#like !!!!!! wtf !!!!!!!!!!!!!! history sucks i hate it here
tiredyke · 2 years
every time queer discourse surges on this site everyone is so quick to jump to “it was actually the evil lesbians who divided us” because y’all heard the term “political lesbian” and never bothered to figure out what that meant
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duskholland · 2 years
i can’t believe getting a degree is actually like… difficult
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agnimybeloved · 1 year
the tonal whiplash between “the sun and the star” and “a nico di angelo adventure 😋” is kind of insufferable... it just sounds so goofy for lack of a better word. like the least nico di angelo thing you could do to a title. but also i think its really funny for that reason like i don’t know what the necessity is for that additional tagline but i’m glad rick riordan continues to not take nico completely seriously LOL 
#i had no idea mark oshiro was nonbinary btw RGAHHHH im so excited.... so excited to hear theyre a more introspective emotional writer#i love will and nico as being silly amplifiers to each other but im so excited to see more from both of them....#also hearing that rick riordan's wife was crucial in establishing will's character and voice and alignments is so fascinating#i would love to hear her character analysis wtf#rrv#also im really excited for the plot but i cant help but see this as another percy jackson fail 😭#good for him for leaving the questing realm and going to college but like.#nico was already the one who kept up with bob after percy forgot about him#leo was the one who went back to help calypso after percy forgot about her#now nicos going back to tartarus to help bob again#i dont hate percy or anything i just think he is definitely a bit of a flake and jerk#but in a very human way. like sometimes people just kind of suck a little bit. especially when they're 16#and sometimes you have to look out for yourself and the ones you love at the expense of being a jerk to others. yk#im not trying to be overly critical of him at all LOL i think he's fine. but there is a pattern here#i also think its a failing on rick riordan's part for not giving percy and nico's relationship the resolution it deserved....#like the end of TBOO was a silly 'gotcha' and like. dunking on percy sort of thing#which i think it was good for nico to tell percy about his crush on his own terms. but the whole scene is so.... weird.#like. silly. like annabeth high fiving nico (???) that felt so strange for all parties#like percy and nico really needed like a serious conversation about their history 😭 and the genuinely mean ways percy treated nico
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the-words-we-sung · 3 months
Thoughts and pictures - S3E5
And we're getting into the hard episodes...
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This first scene is sad and terrible. The shot of the broken glasses and pink condom, the background so dirty and creepy... And my poor Wilhelm trying to deal with this new knowledge about his brother...
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"You could say that W's lack of communication became rhetorical. [...] Was it a conscious strategy by W? [...] Maybe he was just in the wrong place, and chance decided his place in world history." -> So I have no idea what Valter and Henry are talking about but it's interesting that they say that just after the scene with Wilhelm and Erik's "words" during the awful initiation. Was Erik in the wrong place at the wrong time? (Also lack of communication: the big issue of Wilmon this season...)
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Sara being immediately so suspicious when she comes back home to see Micke all happy and energetic. But also her little hopeful smile when he tells her she can drive him to the test to calm her nerves 😞
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His mother is "trying to keep all of that" from him? Really? While his father keeps telling him he needs to be ready to take over? Ludwig sucks. And again telling Wille how perfect Erik was, that he didn't have this "darkness inside of him". Can't he ever have a real conversation with his son? Annnnd hanging up right when Wille was asking about Erik. I am so heartbroken for him 😟
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I hate this scene >< Wilhelm is so mean to Simon. He lashes at him immediately. Simon doesn't even have time to answer anything and Wille is already accusing him of judging Erik. I know he's angry and hurt and lost but I hate how mean he can be in these situations...
I think it's really the moment that I realized how hard it was starting to be for me to believe in them as a couple. They can't communicate. Wilhelm is so hurt and lashes out at Simon as a result. And I've seen a lot of people saying how it was between Simon and Crown Prince Wilhelm that the communication was off and impossible, not between Simon and Wille, but I disagree with that: Wilhelm here is not the Crown Prince, he's a grieving teenager who's brother's perfect image just got shattered to pieces. And they still can't manage to talk.
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Sara waiting for Micke to pick her up... Another heartbreak ><
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Why is Wilhelm convinced that Simon was judging Erik?? He really didn't. And please please please, can't you just go back to your therapy sessions with Boris? You so badly need them Wille :/
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"It fits you perfectly." In which universe did this blazer fit him perfectly Linda? xD Why did they choose something so big?
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Sara breaking down... I had hoped for maybe a bit more, like an honest conversation between her and Simon before he forgave her, but the scene was still cute.
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Wilhelm wearing a simple black jumper: yes please. He looks so good.
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And another cute scene between them to make us forget how fucked up their relationship is right now... ^^'
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And see? Wilhelm can decide some things and have his voice heard. He did well during his birthday ceremony thingy but then put his foot down and refused to have August come to his birthday dinner. He didn't yell, was very calm and assertive, and Farima said okay. The idea that he would be completely stuck behind a script to follow as Crown Prince (and then King) is absurd to me. He has a voice. He can actually makes things happen/change. (Yes I will die on this hill 😆)
(Okay the girls are just so cute in their little uniforms 🥰)
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Cuties being friendly again !!
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Gosh the difference between how lively the dinner at school is compared to the stiffness and silence of the birthday dinner >< And Kristina, girl, wtf are you doing... I know you're still trying to deal with Erik's death but was it really necessary to bring up how perfect he was during your other son's birthday >< Can't you be there for him? Can't you try harder to help him? To just be his mother when it's his birthday and he's officially introducing his boyfriend to you? 😩
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I don't hate this scene between August and Sara. I appreciate the development and to see where they both are at that moment. Also this shot is very pretty!
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And another bad scene between Wilhelm and Simon... Why does Wille keep being so mean? Again I know he's hurting so much but fuck. Why can't they actually talk to each other? Well, why can't Wille actually talk to Simon?
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This scene between Wilhelm and his parents was so fucking important. So fucking needed. I'm just sad that it happened so late in the season. And that it didn't really change anything.
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What can I say about this last scene? Edvin and Omar are incredibly good actors, their tear-streaked faces are heartbreaking. Simon breaking up with him was expected I guess at this point. It was really getting hard to believe in their relationship... But what a terrible moment to do it! I wanted something cute out of a scene when they're both in pajamas and sweatpants in Wille's bed 😩
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So it is "easier" to watch these episodes now that I know exactly what's gonna happen, but it doesn't really make me like them more >< This episode was probably the first one that made me dislike Wilmon as a couple. And it's not a fun thing to realize ><
I'll try to wrap up this rewatch tomorrow with the last episode! (And I'm already trying to think about how I will deal with rewatching the whole show in the future, because this season is not giving me the happy happy butterflies that the 2 first did ><)
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gryficowa · 1 month
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Watching people prefer to spend their energy on creativity because something doesn't feel right to them (Miracolous/HH/HB) is interesting when your biggest concern is that many fundraisers don't get done and people have to wait for it to get done , not sure whether they will die today… I know, dark thoughts…
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Or seeing drama because the creator led the character than they wanted (Tia… I was with Chloe myself, although it wouldn't be so bad if Thomas didn't act like a child… THE CHARACTER HE HATES IS A CHILD, although we should be critical here, because it's an animation for children and has a fucked up message, but it's weird when it comes to adult productions like HH/HB, you don't have to be a fan of Vivzipop to facepalm over this… PEOPLE, IT TAKES PLACE IN HELL, WE KNOW PEOPLE SUCK THERE)
I think the strangest drama was about Alastor being asexual and it was so dramatic that it made you shake your head.
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The second stupidest drama is about the art style being too detailed (Oh yes, because we have erased the medium of animation as an art… Great)
But yes, this drama is absurd, both in fandom and anti-fandom, both piss me off the same
Now that I have your attention:
By the way, greetings to the TOH fan who wanted the redemption of Belos, i.e. the genocider, after everything in the world, do you think he is worth redeeming?
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Seriously, there are limits to what you can do when you have a tragic past, and that limit is killing someone (Serial Killer Stories, man, Adolf Hitler himself had a tragic past… His mother died and his dream of being an artist fell apart, and his father was a toxic person, does that mean that the entire holocaust can be fucking explained by his trauma? No, man, these are unforgivable crimes)
I just don't like the mainstream media justifying genocides and murders, somehow…
Damn, in Miracolous they justified the abusive father who terrorized the city (And was complicit in the genocide during akumanization), so in the new productions this shit still exists
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Can we stop normalizing murder and genocide, I beg you, creators?
Even if a few characters forgive this monster, it's strange that it takes a short time for the rest… I would just prefer not to forgive the side characters for a long time, it would be natural, because it looks like the greatest crime is to offend someone or steal something from someone from the market, not murder or genocide…
Even if this character saves another, it's strange that this character forgives, WTF, this character with a history could have been faking it, saving doesn't fix all the shit (Even if he dies), yes, I wrote it down because it's an internal frustration with pop culture and the fact that crimes of this type are normalized…
I don't know when I can understand characters forgiving it when that character was a victim of possession or did that crime unintentionally, but that's the only thing I can understand being forgiven so quickly, the problem is that many characters who are immediately forgiven , they did everything with premeditation and it is even more terrifying, good deeds won't erase crimes, so creators, don't do this, I'm begging you…
I just have the impression that these types of crimes are quickly forgiven, I know, fictional characters, but seriously, it looks like they forgive robbery or injury, not murder and genocide… Because if a child's character I can forgive that he forgives crimes (Because is too young to understand the seriousness) it's like adult characters seeing a murderer/genocide, they forgive immediately, it's sus
I'm not in favor of killing the evil characters who commit these crimes (It's taking the easy way out), I just would prefer that these types of characters weren't forgiven too quickly…
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Okay, remember about the fundraisers I linked to above
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Also remember about the boycott
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allysah · 5 months
list 5 topics you could talk about for an hour without preparing any material (i have reason to yap now).
james “jimmy” stewart.
jimmy is just like. that guy for me. i could probably go on an hours long tirade about him, his films, his characters, his relationships, his military experience, his ptsd, his politics, etc. without interruption. right now i'm specifically thinking of his relationship with henry fonda (who deserves his own honorable mention) which OH MY GOD is one of the best hollywood friendships to date. orson welles said they were either having the hottest affair in hollywood or were the straightest men alive. he realized they were the latter... anyways that leads me into:
old/classic hollywood + its underground queer scene and the hays code.
first of all just old hollywood in general i can go hours and hours about because i just love so many of the actors and actresses. leslie howard and gregory peck are other honorable mentions in that category. however, the queer folks will always be my favorite <3 people like farley granger and marlene dietrich come to mind as well as cary grant and his biwife energy. but just all of the queer undertones from then i just appreciate so, so much. also the HAYS CODE... when i get you... i've seen so many pre-code movies which are just incredible and whenever they put that damn code in place everything got boring... unless they fixed the subtext so then you have films like rope (1948) which is such a good gay film like wtf?? old hollywood is a gem and if you avoid black + white movies or just older movies in general you SUCK!!
franklin expedition.
i've written academic essays about this damn expedition and i had no sources at all. just my mind and a dream. for two years my only thoughts for a future career was becoming a franklin expedition researcher who worked in the arctic. of course that's not gonna work?? okay but these dumb mfers were some of my favorite people on this earth like COMMANDER JAMES FITZJAMES was a real person who walked this earth and i never even got close to touching him. this is sickening. captain francis crozier is ALIVE and WELL on king william island you just cannot see him. i think i will genuinely throw up if they ever find crozier's captain log on the hms terror. the desolation and sickness is just like. eye clawingly scary and i could never fathom what truly went down on that island. i feel so so bad for the cold boys and i love them so, so much.
fallout lore
here’s where i start geekin about shit. FALLOUT IS SO FUCKING GOOD I DONT CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS. 3, 4 and new vegas are top tier games (yes nostalgia is clouding my head but idc) i also love 1 and 2 but genuinely cannot play a turn based game like that. okay but the entire plot of new vegas is such a top tier storyline and it’s just such a fun silly game and is like made perfectly for gay trans autistic people i love it. 4 is just The Game you play it doesn’t matter you just end up there and it’s always fun idc what the haters say PRESTON GARVEY MINUTEMEN #1!!! 3 is there. BUT ITS SO BAD ITS GOOD LIKE COME ON ITS ALMOST ENDEARING GOING BACK IN THOSE SUBWAY TUNNELS AND GETTING LOST FOR 30 MINUTES!! these games are the only reason i know the layouts of nevada, washington, d.c., and boston. thank you for the geography lesson AND the history lesson fallout. i love you.
civil war politics and battles
ok this is my latest fixation and one that came out of ABSOLUTELY no where. i literally told myself years ago to never become a civil war buff because it's so stupid and only old men like it but here we are. i for real blame this on david straithairn's portrayal of william h seward because otherwise i would NOT care (sorry ddl, i love you still). also atun-shei films and his humongous catalogue of videos. but oh my godddd i'm so obsessed with these annoying fuckers i hate them ALL. lincoln and seward are just an absolute class-act together and whenever i watched gettysburg (1993) it was just over for me. jeff daniels and c thomas howell when I CATCH YOU (I Want You)!!! it's just all so interesting i love seeing how these men ticked. it's like a zoo exhibition but with random dead racist white guys. (i also had like a 5 minute discussion about lincoln being racist today after i gave a book talk on team of rivals in my college comp. absolute all-timer)
rms titanic. film in general (i have memorized a shit load of the letterboxd catalogue and I WILL not shut up about my favorite films and directors). classic literature. us presidents. history in general. musical theatre. how arthur morgan is the best fictional character ever written period.
TAGGING: @brainandnarfunkel + no one in particular, but know if you see this i want you to… and i know you want to yap as well… :)
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probablydinosaurs · 8 months
this was originally a twitter thread but mehhhh. the audience of one-two here get my insane venting instead. its 3am. I've had a rough day and I just want to list it out from worst to least worst. sorry if this is venting. again 3am. 1: my sister showed up completely unannounced, and waltzed in a fight with my other sister and her husband at their place. she had good reason to be here (she's homeless and is a fuckin ice age here. that's not a problem. we are glad she went to us for help.)-sadly she's an entitled fuck who begged my dad for cigs when we have NOTHING BUT A ROOF to give. its SCARY how poor we are. She was also VERY TRANSPHOBIC, which was not on my sister's bingo card this year. mainly about trans woman and their "complaining". my already shit sister saying terf shit was not smth i thought id hear. i was very upset about that. i haven't talked to her bc ik if i do, il cry but I've been giving her the silent treatment unless it's akward. 2: i have covid. had symptoms since like the 13th (i joked that i got it for my birthday) and its been a nightmare. i can't sleep. Eating sucks. my nose hurts. i think i blew a blood vessel in my eye. its just been the worst. 3: due to being unable to sleep, im wildly manic at 3am. i have nothing to do and no one to talk to. and im unreasonably upset that people on tiktok think Spongebob is a kid. like boi your face screams "post movie" pleaaasseee educate yourself on cartoon history. he is an adult! 4: after ALLL of this like 7 mins ago, the fire alarm randomly beeped a few times. luckily not a lot but still. stressed me the FUCK OUT. nothing is on. i think bc its the FUCKIN ICE AGE OUTSIDE, the apartment is a TAD too warm (witch its not. my feet are frozen)
5: found out today that scientists didn't start using real menstrual blood on pads/tampons till AUGUST OF LAST YEAR??? WTF WERE U USING BEFORE? That's why pads are always off SOMEHOW. SOMEHOW there's an issue. and tampons never fit right. they have been fuckin guessin for decades 6: my new cat is a needy hoe. I'm used to it but with covid and barely being able to walk/exist, her sweving between my legs is a nightmare. I always have to throw a bottle cap down the hallway just so she doesn't get in my room. 7: been on upsetting media tiktok. why the fuck is there a fandom forming around a vent cartoon about S/A???? like I won't say its bad but that's not a FANDOM THING! yall are fucked up (also it parodies the peewee's playhouse op and that bugs me. i love peewee.)
interlude: my needy hoe of a cat is named peewee (well to my mom, it's now Princess Pipsqueak but thats not a good name to say in frustration as I'm trying to exist down the hallway. also, we thought she was a boi at first and she has a face that looks like paul Reubens's. I still see it. 8: I have used up all the TP and tissues in the house and have been using paper towels to blow my nose, which is roughing up my already red sore nose. I put gold bond on my nose and it BURNED but now it feels smoother. 9: i feel like i annoy people with my Hannibal hyperfixation. i have yet to truly let it spread here but it's EVERYWHERE ELSE. (and il probs reblog this onto my hannibal blog so hiiiii) and yet it feels like no one cares. ik it's a bit niche, upsetting not everyones thing but Ive NEVER loved smth more and it hurts when i don't talk about it I just. want to get someone into it. someone else got me into it and it means a lot. I hope they are doing ok. I'm grateful they gave me my favorite hyperfixation ever. I've littrally never loved anything more. and I've been into a LOT of stuff. i was called annoying by an ex friend because i got into things too much. and to them, "too much" was anything that wasn't "i like this thing. i think this thing is good and cool. lets rp weird incest about it." (i hate my teen years) but like. that ex friend would HAAAAATE by hyperfixatiing now. i have friends to ENABLE ME NOW. 10: just added this one. kinda put two and two together that corp vtubers birthdays most likely aren't their real birthdays. everyone is celebrating a graduated corps bday and yet they moved to another company and like. no birthday in sight. and it feels weird to latch onto their old persona's bday when they are right there with probs a new (and more real maybe) birthday. you can actually go celebrate with them whenever their "new" birthday is and yet you are clinging to the past. especially since they are THRIVING where they are rn and were not happy as a bigger corp.
thats a bout it. thanks if u saw this and read. its ok if you didnt. i just had a LOT go on lately.
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insomnia-goblin · 9 months
I think i genuinely hate my family. Smallest incident, mom won’t allow me to use cord phone chargers because apparently i break them. Keep in mind two of the three broken ones died when mom/sister was using them.
I hate my sister. I may have hurt her badly. I’m not asking for forgiveness or anything, i just want peace. I don’t think she’s capable of loving me anymore. She seems to take every opportunity to be passive aggressive. I’m walking on eggshells all the time. She says she wants to give me tough love and that’s why she yells, but requires love and not just tough. I don’t think there’s anything i can do to fix it. I hate her because she makes me feel powerless. She won’t even do therapy because she says i’ll just use suicide to manipulate her and mom. Like wtf??? I will admit, i did use it as a manipulation tactic once, because i thought my mom would kick me out. Other then that, all of my threats and attempts have come from a genuine place. At this point i think my sister gave up on seeing my perspective years ago.
I think my mom loves my sister more than me. Mom spends more time with her because they have similar interests. Mom won’t give any of my interests a chance, at best she calls them weird and at worst she actively hates them. It’s hard to spend time with her, i understand i’m a hard kid to raise, i just wish that mom wasn’t so burned out because of me. I also think she blames me for her job loss and our financial instability. She said so herself. I don’t want to be around but mom says that would just make her feel worse. I lose no matter what. I also know she thinks i’m stupid, you see i’m technically not allowed on social media due to me getting into dangerous shit. I understand where she’s coming from but, i feel so alone in the real world. I technically hace irl friends but we’re not close because we can only interact at school. I’m doing my best to be more cautious of internet safety and more firm in my boundaries. I understand the internet is dangerous, but so is the real world. I can’t be protected from everything, and the rewards outweigh the risks here. Especially because mom herself said that loneliness was one of the main causes of my depression.
On the whole internet safety thing, they are hypocrites. My sister tells people a fairly specific area we live in within the first 30 minutes. Mom will detail MY trauma history to, from my perspective complete strangers. I understand that being a mom to a kid like me is traumatic. Can i wish she would at least ask me first. It stings even more because all of my trauma involved me losing my autonomy. Whenever i want privacy it’s brushed off. Whenever i tell anyone anything about them i get called a blabber mouth. I try communicating with them, it’s what my therapist suggests but, they never listen, okay that’s not entirely true, they listen for about a week.
Honestly i’m probably just delusional. (Not psychotic just fucking stupid dw.) Mom’s usually great and i probably don’t have a right to complain about ny sister. This will probably be buried under an eye-roll and a “wasn’t i a crazy bitch lmao.” Mood swings plus no emotional object permanence sucks ass lol.
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starjxsung · 18 days
hi bestie <3 how are you?
i finally got home on thursday night. i feel the same was about chicago tho. it was so so so pretty but so tiring. but i kinda wanna move there now bc i enjoyed it and it’s so different to what im used to here. my two extra days were super stressful but the weather was so nice and windy.
i’m so sorry that your flight was scary! i hate flying sm, mine had a lot of turbulence but i drink some ✨anxiety meds✨ and sleep through it all <3
it sucks so much that we couldn’t meet but fr skz was total insanity and im just glad to have survived it </3 lolla skz will live in my head rent free forever. skz being real was not in 2k24 bingo card and i also need tickets for their tour or i’ll cry. but the chicago trip was sooooo expensive for me bc i have no control and went to a kpop store and target and to museums and the aquarium 🙃 and my support system is the worst bc i was only going to buy the ate version and my bf was like “get i.n and changbin” and that’s how i ended up with i.n, changbin, han and felix (i have lino on the way too) and a maxed out credit card (: money comes back ig. and the worst part was literally that ateez performed in chicago this weekend and i didn’t even know like </333 i could’ve met teo sang my beloved if i had stayed for a few more days (delulu bc with what money?). my bf is all for ateez @ lolla ‘25 so we’ll see 🤞🏻
and the chappell crowd was insanely full (literally the biggest one in lolla history wtf) but not as crazy as skz tbh. i love her sm tho, she’s such a superstar. i’m so glad to have been able to see her too <3
and alas, my semester starts tomorrow (not ready at all, screaming & crying) so real world awaits and im so bedrotting rn bc why can’t i be beautiful and do ska’s makeup or something for a living </3
anyways ily angel, i hope all is so well. take care of yourself always!!
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MY LOOOOOVE oh my gosh it’s been a minute since I’ve been on here properly!!! How are you!! How’s practicum!!!!! I was just talking about you earlier today bc my sister was complaining about her practicum and I offhandedly mentioned I knew someone else who was doing one and it just got me thinking about you and hoping everything was going well 🥹💓
Ugh the more time that passes, the more I miss Lolla 💔 it truly just felt so relaxing to be able to put everything behind me for a week and just be at a music festival and not have a care in the world except for skz. I totally feel you on wanting to move there too! I felt the exact same way after going to New York for the first time to see 3racha. It was just this gut feeling that I’m supposed to be here all the time and it felt so magical 😭 I can’t believe in a few weeks it’ll be a year since I saw 3racha in NY. Time passes by so quickly I hate it
GIRLLLL THE MONEYYY oh my god I was literally scared of how much money I spent after skz at lolla, I was fr buying so much kpop stuff when I came back and I’ve been collecting so many of Jisung’s pcs this era so I have to physically pry myself away from scrolling on Mercari 😭 I can’t help it he is just TOOOOO FINE…. Also not you just missing Ateez nooooo 💔💔 but now that you mention ateez at Lolla I can SO see that happening??? If they do headline and you get tickets we HAVEEE TO MEET 🤞👼 MANIFESTINGGGGG
I hope the semester’s been going well!!! I hope you haven’t been too stressed (although it seems like we’re all just going THRUUU IT 😭) I love you so so much and I’m sending you all the good vibes to make it through another semester. (Also side note Taemin & Onew new albums WHEWEEEEWKEKDKDKKD MY SHAWOL HEART IS SOOOO HAPPY)
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seongminiz · 4 months
ugh the jungmo thing u said.. so real (but yeah i’m also over here thinking hyunjae brainrot<333 i would say i have a love hate relationship with him he and juyeon are my twin bfs hyunjae is my devil n juyeon is my angel ummmm that sounds (more) insane (than usual) but i hope u get me 🫣😔)
nd thank u for ur support! i need to keep drabbling in my notes until i have smth concrete enough i could post 🥴🥴
so just for u.. jungmo hate-fuck brainrot?? <333
he gives me major loser perv vibes too but like imagine he’s like.. a guy u need in high school or smth. maybe u had the same friends but like u two weren’t besties or anything. he’s a bit of a loser. u all thought he was a virgin for most of high school (and most of college too?) but he’s definitely trying he just doesn’t have the best luck :( poor fella.
so as you’ve been two of the only ppl to stay consistent in ur friend group, you’ve gotten to know each other a bit better and often tease/make fun of each other and usually it’s light but u can cut a little deep but normally ur both fine with it and go back n forth. but maybe one day he says smth way off n maybe it’s about ur sexual history don’t ask me for specifics cuz i can’t think of it rn but yeah he pisses u tf off!!! and u say smth nasty back about how he’s a loser virgin and that’s it. u don’t talk to him for a while after that.
but then u meet again at a party. blah blah blah (sorry i’m typing this really fast) he’s being nice (enough) and then maybe after a couple drinks nothing too crazy he’s on u and proposing to “kiss n makeup”. whoever cums first has to admit they’re wrong and forgive the other one but at the end u both have to move on anyways. don’t ask me why it jumped to this i’ve been to like 1 party idk what goes on there. this type of shit i think.
so then ur in a spare bedroom or worse. a closet. touching up on each other and ur trying to make him cum as fast as possible n he’s trying to do the same to you. so it goes crazy, you try to get his pants off to suck him off but he like doesn’t want that?? cuz he knows he’s going to explode all over ur face if u do that so… <33 he’s slapping ur hands out of the way to dive his hand under the waistband of ur shorts, pushing ur underwear aside to insert a finger into you, finding you already wet so he mocks u of course “this is just business.. why’re you soaked..” and then would mock your moans when he adds another finger, beginning to pump them in and out, holding his breath so you can hear the way ur arousal squelches around his digits.
- 🧁 anon
yes i completely get u‼
(side note i've never been to any party so ik even less than u do abt them ! 😀👍🏻)
jungmo literally making it his life goal to make u cum first aaaaaaaaaa fingering u so good until u almost froget what started all this in the first place , until u r abt to cum n jungmo (being the little shit he is) makes u beg for it just to feed his ego a little more </3 ofc he won't tease too much bc he doesn't want u to try n retaliate against him so it wont take long before he gives in to ur pleads n lets u cum :3
(once again this isn't written half as decently as it was when i thought in my head idk the thoughts r not thoughting n the english isnt englishing tonight 💔💔💔)
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f0xd13-blog · 11 months
This jewish queer feminist shit made you create the most hateful shit towards one of the most ostracized ethnicities ever and that is why you're screwed.
And the issue here isn't that you make negative stuff about us ... the issue is that's literally ALL YOU DO for the past 5 years!! And then both extremes and the middle fall on top of us, white , black, latinos, "mexicans", queers, feminists, gays, lesbians, evey bullshit ever!! and when you do it right it is to white wash our shit and make it seem it is your identity there... making it virtually impossible for us to ever have a normal life. You suck up all our shit but then don talk about us as humans only a product. Good luck pendejos you're going to need it fr
Ps. I'm getting really tired of predicting your future and nothing is done about it and each time i say something salty my account gets compromized... you continue abusing people... you don own any sort of mental compass to be judging people like that and i'm taking bout he way you judge me each time i type something here and the way you judge hamas. (Plus compromizing my account is crazy like that is abusive on top of abuse on top of abuse on top of more abuse it's all it has been i can't even tell explain the twists and turns thi got and i'm still getting abused) I wouldn't release any hostages and I hope they don't... i ain't sorry for your jewish babies or ukrainian babies coz they are scammers and will grow up to be educated to kill us. Plus i don consider their lives important wink
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When i say y'all screwed is because i know you are .. imagine going againts of all of you... like i care wtf... i just want to scalp robalia and destroy ukraninan and latrashtino bitches. Oh and jews also!!! Yess I hate them all and they are all unimportant. Wink.
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Uhuhu my primo!!
Then and now:
Why do inteligent people need to be aristocrates? I have the 8th grade and know more shit than half the world. He wasn't... no aristocrate would turn into a pirate like a person legal to kill Are you all mad? Who in the hell would lose all their influence and money and whatever else like a normal decent life to become a sea nomad running away from basically people who want him killed and can do it legally without to court. Naaaa you stupid.
Yess i've learned all of this by myself and subject matter of course plus multiple languages and hot to fight. Oh and i use slang on purpose well not on purpose but coz it's part of my personality... slang is totally a nomadic thing specially when you were a sea nomad. But i can totally right a text "properly" also.
Now ... this one is legit fam not just primo like we say ti everyone from our ethnicity
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It's in portuguese but it says over there we came from india and listen they try to hide as much info about my fam as they can and i know this coz it's impossible to have so little info about it... we were able to have some land and richness at some point but they extincted us eventually .... oh so they thought because when our stuff was given to the state my great grandfather robed that shit before they was able to take all the stuff ahahah
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Wrong... rico homem was literally created for people who didn't had noble blood so the second parágrafo (paragraph) is more in tone with reality where it says that rico homem would win this title for acts of "valentia"(bravery) like for example deffending your country againts spain to win independence back from them
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They even contradict themselves in here... this bitches can never make sense... they say rico homem is a noble but then says on the last line that it was always more associated with authority than noble blood 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭 where it says "alias, NO INICIO, a expressão rico-homem sempre se associou mais a noção de autoridadde resultante de uma exercicio de cargo publico do que propriamente de fidalguia"
So now let me explain what putin was talking bout
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This bitch over was the one that gave us that land of the first screenshotts and what was he? Yah a king of a VISIGOTH (RUSSIAN) territory in the iberian peninsula
The romany and domari have been in the middle east for centuries those outfits are gypsy and russian y'all just got chaplinized on purpose i'm starting to think
And this be us since good that jesus always give us álcool and bread
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troglobite · 2 years
wtf (cr related stuff including spoilers and me being bitchy lol)
i thought SURELY that the YOUTUBE COMMENTS on the latest episode would've had at least ONE PERSON talking abt the absurdity, logical loopholes, totally out of character choices, and aggressive and mean railroading that matt pulled off
but no. nothing.
everyone just loves it.
"this'll be an ep to remember!"
....as the one time matt railroaded everybody bc he's been planning something and got attached to one idea/outcome, rolls, rp choices, and logical in-character actions be damned?
i feel like i'm so rarely in the minority, here, and i'm NEVER on the side of "critical role Bad Story/Game"
even when molly died, when terrible PC c1 choices were made, bad plans, annoying/boring episodes
idk. it all felt like. a game. w choices that mattered.
and to me, that episode made all of that disappear.
they spent 50 episode in c3 making choices and plans--and granted, they were all terrible and stupid. i don't particularly like these PCs, but things were at least interesting plot-wise, for the most part, so i dipped in and out.
but they spent 50 episodes doing shit they thought mattered.
and matt said, in one episode, one fell swoop, "nope, you're all idiots who played into my own plan, and NOTHING you do can change it bc i'm making it happen! haha!"
as a player, i would be furious to find out that nothing i did mattered.
i am working my ASS off to make my players' choices MATTER in my campaign
[jo and cass stop reading]
i have things in motion! i have things written! i have things that "just had to happen", absolutely!
i'm trying to make their choices matter! and tbh the annoying bit is that they're just. not making choices yet. lol but it's early!
[jo and cass you can continue reading]
so it feels so evil and mean to me for matt to have blinders on and ONLY see that he can finally do his Big Ol Plan, player choice and action be damned.
i fully DO NOT BELIEVE that ANYTHING laura/imogen did would've changed what lilianna did. not at all. "roll persuasion with advantage" so that she can....do what, exactly? maybe work harder to save imogen and NONE of her friends while she CONTINUES down this horrible apocalyptic path?
"yeah absolutely make a [whatever] check and break the power generators"
okay, for whatever? apparently they don't need them and it's all a distraction from the real source of power, which is double-perma-killing vax.
which is. objectively the meanest thing he could've done.
vax's story and conclusion was SO IMPORTANT to liam and EVERYONE.
and matt went
"what a fun and interesting opportunity to stomp all over this deeply emotionally important character and kill him a SECOND TIME for my own shits and giggles and funtime apocalypse"
i know i'm an outsider. i know they wouldn't be playing this game like this if any of them TRULY hated it or were uncomfortable. i have to wonder if they would ever re-record if matt did something that one of them was like "no, that crosses too many lines" or if they simply talk abt afterwards and matt rectifies the situation then, in the future.
and i'm not privy to any of that.
but just from an outside perspective it's so.
unlike matt.
and i really can't get over it.
and everyone else is just sucked in by the spectacle, which to me was just mean anyway.
i don't like wasting my time watching 50 episodes only for them to NOT FUCKING MATTER AT ALL.
calamity was a specific thing where we all went in KNOWING shit would be fucked. that it'd be a miracle if anything worked out the way it was supposed to.
i was prepared. and it was POIGNANT and COMPELLING. there really WERE forces they couldn't control--and they really DID change things! they saved lives! they INFLUENCED HISTORY in the world of exandria! their choices MATTERED.
but not here. in a livestream game longform campaign, 50 episodes of choices didn't matter at all.
whereas in calamity, 4 episodes of choices literally changed history.
i am. really not getting over this.
0 notes
hazelcephalopod · 2 years
Today I’m going to tell you a story, a DnD story, about a character from some Faerun dnd books! A story of hubris, tragedy, but because it’s dnd also of the ultimate success. It’s the tale of how one man’s attempts to make an audio recording caused him to be erased from history, thrown into super jail, and eventually ascending to godhood. This is the story of Finder Wyvenspur, the most pretentious ridiculous bard to ever bard (yes as far as I can tell that is his given name).
Spoiler- this is pretty long.
So Finder, the bard from a noble bard family was a pretty good musician. So good that other bards and musician wanted to copy his music. Which he fucking hated, because everyone else wasn’t as good as him and that made him and his music look bad. So he decided to ensure everyone could hear his music how he wanted it to be heard. So began his journey to find a way to record his music, forever! Which everyone thought was a terrible idea, because apparently doing so with any known or possible magical means “could be dangerous” -presumably because the gods hate recorded music, idk.
But Finder would not be dissuaded by anything as silly as what some fucking nerd wizard said “was dangerous”. No! So he went and found a magic rock, the Finder’s Stone. And he used to it to record everything, all his songs, his ideas, his thoughts. Just would not stop recording stuff. But then he realized “actually this sucks. It doesn’t record things good enough. I need to find another way to record my music properly. I know! I’ll clone myself!” But he did keep the rock cuz it was still something, bht he could do better!
So he went to his lab, because he had an arcane lab as a rich noble bard with weird hobbies does, and made himself a clone and called him “Flattery Wyvenspur” -as he’s an egotistical jerk. Unfortunately Flattery was a new being, like a child, and imperfect as people (and especially children) are. Regrettably Finder, the asshole? was dissatisfied with his abilities. So… er, he tried to make Flattery learn better with corporeal punishment (aka abuse) which of course did not work. What it did do is turn Flattery, who while experiencing the world with the freshness of a child did have Finders mementoes and abilities, against Finder. And here’s the thing, just stay with me it’s not great but there will be some catharsis and justice for poor Flattery but it was as they say, a different time. So, back to the story, Flattery turns against Finder and tries to kill him and becomes evil. And also kills/injures some folks in the process. And then he stole all Finders stuff and escaped. Finder claims to everyone that his assistants and Flattery were killed/injured in an explosion, because he doesn’t want everyone to learn the terrible truth and have his reputation ruined. He forgot that people talk -and/or have divination and/or know gods.
Now, a bunch of the powerful people and wizards -including Elminster one of the if not the greatest wizards in Faerun and I can say things about Elminster but that’s not what this is about- learned about this and are like “WTF Finder, what the hell are you doing dude? Not cool.” So they put him on trial. These people -called the Harpers btw, just a little extra bit of info for y’all- find him guilty of many terrible crimes. Of these “terrible crimes” is specifically “his obsessive and fatal attempts to preserve his music, forever” (ok I added the forever bit). So they erase him and all his work from history and imprisoned him in a different plane of existence for good measure. Because fuck’im.
And so there he rotted for centuries. Until the evil wizard-ress, Cassana freed him and convinced him to join her and her evil allies to help them do evil. Together they all made an ageless clone of Cassana, Alias. They intending for Alias to be a mindless construct they could control -or possibly download Finder in, unclear on that bit- but instead accidentally made a whole ass new person (Maybe we’ll talk about her more another time, idk). And Finder was like “oh this is fucked, but also I love my new daughter and must protect her”. So he convinced one of his allies, a dinosaur-humanoid Paladin, to carry her to safety. Which pissed off Cassana, and she threw him in a prison cell enchanted to cause his mind to not work, in her dungeon. Her evil dungeon! Meanwhile Flattery died trying to steal a Wyvenspur heirloom. Anyway!
Eventually Finder was free! But the Harpers found out he was back and some shit had gone down and were like “wtf how did you get back and what are you doing?” And they put him on trial but were like “eh, you’re on parole? Don’t do that shit again.” (I think in this order). So he went off and had some adventures. Eventually he got wrapped up in this whole thing with the god of rot, who had been one of Cassan’s allies -I don’t recall what happened to her tho. He had to free some dinosaur people and his magic daughter, Alias, and just all sorts of adventure and trials. This all culminated in him fighting the god of rot and in that moment he looked back his life, and what a dick he’d been. He had that magic recording rock, and it was ultimately his most successful recording of himself and his accomplishments. It was also a powerful magical artifact even before his ownership and facing down the god of rot he decided to finally be a decent and selfless guy, so he sacrificed it and in doing so killed that god of rot and took his divine essence. And then, he became a hero and a demigod. Even the Harpers pardoned him, and I know you’re thinking “I mean he did become a god who wants that as an enemy.” But honestly lots of people in Faerun are like “Fuck that/those god/s” without a single fuck to give -not all but plenty. Gods have a lot to do, and somewhat limited time, and Edina people have other gods on their side so it can be a whole thing. But Finder was a pretty decent gif as gods go so it was alright. Also the god of rot sucked real hard.
So, that’s how the fucking self-observed bard Finder Wyvenspur learned to be a better person and got rewarded with being a Demi-god -which honestly the line between god and Demi-god is barely there so he gets the main benefits of god good like immortality, immense power, and mortal worshippers. Also technically he did earn it himself. Idk what the moral is but I do wonder, “is Faerun now more or less against recording devices?”
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queenangella · 3 years
exams make me feel like I’ve been in a coma and I just woke up thinking I slept a night meanwhile a nurse is like elise..honey…u were unconscious for three weeks…… like how the fuck is it the 24th already
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danepopfrippery · 2 years
Thank you @countesspetofi for tagging me to share my 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms!
(Cuz adhd im just gonna not rank, just a random assortment of my obsessions)
Pam Poovey (Archer)
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Pam saved me from a bad relationship so ill always love her. Im basically Pam irl but classier and not as physically tough (also shes literally fucked everything and everyone on the show minus ray, not for not trying, so shes cooler than me). She says the most inappropriate things (as above) but she tells it like it is
Jane (from Daria)
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Jane was so cool. Jane is more who i am as an adult vs as a teen, as a teen i was all sourpuss daria wishing i was quinn. She has some of the best lines in the show, she always rebelled against authority, and was just a bamf. I love her
Lisa Simpson (the Simpsons)
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Cant tell im an animation geek? While simpson finally lost me in s33 but Lisa raised me. Im not sure i could ever meet Yeardley Smith, id prbly snot cry
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I love him. Hes a damaged hottie whos a murder and a softie (much like Guillermo). I cried when he was in the blanket for. Taika seems to be immensely annoying as a person rn (blackfish wife and not apologizing for terf ass shit from 2013-14) but ill always love his acting in this. Thanks Kayvan for teaching me to separate the character from the actor
Miss Fisher (Miss Fisher)
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I dunno why i took so damn long to watch this show given i love feminists, 1920s, and sassiness. She is the og bamf. And id kill for any part of her wardrobe
Val (Uncle)
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Val is so awesome (nvm gorgeous con o neill with his titties out owning a male strip club and being a good dad). Val isnt a main character and you can tell by the end they were figuring reasons to keep him (Val identifies as male) around. His relationship with Andy is really great too. Starts out pure hatred, for bothering his daughter (Andy’s ex). Ends with them being good buds
Laszlo Cravensworth (WWDITS)
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Much like ofmd this list could be pure wwdits if not per fandom. Im going with Laszlo. Id fuck him today. Id also fuck matt berry today good god that man is sexy af. Believe it or not pre wwdits i hadnt really heard of him (i hate it and im american so most of it passed me by). Hes a good dad, unlike nandor he found a way to grow even if small. Hes a loving husband, and beyond that he doesnt give a fuck about anyone. Just fucking and sucking, loving his wife and his son
Franklin Sherman (The Critic) (shame on tumblr having no gif)
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Franklin is what u get when u mash Frank Reynolds with Pam Poovey. The Critic was a brief but shining star and its Simpsons crossover gave us some great lines. Franklin was rich as piss, former govenor of new york, and completely well despite being a weirdo (theyd tell ppl he had a stroke to explain his personality like nandor). I love Franklin
Peter (The Great)
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I call The Great straight Ofmd. Same loose history as ofmd about Catherine the Great. Irl she killed Peter. In the show she imprisons him. He starts as an enemy and does shit as dumb as Nandor (kills her lover cuz she actually loved him despite peter fucking everything). BUT then he takes a Laszlo turn: hes deeply excited to be a dad and is actually a good dad to the point other rich ppl are like ew wtf? Hes also extremely wtf?
Roger Smith (American Dad)
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Wonder why Guillermo doesnt bother me? Been watching this dude since 2005. Hes an alien the smiths take in while playing every gender and sexuality he can think of (to the point the world falls apart without him unless the illuminati have killed him). Hes also a serial killer, commits many acts of violence, says he hates sex back home on his planet cuz its ‘all consensual.’ Hes also fucked and been many celebrities real and imagined
I dont think i got 10 active mutuals on here but ill try a few: @hotdiggitydollie @pundromeda @liliam4066 @cookinguptales @mulderscully @ritahayworrth @elite-earthbender
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sunookkii · 3 years
hii can i get an E2L with jake please <3
YESSS!! Thank you so much for requesting,, I really hope you like it 😋
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.enhypen imagine ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
Jake Sim x Reader
Genre : enemies to lovers
Warnings : some swear words here and there.. a little scene where main character almost gets assaulted at night
Word Count : 2.4K
Requested : yess <3
(Warning : It kind of sucks, I’m not really sure if this is e2l PLEASE I TRIED MY BEST ANYWAYS)
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❀ You and Jake were enemies since birth, you two supposedly hated each other’s guts since diapers. It didn’t help that your parents were really good childhood friends and would always hang out together forcing you and Jake to try and get along. Though it didn’t work.. Jake would always picked on you, weather it was calling you stupid nicknames, tripping you making you fall and land on your face or bothering you every time he had a chance. You were always his main target. To him your reaction to his mean jokes were always so entertaining. You absolutely hated him, how cocky he was, how annoying he was, how handsome, charming he was, and how he was always better than you at everything. And the list goes on.
“I hate history why do we even need to learn it” you thought to yourself. Tapping your pencil back and forth not paying attention to the lesson that was taught on the board. Out of no where you feel pieces of paper being thrown at you from behind,,,, it was from Jake. You thought that he would stop throwing pieces of paper at you after awhile but oh you were wrong. Jake laughing silently to himself thought he was sooo funny. He kept throwing pieces of paper at you until you finally had enough, you turned your body facing him and started giving him a whole lecture forgetting that there was a lesson being taught right at this very moment.
You yelled at him a bit too loud causing the teacher to hear,,”Ms. l/n and Mr. Sim OFFICE NOW!”
You groaned at your teachers words, this is all Jakes fault, if he hadn’t bothered you, you two wouldn’t have been in trouble. At this point all the teachers knew you weren’t really fond of Jake, because every week you two would always be in detention together after school.
J: “This is your fault” you turn around to look at Jake, furious, body filled with hatred and anger
Y/n: “ARE YOU SERIOUS YOU WERE THE ONE THROWING PAPER AT ME, (you breathe in and out trying to calm yourself down) if you hadn’t thrown those stupid pieces of paper i could’ve been at home right now.”
J: “woah woah calm down..” he said, that didn’t help one bit
You decided to ignore him this once because there really is no winning when arguing with him. You two finally arrive at the principals office waiting for yet again another detention slip.
P: “I heard that there was a bit of a ruckus, during history class? Care to explain why you used such vulgar language during school?”
Y/n: “it wasn’t my fault sir, Jake was bothering me and wouldn’t stop.”
P: “Mr. Sim is that true?”
J: “no sir I was simply minding my own business, until she started yelling at me for no reason.” He lied through his teeth,
Y/n: “SIR HE’S LYING” you pointed at the boy smirking at you knowing what he just did.
P: “well it seems to me that there’s a little bit of a problem and someone is lying. Whoever is telling the truth can be excused from detention”
J and y/n : “sir I’M telling the truth”
P: “Well since no one is stepping up I guess I’ll have to put both of you into detention, here is the detention slip for both of you. Remember after school until 5, if you miss it you’ll get detention for the whole week. Got it?!
Y/n: “*sigh, yes sir”
Y/n’s POV :
The bell rung indicating that school was over, well not for me at least. I still have to show up for detention since well you know... I arrived at the detention room that read room 206. Walking towards an empty desk, I sat on it and lied my head down.
J: “so how was your dayy :)” knowing that this was all his fault he had the audacity to ask me how my day was??
Y/n: “shut up.”
J: “ooh someone’s grumpy cuz they got detention” he laughs annoyingly at me.
Y/n: “you’re in detention too idiot.”
J: “at least I’m not alone stupid” he rolls his eyes moving away and pushing back his dark brown fluffy hair,,
Why was that kind of attractive? Wtf why am I thinking like that get out of my head!
❀ The bell finally rung and we were dismissed, it felt like ages~
Walking towards the the exit I see myself accidentally walking besides Jake. I quickly realized and distanced myself, the sky outside was pitch black. Forgetting that I’m terrified of the dark I quickly walk home by myself so I don’t have to be outside any longer. As I was walking towards the direction of my house I sense someone following me, my pace got faster as I was scared what could happen this late at night. I ran quicker and quicker then all of a sudden I feel someone grabbing my wrist hugging me pushing me towards the corner of a house. I try and let out a loud scream right before they cover my mouth with their hand. I open my eyes only to see Jake.
J: “boo!”
I push him off, why is he holding me in his arms like that?
Y/n: “wtf Jake! Why are you following me?” I said kind of mad that he scared me thinking I was being followed.
J: “some guy was following you when you left school and I didn’t want anything to happen to you so I kinda followed you home..”
Y/n: “oh well you can go now... I don’t need your help..” feeling a little bit awkward that he kind of cared..
J: “are you stupid or something?” He said angrily “you should take better care of yourself! The man could’ve done something to you if I hadn’t been there!”
I had no words to say, how could someone I hate so much care for me? I guess he isn’t bad after all.. but my stubborn self obviously had to snap back,
❀ ❀ ❀
I’m not gonna lie to you I kind of regret saying that to him, it’s not really fun walking home alone when it’s pitch black outside. It was all silent walking home untill I heard something walking towards me, I assumed it was Jake so I turned around getting ready to yell at him, but to my luck it was a random man who came walking up towards me, he came over touching my waist giving me a creepy look, making me feel uncomfortable.
Stranger: “hey baby girl you look beautiful tonight, you want to come over to my house? We can have lots of fun” He winks creepily at me. Does he not know I’m a minor?? Gross.
Y/n: “get away from me!” I tell him as I walk faster pushing him off of me, he quickly grabbed my wrist and started touching me “you’re not going anywhere!”
I start to panic, not knowing what to do, I wish Jake was here I thought to myself as I’m about to cry feeling hopeless not knowing what I could do. Suddenly I hear something running towards me, a tall figure with dark brown hair, is it Jake? The familiar figure punched the creepy man leading him to fall on the ground groaning. He grabed my wrist “lets run!” He held my hand tight as we were running, his hand was soft and fit perfectly in mine.
J: “are you okay” he looks at my scared face holding my cheeks in his palms. I nod feeling a hard lump in my throat as I soon burst out crying tears. “It’s okay, it’s okay I’m here you don’t have to be scared anymore” he held me tight in his arms. Embracing me, his arms and chest were so warm something I really needed. Never in a million years did I think I’d be hugging my enemy like this. I continue crying in his chest as he strokes my hair in reassurance that I’m safe. “Y/n you’re so stupid, you could’ve gotten seriously hurt.”
y/n: “I’m sorry” I continue crying
He walked me home safely still holding my hand, I look at him weirdly looking at him then looking back at our intertwined hands.
J: “oh right.. sorry”
Y/n: “how did you know I was in danger?”
J: “oh well it’s kind of silly actually, I was mad at you so I decided to do a mean prank to get you scared, but then that’s when I heard you scream so I ran up to you”
Y/n: “oh, well thanks for helping me I guess...” I said looking down at my fingers feeling ashamed.
J: “uhm anyways I’m gonna go home now.. gn loser” he said before he ran off putting his hood back on.
“Goodnight” I whisper, thankful that jake was there with me that night.
❀ The next day of school I went to my assigned seat which was in front of Jake. Then suddenly a non familiar boy comes inside the class, was he new?
T: “Class! Listen up.. we have a new student attending our school, and I would like for you to pay attention as he’s about to introduce himself.”
S: “Hi! My name is Sunoo Kim! Please take good care of me :)”
Who’s this new guys Sunoo he’s kind of cute....
T: “Sunoo you can sit next to y/n over there, y/n please raise up your hand so he knows who you are!”
S: “Hi!”
Y/n: “Hi I’m y/n, and your Sunoo right?”
S: “yess.”
The cute boy gave me a cute cheeky smile, I could tell we’ll become good friends. Class was over and it was time for lunch, I could tell that Sunoo didn’t have much friends since he’s new, so I asked him to have lunch with me. Sunoo and I talked about everything! It felt like we knew each other for so long, as if we were best friends. Jake passed by us giving us a weird glare. That’s weird I thought, he never usually glared at me like that, well I mean we’re enemies but he usually gives me a stupid teasing smile,, hmm that’s odd maybe he’s just in a bad mood.
School was over and it was time to walk home,
S: “Y/n!! Let’s walk home together, where do you live?”
Y/n: “oh I live near this block,, what about you?”
S: “OH really??!! I live here too, we live close to each other, lets walk home together sometimes!”
He’s so cute, charming and extroverted, we just got to know each other but I feel like we’ve been friends forever, is that weird?
Y/n: ok!
❀ Many weeks have passed and me and Sunoo became really close friends! Though Jake has been acting strange lately..
School ended quickly today,, Sunoo suddenly called out my name
S: “lets wak home together today!”
Y/n: “alright su-“
As I was about to finish my sentance Jake came over and grabed my hand intertwining his into mine.
J: “ahh sorry Sunoo she can’t, y/n’s mom told me to walk her home today.”
R: “ahh ok.. bye y/n I’ll see you next week!”
Y/n: “wait but but!” I wasnt able to finish my sentance since Jake already pulled me to the opposite direction. His hands... were in mine? Why am I feeling all sorts of butterflies in my stomach.. this is new, I never felt this way towards Jake before. It was kind of quiet during the walk home until the tension was broken and Jake said something as he stopped walking.
J: “lets go to the ice cream shop, just you and me.”
Y/n: “dont we hate eachother?”
J: “just shut up and come with me.”
He grabbed my hand forcing me to follow,
Y/n: “okay but you’re paying”
We arrived at the pretty ice cream place which was bright and pretty chilly. Jake went to go order the Ice creams while I looked around since I never been here before.
J: “two chocolate ice creams please”
He’s always been so polite towards everyone but me, his fluffy dark brown hair right about his eyes. He’s so cute.. why am I feeling this way towards him? We’re supposed to hate each other but here I am falling head over heels for Jake? No it can’t be, do I have a crush on him? How did he know I liked chocolate ice cream?We sat down at the near table, the place was super cute, perfect for a date. WAIT IS THIS A DATE?
Y/n: “Jake why did you take me here?”
J: “I needed to tell you something but finish your ice cream first”
Y/n: “oh uhm ok-“
I stool there frozen like a popsicle, did my enemy Jake just confess to me, this seems crazy but I think I like him too.
Y/n: “Jake I like you too..”
J: “iknowyoumightnotlikemebecausethewayItreatedyouwhenwewerekidsbutpleasegivemeachanceisweari’ll-“
Y/n: “JAKE! I said I like you too”
J: “what- really you mean it? You like me back” it was cute seeing him nervous because of me.
Y/n: “yeah I guess you’re not so bad..” I said teasingly
His worried face quickly turned into a big smile, we quickly finished the ice cream and walked outside of the ice cream place side by side. He stoped walking and looked at me.
J: “you have something on your lips” he said pointing
Y/n: “what where” I rubbed my mouth looking for the leftover ice cream”
J: “here” he grabbed my face leaning in for a deep kiss. “There all gone!” he runs away laughing like a little kid.
Y/n: “JAKE SIM I DIDN’T GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO STEAL A KISS FROM ME!” I said chasing him, I guess you could say our relationship turned into an enemies to lovers type of thing.
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