#like after she discovers her being aroace
did you like Loveless? I read it so long ago when I didn't even know a lot about aro/ace thingy, I don't really remember. I read it like 2-3 years ago ig
It was very relatable, and very sweet
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deafsignifcantother · 4 months
if music be the food of love chapter three
♥ here you go lovies, it's series time | chapter one, chapter two, chapter four ♥ relationships: aroace Alastor x deaf female reader (queerplatonic to romance) ♥ word count: 2.4k ♥ pinterest board ♥ notes: chapter summary: alastor is a bit uncomfortable with how close he is with reader, which has never happened before since their friendship was private, but now that she is in the hotel he realizes that he has a potential weakness ♥ no tag list rn :3
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Every now and then, in the room across from you, quiet jazz would play, rich only under the sound of your music, but it still reeks of exclamation uncharacteristic of the music's Earthly presence. It's a blistering noise that requires the knock on a door to stop. The sight of Alastor whenever he opens his bedroom door at the interruption of a knock strikes fear into the other residents. His smile is deadly, and his eyes burn into his peers. They get reminded of his power.
His charming mystery.
And he made the dress less than six inches from you when you slept. After a stirless sleep, you wake up to a dress draped on the mattress by your feet. The first thing you notice is the lace layers that are guaranteed to itch your skin. Tonight is your welcome party, a last-minute plan (due to your sudden appearance). There will be no dress code, no inch of modesty, but Alastor decides himself that you will be covered. Suffice it to say it is not a surprise, especially considering he isn't a fan of modern nudity, puffy skirts with breasts peeking out, heels too high to walk comfortably on dirt, and so forth, and would throw up if he saw you in such. Possessive or protected?
What you want to reveal is no business with him (as if you really would). But you are ready for your life to be led by his smiles and soft touches, as your new public appearance will need guidance; you are ignorant of current times. Or that's what you tell yourself.
Your old clothes, once your trusted companions, are now reclined over the lounge chairs by the fireplace. They have transformed like you (how did you end up at the Hazbin Hotel after being a fierce overlord?) into something different, something less familiar. But still, a better thought fuels you: this is a chance to renew.
After dressing, loosening your collar, and fidgeting with the length of your sleeves, you enter the hallway, not at all shy but not confident enough to assert your presence. The first good morning to Alastor is the hardest. You quickly discover that it flusters you to greet him so close to the time when you wake up. By his smile, you just know that your music is playing a symphony; curse that thing.
Your mind wanders into a world of memories, the fancy clothes you used to dress him in, the smile he would give you, and your music conjures the same smile; that's where you remember it from.
"See?" He motions up and down you. "The most exquisite lady I've seen in my death."
You almost finish an eye roll before he grabs your hand and kisses the back of it. The movement is not prolonged at all but so swift that you barely have a chance to process it. The way he swiftly turns around, his head going before his body, hints as to why. He must pull away before anybody spots the affection.
There could have been a better banner, but Angel spilled paint over one of the corners, and Charlie spent a few minutes crying in the limited time. You stare up at it with amazement anyway. Whose handwriting is that? It's better than most of the overlords.
"I don't think I've ever painted a banner before," you sign to Alastor. He nods, looking up at it, his smile growing. You continue, "I wonder if they would have let me help."
"Your own welcome sign? Not a chance, though Charlie loves a group activity, perhaps it was a bonding exercise."
Charlie hops over at the sight of her name sign, finally overcoming the awkwardness and not wanting to interrupt a conversation. Somehow, she thinks ASL feels more personal. Well, as do most hearing people.
"Do you like it? Do you like it?" She signs in only two motions, her eyes bright when she sees you understand her.
You give a small smile, placing your hands on hers to calm her down, her touch is extremely warm, before signing. "Thank you so much for this, I feel very welcomed. You're so kind."
"Yes," a simple word as her eyebrows furrow slightly with frustration at her small vocabulary. "I tried!"
Your eyes look around at the people, each patiently waiting for you to initiate a conversation by walking up. Since when did they get so awkward?
The moment you walk away, Charlie turns her attention to Alastor.
You give Nifty a small smile, looking at the cookies she impatiently holds. In contrast, Angel holds onto her waist, ensuring she doesn't rush over to you the moment she sees you. She drops the tray when you approach conversation stops, and they rattle on the metal. Angel lets her go with a slight look of hesitation. He doesn't even acknowledge you.
"A dress! A beautiful one!" She runs her fingers down her own dress as a classifier.
You nod. "That's due to Alastor, he—"
"Worked his magic? Your red matches his."
"Does it?"
You turn around, glancing for a second at the shade of his suit and then down at your dress. You suppose, but it is a bit darker, though that might be due to velvet. What you notice is your matching sleeves. While looking back at Nifty, she immediately starts signing again. Angel stands awkwardly, unsure if he should walk away, but he pays attention to the signing anyway. Would he be willing to learn? You hope.
"How full is your closet? What do the dresses look like? Are they naughty?"
You pick up a cookie awkwardly, giving it a small bite and signing with one hand only for the first sentence. "Well, Alastor is the one who needs to fill my closet and he hasn't yet. I doubt he'd let me wear something he would consider distasteful."
"How dare he..." she squints her eye at him.
"Right?" The slight smile on your face is contagious enough to lighten her face.
"How's the cookie? Do you like it? I didn't put any roaches in it this time." An invisible laugh leaves her lips.
You look down at it momentarily, a bit skeptical, lifting it again. No insect legs are visible, but you still put it back down, no longer taking bites. You started the day with the same soft classical music from your heart, but now it is a more jolly sound. Praying that you don't start making Angel uncomfortable, you give a small wave, which he returns. Then Husk comes to save the day with a freshly opened bottle in his hand while he signs with the other.
"Ain't seen a lick of sign language before."
"You hadn't either."
He smirks, the friendliness catching you a bit off guard. "First time for everything."
With the most neutral face you can muster in such a friendly environment, you begin to turn away. "Of course there is."
The air lightens as you turn back around, letting Husk and Angel have their conversation. Charlie is still excitedly talking to Alastor, copying his signs, and surprisingly so is Vaggie.
Once they notice you're watching, they stop. Charlie puts her hands behind her back and smiles awkwardly as if she had been caught in an act.
Less than ten minutes later, the event feels tiresome. Having Alastor interpret for you and dealing with hearing people attempting to sign becomes unbearable. Just like at the overlord meetings, you and Alastor side-eye each other constantly. The only positive you can think of is that Husk is not hiding away.
"Awfully tiring," says Alastor, crossing his legs from the couch where he sits next to you. "Why must I be subjected to these superficial conversations."
His claw circling around his knuckles is smooth enough to allure your interest. His hands are so careful, so lovely. Hiding your interest, you give him your usual small smile.
In your imagined scenarios, you can force a yawn and say you are going to bed, and Alastor would be there to tuck you in as he did years ago. Perhaps you'd wake up to a bouquet of dead roses. Foolish girl, you can almost imagine him telling you if he were a mind reader.
As you look around again, scanning to ensure no one has been trying to get your attention, Vaggie's eyes connect with yours. Her brow raises in recognition, understanding. Your shoulders stiffen, and the shame pulsating in your heart is the worst feeling in the world. But that is before Charlie captures your attention again, flashing her same old smile and hopping up and down.
And then she motions behind you. Angel brings out a cake, holding it steadily, looking down at it with a bit of jealousy. Instead of helping when the cake was baking, Angel stood at the kitchen doorway and watched how the residents came together. He was invited to help of course, but he hated what they were celebrating.
You can't help but let your eyes widen. The cookies and now this?
While you wait for Charlie to get ahold of herself and her squeals (as if the cake was made for her), you stand and hold your hands in front of you, not exactly understanding what to do at this moment. Nifty comes to distract you, climbing up your body and fiddling with the collar of your dress. You let her.
"I hope it's good," Charlie figures out how to say. "We cooked together, for you!"
Charlie believes in ending a day with something that can make somebody smile. And here you are, smiling at her, not caring to hide your facial expressions. Your music exposes your emotions enough.
The cake gets placed on the table in front of the couches, and you sit on the carpet, legs folding under you. Your soon-to-be friends huddle around. Will they trust you with a knife? Apparently so, and you make sure to hold it carefully. You're not going to let your status as an ex-overlord scare them enough to not trust you with something as simple as a knife. It slices perfectly, the cake having a perfect texture, looking so soft inside. Your hand twitches, your claws digging a bit into your palm, but not noticeable enough to worry anyone. Is this a trap? No, Charlie wouldn't allow that. But what if this is why Husk has been so friendly.
You finish slicing, managing to cut it evenly. It reminds you of the living world, the times you've watched people cut cakes, especially as a kid. Alastor doesn't mind your souring mood until he notices that your melodies are transitioning into a minor key. In an instance, unconsciously (well, regrettably subconsciously), he uses his shadows to form next to you, leaning in close while taking the knife from your hand and spinning it, making it disappear into flames. The overall mood hasn't changed, but the moment he moves to summon a plate, your eyes lock on his movements. Alastor has gotten so considerate towards you that he touched something so sweet, holding the plate in his hand with a fork.
It happens, something unpredictable.
Everybody watches as he lifts a bite and holds it to your lips. You blink before your eyes brighten. Just like that, you lean forward and wrap your lips around the fork, your focus sharpening; everybody is watching. It distracts you from basking in the enchanting taste.
"Excellent," he puts the plate down and puts all his effort into not grimacing at the sight of it. "Wasn't that nice?"
You hold your breath, determining whether that is rhetorical or sarcastic. You go along with it, shrugging and leaning a bit forward, tilting your head, something you used to do when you wanted him to touch his forehead with yours.
You pretend he does, closing your eyes to ignore his stiff posture, and you pull away.
Charlie mends you with a gaze as kind as an innocent child. Something passes between you two. Is your attraction to him that obvious? Curses.
That's the most sinister part of Hell.
He walks you to your bedroom just as you hoped he would, but he doesn't step inside. He does wrap his arms around you, though, his voice vibrating against your body. Stop speaking, you want to say, but you don't dare pull away. All you can do is drown in the gratefulness of the once-ordinary affection. His constant withdrawal is obvious, and of course you understand why. But you assumed behind closed doors he would revert back to the lovely language you two share. But no, he doesn't. He doesn't even try.
Pulling away involves letting go of the warmth of his body. You already miss the feeling of his breathing. He puts a hand behind your neck and does what you crave the most, rests his forehead against yours. His bangs brush your hairline, and you smile.
"Thank you," you sign. Alastor's smile grows, becoming soft, and his eyes flicker around, his shadow spinning down the hall before he takes your hand, just like in the morning. He presses his lips to your knuckles, closing his eyes and exhaling while he pulls away. With the moment of eye contact, his hand slips away from you, and without further words, he leaves into his room.
Your bedroom feels especially empty when you close the door in front of him. That's not the way it should be.
The large window attached to your room hardly offers a view of the beautiful city. This hill should be high enough to spot the different sections, but the huge buildings within the middle of the city shields a lot of the environment.
You only get three steps closer to the window when you worry he's just standing in front of your door. It's such a pointless thought, a momentary wish. Maybe he is waiting for you to realize his presence and offer him entrance. But when you open it, you're met with nothing, nobody. Unfortunate.
You need to stop fantasizing like a little girl.
You decide to distract yourself with the privilege of staying at such a prestigious building.
You cut through the sign on the roof toward the dark red lining of the end of the roof. Awestruck, your eyes widen, and you halt in place. You can see the entire Pentagram Circle from high above, and your music gets loud enough to hear from the ground. The different gradients of red you would have never been able to see until now reflect in your eyes, the same way moonlight would. A cool breeze messes with the lace on your sleeves and rubs against your skin as you knew it would when you put the dress on.
When the rare clouds begin to hide the lighting from the radiant Pentagram above, the breeze starts to freeze, and Heaven's clock becomes the brightest light. Back inside you go. As always.
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rebellore · 5 months
Ever After high Sexualities,Genders and pronounses!
Also Their love life and romantic relationships
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1. Apple White:
apple is a Lesbian woman with a insane Comphet that goes by She/Her. She only realized her sexuality after dragon games and had discovered that she did in fact had a crush(obsession) on raven in who she never truly dated but did confess her feelings to, She was rejected but still very much Loved by raven as a friend. she had also dated Darling but they eventually had broken up eventually! She never liked daring and preferred him as a Friend who she does value very much!
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2. Briar Beauty:
Briar is a Bisexual Woman that goes by she/her, Briar wasn’t really interested in anyone before but found apple to be very attractive! She liked hopper but eventually realized she just found him interesting and preferred him as a friend. She ended up crushing on Faybelle for a while and they start dating some time after Epic winter! They have a bit of a toxic relationship tho.
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3. Ashlynn ella:
Ashlynn Ella is a Straight Trans Woman who goes by She/Her, She had transitioned at a young age with the support of her parents! She ended up getting into a secret relationship with Hunter in her first year at EAH!
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4. Blondie lockes
Blondie is a Pansexual Demi-Aroace Woman that goes by she/her, Blondie did not feel attraction to anyone before and used to make up lies about her dating certain students so she could fit in. Eventually she had met cupid in who she is Now happily dating!
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1. Raven Queen:
Raven is a bi woman who goes by She/Her. She had never been that interested in romance due to the fact she was doomed for a horrible fate, Eventually she had caught intense feelings for Dexter. Raven isn’t used to romance or love so she ends up being the most flustered one in her relationship.
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2. Madeline Hatter:
Maddie is a Aroace genderfluid Lesbian that goes by any pronouns! Maddie has never felt romantic attraction to anyone and only feels intense platonic love for her friends. LGBTQ+ is fully accepted in Wonderland as well!
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3. Cerise Hood:
Cerise is a Ace Demi-Girl Lesbian Woman Who goes by She/They, She had a crush on Raven but it ended up being one sided. Cerise at the moment is happily single!
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4. Cedar Wood:
Cedar is a Trans Pansexual Woman Who goes by She/Her, she was made a boy but when she was enchanted to life she found that she felt more comfortable being a Girl, She had a tiny crush on Cerise but it had eventually gone away. She is Single!
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That’s all! ^.^
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green-enby · 1 year
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Heyo! Have you watched Koisenu Futari (恋せぬふたり, Two people who can't fall in love) yet? It's a great series, just 8 episodes long! I binged it in one day :) [smiley]
It focuses on two aromantic asexual people living together. This is a little appreciation post, containing some thoughts that it evoked in me as an aroace.
If you don't want spoilers, please don't read!
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It's so relatable how Sakuko keeps blaming herself all throughout the show… Insecurity stemming from societal expectations that dictate romance is for everyone, and that people who don't date are somehow "failing" in life; I think this affects allos as well.
When I broke off my romantic relationship, I too felt like it had been my fault, for not having been a good enough partner, for not being able to love them in the same way they loved me.
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To finally learn that you are not "defective", that there's other people like you…! I love how the two MCs don't grieve their lack of attraction; Sakuko is perfectly happy discovering she's aroace. She and Takahashi are living their "best life" together.
Sure, many aroaces do wish they were allo, and that needs to be represented too, but this series to me really shined a light over why they want that: it's because amatonormativity is rampant in the world, not because lacking attraction is inherently sad. The main conflicts in the series stem from the clash between allo society and the aroace experience, after all. I think that's neat! It gave me a good dose of aroace joy—while still showing the hurts that come with it, realistically—and I really needed it.
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I didn't expect her to come out to her family so soon, but whoa, that was intense. Her mother's negative reaction is what all people who exclude a-spec people from the LGBTQIA+ community should see, to understand that we face the same issues they do.
I haven't come out to my parents as aroace yet, and watching this made me realize how awful it actually feels to be in the closet. I somehow hadn't realized I am. I've always felt safe coming out to them as other things, as bisexual back in the day, and as trans non-binary.
It might be because my confidence disappeared when they reacted badly both times, but this coming out feels almost impossible.
Comparing it to coming out as bi, it's really not that different: if you're bi, you're promiscuous and date too many people; if you're aroace, you're a prude and cold-hearted. If you break away from the status quo, you're wrong either way.
But at least, most people do eventually understand the bi experience, if they understand same-gender attraction, and fuse it with straightness, even though it's a flawed method.
With aros and aces, instead, it's such an alien concept for an allo, which makes it way harder to come out and have to explain to them how to deconstruct allo-amatonormativity. It's exhausting. Thankfully, there's people like Kazu who are actually willing to learn about us. That gives me hope.
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I feel like it's super eye-opening to find out the concept of romance didn't even exist in the past. Pretty sure that in Europe, it originated during the Middle Ages from the ideal of chivalry. So it's really just a social construct, and opting out of it shouldn't be so controversial!
It's just a set of pointless, annoying rules like having to kiss eachother, having to say "I love you", and doing it all a set amount of times, otherwise it's not good enough. What if we don't want to? What if it doesn't come natural to us? If it's just a social construct, fuck it, I'm not adhering to that! We do whatever makes us happy!
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Even in the series itself, Sakuko too goes through a heartbreak, even if it's not the romantic kind: she valued her friendship and future cohabitation with Chizuru above all else, but Chizuru abandoned her, because of romantic love. It's not true that aroaces have it easy.
Like our MC, we have to deal with fear that we'll come off flirty when we're just being friendly, confusion over concepts that we feel we should understand, shame over the fact that we're different, fear of loneliness, frustration and pain that we'll always come second to our friends' romantic partners, or even trauma from a relationship or sexual encounter that we didn't really want. I could go on and on.
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These last scenes really got to me. Especially the second one… I admit that I cried, when she had to turn her down, and it seemed like her aromanticism had ruined their relationship. It hurts that the way I am could seriously harm someone I care about. It hurts that most people work differently and that they can't help it, and that we can't help it either. I don't like being put in that position, to cause someone a heartbreak. I have with my ex, and had to watch them spiral down… It was horrible.
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Still, I wouldn't change my orientation for the world. I'm confident in my identity, I love being aroace.
In the end, we can all reach our full potential, reach a point where we feel fulfilled and that we're living our best life, find ourselves a family if it's what we want, have our dream job and house. Being aroace doesn't condemn us to a life of unhappiness. That's what this series left me with by the end; it gave me so much hope for my future.
(I'm aware I'm coming off as a bit toxically positive here haha, sorry if I'm striking a bad chord; I'm just in a really good period right now, and riding this wave for as long as I can! Hopefully I can rub it off someone else as well.)
That said, I really loved this j-drama, it was funny and relatable and emotional, I wished it had lasted longer! It seems like the author isn't even aroace herself, so I'm amazed at how good the representation was! So much thought and research has gone into it, and it shows; the result is amazing.
Thanks for reading my scattered thoughts about this! 🧡💛🤍��💙
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velvet-games · 20 days
fucked up staticmoth time! (no idea if this is good or not lol; I've never written dead dove-adjacent stuff before)
cw for dub/non-con, (extremely) unhealthy relationship dynamics, acephobia, racism
I wrote vox as kind of a disaster bi that fell in love with everyone in favorite, which I thought would be incompatible with aroace vox, but! I think it's perfect actually.
I present to you:
aroace vox who was rejected by everyone, who never had enough actual romantic/sexual experience in life to realize she'd never felt allo attraction (she does love very deeply, just not like that)
asian vox who feels emasculated by the stereotype that asian men are impotent/undesirable and will fight to the death to prove that he does indeed fuck (she doesn't)
transfem vox who is so unbelievably repressed that she overcompensates by playing the role of a dominant, hypersexual man after death
vox who is so immediately enamored by valentino's attention that she interprets the feeling of validation as love
vox who starts to believe that alastor's criticisms of her must've meant he was just a heartless asshole and never really her friend in the first place
(mildly) sex-repulsed vox who learns from valentino that love and sex are supposed to feel uncomfortable and scary
valentino who implies on several occasions that aroace people aren't real; they're just boring prudes who aren't hot enough get laid! sex is a part of human nature, mi amor; relax, it's all in your head.
sex-repulsed vox who loves valentino anyway, because the moments of genuine comfort and affection are special to her
they'll always be special to her, unfortunately
sex-repulsed vox who is so paranoid about valentino getting bored of her that she discovers her hypnosis powers while trying to convince him to fuck her
he still wants to fuck her, right? she's still worth something?
maybe val never really liked her, maybe he was lying about finding her attractive, but vox can make sure he wants to stay. and it's supposed to feel bad when it happens; it's the least she can do to endure it ...
vox who starts to feel sick to her stomach thinking about valentino touching her, but it's just butterflies. she's just nervous. she's just in love.
vox who gets trigger happy and starts hypnotizing val when he shows any signs of being out of her control
vox who eventually can't tell how much the hypnosis has done and how much of val is actually intact
vox who wants to care about that last part, but who does she have if valentino leaves her?
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superspecial-awesome · 3 months
s0 queerosexual hcs. for pride month
basically my interpretation of the cast in this regard is that theyre a bunch of annoying queer teenagers who will never discover this about themselves because they live in 1990s japan and all think there's only gay and straight and that being the former is grounds to be beaten in the streets
Yugi: the only one who has his shit figured out. transmasc and bi and he plans on taking that to his grave. he has a strong preference for women though so that part never really comes up. "attracted to every woman ever and one guy i met at a gas station six years ago" disease. also bonus points anzu knows he's transmasc and helped him figure out binding and shit
Miho: huge lesbian but "oh no it's just that girls are objectively more attractive than guys everyone knows that, i just haven't met the right man yet, besides every girl wishes they could date women instead that's why bakura is so popular it's because he looks like a woman." I also like to imagine that in an ideal world, she'd fuck with genderfluidity
Bakura: aroace and agender transfem. he gives me he/it/any vibes. I think partly due to The Mega Autism he never really understood the deal with traditional masculinity so he feels disconnected from manhood as a whole and would be a lot more comfortable being able to exist as something entirely detached from gender. I also think the swarms of girls at all times made him view women as some sort of other species entirely and he's got a lot of deep-rooted misogyny going on about it, but tbh anzu and miho could fix him. and make him into the vague girlthing he always was
Anzu: Idk what label to slap onto her but I don't think physical appearance or gender plays any role in her being attracted to people at all. maybe like demiromantic asexual. but i dont think demi is the term im looking for. definitely ace though.
Honda: "WOW I LOVE BEING A MAN I LOVE WOMEN AND RULES AND ORDER I DON'T AT ALL FEEL LIKE I'M CURSED TO FIT MYSELF INTO A BOX THAT'S TOO SMALL FOR ME" and he believes that wholeheartedly and then wonders why he needs to constantly prove himself over things that don't matter to avoid his mental health crumbling to dust. I don't think he's trans though I just think he needs to chill out. also he's bi and poly and the single most useless hopeless romantic ever.
Jonouchi: bi but i think his refusal to accept that as a possibility has made him very aware of a lot of other things he has going on psychologically. like his homophobia has somehow made him a more self-aware and chill person. "honda put his hand on my shoulder for more than 0.5 seconds and my entire nervous system took a screenshot does this mean im g--wait no im just touched starved huh i wonder if that has ever impacted my poor decision making in the past." also him being used for the cartoon standard "guy wears girl clothes and likes it" joke is grounds for me to hc him as genderqueer. I could absolutely see him getting really into fem presentation.
Yami Yugi: gay gay homosexual gay
Kaiba: transfem in the super dysphoric way but will absolutely never find this out because any time she becomes remotely aware of something bothering her about herself she just looks in the mirror and says "no." i also wanna say arospec and aspec but idk she's fully either. i think if i wanted to give you an accurate idea of how attraction works for her i'd have to pull up the homestuck quadrants and i'm not joking.
Yami Bakura: agender is a way that's like "dude I'm a ghost in a ring who cares." If you called him a she he'd be like "what" and then after you got two words into explaining he'd go "nvm I underestimated the amount of shit I don't give about this." His sexuality is no time for dat goku
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sunnysaystuff · 3 months
crimson rivers
i finished it
yes i've been a mess this whole 4 days (how long it took me)
(crimson rivers spoilers under the cut!)
oh my FUCK bro
oh my actual fuck
evan's death hit so hard tbh
like i'm still reeling from it even after everything else
i think the worst deaths were evan and augusta for me, like even though i've READ thg they just broke my heart in two. tbh it seemed sort of obvious how marlene NEVER got a pov like i predicted she would die, same for monty so those two deaths didn't hurt too awfully. but i was so sad about frank. like i never saw it coming, because he had so much ahead of him, and he and alice were. idk i was so sad for alice but when they said allat to james i was like AINT NO WAY you're goin for my boy rn???? but like. gah
agh and the way regulus - someone bellatrix actually loved - had to kill her? heartbroken by that. and sybill and lily and kingsley...and the way kingsley was like 'it's not water under the bridge this time red'- chefs kiss.
i think the WORST death of them all was barty. like, not poor barty? like it was obvious he was gonna die but it just destroyed me tbh like i loved him so freaking much and i loved him and regulus so freaking much and just. ugh
aroace pandora was so real btw ? and sirius discovering his sexuality. chefs kiss<3<3
gah cr is one of the best written fics i've ever read tbh like yes there was some cringe dialogue ? but the jegulus was so much more realistic than og everlark tbh like i bought into all the jegulus cuteness so much more
narcissa faking being pregnant and then actually being pregnant is like a power move
shes actually my goat
dorcas was so hot
like all the time
lily was also incredibly sexy
i'm so sad evan and barty never got to meet? grr rosekiller :(
anyways i'll drop more cr thoughts tomorrow it's late
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thevexinator · 2 months
Since Asagiri won't give you Guild content, I will. Headcanons, but they're based on irl facts I found within 5 minutes of googling. [These are just my hcs you can add your own if you wanna]
Louisa May Alcott 💌
- Louisa and Nathaniel are family friends. Irl, Louisa's father was one of Hawthorne's pallbearers [pallbearer - someone helping to escort of carry a coffin]. In the setting of BSD, their families were in close relations due to operating at the same church. Even though Louisa doesn't remember, Nathaniel often looked after her since the older girls [Louisa's older sister Anna and Nathaniel's older sister Elizabeth] were often helping around with the adults.
- She really likes pulp fiction.
- She's knowledgeable about the medical field. The real Louisa was a nurse during World War 1.
- Speaking of war, Louisa is a major history nerd.
Margaret Mitchell ☂️
- While BSD Margaret dresses like what if Mary Poppins was a British aristocrat, the real Margaret Mitchell actually preferred dressing in men's clothes. Thus, whenever she's not on duty in the Guild, she's chilling in something she stole from Nathaniel.
- She's afraid of fire. Why? When Margaret was a child, her clothing ended up catching fire on accident. She's never been the same since.
- She also has driving anxiety. When she was 12, her dad hit a deer on the road. She's never been the same since.
Nathaniel Hawthorne ⚔️
- Generally avoids discourse about the Salem Witch Trials. An ancestor of his played a big part during it, two others were married to women who were accused of being witches. Thus, he added the 'w' to his last name.
- He's surprisingly good with glasswork. When the real Nathaniel and his wife moved into their home, the etched poems into the glass of the windows.
- For a large part of his life, he lived in a commune.
- Occasionally, he sees ghosts. The real Nathaniel once said he saw the ghost of his friend reading his own obituary.
Edgar Allan Poe 🦝
- He's an orphan. He doesn't tell people that.
- He likes being alone. Until he gets the feeling that someone is somewhere in the room with him.
- Insanely intelligent. He knows exactly what he's doing.
- Very weak constitution. One time, when the Guild were all drinking and whatever else they were doing, Poe blacked out after one drink of wine. Everyone genuinely thought someone tried to kill him until they found out he couldn't handle alcohol.
- Unphased. He's seen it all. Death? Child's play. Heartbeat under the floorboards? Normal Tuesday. Corpse falling off the roof? Crazy. Someone walking into the party dressed in red? Standard party etiquette.
Lucy Maud Montgomery 🪆
- Also an orphan. Doesn't tell people about it.
- Very charming. She can flirt. She just chooses not to. She knows she's too powerful.
- Cripplingly depressed. Self-explanatory.
- Has girl nights with Louisa and Margaret, basically a few hours of them doing girl activities. They tried to summon Bloody Mary at least seven times to no returns.
H. P. Lovecraft 🦑
- Lovecraft has monochromacy, a condition where someone can only see in grayscale. This is derived from irl Lovecraft's "The Color Out of Space," essentially Lovecraft's low education being the reason why he didn't know about the electromagnetic color spectrum.
- He's afraid of crowds. He hates it here so much.
- Has epilepsy. The only thing that can stop this eldrich monstrosity in a human trench coat is the average disco party.
- Loves cats. He is so normal about them. Cats run to him like crazy.
- He glows in the dark. Why shouldn't he? He's earned it. He's also deficient in vitamins science hasn't discovered yet. His ankles popping sound like rogue gunshots.
- AroAce. Intimacy is a concept he doesn't understand and doesn't want to.
John Steinbeck 🌳
- He's very much a dog person. His family keeps dogs. His favorite breed is the Australian Sheep dog.
- He was very sick as a child.
- Really into marine biology. [Steincraft fans stay winning.]
- Before the Guild, he worked as a construction worker, newspaper reporter,and caretaker.
- Ironically enough, he has a pollen allergy. It's not severe, just watering eyes and sniffles. He hates it.
Mark Twain 🔫
- So normal about the ocean. He takes Lovecraft and John with him when he goes boating.
- Into geology. He's the guy who collects rocks whenever he's outside.
- Guild game night isn't game night is Mark isn't beating everyone in every board game to ever exist.
- So normal about cats. The real Mark Twain has 19 cats, all with titles like Apollinaris, Beelzebub, Blatherskite, Buffalo Bill, Satan, Sin, Sour Mash, Tammany, Zoroaster, Soapy Sal and Pestilence to name a few. BSD Mark has one ginger cat he adopted off the streets of Yokohama he names Sal, occasionally calling her Sin whenever she's around Nathaniel.
- He almost drowned twice. One would think that would kill his passion for boating, but he baller'd his way out of it.
Francis S. K. Fitzgerald 🪙
- Dyslexic and in denial. Louisa tried to gently bring it up to him that half of his work email was spelled incorrectly, but he was in denial and chalked it up to it being 3 in the morning when he wrote that work email.
- He worked as a screenwriter before the Guild. Coincidentally, he met his wife there!
- He strikes me as a guy who owns a copy of "A Pickle For the Knowing Ones". If you don't know what that is, please look it up. I promise it's worth it.
- Makes too many dad jokes. John and Nathaniel officially want him dead.
- He forgets to sleep. He just forgets. Even though he looks like he died and got resurrected without prior notice and everyone in the Guild is asking him if he had a breakdown, he forgets to sleep.
Hermine Melville 🐋
- At some point in his life, he lived in the Pacific Islands.
- Hiking enthusiast. He likes the mountain terrain a lot.
- His office smells like smoke. No one knows why. It just does.
- Not much about him to be honest. I wish there was more screentime for him. <//3
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 2 years
If Gregory, Mia and Mel are Phoenix and Maya's biological kids, does that mean Phoenix and Maya have Done the Deed, so to speak? Or were other methods involved?
Hello friend! I feel like if I gave the “quick” answer to this question, it’s going to be missing a lot of important context, and since I feel like the topic of family planning from a queerplatonic/aroace perspective is seldom talked about, I'm going to go more in-depth.
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[ID: Edgeworth, Phoenix, and Maya holding or carrying children. Edgeworth is carrying the fan character Gregory Wright as a child on his back, with his eyes closed and a tense expression. Gregory has a happy face with closed eyes with his arms wrapped around Edgeworth’s shoulders. Phoenix has the fan character Mia Fey as a young child on his shoulders and head. Mia has her hands covering Phoenix’s eyes and has a determined expression. Phoenix is gripping Mia’s legs. Maya is holding Melusina Fey as an infant to her chest with a happy expression with her eyes closed.]
This is a little long and I know the subject matter isn’t for everyone, so the details along with a mini-comic are below the cut! (Nothing discussed is above the T rating!)
In my AU, Phoenix, Maya, and Edgeworth are all on different places on the aromantic and/or asexual spectrum (cue "Ace" Attorney jokes). It’s also worth mentioning that they're in a queerplatonic relationship, so their orientations don't really matter that much with regards to the polycule. If any of them wanted to pursue a romantic relationship with someone besides each other, it doesn’t break the queerplatonic polycule. However, their orientations does matter with regards to the kids.
One of the fics I'm writing takes place after Spirit of Justice where Maya is starting to seriously think about the future of the Fey Clan lineage. This makes Phoenix anxious, as he's well aware of the history of disastrous marriages in Kurain Village, and hopes to whoever's listening that it doesn't happen to Maya, too. However, he's not attracted to her in that way, so he doesn't get involved outside of being there for moral support.
Extremely long story short, after Maya's disastrous dating life--where she discovers she does not like romantic attention--soul-searching, emotional turmoil, Phoenix and Maya ask themselves why they couldn't have a family together as friends--especially after Edgeworth lectures both of them on separate occasions that they were viewing the situation too romantically. Fey Clan lineage doesn't care about romance, you see.
Obviously how the kids came to be was a huge hang-up. When Maya lamented that she wasn't fond of romantic attention during her moment of self-discovery, Phoenix recommended she have a chat with Edgeworth, who suggested the very unromantic route of donors (and offered to help pay). On a different occasion, when Phoenix was hung up over the birds and the bees, so to speak, Edgeworth suggests that he (Phoenix, to be clear) could be a donor for Maya. That doesn't involve contact, Maya's kids would have a dad who loves them and their mom, it's a win-win.
Unfortunately, well after Phoenix and Maya were already emotionally invested in starting the family together, Maya learns that known donors require a lot more time and money than unknown donors, as well as mandatory therapy. Did I mention money? So, to put a finer point on it, since they felt very secure with their friendship and nothing has threatened it thus far in this situation, they didn't see why they couldn't give the "free" route a shot.
As you might have guessed, given the lack of attraction towards each other in that way... it did not go well. 
It was the straw that broke the camel's back and started to strain their relationship. So much so, that when they were working together in court after trying for a few months, Edgeworth noticed they were irritable towards each other and requested a recess to chat with them...
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[ID: Two comic panels. The first panel has Edgeworth, Phoenix, and Maya in the Defendant Lobby. Edgeworth is standing before Phoenix with his arms crossed. Phoenix is sitting on one end of the couch hunched over in distress with his hand over his forehead. Maya is sitting on the other end of the couch, facing away, with her hands together on her lap and a red face. The narration says “After a long vent about Phoenix and Maya’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Time...”. The second panel has Edgeworth with his arms crossed and his eyes closed. He says “Why are you two not considering medical assistance?”]
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[ID: Two more comic panels. The first panel has Phoenix in the same pose as before. He says, “We don’t have that kind of time or money. I know you offered to help with the expenses, but it’s still too much, and we can’t ask more from you...”. The second panel has Edgeworth adjusting his glasses with one arm still crossed. His grits his teeth as he says, “Are you aware they have............. they sell....”]
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[ID: Two more panels. The first one has Edgeworth typing on his rose gold phone with the onomatopoeia “tap tap tap”, looking flustered. There is a speech bubble with several ellipses. In the next panel is Edgeworth showing his phone to Phoenix and Maya, with him saying “Here.” Very small text pointing to the phone says “At-home kits that allow kids to happen with no contact for about $100. :)”. Phoenix looks at the phone with his eyes wide and Maya leans in, also looking at the phone with wide eyes.]
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[ID: The same illustration as the first image, with the narration “Seven years and three kids later...”. Phoenix says “Hey, thanks again for the recommendation, Miles!” Edgeworth’s speech bubble has “.....*grumble*........” written. Maya has a speech bubble with a pink heart.]
(And Edgeworth is still in disbelief that he did more research than they did..........but he got a son out of the whole ordeal so it’s okay. :) )
To sum it all up, while it was far from their first choice, they certainly did give Doing the Deed a shot for the sake of saving time and money, but they found it was too much for them so all three kids were conceived with those at-home kits. 
Thanks for the question!
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harmonia-goddesses · 29 days
I am officially asking to hear your headcanons about anthea and concordia
ooh. okay. where to start...
Adopted at age 11 solely for the purpose of taking care of N.
Concerningly good liars.
They were best friends as children and by the time of BW, but they fought a lot as teenagers.
Persistent fear of not being useful enough, even after getting away from Ghetsis.
Serious issues with expressing emotion to or trusting anyone except each other.
They both love N very much, but are scared to refer to him as family until sometime after they reunite post-BW2.
Aroace and genderqueer; uses mirror pronouns once he discovers them
Loves Pokémon battling, and has really good instincts for it--like "could have been a champion if she'd had the opportunity to go on a journey" good
She's a healer because Ghetsis wanted one of them to have basic medical knowledge so he wouldn't have to bring in doctors any more than necessary--fewer strange adults means fewer chances for N to be exposed to outside ideas. Thea doesn't like the stress of being a healer, but doesn't know what else to do with itself.
Has an unflinching determination that humans are good (because she decided that her siblings needed her to)
Was the first to figure out that Ghetsis was lying to them
Likes Bug-type Pokémon and cozy clothing.
Cisgender bisexual.
Kind of hates that her name is just the same goddess twice; generally goes by "Connie"
Doesn't show emotion strongly, and tends to look/sound calm and level even when she's not.
Always alert to information and rumors, and has a tendency to snoop and eavesdrop that she clings to for a long time even once they're out of the castle.
Living under Ghetsis has seriously messed up her sense of self-esteem; she considers herself a bad person for the things she had to do to survive in Team Plasma, and for failing at being a good caretaker (cut yourself some slack girl you had no good examples and were 11)
Likes knitting, books, and learning about history.
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mangledscrimp · 2 months
HAIII,, Here is Desmond for dy au :3,, I redid her ref sheet and I think it looks so much better than the original sprite edit! (comparison)
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As a bit of a warning;; There will be nonsexual nudity in the post going over scars from surgeries and wounds (not very graphic)
As usual, going to go through each bullet.
Desmond goes by He/She/They/Its. Everything pretty much goes for them. She’s genderfluid.
Desmond in this au is aroace. He still had that past partner like canon desmond does. But after she had disappeared, it helped him discover himself after being unable to be a suitable partner for anyone else due to stress and general complications with understanding people.
Desmond is still very much into art, but taxidermy is what she values higher than most. She thinks it’s a beautiful way to show the life an animal once lived or a creative way to express oneself through an animal.
•Airship or water ship?
Desmond in this au owns a mixture of both! She owns a cruise ship with an attached airship at the top (the Bostonius)! Making her able to leave the ship without having to turn the cruise around and an easier place to have the airship without having to put it into a hanger. Her crewmates often call her red or dessy, a fun little nickname!
Surprisingly, her glasses are only for show. She’s got no lenses in those red rims and are merely an accessory.
Desmond studied the arts of archeology and anthropology. He’s well versed in the two topics. Archeology is something that peaked his interest since it was a major thing in his childhood. Often times, his father would bring him to dig sites to see pottery from the past and how humans used to live. Unfortunately, his father was taken by a suspicious group of people, as well as his mother.
Anthropology also peaked Desmond’s interest as it went along with Archeology. Learning about how human being behaved throughout history over time is interesting to them.
This is more of a habit but, Desmond is also an interested hunter. While learning about different cultures and their practices, she learned more and more about different hunting strategies used by many cultures. These were inspirational, so it slowly became a hobby. Of course only in areas that allowed hunting. Nothing non-ethical for her!
I feel like…you guys will hater me for what I did to descole for the au ok…Don’t get mad at me pleaseeeee!! :< She’s kinda cringe but I DON’T CAREEE MWAHAHA I AM FREE I CAN DO WHATEVER I WISH!!
Cannibalism and Hunting mention uwaaa
remember shit gets diabolical in this au, so don’t be surprised when the main villain is a cringe scary character that goes EEEVIL!!
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ok yah this is..this is descole in this au.
Again, gonna do what I gotta do. A lot of what’s in here is related to lore stuff that some people may have or have not read..sooo tralala
This ref is general and not affected by gameplot!
•Similarities and differences
Desmond and Descole act VERY differently. Desmond is simply just an act for the public eye.
Also, not called “Jean Descole” in this au. She’d probably find it rather ugly to be called “Jean” and thinks that name is stupid. Her canon counterpart would definitely hate her.
Desmond and Descole both share the same pronouns, that part does not change. Same with their sexuality.
Desmond is more open and tries her best to communicate with people, while Descole acts more cold and serious. Descole also gets agitated more easily compared to Desmond.
•Outfit and design.
Descole’s outfit is made to hunt. It’s hunting gear. She has white hunting gloves and a purple hunting jacket.
The boa and cravat is for style, might as well look good when you’re hunting. (Not..very affective..but don’t tell her that..)
The cape is also for style but it’s also used to hide her belt and anything else she has concealed in her pockets. The pattern of the cape isn’t very consistent but it has the overall pattern of a leopard with a soft texture. Often times her chihuahua, treats, enjoys to lay in it. (Treats is the Keats dupe for this au! hehe). Can ditch the cape when she needs to run after prey and it’s slowing her down.
Her boots are lightweight so she can easily run after her prey if needed.
her hat is funny, that’s why I did it lols. She can’t own a cat, or else it would knock it off all the time haha!
Under everything, it’s just a plain cream shirt with her hunting pants.
The shadow is a design choice that I like hehe, it allows her to blend in with the darkness since she mostly hunts at night. Also makes her mysterious hehehe lalalal! Desmond can also have this shadow to show the cover being blown.
Mask to conceal her identity.
Wig is not connected to the hat, if she wants to take it off, she’ll take it off from the front, similarly to how the masked gentleman takes off the costume for the big reveal.
Descole carries a belt on her waist that holds her smaller tools. For example, her cautery tool she stole from her adopted father (Raymond). Carrying it around incase she needs it for prey. (Of course, it’s only been used on one creature she’s hunted.)
Another weapon in her arsenal would be her handgun. It’s used near the ending of Randall’s game. She has larger ones but she carries a small one for quick trips and not for longer hunts.
Lastly, she owns a net guns. Made by herself. The case is a deep dark purple with a red “D” to label it as her own. It has foam to protect each netgun head and handle. The yellow button on the handle is to release her white web onto her prey. She mostly uses her net guns instead of killing what’s she’s hunting right away.
• Diet.
She’s a hunter that eats her prey. if her prey so happens to be Human, she won’t find a problem using every piece that she can.
With her normal hunting, she often uses every part of the animal. For example, if she were to hunt a deer, she’d use every piece.
Though, she has yet to eat a human being. She had plans to feast on a red headed woman after her plans had failed since she had no more use for her, but that sadly didn’t go through. Once you aren’t needed anymore in her eyes, she’ll find a way to satisfy her hunger.
Under the cut there is nudity!! NOT SEXUAL! Just to show Des’s body.
Warn for scarring and nonsexual nudity!! uwaa
This is how Des looks underneath everything!
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•Under Both
During the Randall game, Des gets shot in her shoulder, leaving a scar after raymond tried to tend to its wound.
Des had gotten breast reduction surgery by raymond. Raymond has surgical experience, he’s a retired surgeon who decided to work in an orphanage where he met Des and her future crew.
Raymond is like a father to des and was happy to make her feel more confident in himself.
The wound on their right hand was caused by desperate measures going through the labyrinth in Randall’s game. She carved a pathway onto her hand so she wouldn’t get lost.
He’s got a symmetry line down its chest. Idk, just a neat body detail I wanted to add because I think it’s nice! hehe
• Under Descole
She wears a binder under her descole outfit to appear more flat chested. She doesn’t mind her breasts but she’d rather wear that when she’s hunting that a bra. Feels more contained.
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woundupabadcomedian · 2 years
i've been thinking of what happens to the baudelaires post-canon (ignoring the beatrice letters bc my heart can only take so much) and god there is so much potential there- so. here are my post-canon baudelaire headcanons bc i have to let them out somewhere!
she never gets her diploma or anything, instead insisting on working multiple low-paying jobs in order to pay for the needs of her and her siblings (it takes some convincing from klaus to get her to agree that he and sunny should go back to school. before she was willing to figure out some way to homeschool them rather than risk something happening to them while theyre gone)- because of this, they are able to rent a one-bedroom apartment and stay there until she turns eighteen.
violet develops terrible insomnia. when she manages to rest, she can only stay asleep for periods of about thirty minutes before she wakes up again because of some imagined threat. when klaus and sunny ask about this, she just says she must've heard baby beatrice stirring in the middle of the night.
she's incredibly paranoid about what did or did not happen while she was drugged at heimlich hospital.
overprotective to a fault. the first time klaus brings home a boy for her to meet, she nearly attacks him. sunny accidentally starts a small fire while cooking and violet removes the toaster and microwave from the kitchen.
she realizes that she's aroace!! this one could just be me projecting but. she discovers that she has no romantic interest in others, and at first she thinks it's because she's traumatized by the prospect of longterm commitment because of the marvelous marriage. but by the time she's twenty and has seen klaus go through three boyfriends, she finds a term for herself and comes out as aroace (klaus is obviously the first person she tells- he just hugs her and assures her that there is more than one type of love.)
violet couldn't look at bea for the first month on the island. every time she did, she was reminded of both kit's and beatrice's deaths, as well as all the conflicted feelings that came with finding out about her mother's involvement in vfd. once she finally accepted that bea was a baby and had no involvement with kit or her namesake, she was the most loving mother figure she could be.
when she has particularly bad days, she needs reminders that her and her siblings aren't running from anything. there have been times where she ushers klaus, sunny, and bea into a closet because she swears she heard count olaf's voice.
out of all the baudelaires, i feel like violet is the most likely to turn to some sort of substance abuse. do with that what you will.
she doesn't invent anymore. after so long of her inventions only being used out of necessity, she can't bring herself to do it for her own enjoyment. whenever klaus inquires about why she stopped, she tells him that she simply lost interest. all her ribbons have been given to sunny.
when they first arrive from the island, klaus buries himself in his schoolwork. he needs to feel useful, and with violet insisting on carrying the burden of being provider for their family, he dedicates himself to being the best student he can, because if his sister isn't even getting to go to school, who is he to get anything less than straight As? this proves to be difficult for him, especially because he struggles with focusing on something if it isn't interesting to him. (he tries not to think of how much of a failure he feels like when violet has to help him with a physics assignment)
he takes care of sunny and bea while violet is at work in the evenings, and is incredibly close with them because of it.
it takes him a year, but he comes to terms with the fact that he was never going to like isadora back, and when he goes to come out to violet, she just replies with "i know" and doesn't bring it up again unless klaus tells her about his crushes.
although it isn't diagnosed, klaus has autism- his sensory issues regarding touch never used to affect him as much until after count olaf. there are days where he will have a meltdown if someone touches him without some sort of warning.
eventually, klaus attends university, and he gets a degree in history. throughout the four years he attended for, he always lived at home.
every time he has to make a major decision, he runs it past violet. whether it be out of habit or reverence, he needs her advice before he can move forward.
he gets frequent nightmares, mostly about his sisters getting hurt. violet has to reassure him when he wakes up that both she and sunny are alive.
after the events of asoue, sunny loses a lot of her speech. she doesn't speak gibberish anymore, and what grasp she had on actual english seems to be limited to understanding it and not speaking it.
she spends a lot of her time cooking. with violet working constantly and klaus doing homework even after school, sunny is left to her own devices for a good portion of her day, and so she spends the time perfecting intricate recipes.
sunny is incredibly close with bea. while violet and klaus act as parents to her, sunny is the big sister that enables all of bea's troublemaking, and vice versa.
as sunny gets older, she begins to forget the events that she and her siblings lived through. when violet and klaus realize this, violet seems relieved while klaus is almost offended that they no longer have that shared experience. to avoid this response from him, sunny plays along with anything he mentions from her infancy, hoping that he won't question it when she doesn't add anything to the conversation, instead just nodding along.
sunny, around the age of ten, begins rebelling in any way she can from violet's micromanagement. this leads to a feud between them that lasts months, as sunny sees her sister's strict rules as obsessive, while violet sees it as doing her best to keep sunny safe.
when sunny loses her baby teeth, the teeth that grow back in are normal in sharpness. she doesn't know how to cope with the fact that the one thing that supposedly made her helpful to her siblings is now not even something that she can access if she wanted to.
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itscubetime · 1 year
Honestly, I fee like a lot of Osemanverse fans treat the books rather unequally. Let me explain.
I'm going to make a ranked list of all of Alice Oseman's books/series in order from most loved to least loved (based on my observations in social media and the availability of different books). I hold no biases in this list, since I have read/watched all of them. Only observations and some opinions.
Heartstopper. I'm pretty sure most people who have heard of the Osemanverse heard about Heartstopper first. You can find elements of this series everywhere, from all the webcomic platforms like Webtoon and Tapas, to the physical books in bookstores and libraries, to reposts of favourite moments, to the piles upon piles of fan-art and, of course, to the Netflix adaptation, which had immaculate casting and has already been green-lighted for two more seasons. I think this series deserves to be high up on the list - after all, the representation is casual and exemplified in the right places, nothing feels forced, the love story is healthy, but no so perfect that it's entirely unrealistic and the characters all have their spotlight moments. However, I feel like the series sometimes overshadows the other books, which I find interesting, considering this is the only book/series that is centred around a romantic love story.
Solitaire. This is probably the most well-known YA novel for a couple of reasons. One, it is the debut novel, the one that is praised in the front cover of every other Oseman novel, with the familiar phrase 'The Cather in the Rye for the digital age', so most Osemanverse fans have heard of it. Two, it's the novel that ties in with the Heartstopper story the most, by far, especially considering that the main character of Solitaire, Tori Spring, is the older sister of Charlie Spring, one of the main characters in Heartstopper. Three, its depiction of mental health issues, particularly Tori's implied depression, is healthy, realistic and educational. Overall, it deserves the love it gets, especially considering how dark it can get compared to Heartstopper.
Radio Silence. Honestly, I think that this could be tied with Solitaire in some cases - it was, after all, the book that first introduced me to the Osemanverse. It doesn't link with the Heartstopper universe as much as Solitaire, but it does focus more on Aled Last, one of the side characters in Heartstopper, and one of Charlie's friends, although it appears that the two drift off before the events of Radio Silence. I absolutely love this book for two reasons. One, the amazing relationship between Frances and Aled, the two main characters, never goes beyond anything platonic, showing that a boy and a girl don't have to be in a romantic relationship to thrive together. Two, it's the first book in the Osemanverse that shows explicit ace rep - better yet, demi rep - for Aled, which was so nice to read even before I began questioning if I was aspec. I love the cameos it gets in Heartstopper too, especially with Aled in the same shot lol.
Loveless. I'm so mad that this book is so far down the list, but I understand that's because it's the latest one. Firstly, PLEASE READ IT!!!! It follows the first-person perspective of Georgia Warr on her journey to discovering that she is aroace. This book has done wonders for the aspec community in giving them awesome representation and increased attention from the rest of the community, because yes! we exist and yes! us being aspec doesn't mean our lives are sad and lonely and YES! not all love has to come in romantic form!!!!! The fact that Oseman was alluding to their own uni experience in this story is just so amazing! Secondly, it deserves so much more attention in the Osemanverse fandom. Oseman put her whole heart and soul into this book and we are gonna love it like it deserves!!!
I Was Born for This. And now, we come across the book with the least amount of copies sold, available in the least amount of places and talked about the least in the fandom, despite it literally being about the fandom (eyyyy). This was the only novel I had to buy because it wasn't at my library (edit: it is now but it wasn't before) and none of my friends had it, but it is so good and criminally underrated. I understand every other story has something going for it. Heartstopper has impactful rep, Solitaire is the debut novel, Radio silence has Aled and the Universe City and Loveless has aroace rep. However, this book deserves love too!!! It focuses on the chaotic mess of fandoms and the impact it can have on the* artists behind the content, because gaining fame doesn't automatically make everything better, in fact it can make thing worse, like with Jimmy's anxiety. The story also having a muslim MC is also really awesome to see, especially since I haven't read many books with prominent muslim MCs (should probs change that soon lol). Anyway, this book is so so good and you need to read it somehow aaaaaaa!
Anyway, this has been sitting in my drafts for a year now and everything beyond the *asterix has been written today, but most ideas in this still stand. Most of the low-ranked books focus on queer people just existing without the plot being carried by a love story (no hate to the latter but i would like to see more of the former too). Anyway, it's time for the post to be brought into the world, especially considering Heartstopper season 2 coming up in August (yayyy!!!).
What did we learn today, kids?
Give all of a creator's work a chance, not just the most popular one! You will discover many gems!
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captain-ozone · 1 year
I’m going absolutely feral after seeing The Little Mermaid. My inner child has been FED, and I HAVE NO ONE TO TALK TO ABOUT IT YET so here I am to spew my thoughts. Spoilers below:
1. Halle was perfect. I will accept no criticism on this point. The only thing I cared about when this live-action movie was announced was that our new Ariel would have a voice to match Jodi Benson’s, and Halle did more than deliver. She epitomized the spirit of Ariel in every way. She was playful, she was inquisitive, she was joyful and bright and fun, she was so good at tugging the heartstrings (even without dialogue!!!) and appealing to our innate wanderlust and desire to discover and experience,  and she was so so EARNEST in her portrayal I can’t even. 
2. THE DEPTH THEY ADDED TO PRINCE ERIC’S CHARACTER OKAY!?!?! LIKE?!?!?! Okay, I will NOT GET OVER THIS. It was SO CLEVER of them to mirror Ariel’s journey with his desire to break free of his position’s restrictions. It worked incredibly well and did not once detract from our heroine’s spotlight. Rather, it ENHANCED their connection and sold me on their three-day love story in a deeper and more meaningful way than the original did (more on that below). ALSO ALSO ALSO SO COOL of them not to kill off his ADOPTIVE mother. ADOPTIVE. Marvelous choice! Truly. His mother’s fear of the sea gods offered a parallel to Triton’s fear of the surface world, and *CHEFS KISS*
3. Melissa McCarthy’s Pour Unfortunate Souls was a FUN TIME. 
4. Awkwafina as Scuttle? Inspired. 
6. Wherever they filmed? The castle? Fucking gorgeous.
8. Grimsby is the GOAT. Enough said.
I may get some hate for this, but I’m not the biggest fan of Lin-Manuel Miranda.  Idk how to put this. He has an insane amount of talent, but for...untraditional musicals. I wouldn’t say he’d be my first choice to write new songs that fit the more traditional Broadway-like musical vibes that characterized so much of the Disney Renaissance. 
That being said, The Scuttlebutt was the strongest of the bunch, I think. It was very much a Miranda song, and in most instances, I’d be a little irritated by how they included a song that has a style so different from the rest of the lyrical music we know and love from the original animated movie. But it worked here, likely because it was delivered by Awkwafina’s Scuttle and FIT the character.
Honorable mention to Wild Uncharted Waters, only because WOW Jonah Hauer-King went OFF on that performance. This boy said “I get one musical number and I’m going to KILL IT” and he did.
Also very much liked the Part of Your World (Reprise II)! It tied everything together really nicely.
I LOVE THAT ARIEL WAS FORCED TO FORGET SHE NEEDED A KISS FROM ERIC. --> THIS. THIS IS FREAKING AMAZING. I can’t even express how much more I felt for Ariel and Eric’s love story. How much more real it felt. How much more believable and true. I don’t buy in to one-day (or few-day) love stories very easily, especially when physical intimacy/attraction is a driving force. My little aroace ass dug the fact that kissing Eric literally was the last thing on Ariel’s mind. She got to be herself, explore this new world, AND do it with someone who appreciated her curiosity and found joy in how much joy she was experiencing, who could have just as much fun as she could. God. Goals. 
I LOVE THAT ERIC KNEW SOMETHING WASN’T RIGHT WITH VANESSA, EVEN IF HE COULDN’T PUT HIS FINGER ON IT. Very reminiscent of Prince of Song and Sea by Linsey Miller (a YA AU retelling told from Prince Eric’s POV. It’s a fun, easy read, if you’re curious).
All of these changes were important and mean a lot to me. I think it challenges a lot of the issues people have with the original animated movie, in that, here in the 2023 version, no one can argue that Ariel made her choices because she was lusting after a man. Or that she’s a damsel in distress. Very good stuff there.
11. My critiques
Some of the cinematography was weird. The transition between acting scenes and singing scenes didn’t always flow right. They felt abrupt and awkward. I definitely worried a bit about the CGI too, and it wasn’t too terrible imo. 
And my biggest complaint: idk what it was about the ending, but it didn’t *quite* hit right. In the original animated movie, one of the last bits of dialogue comes from Triton, when he says, “...how much I’m going to miss her.” The finale of the animated movie is then a spectacle of swelling music and a heartfelt case of “show” rather than “tell.” The hug between Ariel and Triton on the wedding barge is perfect. The way in which the mer-people come to witness the wedding and send off Eric and Ariel is perfect. 
The live-action ending felt...a little too somber. It became too much about Triton letting go and not enough about Ariel and Eric setting off on adventure together or about their worlds colliding in peace. I wouldn’t say that the last conversation between Triton and Ariel in the 2023 movie cheapens the line “...how much I’m going to miss her” and the bittersweetness with which he gifts her back her human legs, but it came close. I would have MUCH rather had a little more from Eric and Ariel than from Triton. LIKE HELLO??? WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT RING GRIMSBY KICKED AWAY!??? THERE WAS SOMETHING THEY COULD HAVE USED RIGHT THERE. Or better yet: if they wanted to do something super touching, they could have had Eric’s mother and Triton do a short aside by themselves, or perhaps even have a sort of moment where they acknowledge each other with respect/compassion/understanding before we all refocused on Ariel and Eric for the grand finale. But nah, they did what they did, and I’ll be a bit salty about it forever.
But anyway. Overall, I was very pleased. My disappointment with the lack of emotional impact from the ending does not supersede my enjoyment of everything else.
If you made it this far, please share your thoughts! I’m eager to talk to people, because all my friends aren’t like me and didn’t go see it opening night, lol.
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OC Intro Post!
Dr. Haven Mae Ross House
Birthday July 23, 1985, 27 years old
5 foot 7 inches
Light icy blue eyes
Short light brown-blonde hair in a shaggy cut
Genderfluid, aroace, all pronouns (but uses whatever pronouns go with the bit the best)
Creole, their grandfather was biracial (Black and white) and their grandmother was Native American (Chitimacha)
Her right leg is amputated above the knee, she either uses prosthetic legs or forearm crutches to get around
Newest member of the PPTH diagnostics team, filled the open position on the team after House faked his death (after s8)
Haven's mother was a prostitute that House slept with when he was on a trip to New Orleans in his 20s. Haven's mother never expected to have a child, and Haven was raised more by his extended family than he was by his mother. Whenever their mother was trying to take care of them, her rotating door of boyfriends would be there too. Her boyfriends were often verbally, emotionally, and physically abusive towards Haven, and his mother never did anything to stop them. Luckily, Haven spent much more time with his extended family than he ever did with his mother.
He knows Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, ASL, and French. He learned all of these languages while being raised by his extended family. His mother had seven siblings, five of which had children. He has cousins that are part Korean, Chinese, and Hispanic, as well as a Deaf cousin.
Haven's natural accent is very New Orleans/Southern, but she trained herself out of the accent when she was in college due to the concern that people would take her less seriously. Occasionally, when she's mad or just drugged out of her mind, she'll slip back into that New Orleans accent.
Haven's mother and father figures were her aunt Adine Mills(her mother's sister) and her uncle Martin Mills. When they were eight, Martin became ill and was rushed to the hospital. After a few days at the hospital, Martin died of heart issue that none of his doctors had been able to find. After this, Haven swore to themself that they would become the best diagnostician there ever was so people like her Uncle Martin didn't have to die.
Haven was always an extremely intelligent child. She showed signs of this as young as three years old, and started high school at 11. After she finished high school, she was legally emancipated to allow her more easily attend college. She started college with a full-ride scholarship at 15, finishing her biology undergraduate degree in just two years. She also had a full ride scholarship for med school, graduated at 21, and began her specialization training for Internal Medicine.
Haven first met my other OC, Francesca, at college. They were roommates for about a year before Francesca married Marcus and moved out. Haven and Francesca stayed close friends after college, calling each other on a near-daily basis and living together whenever Francesca was in-between marriages.
Just after Haven completed her IM specialization at 23, they went out with some of her friends to celebrate, including Francesca's husband Marcus. Haven was chosen as the designated driver. On the way back from the bar, the car was struck by a drunk driver in a semi-truck. Haven was the only one in the car to survive. The damage done to their leg forced the OR to amputate the leg, and they also suffered burns on a significant portion of their other leg.
Haven suffers from moderate to severe chronic phantom limb pain (PLP), which for him feels like his leg is still being crushed and burned by the car crash. After trying a variety of pain meds, he discovered that opioids were the only thing that could really take away the pain. Haven currently takes oxycodone for his PLP. He also has a marijuana medical license, and occasionally smokes weed when he has trouble falling asleep or the pain meds aren't doing enough to take off the edge.
Often times, wearing their prosthetic leg makes their PLP worse, so Haven uses forearm crutches much more often than their prosthetic leg.
Haven discovered that House was her father at a medical conference that Haven attended at 25. Haven was presenting, giving a speech about how they were the youngest person to ever head a diagnostics department, and had to leave partway through the speech due to a bad flare-up of PLP. House and Wilson followed them up to the roof, where House was fully intending to just verbally fight her. A conversation later, House had managed to steal some of her hair, DNA tested it, and found out that she was his daughter. House didn't want to tell her, but Wilson went behind his back to call Haven and let her know.
Haven had only small amounts of contact with House in the years leading up to his death. Whenever they called, they ended up fighting about chronic pain or religion or diagnostics or whatever stupid thing had pissed either one of them off that time. Haven also hated the bits of their father that they saw in themselves. Haven very reluctantly visited House once when he was in prison to get help on a diagnostics case that was stumping even them. House managed to solve the case in a few minutes, and the two actually ended up having a genuine, heart-to-heart conversation. Haven left actually feeling good about House being their father for the first time in two years.
Just before House faked his death, he left Haven everything that he didn't leave to Wilson. In the will, he included a clause that Haven couldn't get her part of the will unless she took the job that he had left for her in the diagnostics department at PPTH. Haven applied to the job, and was accepted into the position almost immediately following House's death.
Haven inherited Wilson's old loft apartment (House did some trickery so the apartment technically belonged to him), and moves in with Francesca shortly after accepting the PPTH job.
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akos-sakka-hell · 1 year
I went to a pride event so have a couple headcanons based on my experience here
Honestly I'm not even sure who is the most likely to go to pride but hey, bestie and I debated, have the results.
All the following groups went separately, without knowing others would go. And yet, they all found each other somehow at some point.
Tachimukai shyly came out to Tsunami as [insert your hc here], asked if he was okay going to pride with him, and Tsunami accepted immediately, despite not being queer by any means (or didn't discover himself yet). Tsunami had a blast here, he had absolutely no idea what was going on, and ended up asking many people what their flags meant. He remembered none of them.
Rika begged Touko to come with her and after a while, she accepted. Touko prepared the best outfit she had, had her aroace beanie ready and all, and the moment the two got together, it just went "Oh so you're aroace?" "Well, yeah, but what are you then?" "Me? Oh I'm straight! I don't really have anything queer in me haha" "Then why are you here??" "The vibes are great"
Fudou didn't plan on going, since that kind of event isn't for him. But he saw people from afar climbing on the roofs of bus stops and decided it was his time to shine.
Oumihara's coach brought everybody in the team for no particular reason. As Rika said, the vibes are great.
The guys from Tobitaka's gang were planning on going, and Tobitaka sensed something would go wrong, so he decided to go with them.
Fuyuka came out to her dad as aroace and he just went "... Do you want to go to the pride event of next week?". She didn't even know there was one. Kudou knew because he had this nagging feeling at least 50% of the Inazuma Japan team was not straight.
Once they were here, whenever someone from the Inazuma Japan team did something stupid, somehow it was always when Kudou was around, close enough to see them and scold them.
Genda insisted to go with Sakuma, who grumbled before accepting (he didn't need much convincing actually). And then Sakuma spotted Fudou on the roof of the bus stop. "What the fuck are you doing on a bus stop?" "I'm just chilling, the view is nice" "Alright I refuse to believe you went alone. Where's Kidou?" "What makes you think I went with Kidou??" "…" "…" "… He's by the tree in the shade since he thinks the weather is too hot."
Hitomiko wasn't planning on going. She was just on her way to get groceries and somehow got dragged into this.
Fubuki wanted to go, but not alone, hence why he asked Someoka to come with him. Someoka reluctantly accepted because it was Fubuki, but kinda hoped he would not come across anyone he knew.
And somehow, the entirety of the B4 squad got reunited at some point.
Aphrodi of course went there, with the most extravagant outfit he could think of. Nagumo and Suzuno were of course dragged there as well.
Hibiki didn't go by himself, he just waited for the parade to come around his place and then decided to put a flag by the window.
It was at this moment Hibiki spotted Fudou on the roof of the bus stop. Hibiki stared at him, he stared back, and Fudou reluctantly got off the roof.
The only communication they all had during the event was by sending pics in groupchats of whatever group they spotted with the caption "Look who at pride"
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