#li yaru
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✦ Nome do personagem: Li Yaru. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Yiren - Everglow. ✦ Data de nascimento: 24/04/1998. ✦ Idade: 25 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Feminino, ela/dela. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: China, chinesa. ✦ Qualidades: Criativa, determinada, entusiasta. ✦ Defeitos: Indiferente, sarcástica, teimosa. ✦ Moradia: Mount Olympus ✦ Ocupação: Sereia profissional. ✦ Twitter: @MO98LY ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, FLUFFY, HOSTILITY, SMUT. ✦ Char como condômino: Yaru sempre está disposta a ajudar quem quer se seja, embora seja orgulhosa demais para aceitar ajuda. Costuma ser alheia a pautas em grupo - basicamente, sem estresse. Tudo para ela está ok o tempo todo.
TW's na bio: menção a aborto e machismo.
Li Yaru era a caçula da "Dinastia Li", dividindo laço com um irmão mais velho, o primogênito Mochou. Ao contrário do irmão, de natureza dócil, calma e "good vibes", Yaru era totalmente o oposto - tal como se fossem yin e yang. Literalmente nasceu para fazer com que todo o tradicionalismo dos Li caísse por terra. Irreverente, curiosa, soberba: eram três palavras que poderiam defini-la. Aliás, diferente do primogênito, foi fruto de uma gravidez indesejada. Teria sido um acidente. Só que o acidente poderia ser considerado muito pior por ser uma mulher. Não, os Li rejeitavam tanto uma descendente do sexo feminino que até pensaram em anular sua existência de alguma forma. Fato que não passou despercebido por uma cartomante, que sequer sabia quem era Li Daihua quando a parou para revelar que anos de azar estariam às portas da fortuna do casal, caso desse prática aos seus pensamentos intrusivos.
Pois é, Yaru não nasceu em bons termos - e até hoje, sua mãe esconde um grande segredo. Existe um boato de que a sua pinta no nariz se parece muito mais com a de seu tio, mas é um assunto para um outro momento.
Não poderia brincar com carrinhos, mas Mochou não tinha muito interesse neles também. Não poderia ficar na rua até tarde como ele, não era boa na cozinha, não… Ah, fala sério - no que era boa, então? Em teimar. Diz-se que Mochou fez certinho quando viajou para a Coreia do Sul para um intercâmbio. Tinha a certeza de que faria o mesmo em algum momento. Porém, apesar de extremamente feliz pela liberdade do irmão… A saudade era forte a cada dia que passava.
Através de uma tentativa de mudar de vida - mesmo que tivesse do bom e do melhor - passou a acompanhar um artista de punk rock que passava por Hangzhou. Sua história era bem semelhante a de Devon Aoki: entrou sem tickets, os fotógrafos do evento admiraram o seu carisma e em pouco tempo estava no backstage. Basicamente, o seu carisma consistia em um rostinho bonito. Não à toa, os shows em sua localização passaram a ser mais frequentes. O frontman sempre dizia ser algo sobre a hospitalidade de quem habitava as terras de Hangzhou, mas que nada. Yaru decidiu fazer as malas e viajar o mundo em busca de viver um amor, um sonho e… Futuramente, um coração partido. Mas até aqui, ela não sabia. Ao menos, a experiência a fez uma boa quase-roadie (quebra galho!), entendendo de música uma vez ou outra.
Fugiu de casa e até hoje não possui boas relações com os pais, entretanto, tamanha era a sua ingenuidade por pensar que poderia largar tudo para viver em função de um bandman. Não estavam mais na Woodstock para o termo groupie, porém… O arrastar do chifre no teto, em um momento, começou a doer. Seus planos mudaram a partir daí, embora voltar à China nunca fosse uma opção. Conseguiu se estabelecer na Coreia do Sul com a ajuda do irmão, e através de algumas buscas em áreas próximas, foi assim que encontrou o condomínio.
Tentou vários recursos para que esquecesse um pouco do seu passado com o trauma dos chifres, os pais abusivos e entre algumas outras mazelas. Musicoterapia, consultas, grupos de acolhimento… Bem, nem tudo funcionou, mas nem tudo foi em vão. Entre as várias atividades que praticou, além de musicoterapia, o mergulho a guiou até a sua atual profissão, que ela denomina carinhosamente de "trabalhar sendo bonita". Atua em um aquário em Seul, personificando as fantasias delicadas, extravagantes e curiosas sobre o mundo marinho e sereias.
Sabe que esse tipo de emprego não é para sempre, entretanto, suas vontades também não. Inconstante como a acústica das ondas (e Deus a livre de ser básica), sabe que em algum momento, ficará insatisfeita e almejará mais brilho sobre si.
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MHA Chapter 395 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
tagline 1 No.395 幸せの上に 堀越耕平 ナンバー395 しあわせのうえに ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 395 shiawase no ue ni Horikoshi Kouhei No. 395 Above happiness Kouhei Horikoshi (Note: There are many ways to potentially translate this title. “Ue” means top, above, beyond, before, regarding, because of, and many other similar things. I take this title to either mean there’s something more important than the speaker’s happiness or the speaker is doing something because of their happiness.)
tagline 2 トゥワイスが消え… トゥワイスがきえ… TUWAISU ga kie... The Twices vanish...
1 だよな… da yo na... “That’s right...”
2 分倍河原は……いいやつだったもんな… ぶばいがわらは……いいやつだったもんな… Bubaigawara wa......ii yatsu datta mon na... “Bubaigawara...was a good guy...”
3 トガヒミコ… TOGA HIMIKO... “Toga Himiko...”
4 好きなものになりたくて握った筈のナイフを すきなものになりたくてにぎったはずのナイフを suki na mono ni naritakute nigitta hazu no NAIFU wo The knife I should have gripped because I wanted to become someone I like
5 怒りと憎しみで握っていました。 いかりとにくしみでにぎっていました。 ikari to nikushimi de nigitte imashita. I gripped with rage and hatred.
1-2 私が生きやすい世界にする為に わたしがいきやすいせかいにするために watashi ga iki yasui sekai ni suru tame ni For the sake of making a world easy for me to live in
1 今になって"個性"を伴った「変身」の負担が いまになって"こせい"をともなった「へんしん」のふたんが ima ni natte “kosei” wo tomonatta 「henshin」 no butan ga The burden of Transform now after the accompanying [other] quirks...
2 痛い いたい itai “It hurts.”
3 "伝わるゼロ・グラビティ"の "つたわるゼロ・グラビティ"の “tsutawaru ZERO GURABITI” no “The transmitted Zero Gravity is”
4 巻き添えになったヒーロー達も軟着地させてる… まきぞえになったヒーローたちもなんちゃくちさせてる… makizoe ni natta HIIROO-tachi mo nanchakuchi saseteru... “letting even the heroes who became involved land softly...”
5 人を介した分解除も緩やかに進行するのね… ひとをかいしたぶんかいじょもゆるやかにしんこうするのね… hito wo kai shita bun kaijo mo yuruyaka ni shinkou suru no ne... “Even your Release is progressing gently out of concern for people, huh...”
6 お茶子ちゃん… おちゃこちゃん… Ochako-chan... “Ochako-chan...”
7 結局 けっきょく kekkyoku “In the end,”
8 どこまでいっても落としたりはしないのね どこまでいってもおとしたりはしないのね doko made ittemo otoshitari wa shinai no ne “no matter what you do, you won’t drop anyone.” (Note: This is the same phrasing as the line about Izuku being a nerd no matter what in chapter 348. Literally, the first part of the phrase means “no matter where you go,” but the idiom in English would translate to “no matter what you do.”)
9 寒い…血が出すぎた 頭と体がつながってないみたいに…全く動けない… さむい…ちがですぎた あたまとからだがつながってないみたいに…まったくうごけない… samui...chi ga de sugita atama to karada ga tsunagattenai mitai ni...mattaku ugokenai... I’m cold...I bled too much. It’s like my head and body aren’t connected...I can’t move at all...
10 動かなきゃいけないのに…!まだ…! うごかなきゃいけないのに…!まだ…! ugokanakya ikenai noni...! mada...! But I have to move...! I still...!
1 血なんて一生くれてやる ちなんていっしょうくれてやる chi nante isshou kurete yaru I’ll give you my blood for the rest of my life!
2 …カァイイ? ...KAAII? ...I’m cute?
3-4 あなたの笑顔が素敵だと伝えなきゃと思ったの あなたのえがおがすてきだとつたえなきゃとおもったの anata no egao ga suteki da to tsutaenakya to omotta no I thought I must tell you that your smile is lovely.
5 世界一 せかいいち sekai ichi The cutest in the world.
(Note: The sound effects are of Ochako gasping for air and her teeth chattering from cold.)
1 致死量の血が出てる ちしりょうのちがでてる chishiryou no chi ga deteru “You’re losing a lethal amount of blood.”
2 私が刺した後もあれだけ動いてたから… わたしがさしたあともあれだけうごいてたから… watashi ga sashita ato mo are dake ugoiteta kara... “Because you were still moving that much even after I stabbed you...”
3 お茶子ちゃん おちゃこちゃん Ochako-chan “Ochako-chan,”
4 敵連合は ヴィランれんごうは VIRAN rengou wa “the League of Villains
5 全部ぶっ壊すの ぜんぶぶっこわすの zenbu bukkowasu no “will smash everything,
6 壊れた先にあるのは こわれたさきにあるのは kowareta saki ni aru no wa “What lies beyond the destruction is”
7 きっと… kitto... “surely...”
8 私が生きやすい世界 わたしがいきやすいせかい watashi ga iki yasui sekai “a world where I can live easily.”
(Note: There’s a sound effect “chiu” present for Himiko sucking up Ochako’s blood.)
1 でも demo “But”
2 お茶子ちゃんが言ってくれた事嬉しかった おちゃこちゃんがゆってくれたことうれしかった Ochako-chan ga yutte kureta koto ureshikatta “I was happy about what you told me, Ochako-chan.”
3 生存競争って私言ったけど… せいぞんきょうそうってわたしゆったけど… seizon kyousou tte watashi yutta kedo... “I said this was a competition for survival, but...”
4 お茶子ちゃんがいなくなるの"だけ"は おちゃこちゃんがいなくなるの"だけ"は Ochako-chan ga inakunaru no “dake” wa “That only Ochako-chan will go away,”
5 やっぱり嫌 やっぱりや yappari ya “I absolutely hate it.” (Note: To be clear, I think she’s saying that despite this being a competition for survival, she hates this result where only Ochako is the one who dies.)
1-3 この気持ちは本当だから このきもちはほんとうだから kono kimochi wa hontou dakara “Because this feeling is genuine,”
3-4 私の血全部あげる わたしのちぜんぶあげる watashi no chi zenbu ageru “I will give all my blood to you.”
1 ーー…暖かい ーー…あたたかい --...atatakai --...warm
2 でも…ダメだ…!そんなことしたら demo...DAME da...! sonna koto shitara But...you can’t...! If you do something like that...
3 前に死にかけた時 まえにしにかけたとき mae ni shi ni kakata toki “Before, when I almost died,
4 仁くんがこうやって助けてくれた じんくんがこうやってたすけてくれた Jin-kun ga kou yatte tsukete kureta “Jin-kun helped me like this.”
5 仁くんの"個性"はもう無いから私がお茶子ちゃんになる じんくんの"こせい"はもうないからわたしがおちゃこちゃんになる Jin-kun no “kosei” wa mou nai kara watashi ga Ochako-chan ni naru “Since Jin-kun’s quirk is gone, I will become Ochako-chan.”
6 他者の"個性"が使える以上血もその人そのものになる ひとの"こせい"がつかえるいじょうちもそのひとそのものになる hito (kanji: tasha) no “kosei” ga tsukaeru ijou chi mo sono hito sono mono ni naru “Even more than being able to use someone else’s quirk, my blood will become [the same as] that person’s blood.”
7 ダ… DA... “You...”
8 メ… ME... “can’t...”
9 ……捕まえたら… ……つかまえたら… ......tsukamaetara... “......If you caught me...”
10 私が死ぬまで血を届けに会いに来るつもりだったの? わたしがしぬまでちをとどけにあいにくるつもりだったの? watashi ga shinu made chi wo todoke ni ai ni kuru tsumori datta no? “were you planning to come visit me to deliver your blood until I died?”
small text 傷口閉じるよ きずぐちとじるよ kuzuguchi tojiru yo “I’ll close the gash.”
11 お茶子ちゃんは…ただ"敵"を捕まえるだけでよかったのに おちゃこちゃんは…ただ"ヴィラン"をつかまえるだけでよかったのに Ochako-chan wa...tada “VIRAN” wo tsukamaeru dake de yokatta noni “Ochako-chan, even though it would have been fine to just capture the villain,”
12 ただ異常者を排除するだけでよかったのに ただいじょうしゃをはいじょするだけでよかったのに tada ijousha wo haijo suru dake de yokatta noni “even though it would have been fine to just eliminate the the freak,”
13 ヒーローらしく正しい事をするだけでよかったのに ヒーローらしくただしいことをするだけでよかったのに HIIROO rashiku tadashii koto wo suru dake de yokatta noni “even though it would have been fine to just do the correct thing like a hero would,”
1 なのにさ nanoni sa “even so,”
2 なのに余計な事"考えて"… なのによけいなこと"かんがえて"… nanoni yokei na koto “kangaete”... “you nevertheless think about unnecessary things...”
3-4 お友だちいっぱい傷つけて刺してきた相手をさ… おともだちいっぱいきずつけてさしてきたあいてをさ… otomodachi ippai kizutsukete sashite kita aite wo sa... “about the person who hurt and stabbed so many of your friends...”
5 変だね へんだね hen da ne “that’s weird,”
6 お茶子ちゃん おちゃこちゃん Ochako-chan “Ochako-chan.”
7 あな…た…こそ…! ana...ta...koso...! “You...are...!” (Note: This is a phrase that essentially means “Speak for yourself!”)
8 こんな…! konna...! “Something like this...!”
9 私は"好き"に生きるの わたしは"すき"にいきるの watashi wa “suki” ni ikiru no “I like how I ‘like’.”
10 だから捕まってあげられない だからつかまってあげられない dakara tsukamatte agerarenai “That’s why I won’t let [anyone] capture me.”
11 お茶子ちゃんの「捕まえる」と一緒…でも おちゃこちゃんの「つかまえる」といっしょ…でも Ochako-chan no 「tsukamaeru」 to issho...demo “That includes your [version of] capture, Ochako-chan...but”
12 刺してごめんね さしてごめんね sashite gomen ne “I’m sorry for stabbing you.”
13 怒鳴ってごめんね どなってごめんね donatte gomen ne “I’m sorry for yelling at you.”
14 本当よ ほんとうよ hontou yo “Really.”
1 …燈矢くんが …とうやくんが ...Touya-kun ga “...Touya-kun”
2 お家燃やしてくれたんだ おうちもやしてくれたんだ ouchi moyashite kuretanda “set my home on fire for me.”
3 嫌な事が詰まった普通のお家 いやなことがつまったふつうのおうち iya na koto ga tsumatta futsuu no ouchi “My ordinary home full of horrible things.”
4 なかった事にしてくれたの なかったことにしてくれたの nakatta koto ni shite kureta no “He let me pretend like nothing ever happened.”
5 嬉しかった うれしかった ureshikatta “I was happy.”
6 でも…なくなっても心には残るの でも…なくなってもこころにはのこるの demo...nakunattemo kokoro ni wa nokoru no “But...even if it’s gone, it will remain in my heart.”
7 お茶子ちゃんはなかった事にしなかった おちゃこちゃんはなかったことにしなかった Ochako-chan wa nakatta koto ni shinakatta “Ochako-chan, you didn’t pretend like nothing ever happened.”
8 それは痛くて辛いけど それはいたくてつらいけど sore wa itakute tsurai kedo “That was painful and harsh, but”
9 触れられた時ーーー ふれられたときーーー furerareta toki--- “when you touched me---”
10 心がワクッて こころがワクッて kokoro ga WAKU tte “my heart got excited”
11 戦いは避けられなくても たたかいはさけられなくても tatakai wa sakerarenakutemo Even if this battle is unavoidable,
12 その奥にあるものを無視はしたくない そのおくにあるものをむしはしたくない sono oku ni aru mono wo mushi wa shitakunai I don’t want to ignore what’s behind it.
13 軽くなったから かるくなったから karukunatta kara “because you made it lighter.”
1 ありがとうねえお茶子ちゃん ありがとうねえおちゃこちゃん arigatou nee Ochako-chan “Thank you, Ochako-chan.”
2 嬉しかったよ うれしかったよ ureshikatta yo “I was happy.”
3 本当に嬉しかったのお茶子ちゃん ほんとうにうれしかったのおちゃこちゃん hontou ni ureshikatta no Ochako-chan “I was really happy, Ochako-chan.”
4 その人そのものになりたくて そのひとそのものになりたくて sono hito sono mono ni naritakute I wanted to become many people,
5-6 羨ましくて愛しくて血を飲み干してきた うらやましくていとしくてちをのみほしてきた urayamashikute itoshikute chi wo nomihoshite kita so I drank up the blood of those I envied, those I cherished.
1-3 ヒミ…コ…ちゃ… HIMI...KO...cha... “Himi...ko...-cha...”
4-5 はぁい haai “Ye-...ep!”
6 もしも moshimo If only
7 もっと早くに識れたなら もっとはやくにしれたなら motto hayaku ni shireta nara I had figured it out sooner,
8 血を飲み干したくなるのと同じくらい ちをのみほしたくなるのとおなじくらい chi wo nomihoshitaku naru no to onaji kurai then as much as I want to drink up the blood,
9 血をあげたくなるような ちをあげたくなるような chi wo agetaku naru you na it would have made me want to give blood.
10-11 そんな"好き"に出会えていたら そんな"すき"にであえていたら sonna “suki” ni deaete itara If I was able to meet [someone I] ‘liked’ like that,
12 世界はもっと生きやすかったかな せかいはもっといきやすかったかな sekai wa motto iki yasukatta ka na I wonder if the world would have been easier to live in.
1 それでも soredemo Nevertheless,
tagline 想い伝えて… おもいつたえて… omoi tsutaete... Conveying thoughts...
2 私はトガヒミコ わたしはトガヒミコ watashi wa TOGA HIMIKO I am Himiko Toga.
3 好きに生きて好きに生きた すきにいきてすきにいきた suki ni ikite suki ni ikita I live the way I like. I lived the way I liked.
4 世界一笑顔がカァイイ せかいいちえがおがカァイイ sekai ichi egao ga KAAII My smile is the cutest in the world.
5 普通の女の子! ふつうのおんなのこ! futsuu no onna no ko! I’m an ordinary girl!
#my hero academia leak translations#mha 395#bnha 395#my hero academia manga spoilers#final showdown spoilers#ochako uraraka#himiko toga#such a feels-heavy chapter#but even so#i do suspect there is more beneath the surface...
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(photo: lyrics as printed on the 'Just One More Kiss' mini disk single, 1987)
Lyrics: Imai Hisashi | Music: Imai Hisashi
(sung in 1987 ver. only: BREAK OUT!!)
Youi wa dekiteru Itsudemo heiki sa Me ni tsukumono nara ONE BY ONE Uso wo chirakashi Shitagokoro kakushi Te atari shidai ni CASE BY CASE
※Yaru nara ima sa Kuragari no uchi ni Chika yoretara Sou sa BREAK OUT (BREAK OUT) CAUTION (CAUTION) Te wo nukane– de Kuragari no uchi ni Umaku yatte Kono mama
Damashi tsuzukete Sukima wo tsukutte Suki wo ataezu ONE BY ONE Aizu wo kimetara Hanashi wo awasete Ikasazu Korosazu CASE BY CASE
*Dou se yaru nara Kuragari no uchi ni Barene– you ni Sou sa BREAK OUT (BREAK OUT) CAUTION (CAUTION) Ima nara dekiru Kuragari no uchi ni Umaku yatte Kono mama
#TO SEARCH TO SEARCH TO SEARCH Shou ga ne– ze Mattaku……
#Repeat x4
—————————————————— (sung in 1987 ver. only: BREAK OUT!!)
Have done the preparations Always cool and collected If something catches your eye ONE BY ONE Scattering lies Hiding motives And taking anything you can get CASE BY CASE
※If we do it, now While in the dark If we can get close That’s right BREAK OUT (BREAK OUT) CAUTION (CAUTION) Don't be slackin’ off While in the dark Do it good Just like that
Keep scamming Gain an inch Without giving an inch ONE BY ONE If the signal’s decided Then play along Not allowed to live Not allowed to kill CASE BY CASE
*If you’re gonna do it anyway While in the dark Don’t let ‘em catch ya That’s right BREAK OUT (BREAK OUT) CAUTION (CAUTION) If you can do it now While in the dark Do it good Just like that
#TO SEARCH TO SEARCH TO SEARCH Can’t do nothin’ about it Not a thing
#Repeat x4
T/N: Committing petty crimes and breaking out of jail by the sound of it, lads! Here come those sirens! 😂
Romanization and translation deviate slightly only at the end from printed lyrics wrt repetitions to account for what's in the actual song.
EDIT: After listening to the original 1986 EP single, added a note that Atsushi's exclamation of "BREAK OUT!" at the beginning of the song only exists in the newer 1987 recording.
Disclaimers: Please do not use my translations or photos without express permission. All photos of lyrics are mine- these are from my own collection, even if potato quality.💗
v. 1.3 (12-28-24)
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i am intrigued by how prompt 74 would even happen with agi: "Do you even know who I am?"
"Do you even know who I am?"
Agnes stared at the lalafell standing in front of her with her mouth open. "...yes? You're Yararu--"
"YOU ARE DAMN RIGHT I'M YARARU YARU, ONE OF YOUR BEST FRIENDS IN THE FUCKING WORLD!" He yelled, nearly pulling at his hair. "Agi, don't lie to me--"
She looked to Estinien, who shrugged; H'nadia, who groaned; and Purple Harvest, who shook her head. "I-I've never once lied to you, Yararu."
"THEN TELL ME IF YOU'VE MET THE TWELVE!!!! Did you see the Navigator? DID YOU?!?!?!"
Oh shit.
Oh fuck.
What do I even say?!?!?!
Ah yes, I did meet the Twelve and then I killed them because they wanted to die.
Fuck me.
Taking off her glasses and sighing, she decided that honesty is the best policy, as Mum says. "I did."
"And then they asked me to end them so they could return to the star."
Nadia's mouth dropped open as did Purple's.
Estinien stared at her, his expression exasperated. Oh hush you, I brought you to see Halone, and you wept like a little child!
Agnes clamped a hand over her old friend's mouth, her brown eyes wide. "Shut the fuck up, twat. People can't know that! Can you imagine what would happen?! There would be chaos! Riots! And I'd be killed faster than you can say 'nutbutter and jam sandwich.' So please, please, Yararu---just...I met them. They're happy now that they're free from their duties, so let it be."
The lalafell stepped away from the hyur. "Oh alright. But what was she like?"
"Really pretty and cursed like a sailor." Agnes said proudly. Like a true daughter of La Noscea.
Yararu dropped to his knees, head in hands. "MY PERFECT WOMAN IS GONE!"
Nadia, Purple, and Agnes doubled over in laughter.
Estinien rolled his eyes. "Mate, I'm married to the perfect woman."
"AWWWWWWWWW AGI LOOK YOUR GRUMP LOVES YOU!!!" Nadia and Purple yelled with Yararu sniggering.
Estinien's not wrong that they're gremlins, but they're my gremlins. And I wouldn't trade them for anything.
#agnes currai#estinien varlineau#estinien wyrmblood#wolstinien#estinien x wol#agnes varlineau#these two dorks#hyur highlander#ask and you shall receive#hyur wol#plus size wol#plus size warrior of light#yararu yaru#purple harvest#h'nadia#agi's three gremlins#asker i wuv u
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Episode 21 : World of Magic / 第21話『魔法の世界(Mahono Sekai)』
Zērie “Hisashiburi dana, Furanme.”
Serie “It’s been a while, Flamme.”
Rihitā “Baruguranto.”
Richter “Bargland.”
Denken “Wakai yatsuwa kekki sakande ikanna. Tokken nado kudaran.”
Denken “The young are too hot-blooded. The so-called privilege is nonsense.”
Furīren “Nee, doshite so omouno?”
Frieren “What makes you say that?”
Denken “Kiku hodono kotodemo arumai. Mahoto iu monowa sagashi-motometeiru tokiga ichiban tanoshii. Sore-dakeda.”
Denken “Do you even have to ask? The greatest joy of magic lies in searching for it. That’s all.”
Furīren “So.”
Frieren “I see.”
Zērie “Tokino nagareto iunowa hayai monodana. Kimagurede sodateta deshiga mo mago-deshio tsurete kiyotta.”
Serie “Time passes quickly. The student I chose to train on a whim has already returned with her own student.”
Furanme “Furīren da.”
Flamme “This is Frieren.”
Zerie “Erufuka. Tsuyoina. Kini itta. Nozomu maho’o iuga ii. Hitotsu-dake sazukete yaru.”
Serie “An elf, huh? She’s strong. I like her. Tell me what spell you desire. I shall grant you just one.”
Furīren “……Nozomu maho?”
Frieren “A spell that I desire?”
Zerie “Watashiwa imamadeno rekishide kakareta hobo subeteno madoshono chishikio motteiru. Mahotsukaito iu-monowa jinseio kakete nozonda maho’o sagashi-motomeru monoda. Soreo ie. Watashiga sazukete yaru.”
Serie “I have knowledge of nearly every grimoire that’s ever been written. Mages spend their entire lives searching for the spell they desire. Tell me what yours is, and I shall grant it to you.”
Furīren “Iranai. Mahowa sagashi-motometeiru tokiga ichiban tanoshiindayo.”
Frieren “I don’t want one. The greatest joy of magic lies in searching for it.”
Zērie “Furanme, yahari dameda konokowa. Yashinga tarin. Moe-tagiru-yona yashinga.”
Serie “Flamme, This girl is no good after all. She lacks a burning ambition.”
Furanme “Sensei. Kono kowa itsuka Mao’o taosuyo. Kitto koiu mahotsukaiga heiwana jidaio kiri-hirakunda.”
Flamme “Master, someday this girl will defeat the Demon King. It will be a mage like her who clears the way to a peaceful era.”
Zerie “Watashi-niwa muridato-demo?”
Serie “Are you saying I cannot?”
Zerie “Tatakaio oimotomeru anataniwa Mao’o korosenai. Watashi-tachija muri nandayo. Dattesa sensei, heiwana jidaini ikiru jibunno sugataga sozo dekinai daro?”
Serie “As one who seeks battle, you cannot kill the Demon King. We can’t do it. After all, you can’t imagine yourself living in a peaceful era, can you?”
Furanme “Furīrenwa heiwana jidaino mahotsukaida.”
Flamme “Frieren is a mage of a peaceful era.”
Furīren “Iine. Mahotsukaiwa kode nakucha.”
Frieren “Good answer. This is how mages ought to be.”
ラヴィーネ「クソ… コイツ全然凍らねえ。魔力に差がありすぎる… 氷の矢を放つ魔法(ネフティーア)」
Ravīne “Kuso… Koitsu zenzen kooranee. Maryokuni saga arisugiru… Nefutīa.”
Lawine “Damn it. He won’t freeze at all. The difference between our mana is too great. Nephtear.”
Rihitā “…Zeijaku sugiru.”
Richter “Weak.”
Ravīne “Kanne, bokyo!!”
Lawine “Kanne, defense!”
Kanne “Wakatteru!!”
Kanne “I know!”
Rihitā “Omae-tachiwa hadeni abareta karana. Daitaino teno-uchiwa haaku shiteiru tsumori daga…”
Richter “You two put on quite the show earlier, so I believe I know most of your tricks.”
Rihitā “Sassho-noryokuni kakeru koorino mahoni, mizuga nakereba tatakaenai mahotsukai.”
Richter “Relatively non-lethal ice magic, and a mage who can’t fight without water.”
Rihitā “Orewa nanio yarasarete-iru? Koredewa hontoni gakino omorida.”
Richter “What am I even doing here? This really is just babysitting.”
Ravīne “Itte kureruze. Hadena maho tsukai-yagatte. Anta-koso maryoku motsunokayo.”
Lawine “That’s not a nice thing to say. Won’t you run out of mana casting such flashy spells?”
Rihitā “Omae-tachiwa maho-gakkono shusshin daro. Rojin-tachiwa imadani bokyo-maho chushinno shomo-senno yarikata demo oshiete-irunoka?”
Richter “You graduated from magic school, didn’t you? Are the old folks still teaching their students to fight defensive battles of attrition?”
Kanne “Doiui imi?”
Kanne “What do you mean?”
Rihitā “Sukoshi mahoshino kogio shiteyaro. Zorutorākuno taisho-ho toshite Kaihatsu-sareta bokyo-mahowa, maho sonomononi taishitewa tsuyoi daiseio motsuga, busshitsu-tekina mononi taisuru bokyo-seinouwa mukashito hobo kawatte inai. Tozen koreniwa meikakuna riyuga aru. Mamonoya senshino butsuri-teki kogekio fuseguniwa jubunna bokyo-seino datta karada. Bokyo-mahoni ōbā supekkuwa attewa naranai. Kanpekio motomereba jutsushikiga yori fukuzatsuka-shi, hatsudo-sokudoni chimei-tekina eikyoga deru.”
Richter “Let me lecture you on the history of magic. The defensive spell developed to combat Zoltraak is highly resistant to magic itself, but its effectiveness against physical objects has hardly changed since then. Naturally, there’s a clear reason for that. It’s enough to defend against the physical attacks of monsters and warriors. Defensive magic mustn’t be over-engineered. If we aimed for perfection, the technique would become too complex, which would have a fatal effect on activation time.”
Rihitā “Mahono rekishiwa kogekito bogyono rekishida. Dakara gendaino kogeki-mahowa busshitsuo ayatsuru monoga shuryuni natta. Orega nanio iitainoka wakaruka?”
Richter “The history of magic is one of attacking and defending. It’s the reason there’s a trend for modern attack spells to involve controlling physical objects. Do you understand what I’m getting at?”
Ravīne “Kanne!! Dameda!! Yokero――”
Lawine “Kanne, no! Move!”
Rihitā “Oreno mahowa busshitsuni yoru atto-tekina shitsuryo-kogekida. Sonomama nemutte-iro.”
Richter “My spells overwhelm my opponents with high-volume physical attacks. Now stay down.”
Rihitā “Kanben shitekure. Itame-tsukeru shumiwa nai. Soretomo nanda, yappari koroshite hoshii-noka?”
Richter “Give me a break. I’m not interested in hurting you. Or do you want me to kill you after all?”
Ravīne “…Fuyoini chikazuite iinokayo. Hitono karadano roku-wariwa mizude dekiten-daze.”
Lawine “Should you be approaching us so carelessly? Sixty percent of the human body is made of water.”
Rihitā “Sorega doshita? Mahoto iunowa imējino sekaida. Hitono karadani do mizuga haibun sarete irunoka sozo dekirunoka? Sorerao toridashite ayatsuru imējiwa? Tairyono maryokuni mamorarete-iru mahotsukai aiteni, do yatte soreo yaru? Imēji dekinai monowa mahodewa jitsugen dekinai. Soreni karini konobani mizuga attato-shitemo, konna komusumewa kyoidemo nandemo nai.”
Richter “So what? Magic is a world of visual imagination. Can you picture how that water is distributed throughout a person’s body, and how you’d remove and manipulate it? How would you do that to a mage protected by a large amount of mana? Spells can’t produce effects you can’t picture. And even if there were water here, a small girl like you is no threat to me.”
Ravīne “Hattarimo kikanee-noka. Iyana otona daze. Demo hitotsu wakatta kotoga aru. Uso tsuitenna. Temee. Koshaku tareru-hodono tatakai-zukinara, mizuno aru bashode watashi-tachio tataki-nomeshite-iru hazuda. Nanio sonnani kowagatte-iru?”
Lawine “Not even bluffing works? I hate adults like you. But I have figured out one thing. You’re lying. If you loved fighting enough to lecture us on it, you would’ve beaten us somewhere there was water. What are you so afraid of?”
Rihitā “…Otonashiku shite-iro. Oreno yakumewa omae-tachio nekashi-tsukeru kotoda. Denkenga makenai kagiri wana.”
Richter “Behave yourselves. My job is just to put you two to sleep. As long as Denken doesn’t lose, that is.”
Denken (Konomama-dewa maryokuo kezurarete owaruna.)
Denken (At this rate, this battle will end when she exhausts my mana.)
Denken “Rotai-niwa chito kitsuina. Waruiga hayameni kecchakuo tsukeruzo Furīren. Varudogōze.”
Denken “This is all a bit tough for this old body. My apologies, Frieren, but I’m going to settle this quickly. Waldgose.”
Denken “Daosudorugu.”
Denken “Daosdorg.”
Rihitā “Oiboreme. Nante tatakai-kata shiyagaru.”
Richter “What is that decrepit old man doing?”
Genau “Hadeni yaruna, ano Jiisan.”
Genau “That old man fights rather spectacularly.”
Zenze “Kekkaiwa daijobu nano?”
Sense “Will the barrier hold?”
Genau “Gumonda. Kono kekkaiwa dai-mahotsukai Zērie ga hodokoshita monoda. Chikara-wazade hakai dekiru- yona monodewa nai.”
Genau “Of course. The barrier was created by the great mage Serie. It cannot be destroyed by brute force.”
Zenze “Soka. Nara iiga. Tokorode kinono ban kurai karaka. Kekkaio kaiseki-shiteiru yatsuga iru.”
Sense “Oh? That’s good, then. By the way, since around yesterday evening, someone’s been analyzing the barrier.”
Genau “Nanno tameni?”
Genau “Why?”
Zenze “Shiran.”
Sense “I don’t know.”
Genau “Dochirani seyo mudana koida. Kono yoni Zērieo koeru mahotsukaiga iruto omouka?”
Genau “In any case, they’re wasting their time. Do you really think there’s a mage in this world greater than Serie?”
Denken “Katasutorāvia.”
Denken “Catastravia.”
デンケン(馬鹿な… 反撃だと… 絶え間の無い光の矢だぞ… そのような隙なぞ――)
Denken (Bakana… Hangeki dato… Taemano nai hikarino yadazo… Sono-yona suki nazo――)
Denken (Impossible. A counterattack? That was a continuous volley of spears of light. She shouldn’t have had the opportunity.)
デンケン(魔力切れ… ここまでか… 信じられん… こいつは最後まで基礎的な戦闘魔法しか使っていなかった… これではまるで見習い魔法使いに対する指導試合ではないか…)
Denken (Maryoku-gire… Kokomadeka… Shinji-raren… Koitsuwa saigo-made kiso-tekina sento-maho shika tsukatte inakatta… Koredewa marude minarai-mahotsukaini taisuru shido-jiai dewa naika…)
Denken (I’m out of mana. So this is the end. I don’t believe it. She only used basic combat spells until the end. This was practically a combat lesson for a trainee mage.)
デンケン「驚いた… これほどの高みに来て、まだ上がいるとはな…」
Denken “Odoroita… Korehodono takamini kite mada uega irutowana…”
Denken “I’m surprised. Even at my level, there was still someone above me.”
Furīren “Raofenno ibasho’o oshiete. Omae-nara wakaru hazuda. Shutireo kaeshite morau.”
Frieren “Tell me where Laufen is. I know you know. I’m taking back our Stille.”
Denken “…Omaega washino tachiba-datoshite oshieruto omouka?”
Denken “If you were in my position, do you think you’d tell me?”
Furīren “Sodane.”
Frieren “You’re right.”
Furīren “Raofen. Chikakuni senpuku shite irundesho? Shutireo motte kokoni kite. Kona-kereba Denken’o korosu.”
Frieren “Laufen, you’re hiding nearby, aren’t you? Bring the Stille here. If you don’t, I’ll kill Denken.”
Denken “…Yose, Raofen. Koitsuni satsuiwa nai. Wakarudaro.”
Denken “Don’t do it, Laufen. She doesn’t intend to kill me. You can tell, can’t you?”
Raofen (…Jiisanga yarareta. Watashi-yorimo… iya, Rihitā to kurabetemo harukani kaku-ueno mahotsukaida. Demo yudan shiteiru… Jiisanno karada-niwa furete-inai.)
Laufen (The old man was beaten. She’s a far better mage than me- no, better than even Richter. But she underestimates us. She’s not touching the old man’s body.)
Denken “Jiruvēawa tsukauna. Sonomama senpuku-shi-tsuzukero. Sukoshi-demo maryokuo hassureba tanchi sareru.”
Denken “Don’t use Jilwer. Stay hidden. If you release even the slightest bit of mana, she’ll detect you.”
Raofen (Kono kyori-nara Jiisan’o kaishu-shite nigerareru.)
Laufen (From this distance, I could retrieve the old man and flee!)
Denken “Yamero. Wanada.”
Denken “Don’t. It’s a trap.”
Furīren “Shikataga naika. Amari koiu kotowa shitake-nain-dakedo…”
Frieren “You leave me no choice. I don’t really want to do this, but…”
Furīren “Mitsuketa.”
Frieren “Found you.”
Denken “…Bakaga.”
Denken “You fool.”
Denken “…Mijuku-monome. Satsuiga nai-koto-nado wakari-kitte-oroni.”
Denken “You inexperienced fool. You knew she wouldn’t kill me.”
Raofen “Demo aitsu, Jiisanga shinanai teido-niwa itame-tsukeru tsumori dattayo.”
Laufen “But she planned to hurt you without killing you.”
Denken “Soredemo, washiraga katta.”
Denken “We still would’ve won.”
Raofen “Jiisan, nande sokomade shite ikkyu-mahotsukaini naritain-dayo. Tomimo kenryokumo hoshii-monowa nandatte motte-irundaro.”
Laufen “Why are you so desperate to become a first-class mage? You’ve got wealth, influence, and everything else you could want.”
Denken “Washino kokyowa Hokubu Kogenno okuchi dena. Mazoku-domoga abareta seide imaja ikkyu-mahotsukai shika hairenai. Hisa-bisani haka-mairini ikita-katta. Soredakeda.”
Denken “My homeland is located deep in the Northern Plateau. Because the demons are acting up, only first-class mages can enter the area now. I wanted to visit a grave I haven’t been to in a while. That’s all.”
Denken “Gaki-domo’o tasukeni itta-hoga iinja naika. Mottomo, mo osoikamo shirengana. Rihitāwa omaeto taiji-suru-maeni kanojo-tachio korosu. Soiu gori-tekina handanga dekiru otokoda.”
Denken “Shouldn’t you go help the kids? Perhaps it’s too late, though. Richter will kill them before he faces you. He’s capable of making pragmatic choices.”
Furīren “Sorenara daijobu dayo. Kanne-tachiga katsu.”
Frieren “They’ll be fine. Kanne and Lawine will win.”
Furīren “Kekkaino kaisekiga chodo owatta.”
Frieren “I just finished analyzing the barrier.”
Rihitā “…Masaka Denkenga yarareru-towana. Sate, gakino omoriwa mo owarida.”
Richter “I wasn’t expecting Denken to lose. Now, then. Babysitting time is over.”
ラヴィーネ「本気で殺すつもりだな、こりゃ… マジで一分保たねえぞ。」
Ravīne “Honkide korosu tsumori-dana, korya… Majide ippun motaneezo.”
Lawine “He’s actually trying to kill us now. We won’t last a minute against him.”
Raofen “Kekkai? Kaiseki? Doiu koto?”
Laufen “Analyzing the barrier? What do you mean?”
Denken “…Furīren, masaka omaewa…”
Denken “Frieren. Don’t tell me, you…”
Zenze “Genau.”
Sense “Genau.”
Genau “Mondai-nai. Arienai kotoda. Tenchiga hikkuri-kaettemo.”
Genau “It’s not a problem. It’s impossible. Even if the world were turned upside down―”
Zenze “Yaburareru.”
Sense “It’s going to break.”
Genau “…Zenze. Ano Erufuno mahotsukaiwa nani-monoda?”
Genau “Sense, who is that elf mage?”
Zenze “Jukensha-meiboni yoruto, nawa Furīren.”
Sense “According to the list of test-takers, her name is Frieren.”
Genau “Yusha-ikkono mahotsukaito onaji nada.”
Genau “That’s the name of the mage who traveled with the party of heroes.”
Zenze “Soreni kanojowa seijono akashiwo motte-ita-rashii.”
Sense “She apparently had a holy emblem, too.”
Genau “…Saigono dai-mahotsukaika.”
Genau “So she’s the last great mage.”
Zērie “Yatte-kuretana. Furīren. Sen-nen-buridato iunoni zuibunna aisatsuja naika. Koredakara mahotsukaiwa yameraren. Mahono sekaidewa tenchiga hikkuri-kaeru kotomo aru.”
Serie “Now you’ve done it, Frieren. It’s been a thousand years, and this is how you say hello? This is why I can’t quit being a mage. In the world of magic, sometimes the world is turned upside down.”
Denken “…Masaka hontoni kekkaio hakaisuru-towana.”
Denken “I can’t believe you actually destroyed the barrier.”
Raofen “Nande konna koto’o…”
Laufen “Why would you do that?”
Furīren “Kannega kawaiso datta-karane. Mahowa jiyude arubekida.”
Frieren “Because I felt sorry for Kanne. Magic should be free.”
Denken “Mizuo ayatsuru mahotsukaika.”
Denken “She controls water, does she?”
Furīren “Mahowa imējino sekaida. Mizuo ayatsuru mahotsukaini, ameno nakade kateru imējiga dekiru? Sukunaku-tomo watashiwa dekinai. Tabun Rihitātte yatsumo onaji dayo.”
Frieren “Magic is a world of visual imagination. Can you imagine defeating a mage who controls water in the rain? At the very least, I can’t. I doubt Richter can either.”
リヒター(結界が… …何が起こった?)
Rihitā (Kekkaiga… …Naniga okotta?)
Richter (The barrier… What happened?)
Kanne “…Ameda.”
Kanne “It’s raining…”
Rihitā (Iya, jokyo-kakunin nado ato-mawashida. Ikkokumo hayaku todomeo――)
Richter (No, I can figure out what happened later. I have to finish them now―)
Ravīne “Yatto sukio mise-yagattana. Asette maryokuga midare-teruze.”
Lawine “You finally showed an opening. Your panic is disrupting your mana.”
Rihitā “Kono teidono jikan-kasegi…”
Richter “This will only buy you time!”
Ravīne “Imanara wakaruze. Omaega mizuo ayatsuru maho’o osoreta riyuga. Koitsuwa omaeno itta busshitsuni yoru atto-tekina shitsuryo-kogeki sonomonoda.”
Lawine “I see now why you feared a spell that could control water. This is the perfect example of the high-volume physical attacks you mentioned.”
Kanne “Ravīne. Nigasa-nai-yonine. Rīmushutorōa!”
Kanne “Lawine, don’t let him get away. Reamstroha.”
Rihitā “Moto-moto nigeba-nante naidaroga. Dakara mizuwa kirai nanda.”
Richter “There’s nowhere for me to run, anyway. This is why I don’t like water.”
Furīren “Kateta-mitai-dane. Hayaku kokokara hanareyo. Nichibotsu-made ni-jikan-dakedo, soremade maryoku keseru-yone.”
Frieren “Looks like you won. Let’s get away from here. The sun sets in two hours. You can conceal your mana until then, can’t you?”
Ravīne “Keserumo nanimo maryoku-gire dayo.”
Lawine “I don’t have any mana left to conceal.”
Furīren “So. Yoku ganbatta.”
Frieren “I see. You did well.”
Kanne “Ehehē”
Kanne (smile shyly)
Ravīne “Nadenna.”
Lawine “Don’t pat my head.”
Rihitā “…Suman.”
Richter “Sorry.”
Denken “Yamuo ensa.”
Denken “It was inevitable.”
Rihitā “Oremo Denkenmo maryoku-gire. Ato nijikanda. Mo owari-dana.”
Richter “Denken and I are out of mana. We have two hours left. We’re finished.”
Denken “Raofen. Kosokuo tokeruka?”
Denken “Laufen, can you dispel the binding?”
Raofen “Jodan. Sugoi maryoku-dayo, kono kosoku.”
Laufen “You must be joking. This binding spell is ridiculously powerful.”
Denken “Nara kino-hoda. Tataki-ore.”
Denken “Then bring down the tree instead.”
Rihitā “Denken. Mo murida.”
Richter “Denken, there’s nothing we can do.”
Raofen “Watashimo mo Jiruvēao tsukaeru-hodono maryokuwa nokotte-naiyo.”
Laufen “I don’t have the mana left to use Jilwer anymore.”
Denken “Rihitā. Raofen. Koiu-toki kyutei-mahotsukai nara do suruto omou? Saigo-made minikuku agakunda.”
Denken “Richter and Laufen, what do you think an imperial mage does in this situation? He keeps fighting until the end.”
Denken “Hokano pātīno sentono konsekio sagashite tadoruzo.”
Denken “We’ll search for signs of battles fought by other parties and track them down.”
Yūberu “Ferunsā, anta honto tsuman-naiyone. Majide kiso-tekina maho-shika tsukatte-naijan.”
Übel “You know, Fern, You’re really rather boring. You seriously do only cast basic spells.”
Ferun “Sorewa Furīren-samani itte-kudasai.”
Fern “You should direct your complaints to Ms.Frieren.”
Yūberu “Soieba ano erufu, antano shisho dakke. Aitsuno seide bishop-nureni nacchatta-karasa. Chanto shikattoite-yone.”
Übel “Come to think of it, that elf is your master, right? It’s her fault we’re soaking wet right now. Make sure you give her an earful, all right?”
Ferun “Sono tsumori desu. Soreni sento-maho-igai dattara, seigen sarete imasen’yo.”
Fern “I intend to. Also, she doesn’t limit what spells I cast outside of combat.”
Yūberu “Soieba torio tsukamaeru maho tsukatte-takke. Hokani donna maho tsukaeruno?”
Übel “Come to think of it, you did cast a spell to catch that bird. What other spells can you use?”
フェルン「えーと…服が透けて見える魔法とか… 使いませんよ。」
Ferun “Ēto… Fukuga sukete mieru maho-toka… Tsukai-masen’yo.”
Fern “Let’s see… I have a spell that lets you see through clothes… I’m not going to cast it.”
Ranto “Anosa. Tanoshiku oshaberi shiteru tokoro warui-kedo, teno uchiwa amari sarasanai-hoga iinja naino? Dai-niji-shiken karawa, bokurawa teki-doshi nandakarasa.”
Land “I hate to interrupt your pleasant conversation, but maybe you shouldn’t reveal too many of your tricks. From the second test onward, we’ll be competing against one another.”
Yūberu “Ñ Sodane. Gomenne. Demo Megane-kunwa mo sukoshi uchitoketemo yokattato omouyo.”
Übel “You’re right. Sorry ‘bout that. But I think you should’ve opened up some more, four-eyes.”
Denken “Itazo. Haiso-shita pātīda. Sukoshi hanareta tokoronin nakamano shitaiga atta. Gokakuno michiwa mo naito iunoni, Shutire-dakewa daijini kakaete-oruwa.”
Denken “There they are. It’s a defeated party. The corpse of one of their members was nearby. Even though there’s no way for them to pass, they’re keeping a tight hold on their Stille.”
Rihitā “Kosho-demo surunoka? Denken.”
Richter “Are we going to negotiate with them, Denken?”
Denken “Ojindaro. Karini washiga yatsurano tachiba-nara, kaneo tsumaretatte kotowaru.”
Denken “They wouldn’t cooperate. If I were in their position, I’d refuse even money.”
Raofen “Nande?”
Laufen “Why?”
Denken “Kini kuwanai karada. Koiu-nowa rikutsuja nai.”
Denken “It wouldn’t sit right with me. It’s not about logic.”
Denken “Raofenwa kokode taikida. Sukiga areba Shutireo ubae. Rihitā, tsuite-koi.”
Denken “Laufen, wait here. If you see an opportunity, take their Stille. Richter, come with me.”
Rihitā “Do suru tsumorida.”
Richter “What do you intend to do?”
Rihitā “Shomen-kara ikunoka. Mo maryoku-nanka nokoccha inaizo.”
Richter “We’re approaching them head-on? We don’t have any mana left.”
Denken “Wakatte-irudaro. Sorewa aitemo onaji koto.”
Denken “Don’t you get it? They’re in the same boat.”
Denken “Harao kukure. Otoko daroga.”
Denken “Prepare yourself. You’re a man, aren’t you?”
Rihitā “…Oi. Jodan daro.”
Richter “You’re joking, right?”
Denken “Naguriaijaaaaa!!!!”
Denken “Let’s settle this with our fists!”
Genau “Jikan dana. Genjikokuo motte dai-ichiji-shiken’o shuryoto suru. Dai-ichiji-shiken gokakushawa, kei roku pātī ju-hachi-mei. Dai-niji-shikenwa mikka-go da. Shosaini tsuitewa, otte tsutatsu suru. Ijoda. Kaisan.”
Genau “It’s time. The first test is now over. Six parties -eighteen individuals- have passed the first test. The second test will take place three days from now. You will be informed of the details later. That’s all. You are dismissed.”
シュタルク「二人が試験に行ってから、もう2日か… 夜遅くまで起きていてもフェルンに怒られない。幸せ過ぎて怖いぜ…」
Shutaruku “Futariga shikenni itte-kara, mo futsuka ka… Yoru osoku-made okite-itemo Ferunni okorare-nai. Shiawase-sugite kowaize…”
Stark “It’s been two days since they left for the exam. I can stay up as late as I want, and Fern isn’t around to get mad at me. I’m so happy, it’s scary.”
Bātendā “Kuro shiten-dana, Niichan.”
Bartender “Sounds like you’ve got it rough, buddy.”
(Continue to Episode 22)
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To Those Who Continue To Fight Despite Everything・それでも闘う者達へ — PENGUIN RESEARCH
English+Romaji Translation
Ashita kieta toshite dou naruka wo himana toki kangaeteru
Spending free time wondering what would happen if you disappeared tomorrow
Hitonami no shiawase wo shiritairashii konna monjanai to ii kedo
Wanting to know what it's like to be happy, and hoping it's not like this
最期の日だけ 笑えればいいとか
Saigo no hi dake waraereba ii toka
Thinking it'd just be nice to be able to laugh in my final days, or something like that
Kono yo wa saiyaku da
This world is just the worst
Zetsubou no asa ga kuru
Facing a hopeless morning
それでも 行くのかい
Soredemo yuku no kai
Despite everything, will you continue on
nande da yo
I wonder why that is
Kanashimunda yo kizutsukunda yo
After all it's miserable, and you get hurt
Nanzenkai mo
More times than you can count
soredemo yuku no kai wakarazuya
Despite everything, still continuing on not knowing why
Doko he demo ike shinuna yo
It doesn't matter where you go, but you better not die
Medetashi no ato ni wa nani mo nai nara hon no naka ni umaretakattana
Wishing to be reborn in a book where the story is over after the happy ending
aishita hito mo itsuka inaku naru yo
One day everyone you love will disappear too
とんだ呪いだな こりゃ
tonda noroida na korya
It's an unbelievable curse to bear, like come on
嫌なことほど 本当のことばっかさ
iyana koto hodo hontou no koto bakka sa
Believing you'll only ever experience unpleasant things
arasuji wa saiyaku da
That idea is just the worst
nakitsuku shite asa ga kuru
Facing a morning where you're begging for mercy
それでも 行くのかい
soredemo yuku no kai
Despite everything, will you keep going
こんなにも裏切られて 嘲笑われて つらかったよな
konna ni mo uragirarete azawararete tsurakatta yo na
Getting betrayed to this extent, being ridiculed, it's hard, isn't it
それでも 闘う者たちがどうしようもなく眩しかった
soredemo tatakau monotachi ga doushiyou mo naku mabushikatta
Those who continue to fight despite everything
Shine so incredibly brightly
dare ni mo ienai dare ni mo kawarenai
It's impossible for anyone to replace you
uso wo michizure ni kitan da
Facing lies from someone who was once beside you
ii nokoshita kotoba mo sutete shimatta shashin mo
Words left unsaid, and photos thrown away
gareki no tou de nemutteiru
Lying on a heap of rubble
tetsugoushi no torikago hari bote no no haribote chiheisen
A bird cage's iron bars, a paper mache horizon
arashi wo kotaete doko he ikunda
Where are you going beyond the storm?
ずぶ濡れ 纏わりつく 罪傷罰
zubunure matowaritsuku tsuku kizu bachi
Completely soaked through, desperately clinging on, crime, injury, punishment
果たされないな 誓ったくせに
hatasarenai na chikatta kuse ni
Not being able to fulfill a promise you swore you'd see through
Inochi no shimekiri wa tookarazu da ga
Life's deadline is quickly approaching
kitto koukai wa nokoru darou
Surely there will be regrets, right
kitto nasakenai mama darou
Surely it will be pathetic, right
atogaki de gotaku wo nabete ii no wa
But the only ones allowed to ramble in the afterword
ichi peeji me wo fumidashita yatsu kedo
Are those who moved forward with one page
kono yo wa saiyaku da
"This world is just the worst"
sore ga riyuu datta
That was the reason
それでも それでも
soredemo soredemo
Despite everything
Despite everything
それでも それでも 生きてやる
soredemo soredemo ikite yaru
Despite everything, despite everything, go live on
悲しむため苦しむため 君と逢うため
kanashimu tame kurushimu tame kimi to au tame
So you can be sad, and so you can suffer, and so that we can see each other
それでも 闘う者たちへ
soredemo tatakau monotachi he
To those who continue to fight despite everything
sukui no nai monogatari wo kaki hateru made shinuna yo
Until you've finished writing your irredeemable story to the end, don't die
mada da shinuna yo
Until then, you better not die
#PENGUIN RESEARCH#To Those Who Continue To Fight Despite Everything#それでも闘う者たちへ#soredemo tatakau monotachi he#this is actually the first one i tled#fav
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HOTEL LeMMON TREE Lyrics & Music Tatsuro
Ai o kuretatte naite kuretatte dôse inaku natte Shukujona furi shite akujo no kagitte junsuina n datte
Waraenai jôdan kakuzatô hakon de sa~a heya ni oideyo HOTEL LeMMON TREE
Aitaida nante nê nôtarin ga nanisama no tsumori? Mamotte miseru tte Knight kidotte usotsuki no jôtôku de
Tsubekobe iwazu arittake motte sa~a heya ni oideyo HOTEL LeMMON TREE 729
Bye-bye Boy I love you yumenonakade wana o hatte Hepburn enji kitta Poison candy bitch -kun wan Virgin Queen
Kireina bara ni wa toge ga aru nante amai mon ja nai no Toge koso ga bara soko ni kabuseta ôkan no hanabira
Omedetai atama sa~a hierarukî nobotte oide HOTEL LeMMON TREE 729
Bye-bye Boy I love you yaminonakade umarekawatte Hepburn mitsu o nutte Poison candy bitch -kun wan Virgin Queen ika re teru ze
Sweet sweet honey nukedasenai kurutta jigoku Fuck you BABY nozomi-dôri no ai o kurete yaru ze Haite suteta iku sen oku no ai de tsumiageta HOTEL LeMMON TREE tsurî otogi no kuni
Saiteina yumenonakade ai o motto chôdai Kodoku o ume tsukusu hodo no nê lies & truth, love & hate
Good-bye Boy I love you yaminonakade wana o hatte Hepburn enji kitta Poison candy bitch -kun wan Virgin Queen ika re teru ze
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araki hours... going to talk abt his covers of villain and call boy bc they have some of my fav arrangment choices. which is ABSOLUTELY one of the reasons he has some of my alltime favorite covers and is my fav utaite in general. in addition to the fact that i just like his voice lmao. will keep this under a cut bc i babble
ok so villain can be up first. one of my favorite songs, and one of my favorite covers.
first off: his voice is just... so good for this song. i think thats exemplified in both here and call boy, because both of them really suit a voice thats kind of... yknow rough, a bit disinterested? which araki can definitely do. his voice just flows so well with the emotions to me like with the “nee” bit in the second verse, the way he gets like audibly louder and more aggressive? great. one of my favoriteeeee parts in this is around 1:05, where araki does this fun “ooh”ing over the whole “villain villain villain” bit, and it’s so. it made me go back and check the original and i’d thought the part he was singing was just an instrumental line but listening back it actually really sounds like flower’s voice with a lot of effects on it! and i think it is So Cool to be like. re-voicing that bc it sounds sooo good when its brought out like that. and then!! and then at the first chorus with the “ageku no biran” line, there’s just this nice added part in the back that extends to “no” into “no-o-o” and it sounds so good for real. but bc its like. a bit quieter it doesnt rly detract from the silence between “ageku no” and “biran” that the first chorus has... to me at least. i think smthing abt villain that i really love as a song is that its got soooo many lil flairs and flourishes that rly add to the whole thing, and it feels like araki rly commits to showing those off? like all the doubling thats here in this song. its so good. like the way the hits on “life” in the “dakatsu life” really, well... hit. the layered vocals sound so good.
secondly: call boy. gahhh again his voice just sounds sooo good w/ this song. like the whole song itself is this thing of like. oh fuck everything im in a destructive spiral and araki just totally embodies that callous feeling to me. im sure anybody who’s listened to his cover already knows what im talking abt but the line around 0:40 (”naa nandemo yaru kara sa”) is so. like the laugh between “naa” and “nandemo” ABSOLUTELY characterizes the song so well. its such a good detail and doesnt feel out of place at all, especially bc call boy also has a bunch of like those little vocal flourishes and interjections(? idk how to describe them) within the song. other things i LOVE though. in that same line when the “sa” is held out right before dropping into the next line and then the chorus, the instrumental has this little like. it walks up a few notes to build tension. and araki just voices that with lil “ooh”s! it sounds so good. then theres the chorus which is like. it sounds great. again lots of layered vocals which is great! it sounds absolutely explosive and also like, a party so very in-theme for the song to me. and then! the chorus ends with “don’t stop / kamawazu ni mou ippai” which gets repeated with some variation after each chorus. love that line. but araki also adds like some “ooh”ing vocals here which kind of... matches the instrumental? like its working off of the same base structure but it’s really not a one-to-one. but again it like really adds to the impact and it sounds good and I really think it makes it so like. the thing he did before feels consistent and reasonable instead of just random. these lil vocal additions right before and at the end of the chorus happen for all three times the chorus comes around! such a nice detail. and OF COURSE i have to mention the last line (”won’t stop / shinu mae ni mou ippai”) because oh my god. in the og this line is basically sung how it is in the first chorus, but the “i” in “ippai” is accented/held just a lil for some oomph. araki goes and like. changes the rhythm a little and ends up landing on a much higher note than how the usual line ends and it absolutely is just like. oh great that had so much energy to it that i’m ruined for other covers now.
ok thats everything. i hope i could describe this well enough bc i know fuck all abt music.
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Kobayashi’s Maid Dragon S2 Episode 9 Notes
One thing to note here is that Kobayashi(‘s narration) isn’t saying the company has already made solid improvements, it’s that the company has finally established itself somewhat (as it was only founded relatively recently, and typically new companies are especially busy while trying to get off the ground) and now is starting to make improvements.
Similarly in the second sentence, it’s not “was” slow going, it’s “is still” slow going, and the working conditions “are” improving, not “have improved.”
This is がんば ganba, short of course for がんばって ganbatte, which I’m sure most of you are familiar with: the (in)famous “do your best.”
I only mention it because I like this shortened version of it. Ganba!
This is a fun little idiom(?)/saying: 鼻で笑う hana de warau (conjugated as hana de warawareta), lit. to laugh using the nose. It’s used to describe laughing at someone you’re looking down on for whatever reason (not necessarily in a super serious way, could just be a friend being dumb etc.; in this case it’s Elma’s being naive).
Typically it refers to like a “heh-but-through-the-nose��� kind of “laugh,” but as you can see in this scene (where clearly Kobayashi is laughing with the mouth, even starting with “pff” lips) it works idiomatically even if the laughing isn’t only through the nose.
You may have heard that Japan is/was a “lifetime employment” country, where typically people would get hired right out of school and stay at that company until retirement. While that’s much less true today than it was even a couple of decades ago (and has become kind of controversial in ways), it’s still much more common of a practice than in say the US.
One result of this is that there’s a much bigger distinction placed between hiring people in spring as part of the annual graduation rush (the Japanese school year ends in March), and mid-career hiring. Typically you can’t participate in the fresh grad hiring if you aren’t one, even if you’re new to the field in question.
For larger employers (i.e. 5k+ employees), roughly two-thirds of all hirings come from fresh grads, and only small employers (<300 employees) hire more mid-careerists than people directly out of school.
Of course, this split tends to apply mostly to “standard” full time jobs, not so much part time, and is not necessarily a thing in every industry/at every company.
Just as a minor point of clarity, this “organized text” in Elma’s document refers to the phrase まとめられた文章 matomerareta bunshou. In a literal sense, matomerareta can mean organized/consolidated etc., and bunshou text/passages, but meaning-wise it’s more like “writing that gets its point across clearly/cleanly.”
This is a pretty big compliment and a very useful skill to have in organizations like this, as writing such that people can quickly and easily understand exactly what you’re trying to say often saves a ton of time and frustration.
Another minor point, but where the English could imply that they were overwhelmed by Elma’s intensity through the act of reading her report, the Japanese implies more that they started reading it because of how intense Elma was being.
It doesn’t really make much of a difference either way, but it stuck out a little for me.
To justify mentioning it, I guess I’ll explain the grammar point Kobayashi uses: されるがままに sareru ga mama ni. Sareru is a generic verb/verb conjugation for having something done to you (technically here it’s 押される, to be “pushed/pressed/pressured”), and mama refers to a state, condition, or “way” (like “do it this way”).
Put together, the whole phrase is used to indicate “you” do/did something that someone else wants you to, without (meaningful) opposition. (Something similar in raw meaning but with a very different connotation would be “going with the flow.”)
If a friend says “hey let’s go do something,” and next thing you know you’re out bowling despite preferring to stay at home, this is you.
You can stick the mama ni to various other things as well to come up with a similar idea, but without the sareru the nuance may end up different.
The word for clairvoyance here is 千里眼 senrigan, lit. “eye(s) [that can see] a thousand li”, li being a Chinese unit of measurement for length (shorter than a mile, but for general purposes “eyes that see a thousand miles” is basically the gist).
Despite the perhaps physical-sounding nature of the term, it does actually describe the same power as “clairvoyance” in English: being able to perceive things outside your actual range of vision, including potentially into people’s hearts and minds etc.
Hence why it’s a thousand screen display, when she updates it with tech knowledge:
“Tainted by work” here is 職業病 shokugyou-byou, lit. an occupational disease. The “proper” definition is a disease one gets from working in a particular job, such as black lung for coal miners or even posture-related health issues for desk workers.
Additionally, it’s used colloquially to refer to noticeable habits or quirks that people in a certain profession pick up, like a baker always waking up super early or a programmer using programming lingo out of context in normal conversation. The latter being especially noticeable in Japanese, as a lot of such terms are English in origin.
“Shocking” here is a fun word: ドン引き don-biki. “Don” here is added just for emphasis; the main meaning revolves around 引き hiki/biki, from the verb 引く hiku, meaning to pull.
The idea is that someone does/says something that you recoil from. Maybe it’s gross (“I only shower once a week”), maybe it’s mean (“They didn’t smile enough so I didn’t leave a tip.”), maybe it’s creepy (“I sent like 30 texts yesterday but still no reply.”), just anything that has you feeling like you might want to create some distance because... phew.
It’s kind of similar to the current use of “cringe” as an adjective/noun, though with less of an internet-slang feel* to it, and generally used more as something the speaker is doing rather than describing whatever/whoever is being cringe.
(*I think it started being used popularly in this way in the early-to-mid 90s, with the “don”biki variant specifically popping up around 2005.)
A “Premium Friday” is the last Friday of the month, where you get to leave work at 3 pm. It is largely theoretical.
The idea was created by the Japanese government as a way to reduce working hours and encourage domestic spending (boost demand), but it has not been implemented by all that many employers, and especially not many smaller employers. There isn’t, after all, any mandate or government-provided incentive for doing so.
Evidence from the places that did implement it suggests it is actually good for the economy, but good luck convincing bosses to give extra paid time off.
“Last Friday of the month” was chosen because most people get paid on the 25th each month (Japan tends to pay monthly instead of every two weeks), so it would usually be right after payday, when people are more willing to get spendy.
Kobayashi saying eight hours here reminded me of a “fun” fact: the typical Japanese work day is eight hours plus a one hour break. Plus a one hour break, not with. So a typical work day is actually nine hours. Most commonly 8 to 5 or 9 to 6. Not many “nine-to-fives” here.
The characters for Joui are 上井, which usually read as Kamii or Uwai. It’s “Joui” because that means, when written as 上位, “superior.” As in “a superior life-form.” Like a dragon, say.
This one is actually kind of a critical mistake. In the English it sounds like she’s talking about the improvement proposal that Elma made and that the boss looked at. In the Japanese though, she’s talking about a different plan, one the boss showed them*, that is similar in idea but is going to take longer to be fully implemented**. So we’re being told that while Elma didn’t get what she wanted as fast as she wanted it, it is still basically going through at a slower pace.
*In ”見せてもらえた misete moraeta,” the misete vs mite means they were the ones who got shown something, rather than the ones who got someone to look at their stuff.
**Which you can tell from the ゆっくりやる yukkuri yaru, where yaru is basically “do” and yukkuri means (in this case) at an unhurried pace.
(Re previous note: Hence why she says “immediately” here.)
“Black (ブラック)” and “white (ホワイト)” in the context of Japanese employers refers to how well employees are treated: a company with good benefits/pay, reasonable levels of overtime, and feels safe to work at is “white,” while a company that has excessive overtime, often pays poorly, breaks labor laws, and allows harassment to fester is “black.”
While “white company” was created simply in contrast to the term “black company,” the latter finds its origins in front businesses for organized crime, which were called “black” in the sense of “illegal” (similar to “black market” or something being in a “grey area”). Given the international reputation of Japanese work life, you can imagine that “black company” as a term sees much more use.
There’s been some discussion about maybe replacing it due to the racial implications (especially since it uses the English word “black”), but while typically English translations drop the color for that reason (e.g. ブラック企業大賞, an “award” given to Japan’s worst employer each year, is officially “Most Evil Corporation of the Year Award” in English), it hasn’t really penetrated to the mainstream at this point.
The rice there is in a 飯盒 hangou, a metal container that looks… like that, and is the stereotypical item of choice for cooking rice while camping. It has its origins in the mess kits used by the military, but these days they’re primarily marketed as portable rice cookers for camping use.
You can get round ones too, but the bean shape is very popular.
“Settings” here is 設定 settei, lit. exactly that, “setting(s).” E.g. if you open a computer program and look at the settings menu, it’ll be settei in the Japanese language settings (settei).
I bring it up here because there’s a bit of a difference in how it gets used colloquially like this. In English, the “setting” for a story typically refers to where and when it’s set. In Japanese, “setting” in that sense is usually 舞台 butai. But settei is still used when talking about fiction, just in a different, more expansive way.
Often in these cases settei is used to refer to the various conceits that provide the context in which the story takes place. In this show, for example, one such “setting” is that dragons are real: another is that magic exists. It comes up especially often in fantasy/sci-fi type stuff where there are major distinctions between that universe and the real world—not that stories in a real-world setting don’t have settei of their own, but they often are lumped into descriptions of the plot in that case (”a dragon comes to live with an office worker in her apartment”).
It also refers to the “settings” of characters, like name or age, and things like “they run a bakery that’s going out of business and are trying to save it.” Basically all the details you’d have in a character profile.
It also gets used in conversation to refer to pretend things or (basically) lies: like here, where Saikawa thinks Shouta is playing pretend with his ley-lines talk, or e.g. if someone is trying to tell you some outlandish story (“my uncle works at Nintendo…” or someone asking for love life advice for “their friend”) and you’re just like “Okay so that’s the settei here, I see.”
Not really a big deal, but Elma’s line here in Japanese implies she won’t let Tohru call her that anymore (see her もう mou). Tohru’s response is also more of a “I haven’t been?”, since of course she wasn’t aware of Elma’s-mental-image-Tohru tormenting Elma in the previous scene:
The word for “full of” in the title here is ざんまい zanmai (a suffix form of 三昧 sanmai), usually meaning that there’s a whole lot of [whatever] to immerse oneself in. I mostly bring it up because there’s a famous restaurant chain called Sushi Zanmai that specializes in, obviously, sushi.
And you know, Elma is a water dragon that looks kinda like an eel… I’m just sayin’…
Not really a translation note, but wild that Elma didn’t even touch her parfait. (Not so wild that Fafnir finished his so quickly.) Serious business ahead...
“Genuinely” here is 素直に sunao ni, where the “ni” is used like “-ly” to make sunao work as an adverb. Sunao itself is an interesting word that falls into that category of “simple concept that is often hellish to translate.”
For some context, the first character, 素, is also used in the word 素顔 sugao, which is a face without makeup and 素材 sozai, basically raw ingredients/materials. The second, 直, is used in words like 直線 chokusen, a straight line, or 正直 shoujiki, honest.
Put them together, and you’ve got a word with connotations of directness and being unadorned. The original definition of the word tends toward “simple, natural” in the sense of e.g. life growing up on a rural farm.
The more common use for it these days is to describe people and their actions. Positively, it can mean something similar to a person being happy to help, or kind of like the opposite of conniving; open, frank, genuine. Less positively, it can mean someone is too trusting and easy to trick into doing things OR someone who is “too honest” and says hurtful things.
(If it helps: tsundere characters are often described as explicitly not sunao.)
In this case, the idea is that Tohru accepted the invitation easily as-is, without putting any conditions on it, or doing any “ugh, what a pain, do I have to, jeez” rigamarole—she just accepted. Another way you could put it in this case might be “It’s even more unusual for Tohru to accept an invitation like this without a fuss.”
Just to point out the hand on head thing again.
Also just to point out that this is another example of otsukare, as a reminder of how ubiquitous that word is.
And it makes a good place to end on: thanks for reading!
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Stay Proud - Strawberry Prince [Kan/Rom/Esp]
Stay Proud - Strawberry Prince single?
Vocal: すとぷり
Words: ill.bell
Music: DYES IWASAKI×ill.bell
kyou wa rootkun ni RAP BATTLE wo shikaketai to omoi ma~~su nee rootkun!
nani nani nani
RAP BATTLE shiyo! MIC ippon de, i tai ichi no
maa ii kedo masaka boku ni kateru to omotteru?
ha? nani sore? jyaa honki de ikuyo?
ok docchi ga minna wo DOKItto saseru ka shoubu ne
今日は るぅとくんに ラップバトルを仕掛けたいと思いま〜〜〜す ねえるぅとくん!
ラップバトルしよ! マイク一本で、1対1の
まぁいいけど まさか僕に勝てると思ってる?
OK どっちが皆をドキッとさせるか勝負ね
Hoy me gustaría organizar una batalla de rap con Root-ku~n. ¡Hey, Root-kun!
¿Qué? ¿Qué? ¿Qué?
¡Tengamos una batalla de rap! Con un micrófono, vayamos uno a uno.
Mm, bueno pero, ¿acaso crees que puedes vencerme?
¿Huh? ¿De qué hablas? En ese caso, ¿hagámoslo en serio?
Ok, ¿quién de nosotros hará que todos se emocionen?
rooriinu FIGHT!!!
るぅりーぬ FIGHT!!!
¡¡¡RooRiinu, peleen!!!
"kawaii" karatte kuwasenai
kono ore wo daremo mikudasenai
(ichiban te)
sutopuri no tokkou taichou
nerai sadame tara LOCK wo kaijo
douyara BOUYA wa OTONA no riinusama ni
kyoumi aru no kana? kinasai, hora
dakkoshite kawaigattageru
kanji no yomi oshiete ageru
この俺を 誰も見下せない
抱擁 して可愛がったげる
漢字の読み 教えてあげる
No puedo hacer mucho sólo porque soy "lindo",
pero nadie puede menospreciar este yo.
(Primer movimiento)
Si apuntas a la cabeza de StPri,
el ataque especial es desbloqueado,
convirtiendo al pequeño niño en un Riinu-sama adulto.
¿Estás interesado? Entonces ven, mira,
abrázame y ámame por ser lindo.
Te enseñaré a leer kanji. (1)
riinu no yuuwaku ni HAMAru kotonaku
shouri e no "RUTE" no ue ni noru
nan naku yarikaesu
kawaru gawaru kono RULE wo seisu
kouyatte te wo totte (chu)
koko ni KISS suru dake de
makka ni nacchau riinu ni wa sa
OTONA no CHARA wa hayainjyanai?
難なくやり返す 代わるがわる
Sin caer en la tentación de Riinu,
viaja por la "ruta" hacia la victoria, (2)
puedes intentarlo sin dificultad.
Toma el control,
sólo estira tu mano de esta forma, (chu)
y déjame besar el dorso de tu mano. (3)
Para ese Riinu que luce rojo brillante, (4)
¿no es un poco pronto para el personaje adulto?
matte!!! sore wa hansoku jyanai!!!!???
RAP no shoubu wo chanto shinasai
fufu iiyo RAP de kuraberu?
katetara kuchibiru ni mo ageru
待って!!! それは反則じゃない!!!!???
ふふっ いいよ ラップで比べる?
¡¡¡Espera!!! ¿¿¿¡¡¡¡Eso no es una falta!!!!???
Haz tu rap de regreso correctamente.
Fufu, está bien, ¿comparas el rap?
Si gano, entonces se lo daré a tus labios. (5)
rootkun no!!! sou iu koto!!!
dou iu koto? kotoba de douzo?
chou zurui! nande?
iwanai! itte?
mou kirai! boku wa suki dayo?
aa mou!!!
るぅとくんの!!! そういうとこ!!!
超ずるい! なんで?
言わない! 言って?
もう嫌い! 僕は好きだよ?
¡¡¡Root-kun!!! ¡¡¡Ese tipo de cosas...!!!
¿A qué te refieres? ¿Las palabras?
¡Qué astuto! ¿Por qué? (6)
¡No lo diré! ¿Dilo?
¡Ya, te odio! ¿Yo te quiero?
¡¡¡Ah, ya!!!
stay proud
omae no mama de fight
sing it loud (hey)
and you shout (ho)
ikuze gossori tadaku gendonaku
Stay Proud
Sing it loud (Hey)
and you shout (Ho)
行くぜ ごっそりいただく 限度なく
Mantente orgulloso,
lucha tal y como eres.
Cántalo fuerte, (hey)
grítalo si quieres. (ho)
Tú sólo avanza, no hay límite para lo que puedes hacer.
stay proud
gin no tsubasa de flight
sing it loud (hey)
and you shout (ho)
amakunai STRAWBERRY no pride
Stay Proud 銀の翼でFlight
Sing it loud (Hey)
and you shout (Ho)
甘くない ストロベリーのPride
Mantente orgulloso, vuela con esas alas plateadas.
Cántalo fuerte, (hey)
grítalo si quieres. (ho)
Orgullo de fresas que no son dulces.
oi koron! shoubu da
hai hai RAP BATTLE ne, ii yoo
korekara omae no ude wo REAL ni BAKIBAKI no PTERANODON mitai ni shite yaruze...
iya iya iya kowai kowai kowai! chigau desho! RAP no shoubu desho!
wakaru ka? ore no SIX PACK de omae wo tsutsumikonde yaru yo...
nani, mada kinniku CHARA nano!
これからお前の腕を リアルにバキバキのプテラノドンみたいにしてやるぜ…
いやいやいや怖い怖い怖い! 違うでしょ!ラップの勝負でしょ!
分かるか? 俺のシックスパックでお前を包み込んでやるよ…
¡Hey, Colon! Es un duelo.
Sí, sí, ¿la batalla de rap? Está bieen.
Haré que, de ahora en adelante, tu brazo parezca un pteranodon revoloteando... (7)
No, no, no, ¡qué miedo, qué miedo, qué miedo! ¡Te estás confundiendo! ¡Es un duelo de rap, ¿no?!
¿Lo entiendes? Te envolveré y destruiré con mi six pack... (8)
¿Qué? ¡Ahora sigue un personaje musculoso! lol
satokoro FIGHT!!!
さところ FIGHT!!!
¡¡¡SatoColo, peleen!!!
mite mina ore no jouwankin
taisen aite minna boudachi
HAHA kikoeneezo omae no nougaki
dare ga mitemo kiite mo ore no kachinandayo
baisoku de tsumeru kotoba TEMEE ni tsuite koreru ka
no gotoku fuminara shite PERAPERA
BIBIten'noka? osaru no korochan
SEXY スタイリッシュ 超ファンキー
倍速で詰める言葉 テメーについてこれるか
Miren todos mis grandes bíceps.
Sexy, elegante, súper en onda. (9)
Todos esos oponentes que me rodean,
haha, no puedo escuchar lo que dicen.
No importa quién lo vea o lo escuche, yo gano,
puesto que no nadie puede manejar estas palabras que van al doble de la velocidad normal.
Con una de esas, te aplastaré.
¿Estás asustado, tú, mono Colo-chan?
boku wa shitteru satomikun no ii tokoro
ORAORA CHARA demo kihon chou ii hito
mikkarenzoku de gohan sasotte DOTAKYAN shite mo okoranai yasashi sa... iya kotoware yo!!!!
MAJI de ii hito sugite mabushii yo
satomikun no jyakuten wa yasashi sugiru koto
satomikun no tsumi wa KAKKO yo sugiru koto
...a tereteru?
tereta? nee nee!
僕は知ってる さとみくんのいいところ
オラオラキャラでも基本 超いい人
三日連続でご飯誘って ドタキャンしても怒らない優しさ… いや断れよ!!!!
さとみくんの弱点は 優しすぎること
さとみくんの罪は カッコよすぎること
Conozco los puntos buenos de Satomi-kun.
Incluso si es un personaje "oraora", es una súper buena persona.
Es tan amable que no se enfada aunque me invite a comer por tres días seguidos... ¡¡¡y me niegue!!! (10)
Es realmente tan buena persona que resulta muy deslumbrante de ver.
La debilidad de Satomi-kun es que es demasiado amable.
El pecado de Satomi-kun es que es demasiado genial.
...ah, ¿te estás avergonzando?
¿Te avergüenza? ¡Hey, hey! lol
"sutopuri RAP de shinbunyasan nyuu"
MAJI de yabai shinbunyasan ni iu
kuchi GENKA no hazu ga renkei PLAY
dakara jiken na itsumo mitenze
who is the imposter?
PINCHI de waraina
nomihose KLEINER!
3 3
2 2
1 1
「すとぷり ラップで新分野参入」
マジでやばい 新聞屋さんに言う
口ゲンカ のはずが連携プレイ
だからくじけんな いつも見てんぜ
3 3
2 2
1 1
"Ingresa al campo de StPri con un rap",
dice una compañía de periódicos realmente mala.
Se supone que se trata de una pelea,
pero es realmente una partida cooperativa como las de siempre.
¿Quién es el impostor?
Para pellizcarlo y reír.
Es una montaña rusa de sonidos,
¡bebamos Kleiner! (11)
y victorias.
3 3
2 2
1 1
stay proud
omae no mama de fight
sing it loud (hey)
and you shout (ho)
omae no ban da fuan nado nai darou
Stay Proud
Sing it loud (Hey)
and you shout (Ho)
Mantente orgulloso, lucha tal y como eres.
Cántalo fuerte, (hey)
grítalo si quieres. (ho)
Es tu turno, no tienes que preocuparte.
stay proud
gin no tsubasa de flight
sing it loud (hey)
and you shout (ho)
amakunai STRAWBERRY no pride
Stay Proud
Sing it loud (Hey)
and you shout (Ho)
甘くない ストロベリーのPride
Mantente orgulloso, vuela con esas alas plateadas.
Cántalo fuerte, (hey)
grítalo si quieres. (ho)
Orgullo de fresas que no son dulces.
mada mada ikeru daro
zenbu ubawaretai
saigo made kama shite ne?
nanaJEL FIGHT!!!
まだ まだ 行ける だろ
全部 奪 われ たい
最後 まで かま してね?
ななじぇる FIGHT!!!
Todavía podemos seguir, ¿no?
Quiero robarme toda la victoria.
¿Puedes resistir hasta el final?
Está bien.
¡¡¡NanaJel, peleen!!!
LEADER nanamori. midnight kara morning
minna tsudotta nara soku kamasou
hannou saseru omae no donkan na soul
(roku pon no MIC nodokara sou)
dokkara dou mitemo kanpeki yabai
osukina you ni kakatte kinasai
katteki mama KANPE iranai
taikan shiyou kono daigasshou
リーダーななもり。 MidnightからMorning
反応させる お前の鈍感なSoul
(6本のマイク 喉枯らそう)
やばい お好きなように掛かってきなさい
勝手気まま カンペ要らない
体感しよう この大合唱
Soy el líder, Nanamori. Si de media noche hasta la mañana
es que quieren juntarse, hagámoslo de inmediato,
para hacer reaccionar a las almas insensibles,
hasta que los seis micrófonos mueran.
No importa por dónde lo mires, soy tan perfecto que asusta.
Ven hacia mí en el momento que quieras,
no necesitamos una competencia,
experimentemos este gran coro.
hora itte mina ore wa?
wakaran'neen naraba wakaraseru dake
kannen shinatte omae dake ga TARGET
fuzakete henwa tsunagete iku
ふざけてへんわ 繋げていく
Vamos, todos digan, ¿yo soy?
¡el mejor!
Si no lo entiendes, sólo es cosa de entenderlo. (12)
Piensa en ello, sólo tú eres el objetivo,
conectémonos juguetonamente.
kono MIC de kono mama yuke de
zenbu FINE PLAY yurasu VIBRATE
samenai yume
"tsugi wa live de!!!"
tsune ni HIGH RATE
CHARA wa baikure
このマイクで このまま行くで
全部ファインプレー 揺らすバイブレート
Con este micrófono, sigue así,
y haz vibrar a este buen juego.
Aquel sueño del que no se despierta,
"¡¡¡el próximo será un live!!!"
Siempre de alta calidad,
y con el doble de garantía.
stay proud
omae no mama de fight
sing it loud (hey)
and you shout (ho)
kimi wo ubatte ikitakute utatte ku
Stay Proud
Sing it loud (Hey)
and you shout (Ho)
Mantente orgulloso, lucha tal y como eres.
Cántalo fuerte, (hey)
grítalo si quieres. (ho)
Quiero tomarte, llevarte y poder cantar.
stay proud
gin no tsubasa de flight
sing it loud (hey)
and you shout (ho)
amakunai STRAWBERRY no pride
Stay Proud
Sing it loud (Hey)
and you shout (Ho)
甘くない ストロベリーのPride
Mantente orgulloso, vuela con esas alas plateadas.
Cántalo fuerte, (hey)
grítalo si quieres. (ho)
Orgullo de fresas que no son dulces.
(1) No sé por qué habla de enseñar a leer los kanjis, pero hazme el favor, Riinu, aún no entiendo una gran cantidad de kanjis. TT
(2) Hizo un juego de palabras, porque route y root se pronuncian igual en Japonés: ruuto.
(3) *Se sonroja y gime*.
(4) Sonrojado. No porque es color rojo.
(5) No sé si dice "si gano" o "si ganas". Si es la primera, la recompensa en los labios se le ofrece a los que presencia la batalla: si es la segunda, creo que se la dará a Riinu. En cualquiera de los dos casos, no me quejo.
(6) Hazte pendejo, Root.
(7) ¿¿¿¿SATOMI???? Pteranodon.
(8) Primera, suena muy gracioso que lo diga así. Segunda, alguien explíqueme por qué relacionan tanto a Satomi con los músculos, el ejercicio y esas cosas, he visto que cuando participan en el drama de Jel y Tooi-san, siempre habla de proteína pero VKNSKJVFJKFV NO ENTIENDO. TTTT
(9) Ya llévense a dormir al abuelito.
(10) No sé si dice "y me niegue" o "y no me niegue". En cualquiera de los dos casos, alguien normalmente se molestaría: es una falta de respeto negarte a salir a comer cuando te invita tu senpai (Satomi es mayor que Colon por 3 años y 3 meses, y varias veces he escuchado que los miembros lo llaman senpai), así que negarte tres veces sería casi como decirle que no te agrada o algo, mientras que aceptar la invitación salir a comer tres días seguidos... Satomi gastaría en la comida de Colon, aparte de la suya, tres días seguidos (¿o quizá la gente con dinero no se molestaría por ello y yo sólo tengo mentalidad de pobre?).
(11) Es alcohol, he visto que lo consumen algunos utaites (como los miembros de mono palette. o de ChocoRabi).
(12) Gracias, Jel. Eso me dijo mi profesor cuando le dije que no entendí el tema.
#sutopuri trad#sutopuri#satomi#strawberry prince#nanamori#colon#koron#riinu#root#rinu#jel#traduccion al español#letra de cancion#letra en español#utaite#utaites#すとぷり#歌い手#pedido#cuenta como pedido??
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A3!: Road to Manju Master! (ロードトゥ饅頭マスター) Lyrics
Kanji, romaji and English translation for Road to Manju Master by Taichi and Azami
(kanji source) パート分け:太一 莇
「千里の道も一歩から!」 「クンフーは一日にして成らず!」 「その心は…太極饅頭拳!」 「アチョー!」
「 四川(シセン)!北京(ペキン)!広東(カントン)! 山東(シャントン)!福建(フッケン)!上海(シャンハイ)! 叉焼麺(チャーシューメン)(YA!)」
「 四川(シセン)!北京(ペキン)!広東(カントン)! 山東(シャントン)!福建(フッケン)!上海(シャンハイ)! 太極拳!破!」
(ワンツー) 落ちこぼれと言われてても (謝謝) ダメダメ めんどくさがりでも (ヤるときゃヤるのさ!) 悔しさ超えて今こそ立ち上がれ (ハッ!) 修行の先に 目指す頂 昨日より もっと 強くなりたい
この手で今掴み取るため イーアルサンスーウーローチー 力合わせ 2人イーチージャイオ 取り戻すはその心 手を叩け さあ君も こんにちはニーハオ 敵わない相手でも 戦え いざ 極めろ太極饅頭拳 ハッ!
「 四川(シセン)!北京(ペキン)!広東(カントン)! 山東(シャントン)!福建(フッケン)!上海(シャンハイ)! 叉焼麺(チャーシューメン)(YA!)」
「 四川(シセン)!北京(ペキン)!広東(カントン)! 山東(シャントン)!福建(フッケン)!上海(シャンハイ)! 太極拳!破!」
(ハイヨー) くだらない事で揉めても (太棒![タイバン]) ダメダメ いい事一つも無い (ヤるときゃヤるのさ!) 諦めずに何度でも立ち上がれ (ハッ!) 修行の果てに 旅する二人 明日はもっと 強くなりたい
たまに少し 落ち込むときも イーアルサンスーウーローチー 友情こそが力 イーチージャイオ 取り戻せその巻物 手を叩け さあ君も ありがとう謝謝 敵わない相手だと 恐れず まず 極めろ太極拉麺拳 ハッ!
「あーもうダメだ」 「こんなんでへこたれてるようじゃ老師になるなんて無理だね」 「別に興味ないし…」 「あーそうやって強がってんだろー」 「そんな事ねぇ!」 「ホントかなー?」 「ならみせてやるよ。よし、ついてこい!」
「右!左!ハイハイ!」 「右!左!ハイハイ!」 「右!左!ハイハイ!」 「右!左!ハイハイ!」
「これが本当に太極ラーメン拳…?」 「んー、全然自覚ないけど」 「まあ兎に角行ってみるか!」
高い壁を 乗り越える事 一人じゃ無理でも 二人なら
この手で今掴み取るため イーアルサンスーウーローチー 力合わせ 2人イーチージャイオ 取り戻すはその心 手を叩け さあ君も こんにちはニーハオ 敵わない相手でも 戦え いざ 尋常に太極饅頭拳 いざ 極めろ太極饅頭拳 ハッ!
「 四川(シセン)!北京(ペキン)!広東(カントン)! 山東(シャントン)!福建(フッケン)!上海(シャンハイ)! 叉焼麺(チャーシューメン)(YA!)」
「 四川(シセン)!北京(ペキン)!広東(カントン)! 山東(シャントン)!福建(フッケン)!上海(シャンハイ)! 太極拳!破!」
Romaji Colours: Taichi Azami
"senri no michi mo ippo kara!" "kun fuu wa ichinichi ni shite narazu!" "sono kokoro wa... taikyoku manjuu ken!" "acho!"
"shisen! pekin! kanton! shanton! fukken! shanhai! chaashuumen (YA!)"
"shisen! pekin! kanton! shanton! fukken! shanhai! taikyokuken! ha!"
(wan tsuu) ochikobore to iwaretetemo (xiexie) dame dame mendokusagari demo (yaru tokya yaru no sa!) kuyashisa koete ima koso tachiagare (ha!) shuugyou no saki ni mezasu itadaki kinou yori motto tsuyoku naritai
kono te de ima tsukamitoru tame ii aru sen suu uu roo chii chikara awase futari ii chii jaio torimodosu wa sono kokoro te wo tatake saa kimi mo konnichiwa niihao kanawanai aite demo tatakae iza kiwamero taikyoku manjuu ken ha!
"shisen! pekin! kanton! shanton! fukken! shanhai! chaashuumen (YA!)"
"shisen! pekin! kanton! shanton! fukken! shanhai! taikyokuken! ha!"
(haiyoo) kudaranai koto de mometemo (daiban!) dame dame ii koto hitotsu mo nai (yaru tokya yaru no sa!) akiramezu ni nando demo tachiagare (ha!) shuugyou no hate ni tabisuru futari ashita wa motto tsuyoku naritai
tama ni sukoshi ochikomu toki mo ii aru sen suu uu roo chii yuujou koso ga chikara ii chii jaio torimodose sono makimono te wo tatake saa kimi mo arigatou xiexie kanawanai aite da to osorezu mazu kiwamero taikyoku raamen ken ha!
"aa mou dame da" "konnan de hekotareteru you ja roushi ni naru nante muri da ne" "betsu ni kyoumi naishi..." "aa sou yatte tsuyogatten darou" "sonna koto nee!" "honto kanaa?" "nara misete yaruyo. yoshi, tsuite koi!"
"migi! hidari! hai hai!" "migi! hidari! hai hai!" "migi! hidari! hai hai!" "migi! hidari! hai hai!"
"kore ga hontou ni taikyoku raamen ken...?" "nn, zenzen jikaku nai kedo" "maa tonikaku itte miruka!"
takai kabe wo norikoeru koto hitori ja muri demo futari nara
kono te de ima tsukamitoru tame ii aru sen suu uu roo chii chikara awase futari ii chii jaio torimodosu wa sono kokoro te wo tatake saa kimi mo konnichiwa niihao kanawanai aite demo tatakae iza jinjou ni taikyoku manjuu ken iza kiwamero taikyoku manjuu ken ha!
"shisen! pekin! kanton! shanton! fukken! shanhai! chaashuumen (YA!)"
"shisen! pekin! kanton! shanton! fukken! shanhai! taikyokuken! ha!"
English Colours: Taichi Azami
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!" "You can't master Kung-fu in a day!" "That heart is... Tai Chi Manju Chuan!" "Woo-Waah!"
"Sichuan! Beijing! Guangdong! Shandong! Fujian! Shanghai! Pork fillet ramen (YA!)"
"Sichuan! Beijing! Guangdong! Shandong! Fujian! Shanghai! Tai Chi Chuan! Ha!"
(One, two) Even if I'm called hopeless (Xièxie) That's no good, even if they think I'm a bother (I do it when I got to!) Overcome your chagrin and get up now (Ha!) The prize I'm aiming for lies beyond learning I want to be stronger Than yesterday
So that I can catch it now with my hands Yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī* We join forces and yīqǐ jiāyóu* We'll take back your heart Clap your hands, come, you too - Hello, nǐhǎo Fight even against a much stronger opponent Now, master the Tai Chi Manju Chuan Ha!
"Sichuan! Beijing! Guangdong! Shandong! Fujian! Shanghai! Pork fillet ramen (YA!)"
"Sichuan! Beijing! Guangdong! Shandong! Fujian! Shanghai! Tai Chi Chuan! Ha!"
(Hi-yo) Even if you're troubled by stupid things (Tài bàng!*) That's no good, there's nothing good happening (I do it when I got to!) Get up again and again without giving up (Ha!) We travel to the end of learning Tomorrow I want to Be even stronger
There are times when you feel a little down Yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī Friends are strength, yīqǐ jiāyóu Take back that scroll Clap your hands, come, you too - Thank you, xièxie Don't fear a much stronger opponent First, master the Tai Chi Lamen Chuan Ha!
"Ah, I can't take this" "You can't become a teacher if you're losing your heart like this" "I'm not interested in that..." "Ah, you're just pretending to be tough" "That's not true!" "For real~?" "I'm gonna show you then. Right, follow me!"
"Right! Left! Yes yes!" "Right! Left! Yes yes!" "Right! Left! Yes yes!" "Right! Left! Yes yes!"
"Is this really the Tai Chi Lamen Chuan...?" "Hmm, I don't have a clue" "Well, anyway, let's just go!"
Overcoming a big hurdle It may be impossible by yourself, but if we're together...
So that I can catch it now with my hands Yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī We join forces and yīqǐ jiāyóu We'll take back your heart Clap your hands, come, you too - Hello, nǐhǎo Fight even against a much stronger opponent Now, the usual Tai Chi Manju Chuan Now, master the Tai Chi Manju Chuan Ha!
"Sichuan! Beijing! Guangdong! Shandong! Fujian! Shanghai! Pork fillet ramen (YA!)"
"Sichuan! Beijing! Guangdong! Shandong! Fujian! Shanghai! Tai Chi Chuan! Ha!"
Notes: * “Yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī” simply means “one, two, three, four, five, six, seven” in Mandarin; * “Yīqǐ jiāyóu” means “doing our best together”; * “Tài bàng (le)” means “great!” or “awesome!”, things like that. Mandarin written in katakana is a disaster lol It took me a long time to realize they were just saying numbers in the chorus... oh well.
#a3#a3!#act addict actors#request#autumn troupe#vivid autumn#nanao taichi#taichi nanao#hama kento#izumida azami#azami izumida#konishi seiya
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Kaibutsu-san (Monster-san)- Ken Hirai & Aimyon lyrics and translation
Usual disclaimer: I’m a JP student, not fluent, still learning. I also try not to do literal translations because it can feel stale. It’s more important to me to preserve the feeling than to give you a boring direct translation. Translation notes: My first time translating a duet! This one is juicy. Been obsessed with this song since it came out, so I’m very happy to finally get around to it. I had too much fun color-coding their text. The music video concept is so delicious too.
FANSUB HERE Gifsets will be in my gifs tag More translations Like my J-Pop translations? Donate to my ko-fi or become a Patron. Translation, romaji, and kana below.
Treat me the same as those other women I'm just not smart enough to be worthy of you
You're not what I'd consider precious, I'm sure to get tired of you So lie to me like you're kicking a pebble, and let me have peace of mind for now
I want to laugh and say I don't know, don't know I want to play the fool and say I don't understand, don't understand
But all I really want is For the me who loves you to go away, go away Right this minute, right now, just go away Completely disappear, disappear, if it has to be you This me that I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate so much
Hey, look how casually I ask if you're okay You're just being nice out of habit Whatever, I just want to hear your voice Oh, Hopeless Me Ah, I couldn't explain it if I tried I won't say I understand anyway Whatever, I still want to see you today This version of me Just go away!
Keep looking at me through that savvy pink filter The sound of your gulping thirst reaches my very core
You won't hear a thing from me, I don't want to see that hollow face But if it makes you feel better, I'll keep swallowing up your constant lies
I want to dance and say I don't know, don't know I want to party and say I don't understand, don't understand
But all I really want is For the me who loves you to go away, go away Right this minute, right now, just go away Completely disappear, disappear, if it has to be you This me that I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate so much
Hey, listen to the song I'm humming You're the only one who notices I can't help hoping a little Oh, Hopeless Me Ah, stay with me even if you look elsewhere Stay kind just the way you are Whatever, I still want to see you today This version of me Just go away!
But all I really want is For the me who loves you to go away, go away Right this minute, right now, just go away Completely disappear, disappear, if it has to be you This me that I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate so much
Hey, look how easily I ask if you're okay You're just being nice out of habit Whatever, I just want to hear your voice Oh, Hopeless Me Ah, I couldn't explain it if I tried I won't say I understand anyway Whatever, I still want to see you today This version of me Just go away!
Tell me what makes me so different from those other women Being without you is something I really can't imagine at all
----- watashi wo sokora no onna to onaji you ni atsukatte yo anata ni fusawashii ka nante sonna ni wa kashikoku narenai wa
watashi ga omou kawaii jane kitto anata akite shimau koishi keru mitai ni uso tsuite toriaezu anshin saseteite
shiranai tte shiranai tte waratteitai wakaranai tte wakaranai tte toboketeitai
demo hontou wa inaku nare inaku nare anata wo suki na watashi isso isso inaku nare kiete shimae kiete shimae anata janakya zettai iyana iyana iyana iyana iyana watashi
hora daijoubu? tte tayasuku kiku perappera na yasashisa dakedo tonikaku koe ga kikitaku naru dame na watashi aa setsumei nante dekinai kara wakatte nante iwanai kara tonikaku kyou mo aitaku naru konna watashi inaku nare
watashi ni PINKU no FIRUTAA wo umaku kakete miteite yo nodo wo narashi nomikonda mizu ga atashi no mannaka ni tsunagaru no
watashi kara wa nani mo kikanai ana no aita kao mitakunai anata ga kimochi yoku naru no nara yoku aru uso mo nomikonde yaru
shiranai tte shiranai tte odotteitai wakaranai tte wakaranai tte hashaideitai
demo hontou wa inakunare inakunare anata wo suki na watashi isso isso inakunare kiete shimae kiete shimae anata ja nakya zettai iya na iya na iya na iya na iya na watashi
hora atashi ga utatta hanauta wo anata dake ga kidzuite kureru wazuka na kitai tomerarenai dame na watashi aa dokka muitete mo soba ni ite anata no mama de yasashiku shite tonikaku kyou mo aitaku naru konna watashi inaku nare
demo hontou wa inakun are inakun are anata wo suki na watashi isso isso inaku nare kiete shimae kiete shimae anata janakya zettai iyana iyana iyana iyana iyana watashi
hora daijoubu? tte tayasuku kiku perappera na yasashisa dakedo tonikaku koe ga kikitakunaru dame na watashi aa setsumei nante dekinai kara wakatte nante iwanai kara tonikaku kyou mo aitaku naru konna watashi inaku nare
watashi ga sokora no onna to nani ga chigau ka oshiete yo anata ga inai watashi nante hontou wa kangaerarenai no ----- 私をそこらの女と同じ様に扱ってよ あなたにふさわしいかなんて そんなには賢くなれないわ
私が思うカワイイじゃね きっとあなた飽きてしまう 小石蹴るみたいに嘘ついて とりあえず安心させていて
知らないって 知らないって 笑っていたい わからないって わからないって とぼけていたい
でも本当は いなくなれ いなくなれ あなたを好きな私 いっそ いっそ いなくなれ 消えてしまえ 消えてしまえ あなたじゃなきゃ絶対 嫌な 嫌な 嫌な 嫌な 嫌な私
ほら 大丈夫?って容易く聞く ぺらっぺらな優しさだけど とにかく声が聞きたくなる ダメな私 あぁ 説明なんて出来ないから わかってなんて言わないから とにかく今日も会いたくなる こんな私 いなくなれ
私にピンクのフィルターをうまくかけて見ていてよ 喉を鳴らし飲み込んだ水が あたしの真ん中に繋がるの
私からは何も聞かない 穴の空いた顔見たくない あなたが気持ちよくなるのなら よくある嘘も呑み込んでやる
知らないって 知らないって 踊っていたい わからないって わからないって はしゃいでいたい
でも本当は いなくなれ いなくなれ あなたを好きな私 いっそ いっそ いなくなれ 消えてしまえ 消えてしまえ あなたじゃなきゃ絶対 嫌な 嫌な 嫌な 嫌な 嫌な私
ほら あたしが歌った鼻歌を あなただけが気付いてくれる わずかな期待止められない ダメな私 あぁ どっか向いててもそばにいて あなたのままで優しくして とにかく今日も会いたくなる こんな私 いなくなれ
でも本当は いなくなれ いなくなれ あなたを好きな私 いっそ いっそ いなくなれ 消えてしまえ 消えてしまえ あなたじゃなきゃ絶対 嫌な 嫌な 嫌な 嫌な 嫌な私
ほら 大丈夫?って容易く聞く ぺらっぺらな優しさだけど とにかく声が聞きたくなる ダメな私 あぁ 説明なんて出来ないから わかってなんて言わないから とにかく今日も会いたくなる こんな私 いなくなれ
私がそこらの女と何が違うか教えてよ あなたがいない私なんて 本当は考えられないの
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Title: THUNDERBOLT Artist: The QUEEN of PURPLE Lyrics: SATSUKI-UPDATE Composer: Hiroyuki Maezawa
Tap on the top!! Top of the rock!!
Smartly making a living under the pressure of everyday virtues you throw around smiles making only the best lies It annoys me
Nothing can snatch this away I also won't look another way Hello what's up dog, honey? On top of the diagonal zap of the beat Don't you feel like being able to smash that head crown
Let me hear it The war cry, that sounds just like thunder Without proof or dependence Your locked up melody
Hey Yo Tomorrow which could never be snatched away We'll bite it, smash it We'll make 'em have it The THUNDERBOLT of real instinct
Tap on the top!! Top of the rock!!
The night-play of gods denying things even if there is nothing in particular Trying around embracing and being embraced [1] It's making me sick
You want to do things without dirtying your hand? You don't wanna have anything troublesome? Hello what's up dog, baby? You barely want to attack those up and above? Don't you feel like punching those stupid faces
Force it down their throat, that one thunderbolt-like attack wandering not knowing what to do, whilst losing your escape This slightly dirty Melody
Hey Yo The incomparable feeling is helplessly turning into a shout The true character that remains cowardly, once again, make it Rock-on
And while you writhe and squirm, Dead!!
Let me hear it, that war cry, that sounds like thunder Without proof or dependence Your real self's Melody
Hey yo Tomorrow which could never be snatched away We'll bite it, smash it We'll make 'em have it Top of the rock "THUNDERBOLT" We won't let go of our goal It has long been decided
Tap on the top!! Top of the rock!!
[1] TL note: this can also mean ‘have sex’, or it can mean your usual innocent hugging. So in another way, while also being literally correct, it may mean "Trying to fuck around and being fucked" with the literal meaning of "fuck".
Tap on the top!! Top of the rock!!
Jouzu ni yowatari hibi no zen'i no oshiuri egao no nageuri saikou ni itsuwari bakari IRAIRAsuruze
kono dare ni mo ubaenai me wo sorashitari mo shinai Hello what's up dog, honey? BIRIBIRI naname ue no Beat de nouten wararetai ne
kikasete yo raimei no youna otakebi wo kakushou no nai tayorinai tojimeta kimi no Melody
Hey yo toraeyou no nai ashita wa kamitsuite kudaite kurawasete yaru ze honnou no Thunderbolt
Tap on the top!! Top of the rock!!
Kamigami no yoasobi toku ni nan ni mo nai noni kotowattemitari daitari dakaretemitari fukiki ga suruze
te wa yogosazu yattetai? mendou wa betsu hoshikunai? Hello what's up dog, baby? girigiri sara ni ue semetai tte? AHOzura naguritai ne
kamashite yo ikazuchi no you na ichigeki wo tairo ushinatte samayotta usu yogoreta kono Melody
Hey Yo tatoeyou mo nai omoi wa sakebi ni kaechimatte okubyouna mama no honshou wo mata Rock-on
notauchi mawaru aida ni Dead!!
kikasete yo raimei no you na otakebi wo kakushou no nai tayorinai HONMONO no kimi no Melody
Hey Yo toraeyou no nai ashita wa kamitsuite kudaite kurawasete yaru ze Top of the rock "Thunderbolt" nerai wa hazusanai yo tokku ni kimeteru
Tap on the top!! Top of the rock!!
#T7S#The queen of purple#QoP#echizen murasaki#mimori matsuri#seto ferb#sakaiya yumeno#Tokyo 7th シスターズ#tokyo 7th sisters#eshtarwind#ナナシス#song lyrics#song translations
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“I” - MARGINAL#4 (Romaji Lyrics & Translation)
Please do not re-translate or post this translation anywhere.
Namikaze wo tateru na to Dareka ni aisouwarai Shout Jiishiki kajou de
“Don’t go stirring trouble,” I give an insincere smile to someone and shout All the while being way too full of myself
Reizouko no naka ni wa Hito wo netamu tane sura nai Mamizu wo nomihoshite
Inside the refrigerator, There ain’t even anything for me to be jealous of others I drink up the fresh water
Kimi no kotoba ni furafura ni naru Wakacchairu keredo mo Kangae sugite RODAN mo massao Tada, tsuyoku are to
Your words have me wavering Although I already know, I’m over-thinking so much I put Rodin* to shame Just “Be strong.”
Ganjigarame da yo Akuma ga abaki dashita COMPLEX Nogare, nogareteku Dame to muri ga butsukari
I’m bound hand and foot The devil exposed my COMPLEX I’m escaping, evading Helplessness and unreason collide head on
Umaku waraenai Sonna hibi ni GUBBAI dangou sezu ni Ima wo ikiru hito Futari omou jibun e to
Without making any sweetheart deals, I’ll say goodbye to those days when I faked a smile The person living in the moment Becomes someone who thinks of "us”
Kuraberarenai I / Original na I Kuraberarenai I / Original na I
I cannot be compared / Original is what I am I cannot be compared / Original is what I am
SHATSU ni shimitsuiteta Make kuse nara kawaranu Lies Arai otosou ka
Ingrained in my shirt, My habit of losing remains unchanged How about I wash off the lies?
Hidane wa soko kashiko ni Mie wo haru no wa yamete, ima Hadaka ni naru yuuki
Triggers are here and there I’ll stop showing off, now I have the courage to lay myself bare
Ano hi no chikai, guragura shiteru Yaruccha yaru keredo mo Kezureta memori, Life wa makka sa Saa, idomu toki da
The oath I made that day is wavering But I gotta do what I gotta do Life is an utter series of shaved successive stages Now, it’s time to throw down the gauntlet
Subete tsukamitai Akuma wo shitagawaseru COMPLEX Noboritsumeteike Dame to muri mo sono te de
I wanna get my hands on everything The devil conforms to my COMPLEX Climb to the top Helplessness and unreason with those hands
Arashi, tobikome yo RAIN girigiri wo seme hiyaase kake Kore ga" ONORE" da to Sora ni sakebi mirai e to
Plunge yourself into the tempest Attack the borderline and break into a cold sweat “This is ‘ME’,” I shout to the skies and face the future
Ganjigarame da yo Akuma ga abaki dashita COMPLEX Nogare, nogareteku Dame to muri ga butsukari
I’m bound hand and foot The devil exposed my COMPLEX I’m escaping, evading Helplessness and unreason collide head on
Subete tsukamitai Akuma wo shitagawaseru COMPLEX Noboritsumeteike Dame to muri mo sono te kara
I wanna get my hands on everything The devil conforms to my COMPLEX Climb to the top Helplessness and unreason with those hands
Kuraberarenai I / Original na I Kuraberarenai I / Original na I
I cannot be compared / Original is what I am I cannot be compared / Original is what I am
T/L Note: *Auguste Rodin’s The Thinker
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[Kanji/Romaji/English Lyrics] Kurosaki Ranmaru x Camus - Non-Fiction
I’m back with UtaPri translations~! I loved this song so much that I had to push it up my queue so everyone can enjoy it, too ^^
※ Please don’t re-post the kanji/romaji and English translations without permission.
Full lyrics under the cut, enjoy~
KANJI: Kanji Source: [https://www.uta-net.com/movie/257182/]
(Wo, wow) ひん曲がって (Wo, wow) 冷酷な (Wo, wow) 一匹狼
Don’t you
Think so?
(Wo, wow) 自己中心 (Wo, wow) 常識欠如(Wo, wow) 前しか見ない
ぶつかる (One of)主観 (The best)主張 (Oh)どこか Look-alike
Real intention
(Fiction?) 想像と幻想 (Non-fiction?)現実と真実
(Fiction?)向かうべき未来 (Non-fiction?)目指すべき明日
(Wo, wow) 一方的 (Wo, wow) それでいい (Wo, wow) おれ流主義
Don’t you
Think so?
(Wo, wow) 信頼なんて (Wo, wow) 一緒にいた (Wo, wow) 時間(とき)だけを
信じろ (One of)人 (The best)生 (Oh)一度のShake hands
Great history
Our distance
Trust me, Trust you
Everlasting bonds
Our bright song
(Wo, wow) hin magatte (Wo, wow) reikoku na (Wo, wow) ippiki ookami
Don’t you
think so?
(Wo, wow) jikochuushin (Wo, wow) joushiki ketsujo (Wo, wow) mae shika mienai
butsukaru (One of) shuukan (The best) shuchou (Oh) dokoka Look-alike
koto ga kowaku
kurayami de
Real intention
honki de shinjitai
honki de enjitai
touchakuten ga
(Fiction?) souzou to gensou (Non-fiction?) genjitsu to shinjitsu
(Fiction?) mukau beki mirai (Non-fiction?) mezasubeki ashita
se wo awase
nidoto nai kiseki
haamonikusu wo
aji awasete yaru
(Wo, wow) ippoteki (Wo, wow) sore de ii (Wo, wow) ore ryu-shuugo
Don’t you
think so?
(Wo, wow) shinrai nante (Wo, wow) issho ni ita (Wo, wow) toki dake wo
shinjiru (One of) jin (The best) sei (Oh) ichido no Shake hands
koto demo
chotto zuretara
kankei wa
kurai no
Great history
kasaneta kara koso
konna me mo aru sa
futari dake no Dance
kyou wa
Our distance
(Fiction?) tamashii no sakebi ni (Non-fiction?) uso mo riaru mo
nai ne
Trust me, Trust you
(Fiction?) kanjou wo hakidashi (Non-fiction?) shougeki no rensa wo
se wo awase
futari no ikizama
saikou wo
misetsukete yarou
nani ka ga
yokan ga suru
[kizuna] to iu
Everlasting bonds
bukiyou kamo shirenai
demo [rashiku] nai ka?
fuwa no merodii
Our bright song
(Fiction?) souzou to gensou (Non-fiction?) genjitsu to shinjitsu
(Fiction?) mukau beki mirai (Non-fiction?) mezasubeki ashita
se wo awase
nidoto nai kiseki
haamonikusu wo
aji awasete yaru
The cruel and cold-hearted lone wolf.
Don’t you
think so?
Only self-centredness and lack of common sense can be seen.
The clashing (One of) egoism and (The best) contention (Oh) somehow look alike.
To get hurt.
To be hurt.
I’m afraid of it.
I’m slowly
being scared
of the darkness.
My real intention…
I want to believe, seriously.
I want to act honestly.
Let’s reach
the arrival point together.
for some reason,
I can understand,
that’s why.
(Fiction?) Imagination and illusions (Non-fiction?) Lies and truth.
There is
no need
to answer.
(Fiction?) The future we want to face (Non-fiction?) The tomorrow we’re aiming for.
They’re one and the same.
A season that won’t happen again.
I’ll give you a taste
of these harmonics.
Even taking one step is fine. That’s my law.
Don’t you
think so?
When things like trust come into play,
we get a chance to shake hands with a life we believe in one more time.
If we make
a mistake
even on small things,
it will be
a great history
that can change
the way things go.
It’s because they do that
we get another day like this.
A dance just for the two of us.
Today is
a special
of change.
Our distance…
(Fiction?) The screams of the soul. (Non-fiction?) Lies and reality, too.
It doesn’t
really matter.
Trust me, trust you.
(Fiction?) Let those feelings out. (Non-fiction?) The chains of their impact,
they go hand-in-hand.
We’ll show you
that our way of life
is the best!
There’s something
I want to say.
I have a vision.
This thing called
“a bond” and
the emotions [behind them]
will make an everlasting bond.
You can say that it’s tactless.
But, isn’t it just like us?
This melody of distortion,
isn’t it just
I mean,
everything is
our bright song.
(Fiction?) Imagination and illusions (Non-fiction?) Lies and truth.
There is
no need
to answer.
(Fiction?) The future we want to face (Non-fiction?) The tomorrow we’re aiming for.
They’re one and the same.
A season that won’t happen again.
I’ll give you a taste
of these harmonics.
※ Please don’t re-post the kanji/romaji and English translations without permission.
If you like this, please consider buying me a coffee here to support my work (o^▽^o) Thank you!!
#utapri#utapri translations#my translations#lyrics translation#i love this song so much#so catchy XD#the first beat literally takes you in and it makes you wanna listen to it forever
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Translations under the cut!!
Ai no hazama umare
Born in the spaces between love
Ai ni hikisakare
Torn apart by that very same love
Soshite omae ni sukuwareta
Then, I was saved by you
Yasuppoi kansha wo suru ki wa nai
I don’t plan on giving a cheap thanks
Misete yaru sa
I’ll show you --
Ore dake no yari kata de
The way that I do things
Furueru yoru ya nukumori no imi
The quivering night and the meaning of warmth
指で伝えたら (伝えたら)
Yubi de tsutaetara (tsutaetara)
If you touch it with your fingers (If you touch it)
Akirame no kimochi nado
Then these feelings of hopelessness
消え去ってく 永遠に
Kiesatte ku eien ni
Will disappear, and forever
Ore ga soba ni ite yaru
I’ll be by your side
アソシエイト 繋がる喜びを
Asoshieito tsunagaru yorokobi wo
Associate, with my whole body I can recall
Karada juu ga omoidashite yuku
the pleasure from connecting with you
そっと ほらぎゅっと
Sotto hora gyutto
Look now, gently, tightly,
Tsuyoku hikareau
how strongly we attract,
真っ直ぐな心で 委ねてみろ 全てを
Massugu na kokoro de yudanete miro subete wo
Straightforwardly, I’ll try entrusting to you my everything
裸のまま (さあ)
Hadake no mama (saa)
If, baring all, (now)
俺の胸に (そう)
Ore no mune ni (sou)
you jump into my embrace, (yes)
飛び込むんなら 話はしない
Tobikomun nara hanashi wa shinai
then I won’t say anything at all
お前はお前を 生きてゆけばいい
Omae wa omae wo ikite yukeba ii
It’s fine for you to just live fully
俺が俺を 生きるように
Ore ga ore wo ikeru you ni
And I’ll live as myself
Ai wa toki ni hito kizutsukeru ga
At times love can hurt people,
Sono kizutsu sae iyaseru to shiru hazu sa
But you should know that even those wounds will heal
Hikari ga kage wo kage ga hikari wo
Light into shadow and shadow into light,
映し出すのなら (出すのなら)
Utsushidasu no nara (dasu no nara)
If it reflects properly (reflects properly)
苦しみは いつの日が
Kurushimi wa itsu no hi ga
then the suffering will one day 幸せを描くだろう
Shiawase wo kaku darou
draw happiness
Ore ga shoumei shite yaru
I’ll illuminate it all for you
アソシエイト 出逢えた奇跡さえ
Asoshieito deaeta kiseki sae
Associate, speeding to forget
忘れるくらい スピードを上げて
Wasureru kurai supiido wo agete
about even the miracle of having met
もっと ほらずっと
Motto hora zutto
More now, and always,
Asu wo sono saki e
Tomorrow lies on the path ahead
Mada minu mirai no oretachi ni ai ni yukou
So let’s go to meet the yet unseen future us
Furueru yoru ya nukumori no imi
The quivering night and the meaning of warmth
指で伝えたら (伝えたら)
Yubi de tsutaetara (tsutaetara)
If you touch it with your fingers (If you touch it)
Akirame no kimochi nado
Then these feelings of hopelessness
消え去ってく 永遠に
Kiesatte ku eien ni
Will disappear, forever
Ore ga soba ni ite yaru
I’ll be by your side
アソシエイト 繋がる喜びを
Asoshieito tsunagaru yorokobi wo
Associate, with my whole body I can recall
Karada juu ga omoidashite yuku
the pleasure from connecting with you
そっと ほらぎゅっと
Sotto hora gyutto
Look now, gently, tightly,
Tsuyoku hikareau
how strongly we attract,
真っ直ぐな心で 委ねてみろ 全てを
Massugu na kokoro de yudanete miro subete wo
Straightforwardly, I’ll entrust to you my everything
Deaeta kiseki sae ni wa
Speeding to forget
Wasureru kurai supiido wo agete
how even our meeting had been a miracle
もっと ほらずっと
Motto hora zutto
More now, and always
Asu wo sono saki e
Tomorrow lies on the path ahead
Mada minu mirai no oretachi ni ai ni yukou
So let’s go to meet the yet unseen future us
裸のまま (さあ)
Hadake no mama (saa)
If, baring all, (now)
俺の胸に (そう)
Ore no mune ni (sou)
you jump into my embrace, (yes)
飛び込むんなら 話はしない
Tobikomun nara hanashi wa shinai
then I won’t say anything at all
T/N: wow this is late whoops (I took more time writing in the romaji than actually translating otl apologies for my laziness)
The innuendos in this song otl
This part was a bit of a pain but I will do my best
「出逢えた奇跡さえ/忘れるくらい スピードを上げて」and「出逢えた奇跡さえには/忘れるくらいスピードを上げて」
Okay so「出逢えた奇跡さえ」would be “Even the miracle of (our fateful) meeting” and then the following line means something along the lines of “Speed up the process of forgetting”? So it sounds kinda like a terrible thing to say anyway you put it. The way I think it’s meant to be interpreted tho is sorta like. Acclimating so much that it becomes natural to feel as if you’ve always been together? Sorta. I don’t think I’m making any sense tbh.
「裸」is to bare all/be naked, etc.「~(の)まま」is “~as is” to sorta indicate a current state of being? So whoever Gakkun’s singing to, he’s inviting them to jump into his arms, even if they’re either currently, a) naked, or b) being open and truthful about their intentions to be with him? I think. Something like that.
In「苦しみは いつの日が/幸せを描くだろう」,「だろう」indicates some level of certainty. Like it’s not 100% certain, but it’s far from 0%.
As always, if there are any mistakes please let me know!
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