Yugioh Season Zero: Yuugi and Jounouchi become friends!
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So I’ve reviewed like 20 episodes of Yugioh, as you do when you need a late night hobby but because of carpal tunnel reasons it can’t be art related, and I was feeling like–maybe I need a palate cleanser. Just for one review–just something that isn’t them trapped underground for the fifth episode in a row.
And my bro was like “well, there’s Original Yugioh” and I said “I haven’t been watching original Yugioh?” and he said to me, very ominously “NOOOOOOOO”
So OG Yugioh is a treat, but a treat in the way that I say this is a treat. It’s not exactly canon (but as far as I know it’s not NOT canon unless the writers  directly say so) And unlike other anime that gets redone and is only different in feel and the occasional plot development, this is different in so many fascinating ways. Like there’s a whole main character who’s just GONE.
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It feels a little like the makers want to pretend this never happened, so I’m watching a fan dub on youtube. Forgive the stretched out widescreen and the ominous red line of the progress bar. I could make a Photoshop action to clone it out, but I’m gonna hold back.
I won’t be going through all of these, just sometimes, because firstly bro says they have spoilers and secondly, making a photo recap when there’s subs already is…eh
Also these didn’t exactly age well. Fair warning: 90′s anime problematic stuff, ahoy!
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Kaiba looks like if Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune had a baby.
(read more under the cut)
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Last night I had a dream where Rishid's ancient Egyptian counterpart was just him but with comically long blonde hair
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trying to remember how to draw the mima
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today's manga selection: "Do you ever lose at anything...?"
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i know the anime tends to tame things down but. how violent and swag does tkb look in the anime during millennium world in the world of memories like. especially when he's y'know Doing Atrocities. this is a genuine question i need to know....
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Similarities between ygo and ptutu before I forget them
Main character is a tiny loser highschooler who gets possessed by a magic hero who is distinctly Not Them
A large part of the mc's arc is learning to accept themselves, detached from the borrowed identity of the cooler titular character
Oh yeah transformation necklace with the soul of a monarch trapped inside it
Ryou Bakura is there (Mytho)
I feel like we got a little less than kid friendly in season two. Uhm
Half the main characters are reincarnations of other characters
The overarching plot is about giving the soul of a monarch his memories back and sending him off to whence he came
That monarch's always trying to kill himself for some reason
Season two major antagonist is the dark alter ego of a character with severe daddy issues
Is it controversial to say fakir is seto kaiba
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Men invented dueling so they could shoot hot loads into eachother
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I think I might've blocked someone very active in the yugioh fandom because I just got like my 20th set of ghost notes on a blog where I post about it
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Yugioh duel dialogue
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Ryo Bakura should have pet mice. They could just relax in his sleeves or in the crux of his neck warmly and somehow they just seem to suit him to me.
We know Ryo can build dioramas and props and seems to enjoy doing so -- he could build really cool and unique and fun enrichment things for the mice's enclosure and neat little hideouts for them.
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When i start dissociating at work and get yanked into a cofront
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To all Palestine supporters 🫂
We still need less than €150 to reach our short term goal of €22,750 which is 65% ‼️
Your donations are important for our survival
Please help me reach our goal as soon as possible 🙏
We appreciate your help ❤️🙏
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