#let barbara be oracle and tim be red robin
ajitomiel · 4 months
yknow when i started reading comics i wasnt a dickbabs and tim drake hater BUT COMIC WRITERS ARE TESTING MEEEEEEE
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onnahu · 3 months
Bats on the road
Clark: Bruce that's illegal!
Bruce: there's no one else on the road, what do you want?
Hal: how is it that he doesn't have powers and yet drive like a suicidal maniac!
Oliver: Well bold of you to assume he's not a suicidal maniac.
Diana: that was reassuring.
Donna: oh for the love of gods, Grayson, stop that!
Dick *sprawled over 3 different titans eating the batburger and making a mess*: stop what?
Titans: Ughhhh...
Dinah: i'm gonna puke. If you don't stop this,i'm gonna puke right on your lap and i won't even apologise because it'll be your fault.
Barbara: you know what? Fuck you too. And i can puke on call, so don't think i won't get back.
Barbara: *speeds up on a switchback*
Jason: you stupid bitch, don't you see we have right of way?!?!
Jason: we're on a fucking highway! Stop driving like you're next to a kindergarden, you fucker!
Jason: what a dick! We should just hit him. This baby can take that!
Roy: i hate to do that, but I agree with her
Tim: oh my god it's a... (insert a rant about a very specific model of a car that Tim dreamed of having as a 13 years old)
Bart: ...what?
Cassie: yeah, i have no idea what's going on too, buddy...
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 26
Robins look of utter rage fills Danny with adrenaline as he puts the petal to the metal to escape the stabby birds vengeance.
Danny wasn't too worried, after all the car he stole was the Batmobile and he was pretty sure Boy Wonder couldn't hurt the car without being grounded or something.
Whatever. He didn't really even plan to keep the car anyway.
He just needed a way to get them to Amity. Sam and a few other kids had gone missing after she lead a protest against the GIW over the anyi-ecto acts and thier treatment of ghosts and Tucker disappeared a few days later after he got back hacked while trying to find where they took her.
Danny wasn't stupid enough to go in as either Fenton or Ancients forbid, Phantom so he needed help. Unfortunately his track record for asking for help usually ended with him being talked over, talked down to, ridiculed, ignored, ect. So naturally he had to take things into his own hands as usual.
Thus stealing the Batmobile and doing the metaphorical equivalent or hitting a bat flavored hornets nest with a stick and hoping he doesn't die the rest of the way.
He is from the Midwest and this situation was awkward enough to activate his hospitality instincts so he offers to take music requests over the com lines (much to Red Robins bafflement). They of course have noticed a lack of Oracles involvement by this point and Danny informs them of his heavily modified Amazon fire stick and that he used it to not only knock Oracle out of the game -mostly to keep her from hacking into the batmobile and giving him a one way ticket to juvie- but also give him what was pretty much an hologram version of an instruction booklet for the fancy car hes driving.
Yeah, he doesn't know any of the bypass or security codes, but now he doesn't have to wonder that all the buttons do...and if they'll eject him.
Eventually they make it out of Gotham, the bats are miffed and tired. The sun is coming up and the fuzzy fighters break off to return to thier city.
They're likely going to use the trackers in the vehicle to find it once Danny parks so they don't end up chasing him all over the continent.
Good. All according to plan.
Except he waits a day after returning to Amity and hiding the car.
Then two.
Then four pass by without so much as a wing beat.
After five days Danny decides he can't wait anymore and goes back to Gotham to steal more bat themed items. That jet looked rather nice...
In the meantime the bats are flummoxed as to why they can't find this kid
Turns out large amounts of ecto radiation renders most tracking useless. Who knew?
Eventually Danny has a whole collection of expensive bat things and he, on the verge of a breakdown, drives back to Gotham in the GAV (bear in mind hes 14 and has no license throughout all of this) uses the GAV to kidnap Bruce Wayne. He apologizes profusely but explains the situation and that he really needs Batmans help but he seems to be refusing to get involved. So naturally he has to kidnap his sugar daddy to force his hand.
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batfamdcposts · 2 years
I want a comic that shows how the batfam’s disabilities and/or health issues limit their efficacy and the frustration that brings. Give me all of Bab’s monitors going out, her sitting in the dark as her family fights against an unexpected or unknown weapon, and let me see the barely restrained panic. Let her stew in her helplessness, and let her rage at the inconvenience and unfairness of it all. Let her healing be nonlinear, because her incredible feats as Oracle don’t change the fact that she could rush to them right now as Batgirl.
Let Tim feel the proverbial leash of only being able to go so far for so long, because there’s a limit to how many doses of antibiotics he can carry with him. He’s blatantly defied almost every single authority figure he’s ever had, and this is what he has to obey? Let it interrupt his work, and let him obsessively wonder how much more productive he’d be if he didn’t have to spend the time counting and refilling his medications. Let Bruce coming back from a deep space mission be a reminder that there’s an extra step for him to be able to do the same. Let Tim feel the horrible, complicated, conflicting cocktail of gratitude and fury and appreciation and love and guilt when he finds out that each family member carries extra doses on them just in case they get sucked into a portal of some kind on Gotham’s whacked streets.
Let Cass feel the mosquito-bite hurt of not being able to read mission reports as quickly as her family of detectives and geniuses. Let the suggestion of a word-to-text program be offensive before it’s appreciated, because knowing something will be helpful doesn’t always mean she’s ready to accept it. Let her feel trapped by an inability to fully vent what she’s feeling because she doesn’t know the right words. Let her feel the hurt of some people not caring about what she’s trying to say because she can’t always communicate her ideas quickly or concisely enough. Let her hurt turn to rage, because if those people don’t matter then why is she so upset at their decision to disregard her? Why is there a niggling need to prove her worth and intelligence?
I’d just really love to see more of this in fics, comics, etc, because sometimes it’s hurtful even when it shouldn’t be, and sometimes it sucks in ways you never thought it would. Sometimes a disability or health issue actively impedes progress and makes you an inconvenience, and seeing these heroes deal with that would be so helpful in dealing with it.
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brutaliakent · 2 years
// Not Tim Drake friendly
Like idk how to start this but I'll just profess by saying that majority of what I talk about is about his fanon characterisation and if you get offended then in the nicest way possible idgaf
Like why is Tim so fucking infantalized in fanon like some of his fans so obsessed with making him oppressed and a victim when he's not. Its like him in comics canon and him potrayed by fandom by 90% of fics I've read are two totally different person.
He's like a mediocre person in comics at best, I dont like him but I dont mind him either. Also he is written as a misogynist and his treatment of his gfs is abominable but I let it slide cuz maybe it was the writers fault idk
But the way fans potray him to be this holier than thou- never doing anything wrong and smartest robin (cue eyeroll) is wild and wholey inaccurate cuz like he's not. Canonically they're all similar iq and they're all trained by a detective so they're quite good at it, Dick was a mathelete and Jason had solid GPA of 94.8 and Tim dropped out of school to search for Bruce. He is tech savvy and good at computers but he's not the only one from the batfamily to be that is he, I'd say Barbara is the best at that but don't forget Dick used to be a hacker too like I've seen some of yall treat him as this one dimensional sunshine person who has eldest daughter syndrome but like he also has temper and he's clever and sharp and if I'm not wrong he even as degree in Business in main dc universe but that's besides the point
Also headcanoning him as asian feels weird and very playing into stereotype of asians being this super smart people (when there's no proof he's anything but white in canon)
Fanon also for some strange reasons hold on to Jason and Damian trying to kill him and saying how much it would have caused him trauma while completely removing him from the scene except for that scenario. Let me explain for example Damian trying to kill him where they forget the instigator of some are Tim too like he was legit 17 yr old beefing with 10 yr old bffr, did we also collectively ignore him putting the same 10 yr old on a hitlist like... yall act like this was a buffet and you can pick and choose but the thing is that you can pick and choose what to accept from canon but if you're picking Tim being attacked by Dami then maybe mention what he did too instead of victimizing him
Just kinda throwing it in here cuz we're talking about it, Dick didnt fire Tim from Robin because of bad faith, I'm pretty sure it was Alfred who gave Damian the Robin suit first but Dick didnt want Tim to be Robin because Dick saw Tim as an equal rather than a sidekick.
Also the big deal of Jason's attack on Titans Tower irks me a little but like pls remember that Jason made a last minute decision to go there and just beat the shit out of Tim and that's it and it wasnt nice of him to do that but I support his wrongs too
Since we're talking about Titans Tower fics anyways I also find it incredibly peculiar that writers (fanfic) potray him much younger than he was like Tim was 17 during UTRH and around 19 during Teen Titans #29
(Also pretty sure like 99.9% sure that Jason calling Tim 'Replacement' also came from fanon and it was from j*yt*m shippers so like 😵‍💫,, although Jason did call him 'Pretender' in Batman Hush a few times)
(Also highjacking this to talk about Pit madness cuz for some reason there are too many fics about it so like please remember that pit madness and the extent of it is just a fanon thing there is no proof of it happening for more than 5 mintues in canon and Jason was not the only one besides Ra's to use it but Cassandra has also been in the pit... So like yeah Jason did some fucked up shit post resurrection and he did it willingly no supernatural green pool was involved and its ok ❤️, like let him be his own person)
That went majorly off tangent,,, anyways also Tim was never abused physically or otherwise by his parents, they neglected him and child abandonment too for sure (ALSOOOO He spent more thanhalf of his school life in boarding school so it probably won't count as child abandonment but I dont know if its canon to main universe so I'm just putting it out there)
Adding to that is a fanfic issue that is around the potrayal of him in fics where Jason didnt die or wouldn't die and Tim joined the family early, most of those are pretty harmless and wholesome and this is not the critique of those writers so don't take personally but idk how it got so polarising and popular that Tim was a tiny kid and when he and Jason met younger (most fics I've read were from 3rd pov or Jason's pov) and in most of them it is stated that Tim is smaller for his age and Jason mistakes him for a younger age which just doesnt make sense. Like it would be one thing for someone else like Dick or Bruce to make that assumption and entirely different for Jason cuz CANONICALLY Jason was shorter at 15 than Tim was at 13 and it makes sense cuz Jason was malnourished which resulted in stunted growth rate, so like you're telling me that Jason at 15 saw 13 year old Tim and assumed he was 9 like it just doesnt make sense to me
And look this may be seen as nitpicks (and it probably is) but if it was in smaller quantity it could be ignorable but its everywhere and my patience is not endless and I'm fucking tired of him.
Also just to throw that in that all the bulleted points while in themselves alone may seem annoying but harmless, arent all of them together as fanon perception of him just infantalising him overall like its not they're true or anything...
Like lets be real Tim was just a blatant robin self insert, he was 13 when he went to a grieving father whos son was recently murdered and basically blackmailed him into making him robin cuz he thought "Batman needs a Robin" like dude you're 13... also can you imagine how Bruce must have felt in situation like but I dont think blaming Tim for this is right cuz he was a child and he didn't know better
Glorifying a white, rich (because yes he was rich enough to be neighbours with Wayne) character and demeaning and villanising a person of color and a dead poor person (cant keep track of how many times there's implied or outright said that Jason's death is his fault and how Tim's much smarter than Jason and better than him despite having no street smarts on him and being a trust fund baby)
Howevere, it'll be incredibly in poor taste to say that those weren't rooted in racism and classism [because they were] and its not Tim's fault his writers were disgusting but it is furthered and accepted and preached in fanon so like that's no excuse imo
Also if we include him with Robins he is not that special like he dont stick out ... and he terribly lacks any creativity and imagination like he took the mantle of robin and then red robin which like he didnt think through.
And like I'm not dismissing his trauma from attempts on his death but he was robin for 3-4 years before Jason tried to kill him I'm plenty sure he's used to his life being in danger comes with job description and if he didnt want that.. well nobody asked him he served himself on silver platter to be traumatised so yeah
So yeah fanon tim is my number one enemy and idc about him in canon and if you disagree with this please make your own post
This was a long vent of a short(lmao) list of just things that bother me
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horsechestnut · 10 months
Reverse Robins Tim changing his name from Oracle to Spoiler after Stephanie's death.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
I was thinking and I got the conclusion that stalker!Tim works as an AU not because Tim is (while not a stalker) canonically a weirdo (he is) but because Bruce is canonically even more of a weirdo.
We know that just like his reaction to the fake uncle shit, after dealing with the shock that this kid figured out his identity and bonding more with his new Robin, Bruce would just compliment Tim stalker abilities and give him new ones.
And that's to say I need more of stalker Bruce creeping people up. We already have him knowing all JLA secret identities without them telling him. But we need more. I want him knowing Hal Jordan's favorite ice cream flavour or Diana's birthday or Dinah's food alergies without no one telling him. He figures Ollies favorite fucking arrow and Zatanna's favorite Barbie movie, he discovered Arthur favorite snack and how exactally Martha Kent made her fried chesse to give a perfect copy to Clark when he was missing Smallvile during a space mission. He discovered Barry's competitive pokemon team! Everyone on the JLA is freaked. They think he has a secret mind reading/guessing superpower he might not even know about but is just stalkish paranoia. The only person he can't figure things out (and it keeps he awake some nights) is Captain Marvel (he is still the first to discover Billy is a kid). Martian Manhunter is the only one that knows Bruce is just weird but he knows he has good intencions so he doesn't care.
And it isn't only with the League. He makes extensive background checks in all his kids friends. The Teen Titans (both Dick's and Damian's) are freaked out by it. The YJ is actually fine 'cause they are used to Tim and it makes sense Bruce would be like that. The Outsiders (both Jason's but also Cass and Duke's) make their personal quest to mislead him. Not to mention the civilian friends. He is less obvious about it but the kids know and it freaks them up. Steph has a serius discussion over bondaries the day Bruce asks about Crystal's dentist visit and Babs is annoyed af when he just knows things about Alysia. And not only the kids all the other batfam members! The Birds of Prey straight up told him to stop multiple times. Helena once asked Sage's help to trick Bruce, Kate just used Alfred to order him to stop. Barbara interceded in name of Montoya as if she wasn't even in the paranoid stalker game with Bruce and Tim (Babs is worse than Bruce actually). Jim Gordon thinks is cool actually. But Lucious Fox is just "kid, I love you, but Alfred needs to teach you bondaries" and "how did you know Tam's baby tooth was starting to fall before me??" (Yes Bruce does this stalker thing since he was a kid/teen)
He also does it with the Rogues. At first they don't notice it because it's normal that their oponent knows things about them but starts to get weird. Selina freaks out when Bruce tells her to say happy birthday for her cat n12 (Dollie, he called it by name) when she hadn't even introduced him to her cats yet. Riddler had a genuine breakdown when Bruce just gave him the exact perfect copy of his glasses prescrition and all to replace his broken ones during an interrogation (he needed Riddler's help against a copycat). Harley punched Bruce in the face after he correctly pointed out she had just started her period and offered heater packs for her cramps, a chocolate ice cream and some snacks while driving her to Arkham, Penguin stopped doing crime for a whole week after he had almost fainted (being a crime lord is hard) for not eating the whole day and having high blood pressure for stress reason and Bruce just gave him a snack, a bottle of water and his meds (except it wasn't his meds, Batman just had a pill of Penguin's prescription in hand and wtf), Scarecrow recomended him therapy when he somehow figure out Jon's favorite candy bar and tried to use it as a bargain for information, Joker felt very flaterred that Bruce not only knew that he made his own dye using two pre existing dye products and a mix of chemicals but had the formula including the recomended brands for everyhing.
The only person who had no reaction was Clark. Clark sees Bruce being a weird stalker as just a fact of life and no one knows how to deal with it. (It's better than Tim "I wanna be like that" and Babs "cool but I'm better " aproaches at least). Talia Al Ghul used to consider it impressive and have a flirty competition to see if Batman could figure details about her. After they stopped being an item they respected each other enough that he just stalks Talia if is related to Ra, crimes, Damian or the League.
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mid-nightowl · 8 months
So, the Batman in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League may or may not have killed Robin
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#suicide squad: kill the justice league spoilers#which got me wondering if there's every been a fic where Bruce in a fit of possession or brainwashing did kill one of his kids??#and actually handled it well (aka it didn't go straight to bruce bashing)?? i need to read if so cause this topic is juicy#i think it's heavily implied to be tim drake robin so uh yeah#there was also mention of Oracle Nightwing and Jason#(not red hood; bruce just states jason) but I don't think they appear nor is it implied if they got murked either#and if this is post-arkhamverse.....major yikes#another L for arkhamverse Tim#bald and dead smh#poor guy#i probably won't get the game until it's on sale (i don't care for the storyline that much) BUT the fic ideas?????#like after the fact what would bruce do?? would he just keep going bc he doesn't know how to handle it other than being batman???#would he actually quit??#(and this is if he doesn't kill himself or let someone else kill him at the end of this)#also the reactions from the other bats? how would they react to who bruce killed? and then who exactly do you pick to be killed?#because who matters i think#my gut always wants to lean towards jason-and-bruce-angst but i think bruce accidentally killing dami or tim would be....#well it would be catastrophic i think#killing jason (post-red hood or as robin) would also be awful but a RH!jason falls in line with abuse he's already getting in canon#bruce killing barbara or dick also has a lot of angsty fallout potential#hmmmmm i will be contemplating this i think for a good while#i have ideas
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corkinavoid · 2 months
DPxDC Not So Artificial Intelligence
Barbara thinks it was Bruce, with his love for new additions to the Cave. Bruce thinks it was Tim, with his late hyperfixation on AI. Tim thinks it was Babs, with her ever evolving network of keeping everything under control.
They are all wrong, but the fact stays a fact: the BatCave has an AI assistant now.
It is not very good at first, not recognizing voices very well and messing up commands, but the Bats write it off as a learning curve. Besides, it never makes the same mistakes twice, and in a couple of months, even the tiniest slip ups fade away.
Its name is Betty. First, Dick named it Bat-AI (a reasonable name), then it transformed into Bat-I for easier pronunciation, and then Steph called in Betty once, and the name was sealed.
And they all love Betty. Betty is the best, keeping track of their everyday lives, reminding them of their civilian meetings and vigilante business, alerting them of any suspicious activity in the city. Oracle finally gets to sleep for more than 4 hours in a day with Betty's help. Tim gets company when he is three weeks in and elbows deep in a case - it's easier when he has an illusion of someone to discuss the matter with, and Betty even offers him insight. Damian learns to do digital art just to have a little competition with Betty. He wins, but the AI is a worthy opponent, in his opinion.
Even Bruce begrudgingly likes the AI assistant. She is competent and helpful, and Alfred seems to approve of how she doesn't let Bruce overwork himself when he escapes medbay to keep searching for answers.
That is, until one day, Tim installs speakers specifically for Betty in the Cave.
The voice that comes from them is not robotic or mechanical.
It definitely has human intonation.
"Hello, Red Robin," the voice - a male voice, actually - greets him with slight amusement. Tim feels an uneasy feeling sinking down in his stomach.
"You know me as such. I would prefer it if you called me Danny. He/them pronouns."
Remind him, who installed the AI?..
Danny got trapped inside the Batcomputer somehow - I suspect Technus had a hand in it - and decided to embrace it. He used to be a vigilante himself, so why not help this whole family of vigilantes while he is at it? They look like they need a hand.
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queenlionnescastle · 1 month
Inspired by that one post about making dark shows into a just a bunch of kids, i present to you: Batman pretend AU :D
Bruce isn’t a billionaire, but he’s a reasonably wealthy criminal defense attorney living in Gotham. A bit after he adopted Dick, his own adoptive dad (Alfred) moved in to Bruce’s apartment so that Dick had someone to watch him while Bruce was at work. Dick’s favorite game to play was superhero, and in the evenings Bruce would run around with him as Batman and Robin!! :D Alfred didn’t like how much running the game entailed, so Dick made him Batman’s butler :)
Occasionally, when Commissioner Gordon would come to Bruce’s apartment to discuss work stuffs, he would bring along his teen daughter. While Barbara was much older than Dick (let’s say he’s like 10), they had fun playing pretend together as Robin and Batgirl
When Bruce adopted Jason, Dick was like a tween and growing out of his love for Robin, so Bruce made a ceremony where Robin became an adult superhero and got a new persona! Nightwing was now an independent ally of Batman, and he passed down the mantle of Robin to Jason
Jason loved being Robin, but when Tim was later adopted he was extremely excited to get a ceremony like Dick! :> He got to be extra Dramatic™ and his character died, coming back to life as Red Hood~
At around 7 years old, Tim’s best friend Steph regularly visited the Wayne family and got her own persona, Spoiler, but she occasionally snatched the Robin cape from Tim >:]
When Bruce adopted Cass, the kids weren’t sure what to do with Robin, since Cass is older than Tim (and Jason too). But she didn’t want to be Robin, she wanted to be like Bruce, so she played as Black Bat :D
Bruce then fostered Duke (he’s hoping to later adopt him~), and Duke was thrilled to join in on superheroes! He already had his own persona, Signal, and he was the first to really think up superpowers
Around this time, Bruce was dating Talia and their relationship was strained at best. They split, but Bruce got primary custody of Damian! He’s just a wee bab rn, but Tim is worried about having to give up being Robin
Barbara still visits even after she doesn’t have to come along with her dad, and it’s a nice change of pace from her new work at the Gotham Public Library. Since she was paralyzed a couple years ago in an accident, she plays Oracle to give the kids missions and facilitate their stories. She loves to watch them play and chat with Alfred :)
At this point, Dick is like 16 and isn’t really into it anymore, but he feels responsible for his younger siblings and makes sure the 11 year olds (Jason and Cass) and the 7/8 year olds (Tim and Duke, and Steph when she’s there) play nice together. Usually he keeps two year old Damian entertained and away from sharp things :>
And recently, Bruce and Selina have begun to date, but they wanted to keep it a secret from the kids at first. Bruce would invite her over after the kids were asleep, and if they heard anything he would pretend he didn’t know what they were talking about. ~However~ this lead to the kids thinking a cat burglar was robbing their house at night, so Bruce quickly introduced Selina to them (Bruce had told her so much about them already so she was ecstatic, she had only met sleeping baby Damian beforehand). Her being a cat burglar became a running joke, so when the kids got her to play with them, she became Catwoman :)
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
Nightlight meets the Batfamily
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Nightlight didn’t know why she got transported to this smelly dinging alley.
All she remembered was helping Professor Sumdac carry some heavy material’s then feeling fuzzy and landing in the ally.
Worse, several important wires responsible for transformation had come out of their sockets.
Nothing could get wo—
Nightlight looks at her window and sees a small figure leaning on her frame. They were bleeding. She opens the door, and the figure falls into her front seat. It was a boy in a costume.
Nightlight: “Hey kid! Are you okay?”
The boy slowly lifts his head groaning.
Nightlight: “Kid is there a hospital or place we can go to get help?”
The boy groaned more, his eyes closing. Nightlight wraps her seatbelt around the boy. He yelped as the belt went over his wound and tightened.
Nightlight: “Sorry, can’t have you bleeding out. Now, is there a place we can go and get you help?” The boy hazily nods: “…putting in coordinates… wanna sleep bats…”
Nightlight puts the coordinates in and speeds off.
Nightlight: “Hang tight kiddo. Help is on the way.”
Nightlight’s spark was in overdrive when the boy suddenly slumped in her seat.
She was surprised when a secret entrance opened into a large cave.
She honked her horn several times getting the attention of an older human and another human in a wheelchair.
Carefully opening the door and letting the boy get carried off by the older man.
The woman rolled over to her.
Barbara: “Bruce? Bruce where—” Nightlight: “Who’s Bruce?”
The human woman in wheelchair made a startled noise.
Barbara: “Who said that?” Nightlight: “I did.” Barbara: “You’re the car? But how the batmobile—wait how—”
Nightlight pops her hood.
Nightlight: “If you can connect those wires, I’ll explain everything.”
The woman hesitates but eventually plugs in the wires. Nightlight transforms and stretches a bit. She looks down at the woman and kneels offering her digit.
Nightlight: “Thank you Ms…” Barbara: “…Oracle.”
Nightlight tilts her helm a bit.
Nightlight: “Oracle? Not a traditional human name I’ve heard. Or is it a code name?” Barbara: “Code name. Now, explain.”
Nightlight explained her situation to ‘Oracle’.
The older human, Alfred, soon came towards the pair telling them that ‘Red Robin’ was now stable.
The bot vented in relief and introduced herself to the older human.
She eventually sat down by the med bay while happily chatting with the older man when ‘Red Robin’ had woken up.
Tim groans as his eyes adjust to the light. Alfred goes to Tim side gently patting his head.
Alfred: “Good sleep, Master Tim?”
Tim groans as he adjusts himself to sit up in the bed.
Tim: “I guess. But I was having the strangest dream about the batmobile talk—”
Tim looks over at the giant robot in the cave waving at him.
Tim: “…I think I’m still dreaming. The batmobile is a mech.” Nightlight: “I’m no mech kid. The names Nightlight.” Tim: “…” Nightlight: “Yeah, don’t worry we’ll explain everything, right Barbara?” Tim: “It knows your names?!”
It takes a bit to explain to Tim what happened, but he does eventually understand and does say thank you for the rescue.
Nightlight simply pats his head.
Now… to tell the others about their temporary companion.
Tim was half tempted to bring Nightlight with him to his team’s hide out until she could go back home.
But it was ultimately decided that The Batman should be let on this.
The batmobile and two motorcycles pulled into the cave. The vigilantes get out.
Jason: “And that’s why you don’t film pigeons while you’re on patrol.” Damian: “Todd I swear--.” Bruce: “Enough both of you.” Bruce: “Did anyone check in with Red Robin.” Dick: “I thought he was with you. He was calling for the batmobile… are you guys seeing this?”
Tim, with bandages, was in the palm of a giant robot that looked oddly similar to the batmobile.
Nightlight: “Then I somersaulted Starscream and shoved the bomb right up his—Oh! We have visitors.”
Nightlight was picking out tiny ‘batarangs’ while Tim, Barbara and Alfred explained the situation.
Jason wants proof of the transformation.
Nightlight does then goes back to her root mode.
Jason: “So, she’s kinda like the female robot alien version of you B.” Nightlight: “I am not—” Bruce: “She is not—" Dick: “What did you say your job was again?” Nightlight: “I’m a detective. I solve mysteries, put the bad guys in cuffs—”
Jason gives Bruce a smug look.
Damian: “Did your parents die when you were young.” Dick, Tim: “Damain!” Nightlight: “Umm, no? I don’t have any parents. That concept is more of the traditional Earth thing. I have had mentors though.” Dick: “… How about a complicated love life?” Bruce glares at all his children: “Okay now how about we stop—” Nightlight: “I have a Conjunx if that’s what you’re asking.” Batfamily: “Conjunx?” Nightlight: “I believe its translated as ‘Spouse’, on Earth.” Jason: “… how come the robot version of you has her life together and you don’t.” Bruce: “Jason--” Tim: “Last one! Do you have a tendency of adopting orphans or kids in general?” Nightlight laughs a bit before thinking back at most of the members on Team Prime: “… I have become a figure to some extent.” Nightlight looks over at Tim before plucking him up and placing him on her shoulder: “Anymore questions?” All Bat kids looking up: “…” Nightlight: “If you want up—” Batkids: “Please!”
Bruce broods in silence as his kids are carried up the bots shoulders and helm.
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gilverrwrites · 2 months
Some unprompted headcanons for Babs, Jason, and Tim just because I felt like it.
You know most computers now let you have multiple personalisation settings. Barbara has a different pre-set for each member of the family, and she changes them each day depending on who she’s Oracle-ing for. Very generic grey and black theme for Batman. Blue for Nightwing with a picture of him as her background. Red Robin and Red Hood are both, well, red, but her keyboard lights up yellow for Red Robin. All yellow for Signal, lots of purple for Spoiler. Black and yellow for Batgirl. Robin doesn’t have his own yet, since he doesn’t work alone much, however, she does have a bunch of his drawings pinned on the walls.
Jason is a book worm, yes, BUT he does not treat books well .With the exception special editions or books that are particularly meaningful to him, he carries pocket paperbacks around with him and they get battered; torn covers, singed edges, dented corners. That’s on top of his dog earring the pages and annotating them in whatever pen he can find. If he reads an extract or a poem that reminds him of somebody he will straight up rip it out and keep it in his pocket for days, weeks, months until he remembers to give it to the person.
Tim collects bottle caps. No wait, that’s not quite true, people collect soda caps for him. It started when he was a kid and Zesti Cola released a special edition glass bottle for on of their big anniversaries. He just thought it was cool, so he kept it. Years later while he’s out photographing Robin he steps on a funky looking Soder Cola cap and decides to keep it. When he moves into the mansion Bruce finds those two old and beaten-up caps when he’s helping Tim unpack and latches onto it as a bonding thing, starts seeking out glass bottles whenever he’s somewhere new and tells Alfred to do the same. When Steph finds a trinket tray full of bottle caps in Tim’s room she assumes he's a collector and starts doing the same until one day it’s just an unspoken things that everyone in the family does. When you find a bottle cap you give it to Tim. Tim has never questioned it, but he is running out of space.
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So this is basically just a thought I come up after watching the movie, I haven't got a chance to read the book but I'll try to when I have free time.
So short summary this might be headcannons I've come up for the time being before making a whole series about this.
This series might end up as Yandere Platonic Batfamily x Nimona!Reader
Nimona!Reader headcanon:
Reader is gender neutral since they can shape-shift into anything and anyone, the concept of being a girl or a boy is confusing to them, They are Y/N simple as that.
Y/N's power is like Nimona's minus the magic sparkles you see in the movie, their body shifts each cell to anything they want but like her or even Beast Boy they have telltale signs that it's not just any animal or person.
When Y/N shifts into any animal they have the hint of red on the skin, fur, scales or feather while if they shift to a person they have red stripes of hair on their head.
I would like to keep Nimona's red/pink-ish hair because why not? it's Iconic and I love it, really pops out in Gotham that Y/N is a the main character.
The rest of the other physical description is up for the readers to decide.
The setting of their origins goes back to the mid-early Gotham days, where the corruption is it's highest, a perfect plot to explain why they became so hateful to the city and later to the world.
Batfam Headcanon:
Bruce Wayne
Let's start with this bat pajama wearing vigilante
As I told before Y/N is already a citizen of Gotham at the beginning ahead of Martha and Thomas Wayne time and few generation of Wayne's and the original known influencial families in Gotham.
When Young!Bruce met Y/N it was the day Bruce fell in a cave/well at the back of the Wayne mansion
Except instead of Thomas rescuing Young!Bruce it was Y/N who did
Y/N save Young!Bruce and calm him down, he still became afraid of bats but the memory was tied together with their first meeting making it hard for him to forget Y/N
Young!Bruce and Y/N (who shifted to a young child) became friends behind Thomas and Martha's back
The two loving parents would always listen to their son telling stories about his new friend who can shape-shift
They only smile and encourage him to talk about his new friend because they thought Y/N was an 'imaginary' friend he made up after the traumatizing event.
Then here comes the canon event, I got two scenarios with me first is that Y/N was there when the death of the Wayne's happened and they shifts into a large deadly bat after the trigger was pulled and killed the mugger making Young!Bruce traumatized and call them a monster.
Second that Y/N was gone and came back after that night and Young!Bruce blames them for not showing up when he needed them because they promised to protect him.
Fast-forward to the present Bruce became Batman and already when through Dick, then him now as Nightwing Barbara from Bat-girl to Oracle (still in the process of healing), Jason, Jason's death, adopting Tim and making him Robin, Stephanie to Robin before Spoiler as well as adopting Cassandra before Damian came after Talia introduce and told Bruce to 'get to know his son' unfortunately no Duke yet because in order for him to be introduced everything in the batfam should have settled in including Jason but I will put him later on the series and He'll have his own introduction to Nimona!Reader.
Reread that again Jason's death but no reconciliation with him and here comes the next part I love.
Imagine this setting, it was raining in Gotham and Bruce as Batman was in pursuit of the Vigilante named Red Hood.
After finally cornering him, Bruce found out about Red Hood's true identity being the revived Jason Todd, his late Robin and son.
But before he could apprehend Jason, the younger male only smirk and whispered something before a pair of red blood bat wings emerge behind Jason.
A person rose up from Jason's back having a that familiar her color and a pair of glowing eyes looked directly at Bruce's as the mysterious person's with uncanny features that stood behind his son tickled the back of his brain.
Before he could utter a word he was cut off by a one strong flap of wings, soon Jason and the figure was up in the sky, the large bat wings flew up in the middle of the moon's form and their large wings spread open as if to mock the symble of the Batsignal before disappearing.
Headcanon for Nimona!Reader relationship with Bruce
At first I was planning on making Nimona!Reader as Young! Bruce's childhood first love before making it a sibling relationship
Still open to a romantic one if people are ok with it but I'm more fine with a sibling dynamic
You already see Young!Bruce as your Brother and you still do even after the harsh fall out the two of you had.
You already knew he was Batman by scent but never bothered with telling him or showing yourself
It's fun to wreck stuff at Gotham and making the big bad Bat frustrated and angy.
The only thing he's glad about is you never interacting with the Joker
for the Yandere part is that you being a big influence to his younger days being his only friend and literally the one who save him from the well/cave accident.
You became one of his fears and inspiration to become Batman
and seeing you again made his feeling from before come back and resulted to needing to find you and to reunite with you again.
Jason Todd/Red Hood
I'll pick him as second since I think I should put the order of how close the members of the Batfam are to Y/N
I can imagine him as Ballister to Nimona!Reader but more dark and is actually a villian that Y/N is going to join and become his sidekick
I was planning on mixing two version of Red Hood/Jason Todd maybe Arkham!Red Hood/Jason and Young Justice League!Jason Todd? weird but I need to this two version of him to connect for the plot I have in mind so stay with me
So Jason died by the Jokers hand at Arkham and his dead body was snatched and revived by Ra using the lazarus pit and became the League of Assassins puppet for a few years before escaping and became the Arkham Knight
He started a few solo missions, killing criminals and making a name -remember not Red Hood yet- first before moving on the recruite people not yet joining forces with the scarecrow
Y/N saw the Gotham news and found out about The Arkham Knight and was like
News reporter: He's a criminal
Y/N: He's awesome
News reporter: He blew up a building and killed people
Y/N: He's fucking metal
News reporter: He's Evil
Y/N: He's perfect
After that they broke into one of Jason's secret hideout and tell him about becoming his sidekick making Jason's ptsd come back about being a robin and Batman's sidekick
Jason threaten you with a gun since he's still angsty and depressed because of Bruce but you're more stubborn than him
First time you ever shape-shift he asked you if you were Beast Boy/Garfield's relative but you genuinely don't know who that is
He freaked out a bit but warm up to you little by little since your actions remind him of his kid days and unfortunately when he was Robin as well
As Arkham Knight he needed you for escape plans, distraction but most importantly on stealth missions seeing that your shape shifting powers was handy
But stealth missions are the ones you hate so when you end those missions You.Break.'Some'.Shits
He was pissed of course but quickly shut his mouth when you already had everything covered, now he doesn't even get bothered by your 'metal' moments
Then the whole Arkham happened, Gotham City was still fixing and healing but then the criminals still came back, Batman is still alive (Scarecrow didn't get to expose his indentity as Bruce Wayne because Jason save him in time) but didn't make up with Bruce and after that he finally became Red Hood
Headcanon for Nimona!Reader relationship Jason
When you met him you already smelled Bruce's phantom scent on him
It's smelled normal like a lingering scent but enough to tell you that Bruce is not Jason's biological father but still somewhat close with him, how you have that skill? I'll call it a weird mutation you have being a shapeshifter
You call him Boss but you actually treat him like a younger brother or act like mother/aunt-ish around him most of the time
Jason always think you could as well be his younger sibling but we all know your older than him by a few decades.
I kept Nimona's red colors since I think it'd be fucking awesome that two of the person that hated Bruce or became Bruce's nightmare and pain in the ass are both wearing or have the color red in their character palette. (Tim......is orange? Idk fckn know some of the fandom give him the orange color)
Damian Al' Ghul-Wayne/Robin
Before anybody say 'why jump to him quickly?' Well Lemme tell you something, Lemme tell you something
Damian's origin is connected to Y/N's origin story, remember when I told that Y/N existed early mid-Gotham days?
Well guess what Y/N was the connection of Ra to the Lazarus Pit and they became one his inspiration to use it.
Damian's grandfather speak highly of you, how you were the perfect being in this world that could widthstand the force of the Lazarus and continue to live forever.
Damian became influence by his grandfather's, mother's teaching and stories about you that deep down he wished to see you face to face
He still is an annoying brat from time to time but after staying at the Wayne and finally experience the life of living instead of surving he tone down for a bit
Ra's words still linger but now he has his own morals he keeps.
The first time he meet you might actually be pretty normal, him in his civilian Identity and you guys being you.
I guess maybe at the park? him just looking out for Titus and taking for a walk and you were just in the grass or the swings chilling.
He wouldn't care for the first minutes but when he saw Titus getting pretty close with you and he just watches as Titus let's you pet him.
He was intrigued and decided to introduce himself since he was in the midst of getting lessons about 'making friends'
Headcanon for Nimona!Reader relationship to Damian
How about like Mother-ish Aunty as well? and Damian also thinks you have a caring moments since you usually care even though you act crazy
Crazy? I was crazy once, they lock me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room with rats, Rats makes me crazy, crazy? I was Crazy once-
and casually talk about killing and blood, lots of blood, buckets of blood.
He has alot of respect to you since you're this high being his grandfather talks about everytime
Likes that you can shape-shift into animals more
Follows you around after discovering your real identity and doesn't mind your 'metal' moments as well
This is not the last of headcanon but I might add more in the future for now I'm just gonna put this in before I forget.
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aprocessionofthoughts · 11 months
Investigations are attempted
whumptober2023 day 12- red fandom- Danny phantom x batman TW- none summary- Bruce and his kids continue to look into Daniel Nightingale.
ao3 whumptober23 materlist Part 4 of ITR
Bruce stared at the file again.
Name: Daniel Nightingale Family: Unknown Previous employment: Nasty Burger cashier Magical ability: can sense spirits and magical artifacts, can see some mid-level spirits
He frowned. He’d already tried looking up Nasty Burger but no results had come up. He’d tried looking more into Daniel but everything seemed to be in place. Everything was almost too perfect.
It felt like a cover up, like a fake identity. But it was done so well, he was having trouble finding anything else. He’d already had Tim and Barbara try, but Tim didn’t get much further, only discovering that Daniel was his real name but Nightingale had been what was changed. Barbara had agreed and added that she recognized the signature of the hacker who had done the job, but that she had no idea who the hacker was except that they were on her level of talent.
Bruce closed that file and pulled up his search for Manson.
He turned aside to take a drink of his coffee, and when he turned back there was a message displayed on the Batcomputer.
Bruce stared at it before reaching up to his comm. “Oracle.”
“What’s up, B?” he could hear the clicking of keys in the background.
 “I need you to run a check on the Batcomputer.”
“I’m kind of busy at the moment, is this something that can wait?”
“I think we may have found the Manson we’re looking for.”
“But I only know because the name started blinking across the screen.”
Oracle was silent for a moment before he heard her curse, then the clicking of keys continued at a much more frantic pace.
Bruce waited, the message had disappeared already and so he started looking up Samantha Manson. From what he found she reminded him of Ivy, and he could only hope she wasn’t some kind of villain as well. Manson was an avid protester against meat farms and deforestation along with several other environmental issues. She was also heir to the Manson company and fortune. When he looked into her background he found that she came from Amity Park, Illinois. But when Bruce looked the town up, he came up blank. He wanted to bang his head agaisnt his desk in frustration.
“What did you find?”
“I don’t know where exactly the message originated from, but it has the same signature as whoever made Nightingale’s files.”
Bruce grunted in acknowledgement and frustration.
“I’ll keep looking but I've never been able to find this hacker before and I’m not sure I’ll be able to unless they let me.”
“Keep me updated.”
Bruce could practically feel her eye roll as she answered. “Of course, B.”
Bruce really hoped Samanthat Manson was the one they were looking for. But why would the hacker tell them? Regardless, it was worth looking into. It had been a month since Daniel had been taken and if this went on too long, Bruce wasn’t sure if Daniel would still be alive.
He looked up Manson’s whereabouts and his suspicions increased when he found that she had arrived in Gotham the day before.
He spoke over the comms again, “I need a volunteer to go with me to investigate Manson.”
“You finally found them? Who are they?” said Nightwing.
“Took you long enough, old man.”
“Did you or Oracle find them?” Tim asked.
“Neither. Someone hacked the Batcomputer to send the message.”
There was silence on the comms for less than a second before a flurry of overlapping voices made Bruce wince. 
“Quiet.” Thankfully they listened and Bruce was able to continue. “Oracle is looking into it, but I want one of you with me to approach Manson.”
“I need to wrap a case up in Bludhaven.”
“I’m busy.” Jason said.
“I’ll go.” Robin responded.
“Not you, Robin. Agent A informs me you have a project to work on.”
“But, Father–”
“Do you want to take it up with Agent A?”
Damien grumbled but didn’t say anything else.
“Red Robin?”
Tim sighed, “I guess I can go. Whoever this Manson is probably knows our hacker, and I’d really like to meet the person who can hack the Batcomputer. Who is it?”
“Samantha Manson.”
Tim spluttered. “What! Sam Manson, heir to the toothpick company!”
“You know her?”
“Do I know her? She’s the only reason I volunteer for the annual Baymont’s Gala, you know, the owners of that meat packaging plant. Her family always attends, and she always does something to make the gala more interesting. Last year she somehow put laxative in all the champagne. It was hilarious!”
He could hear Dick cackling over the comms.
“That’s ridiculous. Surely something like that would be in the news?” Damien said.
“I don’t think she’s ever been caught.”
“Then how do you know it was her?” Jason asked.
We’ve been going to that gala for years and she’s always very vocal about her opinions of the Baymonts and their company. And once I saw her slip a fake mouse into Avery Bellmonts dress.”
“I think I heard about that incident.” Dick said. “If she turns out to be good, we should invite her to the next Wayne gala; they are always so boring. No offense, B.”
“I agree, except full offense. And no names in the comms, Dickwing.” Jason said.
“It’s not my fault you–”
“Boys.” There was silence and Bruce sighed. “Red Robin, I’m sending you the address of her hotel. Meet me there in an hour.”
“Will do, B.”
Bruce silenced his comm and got up to get changed into the Batsuit. If Samantha was anything like Tim said, he was in for a long night.
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zahri-melitor · 4 months
Spoilery thoughts on Batman #148:
This story was pretty clearly drafted to be a 5 or 6 issue story, probably originally resolving in #150 as bringing the family together is a nice round number issue sort of event. My best guess is that the Nakano and Vandal Savage plot and some more of the back ups around the captured villains got cut to the bone to speed things up after Zdarsky was told #150 was needed for Absolute Power (and #149 is apparently doing the epilogue to set up for whatever goes on in Absolute Power). There’s a couple of really clear “and we just skipped 3-4 pages” sort of moments in the shape of the script for this issue (and in hindsight in #147) that if it had been allowed even an extra issue the story would have more space to breathe.
And despite that revised pagecount, Zdarsky still manages to deliver the moments he wanted to bring for Dick, Babs, Jason, Tim and Damian, so I’m impressed by that. Cass unfortunately did get relegated, but if I’m being objective about this, DC’s still waffling over whether Current Cass is adopted or not, and Zdarsky was already juggling a big list of characters (plus part of the point of having a big cast is that you don’t HAVE to focus on all the cast).
I did like how much space Zdarsky still found for the Damian-Tim-ZEA Robin plot. That did NOT resolve the way I predicted from the costume’s first hints in the background (I was totally on team ‘Tim puts on the costume sacrificially to try to get through to ZEA Bruce thinking he can handle this, and gets brainwashed’), but it was satisfying in terms of acknowledging Tim and Damian’s relationship (it was giving me Gates of Gotham vibes, which are the best Tim and Damian working together vibes), there was more discussion of the different elements both bring to the role of Robin and what’s good and bad about each, and how ZEA Robin doesn’t understand what makes you Robin. It was a pretty balanced fight scene. Tim gives Damian an assist, Damian gives Tim an assist, Tim’s a bit too overconfident and pays for it, Damian was a bit petulant about having to sit part of it out (though being tied up is like, PURE Robin aesthetic).
As far as the costumes go for the Robins Fight scene: honestly, switching Tim into a darker costume that was black and green with red accents complemented Damian’s black and grey with red accents aesthetic well, and contrasted with the ZEA costume being so bright red and yellow (which is playing off the original red, yellow and purple ZEA suit). Jimenez also gave everyone a different mask shape, which also helped distinguish everyone when you have three ‘Robins’ appearing in the same fight. All the Bat redesigns at the moment are leaning into darker palettes, and I appreciated the choice to go back to green as Tim’s ‘colour’, rather than red, given: his pre-2006 history used to use green quite often as his distinguishing colour; he can share it with Babs (team green for the computer nerds!); it’s not a colour they’ve particularly focused on for Damian for ages; and it gets him out from under having to share colour palette with Jason, given Jason can’t keep a costume consistent for a year.
It’s fine. It’s not my favourite Robin design I’ve ever seen, it’s not the worst Robin design I’ve ever seen (even on Tim), and it made the fight a lot clearer to follow.
I really liked that Barbara’s contribution was Oracle based and it made her inclusion make sense. I cackled at Dick getting to punch Daniel Captio (I was having serious echoes of the Cave argument in Bruce Wayne: Murderer/Fugitive, and from Tim’s delighted face for that punch I think Tim was too).
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In terms of Jason, having him volunteer to take on the Lazarus-linked part of the plot and tell Bruce “let us have control of our own decisions” IS the resolution and apology for the mind alteration plot (which I am still pretty sure was a Rosenberg driven decision, not a Zdarsky one, in Gotham War), and look. That’s the sort of resolution you get a lot for comics plots. They’re cool. It was never going to end up as a big song and dance.
I like that the resolution pulled everything back to Failsafe. Good way to round off 2 years on the title. Nice extended story arc, with shout outs all the way back to #125.
I did have to laugh at Nakano calling Cass, Steph and Duke ‘child soldiers’ though. Those are all actual adults, sir! Even Duke’s supposed to be 18+ now.
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yeetus-feetus · 2 months
i see so many trans Tim and trans Jason headcanons, but I haven't seen anything for Stephanie yet.
I really wanna read something about Stephanie transitioning and using Robin and Batgirl to find her way and feel comfortable in her skin.
Like at first, she's Robin and she's still presenting male, but say batman finds her crying and very awkwardly asks what's wrong. And then Stephanie tells him all about how she's pretty sure she's actually a girl inside and the name she really likes and how she wants to grow her hair out, but she's afraid because Robin has to be a boy and he'll take Robin away from her.
Bruce sort of grunts a few times, awkwardly pats her on the head, before saying very blankly in a monotone voice: "I don't care who you are, boy or girl, I still need a Robin until Timothy comes back."
And Stephanie sniffles a bit and looks up at him, "really?"
Batman huffs and turns towards the Batmobile, "yes, hurry up we've got a busy night"
Stephanie runs up hugs him from behind and Bruce let's out an exasperated grunt.
"can I add a skirt to the costume?" Stephanie asks later in the car.
"absolutely not."
Stephanie looks at him with a pout and still red puffy eyes from crying, a pleading look in her eyes.
Bruce grunts again. "Fine, but you have to wear the tights underneath it."
"but Nightwing got to wear shiny green panties when he was Robin!? And I have to wear tights under my skirt?"
Another grunt. "You're a girl now. You don't need criminals looking up your skirt. And" *frustrated grunt* "i tried to get him to wear pants, he was a handful."
Sorry sorry, I got a bit carried away. I want Stephanie to have a longer run than she did in canon, but still eventually get fired because of a mistake and a heated argument with Bruce.
She knows the boys got away with a lot more, feels like she's been given a lot less leeway and she's understandably upset. Then I want Barbara, now Oracle, to give Stephanie the Batgirl suit. And this represents like, her stepping into womanhood.
Yes, Bruce accepted her and did all the necessary things so she could be a girl, but also, he's Bruce, and he has no idea what he's doing because he's only raised and mentored boys. So Barbara gets to introduce her to new things and show her how to do makeup and how to pad bras and braid hair, all that sort of stuff y'know.
Also I feel like Stephanie's mum would be supportive too, maybe she's a bit confused at first. But she gets there, and as a nurse, she understands HRT. So Stephanie has support on her transition all round. Even if it's very awkward coming from Bruce, he's.... Trying at least.
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