#lex anon asks
redhead1180 · 6 months
https://pin.it/6PAs5hbD9. Tell me why this looks like the look he gives you right before he’s about to tickle the absolute shit out of you or after he’s teased you incessantly and now you’ve confessed your feelings lol . Perhaps tickling your feet until you confessed your feelings . Anyway story ?
Hey sweetie my tickle anon is back 🤗🤭 ok, I gotchu boo. So it started all cute and funny and end with lots of fluff. Hope you like it.
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"JJ, why are you looking at me like that" I question raising an eyebrow.
"Don't know what you're talking about baby" JJ says nonchalantly, "I'm just looking at my future girlfriend"
"HA!" I scoff "we have been through this JJ, your are not my type. Your every other girl's type on this island, but not mine* I huff out as I turn around back to the kitchen counter at the chateau .
Now truthfully, I did really like JJ, but he scared me. He was a player who left girls crying. I did not want to be one of them. And even though he had not stopped teasing, flirting, and being a complete menace, I didn't think he was really serious. Besides he has always said he wasn't the girlfriend type, so I hid my feelings.
He snuck up behind me and placed his hands on my waist.
"Please understand that what I am about to do was out of necessity" he whispers huskily in my ear.
Before I could respond, he grabbed my waist and started tickling me. I jumped and yelled "NO JJ!" as I tried to slide away. I was really pinned in and could not go anywhere. The counter in front of me, JJ behind me and his arms on either side.
"STOP JJ" I laugh, trying to pull his hands from waist.
"Not until you admit you like me" JJ chuckled.
"I don't...*laughs*....like you...*squeals*....THAT way!" I finally pant out laughing uncontrollably. I'm trying to push his hands away, using my butt to try and push him back, anything to get free.
"Yes you do" he grunts out "just admit it."
"JJ I'm gonna pee my pants"
"Well tell me you like me or just pee your pants" he laughs
"I.... STOP... JJ... NO... IM SERIOUS... JJ" I try to demand, but it just comes out weak from laughing. I didn't want to admit, but he was right. But I was going to seriously pee my pants and JJ would keep doing it until I did.
"ALRIGHT... STOP... YES... OK... YES... I DO LIKE YOU" I yelled at him, giving him a hard shove with my butt, as he stops. "You happy now, yes I do like you"
He turns me around and gently rubs the areas he was just tickling. I keep my head down, not wanting to look at him. He places his finger under my chin to pull my head up, but I jerk my head away, with a whine, and look at the side. He grabs my chin now and forces me to look at him. I close my eyes, now that I was facing him, still not wanting to look at him.
"Open your eyes" he demands gently.
Knowing I didn't have a choice, I take a deep and shaky breath, and open my eyes. He is so close to my face, our noses are nearly touching, I can see the little freckles on his nose from the sun. His ocean blue eyes are staring back at me intently. I waited for the teasing to come.
"I like you too" he says softly. I suck in a breath a little shocked.
"JJ, you've always said you didn't want a girlfriend and have never taken a girl seriously." I rasp out, "How do I know you won't get bored of me like you do every other girl?
"Fair point" he concedes "Your the only girl I've ever had my eyes on, but I was afraid to ruin our friendship. I- I know you're scared, hell so am I, but I really, really, like you and have for awhile. I want you to be my girlfriend, I want you. And I can guarantee that I am not gonna get bored with you."
I've known JJ forever and knew when he was lying, he wasn't. He was nervous, but he wasn't lying. I gently cupped his face and leaned in to softly kiss him. He gasped, and I felt his arms wrap around my waist pulling me close. He tapped his tongue on my lips and I opened up for him. We both moaned as our tongues danced for dominance. I eventually let him win and he angled my head to deep end the kiss. My arms went around his neck and one hand rant my fingers thru his hair. Our bodies were melded together as we literally tried to devour each other.
I needed air and pulled my head back gasping. He looked at me with a mischievous smile.
"Is that a yes" he cocks up an eyebrow and grins.
"Fuck.. yes it's a yes" I chuckle.
"Woah hoo" he screams as he picks me up and spins us around. I laugh and bury my head in his neck.
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frownyalfred · 1 month
Ras Al Ghul: -steeples fingers- so. You combined your DNA with that , of the man you're obsessed with. And created a son. An heir.
Lex Luthor: -twirls martini glass- yes.
Ras Al Ghul: -hums normally like a normal man and sips his wine- I have to make some calls.
Lex Luthor: yeah I was so obsessed with Superman, I combined our DNA and baby trapped him, and I don’t regret a thing.
Ra’s “I’ll make Talia marry Bruce so he can always be mine” Al Ghul: that was an option???
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justtrashperson · 10 months
chibi hatchefield characters like in the shokogast request<333
like paul<3, emma, richie<3, pete, grace, ethan, lex, garygoldsteinattorneyinlaw, the works, yknow??
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using this opportunity to redraw some of hatchetfield's scenes
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
Pls tell Delaney I’m free whenever if she needs a wife
Maybe in another life~
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art credit and many thanks to @olexxx who immediately jumped at the opportunity to draw this after hearing me talk about this specific ask, which btw anon, thank you
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amazingmsme · 8 months
I've no clue why, but I just really like the idea of the Lib having a soft spot for traumatised children, like Hannah, Lex, Grace (religious trauma?), Kale and Richie and Ruth
I think it’s because it’s so much better than the probably very true alternative that they could care less about them & actually Very Much want them dead, or at least couldn’t care less if they died
So why not instead have a secret soft spot? Just because they’re evil doesn’t mean they can’t fall for a set of puppy eyes & a sob story
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ekingston · 10 days
%1000 agree and believe Lillian Luthor should have been the big bad for the show continuously.
Berlanti/CW just used Supergirl to get Superman/Lex back on screen 🙄
anon do you ever think about the fact that Lillian Luthor’s son was born when she was only five years old
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gender-luster · 3 months
On one hand, this brainiac is so cunty, he really gave clark a boob window
On the other hand i wanna drop a 1000 degree ball on top of him.
This brainiac is great, i cant wait for him and Lex to meet and reach Peak cunty gay(tm)
welcome back!!
he is soooooo cunty! and boob window clark is absolute peak. but i do think we should drop a 1000 degree ball on him. just because.
on a side note, and speaking of him and lex meeting, since he's kinda lacking a body, and he's obviously not going to be able to stay in clark's body for very long,, i do know a perfectly good body that he could share...
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vveissesfleisch · 2 months
Daniel honestly deserves to be gangbanged by all of his karate boyfriends until he can’t walk. It’s what baby boy deserves ♥️
Truly, anon. Why surround yourself with sexy old & current enemies if not to sex the old & current enemies?
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jasontoddsguns · 2 years
Does Jasons cock meet Luthors standards?
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lazaruspiss · 1 year
I just love Kon and Tim bonding over their crush on Dick
they'd be so funny about it. Tim angsting over it and being hung up to hell on thoughts about how he has absolutely no shot VS Kon desperate to have someone else to talk about The Hot Teacher to.
Kon: Cassie and Bart just don't get it Tim, Dick is absolutely smokin' hot! Who wouldn't wanna go for that, y'know? Wait. Do you think they just don't like men? That would explain it, but it feels rude to just assume something like that.
Tim: please shut up. god fucking dammit. why'd I let Bruce file the adoption papers. I hate my life.
Kon: I don't get what your deal is.
Tim: He's my BROTHER now Kon.
Kon: You say that like it changes something.
Tim: ... Kon.
Kon: Yeah?
Tim: Do you know what incest is.
Kon: Not sure that applies here? And besides, Kara and I are cousins and we still make out all the time.
Tim: I have new questions.
Anyways. Tim eventually caves and they team-up on a mission to tag team Dick, as best bros do <3
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frownyalfred · 17 hours
so this idea takes place in a story where they bring Jason legally back to life and he makes public appearances. **Gotham conspiracy theory: That's not Jason Todd.** Jason Todd was a short teen with black hair amd blue eyes "Jason Todd" is 6' 5 muscle machine with half white hair and green-blue eyes. Who is this man that Bruce claims as his lost son? Is he somehow tricking or scamming the Wayne's? Or does Bruce know and his grief makes him pretend this scary man is his little boy
Even worse: Bruce paid off Lex Luthor for a clone of himself but it went horribly wrong and now he's passing it off as his undead son as some sort of bizarre extended grieving process only rich people go through. And Lex Luthor apparently doesn't like the clone either which is why he stopped going to Bruce's events...
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gretahayes · 1 year
Lex has the biggest crush on superman and he exposes himself through petty ways like the strict hallway monitor listing u down for literally breaking the smallest most stupid rule like 'your shoelace tips are colored. The school rule book says it can only specifically be black, dark blue or white.' Or that kindergarden to early grade school bully that specifically targetted one person
And meanwhile Clark just absolutely hates him like he's got a bottle of expensive ass champagne somewhere to pop when Lex dies and would have done it himself if he was raised any less kind. There's only so much xenophobia an alien can take man
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noblish · 9 months
sesbian lex
sesbian lex indeed, yes
i concur, i agree, i accede, yes
sesbian lex for we, yes
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jammingjaem · 4 months
moot tag! from your moots, who would you trust with your phone number?
ahaaaa interesting question !! alright, imma answer dis HAHA
the most i really trust with my phone numbers are: @polarisjisung @suzayaaa @hugs2doie @lelengerine @ggukkiedae @jnnul and i believe there’s some people i haven’t mentioned at all yet, but most of them also have my igs (both personal & fan acc)
(sorry for the tags guys 😭)
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amazingmsme · 9 months
how do you think the npmd nerds/whatever hatchetfield characters you’re in the mood to write for, try to like (subtly or not to subtly) hint at wanting tickles 👀
Oh I’m about to go HAM with this one! Buckle in cause I got a feeling it’s gonna be long, but imma try to be succinct. Also: FIRST ASK OF THE YEAR
Grace: will straight up go ask one of her friends to tickle her, the absolute mad woman
Ruth: she’s so damn touch starved so she’s in a lee mood more often than not. She gets more whiny & clingy with her friends & blushes a lot easier than normal
Richie: he cranks up the annoying friend routine up to an 11, teasing Pete & Ruth & cracking stupid jokes. His leg shakes a lot when he’s in a lee mood because he’s got a lot of pent up energy
Peter: stutters a lot & tends to stare at people’s hands a lot. He stretches a lot when he’s in a lee mood. I’m talkin’ arms all the way over his head, back arched, & he makes a high pitched groaning noise just to make sure he gets someone’s attention
Bonus Round! aka everyone else I feel like writing
Max: gets a lot more hyper & rowdy with his friends & tickles them in hopes they’ll get him back
Alice: suffers in silence & acts all grumpy until Deb catches on
Lex: gets real cuddly & clingy with Ethan & not so subtly tries to move his hands to her tickle spots so he’ll “accidentally” brush against a sensitive spot
Ethan: purposefully makes himself all mopey & emo to entice Lex to wreck his shit. Puppy eyes to the max
Paul: clams up, stutters a lot more than usual & jumps at pretty much any sudden movement in his direction & generally is much gigglier than normal
Bill: drops what he thinks are subtle hints & is a lot more affectionate with his coworkers. A hug to Paul or Charlotte, an arm around Ted’s shoulders, ruffles their hair. Is overall very smiley & playful
Charlotte: gets really cuddly & giggly. Usually it’s whenever she’s alone with Ted so she’ll lay in positions where her tickle spots are stretched out & vulnerable & calls his name over & over. Or if he’s really oblivious she gives up & starts a tickle fight
Ted: ASSHOLE TO THE MAX!!! Seriously, when Ted Spankoffski’s in a lee mood, everyone knows about it because he makes it everyone’s problem. He can never bring himself to ask for it, he can’t even admit it to himself that he likes it, so he just becomes So Insufferable until someone decides to do something about it
Tom: doesn’t even realize that’s what he’s been wanting until Becky gently grabs his arm & asks “want me to tickle you?” (He’s been silently staring at the ground and rubbing his neck/scratching his beard for the past 10 minutes)
Becky: she shyly will bring up a memory from high school with Tom & mentions how he used to tickle her. Not near as subtle as she thinks she is, but hey, it always works
Linda: will walk right up to her husband or whoever she’s having an affair with & loudly proclaim “what does a woman have to do around here to be appreciated?” & basically lays on the guilt trip. But what did you expect from miss gaslight gatekeep girlboss herself?
Dan Reynolds: sneak attacks the news crew to be funny but really he just wants someone to return the favor but no one ever does because he’s THE Dan Reynolds!
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freakywizard · 9 months
hiii r&m anon here again!!! i noticed you mentioned liking season 7, so i was wondering if you had any favorite or least favourite episodes, plotlines, all that jazz. season 7 debrief, if you will. would love to hear your thoughts!
ram anon gracing my inbox once again (always a pleasure)
huge rant below the cut (talking about rick and morty triggers the longwinded newspaper art critic in me sorry)
s7e2 and e4 were the best episodes in my opinion. absurd, darkly funny, overall just so perfect. i was especially excited about s7e2 since the rick/jerry dynamic has intrigued me since episode s3e5. i love that that episode basically just confirmed Rick and Jerry may be foils but are also perfect complements? they can only understand / appreciate each other when they are literally existing in each other's flesh? i try not to wax poetic about ram but this episode was tempting meeeee
and re: e4, i think this show's writing is at its best when the writers come up with a stupid concept and treat it seriously. i love that this episode saw the concept of 'what if corpse spaghetti' through to the end. classic dark comedy, absurd, wacky goodness. lovee it
one thing i do hate about this season (as well as seasons 5 and 6) is the number of callbacks to 'old' rick and morty. s7e3 and s7e8 were some of the worst episodes this season, mostly because they just reused old plotlines and developed them in the least interesting ways possible, imo. did the mid gag from s3e5 really need its own episode? it really did not. i think that this is one of the worst consequences of the show becoming less episodic and more serialized - the writers just endlessly milk the early seasons to recycle into plotlines, one-off gags, whatever. the self-referentiality and meta humor of newer seasons will always, always grind my gears severely.
also, s7e7 was almost unwatchable. it reminded me of s6e2 in all the worst ways - just dedicating an entire episode to a SINGLE movie reference, doubling down on the singular reference as the episode drags on. god that episode sucked. so boring, annoying, unfunny.
i have extremely mixed feelings on s7e5. On the one hand, I'm still annoyed that the backstory from s3e1 is even canon, and Rick is yet another entry in the long tradition of flawed male protagonists turned into a nihilistic depressed shitshow by the death of a wife. it's such a pat trope, imo.
HOWEVER, i really like how this episode developed Rick. I'll always be a fan of ruthlessness and revenge plotlines, so im biased. but i've come to appreciate Rick Prime as a villain, as a testament to how much Rick hates himself -- there's a version of himself out there that would torture himself across the universe by killing off his own loved ones, just to try to prove his own superiority? it's all very mindfucky but im super into it. Rick C137 killing Prime with his fists, all while Prime goads him? it was such a cool scene. i love when the show does selfcest
i also still have mixed feelings on the evil morty and his growing prominence in the series. it was nice when he was just a little treat, but it became clear in s4 the writers were aware of fan expectations for the character. i can't help but wonder if that's shaped the way they're writing him, especially giving him the centralized role in the story of possible-future-final-antagonist? that being said i've always liked evil morty, he's a fun character to watch on screen. although i'm extremely cautious of my enjoyment. he's already starting to feel like a fanfic rip-off of himself a little bit (that one line where he said 'well, they don't call me good morty' was so bizarre. evil morty was the fandom name for him, and the writers adopted it and made it a diegetic epithet for the character???????)
s7e10 was refreshing after a long season of Morty getting sidelined. I love how this one starts with a classic rick and morty set-up (what if *weird thing* in *random place*) but turns it into existential horror? really cool. i don't think it was the most subtle way to do morty character development, but it was interesting enough that i was invested. also, rick pinning morty's picture to the pinboard. so good
overall my reaction to this season is 'we're so back.' it was LEAGUES better than s5-6, which i think are like the ram dark ages. i don't think s7 was the best season yet (as some are suggesting) but I think that this season marks a positive turn for the quality of writing in the show.!!
here's my episode ranking in ( i mostly did this for fun)
Basically, e7 and e8 were irredeemably terrible. e9, e3, and e1 were mid/fine. e6, e10, e4, e5, and e2 were all varying degrees of peak rick and morty.
other mics. thoughts:
i felt like there was a lot of long, no dialogue, sad music montages that felt like references to the famous scene from s4e8? the one from s7e4 comes to mind immediately. but there were another few sprinkled in
s7e3 rick telling a scientologist "worship how you want" ??? he would not say that. who let that slide in the writing room?
the fight scenes and gore were all really well animated!! since s3 the animation has only gotten better and i love the gore
i actually love the new VAs. they're different from roiland, obviously, but i honestly think they're both doing a better job. the performances are more naturalistic, and less grating? i thought the change would weird me out, but it's subtle, and i like it
Rick canonically bad at eating pussy in his youth
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