#let me check those shipping names boi
ghostatrandom · 2 years
I don't think I have to "read more" this drawings, they are not really spoilers about the story, I will tag it tho
This game has some of my favorite gimmicks ever: optional character interaction.
Like I never expected the teachers to be some of my favorite characters??? But they are amazing??? I love them and their struggles of their everyday life???
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The great fandom council says the old men ship is EPHEMERALARTSHIPPING which I love <3
But it hasn't decided on a Drenda and Miriam name so I suggest HEALTHYSANDWICHSHIPPING because it's a sandwich that when its well done doesn’t kill people yaay
consider supporting me on my KO FI
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Burns Like Rum
Ship: Astarion x female!human!reader/Tav
Summary: Astarion's hunger worsens every day and you don't have any blood to spare—but that doesn't stop you from inadvertently tempting him at every turn. Luckily for both of you, you've both got the same idea to cure him of his hunger.
Word Count: 7,840 words
Warnings: sexual content (18+), menstruating reader, hungry Astarion, mutual pining, possibly OOC dialogue, vampire feeding, soft Astarion, no particular timeline but Astarion hasn't told you anything yet
18+ Warnings: period sex, fingering, oral (f receiving), hand job, bite kink, blood kink, aftercare, use of the words cunt & cock
Note: For my usual readers, more Stranger Things content is coming, I promise! But this bitey boy currently owns my heart so I'm gonna show him some love :)
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☟ Continue below the fold ☟
Astarion was hungry, and it was entirely your fault, for more than one reason.
The first was that, almost a month ago now, you had let Astarion drink from you. He'd been starving, and it didn't help that the others had given him strict rules about feeding, so when he flashed those sad but gorgeous red eyes at you, complaining of hunger, you'd all but gifted him your neck.
He'd practically drained you that night. You had been weak for days. Of course, the others, namely Gale and Lae'zel, were furious with you for letting him drink from you, but the sated, content look on his face after feeding made it all worth it to you. He'd become more comfortable around you after that, too, and you'd considered that an improvement.
It hadn't been all that bad, really, for him to sink his teeth into you and drink until your grip on him had grown so weak that he'd let up to check on you. In fact, it had been...rather pleasant. He'd been gentle, careful, his bite sharp but considerate. You knew then that you'd risk becoming anemic for a week just to feel the pleasure of his hand cradling your neck and head, his mouth against your neck, his tongue soothing the bite he'd left when he'd had his fill.
But in the weeks that followed, his hunger gradually returned, and with a vengeance. It was as if he'd never fed from you at all, suffering hunger pangs he hid from the others—but you noticed, recognizing them from the night he'd begged you to let him drink from you.
You'd offered him more of your blood since then, but he'd refused you every time. He could smell your guilt, your need to make him feel better simply because you felt responsible for his current pain.
"I won't accept blood from someone who feels obligated to give it to me," he'd said, and his tone made it difficult to tell if he was being snide or kind.
Sometimes, you simply didn't understand that man.
And then three days ago, you'd been injured in a fight. It was nothing fatal, the gash in your midsection missing any major muscles and not deep enough to jeopardize your organs, but it was bloody. You'd limped your way back to camp, your head swimming, the world around you growing darker around the edges with every step.
You'd fainted in Astarion's arms—although collapsed was a better word for it, according to Karlach—drenched in blood, some of which was yours and some of which that wasn't.
"You should have seen his face!" Karlach had laughed when you'd woken up the next morning, woozy but fine thanks to Shadowheart. The blood loss kept you off your feet for the day to recover, and Karlach had taken the time to visit you.
"What do you mean?" you asked, although you already had a good idea what might have happened after you passed out.
"You put him in a right pickle, collapsing on him like that, all covered in blood and losing more of it quickly," she said. "He didn't know what to do with you. It was— It was like he didn't want to drop you, but he really did want to drop you, because all he wanted to do was drink from you. Can't say as I blame him—he's not fed in weeks and you turn up with his next meal draining out of you." You hid your face in your hands with a groan. "Why'd you beeline for him anyway? Shadowheart's tent was just a few paces away!"
You glared at her through your fingers. "You know why I went to him, Karlach!" She, of all people, would understand. She had been the first person to find out that, as much as you flirted with them all, Astarion was the one you wanted.
"Well, obviously," she said, "but it didn't occur to you that he might...have an adverse reaction?"
Rolling your eyes, you snarked, "No, Karlach, it didn't, I was bleeding out and suffering from head trauma. I just...saw someone I trusted to keep me safe and ran to him."
She cocked her head to the side. "That's sweet, but stupid."
You snorted. "Yeah, I know—Shadowheart won't stop yelling at me for it."
You hadn't seen Astarion until that night, when the group of you had gathered at the campfire. It hadn't meant to be like that; you'd seen him and had wanted to talk to him, at least apologize for throwing your bloody body at him, but Shadowheart followed you closely to keep you safe and soon the others had gathered.
It had been like a very strange family dinner, made awkward by everyone dancing around exactly why you'd gone to Astarion, knowing a hungry vampire and fresh blood were not a good mix.
The final reason you were making his hunger unbearable made itself known at the end of the night, when it was just you, Astarion, and Shadowheart at the dying fire.
She must have caught sight of the way you kept looking at Astarion out of the corner of your eye, embarrassedly looking away or pretending to gaze into the trees behind him every time he caught you looking. She tapped your shoulder and told you she needed to get rest. The "you should, too" was implied, hanging in the air along with her worry about your healing.
"I'm fine, Shadowheart, really," you insisted. "I won't rip myself open again, I promise."
"I'll keep an eye on her," Astarion promised. "Nothing too...strenuous for her just yet." Something in his voice made you shiver.
She left the two of you alone. You looked first at the fire, then down at your hands, folded in your lap. Anywhere than at him.
You didn't even hear him move. You only knew he had when you felt him sit on the log beside you, one of his hands covering your own.
"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice soft. "I...am sorry I didn't visit you, it's just—"
"It's just that I threw myself at you when it looked like I'd taken a shower in blood and that made things a wee bit difficult?" you interrupted, the words spilling out before you had time to process that you were speaking. Embarrassed heat flushed through you instantly.
But Astarion only gave you that soft, slightly toothy smile. You drank it in, relishing his smile lines and the brief contentment on his face. "Something like that, yes," he said. "I was...worried I might hurt you if I saw you again and you still smelled so deliciously of your blood. I'm so hungry, darling, it's unbearable. All I wanted was to feast until there was nothing left of you, and I'd never forgive myself if I—"
"Stop." You held up your hand. "Please. I don't... Don't be so nice to me, it makes me feel like I'm on my deathbed."
Astarion laughed, throwing his head back. "I'd hardly call wanting to drain you nice, my love." Almost unconsciously, your gaze dipped to his exposed neck and you wondered idly what he would do if you were to bite him back.
Probably the strenuous activity Astarion had promised Shadowheart you wouldn't be doing.
He met your gaze, a sudden depth and seriousness in his crimson stare. "Stick with me, and you might soon be on your deathbed." Pointedly, he broke eye contact with you, letting his eyes drop first to your neck and then further down your body. You tingled, the feeling reminiscent of the anemia that had possessed your body in the hours and days after he'd drank from you.
You realized Astarion was waiting for a reaction from you, hoping for something more than your stunned silence. So you let your eyes drift across his body, resting on his mouth as you said, "Doesn't sound like a bad way to go out."
From the back of his throat came a sound that wasn't quite a growl or a groan, but somewhere in between, just as needy as either sound. "Don't tempt me, darling," he whispered. "I promised Shadowheart I'd keep you safe, and you certainly wouldn't be if I did everything I want."
Your heart skipped a beat. "Astarion..."
He closed his eyes, leaning toward you, releasing a tense breath. "Darling..."
"What if I want to tempt you?" You put your hand on his leg, sliding closer to him.
"Cheeky thing," he said, eyes opening in small slits. "But only when you're healed. I can still smell the blood on you." He sighed. "You have no idea how much restraint it takes not sink my teeth into that pretty neck of yours."
You frowned. "But I am healed," you said. "Just tender. Shadowheart wouldn't have let me leave her tent otherwise."
"I can't blame you for wanting me," Astarion teased, that familiar charm honeying his words, "but I've never been wrong." He cupped your cheek, his touch taking the bite out of his words. He offered you a small, sympathetic smile.
You put your hand to your abdomen, half-expecting to find that your wound had ripped open of its own accord. Your shirt and the bandage beneath it was dry—but a sudden twinge of pain, appearing only once it had been acknowledged, came from lower. You hissed.
Astarion sat up straighter. "What is it? Are you alright?"
"Shit. I think I've figured out why you still smell blood," you said through clenched teeth.
Astarion's eyes dipped to where your hand rested. "It's that time again already, is it?"
"It's early," you groaned. You stood slowly, regretting it instantly.
He tracked you as you moved, his gaze becoming dangerous and predatory. It was the look that had scared you when he drank from you, practically convincing you he wasn't going to stop. Still, his need for you burned through you like rum, its heat spreading through your belly.
"I didn't smell it before, not under all the blood you had on you," he said. His voice was deep, dark, dangerous. "But, oh, darling—I smell it now." He licked his lips and your stomach did flips that were neither pleasant or unpleasant. The hunger in his eyes was palpable
"I, ah, have to go. For your sake and mine. Um. So, uh, goodnight, Astarion. I...I'll see you when this is all over."
He stood up quickly. "Darling, do you need—" He cut himself off as you waved away his concern, crossing the camp to your own tent.
"No! Goodnight!" you called over your shoulder.
Astarion sighed. "...Night."
You avoided Astarion like the plague. Well, perhaps not, because while you never wanted to see the disease, you were always on the lookout for your favorite vampire.
You caught glimpses of him through the open flaps of your tent, sauntering by with a swagger you found unfairly attractive. You saw him reading on his own when Shadowheart helped you changed your bandages, his handsome face fixed in concentration. A few hours later, you heard him arguing with Gale about the very same book, which had apparently gone missing, and you hated the flutter in your stomach at the growl in his angry voice.
"Stop that," Karlach said, glancing up at you as the pair of you cooked, Karlach helping you roast root vegetables evenly.
"Stop what?"
"Mooning over him," she said, jerking her head in Astarion's direction.
Your body flushed with heat. "I'm not—"
"You are, and we can all tell, and you should just get it over with, but only if you mean it."
You frowned, tearing your eyes away from the blessed sight that was Astarion basking in the sun. "Sorry, what?"
Karlach sighed. "If you sleep with him—" You spluttered. "—it had better be because you truly want him and not because you're bleeding."
You blinked at her. "Karlach, of course I want him, you've heard me talk about him before this!"
"I know, I know," she relented, "but I have a feeling there's more to our vampire than meets the eye." She glanced over at Astarion. "Just...be kind to him, dear. He's more fragile than he looks."
You followed her gaze over to him. He was stretching, his arms lifted high above his head, undoubtedly oblivious to the two of you watching him. Want and need bubbled up inside of you, both clamoring for Astarion, agreeing that he would fulfill them both. The deep-seated lust you'd had for him since he'd first put a knife to your neck burned even brighter as the breeze that had been kicking up dust all morning played with the silver hair curling around his ears.
His nostrils flared and you knew he'd smelled you. He looked over at you and Karlach and you froze. She waved cheerily, then frowned at you when you didn't move. You swallowed harshly and went back to removing the scales from the fish in your lap.
"He doesn't like not being around you either, you know," Karlach said, returning to the task at hand. "He's always looking at you when you're not looking. You're perfect for each other like that."
"I don't want to make this harder for him by being around him," you said, glancing back over at him. He was watching you as he poured himself a glass of wine. Had it been normal circumstances, when you weren't driving him insane simply by smelling like blood, you would have teased him for day-drinking. "He's already so hungry, I'd only make that worse. It was bad enough I threw myself at him covered in his favorite snack!"
Karlach snorted. The sound of a light laugh floated over to you and you looked up to find Astarion smirking into his goblet. He beckoned you over and your eyes grew wide.
"Excuse me for a moment, Karlach," you said, clearing your throat.
Karlach followed your gaze and giggled. "More than a moment, dear. I'll come back later to help you finish this." She left the log you'd been sharing and you waited until she was in her own tent again before you jumped to your feet and practically ran to Astarion.
"Hello, darling," he purred. "Care for a drink?"
"I could go for a little," you said.
Astarion smiled, that rakish charm summoning warmth that spread through your entire body. "I hope you like red," he said, and put his own goblet to your lips.
You held his gaze as you drank. You saw his nostrils flare, his pupils growing large. You knew he could hear how your heart was racing, could smell your arousal mixing with your blood.
He pulled the goblet away from your lips and took another swig. You licked the red wine off your lower lip and heard the breath catch in his chest.
"You're starving, aren't you?"
"You have no idea," he whispered.
"I might," you said. "Thought I'd say it's a hunger of a different kind."
Astarion's smirk was so wide you could see his fangs clearly. "Oh, really, darling?"
You nodded, taking a step closer to him. He breathed in deeply. "We could help each other, you know. Satiate our hungers."
His eyes grew dark, trained on yours. "Is that so?" He raised his hand, nearly brushing your cheek, but stopped himself just before he touched you. "You'd let me soothe your pain by..." His gaze dropped to your waistline. "...eating from you?"
A tremor passed through you at the sound of his voice, deeper than you'd ever heard it, laced with a danger and a seduction you were embarrassed to find attractive. Your body was tuned to it, his words seeming to drop like a stone from your ears to your core, spreading fire through your veins and melting your organs.
Astarion took a small step closer to you and took your chin in three gentle fingers, tilting your head up toward him. For a moment, you thought he might kiss you then and there. "I'm going to need an answer, darling."
"Yes." You couldn't get the word out fast enough. It came out breathy, nearly lost on the wind still swirling between you.
He chuckled. "Well, then. You asked for it." He dropped the hand on your chin back to his side. "Once everyone else is asleep, come find me. We'll find a quiet place and...have a little fun."
Of all the nights, it had to be this one where everyone came to check on you before they went to sleep. Thanks to Astarion avoiding you like the plague when the two of you had become inseparable, your monthly bleed had become public knowledge. So practically everyone in camp came to you with solutions you declined, claiming to feel fine, even though your pain had worsened over the course of the day.
You watched Astarion slink off into the forest after the sun had gone down and waited until the others were sequestered in their tents, nearly an hour later, to pull your boots back on, stand on shaky feet, and follow the path you assumed he'd taken.
You had started to believe you'd taken a wrong turn somewhere when you heard his cool voice from behind you: "There you are. I've been waiting."
Astarion stepped out of the shadows. He ran his gaze over you, observing your slightly hunched stance, your hand on your lower abdomen. Your shoulders relaxed at the sight of him; he looked softer in the moonlight. The silver light fell across his curls and the statuesque panes of his face, somehow making that face that was so gaunt with hunger unbelievably beautiful.
He looked like a poet or a god, even in just the simple shirt he insisted on wearing around camp instead of the finer silks you knew he carried with him. Or perhaps it was the simplicity that made him so godly. You couldn't tell.
A frown graced his brow. "The pain is worse now, isn't it?"
You nodded. "Just a bit."
Astarion left the small hill he stood on and came closer to you. He offered you his hand. "Come on, dear, let me make you feel better."
You let him guide you away from the path you had taken and into a small clearing just a few feet away, conveniently hidden by thickets, trees, and tall grass. He stood aside, letting you take it in for a moment, as if waiting for your approval of the place. You looked down at the mossy ground and decided it would be soft enough.
"Well, this is nice," you said, seconds before you heard fabric rustling. You turned and blinked rapidly at what you saw: Astarion, his shirt now off and in his hands. You watched him lay it down where the ground was most level. Your breath caught horribly in your throat at the sight of the scar covering his back. You fought back the urge to ask, knowing it would only piss him off.
He turned back to you with a smile. "Your bed for the evening, my love," he said, gesturing to it.
"Oh, Astarion, I can't, I don't want to get blood on your shirt. What would the others—"
Astarion cupped your face in one hand. "The others will assume I hunted something and got messy," he said. "And I'll enjoy your scent while I have it."
Flutters in your stomach nearly brought you to your knees. You looked up at him, drawing in a tiny breath, and brought your hand up to hold the wrist that cradled your cheek.
"Please," you whispered, unsure of exactly what you were begging for but knowing what you wanted.
"Promise me you'll tell me if...I'm too much," Astarion said, and you got the sense he'd changed what he was going to say.
You nodded, whispering your promise, and wound your free hand into the hair at the nape of his neck, standing on your tiptoes to push your lips to his.
It was a messy first kiss. It was little more than teeth and spit, but it felt like heaven anyway, because his free arm was winding around your waist and pressing your bodies together, his leg sliding between yours. Bliss spread through you, starting at your core.
Astarion pulled away from you. "Someone's eager, isn't she?"
You whimpered and he stifled it with another kiss, softer than the first. He was gentle, more than you'd expected from a starving man. He cupped the back of your head and your hand dropped to his hip. You opened your mouth to him and reveled in the feeling of his tongue sliding against yours. He made a soft sound of satisfaction and pushed his leg up against your clothed core. You moaned loudly, your grip on him tightening. Need flooded you and your hips pushed down on his leg, finding relief in the pressure.
The two of you pressed your foreheads together, breathing heavily.
"Shh, darling, not too loud. You don't want the others to come investigate, do you?" His cheeky tone suggested he would love it if the others found the two of you like this—or, perhaps, further along.
You wrapped both arms around his neck and buried your head into his shoulder, heat burning through you, a mix of embarrassment and pleasure. You felt like there was a pendulum inside you, swinging constantly between wanting to slow down, afraid of coming off as too eager, and desperately needing him to get to it.
Astarion chuckled. "Don't hide, love." He smoothed his hand over your hair. "You do trust me, don't you?"
You kissed his shoulder and heard his breath catch. "With my life, Astarion."
"Are you ready?"
You nodded and he walked you over to his shirt and helped you to sit on it. He watched you lay down, his gaze falling your exposed neck. There was something more than hunger in his eyes; it made your breathing hitch.
Astarion crawled over you and placed his hand underneath your head before he kissed you. You draped your arm over his shoulders, holding him close to you, enjoying the soft touch of his lips against yours. It was chaste, as were the next few that followed it in quick succession, one after the other.
One hand slid down your body and stopped at the hem of your trousers. He tugged at the shirt tucked into them. "Darling? May I?"
"Please do," you said.
"Arms up."
He pulled the fabric over your head and tossed it to the side. He looked down at your torso from where he straddled your hips. His hands skimmed over you and he leaned down, pressing more gentle kisses to your neck and collarbones. Your body tingled with remembrance, practically yearning to feel his fangs sink into your neck, to feel your blood leave you with a burning that felt like intoxication.
"Astarion." His name was a breathy cry on your lips, and you saw how much he liked the sound of it when he looked up at you, a smile curving onto the lips still pressed to your skin.
"Yes, dear?"
You gently coaxed him back up to you with your hand on his chin. "Let me kiss you."
He smiled, brighter than the moonlight falling around you, and you pressed your mouth to his. He hummed happily into your mouth, a pleasant sensation that made you reluctant to break the kiss. But you did, kissing along his jaw and down his neck instead. You nipped gently at his neck, pulling a surprised laugh from him.
"Really, darling? Biting the vampire?" Astarion's eyes were sparkling with amusement. His face had relaxed into an easy smile. It was a good look on him; you liked it.
You giggled and placed another kiss over the bite. The pair of you rolled onto your sides and you peppered his chest with kisses, your arm wrapped loosely around his waist. You went back up to his neck and sucked lightly.
"So much for the others not knowing," he teased.
You looked at him through your lashes. "What if I want them to know?"
"Cheeky little thing," he whispered, dragging a finger down the side of your face. "As much as I love this—and believe me, I do love this—I can't wait any longer. I'm starving, darling. Let me taste you. Please."
Slightly subdued, you rolled onto your back. "Alright," you whispered, your chest tightening in anticipation.
Astarion climbed on top of you again. He undid the laces at the front of your trousers and slipped his hand inside them, moving slowly and keeping his eyes locked on yours.
The moment two of his fingers slid between your wet folds, your eyes fluttered shut and a happy sigh slipped from your lips.
"There she is," he whispered, his eyes half-lidded, as he worked you gently and slowly. You felt the blood and arousal gather on his fingers as he grew closer to your entrance. He dragged them back up to your clit and rubbed in a slow circle. You gasped, arching into his touch. Astarion giggled. "Oh, you like that, don't you?"
You wriggled underneath him, trying everything in your power to get more of his touch. He smiled down at you, kissing your cheek and cooing softly at you. If he spoke words, you didn't hear them, too lost in the pleasure he easily, skillfully, brought to you.
Without warning, Astarion plunged both fingers into your entrance. You moaned, grabbing at his hair. He chuckled, curling his fingers inside you. Whimpers slipped past your lips; you couldn't have controlled them if you tried, but you were by no means trying. His smile grew with every sound you made, and you wanted nothing more than to see that smile.
Just as suddenly as he'd pushed his fingers in, he pulled them out. You whined instantly but he shushed you and removed his hand from your pants. A small streak of blood was left on the skin of your stomach as he raised his hand to his mouth. You watched raptly as he licked your blood from his fingers, never once breaking eye contact with you.
He wasn't even touching you and the fire in your belly grew at the sight.
Astarion moaned softly around his fingers. You watched his deft tongue catch every drop of blood, thinned by your arousal, from his hand. He whispered your name in a whine and you let go of a long breath.
Once he'd licked his fingers clean, he bent down and yanked your trousers off your legs. You spread them automatically and he put one leg between them. He pulled off your undergarments and sat back, admiring your naked body with a satisfied smirk.
"Look at you," he whispered.
The need for him to touch you won out over the desire for him to keep staring at you. "Astarion." His name was a loud whine, emphasized by your writhing hips.
He chucked. "Needy girl." His hand returned to your cunt, his palm applying pressure to your clit while his fingers toyed with your bloody folds. His eyes practically rolled into the back of his head, the smell of blood so heady even you could smell it.
He teased your entrance for a moment and pulled his fingers back up, the tips of them coated in thick blood that looked black in the night. He sucked it from his fingers with a toothy smile, his fangs peeking out over his bottom lip.
You pushed your hips up enough to catch his eye. "Please," you whimpered.
"Alright, love, alright," he said. He put his hand back and slipped his fingers back inside you. Relief curled through you—as did his fingers. "I'll starve myself a bit longer for your pleasure."
You cupped his neck and brought his face to yours and kissed him fiercely. He made a surprised but pleased sound into your mouth and quickened his pace. You gasped against his lips and he ducked his head to your neck, kissing you quickly with every curl of his fingers.
You twisted your fingers through his hair, rapidly kissing the top of his head, pushing your hips up into his hand. He chuckled, his breath ghosting over your skin and raising goosebumps. You shuddered in his arms.
"I've got you," he murmured, sucking a light mark into your neck. You felt his teeth prick you and saw the shudder that passed through his body at the tiny droplets of blood that appeared.
He pulled away from your neck and curled his fingers just so. You groaned.
"Astarion!" you cried, throwing your head back.
He grinned and quickened his pace. You sucked in a deep breath, fighting back tears of pleasure.
"Let go, darling," he whispered. "I've got you."
Astarion looked back down at your neck. He locked eyes with you as he pressed his tongue to your skin, slowly licking up the droplets as they began to run down your neck. The combination of his intense stare and the movement of his fingers was all you needed; with a loud cry, you came on his fingers, your walls clenching so hard around him he could hardly keep moving them.
He chuckled. "That's it, dear, that's it." He cooed softly, helping you through it with his voice, his soft touch, and gentle kisses to your lips.
You were breathing hard when he finally pulled his fingers out of you. You whimpered at the slight pain but realized your cramps had all but disappeared.
Judging by the state of his hand, you didn't want to know how bloody his shirt was. It looked as though he'd reached into someone's chest and ripped their heart out; his hand was drenched and rivulets of blood ran all the way down to his elbow.
Astarion giggled at the sight while you burned with embarrassment. "Well, well, well. Someone's happy, isn't she?"
"So are you," you said, nodding to the bulge in his pants.
He grinned. "Well, what did you expect? You were quite vocal, my needy little thing." His eyes drifted back down to your cunt, lust curling through his gaze. "Tight and wet and utterly desperate for me."
He licked a stripe up his hand, his eyes fluttering shut. "Oh, darling, you taste good." He sucked your blood off of every finger, pleasure sliding over his face.
You smiled. "There's more where that came from."
Astarion raised one perfect brow. "Can you handle another little death?" he teased.
You nodded. "I can take a few more."
He chuckled and groaned at the same time. "Oh, my love, don't make promises you can't keep."
You met his gaze as he finished cleaning off his hand. "Believe me, I can keep it."
The vampire grinned. "Very well, then. I'll eat good tonight."
He kissed you chastely as he put his hand between your legs again.
Astarion brought you pleasure unlike anything you'd ever felt before as his fingers slid over your blood-slick skin, teasing your folds and entrance with a smirk, often just barely inserting the tip of his finger before pulling it out again and tracing over your clit and smearing blood across your skin. He kissed and sucked on your breasts, leaving darkening bruises and tiny scratches from his teeth, licking up the tiny beads of blood that sprung from each nick. He kissed along the line of scarring and stitches you had gotten from your injury, fading fast but still a reminder of what had gotten you on your back for him in the first place. Now that he'd eaten a little, he was intently focused on bringing you to the edge and pulling you back, again and again and again.
He worked another orgasm out of you and was on his way to coaxing out the third when you stopped him.
"Is it too much?" he asked, frowning. His unbloodied hand moved to rest on your hip, his thumb smoothing over your skin. His eyes searched your face, looking for anything to tell him why you'd stopped him.
You shook your head. "I need more, Astarion," you gasped, slurring his name into Astari. The unintended nickname made him blush. "I need more of you. Please. Please."
The smile returned to his face, cockier than before. "Oh, darling. I need more of you, too," he said, looking into your cunt and licking his lips. "I could just eat you up."
You spread your legs wider. He settled between them. "Please do."
He breathed in deep and his eyes practically rolled back into his head. "You're going to be the death of me— Ah. Well, you would be, if I was alive."
You frowned. "Would this even be happening if you were alive?"
Astarion thought for a moment. "Let's not think about the logistics," he decided and licked the drying blood from his fingers off your abdomen. Your body trembled. He lifted your legs over his shoulders. You squeaked and smiled at him.
"Lay back," he whispered. You obliged him.
Wet warmth touched your skin just above your clit and you glanced down at him, watching him slowly lick the drying blood from your skin. He kissed your skin as he cleaned it, leaving you covered in slowly darkening bruises.
You stared at the stars as he pressed a soft first kiss to your clit. You let out a slow breath and he began to suck, his lips closing around it, his tongue licking light stripes.
You pushed your hips against his mouth. "Circles," you whispered.
"As you wish," he said, his breath fanning over your cunt and making you tremble. He went back to his feast, licking in circles this time, and you let out a soft whimper. You reached down and he reached up, lacing your fingers together and squeezing your hand. You squeezed back.
He moved further down until his nose bumped your clit and his lips found your entrance. He moaned, the sound deep and guttural, at the taste of your blood. He lapped at your entrance, his tongue sweeping up the blood as soon as it collected there. You shuddered, your breaths coming in heaves.
Astarion kissed your entrance once before he dove in, pushing his tongue into your cunt. You gasped and he laughed and buried his face in you.
Through the pleasure, you wondered dimly how he was breathing (did he, as a vampire, need to breathe?), but the thought was pushed away the moment his splayed fingers on your hip dug into your flesh and pulled you even closer to his mouth.
The sounds you were making were obscene: your moans were loud and coarse, and your cunt squelched lewdly as he drank your blood and arousal. You felt filthy, aware that the mix was running down your legs and buttocks but knowing the vampire eating you out was enjoying you too much to care.
Astarion himself was quite vocal, moaning into you and making you shiver. He whimpered, whined, groaned, and keened, growing louder with every swallow of blood. He alternated between watching you writhe and squeezing his eyes shut in pleasure.
You watched his hand slide from your hip to his bulge. He palmed himself through his trousers, hissing in pleasure, and the sight was enough to send you over the edge for a third time.
But Astarion didn't let up. He lapped at you, sucking so harshly your pleasure bordered pain, until your legs stopped shaking and your breathing evened out.
He lifted his head with a grin. "How do I look?"
You looked at him and started laughing. He was the smiliest you had ever seen him, his eyes practically glowing, and the lower half of his face was covered in your blood. His teeth were stained red and sticky blood dripped slowly from his fangs. It ran down his chin in rivulets and splatters dotted his lower cheeks like freckles. Some of it was even in his hair.
"You're ridiculous," you giggled. "And a messy eater."
He snorted. "Excuse you!"
"It's all over your face!"
He sat up with a grin, licking his lips. "You mean you are all over my face."
Satisfaction curled through you. "Yes," you said, reaching for him. He took your hand again. "Yes I am."
He wiped his face with his hand and licked it clean once again. You reached up and wiped some off on your thumb, then held it out to him. He took your thumb into his mouth and sucked. Your heart stopped beating.
"Feeling better?" he asked you, lightly placing his palm over your abdomen, applying a little pressure, and rubbing gentle circles.
"Much better," you said. "Thank you. But, ah..." Your gaze drifted from his beautiful, if slightly pink, face and down to his bulge. It was just as, if not more, prominent now that he'd gone down on you. "What about you?"
Astarion smirked. "I like your enthusiasm, but don't worry about me. Not tonight, darling."
You frowned. "Why not? What if I want you inside of me?" You walked two fingers up his leg and slowly covered his crotch with your palm. When he didn't protest and his eyes fluttered shut, you gave him a gentle squeeze. He let out a soft moan through closed lips and tilted his head back. You kissed the column of his neck and bit down gently. You sucked—hard—and a rumbling moan came from his chest.
"Because," he said finally, drawing in a ragged breath. "Because that would be a terrible waste of your precious blood." He looked at you with half-lidded eyes. "When this is over, I promise you, you can have as much of me as you want." He pushed his hips into your hand and you gave him another gentle squeeze. He gasped.
You nuzzled into him and his arm wrapped around your shoulders, holding you there. "And what if I want all of you?"
The question hung in the air. He looked at you for a long time and suddenly you saw the fragility Karlach had mentioned this afternoon, which felt like years ago instead of mere hours. You reached up to cup his cheek and, though you were stark naked, the sexual desire in the air seemed to have disappeared.
"I want all of you, Astari," you whispered. The nickname made his eyes grow wide. "All of you, in every way, for as long as possible. If you'll let me. If you want me, too."
He whimpered, and the sound was broken. You hated hearing that pain coming from him. "I want you, I do, I just..." He closed his eyes and you were suddenly very sure there was a darkness, a secret, he was trying to hide from you. You were certain it had to do with his vampiric master he'd so often complained about. "I'll try, my darling, I'll try for you."
You sat up on your knees and cupped his face in both hands and kissed him. You didn't break the kiss once as you pressed your body against his and held him tightly. You felt the scar on his back and wanted to ask but didn't, letting him keep his secrets for now.
His arms came around you, cradling your back and holding you tight to him. The kiss became a long-lasting hug, the both of you burying your heads in each other's shoulders until Astarion pulled away from you, a smile on his face. You returned that smile and sat back on your heels.
His eyes trailed over your body again. There was a note of nervousness in his voice as he asked, "Darling, would you mind...touching me again? I could use some relief."
You grinned. "Of course, my love. All you had to do was ask."
Relief crossed his face. He leaned back as you trailed your hand from his shoulder, down his chest, and back to his bulge. You tipped his head back with your free hand and kissed his neck while you rubbed him. He pushed his hips into your hand, sighing blissfully, and your hand was in his trousers in seconds. He grew loud, thrusting his cock into your hand with a power that surprised you.
"Take what you need," you told him, your voice hushed, your lips directly next to his ear. "Help me give you what you want."
He whimpered, your name a broken cry from his lips, and he cuddled into you as he came. He buried his head into your neck, hiding his eyes and barely holding back grunts. As his thrusts grew weaker and you slowed your hand on him, you felt hot tears on your neck and wondered what this poor man had been through that he hadn't yet told you.
You removed your hand from his pants and he immediately wrapped you in another hug, one strong enough to knock you down and knock the breath of you. You held him as tightly as he held you.
When Astarion at last pulled away from you, his tears had stopped but his eyes still shone with them. He kissed you softly.
"Thank you," he whispered. "I... Thank you."
You brushed some of his hair from his face. "What's wrong?"
He shook his head. "Nothing. You were... It's just that no one has cared about me during sex in a very long time and...you did. So...thank you."
You took his hand and squeezed it. "Oh, Astarion," you cooed. "I always care about you. Like this or otherwise. You could stop this right now—or before it even began—and I wouldn't have stopped caring about you."
He smiled. "Oh, darling. I love the sentiment, but I'm not done with you yet."
Astarion kissed down your body and laid between your legs again. He licked another stripe up your cunt and you saw the coating of blood on his tongue before he swallowed. "Shall we try for a fourth? Or perhaps even a fifth?" He raised his brow, leaving the decision up to you.
You laid back. "We'll try for as many as you'd like," you said.
He bared his teeth in a feral grin. "All night it is!"
You woke up the next morning sore and alone and with very little sleep.
Astarion had been relentless and stopped only when you simply couldn't take it anymore and he was practically drunk on your blood—all without making you bloodless and woozy. When you had finished for the final time, he had cleaned you up, helped you back into your clothes, picked up his own shirt, and walked you back to camp. He was so gentle that you didn't even mind the teasing about how you limped.
Dawn hadn't been far off as you each went back to your tents after exchanging a final, solid kiss. So you woke to the sound of everyone else beginning their day just a few hours later.
You felt the soreness in your core before you even moved. Biting back a sigh and not regretting it one bit as you pictured Astarion's happy, bloody face, you rolled over and hoped your recent injury would be enough for the others to let you sleep in.
You were wrong.
Shadowheart opened your tent a few minutes later with a urgency that made you jump.
"What? What's wrong?" you asked, blinking blearily in the bright sunlight.
"Are you alright? You never sleep in, you're always up making breakfast!"
You groaned. "Is that it? Are you just hungry?"
She peered at you. "Are you hurt? Did your wound reopen?"
"What? No! I'm fine, I'm just tired, that's all! I have lost a lot of blood recently, in case you forgot."
She sighed. "Oh. Alright. Well, just know the others are worried, too—Astarion especially."
You remembered how he'd checked in on you last night and had asked if he'd hurt you at all when you'd returned to camp and wondered if you had worried him by sleeping in. Suddenly you were grateful the others could chalk it up to his not-so-secret crush on you.
You dressed and hid the light bruises on your neck and collarbones in a high-collared shirt. You only noticed you were walking with a slight limp still after you'd left your tent and made your way across camp.
Karlach called your name and was at your side immediately. "You're limping! Are you hurt? Do you need me to fetch Shadowheart?"
You blinked at her. "What? No. I'm fine!"
"You don't look fine," Gale said, a few feet away, looking up from the book he'd been engrossed in for days. "Did you hurt your leg the other day? Or have your stitches ripped?"
"My, my," said a suave voice behind you. You turned and found Astarion grinning like a cat. "You do have quite the limp, there, darling. Are you sure you're alright?"
You huffed at him, your body remembering his touch immediately, his ghostly hands sliding across your skin. "I'm fine, I promise. Now hush and someone help me make breakfast."
Both Karlach and Astarion sat with you, Astarion very close to you and giving you a smile you couldn't help but return. Karlach stared at Astarion like he'd grown two heads, her gaze flickering between the two of you. She gasped very suddenly.
"Not a word," you hissed at her, knowing she'd figured it out.
Astarion smirked.
"And nothing from you, either," you added. "You're the reason I'm walking like this, you bastard."
He smiled sweetly at you, catching the fondness in the words. "And I gladly will be again." He took your hand and lifted it to his mouth, kissing it. Your eyes grew wide.
Karlach squeaked.
"You know nothing," you told her. "At least for a little while."
"Yes," Astarion agreed. "At the very least, tell Shadowheart nothing—I broke my promise to her to keep our dear girl from doing any strenuous activity."
You turned red and Karlach groaned, "Not before breakfast, please!"
Astarion opened his mouth—undoubtedly to say something about how you were technically his breakfast, based on the hour you'd returned to camp—but you moved quicker than he could speak. You grabbed him by the collar and yanked him toward you, kissing him heartily to shut him up.
A heavy silence settled over camp. You cracked one eye open and found the rest of your companions staring at the pair of you, mouths agape and eyes wide.
"Oops," Astarion muttered, sounding rather pleased.
You cleared your throat. "I, ah, I've been meaning to tell you all. Honestly."
Gale heaved a sigh. "How much do I owe you, Wyll?"
Your jaw dropped open. "You placed bets?!"
"Alright, you bloodsucker," Wyll said, holding his hand out and waiting for his payment from Gale. "You win."
"Yes," Astarion said, and you expected him to be wearing a smirk infused with his charm, his triumphant eyes on the others. But when you turned to him, he was staring at you, a dopey smile fixed on his face. "Yes, I did."
☞ ❊ ☜
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Baldur's Gate 3 // Astarion Acunin
part 2 (Sweet Like Wine) {here}!
Taglist: {comment and let me know if you'd like to be added to the Astarion taglist!}
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
MCYT ; they have a very obvious crush on you
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu, & quackity
warnings ; language
y/s/n = your ship name
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constantly donates / talks through tts when you're streaming alone
TommyInnit donated $10!
"Tommy, stop giving me money, just use TTS"
only uses tts when you tell him to each and every time, it's routine
if he's streaming when you compliment him, chat always points out his red face to both of you
"shut up chat! I'm not blushing. you guys suck"
after a while he gets invested in the shipping
"if I open wattpad and don't see three new y/s/n fics I'm gonna lose my shit, guys"
"Tommy, Tommy, check ao3"
"I found one and it actually looks good!"
reading fanfics on stream (with permission of course and being light on the jokes and whatnot)
you and Tommy make your own fanfic too
he gets your friends to read it on their streams too 💀💀💀
literally every bit he writes is something he wants to do with you
such a hopeless romantic
always doing you favors
never saying no to you
"yes sir/maam!"
always donos on your streams while speed running or playing horror games to tell you good luck
it rlly isn't a stream wo one of their donos istg
chat always asking where he is during one of said streams
editors go CRAZY with the misfits vlogs & tom simons vlogs with you two in them
the chemistry???
you react to / watch each sorry boys episode on stream when they come out
editors go crazy with your compliments to ranboo
they do too 😭😭
giggling and kicking their feet cause they're so funny to you
he's literally head over heels bruh
gives u free merch and stuff
he's usually nice/full of compliments but he's so extra with you
claims it's for the bit
lets you dye his hair
ylyl streams with him constantly LMAO
he wrote your name on his bi flag for some reason??? when you ask about it he just says "why not?" and you shrug it off
always helping you pick out clothes and shit when thrifting/shopping
always has to find a pair of sunglasses for you I swear
constantly asks his viewers to edit you guys
it's become a part of your relationship where he clearly has a crush on you but you can't tell if it's for the bit or if he's serious so you never say anything
the tom simons vlogs w you guys go hard
especially the ylyl irl with ran, tommy, charlie, james, and billzo
same with the ylyl american version w jack, tommy, james, harry, etc
editors and fanfic writers have field days with those
just straight up making out as "friends" for the bit????
even Tommy is confused and he's been supporting Freddie through the dumb shit he's been doing
supports the fanfics
he honestly reads them
if you catch him doing so he says he's just interested and he might read it on stream for funnies
"accidently" sends you free merch nearly every drop
qsmp streams are never complete without you guys flirting or going on a date
basically old karlnapity but you guys on the qsmp
qsmp y/s/n streams go so hard, they're literally the best
cellbit, roier, and jaiden officiating your fake wedding
qsmp y/s/n edits and fanart went crazy
youre like "guys no fanfics or edits of y/s/n, only if hes comfortable with it, I don't want you guys to weird him out"
and hes begging people to make the fanfics, the fanart, the everything
daily tweets of "guys send me more y/s/n fanart" or "any good y/s/n fanfic recommendations??"
cellbit always replies to those tweets with some long ass dictionary ass response to fuck with you two
fitmc of all people makes you guys a little tumblr oneshot.
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uchihaharlot · 8 months
Oooh! Thirsty requests? Don’t mind if I do 🤭
I love the Uchiha men! (Duh) So, what is their favorite sex position that really does it for them, really gets them going and busting the fastest and hardest? 👀💥
Ok what the fuck, this is hawt and it took me mere seconds to formulate exactly which positions the boys instinctively bust.
NSFW; afab; holy fuck this is hot and I haven’t even drafted it 🚨:
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Madara: Riding him for the first time.
• This man’s sole purpose is to spread his seed like peanut butter, preferably within his wife’s spongey wet cunt.
• Top/Bottom is never an option for debate, she’s either taken by surprise bent over something forward or underneath him. Deliciously tormented with his rough and abrasive thrusts. Madara does not allow such luxury in the way of her desires. Even if she is endlessly pleased, something is missing.
• If his wife manages, and it’s a risk. To get on top of him…Madara won’t even know how to cope with the shift in power. He is so unpredictable as it is, the urge to maneuver her submissive to him is strong, but falters.
• Seeing her enjoy him this way, like actually enjoy it more than usual…is provocative and endearing. Though sex is usually overstimulating with him — copious amounts of hours in bed laid to the mating press. She had back sores once, but those were always soothed. He’s not a complete hooligan.
• But he is a heathen, so in this regard Madara definitely takes the opportunity to actually acknowledge her body’s many appealing angles. Differences on her soft supple skin are highlighted in the dimly lit bedroom. They reflect and make his head spin, red orbs elicit for the first time and she’s under the scope of his sharingan. It’s new and invigorating and one touch of a soft breast with rough hands makes her moan out his name for the first time ever. Both of them are deliriously overcome with the slightest touch.
• Oops. He shoots his shot too soon after hearing his name. 🫥 He wants to disappear in that moment, Madara can’t cope…sensing a pattern here? But it was so good, and she is undeniably beautiful. Purebred Uchiha, like him. Maybe if he was more….sensual and less of a brute? She would garner this reaction next time?
• This brings me to a bonus point with Madara, lol. The second position he comes fast would undoubtedly be his favorite, damn his wife for having a voice that cradles soft moans onto his left ear, for the second time he comes fast. Barely three minutes in.
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Obito: Making out while sitting in his lap.
• 🫠 I don’t want to embarrass this man, but my fucking head just — cannot not go there. Sweet summer child thought that giving head was making out the first time he heard the phrase (at 14 no less).
• So he won’t tell her he is a grown ass virgin, but he really doesn’t need to. Obito acts with hesitation below that of a wet blanket when alone with his s/o. Shaky here and there, the surprised gasps he makes when her lips feather kisses like spring rain to his lips. Obito is besotted. Wholeheartedly leaking like a faucet in his slacks.
• I want to give this man the benefit I really do, finding it hard to keep it….yea no. They’re not even at that point of business when Obito let out stifled sound between a moan and low grunt. All she did was grind into his throbbing cock. 🫡 Ships sunk, and like with most; the captain goes down too.
• This woman, bless her heart as well. Has the patience of a god. She will make some cute pun about needing to check his briefs more thoroughly and Obito is so fucking flustered; ommggg. It’s unfortunate that he’s picked up on coping skills from Madara. He too, wants to hide.
• Divine, Obito thinks this of her. Taking his sad floppy manhood, which is covered in his premature cum as he watches her slurp him in his mouth. Making some pun about how wasteful but that she forgives him if he makes up for it.
• Will suck until he is hard again, which is not even thirty seconds. Obito also, like most Uchiha men, is subjected to his eyes. Red spun pearls capture her gaze as she sits in his lap on the recliner. This has always been a dream! It’s happening!
• Then it isn’t, no. Not really. Not again! His s/o is not even the slightest bit surprised when Obito starts to pulse within her. She’s barely sunk her self silly on his fat cock.
• ‘It’s ok, Obi. Just means you’re really excited for me.’ Hnngggg, that didn’t help and neither did the slow up and down motions or her hips rolling. Obito couldn’t decide if he was cumming — maybe dying? He was moaning sure, in her mouth and goddamn she was filthy in that moment. ‘Good boy…every drop.’
• No question about it, he was already finishing before the words left her lips to his in a searing kiss.
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Shisui: On her stomach from behind.
• Brb. Internally and externally exploding at this idea. Shisui is so sweet, sensual with his partner(s). The king of making any woman wet his bed like a geyser.
• Definitely prefers eye contact positions — in his lap is a close second to finishing first. Where he can grip your hips and thighs, but if there is no time to spare. Oh, he knows his own defeat and how to unleash it.
• The second this woman is flat on her stomach, Shisui eagerly slips between her swollen folds. He’s got her legs shut and cages her entire body with his muscular frame. Having mercilessly devoured her like a five star Michelin three course meal prior, she’s beyond the realms of pleasure. This is the promise land.
• This Uchiha, too, transcends the first drag in and out of her warmth. So slick, cramped. A warm hug for his cock. Shisui would think it’s a game to hold it in, but that won’t be possible.
• As if the confines of her weeping cunt weren’t enough, it’s the sight that he dials in at and shamelessly data bases to his core memory. The image alone of watching his cock emerge just to disappear over and over again sends Shisui spiraling — whimpering usually.
• Shisui is a man of precision, ok? Not in this position though. He’ll get sloppy and plant an assortment of kisses and light nips to her back and shoulders just as he spurts the last remaining drops of Uchiha essence inside her.
• Lastly, when he slips out — still half cocked, Shisui doesn’t rock anything less than a semi. He will place his thumbs on either ass cheek, speading them open to see his cum leak out her gorgeous sanctuary he makes home to his seed.
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Itachi: Front spooning her in the morning.
• Usually I write Itachi on the side of inexperienced and new. Not today; this man can be deplorable in bed and has some rather… nifty kinks. Though today we will focus on what makes Uchiha Itachi a ten second Tom.
• Also an Uchiha who adores eye contact. It’s a must. Every aspect of her body is unique and imprinted to his front temporal lobe. Some of it mundane, majority of it not.
• Itachi is an early bird (heh). So is she, and with that goes the saying — the early bird gets the worm. Or gives it. Seeing her in the throes of sleep, soft, serene and just down right beautiful. He’s down bad, rocking that good ole’ Hashirama hard as a rock morning wood. Itachi will think he’s going to make an everlasting memory, but the second his s/o opens her eyes he’s just so desperate.
• Yutakas are are simply one of the best articles of clothing. Comfortable, stylish and elegant — with a side of easy access. Itachi makes haste to disrobe them, while making to push her on her back…
• While his s/o all on board for being his pillow princess. This morning she hikes a leg over his hip and gives him a kiss so severely wanton, Itachi slips through drenched folds and gently rocks into her. Cradling her closer to his chest.
• More intimate than intimate, Itachi usually strides for ‘slow and steady’ for an everlasting experience. Today she’s insatiable. The whimper his name tumbles through subsequently has Itachi rutting harder and faster. Once those delicate muscles wrapped around his cock start sucking him in and swallowing him does he realize it’s only been about two minutes.
• Two minutes is not enough, but if she’s coming, so is he. An incredible group effort by them both. Itachi pants in her ear as their respective orgasms feed pleasure to one another.
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chernabogs · 6 months
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Inc: Malleus (/Reader later on), Reader/Prefect, Lilia, Silver, Sebek, Ace, Deuce, Grim, and a lot of fae who should not be in this dimension yet somehow are. Wc: Roughly 9k (Currently sitting at chapter 2/23). Warnings: Violence, reference to war, kidnapping, rituals that fae allegedly did in mythology (wild), psychological horror, body horror (not until much later), and the boys are fighting... a lot. Relies heavily on ancient Celtic and Welsh lore (Tam Lin, Thomas the Rhymer, and Oisin I owe u my life) Summary: Your first encounter with the fae was not in Twisted Wonderland, but rather on the coast of a village your grandmother once lived in—where stones bit into your bare feet and the water poured into your lungs as you were pulled to a world so different from your own. It was by cunning alone that you managed to escape, having since pushed those memories aside. But the fae do not forget—not even when you cross dimensions once more—and as Beltane looms, the time for collecting is near.
Chapter 1 (Prologue) below the cut. Check out the work up to chapter 2 here!
I saw their starved lips in the gloam,
With horrid warning gaped wide,
And I awoke and found me here,
On the cold hill's side.
-  La Belle Dame sans Merci, Keats
19??, Dunhill, Ireland. October.
There is an unsettling truth behind the superstitions we hold. After all, why else do we face horseshoes upright, or close our blinds when the sun begins to set? We did not learn to play mute when we hear our names get called at night for no reason, nor did we discover on a whim that blackbirds circling are harbingers of ill outcomes.  
Your grandmother was a woman of superstition. Because she lived in Dunhill, Ireland, you very rarely had the opportunity to see her growing up. This didn’t mean that you weren’t occasionally shipped out to arrive at her doorstep for a few weeks at a time over the summer months.
Your memories of her appearance are mostly flashes of the few moments you saw her. Knotted joints on her body, silver hair hidden behind a headscarf she always wore, and the way her shoulders would stoop with each shuffling step she took. What you remember more vividly was the way she acted when the two of you went out. Her trembling hands—Parkinson’s, you think your parent may have mentioned—would always press an iron nail into yours to put in your pocket before you departed.
“They like to wait on the coastlines,” she had murmured when you asked why she gave this to you. “And they’ll like you the most.”
She would not offer any further information, nor would she let you out until the nail was securely tucked away. Despite how slowly she would move on your many walks along Benvoy Beach, you never once failed to miss the way her sharp gaze would always be fixated on the unruly seas beyond.
She dies when you’re ten years old. Her funeral is a vivid affair. Your grandmother’s humble home has been transformed into a centre of traffic within a matter of hours since her passing, barely giving your family a moment to breathe despite catching the red-eye flight earlier that day. People you have never seen before shaking your small hand and offering their condolences. The strong fragrance of unknown flowers and cheap perfume fills each room, suffocating out any last semblance of your grandmother that may have still lingered. It feels more like they’re spitting on her memory than honouring it. You know your grandmother—she is, was, a quiet woman, and not one for all this pomp and circumstance.
Perhaps this is why no one notices when you sneak out and down the rocky hills.
You slip on several rocks and scrape up your hands really good by the time your feet hit the familiar sandy beach below. With the way the sun is beginning to set, the waters seem to be a wine-red color, swirling in their chaotic fervour to reach the earth you stand on. You pause to take several breaths before kicking your shoes off and stepping forward into that hungry sea.
Your parent will be furious at you for dirtying up your formal garb, but this isn’t at the forefront of your mind right now as your eyes slide shut and you stretch your arms wide. You feel the wind rush along your body and the fragrance of salt overtake you as you spill your grief into the vast waters, letting it mix and swirl into that abyss for a moment of catharsis.
It’s when the wind carries the scent of something pungent that your eyes snap open again. The foulness is brief, and for a moment you write it off as simply a byproduct of the ocean, until it returns again stronger than before. It smothers the brine and has your head turning to look around for the source. You look over your left shoulder at the empty beach around you. The sun continues to set, and your gaze tracks the path of a gull flying overhead before you look over your shoulder once more.
This time, someone is waiting.  
There is an unsettling truth behind the superstitions we hold. The reason why we are scared of things that try to look like us, why we try so hard to ward them off, is because we know that anything that wants to be like a human certainly has no good intent in their heart. This is the case for the figure you see standing on the beach.
They’re wearing the same dark funeral garb you had seen the others in your grandmother’s home wearing. A wide-brimmed hat sits upon their head to conceal most of their features, although you can see scarlet hairs peeking out, and their hands appear to be clasped behind their back as they stand stoically ahead. Despite the winds that bite at your cheeks, not a single scrap of fabric on the figure’s body moves. It’s as though they’re cut from a painting and placed in real life.
You both observe each other in silence. You can feel your body locking up as your mind chants to you wrong, wrong, wrong, over and over again like a mantra. Your right hand drifts down to your pant pocket—you did not take a nail with you before you left the home.
They like to wait on the coastlines, and they’ll like you the most.
Your breath catches in your throat.
The figure smiles—black, sharp, and not quite human. 
Something in your gut tells you to run and you, even as a rebellious child, do as you’re told. Your body twists around to scramble towards the rocks as your feet slip in the wet sand. You completely discard grabbing your shoes in your haste to get away, fully accepting the agony that the stones ripping into your soles will bring as consequence.
You don’t get very far. Whatever is on the beach with you is far quicker than you will ever be. Within moments of you turning, its cold fingers dig into your shoulders. You scream—cry—as the figure leans down and the pungent aroma of rotting fish emanates with each breath it exhales. You thrash and twist in its grip until you face each other, and you lock eyes with her.  
She looks exactly as she did the last time you saw each other. Same knotted limbs, same silvery hairs, same stoop of her shoulders.
She stares down at you. The wind whips the loose strands of her hair around her face, and her eyes are the cloudy blue of the dead as something begins to claw in your mind. You watch as her thin and cracking lips form the syllables to your name—but it’s lost to the roar of an ever-cacophonous sea. The ground surges up around you, wrapping thorns—thorns? —around your legs. They bite into your skin, draw ruby gems from beneath your frigid flesh, and when you lift your head again, your grandmother merely continues to wear her blackened smile at the sight.
You cry out once more, but just like your name, your pleas are stolen away by the winds.
Everything lasts all but a few moments before the sea finally reaches what it has been clawing for. 
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p-redux · 3 months
So, you always screeched about being right, well you were proven wrong today. Shippers have finally the proof of SC kissing at the Paramore part of the Taylor Swift concert. Right there in public. Like a couple.
First of all, I don't screech, I growl, like the lioness that I am. I'm a Leo, after all. 🦁 Secondly, um, you mean, this? 👇 😂🙄
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Those are screencaps from a video of the Outlander cast at the Taylor Swift concert last week in Edinburgh at Murrayfield. Apparently, the few remaining Extreme Shippers, who are holding on to their barnacle-ridden, long-sunken SamCait ship, have been given a life boat and think the ship is sailing again due to this. First, let me get this out of the way. HAHAHAHAHA 🤣😂. OMG, desperation, thy name is SamCait shippers. Sadly, there is a fairly new account on Tumblr that is led by an OG shipper returned from the bottom of the ocean to galvanize new shippers into thinking Sam and Cait are actually a secret couple. Try to keep up with the times, people, that's SO ten years ago. And, the Taylor Swift concert video is now being used as "proof" that Sam and Cait decided to finally "out" their "secret love" very publicly at a Taylor Swift concert of all places. Again, HAHAHAHAHA 🤣😂. Lord. You can't make this shit up.
Here are the screencaps lightened up and defined. 👇
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Close ups. 👇
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Um, this looks like a cheek kiss to me, or even Cait leaning in close to Sam to tell him something, since the concert is obviously very loud.
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Regardless, Cait was also kissing Sophie Skelton and John Hunter Bell. Is she in a secret relationship with them as well?
Here's the actual video. 👇 Of the Outlander cast, Sam is the tallest male there, Cait is the tallest female there. It's obvious they would stand behind everyone for most of the concert so that their costars could SEE. If not, they would have been blocking them. Duh.
Sam and Cait have known each other for 10 years. They are good friends and costars. They have a bond via their shared experiences on Outlander. In addition, they've fake f*cked onscreen for 10 years, they are a wee familiar with each other. And as I've said MANY times before, most actors are not like you and me. They are a different breed, they are touch-feely, and flirty. That's just the way it is in showbiz. That DOES NOT mean they are a couple in real life. Why must I have to keep explaining the OBVIOUS over and over again?
When I watch the video, ALL I SEE, is two friends and costars having fun together. But because Extreme Shippers have been waiting for Sam and Cait to "finally reveal their relationship," like it's the Second Coming of Christ or some shit, THIS video will now be used as "proof" that Sam and Cait "came out as a couple at the Taylor Swift concert." And it will become shipper canon forever more. Along with all the other LIES Extreme Shippers leaders have sold to their unsuspecting minions. Soooo, for those who are new to Outlander and stumble into shipper blogs, and get persuaded by the blurry videos, manipulated gifs, and general bullshit, here is my REALITY CHECK for you.
Here is a very clear gif of Caitriona Mary Balfe kissing her ACTUAL, REAL HUSBAND, Anthony Gerard McGill aka Tony McGill on the lips in front of an audience and on live television at the Irish Film and Television Awards. 👇 click to watch
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Here are the screencaps from the video gif. Look at that smile and those heart eyes 😍 Cait gives Tony before bending down to kiss him. 👇
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Always remember and never forget, THIS is REALITY 👇Tony + Cait #tait
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I hate to post a pic from Cait's father's funeral, but it's to prove the point that Cait would obviously attend her father's funeral with her HUSBAND, Tony. And she even took their son. Even Extreme Shippers should have a hard time explaining away Cait's mother and sister standing right next to her in this pic. But, of course in ES' pea-brains the mum and sister are in on the charade. Boy, TPTB's budget must be HUGE to be paying off not only Tony, but also ALL of Cait's family to hide Sam and Cait's "secret marriage." 🙄 That's sarcasm, btw. 👇
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For the past TEN YEARS, I've posted SOLID PROOF showing the real relationship is Cait and Tony, not Cait and Sam, but here's an old post of mine with a summary. 👇 I get that the MAJORITY in the fandom know that Cait and Tony are married and know their marriage is real. But, clearly, given the amount of Anons I got pointing to "the video, the video!," some of you STILL need a reminder of REALITY and FACTS. 👇
So, quit sending me Asks about the video, or "how can a married woman cozy up to her costar that way?!" Easy, she's an actress and he's an actor, and they're friends for ten years, and are comfortable together. Simple as that. Nothing to see here, folks.
Go back to the shipper corner of Tumblr to live in delusionland. On this side, we like to bask in the glow of REAL LOVE. And that's TAIT, not SamCait. Now, shoo...
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Every time I hear people try and explain the "right" and "wrong" ways to write an OC, I always think about Trunks.
If you aren't familiar with Dragon Ball, let me explain this absolute "trainwreck of an OC" to you.
So, Frieza's this impossibly powerful bad guy. He's over a thousand times more powerful than everyone else in the cast and it's only possible to defeat him because Son Goku, halfway through the fight, fulfills an ancient alien prophecy and becomes a legendary once-in-a-thousand-years godlike avatar of his people.
At the very end, thanks to this miracle taking place, Goku defeats Frieza and disappears.
The next arc begins with Frieza showing up, having been resurrected as a cyborg offscreen. Goku hasn't returned. Thankfully, this mysterious boy Trunks arrives. A Saiyan character with purple hair even though all Saiyans have black hair, no exceptions. Also, he has a sword. Nobody in Dragon Ball uses weapons but he has a sword because fuck you, that's why.
Trunks reveals that he has also fulfilled the alien prophecy. He's the other person, never before mentioned, who possesses the once-in-a-thousand-years godlike avatar of his people powers. He instantly shitstomps Frieza without breaking a sweat. Like, it's barely even a fight. He takes Frieza apart comically fast.
Then Goku shows up to give him a pat on the back, whereupon Trunks proudly announces that he's the time-traveling offspring of a ship between two characters who haven't even spoken to each other once in this entire series thus far, one of whom has been in a committed relationship with someone else since the very first arc of the story over a decade ago and the other of whom is a villain.
And. And I cannot emphasize this enough.
This is the single most popular and beloved character in Dragon Ball. People went nuts for this guy. He checks off just about every single box on the "Do Not Write Characters Like This" checklist and everyone loved him for it.
So. Like.
That's something I think about whenever I see people complain about OCs that have weird hair and weird names and are too powerful and inexplicably related to canon characters and stuff like that.
Y'all went nuts for it when it was Akira Toriyama writing it. So maybe those characteristics aren't as bad as popular opinion likes to make it sound.
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matchadobo · 9 months
Hot sexy welder here!
Could i get uuuuh headcannons kid or killer with a fem reader trying to woo them with her crafting skills? Like bringing them little handmade trinkets or stabby doodads?
Please and thank you 🙏,
A very down bad welder
KIDD & KILLER; gifts
wc: 1264 warning/s: suggestive in the end but completely sfw! fluff?? steamin?? this is my first time writing for a 2 person x reader kinda thing so forgive me if it sucks </3
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"have you seen captain? killer-san too?"
you had gone around the victoria to look for kidd and his vice captain, frantically asking each face you see for the two. even the rookies who were too scared of you and the boys were in daze as you held a crate of overflowing contraptions you made over the week.
"why? gonna court 'em with that?" heat teased with a bastardly smile on his face, reaching over to touch the trinkets in the heavy crate.
it had been a known FACT around the ship that you have a MASSIVE crush on the two of them. though kidd and killer know it too, they never shut your feelings down nor ignore it. it's not the first time you've brought over some trinkets you made.
you pulled them away with a raised brow, "don't touch it! i didn't make 'em for you!" you stuck your tongue out. "and yes, i plan to give it to 'em. got any problem?"
heat surrendered with his hands leveled above his chest. "absolutely not, ma'am." he cleared his throat before finally answering your question. "but i think they're in kidd's workshop, they're planning shit for the next island."
"thanks! now, answering properly isn't so hard, right?!" you nudged him goodbye and strolled to the last room in the hallway.
you knocked a few times, waited for a while before the bickering stopped, and saw these two towering men welcome you. except that kidd has a scowl and killer has his mask on.
kidd placed his human arm at the top part of the door frame (that's how tall he is ☹️) and leaned down at your height. "what's so important, buttercup?" there was a hint of irritation in his tone, but you're used to it. you knew he wasn't annoyed, in fact the shift in his gaze from you to the shit you're carrying proved his curiosity.
killer peeked over kidd's shoulder, giving you a wave to which you smiled back at him since your hands are full.
"i brought gifts!" you beamed, trying to lift the heavy crate you're carrying. killer saw you struggling so he stepped over to carry them for you.
"gifts? last i check christmas was in the 25th, name." killer skimmed through the crate, one hand carrying the bottom of the crate, to which you were absolutely struggling on with two hands, while the other shuffled through the pile of metalworks.
"it doesn't have to be christmas to give gifts, okay? i was just..." you fiddled with your fingers. "working on something for a long time and i wanna give it to you guys."
"you love givin' shit to us that much, yeah?" kidd reached over to ruffle your hair as you looked down to try and hide your blush. "come on now 'ere inside, shortcake. let's see what you got."
as you three get settled inside, the two have began to rummage through the crate of your handiworks. "so, love it, huh?" you broke out, anticipating their reaction.
"you really wanna fill up my shelves with your shit, aye?" kidd lifted a ballerina you made from nuts and screws, it spun with the lever attached on its base when it was pulled by him.
killer played with the cars you made, wheels spinning with oiled up nuts. "don't keep them all to yourself, kidd. i'd want some of the cars too."
you were between them as they examined each trinket you made, you held stuff up for them as you showed how each of them works. they've selected those they want to keep for themselves, praising the way each piece was constructed.
"you really amaze me with these, name." kidd started, taking the miniature globe you fiddled with. "tell me somethin', why do you keep making this for us?"
both of their eyes were fixed on you, earnestly anticipating your answer. your cheeks felt hot and you felt so little under their gaze. as a member of the kidd pirates, you're used to feeling little around towering men in the crew. your crushes are two meters for fuck's sake! but you never felt so overwhelmed by them at this moment.
"don't get us wrong, name. i personally love these!" killer exclaimed, giving you a nudge. "it's just that... you do these things for someone more than once and it starts to mean something else." killer shifted in his feet, the blue in his eyes peeking through the holes of the helmet.
"like what?" you raised a brow. alternating gazes between the two men. "what kind of message does it give?" you crossed your arms, getting closer.
"name," kidd responded, getting one step closer to you. "i know you and how you don't give a fuck about anything else that you don't care about. these consistent things, these gifts and baubles, you take time in them, cooped up in your room. and don't get me started on your lingering gazes, alright? we're not fuckin' blind, sweetheart." he finished with a grin.
"so tell us," killer started, now both of them were too fucking close to you, you can smell their colognes that fucked with your brain too hard. "is this your way of confessing and saying i love you, princess?"
there was silence. and for a moment, you thought the world had stopped spinning. you cleared your throat because it felt like shit got stuck on it. "what if i said yes? what if i said i do love the living shit outta the both of you it drives me fucking insane and the only way i know how to say it is by flooding the both of you with stuff i make when i think about the you two and i can't do anything about it because making these bullshits is the only way i know how to express myself, okay? then what will happen, huh?" you frantically monologued, word-vomiting everything. once you realized what you had done, you felt all the heat in your body rise in your head and you suddenly felt lightheaded.
"i'll tell you what'll happen, i'll pull you close like this." kidd grabbed your wrist as you crashed in his embrace. "have you in my arms. tell you that i feel the exact-fucking-way. and this, is the part where i kiss you." he leaned in close pressing his lips to yours, that's where your heart fucking stopped and your breathing became irregular. his lips tasted like rum and raspberry, the latter taste must be from the lipstick you gifted him back then.
"come on now captain, you're not the only one she confessed to, right?" killer interrupted. "give me a chance to say i love you too."
kidd smiled through the kiss, pulling away. "you okay with being shared?" he joked as you got even redder before he handed you to killer. "make it fast, i might not contain myself and make out with the both of you."
killer first removed his helmet, you've seen him before without it but god was he like a goddamn greek god with those eyes and cheekbones. killer held you by your waist while his other hand was at the back of your head under your hair, "i'm gonna kiss you now, that okay?" he asked, searching for any denial in your eyes but all he saw was utter anticipation and need. you nodded, closing your eyes. his lips tasted like peach and whiskey.
it was sublime. you didn't sleep in your bed that night and let's also say you three did other things than sleep.
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hellooooo thank you for introducing yourself 🌷 hope this is okay for you?? i realized why not both?? both is good?? LMAO I LOVE THIS SM THANKS FOR THE REQ 🥰
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Reaction to episode 1 of season 2 of CME
Spoilers below the cut
The way the episode started with those cops that we don't know and then Emily's "I have" introducing her??? Amazing. Chills.
The way she just waltzed in and slowly and calmly detailed things about the killing that the cops didn't know yet was BEAUTIFUL
Penelope's birthday!!! (Still sad I didn't get to watch this yesterday ON my birthday, but whatever)
Ooh okay I thought that that snippet of Luke and Penelope was from BEFORE the start of the party but clearly it's after if everyone is already there
JJ and Tara being "mad" and Luke for whatever he just did and him being all cheeky and braggy WARMS MY HEART I MISSED THESE PEOPLE AND I LOVE THEM
"What is wrong with you?" "What is wrong with me? *gestures to Penelope* what about her?" I LOVE THEM
"I might have what I said tattooed to my body" "oh i dare you" "how dare you dare me?" the flirting is STRONG with these two
The banter!! The jokes!! I love this scene so much!!
Penelope actually calling Luke by his name will never NOT make me smile
Oh no. A soft little moment with Penelope and Dave? I might cry
"This was good. You seem good." "I am. *kisses her cheek*" yep i'm crying
Tara and Penelope being concerned for their dad Rossi
Luke checking on his dad Rossi
Me 🤝 Penelope getting texts from our exes on our birthdays
"Put it away" I like how he's more direct with her now. Calls her out when she's wrong.
"I said I didn't wanna know, you were right the first time" yes luke stand your ground!
Luke looking SO ANNOYED when she asks him to dissect things with her JEALOUS LUKE MY BELOVED (if this were a romcom movie this would be where Luke just grabs her face and kisses her) (@lklvz i know what we're discussing at a later date)
"Oh god I'm doing it. Why am I doing that?" YES PENELOPE. STOP THAT LINE OF THINKING.
"I am moving on. Eyes on the prize." her saying that TO LUKE is driving me crazy. Yes, Penelope move on. Eyes on the prize. THE PRIZE IS RIGHT NEXT TO YOU.
Their eye contact and semi-wordless communication and everything ahhhhhhhh Garvez is so real
I wanted them to have a cute little moment where they reach for the same thing and their hands touch
Luke, from a different room: Put it away!! I LOVE THE WAY HE KNOWS HER???
Tara and JJ were there the entire time??????? they just let them be alone???? they're trying to jumpstart their ship with forced proximity
"You're HOT" JENNIFER JAREAU?????? The Jara shippers are going feral and the Jemily shippers are unsure about whether to cry or cheer, and my Temily self is weeping
"A hot mess is the term that you are searching for." Tara Lewis I am in love with you.
Tara talking about her gf 🥰 (Emily)
"Definitely not a book" i am GAGGED
Emily texting Tara "12:30. My office." Temily is real.
"we need to talk" emily i think the word you're looking for is make out
Is "we need to talk" temily code for "lets go smoke on the roof???" love that
Tara and Emily teaming up, Tara being the only person to know what's up with Emily, all of this is so good for my heart.
how did rebecca's hair change that much in "two weeks" lol
oh she just handed off the file to Voit. Lovely. Not that I'm surprised.
"good book, I hope" HE WILL NOT LET IT GO
Elias showing off his acting skills. He is good.
"What the hell is Gold Star?" Luke I am hoping you're lying
Temily pitching a case like the wives they are
Rebecca Wilson you are one of the worst people i have ever met
Rossi and Emily fighting feels so weird to me
Bertoli's wife being killed to punish him and hurt him through survivor's guilt reminds me of Luke and Phil
aaaand bertoli shot himself. can't say i'm surprised.
it was LUKE'S idea to get Tyler's help????
Emily asking if Penelope has any objections and then Penelope LOOKING AT LUKE
why do i have a weird get feeling i'm gonna like tyler this season. or maybe at least just hate him less.
Penelope not that you should be trying to impress tyler, but if you ask Luke if you look good, well, yes is the answer.
"my cats are my boyfriend" something tells me Penelope listens to "Karma" by Taylor Swift
Luke's overly fake voice greeting tyler I LOVE HIM
Luke baby i know you hate the mans guts but YOU INVITED HIM IN (this scene is hilarious tho)
*to penelope* "I'm happy to see you again." *to luke* "you, not so much" I'M CACKLING
"What, me? Oh you are missing out." I LOVE HIM THIS IS GONNA BE SO GOOD
Her thanking Luke for sticking up in that conversation. Garvez. Is. So. Real.
Rebecca is so hot and cold with Tara I hate it.
JJ you know all about being forced to confess something while being held against your will, don't you
the way Garvez are being put together in EVERY. SCENE.
Yes Penelope! Yell at him!
Putting Tyler and Luke side by side in a frame only makes me more sure that they're making them similar on purpose. Almost the same outfit, badge in the same spot, similar hair style and facial features
"Who wants first crack at him? *points at Tyler* and not you." the comedy is back and i am loving it
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yaut-jaknowit · 2 years
YOUR MXM REQUESTER IS BACK AGAINNNN. I’m literally in love w your works fr, like whenever I have nothing to do I’m taking my ass over to your blog to read😭 you’re a wholeass blessing fr
Okay so my mind started working again, like imagine the reader just over all being a tease the whole day and in the evening his Yautja mate walks in on the reader touching himself later on which leads to smut:D?
What We Do In The Night
Pairing: Mai'tuiudh (Male Reader) x AMAB Reader
Warnings: breeding kink, size kink, teasing out in public, knots, masturbation, being caught while masturbating, cum eating, talk about cum, thigh fucking.
Word Count: 5662 (whoops, my hand slipped...)
Summary: A new question. What would happen if you teased your mate while on the mother ship? You're in front of his peers, touching him throughout the day. He can't do anything in return. Not when there's other watching. Wait until he get's back from his meeting...
Author Note: Welcome back! Glad to have you! I'm so glad you are liking them. I have to say, I'm slightly out of my element when it comes to MXM stuff but I do like a challenge. I'm loving them so much as you can clearly tell by the 11 page essay I just wrote, lol. Throw some more at me!
Many eyes were on your form as you strutted through the halls. Mai has taught you to ignore them, don’t give them energy to taunt you. Over many visits, you’ve gotten use to the stares and eyes. It no longer bothered you. To be honest, it made you want to try something that Mai has whispered to you before. The Yautja have little shame on what humans call disgusting. It’s taken some time to get use to seeing naked forms along the crew.
They have no reason to shy away though. Their frames are athletic and toned, just like your partners. Straight up hunters that loved the hunt. Most do, at least. From what you’ve heard, others prefer science or mechanics. Those are the similarities to the humans that you considered. There are things between your two races that are completely different then there’s those before mentioned ones.
Your feet were taking wide, quick strides to keep up with Mai’tuiudh. With how fast he was moving, he seemed to be on a deadly mission. To where, you have no idea.
It’s rare to be on the mothership. Mai hated to be here. By the looks of it, the other Yautjas felt the same towards him. The stares, glaring, and scoffing are any clue. You feel like it has something to do with you to being together, but it doesn’t matter to you.
Yet, the elders call upon him to physically check in and report his findings. Mai listens to them. Well, he has to or be hunted down by an Enforcer to be brought back. Mai’s told you this has happened once before. Some Yautja named Dai’stbaen dragging him here to answer to the elders.
The stares don’t go away as Mai plops down on the bench. A bowl of some sort of noodles in front of him. It wasn’t the first time you’ve seen him eat noodles. But it was quite strange yet funny to see. You join Mai next to him and leaned into his side. The Yautja doesn’t move and lets you stay there. There was a little coverage with the table. The others around have finally returned back to their food and tablemates. This was your chance.
A grin grew on your features. Your hand nearest to him rested on his bare thigh. The muscle barely twitched as Mai used chopsticks to pick up some noodles and bring it to his mouth. Said hand started to slide up towards Mai’s torso. This time, you felt Mai’s stomach flex against your side. Good boy, is what you wanted to say but you were in earshot of company.
Once the noodles tangled on the blue Yautja’s mandibles was consumed, Mai released a growl-chuff at you. “What are you doing, little bug?” he questioned, keeping a hand on the bowl and the other grasping the chopsticks. Mai wasn’t going to stop you though. The skimming of your palm felt wonderful against his skin. “Think wisely.”
Poor choice of words. You were thinking of all things you could do to him while he couldn’t do anything. Mai has a taste for touch outside of the bedroom but won’t full on take you in front of company. Such a gentleman. You continued to smirk as your hand reached the hem of his short-shorts, then pushed underneath.
Mai’s skin was set ablaze against yours the closer you got to his core. The Yautja squared his shoulders, attempting to keep any noises to himself. He tried. That’s all that matters in the end.
Later in the day, when the ship was calming down, the two of you found yourself in a sparring room. Other Yautjas were working on their form and whatnot. All of it was enticing but your eyes were kept on the blue Yautja stretching. Mai was bent at the waist, touching his fingers to his toes. You licked at your lips and secretly shifted your twitching dick. How could anyone not want to be ruined by him and his glory? If anyone said no, then they are complete liars.
Your Yautja swiped at drop of blood hanging from his lower mandible with a long tongue. The things Mai could do with that muscle. One’s you’ve experienced countless time. God, just thinking about him was probably alerting the Yautjas around about how horny you were for him. Who cares though? Not you as he walked over to you.
The waterskin in your hand was offered to the sweaty alien. Said being took it from your gasp. As he drank, you placed a hand on his stomach, feeling it flex. That limb skirted over Mai’s crotch, loving the way he tensed and almost choked on his drink. Mai was quick to cap the waterskin and grasp your hand. Yet, as the giant stared into your eyes, he couldn’t tell you to stop. Not when he felt his cock stir within his sheath. Damn this ship.
“What’s the matter, love? Cat got your tongue?” you jestered, palm resting over his crotch. If he didn’t need to show at least a hair of restraint in front of his peers, Mai would’ve had you face down, ass up. The feel of you wrapped around as he stroked your cock. Paya, save his damned soul.
His former sparring partner called to him, asking if they were going to continue. He wished he didn’t have to. He wished he could walk straight out of this room and take you somewhere private.
Maybe he’ll just use your mouth, teach you lesson. Especially, when you’re touching him like that. It’s going to be difficult to focus now. It was all your fault.
The two of you stood in front of the door, a soft smile upon your lips. Lips that Mai wanted to bite as you looked at him that way. The way that captured his sight, his mind, his focus. He couldn’t help placing his hands on your hips and drawing you close.
The heat of his body made your lips press together, eyes sparkling with mischief. Your own hands started at his lower torso then skimmed around his sides then rested on the swell of Mai’s butt.
Said being’s mandibles clicked against one another. If only Elder Foq’oz hadn’t called upon him. He wouldn’t have to leave you. No, he could push you into his dwelling and take you against the door. No eyes could see, but everyone within the vicinity could hear how good he fucks your ass. Then, he would knot you, pouring his seed deep within you. You would keep it there, being so good for him. Afterwards, Mai would carry you to the large bath and take you all over again. He would happily seed you continuously through the night.
His cock’s tip started to rub against his shorts. The friction and smell of you made him keen silently, slightly bent over you. Mai let his tongue slither out to taste the air, eyes drifting shut.
Or, he could take you here. Quickly. Quietly. There would be eyes, much to his dismay, but you’re his. Yet, the Elder would be infuriated to learn why he was late. Mai would receive some sort of punishment by said Yautja. Not that he was against them… he didn’t want to be away longer than necessary from his mate.
“Prepare, little ooman,” he rumbled into shoulder before standing tall. In the air, Mai smelled his own dai-shui lingering. A short shower wasn’t going to get rid of it, as much as he hoped. He’ll have to bear what words the Elder will throw at him. All for you.
At his words, you cocked your head, brows furrowed. “For what, babe?” you requested, hands moving to Mai’s front and slipping underneath his pants again. Your Yautja rocked his hips forward, sweltering penis sliding against your hand. Paya, you were going to be the death of him at his stage. The way you touched him. The way you felt against him just like this.
“Pauking be ready when I return, ooman.” Oh, you knew you were in trouble now at that point. All you could do was smile innocently up at him. Mai growled softly, ending it with a keen. He used a hand to wrap around your neck and simply pin you into the door. “You will not leave my room in the morning. You will be full of me before day.”
Your dick throbbed in your pants. Since your grave has already been dug, who cares if it gets deeper. “Is that a promise or a threat?” One limb drifted north to tweak at one of Mai’s exposed nipples.
Mai’tuiudh had a strong urge to bite you on your neck. Maybe that’ll teach you a lesson. Knowing you though, there’s a chance it wouldn’t work as well as he wanted it to. His grip tightened on you, claws pressing into your skin. “Consider it a threat and promise. It won’t matter though. You’ll be far too cockdumb to know.”
This time, you gasped, hands stilling. God, he knew how to get your blood going. Well, his presence already did that. Yet, you kept a cocky look on your face. “Good. Now, be a good boy and run along,” you shooed him away.
His hand slammed into the pad next to the door. This action caught the attention of many eyes around. Their head snapped to the two of you. They watched as the Yautja shoved you past the door and it closed between the pair. The heavy scent of a horny male in the air. Many just rolled their eyes at the smell before carrying on.
You stared at the sheet of metal blocking you from Mai’tuiudh. Now, you could release the façade, fingers already palming at the tent growing within your pants. Shit, that alien knows what he’s doing with you. His words, smell, being, they drove you crazy when he did things like this. Yet, you had to wait until he came back to get what you want.
An idea came to mind standing in the entrance. It was the honest truth you’ll have to wait until Mai gets done with whatever he’s doing to get knotted. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun while he’s away. Now, you can imagine the sight of him walking in as you played with yourself.
Hand wrapped softly around your hard cock, precoma weeping from the tip. Maybe one of your many toys filling your ass, barely comparing to Mai’s impressive cock. It could just be there until he will.
The pants around your waist did nothing to hide the tent growing within them. Your blood rushing to your hardening cock. Your back rested against the closed door as a hand wrapped around yourself, softly stroking.
Images of past encounters with your lover played behind your eyelids. Every time ended with you knotted on him, dick twitching deep inside of you, filling you with his seed. The back of your smacked against the door, a low moan breaking the quiet air.
All the things Mai has done to you over the course of the time you’ve spent with him. The touches, the words, the emotions. By god, you love him. The Yautja may not say those exact words, but you knew he felt the same as he bared himself to you. He’s been vulnerable to you so many times before.
He’s treated you right this entire time. He cares about you. He’s kept you in his thoughts. Yes, there’s been disagreements, but fuck. They’ve always been resolved. He loves you, words or not. Through and through. When returned back from wherever he’s been called to, he’ll take care of you completely. Someday, you feel you should return the favor full heartily. God, what has you brain done to you?
The question should be, what has Mai done to you? Here you were, back against a door, hand now down your pants to stroke at your dick. Dirty, downright sinful thoughts spilling through your mind. All you wanted was Mai to walk in and see you fisting yourself as you moaned his name.
That made you push off of the door and take unsteady steps towards the bedroom. The trek was long and difficult. Your legs wobbled underneath you at each footfall. All your thoughts were focused on the mental image of you being pounded into by Mai. All you had to do was wait and be good, be prepared. You had a full understanding on what teasing the Yautja in front of his kind could do.
Out in public, Mai stays conservative. He’s respectful yet firm. You aren’t allowed out of his sights when in crowds. Though, this may seem demeaning, he will make you hold his hand the entire time. If that’s not possible. Like for instance, grabbing credits, he’ll force you in front of him, pressed up against him.
At that thought, you wanted to be skin to skin with him. Sweaty bodies moving with each other, each seeking pleasure in the other.
The concave bed covered in pelts and a couple of blankets felt like heaven. Past memories surfacing once more to remind you what’s to come. Your hand didn’t leave the confines of your pant as you laid back. You let loose a moan when you squeezed the base of your cock. That’s what Mai’s going to do to you when he returns. All the things he’s going to do… You wondered what position he’s going to fold you into when comes back. Maybe Mai won’t even take you in the bed. The wall could work, show off how strong he is as he holds you up easily in his arms. Or the bath; you riding him till he knots you. Mai stroking your cock in rhythm. You bit your bottom lip, hips stuttering against your hand.
How can you even think straight with those thoughts? To be honest, you probably weren’t thinking straight at the moment. Mai consumed your mind.
The drag of dry hands didn’t feel the best. You reached over to the low table next to the bed. When it came to Mai, he always has lube nearby at the thoughts of you. One way he shows he truly cares about you. Always on his mind too.
After retrieving the bottle of lube and a toy, your pants were pushed off of your legs and thrown off to the side. Your hardened cock rested against your stomach, leaking precum, tip pink and flushed. It jumped when you skimmed slick fingers over the underside. You whined at the feeling and did the same thing again. Mai’s rough fingers would feel so much better. Patience was key right now. All you had to do was wait somewhat patiently for his return.
The toy earlier mentioned was slicked up with the same lube. You rolled onto your side, hiked up a leg, and nudged the tip against the tight ring of muscles. After countless times with Mai, he’s been able to loosen you up to make it easier for the two of you. Yet, it never hurts to prepare yourself for him. He did say to do that before he left you panting and hard against the door.
You softly cried out as the plug was pushed into you, slowly opening you up. Your bottom lip was bitten again at the pleasure spiking throughout your body. This caused you to start panting, jaw hung low.
Then, the thickest part of it was pushed fully and nestled perfect inside. Your only free hand went immediately back to your cock and started up a decent pace. Your body stayed on it’s side as you stroked, eyes starting to roll back into your head. Fuck, this wasn’t the greatest. The plug did little to fill you the way Mai could. It made you hungry for more. Yet, you guessed it was the idea and possible feeling that had you whining in the empty room.
It was far from silent now in the bedroom. Soft cries, whines, and moan echoing back at your needy form on Mai’s bed. You buried your nose into the pelt and took a deep breath. There. There was his grounding scent woven into the blankets. Your dick twitched, more precum coating the tips. You used the palm of your hand to corkscrew the tip. “Mai!” you whimpered, other hand clawing into the bed.
The muscles in your lower torso tensed, preparing for the upcoming orgasm. Your hand sped up, tightening its hold. Your mind is starting to go blank, besides the only thought on it was Mai. “Pl-ease, let, let me come, baby,” you begged to a figure who wasn’t here, to an empty room.
Your balls tightened, drawing up into your pelvis. Your arm growing tired at the speed but didn’t dare stop. Not when it was right the- “What do we have here?”
Over the white noise in your ears, you heard a voice gravelly speak. The concentration was dropped, hand stopping at the tip, eyes shooting open to find the origin.
In all of his glory, Mai rested a shoulder against the doorway, arms crossed, and eyes locked onto you. His long tongue slipped between his inner jaw to taste the air. You watched as his burnt orange eyes expanded.
All you could do was lay there, panting and not daring to move. The male finally pushed off of the door frame and marched straight over to you. Now, you turned onto your back and started to crawl away from him. That didn’t work.
Mai simply grasped an ankle and tugged you back to him before forcing you onto your front. One hand pinned your neck down into the bed while the other lifted your hips up. The shiny blue butt plug now exposed to him. The Yautja purred lowly, thumb touching the plug before hooking a claw and lightly pulling on it. It moved only an inch inside of you, but you moaned, hands grasping at the pelts again. “Mai,” you cried out his name with him here.
“If you didn’t tease me since this morning, I would be praising you. But you don’t deserve my good words now. Not when you have me wanting to breed you since you touched me out in the hallways this morning.” Mai pushed on the plug now, gaining the same reaction as before. “Do you know how hard it was not to push you into the floor in front of other people and knot you right there? I know you would’ve sound so pretty, begging for my knot and to bred you.”
The touch on your lower end was removed. Only a cool breeze ghosted over the hot skin he had grazed over. “You would’ve loved that. Huh? Seeing all those larger than you watching you getting bred by one of their own? Maybe you would’ve let them have a turn with you?”
This time, you whine in disagreement. “No, no! All yours. All yours. I want you, love. Please. I’m only yours.”
From behind you, where you couldn’t see, Mai smirked proudly at that. The belt around his thick waist was removed, thrown off to the side. Green pelt shorts followed shortly after.
A shiver raked the Yautja’s body, his cock meeting the air, slick and pulsing with need. Mai knew the elder could smell his arousal when Mai entered the room. As much as Mai should’ve felt embarrassed, he didn’t. Instead, he wanted the meeting to be over the moment it started. So, he could come back here and fill you with his cock. Patience is a hunter’s virtue. One a struggled with since he was a child.
“You know how to please me, little ooman,” he grumbled, letting his hand return back to your butt. He squeezed one of your cheeks. Patience. His prize would soon come to him in time. Instead, Mai rested his heavy cock on your tail bone and rutted against you.
From the smell and sight of you, you were ready to come. He could tell when he entered the room you were about to. But Mai ensured you wouldn’t.
Like all the times before, the Yautja leaned down so his mouth was next to your ear. His body curled over yours, easily covering you like a big blanket. The hand on your butt moved to slither around your torso, taking up so much space. “Are you ready for me?” he softly whispered. You felt your cock jump, slapping against Mai’s arm. He smirked at this and licked a stripe behind the shell of your ear.
A whimper sounded in the back of your throat. “Please, love, fill me. I want to feel you so bad. You don’t understand.” His chest vibrated your spine, traveling through your body. You sobbed at the feeling on your weeping cock.
“Oh, but I completely understand.” Mai lifted his upper body off of you before maneuvering you into the position he wanted. You were still in bed, plug removed. Now though, he was sitting with you straddling his thick thighs and waist. Your knees couldn’t even touch the pelts below. All of your weight is resting completely on him now.
A heavy amount of lube had been used on both of you. To the point you felt it rolling down your legs in beads. Both of Mai’s hands were resting on your hips, thumbs touching each other in the middle of your torso. Your aching cock pinned between. It leaked precum, sliding down the length. You were so needy for him, needing to come all over him. Your own way of marking him in return.
Mai simply lifted you up, your cock sliding against his toned abdomen. You reached back to grasp his dick and guide it to your entrance. The Yautja purred as you did so, easily keeping you up.
When you pressed the tip in, Mai’s purr stuttered with a growl. He tensed to stop himself from rutting up into you at just the feel. No matter how many times he enters you, it makes him feel like a newly blooded Yautja getting his first female. This was a hundred times better than that though, making it even harder not to pin you underneath his large frame and take you. You made him feel this way.
He allowed you to control the speed at first. Your comfort was first in his book. He enjoyed the slow slide of you coming down on his penis. The way you would stop, rise up only to fall further. You squeezed the life out of him the further you went down. Then, you finally met your hips against his. His claws bit into your skin at the feeling.
“God, you fe-el so good, love.” Your hand skated down to wrap around your cock. A mistake. Mai grasped that limb and pulled it away.
“Mine to touch. Not yours,” he demanded before releasing the hold. You whined and rested your forehead against his pec. How could he deny you when he’s filling you so perfectly. His knot wasn’t inflated but you could still feel it pressing inside of you.
The Yautja rumbled a laugh at your reaction. Poor little ooman, waiting for him to knot. He waited though until he felt you fully relax against him before lifting you up. The way you sobbed into his chest had him already wanting to hear more. He pulled you back down until your hips met again, beginning a slow but hard pace. One that had you panting and pawing at him.
Low curse words spilling from your lips at the building pleasure. Pleasure that had you already on the edge from earlier. Oh shit. You were going to come so quick. There was no stopping if he kept this up. What would he think of you? Such a needy little thing, already spilling your cum on him?
It took a little effort to even think of the words as the band in your stomach tightened. “Mai, Mai… mmm. I’m gonna come. Let me. Please. I wanna. Please,” you begged to the large alien fucking his cock into you.
Said being couldn’t help the smirk from growing on his mandibles. What you had said already confirmed his suspicions. This was the cause from you playing with yourself earlier. He couldn’t deny the fact you were making him feel so good. Though, if he was truly thinking, he probably would’ve stopped to let the orgasm fade away. You deserved it after teasing with all those touches all day.
His mind already recalling your subtle touches against his thigh as the two of you walked through the hallways. Many of his kinds eyes were on you, watching. Yet, you didn’t seem to know and carried out feeling him up. He knew the others could smell his growing musk for you. He can’t blame the mating season. There’s a couple of months till then.
After that one, you had taken a seat on his lap, pressing into him. Mai easily read the way the room tensed at this. Some Yautja had looked away while others couldn’t stop staring. As much as Mai hated it, he returned the pressure on them until no one dared to look at them.
Then later on, you had pulled him, off guard, into an empty hallway and backed him into the wall. This caused the Yautja’s eyes to bulge out, lower jaw slackened as he watched you feel him up. Mai couldn’t help his head throwing back and body pressing up into your hands. You ate that up happily.
Or when you slipped your hand into his pants while he talking to an old friend. He nearly choked on his spit when your fingers slipped across his slit. Said friend gave him a weird look but carried on until Mai had to remove the two of you from the equation. You were giggling the entire time, unable to quiet down. Damn, you were proud of yourself.
Usually, now would be the time for revenge. With the way you were squeezing him, calling his name, begging for him. How could he deny you that sweet, sweet release?
Mai angled his hips towards something he knew would make you keen just for him. When the tip of his penis slammed against that special spot, you gasped, nails digging into his flesh. “Fuck! Do that again! Please! Again,” you pleaded with him. You were perfect like this.
One of his hands moved to grasp your weeping cock and started a pace that matched his own. If you were going to come this early, he’s going to milk it for what it’s worth. “Come, little ooman. Come on my hand, now,” he snarled as he felt you clench around him. He had a bit of stamina left in him so this wasn’t the end for him just yet.
You cried out hard, his name falling from your lips. The band in your stomach snapped, balls drawn tight. Your cock throbbed within Mai’s hold, white cum shooting out across his torso and hand. Your shaky hands slid up to grasp at his shoulders. “Good boy,” the large predator grumbled, hips not once faltering, over the white noise in your ear.
Once the feeling of cloud nine started to fade away slowly, your body slumped against his chest. You felt your cum touch you but that was the least of your worries now. Your own heaving for air. One of Mai’s hands petted down the length of your sweaty back. You relaxed, eyes drifting close.
Until the uncomfortable feeling of overstimulation started to creep up your spine. You whined incoherently at him, hands pawing at him. This gained his attention to stop, one hand forcing your chin to look up at him. Concern bubbled deep within those burnt orange eyes of his as they searched your own. “Are you okay?” he was quick to ask yet didn’t dare move in case he somehow injured him.
“Too much,” you slurred, eyes watering. Mai was relieved at that. He hadn’t hurt you. An idea was quick to come to mind instead.
Mai leaned down to lick at your cheek, a way to give you kiss. “I’m going to pull out, okay?” You hummed with a head nod. To which, Mai followed through with what he said he was going to do.
It wasn’t painful as he slipped from you. Instead, it made your softening cock twitch with need. You whined at the feeling, softly digging your nails into the flesh of his shoulders. “You did so well for me,” he whispered into your ear after he fully pulled out and kept you seated in his lap.
From this position and what part of your mind that had returned, you took notice on how hard and the lack of a knot… Mai hadn’t come yet. That wasn’t fair. You weren’t about to let that go. One of your hands reached behind you to grasp at his aching cock. The Yautja groaned, hips jutting up into your grasp, but he was able to snap out of it and stop you. He was going to take care of you, not the other way around. “Rest, little ooman. You did so good.” Mai brought up his cum coated hand to his mouth and licked it out. The taste is different from his own in all the good ways. His cock jumped at the taste but you weren’t able to at this moment.
“Mai, you hadn’t come yet,” you stated like he didn’t know it was the truth.
“I’ll be fine.” That you disagreed with a whine and shook your head.
“No. Use me. Wait-“ an idea came to mind “-use my thighs.” Mai’tuiudh’s eyes pinned at that, hold tightening on you.
Over time, your thighs have grown stronger but still have a velvety feel to them. Maybe you did have a good idea. “Are you sure? I don-“
“Fucking use me.” Your wish is his command.
Mai maneuvered you the way he wanted, showing off his strength during the moment. Now, you were on your back. Both of your legs up in the air but your thighs pressed together, slick between the two. Again, lube is your best friend when it comes to Mai’tuiudh. You loved him but not a day of sex goes by without said bottle.
“Ready?” he questioned. One arm was wrapped around your knees, keeping them together. His hand holds his throbbing, weeping cock. No words came to you. Instead, all you did was nod your head. One hand rested on your softened cock. The feel of it there made you shutter.
Once he got the confirmation, Mai lined himself between your thighs then pushed forward. His eyes rolled back into his head. He wasn’t going to last long. The course of the day weighing him down. You were weighing him down. The sight of your small form below him, pauked out, willing to let him use your legs for his pleasure.
A low growl sounded in the back of his throat. You smiled, dazed, up at him, palm and digits wrapping around your cock. There wasn’t a chance to get another orgasm out of you but the pleasure was always welcomed. “You gonna come, big boy? Gonna come all over me? I’m gonna smell like you then, if you do,” you teased lowly.
Start talking about marking and scenting, that’ll get Mai’s gears going. It’s the perfect thing. Said Yautja’s hips faltered their beginning pace already. A low hum sounding in the back of your throat. “Hmmm, yes you are. You always look so handsome when you do. Gonna let me see that again. See you cover me in your cum.”
This time, you heard Mai’tuiudh whimper, hold tightening while his other arm came for support around your legs. You reached down with your free limb. Each time the top portion of his cock speared between your thighs, you caressed him.
Then, an idea came to mind.
The limb holding your dick lifted it up to rub against Mai’s each time he thrusted forward. Pleasure shocked throughout your entire body, causing you to gasp and tense. “Come, baby. Come!” you called out to him like you were in charge. As if.
Mai’tuiudh’s eyes narrowed, hips brutally slapping against yours like he was possessed. All you could do was lie there and watch as your gorgeous Yautja fell apart above. The strong, mighty have fallen to the likes of you, about to come at the feel of your thighs. “That’s it. You can do it.”
A roar echoed around the room. Mai slammed his thighs against the back of yours. A stinging sensation ran up them but you pushed that off to the side to watch as your Yautja came.
Large spurts of cum shot out from the neon green tip of Mai’s beautiful cock. The strength it had had it landing on your face. You were happy to lick what you could off of it, all while keeping eye contact with him.
He was quick to bend over and lick a stripe off of your face for you. Then, said tongue pressed against your lips. You allowed him entrance and tasted him.
When the two of you pulled away, him hovering over you, eyes peering into yours, you leaned up to place a chaste kiss on his lower mandible. “You looked so pretty when you come, babes,” you teased the Yautja.
“I should be the one saying that to you. Specially covered with my seed.” You giggled with a soft smile. Mai leaned back up, large body kneeling before you. “Now, why don’t I clean you up?” You happily agreed with him, letting the Yautja lift your body off of the bed. One thing you liked being on this ship was the bath. This ship wasn’t that bad in the end.
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turtletaubwrites · 8 months
I Want to Live ~ Part 24
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Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader, Sanji x Fem!Reader, Robin x Fem!Reader, Sanji X Robin
This is part 24 of the poly series 'We've All Got Needs,' linked below:
Word Count: 4386
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Ao3 Link (Ch. 14 of We've All Got Needs cont.)
!!SPOILER WARNING!! Spoilers for the anime for the Water 7/Enies Lobby arc (through episode 278).
Summary: The assault on Enies Lobby begins, and you fight alongside your crew to find rescue your archaeologist. You'll do anything to get her back.
Rating/Warnings: AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Polyamory, Canon Typical Violence, Blood, Pet Names, Swearing, Angst.
A/N: Sorry for the wait on this one! This is a big moment, so I wanted to do it justice. I hope you enjoy it!
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Your eyes were shut as you screamed, waiting for your inevitable death as the screech of metal ripped through your ears. 
The train hopped and started to skid, but it didn’t seem that bad. Although, you were thrown around, clinging to the nearest bar. Then you felt the long slide against the stone start to slow, knowing that you’d have more bruises on your body than you could count.
If I survive.
Shaking that thought from your mind, you fought to stay steady. A moment of gratitude passed as you saw your crew safe on their feet, until you heard the shouts of too many angry voices outside the train. 
“Wait here, we’ve got this.”
Zoro nodded at Sanji’s words, the two of them stepping out as calmly as if they were going for a stroll, not facing down an army of government officers and marines.
Nami started toward the door, her Clima-Tact gripped in her hands. 
“Nami, wait.”
“It’s okay,” she cut you off with a smile. “I'll stay back. But there’s something I’ve been wanting to try. Can you go check on Kokoro?”
Your mouth was dry as she walked out the door, but Usopp and Chopper followed behind her.
Climbing through the wrecked cart, you found the old woman in the front, cradling a bottle of liquor like a baby.
You huffed a laugh, shaking your head at the drunk.
“I’m glad you and your booze are okay.”
“Me too, darlin.' Here, take this,” she said as she wobbled to her feet, handing you a small transponder snail. “I’ll keep hidden, just call me when you need to leave.”
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll just tell them you kidnapped a sweet ol’ lady if I get caught.”
“Are you-”
This time you were cut off by loud rumbles of thunder, way too close. The thunder was soon joined by an orchestra of screams. 
What the fuck?
The sky was clear when you stepped outside, but the ground was littered with still and writhing bodies. Wide eyed, you found Nami, Usopp, and Chopper huddling by the train, Nami’s hands shaking as she stared at her Clima-Tact.
“Nami, did you do that?”
She nodded, before punching Usopp’s shoulder. 
“You didn’t tell me it could do that, we all could have died!”
“Well, maybe if you learned how… Um, I mean Usopp ensured me that the many features of the-”
Usopp had switched back into his Sniper King voice, only to earn another smack from the navigator. 
Chopper scrambled over to you to gush about how cool it was to see all the marines lit up by lightning.
“Did you hear what they called you, moss head? One of Luffy’s henchmen.”
Sanji’s laughing voice moved closer, and you turned to see your boys, safe and whole. 
And bickering already.
“At least they recognized me, waiter. You’re just ‘pirate A.’ Or probably ‘B.”
You ran toward them, interrupting their growls with your hands on their arms. Small smiles almost made you forget where you were. 
“What the fuck are those?”
Your mouth hung open after your question as what looked like two giant fucking seahorses charged toward you. 
Usopp let his voice boom out, announcing the creatures to be King Bulls that belonged to the Franky Family that must have been brought along with their ship. 
Even knowing that they were friends and not foes didn’t stop you from backing up against a wall, the sheer size of the animals hurting your brain. 
“Hurry, climb up!”
You recognized the voice and blonde hair of Paulie as he and others from Galley La and the Franky Family lowered ropes for you.
There were benches atop the massive creatures, and you all clambered up, still stunned as it started to move through the streets. From the yells of your allies, you gathered that the beast you climbed on was named Sodom, and the other, Gomorrah.
“Here, take this,” Paulie offered, handing the reins to Sanji. “We’ll watch your tail.”
Paulie left your crew to join his people on Gomorrah, already shouting orders. You couldn’t sit for long, as marines started climbing up the sides, all the crew leaping into action to knock them off as the animal moved forward. 
There was no time to be impressed with yourself as you slammed a marine in the chest with both of your tonfa, his grunt of pain drifting away from you as he fell. 
“These bulls are making this easy,” Sanji called over his shoulder. “Let’s catch up with our captain.”
As the bullets stopped reaching close, and the screams of marines grew distant, you caught your breath, turning to your crew with a smile.
“He says that the Franky Family saved him and his brother from a sea king, and that they’ll follow Franky anywhere.”
“What are you talking about, Chopper?”
Chopper jumped up and down pointing up at the beast’s head above you, answering your question with an excited laugh.
“I can understand animals, remember!”
Chopper looked around proudly, meeting everyone’s eyes before his mouth fell open in fear.
“Sniper King is gone! I don’t think he made it up here!”
His frantic voice had your blood running cold. There was no turning back now.
Usopp… Stay safe, friend.
Guilt tore at you as you met eyes with Nami, your desire to turn back reflected on her face. Zoro and Sanji were silent, still as stone.
Then none of you were still. Hands covering your ears, you cringed at the sound of the King Bull you were riding on roaring in pain, blood bursting up from its neck and chest. 
The other group pulled up, screaming at you all to leap onto their bull before yours went down. 
A moment of hatred went through you for the marines that had aimed for this beautiful creature.
Sanji’s arm was around your waist, and you saw Chopper screaming under his other arm before he told you to jump. You trusted Zoro to help Nami across, and soon you were cramped on the other bull with your allies.
Silence held for a moment, until the massive creature let out another roar, tumbling to the ground amidst scattering marines. 
The Franky Family wept around you, crying for their lost companion as you barreled toward the courthouse. You gripped Chopper’s shoulder as his little body was wracked with quiet sobs. 
Wiping his tears enough to speak, Zambai, the black haired man in now broken goggles pushed toward you. He was leading the Franky Family in this battle, and he leaned in to confirm their plan. They would split into groups to climb the courthouse towers, and pull the levers to let the drawbridge down. Otherwise, there would be no way to cross to the Tower of Justice. No way to get to Robin over the massive waterfall. 
The loud yells of more marines didn’t register until too late. 
“Hang on,” Zambai screamed, reaching for his comrades as cannons blasted into Gomorrah's chest, the roars of the creature almost deafening. Gomorrah's long neck started to waver, and you braced for it to go down. 
Marines lined the street and rooftops, hundreds of weapons aimed at you and your allies.
None of this felt real, just an adrenaline filled dream. The only thing that felt steady was the sound of Robin’s name in the back of your mind, chanting softly like a spell that would guide you to her.
The ground quaked, and the cheers of the marines made your mouth go dry.
“What now,” Nami muttered, as you joined her in turning back toward the front gate.
Two fucking giants were on their way now. You heard the groans of the Franky Family, bemoaning how difficult it had been to get past them at the gate.
“Surround the intruders! Straw Hat Luffy has been spotted on the roof of the courthouse. Do not let his allies catch up with him!”
The marine’s orders blasting through the speaker snails emboldened you, and you watched your crew ready themselves for another fight.
The giants were roaring now, smashing their fists and feet onto any marine in their path, causing panic and confusion amongst your enemies. 
“Guess they’re on our side now,” you questioned, before gripping onto Sanji’s arm as Gomorrah started to pull forward again.
You could smell the waves of blood cascading from its massive neck, and felt heat in your throat as you watched Chopper sob, speaking to the beast as it pushed itself to protect you all. 
So much death already. And it hasn’t really started yet.
More cries echoed from the Franky Family at the sound of the King Bull keening, struggling to finish its mission. 
The courthouse loomed above, and the scramble off of the dying creature had you dizzy, avoiding the hot blood pooling on the stone. 
Zoro stepped up beside you, his warm hand sending shivers over you from its brief touch on your lower back.
“It’s hard to believe that Robin, Franky, all of them are right behind those doors.”
Sanji’s voice drew your eyes to the looming stone doors of the courthouse. You felt Chopper moving up beside you, his steps getting louder as he shifted into his larger human form, his hopeful voice like a soothing balm. 
“We need to find Luffy, then we can save Robin together!”
Sanji was running back toward Gomorrah, calling over his shoulder before you heard the noise of the marines’ reinforcements.
“I can handle this lot. How about you get that door open, Marimo?”
With a scoff, Zoro drew all three blades, and sliced into the stone, creating his own door amidst the settling dust.
Your jaw fell open at the sight, and you had to cover your face to keep from breathing in the dust, your eyes still wide. 
With so much time spent together in relaxation, in intimacy, it could be easy to forget the insane things that your crewmates, and your lovers could do.
Zambai ran up, coughing as he shouted.
“We’ll split up into three groups, two for the towers, and one to stay here, and guard your rear. You guys head to the roof. We’ll watch your back so keep moving, and don’t worry about the small fries.”
“You got it.” 
You wished the confidence in Zoro’s voice would spread to you as the group formed up behind him and Sanji.
You readied your weapons, but there was no need as the chef and the swordsman practically flew in through the crumbled doors, sending the marines in the entryway screaming through the air. 
Chopper shot out beside you, catching a straggler before they got too close. Keeping your eyes moving, you scanned for danger, ready to shoot a dart at any suspicious movement, but your boys did quick work. 
Nami grinned at you when you scanned her way, her Clima-Tact ready, but just as unnecessary as your tonfa at the moment. 
Still, your grip on the steel was a comfort compared to how many fights you’d simply had to hide from before. 
Zoro cornered another small group, then let out what looked like a whirlwind from his three blades. 
Sanji passed you, leaving a hint of a kiss on your cheek before heading to the stairs, yelling down at Zoro. 
“Quit showing off, moss head. Robin’s waiting for me- for us!”
Following his lead with a small laugh at his slip, you, Chopper, and Nami climbed the large, stone staircase, until Chopper yelled Zoro’s name. 
You turned to see your amazing swordsman somehow running in the opposite direction.
“I'll try to make you some medicine later. To fix your brain problem!”
“Brain problem,” Zoro complained, and you had to stifle your laughter. His complete lack of a sense of direction was hard to comprehend.
Your skin managed to flush even during this chaos as the image of putting a leash on Zoro to keep him by your side flashed into your mind.
But you had to focus now, shaking your head to clear it. Her name was still humming in you like a heartbeat.
Hallways and stairs, and hallways and stairs. Occasional groups of marines that funneled out of doorways, surrounding you before being mowed down. You were able to take down the few that came near you in such close quarters, and you had yet to need your poison attacks, making do with blocking and hitting with the cool steel.
Sweat beaded on your brow, and you saw it on your crewmates’ skin as well. More flights of stairs filled you with grateful memories of running with Nami, and training with Zoro. 
This is why I got stronger. So I can protect my crew. So I won’t hold them back. 
So I can save her.
A more populated hallway had you all fighting foes at once, stopping your run to bring them to the ground. The sounds of battle echoed off the stone walls, and two marines faced off with you.
There was so much chaos, and as your body reacted to deflect their blows, you realized that your limbs were moving on instinct now. Zoro’s lessons were living in your bones.
But you hadn’t faced two foes at once before, so you called on your defense.
“Blackout Thorns!”
The first marine lunged for you, her leg soaring toward you in a kick. Her shin scraped along the small metal blades laced with your poison as you held the bar across your body, forcing a grunt from you as you blocked her weight.
The second marine came at you from behind, moving too fast to notice his comrade passing out before you thrust your arm back, scraping your purple tonfa along his forearm as he reached for your hair.
He crumpled at your feet and you grinned, noticing Sanji and Zoro both halting in their movements toward you. 
The mix of worry and pride on their faces sent a shiver over you, but the moment ended with the sharp sting of a slap on your ass, and a groan from Nami as she scolded you all. 
“Eye fuck each other later, guys. We’ve got places to be.”
“Robin! I’m here to save you!”
Luffy’s voice boomed through the windows, sounding so close. 
“Hold on,” Zoro commanded, giving the group no time to argue as he used his three sword style to break through the fucking ceiling. Everyone screamed at him, but as the sunlight poured through the hole he’d made, you all scrambled up. 
Sanji helped you through the debris, and lifted you to climb up to the roof, helping Nami do the same before jumping up along with Zoro and Chopper. 
Before you had a chance to scan your surroundings, you felt the ground shake again as the two giants from earlier moved toward the courthouse. One of them lifted a hand up over the roof, and your heart stopped as you waited for the building to be smashed beneath your feet.
“Thank you, friend of Dorry and Brogy!”
The deep rumble of the giant’s voice rolled over you, and you watched, open mouthed, as that massive fist opened to drop the masked and groaning figure of your friend onto the stone.
“Sniper King,” Chopper yelled as he rushed forward, looking over Usopp’s still bandaged body for injuries.”
“Hey Sniper King, can you stand,” Zoro questioned.
“Uh, yeah. Of course. A fall like that won’t stop me.”
“How,” you started, before a small smile teased your lips at the thought of Usopp regaling you with the story later. If we all survive.
Luffy’s voice brought you back, your heart slamming in your chest as you looked across the waterfall to the Tower of Justice.
Her cold face looked down on Luffy, the wind sending that hypnotic black hair around in gentle waves. 
“We’re gonna go ahead and save you. If you still want to die after we’re all back together, well that’s your choice.”
Making your way across the roof, you noticed all the members of CP9 with Robin on the balcony, as well as Franky, and a man in a mask that covered his nose and half of his mouth.
“Come on, Robin, work with me here. You can say what you want. If you want to die or whatever, that’s fine. But when you say it, you say it as part of our crew.”
Luffy’s words were sending chills through you.
What did she say before we got here? Did she tell him she wants to die?
Sanji touched your shoulder as he passed you, pulling out a cigarette as everyone lined up along the wall. You stood there, your crew at your side, wishing you could fly across the expanse to her. To Robin. Your crewmate. Your friend. The woman you love. 
You couldn’t help it. You yelled for her, your voice mingling with Sanji’s and Chopper’s as they joined you.
She scanned all of you before focusing back on Luffy. It was hard to tell with your own eyes misting up, but with the way the sunlight kissed her face, you swore you saw tears sparkling in her beautiful eyes. 
Luffy stared her down, as if she were the only one on that balcony.
“From now on, leave everything to us.”
“You stupid pirates, you don’t think you can beat all of CP9, do you?”
The masked man's arms flailed wildly as his nasally voice carried over the air. 
“Besides, even if you do make it over here, I still have this! I have the authority to summon a Buster Call, and take you all out.”
In his outstretched hand, all you could see was the sun glinting off of something golden in his palm.
Your eyes flew back to Robin as she wavered on her feet, her voice too low to make out. 
He leaned toward her, and his taunting voice made your blood boil. You itched to shoot a dart at him, but even if you hit him, Robin was still surrounded, still in danger.
“That’s right, I’m sure you remember its power well. Given that it destroyed your homeland 20 years ago.”
You’d learned that horrible truth on the train from Blueno, but seeing the terror of it on Robin’s face now, just for the threat of it, sent ice right through your heart.
And this piece of shit was laughing at her, as if the loss of everything she’d ever known was a joke. 
We need to get over there.
“What was it, Ohara? It’s hard to recall the name since it was wiped off the map.”
“Robin’s homeland,” Chopper asked, his voice soft with fear.
“He’s pissing me off,” Sanji growled echoing your rage. 
“Anything but that, I’m begging you!”
Robin was struggling against handcuffs, her arms trapped behind her as she pleaded with him, panic lacing her words.
He leaned over her face, and you wanted to scream at him to get away from her. The distance and wind stole his next words from you, but you knew he had to be taunting her again as you watched her body shake, in anger or fear.
“Have you lost sight of your humanity?”
Robin’s voice finally reached you again as she yelled in his face, the masked man’s fingers dangerously close to pressing that golden button.
You cried out as Robin’s knees hit the stone, her head bowed to this monster as she continued to beg. 
“There’s a limit to how much you can sacrifice in the name of justice. A Buster Call is going too far. You can’t use it. Anything but that!”
His shoulders slumped a bit, his head tilting as he looked down on her. But his stupid mouth stayed shut as she continued.
“If you trigger a Buster Call, everything will be destroyed. That includes all of Enies Lobby, and most likely you as well.”
“Nonsense, they wouldn’t kill me. I’m Spandam, the Chief of CP9! I’m not falling for your bluff.”
You could have been sick off the side of the building from how disgusting this was.
These are the kinds of people in power? This man child could decide if an entire island is wiped off the map, on a fucking whim.
You couldn’t make out Robin’s next words, her head still bowed to that piece of shit. Until she stood, voice carrying now as she faced you all, but her eyes stayed low. 
“Now this demon is rearing its ugly head again, and it’s aiming its sights on the friends I searched so hard to find. The more that I wish for us to be together, the more my ugly fate bears its fangs at you. Even now, now matter how far we sail, there’s an enemy that haunts me at every turn. Because I’m facing the world, and all of its darkness. First it was Aokiji, and now CP9. I’ve dragged you into my troubles twice already.”
Her voice rang out in pain, and you ached to scream, to argue, to plead with her, but your throat was too full of tears. 
Robin kept going, her voice louder, and cracking, breaking your heart more and more with every word.
“If it goes on and on like this, no matter how kind you may be, someday you’ll see me as a burden. Someday you’ll be forced to betray me, and throw me away. That’s what I’m most afraid of, understand? That’s why I didn't want you to rescue me! If that’s the only future I have, I would rather die to save me the pain!”
Her name that was still pounding in your mind echoed softly through your lips, and you heard it shared among your crewmates. 
The knowledge that this was why, this was why she kept herself closed off, why she was throwing her life away for all of you, the weight of this knowledge washed over you with the force of the waterfall beneath your feet.
“I never knew,” you heard whispered through Sanji’s lips, hearing your own shame reflected there for not seeing the depths of her pain before.
“I see. So that’s it.”
Zoro’s voice steadied you, because you knew that tone. There was no going back.
You stared at her, hoping that she could feel not only your love, but the love of every Straw Hat beside you.
I’ll never abandon you, Robin.
The moment was shattered by cruel laughter, Spandam grinning wildly behind his half mask as he jeered at her again.
“How pathetic, even if you make friends, all you can do is drag them through the mud with you.”
Nails digging into your palms with rage, you almost flinched when Spandam turned toward you. He pointed up to the top of the tower, and the huge flag billowing in the wind.
“You can’t win, pirates! Look at this flag. This symbol represents the unity of over 170 nations, a power that spans the four seas, and the Grand Line. This is the world itself! You can’t stand up to an enemy like that, just face it already.”
Self satisfied laughter bubbled through him, but the next sound you heard calmed your breathing.
“If that’s Robin's enemy, then I know what to do,” Luffy said quietly, before his voice echoed out in command. 
“Sniper King. Shoot down that flag.”
The resolve in Usopp's voice continued as he pulled out his new weapon, a massive slingshot named Kabuto. 
“Behold its awesome power. Special attack, Firebird Star!” 
A spear of flame shot through the air like a massive bird, magnificent and powerful.
All eyes spun toward that flag. You had already had reasons not to view it with respect given everything you’d seen in your life, and especially during your time with your crew.
Now, after all of this, after seeing the twisted and pathetic underbelly of the beast, the sight of it made you sick. You wanted to watch it burn.
You stood strong, a Straw Hat Pirate, watching the symbol of the World Government burn to ashes, lighting the sky like a beacon of war.
Your eyes found her again, Robin’s mouth agape as she watched the flames.
I’ll burn it all down for her. 
“You’re all going to die,” Spandam screeched, shaking as he watched the ashes fall around him. “You morons can’t challenge the entire world and expect to win-”
“Yeah? Bring it on,” Luffy challenged, and the pure confidence and rage blasting off of him steeled your bones.
You trusted your captain. This was a side of Luffy that only came out when it needed to, when someone was hurting his friends. Even if those friends were just people that gave him a meal. 
Luffy always fought for his friends.
And so will I. 
“Robin, there’s still something I wanna hear you say.”
Luffy’s voice was like a bell, ringing so clear that no one else even thought to speak. Not until he was done.
“Tell me you wanna live!”
So loud that it seemed to echo off the stone, Luffy’s demand, his offer, sent chills coursing through you. Again, you heard Robin’s name whispered down the line of Straw Hats.
Robin’s head was bowed, a sight you never wanted to see again. Especially as you watched the sunlight shine on the tears freely flowing down her cheeks.
You ached to scream and beg for her, but you knew this was something she had to decide. 
Please, Robin, please. 
She lifted her eyes, and your heart stopped as she cried out.
“I want to live! Take me with you! Take me away from here!”
The cracks in her voice broke and mended your heart all at once. The soft sound of Luffy’s chuckle filled you with joy, even as hot tears streamed down your face. 
You felt the movements of your crew, heard the shuffling around you, and you loosed a breath. The Straw Hats readied their weapons for the battle ahead, the cool metal in your palms grounding you into this moment.
This warmth, this hope, this feeling pouring between you all, was everything. It was family.
We’re coming for you Robin. No matter what it takes.
Your captain let out another low laugh, and you watched Robin’s face finally shift from pain to hope as he gave the order.
“Let’s go!”
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Thank You for Reading! 💜
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Part 25
Tag List: @astheni-a | @ferns-fics | @heilee | @iamn1ya | @ghostfacefricker6969 | @onlybassoon01 | @apothicgloom | @slyhersophia | @cyberaestheticals | @nothing-but-brass
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this! It's one of my favorite moments in the show, and I loved writing it from the reader's perspective. Thanks for joining me!
Buy me a coffee ☕🙏🏼
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lucymultistan · 1 year
ATEEZ Masterlist
Most of these are OT8, Cuz I’m a slut.
Full fics:
Into the aurora
summary: you didn’t expect to run into choi san outside of the venue, especially when your phone was dead and you were stranded in a random city. a kind offer for a phone charger turns into so much more, and you end up falling into a relationship with all eight members of ateez.
inherited demons
"When my beloved Great Aunt Lilith passed away, I inherited all that belonged to her: her fortune, estate, and also the eight 'charges’ that lived with her since the last time I saw her. Except none of that sounded right, I didn’t even know she had others living with her after 4 years. I just wanted to uncover the hidden truths my beloved Aunt left me, but that was impossibly hard while dealing with the affections of 8 gorgeous men that didn’t seem human at all.”
mc inherits her aunts things only to find out Auntie made a deal with some demons and all those demons wanted was MC
Hotel California
YN checks in to a hotel ran by yandere!Ateez, the boys decide she can no longer leave
Mists of Celeste
summary: Sneaking aboard the ship of a renowned space pirate may not have been the best idea, but you’ll have to make do with what fate has handed to you.
The Paradigm complex
summary: They'll do whatever you ask. Anything you need. Anything you want. It's yours. They'll fulfill your every desire and whim. Give you the life you had always dreamed about.And in exchange, you wouldn't just give them your soul. Oh, no, They weren't demons. What good was your soul when your purpose was better served alive and well? Your soul was nice, sure, but it wasn't all they wanted. It wasn't all they needed. They needed your body, your mind. Your blood. You entirely. Every single fiber of your being would soon be theirs and theirs alone. The moment you signed that contract, everything would change. For them and for you. And there was nothing you could do about it.
Morning Mist
Dragon!Ateez, OT8
In Love and Lore
summary: the daemon king and his seven black generals. names and faces of these eight had changed over the years as each new king was crowned, but their reputation as the most powerful daemons always remained the same. upon hearing the rumors one of the seven led the charge of the nearby battle, you should have stayed close to the encampment. you should have never wandered out on your own. but you did, and your life would never be the same again. good or bad, you would just have to wait to find out.
“There’s no need to be afraid, angel.” His words were a breath against the side of your neck. “You’ve done so much for us, let your king now return the favor.”
One-Shots/ Drabbles:
Slumber party
you’re best friends with yunhos sister and after a night out he came to pick you up and bring you back to his shared college dorm with 7 other guys :’)
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bleh-bleh-blehs · 2 months
Hello, I am writing for HP fandom for first time. Hope you guys like it.
This is my headcanon for Jily live au. Voldemort didn’t exist, tom riddle did, he just didn’t become Voldemort. (But that’s a story for another time)
I still have no idea what to do with Peter though. I don’t know how to include him. Let’s just forget about him altogether.
Also I ship canon ships only.
Time for some headcanon now:—
James was torn between what career to choose after hogwarts. Stuck between pursing his passion for quidditch or opt for some other mature field.
Lily assured him that she would’ve fine with whatever he chooses. No career is lesser important of mature or not.
Lily decides she wants to be a potioneer, brew and develop new potions ranging from medical health to cosmetics.
She later develops a potion that helps werewolves. Helps them to gains more control over their body during full moon and reduces their pain.
They get married young and have baby Harry just like canon.
However, Harry is not planned at all (they are not at the brink of the war, they don’t need to move fast).
James wants to quit Being star chaser (Sirius also followed him and became a professional player) and be with Harry all the time so Lily can focus on her career.
Remus reassures them that he can babysit Harry all the time. With James’ busy schedule and Lily’s work.
He doesn’t have any job anyway because of the discrimination against werewolves
Both Lily and James are not eager to give Harry a sibling any soon, which results in 10 years age difference between Harry and his baby sister.
Jily’s second child is a baby girl named Rose. (Cliche. I know. Sue me)
If you thought Harry being spoiled for being only child between three best friends. Think how spoiled will the Only Girl child would be.
Baby Rosie is spoiled. By her father (man is wrapped around her tiny fingers), her brother and by her uncles.
Lily would buy all those cute dresses to dress up her baby girl because Harry managed to ruin his clothes all the time.
Lily taking Rose out on girl dates because there is just too much testosterone in the house.
And Harry. Oh he loves his sister. His parents had to physically remove him from nursery because the boy would spend whole night staring at his sister rather than sleeping.
His routine was to check Rose the first thing the morning and then bid her good night before sleeping.
He was friends with Neville before he was friends with Ron.
But Ron would still be his best friend.
Remus joins Hogwarts few years prior to Harry’s first years.
Lily’s potion had helped many werewolves.
James left quidditch and became a stay-at-home dad when Lily was pregnant with their daughter.
Sirius still continued to be a player for a while before retiring.
Both James and Sirius became head of their family and took their family’s seats in ministry (Sirius was reluctant but James convinced that they could put their foot down and make changes that would help to shape new wizarding world)
Regulus continued his perfect son persona until he couldn’t. He finally snapped and ran away from the family.
Okay that’s it for now. I hope you liked it. Please like and share your thoughts!!!
Maybe we can discuss further headcanons in future
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Hello Everypony :3
finally doing one of these, lol
Tumblr media
💙About me!💜
Welcome to my blog for,,, everything! No sideblogs around here we die like men/j
My name is Oliver, but you can also call me oli! (ive got other names too, but that's the main one, check my pronouns page for the whole list!)
Xe/Void/Fox/It/They pronouns but get silly with it, i dont mind!! (except she/her)
We're a system! We dont talk about it a lot but sometimes it comes up yay!!
important post you should read!
I write and draw tho i am better at writing, lmao
@inky-drawings is my lovely girlfriend whom i love very much<333
@azamonvoid is my sib from another crib whom if i dont see soon heads will start rolling<3
@lmanburgseulogy SUPER AMAZING person (cough im copying part of the intro from bug), also my twin o7
@willthemicrowave AMAZING DUDE. Tem you're super cool
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cc!Wilbur and/or cc!Dream Team supporters. If i ever post about them its the characters.
-> also, if you see me reblogging from someone who supports them, please warn me!
Anyone who engages in discourse, esp syscourse. I do not care, let people live. Any interaction about it will be ignored and/or deleted. This isnt the place for it.
People in poppytwt/blr. I understand some people write it or engage in it to cope, but it personally just makes us uncomfortable. Thank you.
Just in general hateful people. Transphobes, terfs, homophobes, misogyinists misandrists ect ect. It is not that hard to leave people alone, and if you can't, get out.
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✨ (main) Fandoms!! ✨
Hermitcraft/Life series!! My faves are Grian, Etho, Impulse, Zed, Jimmy and Mumbo (not in that order)
-> i engage in shipping the characters, quite a lot,,, if it makes you uncomfortable this ain't the place for you lol
DSMP! my mains are sbi (especially twinsduo you will always be famous to me,,,,), and sometimes feral boys!
-> i dont care most of those people are problematic now, my au just took a general outline of the smp then rewrote everything. There is barely any connection w/actual canon
SCU/Slimecicle cinematic universe!! Blame @alliumsmybeloved for this/j
Hollow Knight! Quirrel, Hornet, Hollow and Ghost are my faves!
-> nothing much other than i hate the traitor lord with a burning passion, lol
and many, many more!! Including percy jackson, portal, ect - these are just the ones im hyperfixating on the most lately!!
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⚠ Terms and conditions? ⚠
I'm ok with flirting but ask first just to be sure!
autistic silly little guy. Sometimes i get too much, feel free to tell me if i exagerate and get weird!
-> be nice about it tho, please,,,
send asks send asks!!! They're so silly i love em<333
i do take requests on doodles, headcanons, snippets ect!! It just takes me a bit sometimes to answer!
I have a dsmp/hermitcraft/qsmp/ect au im working on, my magnum opus/j, go check it out it's @the-caladrius-au RAAHHH
I write about the characters, never the ccs.
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💬Tag guide!💬
#Oli talks! -> silly tag for everything of mine, rambles,art, writing, reblogs (sometimes,,,)
#shift talks! -> like the above but for shift, one of our other alters :3
#Olis faves -> fav posts and/or posts i want to look back on!
#Oli writes -> pretty self explanitory, for when i write :3
#Oli draws -> for my art n doodles!
#Mutuals my beloveds -> Moot tag!!! For asks or when i talk with/about my mutuals! (if i forget to put it in a post with you, feel free to tell me!)
#nonnies my beloveds -> anon asks
#Beloveds! -> posts about/with @inky-drawings and/or @azamonvoid
#higgs Field au and #HFAU -> posts about my dsmp x Hermitcraft rewrite au
#the multiverse system -> stuff about our system!
#the horrors saga -> the horrors,,,,,, I just wanna write,,,,
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-> if i forget to tag things properly feel free to remind me!!!
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[plain text under cut]
Hello Everypony :3
finally doing one of these, lol
💙About me!💜
Welcome to my blog for,,, everything! No sideblogs around here we die like men/j
My name is Oliver, but you can also call me oli! (ive got other names too, but that's the main one, check my pronouns page for the whole list!)
They/It/xe pronouns but get silly with it, i dont mind!! (except she/her)
We're a system! We dont talk about it a lot but sometimes it comes up yay!!
important post you should read!
I write and draw tho i am better at writing, lmao
@inky-drawings is my lovely girlfriend whom i love very much<333
@azamonvoid is my sib from another crib whom if i dont see soon heads will start rolling<3
@lmanburgseulogy SUPER AMAZING person (cough im copying part of the intro from bug), also my twin o7
@willthemicrowave AMAZING DUDE. Tem you're super cool
cc!Wilbur and/or cc!Dream Team supporters. If i ever post about them its the characters.
-> also, if you see me reblogging from someone who supports them, please warn me!
Anyone who engages in discourse, esp syscourse. I do not care, let people live. Any interaction about it will be ignored and/or deleted. This isnt the place for it.
People in poppytwt/blr. I understand some people write it or engage in it to cope, but it personally just makes us uncomfortable. Thank you.
Just in general hateful people. Transphobes, terfs, homophobes, misogyinists misandrists ect ect. It is not that hard to leave people alone, and if you can't, get out.
✨ (main) Fandoms!! ✨
Hermitcraft/Life series!! My faves are Grian, Etho, Impulse, Zed, Jimmy and Mumbo (not in that order)
-> i engage in shipping the characters, quite a lot,,, if it makes you uncomfortable this ain't the place for you lol
DSMP! my mains are sbi (especially twinsduo you will always be famous to me,,,,), and sometimes feral boys!
-> i dont care most of those people are problematic now, my au just took a general outline of the smp then rewrote everything. There is barely any connection w/actual canon
SCU/Slimecicle cinematic universe!! Blame @alliumsmybeloved for this/j
Hollow Knight! Quirrel, Hornet, Hollow and Ghost are my faves!
-> nothing much other than i hate the traitor lord with a burning passion, lol
and many, many more!! Including percy jackson, portal, ect - these are just the ones im hyperfixating on the most lately!!
⚠ Terms and conditions? ⚠
I'm ok with flirting but ask first just to be sure!
autistic silly little guy. Sometimes i get too much, feel free to tell me if i exagerate and get weird!
-> be nice about it tho, please,,,
send asks send asks!!! They're so silly i love em<333
i do take requests on doodles, headcanons, snippets ect!! It just takes me a bit sometimes to answer!
I have a dsmp/hermitcraft/qsmp/ect au im working on, my magnum opus/j, go check it out it's @the-caladrius-au RAAHHH
I write about the characters, never the ccs.
💬Tag guide!💬
#Oli talks! -> silly tag for everything of mine, rambles,art, writing, reblogs (sometimes,,,)
#shift talks! -> like the above but for shift, one of our other alters :3
#Olis faves -> fav posts and/or posts i want to look back on!
#Oli writes -> pretty self explanitory, for when i write :3
#Oli draws -> for my art n doodles!
#Mutuals my beloveds -> Moot tag!!! For asks or when i talk with/about my mutuals! (if i forget to put it in a post with you, feel free to tell me!)
#nonnies my beloveds -> anon asks
#Beloveds! -> posts about/with @inky-drawings and/or @azamonvoid
#higgs Field au and #HFAU -> posts about my dsmp x Hermitcraft rewrite au
#the multiverse system -> stuff about our system!
#the horrors saga -> the horrors,,,,,, I just wanna write,,,,
-> if i forget to tag things properly feel free to remind me!!!
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the-unconquered-queen · 9 months
With Blades 2 coming to an end, I just wanna get it off my chest that I'm really not a fan of how they wrote Nia for a great part of this one, particularly vis-à-vis the way they wrote MC. I know I've been saying some stuff along those lines for ages now, but it hasn't left my mind so now I'm gonna actually get into it.
For starters, I think a lot of the issue with Nia's writing was captured pretty well in the tags of this post, particularly on point 2. Like I've said, Nia unfortunately falls into the category of a Mary Sue in that every "flaw" she's given just serves to elevate her to perfection. Hell, even when corrupted—when a person is supposed to be in their most volatile state—the worst she does is be snarky that first chapter (she is aggressive toward MC at one point before this, but it's neither acknowledged nor repeated later). After that, she is entirely normal, just not as much of a pushover, and while I much preferred shadow!Nia, I do think that this really undermines the whole gravity of corruption and b2's emphasis on shadow-light balance, since shadow!Nia comes off as quite balanced already, especially compared to other corrupted characters we've seen.
But here's the thing, that post that got me thinking is months old, and we have gotten more story since then, and what I have noticed is that Nia does, in fact, have one real flaw in canon, but it's the one flaw she's absolutely not meant to have: Nia in canon can at times come off as self-absorbed. She either makes things about herself or doesn't stop people from doing this, and there are multiple examples of it. There is the instance in Riverbend when MC is taking a moment to finally try to process Kade's capture (which, following their own capture, they never got the chance to process) and Nia derails the conversation and makes it about her own grief and is comforted by MC and Mal. Another example is the moment on Gerhard's ship when she vents about the pressure she's been under and lets MC comfort her without at any point considering that MC might have been under similar pressure.
And don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a character putting themselves first. But when the book doesn't waste a single chance to tell us that Nia's character is the complete opposite and that she is chronically incapable of not being considerate 25/8, it's quite contradictory. I mean, you can even call out Ethan Ramsey, PB's golden boy, on making things about himself at some point in OH, but because, unlike Ethan, Nia is written for you to consider her super sweet and wholesome and perfect, the Blades MC actually contributes to this by performing mental gymnastics to turn something around to be about Nia.
Which brings me to my final point: Blades 2 pushed MC to the side to revolve around Nia, but MC is exactly the person they meant for Nia to be, by virtue of the dissonance between showing and telling. They tell you that Nia is selfless because she always puts everyone else first. Well, I can and did name examples showing the contrary, meanwhile, MC is the one who was been through the most traumatic ordeal and is constantly checking in on everyone else without expecting and without receiving much of the same courtesy in return, even apologizing to Nia because she was "carrying all that weight on her own", never mind that MC always has the weight of the world on their shoulders. They tell you that Nia is the heart of the party, but they both told and showed us that everything fell apart without MC.
Even some of Nia's most defining character traits, MC has in similar measure. Nia sees the best in everyone? MC can be the #1 believer in Aerin's redemption after all the shit he pulled. Nia is trusting to the point of naivete? MC literally trusted Valax while she outright told them at every turn she would turn on them at the first opportunity, and was genuinely hurt by the betrayal. Miss me with MC calling Nia "our better self".
Every trait that they've gone out of their way to tell you Nia has they've shown twofold in MC, which is why it's so exasperating to me that they reduced MC to the conduct through which other characters' (particularly Nia's) stories get told while their own is an afterthought. I am by no means saying that two people can't have similar traits or that two people can't be good people at the same time, but there is something about praising these traits in Nia when, based on these, MC should be held to a similar standard. Instead, they relegated MC (main. character.) to a supporting character in Nia's story, elevating every trait that MC possesses only in Nia while ignoring them in MC to the point that many scenes felt frustrating to play.
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Jesus fucking Christ I fucking hate "The Doll Community" especially Monster High and g3 monster high, I really do...
I was just watching a video of this big name doll youtuber reporting on doll news, as they do, and they were covering the new Beetlejuice Skullector Two Pack, but what got me is they how said some pretty Anti leaning shit that was just unnecessary?
Like they literally said: "Obviously NO ONE ships Beetlejuice and Lydia so NO ONE would promote this as a romantic thing.. But if it's a wedding set that's set to release Valentines day then la de dah blah blah!"
And like? I honestly didn't know if this person was just saying this to just like, cover their own ass so THEY didn't get harassed by other tenderqueers because they were young, or if *they* genuinely believed what they were saying? Because from what I've watched from their channel, they're young and don't seem to know or care a lot about horror as genre in general? Like I don't mean to gate keep, but they're one one those obnoxious Monster High fans I made of fun of in my one post where it's like, "knows nothing about horror, just learned who Elvira is, only got into mh as a kid as the 'alternative' to their conservative ass parents who already believe pokemon is The Devil letting them experience Actual Horror and just never stopped consuming the dolls and Skullectors regardless if they're even familiar with the source material" kinda people? And yeah, that gets really annoying?
But I obviously didn't want this to be my cutting off point for watching their channel because ... Doll news?
So, I just wrote up the most, civil. neutral comment I could possibly articulate explaining how the Beetlejuice fandom's been practically built off of nothing but shipping for 36 years and how people can think whatever they want but Winona Ryder does ship it and it was quite frankly unprofessional of them to alienate Beetlebabes who might want to grab the two pack by implying there's a right way and a wrong way of interpreting the movie and the relationship between these iconic characters and they should respect the older fanbase and all the history that came before the musical?
And I was about to post it, but then I got nervous when I remembered, that I once purchased a doll from this person, which meant that they had my address at one point, which meant if they didn't like what I was saying, they could like, maybe dig it up and dox me? Or at least threaten to and I'd have cause to panic over it being like, legit or not? And I tried to brush it from my mind like nuh nuh they're cool they're cool... They're not on *that* level of Anti...
So then I just tried to check and refresh the comments to see any more overt ship bashing was taking place and of course, I just immediately find this:
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So then I do this little blackout thingy for the usernames so that none of this can get back to youtube, and I go to screencap my comment so I can at least post it here in a vent, but I lost my comment trying to get the screen cap thingy to work and accidently clicking the youtube refresh button... 😔
... I just...I hate having such a lil' ghost face moment right now, but just like... I hate you legit fake horror fan Monster High collectors who can't appreciate horror having romantic subtext when that's the entire point yet you keep hoarding all the dolls anyway, I hate you little faggity boys with broccoli haircuts and split dyes who pressure girls into sending you nudes and the retired Mommy Vloggers who enable you, I find you extremely annoying XCanadensis, I hate you for your extremely annoying editing and intros zombiexcorn, I like you Lookin' Bratz but I hate your bratzline podcast cohost for fully admitting to doing a binge watch of all the Harry Potter movies in the franchise for "the first time ever" in fuckin' 2024 with absolutely no disclaimers or acknowledgment of the elephant in the room there and thinking that was a good idea to disclose something as quite frankly as disgusting as that and ruining what could've been a nice gothic doll chat for me and putting sour taste in my mouth about listening to the rest of your podcast...
And I especially hate that one dude with the ugly live action beauty and the beast dolls with the pink hair and the bowl cut and the glasses who for some reason keeps insisting every time she's brought up that Ghoulia Yelps can't be disabled/autistic because she's supposed to have some type of racial coding...
(I love you weirdo OOAK Doll Artists, you're the only Real Ones left! ❤🫶)
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