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goodmotivationtime · 9 years
J77 Monday 28
Today’s menu :  - Lunch : Meat and potatoes, biscuits for dessert - Dinner : Pasta with Feta and Pesto Currently i’m woke up late and don’t eat breakfast because it’s already time to eat lunch x’D I’m not very a “morning person”... But I do my workouts :’D! Today was an “abs session”, I find it less difficult than legs session - my weak point!
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Taylor Lautner, is that you?
So I slept in this morning...7 am! So proud of myself. I've been in Hawaii a full week and leave tomorrow but the day before I leave my body is getting used to the time change. Anyways, so I laid around the house a bit. I had half a cup of coffee with some coconut sugar from Maui (which I just discovered in the house cabinet today sadly), a banana, a biscuit and a cup of strawberry yogurt. I went on Tumblr and just read my book on the back porch for a few hours before I decided to get off my butt and walk to the gym. So I get to the gym and I have no idea what I'm going to do today so I just walk into the weight room which is usually empty but today there's some 50-year-old dude and I'm like oh hey gym buddy what's up. So like I said I have no plan. I grabbed a mat, a ten pound medicine ball, a 8 pound kettle ball, two 8 pound weights and make my way to the mirror. I decided I guess to work on arms and abs. I started by doing 10 push ups, 12 commandos, 30 second blank, 30 tricep dips, you know and just kept adding stuff as I went. I swear by the time I created one circuit there were 23 different things I had added. So I've been here 10 minutes and it's no longer just Jim and I (I'm naming homeboy Jim but I never really introduced myself- he just looks like a Jim). This couple walks in and take over he other half of the gym and I get up to get some water. Then this really fit 16-year-old girl that I saw killing it on the outdoor treadmill on the way to the gym just walks in a starts crunching out a serious ab workout. Yeah, nope, not self conscious at all.. So I down my water, and finish another circuit and I'm bored. Really bored. So I quit the abs and just decide to do commandos until my arms turn to jelly. I'm at 16. 16 is the number I'm thinking when I look up and make eye contact with a Taylor Lautner looking mofo and he's just smiling at me. YES SMILING. I'm like bruh I don't care if you're being nice I've done like 800 commandos today, HAVE YOU EVER DONE A COMMANDO, HUH, HAVE YUH?! Anyways I just felt rude because instead of smiling back I did this sort of grunt and I fell to my left elbow. Ugh, I'm so done with commandos. I decided, hey, lemme do some push ups even though my elbows crack when I do push ups and it's unpleasant oh well. So I'm on push up ten, and I look over, and Taylor Lautner is next to me doing, like, upside down one-armed push ups with a hop. AND HES JUST SMILING AT ME. I just fell on my stomach, stood up, said "you win" and left the gym.
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cynicsinner · 9 years
Hi all! I started Kayla Itsines BBG a few weeks ago and need your support! REBLOG this if you're doing BBG and I'll follow you to keep up the motivation. I’ll be posting updates, progress photos and encouragement for others. Would love to swap workout tips and clean eating recipes :) xoxo Alex
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hayleybraddas · 9 years
Week 10
So I know there isn't going to be much progress between my week 8 and 12 pictures because I can't stop eating out but at least I have stopped the crisps and sweets and chocolate 😀 I have two weeks left of this guide and 3 weeks till my holiday so I'm just gonna kick ass as much as I can between now and then. Tonight I am going to do another ab workout, then 10mins HIIT and 20mins LISS followed by spinning! I think my body need a workout like this to kick my ass back into gear! I've already completed 30mins LISS on my treadmill this morning, so let's have ya Thursday! 💪🏼💪🏼 Twitter: @hayleyb_fitness Instagram: hayleyb_fitness
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goodmotivationtime · 9 years
End of the week 8
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This is my picture end of the week 8, after my workouts!
Even if my stomach is still “chubby”, I feel more confident and I see my abs more than before ^^ About my legs : I’m very very happy, they are refined and my cellulite on thighs disappear progressively!!! I know that if I want rapid results I must be more healthy with my menus but for the moment it’s too difficult for me :p The most important thing is to : KEEP GOING !
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lajeunelune · 10 years
Guys go follow my new Instagram account during my time doing to bikini body challenge!! ➡️celine_bbg⬅️
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thekaylamovementblog · 10 years
Ok so today did not go as planned, I woke up after a total of 4 hours of sleep and felt miserable. I was hungry all day and my snacks along with my lunch just did not fill me and when I got home I did overindulge and skip my workout. I was extremely drained but that's no excuse and I'll remember this feeling. I'm not going to beat myself up over it as this is a lifestyle change and there will be ups and downs along the way. It's only up from here I'll start tomorrow off with Bbg arms and abs week two!
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hayjaybbg15 · 10 years
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Power smoothy for this long day! Feeling leg day from yesterday hard today
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thehipsterbarbie · 10 years
Day 6 💪
LISS day, did some Zumba in my room. I love dance so it was fun to get back into it. Tomorrow is a rest day (sorta....) I have to work so it won't be a rest day if it's busy, if it's not I'm bringing my book and it will be a full rest day 👏 Unfortunately I'm back to school Monday 😫 I have 8am classes everyday except for Tuesday when I don't have classes at all, it's also a leg day and I work 5-9... Monday is going to suck haha. Question for all you other BBG girls out there. I've seen a lot of you wearing those Garmin Polar watches, would you recommend them or if anyone can think of something similar? If I don't get more workout clothes on my next splurge I'm debating getting something like that. :) let me know!
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