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stevenrogered · 5 days ago
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antigrav-boy · 3 months ago
I want to hear theories as to WHY Boimler dyes his hair purple
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Is it so he can stand out?
Is it to hide something about his lineage?
Does he just like purple hair?
Was that log entry a cover-up, and he doesn't actually dye it at all?
Is he modelling himself after someone else?
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hashtagloveloses · 2 years ago
the fucked up thing about every corporation's executives being like "we are going to use AI and other new technologies to replace you it's inevitable sorry" is that
1) usually experts in AI and these new technologies will tell you that it CANT replace every worker and has its own challenges and requires new and different kinds of workers to make it functional and
2) it is not the fucking technology putting people out of work or ruining how the system functions. it is PEOPLE (executives) making CHOICES to make it that way, and blaming the TECHNOLOGY. moving to adopt new technology in sustainable and realistic ways requires, money, time, and long term investment, which executives just trying to show exponential growth to wall street at the next shareholder meeting for a few years before they take a nice severance package and hop to the next company or retire, don't give a shit enough to do. they see a new toy, a new bauble, that some silicon valley idiot tells them will reduce costs and increase output, they sell the lie to their shareholders, they rinse and repeat. it is CHOICES. BY PEOPLE. NOT THE TECHNOLOGY. it never has been in the history of human innovation.
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platoniclace · 3 months ago
I haven't really seen anyone talk about this, which could simply mean I'm not chronically online enough, BUT let's point out a particularly chilling parallel I recently noticed in Epic: The Musical.
So, in the Circe Saga, we open up with the lovely song Puppeteer. We've talked about it, we've fawned over it, we all know every word to this song, I'm sure. But as I was listening to it last night (woohoo, statistics homework), a few lines stuck out to me that hadn't really before. Eurylochus is trying to convince Odysseus to just pack up and leave, and Ody replies with,
"Of course I'd like to leave now. Of course I'd like to run. But I can hardly sleep now, knowing everything we've done."
Which, you know, makes sense. Our guys have been at war for 10 whole years, at the conclusion of which our boy Ody drops an infant off a wall. But then, much later, comes 600 Strike (another banger of a song). And what is the exchange at the end of this song?
"After everything you've done, how will you sleep at night?"
"Next to my wife."
That line went hard regardless of literally anything else when I first listened to the song, but now taking in the greater context of the whole musical? The fact that Odysseus himself at one point spoke of how he could hardly sleep because of his actions?? And is now so far off the deep end that it doesn't even cross his mind anymore???
I just about lost my ever-loving MIND last night when it all hit me. Anyways, here's my small contribution to the fandom.
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flutterytickles · 18 days ago
i just think a person's tummy rolling as they curl into a sneeze
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rueclfer · 3 months ago
rivaling film student character and y/n.....partnered together to make a scrappy avant garde short film.....hanging out outside of class much more than they'd like....always arguing about the artistic vision.....they secretly get tons of footage of one another behind the scenes.....the film slowly loses its original concept......turns into a process montage of them falling in love with each other through the lens.....
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wisteriahyacinth · 5 months ago
Alright, as superman is my new current obsession, i wanna hear people explain the purpose of his underwear outside of the pants. I remember hearing somebody say that they were to make him look silly, show that he's not a threat because in essence that is what and who he is. He fights but he'd much rather help villains if he could. I just kinda wanna start a discussion
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bubbly-gay-jellyfish · 19 days ago
A Deep Dive into Emma Goldman's childhood, one of the main voices of Anarchism and one of the founders of Anarcha-Feminism
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... 🪼 Hello again, dear friend. Are you interested in Anarchism, or Feminism, by any means? If you do, you may already know Emma Goldman, currently considered one of the many foundational voices of Anarchism /neu
... 🪼 Not gonna lie, I'm not an expert. In fact, I would consider myself a beginner, because I still have too much to learn, and I thought: "Why not share what I've learned with others?" And here we are /neu
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Content warnings! If one or more of these topics trigger significant psychological or physical distress to you, proceed with caution, or don't proceed at all /srs
Domestic violence /srs
Physical violence against children and adults /srs
Child labor /srs
Childhood sexual abuse /srs
... 🪼 With that being said, let's go now! /pos
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Emma Goldman was born on June 27, 1869 into an Orthodox Jewish family in Kaunas in Lithuania, within the extinct Russian Empire. Orthodox Judaism, currently, is one of the major branches of Judaism. It adheres closely to traditional beliefs, practices, and interpretations of Jewish Law (Halakha). It emphasizes the divine origin of the Torah, both written and oral, and maintains a strict observance of Jewish rituals, ethics and customs. It is characterized by several daily practices, traditional gender roles, and resisting changes that other branches of Judaism might adopt. /srs
Within the Russian Empire, during Emma Goldman's childhood (the 1870s), Orthodox Judaism was the predominant form of Judaism practiced among the Jewish population. In fact, the Jewish community in the Russian Empire was one of the largest in the world at the time, concentrated primarily in the Pale of Settlement, a region encompassing parts of modern-day Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova. Jews were required to live within that area, with few exceptions. However, keep in mind that the state religion of the Russian Empire was Russian Orthodox Christianity, that was the overwhelming majority with approx. 70% of the population at the time practicing this religion; meanwhile Judaism was only about 4%-5% of the rest of the population. /srs
Despite hosting one of the largest Jewish communities in the world at the time, the Russian Empire exerted pressure on the Jews. The Russian Government imposed various restrictions on Jewish life. A few examples are: /srs
Limitations on where Jews could live, work, and attend school. These policies often made it difficult for Jews to maintain their religious practices and economic stability. /srs
Conscription and Cantonist System. Jewish people faced the threat of conscription into the Russian army, which often included efforts to convert Jewish boys into Christianity. And the Cantonist System required Jewish communities to provide a quota of young boys for military service. This system was particularly feared for Jewish people. /srs
As you may have guessed, Emma Goldman was born into an extremely patriarchal society. In Russian society in the 1870s, women generally were subordinate to men in every aspect of their life. Even the family structure was highly hierarchical, with the male head of household holding significant authority. Also, women had limited rights. Married women, particularly, were under the control of their husbands and couldn't own property independently, work without their husband's permission, or easily obtain a divorce. Regarding women in education, the access was limited, especially for peasant and lower-class women. The women who had access to higher education often were educated about domestic skills and social graces, rather than real academic pursuits, like men. It should be added that women's experiences vary according to several factors, such as their socioeconomic class. /srs
Apparently, Emma Goldman, as an Orthodox Jewish woman, was subject to both the patriarchal norms of Jewish society and the broader restrictions imposed by the Russian Empire. /srs
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As for her family environment, Emma Goldman's mother, Taube Bienowitch had been married to a man before whom she had two daughters, Helena in 1860 and Lena in 1862. When her first husband died of tuberculosis, Taube was devastated. Emma Goldman later wrote, in her autobiography: "Whatever love she had had died with the young man to whom she had been married to the age of fifteen". /srs
Although it may be shocking to us, at that time, marrying off underage girls was the norm. In many traditional societies, including Jewish communities in the Russian Empire, marriage was seen as a primary goal for women (let's remember how patriarchal the Russian society was back in those years). Early marriage was often encouraged to ensure moral propriety and to align with religious expectations. Women were primarily expected to be wives and mothers, and their education or personal goals were seen as secondary or even unimportant. /srs
In Jewish communities, particularly, early marriage was common. Marriage was highly valued, and matchmaking (often arranged by parents or professional matchmakers) was a central part of the culture. Girls might marry in their mid-to-late teens to much older men, where their consent was rarely a priority, while boys often married slightly older, after completing some religious education that usually wasn't accessible for women and girls. /srs
Once we understand and know the historical context, it's credible that Taube Bienowitch's second marriage was arranged by her family. Taube Bienowitch married Abraham Goldman, who invested all of her inheritance in a business that quickly failed /srs
Emma Goldman didn't have the safe, comforting space that children require; instead, she went through tense family dynamics. As mentioned before, Abraham Goldman wasted all of his wife's money, which resulted in economical hardship. Even before Emma Goldman was born, the environment in the house was already tense due to the distance between wife and husband. Once Taube Bienowitch became pregnant with her third child, her husband hoped desperately for a son; a daughter, he believed, would be a sign of failure. The first child Taube and Abraham had together was Emma Goldman, and eventually they had three sons after Emma's birth. /srs
Abraham used violence to punish their children, beating them when they disobeyed him, which worsened the already tense ambience in the house. Emma Goldman was the most rebellious of them, so, her father used a whip on her. Taube, her mother, rarely provided some type of comfort when these violent episodes happened, and didn't make an effort to ask Abraham to tone down his beatings. In fact, the one that comforted Emma Goldman after these beatings was Helena, her oldest half-sister, who acted more as a mother than their actual, biological mother. Lena, the youngest half-sister, was distant. The three sisters were accompanied by their three younger brothers: Louis (who died at the age of six), Herman (born in 1872), and Moishe (born in 1879). /srs
When Emma Goldman was still a little girl, her family moved to the village of Papilė, where her father ran an inn. While her sisters worked, she became friends with a servant called Pretrushka, who "excited her first erotic sensations", as she said. /srs
Before you get alarmed by the word "erotic" used to describe an experience in Emma Goldman's childhood, I want to clarify that nothing inappropriate happened between Pretrushka and her. /gen
Emma Goldman was known for talking about sexuality in a time when almost everything related to it was taboo. When I mentioned the phrase, I was referencing the autobiography of Emma Goldman, that she wrote (obviously) once she was an adult. She was referring to a sense of attraction and desire that Pretrushka had awakened within her, back when she was a little girl. The passage is about the beginnings of her awareness of her own sexuality, rather than indicating that something inappropriate or even harmful happened between them. Emma Goldman was describing and reflecting in retrospect, with a more mature mind, what can be called a childhood crush. Think about when you were a kid and had a "crush" on a certain actor/actress, a friend, or the older sibling of your friend. Those were the feelings she was analyzing once she became an adult /srs
So, yeah, Emma Goldman was sapphic 🏳️‍🌈✨ /lh
Adding to that, Emma Goldman described Pretrushka as a peasant woman who worked in their home, while enduring difficult conditions and mistreatment. In her autobiography, she reflected on how witnessing the mistreatment of servants like Pretrushka at such a young age, as well as her own experiences of poverty and oppression, molded her commitment to Anarchism and her life long fight against exploitation and inequality /srs
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flowerhays · 6 months ago
I knew as soon as I saw this new trailer I had to create a post about this, Her past seems to be that she wanted to prevent people from starving but some decided that they would hoard the food she graciously grew and harvested for themselves. I like this backstory, it seems rather interesting! And shows her good nature. Since The Witch Of Light says "A heavy burden For Someone So Young." Is First Grain Cookie the youngest of the 13 witches? I love that the kept elements of her beta design but added stuff too! I love that hat that looks like pieces of corn husk, that was clever.
I'll definitely be drawing her at some point soon, her design is so cute that I practically HAVE to!
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your-worst-boy · 3 months ago
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Yall need to look at this article lol...
Me and my partner were losing our minds over how this article was written about fake news as it regards to democrats vs republicans. who shares it more, who has a harder time telling the difference & discerning what's true, etc.
I feel like most of us know the "fake news" MAJORITY is coming from conservatives. But somehow, this article was reporting republicans as having "higher cognitive efficiency than democrats"? Even though BY THEIR OWN REPORTS, democrats were more accurate in determining real from fake news.
In discussion we wondered why they'd use the measurement of "metacognitive efficiency" when really what they're looking for should be their accuracy?
Because what they found was REPUBLICANS KNOW THEYRE WORSE AT IT. They admit that through the prior assessments lol. They say oh no, I know I can't tell the difference & favor republican headlines.
And because of that they were rated with a higher metacognitive efficiency score because...they knew they did bad, and then did bad lol??? We knew that had to be some kind of disingenuous ploy to make republicans look better.
As the note says...when we thought about it, and by chance mentioned "yknow it's like there's a dissonance..." we said oh my god. That's it lmao.
These people intentionally used this backwards measurement, which is a reverse of cognitive dissonance, in an attempt to make the playing field look either even or very close. (That's another thing...they use phrases throughout the WHOLE PAPER that say "dems and reps performed about the same" and then give figures that say the EXACT opposite).
This is just so wild. I need to know other people's response to this lmao.
Oh, and it's from Yale! Home of rich dumbasses and untrustworthy work. Who would've thought.
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corpsedessert · 4 months ago
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A rant I did today, sorry if the slides are extremely jumbled up
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modawg · 9 months ago
im bored let’s dissect “alison”
firstly this is what i’m talking abt incase anyone doesn’t know:
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this is so far the ONLY news we have abt this character rick hasn’t said anything about it the official pjo show insta/twitter hasn’t said anything abt it this is it
and this is a fan account which is smth i feel like many ppl don’t know; here’s that account
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here are some other accounts:
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both the actual along with another pretty reparable fan account both have stayed silent abt this which seems a little sus to me
you might be wondering “but mo that original pic has screenshots of interviews/articles!! they have sources!!” this is true however the source has no source lmao
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from the article the original post pulls from they simply said “we’ve heard” girl heard what and from who
this article was written by nexus news point which idk abt y’all i’ve never heard of
so i took my ass to twitter
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this is the only post i found “but mo it’s verified!!” that’s what i thought i thought “well shit there’s the end of that” but when i was looking at the account i realised three things
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rick does not follow this account
who’s that linked in the bio? oh wait is that..is that nexus ???
anyone can pay to buy a verification
here’s the actual pjo account
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followed by rick
not verified bc why would they have to when rick literally follows them
has said nothing abt this
after all this i don’t think alison is real im gonna be honest however if she does show up in season 2 i will be apologizing with tears
unlike nexus however i will be tagging my sources and will also be adding that rick hasn’t updated his website since may which is the exact opposite of what he did when he was looking for the cast of season 1
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lmk y’all’s thoughts bc this is kinda wack if they just made this shit up LMAOO
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whispersleo · 5 months ago
So uhm I just finished Dragon Age so... NO SPOILERS here! Just want to do a tiny little ramble about the game. Be cautious, really bad english ahead!!!
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Like what the fuck was that. Listen I WANT to love this game, really. As a transman I absolutely loved the representation, I think it's really important. But please. After 500+ hours in Baldurs Gate, it's impossible for me to not make comparisons and see the huge, absolutely gigantic, gap in quality between the two scripts. And I know Baldurs has a lot of problems with the script and the writing, It's not perfect, but after all the details it is REALLY GOOD, it is and can be truly beautiful, you can see and hear the beating heart of the game in almost every scene. I'm saying this not only as a Gale enjoyer (please believe me), but you can't tell me that Veilguard has a scene even REMOTELY close to the Gale scene where you contemplate the stars with him. He talks to you about immortality, about love, about dying and death, about suicide, his pain lingering in his voice in every breath, and if you happen to be interested in him, Gale confess his love in a way you can even hear him scared of ruining things (again?). He's scared, paralyzed in fear, regrets, pain, despair, sorrow, and yet he really is brave enough to open his heart completely to you in what is, in my opinion, the best scene in the game. I'm always excited to replay it, I hear him all the way through it every single time, I feel his emotions like they were mine and that is so beautiful and precious to me.
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And then Dragon Age: The Veilguard, pales in comparison. This beautiful Gale scene happens in the middle of your journey, where you both still don't know if you can truly wake up for tomorrow. Hells, Gale doesn't even think he can live at all!, and yet he chooses to spend this specific night with you, to kiss you, to adore you. He tells you that he loves you. A lot of people criticize that the companions in Baldurs are too horny for their own good, and that they want to get in your pants too quickly. I get where they're coming from but I can't agree. For me, every company has its own reasons for doing that. Astarion tries to get into your pants because it's his way of surviving, for example. Gale doesn't try to do so until he's literally standing on the edge of a cliff in a desperate and maybe last act of love - if he can't love himself, he'll try to love and live for someone else. I won't go on about the other companions, but they do that because they trust you, because you have earned their trust.
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We all know the elephant in the room in Baldurs Gate 3. Wyll. His story, cut short. His content, non-existent in comparison. His romance, with many fewer hours that makes me feel it's not worth it. His mission, not even about him. His character, boring to death (to me).
BUT, man, he's just one of the companions. It's not okay, but the others are amazing, Wyll is -sadly and in comparison- just a detail. In Veilguard, this problem is with EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.
They all feel so rushed it's not even funny. As a Lucanis enjoyer (of course I am), I couldn't even get happy for finally getting a kiss from this man and an "I love you". It's just too late for that when it happens. So cold. When it happens, the character -me, as the player- can't even be in the "mood" for it. I hate it. I hate the moment. And I hate I love those puppy brown eyes -as usual, and can't even be excited, hopeful and happy and all the things I truly feel in the Gale scene. I can't. I've been wanting to kiss this man for the past thirty hours and is just too late when it finally happens. I wanted to kiss you before facing the horrors, not after. In Baldurs, you can feel the support of your lover all the way from the half game to it's end and conclusion, you can hear them say they love you if you want, telling you sweet words, greeting you with love and familiarity. The connections you form with the Veilguard characters is rushed, feels extra superficial, and the romance hides behind a poor "slow burn" excuse. This is just writing so fucking shit I've read fanfics at the age of 12 with like thousand of more layers and greaters sex scenes that Veilguard can't have in ANY moment of the script, not just the romance. I'm talking specifically about that because that's where I really felt like the game was freezing me out.
When I finished Baldurs the first time, I felt everything. I cried my eyes out, I laughed, I was so happy- and that was while watching Gale become a god and let Astarion ascend. But it all felt like everything I did (120 hours) was for a reason. It was all FOR this, good or bad choices. I cried when the credits rolled and kept crying when everything went silent. And I started a new playthrough feeling so excited to discover more and more.
Here, I tried to feel that again. To feel like I've saved the day, excited for the future, sad for saying goodbye, and happy for doing so. But I couldn't fake it if you had a gun pointed at my head and told me to smile LOL I was so cold. Just thinking "that's it? It can't be... can it?" And waiting for the game to say HA! Gotcha. But it never came. I watched the credits still trying to connect to something I just watched and finished.
If you're still here, let me tell you: I don't regret buying it.
Sure, the script is like a Marvel movie. A good one (I love superheros), but a Marvel movie still. Like Shang Chi, for example. Man I love that movie. I love the color palette, the characters look like fun, the scenography is amazing, the choreographies are just astounding! But the script. It's a Marvel movie. Characters are saying all the things instead of showing me. They're joking in really bad moments. Sometimes they don't even feel like people, just parrots saying random lines they suddenly remember. The ending it's a big battle that makes all the journey feel less enjoyable and more boring and flat as fuck. But it's really nice and decent entertainment and I'll watch it again if I'm doing the dishes or something.
It's just not great, but that's what Veilguard is for me. I love the colors, I love the character designs, I love all the places you can go, I love the gameplay and the combat experience and I'm excited to try new difficulty levels. But the script is just dog shit. It's entertaining enough to have it like background noise if you are doing something else, and that's it.
All I see is potential wasted. But I want to play it again, maybe as rushed as all the characters are. Just let me keep smashing shit, swinging my axe, and I'm pleased.
Thanks for reading.
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itsjustevil · 9 months ago
One of my friends desperately needs a guf of Brennan pantomiming snorting a bunch of cocaine. I also need this
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cherub-berry · 10 months ago
I enjoyed reading and watching jjk but after Shibuya arc it kinda fell of for me. I don't keep up with it anymore, sometimes my friend will tell me a summarize version of the recent arc, character development, and also some panels. The only thing that I can say is wtf was gege thinking??? I get that sukuna is strong and is considered a god of some sort but this is getting to out of hand. Like what do you mean "ah yes, a technique that I haven't use since the Heian era". It's also getting repetitive. A character gets a power bost → said character fight sukuna → then dies. There's also Gojos family and Rikas back stories that are not shown like ever! Not only that but gege is bad at writing female characters and utilizing them, don't get me wrong I love the jjk girls and women (except for mei mei) but they are not utilized enough. Like Shoko for example, she's a great character but we never get to see her do anything, and we really never get to see her story, how she feels about all of this. Yes, there is a couple of panels that has Shoko inner dialog but it's so mistranslated and so missunderstod. And it's not only Shoko that's underutilized, the Kyoto high girls are as well especially momo. I know that she's not a main character but at least give her something that makes her interesting. The most realistic part of the story is that the Kamo family doesn't participate in the battle, I was kinda disappointed that we can't see Noritoshi fight along side Choso and Yuuji. I think it would be a really great pairing but it's not going to happen, again the Kamo family's decision is relatable, majority of us would probably leave to. I'm just kinda disappointed that he doesn't have a significant role in this arc. Theres a lot of thing that i want to get of my mind about jjk and some other anime that I have watch. Even though there's somethings that I didn't like about jjk I still enjoyed it nonetheless
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