#lawless back
uldren-sov · 6 months
Interviewer: Would you say you're independent?
Seven: *looks to MC*
MC: *nods*
Seven: I'd say so, yes.
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frozen-seagrass · 26 days
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The WALL-E au no one asked for
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giulzart · 1 year
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But we just can’t keep away
When you know me like you do
It’s supernatural got me howling at the moon
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lia-snow · 6 days
Are u still into Lawlicht ? T.T
What a coincidence, I've been thinking about them :')
I mean, of course I'm still into Lawlicht, I just haven't read the manga in years so... I don't know anything about Servamp beyond the C3 arc, which is where I stopped reading.
I've already mentioned this before, but it's not like I stopped liking Servamp or anything. Some stuff just happened irl, and I've never been able to catch up again. It's difficult for me to watch animu or read manga in general now...
But I do miss this pair of idiots and their stupid shenanigans. And all the crap they made me draw hahah they're the funniest ship I've ever had. Welp, I might not be able to pull a fanart rush like before, but here's to old times :')
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Belive it or not, I used to write down all the Lawlicht crap I wanted to draw www there's a lot of stuff that I never made. This was originally a part of the A Demon's Profession of Love series :'p
Hope you like it, anon <3
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girl4music · 26 days
The Xenites may collectively hate ‘Married With Fishsticks’ and indeed the entirety of Season 5.
But at least we got this from it:
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Because that’s what the story of it was about.
It was never about Gabrielle and Joxer.
Why was that Gabrielle’s fantasy?
It wasn’t. It was her nightmare. But you can still learn something from your nightmares. Something positive.
It was all about Gabrielle’s struggles with being maternal after that whole trauma with evil Hope.
It was so she could learn to be a better parent to Eve.
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nmvord · 16 days
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A habit. Fanart for @infamous-if, since it's going for a public release in the near time. Saha "Roze" Rezon and Seven Lawless. Saha's my Infamous OC (for Seven's path of course).
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infamous-if · 11 months
[...] Or maybe they should tell MC so MC can understand the scope of Seven's transformation. The unique trauma of emotionally flaying yourself until you're inside out, bloody and raw and exposed but with your hands out in hopes that someone loves you for who you are, only to reject you. Then you realize you weren't being open, you were being weak. And then you have to do the process all over again, this time to yourself, reminding yourself of all the terrible things and how stupid it had you acting...all just so you can move on quicker. That's the cost of love. Suffering a million tiny deaths just so you can feel like a living, functioning human again.
Read Seven's Bus Chat (4.9k words + 3$ and 6$ tier) here! Enjoy :)
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clumsycapitolunicorn · 3 months
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oh, it's just xena and yasmin khan in a pic together it's no big deal. nope, not at all.
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somewillwin · 6 months
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Now don’t get me wrong, I absolutely think that from a moral standpoint Glenn made the better choice at the end of the trial- in fact I think one of the most tragic things about that scene (where we hear Glenn’s reasoning and all that) is that if you needed irrefutable proof that Glenn is both a good person and a good dad, there it was! But of course by that point it was already too late.
But… Sometimes I find myself thinking about… How to put this… If Nick had learned of his dad’s decision, do you think he might have… Taken it the wrong way? Do you think if Nick Close had learned that Glenn chose to give up being his dad, he would have understood this as the ultimate act of abandonment? Or that his dad didn’t see him as someone worth fighting for? Not that I think Nick would have wanted his dad to fight the dragon either per se, but… Well, maybe deep down some part of him would have, actually.
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yorya1-0 · 7 months
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So, I drew another thing. Xena and Gabrielle after their little trip to Illusia.
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thepringlesofblood · 7 months
anyone else having to go through fhjy at a snail's pace bc every time there's a teacher-student interaction (even the positive ones!) you want to set something on fire because of how much you hate high school and american academic culture and it throws you back to the Bad Old Days of actually being in high school, but also you really like fantasy high and you really like the characters and their story and the players and the way they're exploring & critiquing the US school system and basically everything about the show but actually watching it makes your brain explode?
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harlow-cas · 10 days
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I’m never getting over this
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allenwalkerbitch · 1 year
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I cannot believe Hoshino has me so utterly charmed by a man whose biggest character trait is "undying loyalty to Malcolm C. Levellier," but 247 really was one of the Link chapters of all time huh
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girl4music · 4 months
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‘To Helicon And Back’ is such a fascinating but heartbreaking episode. There’s so much to be said about the role-reversal transition in the episode and how it affects and progresses everything that follows on from it in the Spaghetti Order of the episodes.
Everything Xena wanted to avoid with Gabrielle travelling with her has happened - only, it really has nothing to do with them travelling together, but rather the obligation and responsibility of the Amazon nation. Although, you could argue that if Gabrielle didn’t meet Xena and didn’t travel with her at all, then she’d never have became an Amazon Princess. 
GABRIELLE: “Xena, you should take command. Take it!”
XENA: “The Amazons aren’t going to listen to me, Gabrielle. You’re it. You’re it!”
This is the only place where Gabrielle is the leader. Where Xena has to follow Gabrielle’s order. Where Xena has to ask for Gabrielle's permission. Where Xena has to stand outside and wait for Gabrielle. Aside from a few who were infatuated with her, the Amazons barely batted an eyelash at Xena. Some couldn't even tolerate her. Every time they visited the Amazon village, it was always "Our Queen's back!
... Oh, and Xena's with her."
I think the Amazons felt the same way Gabrielle's birth family did about Xena. That she took their pride and joy away from them. They were always abandoned and someone was left to reign in her place as Regeant so they never truly had an AMAZON QUEEN in Gabrielle.
Regardless… This is the only place where Gabrielle is the Alpha and Xena is the Omega. So when Xena says "You're it". She means her own presence is invisible to Gabrielle's tribe and that the Queen, in this moment especially, was all that could be seen. Gabrielle was it because Xena was expendable and inconsequential to the Amazons. They simply didn’t care if she was there. They only cared about Gabrielle returning to them.
It’s not ever Xena’s story when it’s an Amazon-heavy episode. It’s Gabrielle’s because Gabrielle is their own and the only reason why Xena is allowed to be there as part of their community is because she’s Gabrielle’s.
Xena has no control or authority with the Amazons and she’s absolutely fine with it because she knows she doesn’t deserve it. So she just acquiesces to the fact that the dynamic between her and Gabrielle is in opposition to how it is when they’re anywhere else and maybe some part of her actually likes the fact that within the views of the Amazon nation, Gabrielle is the hero and Xena’s the irritating tag-along sidekick. They don’t need her there and she’s fully aware of it but she knows Gabrielle needs her there because she knows she’s her whole life and she can’t possibly be the hero or the warrior without her there with them. Yeah, some part of her likes it. Loves it even because she’s happy Gabrielle is getting all the attention. But there’s a larger part of her that is absolutely fucking terrified of what that entails and does not want it to ever happen.
GABRIELLE: “I don’t want to be buried with the Amazons.”
XENA: “Alright. Well, in 50 years, when the time comes-”
GABRIELLE: “Xena, I want to lie with you, with your family, in Amphipolis.”
XENA: “What about your family?”
GABRIELLE: “I love them but I’m a part of you. I want it to be like that forever. I love you.”
I think the most tragically heartbreaking thing about this episode and its role-reversal transition is that Xena had to face the reality of her worst fear coming true in that Gabrielle is becoming more and more like her as a warrior in such a way where she always knew would be the inevitable outcome of their partnership but that Gabrielle would never have considered would because when she told her sister in the first episode that she was going to be a warrior just like Xena… she had no idea what the hell she was getting herself into. But Xena always did and Xena can’t do anything about it now. She can’t stop it. She’s absolutely helpless in preventing the transition from happening at this point. She just stands there watching the nightmare unfold before her very eyes. Looking into a mirror reflection of the sins of her past in the one conscious being in existence that saved her from her own damnation and in ending her own life before it had ever really began. Just the same as how she was forced to see it happen in ‘Remember Nothing’ and so she pulled back out of the deal with the Fates in giving her a second chance to live a simple quiet, peaceful life without bloodshed.
It is a very POWERFUL visual and dialogue that wrecks you at the end of ‘To Helicon And Back’ because you know just how painful it is for Xena to have to face the reality that this is it now. That it’s finally happened in this life and reality and it will keep happening from this moment onwards because she cannot do anything about it anymore. There’s no deal with the Fates to break. No alt-reality to change or destroy. She can’t reverse time or do anything to prevent what’s happening at and in this moment.
Gabrielle has chosen Xena over herself in every way and in so doing has forced Xena to bear witness to the sacrifice Gabrielle has made in becoming just like her.
XENA: “You won.”
GABRIELLE: “I don’t think I did. With each battle, I lose more of myself.”
XENA: “War’s tough on the soul, Gabrielle.”
It’s in this moment that they both feel this role-reversal transition as one being passing into and becoming each other because that was always the nature of their soul and therefore their inevitable fate.
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hashileio · 1 year
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i am cringe but i am free
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