#kinda…i’m trying ;-;
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cheysu1i · 4 months ago
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Gang I think they deserved a Real Hug
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bellwethers · 1 year ago
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Boo hoo did someone use spirit magic to blow up your factory?
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froggerland · 3 months ago
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“A man like me will do amazing things to be seen”
I hereby formerly apply to become the 4th member of this esteemed small society (jokes aside why is no one into this show it’s been consuming my life for a week)
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quixoticprince · 3 months ago
When your medic leaves to go pocket another man or something
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vifilms · 1 month ago
nsfw themes, eighteen+
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gymrat!vi who frequents the gym every day except for sundays. giving into his wishes to be present for their weekly dinner. any other day? she’s getting her pump in. an absolute given in her world. pink-hued strands stick to her scalp as she pushes for a new personal record on the bench, especially when vi’s bulking. whenever she’s training, she’s so zoned in, nothing can distract — well — it used to be nothing. 
gymrat!vi who secretly enjoys nothing more than working out with jayce. accountability between two best friends turns into a friendly competition. nothing at stake except their egos. seeing who can outdo the other set after set. something to keep them both in line, fit, and violet enjoys the hit to jayce’s ego whenever she can push weight heavier than jayce.
gymrat!vi who isn’t oblivious to the attention thrown her way. with the heatwave of summertime, her muscles are on full display, defined biceps, toned thighs, and god her tattoos are basically a honey-trap. she would be a fucking liar if she acted disgusted by it, part of her likes it a little too much. but hey, everyone likes to be appreciated from time to time and vi is no exception. and she never really saw a problem with it until a one night stand who then not not so subtly stalked her every time she was in the gym, learning her schedule until she had no choice but to leave her favorite gym. silently, she made a vow to not fuck with girls she met at the gym. 
….well, until you. 
gymrat!vi who is a known regular. she knows all the girls at the front desk, flirts with many of them, but to her it’s as platonic as chatting up the barista who brews her dose of caffeine in the morning. it’s ingrained into her morning routine, simply just a part of who she is. so, when she sees you at the front desk she nearly has to do a double take. there’s not a hot chance in hell she’s seen you before — vi would have definitely remembered you.
gymrat!vi who becomes shy for the first time in her life, bringing her membership card up to the scanner and offering a small smile but when looks back you seem to take a second look, eyes locked into her powder-blue eyes. even if just for a moment, you’re veering into her thumping soul. vi can’t help but smile. she reminds herself, you’re just another pretty girl. you’re new, probably won’t even last long. yeah, that’s what vi’s going to let herself believe. it’s not like she’s thinking about your gorgeous lips when she bench presses, or thinking about your gorgeous  eyes taking her breath away — or when vi’s powerlifting she’s so not thinking about lifting you on top of her. 
“if you talk to her, she might actually know your name.”
“w-what, i-i’m not, sh—”
jayce raises his eyebrows at vi, shaking his head as his very questionable friend spots her as she moves the weight the fluidity, her movements only struggling to push through when she reaches the final set.
“she’s the gym owner’s daughter, he’s wanting her to take over the reins, old age and all.” jayce responds as violet places the bar on the rack, her set complete until she moves onto the next one. “your little theory of her not being around for long is kinda crushed. unless you want to find another gym….”
“that’s the whole point of me not talking to her, m’not finding a new gym again. that’s a promise. i can control myself.” 
jayce just laughs. fucking laughs.
“what’s so funny, bro?” vi pouts.
“that you genuinely believe you’re gonna be able to stop yourself and that you think you have a type….and she fits the bill.” 
“oh, fuck off.” vi grunts.  
dropping the fifty pound dumbbells by the bench, lifting up her shirt to wipe some of the sweat off her face only to find you on the other side of the gym, staring directly at her abs like her glistening sweaty skin like it’s a golden ticket to heaven.
gymrat!vi who notices your presence more and more in the coming weeks. this time not just behind the front counter. you’re with the personal trainers, helping new customers fill out paperwork, and this morning you go wherever vi goes, her eyes can’t seem to stop searching for your figure. especially with those tight leggings you always seem to wear, vi couldn’t stop looking at the fat of your ass if her life depended on it. she managed to squeak out more than a hi to you yesterday, but it’s as far as her pleasantries extend.
gymrat!vi who has her headphones placed on her head, her all black workout set; this time something more modest at her disposable. the black and cotton hoodie covers her head, flares of bright pink wisps shadow from the hood but her shorts reach mid thigh, the overworked muscles in her legs flexing as she lifts the weight. jayce isn’t with her today, which means she basically had to physically restrain herself from talking to you today. even if she can see you sneaking glances at her through her workout, eyeing her legs each time she’s on the leg press. greedy, hot, goddess — vi is so fucked. 
when she walked the following day, you said her name, violet. 
you know her name. 
it’s just the database, it’s the only reason. 
pull yourself together, idiot. 
gymrat!viwho is at the end of her workout, taking her final rest before she does her last set, but here you go again, gawking as you pretend to be readjusting the weight on the racks but you finally stop looking at her, trying to put the last weight, the one-hundred pound bell but you just can’t. even then, vi is trying not to smile with how adorable you look as you struggle. 
before making her way over to you, she slides the black pair of headphones on her tattooed neck, popping the hoodie, seeing if anyone else was going to help you — just her luck — there wasn’t a soul in her at midnight besides her….shocker. 
“stupid, piece of shit, would you just—” 
“need some help there, princess?” vi looks over at you from the workout beach she’s perched on, legs spread wide as her jaw juts out, eyes naturally gleaming with curiosity. 
“i should be able to. i can do this, right? yeah? i definitely can do this.” 
but it only sounds as if you’re trying to convince yourself. the weight of responsibility crushing your spirit by a singular dumbbell. you’re huffing and puffing. life and death here, and all because of a stupid, petty, weight. 
vi stands up, her height towering over your hunched finger. “pick it up with your legs. next time, make it’ll easier.” 
violet doesn’t really use her legs though. the beautifully strong woman kneels on the ground with you, her gloved hand picks the weight up with ease and places it back on the rack. 
“obviously, i know that.” 
violet hums before she offers a hand, helping you stand tall. “of course you do.” 
the sensation bubbling on her fingertips from touching your skin almost seems downright electric — and now vi feels like running ten miles in the other direction for the sole purpose of settling her heartbeat for just a moment. 
“anyways, yeah, sorry to disturb you.” 
“not a problem, princess. never going to say no to a pretty girl in distress.” 
the smile violet offers is adorable, the one she flashes the girls when she comes in for her late work out, from wherever she comes from. but the way she scratches the nape of her neck? that’s just for you. 
gymrat!vi who can’t stop thinking of you, despite her best efforts. constantly, she wonders if you’re seeing someone, but the way you watch her, vi suspects your single as can be. it isn’t until one friday night, just as she’s trying to leave, one of the front girls, rich and pompous, is trying to coax her into meeting her and some friends at the bar tonight. when she’s about to say no for a finale time, growing more uncomfortable by the second, you’ve come up to where she is and, well fuck, violet’s even more embarrassed that one of your employees is hitting on her right in front of you. 
“c’mon! jayce says you haven’t been out in ages. you deserve it, you’re always working out so much. if anyone deserves a treat, it’s you.” 
cursing out the little shit in her mind, she rolls her eyes, trying to contain herself from having an aneurysm. “little shit, divulging all my secrets.” 
sabrina laughs more than she should, tossing her purple hair over her shoulder. carefully, you hover, absentmindedly scrolling on your phone and violet wonders if you stay there for a reason. 
if she’s the reason you’re eavesdropping. 
“so….is that a yes?” 
violet sighs, she hates this. “maybe another time.” 
gymrat!vi who wonders what you thought of the entire time. quiet as a mouse, you hadn’t said a single word to her since you were there to witness the rejection of her employee they still couldn’t seem to just stop. this is what she wants. silence…..right? it’s what she keeps telling herself but now vi can’t stop trying to catch your attention, just an ounce of it is all she craves. today, you only spared her a glance before you talked to jayce. pathetically, she decides to do something to catch your attention, hip thrusts. 
gymrat!vi who looks up as you watch her pelvis lift the weight placed on her abdomen, pushing sturdy hips through the set as you keep sparing glances gawking at her porcelain skin exposed. she can tell you’re at least trying to pay attention to whatever jayce is saying but you’re interest loses focus when she grunts with one final thrust, the bar rolling away from her legs. 
“did you hear that?” vi rolls her eyes at the sound of his chipper voice. 
“what?” violet slips her headphones off, trying to even her labored breaths. not just jayce, but the both of you stand above vi as she tries to catch her breath. 
“i invited her to our brunch with mel on saturday.” 
“oh, is that this saturday?” 
oh, he really is playing fucking dirty. 
“is there a problem, vi?” 
little chicken shit is grinning, goddamn it. she takes another swing from her water bottle, hoping to god you’ll think it’s too forward, too weird, and you’ll just instantly decline. 
“not a problem.” vi grits her teeth as she speaks, jaw clenching as she knows this is surely to be a hole there will be no digging out from. 
or one she so desperately wants to fill.
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rayray rants — UM IDK HOW I FEEL ABOUT THIS???? it's kinda different than what i normally post but i might turn it into a little hc series. anyways! hope you like and i have a very special vi post coming soon that i'm really excited about. but yeah! hopefully, i can continue this because vi working out is literally all i can think about. alright, um, see you next time ♡
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happypeachsludgeflower · 5 months ago
Liu Qingge comes back to find out that everyone believes Shen Qingqiu murdered him and he’s offended that anyone would think Shen Qingqiu could beat him in a fight. And, as Liu Qingge bitches people out for believing such a ridiculous tale, Shen Qingqiu is off to the side muttering about how he “could absolutely kill that brute if he wanted to.” Liu Qingge turns to him exasperated, grumpy, and annoyed and snaps, “You couldn’t even stop me from killing myself.”
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secretly-a-trekkie · 7 days ago
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Mug translation: “Even we can’t fix stupid”
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Generationally rich-rich Steve, so rich that his money makes money, who loves spoiling his friends and lovers, trying to sugar-daddy the busker he accidentally spilled coffee on, who turned out to be really cute under his weird orange bucket hat (that he has his hair tucked up under for some reason?) and giant sunglasses that take up half his face.
It’s difficult because the guy fights him to pay for anything, and doesn’t really seem to covet much. All Steve knows is that he’s a musician working in an album, and after the second guitar the guy has joked about trying to “buy his affection” and Steve had rapidly backpedaled off of that avenue.
See, what Steve doesn’t know is that Eddie is the lead singer of Corroded Coffin, one of the hottest metal bands at the moment. They’re on a break after a huge tour, for some downtime and to write their new album.
He likes to just put on random disguises and play in the streets when he’s feeling stuck, which is how he met Steve, when Steve spilled coffee all over him.
Of course, Steve was wearing a random sweater and sweat pants. Eddie honestly thought he was a college student or something. The poor guy offered to buy him a whole new outfit in apology, and seemed more distressed every time Eddie assured him it was fine, so he eventually settled for Steve buying him a coffee.
Steve was really cute, so Eddie decided to take off his disguise and just get to know him with all cards on the table (Eddie is just so “metal is life” that it literally doesn’t occur to him that someone might not know who he is)
That start dating. Eddie is pretty used to guys wanting to date him for his fame and/or money, but this guy really doesn’t seem to want that. Not only is he more than happy to go on low-key dates, but he seems determined to prove he’s not after Eddie’s money by refusing expensive gifts and also just… buying things for Eddie instead? Eddie’s not used to it and it’s really flattering, but he’s getting a little worried because this guy is trying to spend a lot of money on him.
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wishchip106 · 3 months ago
crazy this guy can kill anyone with a thought
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he’s just a silly billy
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he don’t need to mind control me to do anything sign me up to be a child soldier get me in the field
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cadaverousdecay · 5 months ago
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the hand looms…
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poqu · 5 months ago
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some of my various october sketches/wips :’)
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dearabsolutelynoone · 2 years ago
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“Love is a choice. Not chemistry. Not some kind of magical power. It is a choice. You choose to love someone. You love, and you love hard, because if you do not, you are lost.” - Queen Charlotte, Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story
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literallyjusttoa · 6 months ago
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Getting used to a new screen/pen. Plus I remembered an old post I made where I drew ToN Apollo with blond strands in his hair, and I've decided to upgrade him to glowy blond strands bc he deserves it.
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sourtoasterstrudel · 6 months ago
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Obligatory gravity falls post because I too had my gravity falls hyperfixation resurrected by book of bill’s release
I’m not super proud of this it took a lot out of me to work on and I kinda tapped out halfway through but despite that I’ll post it because I haven’t shared stuff in awhile
I have a compilation post of stuff I’ve been working on so that’ll probably get shared soon too
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i-want-it-thaaat-way · 1 year ago
Okay here’s something I noticed about Crosshair and Omega’s relationship, and why I think it was so easy for Crosshair to grow attached to her.
Basically- he says that loyalty is something that means a lot to him, and Omega is the ONE person who never EVER gave up on him.
All the way back in the very first episode even- they’re sitting in a containment cell and Omega says to him: “I know what you’re going to do, but please don’t.” His response is simply, “what do you know?” To which she says, “I know it’s not your fault.” The others were quick to wonder why he would turn on them, Omega knew he didn’t have a choice.
During Kamino Lost- after Crosshair doesn’t take their offer, Omega’s the only one who turns back to him. “You’re still their brother, Crosshair. You’re my brother too.”
And on Tantiss- he would dismiss her, tell her not to bother talking to him, but she doesn’t stop. She refuses to escape without him, no matter what he tells her to do or says to dissuade her, she won’t leave him behind.
The rest of the batch gave him a chance- they wanted him back- but they left him behind, even if it was Crosshair’s choice to stay. Omega wouldn’t give up on him, no matter what, even at the risk of her own safety and only chance to escape.
She never gave up on him. Even when he felt like he wasn’t worth it.
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sunnyrmrez · 3 months ago
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