#kryten headcanons
castiels-slinky · 4 months
Rimmer is biromantic asexual. (Internalized homophobia, though; he believes that he is broken and tries to act as if he isn't in order to "fix it".)
Kryten doesn't identify with any gender, but he does usually use he/him pronouns for simplicity.
The Cat does, in fact, have a tail! He just hides it so no one pulls on it.
Lister enjoys making pillow forts, especially when he wants to watch his favorite shows.
Lister's also intersex because I said so.
Rimmer secretly cares deeply for everyone aboard RD. Yes, even the skutters. He knows all of their names and pronouns and everything.
Lister was heavily influenced by David Bowie, KISS, and the Sex Pistols. They all made him want to learn to play guitar and perform.
Kryten is SUPER into reality TV.
He has gotten everyone else into it.
They watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians together.
Lister wants to decorate jackets for the other Boys From The Dwarf (tm), complete with all sorts of patches and buttons that he feels like they would identify with.
Rimmer loves to paint. While soft-light, not being able to do that upsets him greatly.
He is also VERY tactile. Being hard-light has made him far happier than he would ever admit simply because he can touch.
The Cat has made it his mission to try to bedazzle Rimmer's 'H'.
Holly is genderfluid who doesn't give a damn.
She's like. "She/Her? Yep." And then randomly goes, "Actually, he/him. No wait-"
They have game nights and such! Movie nights, too. They once all made friendship bracelets for each other.
Friendly reminder that my ask box is ALWAYS open! Feel free to drop headcanon requests. It always makes me happy! :)
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therealsullivan3000 · 4 months
Red Dwarf Headcanons (w/ a copius amount of Rimster)
Rimmer once stole Lister's guitar, repaired the missing strings, and tuned it and when Lister found out, he was upset until he tried playing it and realized that it didn't actually sound bad
With the guitar tuned, Rimmer still doesn't want to hear Lister play anything, but then Lister agrees to learn Edelweiss from The Sound of Music and Rimmer decides that he's allowed to play that
Rimmer then forces Lister to play Edelweiss for him whenever he can't sleep and although Lister gets sick of the song, he does it anyway because he knows it makes Rimmer happy
The two eventually move out of their bunkroom and into the Captains Quarters on Lister's suggestion because it has a bigger bed; Rimmer agrees to it because he likes the idea of occupying the room of the highest ranking officer on the ship
Lister can actually cook if he tries hard enough and has a recipe, meanwhile Rimmer cannot cook whatsoever; he attempted once and was henceforth banned from the kitchen
Rimmer is actually very physically affectionate but hates having to initiate it and so Lister learns all of Rimmer's unspoken cues for when he wants a hug or a hand to hold
Lister uses all sorts of ridiculous pet names for Rimmer just to get him worked up
The Cat will sometimes just come into Rimmer and Lister's room, sleep on the foot of their bed, and then if they question it he'll just say that it was the most comfortable spot in the moment
When Lister and Rimmer eventually want to get married, Kryten ends up officiating the wedding after taking an online course to get a license but then ends up objecting during the objections because he's upset that now he'll have one less set of sheets to launder
Rimmer is asexual and didn't realize it until he tried to make moves on Lister and Lister confronted him, asking if he actually wanted sex or if he just thought it was just what people are supposed to do in relationships (Rimmer totally thought it was just relationship protocol)
Rimmer will occasionally take Lister's leather jacket and wear it around because it makes him feel safe and loved
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mxtheo3 · 4 months
Happy Aro and Ace Awareness Days this pride with this Holly moment
"I didn't see anything. I don't think I've got any desire. Either that or my screen is foggy"
I normally read Holly to be in the AroAce spectrum anyway but as I rewatch Camile to celebrate Ace's pride for Kryten and Camile's relationship I just noticed this quote. Like omg Aro Holly's headcanon is just *chef kiss*
Red Dwarf is a give that keeps on giving
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ruindunburnit · 7 months
Mfw I just realised that Kryten (Red Dwarf) was probably named in honour of the author of Westworld, Michael Crichton. 🤦‍♂️
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mmufanatic · 3 months
If there is anyone out there who likes Murder Most Unladylike and Red Dwarf, then imagine Hazel as Kryten, Daisy as Rimmer, Alexander as Lister and George as Cat. There must be someone else out there who can imagine George removing the emergency parachute of a spacecraft to make a puffer jacket out of it.
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red-dwarfer · 1 year
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some headcanons cause why not 😎
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clippedionianvowels · 2 years
Random Red Dwarf Headcanons:
I’ve had a bit too much wine and free time, and this is the result.
When Rimmer becomes hardlight, Lister sometimes lets him help with painting his clothes (e.g. see his painted leather jacket or the painted shirt he wears).
They take it in turns each week to make up a new game. Most of them are shit and get one play each, but sometimes this leads to classics. A favourite is ‘Hide the Freak’ where Rimmer is tasked with hiding and Holly provides various disguises to help him blend in. Think prop hunt, but with Rimmer. (This particular game was inspired by the polymorph). Rimmer agrees to play this VERY begrudgingly but secretly enjoys it.
Rimmer creates a hall of shoe trees using some display cabinets and a less busy corridor. It is a monument to fastidiousness but is at least tastefully done. It is soon expanded to include vintage wires and photographs of telephone poles, and before long Rimmer is forcing them all on tours through his museum.
The Cat went through a phase of using Kryten’s spare limbs as litter trays. No one speaks of this.
They nearly manage to form a band. No one speaks of this either.
Lister speaks Esperanto with Kryten for the simple reason that it drives Rimmer up the wall. (And maybe also so that he can treat Kryten as an agony aunt to help him deal with his crush on euro tunnel nostrils)
Kryten takes his role as agony aunt seriously, opening up a suggestion box which is thoroughly abused by Rimmer, who suggests that they all boil their heads.
The Cat gets into making bread and has a rather impressive sourdough starter. No one else has ever tried the bread.
Baby vending machines show up and no one notices at first because they are so small. They dispense tiktaks and M&Ms.
Kryten invents a new material and calls it ‘Krytonite’. No one has any idea what it can be used for.
Holly develops an obsession with playing eye-spy and the others are remarkably sporting about it.
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smirk-mode · 10 months
headcanon - Lister's had several appendectomy's now. Every few years he goes to the medibay to find out what's wrong with his stomach, and the medibot tells him he has appendicitis.
The first time he got his appendix out when he was in his teens, he thought nothing of it except that "chicks dig scars"
The second time he put it down to wibbly wobbly timey wimey since they'd screwed with the timeline so much.
The third time he put it down to the nanobots - since they reconstructed his arm maybe they grew him a new appendix too
The fourth time he thought it was a bad joke
The fifth time he demanded a second opinion from Kryten's psi-scan - it confirmed he had an inflamed appendix
The sixth time he freaked out and flipped his shit, which everyone put down to feverish delirium.
The seventh time was when Rimmer had to chloroform him to calm him down, and started arranging for Kryten to perform operations on Lister without his knowledge, eventually leading to the Lemons incident...
By the eleventh time he learned not to overthink it and instead just decided to go down to the medibay and ask for a new scar for his strange little collection
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madhareadventures · 5 months
I do have this odd headcanon since Rimmer is a hologramatic AI and he’s connected not only to Holly, who resurrected him, but the fact is Holly didn’t have to inform Rimmer what happened three million years ago.
Holly recorded it.
He recorded the entire tragedy during the radiation leak. Imagine having your hologramatic representation reviewing the carnage. I can see why he was reading up on how to 'cope with his death.' He was most likely being confronted with visual documentation of what happened during the radiation leak and its aftermath.
His memories, his identity, and the trauma associated with what had happened when Holly was bringing him up to speed.
Most likely one of the many reasons he was so obsessed with death.
That and the fact I also have a headcanon where Holly and Rimmer share a symbiotic relationship with each other. (I’ll explain this one a bit later)
I love Rimmer, but I adore Kryten, Holly, and the skutters.
So you can see why I like these sorts of things.
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red-dwarf-bracket · 1 year
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Oh boy, our first main character matchup, propaganda, as always, under the cut!
The Cat
He’s Kenough. Seriously though, he’s just as traumatised as the rest of the crew but he never gets enough recognition for this. He was abandoned at a young age for being uncool, and now his entire life revolves around being cool, even when usually there isn’t anyone who’d care to see it. One headcanon I saw that I really like and fits this is that his real name is Duane Dibley, but he told the other he didn’t have one because it’s not a cool name. That’s just another reason why ‘Back to Reality’ must’ve been awful for him (I mean it was awful for everyone, by design, but I digress).
Why I think Kryten should win is because he wouldn’t think he would be able to. He’d see himself as too worthless to even be able to be entered in the first place. So basically he should get pity votes… actually no, he shouldn’t. He deserves to win because he gives, and he gives, and he gives, creating himself as a reflection of who they want him to be instead of figuring I out for himself because he’s scared to lose the crewmates, the friends he’s made for seeming too opinionated or rude or otherwise not what they want him to be or who he thinks they want him to be. He’s a sweetheart who tries to go the extra mile but misses barely, either causing disruption or, in Nova 5’s case, complete destruction. He’s pushed either to be a servant or copy of Lister, neither of which are who he truly wants to be, but he feels that by adapting Listers’ selfishness and deceit through learning and observing that it’s get him closer to becoming more human-like. All he wants is a garden, and to take care of only that garden instead of being bound by a code he never asked for. But if he’s not useful, then he’s insulted and belittled, not that he wasn’t insulted or belittled to begin with. And being useless is something he fears more than anything. Even though he is just as deserving of a happy ending as Lister or Rimmer or Cat… the former two receive a lot more attention than him or the Cat… which goes without saying if Kryten loses before Cat I will vote for Cat because he’s also entirely deserving of praise [and not just because of his beautiful ass] In the books, Kryten spends most of them wanting to either kill himself for not being what he was made to be. But in the end, he kills himself to save Lister and the Cat, his last bit of ‘usefulness’. He doesn’t just deserve to win, he deserves to be happy instead of living a life hurtling through deep space ironing someone’s’ socks. He deserves his garden, he deserves to enjoy nature fully instead of rushing through an episode, he deserves to sit without worry and love himself and just allow himself to exist. And to realise that nothing was his fault, that he doesn’t have to bend over backwards to meet anyone else’s’ standards. He deserves to win because he’s not ‘so much more’. He just is. And I will spread every bit of propaganda I can even if it’s a futile attempt, because he’s been a comfort for me since I literally six years old, before rediscovering him at twelve, before letting myself enjoy him years later when I realized just how important he is, how much I relate to him, and how wonderful he is as a character in general. Via @cinnamon-phrog thank you again!!
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castiels-slinky · 4 months
Rimmer HCs!
Rimmer actually is/was an amazing swimmer! However, he had lost one (1) competition, which caused him to quit as his parents were extremely disappointed in him. He then ended up subconsciously believing that he didn't know how to swim in the end.
He's rather intelligent, but suffers from SEVERE test anxiety; it's to the point where he physically got ill whenever he had to take an exam.
He loves being held, but he also loves to hold others.
Rimmer has everyone's birthdays memorized. He leaves them little gifts, pretending that he only made one because he "had to" or "Lister made me". Lister has never needed to force him.
Rimmer has trained himself to never cry in front of other people.
The others have been working to get him to let his emotions out in ways that aren't just anger, reminding him that he's allowed to cry.
Whenever he shows that he actually cares about his crewmates, Rimmer will just cover it up with an insult. It's not as effective as he thinks it is.
The first person he ever came out to was Lister, who told him that he loved him all the same; there was nothing wrong with him for being who he was.
He's claimed a room near his and Lister's bunk as his "studio". Here, he likes to paint, draw, and make collages.
He actually bought Rachel so he could have a friend.
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iiep-wop · 9 months
sifkfk i know youre more into red dwarf rn but ive never watched it so uhh do whoever your favourite character is for the ask game :3
Anyway ask time!!
Doing my buddy Dave Lister because he's literally so silly
Sexuality Headcanon: I think he's Bi, he just radiates insane Bi energy
Gender Headcanon: I think hes a trans-guy, there's just something about him
A ship I have with said character: Him and Rimmer forever, they're so old married couple core <3
A BROTP I have with said character: Brotp probably gonna be him and Kryten, they're so silly together and I love that Lister's not giving up on helping Kryten break his programming
A NOTP I have with said character: Lister and Season 7/8 Kochanski - No, although its the relationship the show pushes I just really dont get any of the correct vibes about it, plus she's literally his mum because of timeline smeggery, so really just no
A random headcanon: He is deathly afraid of spiders, idk it just feels like something he'd be scared of. Like he'd get Rimmer to come get it for him and Rimmer would give him some snide remark about it
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funnywormz · 2 years
putting some red dwarf headcanons below the cut bc im feeling kinda crappy and just wanna talk abt them.
please keep in mind that these are my readings of the characters and im in no way trying to claim these things are canon or the "correct" way of interpreting them, this is just how i see them personally. a lot of this is just rlly self-indulgent and involves me Projecting. if you don't agree with me on any/all of these, that's fine, i don't expect anyone to be on board with all of them tbh, just pls be nice to be abt it im sensitive
also just a warning. this post got very long bc i have a Lot to say lol
gender: trans man, he/they
sexuality: bisexual
other: adhd (inattentive type), depression, amputee with prosthetic arm
notes: i headcanon lister as a trans man bc im trans masc myself and i find it very comforting to see him that way. it also fits in well with some aspects of canon, like his pregnancy in season 2. he's also just trans masc swag personified lol.
the bisexual headcanon seems to be shared by a lot of ppl in the fandom, and it's personally the way i see him. i think he has a definite preference for women but is still occasionally attracted to men, and (i am pretending that one scene in series 7 doesn't exist here lol 😒) i don't think he'd be repressed abt it at all. he's horny and not afraid to act on it
in terms of the neurodivergent stuff, i think adhd-i fits with his personality pretty well. i think that combined with his tendency to be depressed makes it hard for him to stay motivated and focused, and often means that he doesn't rlly take care of himself or his personal hygiene and seeks out short-term sources of pleasure like food, video games, alcohol and sex to keep himself happy, but can't rlly focus on long term goals. being the last human alive stuck in deep space definitely doesn't help. often his "laziness" is a result of his lack of energy and motivation rather than being an intentional thing. some days he just spend all of his time curled up on his bunk sleeping bc he can't find the drive to do anything else. he doesn't rlly WANT to be that way, he wants to have fun and actually do things, but it doesn't always happen and he has some rlly bad days at times.
with the prosthetic arm, personally i think they should've given him a prosthetic and had a proper character arc around him learning to cope with a disability back in season 7/8, rather than playing it off as a joke and immediately retconning it. i haven't rlly done much planning for this one yet but i just know i want it to be a thing. i think he would probably have a dope looking robot arm or something bc there's no way he'd just go for a boring generic arm if he had the choice imo. he would love to deck it out and customise it and put stickers all over it despite kryten telling him not to hehe
gender: mostly cis man but maybe with a little hint of nonbinary-ness in there that he unfortunately refuses to acknowledge. he/him
sexuality: h for homosexual BABEY!!!!!!
other: autism, adhd (hyperactive), panic disorder, generalised anxiety disorder
notes: i think that it's quite possible that rimmer could have a little bit of gender stuff going on. when he projects his own insecurities abt gender and sexuality onto ace he specifically makes jabs abt ace probably wearing women's clothes in secret multiple times, which is equally as telling as his sniping abt ace being gay.
i also do headcanon rimmer as gay, but deeply, deeply repressed about it. he pursues women and kinda forces himself to believe he's attracted to them, but it's out of his desire to meet his own stupid arbitrary expectations of what he "should" be like, rather than out of any genuine attraction. ik a lot of ppl see him as bi, which is perfectly valid! but personally his pursuits of women read to me as something he does bc he feels he needs to do it to complete his image rather than something he does out of any real desire. he's also got enough internalised homophobia that it'd probably take decades of therapy to make him be normal abt it lol. rimmer wants to be the kind of man that he thinks will receive respect and will meet the expectations his family put on him as a child, and having a wife and children was always part of that image for him. he never really stopped to consider if that's something he actually wanted. i think he becomes more accepting of his own queerness as time goes on, but it does take time.
the neurodivergent stuff should be pretty self explanatory but im gonna rant abt it anyways. as an autistic person myself, i find rimmer very relatable. there are multiple scenes in the series where jokes and sarcasm go over his head completely, and countless times where he misreads body language and doesn't seem to get what kind of behaviour is appropriate for certain situations. he just seems to struggle with social interaction and bonding/making friends in general. he has intense interests that others don't rlly understand, like telegraph poles, risk, cars, morris dancing, etc. he gets pleasure out of organising and sorting things to a degree that seems pedantic to others, and seems genuinely confused when lister doesn't share his enthusiasm for cataloguing the ship's food stocks as a fun saturday night activity. he seems to enjoy routines and predictability, and gets upset when unexpected things happen. he also tends to get obsessive about small details rather than focusing on the big picture.
in terms of hyperactive adhd, it seems to me that rimmer often has a hard time slowing down and relaxing, and seems to need to be constantly on the go and doing things and generally fussing about. he also is self aware abt the fact that he has a hard time being quiet, and needs to talk more and at a faster pace than most other people, especially when he's nervous or distracted. as well as this, he often stims by rocking back and forth and jiggling his leg up and down (this also fits with the autism hc). he also has a tendency to procrastinate and seems to have a hard time studying, despite his attempts to convince people otherwise. it often comes up in the series that he'll get hyperfixated on doing something a bit arbitrary, like making an impeccable study timetable/schedule, or tidying, or sorting things into perfect order, rather than actually STUDYING, which is part of why he continuously fails his engineering exam.
the panic and anxiety disorder thing should be pretty self explanatory too. rimmer is clearly a worrier and has multiple panic attacks in the actual series. he seems to spend most of his time in a highly strung state of near panic, to the point where it interferes with his physical health. the way the canon narrative handles his anxiety, and his neurodivergent traits in general, is often a bit shitty lol, but it seems clear to me that he suffers from anxiety and panic attacks. kryten mentions that he's at a higher risk for those kinds of disorders due to genetics, but i also think that his childhood trauma and subsequent lifestyle (deathstyle??) definitely haven't helped him get any calmer lol
the cat
gender: trans man, he/him
sexuality: bisexual aromantic
other: autism
notes: most of these are more of a "because i said so" situation rather than things with canon evidence lol but still. esp the trans man one. i don't think the cat rlly has much of a concept of his own gender at all tbh, he just decided one day he was more comfortable as a man and stopped thinking abt it after that lol. i see the cat as bisexual bc i don't think he'd rlly give a fuck abt gender as long as ppl are hot and well presented, and i think he's aromantic bc throughout the series he doesn't seem to show much interest in a committed romantic relationship with anyone. when he does show interest in people, it reads more as purely sexual attraction to me than any desire to settle down or have an actual relationship.
i think he's autistic but it isn't always picked up bc his special interest is fashion, which isn't perceived to be a "typical" special interest. he seems very particular abt textures and colours, and puts meticulous effort into his wardrobe and often only wants to talk abt clothes even when ppl want to talk to him abt something else. to tie in with that, he doesn't seem great at reading social cues and often makes faux pas and accidentally insults others without realising it. he seems to generally have a hard time with empathy and understanding that others might not always share his interests and priorities
gender: nonbinary, any pronouns but generally uses he/him and is fine with this
sexuality: aroace
other: autism (again)
notes: ik that robots being nonbinary and aroace and autistic can be an unfortunate and frustrating stereotype sometimes, but it's just hard for me to see kryten any other way 😅. anyways, although im not aro or ace, i AM autistic and nonbinary and i think robots rule and i adore kryten so WHATEVER!!!! take it up with my nonexistent lawyer or something idc
in terms of being nb, kryten seems to only have the vaguest idea of what gender actually is, and i doubt that he really identifies as particularly male or female. he's most used to being perceived as male, but i don't think he really identifies with manhood. he seemed actively repulsed by male reproductive organs when he was briefly human, which makes me think that if he was human he'd probably suffer from gender dysphoria if he had to live in an amab body, but likewise he seems to have mixed feelings abt being perceived as a woman in season 8. in truth, i think he fits somewhere in the middle.
i see kryten as aroace bc he just never rlly seems to express any interest in sex or romance, even seeming confused by both concepts at different points. he IS a deeply loving and passionate and affectionate person at times imo, but it's always platonic i think. he just doesn't strike me as someone who would get any enjoyment or fulfilment out of having sex or being in a romantic relationship.
the autistic hc should once again be pretty obvious. he has a hard time reading social cues a lot of the time, and enjoys repetitive tasks that other ppl find boring, like ironing etc. he also just generally does and says things that strike others as eccentric without meaning to come across that way and jokes often go right over his head. he's autistic to me. ik that a lot of this is tied up with him being a mechanoid, but im autistic and i love kryten so im claiming him fuck you
gender: trans woman, she/her
sexuality: lesbian
other: autism, generalised anxiety disorder
notes: ive seen a few ppl hc kochanski as a trans woman and i rlly warmed up to it. it also makes sense that lister would get a crush on her if he knew she was trans and they had "two of the only trans ppl on the dwarf" solidarity, like i can imagine it being part of why he came to like her tbh.
ik kochanski's statement abt her dave being gay and them just pretending to be in a relationship was immediately dismissed by lister and she didn't argue abt it, but i like to personally believe it's true. i think for a long time she struggled with internalised homophobia and didn't mind getting attention from men, esp bc it validated her gender as well. but in my headcanon it was always uncomfortable for her and never felt right, hence why she broke up with her lister before the accident (although the breakup was also in part due to her lister's struggles with his sexuality as well). much like with rimmer, i think kochanski had high expectations of herself and felt anxious for others to see her as a "real woman", and for a long time it was hard for her to reconcile being a lesbian with those expectations. but she gets there eventually.
at first i was on the fence abt headcanoning kochanski as being autistic, but i decided to do it. she's better at masking than rimmer is, but it still shows through in her very particular sensory preferences and attachment to comfort items and occasional misreading of social situations. likewise with generalised anxiety, i think she has a tendency to get anxious and worry abt things that other ppl might not care abt, and becomes stressed pretty easily. she tries her best to hide it, but she likes to be in control of a situation and know what all of the likely outcomes are, and when she can't have that level of control she finds it deeply upsetting and destabilising. she likes to have predictability and routine and takes comfort in familiar objects and sensations even when those things might seem silly or irrelevant to others.
gender: nonbinary (imagine all of the computer related puns she could make abt this lol he would love it), any pronouns
sexuality: bisexual
other: n/a
notes: holly is so nonbinary to me. it's basically canon already considering that they switch back and forth between male and female presentation multiple times. i don't think gender means a hell of a lot to holly but she enjoys messing around with it and trying out new things. my personal headcanon is that she prefers presenting in more of a feminine way but the default presentation he's programmed with is masculine and she can't rlly be bothered changing it a lot of the time bc she doesn't rlly give a smeg.
likewise i think holly is attracted to men and women and everyone else. i don't think he feels sexual or romantic attraction that often but it definitely happens. they only ever really feel attraction to other ai though and aren't into organic beings in that way, and bc he hardly ever gets to encounter other ai her romantic life is kinda nonexistent lol.
i think holly probably has some Brain Stuff going on but idk what exactly so ive left that blank for now. if i come up with anything i will probably edit this later
OK THAT'S IT FOR NOW sorry this post is long as fuck. hope you guys enjoyed reading me ramble on abt the silly little fellows
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 3 years
The Cat from Red Dwarf would 100% do drag if anyone presented it to him as an option. Like it wouldn't even really be about experimenting with gender presentation for him, it's just the chance to wear even more extravagant outfits and perform with everybody looking at him. I'm positive that he wears at least some makeup already (contours, eyeliner and highlights at least).
Lister would be a bit awkward at first— like trying to show his support but not really knowing how to react— but would end up being genuinely supportive because the Cat's so clearly in his element.
Kryten genuinely doesn't see what all the fuss is about (which offends Cat more than anything else). The guy who didn't notice for centuries that his entire crew had fucking died on him is not going to pick up that the Cat is wearing a different outfit than usual. He's got laundry to do, for heaven's sake!
Rimmer is the least supportive out of the crew and keeps making snide comments about it that Cat just shrugs off. This is because Rimmer has secretly always been curious about drag himself, but never had the confidence to try it (aside from that one time with the holovirus).
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Headcanon time:
Rimmer’s a hologram which means of course that even now that he has a more physical form, he’s still made of light.
Which leads me to my personal belief that Rimmer glows- but very very faintly. Not enough to notice amidst the background light of the Dwarf, or the bunkroom.
But I like to think that if they were ever somewhere that was truly dark, absolutely pitch black- with no source of light for your eyes to adjust, just… Dark. If they were trapped somewhere like that, I like to think Rimmer would still be visible. You’d be able to see him dimly, not make out every feature or detail, but he’s made of light, it should be impossible for it to be too dark to make out his form. Maybe it would even be just enough light for eyes to gain some night vision.
Anyways just imagining Lister and Rimmer being stuck somewhere in the dark, finding this out, and then Lister having to use an indignant Rimmer as a torch.
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Head canon
The first kryten they ever met found a planet with an atmosphere and grew his garden. Maybe the current kryten was another they met and decided they liked the old one some much and named the current one after it.
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