#Oli talks!
Grian to mumbo about his face: you have the perfect face
Mumbo to grian about his face: you look like a fish
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999moreyears · 7 months
dsahboard simulator
mutual 1 : (picture of a band member) i wont him ,#i think i have covid
mutual in law: i think im a system
mutual 2 :(reblogging fanart of a fandom you have do idea even existed)
mutual 3: blocked tag
mutual 3: blocked tag
mutual 3: blocked tag
mutual 4: i think i need to kill . that would fix me
mutual 5:(picture of minecraft character) I MISS HIMMMM
mutual 6: do ouy think they explored each others bodies (picture of characters from a fandom you know nothing about) #liveblog
mutual 8: just a little doodle lol ^_^ (most beautiful artwork that has ever graced my eyes)
mutual 1: (mass rb of every picture of a band member to ever exist on the internet)
mutual 9: i need to get pregnant with his firstborn so i can offer it up to a demon for magic powers :/ (picture of minecraft youtuber)
mutual 3: blocked tag
mutual 3: blocked tag
mutual 1:(picture of inbox, from anonymous : i think there is something wrong with you) so meanies to me forever :(
mutual 10: i need him biblically
mutual 3: blocked tag
mutual 3: blocked tag
mutual 8: oh yea :p i forgor 2 post this also (drawing of a character praying , the hands are perfect)
mutual 10: do you think when he was pregnant he had really bad morning sickness yes or no
mutual 6: i need to light them on fire I HATE THEM (screenshot of characters mid-frame) #liveblog
mutual 5:( webweave of a character from a fandom youre not in anymore)
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atwocd · 1 year
I'm thinking about the fact that peter calls rocket his best friend multiple times throughout the movie, and with gamora gone, he's definitely the guardian peter is closest to.
rocket is currently the person peter loves most in this world. and it makes his desperation to save him hit so much harder. he just lost the person he loved most in the world, and he can't go through that pain again.
"i'm not letting him go!" he can't let him go. he wouldn't survive going through that again.
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umbrify · 7 months
Okay so, we all know that fWhip and the group have a new series starting soon, yeah?
Recently, fWhip put out a short where he built a stone obelisk of sorts, with some glowing letters carved into it
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Assuming I’m reading it right, it says “SOS” in galactic. In the short, he says that that it’s “not ominous, or foreshadowing anything at all!”
So, it definitely is.
We also know that Pixlriffs mentioned starting a new multiplayer series: “I’m also about to start a new multiplayer project, which should be beginning this weekend.” [Survival Guide S3 E.87 (0:23)]
Apart from these two, I’ve also seen that both Oli and Sausage have alluded to new skins in some way
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The skins seem very casual to me? I also noticed that Sausage’s skin is lacking the shoulder pad and fallout wristband that he usually wears, which is interesting. (Perhaps related to fWhip mentioning that he’s not allowing multidimensional lore, but still worth noting regardless.) To me, it’s giving like, normal people somehow stranded in a fantasy world vibes. We also know that fWhip commissioned a special mod for this series, so perhaps it’s something to do with that?
So! It seems like the new series is starting this weekend (Feb 24-25), if Pix is correct. It’s also worth mentioning once again that this is NOT empires season three, as fWhip has repeatedly emphasized that a season three will not be happening this year.
I’m excited for the new series!!
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misteria247 · 19 days
You ever realize that Wanda and Cosmo are always willing to tell Timmy that they love him and are proud of him??? Like Wanda's constantly calling Timmy cute pet names like sport or sweetie or hun and she's always quick to tell him that she loves him. And Cosmo he's always up to hang out with Timmy and always gives him his undivided attention and is Timmy's go to for mischievous fun????
Like these fairies take the time to do things with Timmy, they're always jumping at the chance to be around him and spend time with him. They're affectionate towards him. Constantly hugging Timmy or rubbing his back or shoulders in a comforting manner. And when Timmy makes a mistake and owns up to it and apologizes Wanda and Cosmo are always so quick to tell him how proud they are of him. They tuck him into bed, and sit with him when he's anxious and give his forehead little kisses. Wanda's always ready to fight a bitch for Timmy and Cosmo's always ready to defend and protect him.
They're always standing up for him, and stay with him even when Timmy's having a bad day or he's in one of his moods. Whenever something happens or someone nearly gets hurt Wanda and Cosmo's first reaction is "Where's Timmy? We have to get Timmy." And if he's hurt or taken from them they're immediately in tears or in despair because they can't take their boy, not their wonderful boy away from them. It literally breaks their hearts.
Like these two magical creatures love this boy to bits and pieces and it's so clear that Timmy isn't the only one who's deeply attached to the couple. Cosmo and Wanda don't just see Timmy as another job. They've invested themselves so deeply into Timmy Turner's life and well-being that they'd essentially claimed him as one of their own. Like that's just so fucking beautiful when you think about it. When you think about Timmy, and how he thinks that no one wants him or wants to have him in their lives only to have Cosmo and Wanda be like "Fuck em, we want you. Flaws and all kiddo, till the end of time."
Like they kill me dude, literally sobbing right now thinking about them.
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yusakiiiii · 4 months
The Crossover really was something. Here’s one of my favourite interactions. What’s yours?
Scott: I hate the gays!
*Joe Hills begins shooting Scott*
Scott: Joe I can say that! Joe I am gay!
Joe Hills: Okay, so not everybody has that context. My viewers don’t know that. I don’t know that.
Scott: I am very gay which is why I’ve said that Joe.
Joe Hills: That is a valuable bit of context to provide
Scott: I’m aggressively homosexual. I’m very aggressively homosexual Joe I thought everyone knew. It’s kinda my brand.
Joe Hills: There’s a lot of inter-audience cross pollination right now.
Scott: I did appreciate the aggressive nature you took right away though, that was a good ally.
Joe Hills: I do what I can.
Scott: I thought Joe when I said I’m gonna say the one slur I can you’d have picked up.
Oli: Did you say a slur?
Scott: No I didn’t. I said when Jimmy was copying me I was tempted to do it and then I said “I hate the gays” and then Joe decided to shoot me cos he didn’t realise I was gay. Even though I’m aggressively homosexual.
Joe Hills: I don’t have time to know every gay person!
If you want to watch this properly. Go to the 2:40:00 mark in this video: https://www.youtube.com/live/2heYeEOTqrw?si=a1urB22nQZZPq_tk
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concreteemo · 8 months
Ummm be right back imma go pass away now
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tornoleander · 4 months
Nya has the best writing out of anyone in skybound an I will not hear otherwise
(this is just a rant but I will finish my argument with evidence soon but I was feeling like yelling at phone)
Just watched a video completely butchering her character.
I’m fuming about Nya’s treatment in general like RRRRR SHE IS LIKE THE BEST WRITTEN. Most people I see talk about her never tried to see Nya’s motivation.
And because she’s grumpy and won’t take bullshit treatment. And a large part of the audience Treat her like she’s a brat for it like…
Her ark against all odds is great. The only reason so many people don’t get that is ALL because of the awful framing and them focusing on Jay at all the wrong times I PROMISE YOU.
The audience is made to focus on Jay’s feelings in moments that should’ve been about her.
Nya always thought she would end up with Jay like she said later on. She always loved him She wasn’t trying to hurt or play with his feelings but she had bigger problems, and she simply didn’t want to be dating him. Because she hated how that would make her be perceived. Which was the issues that she overcame by the end.
She is frustrated by way she’s perceived by the city. They only see her as her gender. A self insert of sorts. (There’s a scene about it first ep subtle but boils my blood) Not a person. She HATES IT.
Nya has A lot more going on like it was never her Job to walk on eggshells around Jays feelings. She was having a lot harder of a time that first episode but more screen time was dedicated to Jays moping about her.
Just AAA ggghg
LIKE EVERYONE REWATCH SKYBOUND AND FOCUS ON NYA Specifically. Ignore how much the narrative drags you to look at Jay. I swear Nya’s struggle is shockingly the most well written bit
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sammygender · 1 month
the thing is that if you show like. spn s4. to a normal smart person they’re like. dean is being soooo awful why is he always treating sam like this. so. i actually dont understand what is wrong with 90% of the fandom
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oliverhobi · 4 months
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Day 1 of making minor edits to old comic books
(giving Conner Kent the piercings he deserves)
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Mumbo. Mumbo. What is that contraption. Mumbo. Mumbo please what are you doing. Mumbo. Mumbo what the fuck.
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statementlou · 3 months
while I agree that virgo Oli is probably the backline man for practical details, if you think him and Louis aren't getting high and laughing themselves silly coming up with ideas you're letting the "PA" label go to your head, that man is NOT the adult in this relationship they are dumbass4dumbass and egging each other on all day every day I will bet on it
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atwocd · 2 months
i'm sorry but ryan atwood is so. like. when you meet him he's dark and quiet and broody and doesn't talk much and you think "oh okay this is the typical emo bad boy just blonde this time". but then. then. he gets to discover love and a healthy environment he can thrive in and you, as the audience, get to truly know who he is and. god. he's still quiet and broody but also. he's profoundly good and kind. loyal, protective and self sacrificial to a fault. and he's sarcastic and teasing. so smart and hard working. and he's so so, oh so very soft. and he's awkward. so painfully — but charmingly — socially awkward. and he stammers when he asks the girl he likes on a date for his brother. what a beautiful take on this overused archetype. what a wonderfully written character.
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mistymountainsmc · 3 months
Happy Birthday Empires!
Happy 3 year birthday Empires SMP!!
I’ve not been a fan all the way from the beginning (I began to watch it during the Hermitpires crossover), but I enjoyed binge watching the series and will always go back to re-watch it!!
Happy Birthday Empires!
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misteria247 · 19 days
Timmy visiting his family: Hey guys, you won't believe the day I had-
Timmy sees Dev and Hazel:......
Wanda exhausted: Timmy-
Timmy: Mom. I've already adopted them you can't stop me-
Wanda: You can't take someone else's kids sport!
Cosmo, who's sitting with Peri, Dev, and Hazel in the background: He's not wrong, sweetheart.
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jestroer · 2 years
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Gay rats
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