#i love this!
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colourless-hydrangeas · 2 days ago
OP, do you mind if I steal your idea and use the "MC gives LI a Tamagotchi" prompt for my husbando? I will tag you in the post, of course!
Please don't give Ikky a Furby. xD
I can imagine how chaotic it would be.
I have known this otome title for less than a day, and I am already in love.
What if MC gave each god a Tamagotchi?
Okay this stems from @star-crossed-mid's discord server where due to one convo there I mentioned that it would probably be a terrible idea to give Ichthys a Furby, but then I was thinking back to the Heavenly Pleasure's (special story) prologue where the gods had no idea what video consoles were and that giving them any interactive toy therefore might be a bad idea (and how I was worried about Dui maybe crying if his Tamagotchi pet died)
Then I started thinking on the other gods, so here have this nonsense...
After deciding to sort out her apartment, MC comes across her childhood Tamagotchi and finding that it still works after putting batteries in it, decides to take it with her to the mansion...
MC might not even be aware that he was taking in everything she was rambling about the device she had bought with her and how they were a massive fad once upon a time but when she ends up leaving it there, well, he takes things extremely seriously. He makes sure to set up a schedule for it even.
Later, when Scorpio asks why there was apparently a five minute gap in their statistics when Zyglavis would normally be working using his personal reflecting pool, the Head of Punishments would mutter something about he 'had to feed the dog' and maybe make Scorpio think that perhaps Zyglavis had really overworked this time and insist he go back to the mansion right that second and get some rest instead of working
Then Zyglavis would agree because he 'needs to get the dog back to [MC] anyway'
Which would just leave Scorpio with more quetsions. Who the hell would bring a dog from the human world up to the heavens anyway and since when did [MC] have one?!
Scorpio would claim that he couldn't see the point in the toy that MC was explaining to him, or why anyone would want to look after a virtual thing that couldn't do anything in return. Though the idea that it couldn't leave the confines of the screen might appeal as a punishment next time Ichthys dared to fill his bed with something.
However, when MC forgets it when she leaves, Scorpio takes great care to make sure it stays alive, fretting over what will happen if he doesn't get it back to her before something goes wrong, but keeping it hidden in his bedside cabinet cos hell if he's letting any of the others find out about this.
He'll then play it off as having been way too easy to keep the stupid thing happy as he hands it back to MC when she returns to his room a while later, but they both know.
Krioff wouldn't really get it. He'd be curious because MC is the one showing him it and it is an Earth item after all. He's the one who goes straight after her if she leaves it at the mansion, not trusting himself to do everything she said you had to do with it. Besides, he'd rather see her smile again at the strange pixelated dog chasing a stange pixelated ball.
Dui is immediately intrigued by the device. You can carry a cute little pet everywhere you go? And as it's an item not a living being that probably means he can take it up to the heavens with no problem at all!
MC happily lets him have it and for a while everything is fine. Though as the virtual pet gets more demanding, and Dui starts to worry that he might be missing something Shadow Dui decides to take matters into his own hands and tries to teach the virtual dog some obedience.
When MC next sees him after that, she realises she hasn't seen him take the Tamagotchi out in the time she's there and when she asks about it he looks away sadly from her and says he doesn't want to talk about it.
Realising what's likely happened, she reassures him that it's fine and gets him to give her the device back and starts a new game.
Dui manages a more natural smile, but tells her he doesn't want to play with it anymore, not unless there's a way to have an immortal pet. This new virtual dog may look the same, but it isn't his dog anymore.
There's one of two ways I can imagine Partheno's encounter with a Tamagotchi going
He'll inappropriately ask whether there's a version where the digital pet is a human
For some reason there's now a mode where you can dress the dog up with accessories
Why is there a giant dog suddenly running around the mansion?! And why does it look like that?!
(Ichthys made the dog real because he thought it'd be funny, and decided it'd baffle the others more if it still looked like the digital dog. Aigonorus was trying to be helpful - he was worried that the tiny screen space wouldn't be anywhere near large enough for the poor creature but he didn't think about what it would look like out of the device. If he had he would have at least given it fur so he could hug it. Harsh 2d lines looked like they'd be really hard).
Leon doesn't get it. At all. He's initially going to refuse even looking at such a waste of time and to tell MC to stop bothering him if all she's going to do is talk about old trinkets but then as they're in the living room Zyglavis happens to overhear their conversation and a snide remark from him implying that the only reason Leon will not even touch the Tamagotchi is because he does not have the leadership to take the responsibility for such a creature.
The head of Wishes' demeanour changes instantly at that and he grabs the Tamagotchi, determined to prove the other wrong and that this would be 'the longest time anyone has ever got a stupid virtual pet thing to live'
It goes reasonably well whilst MC is there but pretty soon after she has to leave for the evening, it dies.
Leon tries to work out how to start a new game and frantically get back up to what the dog looked like before but even though he manages to start a new game he forgets about it whilst dealing with something else and it dies again.
It's at this point he starts a game up again and this time he palms the device off to Hue demanding that it is extremely important that it remain alive whilst he carries out some other tasks, but if the other dare mention this to MC he'd regret it.
Huedhaut would sigh and look at him and ask simply why he doesn't just use his powers to get it back to how it looked before.
That makes the Head of Wishes pause. Why hadn't he considered that? Was it because that felt like cheating? But wasn't he cheating anyway?
Grabbing it back from Huedhaut, he would leave without another word to the other and go and finally admit the truth to MC. When she offers to take it back, however, he shakes his head and says he's determined to at least give it one more try.
In the end, it's Karno who begs MC to take it back off Leon cos the other is using it as an excuse to avoid the paperwork.
Karno is happy to look after the virtual pet for MC whilst she's at work, and may even gush to the others about how it makes him feel close to her whilst she's not present, but he doesn't have the confidence to take it from her entirely. He's happy to be there to lend a hand with anything though, no matter how ridiculous it may seem to the other gods. He wants to be there for his MC.
Teo would try to listen to MC explaining to him about the device but get rather irritated that she was looking at the small screen instead of him.
In the end his patience would probably snap and he'd take the chance next time she looked up to move her focus onto him with a kiss, whilst at the same time throwing the Tamagotchi across the room.
Later, the device would beep a few times and eventually distract Teorus enough to go and look at it.
When he picks it up and sees a strange message across the screen he turns to MC and asks her about it.
She takes it back from him, mutters that that screen means the pet's dead, and then her phone just happens to go off at that point - Hiyori's messaged her that they need extra help at the planetarium.
So she leaves without explaining to Teorus that you can just start from the beginning with a new pet, and the other spirals into worry that it was his fault and that he's really upset her and he hadn't meant this to happen, he'd just wanted some time with her without any outside distractions.
He turns up to her apartment later to apologise, and MC explains, showing him the now working again Tamagotchi.
Teorus now thinks digital pets are more powerful than gods.
He finds the idea of a virtual pet cute, but he worries over the small device and that his hands may not be the best to deal with the tiny buttons. Regardless of that he still tries and despite selecting the wrong menu option a few times he does reasonably well.
However, he's not particularly interested in continuing with the device for a long amount of time, he'd much rather hear about what other fond memories MC has of the times before they met, as he didn't really make many memories himself. Besides he'd much rather find out about all the interesting things the Earth has to offer with her: not just because he wants to spend time with MC, but because he wants to know more about his other world.
He'd probably be happy to see MC's reaction to explaining something she's had for quite a long time, but he may also get rather exasperated at her rather hesitant explanation, eventually pointing out that maybe she was forgetting which god she was talking to.
When he actually has the device he'd probably be more interested in the electronics and how humans had managed to make such an item without powers rather than the virtual pet itself. If he's done any research about electronics I'd imagine he'd look into whether he could do anything with it.
Next time MC sees him, she asks how come the dog was now a cat and the other would tease her for a bit with comments like "I thought as you were such an expert on this little device that you would know about the hidden mode where you can select other animals." before finally admitting to her that he had changed it.
Before surprising her further by clarifying (after she seemingly gets annoyed that Hue of all people supposedly cheated with his powers) that he programmed an entire new one and MC's Tamagotchi is actually on the bookshelf behind him.
A/N: Uh... yeah I dunno what this is. 😅 Hopefully you enjoyed this nonsense. Oh and the Tamagotchi is a dog in my ramblings here because I had a 101 Dalmatians one at one point.
Thinking about it I could actually see MC having had a Tamagotchi - I mean if she's in her mid-twenties in 2015 (which is when SCM is set judging by what others have said in the past in the discord 😅), if we say she's exactly 25 that would mean she was born in 1990, two years after me - so Tamagotchi's must be around the right time for her as well.
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bone-trash · 8 days ago
I think I sent you an ask about Tommy and Simon being teenagers but now I’m wondering your thoughts on if Simon and Johnny met in their teens?? Thoughts??
Omg I love this one!
Simon was a total metal head, the louder the better, ratty T-shirts and skate shoes, picking fights coming home with cuts an bruises and and even a chipped front tooth, spends his lunches out back of the gym smoking fags, but he’s so FUCKING smart and he’s got a really supportive teacher or two that get what his home life is like and what he’s capable of
Johnny moves to Manchester with his family and he’s immediately in. He’s very social and athletic, type you’d bring home to mum, and smart enough, but definitely has issues with making himself understood when he’s excited and focusing in class, undiagnosed ADHD is a bitch
The two get paired up for chemistry, Simon is suspect that this Scot is going to drag him down and it’s bad enough that he’d had to take this class a second time (exams coincided with he and his mom and brother finally getting away from his shitty dad so he’d missed it) but notices Johnny doodling on the worksheet they were handed and asks him if he could draw Simon a flaming skull for the front of his binder?
Johnny just smiles and whips one up in about 5 minutes flat and tells Simon he’s done better and what colors would he want the flames? Simon starts info dumping about how his Favorite Band logo uses purples but he much prefers green and when Johnny catches up to him at the end of the day with a full colored pencil drawing of the skull all in green Simon’s heart skips a beat.
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tomahachi12 · 15 days ago
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Have harpy doodles cuz yes :3
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kaddyssammlung · 8 months ago
I have not seen this.
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sdv-confessions · 26 days ago
Harvey and Maru are besties to me. She definitely educates him on new slang.
I feel like people forget Harvey has few friends in the valley because he's constantly working so I think they've got a strong relationship (also I just think he's too uncomfortable to let his guard down during aerobics and really connect with anyone else 😭)
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hitwiththefandomz · 9 months ago
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There’s some concern for the Donrse :(;゙゚'ω゚'):
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indieyuugure · 1 year ago
Hi it’s me again! get used to me lol
I’ve finally gained enough courage to ask my favorite creator nothing can stop me now!
I drew the thing from my last ask 😄
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I love them so much XD
This occurs after Zeyphr (the winged one) got mutated and Leo was, well Leo, and very concerned.
Hee-hee glad you could join the party ^v^
Your art style is so adorable! I love their designs!
I’m so happy you were able to apply this idea to your AU! It’s so cute!
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jackieshaunalives · 7 days ago
you might find this strange considering the context but i just realized that yellowjackets is actually a very healing show for my past angsty teenage self
like i wore a lot of leather and listened to rock bands like nat
i wrote in my journal and liked 'tragic' things like shauna
i fell in love with a girl like jackie
completely gay and in the closet like van and tai
and raised christian like laura lee
as for lottie didnt really have one of her but alas
still makes me wanna cry no wonder i love this show so much like im serious take away all the cults and cannibalism and i would still love this show just as much but having that be a metaphor for what it feels like to be a teenage girl is perfect the trials and tribulations the ups and downs the chaos the hormones like jeez
def one of my fave shows of all time <3
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pricklyjim · 28 days ago
Yo first things first i like your art style and your au i dont know how to put it but your art is just so shapes tasty shapes
Second you know that comic that is gonna come out later this year "ballpoint the worst transformer ever" you art reminds me of that the style is kind of similar
And third idk why but looking at your art earlier today i was overcome with the sudden urge to finally draw my oc dawnbreaker ive been putting it off for a while because i didnt quite know how to translate what i saw in my mind to the paper but then suddently i knew what i had to do so yeah thanks for that
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Here she is she turns into a monstertruck and is a pit fighter (no hands because they are a nightmare for me)
Omggg! I LOVE THIS!!! oh my goodness this is absolutely Devine!! I feel so happy if i can inspire other artist to draw! since tons of artists inspire me to!!
and i saw that!! Haha i was looking at it earlier and thinking “man, I’ll never be able to shape like that” so this is quite funny to me!!
I love your art and oc sm! :D
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nexttimeisnotthesame · 2 months ago
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额头吻 / 耳环 © 不吃毛豆
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amagnificentobsession · 5 months ago
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agent-darkfest · 5 months ago
in this link there is one of those Group Squad Base (pose practice is what the artist called it) and the first one is of two Genies making fun of the thirds hight.
I thought of your Arabian Nights Au, but also right after that thought i realized how cheat-e it is to be like “im taller than you” while you’re literally floating.
Ok, ok... hear me out. You CANNOT imagine the desire you have triggered in me to do a sketch of this with Sun and Moon!!! It is now on my To-Must list! It is getting done!!! If I wasn't at work right now, I'd be all over my IPad sketching viciously!
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amusingmusie · 1 year ago
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Because I cannot wait for the next chapter and these two take up majority of my thoughts I thought that I would repay you with my time, sweat and tears ♡🦌
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eikohanjatketa · 1 year ago
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Aarni is a real one 💚🥺 he is responding to a negative comment on his picture of Jere's makeup.
Aarni's response to the comment:
It's too bad that you have nothing better to do on a Sunday night than to comment negative things on someone else's comment section. I hope in the future you follow and vibe with content that interests you. Everyone has the right to express themselves the way they want
The text below:
We have just brought up in a big way the negative and inappropriate comments on social media. This is how it is and that's exactly why I feel that there's a long road ahead and why it's so important to bravely be yourself!
At this point I want to give a huge shoutout to @paidatonriehuja for doing that and showing that a man can rock a full glam with all the self confidence and joy 💚
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the-desolated-quill · 9 months ago
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