lostwillow · 4 months
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And if your heart wears thin, i Will hold you up, and I will hide you if it gets too much, I'll be right beside you -Beside You, Marianas Trench
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lostwillow · 4 months
"I guess I just haven't seen a ton of movies," she shrugged. It wasn't something her family was really big on and she hadn't really been interested in them when she left home. It was much easier to get access to a library for books than find somewhere to watch TV when you were living in your car. Not that she would ever regret that decision. "But I guess I am pulling a Grease 2, yea. I know what's gone into it if I do it myself and the guy that owns the shop in town...well...let's just say he's not a huge fan of mine."
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Her gaze was drawn to where he pointed and she nodded. There were actually a lot more options than she thought there would be for a town this size but she definitely wasn't complaining. It wasn't the first scrap yard she had gone digging through for parts and it very likely wouldn't be the last given her penchant for slightly used things. "Ok, great," she answered him without really taking her eyes off the options, already sizing them up, "Do you have a set price for things or do you charge by weight?"
Honestly, the fact she was just so blunt and to the point, not even a hint of annoyance in the face of Jesse's less than hospitable attitude, made the man kind of like her immediately. Now that, was a tough girlie. It already wasn't too hard to see why Tyler and Avery might be getting real stupid over her.
"You're kidding," Jesse said, skeptical, as she made comment of not getting his Grease 2 reference. "Everyone has seen Grease." Sure, maybe the first one, but the sequel? It was so niche, not as many even knew it existed, so she probably couldn't be blamed for it. "There's a scene in it where the guy goes to the junkyard to buy the carcass of a motorbike and build it back to life," he bothered to explain.
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"Well," Jesse took a step back to consider the yard and its contents around them before he pointed towards a pile of junk nearest a section of the fence. "I'd say the best-in-shape ones are probably over there." He then looked back to Willow. "I'll just assume you know what you're doing, then." Right? Because if she didn't know her way around building an entire vehicle from its chassis and up, then why the hell else would she come around saying that's what she planned on doing? Jesse had no reasons to doubt her ability yet. "Just go ahead," he shrugged then, "grab whatever you need. God knows I could use more room in this place anyway." Since Avery was sweet on her, Jesse would low-key do him a solid and maybe give him brownie points by simply giving her run of his lot, no fees included.
You're welcome, Ave.
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lostwillow · 4 months
Being around Avery was much more relaxing than Willow expected it to be. There was no pressure to do or say anything and she could wear much more comfortable clothes than she went out with Bailey in. And it didn't drain her like being around a lot of people did. It was just like hanging out with herself really. Although he was much more inclined to put on a movie than read a book, which she was learning to live with. The comfort he provided usually ended up with her fast asleep on his couch though he was always careful not to touch her. Not intentionally anyway.
It was one such evening and he had been quiet. It was so unlike him, at least toward her, but she figured he'd talk about it when he was ready and resumed her regular routine of curling up tightly on one end of the couch and drifting off. Somewhere between asleep and awake she adjusted herself and her foot slid closer to where Avery sat. Skin just barely touching his hand. It was enough.
Tyler's apartment was familiar but the scene in front of her was not. An extremely agitated Avery and an equally worked up Tyler. Were they fighting? It felt like a dream but it didn't feel like her dream. And that's when she realized...the fight was about her.
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With: Willow @lostwillow Where: Avery's place After the talk with Tyler Avery had decided he was gonna pull himself away for a bit, but, he already had made plans with Willow, and besides if he was gonna be away it was best to have at least this one hang out for a while. They were on his couch, watching a movie, Avery couldn't help but to think about that conversation with Tyler, the way they pretty much yelled at each other, over Willow, not that this was her fault at all, if anyone was innocent in all of this, it was Willow herself. Avery fells his eyes getting heavier, he leans back on the couch, honestly he was so lost in thougts he had no clue was happening in the movie, the wolf closes his eyes, the argment with his friend in his mind, Avery drifts off the sleep.
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lostwillow · 4 months
Willow couldn't help but smirk. There was quiet and then there was secretive. When she first moved here she thought most people were the former but the longer she lived here, everyone had a secret. Usually more than one. And the best way to keep a secret was to just not speak. While she couldn't definitively prove that's what was going on, it was usually best to assume there was always something more.
"So you just sick of drinking alone or you have some soft spot for waitresses?" She finally raised the bottle to her lips and took a long pull. Her eyebrow twitched as she tried to contain her curiosity.
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He nodded, thinking that she must be right, he himself never really looked at nametags or got very friendly with anyone and just ate quietly in his corner wherever he is. Knowing the people in the den for example was simply due to the fact that he visited the place too often and hung out with the pack at times there. He nodded as he ignored wanting to prove to see if she was nervous or annoyed right now, deciding to let it go and let her be what she was without knowing, as she seemed to be wanting to keep a straight face. "Yea, that's true, I think I know most people by their face and not their names, so it's something you get used to," he added, not wanting to ask her further as she didn't seem like she wanted to share her name. He was sure that it would come up at some point on its own. He took another sip, noting she hadn't drank yet and wondered again if she was actually allowed to do so while still working.
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lostwillow · 4 months
There had to be something wrong with him. Why was he acting so out of character? Was the town doing something strange again? It wasn't completely outside the realm of possibility but then it was also possible that he just wanted to avoid this conversation. She wanted to avoid this conversation if she was honest. But here she was, attempting to fix it anyway. Though she wasn't exactly sure why.
But she actually stopped to listen to what he was saying and not the completely out of pocket way he was saying it. Flirting. Club. Drinking. She had never done any of those things with or around Nathan. His wife, or future wife, maybe. But never him.
"Twin," she repeated stupidly. Nathan had a twin. She had no idea. Probably something you'd think he'd mention at some point but now that she really thought about it, he'd never mentioned a family before. And she only realized he was from Greywood when she saw him here. "I'm...I'm not his type," she continued in agreement but couldn't form any other answer. Her eyes just intently took in his face trying to find any difference to the one she knew.
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The fae’s brows furrowed as he looked at her in utter confusion.  “Honey, I am going to need you to take it down a notch…actually several notches.”  Mikael commented in a more feminine tone.  “Whatever this is,” he motioned with his hands towards both of them.  “It ain’t ever going to happen, I understand not everyone has a gaydar.”  Although with Mikael, he was fairly sure anyone that talks to him knows instantly.  “Don’t get me wrong, I am totally flattered and whatever happened at the club or whatnot.  Just know I was probably drinking and having a good time and I’ll flirt with just about anyone.”  Of course, he didn’t fully listen to her and did not catch what she was saying.  Mikael was off in his own little world and only heard a few of her words and piecemealed them together.
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And then she mentioned years and he was now just more baffled than before.  “Years?  What the hell are you,” before finishing his sentence he rolled his eyes dramatically.  “Gurl, you got the wrong twin.  You don’t really strike me as Nathan’s type, but whatever is going on there please do spill. I’ve been out of the loop the last few years.”
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lostwillow · 4 months
Willow rolled her eyes. Of course her friend wasn't wearing panties. This was a huge reason why they were friends in the first place, they both knew how to have a good time. Or at least, how to party like it was your job. "Your metaphorical panties then, unbunch those."
"You gotta be careful with that," she laughed as she checked that the bus boy in question was in fact working but hadn't heard. Bailey was quite capable of delivering a threat when it was called for, and backing it up, but mostly she was harmless. "It's a burger place," Willow smirked as she slid into her chair in the out of the way table, "So obviously I'm getting the nachos. But I haven't had anything bad yet so that's a good sign. And I think they have your drink of choice here so."
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Once they reached the restaurant, Bailey turned towards her.  “It felt like ages,” she commented playfully.  “Who said I was wearing panties?”  The vampire smirked as she walked right past her friend to walk inside.  “Oh, if he knows what is good for him, he will come out with us.  Okay, that sounded a bit more threatening than I intended.”  At times, Bailey would speak before thinking her words through.  Bailey led them towards the back corner so they could have some privacy and talk about whatever they wanted without the judgment of the rest of the patrons of the establishment.  “Alright, so what do they have here that’s good?”
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lostwillow · 4 months
Two winters he'd been out here. So he'd come here while she was in town being an absolute menace. She really needed to grow up and it was starting to look like now was the time to do it. Her friend that she'd known most of her life had been dropped off in the woods right near where she was, whether anyone from her old life knew that or not, and she was none the wiser. The concern on her face was apparent but she just nodded. His tone made it sound like he was unconcerned with the whole thing.
"Yea, safe, warm, and fed," she agreed. Those were three things she did have now. Mostly. But they weren't things she could say she had before. She may have always been fed, but then she wasn't always safe, and if she was, she probably wasn't warm. Not that it compared to his situation at all. All it did was confirm to her why she left that old life. None of them were human in the most basic sense of the word. "So have you ever thought about it? Moving into a little apartment? Being the 'big three'?"
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Japser thought for a moment, puzzling over the question. He wasn't sure how long he'd been just about anywhere. His toes curled into the mud idly, seemingly unable to stay still for more than a few mere moments. "Well, I know I've only seen snow here once. So, maybe only one Winter. But, I know it was cold when I got here, so, maybe two? I'm going to say two at most. The Summers are a lot easier, I can tell you that for nothing."
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He smiled at the concept of her little apartment. A small part of him wanted a little apartment for himself. Though, at this point, even if he got one, he likely wouldn't know what to do with it. He was set in his ways, as seemingly inconsistent and vastly unorganised as his ways were. "Safe and warm. They're, like, two of the three big ones, aren't they? Safe, warm and fed, I think. You can get those here too, just, usually not all at the same time."
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lostwillow · 4 months
"I knew you were a capable hunter," Willow praised with a laugh as she opened the package with her free hand. It was probably going to be the death of her but she just loved anything sweet, probably why she was so stuck on Tyler. But no, that wasn't a thought she could entertain.
"Have I told the one about the two hunting dogs of Orion?" She bit off a piece of red vine and then used the end of the candy to point out the stars she was referencing and trace their connections. "Canis Major and Minor but they include Sirius, the dog star. That one has a few different backgrounds to it. Or the one about Ganymede? The constellation is actually called Aquarius but the myth behind it is about a woman named Ganymede."
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Tyler reached down and took Willow's hand, lacing there fingers together. Tyler adjusted slightly and looking up at the sky, looking at the stars for a moment before he looked back to Willow. "So what stories do you have for me tonight?" Tyler asked a smile dancing on his lips. He liked his time with Willow, whenever they found each. they spent hours just talking and looking at stars. Tyler shifted a little and pulled his bag closer, pulling his hand away from Willow for a moment before he opened his bag. "And I have red vines." Tyler grinned as he handed the pack over to Willow. "It was hard work, getting them. But here you go." Tyler laughed as he took Willow's hand in his own again.
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lostwillow · 4 months
Willow nodded but she really had no idea. It wasn't like she had a ton of experience with friends to really draw from. But what she did know was if anyone was going to get it and be understanding, it was probably Avery. She had already seen the way he grew up and the things that he went through. And here he was, reassuring her that it was all going to be ok. That had to really count for something.
"Yea probably," she shrugged but her mask was back on. It wasn't going to slip again any time soon but there was a part of her that hoped she could learn how to take it off. "But I guess that just means the song is good, right? Music isn't good unless it moves you."
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Avery smiles, all that he wants is to make her feel comfortable around him, but he knows for some peole this takes time,he opens up easily and Willow seems to get it out of him even more than ussual, but it was like he had told her, he didn't expect it back, it was fine that She'd take all the time she needed to get there.
"And thats all that I need" he makes a gesture of shaking her hand, without having to touch her, smilling a bit as he does so, "Why don't we let me be the judge of that? And if you do, its like you said you warn me first, plus, some times we accidently hurt our friends, its sad but it happens."
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"Okay," Ave nods, a gentle smile on his lips, "Lets go eat, I think we both had our fair share of emotions for the night, right?"
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lostwillow · 4 months
"Got it," she smirked with a twitch of her eyebrow as he introduced herself. Something about his attitude made it so painfully obvious that he would be friends with Avery. Someone who Willow had talked out of a bad mood the very first time they met without really meaning to. Was it just this town that did that to people? She wasn't the easiest to get along with when she moved here either.
Willow sucked in a breath and looked around as he brought everything back to why she had showed up here in the first place. "Uh, yea, something like that I guess. I don't really know what Grease 2 is but yes I am building a car. My current situation is just not working anymore and instead of trying to continually keep it running, I figured I'd start from scratch. Maybe go smaller. Better gas mileage and all that."
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Maybe he was looking too hard into it, but Jesse thought he saw her visibly relax after Avery's name was mentioned. What was she so on edge about? "It's not," Jesse confirmed. In fact, most people he'd for sure seen at least in passing and the rest, probably through word-of-mouth or gossips. The place wasn't so hard to figure out in terms of the locals. But he was only here because it happened to have a never-ending stream of strangers passing on through, which is where his interest lay. Clearly, his sister wasn't a local or he'd have found her by now, but she might very well come through here some point or may have had already and he just needed to find the person who noticed her.
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"We grew up in Arizona-- is this what you're here to discuss now, me and Avery?" Jesse asked, pointedly redirecting things back to her initial query. "I only brought him up so you wouldn't be weirded out on how I know your name." It seemed pretty common sense to him. "Now me," the male rested a hand on his chest, "I'm Jesse, right? So we got the pleasantries out the way and we're all acquainted.." It wasn't her fault for his mood, honestly, and Avery would probably be on his ass if he found out how poorly he was behaving... But, oh well? People were allowed to have their bad days, right? He was having a shit one. Wasn't like he was outright antagonizing the woman. "So-- the sedan chassis," he reminded her then with an expectant look. "What, you planning to go full Grease 2 on us but instead of a bike, you're building a car?"
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lostwillow · 4 months
Willow nodded. He was finally catching on to what she'd been saying but it still felt very tenuous. She were sure that if she moved too fast he'd go back to the skittish animal he had been just a few minutes ago. How odd that someone could be scared of her. Tiny little human that she was. She chuckled lightly. "I'm not a big fisherman if I'm being honest so I'll have to take your word for it. How many winters have you been out here anyway?"
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She should be used to wolves and the way they navigate things by now but it still always made her furrow her brow for a moment when they talked about smelling things out. "Yea, I live in town. Have a little apartment all to myself. It's not a lot but it keeps me safe and warm so, it's not so bad really."
He looked at her for a moment, for the first time since they'd met each other again, actually bothering to take in her features and appreciate who exactly he was dealing with. Normally, looks weren't important. He followed scents until they lead to something. Once that something was dealt with, one way or another, it didn't need to be considered again. But, this was different. He wanted to consider her - often.
"Yeah, we're friends. Aren't we? We're friends." He repeated with a small but continuous nodding of the head, as if he was cementing the idea in his own mind as well as in hers. For the first time since they'd encountered one another, he relaxed his posture, allowing his legs to uncurl into the dirt enough that he could untense his muscles. "Oh, I know all about overthinking. You should try fishing in the dead of winter. Can spend all day with just your thoughts, and not even a fish to show for it." He chuckled, dully. "So, you must live somewhere nearby now, right? I've not smelt you around here before. So, I'll take it you live in town?"
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lostwillow · 4 months
Willow flinched slightly when he called her by a nickname. She had heard them numerous times but it was usually reserved for people who knew her best and that list was very small these days. It wouldn't hurt to add one more to the list. Something told her she was going to need all the friends she could get and that same feeling of dread was the one usually propelling her to run.
"Ok," she sucked in a deep breath, "I'll be Willow and you be Avery. And I'll do my best here but in all actuality, I'm probably going to let you down. I'll try not to. But I just want it to be known, I did warn you." She smiled and her nose wrinkled up. God this was uncomfortable for her. It felt like a concession of some kind.
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"I really am starving though so," she crossed her arms and then dropped her hands back to her lap unsure of how to act now that it felt like he was inside of her head instead, "Can we eat or...talk about something else? I dunno. I'm not any good at this."
"No, hey!" Avery smiles, he doesn't want to make her feel like just because she told him about, she'll have to read it to him or something, he was just making coversation, and it was like he told her, some people wrote from themselves and they didn't want others to see it that was pefectly fine, "I get it, like I said, some people don't like sharing their writting and that's valid, you ain't gotta worry, baby, it's okay," Avery smiles, honestly he doesn't want her to feel forced to anything. "Will..." Avery wispers as she goes on about all that, he gets up, kneeling in front of her, though this time he makes no efford to hug her, he doesn't want her feeling wrose than she already does, "Willow?" Ave calls, out softly, "Baby, hey, look at me," he smiles, "I don't expect anything from you, I don't expect you to--open up like that ,this fine, some people take time with this things and that's okay," Honeslty he never wanted her to feel presured, to feel like she had to give back, she would if she was willing to, not out of an obligation, "Willow, I just wanna be your friend, but doesn't mean there's rules you gotta follow, you'll have my back, that's all I need," he smiles gently, God, it was painful to hear her say all those things about herself, "I'm fine with you telling me what you wanna tell me, and if that's nothing, then nothing It'll be, It's enough to--just hangout and share my love with music with you," of course he'd like to know her better, but its not his place to demand any of this, "No," Avery shakes his head, "I don't care how broken you are, or how broken you think you are, you are not my project or anyone elses, I don't wanna fix you, it's not my place to, I'll be here to help you if you want to ever work on yourself, but I would never, ever demand anyhting or try to change you to fit my views of what you should be like! I just want you to be you. That's all, if that's someone that's got problems and run away and stays out of touch for weeks and the comes over to knock on my door, I don't care. I want to be WIllow's friend, not the--version of I think a good friend is, or a perfect girl is, I just want you to be Willow, and I'll be Avery, and that's enough. Okay?" he tilts his head as he looks over her, "I'm probably--being too opened right now, and I hope I'm not scarying you, what I mean is, I don't know you that well, but you are enough," Maybe this sound silly to her, maybe she'd get cared and leave, but he wanted her to hear it, "This is enough," he gestures at the both of them, "You don't sound crazy. Some people are less open than other and that's okay, me? I blad about my feelings and my life and give a fucking ear full on--a year in the life of Avery,to anyone that gives me a minute of attention," he laughs, "But I don't expect you to do the same, okay?" he smiles, "If you want to be that person, you can, but changing its hard work and it takes time, I don't expect you to just tell me everything like that, so, it's okay, I understand. Baby steps,right?"
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lostwillow · 5 months
Willow actually giggled when his wolf nudged her. She patted him gently and went back to watching the sky as she waited for him to join her. It felt like fate to have all of the things she dreamt about and wrote about to be confirmed for her. Someone who shouldn't believe in the magic of life was the one that actually knew about it. She was lucky. She could admit that at least.
"I guess you need some more hunting practice then," she smiled at him and her eyes slid closed as he kissed her forehead. It was a sweet gesture and that monster in her stomach reared its ugly head. She didn't deserve sweet. Especially not from him. Last time they had found each other it was him that bailed but before that it had been her. She couldn't blame him for retaliating. But now that she knew it was because of this change happening to him, the guilt was always there. Running under her skin in her veins. But in true Willow fashion, she stayed. He made her feel comfortable. "Hi," she grinned.
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Tyler was enjoying his time as a wolf, now that he understood it better and was able to control it. Tyler often shifted into his wolf side and just ran for miles. He didn't care where he went, he just ran. Sometimes he ran into Willow, which was always fun. Spending hours or days together. Tyler smiled as he tilted his head as he heard noise coming, near by. Cautiously, Tyler moved towards the sound, interested in what it was. He stopped a few feet away, watching before he noticed the familiar scent.
Tyler moved towards Willow, watching as she sat up and spoke to him. Once he got close enough Tyler dropped the backpack that he held between his teeth he crouched down and nuzzled Willow gently. Shifting back Tyler picked up the back pack again and moved to where her van was parked. Shifting back into his human form, Tyler quickly dressed and moved back to Willow. "Red vines are hard to find in the wild, quick little things they are." Tyler said as he laid down next to Willow, he leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. "Hi." Tyler said softly.
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lostwillow · 5 months
Willow was actually taken aback as he said her name. Her eyes roved over his face trying to find something familiar there. She was sure she hadn't met him before but there were a lot of people in and out of the restaurant. Or maybe it was when she was out with Bailey. Or...it was Avery. She let out a breathy laugh and relaxed. "Oh, yea. Yea I do know him. Met when he moved here but I guess, it's not that big of a town so." And it felt like it was getting smaller and smaller the longer she stayed.
Her brow furrowed as she started to realize the meaning behind his words, the reason for her trip to the scrapyard was starting to fade into the background. There was no way for him to know that she knew Avery if he hadn't mentioned her. And she couldn't really think of a logical reason for him to have done that. Maybe the song, or singing at Harley's. But neither of those really needed her to be mentioned by name. But wait, she hadn't given her name. He recognized her. "So..." she shifted uncomfortably, "How do you know Avery?"
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"Well now that'd be fairly obvious, wouldn't it?" Jesse's sarcasm eased into his words as his arms unfolded and he gave a rather sweeping gesture towards the large lot of junked items all around them. "There's a whole plethora of 'em, take your pick." Indeed, there was probably every piece of scrap needed to rebuild an entire vehicle several times over. Base frames of just about any kind of motor vehicle one could come up with probably littered the area. And that was for vehicles. The rest of it was chock full of old broken appliances and random scrap metals, there was truly no rhyme or reason to this absolute mess of a place that was probably someone's worst nightmare for tetanus fears. There wasn't any kind of system in place because quite honestly, he took it off some old man's hands who wasn't anymore organized than he was, and only continued the chaotic mess. Also, the junkman just didn't care. It wasn't like he planned to stay in Greywood forever so he wasn't too concerned what kind of code violations this place could have-- if they took it and locked him out of the fence, then that'd just be his cue he overstayed his welcome anyway.
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As the woman came towards him, Jesse's eyes narrowed in recognition as he realized it was her. That sandwich shop girl-- what was her name? The freckle-faced girl he'd briefly encountered at the burger restaurant she worked at yet never really spoke to, either. The one Avery had gotten a bit sweet on. "Willow," her name came off his lips verbally, as his previous mood seemed to morph now more into a curiosity of sorts. "Right? Yeah, we got a mutual-- Avery."
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lostwillow · 5 months
It was strange to her what he could be convinced of and what he was stuck on. Like it seemed logical to him that parents would be terrible to them and maybe they deserved that to some extent. That a step-father could shoot a child without remorse and then leave them in the woods with nothing. That a father could nearly kill his child and still feel relieved when she runs away. Like the trash took itself out. But it could all be boiled down to one word. It sucked. That was it. But then he couldn't seem to wrap his head around why she brought him food. Such a simple gesture was what he got stuck on.
"I mean, you could say that," she snorted. "We're friends so yea I think that means I like who you are Jas. And I don't want to see you suffer." That was exactly his analogy. He would share with someone he didn't want to see die. And she didn't want to see him die. "It's as simple as that. Trust me, overthinking it doesn't make it any easier."
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"Then, that's all there is to it." he shrugged, repeating his own thought from earlier as he couldn't find a better way to explain it that he already had. It was what it was and it wasn't anything worth thinking about. Whether he hated his family or missed them terribly, it wouldn't put food in his belly or a blanket over him in the shivering cold. Sometimes, these things just had to be compartmentalised for the sake of survival. Sorted into a filing cabinet and locked away forever.
He didn't want to exclusively say that he wouldn't catch a rabbit for her. But, he couldn't know for sure that if he caught two rabbits today, he would even catch one tomorrow. It seemed foolish to him to give away leftovers instead of hang onto them for times of hunger. "I wouldn't give just anybody a rabbit, though. Just someone I didn't want to see die. Is that what it is?" It was the best he could offer by way of processing empathy. He'd trod all over a stranger if it benefitted himself, but, he wasn't sure he could do it to someone he cared about. "Do you like me, or something?"
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lostwillow · 5 months
Of course he was going to be difficult about this. She may have crossed a line but she wasn't a complete bitch, though he probably thought so. Not that she could blame him at this point. She had found that button that clearly set him off and she slammed that bitch like whack a mole. She laughed and shook her head regretting her choice to stop him already. But now that she had there really wasn't any going back.
"Yea well, I still don't think I was wrong but it doesn't exactly matter anymore since we're both here. And this town is not that big so we are going to run into each other again. So I just need to say I didn't mean it the way it sounded. Ok? I get you were having a hard time with your...relationship. Or whatever. And that can make someone crazy." Not that she would even know. Sleeping with someone was not the same as being with someone. Given how many people she had seen get raked over the coals, she figured she didn't even want to try and go down that road. Bailey kept telling her that the more she questioned it too. "I mean it's been years. At some point you gotta move on, right?"
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Although not fully settled in Greywood, Mikael was finding a norm and was in the process of closing the deal with the purchase of The Vault.  It was not the best investment, but he wanted something to keep his mind off things and of course add his little twist to the place.  As he walked down the street towards the establishment to give it another look over, he was suddenly bombarded by a young woman.
“Hello?”  He offered, a bit confused as to why she was talking to him.  Like much of the time, Mikael had his judgmental bitch face perfectly plastered as she started to rattle on, causing him to roll his eyes.
“Oh honey,” he looked at her with some confusion but more judgment than anything.  “You’re barking up the wrong tree.”  Perhaps it was because of his time away from Greywood, but it never occurred to him that she thought she was talking to Nathan and not him.  Mikael  just figured, he met her at a club and she tried to hook up with him or something along those lines.
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lostwillow · 5 months
"Dramatic," Willow rolled her eyes at her friend. Technically Bailey was older than her but sometimes it felt like the reverse. Of course, Bailey also had a lot longer to mature than Willow did. That was part of the appeal of their friendship though, everything could be fun and light and there was no requirement to be serious about literally anything. Serious meant dark and Willow hated going there. She actively avoided it and the brunette helped her. "Look we're here," she gestured to the front of Harley's that just came into view, "So untwist those panties and take a deep breath. And we'll see if the bus boy you want is here. Maybe we can convince him to come out with us and then your evening is taken care of."
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“Oh, I guess that makes sense,” she commented with a shrug.  Truth of the matter was that she didn’t care much if it didn’t pertain to her or the two of them having fun.  She showed interest only because she thought there might be some fun juicy story to unfold, but it ended up being dull in her views.
While the two strolled down the pavement towards the burger place, Bailey looked over at her friend.  “Well, I guess that’s good to know.  I do try to keep it real.”  Although Bailey would lie in a heartbeat if it meant causing some mischief and drama for her own pleasure.  But, she hadn’t found a reason for it right now.
“Damn, how much further is this place you wanted to eat at?”  She asked, not tired just wanting to chill before they went and got some drinks and hopefully a nice hookup.
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