous moment, don't you think so? And here is the description of Wu Xie's feelings when he thought that Xiaoge died. It's quite long and depressing... T_T
7. Daomu Biji Vol. 8: The Finale Book 2 Chapter 25 | Part 2 Chapter 76 (MereBear)
"I came to say goodbye to you." He said, "It's all over. I thought about my connection with this world, and it seems that the only one I can find now is you."
Comment: Is this the kind of connection that Xiaoge was looking for in Daomu Biji Vol. 4?
Note: In the Live Broadcast Interview on June 11, 2021, there was a question about what "嫩牛五方" Nenniu Wufang (Iron Triangle + HeiHua) think of Wu Xie, and this is Xiaoge's part:
NPSS: For Zhang Qiling, Wu Xie is his only connection with the human world. He can live without any connection with the human world. After so many years, Wu Xie was the opportunity that made him willing to connect with the human world, which was also something that required courage for him, because connecting with Wu Xie means connecting with other people. At the beginning, Wu Xie was just one of the many people he had saved, but Wu Xie reached a state of transcendence through his own qualities. He was able to attract another person who was not a mortal. There is such a person, when you look him in the eye, you will have this feeling-
Host: This is that person, this is the person I am looking for.
NPSS: Yes. ☆
8. Daomu Biji Vol. 8: The Finale Book 2 Chapter 27 | Part 2 Chapter 78 (MereBear)
That night, we found a relatively dry place and lit a fire. Sitting in front of the fire, he silently looked at me for the first time.
I also stared at him for a long time. Since he kept looking at me like this, I began to wonder whether the focus of his gaze was actually on me. When I found that he was really looking at me, however, I felt very strange. I said, "Is something wrong with me? Is there a monster behind me?" I asked him several times, but he didn't respond. I thought this person was not very normal at ordinary times. Now in this situation, I definitely couldn't understand and didn't need to understand. But after a while, he suddenly asked me for a cigarette.
9. Daomu Biji Vol. 8: The Finale Book 2 Chapter 28 | Part 2 Chapter 79 (MereBear)
I screamed as I rolled all the way down the hillside. I knew it was a very steep cliff with a drop of at least thirty meters, so even if there was snow below, I would never be safe.
Just when I was about to despair, I suddenly heard a movement outside. Then, my flailing hands were grabbed by someone, and I was pulled out of the snow pit. I gasped for breath, and saw Men You Ping grabbed the back of my collar and pulled me out of the snow with force.
My eyes still saw a pink color, which was quite blurry. I looked at him, and I was so angry that I asked him: "Why did you come back again?"
He looked at me, then at the cliff above his head, and said to me, "I heard your cry for help."
Note: This is one of the famous PingXie moments, which later someone brought up this scene again in the comment section of the online version of Sand Sea 3 Chapter 5 (Chapter 116 on MereBear's site: Like a Red Bean in the Exquisite Dice, My Love for You is Deep in My Bones) in 2014. Here is the famous comment that is still circulating around in the DMBJ fandom:
“The moment I fell, holding my neck, I thought I couldn't speak anymore. The sky of Motuo was still empty, just like the Changbai Mountain. But this time, no one would jump down thirty meters to pull me up. I asked him why he came, and he said he heard my voice.” ☆
However, people still doubt where this quote actually comes from. As someone said, what I've mentioned before is the most likely source since it is the earliest one that can be found. The site was closed down, so I can't check it myself.
10. Daomu Biji Vol. 8: The Finale Book 2 Chapter 28 | Part 2 Chapter 79 (MereBear)
"That’s fine, do whatever you want. If you really knock me out, I have nothing to say, but I hope you know that if you need someone to accompany you to the end, I won’t refuse." I said, "I want to accompany you. This is my own decision, so don't worry about it."
Top comment: One is a confession that travels thousands of miles away, and the other is a stumbling pursuit. ☆
11. Daomu Biji Vol. 8: The Finale Book 2 Chapter 29 | Part 2 Chapter 80 (MereBear)
Men You Ping nodded, and I asked him: "If this is not the case, according to the promise, who should be the next in line for the Old Nine Gates?"
"You." Men You Ping said.
Me? I was stunned for a moment: "You mean, I was supposed to stay behind this bronze door for ten years?"
Men You Ping nodded, and just as I was about to ask him to clarify, Men You Ping suddenly reached out and pressed the back of my neck, and I lost consciousness."
12. Excerpt from 《与邪共予起灵书》 or see more here
I saw Menyouping standing in the dazzling light of the bronze door, as if waiting for me. It turns out that not everyone has left me. He is right here, behind this mysterious bronze door, looking forward to meeting me again just like me. Ten years, it sounds like a long time that cannot be passed, but when that moment comes, we will definitely feel the brevity of time. Its brevity may just be because you are looking forward to a reunion. You use your ten years to exchange my lifelong innocence, then I will use the next ten years and more ten years to exchange your ten years.
The passage above is related to the famous quote “用我一生换你十年的天真无邪” (I'll give you my whole life in exchange for your ten years of innocence).
According to this post, this sentence first appeared in a forum interview in 2010. When NPSS talked with readers about the final ending of the characters in the main story (Daomu Biji Vol. 1-8), he used the sentence "用自己的一生,再换你十年的天真无邪" (I'll give you my whole life in exchange for another ten years of your innocence) to summarize the ending of Zhang Qiling and Wu Xie in the main story.
NPSS's interview with Nangong Ling, the owner of PingXie Bar on Baidu Post Bar or Tieba (a popular Chinese forum) at that time: The Long-Delayed New Year Interview on March 11, 2010 ☆
Q: Is Wu Xie the most miserable person in the whole book? Is it true that one of him and Pingzi (Xiaoge) will die in the end?
A: Wu Xie is the most miserable, his life is a doomed tragedy, but Lao Zhang is not easy either.
Q: Then?
A: It delayed the occurrence of the whole tragedy.
Q: Then they suffered a tragedy together?
A: I use my life to exchange for your ten years of innocence.
And there is a follow-up. On November 1, 2011, NPSS participated in a symposium at Shenzhen University and interpreted the meaning of this sentence. ☆
Q: How do you understand "用我一生换你十年天真无邪" (I will give you my whole life for your ten years of innocence)?
A: On a very quiet night, I was sitting in front of my computer, chatting with an online friend who was my reader. She asked me if I could describe the whole story in one sentence. Then I thought about it and realized that the story could be described in one sentence: "用我一生换你十年的天真无邪" (I will give you my whole life for your ten years of innocence). It is not a very equal exchange. It is an infinite sacrifice of one person for another in exchange for a limited benefit.
13. Tibetan Sea Flower Part 1 Chapter 39
I said, "I don't know. I always feel that it's safer to be around Xiaoge. If he's not around, at least having his statue is better than having no statue at all."
14. Sand Sea 2 Chapter 53 | Chapter 92 (MereBear)
"Are you really willing to bear it?"
"I have no choice."
"You have a choice, you just can't see it."
"That means there is no choice."
"Then will you tell him all this?"
"Then what will you tell him?"
"I will tell him that he is just a patient, and from now on, he can rest."
"They won't let you say these words."
"I won't allow them to stop me."
15. Sand Sea Part 3 Chapter 5 | Chapter 116 (MereBear)
A dainty die with red beans engraved in it, don't you know, is a love yearning that penetrates to the bone?
(—Rediscovering Wen Tingyun by Mou, Huaichuan)
Note: As we know, this candy is only a title, but it has a deep meaning. “玲珑骰子安红豆,入骨相思知不知” is a passage from a poem by Tang Dynasty poet, Wen Tingyun (温庭筠), it's the second poem of two love poems in his collection of poems 《新添声杨柳枝词二首》/《南歌子词二首》.
The poem is written in the voice of a woman, expressing her attachment to her lover, in the first line, it means she earnestly asked her husband not to miss the return date when he travelled far away. It is the woman's deep longing for her husband and the strong love she has for him that is hard to let go. The second line means the lovesickness that goes deep into the bones, revealing -once again- the woman's strong love that is hard to let go. And the words "Don’t you know?" (知不知) vividly expresses the woman's long separation, the difficulty of reunion, the deep pain of missing him, and even the fact that she wants to talk to no one. It can be said that the ending is natural and the aftertaste is endless. What the readers feel is the sincere and passionate love in the woman's heart —Baidu Encyclopedia
Since there is no way for me, a complete novice, to explain it through semantic and syntactic analysis, please visit here or here for more explanation.
In WeChat interview on August 6, 2013, NPSS said the reason why he chose that title:
Q: Sanshu, I would like to ask you, in Sand Sea series, when Wu Xie was slashed in the throat by the man in white, why was the chapter titled "玲珑骰子安红豆,入骨相思知不知"?
A: I chose that chapter title because that was the emotion I felt at the time. ☆
16. 2014 Chinese New Year Special "Fantasy" Chapter 27 (Epilogue) | Chapter 2.31 (MereBear)
When the sun absorbed the fog and dispersed it, the black fog completely dissipated. I turned my head to see where Men You Ping was, but saw the sunset shining in from the window next to me.
It was over, I was stunned for a moment and realized.
I was back in the small power station.
My hands and feet slowly revived, and the severe pain in my nasal cavity began to attack. The throat was full of the smell of blood, and all the blood turned into a paste in my throat.
In all the moments of coming back, I always felt a very sad emotion in my heart, which would make me silent for a moment.
Don't make the illusion too beautiful because it will eventually disappear. You think you have obtained and grasped it, but in fact there is nothing. This kind of memory is no different from my real memory. People themselves cannot really own anything.
17. Ten Years Chapter 31
This was written for me, he knew I would fulfill my promise. He hid the clue in Chen Pi Ah Si's nose, which really gave me face.
I clenched my fists, and a sense of security that I hadn't felt for many years suddenly rose from the bottom of my heart.
Note: The bolded sentence is an additional sentence in the physical book of Ten Years.
18. Ten Years Chapter 36
In the past ten years, I have had many dreams. I dreamed of him when he was young and I met him when I was young.
19. Ten Years Physical Book
"Not only that, if you can truly believe that you can do this, you can do anything." The voice in my heart answered me, "But, believing in yourself may be the most difficult thing in the world."
"What's so difficult about believing in yourself?" I asked.
"Just like you can't believe that you can walk on the water, only a very few people can truly believe in themselves." The voice in my heart answered me, "You can't even believe that you really entered here and heard these words."
A vast pool of water suddenly appeared in front of me, and the water surface was as calm as a mirror.
I looked at the surface of the pool and touched it with my feet. It was cold water. The waves spread and quickly disappeared at the end of the visible range. I saw a figure appearing very, very far away.
It was a familiar back, it was Xiaoge.
I stepped on it and fell into the water.
Then, I woke up. I looked up at the bronze door.
It was a dream, the door was still closed tightly.
I looked at my hand, and the wound was not cracked.
Comment: I really like the implication here, Wu Xie trusts Xiaoge more than himself...
20. Ten Years Chapter 41
"The people in that village make a dessert from glutinous rice and brown sugar. Since there’s plenty of rain in the village, a special weed called Yuzai ginseng grows there. The petals of this weed are put into the dessert, and are said to help with memory. Of course, it’s only a local legend."
I kept yawning as I spoke. My consciousness began to blur, but I didn’t stop talking.
I don’t know how long I stayed up, but in my hazy state, I suddenly felt someone slowly sit down beside me.
I hesitated for a moment, turned my head to look, and the other person also turned his head to look at me.
Pangzi slowly woke up and looked at us.I saw a familiar face, indifferent eyes, reflecting the light of the campfire.
People say that when you forget someone, the first thing you forget is their voice. But when he spoke, it wasn’t unfamiliar at all.
"You are old." He said
The music was still flowing, in this place closest to hell.
Pangzi came up, hooked his arm around Men You Ping's shoulder, and caused him to stumble: "How can we compare with you, Xiaoge? And you were willing to come out!!"
Men You Ping swayed from all the jostling.I pulled down my sleeve, covered the scars on my arm, and stood up.
He smiled at me and I lifted my bag: 'Let’s go."We just…haven’t seen you for a long time.
I live at the North Sea and you at the South Sea,
I asked the wild goose to pass a letter but was told they could not.
Each of us held a cup of wine and talked amid spring wind with peach and plum blossom,
For ten years we missed each other before lamps during night rain outside.
Note: About the poem, MereBear has already explained here. This is the Chinese version:
In short, it's about friendship, a happy gathering and how deeply they missed each other after they parted.
There is an interesting meta about Xiaoge's "you're old", read here.
Top comment: So when Xiaoge explained the amnesia brought by the heavenly gift in Sea of Lights, he looked into Wu Xie's eyes and said "there will be a little left", which means that Xiaoge faced endless darkness in the door, lost his perception of time, and had to use his remaining memory to try to recall Wu Xie's appearance. The words "you are old" in the past ten years contains Xiaoge's deep and heavy longing for Wu Xie.
21. Daomu Biji Extra: 2019 Mid-Autumn Festival
If Men You Ping said something, then it was fine, but he wouldn’t say anything. Instead, Zhang Haike kept telling me that as an outsider follower of Zhang Qiling, I should take care of these things. Fuck that shit, I thought to myself. I’m a guardian, not an outsider follower. He said that if I did well, I could start the special procedures that would give me the surname Zhang. I could be called Zhang Xie or Zhang Wu Xie in the future. Of course, I could also follow my master and be called Zhang Qixie.
I was so angry that day that I thought my liver was going to burst.
22. Daomu Biji Extra: The Other Shore | The Other Shore (MereBear)
It was too cold here, so after I died, I wouldn't be degraded. I would exist here for thousands and millions of years. I could sit here and let the wind and snow freeze me. According to my experience, hundreds of years later, Men You Ping would see the moment he was seeing now.
I seemed to be seriously ill and chose this ending myself. I was surprisingly calm and had no regrets. Although I could not be truly eternal like him, I found a way to coexist in the same time and space as him.
I didn't expect it to be so romantic. In this world, there was no other person who could use death as a romantic condiment so naturally.
Note: I think almost the whole short story is candy with a knife, but I can't possibly put it all here. There is a good PV about this short story, you can see it here or here.
Top comment:
”When we first begin to truly love someone, our greatest fear is that the person we love no longer loves us. What we should be afraid of is that even though they are dead, we still can’t stop loving them.”
23. A joke that is written by NPSS and posted on the official blog on Weibo
I hope this letter finds you well, I have heard that Wu Xie is well-informed, has a strong memory, is wise in all things, knows everything about the world like a little snow falls on a red stove and melts immediately, and often stays by the side of the patriarch as the two musical instruments strike the same note. I will come on the moon to meet you.
I looked at the letter, and Pangzi also looked at it, looking at me with an awkward look. I touched my nose and said, "What is this, Chu Liuxiang?"
Note: This joke was about the Zhang family sending a letter to Xiaoge and Wu Xie. “笙磬同音” (the two musical instruments strike the same note) is a metaphor for harmonious relationship as a family, but is often used in wedding congratulations. ☆☆
24. Thousand Faces Part 1-001 | Part 1-Introduction 2 (MereBear)
She looked at me and said, "Wu Xie, what is the secret in your heart? Is there anything you will never let anyone know until you die?"
I looked up at him, and a thought moved in my heart. She tilted her head and caught it: "Ah, you have it in your heart."
I smiled awkwardly. Yes, my thoughts moved just now.
I did have one.
I asked Ah Tuo: "Isn't this embarrassing?"
"That's something only you know." Ah Tou looked at some group photos I had hanging in my study room. "If I tell you a secret that I think is the most incredible. You have to tell me the thought you just had."
She looked at me, "Let me guess first, do you want... to live forever?"
"I do, but this is not my secret." I said to Ah Tou, "If there is no afterlife, then I want to live forever. I still have a lot of things I want to do with my friends, but I am not afraid of death. The richness of my life is second to none. I have enough. However, I agree to your conditions."
Note: In the second line, "我抬眼看着他" (I looked up at him), if it was referring to Ah Tou, "他" should be "她". I don't know whether it's a typo or not, some say it's not, and I check the Chinese raw, it still hasn't changed. If it's not a typo, "him" in "I looked up at him" can actually refer to Xiaoge, someone explained it on MereBear's site. Nevertheless, it doesn't change the meaning of "if there is no afterlife, then I want to live forever". Later, in Notes in Rain Village: Courtyard Chapter 12 or Notes in Rain Village: Part 2 Chapter 17, it was emphasized again:
Maybe I don’t believe in the afterlife.
Moreover, the afterlife is meaningless to me. I will not have a more thrilling life than this one.
On the ancient road, I met the ancient soul.
25. Restart Part 1-Not a Chapter | Restart Part 1 Chapter 112,5 (MereBear)
I drank to my heart's content that night. In the past ten or twenty years, I spent my days alone imagining things, panicking and being cowardly. At this moment, I understood the meaning of all of this.
I said to Bai Haotian, "I always hope not to disappoint others. Although it is difficult, I have finally reached the point in my life where I will be satisfied if I can just not disappoint one person."
I dreamed of the Tibetan Lama Temple, the floating ribbons in my dream, and I dreamed of everything, where I belonged, where my life belonged to, but I dared not touch, emphasize, or solidify it. I was afraid that I was not worthy of those memories, those times. Even though I had done so many things and controlled so many other people, I still did not dare to say any beautiful words.
26. Restart Part 1 Chapter 141 | Part 1 Chapter 141 (MereBear)
What was so important about me? I was a person who would have to say goodbye to Men You Ping one day in his life. I was a person who delayed Pangzi for getting rich and getting married. I made Xiaohua bankrupt, separated Xiuxiu from her closest relatives, and made my parents live in fear that I would follow Uncle Three’s path. I was far from worthy of the name "innocent (无邪)" my grandfather had given me. But in my confused first half of life, I lived an incredibly wonderful life. I had seen countless wonders in the world. I had the most amazing partner with the most stories in the world. We sang loudly on the cliffs, chanted the sutras on the snow-capped mountains, drank wine in the Gobi Desert, and watched the moon on the sea.
I've had enough in this life.
In Sina Weibo micro interview on August 03, 2018, NPSS talked about the bolded sentence:
Q: In the past ten years, Wu Xie's inner demon was Xiaoge. Ten years later, is Wu Xie's inner demon the life span? In the Reboot, he mentioned it many times. I feel depressed when I think of "I am a person who will have to say goodbye to Men You Ping one day in his life".
A: Most people in life will eventually say goodbye. For the one who leaves first, everything will return to peace. The one who leaves later will feel a little painful. It's not that scary. It's just unwilling to accept it.
27. Restart Part 1 Chapter 204 & Chapter 208
"...You have to understand what love is. Love is like a ghost. You can't see it when it comes, and it makes no sound when it leaves. Even if it's there, it's moving around. This thing doesn't make sense, it's fucking haunted. When you see it, it'll just pat its butt and leave. You ask it if it wants to leave or not. If it doesn’t go, you’ll have to light three pillars of incense. If it goes away, you can't find it back even if you burn down the house..."
"I just want to know what's behind the bronze door. If I'm about to die, can you please whisper something in my ear?" I said in the direction of Men You Ping.
There was no response from the other end, so I said, "If I am about to die, just say something in my ear, and then I will leave with peace of mind. Otherwise, you can't send me away even with three pillars of incense.
28. Restart Part 2 Chapter 12 | Chapter 12 (MereBear)
...But when I saw the look in Men You Ping's eyes when he looked at the rain, I didn't know what year or century he was thinking about.
It was so annoying to partner with a god.
29. Notes in Rain Village Chapter 5
Men You Ping looked at the snow. The wind was blowing in the wrong direction, and the snowflakes kept drifting in. His hair quickly turned white.
I wonder what he would look like with white hair.
30. Notes in Rain Village Chapter 15
"If I were your child*, would you not allow me to smoke?"
"Ah, I don't know, but you fell into a crack in the ground in the middle of the night. I don't have a daughter with night blindness." I glanced at Men You Ping, who was leaning against the door and looking at the two of us. His expression seemed to say, "You two both fell into a crack in the ground, what's there to discuss?"
Note: "If I were your child" is “如果我是你生的” in Chinese raw. There is a comment saying:
“The sentence "if I was born by you (如果我是你生的)" is very interesting. Children usually only use the word "birth (生)" to their mothers, and should say "if I were your child (如果我是你的孩子)" to their fathers. Xu Lei (NPSS) used the word "birth (生)" to Wu Xie through the girl's mouth, and I dare not think about it too much.” ☆
Comment: It's not the first time NPSS used the "birth" joke to Wu Xie, and I still remember how Wu Xie's word in Restart "我他妈能生四个" (I can give birth to four) is like a well-known joke in the fandom. So, I can only blame NPSS for how normal I feel about PingXie Mpreg fics and how many there are.. (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
31. Notes in Rain Village Chapter 17
Men You Ping walked towards us, one step, two steps, three steps, six or seven steps.
He walked to our side, and I looked back at where he was just now, and he was no longer there.
Don't worry about it, I thought to myself, we couldn’t go up, so he walked down.
32. Notes in Rain Village Chapter 23
The two dismantled caissons were finally put up with a simple scaffolding. Men You Ping was so damn cool, I had no idea how he dismantled it. Apart from the movements, I found his extreme concentration and skill really enviable.
33. Notes in Rain Village Chapter 24
I felt a little dizzy after drinking and had a very long dream that night. I dreamed of snow-capped mountains and my own ending.
It was the first time I had this kind of dream, but I knew that I would often dream about this moment from now on.
In this world, everyone was a circle and Men You Ping was the only eternal straight line. We were strung on this straight line like Buddhist prayer beads, heading for the other side that Buddha could see. It was just that the other side was an infinite time and space.
34. Notes in Rain Village: Courtyard Chapter 4 | Chapter 9 (MereBear)
At about 9 o'clock, I was looking at the yard from the window and saw Men You Ping tidying up the moss in the yard alone. I leaned on the windowsill, he sorted it out for more than two hours, and I watched him for more than two hours.
I didn't know if he liked my plan or not, but I thought if Pangzi liked it very much, he might like it a little.
35. Notes in Rain Village: Travel Chapter (Physical Book Version)
That night I had a dream. I dreamed that all the happiness here turned into little elves, flying around people. There was also one behind Deren. His face was constantly changing, but the elf was still shining.
"Don't worry, it's okay." In the dream, Men You Ping said to me. The elf behind him hid in his hair and looked at me shyly.
36. Notes in Rain Village 3: Travel Chapter 43
It just happened to be the last moment of sunset, and the sunset glow on the sea turned colorful. We parked the car and unloaded the poultry and livestock. Pangzi went in to prepare dinner with his friends, and Men You Ping and I sat on the embankment by the sea.
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Source: Here
37. Notes in Rain Village 4: Pastoral Chapter 8
Then I saw a very magical place: there was a place far away in the starry sky, where the stars were very dense, and those stars were like waterfalls sliding down from the sky, rushing all the way to the clouds below the train.
"The stars are falling," I said to Men You Ping, sounding like a nonsensical child. "Falling, falling down."
38. Notes in Rain Village 4: Pastoral Chapter 33
When I was halfway up, even though I was wearing a raincoat, I was completely soaked and looked very miserable. I knew I would not give up, but I still felt a little desperate. As if I had sensed something, I suddenly stopped and looked back.
Men You Ping was standing behind me.
I didn't know when he came, but it was just like ten thousand times before.
39. Looking for the Dead in the Sea of Lights Chapter 24
As soon as I walked out of the circle of light from the bonfire, Men You Ping rushed out from the darkness on the other side of the camp, in the opposite direction from me. He jumped on his horse, leaped over the bonfire, rushed behind me, and lifted me onto the horse with one hand. Then, two men and one horse rushed towards Pangzi.
40. Queen Mother's Ghost Banquet Chapter 82
"I, I, I..." I tried to describe it, but I couldn't see clearly with my eyes squinting. I murmured, "I need Xiaoge. I really need him this time."
That's it. Obviously, it's not all of them, but I'm spent haha. People in the Chinese fandom often said that PingXie is a Chinese-style cp and pure love “纯爱” type of ship, which I think it's indeed true. Their heartfelt moments are often hidden between allusions and metaphors, and the strong bond between them mostly relies on the emotional attachment rather than just physical touches or skinships. To me, it makes them so unique and interesting. What's more the taste of pure love that people often associate with this cp/ship is actually pretty rare itself. In the end, they did care for each other regardless of what people used to define their relationship (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*+♡
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝟖𝟏𝟕!ヾ⁠(⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠*⁠)⁠ノ
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gruviaweek · 2 years
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Ten years.
The first ever Gruvia Week was held in 2013. It is now 2023. Meaning, this is the 11th edition/Gruvia Week... but 10 years have passed since the creation of this blog and beloved event that’s been held on the exact same dates since the beginning (April 1st - April 7th). That’s right, the event date has never changed, never held early, nor late. To keep it this consistent and for so long is truly an accomplishment.
Thank you to all the wonderful fans that have kept this event alive for so long. It has been my pleasure to host this celebration for the last 10 years, and it’s because of you that I do so. All the dedicated Gruvia lovers deserve this. The fandom has changed a lot as time went on. People come and go. However, most notably, we have grown in more ways than one. Likewise, Gray and Juvia have gone through a tremendous amount of development in the last decade. They have confirmed mutual romantic love and a son that we have yet to meet in earthland, but still very much canon in the manga and drawn by the author (Hiro Mashima) of his own accord on multiple occasions. Despite this, we are still waiting for the day they “officially” get together. The setup and foreshadowing is there... He wants it, so Gray, confess to Juvia soon!
In the meantime, we celebrate the ship once again. Here are the official Gruvia Week 2023 prompts displayed in the image above. Just like in previous years these prompts are not complicated, but they are broad and meant to make you think. Be creative. Interpret them however you see fit. If you don’t know what a word means, look it up. Specific and basic prompts would result in different versions/entries of the same thing. That’s why Gruvia Week is so successful every year; imagination. Prompts for this event are always different every year. No repeats! See: Previous Gruvia Week editions
Those who are new to the week, unfamiliar, or would like to simply rehash, please click here to learn how to participate. Also be sure to follow the rules and guidelines. Feel free to ask questions, however please check this blog’s previous posts before submitting them. It’s possible your question could have already been answered.
Reminder: All pieces must be new. Old works will not be reblogged/included in the week. Be sure to specify the day/prompt used in your post. If you don’t have a tumblr, you can still participate. Post your work on any social media platform for that target audience. Participate anywhere; the more the merrier! However, if you’d like your work to be posted/featured here as well, be sure to submit it to this blog. Or submit the link to it (if posted on another platform such as twitter, instagram, wattpad, ao3, etc).
Tag your work with #gruvia week (with the space) within the first five tags.
Avoid using links in your post, as there is a chance it will not show up in the tags. Try using only five tags and no links if your post does not appear. If you must use a link, make sure it shows in the tags.
If your work contains an image or gif, make sure it’s within tumblr’s photo dimensions and size limits. Sometimes big images cause posts to not appear in tags.
It is YOUR responsibility to make sure your post shows up in the mobile and/or pc tags, so be sure to check if it does.
Gruvia Week will be held from April 1st - April 7th as always. Get ready and get creative!
Graphic/art by the wonderful and talented @goodnightlover. Thank you! ♡
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e-dubbc11 · 9 months
Top ten fave billy scenes <3 <3 <3
Selene, I love you to pieces for sending in as many asks as you did. Going over all of my favorite Billy scenes in my head, I think I have some good ones and they’re not all smexy time 🤣 thank you again! These will go in no particular order.
Join the sleepover HERE
1. I’ll give you a really good one to kick things off with…the towel scene. I mean, my gawd! 🥵🥵🥵
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2. Uncle Billy.
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3. “Wait…so Ann Margaret isn’t coming?” That smile at the end and the look on Frank’s face…I’m dead 😵 🥵🤣♥️
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4. The red sweater, the look…I can’t! 🥵🥵🥵
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5. “I didn’t know you could read…” *doink*
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6. “Goddamn Frankie, I love to watch you work.” The green henley, you smexy motherfucker. I hate you but please fuck me 🤣🥵♥️
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7. “When a grown man tells you that you’re pretty…you know nothing good is coming.” the vulnerability, how he opens up just that little bit, I just wanted to hold him.
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8. When he’s visiting his mother…”I would have given you the world, if you had just wanted me.” The sadness in his eyes…my poor broken love.
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9. What I wouldn’t give for him to touch my face like that and I don’t like anyone touching my face. I’d let him wear me like a hat though. 🥵🥵🥵
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10. Walking away from an explosion in slow motion. I mean, what’s not fuckin awesome about that?
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Honorable mention: apparently I’ve hit the 10 image limit on the mobile app but after he kills Arthur. How scared he is because he still doesn’t know what happened to him plus Ben’s acting in season two is chef’s kiss ♥️♥️♥️
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yjano · 2 years
Who I am now?
Part 19.
Pairing: Jake x Mc.
Genre: Angst, comedy, dark romance.
Warnings: Strong language, angst scenes. 18+ content can be found.
Words: 6.2k
Author's note: This story contains mature topics and is not fully related to the duskwood game. A different parallel with different personalities. Thank you everyone for following and liking this! lly.♡
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Mc focus.
"Alright, what's your question for me?" Nymos muttered, driving one-handedly as his other hand used a balled-up paper towel to clean up any traces of coca cola on his skin.
"I don't have anything in mind, to be honest." I coughed, adjusting my shirt. "Um, do you have any photographs on you of you and Jake when you were kids? Like the ones in your home?"
"...I'm giving you the most perfect opportunity for you to find out more about my brother through me but you just wanna waste the opportunity by looking at our baby photos?" Nymos tutted, shaking his head in disapproval, but still reaching inside his jacket pocket for his mobile phone.
"Like, I can tell you so many things about bro that he'll never bother to share with you. Things like the first time he had sex with someone. Wasn't a great experience for him I'm guessing since he accidentally knocked her out, because she squeezed his bud too hard. He woke me up at 3 am in the fucking morning and made me drive him home because his dick hurt too much to do it himself." Nymos concluded, laughing and handing his unlocked phone to me. I took it with my eyes widening at his words.
I glanced down at his phone screen to see I was in his photo album app, staring at a grainy photograph of young Jake and Kaden grinning so hard at the camera.
"Swipe right for more." Nymos smiled. I did that as he said, giggling at the next photo which happened to be of either a ten-year-old Jake or Kaden glaring viciously at the camera whilst being kitted out in a black turtleneck, black skinny jeans, several pieces of chunky silver jewelry, and boots studded with little spikes. Additionally, the boy's eyes were heavily lined with black, and his face was powdered a ghostly shade of white. In the background, I noticed an infuriated elderly lady lifting a sandal in the air, seeming to be in mid-warrior cry.
Nymos, noticing me laughing especially hard at this photo, grinned widely.
"Bro tried going to school like that one day but our grandma saw and beat his vampire-looking ass, telling him she wasn't gonna drive him to the hospital if he got heatstroke."
I laughed harder in reply, swiping right with my thumb to find yet another low-quality photograph of both the twins in their final year at high school, dressed in muddied football wear and looking a lot more like how they look now. Tanned by the sun, muscular, dark hair tousled, and wearing grins that left me a tad bit breathless.
Fuck, I bet they were super popular in high school. I wanted to send this specific photograph to my phone so I could privately drool over them in their red and black colored football uniform. I suppressed the urge to do so and instead forced myself to swipe right.
"Oh my god, oh my god! What is this?"
"Hmm?" Nymos took a peek at the photograph and grinned widely.
"Oh, those are my old high school nudes," He hummed, amusement evident in his voice as he studied the image depicted on his mobile phone screen.
"Man, I was tiny back then. Don't worry, I swear I'm way bigger now."
"Why would I fucking worry about your dick size?" I choked out, hurriedly throwing his phone back as if the phone casing could potentially burn a rectangular-shaped mark onto my palm.
"Because you know, you might think Jake's tiny too. Because we're identical twins." Nymos shrugged, chuckling. "Don't wanna have Jake hunting me down later for spreading false information about his dick size."
"Kaden, please stop talking."
"So it's your turn to ask a question now, screaming baby."
We've been playing twenty questions for quite a while now, probably passing the limit of twenty long ago.
I thought for a second, chewing contemplatively on my straw before glancing at Nymos.
"Why...Why did you believe Ikari instead of Lex and Jake?" I asked, almost kicking myself for my incapable brain-to-mouth filter because as soon as those words spilled out from my lips. I found myself wanting to swallow back a very single word.
But what happened? There was nothing I could do to redraw the flinch that Nymos reacted with.
"Damn, we're going for the big questions now, huh?" He coughed, and the hand that was not on the steering wheel reached upwards to cup the back of his neck as he laughed awkwardly. I thought that he might have a habit of touching his neck whenever he felt uncomfortable.
I cleared my throat now, looking down at the half-empty contents of my can of coke that I stirred silently with my straw.
"Um, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," I mumbled, feeling like I crossed the line with my question.
"No, I'll tell you. It's just a question that people surprisingly haven't bothered to ask me," He replied quietly.
-a year and a half ago-
Nymos focus.
"Try not to hate me too much for making Lex work overtime on your birthday," Black shadow called over his shoulder as he walked away with a grin forming on his face when he heard me groan behind him.
"It's hard not to, fucker!" I yelled after him, watching the black shadow languidly draping his winter coat over his shoulders.
"But thanks for coming, bro." I grinned, lazily wiping the messily smeared buttercream icing off my cheek.
"We appreciate it."
"Of course, I'll come. You guys are family." He chuckled, walking towards the front door whilst reaching into the pockets of his coat in search of his lighter and the hand-sized box of cigarettes.
I was about to reply warmly back to my friend's statement when I was suddenly interrupted by someone flinging their entire, full weight into my side, throwing their heavy arms around me, and engulfing me whole in an overly tight bear hug.
My attention was immediately cast down on the mess in my arms.
"Kaden, your younger bro wishes you a happy birthday!" Jake exclaimed loudly against my neck as he clutched at my denim jacket. I almost instinctively wrapped my arms around my twin brother and laughed into his dark hair, responding with a muffled. "Happy birthday too, baby bro."
"No, happy birthday to you." Jake persisted in a croak before he started sniffling loudly and just as I had preconceived it, my baby brother broke down completely, sobbing and crying into my shoulder and weakly mumbling something along the lines of.
"Wish mom and dad were here to see us." And. "Fucking hell, aasshole, when did you get such a nice physique?"
Whilst Jake sobbed quietly and distractedly squeezed my left bicep, from his left, I heard Sam groans.
"Oh god, who the hell gave the sad drunk alcohol?"
"I'm not a sad drunk, asshole!" Jake protested tearfully, pulling away from me to glare at Sam through narrowed eyes before returning to my inviting arms and bawling like the sad drunk he is.
"Yeah, yeah, sure you aren't, dick." Sam smiled fondly, rolling his eyes when Jake mumbled a sequence of incomprehensible words directed at him. I, still laughing, comfortingly petted my baby brother's soft hair.
"Babe, come on, you're stifling Kaden." Ikari giggled, coming out from nowhere and resting her hand on Jake's back, patting him comfortingly.
The rather emotional Jake reluctantly shuffled away from me upon hearing Ikari's softly spoken words. But he doesn't let up at all on being a baby because the next thing he was doing, was crushing Ikari in a bear hug.
Making the startled, smaller girl stumble a few precarious steps backward as he tearfully choked out.
"I love you so so so much, Kari, you're the best."
Ikari, in reply, laughed softly, letting her emotional hulk of a boyfriend wrap his arms around her waist and draw her suffocatingly close to his chest.
"Love you." Jake hiccuped, "I love love love love you."
"Mm, I know you do," Is what she hummed to him as she reached up and soothingly ran her perfectly manicured fingers through Jake's tousled, jet-black locks. Glancing upwards, she met my warm eyes and she shivered under my gaze, smiling sweetly at me before mouthing.
"I'm gonna take him to the guest room and let him sleep it off. Is that okay?"
In response, I nodded and smiled gratefully at my baby brother's girlfriend before shifting my attention back onto a disgruntled Sam.
"There's something off about her today," Sam muttered, folding his arms over his chest as he followed Ikari's back with narrowed eyes.
"I mean, there's usually something off about her but today it's maximized a hundred times," Sam explained, flickering his calculative brown eyes onto me. "Hm, just be careful, Nym."
"Bro, you make it seem like she's a witch out to get me specifically." I laughed, shaking my head with disbelief.
"She is one," Sam muttered under his breath.
"Sam, Ikari's not gonna grow warts and green skin overnight and attack me in my sleep, okay? I think that is near impossible so stop worrying. She's a good person come on, you know that, you've seen her with Jake-she loves him with all her heart." I grinned, feeling happy about my baby brother's relationship.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Sam dismissed, relaxing his stance and shooting me a small smile. "Happy birthday, sexy, you've grown well."
"You've grown well and sexy? What the hell does that mean? Are you a simp for me? Lex's going to leak your nudes to the government if she finds out, and Asher is going to get jealous." I laughed, raising an eyebrow at Sam. He just simply smiled knowingly at me before glancing over his shoulder and calling his friend's name. Asher was currently strewn across my and Lex's couch, chugging down the celebratory vodka he had bought for me and Jake as a gift.
"Ash, for god's sake, quit drinking already. I don't wanna have to spend all night holding back your bangs whilst you throw up," Sam groaned out loud as he walked away from me and towards Asher who giggled at Sam, not-so-discreetly tucking the bottle of alcohol behind his back and chugging some more.
I tore my attention off the 'couple' when a small "ding!" emanated from the phone in my palm, indicating that I'd got a notification. Glancing down at my phone, I smiled at the instant heartwarming message sent to me by Lex.
Baby L.
I might've missed out on your birthday party but I'm determined! To! Finish! Hacking this godamn database within an hour so we can celebrate your birthday a little before midnight comes. ;) Save me some birthday cake and alcohol if the dickwhores haven't downed it already!
Baby L.
So see you in an hour! I love you, my dumb idiot. <3
Baby L.
Oh and if Jake's still there at the apartment, tell him I said happy birthday and I love him lots and that his birthday gift's in the back of our wardrobe!
I pocketed my phone, smiling at my petite girlfriend's message. I was still smiling to myself like an idiot when I waved goodbye to an annoyed Sam and his bumbling drunk of a friend or boyfriend, we will never know. I was still smiling when I locked the door after them and moved to my hideously untidy kitchenette, fumbling around with the now-empty takeaway boxes of greasy pizza and the stray, half-melted candles decorating the kitchen countertops.
"Hey, there."
I glanced upwards at the sound of Ikari's greeting, offering her a small smile.
"Is Jake asleep?"
"Mhm," She reassured, "He's off to dreamland and snoring the entire way."
"Yeah?" I chuckled, heading towards the kitchen's bin and dumping the pizza boxes by its side, setting it as a reminder for me to take the trash out tomorrow morning. Remembering her presence I glanced back up at her.
"Oh hey, if you're tired, feel free to stay the night here with Jake. There's no need for you to make the journey back to yours so late at night."
"Thanks." Ikari grinned.
"No worries."
"Oh, and, Kaden, honey? You're not meant to clean up on your birthday," She hummed disapprovingly, shaking her head as she fully walked into the kitchenette's small space, her cream-colored heels click-clacked against the tiled marble floor.
"It's the unwritten rule." She laughingly announced as she strode over to the steel beast of a refrigerator, opening the appliance up and procuring more of Asher's celebratory iced vodka. Her neatly painted, red fingernails encompassed the glass neck of the bottle, its hand waving the said item tauntingly at me.
"I don't think that rule applies to the boyfriend of my beautiful baby Lex," I chuckled to myself, rolling up the sleeves of my thrasher hoodie and dutifully resuming my self-assigned task of cleaning the kitchen.
"Better to clean this all up than have my baby whining my ear off tomorrow."
"Oh, I'm sure Lex could let this pass," Ikari assured, walking towards the kitchen island where I was situated and she leaned against the polished counter.
"Come on birthday boy, I haven't seen you drink at all during the party." Ikari coaxed. Softly, settling the bottle of vodka down on the countertop with a pleasant 'clink'.
In reply, I raised a dark eyebrow at her persistency-to which she fluttered her eyelashes in response, smiling innocently.
"I really shouldn't-"
"Have one sip as least."
I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Just one sip?"
"Just one sip." Ikari agreed, handing me the bottle of alcohol for me to pop open. I did it with a soft sigh before lifting the opened bottle to my lips, tipping my head back, and swallowing more iced alcohol than just a mere sip.
"Thanks, Ari, but I think I should finish up on-"
"Come on, Kaden," Ikari drawled, gazing at me through her lashes, "Don't make me drink all this by myself."
"Next thing I know I'm in the hospital for alcohol poisoning and my friends and family fucking hate me." I sighed, almost tiredly. I glanced at Mc, "Screaming baby, I never intended to drink that much, and I never intended to do anything with Ikari. That night, I had no fucking clue what I was doing, I wasn't moving off my own accord. The selfish bitch just kept pouring alcohol down my throat until I was so fucked I could barely think."
"For fucks sake, I didn't even realize, she had drugged me and manipulated me into her selfish game. I broke my brother's and Lex's hearts. But the worst thing is she had recorded something when I was unconscious, and she pretended that I was harassing her. She told me everything when visited me in the hospital and told me she'll post the video online if I tell Lex and Jake the truth."
"God she's so fucking disgusting," Mc stated quietly. She looked up at me. "Why haven't you tried to talk with them still?"
"As soon as I was discharged from the hospital, I tried to meet up with Jake and explain what'd happened but he didn't let me speak, didn't even bother opening the door when I went around to his apartment. And then Black shadow who took Lex in didn't allow me to speak to her. All of our friends stopped talking to me after they found out what I 'did' with Ikari. I didn't have anyone apart from fucking Sam who kept staying over at mine. Yeah, he's the only one who knew the truth and kept it to himself when I begged him to. I was an idiot, I should've found a way to tell them. Now they're just hating me."
"You're not an idiot. You were alone and hurt. I knew you weren't the bad guy and Ikari was the bitch in your story."
I looked momentarily startled by her words. I wasn't expecting Mc to believe my words so easily let alone console me.
"And Kaden," Mc mumbled, gnawing on her lower lip, "You didn't give consent. So what Ikari did to you is sexual assault. You, you need to explain this to Jake and-"
Mc focus.
"I know what she did," Nymos mumbled and I noticed his blunt nails digging into the soft leather of the steering wheel as he spoke softly.
"But I'm not gonna file a complaint because it's kinda unfair, don't you think? Me getting her charged with sexual assault when I've done so much worse? Screaming baby, for god's sake, I once worked for a fucking human trafficking ring when I was eighteen."
Swallowing hard, I looked away from him at that, feeling so fucking angered, disgusted even, by what he just claimed. Looking plenty disgusted himself, Nymos continued speaking with his nails burrowing crescents into the leather of the steering wheel.
"And, I've already thought about explaining it to Jake or Lex but after really thinking it through. I've decided not to tell them because I despise nonconsensual sex, and I don't even remember what I told them that night, yeah. But in a way, I've still cheated on my baby bro and Lex. It's, it's just pointless now to explain my situation back then and try to win them back. It's been a year and I don't want to open the old wound I caused especially to Lex."
I didn't reply to his words and Nymos made no effort in trying to change my response from me. We both sat in the car in heavy silence and air too thick to breathe in without feeling suffocated.
Isa's passive-aggressive growls can't even mask the tension within the car as she was sleeping peacefully in her carrier.
"Do you, do you love her?" I asked quietly.
"Yes," Nymos replied firmly without a second thought.
"Then why aren't you still with her? Why are you not trying to win her back?" I asked simplistically, staring at his side profile as he was driving. "Win her back already and make amends with your friends."
"It's-" Nymos sighed, "It's not that easy, screaming baby."
"You make it sound like Lex is nothing to you anymore. But she's indeed your life support." I turned away, mumbling, "Maybe she's mad and hurt but I know that she loves you too, she even trusted you with her pup."
Nymos didn't say anything for a few seconds and again, I didn't press him for a response. I rested my head against the headrest of my seat and stared out of my window at the scenery flitting by until Nymos spoke up.
"... I know that she loves me. But I am bad for her." Nymos murmured, not looking at me but keeping his eyes on the road ahead. "That's why I keep my distance from her. I pretend to be playful and we end up having one-night stands and all. I'd rather suffer instead of hurt her."
Furrowing my brows, I swiveled my head to face Nymos.
He sighed.
"I'm not a good person, screaming baby. I'm a bad guy, and bad guys never get the good things they don't deserve it. It's practically a written rule that they should never get the girl, or in this case, Lex. They don't get good friends or a nice, easy life. I don't deserve to have Jake or Lex, I deserve nothing, of course, I try to stick by them but-. Do you..." He exhaled tiredly, "Do you get what I'm trying to say?"
I narrowed my eyes at him.
"That has got to be the most idiotic ideology I've ever heard in my entire life."
Nymos frowned at my strong words.
"Screaming baby, I-"
"Yeah, you're a bad guy. But so is Jake. He does bad things for a living, but that doesn't stop me from loving him, does it? Kaden," I exhaled, "Love has no bounds." I started almost fiercely. "Just because you're bad, it doesn't mean you can't love and be loved."
He didn't say anything in response.
The two of us were quiet after that. He was driving silently and I was resting my elbow on the ledge of the window, cupping my palm and staring past the glass. The radio was still on, playing so softly that it was not soon before it lulled me to sleep.
Nymos focus.
I noticed her head tilting forwards and jerking back suddenly with her bleary eyes blinking in bewilderment at her surroundings before closing once more.
"Screaming baby, if you wanna lie down, you can sleep in the back with the rabid bitch." I suggested.
"I'm okay," It was what Mc replied softly but made no movement to climb into the back. I quirked an eyebrow at this but let her doze off, not bothering to wake her up.
Five minutes later, whilst in traffic, I reached into the back for my denim jacket that lied across the seats and picked it up, balling the item into a makeshift pillow for Mc to use. Unbuckling my seat belt, I leaned over to cup Mc's cheek, lifting her head slightly to shuffle my denim jacket under before letting her go.
I smiled when I noticed Mc cozying up to my makeshift pillow. Drawing the seatbelt over myself, I turned away, still smiling.
"Thanks screaming baby. Thanks for believing me." I murmured.
Isa decided to wake up at that moment, immediately starting her bout of incessant growling. I rolled my eyes and replied to her.
"Oh, fuck off."
Mc focus.
I stirred in my sleep at loud laughter coming from my left, the sound of persistently loud chatter made me reluctantly open my eyes and blearily study my surroundings.
Isa yippee excitedly behind me, causing me to tear my gaze away from the denim jacket sitting on my lap as a crumpled mess, at Isa's little barks. I looked over my shoulder to see the small pup looking up at me expectantly, pink tongue lolling out of her mouth.
I was surprised, to say the least when she started whining, nudging at the latch of her pet carrier dejectedly-so dejectedly, it pulled at my heartstrings and I immediately found myself reaching for the latch. I stopped myself short though, remembering this morning when she looked like she wanted to dismember me.
Isa whined again making me feel conflicted.
"Please don't bite my fingers off." I finally said, sighing before reaching for the pet carrier with shaky hands, unlatching it slowly, and allowing the pup to gingerly nose the front open. Delighted, she barked in what presumed its joy. Cute.
"Hey," I peered to my right when I heard Nymos by the car door opening. I sleepily watched him slide into the driver's seat, a packet of strawberry laces in his hand which he soon proffered to me.
Still half-asleep, I took the packet and simply held it in my hand, yawning.
"Are we nearly at my angry bird place?" I murmured, finally looking out of the window to see that we were currently parked at a busy petrol station and the cacophony that had woken me up and the smell of petrol that I now wrinkled my nose at. I wasn't one of those people who liked the smell of petrol.
"Yeah, we'll be at his in around thirty minutes." He hummed nonchalantly.
I, suddenly awakened, swiveling my head around to face Nymos with my eyes widened and jaw slackened with surprise.
"What? Thirty minutes?"
"Yeah, it's-"
Isa barked at Nymos. He glanced at the pup through the rearview mirror and immediately sharply inhaled at the sight of her proudly parading around atop the backseats of his car.
"Who the hell let the rabid bitch out?"
"I did," I muttered, distracted with tearing open my packet of strawberry laces, "She looked sad."
"Oh god, oh god, don't make eye contact with her," Nymos told to himself, "Don't make eye contact. Making eye contact with her is like challenging her to pee all over the seats. Or worse she's gonna claw the leather upholstery apart-"
"She seems sorta sweet," I said, chewing on a strawberry lace. "Come here, isa," I said, setting my gifted confectionary down on my lap and reaching carefully for the elated ball of caramel-colored fluff that practically jumped into my arms.
Giggling, I pulled her close to my chest before turning around to beam at scared Nymos.
"Fuck, screaming baby. She turned you over to the dark side-"
I burrowed my cheek against her soft fur and rolled my eyes at his words.
"Oh, don't be dramatic, Kaden."
Isa glanced up then and Nymos could swear the puppy was smirking at him.
Thirty minutes passed by in a flash.
Panicked I scarf down my strawberry laces, hurriedly shoveling them into my mouth and only slightly choking on them. I dismissed the concerned expression Nymos was wearing on his face when he glances over at me.
I climbed haphazardly into the back, taking isa with me and settling in the back seats with her. Nymos frowned at me through the rearview mirror, wordlessly questioning my actions with furrowed brows.
Completely oblivious to his quizzical eyes on me. I set isa on the leather seat beside me and once she was comfortable, I moved quickly to work on my appearance. I re-tucked my white tee back under the waistband of my jeans, throwing it atop the striped sweater I'd taken off earlier when it got too stuffy in the car, and carefully retied the laces of my sneakers.
I felt a little shy though when I unzipped my backpack and draw out my small vanity bag-feeling a tad bit self-conscious about the possibility of Nymos playfully teasing me for trying to look my best for Jake. But all Nymos said when I applied my moisturizing face cream was.
"Damn, that smells like fucking roses."
I smiled at his words.
Satisfied with my efforts, I climbed back into the passenger seat, not bothering to take isa this time as she was too busy gnawing away at one of the seatbelts much to Nymos' chagrin.
I draw my seatbelt over my chest, settling against the leather upholstery and sigh softly as my lidded eyes study the slow sunset taking place outside, the grey winter sky now consumed with soft pinks and delicate purples that had me smiling subconsciously.
"Excited?" Nymos asked, smiling.
"Mhm. Nervous too."
"I'm excited too," Nymos grinned. "I don't have to deal with you and Jake moping around me anymore."
"Oh, shut up," I laughed. "I know you've enjoyed this."
"I have, I have." Nymos agreed, chuckling.
I started biting my nails distractedly, staring at the sunset absconding behind silhouetted skyscrapers that tower overhead, resembling large, black, ugly shapes. I swallowed nervously.
Nauseating nerves overwhelmed me, easily outweighed my excitement from before.
I feared I was going to throw up. There are two minutes left.
There is one-
"Alright, we're here."
"What?" I choked out, straightening up in my seat and watching Nymos unbuckle his seatbelt with a grin on his face.
Busy with overthinking the idea of Jake casting me away with a look of distaste and a new partner on his arm, I hadn't even realized Nymos had pulled up to a six-story apartment that exuded the amount of wealth invested into the building.
What was stunning about the apartment was its sleek, smoked glass that covered a good two-thirds of the entirety of the building, the glass easily reflecting the city's bright lights and creating a kaleidoscopic effect of a thousand differently colored lights playing on the glass.
"Oh fuck," I cursed, turning away to face Nymos who already had opened his car door, slipping out without a word to me.
Panicking, I hurriedly opened my door and stumbled out, swearing under my breath when I nearly tripped over my own feet.
"Fuck, fuck. Kaden, I can't do this." I breathed, locking eyes with Nymos over the roof of the car.
"Yes, you can, screaming baby," Nymos replied, leaving his car door slightly to check on isa.
"But, I- Wait! How do I punch someone?"
Nymos quirked an unimpressed eyebrow at me.
"Is this necessary to know right now?"
"I swear this is necessary." I quickly said, resulting in Nymos. He narrowed his eyes at me.
"Make a fist like this- Not with your thumb tucked away, okay? Because, like  I don't know? Some bad shit could happen to your thumb?" Nymos sighed sounding resigned.
"Screaming baby, you really shouldn't ask me this since I've dislocated my thumbs, fractured my hands, and bruised up my fingers way too many times to count."
I was oblivious to his warning and only focused on balling my hand into a fist like how he had demonstrated it. Nymos rolled his eyes at this.
"Alright. You practice, making a fist while I call up Jake and make sure he's at home."
"Wait, what?" I halted my ministrations, frowning at Nymos. "You drove us out here and you don't even know if he's at home??"
"He will be, he will be. Don't worry."
Jake focus.
I regretted not bringing my leather jacket with me to the convenience store opposite my apartment complex. Because now I was shivering in the winter weather, my nose and cheeks colored a soft red courtesy of the wind.
I sighed at my stupidity, lifting my lit cigarette to my mouth, inhaling the grey tendrils that creep down my throat and burn in its wake, at least now I had my cheap cigarettes to warm me.
Exhaling softly, I crossed the road, haphazardly. Ignoring the angered drivers I left behind, pressing their horns aggressively and spitting harsh insults in my direction. I didn't bother replying, just lifted my cigarette to my mouth and breathed in its dangerous fumes, continuing walking.
I was in one of those moods. One where you're oblivious not passive to almost everything. You just don't care about anything. I didn't care for the winter weather biting my fingertips numb. I didn't care for reporting that twelve-year-old kid who stole a packet of strawberry-flavored bubble gum. I didn't care what brand of cigarettes I wanted to smoke. I didn't care now for the crude words a middle-aged man threw at me from his cruddy-looking ford fiesta.
I continued walking, walking down the pavement towards my apartment complex, smoking my cigarette distracted. However soon I was broken away from the trance I seemed to have fallen into when my phone vibrated quietly in my pocket.
Taking my phone out of my pocket, I swiped a thumb over the damaged screen. Courtesy of when I was in one of those moods, angry, frustrated, and desperately needing an outlet to vent my rage into. I placed my phone against my ear, listening and smoking.
"Hey, bro? Are you at home right now?"
Nymos said at once, almost excitedly. Rolling my eyes at the realization that Nymos was calling me. I sighed, replying with.
"Why do you wanna know? Are you coming over again with another one of your shitty mixtapes?"
"Shitty? Excuse me, you fucking love that mixtape, and no. Unfortunately for you, I'm not here with another one of those mixtapes."
"Then why the fuck are you coming over?" I grunted, stepping into the private parking lot allocated beside my apartment complex, walking past parked cars, and smoking.
"Wow, I'm hurt. Can I not visit my favorite brother without an ulterior motive?"
"First of all, you only have one brother, fuckass."
"And that's you! What a lucky boy."
"Kaden, I'm not in the mood to deal with you today so-"
"But I brought you something!"
"If it's not food, you're not coming in."
"Well... I guess you could consider it to be food."
"What the fuck does that mean?" I snorted.
"Because you could eat her between her le-Ow! What the fuck, screaming baby?"
I frowned, hearing indistinct, angry muttering over the phone but waited impatiently for Nymos to return to our conversation. Whilst waiting, I placed my cigarette between my lips, using my now free hand to run it through my tousled hair. Contemplating distractedly whether or not I should cut my overgrown mess of hair.
"Sorry, so sorry about that." Nymos wheezed, sounding ready to burst into a bout of laughter. I raised an unimpressed eyebrow despite him not being able to see me.
"Kaden, if you've seriously bought me a prostitute, I'm gonna-"
"Hahahaha, he thinks you're a prostitute-Ow! Fuck! Screaming baby quit it!" More angry muttering ensued, causing me to sigh. I was tired already of this conversation.
"Kaden, I'm hanging up."
"No, bro wait! I gotta- Hey, is that you?"
"Huh?" I frowned, glancing at my surroundings but I was utterly unable to identify if there was anyone around what with the weak, artificial light of the streetlamps limiting my sight to only my nearby surroundings.
"Shit, hold on." With that, Nymos hung up abruptly, without another word.
Furrowing my brow at the rather crude conversation I just had with my twin brother, I slid my phone back into my jeans pocket and with a sigh, I dropped my cigarette to the cemented ground below, purposefully crushing the cigarette to a stub underfoot.
I walked my way towards the entrance of my apartment, praying that there wasn't a- God save Nymos if more than one prostitute was warming my bed for tonight.
Shaking my head at the rather absurd thought, I was about to climb up the few steps leading up to the entrance of the building when someone timidly tapped me on the back, causing me to glance over my shoulder and- And abruptly get hit in the face by a fist.
Somewhere to the far left of me, I swore I could hear Nymos choke out an
"Oh, shit!"
Almost at once, pain pulsated throughout my nose, causing me to cry out, alarmed. Stumbling back and nearly tripping on the steps behind me, instinctively, my hands fly to my face, protectively cupping my nose, seething with both blinding pain and rage.
Who the hell dares to attack someone from behind? A coward, that's who.
My eyes blazed with fury, I looked upwards with pure anger thrumming through my veins, looking ready to swing my fist at my attacker when-
"Mc?" I breathed, with my eyes widening.
Mc fucking Estrada was standing a couple of steps before me with her tiny balled-up hands trembling by her sides, her shoulders were shaking with sobs she failed to suppress and her eyes were shiny with tears. That fell steadfastly down her cheeks, staining them. My breath instantaneously got caught in my throat.
"M-Mc? What-What the?" I choked out, all of sudden incapable of making eligible sentences for myself. Out of shock, my hands fell from my face, causing Mc tearfully wince at my now bloodied nose.
"Y-you! You were supposed to come back for me, you asshole!" Mc cried out, "Y-you were supposed to come back! I waited so many months for you!"
"Mc, fuck. Mc, I'm so- I'm so sorry." I breathed with tears prickling my eyes, "I'm so sorry for leaving you alone. I- fuck, I'm sorry. So sorry, baby."
Mc cried harder at my words, stumbling blindly towards me and reaching out for me. Her hands found purchase on my white tee and used her grasp on the soft cotton. Mc drew herself into my inviting arms. I wrapped my arms around her almost instinctively.
Now, I almost sobbed when I ducked my head slightly, burying my face in the junction of Mc's shoulder and inhaling vanilla and freshly washed cotton sheets. A scent I've missed sorely over these past few months.
"Fuck, baby. I missed you so much." I croaked out with tears falling freely from my eyes.
"I missed you too, angry bird."
I can't tell if I was laughing or crying at her words but I pulled away from her neck a little reluctantly though and lifted a hand to Mc's cheek. Cradling my face when I caught her tears with my thumb.
"Sorry for punching you on the nose." Mc breathed out shakily, her eyes flickered downwards with evident embarrassment on her face.
I chuckled softly in reply, tilting Mc's chin upwards so I could meet her gaze.
"It's okay, baby. I deserved it."
"Hmm," Mc nestled her head against my neck, finding relief in my touch and the slight warmth I emanated. I murmured something softly in her ear and noticed in the corner of my eye, Nymos leaning against the side of his car with arms folded over his chest and smiling at the two fondly.
I had caught his eye and mouthed a "Thank you. Thank you so much." To him. He simply chuckled to himself, shaking his head slightly when Mc started crying again.
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cerastes · 2 years
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Thank you all very, very much, it means a lot to me to get so many greetings (and many more I couldn’t include since there’s a limit of ten images per post!) for my birthday, I hope it doesn’t sound canned or disingenuous, and I know I don’t make posts like this often but I do love hanging out with all of you, reading what you have to see, seeing your opinions or reactions to any given awful image or too-long post I put on the dashboard. If I didn’t really love it here, I wouldn’t be here, so take my at my word when I say this is somewhere I really enjoy being, and of course it is in big part thanks to all my friends, mutuals, and other consistent personages in this here blue river of shitposting, mobile game analysis, and outright shooting the shit for fun’s sake. I wish I could respond to all messages personally! Even the ones not represented in these screenies, know that I read and appreciate all of them.
Here’s to another year of good* posts!
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iconicfitnessae · 22 days
Why Daily Mobility Might Be the Most Important Part of CrossFit!
At the first thought of CrossFit, images of grueling workouts, heavy lifts, and super sweaty cardio sessions probably come to mind. While strength and endurance are both essential components, there’s another crucial aspect that is very much underrated, and often overlooked: MOBILITY.
Daily mobility work could very well be THE most important part of your whole CrossFit routine. And whilst many people do know this, not many are actually practicing it! If I had a dollar for every time a CrossFitter told me that they had as much mobility as a tree, I would be well on my way to buying my first Lambo!
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Nevertheless, it is imperative and necessary, and just in case you were wondering – here’s why:
1. Enhanced Performance
Mobility sets the foundation for efficient movement. By improving your range of motion, you enable your body to perform any exercise with better form and technique. This not only helps in achieving full depth in big compound movements, such as squats and overhead presses, but also allows for smoother, more controlled actions.
2. Injury Prevention
CrossFit is demanding, and the risk of injury is always present. But did you know, one of the main causes of injuries is quite simply due to poor mobility? Tight muscles and stiff joints can lead to improper form and compensatory movements, which increases the likelihood of strains and sprains, among other things. Regular mobility exercises keep your joints and muscles flexible, helping to maintain proper alignment and thus reduce the risk of injuring yourself.
3. Faster Recovery
Recovery is a critical component of any fitness regimen, and mobility work can significantly help in assisting this. Stretching and mobilizing muscles after workouts helps reduce muscle soreness and stiffness. It promotes blood flow to the muscles, which in turn accelerates the healing process and prepares your body for future challenges ahead. Therefore, by incorporating a daily mobility routine, you are ensured a faster recovery that keeps you more consistent with your training.
4. Longevity in Training
CrossFit athletes are famous for pushing their bodies to the absolute limit. This can be admirable for sure, but over time can lead to wear and tear, if not managed properly. Regular mobility work helps maintain the health of your muscles and joints, ensuring you can continue training at high intensities for years to come. So not only does it help improve the current state of your performance, but it’s an investment in your long-term athletic health and longevity.
5. Improved Functional Fitness
One of the goals of CrossFit is to improve functional fitness, i.e. the ability to perform everyday activities with ease. Think about how many times a day you may need to pick up something heavy, or lift something overhead – well now you know the real importance of Deadlifts and Presses! Good mobility enhances your ability to move naturally and efficiently throughout daily life, making all tasks easier and less strenuous on your body.
Now that we know exactly why Mobility is so important, why are we not prioritizing it?? A common excuse for this, which I hear more than anything else, is quite simply the busyness of life. When it comes to doing the extra stuff like accessory work, mobility, technique practice, etc., there just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day, let alone the 1 hour you may have been able to afford yourself to get to the gym for a class. But what if you just stayed for an extra five or ten minutes? It would add up to being several hours of extra practice in just a few short weeks. The next problem to then overcome is not knowing how to spend that precious extra time.
So allow me to give you some guidance! Here is a super simple but effective routine which you can perform every day, or even three times a week (at the very least), either at the gym or in the comfort of your own home (the instructional video can be found at the end of the post):
Exercise 1: Cat Cow (60 seconds)
Exercise 2: World’s Greatest Stretch (30 seconds per side)
Exercise 3: Asian Squat (30 seconds hold, 30 seconds rock side to side)
Exercise 4: Half Kneeling Thoracic Rotations (30 seconds)
Exercise 5: Wall Slides
By incorporating a few minutes of mobility exercises such as these, into your daily routine, you invest in your body’s ability to perform at its best, both in the gym and in everyday life. Embrace mobility as a cornerstone of your CrossFit training and experience the amazing benefits it can bring to your overall fitness journey!
If you would like to know more about how to improve your mobility, or perhaps have specific areas of concern, reach out to one of the coaches, we are always available to help. Happy Mobilizing!
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jcmarchi · 8 months
Zev Farbman, Co-Founder & CEO at Lightricks – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/zev-farbman-co-founder-ceo-at-lightricks-interview-series/
Zev Farbman, Co-Founder & CEO at Lightricks – Interview Series
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Zev Farbman is the Co-Founder & CEO at Lightricks, a pioneer in innovative technology that bridges the gap between imagination and creation. As an AI-first company, with a mission to build an innovative photo and video creation platform, they aim to enable content creators and brands to produce engaging, top-performing content. Their state-of-the-art technology is focused on photo and video processing and is based on both groundbreaking computational graphic research and generative AI features.
What initially attracted you to computer science?
I grew up in a science-minded house with both parents trained as mechanical and electrical engineers. We emigrated to Israel when I was 12, where I developed an interest in computers and always liked creating beautiful pixels, starting with using Basic when I was just ten. The field’s capacity for problem-solving and innovation was a major draw.
By the time I entered university, computers had already become valuable tools for creative tasks, such as enhancing photos, similar to the edits being done for high-end magazines. Though I gravitated toward computer graphics and image processing, I was fascinated by all the areas of computer science and learned what I needed to advance my studies.
Could you share the story of how an academic discussion you had about editing images on a smartphone suddenly created a lightbulb moment for a new business opportunity?
My research colleagues and I were working on new ways to manage the characteristics of pixels that make up a digital image. This was during the time when social media was just entering the “selfie” era, and we were having a hard academic discussion about the limitations of image editing on mobile devices. We were exploring how smartphones, despite their growing camera capabilities, lacked sophisticated editing tools.
This gap in the market led to a eureka moment. We envisioned a mobile app that could bring professional-level photo editing to the average smartphone user, making it as easy as a few taps on the screen.
How did this discussion then transition to the launch of Lightricks?
We realized that academic research, while valuable, wouldn’t have as broad an impact on as many people. And with the explosion of social media, there was an opportunity to leverage our knowledge – so we transitioned from academia to industry and created Lightricks, a fully bootstrapped company.
The first product that you launched in 2013 was Facetune. What was the initial concept for this app, and what made it such a huge success?
The initial concept for Facetune was to democratize photo retouching. Before Facetune, such editing was mainly reserved for professionals using complex software. We simplified this process, enabling users to achieve magazine-level photo retouching on their phones. Its success was due to its simplicity and the increasing desire for high-quality social media content.
In the beginning, we were aware that every expense, even an additional table, was significant. One of our co-founders actually chased journalists to introduce our app because we had no advertising or marketing budget. As we grew, we needed office space but couldn’t afford much. We ended up renovating an abandoned student dorm into our office space. It started humbly but eventually became a great workspace.
What are some of the other popular tools you have offered over the years?
Following Facetune, we expanded our suite with apps like Enlight, a more comprehensive photo editing tool, and Videoleap, which brought our approach to video editing. Each tool was designed with the same philosophy: to make professional-grade creative tools accessible. For example, Videoleap offers powerful video editing features in a mobile-friendly format, making it easier for creators to produce high-quality video content.
How have your legacy tech stack and apps evolved with the advent of generative AI?
For a long time, our backend systems have depended on different degrees of AI to edit content without disrupting the original source. Over time these have evolved, and it is only in the last year or so that the AI layers are visible – and understood – by users.
 These intuitive features integrate a setting, makeup, hair, or clothing in a way that assists in understanding user intent and automating complex tasks. For instance, AI-driven features in photo editing can suggest edits based on the content of the photo, or automate tasks like object removal or style transfer, making the process more efficient and creative.
Lightricks has recently released an open-source variant of Stable Diffusion’s AnimateDiff called LongAnimateDiff. What is this specifically and what should users expect from this tool?
LongAnimateDiff is our open-source contribution to the community. It offers advanced capabilities for animating sequences but also extends the number of frames that can be created to 64. It doesn’t sound like a lot, but it’s a tremendous leap toward true generative AI video.
You stated recently that you believe that photo editing will soon be a commodity, could you elaborate on this statement and how it will impact software companies?
It’s not a surprise that advanced photo editing tools have become widespread and user-friendly. Correcting or enhancing photos was once only done by experienced photo editors using expensive software and hard to come by computing systems. Today, you can fix a selfie with the flick of your finger. And now even the early challenges of the first AI images that made them awkward looking and non-realistic have been addressed.
Video will be coming right behind – and as democratization expands, any unique selling points for software companies will increasingly lie in user experience, community building features, and specialized functionalities. Companies will need to innovate constantly to provide value beyond the basic editing capabilities that will become standard.
What is your vision for the future of the creator economy?
In the future, I see the creator economy becoming even more dynamic and inclusive, with AI playing a pivotal role. AI will unlock new tools and opportunities, especially in areas like video creation, where it can automate time-consuming processes or generate new content ideas.
This will lower the barriers to entry, allowing more people to participate in the creator economy. For example, AI could enable creators to generate custom animations or enhance video quality, opening new avenues for creativity and monetization. The impact of AI will be to make sophisticated content creation more accessible, thus empowering a broader range of voices and talents in the digital landscape.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit Lightricks.
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googleseocursus · 10 months
WordPress SEO optimization
WordPress is very nice and handy, but simply ‘installing WordPress’ is not enough these days. You need to ensure that you offer your users an optimal user experience and have a lightning-fast website.
In this lesson, we’re going to look at how to optimize WordPress (for free) as much as possible and with which plugins you can do this.
Read in Dutch: WordPress SEO optimaliseren
The WordPress checklist
Even before you start installing a WordPress website, there are important things to think about. Let’s make a checklist of important points to go through both before and after installation.
Web Hosting
The first key to a successful WordPress platform is setting up web hosting.
I love managing my virtual private server (VPS) and backing up my data, but there are times when you just don’t have time — and times for which you absolutely must make time.
So, when it comes to time, resources, and a website that anyone can set up, I like to choose a hosting solution that I spend a little extra money on.
If my site is slow and not responsive, my bounce rate will increase and users will drop out.
There is a huge difference between a site that loads one second versus ten seconds, and if you have the latter, you are more likely to lose users.
Engineers at Google discovered that a load time of 0.4 milliseconds is already long enough for users to search less.
Before switching to a hosting service, ask yourself these questions:
Do they provide support for plugins?
What kind of backup support do they offer?
Is there a staging area?
What is the volume of the bandwidth?
What operating system are they using? Linux? Windows?
What other sites are in your IP range?
Why is IP range important do you think? Well, for example, because you don’t want to get backlinks to your blog from the same IP address.
Suppose I have a server that is my own. I installed 4 different blogs on it, and started linking to all of them among themselves. Google then sees that the IP address is the same and will not award you any points for these backlinks because they are not natural.
At worst, it could even be seen as spam.
Some popular WordPress hosting companies:
Digital Ocean
SEO benefits
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CDN (Content Distribution Network).
For anyone who wants to give their website that extra bit of speed, the power of a CDN (Content Delivery Network) is well known.
A CDN changes the way your site handles static content such as images, JavaScript, and CSS. CDN stores your static content to load pages faster, have shorter response times, and generally a faster website — which helps you rank higher in search engines.
Sounds cool? It sure is. I love anything that makes my site look faster than the effort I put into it.
After extensive testing, I have found that having a CDN is the easiest and fastest way to make your site look fast for search engines.
Some popular CDNs:
Amazon AWS
Google Cloud
Microsoft Azure
SEO benefits
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An SEO-friendly theme
Let’s face it: Most of us are not concerned with finding the most SEO-friendly WordPress theme.
It would be nice, but in reality you probably spend more time picking out the most beautiful theme. Great appreciation for the business owners who make the effort to find an SEO-friendly theme.
Some points a good theme should meet:
Clean and fast code: With a clean code structure, you can reduce page load time and increase the crawlability of your pages.
CSS and Javascript files: With Google, less is more, and a limited number of CSS and Javascript files helps. Plus, you don’t have to worry about minimizing them later.
Simple layout: Simple design makes it easy for users to navigate from page to page.
Responsive: As we know, Google prefers responsive sites when searching from mobile devices, so choosing a responsive WordPress theme will give you a better overall user experience.
Schema Markup: Schema Markup tells search engines where the most relevant content is in your theme.
Some popular themes for WordPress are:
SEO benefits
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Cache Plugin
A caching plugin transforms your website (especially on mobile) from “This is sloooooooow” to “Wow, that’s fast!” with one simple click.
Unlike most plugins, a caching plugin is rarely considered an unnecessary download.
This plugin takes your page load time to the next level, with improved website performance and converting dynamic content to static.
It may seem like a lot to handle (especially if you are not normally a plugin user), but this is one of those things for which you need to adjust your approach.
Some popular caching plugins are:
W3 Total Cache (My favorite)
Cache Enabler
WP Super Cache
WP Fastest Cache
SEO benefits
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Permalinks in WordPress are great for many things — structuring your URLs with keywords, creating short links, increasing search rankings, and more.
Whether you just like to look at SEO-friendly URL structures, consider changing your URLs, or want to give a little boost to your search rankings, WordPress offers endless options for updating it.
Example of an SEO-friendly permalink:
Example of a not-so-SEO-friendly permalink:
The default WordPress setting is not SEO friendly according to Google, so adjust your settings accordingly.
The ‘Message name’ option is a safe choice because it makes URLs short
If you have a larger site, you may want to add dates or categories before the ‘Message Name’ option
Omit characters such as “&,” “?,” and “!” from the URL
Use hyphens (-) instead of dashes (_)
SEO benefits
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Use an SEO plugin
Using an SEO plugin can take a lot of time off your hands, as many things are done automatically, and otherwise can be set up simply via a few clicks.
I always recommend using an SEO plugin, whether it’s the paid or free version.
Some popular SEO plugins are:
Yoast SEO
Rank Math
Premium SEO pack
Squirrly SEO
Comments on articles
Newer versions of WordPress provide links in comments with a ‘nofollow’ attribute which is good news. This is because outbound links from your website to another website give off ‘link-juice’ and you don’t want this. So always make sure outbound links have a ‘nofollow’ attribute unless you want to pass on link-juice.
Spammers can also harm your Web site. For that matter, an abundance of spam comments in one blog post that offers nothing relevant to the topic can also harm your site. So keep spammers at bay.
Ultimately, your website will not perform well with spam comments.
Some steps you can take:
Do not allow anonymous posting
Use CAPTCHAs to prevent automated spamming
Use the ‘nofollow’ attribute
Do not allow hyperlinks
Use the Askimet plugin to monitor spam responses.
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Meta titles and description
It is incredibly important to have powerful titles and meta descriptions. This drives more traffic because people are more likely to click on your link in a search engine’s search results.
In WordPress, unfortunately, out of the box, you cannot enter meta descriptions. With a plugin like Yoast, however, you can. Yoast has a free version that lets you do everything you need already.
Make sure each article you write has a unique name and description to maximize your findability.
SEO benefits
Using a powerful title and description correctly makes users more likely to click through to your website.
XML sitemap
Having a sitemap is a necessary evil for SEO. A sitemap contains a list of all your posts and pages that search engines can easily interpret.
So make sure you always have a sitemap, so Google can index all your pages and not overlook any pages.
Depending on whether or not you use a plugin, and which plugin you use, you can usually find your sitemap in one of the following locations:
Also, don’t forget to add your sitemap to Google Search Console. In the menu on the left, click on “Sitemap” and then enter the URL to your sitemap and that’s it.
Link to deeper pages on your website
Link as naturally as possible for the reader
Use a reasonable number of links (for example, 50 internal links for a 1,000-word blog is not reasonable)
SEO benefits
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Internal links
Creating internal links is incredibly important for a host of reasons. Four of the most important reasons are:
It provides a clear structure within your website
You help search engines find your pages more easily
You provide the visitor with relevant information
You answer the user’s question to the best of your ability
Instead of creating links manually, you can also use a super handy plugin called “Internal Link Juicer.” You add your keyword to the page and the plugin will automatically create an internal link to that page in all other blog posts where the keyword appears.
Super convenient because you no longer have to search and spend time generating internal links yourself, this is done completely automatically for you.
SEO benefits
Internal links create a nice website architecture which makes it easy for users and search engines to find the different pages.
Also, with internal links, you pass on the “link-juice” and all pages will be considered “important.
Make use of alt tags
The beauty of WordPress is that you don’t need to know complicated HTML to edit your image alt tags.
Not only can you optimize images with a simple click, but you can also do this without adding a plugin.
Image alt tag recommendations:
Give your image file a name rich in natural keywords
Write a descriptive alt tag description for your image
Complete the alt attribute description of the image with your brand name if relevant
Make the alt tag no longer than 10 to 12 words
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Make use of header tags
It is incredibly important to use header tags. Not only does this make your text more visually appealing, but it also gives clarity to the visitor and to search engines that like to know what a piece of text is about.
Always provide your text with one H1, a few H2s, and other headers where relevant. Consider the semantics of the headers, so don’t:
<h2>Part</h2>. <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Vel omnis quisquam qui veniam rerum hic alias fugiat rem obcaecati error. Non consequatur accusamus eos autem pariatur et atque nulla! </p> <h1>Page title</h1>. <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Vel omnis quisquam qui veniam rerum hic alias fugiat rem obcaecati error. Non consequatur accusamus eos autem pariatur et atque nulla! </p>
But just nesting neatly in order:
<h1>Page title</h1>. <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Vel omnis quisquam qui veniam rerum hic alias fugiat rem obcaecati error. Non consequatur accusamus eos autem pariatur et atque nulla! </p> <h2>Part</h2>. <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Vel omnis quisquam qui veniam rerum hic alias fugiat rem obcaecati error. Non consequatur accusamus eos autem pariatur et atque nulla! </p> <h3>Subcomponent</h3>. <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Vel omnis quisquam qui veniam rerum hic alias fugiat rem obcaecati error. Non consequatur accusamus eos autem pariatur et atque nulla! </p> <h3>Subcomponent</h3>. <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Vel omnis quisquam qui veniam rerum hic alias fugiat rem obcaecati error. Non consequatur accusamus eos autem pariatur et atque nulla! </p> <h2>Part</h2>. <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Vel omnis quisquam qui veniam rerum hic alias fugiat rem obcaecati error. Non consequatur accusamus eos autem pariatur et atque nulla! </p> <h3>Subcomponent</h3>. <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Vel omnis quisquam qui veniam rerum hic alias fugiat rem obcaecati error. Non consequatur accusamus eos autem pariatur et atque nulla! </p>
Also, remember to use your most important keywords in the headers and throughout your text. Use these keywords naturally and where relevant, don’t start writing to fit the keywords as often as possible.
SEO benefits
Using headers correctly makes for a more readable article. Users can quickly scan and understand what any part of the text is about.
It also allows you to create more “user engagement.
Use the canonical tag
No one likes having their content stolen by scrapers or other bloggers.
To combat this, you can enable the rel=”canonical” tag for pages on your blog. This tag tells search engines where to find the original URLs of the content on the site. This prevents problems with duplicate content.
When you use a WordPress SEO plugin such as Yoast, for example, this is already automatically done for you.
SEO benefits
Adding a canonical tag helps prevent duplicate content.
Create a Robots.txt
For those unfamiliar with the term, robots.txt is a file that tells search engines which parts of your site they should and should not view.
On search engines like Bing and Google, where websites abound, this method of directing the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) can save you a lot of time and money.
Block access to wp-admin in your robots.txt file
Allow all other quality content to be indexed in the robots.txt file
Add your sitemap to the bottom of your robots.txt file
Edit your Robots.txt file via the Yoast SEO plugin
Tools and then Editor
SEO benefits
You can prevent duplicate content with this. You can also specify exactly which robots can and cannot crawl, and which directories and files can and cannot be crawled.
Fix broken links
There is nothing more irritating than getting a 404 page when you think you have found the important piece of information you were looking for. Fixing broken links on your website is not only good for user-friendliness, but also shows Google that your website is of quality.
Use tools such as Google Search Console, Screaming Frog, Ubersuggest, or another good tool to find broken links.
SEO benefits
Fixing broken links improves the user experience, but Google also thinks it shows professionalism when you don’t have broken links.
Enable breadcrumbs
SEO beginners and professionals alike know that breadcrumbs are often forgotten, even though they add a lot of value.
If you have the Yoast SEO plugin installed, you can implement breadcrumbs in less than 2 minutes.
Simply go to Yoast SEO > Search Appearance > Breadcrumbs > Enabled.
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Duplicate content problems in WordPress
WordPress simplifies life for small businesses, bloggers, and large news sites. In many cases, best practices are automatically applied, such as canonical links, and there are plugins for just about everything else you need.
But with the ease of publishing content and designs also comes a new problem: Duplicate content.
Duplicated content is a common reason why a WordPress website does not rank well.
While it differs from what we traditionally know in SEO as duplicate content (an exact copy of content, from text to code), it is similar and should be addressed.
Here are the four most common types of duplicate content problems in WordPress and how to fix them.
Tags are a big problem for many WordPress websites. When you tag an article, you create a unique page filled with other content you deem relevant.
The page shows snippets of articles or full articles. If the tag is the same as a category or main page on your main website (assuming it is not a blog), then you have now created a competitor for that page on your own site.
Tags are also often modified versions of themselves, leading to very similar content competing with themselves.
When this happens, none of the pages will rank well and can potentially reduce the value of the site.
Good news! Here’s a simple solution. You can either remove the tags completely, or you can add a meta-robots noindex dofollow tag.
The noindex dofollow tag indicates to search engines that this is a page with little content, but that they should follow the links and continue to crawl and index your site.
That way, search engines know that the page is not as useful as others and you have shown them how to discover your good content — the individual posts and pages.
Category pages often look like tags because they contain many posts and articles.
They have H1 tags that are the same as the articles, they do not always answer a question or provide a good solution since they are article excerpts, and they may not be suitable for people looking for answers.
Therefore, they are often considered content of little value.
However, there is an exception. For example, a WordPress website where the categories are dedicated to channels and niches within a channel.
A user looking for general information about a channel may find a category page very useful. Therefore, approach this differently than you would with a tag.
In this case, add a meta-robot index and dofollow tags, but also create unique titles and copy for the category to introduce it — and, if relevant, add schema as well.
Now you’ve helped define the types of searches and people to whom the page should be shown.
You may be rewarded by the search engines. Just make sure they do not compete with your core website pages if you are a business.
Competing Topics
A common problem when auditing WordPress sites is the lack of unique content.
Take food bloggers, for example. Yes, recipe outlines and other things can help differentiate recipes, but what if you don’t use them or didn’t know them to begin with?
If you have 20 recipes for apple pie, chances are many of them use similar wording and ingredients, which can cause competition.
Each recipe is unique and may serve a different purpose, but if you don’t make that extra effort, they may not stand out because they compete with each other.
In this case, you may want to create a category or subcategory for the cakes. If you can’t, revise them and add modifiers (e.g., traditional, modern twist, gluten-free, for parties, for large groups).
Next, start adding text (not necessarily at the top, because you want to quickly deliver the actual recipe to the user) about the final product. Make sure the text stays relevant to the topic and shows why, how, and where it is unique from the others.
Need other examples?
Have you ever made a themed gift guide or holiday post? Has anything changed except the year? Craft ideas for Mother’s Day? Romantic Valentine’s Day gifts for XYZ?
These are not unique enough. If you have multiple posts, they can all compete.
If you add a year to your title (e.g., 2016, 2017), people may skip you in search engines because you are not relevant this year. That’s where the strategies above can help.
Searches (Search Box)
You won’t encounter this problem as often, but searches on WordPress sites can generate URLs.
If someone externally links to one of these URLs, or if search engines can crawl and find them, they may be indexable.
Although you could try to automatically add a meta-robots noindex dofollow as with tags, this probably does not cover everything.
To address this problem, find the unique identifier that the search box URLs have in common. This is usually a “?” after the main URL.
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Reduce photos
Google thinks it is super important that your website is super fast. Load times should be as short as possible to keep the user experience as high as possible.
You can resize your photos manually by using TinyJPG or TinyPNG, for example. Of course, you can also use popular plugins such as:
EWWW Image Optimizer
WP Optimize
Finally, I want to point you to a very popular plugin. The plugin has more than 17 million installs and a high rating, so the quality is undeniably good.
In addition to cleaning up and optimizing your databases so they function better, WP-Optimize also offers:
Scheduled automatic cleanups of revisions, spam responses, content moved to the trash, etc.
Defragmentation of MySQL tables
Overview of database statistics
Image compression
Detailed control over specific optimizations
Reducing files so load times improve
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basilepesso · 1 year
Ok, fuck it !!
I have fucking tried ten themes to change mine that had worked since 2 012.
Yesterday the Tumblr bug (because yes it’s one !) that creates white spaces around the images and that forces us to post with their new buggy editor appeared here. I don’t know how to do any coding. It‘s my delightful wife and collaborator who had made my codes here and for the mag and as I don’t even try to speak to her directly as she’s mute since her disappearance one year and 10 months ago I won‘t post new images here, not more than on my 2nd Tumblr whose theme also doesn’t fit.
I’ll do reblogs. My Instagram worked well but Anne took our mobile phone and IG stopped working without smartphones, so I had to leave my 3 300 followers and many important work contacts there, as I don’t have enough money to buy a smartphone - and anyway I don’t like smartphones. I opened a Flickr one month ago but photographers there, though often masterful, are totally conformist and absolutely don’t get shit to my photography, my scores are absolutely pathetic, I could comment a lot to be noticed but I don’t want to do this, to fish the rare non-confo photographers there. I have limits about the absence of respect to my work.
Well, I love this, thanks again Anne, you’re a marvel. Every day shows it !
0 notes
good god, spring is coming. it seems to have a bone to pick with me already. odd joint pain (happening too early), no appetite (good, i need to be thinner), that good 'ole "general feeling of malaise" doctors are so fond of. what does that even mean other than it's the state of my existence?
"too old for an eating disorder"
yeah, so i'm relapsing late. maybe i woke up and realized "hey, i really hate my body and i know how to handle this"? maybe too many people have used words like "hefty", "fluffy", or the sentence that pushed me over the edge ("until you lose a considerable amount of weight...") in regards to me that made me feel ten billion times worse than i already did about how my lack of mobility has seriously affected my weight and already fucked body image.
so what if it was some fucked up person who is dealing with their own disordered eating and body image issues? so what if everyone else says they don't understand how i could possibly think i'm fat considering that nowadays 'body positivity' is such a thing and that they'd "kill to look like" me? so what? none of it changes the fact that i'm barely eating and feeling weak but wonderful.
it's not dangerous level. i know that. i'm just losing weight like most people do when they want to try to. i can't exercise properly so i have no choice but to limit. not like i can eat anything "bad" lately anyway due to my warped organs and chronic inflammation causing even the "good" things to make me nauseated and regret i even ate at all. i'm not dying. medically, anyway. maybe psychologically i'm already dead but again, so what?
i'm not even bothering with any more doctors in this state because i'm tired of it. i'll figure out which specialists to see once i move. i don't even know when that's going to be yet but hopefully if not this summer, then fall. if i have to wait for winter again, whatever, but it better be this year or i'll lose my mind for real.
just one phone call. my mental stability hangs in the balance of the one phone call where the affordable apartment i'm hoping for finally is vacant. i was told i might find out this month but i'm not holding out hope for that. i don't have much hope left in general.
tired of being bothered by the old flame who won't stop texting me even though i've told him i'm done with this. it's all worthless bs and it's too complicated. plus, i'm preoccupied with another and it's none of his business. i'm a moth. these old flames keep sucking me into them and all of it is a bad idea but at least i have a psychic connection with the one i want to talk to while the other is flaky and probably just bored. i'm too far away from both of them so it's safe. i saw the one a year ago, then we hit a bad patch, but thankfully we're better now. i saw the flaky one a few months ago and then he's become obsessed or something. whatever. nothing to do but be vague about both of them. they're both secrets that are probably making me sicker.
i keep trying religiosity as a coping mechanism and that's not working. centering prayer. meditation. rituals and ceremonies. they feel empty and worthless. everything does.
i'm too numb for anything. i can't even enjoy watching movies or reading. my mind starts drifting away into a black abyss and it's so strange. i don't even know what i'm thinking about half the time. i stare at my 'to watch' list or my stack of books on my bedside table and just wish. i stare at the blank pages in my notebook trying to will a poem. "what happened?" "you haven't written anything in forever..." "working on anything new?" i don't know...i know...no. it's too late for me. maybe i've already written all i needed to so now i'm dried up. it's this desert. i'm done with it.
too bad no matter how far away i go from it there will still be this desert inside me to contend with.
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speyeraling · 4 years
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right!! so!!! here is the book that was initially meant to be for notes during my tma relisten. i decided shortly after finishing it that i wanted to use a different notebook for it (which i also made a new cover for), so the fate of this one is now... unclear. ill use it for something, im sure.
(........or itll just go in the pile with all my other unused notebooks. both possibilities are equally likely.)
that said, i did promise a process post, and at this point even though its use will most likely not be tma related, this is where ive been posting about it previously, so it is where i will continue to do so. but thats unimportant!! this post is meant to show my process of creating the book cover, not... whatever this is. again, i did not make the entire book, only the cover. i also genuinely had no idea what i was doing and just made it up as i went along. if youre looking for a post about actual bookbinding, youre probably better off looking elsewhere.
this is already getting long and will only get longer, and will also have several progress pictures, so ill put the rest under a cut!!
(please excuse the mess in these progress photos; i was in the middle of cleaning when i decided Hey Lets Drop Everything And Make A Book Cover Instead.)
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so here is the initial book i started with!! it looks pretty normal, right? pretty standard soft cover book.
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for reasons i will likely never understand, the cover actually works like... this. the back cover is ridiculously long, folds back over on itself and all the way around to the front where it has a flap that rests behind the actual front cover. i would love to know who came up with this and why because it confuses me greatly.
so the first step was to cut that off.
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well that still looks weird, doesnt it. and yet!! it was exactly what i needed. this was always the plan for this notebook, in fact. i bought it months ago with the intention of making a new cover for it. i will admit that it did get a bit out of hand though...
so onto actually making the thing. i didnt have any cardboard thick enough for the cover, but i did have several sheets of thin cardboard, and a can of spray glue.
(spray glue, by the way, is incredibly useful but also incredibly frustrating, and also probably not the best glue to use for the majority of this project, especially with how many places i had to mask and then remove the masks from to actually attach pieces. alas.)
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so i glued those sheets together, cut them to size, and i had a base for each side of the book cover. you can see i also cut out a piece for the spine. i realized later that was entirely unnecessary. had i attached that piece, the spine would not have been flexible enough to allow the book to open fully. it was promptly tossed out.
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next was making the inner spine of the cover. measured the spine onto a sheet of paper, added some extra space on each side to attach to the paper. there is a bit of a gap between the spine and where the covers attach – this is intentional and gives the book a bit more flexibility when opening. this is also something i had to look at an actual book to figure out, because my initial attempts were not working. this piece was attached to the inside of each cover to better fit around the edges of the book. i also added another strip of paper to the outside of the spine for reinforcement, which you can see in the first and second images.
and in the third image, you can see Spray Glue Mishap Number One.
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after that was dry, it was time to cover the.. cover. my paper wasnt long enough to do a full wrap, which meant i had to do two separate pieces, which also meant i had to do a third piece for the outside of the spine. measure, cut, glue, fold the flaps down, glue those. while i used spray glue for the majority of this, i did have enough sense to use a glue roller for the flaps.
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and again, measure/cut/glue with the outside of the spine. for this part i did fold the edges under themselves and glue those in place (with a glue roller) before actually attaching the piece to the cover (with spray glue) to give it a nicer, more defined edge, although i didnt take any photos of that part.
see also: Spray Glue Mishap Number Two. i tried to wipe it off with a tissue. i dont know why. it obviously did not work.
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at this point the cover itself was finished, and all i had to do was attach it to the book. this was far more terrifying than it had any reason to be. 
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more masking, more spray glue, and so much more anxiety later, i had attached the original covers of the book to the inside of the new cover, and i was done! the book was finished. thank god.
(as a quick note, the first page being attached to the inner cover was not a mistake on my part; that was how the book itself was made. unfortunately i couldnt really think of a good way to detach it so i just left it as-is.)
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in the end i did it all over again with a second notebook, with a few modifications. since the new book itself was thinner and more flexible, i only used a single sheet of cardboard for the cover. i also did not reinforce the spine but rather just glued it directly to the spine of the actual book. i probably couldve done the same with the first book, but it wouldnt have looked as nice. the second book was much more suited to an attached spine. here are a couple phots of the one ill be using instead, as well as a comparison between the two:
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at this point i have no idea how im going to decorate them. im not too worried about it – theyre functional as-is, so theres no need to make them look fancy before i start using them. ill figure something out during the course of my relisten, im sure. still, any suggestions are welcome!!
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royallyjoon · 4 years
nephilim (cinq)
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you know where the cred goes 💙
cult au, supernatural creature au
yandere bts x f! reader
warnings: yandere themes, physical assault, graphic descriptions of violence, manipulation, (slight) gaslighting
you were left, abandoned by mortals and immortals alike. darkness knows no bounds, and neither does punishment. there is no refuge in neither blood nor flesh from its wrath. if darkness welcomes you, should you open your arms to it in return? if darkness turns you away, does that mean you’ve won? should you choose to cast aside this lonely path of yours, and your conviction along with it, regardless of whatever other horrors lie in wait, you will be saved. 
What is one to do when they hear the words they’ve feared the most leave someone else’s mouth?
The moment they graced Jin’s eardrums, he gripped his phone so tightly he could hear the glass screen crack. 
He and Yoongi had been assisting their father in the woods with preparations for the next meeting, the ominous hour approaching in no less than ten days.
He ignored Moonsik and Yoongi for a moment to answer his phone. 
He could barely make out any of Jimin’s words--the boy’s blubbering masked too much of the information.
“Jimin, I can’t hear anything over the sound of you crying. What’s going on?”
“What are you trying to say?” Yoongi stopped talking to the older man, shifting his gaze toward his elder brother as he noticed Jin’s voice raise in irritation and concern.
Jimin had walked out of robotics a little early today, bored to tears.
He had felt much better after getting rid of the idiotic gaggle that dared to threaten you, and threaten him into abandoning you.
He should have known it wouldn’t be enough. He should’ve never left your side, he thought as he kneeled on the rooftop, staring forlornly at the pool of partially dried blood on the concrete.
“She was bleeding, hyung. Aemilia or her people must have taken her, but I have no idea where they went.”
Namjoon had been in the middle of a meeting with the school board, representing the student council.
Hoseok had been in the dance studio, barking orders out at somewhat competent underclassmen.
Jungkook and Taehyung were holed up in the younger’s room, playing games rather than doing any actual work.
In short, none of them were prepared. None of them had been there for you as they had promised.
You trusted them when you needed them most, and they left you high and dry.
Jimin felt like he would never be able to get the disappointment and guilt off of his chest.
Namjoon bounded into the clearing, his usually polished exterior uncharacteristically tarnished. 
Hoseok appeared not long after him, having raced to the woods the moment he received the news.
They were met by Seokjin and Yoongi, who stood with their arms crossed over their chests, near a miserable Jungkook and a pacing Taehyung. Both boys had been in the house, so they were the first to arrive.
Jimin got there last, his hands and uniform pants stained red from the puddle he had kneeled in on the rooftop.
Six pairs of eyes landed on him and his appearance, confirming the worst.
“Three!” Seokjin cried incredulously. “Three of you were on campus, surrounded by a bunch of humans, and not a single one of you managed to keep an eye on her!”
“She could be anywhere,” Jungkook groaned in fear. 
“By all means, please don’t start caring now. It’s too late.” Yoongi snapped at him. “You and Taehyung drove straight home to do absolutely nothing. You could at least have offered her a ride home and ensured that she was safe. You’re just as responsible as they are.”
Jungkook’s eyes grew glassy, but only because he knew his brother was right. 
“As much as you enjoy playing the blame game, we have more pressing matters to address.” Namjoon interjected in an attempt to calm them down.
“That doesn’t even begin to cover it, Namjoon.” Seokjin’s icy tone sent a chill down their backs. “If we really wanted to play the blame game, we would have recognized how this is all your fault.”
The leader stood in tense silence.
“What did I tell you mere hours before this happened?” He continued, walking toward Namjoon until they were face to face. “I told you to get your shit together and to keep that girl in line. Hell, none of this would have happened if we hadn’t followed your idiotic plan in the first place.”
Seokjin was rarely ever angry enough to hiss in his brother’s face. They had all learned a long time ago that to provoke the oldest was to invoke Death.
“We all agreed his plan was the best choice at the time, hyung.” Yoongi cautiously approached the two and lay a hand on Seokjin’s shoulder, leveling a glare of his own at Namjoon. “We can deal with him later. We need to find her first.”
Jimin took the opportunity to step further into the clearing and brandished his phone, the device still open to his messages. “(Y/N) texted me saying Aemilia invited her up to roof and that she assumed it was for a confrontation of some sort.” 
“Aemilia doesn’t have the ability or strength to do damage like that by herself, though.” Taehyung frowned as he gestured to Jimin’s clothes. “Unless...”
The brothers looked at each other in realization and one by one, rushed out the clearing and out the forest. 
A quick drive to the center of the city and one pitifully short interrogation later, their suspicions were settled.
Hoseok growled as he re-entered the van, slamming the car door shut. “How dare he? When did he gain the courage to mobilize our own forces without our knowledge?”
“Never mind Augustus,” Jimin said, although his eyes blazed with anger. “Where would they take her?”
“That dog wouldn’t have taken her to the normal base, she has far too much malicious intent for (Y/N).” Taehyung growled.
Jungkook lightly tapped his fingers on the car door, looking out the window when the thought hit him.
“You don’t think they’d take her to...?”
His brothers looked at him in confusion, but he pointed out the window at the tree line of the woods. 
Having grown up in those woods, they knew it like the back of their hand. 
They knew the places were young townspeople would go to goof off, the places they had claimed for themselves, and the places that were...strictly off-limits.
It didn’t take much longer for the realization to set in.
Once it had, they took off in the direction of the forest.
In your dream, you once again stood before Ichabod Chapel.
The Chapel, adorned with green vines, had long since been abandoned. Once, the walls must have been a beautiful ivory, but now they were a dark beige, having rotted with time.
A complete opposite to the image of the decrepit church, the seven Kim brothers stood on the ground in front of the entrance, visions dressed in various black silks.
Contrary to its original purpose, the material looked anything but light and airy--in fact, it looked as though it was weighed down or soaked, doused in some unknown substance.
You looked down to see that you were dressed in a white, ceremonial outfit. It billowed out like a ball gown, the sleeves drawing lacy patterns swirling up to your thumb. 
When you looked up, you were stunned by the brilliant, black wings that extended from the backs of the seven men before you. 
The sight of their wings enraptured you, those gorgeous appendages, feathers glossy under the moonlight.
Each of them had their own, unique set, varying in shapes and sizes, though the largest pair of wings belonged to none other than Kim Namjoon, who stood in the center of his brothers, hands in his pocket as he flashed you a familiar, mischievous grin.
Namjoon was the first to step out of the line, casually extending his hand out to you, and you hesitantly raised a dainty, (s/c) hand in return, placing it in his.
He pulled you into his arms and you felt him wrap them around you.
His brothers came to circle around the two of you, eventually joining the hug as well. 
Then, the whispers began.
Their tone was loving, though their words were anything but.
They were desperate, consuming, obsessive, threatening. 
They wanted you to love them, they needed you to love them, why couldn’t you understand? 
Your head pounded, filled to the brim with cruel promises of tenderness and affection.
The substance from their silks seeped into your clothes, rapidly staining your white outfit red.
You realized just what it was that they were doused in and tried to pull away from their arms but they surrounded you, locking you into their hold. 
The harder you fought to get out, the tighter they held on to you until you felt as though you couldn’t breathe.
Things were better this way. There’s nothing they wouldn’t do to protect you.  There’s nothing they wouldn’t do for your love.
How could you scorn their love for you? How could you treat them like this?
 They didn’t want to hurt anyone you cared about. They didn’t want to eliminate everyone you love in order to bring you to their side, but they would if they had to. 
They paid no mind to the way you were drowning in the smell of it, drowning in blood. Was it yours or someone else’s? Was it your mother’s? Mana’s?
All you knew was that they were done playing games.
Your eyes flashed open and you winced as you immediately wished they hadn’t.
Your head pounded, each thump forcing your eyes shut with the intensity, still not having recovered from the several hits it received. 
For a moment it felt as though you were still unconscious and drenched in darkness, as when you tried to get a glimpse of your surroundings, you only saw shadows and moving, ambiguous shapes. 
The movement of the ground beneath you, however, quickly dispelled such thoughts. 
It appeared as though you were being carried over someone’s shoulder. Despite the extra weight, the person you currently rested on was light and quick on their feet, moving with a speed that made you feel worse than you already were.
The familiar crunching of leaves and branches on the ground made your heart beat just a bit harder. 
According to their footsteps and what you could see of your surroundings, you surmised they had taken you to the forest.
It had been mid afternoon when Aemilia and the people who worked for her and her family accosted you at the roof. Now, there was barely a hint of the moon in your surroundings.
Did she intend to have her people tie you up to the wooden pyre and set you aflame, like some sick imitation of a witch burning at the stake? Or to make it seem as though the Kims had done it?
Despite how afraid of Mayor Kim the citizens were, there was no way everyone would believe you died in such a gaudy display. 
Only the purple fire that Mayor Kim was capable of conjuring left nothing behind, after all. If they were to going to get rid of you by fire, your remains would be found.
There’s no way you could ensure that, however. 
There’s no guarantee that Aemilia wouldn’t be able to make good on her promise and utterly destroy you.
A light cough broke the silence, bringing you back to the present, and you tried to calm your heartbeat. There’s no way your captors would believe you were asleep if you kept scaring yourself like this.
You felt a tight, scratchy material around your wrists and your hands laying against your back.
You successfully clenched your hands. So they hadn’t drugged you while you were out. 
You were hesitant to shift, as you feared your captors would notice your cognizant state, so you resorted yourself to blinking at the ground and gritting your teeth from the pain and nausea. 
Thankfully, the people you were with appeared to be none the wiser. 
“Are we almost there?” A deep voice, seemingly annoyed, huffed.
“Be patient, Lee.” You felt the vibrations of the person carrying you as they replied. “This isn’t just any other job.” 
“I understand, but don’t you think Miss Augustus is going too far?”
Your captor scoffed. “If you want to question the Augustuses, thereby questioning the Kims and their authority, be my guest. I just hope you and your family will be able to deal with the consequences.”
The second captor, Lee, had nothing else to say after that. 
The quiet of the forest left a buzzing in your ears and the swinging sensation your body was making whilst strewn over the person’s back became too much to bear. 
You figured you’d just make your captor angrier if you barfed down their back and tried to shift to draw their attention, but it was too late. 
The acrid taste of bile and what you had for lunch earlier that day reached your mouth and your lifted your head, spitting out as much of it as you could.
There was a yell of anger and disgust, and your captor shoved you off of them and onto the forest floor. 
You held back a shout as you hit the ground, injuring your side even further, and let out the rest of your meal.
“What the-?! This disgusting bitch!”
Your captor launched another kick at your stomach and you fought back tears as they aggravated the wounds already in place. 
Lee stopped them after a while, complaining that another round of beating would just delay their job even further. 
You wiped your mouth off on your shoulder and grimaced.
To your surprise, you found that you could move your legs.
The first captor lifted you to your feet by your collar, and you recognized him as Mr. Byun, the man the strawberry blonde had referred to earlier. 
“Your legs still work for a reason,” he sneered and pushed you forward.
Your legs did indeed work, but were wobbly after hours of no use. 
You tripped and almost fell to the floor again, the bonds around your wrists preventing you from reaching out to break your fall, when the second captor grabbed you by the back of your shirt and held you up. 
“I’m not really in the mood for any of your foolishness, girl.” Lee glowered down at you. “Use your legs properly, or I’ll break them and drag you by the hair. It would be all too easy.”
You heard a suspicious click and your eyes flickered over to Byun, whose hand rested on his waist. In the other, however, he fiddled with a small lever on what appeared to be a firearm.
“Do you understand?” The second captor shook you and your brain protested, rattling around far too much for its liking. 
The thought of escape, which had been curling up inside you like the beginning of a fire, was quickly extinguished. You squeezed your eyes shut and nodded.
He pushed you away from him and you walked, following him with Byun at your back, trying to think of a way out of this situation.
You couldn’t tamper with the ropes around your wrist, as Byun was watching your every move. There was also the gun, and the fact that both men were trained in the use of it as well as martial arts.
Was there truly no way to escape?
The three of you walked for what felt like hours, reaching a part of the woods that you had never seen before.
Here, the trees were sparse and had already lost all of their leaves. The dark branches coiled and twisted toward the sky, as if reaching for affection that would never be reciprocated. The stumps were old, the ground hard.
And then, a clearing. But not the one you were used to seeing.
Your heart dropped as you walked between two trees, noticing the view beyond them. 
You could now tell that it was well after midnight, for the sun was nowhere to be seen. Nevertheless, as always, the moon was high in the sky. 
Wylynne gazed down on the clearing with a force, as if the moon goddess wanted you to see bright and clear what awaited you.
The crumbling cliff before you overlooked a tranquil lake. Clouds hung in the distance, obscuring what was undoubtedly the outside world.
The outside of Ichabod.
Such tranquility had no business here, you thought to yourself as the pace of your breathing increased. 
Your captors had brought you to Lorne’s Ledge, also known as the edge of no return.
It was forbidden territory for any Ichabodian citizen.
Even before Mayor Kim came to town, even before the Augustus family had their reign: this was one of the oldest, most sacred spots in Ichabod.
The lady of the cliff, Lorne, saw to it that the forsaken never returned home.
You shuddered. The folklore didn’t scare you in the slightest. It would always be the work of man that you detested. 
Yet, you couldn’t help but feel some foreign, oppressive gaze resting on you now that you were here. As if Lorne herself were staring at you, waiting for you to join her in the watery depths--
That familiar click sounded again and your eyes shot to the side. You tried to slowly turn around, but the press of metal against your back forced you to stop all movement.
Lee smirked. “We have arrived at your final destination, my lady.”
“Miss Augustus was generous enough to leave you with two options. You can walk off and take a nice rest in the lake, or you can die before your body ever hits the water.” The man smiled mirthlessly down at you. “Which would you prefer?”
You blinked rapidly, mind racing. Even if you were capable of swimming, with these injuries, you wouldn’t be able to survive the fall off the ledge, 
They truly meant for you to die.
Lee didn’t seem to be in the mood for your deliberation as his cruel smile slipped into an infuriated frown. “Choose.” He growled. “My friend here would be all too happy to make the choice for you. How does a bullet in your brain and being rolled off the cliff sound?”
Byun dug the weapon into your skin and you winced, shaking your head. 
“I’ll-I’ll go. I’ll walk myself.”
Your voice cracked horribly after not speaking for so many hours, but the message was received. 
The metal was removed from your backside and you sighed in relief.
The man in front of you said nothing, simply stepping out of your path. 
You took a couple more breaths and slowly turned to face him. “C-Can I ask you to do something? As a final request.”
He raised an eyebrow at you in response.
You titled your head in the direction of your back. “Can you untie my hands? After I disappear, there might be a search for me, and someone might try to dig through the lake for my body. A suicide will be completely ruled out if they find the ropes.”
There was no way this would work. Even the Augustuses were too intimidated to bother touching the lake for fear of Lorne’s wrath. 
Besides, the police knew when and where to look, and where to say they looked. They would lie to your friends and family through their teeth.
Lee must not have been on the force for very long, however, because he grunted and pulled your hands to him. 
With a slice, the ropes fell to the ground and you clutched your wrists to your chest, nodding partly in thanks and partly in disbelief.
You rubbed your hands together and gently blew on them, fingers numb from the cold breeze. 
Your captors stood together between the trees, blocking the entrance. They murmured quietly to themselves and you continued to morph your face and body expressions into one of a pitiful teenager about to die, concealing the rather reckless thoughts you were having.
You finally turned around and walked back until you were in front of them, catching the two men off guard. They quieted and stared at you, hands at their weapons. 
You met each of them in the eye and bowed, lower than you ever had before, then stood upright.
They looked at you incredulously, giving you just enough time to give Lee a harsh kick between his legs and pry the knife out of his hand.
You slashed at his neck, adrenaline returning full force, and actually managed to cut the man. 
He shouted in pain and brought a hand up to the wound, trying to stop the blood.
Before you could turn to face Byun, however, the loud crack of a gunshot was heard throughout the forest and you felt a painful sting on your hand. 
You yelped as you dropped the knife.
Then, there was a second gunshot and the pain returned full force, this time on your shoulder.
The elder captor, completely fed up with your actions, slammed the gun against your head and you crumpled to the ground. 
You could feel something wet on your hand and clothes, but there was too much of it to be sweat in the midnight chill. You slowly lifted your hand, only to see it covered in a dark liquid.
Byun restrained Lee from attempting to beat you this time, barely casting a glance at your pitiful form. 
“Calm yourself. She won’t be alive for much longer.” He gruffed. “She said she would walk herself, so walk she will. We’re just here to watch and make sure it happens.”
He stood over your form and pointed the gun at your head. “What a useless attempt. Get up.”
Your shoulder and hand burned like hell, but you complied. 
You got to your feet once more and stumbled forward, every step taking you further and further away from the two. 
The barrel of the gun followed your every move.
The tears you’d been struggling to hold back ran full force now at the thought of your imminent death. But rather than let your captors feast upon the sight of your defeated form, you stopped.
You were covered in blood. Your uniform was sullied by your own vomit and dirt. 
But you straightened your back, ignoring the pain in your shoulder, and held your head up high. 
You had reached the edge of the cliff now, but your vision was too blurry to see anything besides the vast blue beneath you. 
The lake that rested below had no warmth or safety to provide for you, but neither did the forest behind you.
You considered praying to Wylynne to see if, in all her majesty and grace, she would save you.
Yet clearly, just like all the people who had come before you, just like the lady of the lake herself, the moon goddess had forsaken you.
You were tired. Too tired to fight against what some would call fate.
You whispered an apology to your mother and Mana, and perhaps even to the brothers, the reason why, you did not know.
Your eyes captured the overcast image of the outside world one last time, then you turned around and took a backward step off the cliff with a sad smile, eyes falling closed, mentally locked on that solitary picture.
Above you, you thought you heard the pained screams and grunts of your captors, sounding as though they were struggling against something or someone. 
But before you, you saw your mother with her arms outstretched, that patient, loving smile on her face. 
You reached forward, wrapped your arms around her, and readily slipped into darkness.
Above your falling form, a shadow zipped through the dawn, racing to reach you before you hit the water. 
He saw you smile and lift an arm into the air, before the smile slipped off your face and your limbs went limp.
The large, black wings at his back beat furiously and he flew faster than he ever had before until he had your beaten form cradled to his chest. 
The two of you suddenly shot upward into the air as your descent slowed, and as the first rays of daylight peeked out from above the clouds, his form hung in the air, almost frozen in time, black wings outstretched and supporting the two of you as he floated above Lorne’s Ledge. 
Kim Jimin hovered, adorned in the light of the early morning sun, peering callously down at the vermin who lay trembling between him and his brothers. 
Or what was left of them, at least.
Jungkook had managed to get his hands on the elder one, and the arm he had been using to carry the gun had been ripped clean off. 
He was now whimpering in excruciating pain, clutching at the place where his limb had once been.
The younger one, on the other hand, lay resting against a tree. 
Unmoving, his eyes unseeing. 
All it had taken was one touch from Hoseok, and the man’s life force was gone, sucked out of him before he could even protest.
He was now nothing more than a lifeless sack of meat.
Taehyung picked up the body as Yoongi kicked one of the elder’s legs to get his attention.
The others stood threateningly over Byun, glowering down at him in utter loathe, as though he were a louse.
The old man whimpered, looking up and between them, then paling in horror as he saw Taehyung and Jimin.
The younger brother walked toward the elder as Jimin gently touched down on the ground, your form still protectively pressed to him. The two Kims met eyes and nodded at each other.
Taehyung turned around and flashed Mr. Byun a crazed smile before flinging Lee’s body as far as he could over the cliff.
He gaped in horror and his voice rose multiple decibels, pleads for his life escaping before he could properly think them through.
Seokjin squatted down until he was at an eye level with him, strong, black wings threateningly displayed. He grinned. 
“If you think you have even any hope of escaping your friend’s fate,” he said as the smile slipped off his face, “you’re dead wrong.”
He glared at Byun with cold, amber irises. “But before we end your insignificant, paltry life, you’re going to tell us who sent you and why.”
They already had proof of Aemilia’s crime from Aloysius Augustus himself but they wanted to be sure.
He looked at the younger gentlemen with tears in his eyes. He fought through his pain and got on both knees.
“There’s no use in begging,” Namjoon stated, arms crossed over his chest. For the first time, he couldn’t find anything amusing in the matter.
“Please! We were only receiving orders, Miss Augustus--”
Before he could finish his sentence, Yoongi used Lee’s discarded knife and slashed it across Byun’s neck, silencing him in an instant. 
The light left his eyes and the man’s body flopped over.
Taehyung didn’t think twice about kicking him off the cliff, either.
Now that those pests were taken care of, the seven rushed to turn their attention on you. 
The bleeding from your shoulder and hand had not slowed in the slightest, and they could hardly feel your pulse.
“We need to get her to the hospital, and fast.” Hoseok said, swallowing the rising lump in his throat.
“I’m the fastest. I can take her there.” Taehyung volunteered.
The brothers agreed, and you were gently deposited into Taehyung’s arms. 
“When you’re sure she’s safe, meet us back here in the woods,” Yoongi said. “You’ll know where to find us.”
"Yes, hyung.” Taehyung spread his wings and took off into the sky.
He carefully cradled you, shifting your body into one of his arms, and attempted to heal some of your worse injuries along the way.
He pressed one hand to your abdomen and began muttering under his breath, a panicked tear slipping out the corner of his eye as he peered at the extent of the damage.
Once your ribs were mostly healed, he pulled his hand away, leaving behind a canvas of dark blue, yellow, and green bruises. He winced and moved on, pressing his hand to your head.
You made no movements, body as limp as ever in his arms. 
Taehyung touched down on the roof of the hospital and tucked those magnificent, black wings together, the appendages fading away as if they were never there. 
He held his arm out, his palm facing the door. He only meant to unlock it, but utterly destroyed it in his haste. Quite frankly, he couldn’t have cared less. 
He hurriedly walked down the stairwell and burst into the hospital’s eleventh floor lobby, reserved for VIP care and treatment. 
A receptionist was working at the front desk, typing away without a care in the world.
He was interrupted by Taehyung’s shouts. “I found her in the woods outside of our home this morning--she’s badly injured, please help!”
He looked up at the boy’s outburst, eyes widening when he realized just who and what he was looking at.
He immediately called for available nurses to bring a bed and admit you to a room, then paged any available doctors.
“Do you know who she is, Mr. Kim?” A nurse asked as she examined you for damage.
He nodded. “She’s a classmate of mine, her name is (Y/N) (L/N). Her mother also works here--please notify her of her daughter’s arrival.”
The man nodded once more, sending someone else to page Nurse (L/N) from the fifth floor.
As the nurses wheeled you away, Taehyung grabbed the receptionist by the wrist and he whipped around in fear.
“This patient is very important,” Taehyung stressed, squeezing the man’s wrist harshly. “She is being admitted under the protection of Kim Moonsik himself, at the behest of our entire family. If anything happens to her...”
The receptionist gulped and nodded. “Of course, Mr. Kim. You don’t need to explain any further. We’ll do our absolute best to ensure her care and recovery.”
Taehyung glared down at him for a bit longer before he threw the man’s wrist aside and turned away from him. 
He rubbed at his wrist, knowing it would bruise in a couple of hours, or perhaps even minutes.
The man returned to his desk, beginning to fill out the paperwork for your stay. 
When he looked up to ask Taehyung more questions about your injuries, the boy had already disappeared.
In Taehyung’s absence, the six brothers stretched out their wings and flew to a certain section of the woods behind the Kim family home. 
This part of the woods remained untouched by both the Kim family and the general public. It was only the seven who came out here, and only in times of dire consequence. 
Several trees in the area had fallen over, cracked in half as though hit or pushed in anger with some spectacular force.
Leaves and branches strewn all over the ground were blown away by the boys and the sudden breeze they brought, large wings disrupting the peaceful quiet of the forest.
The early morning sun peeked through the leaves, painting a picturesque view of the woods, a sharp contrast to the heavy, violent atmosphere headed its way.
Jungkook planted his feet on the ground first, tucking away his wings until they were out of sight. He angrily flicked what was left of Byun off his face, disgusted by the thick feel and metallic smell of mortal blood. 
Jimin followed right behind him, then Hoseok, Yoongi, and Seokjin entered, Namjoon being the last to touch down on the forest floor.
Jimin and Jungkook met eyes with one another, their anger not even close to subsiding at the death of your captors. 
Yet, soon enough, curiosity and dread brought them out of their rage when they realized just how quiet it had gotten between the older members.
Jimin shifted his gaze, the frown on his face deepening when he saw the eldest brothers’ attention turn to Namjoon, who was standing deathly still, staring blankly ahead.
Seokjin raised an eyebrow as he glared down at the younger. Namjoon refused to meet his gaze.
The six of them stayed like that for a long time, even when they heard the loud beating of another pair of wings, and Taehyung joined them in the forest.
He turned to Jimin in confusion but the older simply shook his head and grabbed for his and Jungkook’s hands, squeezing them. 
Finally, after what felt like hours of silence, Seokjin spoke. 
“There is no mercy for the prideful,” he stated with finality.
Namjoon flinched away at the words, eyes stuck to the ground.
“You weren’t able to uphold your oath, Namjoon ah,” Hoseok said. His words were concerned, but his tone reeked of condescension.
“And because of that, because of your utter failure, our beloved angel got hurt.” Yoongi hissed. “She almost died.”
Hoseok, Yoongi, and Seokjin took menacing steps toward the leader. 
He heard his older brothers walking up to him, but refused to meet the wrath that was surely boiling in their gaze.
Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook watched on with bated breath, their hands still linked together.
Namjoon was frozen in place. 
As the leader of their group, there was rarely ever a moment where he was seen as weak. 
But the second he had received news of your capture, he lost even the strength to stand on his own two feet.
It was the thought of you, of saving you and bringing you to safety, that had kept him going. 
It was the only thing that had kept all seven of them sane.
Now that they knew you were going to live, he knew he couldn’t avoid his punishment any longer.
Namjoon’s facial expression didn’t change, even in the moment where, with surprising speed, Yoongi lashed out at him, decking him in the face and knocking him to the forest floor.
The student body president winced, gingerly gripping his nose as blood started to leak from it.
His older brothers stood, looking down at him in a mock semicircle.
“Yoongi ah,” Seokjin said, turning to the younger, “what is the punishment for those who commit the deadly sin of pride?”
“Being broken on the wheel, hyung.” Yoongi replied impassively. 
“Fortunately for you, or unfortunately, I should say,” Hoseok grinned down at Namjoon, “we don’t have a wheel.”
Seokjin stepped forward and lifted his foot above Namjoon’s right leg. 
“This is what happens when you place too much pride in yourself and in your actions.” He stated, then brought his foot down on Namjoon’s right leg.
He didn’t let up until there was a sick, audible crack. 
Namjoon reeled back, grunting in pain but refusing to scream. 
Yes, it hurt, but he knew he deserved it. He failed (Y/N). 
This is the least he could do to atone for his actions.
“All things considered, we’re being quite generous with you.” Yoongi stepped up next, kicking his broken leg aside to stomp down on his left one.
This time, Namjoon let out a jarring scream. 
“You still have the audacity to scream? To feel pain?” Yoongi ground his foot into the injury as though he were trying to put out a cigarette. “Imagine how much pain our beloved is in right now. Imagine what she wouldn’t have had to go through, had you done your job properly. Had you listened to us.”
The elder had never been kind or considerate when it came to delivering punishment, a fact that the younger brothers had quickly become accustomed to.
Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook looked on blankly, but inside they felt a deep sense of pity. 
Namjoon was their brother and their leader, the constant face of their strength.
It hurt to see him in so much pain, no matter how necessary it was. 
Namjoon sat on the forest floor, both legs twisted at an awkward angle. He grit his teeth together as he tried to control his breathing. 
He noticed no one else was approaching him, but he knew that the punishment wasn’t over yet, not so soon. He slowly, inquisitively lifted his head.
The eldest three looked at Namjoon expectedly. He pleadingly raised his eyebrows, but their stares held no mercy.
He bowed his head in defeat. 
The senior wrapped his right hand around his left forearm and squeezed until he heard something crack. 
There was the quick, soft sound of a sob coming out of his mouth, and then all was quiet. 
Hoseok went last, shuffling through the leaves on the forest floor to squat next to his younger brother, wiping away some of his tears and gently running his fingers through his hair. “We’re doing this for her. Everything we do is for her, you know that as well as we do.”
Namjoon glanced at him warily, tense because he knew what was coming next, but didn’t know when to expect it. 
“That’s why you’re prepared to face the consequences for your actions, yes...?”
With a sickeningly sweet smile, Hoseok wrapped his hands around Namjoon’s right forearm, breaking the bone in a quick moment.
Namjoon clenched his teeth together so hard, he swore he heard something else crack. 
Any movement within the top or lower half of his body left him in excruciating pain, and he stifled a scream each time.
“You did so well, Joonie.” Hoseok continued patting his head. 
They surrounded him, praising him with how well he took his punishment. 
He was only able to withstand a few more minutes of cognizant thought before his eyes rolled back into his head.
Hoseok caught his younger brother, gently laying him back onto the dirt.
The six men stood in the silence, staring at the form of their treasured leader with pity. 
Seokjin turned around and met each of his younger brothers in the eye. He then wordlessly walked away from the clearing and Namjoon’s broken body.
Yoongi and Hoseok followed him, blank expressions on their face.
The youngest brothers were all too quick to pick up on the message. 
Overstep your boundaries, and endure the same fate. 
After taking one more look at Namjoon, the youngest brothers trekked out of the forest, silently following behind the other angels.
When you finally pried your eyes open, you were greeted by an unfamiliar chill.
You were cold. So cold, the chill settled uncomfortably in your bones.
White blankets were tucked around you, pristine sheets morphing to mimic your form. 
For a moment, you incredulously thought that this must have been your arrival to heaven.
Then, you soon heard a monotonous beeping and you felt the subtle prick of wires along your skin, an IV casually grazing across the back of your hand. 
It hurt to move your right shoulder, and your abdomen ached, the areas bandaged so tight you could just barely feel them. 
There were bandages around your wrists and hand as well, and the pungent scent of ointment told you those were for your rope burns and bullet graze. 
Your head injuries were also wrapped, if you deduced the source of your current headache correctly. 
You were alive. Alive, and well taken care of.
You winced, your head not taking too kindly to the reintroduction of noise. A swivel to your right, however, and your mother’s worried face appeared.
“...Mom?” You voice cracked horribly, and she smiled and hummed in acknowledgement, lifting a water pitcher next to her and pouring you a glass of water.
You drank as if you were Tantalus himself.
“I was so worried.” your mother stated, her voice breaking right along with yours. The sound alone nearly brought tears to your eyes. 
She lifted her hands and grasped your uninjured one, intertwining your fingers.
 “I got paged yesterday morning and asked to come up to the eleventh floor, just to find out that you had been admitted.” Your mother spoke, answering your questions before you even got the chance to ask. “And at the request of the entire Kim family, no less. Kim Taehyung brought you in himself, claiming you’d been assaulted and found outside their door.”
You tilted your head, peering at your mother in disbelief. 
She met your gaze and flicked her eyes toward the door, then back towards you without turning around. You followed their direction.
Outside the small, rectangular window of the door, there stood a tall figure dressed in dark clothing.
Your mother leaned toward you and whispered. “That woman has been standing guard since the doctors finished their checkup.”
You gulped and nodded in understanding.
“(Y/N).” Her tone shifted slightly, still holding concern but taking a solemn turn. “I never ask you questions about how school is and your life is going. We usually leave each other to our own devices, and that’s clearly been a mistake on my part. But I need you to be completely honest with me here.”
“Have you displeased the Kims in any way?” Her grip on your uninjured hand tightened to the point where all of your knuckles turned white. “If they have you here under some sort of watch until the next meeting...if they’re trying to...” 
Your mother gulped, unable to finish the rest of the sentence. 
Her voice lowered into a harsh whisper. “Tell me. I’ll go alert a trustworthy coworker, and I will have you out of this town before Kim Moonsik can utter another prayer.”
Your eyes widened comically. “Mom, no! Nothing like that happened. They saved me. The Kims saved my life.” You repeated, gripping her hands. “If they hadn’t brought me here, I would have-” 
The weight of your words finally hit you, and before you could realize, tears gathered in the corner of your eyes. “I could have...”
You fought to speak through the trembling of your lower lip. “I’m sorry I never told you about my day, I just thought I’d be able to handle it all by myself. The police commissioner’s daughter, she was trying to get rid of me and she-Mom, she-”
Your mother cupped your cheeks as your tears cascaded down your face. She gently rubbed your lower back as you muffled your cries by burying your head into her neck.
She didn’t let you go for a while, even after you managed to collect yourself. 
She poured you another glass of water and you sipped at the beverage, telling her the trials you’d faced these past couple of weeks.
“I thought it was a regular instance of bullying,” you sniffled, putting the plastic cup down. “that she didn’t want me getting too close to her crush. So I endured because I had no intention of taking anything of hers away. Who am I, in Ichabod, compared to a woman of prestige like that?” You sarcastically asked.
“But apparently, my mere existence bothered her.” You shakily recounted what had ultimately been the most terrifying moments of your life to your mother. 
You obscured some parts of the story, not wanting your mother to worry even more, and claimed that the Augustus’ men had taken you to the clearing to scare you and beat you up, and that you surmised they dropped you off outside of the Kim home afterward. 
By the time she finished hearing the whole story, her grip had embedded itself into the edge of the hospital bed. 
Your mother’s vexation was interrupted by the sound of people speaking outside your door.
“Ma’am, I apologize. By the order of Kim Moonsik, only family members are allowed to visit the patient right now.” The figure outside your door spoke with an uninterested tone.
“With all due respect, officer, please don’t assume my gender.” You heard a familiar voice snipe. “My best friend is lying in there and she’s practically a sister to me. I don’t particularly give a damn about your order. Kim Moonsik can kiss my-”
“Mana!” You yelled, trying to catch both of their attention before your best friend could get themselves arrested. 
You flipped the hospital blankets off of you and your mother helped you to your feet, then to the door. The injuries on your abdomen and head protested with every step.
The guard’s eyes widened a bit as you slid the door open, and so did the eyes of every hospital staff within sight of your room. 
“Ms. (L/N), I implore you, please go back to bed to rest!” A nurse in the hallway rushed over. 
The guard hastily nodded in agreement. “Yes, please do. I sincerely apologize for the commotion.”
You waved them off, reaching a hand out to Mana. “I'll go back to bed, but only if you let Mana in. They’re family.”
Mana stood in the hallway, hurriedly dressed in sweatpants, a disheveled oversized hoodie, and sneakers, but gingerly holding a teddy bear with a card.
The guard looked between you, Mana, and the nurse for quite some time. The nurse’s frantic expression must have convinced her, though, because she finally stepped aside.
Mana extended their arm, gently grabbing your hand in return and waltzing past the security guard with a smug expression. 
The moment the three of you were back in the room, however, they ushered you back to bed as well.
“(N/N)!” Mana said, going to hug you, then rethinking it when they spotted all the bandages. 
They placed the teddy bear in your arms and stood a card that cheerily read “Get Well Soon!” on your nightstand. “How are you feeling? I’m so sorry--I should have been there with you!”
“My head and chest hurt, but I’m alright.” You shook your head with a small smile, clutching the doll to your chest. “Don’t apologize, you had no idea this was going to happen. This was all the result of my stupid decision--I was the one who fell into her trap.”
Your mother excused herself, leaving you and Mana alone for a few minutes.
You filled them in on what had happened to you, withholding no details, and their face lit up in anger. “She ordered them to take you to Lorne’s Ledge?! That psychotic cunt! Just wait until I drag her across the square, we’ll see how high and mighty she is then-”
“Mana, calm down.” You smiled, thankful for your friend’s protectiveness, but weary after everything you’d just gone through. 
“I never want to stoop to her level,” you admitted, wringing the sheets in your hands. 
Your mother gently slid open the door, returning with water and a tray of food for you.
“I think...I’ve had enough of mind games and tricks for a while.” You whispered, then smiled at her as she lay the meal in front of you.
Mana’s gaze turned soft, and they patted your hands and back in support. 
“I don’t even want to think of what would have happened if the Kims hadn’t gotten there in time.” your mother muttered. 
You nodded in agreement. 
You weren’t particularly sure how or why, but the Kims had saved your life. 
Not only had they offered you some of the best care in the city, free of charge, but they even stationed people outside your room.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, something told you that holding them with such a mindset would put you exactly where they wanted you to be. 
Yet something else countered that thought, claiming that it was that same distancing mindset that had pushed you into the arms of danger in the first place. 
Perhaps Mayor Kim felt responsible for it because his men got usurped by a high school girl.
Or, perhaps, it was his sons who felt even more responsible.
Your mother and Mana stayed with you the rest of the night, each taking up their own positions on the furniture. Mana draped themself on the couch while your mother took the armchair.
You allowed yourself to drift off to the sound of them breathing, the chill and fear of the previous morning now a distant, foreign thing.
Your mother and Mana weren’t constantly at your side, as one had to attend to her duties at work and the other had to go to school. 
There were other individuals who were perfectly happy to waste the day with you, though.
On the first day, you were visited by Jimin.
The sophomore’s usual high-energy self was nowhere to be seen as he stepped into your hospital room holding a small bouquet of (your favorite flowers). 
Jimin rushed at you, barely giving himself enough time to greet him before he fell to his knees in front of your hospital bed. 
You gasped aloud in surprise and urged him to stand, but he would have none of it. 
“I’m so sorry, (Y/N).” His eyes glistened as water streaked down his cherubic face. “If I had read your message earlier, if I hadn’t been so stupid to turn my phone off, you never would have gotten hurt like this.”
You winced as you pulled yourself to the edge of the bed, your hand only hurting slightly less than it had before. “You didn’t know at the time, I wouldn’t blame you for that. When you did know, you rushed to help me. That’s something I will be forever grateful to you for.” 
You exhaled and smiled your rare, genuine smile, a warm countenance on your face that pierced Jimin’s soul. “So please,” you held your hand out to Jimin.
The boy looked up, pitiful expression morphing into a delighted smile. He gently took your hand and stood, then ushered you to rest comfortably back at the top of the bed. 
The two of you spent the rest of the day talking, Jimin distracting you from your current situation with stories about his family and their travels. 
By the time you realized you’d never gotten answers to your questions, the sun was starting to set and you were having trouble keeping your eyes open in the middle of Jimin’s conversation.
If the raven haired boy had noticed it, he didn’t say anything. 
If anything, he continued speaking, his voice low and chiming with laughter as he recounted precious memories.
When he heard the familiar sound of your soft, slow breathing, he stopped. He simply gazed upon your visage, smiling at the way your (s/c) skin lit up in the afternoon sun and held a hand up to block the light from getting in your eyes.
He stayed that way for the next several minutes, then gently caressed your cheek, letting his hands linger for shorter than he would have liked.
Once the night was well underway, Jimin collected his things and left your side with one more forlorn look.
He shot a strict gaze at the guard, who gulped and nodded at the unspoken order.
Finally, he turned and walked down the hallway toward the elevators. 
On the second day, you were visited by Taehyung. You were still asleep when he first came into the room, but your mother was sitting beside you and her eyes widened when she saw him.
Before the younger boy could even speak, the older woman bowed low in gratitude.
Few people had ever seen your mother in a vulnerable state, you included, as she purposefully made it so. 
Taehyung was a rare exception that day as he gently gripped her shoulders, feeling the slight trembles that coursed through her as he straightened her posture. 
Suppressing an amused smile, Taehyung thought of the differences between you and his supposed mother. 
While the actress trembled out of fear for her own life, your mother shook at the thought of losing you.
As expected from the woman who raised you, their perfect treasure.
“I can never repay you for the hospitality you’ve shown my daughter,” your mother whispered.
“There’s no need for such matters, Ms. (L/N). We’ll always protect and watch out for your daughter. We’re honored to have her in our lives.” Taehyung replied with a sincere tone.
She accepted the flowers he brought, carefully laying the bouquet on your nightstand, right next to the vase where Jimin’s flowers lay. 
When you did wake up, you had your own chance to thank Taehyung for finding you and bringing you to safety, along with sponsoring your stay in the hospital. 
He waved away your thanks, claiming that he was simply glad that you had turned to Jimin for assistance so that they were able to know about it.
“You know we’ll always be there for you, right (Y/N)?”
“Just say the word and we’ll come running.”
We love you.
His heart ached with the weight of the words he couldn’t say.
But you smiled in appreciation and he melted, as it was the smile they had longed to see for so long. The one that you usually reserved for your mother or Mana, the one that they had only gotten glimpses of in the time that they had known you.
He wouldn’t let you do anything for yourself the entire time, claiming you needed to rest up and heal as soon as possible. You reluctantly agreed, enjoying an unusually lazy day.
He played music for you, and soon enough the two of you were lost in a passionate conversation about your favorite artists. Funnily enough, there were several of them who you shared interest in.
Before Taehyung returned home for the day, he insisted on covering you with the blanket as well, tucking it up to your neck and pressing it in at the sides.
Your eyes were closed out of embarrassment as his form hung over yours. 
He fought the urge to bend down and kiss your forehead, for he still feared that he could frighten you away.
Instead, he reached up and switched off the light directly above your bed. With an ambiguous smile, he left, closing the door behind him.
On the third day, you were visited by Jungkook.
The atmosphere was a little awkward at first, considering how soft-spoken the freshman tended to be around you.
When you tried shifting the conversation by asking him about his personal interests and passions, however, his eyes lit up.
Jungkook demonstrated several different types of punches for you in the room, even helping you weakly set up your form with your still healing hands. 
You learned much more about boxing forms and gaming techniques that day than you could ever remember, but you did leave with plans to have private self-defense lessons with Jungkook after you’d finished healing.
At some point during his visit, you had drifted off and by the time you woke up again, Jungkook was already gone. 
You panicked slightly, worried that he’d be upset and think that you wanted him to leave. As you turned to your phone, however, you noticed a folded piece of paper resting on top of the back of it.
When you opened the paper, you saw a beautiful pen-and-ink sketch of you, lying in your hospital bed and napping. 
Jungkook had somehow taken your messy, disheveled state and turned it into something that evoked a tender feeling within you.
You grinned down at the paper, amazed by his talent. Was this how he saw you? As this...ephemeral, peaceful being?
You gently stood the paper up so that it rested between the two vases that housed Jimin and Taehyung’s flowers, right next to Mana’s card.
The afternoon soon gave way to evening, then evening to night.
On the fourth day, Seokjin saved you from the monotony of bland, hospital food by bringing you home cooked meals. 
The mere smell of the dishes had your mouth watering. 
He refused to let you do anything yourself, much like Taehyung had the other day. But unlike Taehyung, Jin went so far as to feed you himself.
It was embarrassing, but no matter how much you protested, he wouldn’t let up.
He sat in the chair your mother usually preoccupied and held the utensils out to you, neatly making sure you finished your meals.
At one point, he pretended the food was an airplane and you playfully slapped his arm, resulting in him dissolving into a surprising windshield-wiper-like laugh. 
Jin spent the rest of the day with you, telling you awful jokes that under normal circumstances, you wouldn’t have found that funny. 
His companionship was greatly appreciated, however, and you found that you grew surprisingly fond of his laugh.
Before Jin left for the evening, he gently lifted your hand and placed it in his lap, then revealed another bag he’d brought on his visit.
To your surprise, he clipped a small (silver/gold/rose gold) bracelet around your wrist. The ornament carried two charms: one of a well-detailed moon, the other a pair of angel wings.
You rushed to have him take the bracelet off, hesitant to accept such a valuable gift. 
Yet the look in his eyes pierced right through you, his previous joy still present and glimmering but hidden beneath the depths of something more sinister.
You leaned against your pillows as Jin gently lifted the back of your hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to it, just like he had the first night you met. 
“The moment I saw it, I thought of you.” He smiled, affectionately rubbing his thumb over your wrist. “Keep it. For me?”
It wasn’t a request.
On the fifth day, you were visited by Hoseok and Yoongi.
You were slightly surprised at the fact that they had come together, as their outer attitudes seemed to be opposites, but you found that they complemented each other very well. 
They were extremely considerate of you, allowing you to do things for yourself but offering their assistance should you need it. 
Hoseok spent the day cheering you up by performing routines for you in the little space the room provided.
As strict as he was infamous for being, Hoseok clearly knew his craft. You were mesmerized by his movements and insisted on clapping for each of his performances, your hand healing quite nicely now.
Yoongi delighted you with tales of his rambunctious actions in high school, and some of the best well-kept faculty secrets.
There were several things you learned about Ms. Divii and Mrs. Hargrove that day that you would have been perfectly happy not knowing for the rest of your life, but you giggled and gossiped all the same.
It appeared as though the elder Kim brothers had a similar thought process, as Hoseok and Yoongi each gifted you (silver/gold/rose gold) jewelry similar to what you had received the day prior.
Hoseok looked as though we was going to cry when you went to turn down his gift.
One sharp look from Yoongi later, you closed your mouth, smiled, and expressed your thanks.
Hoseok fondly clipped the necklace onto you, his heart performing somersaults as you leaned into his embrace. 
He silently gulped, overcome by the sudden desire to press his lips to your neck. 
When he made eye contact with Yoongi over your shoulder, his face reddened slightly as the elder smirked at him.
He reigned in the perceptible want in his eyes and leaned back, flashing you his signature smile. “There you are, angel. Pretty as a picture.”
You lowered your head to hide your flush. “You guys really don’t have to bring me these gifts,” you murmured lightly. 
“With a visage as perfect as yours, we simply can’t help ourselves.” Yoongi stated in reply, lifting your ring finger to slide a band onto it. 
How unfortunate it was that it was the right hand instead of the left.
He was able to hide his disappointment from you, but not from Hoseok. 
Nevertheless, there would surely be an opportunity in the near future.
How else would all of those worthless people know that you belonged to them?
On the sixth day, Namjoon limped his way into your hospital room, a grimace on his face. 
You greeted him with a warm smile that quickly shifted into a worried expression. “Oh goodness, are you alright?”
Namjoon nodded, taking the seat next to your bed. “I injured my leg, it’s nothing serious. I should be perfectly alright soon.”
Seokjin had been kind enough to heal most of his limbs, the elder worried about your reaction to seeing him in such a state. 
They purposefully made him wait in agonizing pain for nearly a week, however, to rub the punishment in, before clearing him to go visit you. 
It seemed as though the student body president had lost his usual self-assured, constantly amused atmosphere. He was strangely quiet, and his body language was similar to that of a man who’d been beaten into submission. 
That was far from the Kim Namjoon you knew.
For several moments, the two of you sat in awkward silence.
The two of you hadn’t been on the best of terms the last time you spoke. Just thinking back to that moment when he’d felt like he was on top of the world, completely in control, made him cringe. 
Then, you turned and smiled at him. “You know, if you really need to, you could always join me as a patient. It’d definitely make the days less boring.”
Namjoon knew you knew there was a change in his attitude, and rather than lording that over him, you simply welcomed him as you usually did.
“I’m so sorry, (Y/N).” The words blurt out before he could stop them.
You shook your head, slightly amused. “What’s with you and Jimin these days? You don’t need to apologize for saving me. Unless you want to, and, well, that’s a completely separate manner--”
“No!” Namjoon lifted his hands up and waved them around. “I just-"
You smiled, entertained by the frantic side of the normally suave, composed teen. “Think nothing of it, Namjoon. You have nothing you need to apologize to me for.”
Your expression darkened slightly as you continued. “If anything, I should apologize for not trusting you all more.”
Namjoon’s lips quivered, desperately wanting to form a victorious smirk, but he settled for an understanding smile.
In the end, he’d been right.
As usual.
“Who remains close to you, who you decide to trust, that’s completely your decision. You should never have to apologize for it.” Namjoon said.
You smiled in acknowledgement, then furrowed your brows in confusion when Namjoon started to dig around in his bag.
“I heard we were gift giving this week.” He pulled out a beautiful, leather bound journal and fountain pen and carefully placed the items on your lap. 
“This is absolutely gorgeous. How did you know I like writing?” You smiled. 
Of course he knew. He knew everything about you.
“I didn’t,” he replied, shrugging with a small smile. “I like to write in journals as a form of catharsis, and thought you might want to try.”
“Thank you so much.” You lifted an arm up and gestured for a one armed hug, one that Namjoon happily accepted.
Clutching the journal to your chest, you gathered the courage to ask him the question that had been running around in your head the past week.
“How did you guys find me in time?”
The elder clenched his jaw and shifted his gaze aside as if he couldn’t beat to direct his apparent anger and frustration toward you. 
“We heard from Jimin that Aemilia took you and interrogated the police commissioner about any of our private guard’s movements. He fessed and told us that Aemilia told him that I texted her, claiming that there was another soul in need of punishment.” 
Namjoon grit his teeth, vexation rolling off of him in waves as he practically hissed out his words. “He authorized members of our private force to move under her order in order to subdue you.”
Recounting the ridiculous lie that the redhead told her father, and the father’s idiotic tendency to believe her, made his blood hot.
“After we heard that, we rushed to all the places in the forest that the Augustus men might have taken you. Thankfully, we got to Lorne’s Ledge in time and Jimin was able to save you before you could fall off the edge.”
“Are you sure?” You said. “I could have sworn I stepped off...I thought I was a goner.”
Namjoon shook his head. “We definitely got there in time to save you. You sustained several head injuries, so I’d understand if you didn’t see Jimin or blacked out.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, pondering his response for several moments before nodding at his answer. 
There was no way you would ever be able to forget what happened that night.
You knew for a fact that your feet had left the ledge. 
But he was right, you did take several nasty hits from Byun and Lee.
You wanted to keep asking him questions, but the pained, forced look in his eye made you pause on that front.
Perhaps that projection you saw of your mother had actually been Jimin.
You wrung your hands together. 
“What matters now is that you’re safe and sound.” Namjoon gently placed his hand atop yours and gave it a supporting squeeze. “All you need to focus on is getting better. We definitely won’t let them get away with this.”
You nodded again, smiling slightly at Namjoon in thanks for his concern.
Halfway across town, Aemilia Augustus paced around in her room, practically biting off her perfectly manicured nails in worry.
It had been seven days. 
Seven days of nothing.
Not a single word had come in from Byun or Lee.
When she arrived at school that first day and heard everyone talking about your absence, she felt pure and utter bliss. 
There was no joy like the joy she felt in that moment.
Such euphoria simply couldn’t be replaced.
The only moments that could possibly top it were her future engagement with Kim Namjoon, or the day she would take over her family business.
Because so many days went by without a single peep at your face, she thought her plan was working. 
She felt on top of the world.
But Byun and Lee were two of the most promising soldiers on the squad. There was no reason as to why they were taking so long to get back to her to confirm your measly little death.
As a result, she was starting to panic.
Of course, she had an emergency plan. 
She had no need for it, as there was no way her plan could go wrong, but she always had to be prepared, after all.
Just as she was about to take deep breaths to calm herself down, she jumped at the sound of pounding footsteps and yelps drifting into her room from downstairs.
She heard the annoying cry of her mother and father, and then the sound of several people talking.
A grim chill fell over her.
Unexpectedly, her plan had gone horribly, horribly wrong.
There wasn’t much time left now, as she could hear the footsteps get closer and closer.
To hell with her parents--their capture was inevitable.
Aemilia Augustus would not be captured like a criminal, not as long as she was alive and well.
Aemilia padded over to her bedroom door, shutting it closed as softly as possible and smacking the lights off.
She dove into her walk-in closet and squeezed herself as tightly as possible into a corner, a rack of evening gowns and day dresses covering her.
Every couple of minutes, a door would slam open and she listened, holding a hand over her mouth as the pounding feet searched every room on her floor.
It didn’t take them long to arrive at her room, and she shook as she heard them throw things around.
A rectangle of light shone into the room as someone opened the closet door and Aemilia stilled as though she were encased in ice.
It was silent for a long, dreadful moment. The officer turned their head this way and that, walking into the room and turning on the light to search.
From where Aemilia was hidden, there was no way they would be able to find her. She thanked Wylynne that she hadn’t taken up on her mother’s offer to hire a maid to clean her closet.
The officer turned away to leave and Aemilia cheered in her heart.
After the guards left the premises, she would collect as many valuables as possible from the house and run off to her family’s private home in another part of town. From there, she would plan what to do next.
Her plan wasn’t perfect, but she would be able to get away with it.
Or at least, she thought she would.
Just as the officer was about to close the door, a strong, invisible force yanked Aemilia out from her hiding spot and she came crashing down noisily from behind the evening gowns, taking a few with her.
The officer immediately turned around, beckoning his partner to get her. 
She hurriedly gripped a platform heel and attempted to plunge it in the man’s eye, but he caught her wrist and painfully twisted her arm behind her back.
The redhead screeched in fury and pain. His partner soon joined him, and they dragged her out into her room, each officer tightly holding on to one of her arms.
“What are you doing? Unhand me this instant!” She shrieked, writhing around in an attempt to escape. “Have you forgotten who you take orders from?!”
“No, but it seems as though you have.” 
She paused at the sound of that familiar voice.
Her beloved casually strode into the room in all of his glory, his head held high, that ever present cocky, amused smile that she loved so much on his face.
“Namjoon.” She whimpered. “Namjoon, they’re hurting me.”
The student body president kneeled down in front of her and gently took her chin in his hands.
Her eyes filled with tears and she stuck out her bottom lip, waiting for Namjoon to tell the men to let her go. They better anticipate the earful they were about to receive. How dare they treat their future queen this way?
Namjoon lovingly stroked her cheek with his thumb, wiping away her tear. She nuzzled her cheek into his hand, looking up at him with a pitiful gaze. He smiled at her.
Surely he would save her.
Aemilia closed her eyes, suppressing a victorious smile as she felt Namjoon pull his hand away from her face.
But rather than the sound of him barking orders, she was met with the sound of a harsh slap.
Her eyes flew open in shock.
Her face stung.
“Nam..joon...?” She whispered, stupefied.
The senior was sneering down at her, pulling a handkerchief out the square pocket of his jacket and wiping his hand on it.
“What disgusting thoughts you have,” the man spat, dropping the handkerchief in another subordinate’s hand. 
“Burn that.” He commanded.
Aemilia simply stared up at him in disbelief. 
Had he...hit her?
“Namjoon, why are you doing this?” Her voice trembled. “You’d never hit me, you’re my...we’re-”
“Nothing.” Namjoon interrupted with a disinterested gaze. “I am not your anything. I’ve never given you any inclination that could lead you to assume that I loved you, or liked you, or cared for you in the slightest.”
Aemilia dropped to her knees in incredulity. 
“That’s not true! You cared for me, I know you did! Ever since that (h/c) haired bitch appeared, you’ve turned away from me!” She screeched, her shrill voice piercing their ears. “I should’ve gotten rid of her sooner!”
As soon as the words left her mouth, all the air in Aemilia’s lungs disappeared. She heaved her chest, trying to breath, but found herself unable to.
He squatted down to face her.
“Let’s get one thing absolutely clear.” Namjoon spoke in a frighteningly low tone. “I never cared for you. You were nothing more than a useful little pawn in my game. A pawn who somehow tricked herself into believing she could become a queen.”
Her face turned redder and redder from anger, embarrassment, and the lack of oxygen.
“(Y/N) is more of a queen than you could ever be,” Namjoon stated, smiling at the memory of you sitting up in your hospital bed, grinning at him, the sun forming a halo behind your head. “She’s an angel. Our precious everything.”
He turned his gaze back to the creature before him. “She isn’t someone the likes of you can ever attempt to touch, much less harm or overthrow.”
Namjoon straightened, moving to walk towards the entrance to her room. “That’s my fault, I’m afraid. After all, I wasn’t able to properly regulate my inferiors.”
Black dots swam at the edge of Aemilia’s vision. She kept her eyes locked on Namjoon, still praying that this was all a prank or a joke, and that he would comfort her by sweeping her up into his arms.
“You truly have no idea what’s going to happen to you, do you?” He chuckled with a mirthless smile. “Don’t worry. We’ll fix that soon enough.”
Finally, her body gave in and shut down from the lack of oxygen. The redhead flopped over on her side, Namjoon’s cruel glare burned into the backs of her eyes.
On the morning of the seventh day, you took advantage of your solitude by pondering the events of this week and the rather complicated emotions that came with them. 
Despite their reputation and despite your fears, you had grown closer to the Kims over the past month. 
They never threatened or harmed you or the people you cared about. They had welcomed you into their lives with open arms. 
You had kept them at an arms length in an effort to protect yourself and your loved ones. But what had distancing yourself from them gained you?
Still, there was no way your method could be wrong. It was your livelihood, your path to survival in Ichabod. 
There were rules here, rules that couldn’t be broken. 
Yet the majority of those rules had been broken the moment you invited Jimin to sit with you at lunch.
Was it even possible that an alternative path to salvation freedom existed?
Had the Kims truly provided another way? 
Your mother went around the room collecting and packing up your things for you as Mana helped you change in the bathroom, making sure to be careful of your still-healing shoulder.
When they left to fetch your discharge papers, you sat at the edge of the hospital bed and deliberated what could potentially be one of the most important decisions of your life.——————————————————————
i am so, so, so sorry for taking longer than usual to post! college and midterm season caught up with me--i’ll try not to let assignments interfere with my writing schedule in the future ;-;-; thank you so much for sticking with me through the wait! the long awaited day has finally come! revenge has never been so sweet hehe. also, the way that i have no idea how to write fight scenes--pfft. i hope you all enjoy the chapter <33
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red-winters · 4 years
*Batfam fic-recs
*Some are Tim Drake Centric
**Some links are not working in mobile (and ONLY mobile) for some reason? And some titles that were bolded in the original post are ALSO not displaying on mobile correctly. Idk what to do about that, but you can still look up the fic, I guess.
The Bat’s Crest - livierambles
Note: I will always keep recommending this fic. It’s epic, thrilling, and hilarious and sometimes angsty. Also, everyone is confused, including the ones doing the confusing. Maybe especially the ones doing the confusing. Also, some Tim and Damian bonding, which is always nice.
Summary: Tragedy strikes the hero community when Bruce Wayne commits a crime so heinous even the best start asking for blood. However, as the heroes try to recover from the hit and carry out justice for their friends, a random assortment of people start acting oddly, including the current Speedy Tim Drake, a child hostage in Gotham, and a young man from an unremarkable circus amongst others. All of them seem intent on saving Bruce Wayne from the grasp of the Justice League for no apparent reason, going as far as betraying their previous allegiances.
Unknown to the Justice League, these people are equally confused. Clearly they're stuck in another dimension, but how do they get back? How did they even get here? Who else is stuck in this world? And how long will Tim's patience last? Back home, the Bat was a planetary symbol that struck fear in the hearts of criminals. In this new world, it has no meaning, save for the handful of stranded souls.
In the Shadows - Kieron_ODuibhir
(shortened) Summary:
“I’m not like you.”
The cowl still looked like something he was wearing, but Clark knew it was not. It flexed like skin when Batman narrowed his blank white eyes and said, “I can see you know that.” 
Chirp - AmariT
Summary: Every piece of the signal Tim unlocked revealed more locks, and by the time he broke through the last one, he was already mentally rehearsing his many upcoming talk show appearances. 'Yes,' he told the interviewer, 'it was difficult for me, a ten-year-old genius, to break open the worldwide alien conspiracy. That's why it took a whole hour.'
When the crackling audio started, he expected some weird alien language. Maybe squawks and high-pitched squeals mixed with musical woofs. Maybe they wouldn't talk at all, and images would beam directly into his mind. Maybe they'd talk in practiced English with a Midwestern drawl like their other resident alien.
Instead he heard a low, guttural voice growling out of his computer speakers. "Robin," it said. "Are you in position?"
A Better Cage - Mangaluva
Note: I was absolutely DELIGHTED to see a Young Justice Crossover with the Justice Lords (Earth-50) from the animated Justice League series, which is near and dear to my heart. I admit I haven’t really had much time to hunker down and read this, but even skimming, it’s an intriguing piece of work. Also, Justice Lords.
Summary: Wally's grateful to have woken up at all, really. He just doesn't know what to make of the world he's woken up in. At least they want to find a way to his world as much as he does, if not exactly for the same reasons...
Common People - AmariT
Note: The Bat boys are all Bruce’s blood sons, but it still feels very much like a found family. I haven’t really read everything in this series, but I feel the author has an amazing grip on all the characters. Lovely and heartwarming.
Summary: His whole life, Jason’s mom had told him his dad was Bruce Wayne, but he’d never been dumb enough to actually believe it. They lived in a rundown, one-room apartment in the worst part of town, and in every single picture he’d ever seen of that rich bastard he was wearing a suit or sipping champagne worth more than everything they’d ever owned.
But if he wasn’t Bruce Wayne’s kid, then what the hell was he doing sitting outside the man’s office in Wayne Towers?
Red Robin and the Hood - momoejaku
Note: Haven’t read this in a while, but it made an impression. Though it’s a fic set during the Red Robin arc, it very much is about both Tim and Jason. Plus, it fleshes out the Pru and Z a bit more, too.
Summary: Bruce Wayne is dead. Superman brought back his body, and the family mourned him, holding a quiet funeral in secret so that the legacy of Batman could live on. But not everyone has been able to put him to rest.
Reeling from the loss of Bruce, his identity as Robin and his trust in his family, Tim Drake sets out on a personal quest that will take him across the world to prove what he knows in his heart: that Bruce Wayne is alive.
Though intending to make his way alone, Tim reluctantly accepts help from his predecessor, Jason Todd, who knows from personal experience that death is not always as final as it seems.
Together, they are Red Robin and the Hood.
Liminal Spaces - Calamityjim
Note: Skimmed this only since I’ve been busy, BUT it does look well-written, and I’m always a sucker for alternate dimension/dimension travel intervention-type of fix-its. It’s a very specific trope.
Bruce's habit of collecting strays is not limited by dimension.
When Young Justice Batman comes across an angsty, seemingly abandoned by his Batman Tim Drake, he decides to step up to the plate and parent the crap out of him.
Little Bird’s Vengeance - KatHarkness-Katara
Note: Crossover with Avengers. Awesome fic with Tim and Jason and some Outsider POV (via the Avengers) of these dimensional stragglers. I think Tim’s team shows up in the later chapters, too. If you’re reading on mobile, it’s still very much worth reading despite FF.net’s horrible format and abundance of advertisements in the mobile version.
Summary: Why is life never simple? Red Robin's ended up worlds away from home once again, and now what's he to do? What do the Avengers want from him; do SHIELD have another agenda; and is there any way back? Pre-New 52. No slash. Rated for inevitable language/violent themes.
A Displaced Red Robin - dragonprincess1988
Note: Worth reading despite FF.net’s horrible format and abundance of advertisements in the mobile version. Well-written fic! EMOTIONS! I love them. Younger Dick Grayson is adorable, Tim is a competent fixer-upper for other people but not so much himself. He’s kind of angsty and making YJ Dick want to keep him (and YJ Bruce, too, if you read between the lines). On the plus side, seems like he’s making good friends with Young Justice Roy. This fic was written before certain episodes of YJ came out, though, and the fic reflects/will continue to reflect that. Still, I give it five stars.
Author’s Summary: Tim gets transported to the cartoon Young Justice world, and he's not sure he knows how to deal with it. Attention: If you want to know about Artemis or people from Tim's world the final note on my profile is for you. Also, a special thank you to angel-gidget over at Tumblr, who made the wonderful cover art for this story.
The Till-then From the Ever Since - Keiron O_Duibhir
Note: Fandom classic. Definitely a must-read for Batfam fans, in my humble opinion.
Summary: It began, or seemed to begin, with Jason.
Usually that would have meant something in the order of fire and explosion and probably at least one gunshot wound, but for once (as Tim said, sourly), it wasn't actually Jason's fault.
The Wayne Family Ghost - pupeez4eva
Note: Please read this. Especially if you’re sad or anxious or just have time. I couldn’t stop laughing. It’s my go-to cheer-up fic. Absolutely hysterical.
Summary: In which Bruce realizes that having a legally dead son, who regularly hangs around the family, might be slightly problematic. 
Bloodline - chibi_nightowl
Note: Complicated family dynamics, this time centering around Tim, Selina, Bruce and, surprisingly, Damian. Jason and Dick make an appearance as supportive big bros, too. It works. Take a read, it isn’t that long.
“Mr. Drake, I can’t think of a better way to say this, so I’ll just be blunt. This file is for your first adoption. By the Drakes.”
Tim blinked. “My what?”
“You were adopted as a newborn by Jack and Janet Drake.”
“Excuse me, but what the fuck are you talking about?”
Talon!Tim AU Series by keeptogethernow
Note: Found family, from a different angle. Cool fic and well-written.
Summary of Tso’ape Mumbichi, first in the series: Ten years ago, two people made a deal with the devil--unlimited funds in exchange for their child. And now it's time to pay up. But there's no way to ensure that the child will cooperate.
Shutterbug Series by goldkirk
Note: Exactly what it says on the tin! Found family.
Tim Drake is thirteen, runs the famous BatWatch blog that has spiraled hilariously out of control, has absentee parents that suit his purposes just fine, is training himself to run the streets at night, and is doing absolutely peachy, thank you.
Alfred and Jason disagree, and get Dick and Bruce involved in figuring out their weird next door neighbor kid’s life. Everything goes uphill from there.
Thursday’s Child - anthalogia
Note: Well-written and has found family and Tiny!Tim? Automatic win.
He’s not the first child with nowhere else to go that Bruce Wayne has taken in. Dick Grayson was the first and the most high-profile – because no one would have thought Bruce Wayne was interested in ever raising a child, let alone the orphaned son of circus performers – but Jason was maybe just as much of a shock to society for being a street kid who came out of seemingly nowhere. Tim Drake is ordinary by comparison – his parents died in a plane accident. He can’t think of anything very special about him except that he met Bruce a few times when his parents hosted parties to keep in touch with Gotham society.
Or, tiny Tim Drake is adopted by the Waynes a little earlier than scheduled.
We’re Not Driving (How did we get here?) - TimTheToaster
Note: Short and sweet, a little angsty, and then very sweet.
Tim stared at his phone, as if that would change what was on the screen.
Dick Grayson @FlyingDGrayson
It took some doing, and in some cases a little blackmail, but we've finally got the whole family together for a movie night! #WayneManor #movienight #familytime #schedulingisanightmare
15 minutes ago
Take It Back Now Y’all - TimTheToaster
Note: And Tiny!Jason has made his appearance. Also, Tim, I am begging you to please take care of yourself—ah, Bruce has made his appearance. Interesting. Also, I gotta say this author is good.
There was absolutely no way this sunshine was from Gotham in April.
Not possible.
Which meant, Tim was no longer in Gotham, in April.
(In which Tim finds himself in the past, and tries to do the right thing. It's more complicated than he'd like.)
Takes a Little Time, Takes a Lotta Twine (To Get Us Back Together) - TimTheToaster
Note: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, beginning of reconciliation, and brotherhood. A satisfying, cathartic moment during the Red Robin arc to soothe your heart.
Tim was in Gotham.
Tim had pretty specifically been avoiding thinking about Dick as much as possible for the last few weeks.
For the last year, really. No need to open that can of carnivorous worms.
Dick had other plans.
Everybody’s Heard (Bird is the Word) - TimTheToaster
Red Robin Era ANGST, but like, deliciously well-written. Also, protective Dad Bruce is always epic. Light bashing of Green Arrow and BC, though. But considering the situation (in this fic), kind of warranted.
5 times Batman heard other heroes talking about his wayward brother,
And 1 time they were talking about his son.
A Choice to Make - scorbusfics
Note: fresh and interesting premise! Cool world building, too.
Summary: They have to choose. Dick and Bruce have to choose one person each to save, and one to disappear through the door.
“Send one of us,” Dick says fiercely, not for the first time. His face is dark and angry and desperate, eyes flicking from brother to brother. “Send one of us instead. I won’t choose.”
“Neither will I,” Bruce says.
But Tim knows.
Secret Places - RenaRoo
It’s ANGST, but the author knows how to use it well. Also, Jason’s line at the end killed me. Damn.
Summary: Tim Drake goes missing. The search to find him begins.
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