#let james be sad
hotdamnitsmoony · 16 days
james potter who wants to be there for his friends, no matter what. james potter who always gives a shoulder to cry on and advice when it’s needed. james potter who’s known as the sunshine friend, the one that’s always happy. james potter who is struggling but doesn’t want anyone to know. james potter who loves with his whole heart. james potter who gives and gives until he can’t anymore. james potter who cries in his bed once all his friends are asleep because he doesn’t want them to know he’s hurting. james potter who thinks he has to be the brave one. james potter who just wants his happy ending.
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jjameslily · 8 days
i lost it, but someone made a post recently about what if it had been lily on the staircase and james rushing baby harry upstairs and how it would have changed the trajectory of the story
and now i can’t stop thinking that voldemort would have still given lily the choice to get out of the way instead of killing her outright like he had james and her sacrifice possibly would have protected both james and harry and james would have to live in a world without the love of his life but oh my god harry would have grown up so loved and so protected by his father
and james would have made sure to tell harry at every opportunity just how beautiful and extraordinary his mother was and take him to out of the wizarding world often to make sure harry was connected to the part of his mother’s world that she fought so hard for. not only to provide harry the type of upbringing that lily had wished for, but also so that james could feel closer to her in small bookshops and neighborhood parks and flower stands of local farmer’s markets because even though she was gone, he would spend his whole life loving her and honoring her memory and waiting for the day he could meet her again
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marc--chilton · 8 months
house and wilson being dog-coded in different ways......... house the stray, who was by himself for so long he doesn't act right around others, who needs his space, needs his ball, needs help but refuses it with growling throat and bared teeth, who hurts so much he needs to hurt others back, it's all he knows, but no one cares to learn (he can be good. he won't.) ...... wilson the family dog who likes everyone but favors his One Person, who is the kindest dog you'll ever meet yet has bitten people, but he was justified, but he won't do it again, just look at his sweet eyes, he looks so sorry....... (he snaps again. every time it gets harder to believe he won't do it again this time)
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cult-of-the-eye · 11 months
What was I even doing before the tma hyperfixation? What even was my life before these tragic idiots? My life is infinitely better now that I can get an instant dopamine hit by rotating a bunch of gay people in my head.
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lexithwrites · 1 month
what ive noticed with the rise of the anons lately is that it doesn't actually matter to them that you do care about other characters. that you multi-ship, or that you have posts on your blog dedicated to the characters they claim to be pushed to the side. i love all the characters for different reasons and in different ways, i reblog jily content just as much as jegulus and wolfstar, but they're not going to care about that. they see you like jegulus and they come for you, no one's going to win
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thechy-fychannel · 3 months
I have finally decided to shamelessly (I feel nothing but shame at any attention at all) promote my hilson fics on here 💕
Organized from shortest to longest:
it's gone to the dogs in my mind (1.5k)(T+)
"He gets more visitors in his subconscious as he's coming off the vicodin than he did when he was on it. Every night, a different visitor in between the excruciating hours of consciousness." A glimpse into a series of dreams that House has as he's detoxing after he first gets to Mayfield.
let me be the wallpaper that papers up your room (2.9k)(E)
“I'll meet you at your place at 8.” He knew when he said it that he wasn't just coming over for dinner. Takes place at the end of Season 8, Episode 2 after Wilson punches House in the face.
and I long for this mirrored perspective (3.3k) (GA)
"Because something about him beckons to you, drawing you in. Morons are boring, you're repelled by morons. You're the opposite of repelled by the warm shades of brown and a cold type of ache coming from this handsome stranger." House spots Wilson for the first time at a conference in New Orleans and stalks him like the creep he is.
caught you hiding in the smoke (3.3k)(E)
“Look at me, House.” His pretty blue eyes opened and looked up at her with the kind of intensity that she could only describe as devotion. Like she was something holy. “Good. Look at you, barely holding on. If only he could see you like this…”
House is distracted while making out with Cuddy. The reason why isn't at all surprising, but Cuddy's reaction to it is.
dot line dot (4.2k)(E)
Wilson apologized for not being there. House told him not to be, he's with his wife. That's where he's supposed to be. And yet Wilson wanted him. And House was going to make him prove that. He was going to force him to wreck his own marriage rather than have the decency to do it for him. The bastard. House uses his oral fixation to his advantage when he refuses to initiate an affair with Wilson after he marries Bonnie. Wilson wants to have his cake and eat it too and House is a petty bitch about it.
on my way to believing (6k)(E)
“I like what this says about you, Wilson.” Wilson knows what this says about him— that the only piece of furniture that he could pick out himself was something House alone would use. He knows it says that the only thing inside him that matters is the man sitting on that bench.
get in line for the masquerade (7.1k)(M)
5 times people find out about House and Wilson's secret relationship and the 1 time they decide to stop keeping it a secret.
my tongue has now become a platform for your lies (12k)(E)
5 times Wilson cheats with House, + the 1 time they get caught.
love is the coal (19.5k)(E)
"House, I can't just up and leave-” “Yes, you can. I already talked to Cuddy about it.” “You already—” Wilson blanched, “House, I told you not to say anything to her about what's going on. Great, this is just great. Now my boss knows that I'm-” “That you're going through a hard time right now. That you're stressed and overworked and burnt out. She was the one who suggested we go on a vacation. It really wasn't even a suggestion, she practically demanded that I whisk you away to tropical paradise somewhere and fuck you until your legs stop working.” Wilson is struggling, House would do anything in the world to help him, and Cuddy is a wonderful boss. House and Wilson take a much needed vacation and spend the entire thing on top of each other.
puppies, tiramisu, and other things james wilson loves (20.9k)(E)
He looked over at Wilson, about to lament to him about the lack of creativity at this animal shelter when he was met with a big toothy grin. “What?” Wilson shook his head, but his smile grew to the point of being painful. “Nothing. I just- I didn't expect you to be a small dog kind of guy.” “I'm—” House looked back at the dog and then at Wilson. “I'm not. I was just giving it some attention.” “I think you're giving it a home, House.” A fic about them adopting a dog that House ends up falling in love with. And then he does something stupid and they have kinky sex about it.
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rabidlittlestrawberry · 2 months
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I'll know it's you ch7 HEREEE
(yes I stole the summary from my last post)
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lilyofthevalleyys · 9 months
Regulus *writing in his poetry notebook*: Imagine loving someone so much you wish your soul would meld with theirs so you can become one
Regulus *writing*: For I cannot, as much as my heart desires to
James *reading it*: Awwwww. Hey. Wait.
James: Am I a joke to you Reggie >:(
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static-radio-ao3 · 7 months
@jegulus-microfic // february 15 // prompt: poison // words: 316 // cw: minor angst
It's quiet. Still.
The type of stillness that only visits after midnight, a hollow blue cast around the room. Even the little clock on their bedside table has stopped ticking. The hands point at ten and two but Regulus wouldn't know what time it actually is.
James is also still. His breath measured and slow, but not yet evened out the way it does when he's sleeping. Regulus knows the sound of it like his own. Has memorized the sound of James' breathing in all its variations.
Tonight, he is waiting. For Regulus or for sleep, he's not sure.
"How do I stop it?" Regulus asks.
The question would've spilled from his lips and gotten lost between the sheets had the room not been so quiet. But alas. The question spills from his lips right into James' waiting hands.
"Stop what?"
There is no ticking clock by which to measure time, so Regulus counts his heartbeat instead.
"The loneliness," he says eventually. He doesn't look at James as he speaks. Eyes trained on the ceiling and if he stares hard enough, he can still see the outline of the glow in the dark stars he used to have up there.
He'd built forts with his brother because they weren't allowed to go camping. Pretended to sleep under real stars. Later, he'd count them until his eyes burned and sleep dug her claws into him.
James is silent, but the sheets rustle. A warm, calloused hand curls over his own. Familiar. Regulus finds his voice again.
"It's like poison in my veins, and I think it's eating away at me. At all my rotten parts." Another pause. Then, "How do I stop it?"
"I don't know if you can." James' voice is rough with sleep, a cresting wave and pulling him under. The words rush through him like a flood. "But we can try. I'm not busy anyway."
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onwhatcaptain · 1 year
Some days it just makes me unbearably sad that we will never really get spirk because Paramount thinks queerness is acceptable only in non-legacy or "unimportant" side characters because it wouldn't really damage their reputation. Which isn't really queerness at all if the leads can't have it.
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rugwurm · 8 months
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charon chart the way to silent hill
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cosmicbrowni3s · 1 month
bucky was frl going thru it in cacw liiiike 😭 bro had his own flat, his own whisk, fridge n everything and everything went to shit cs z*mo wanted to be a bitch
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percesdead · 4 months
The wind lapped at Remus's clothes, biting into his skin like icy daggers as he sat, the earth hard beneath him. He found warmth in the cigarette pinched between his fingers and the dull burn of alcohol still in his system. 'It isn't holy,' the guard had told him when he first visited. 'Neither am I,' had been his response. The guard hadn't bothered him since.
His eyes trained lazily ahead at the tombstone. He usually settled for Marlene's grave, but he had decided to torture himself that day with James and Lily's. Just to feel something. It wasn't working.
The flowers he had left there had withered by now, the cold having killed it in the past storms. He had stopped bringing offerings to the graves. It felt pointless.
Snow fell in gentle flurries around him, melting on his hair, sending ice water trickling down his neck, but he didn't react to it. He just took another drag of his cigarette.
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moonlit-orchid · 4 months
A spock
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A kirk
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condohavenoking · 1 month
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Silent Hill 2 Remake (2024)
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crymeacriver · 4 months
Spoiler alert for only the brave even though I think I’m the last one on this train: today at work on my break I decided to get back to reading this because I had stopped for a while bc I was too upset about it all, what happens in the chapter I read ? Oh nothing much ! Just olive dying ! And then THE break up like a chapter or so later. What the hell guys? I cannot take this.
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