99 posts
Hi! I'm Nutmeg but you can call me Meg! She/her. 💜💙💗 I post art, comics, and answer asks about my Ace Attorney AU involving post-SoJ (queerplatonic aro/ace) Mitsunarumayo and their fankids. đŸŒ»đŸŒ»đŸŒ» Side blog, so I may answer questions in the comments in new posts!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
nutmeg-mayonnaise · 9 months ago
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A sketch I cleaned up for Father's Day! âœ©Â°ïœĄ ⋆
One thing that draws me to this AU personally is exploring how Nick would handle raise Gregory as a toddler, especially while still working as a lawyer! He was very lucky Trucy was so smart and talented when he adopted her. ^^
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 10 months ago
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Fun little drawing for Mother's Day! :) 🌾
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 11 months ago
Do you take commissions bc I love your art in the style of Apollo Justice!!!
Hello friend! Thank you so much for the kind words! They make me happy! Unfortunately, I do not take commissions. I hope you can understand!
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 1 year ago
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i just think that he has two hands okay đŸ§â€â™‚ïž
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 1 year ago
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Happy birthday to my dear friend @alyxinfact! *â ïœ„â ă‚œïŸŸ
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 1 year ago
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Merry Christmas everyone! o(*ïżŁâ–œïżŁ*)ブ
I wanted to draw a snapshot of a Christmas Party at Phoenix’s house with my Post-SoJ AU. Gumshoe tells the Fey girls (and Larry..) stories, Trucy dotes over Phoenix’s youngest with Apollo and Athena as Simon (who was Athena’s plus-one) looks on unamused, and Edgeworth helps Gregory hang up candy canes. 
I would’ve loved to draw more characters, but this was a lot already, so pretend whoever you think is missing is somewhere else in the house. :D 
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 1 year ago
So excited that you can reply in the comments as a side blog now!
I have a lot of things to go back and reply to hehe. I've been very busy so I'm sorry I haven't posted much! Much love! (⁠^⁠ ⁠^⁠*)
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 1 year ago
qpr nrmy for your drabble prompts
Phoenix awoke to the late morning sunlight streaming through the window. The digital clock display read 10:59 AM, nearly four hours past the time the alarm was supposed to go off.
On the nightstand were remnants of last night’s scandalous activities: stacks of empty lo-mein boxes, a half-eaten melted pint of ice cream. Maya had been feeling down, so they’d binge-watched the gritty Netflix Pink Princess reboot to make fun of it before falling asleep nestled in each other’s arms.
“Nghhh. Maya. We slept in again,” Phoenix mumbled, squeezing Maya awake.
 Maya gurgled something undecipherable into Phoenix’s armpit.
“Sorry, you’re going to have to speak English,” he teased.
That got Maya to stir enough to lift her head, at least. “I said, that’s okay. I don’t mind.”
Phoenix frowned, brushing locks of thick black hair out of Maya's face. “But you’ll miss your morning training session.”
Brown eyes rose to meet his as Maya’s arms constricted to squeeze him close. “That’s okay,” she murmured, voice thick with sleep. “Because it means I get more time with you.”
Warmth swelled in Phoenix’s heart. He had never been one for traditional relationships, but he supposed this was something like what people meant when they talked about “love.” Spending your life with the person you care about most, supporting each other when times or tough, waking up next to each other every morning–wasn’t this what most people dreamed of, without the fairytale romance?
“Hey.” Maya flicked his nose, apparently awake enough for gremlin behavior now.
“Oww, what the hell!”
“You’re giving me that goopy-eyed sappy look again. Stop it.” Maya flashed a shit-eating grin before sitting up to stretch. “Don’t go all soft on me.”
“Oh, I’m the soft one?!”
They continued their bickering and poking and prodding as they slowly made their way out of bed and toward the kitchen. Grinning when Maya couldn’t see him, Phoenix put on water for tea and started on breakfast.
Maybe the word he was looking for wasn’t “love,” but “happiness.”
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 1 year ago
I think you mentioned in one of your older posts that Trucy starts her own family in your AU at some point? Are there any details you can share? Trucy being a mother, and Phoenix, Edgeworth and Maya being grandparents, sound like fun ideas to explore.
Hello, friend! It's actually funny, I could've sworn I spoke about Trucy's fankids in more detail than "they exist", but I guess I haven't!
Anyway, here are her twin boys!
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Their names are Ace and Jack Hyde, but they perform as one person named "Janus Gramarye" on stage. Their father is a Troupe member named Timothy "Tim" Hyde, and the gag with him is that despite how much Trucy talks about him, Phoenix has never seen him--not even at their wedding--so he thinks Trucy made him up.
Trucy and her show are on the road quite a bit in the AU, and since the AU is focused on the Mayonarumitsu family, there's not too many details about Trucy's family other than what I've shared above.
When Trucy's family is in town, it's not a given that Maya and the Fey girls are in town at the same time, so she sees them even less than she sees Phoenix, Edgeworth, and Gregory Wright. Trucy was far too old for Maya to adopt her when she and Phoenix had to marry to appease Kurain Village Customs to have the kids, so Maya is not technically her parent. Regardless, Trucy does start calling her "Mama" once Gregory was on the way and her twins call her "Mama Maya".
They call Phoenix "Grandpa" (obviously), and Phoenix always felt strange being a grandfather especially since Trucy's twins were born when his and Maya's youngest was only six years old. They also call Gregory "Uncle Grey".
Edgeworth is a little more distant, but the twins still call him "Papa Miles" regardless. He doesn't really see himself as their grandfather, but it's not something he will dare tell them straight to their face. He tries his best to be family, though.
Thanks for the question!
Some info about how I haven't been active lately below the cut! :)
Hello friends! I know I haven't posted in a couple months, and I still have a few asks that haven't been answered. I'm sitting on a pile of WIPs for artwork I want to have with those asks, so I'll get to them eventually!
I've been really busy with work this summer and I've spent most of my time with the AU writing that same fanfiction I mentioned before--the one that details how the OT3 went from where they were at the end of "Spirit of Justice" to being parents together. I wound up rewriting most of it and I'm very pleased with how it's turning out so far, and I can't wait to share it!
I'm not sure how often I can post since I'm still very busy, but I want to try do maybe make more simple artwork to post and answer asks so I could be more active! We'll have to see what happens!
Thank you all for your love and support for the AU. Your notes, kind words, tags, and comments all make me smile!
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 2 years ago
(Gregory Wright AU)
I was supposed to pair this artwork with this ask, but it was posted by mistake when the art wasn't done yet.
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After I finished AAI2, I had to draw Raymond Shields with Gregory. I was sad to realize how much he would age--he's about 66 here--but it was really fun to design him older and make a drawing in a similar style to the other photos he took in AAI2.
I also wrote a short story of these two meeting for the first time, and the circumstances around the photo below the cut. It's about 2500 words long. Hope you enjoy it! ˙ᔕ˙
“Good luck with your trial Mr. Edgeworth.”
My adoptive father sighed. “We’re not in the courtroom, Gregory. You needn’t be so formal.”
I chuckled. “I can’t help that you brought me up as a professional, Pop.”
“Indeed.” He turned to the door of the courtroom. “I’ll see you at your dad’s office.”
I waved at him and headed to a nearby vending machine to get a cup of coffee. As I watched the paper cup fill with my much needed source of caffeine, I heard someone greet me from behind.
“Hello, Mr. Wright!” I spun around and looked at him. He was an older man in a trench coat with gray, curly hair poking out from under his black fedora. He grinned at me as he walked by.
“H-hello.” Do I know you? I watched him do a double-take. He stopped and turned around. He leaned forward and adjusted his thin, rectangular glasses with his thumb and index finger.
“It might be my aging eyes, but you look shorter than I remember!”
“I guess the courtroom makes everyone look a little bigger, huh?” I thought maybe this man may’ve observed one of my trials.
He tilted his head at me with a stern expression, but he checked his watch. “Well, it was nice seeing you! Best of luck with work!”
“You, too.”
It then occurred to me that he may have confused me for my dad, who I got my last name from. It wouldn’t be the first time it’s happened.
I took my coffee from the vending machine and heard Pop make his opening statement from within the hall. I smiled. At home, he was usually soft spoken, but once he was at the prosecution desk—or annoyed with my dad—he was resonant.
As I turned to go on my way, I saw the strange, old man linger at the door to the courtroom Pop was in. He had his hands in his pockets and gazed wistfully at the door.
That was a few months before I knew who he was.
“You have a son?”
Pop sighed. “Yes
“And he’s a defense attorney?!”
“What a twist of fate! Say, does he need a mentor? I could take on an apprentice.”
“I appreciate the offer, but you must realize how many people in law Gregory has grown up with.”
Ray Shields stopped to have a hearty chuckle. “No offense, Miles, but I think he ought to learn from an actual defense attorney and not from that family of prosecutors.”
This made Pop uncomfortable. Although Mr. Shields was my grandfather’s apprentice and he and Pop worked together briefly nearly thirty years ago, their relationship has always been somewhat estranged. 
Mr. Shields always had a chip on his shoulder when it came to prosecutors. I can’t say I blame him, considering one murdered my grandfather—Mr. Shield's mentor—and took my father in as his adoptive son on some sick power trip. However, Pop never really kept Mr. Shields up to speed with his own personal life.
“He’ll be fine.” Pop finally said after a few moments of silence. “My partner—his
 father—is a defense attorney.” Mr. Shields had his own moment of silence.
“Hold on a second, Gregory Wright? As in Phoenix Wright? He’s your kid’s father—wait, he’s your partner, too?!” 
Pop is not overfond of detailing his personal life to anyone—especially to anyone in the law business. It took him a while to finally say, “That is correct.”
“...You really need to keep Uncle Ray in the loop a little more, Miles.”
After that exchange, Pop arranged a meeting with me and Mr. Shields at a cafe in town. “I want to see how your boy thinks as an attorney,” he told Pop. I didn’t mind meeting him. I was curious about my grandfather, and I was sure Mr. Shields was curious about me.
I arrived at the cafe and ordered a large chai tea—something I seldom had at home since Pop prefers English teas. I took a seat and waited for Mr. Shields to show up.
I was lost in my thoughts until I noticed an older man in a trench coat and a black fedora walk into the cafe. He looked around, like he was looking for somebody. He looked awfully suspicious, until something on his lapel caught my eye: a defense attorney badge.
Then it dawned on me: it was the man that confused me for my dad, and lingered around the door to the courtroom. Small world.
I saw Mr. Shield’s eyes light up when he saw me. His thin, gray mustache stretched as he smiled at me and walked my way. I sat up from my seat as I saw him extend a hand towards me.
“Mr. Gregory Wright!” He said as I grabbed his hand. He shook pretty firmly for an old guy.
“Raymond Shields!” He put his other hand over mine and continued to shake.
“It is an honor to meet Mr. Gregory Edgeworth’s grandson!” I smiled awkwardly at him, thinking it odd that he skipped over Pop to mention my grandfather, but I didn’t know about his resentment towards prosecutors at that time.
“Pleasure’s all mine.”
I stood in line with him as he ordered coffee and a scone. We had a bit of small talk over coffee and tea and how much he loved the cafe’s scones.
“You know, the original owner of the cafe was your grandfather’s last client.”
My eyes shot wide. “Was he?” 
“Seems like your old man doesn’t tell you much about your granddad, does he?” Mr. Shields raised an eyebrow at me.
He was right. All Pop really told me about him was that Dad named me after him, that he was a defense attorney, and that he was no longer with us. Most of what I knew about my grandfather was through my mom and Dad, and Pop wasn’t around when they told me about him. I guess it’s still a sore spot for him after all these years.
I’m really lucky I have three parents, but I would be devastated if anything happened to any of them. Pop only had my grandfather. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain Pop had to go through
 so I forgive him for not wanting to reminisce with me. Thankfully, I could learn a little more about him from Mr. Shields.
“Let’s play a little game, Mr. Wright.”
“Call me ‘Gregory’.” Mr. Shields pressed his lips together. His eyes gazed down on the table. I grimaced. “O-or you can call me ‘Grey’. That’s what most of my family on my mom and dad’s side call me.” Mr. Shields smiled.
“And you can call me Uncle Ray, Grey.” He chuckled. “Grey and Uncle Ray. I like the sound of that.”
I chuckled nervously. “So about this game
“Right! For the game, I’ll ask you a question, and then you ask me a question. How’s that sound?” I nodded. He took a bite of his scone and gestured to me. “You go first.”
I tapped my fingers on the table, thinking. I’ve heard plenty about the DL-6, the case in which my grandfather was the victim of murder. I met him once when I was very young when my Aunt Pearls channeled him with my family so he could meet me, but I knew nothing about my grandfather as a person.
“What did you admire the most about my grandfather?”
Mr. Shields smiled and looked fondly out the cafĂ© window. “His commitment to finding the truth. He wasn’t afraid to stand up to corruption, even if it made things harder for him in the end.” Hearing this made my heart feel full.
I smirked. “Feels like I’ve heard that mantra my whole life.” 
Mr. Shields smiled. “Probably from Mr. Wright, right?”
I shook my head. “My Pop—er, Mr. Edgeworth, too. Nothing is more important to both of them than uncovering the truth. They ingrained that into me even before I wanted to be a lawyer.”
Ray took another bite out of a scone and I watched his lips curl into a smile. “So
 for my first question—I have to ask because I know your old man probably won’t tell me—how long have your dads been together?”
“Well, Pop started staying at my dad’s to help him take care of me when I was two.” I forced a smile. It’s not the first time anyone’s assumed the nature of their relationship, so I like to play dumb.
Mr. Shields looked at me with small eyes. “Is that when they started dating?”
“I think it's my turn for a question, Uncle Ray.”
I gave him a grin. “Alright, alright
 I suppose you won’t tell me either.”
“Sorry,” I said with a smile. I didn't think it was any of his business. Besides, if Pop knew I detailed his home life with my dad to Mr. Shields, he would kill me—then my mom would kill him, and I don't think my dad would be able to defend her in court.
Mr. Shields gestured his hand upwards. “Anyway, what’s your next question?”
I put my fist to my cheek and looked up. “Seeming as you’re quite the seasoned attorney, looking back, what do you think Gregory Edgeworth could’ve done better?”
Mr. Shields smiled. “Asking the tough questions, eh, Grey?” He sighed and his posture sunk. It was as if didn’t want to dare criticize his late mentor. “I think
 he could’ve shown his feelings more—both to his clients, and to those close to him.” I made an amused huff. I felt that way about Pop. “Your old man didn’t even know that your grandpa was worried about him.”
“Really? What was he worried about?”
“He was worried about his boy spending too much time with his nose in his law books and not enough time making friends and
 being a kid.”
I frowned. I thought about my own childhood. I played. I had friends. I also did plenty of snooping through both my dad and Pop's law books—especially Dad's, and most of them were really my late Aunt Mia’s books. Sometimes when I was in Dad's office after school and I finished my homework early, and I didn’t feel like reading the comics and fiction books my mom left in the office, I'd skim through the law books until Pop came at the end of the day to take us home. When Dad was out of the office after school, I'd hop on the bus, go to Pop's office in the Prosecutor building and look at his books until we would get in the car and pick up my dad from wherever he was.
My earliest memories of Pop was of him teaching me things like how to read and write. I mostly played with Dad and my mom when she was around, but when either of them were busy or away for some reason, Pop would certainly try to play with me. He was happy when I was old enough to play strategy games like chess.
I couldn't help but wonder if things would be different if Pop was the only one who raised me. Would I have played less? Would Pop worry about me?
“I see,” I said, getting out of my head.
Mr. Shields smiled. “Anyway, I have another burning question for you.” I saw his eyes move down to my neck. “What’s that odd-looking stone you have instead of a good tie?”
I glanced down and smiled. “Oh, this is my magatama—well, it’s my late aunt’s. She was also a defense attorney.”
“Does ‘Mia Fey’ of Fey & Co. Law Offices ring a bell?” I watched Mr. Shields squint his eyes, thinking thoughtfully. 
“Ah, yes! Now that you say it, I recall reading about her m
 her unfortunate death in the papers. However, I don’t recall if I ever met her.” He smiled at me. “Thirty years is a long time ago.” He then gestured back at my magatama. “So tell me about this
I looked down and held it between my index finger and thumb. “It’s a charm that members of the Fey Clan use.”
“Those fortune-tellers?”
“Well, no. They’re spirit mediums—at least the women are.” I took a deep breath and glanced down. There weren’t a lot of men in the Fey Clan. As a matter of fact, I’m the only one I know of, and I am definitely not a spirit medium.
“Ah! So they’re a bunch of ladies who can talk to ghosts!”
I nodded slowly. “Sort of. Anyway, my mother is the head of the Fey Clan, and the master of the Kurain Spirit Channeling Technique. She gave me this when
 I was small.” Mr. Shields sat back in his chair, eyebrows raised.
“Your mother’s their leader, huh?” He smirked. I nodded. “I must say, Daddy-Wright has
 interesting taste in partners.” That one got a mild chuckle out of me. “And I imagine you wear that in honor of your mother’s family and the memory of your Aunt.”
I nodded. “Exactly.”
He crossed his arms and smiled. “That’s sweet.”
We exchanged more questions which moved beyond our relations and into our profession. We had a good chat about the legal system and how much it has changed in the nearly fifty years he Mr. Shields was an attorney. I was happy he had the stage for the most part so I could sip on my chai tea—which had long turned cold. After telling me stories about his career for about a couple hours, he looked at his watch.
“Well Grey, your Uncle Ray ought to get going.” I quickly glanced at my phone to check the time, and saw a missed call and a text from Pop.
He stood up out of his chair and extended his arm for another handshake. I stood up and we shook.
“It was great meeting you, Uncle Ray.”
He smiled, but I noticed his whole face light up, and he put his hands together. “Oh! One more thing. Could you come over here?”
I raised my eyebrow and walked to him. He pulled out an old—and I mean really old—camera, and turned it toward us. “U-Uncle Ray?”
“Say ‘Cheese!’” I saw a flash and I was amazed to see a photo come out of the camera's body a moment later. I’ve only heard of cameras like those, but I’ve never seen one in person. Mr. Shields took the photo and he had a big smile. “Oh good, it still works!” 
“The camera?”
“Yes, I need it for my, erm, investigation this afternoon.”
“Can’t you just use your phone?” Mr. Shields waved his hand. 
“What’s the fun in that? I like having them printed out so I can attach them to my wall in the office and see everything all at once.”
“You can also just
 print photos out at any—”
“Gregory, I’m old. Leave me to do things as I always have.”
I smiled at him calling me by my full, first name. “Fair enough.”
“I’ll be seeing you, Mr. Gregory Wright, and don’t be afraid to give ol’ Uncle Ray a call or pay a visit to your grandpa’s Law Office.”
“I just might do that.”
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 2 years ago
Does Iris play a part in your AU at all? After everything she's gone through, I think it would be nice to see her be an aunt to the Fey kids.
Hello friend! She does indeed! She is definitely a doting aunt to Pearl’s children--less so to Maya’s, not because she’s any less fond of them, but simply because Pearl and Iris are closer.
After the events of "Trials and Tribulations", Pearl was intrigued and excited to get to know her older sister. After Iris’ sentencing and incarceration, Pearl began sending Iris letters, and they’ve been exchanging letters ever since—even after Iris was released from prison, and even into the events of the AU. They both agreed that they still look forward to receiving each others’ letters in the regular mail, so they continue to write to each other.
Unfortunately, though, Iris’ hard-knocks didn’t end with her prison sentence. She was able to find love again and marry, but it was ultimately ill-fated, and her husband passed away very shortly after their daughter was born. Iris never quite recovered from this trauma, and is notoriously averse to discussing her late husband. Sister Bikini and Pearl are the only people she has ever confided in regarding him.
The Fey girls also have an older cousin in Iris’s daughter, Laelia. She’s a good eight years older than Mia and Opal so she was never quite young enough to play with them on their level, but she has always quite enjoyed being the wise older cousin. :)
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When the Fey girls are older and Sister Bikini retires as temple attendant, Iris steps up into the role and is ultimately the one who trains them at the temple, with Laelia taking her place as shrine maiden.
Thank you for the question!
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 2 years ago
Did Junpier and Athena and their other friends from AA5 (forgot their names) thought of going to a trip to Khuar'in to visit Apollo and see how the law system works?
And how's Junie doing, and what does she think of Apollo in this AU?
Hello again dbshis! I think they would definitely keep in touch with Apollo after the events of "Dual Destinies". Apollo may even ask them for help with reforming the legal system in Khura'in.
Junie would probably be fine! (hehe) I think finding out he opened a law office in Khura'in through Athena might break her heart a little, but she does respect what he has made of himself and moves on, working hard on her own career with Apollo's words of support.
Thanks for the question!
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 2 years ago
I'm really liking your take on these older versions of the AA cast, and I'm especially interested in your version of Pearl. I wasn't expecting her to be a single mum, of all things. How much has she changed, and how do she and her family interact with the rest of the gang?
Hello friend! Thank you so much!
Pearly has somewhat distorted views and high standards when it comes to romance so that and of the history of failed marriages in Kurain Village compound into her situation. However, she doesn't see herself as a single mom, because she and Maya raise their daughters together (with some help from Phoenix whenever he visits them--and Amber does visit her father as well). They are a close family and besides Mia being difficult, get along well.
Although Pearl doesn't completely grasp the unique relationship Phoenix and Maya have, especially after giving up on them ever getting together after Phoenix was disbarred and Maya was occupied with training to be master, she was over the moon when they decided to have kids together. She does side-eye Phoenix a little bit for not being with Maya all the time in Kurain Village, but Maya drilled into her that it's important he stayed in the city so he could keep his law career. After all, if it weren't for that, Maya would've been imprisoned (...on more than one occasion...).
Pearl's daughters treat Phoenix and Miles like uncles and Gregory like a proper cousin despite treating his sisters like their own sisters. They don't see anyone else much so they're fairly neutral with everyone else.
Thanks for the question!
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 2 years ago
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A little drawing of Phoenix, Edgeworth, and their son from my AU for Father's Day. đŸŒ»đŸŒŒ
(Close ups under the cut!)
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 2 years ago
I've been a fan of your AU since a while and as someone whos recently finished aai2, I am compelled to ask how Kay and/or Sebastian are doing in your AU. imo Kay would be really a fun aunt with the kids ngl
Hello @paradoxinaparadox! I'm so glad you enjoy the AU! I finished AAI2 recently so I can finally answer this question!
There are references to AAI2 spoilers so the information is under the cut!
(I accidentally posted this when I meant to save it as a draft! I have a drawing for this I was supposed to have with it but I'll reblog this when it's done!)
With regards to Kay, after her experiences helping Edgeworth and Gumshoe in their investigations, Kay spent some time wavering on whether she wanted to become a prosecutor like Edgeworth and her father. However, she ultimately decided to pursue a career as a detective, where she could spend more time out in the field searching for truths to steal (and of course, Little Thief has been a tremendous help to this end). With some encouragement and guidance from Fransizka, she eventually landed in Interpol as an investigator. Due to this, she spends a lot of time outside of the country as much of her job takes place abroad. When she is in the neighborhood, though, she usually drops by Edgeworth’s office (or worse, his house) for sporadic visits--almost always uninvited, but Edgeworth manages to put up with it.
Aside from these visits, Kay and Edgeworth don’t tend to stay in touch frequently, although Kay insists this would not be the case if Edgeworth would download more chat apps onto his phone. (It was much easier for her to convince Gumshoe to do this, and as a result, they are in much more frequent contact.)
Kay was unaware of Gregory’s existence until one day when she had popped over to Edgeworth’s house unannounced and waited several hours, only for Edgeworth not to return home. When she finally called to ask where he was, he sheepishly answered that he was at Phoenix Wright's house, caring for their son. She was shocked and a bit upset that Edgeworth hadn’t shared this with her sooner, but she got past it quickly. She knows that Edgeworth likes to keep his private life private, after all.
Unfortunately, all of this means that Kay isn’t around enough to have a particularly close relationship with Gregory or any of Phoenix’s other kids, but she likes the kids and usually brings Gregory a sweet or some other small thing from her travels when she drops in.
With Sebastian, he met Gregory when he was about four or five years old, when Sebastian happened to run into Edgeworth walking with him in the courthouse. Later, Sebastian--who feels somewhat indebted to Edgeworth--offered to watch the boy if he ever needed the favor. Edgeworth never expected he would want or need to take Sebastian up on that offer, but ended up needing to when something came up that demanded his attention on short notice.
Much to Edgeworth’s surprise, Sebastian proved to be very attentive to his son, and Gregory seemed to really like Sebastian, so Edgeworth let the younger prosecutor watch him a couple more times while Gregory was young. As they both got older, though, Gregory needed a babysitter less and less, and Sebastian became very busy with his career, so by the time Grey had reached adulthood and needed to occasionally face Prosecutor Debeste in court, they had grown quite distant, despite some lingering fondness.
As a bonus, I've thought about Courtney and Ray, too!
Courtney found out about little Gregory through Sebastian, as the two still remain somewhat close. She reached out to Edgeworth to congratulate him, and said she would make herself available if he ever needed counsel on parenting, and that she would advise him to the best of her ability. Edgeworth ended up never reaching out to her for this purpose until Grey became a bit moody as a preteen. Thankfully, that didn’t need to happen too much, as Gregory was always a pretty easygoing kid.
Although “Uncle Ray” never quite got over his disappointment in Miles Edgeworth for not choosing the same path as his father, after the events of AAI2, he did still maintain some sparse contact in the form of Christmas cards and exchanging pleasantries when they happened to run into each other (or what Ray would consider “pleasantries”, anyway. Some playful jabs were still slipped towards Edgeworth if the opportunity arose).
Despite one of the most important people in Ray’s life being Gregory’s namesake, Ray didn’t come to learn about Gregory Wright until the latter was already studying to become a defense attorney. This was partly because Edgeworth wanted to avoid the awkwardness of bringing it up when he and Shields weren’t exactly friends, and partly because Edgeworth had reservations about the kind of pressure Ray would put on Grey if he DID know about him. This led to Ray finding out, all at the same time, that:
1. Miles Edgeworth has a son.
2. That son is named after his mentor.
3. That sons’s father and Edgeworth’s partner is renowned defense attorney Phoenix Wright.
Ray was gobsmacked to say the least, and had some regrets about not prying into Edgeworth’s personal life sooner.
Upon learning all of this, Ray wanted to get to know Grey, and teach him a bit about his grandfather. Edgeworth let him know that this would be Gregory’s choice, which Gregory agreed to at least once.
Thanks for the question!
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 2 years ago
Questions regarding other characters: Is any of the characters (aside from Narumayomitsu) in a relationship with each other? (Like Apollo, Athena , Trucy etc.)
Hello @dbshis! The AU has the queerplatonic relationship between Phoenix and both Maya and Edgeworth as its focus, and there's not many relationships outside of it. Gumshoe/Maggey is pretty much the only other one, and while it's not "official" in the au, Franziska and Adrian also have something going on with each other.
If you'd like to know more about the characters you mentioned, you can check out my tags for Apollo, Athena, and Trucy.
Thanks for the question!
(And a quick note to others who have sent me asks! What hasn't been answered yet still has artwork being drawn for them and I'm excited to get those done so I can share with you! :) )
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nutmeg-mayonnaise · 2 years ago
What's up with Athena and Simon? Regardless if you ship them or not, just to know what’s happening
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Hello ena115 & Co!
I do love Athena and Simon's relationship quite a bit! They're definitely platonic partners for life in the AU and frequently visit and work together. Simon is often Athena's plus-one for events and they are indeed each other's favorite person--not that Simon has a lot of people he would consider "favorites".
Here's a drawing of Athena and Simon maybe ten or so years after "Spirit of Justice". :)
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Simon remains a prosecutor in the AU. Athena still worked under Phoenix at the Wright Anything Agency (later renamed back to Wright & Co Law Offices after Trucy moved her Agency out of the office) for a little while. She eventually had opportunities outside of the Law Office she couldn't pass up but she still assists Phoenix from time to time. Athena is busy juggling her obligations so she's not particularly interested in starting her own family.
Thanks for the questions!
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