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so my darling | sydney adamu x the restaurateur (unnamed male oc) | oneshot
summary: sydney falls in love with a restauranteur (one played by pedro pascal). song title inspired by so my darling by rachel chinouriri.
warnings: swearing, unnamed ocs, talking about sex, use of she/her pronouns, no use of y/n, two original characters (the restaurateur & the pastry chef), the pastry chef is the mc from make my heart surrender, wong kar-wai films, ambiguous ending
wc: 4.8k
a/n: ok, so i'm not entirely back, but this photo of pedro pascal and ayo edebiri at the sag awards quite literally haunted me and made me write something about it. also i've really missed all of you. and i've missed these characters. and i miss this world. this oneshot feels really different to me than a lot of the things i've written for the bear and there isn't much inclusion of the other characters because i really, really wanted to write from sydney's perspective. it's limited storytelling in the way that it's mostly her experience of being charmed by the restaurateur but i had a lot of fun with this and i hope you enjoy. fic inspired by the pic below:

nolita fairytale's masterlist
Sydney doesn’t expect to win, yet her name is called out anyway, followed by the phrases: “James Beard Rising Star Award” and “the winner is.”
Most of the night is a blur. Somewhere between winning the biggest award of her career to accepting congratulations from the best chefs in the world, Sydney’s still trying to gather her bearings. It’s not until Carmy’s girlfriend, the woman who picked up her life and moved to Chicago to be with her exec chef, tugs at her arm.
Sydney doesn’t mean to completely reduce the woman to just Carmy’s girlfriend.
She’s also become many other things: the head pastry chef at The Bear, a colleague, and most importantly, a best friend.
“Hey, Syd! Carm wants to introduce you to someone,” she says, before giving Sydney a chance to politely excuse herself from the previous conversation she’d found herself in.
As The Pastry Chef leads her away from her present company, Sydney follows with a soft smile, half expecting it to be yet another celebrity chef—someone in Carmy’s network that reminds her why she began working at the Bear when The Bear was The Beef.
What she doesn’t expect is to meet him, her breath hitching in her throat as she and her best friend who’s dragged her over here, find themselves standing across from Carmy and an unfamiliar man.
“I see a congratulations is in order,” the man greets her, tipping his half-empty glass of champagne in her direction with a smile so charming she has to do a double take.
“To this year’s newest Rising Star chef.”
He’s handsome, sure—but that’s not what catches her eye.
The first thing Sydney notices about the man is his soft, dark curls—much cleaner than the unruly ones that belong to her head chef. He wears thick-rimmed rectangular glasses and has a perfectly groomed mustache that surprisingly works for him. It’s not usually her kind of thing, is all. In a white button down, perfectly tucked into his pristine black trousers, it's somehow still black tie with a touch of rebelliousness for forgoing a tie and a proper suit jacket.
He can’t be much older than Richie, she thinks to herself. What? Ten… maybe fifteen years older than herself?
Reality comes back to her, as she realizes that she hasn’t said a word, wondering just how long she’s spent caught up in her own head over the handsome stranger.
“Oh uh, yeah. Thanks,” Sydney replies with a smile and a nod, snapping back to her senses.
“Syd, this is… probably one of the few mentors I’ve had in my career. Well, him and Terry, ‘course,” Carmy begins to introduce, shyly. He’s not used to the one doing the introductions. “From Malibu.”
“Fairest Creatures,” the man clarifies with a hearty chuckle, citing the name of the restaurant they worked at together. “Way, waaaaaaay back in the day.”
The restaurant that put Carmy on the map, winning himself the same award that year that Sydney’s won tonight.
That’s when it clicks for her.
An old mentor of Carmy’s.
Not Terry.
And no, not that one—not the asshole from New York—to put it nicely.
The Restaurateur from California.
“No, I-. Yeah! I’m a big fan of your work, yeah,” Sydney scrambles to say, a glimmer of recognition in her eyes as she reaches out to shake his hand.
“Carmy was one of my early boys—look at him now. The student has far surpassed the teacher,” the chef adds, implying he’s mentored plenty of then-up-and-coming chefs back in the day.
“Oh thanks, but uh. Nah, I don’t know about that,” Carmy mutters, quick to brush off the older chef’s compliment.
Sydney can feel The Pastry Chef nudge her playfully, letting out a chuckle in response. The two exchange glances as Sydney follows her gaze from Carmy to his mentor.
“Oh they’re just being modest. Don’t think I’ve ever met two humbler chefs than these two,” the pastry chef adds with a playful eye roll, shooting her lover a look that doesn’t go unnoticed. “Which… if you ask me, is practically unheard of in this industry so… I consider us lucky, Syd.”
Sydney lets out a small, nervous laugh in agreement, before raising her own champagne glass to her lips as she finds herself, suddenly, parched.
She sees him again, weeks later, when the pomp and circumstance of winning a James Beard award has almost died down. She’d been quick to assume that, like many other chefs that weekend, he’d only been in town for the award ceremony, but as Sydney listens to the man tell Carmy that he’s moved to Chicago for “the foreseeable future,” she wonders why she never asked in the first place.
The Restaurateur had come in to say hello, for a meal, and Carmy had quickly declared that it would be on the house—eager to feed the best mentor he ever had in his California fine dining days.
“Yeah, I’ll be steppin’ in for Cuadros… when he goes on paternity leave… and we’re talking about expanding—what that could look like. Well, you know how it goes, Carm. Right now I’m just hangin’ out, helping out where I can between the two restaurants he’s got now,” he explains to Carmy with a nonchalance, as if he’s not a restaurateur whose reputation precedes himself.
“Ah, man. That’s cool. Well, you let us know if you need anything. I’ll give you mine and uh… Syd, you cool if I give him your number too?” Carmy asks, catching Sydney off guard.
“What do you-, I mean-?” Sydney begins to ask, unable to hide her surprise.
“Since he’s new to the restaurant scene here in Chicago. Can help each other out, you know?” Carmy returns, a hopeful look in his eyes.
“Yeah, I guess I-. Sure,” Sydney nods, forcing a small smile in an attempt to shake the ‘deer-in-headlights’ look she’s sure her face has involuntarily contorted itself into.
She watches her head chef carefully, as Carmy continues to interact with the restaurateur in a way that she’s never seen before. She’s never seen him this eager to try to impress someone—hell, sometimes she wonders if Carmen thrives on pretending like he doesn’t give a fuck what anyone thinks—so it’s sends her head spinning as she tries to reckon with this newly-revealed side of her business partner.
“That means a lot. Thank you–the both of you,” The Restaurateur replies, genuinely, bringing her back into the conversation.
“Sure,” Sydney manages to get out, still caught up in her head—exploring this new side of Carmy she has yet to see. “Anything for a friend of Carmy’s.”
“I’m at Amaru most of the time these days,” the restaurateur continues, his eyes shifting from Carmy then back to Sydney as he adds one last thing.
“You should stop by sometime.”
They exchange a few texts here and there, but it’s all business.
Who’s your preferred vendor for kitchen towels?
You guys see success with extended weekend hours?
Thoughts on being open on Monday?
“He likes you,” The Pastry Chef insists one day, in between lunch and dinner service. Sydney quickly shoves her phone back into her apron pocket, as if she’s a kid again—one who’s gotten caught texting in class.
“What? He does not! I-. This is-, it’s not-, we are two professionals… talking shop,” Sydney dismisses, because it’s easier to push those thoughts aside than to entertain them.
“Syd. He could be texting Carm but he’s texting you,” the her friend continues, completely and utterly unconvinced. Sydney finds herself on the receiving end that says, ‘cut the bullshit’ as The Pastry Chef continues.
“Even if it is… just about work, I think it says something that he’s texting you, Syd. I mean, do you know how long it took me and Carmy to-.”
“Okay, but not all of us are you and Carmy!” Sydney interjects, letting out an uncomfortable laugh as a means to break the tension.
Off her look, her friend just chuckles with a shake of her head, reminded of a time that she too could live this far in denial.
“If you say so,” The Pastry Chef resigns herself, accepting that she won’t make much progress on this one today.
She waits a beat, focused on cleaning up her station as Syd unconsciously checks her phone to see if there’s a notification from a certain someone yet.
“When are we going? To his restaurant, I mean,” The Pastry Chef speaks up again with a quirked eyebrow.
Could she really have noticed that? Syd wonders.
This time, Sydney only groans in response with a mumbled, “Fuck off. I am sick of you,” earning a bigger laugh this time from her pastry chef friend.
But the conversation seems to be the push she needs. It only takes a week or so longer for their days off to align, and Sydney’s the one bringing up the idea: that they should do a happy hour at Amaru to “show support” (and nothing else — really, no ulterior motives at all).
The Pastry Chef is more than enthusiastic about the idea, easily suggesting that they make it a girls’ night.
Which is how Sydney finds herself here, seated between her two biggest cheerleaders, Sugar one side of her, and her pastry-chef-colleague-turned best friend, at the bar of the Pan-Latin American neighborhood spot. She’s sure that Sugar was recruited for said girls’ night, in an attempt to get a second opinion on whether the handsome, older restaurateur is or is not in fact, into her.
She doesn’t hate the idea of it, for the record, but she wonders if they’re reading this all wrong—hesitant to get her hopes up.
But after the first plate—a gift from the kitchen—and the aperitif sent their way, both on the house, Sydney can only assume that The Restaurateur has something to do with it.
Of course, it’s easy to chalk it up to good hospitality. After all, hadn’t they done the same when he visited The Bear, a few things on the house Carmy insisted they send out? Isn’t it customary?
Sydney thinks back to how easily Carmy had given her number to the older chef, eager to extend as much support as possible to his previous mentor as he transitioned into the Chicago market.
But he wasn’t texting Carmy all that much. Just her.
She tries not to brush off yet another excuse: because she’s the CDC, not Carmy; because maybe he thinks Carmy, as the exec chef, doesn’t have the time when she does. Syd thinks she could go on and on like this, and instead, for a split second, she allows herself to think that maybe, just maybe, it’s because her friends aren’t all that wrong about this.
“You’ll have to forgive me. I wanted to come say hello earlier, but. Well, you know how it goes,” The Restaurateur says, earning the attention of all three women. While he acknowledges both of her friends warmly, he makes sure to he’s look at Sydney as he concludes with:
“I’m glad you came.”
“Oh, yeah. Thank you for everything. Seriously. Everything’s been amazing,” Sydney answers, wondering why it suddenly feels five degrees warmer inside of the restaurant.
Sugar snickers and the knowing look shared between her and The Pastry Chef doesn’t go unnoticed.
She just might have to kill her best friends later for this.
The Restaurateur smiles, and with a polite nod of his head, mutters a ‘thank you’ before her friends chime in with compliments, kudos, and their own respective ‘thank yous’ for the superb hospitality. Syd listens as he picks The Pastry Chef’s brain on their newest dessert addition, while Sugar enjoys what feels like a well-deserved second margarita. As The Restaurateur explains the most recent dishes he’s added to the menu since taking over as CDC, she notices that somehow, his focus and attention always seem to return to her.
He can’t visit for long, The Restaurateur apologizes—it is a busy night of service—and before she knows it, he bids his goodbyes before disappearing to the back of the house for the rest of the evening.
“Well he definitely likes you,” The Pastry Chef declares, as soon as he’s out of earshot.
“Oh. So obvious,” Sugar adds with a knowing smirk as the two exchange the exact same glance from earlier
“I’m gonna kill you guys,” Sydney mutters, her head hanging low as she feels a heat rush to her cheeks. She can’t make eye contact with either of them—not right now—or she might just burst into flames.
“Well, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you! That’s for sure,” Sugar clarifies, earning a nod of agreement from The Pastry Chef.
“See! This is what I’ve been telling her since… shit, since he came to The Bear a few weeks ago!” the pastry chef exclaims, sharing another looking with Sugar. “I think he likes you and I think you like him.”
Sydney opens her mouth to say something, but instead, just lets out an exasperated sigh, earning another round of giggles and exclamations of ‘I knew it!’ from her best friends.
They don’t stay for much longer, knowing they’re all due back at the restaurant in the morning. The three women say their goodbyes before parting ways, and as Sydney sits on the train, on the way home with her phone on do not disturb, she notices a few notifications waiting to be read.
A text from Carmy about the prep list.
The pics from tonight waiting for her to open in the group message labeled: Girlies.
And then, from the Restaurateur…
Thanks for bringing friends! It was great to see you.
There’s a familiar heat that warms her cheeks as her fingers race to reply:
Thank you for everything. The meal was incredible.
She waits before adding:
I’m glad we stopped by.
And almost instantly, there’s a reply:
Come back any time. :) With or without friends.
Come back any time. With or without friends.
The words linger in her head over the next few days. She lets them settle in, tossing them back and forth in her mind, while holding what feels like a fragile kind of excitement in her hands that’s somehow seemed to have buried itself deep inside of her.
So he is flirting with you, she thinks to herself, coming to the conclusion that her friends were perhaps right about The Restaurateur.
She doesn’t want to completely misread the situation, but she’s not sure how else she should interpret it either.
It takes Sydney two more weeks to work up the courage to go back to Amaru on her day off that week. Part of her wonders whether it’s been too long—if she’s missed her chance—and part of her knows that in the business they’re in, the days blur together, and two days become two weeks, become two months, and that he probably hasn’t even noticed that’s been that long. Her and The Restaurateur are both on Kitchen Standard Time, right? She’s not sure what takes over her, but she’s somehow mustered up the cajones (she can practically hear Tina’s voice in her head as she hypes herself up) to show up, this time, without friends.
Her risk does not go unrewarded, when he comes out to say hello. This time, he’s not alone, introducing her to his soon-to-be-business partner, Chef Cuadros, the owner of Amaru and his other venture, Bloom. They exchange pleasantries and congratulations (you know, over the huge fucking deal of an award she’s just recently won) before he pats The Restaurteur on the back, excusing himself back to the kitchen.
The Restaurateur chuckles, noting how much he’s looking forward to joining Cuadros’ restaurant group.
“Rodolfo’s a great guy,” The Restaurateur sighs, contently.
“Yeah, he seems great,” Sydney agrees, almost just to be polite.
“Yeah. Really leads by example. Rare to find that in this industry,” he chuckles, before changing the subject.
“Speaking of. Cuadros is closing up tonight which means I’m off, starting now.”
“Yeah. You wanna get a drink?”
She doesn’t even have to think about it.
“Yeah. I uh-, I’m in.”
“It’s devastating!” The Restaurateur declares, the passion evident as the words escape his lips.
“I mean, the transitions are a little choppy. And even they can’t take away the fact that: It. Absolutely. Without a doubt. 100% ruined my life,” Sydney wholeheartedly agrees, completely captivated this conversation—one that she finds incredibly sexy.
“I cry. Every single time,” the man that sits across from her says, a dopey smile plastered to his face and a heat to his cheeks from the second whiskey on the rocks he’s nursing.
“Every single time!” Sydney emphasizes, just to drive the point home.
“Because, well-, I mean, they just can’t catch a break! Always just a moment too late. It’s like… well, it’s like they’re never supposed to end up together in the first place,” The Restaurateur clarifies, in reference to what about the film is so goddamn devastating.
Syd nods with a sigh, examining the idea in her head cautiously, knowing that he’s right—even if she doesn’t want him to be.
A beat.
She leans in, the corners of her lips beginning to turn up into a smile.
“Have you seen Chungking Express?” she asks, because she’s ready to start this whole thing over again.
“Have I seen-? Are you-, of course I’ve seen Chungking Express,” the Restaurateur answers, building on their shared excitement about finding common ground outside of the kitchen. “I love Wong Kar-Wai so much I even put myself through My Blueberry Nights.”
“Okay, chill. It’s not a competition,” Sydney jokes, earning a full bellied laugh from The Restaurateur.
“You’re funny,” he states, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiles back at her.
Her heart skips a beat, her breath caught in her throat.
The way he says it is genuine. It’s real. It feels… more earnest—more intimate than what should exist between two colleagues.
Then again, she didn’t exactly say ‘yes’ to drinks thinking it was just as colleagues.
“I-,” Sydney hesitates, scrambling to find the right words when it feels like so many of them could burst out of her at any minute.
Instead she settles on, “Thanks,” feeling more like Carmy than she’s ever felt in her life.
There it is again—that flutter in her belly.
This man is most definitely flirting with her, a thought that only mildly causes her to panic.
The moment feels almost too tender for either of them. Sydney shifts nervously in her seat while The Restaurateur takes another sip of his whiskey, before clearing his throat.
“I uh. I should probably get going. It’s uh… yeah. It’s getting late,” Sydney says, finding the words to excuse herself.
She’s not sure what she wants out of this—it’s maybe why she takes the out in the first place, thinking it may be best to end the evening here. Tonight was… more than she expected it to be, and she’s torn between wanting to stay and wanting to flee the great state of Illinois.
Better pause while we’re ahead, Sydney thinks.
“Yeah, no, of course,” The Restaurateur agrees, easily, before insisting that he pick up the tab.
“No, I-, I couldn’t let you-,” Sydney begins to argue.
“Please,” he insists, his tone once again rendering her once again at a loss for words. “You’ve been more than helpful to us over at Amaru since the minute I got here. This is on me.”
Syd spends the next few days going back and forth over whether or not it—whatever the hell the other night was—would be a good idea. She eventually concludes that she can’t stay away—from the high, from the way he made her feel when he insisted on paying the bill (a moment she’s replayed in her head over and over again), from him. She doesn’t tell anyone: not Nat, not The Pastry Chef, and certainly, not Carmy.
She sends the text before she can chicken out one Saturday night, as she finishes closing up.
Heading to Green Door Tavern for a night cap.
He puts her out of her misery, quick to respond as always, almost as if he was expecting her to (or waiting for her to, which, she decides is a little too much of wishful thinking).
I was just thinking about you! Just rewatched 2046 the other night. Want some company?
Let me close up. I’ll let you know when I’m on the way :)
The smiley face.
The fucking smiley face.
She discovers that the same dopey smile finds its way across his lips as soon as he enters the bar. The two of them quickly find themselves in yet another deep conversation about foreign films over, for him, a whiskey on the rocks, and for her, a tequila soda. There’s that same buzzing in the air between the two of them—chemistry, one might call it—as they move from Wong Kar-Wait to Jean-Pierre Jeunet with an ease that feels good to her.
Really good, actually.
So good that as soon as Sydney realizes it’s getting late, she doesn’t run in the other direction. She’s not sure what she’s expecting, but she thinks this time, she could stay. This time, she could talk to him till the sun came up, allowing herself to get lost in his soft brown eyes she finds more comforting than she should. It’s not till he brings it up that she notices again that:
“It’s getting late.”
“Oh shit. Yeah,” Sydney agrees, reluctantly, because she doesn’t want this night to end. Before she can say anything else, her body moves to get up, just half an hour away from last call.
The Restaurateur stops her, reaching out a hand that feels warm against hers as she pauses, her eyes locked with his.
“I hope it’s not uh, well, I hope it’s not inappropriate of me,” he begins, clearing his throat as he pauses.
“No, I-, I don’t want the night to-, you know… I lost track of time too and I-,” she stammers through, unsure of what she wants to say.
He smiles warmly, his hand moving to grab hers, as if, in spite of the fact that she can barely get the words out, he understands exactly what she’s trying to say.
“You can say ‘no,’” he prefaces with, a sure nod as his gaze returns to hers.
“Can I take you home?”
And the only response that makes sense to her is the biggest, most enthusiastic:
Maybe it’s just a one time thing.
Okay, a three-time thing, considering it happened that night, then two more times after the sun came up.
But to Sydney’s surprise (and delight) he texts her later that day, and the one (three) time thing becomes a one to three times a week kind of thing (schedules permitting, of course).
They fall into a rhythm—and she likes this rhythm—they cook, work at their separate restaurants, and then she lets him fuck her into his mattress like they didn’t just work their own respective twelve-hours shifts.
The Pastry Chef lets out a laugh, noticing that it’s the third day in a row that Syd’s come in having ‘not gotten enough sleep’ yet still glowing.
“How’s the sex?” she smirks, shooting Sydney a look.
In return, Syd rolls her eyes, like she isn’t getting laid on the regular, her best friend waiting patiently for a proper answer.
She checks over both shoulders to ensure no one else is listening before lowering her voice.
“It’s the best sex of my life.”
She finally moves into her own apartment a month later.
Of course, it’s a decision she’s made on her own volition and has nothing to do with the hot Restaurateur who seems like he might have some kind of staying power—the same one that’s giving her the big bang of orgasms, but that’s besides the point.
No, it most certainly has nothing to do with that.
With Chef Cuadros officially out on paternity leave, The Restaurateur somehow still manages to find the time to help her move in between running two restaurants while developing the concept for a third.
It’s the first night he spends the night and they sleep—just sleep—since she started seeing him, though they christen the place in the morning.
“We’ve been talking about a full nixtamalization program. For the new spot,” The Restaurateur explains over breakfast tacos one morning—ones he made for her in her new apartment because, of course, they had to christen the place in more ways than one.
“Shit. That’d be dope,” Sydney replies, as they continue to bounce ideas back and forth. “Do you think you could pull it off in that small of a space?”
“I’m so glad you asked!” The Restaurateur grins, before going into a near-monologue about the handful of creative solutions he’s come up with, eager to soundboard a few ideas off of her.
But Sydney finds herself a little distracted.
It’s not that she’s not listening… but she’s got something else on the tip of her tongue that she’s been holding back. The Restaurateur is in the middle of breaking down the logistics, contemplating whether or not they could pull off what he’s labeled, Idea B, when Sydney finally musters up the courage to blurt out:
“I want to cook something for you. Like not in a restaurant, or anything. I mean. Here. I want to cook something for you here.”
A beat.
“Yeah, I mean. It doesn’t have to be like-, I don’t know, this big thing or anything. But. You’re always cooking for me,” she explains, unsure of why she feels so nervous as she continues. “I kinda want to return the favor.”
He only smiles.
“Then it’s a date.”
It started as the best sex of her life, but it’s as if he’s carved out a place in her life without her noticing, seamlessly woven himself into her life, and she, his, in a way that she can’t imagine what it was like before.
It simultaneously excites her and makes her feel uneasy.
She doesn’t really even know what she should call ‘it’ anyway.
They haven’t really talked about it—haven’t given it a label—but with shifts at The Bear for her, running two restaurants for him, and fleeting nights spent at each others’ places before it was time to do it all over again, it’s not like they’ve had the time.
She finds herself in late Fall, almost Winter, all dressed with a newly-done silk press at yet another James Beard fundraiser. Her coat was checked in long ago as she bares her shoulders in the near-off the shoulder, gingham-printed dress, with The Restaurateur by her side. He wears thick-framed glasses, his white-collared shirt unbuttoned low enough that she’s more than ready to head back to her place to undo the rest.
It practically gives her deja vu—the two finding themselves in an all-too-familiar place—as they stand across from Carmy and The Pastry Chef, sipping on their fancy champagne and making small talk to the best of anyone’s ability.
“Hope you guys don’t mind. Can we get a few pictures?” the event photographer asks as he approaches, noting that a picture of this year’s Rising Star award recipient is a must on his shot list.
“Uh, yeah, sure,” Sydney replies, a kindness in her voice even through her discomfort.
It’s not lost on her that Carmy’s more than relieved that he doesn’t have to be in the spotlight anymore, eager to step out of the way.
She poses for a few photos solo before both Carmy and The Pastry Chef are encouraged to join in, taking a few more shots with her.
“And then can we get one of the two of you?” the photographer asks, this time gesturing towards The Restaurateur.
Sydney opens her mouth to protest, to let him off the hook, because what would that mean? Before she can say anything, The Restaurateur has happily agreed, wrapping an arm around her, his hand on the small of her back.
She exchanges a look with him, something that says, ‘are you sure?’
He only nods in response, a supportive smile and a softness in his eyes that puts her at ease as if to say, ‘of course.’
Instinctively, she reaches for him, his right hand landing softly against his midsection. She feels the warmth of his palm as his hand slides up, landing somewhere above her wrist, making another point of contact. Well, now they certainly look like a couple.
“Great! That’s great, you two,” the photographer grins after taking a few more shots, his eyes fixed to the screen on his DSLR as he plays back the last few photos. “Thanks so much.”
What could this mean?
What could this be?
She doesn’t have all the answers.
Not yet, at least.
But she’ll take a wild guess—one that fills her with a certainty that she can feel in her bones.
Because tonight, he stood proudly by her side—his hands all over her as if she were his, in a photo she’s sure will make it out of Adobe Photoshop—meaning maybe, just maybe, The Restaurateur could be here to stay.
#nolita fairytale's masterlist#sydney the bear#sydney adamu#sydney is the main character#sydney adamu x oc#sydney x male oc#sydney adamu fanfiction#the bear#the bear fx#the bear hulu#the bear fanfiction#ayo edebiri#pedro pascal
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➸ part 1
do you remember the time when we first met, girl?
[o/n] — old world name
wc 3.7k
the trip was quiet and quite awkward on your end. you couldn't believe you actually went through with such a plan you made up on the spot, but for what? you wished you knew the answer on why you was really going with this mysterious being when all you had was a knot in your stomach that urged you to find out
so far into the ride back to his domain, he had made small talk with you which you only gave short responses to due to your guard remaining up. "do you have any requests for dinner once we reach?" he tilt his head slightly to watch your features as you gave it some thought.
you were starting to feel anxious under his intense gaze and decided to direct your attention out towards the moving scenery. he realized him giving you his full undivided attention was quite too much and internally scolded himself before looking through his own window as well, "there's no rush in what you may crave, dearest. take as much time you deem necessary" he reassured. the endearment caused your cheeks to swell with immense heat, but due to your pigmentation, it couldn't tell on you thankfully
you tried your best not to do your own gazing, but couldn't help but marvel at how handsome his side profile was. from the loose curl that peeked from his headscarf to the ruby colored eyes that held a hint of yearning and resentment that you personally wanted to know what was the cause.
you pondered for some time, not realizing the constant movement of the carriage came to an halt. once coming back from your busy mind, you were face with a hand outstretched towards you.
"may i, o/n?" his voice as gentle as the appearance of his palm. his aura so inviting as if it was a trance of some sort
you almost interlocked fingers, however you knitted your brows at the name he called you. it felt so familiar, so natural to be called that... yet again you don't know why. you took his hand as he assisted you carefully out of the carriage, thanking him quietly as you slip your hand out of his grasp and examine your surroundings.
bloomed floral swaying melodically to the gentle gush of wind as they were having their own little festival. he strode gracefully towards the bouquet of baby pink floral, "the naked-lady-lily some has called it, but i prefer.." you crouched and carefully caressed the petals of said flower.
"..belladonnas" you both said simultaneously. you looked up towards him as he gazed down at you with an unreadable expression. the intensity of his gaze once again made you flustered and cowered a bit
"wamuu they've returned!"
your embarrassment soon turned into confusion at the sound of new voices rippling through the crisp air. a massive man with coarse white hair ran with the energy of a child who haven't seen their parent in a day of school. something about it brought a shy smile to your full lips, but you soon noticed another figure running after the man heading towards your direction. he had a look of annoyance as well a golden piece of jewelry that clung to his bottom lip. you could say these men where otherworldly in their appearance for sure..
the two finally met you where you stood and the one with the lip jewelry instantly kneeled as the other just took your hands in his grasp with a passionate greeting
"oh my! it's so nice to finally meet you, mistress o/n!" he exclaimed following a warm smile and you returned it yet you were becoming more confused on the inside at the name.
you shift your attention from the one now peppering your hands with kisses and praises to the man that got back on his feet, "i hope this numbskull isn't bombarding you too much, mistress o/n" he scolded the excited man, forcing him to release your hands in which you rubbed them on your pants to rid of his saliva
"i'm sorry but you two are sadly mistaken. i'm not this 'o/n' you keep referring to me as" you politely informed and now it was them with the confused expression. the name didn't bother you, but you wanted to know what— or who was this o/n and why did they keep misidentifying you for them
"but you look like the port—"
"could you both give us some time to ourselves, please?" kars interrupted causing you raised a brow at what the man was going to say
the annoyed man noticed his master's demeanor and followed with ease "surely master. come esidisi" he placed a hand on the white haired man's shoulder. he looked towards you with a sadden smile, "it was a pleasure to meet you, mistress" he said as you were carefully escorted away from the two and towards two towering stone doors
the foyer was massive, it looked like it once had humongous events with lots and lots of people. a quiet wow left your lips from the sight of the dark purple and gold decor. "who were those two?" you finally questioned as you continued to follow him subconsciously behind the man
"my loyal subjects, esidisi and wamuu. you'll learn to tolerate esidisi and his.. excitement" his tone seemed less amused at the mention of esidisi's behavior
"what did he mean by he heard stories of me? is this an ambush!?" you said with an accusatory tone. if it was an planned ambush to kill you and take the amulet, you felt so naive to go with this unknown man just based of a feeling that you were still unsure about.
he stopped dead in his tracks at your tone and turned to face you. seeing you distressed, made him a bit worried. "this isn't an ambush of any sort, o/n. i give you my word." he attempted to reassure as he inched towards you with out hand, but stopped once you took a couple steps back with a wry gaze. the thought that you now feared him made his chest tightened; it was the last thing he wanted you feel towards him
"my name is y/n. it is the name lisa lisa has given me since i've came across her, please refer to me as such" you demanded with tense brows.
kars admired you dearly, but didn't mean your demands will be taken with a grain of salt. "well, i believe it's now appropriate to introduce myself because what kind of host would i be?" he quipped as a smile danced across his lips. "i am kars and y/n, if you don't mind me asking, do you remember how you came across ms lisa lisa?" curiousity laced his question
"i.." it's been so long since your run in with lisa, it was now a fuzzy memory with incoherent sentences. something like white noise in your head and it was starting make your head throb
"you don't remember, do you?"
"why am i here?" you changed the subject before the white noise ringing throughout your mind caused a migraine of some sort. he cleared his throat as he began to walk around the foyer, optics bouncing from fixtures to fixtures "to spend 5 days and 5 nights in my home"
"what is the reasoning for such an bizarre request?"
"you'll learn in time.. o/n or should i say y/n"
the two men that you now knew as wamuu and esidisi, showed you to your living quarters. "master kars knew due to it being your first night in our home, it was best to give you your own wing of the palace"
you shared a gentle smile at the two gentlemen. "he has my greatest thanks as well as you two" you grasped each of their hands with gratitude
"anything for you mistress o/— y/n" esidisi bowed under your touch, hoping you didn't take offense to his slip up. you pat his head gently, letting him know you weren't upset with him
"no need to bow. i bleed just like you bleed, remember that"
"still pragmatic.." you heard wamuu mumbled before he cleared his throat
"master kars said to us to meet with him after guiding you to your residence, so enjoy your new room. santana will fetch you once dinner is ready, mistress y/n" wamuu informed before turning and walking away causing esidisi to scramble to his feet and go after the man but not before yelling
"yell if you need anything. no matter how big or small the request may be!"
"you have my thanks again" you yelled back before turning and facing the giant door once again, exhaling a breath you didn't know you were holding. you grabbed the knob and pushed, which you didn't put much effort in
the room was nothing you could've ever imagine. the bed was most likely a king-sized with royal purple silk sheets with a enchanting gold canopy drawn back so invitingly; the walls were a creamish beige color with white accents on the ceiling along with gold embroideries aesthetically patterned around the room. however what really capture your attention was the large vanity near the balcony that was ajar; the vanity reminded you of lisa lisa and how she would asked you to brush her hair for her after an exhausting day with jojo
now your mind was on jojo, which made you subconsciously took a seat on the plush mound of the back-less chair. you missed joseph and his antics as well as his worrying over you. he treated you like a little sister, always so teasing, yet always so kind with him. you were happy to be apart of this little family with him and lisa lisa, but sometimes it saddens you because you didn't know or matter of fact, remember who was your family before. you pray someday you'll be united
you sighed dolefully and right after you yawned unexpectedly. you never realized how tired you were from this journey and the things you've encountered so far. you looked over to the bed, it was so alluring; it felt like it was inviting you to rest with just it looks, and it must've been true with how you slipped your boots off and shuffled your feet over. at the first touch of the sheets, you felt your tiredness intensify. there was no fighting it now as you climbed in and snuggle up against the cool pillow
as you now laid peacefully in your slumber, there was a thudding sound coming from the balcony that soon started to irritate you as you slept. pulling yourself from your well-deserved rest, you dragged your feet to the source and swiftly closed the doors. as you turned to return back to bed, you collided with something and before you could fall two colossal arms wrapped around your waist
you looked up and was met with a pair of red eyes. "kars...?" you whispered and oh how'd you whispered his name could remove all oxygen from his lungs and breathe life into another. "yes, y/n?"
"w-what are you doing here?"
"oh," he realized he let his embrace last a bit longer than expected and quickly brought you to an upright position to stand before taking a step back. "santana came to fetch you for dinner, however you didn't show.." his eyes shift elsewhere and you could tell your absence was quite disheartening
"my apologies. the trip here was quite a long one and i didn't realize how tiring it was until i got into this room, which is gorgeous to mention"
"i should've been considerate of your well being once we've arrived, my deepest apologies" he turned his back to you as he walked further into your room
"it's fine really" you reassured as you came up behind him and placing a hand against his back. he smiled at your touch and sighed
"well since your awake now, would you like dinner?" he asked. you already felt bad for missing out on a meal that specifically prepared for you and would hate for him to waste even more food on another dish
so you immediately began protesting, "i don't want to be difficul—"
"lamb or cow?" he interrupted, towering over you with a blank stare. you knew there was so winning this so you might as well play along
"lamb" you answered bashfully
"i present to you spring lamb ragù" he grinned as he revealed the simmering dish and you were taken back how delicious it looked and the smell it emitted was even better. he placed the plate in front of you as he went to his end of the table. you took your cutlery and dig in without hesitation
"this is really delicious" you complimented as you continued to feast. through your lashes you noticed him staring once again, however his expression was unreadable once again as he slouched back in his chair with his fingers interlocked just below his eyes, covering his nose and mouth
"is something the matter?" you swallowed
he waved a hand, "no... it's just the necklace.. really suits you" he shyly complimented. even though the only light that was emitting the dinner table was candles, you could see the slight change his complexion around his cheeks
“why, how sweet of you” you thanked before taking a sip of your wine. it velvety in texture, ruby red in appearance and you couldn’t help but notice the cherry and raspberry aftertaste with the sudden aroma of vanilla. it had to be one of the best wines you ever came across so far
you both sat in silence for a while and it was starting to bother you with its heavy tension, so you decided to break the silence first
"what are you if you don't mind me asking, kars?" you asked
"i’m many things: god, an ancient king, father nature and many more, but i am just a man who wants to be with his beloved again” his eyes locked with yours for that last part and it was all starting to make sense to you now. this agreement wasn’t about the amulet but it didn’t make sense
“and you’re saying.. i am her?”
“without a doubt in my soul”
he continued to explain and express how you were his lost lover and strangely enough it was making sense but not at the same time, but one thing you are sure about was he did made you feel something and you were more than willing to explore a bit more..
ever since the first night you had dinner with the men, you became to relax more within their presence. in a strange way it became nostalgic to you, as if you already had this ongoing bond with them. you spent quite a lot of time at night with kars; getting to know him and sharing thoughts on what the future may hold over your secret nightly dinners, which started moving to his bedroom quickly
“thank you for the night. i’ve really enjoyed this” you smiled as you twiddled with your fingers whilst the both you traveled to your side of the palace. with all this time spent, you were comfortable with him, at peace to say the least. this feeling was starting to feel very nostalgic for you. you stopped and offered a hug which he obliged to. your fingers combed the nape of hair that was sleeked up into a ponytail and gazed admirably over his features
"i'm glad i could make this experience joyous for you" a low groan bubbling in the pit of his stomach as his ribs expand to accommodate the stretch of his lungs as he eagerly breathes you in. it's overwhelming, the sweetness of your scent being something he'll never dare to forget
"i believe this is where we part ways" you pulled in your bottom lip, nervous at what you were going to suggest next. you didn't know if it was the tension or the wine causing the millions of butterflies to flutter sporadically in your abdomen but you were feeling bold
"..it don't have to..." a small smile tugged at your pump lips as you stared up at the man. he returned the gesture as well as placing a calloused hand under your chin and a thumb caressing the small of your cheek
"as tempting as your offer is..." the space left between the both of you was torture. you just wanted to touch him, see if his lips could compare to those of the finest silk. you leaned more as well as him and waited to for your question to be answered. the ghost of his breath so alluring against your lips. unfortunately, it just stayed a ghost since nothing came except for a peck on your cheek "you must rest, little one" you opened your eyes once again with longing and he could feel his heart twist
a man you were incredibly fond of...maybe even smitten with. You weren't sure, but you could feel your heart swell when you were around him. his gentle touches and tender kisses to your cheeks, hands, and forehead filled you with an inexpressible warmth and his smile... you'd move mountains to see his smile or hear the deep rumble of his laughter. it's only been three days and your thoughts were consumed with him
your 5 days past so quickly. it left you yearning for his company like a throbbing wound begging to be attended to. the trip back to lisa lisa's residence was quite resentful to say the least. you were greeted with worried jojo and his literal breathtaking embrace. you reassure the young joestar there's nothing to worry about and you were scratch-free from any wounds he may have thought you'd endure during your stay
"never go off with a strange random man thing ever again, you hear me!?" he scolded with a hard gaze. you shrugged, eyes drifting down to the red jewel that grace your neck and gently stroke around its edges. lisa lisa took notice your absentminded demeanor and quickly thrown out a random exercise for jojo to occupy himself with so you could spend some time to grieve your departure.
your eyes stayed on the glimmering jewelry and more disorienting moments appeared in your mind. this time it was the same necklace but someone was placing it for you before placing a kiss to your nape before whispering something incoherent. you reached the end of the hallway where your room resided and entered. you looked around the luxurious space, and unintentionally compared to the room you stayed in with kars.
you reached your bed and dragged your fingertips along the fabric of the sheets, reminiscing on the nights you shared engrossed in deep conversation with the man. you continued to reminisce as you changed out the clothes you traveled in to the articles of clothing that was away in the small chest given to you.
you didn't realized how much of your skin was exposed until you feel almost every goosebump over your skin once you heard a voice from behind you.
"how could you be shy of your own beauty?"
"who are you… and who am i?" you whispered so softly your voice could become one with the wind. the intense gaze of admiration and curiosity was drowning his heart out; the urge to just stop the cat and mouse game and just capture your glossed lips was all too much for him to bare
"i am icarus and i loved the sun too much. do you still not remember us?" his question almost sounded like a desperate whine for your memory and you were truly trying to search the vast recollection, however only bits and pieces of laughs and vows of devotion to a being with those same rubellite iris
tears clung to your lashes as they threatened to stream like lonely rivers, "i.. i remember moments of a love so beautiful... so kind and gracious and only i wish i haven't fallen ill so they would've heard my confession of love for them.." you turned your head away so the man wouldn't witness your moment of weakness as those tears escaped in pairs. "all i have to remember him by is that amulet you were after and a phrase that was said" you sighed defeatedly as begged your conscience to help you remember that man.
he embraced you, falling to his knees. he placed soft kisses to your collarbone, chest, naval, the top of your thighs before rising back up to your lovely face. seeing you in this outfit brought back so many memories, so many emotions that he had to act upon. his arms wrapped around your waist whilst he dipped you slightly with eyes of anguish. his mind had stopped being so loud and now his heart was the one to take accordingly.
he needed you more than you could ever imagine; you’re too precious for anyone except for him. “she is more precious than rubies; nothing no man desire can compare to her” your bodies became one as he latch his lips on to yours eagerly. the sweet taste of your lipstick satiated a deep hunger within him as his tongue continued to explore the wonders of your mouth. you were starting to feel dizzy from the intensity of the kiss and unwillingly pulled back for a breath of air
that phrase he said before taking you echoed by the doubles in your mind and you felt your heart stop as everything started to piece together finally
"my love..." you gazed up towards him with shocked and a warmth of nostalgia. you were finally infront of the man that made you feel like the most precious thing known to mankind. "it's been so long my love" you could see the glistening in his eyes as he grinned happily, "but it doesn't have to be that way no more"
"stay at the palace with me. you can either give jojo the amulet or keep it. it doesn't matter to me no more knowing you now remember our lost love" it was now settled. you told lisa lisa and joseph the news and though they were saddened at your permanent departure for the residence, they were glad your memory was restored and you could be with your beloved and the family you left unintentionally once again. you said your farewells and made promises to visit every once in a while before entering the carriage you grew custom with
“this will be a new chapter in our lives, so what do you want to go by within this new chapter?” he asked as your hand rested comfortably in his
“your wife.”
reblogs are ALWAYS appreciated <3.

#jjba#jjba kars#jojo part two#part 2 jojo#jojo’s bizzare adventure x reader#kars x black! reader#jjba x black reader#kars x black y/n#kars x reader
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Hi I was wondering if you could write a pillerman x reader where the reader passes out in front of them? (I get dizzy spells and often pass out if I’m to hot, normally I can catch them but some times it happens out of no where) thank you and I hope you have a great day :)
Hello! I hope you're doing well, stay hydrated to lessen the hot temperature, thank you for the request! :-)
Reader passing out in front of the Pillarmen
You and Kars were doing activities together, it had been a while since you both started- has it been 30 minutes exact? Hours? or more? You didn’t remember till you had slowly start to see faint of black in your sight- then the next thing you didn’t knew was that you had already passed out leaving Kars to witness what had happened.
After that he saw you faint- he wasn’t much surprised- he knew to that you were going to pass out by just the simple glance he took from you, he didn’t tell you nor warn you that you looked like you were going to pass out any second- well.. that’s because of his ego..
He stops from what he’s doing, a smug on his face “Passed out already?” Both of Kars’s arms dive under your unconscious body- instantly carrying you in one sweep, he admits to himself you look more adorable in his arms- leaving a light faint blush on his cheeks but brushing it off quickly- not wanting to be seen.
His feet are fast to carry you to his room and lay you on his luxurious looking bed, Kars isn’t worried- not even a single bit, he can still feel your pulse- but what occupies his mind is how do you wake up? Kars hasn’t studied about human medication of whatsoever, so instead he did it the old fashion way of how he saw humans do it.
He placed a cold towel on your forehead- and so did he wiped the rest of your visible skin with another cold towel, Kars would never do this to anyone but this was his first time doing it for you- who’s special to him, you're EXTREMELY lucky. But if he sees you bat an eye open- he’s immediately stopping, leaving what was left behind. He just doesn't seem to be interested in showing that he's taking care of a human, but he deeply cares for you.
Esidisi's reaction would trigger this expression when he hears the loud thump when you had fallen on the ground, this man is beyond worried of what is happening to you.
"Y/N!!!! Are you there?! Y/N--" He carries you- suddenly felt that you still had a beating heart, well that made his spirit come back to him. Though at this point he doesn't know what's happening to you- so he hurried you to a bed.
After placing your unconscious body his mind is going to go feral, he's running around the room thinking what is he going to do or the thought of you dying was taking up all of his thoughts- more tears were to come.
Though he was stopped by Kars who can clearly hear him from afar, telling Esidisi that if you're still breathing- you're still fine. Esidisi was still worried though, just a little..
Just kidding he's infinitely worried lol.
He's just going to sit there on the floor while watching you sleep peacefully- or not. You should wake up soon before he plans on writing on your face, he's too bored without you so a little prank would entertain himself.
Wamuu loses his ‘Calm’ matter when he sees you passing out, you were just training with him.. was the training too rough for you? He’s completely unhinged figuring out what had happened to you- internally worried.
“‘Y-Y/N? Are you alright?” Has he accidentally killed you? His growing worry for you soon fade away after he carried you in his arms- instantly feeling your pulse he lets out a big sigh of relief. Maybe he considered worrying too much was not he trained for the past years.
Laying you down on a bed- his mind wonders first, when are you waking up? Next was he figured out that you had passed out because of the heat of your body, he felt it when he carried you- your soft skin on his almost made him trip on his feet, being careful as much as possible- it was like carrying something more valuable than the Red Stone Of Aja.
Should he go to his masters to request for assistance? Or should he stay here and wait for you to wake up? Wamuu who was undecided- he watched your peaceful face while you were asleep.
Your lips were slightly separated- they looked so nice and welcoming.. Wamuu’s intrusive thoughts were getting into him, his face was close to yours- slowly getting more closer, he knew what he was doing but you were just too- irresistible, you suddenly moved- making Wamuu instantly back away while his body was tensed up. Maybe he’ll just do it someday.
Santana is completely shocked and surprised, he’ll come up close to you- his head laying on your chest, feeling a heartbeat. He raised a brow with the thought ‘Why are you on the floor?’ Were you playing some type of game with him? His head slightly tilted in confusion.
He tried to examine your form, but with one touch of your skin- he notices it was too warm, Santana doesn’t know about what’s happening to human bodies but he’s trying his best to figure out what’s happening to you.
His worry starts to crawl on him slowly. Were you dying right on spot? He carried you in a bridal style, and laid you down on a comfy bed. He just sat there by the side waiting for you to wake up with a blank face expression.
You were still breathing- though Santana was getting impatient, when were you going to wake up? His mind yet again wonders if there’s something that will wake you up? Was giving food to you going to wake up? His mind filled with ideas.
He tried poking your cheeks multiple times, stole a kid’s lollipop at the sidewalk and placed it on your lips- nope still not waking up, he went to a pharmacy- asking “Y/N’s not waking up, I need a cure.” But the other people in the pharmacy feared his huge form- unable to answer him from utter shock, Santana leaves. Santana really had no other choice but to wait, he just wants you to wake up.
#jjba#jojos bizarre adventure#jjba x reader#jjba pillarmen x reader#jjba pillar men#pillarmen x reader#kars x reader#esidisi x reader#wamuu x reader#santana x reader#jjba kars#jjba wamuu#jjba santana#jjba esidisi#jojo x reader#battle tendency x reader#jjba battle tendency#jjba part 2 x reader#jjba x y/n#jjba x you#jojo pillarmen#jojo pillarmen x reader#jojo no kimyou na bouken#jojo no kimyō na bōken
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Late Night
Kara Danvers x Teen!daughter!reader
Summary- You stay out late to protect the city but Kara doesn't see it the same way you do.
Warnings- Angry Kara and Reader, worried Kara, Yelling,
Not my Gif*
Kara was worried, she was always worried even if you were only a few minutes late from the time you said you would be home. Tonight was different. She had a long day at CatCo and expected to find you at home when she got there later than normal. You, however, were no where to be found. Not under the sink or in the closet, not even sitting in the tub. There was no one sprawled out on the couch watching a movie or reading there favorite book. It was empty. You were no where to be found.
Kara called some of your friends parents asking if they knew of your whereabouts, all but one saying they didn't have a clue and hoped she could find you. The one mother that did, said that their kid had seen you briefly at the library, but the library had been closed almost an hour by now. Kara was starting to really get worried.
The blonde sat in one of the kitchen chairs, waiting. She waited and waited and all she cared about was that she could still hear your heartbeat and clinged to the sound, so much so that she almost didn't notice when it become much louder, and snapped her head towards the door when she heard footsteps outside.
Kara wasn't just gonna let you get off easy. You were gone. Didn't tell anyone, let alone the adult watching over you, so she was worried and nervous, yes. But mostly angry, mad, really mad, livid even. Kara could go off when she wanted to, but she mostly tried to stay cooled off. You on the other hand strolled down the hallway, feeling accomplished and brave, then slowly opening the apartment door, right into Kara's face. You chuckled and greeted her.
"Hi Kar-"
"Don't 'hi' me." She stared straight into your eyes. White knuckling the door in her hand. Keeping you from coming all the way in. "Where were you?" She questioned, noticing a smudge of black on your neck and a bit on your forehead.
"Um," Mind racing you answer quickly. "the library."
"The library closed two hours ago. Try again."
"I was just out."
"Doing what? Why do you smell like smoke?" She said pulling you inside the apartment. Jaw clenched she eyed you. Only now noticing a bruise forming on your cheek.
"Don't lie to me." She says refocusing on your whereabouts.
"The Brooks Hotel on 3rd and 4th was on fire, so I went to help out, after studying. An-"
"You what!?" Kara became worried something might have happened. "You know, You can't just go flying into fire. We're not fireproof. Your a kid. My kid at that, I can't lose you because you choose to go running into a wild fire without backup or even letting a grown up know."
"But I am grown up! I'm 16, Kara!"
"Just because by state law you are allowed to drive doesn't mean you are allowed to-"
"Save lives? So if I see someone dying I should just wave it off, even when I know I can help. That's not very hope, health, and compassion for all, of you, Supergirl." You snapped at her, crossing your arms.
"Y/n-" She breaths out, you knew how to push her buttons. "Go to your room. We'll talk in a bit." You walk away knowing you'll have to tell her what happened eventually, or she'd find out eventually and you'd be in even bigger trouble.
Kara sighed when you were out of sight. She thought about what happened and what she was going to say once you had some time to cool off.
You were crying under the covers to yourself. Kara, however, took a deep breath, and knocked on your door.
"Can I come in?" She asked cautiously. You shouted at the door instead, tears in your eyes
"No!" Kara slowly, opened your door anyway.
"Hey..." She greeted you softly from the doorway.
"Go away."
"Y/n, I'm sorry for snapping at you, can you tell me what happened, again? No interruptions this time." You stayed silent from under your covers, trying to keep your tears at bay. "Would you like to talk about it right now?"
"No." You mumbled. Kara heard you, nodding to herself.
"We can talk tomorrow, sweetheart. You get some rest, okay?" She stared at you for any sign of recognition.
"Kara?" You mumbled again, but you knew she could hear you.
"Yes?" She perked up to your small voice.
"Come here" Kara immediately walked over to you.
"Y/n/n...?" She carefully pulled the covers back, so she could see your, now, red face. "Oh, what's wrong, sweetheart?" You couldn't say anything, words seemed so far away, instead starting to quietly cry seemed like the best option to get your point across and it broke Kara's heart. She instantly took you into a gentle hug.
"Can you tell me what's wrong, Y/n?" When you didn't respond, she just continued to hug you, giving you a squeeze to let you know she's there, and that she'll always be there.
Later, when you had finally calmed down, Kara slowly backed out of the hug and leaned over wiping the smudge on your forehead with her thumb. Then maneuvered your face so she could see the bruise you had gotten and looked it over, then whispering.
"We're going to see Alex tomorrow about this." She said examining your cheek, trying to be as gentle as she could and then shifting her gaze up to your eyes, saying, "Are you alright, now?" you waited a moment, thinking, and nodded yes to her. A smile grew on her face.
"I'm sorry, Kara." She looked at you tenderly.
"I know, we're gonna talk more tomorrow, you go on to sleep. I love you." And she kissed you asleep.
#kara danvers x daughter#kara :d#kara danvers x teen!reader#kara danvers x daughter!reader#Kara Danvers#kara x reader#kara danvers x you#kara zor el#kara danvers#alex danvers#platonic#x daughter!reader#dc#cw supergirl#mom!kara danvers#mom!kara#Mom Kara#platonic supergirl#supergirl#supergirl fic#supergirl fanfiction#kara x child!reader#Superkid#imagines#fantasy#dc supergirl#Kara x teen!daughter!reader#x teen!reader#x fem!reader#kara x female reader
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Bad habits are hard to break, and you’ve made a terrible one of loving him.
pairing :: liu yangyang x reader genre :: fluff, angst ⋮ best friend + college au word count :: 10,500 words warnings :: none. playlist :: time lapse (taeyeon) ⋆ 2 kids (taemin) ⋆ daydreams (exes) ⋆ sharing you (lany) ⋆ august (taylor swift) ⋆ too close to love (will hyde) ⋆ sad stripped (lany) ⋆ strangers (taemin) ⋆ the 1 (taylor swift) author’s note :: can you believe that i literally wrote this entire 10k fic in one day aka today ??? whew this gave me the same rush that i got when i wrote my research paper in the class it was due for the day of, printed it out during break, and handed it in at the end of class :’) ↳ part of the almost collaboration series.
Liu Yangyang is jumping fences to escape late night parties, shared laughter over childhood favorite cartoons on February mornings, midnight dancing in the refrigerator light, and November kisses stolen in between the shelves of the nearby 7-Eleven. He is obscure doodles in the margins of your physics notes, good intentions laced in December’s mistakes, strawberry lemonade and broken truths wrapped in summer bliss, and September endings with honest lies.
He is your August, he is your everything, but he isn’t yours.
AUGUST 2018.
August has barely begun to fade away.
You’re eighteen years old, and you’re drunk off of your first taste of freedom, one toe already dipping into the shiny pleasures of adulthood. Your new roommate, Karina, has excitedly told you about the famous beach night themed frat party that kick starts every school year at your university. Everybody who’s anybody would be there, and your heart already races at the thought of going to your very first college party.
“Coral or blue?” Karina holds up a solid colored neon blue bikini and a striped, bright pink one for you to choose between.
“Blue.” You nod towards the first option, and she discards the other one back into the open drawer. You pull out a marigold yellow one and a black one lined with white strings, wordlessly gesturing towards them, and she immediately points to the latter.
“That one is gonna look so cute on you. Well, both would, but I love that one.”
You grin at her, silently thanking whoever decided to pair the two of you together for the random dorming. “Perfect, thanks. Do you know any of the guys hosting the party?”
“Yeah, Dejun? He’s really sweet and a year above us. I met him in the music elective I’m taking.” She turns to take off her shirt and tosses it to the side, pulling on her bikini and wriggling into a pair of ripped jean shorts. “You?”
“Kind of? Jaemin is in my project group in Intro to Engineering. He’s rushing for that frat.” You quickly change out of your outfit and into your chosen swim top and daisy dukes. You make sure to grab a pair of black flip flops from your closet. The bundle of nerves in your stomach grows as you step out of your dorm with your new friend, a bit anxious but also excited to attend your very first party.
Thank goodness for summer weather. It’s still a nice, warm 75 degrees Fahrenheit according to your weather app when you and Karina finally make your way to the frat house. The sun barely begins to set, but the party slash dayger had started earlier and is in full swing. There’s a DJ set up out front, blasting some sort of EDM music, and the lawn is absolutely covered in foam. You see the source of it shakily set up on the roof of the patio along with a couple of boys sitting up there, Hawaiian shirts barely covering their figures. You catch the eye of Jaemin, who happily waves at you from his vantage point, and you wave back at him.
“Oh my god, I love college,” Karina says, grabbing your arm excitedly as the two of you step into the foam. You reach down to pick up some of it before flicking it towards your roommate, who squeals before scooping some up and throwing it in your direction as well.
“Ready for our first shitty college drink?” You pull her through the mass of other students and towards the horribly decorated tiki bar stationed in the corner of the patio.
“Hell yeah, let’s do it.”
The two of you stumble over, still throwing handfuls of foam at each other amidst giggles before making a full stop in front of the bar. The older boy behind the makeshift counter lazily grins at you both, a shell necklace hanging loosely around his neck, and his unbuttoned orange Hawaiian shirt gives you a nice flash of his toned abs.
“Hey, I’m Johnny. What can I get for you two?”
“Two vodka shots, please.”
“Alright, ID?”
You freeze, and Karina’s grip on your arm tightens, and then Johnny laughs, eyes crinkling in the corners. “Relax, I’m just messing with you, freshie. Two vodka shots coming right up.”
He pulls out two small plastic cups and pours out the drinks for you. “How many do you want?”
“This is good for now, thanks.” You and Karina pick up the drinks, smiling a little nervously at him. He flashes another amused smile at you. “Alright, come back anytime if you want another.”
You move away from the patio, and Karina follows close behind. The two of you throw back the drinks and dispose of the empty cups quickly. The burning sensation in your throat disappears after a few seconds, and you turn to your roommate. “Should we find our friends?”
“I think I see Dejun back there! Let’s go say hi, I can introduce you to him.” Karina drags you through the rising foam, the bubbles clinging to your skin, and when you go past the DJ stand, you feel the pounding bass reverberating in your chest harder than ever. You trek past the gate and into the backyard where the foam has risen to your waist, thanks to the enclosed fences. She taps on the shoulder of a boy with the prettiest almond eyes you have ever seen, and you shyly smile at him when he greets you.
“Hey, I’m Dejun.”
Oh my god, even his voice sounds pretty. Older college boys are definitely better and hotter than high school boys. Heck, they’re better than freshman boys. Nobody wants to date a freshman dude, not even the freshman girls.
“Hi, I’m Y/N.” You extend your hand, but then realize how stupid that must be. You hastily start to retract your hand, but he laughs and warmly grasps your hand. Smiling at you, he shakes it firmly, squeezing your hand gently before letting go.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N.”
The butterflies in your stomach grow in volume as the conversation goes on, and you’re positively enamored by the end of the night. Karina had given you a look earlier before walking off with Dejun’s friend and joining the dancing crowd. With the addition of his phone number in your pocket and a promise to show you a new song he’s working on with his guitar next Friday, you’re walking on cloud nine.
“Do you want something to drink? I need a refill, and I can go grab you one,” he asks, and you’re about to offer to go with him, but then you remember the teasing upperclassman and simply agree, asking for another shot of vodka.
After he disappears, you look around, eyeing the crowd and wondering if you can spot your roommate anywhere. You bump into someone lightly and turn around to apologize. Your eyes meet a pair of curiously bright ones.
“Sorry about that, I’m looking for my roomie.”
The boy gives you a Cheshire Cat grin. He’s wearing one of those dumb Hawaiian shirts, too, and it’s unbuttoned, but he has a white T-shirt layered underneath it. “No biggie, it’s a massive party and it’s crowded. Who are you looking for?”
“Ah, I don’t know if you know her, but Karina? She went off with this dude, Kunhang, I think?”
His eyes light up at that name. “Oh, I know him! I saw him earlier by the keg stands inside. Your friend might be there, too. I can—”
“THE COPS ARE COMING!” A loud voice bellows, and you freeze up. Suddenly, the music is shut off as everyone starts running away. You start to panic, the terror rising in your chest, and the boy in front of you grabs your hand and pulls you with him. “What are you doing?! Don’t just stand there! We gotta go!”
“Wait, but Kar—” You start to object, but cut yourself off when you bump into his back as he abruptly stops. He scans the backyard, quickly assessing the situation before turning to you.
“There’s way too many people trapped in here, we’re not gonna make it to the gate. We need to climb over the fence. I’ll hoist you up, and you can help me up from there.”
“I don’t even know you,” you protest, and he throws you a look.
“Hi, I’m Yangyang, nice to meet you, I don’t want to get my ass hauled out by the police and continue the icebreakers in jail, so let’s move now. We good?”
“Yeah, okay, we’re good,” you say faintly, mind still whirling around as you try to grasp the situation. “I’m Y/N.”
“Great, now up you go.”
He immediately picks you up without any warning, and you almost fall backwards, arms flailing before you grasp the top of the fence and pull yourself up. Balancing precariously on top of it, you grab his arm, tugging him up until he’s sitting right next to you, too. The both of you swing your legs over the fence and jump down to the other side. You let out a sigh of relief, squatting down as you clutch your heart.
“Oh my god, we made it. I didn’t get arrested at my first party.”
“What an amazing accomplishment.” Yangyang brushes off the back of his shorts. “We aren’t going to jail. Freshman year is gonna be a breeze if your bar is set this low.”
“Hey!” You frown at him, standing up and crossing your arms over your chest. “How do you know I’m a freshman?”
“It’s written all over your face.” You give him a look, and he relents. “Only a freshman would be this scared of getting caught.”
“So are you an upperclassman?”
“Nah, this is my first party, too. I’m rushing for Nu Chi. Hold on, wait here.” He sneaks around the edge of the fence, peering around for a few seconds before jogging back towards you. “Okay, the police are over there. I’m gonna have to wait a while before going back in.”
“You have to go back?”
“Part of tonight’s rush process,” he sighs before turning to you. “Do you live on campus?”
“Yeah, I’m gonna walk back now,” you answer, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. “It’s late, and I’m not in a partying mood anymore.”
“I can walk you back,” he offers, and you shoot him a grateful smile.
“That’d be great, thanks.”
The two of you start the trek back, an awkward lull in the conversation making itself known. You wrap your arms around yourself, shivering slightly when a soft breeze picks up. There’s a light rustling noise, and you pay no mind to it until a soft cloth is draped over your shoulders. Eyes widening, you notice the colorful, palm tree-printed button down shirt wrapped around you and the boy next to you, looking straight ahead with his hands shoved into his pockets. Smiling to yourself, you slip on the shirt, loosely buttoning the front of it.
“So, Yangyang,” you casually begin, testing his name on your tongue for the first time. You decide you like it. It’s cute. He turns to you, raising an eyebrow, and you continue, “Since our lives are no longer in jeopardy, we can continue the icebreakers, right?”
His lips curve into a smile. “Alright, shoot. What’s your first question?”
“Captain America or Iron Man?”
“Oh, Iron Man, hands down. He’s so…”
You meet him in August.
“Hey, where’s your cereal? The Reese’s one?”
February marks six months of your relationship with Dejun. It also marks six months of your friendship with Yangyang. It is time for your weekly Sunday rituals of watching old cartoons and eating breakfast, and you could’ve sworn that box was still half full last week. You rummage through the top drawer Yangyang had designated for snacks and other foods in his dorm as he takes out the milk from his mini fridge and carries it over to his desk.
“I ran out a few days ago. There’s Cinnamon Toast Crunch somewhere in there though.”
With a victorious cry, you manage to pull out the slightly crushed box of the aforementioned cereal from underneath the packages of flamin’ hot Cheetos and spicy nacho Doritos and triumphantly bring it over to your best friend. He already pulls out two bowls (which were stolen from the dining hall) and hands over the plastic spoons in his grasp (which was also taken from the dining hall).
“Thanks.” After dropping a spoon into each bowl, you shake out the sugary cereal squares before pouring the milk because you’re not an absolute heathen who puts milk in first, like Sicheng. Yangyang clambers up to his top bunk bed, and you carefully pass over the two bowls of cereal, milk sloshing precariously near the edges. You climb up afterwards, and he gives you your bowl once you settle down.
“So, Scooby Doo or Pokémon?”
“Mm, we watched Pokémon last Sunday already, so let’s do Scooby Doo this time.” He nods in agreement, pulling up the cartoon from the queue in Netflix, and the two of you lean back against the ginormous mound of pillows and stuffed animals of his that occupy nearly half of his bed.
You’re shoveling a spoonful of cereal into your mouth when he casually asks, “So how’re you and Dejun doing?”
Choking slightly, you quickly swallow. “We’re doing good. I think he booked a table at the Italian restaurant down the street for Valentine’s Day. Are you doing anything for Valentine’s?”
“I’m forcing Renjun to come watch that “‘Happy Death Day’ movie with me.” The faint sounds of the Scooby Doo theme song plays in the background as you hum in acknowledgement, mouth twisting into a mischievous smirk.
“That’s so sweet. So who confessed to who? Not gonna lie, I thought you had a crush on Hyuck, not Jun.”
“... I would shove you right now, but I just did my laundry, and rewashing my comforter is expensive and I’m out of quarters.”
You stick your tongue out at him, and he rolls his eyes before lifting his bowl up to sip the best part of having Cinnamon Toast Crunch: the milk infused with all the cinnamony, sugary goodness. You let your spoon fall back into your bowl with a soft clink, a sudden worrying thought popping into your head.
“I bought him some customized guitar picks and a pretty composition book. Do you think he’ll like it?”
“That’s a pretty basic gift, isn’t it? It feels like something Kun would get him,” he teases, but his heart falls when he notices you chewing on your bottom lip, spoon held limply in your hand.
“Hey, I’m just joking, of course he would like it. He’s completely whipped. He’ll love anything from you.” Yangyang’s voice grows softer, and he fiddles with a stray thread on his comforter, avoiding eye contact with you. “I know I would.”
He looks up slightly and sees you smiling gratefully at him, eyes shining bright. He quickly ducks his head, turning away slightly to hide the hues of pink blooming on his cheeks. He feels you leaning over to rest your head on his shoulder with a quiet sigh, and his breath hitches in his throat.
“Thanks, Yang.”
Replaying the sight of your smile in his mind makes his stomach flip flop, and he resists the overwhelming urge to tell you you’re pretty, pushing it back into the farthest crevice of his mind. Your head on his shoulder makes him feel like he’s carrying the entire world, and he doesn’t know what to do. He paints on a tight smile of his own, silently hoping you can’t hear the way his heart nearly pounds out of his chest.
Yangyang knows that having feelings for his best friend, specifically one of his good friends’ girlfriends, is something he absolutely should not be doing, but he can’t help it. His stupid heart refuses to listen to his brain. For now, all he can do is desperately hope that this dumb crush of his goes away soon because while 99% of his friends are oblivious (including you), Ten and Donghyuck are not. They’ll be able to spot his feelings from a mile away, like how Kun always knows when there’s a good sale going on at the Asian supermarket downtown (This week, it was the 50% off bean sprouts and chili paste).
Letting out an inaudible sigh, Yangyang carefully rests his head on top of yours. Clutching the empty bowl with one hand, he shoves his other one under his thigh to stop himself from reaching over and tangling his fingers with yours. He stares at the screen, watching until the bright colors blur together.
He likes you in February.
AUGUST 2019.
The earth spins around the sun for another time, and August makes its presence known once again. It’s Thursday night, and you’re sitting on the countertop in Nu Chi Theta’s kitchen, swinging your legs back and forth as Yangyang struggles to make some scrambled eggs because the half filled carton of eggs the two of you managed to find is the only thing that isn’t expired (besides Jeno’s protein shakes, but neither of you are gonna touch that cardboard tasting monstrosity).
“Maybe I should make it.” You peer over at the frying pan, wincing when you see the full damage of your future meal. “Did you use oil?”
“Of course I did!” he exclaims indignantly before pitifully pushing around the nearly charred mess of yolk and whites around with his spatula. “I’m not Mark.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” you mutter, waving your hand around to dissipate the acrid burning smell, and Yangyang throws you a dirty look. He grabs a fork and stabs a small chunk of the eggs. Picking it up, he brings it closer to his mouth before hesitating. His eyes dart to you, and you raise your eyebrows at him, a silent challenge in your gaze. The sad piece of egg hovers in the air for a few more seconds before he defeatedly drops it back into the pan.
“Okay, what if we just Uber Eats some McDonald’s?” Turning off the stove, he then tosses the remnants of his cooking into the trash and drops the pan into the sink.
“Stellar plan. Best idea you’ve had all night.” You hop off the counter to stand next to him, propping your chin on his shoulder to see him pull up the app. He immediately puts in your usual order along with his before holding it up for you to see it better.
“Looks good?”
“Looks perfect.”
He clicks the confirmation button, and the delivery is set to come in 30 minutes. You’re suddenly hyper aware of how close you are with your chest pressed against his back and hastily move away, warmth spreading across your cheeks.
Glancing over at your best friend, you don't miss the way Yangyang smiles down at something on his phone before his fingers fly across the screen. When he looks up, you immediately turn away, focusing your eyes on anything but him.
“Hey, you’re going to the Alpha Sig formal, right?” Yangyang calls out, and you throw on a teasing grin.
“You mean Alpha Sigma Psi, also known as the sorority I’m in?”
“Ah, right, yeah.” He flushes, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “But you’re going, right?”
You nod, the sudden realization creeping up on you. “Oh yeah, I am, thanks for reminding me. I completely forgot to ask, but do you want t—”
“Ningning just asked me to go with her,” Yangyang blurts out, and you freeze, failing to hide your shock for a split second before you regain your composure.
“Oh wow, that’s great, Yang! I’ll see you there then.” You try to give him a convincing smile. He wrings his hands, biting his bottom lip. Something is on his mind. You can tell. He’s not someone to hold back with his words, but this time, he is.
“I… I don’t know if I’m gonna go,” he says at last. Your heart picks up a little at that. Does that mean he doesn’t want to go to the dance at all? Or does he not want to go with Ningning? If you asked him now, would it make a difference?
“I’ve never slow danced,” he confesses, leaning against the opposite counter, and your heart drops. So that was it. Of course, he wouldn’t reject Ningning. She’s an absolute goddess, heck, you wouldn’t say no if she asked you either. You stamp out that last flicker of hope.
“What if I suck at it?” he continues, absentmindedly carding his fingers through his hair. “Oh god, I bet Yukhei and Kunhang are never gonna let me live it down. I can do choreographed dances, but I’m gonna mess up over a stupid slow dance. But where am I supposed to put my hands?! Like on her shoulders? Her waist? Do I hold her hand?”
Your eyes follow the way his hair ruffles slightly, and you wonder if it’s as soft as it looks. You swallow hard before saying quietly, “I can teach you?”
His hand pauses mid-movement, and your eyes fly down to meet his. His eyes widen, and he contemplates your offer for a split second before nodding excitedly. “Yeah, that’d be great! Can you teach me right now? While we wait for our food to come!”
“S-sure,” you stammer, flustered at the sudden acceptance and his eagerness. “Um, here? In the kitchen?”
“Yeah, why not?” He shrugs before straightening up. “The lights should be dimmed, right? We can kind of mimic that here to set the mood or whatever.”
He goes over and fiddles with the light switch, flicking it on and off, and you laugh, walking over and placing your hand over his. “What are you doing? Some kind of Kevin Nguyen mating call to look for a rave bae?”
“First off, I’m offended that you think I’d be one of them,” Yangyang narrows his eyes at you. “Secondly, I’m trying to make this feel more formal dance-y. Oh, wait!”
He turns off the lights for the last time and reaches over to pull open the refrigerator doors, the artificial fluorescent light pouring out and mixing with the faint beams coming in through the window from the street lamps outside. He grins at you, satisfied. “Romantic, huh?”
You roll your eyes, but the amused smile on your face gives away your true feelings. “Wow, Romeo, you swept me off my feet. The food is gonna go bad, and Kun is gonna kill you for the high electricity bill.”
“What food? Jeno’s protein shakes probably never expire.” He snorts before standing closer to you, his hands resting on either side of you on the counter. You can see the pretty gold flecks in his irises, and your breath gets caught in your throat. “And I guess this means you gotta teach me fast before we waste more electricity, right?”
You place your hands on his chest and lightly push him away, and he laughs, stepping back. You let out a shaky breath, remembering that your lungs need oxygen in order to, you know, continue living.
“Okay,” you clear your throat before pulling out your phone and putting on a slow song. “Ready?”
“You chose Ed Sheeran? Thinking Out Loud? Really?”
You raise your hands up defensively. “Hey, he’s the king of sappy slow songs that all girls want to be played at their weddings for their first dance.”
When your legs don't work like they used to before,
And I can't sweep you off of your feet,
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?
“Is this the song you want played at your wedding?” He raises an eyebrow at you, and your face grows warm. You ignore the question, and this time, you’re the one taking a bold step forward, a few centimeters now separating you and your best friend. You see his Adam’s apple bob as he gulps lightly before meeting your eyes.
And darling, I will be loving you 'til we're seventy,
And baby, my heart could still fall as hard at twenty-three,
And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways.
“So, your hands go here.” You take his hands and place them on either side of your waist. His arms freeze up. “Relax, Yang. Precious cargo here.”
He lets out a chuckle, loosening his grip as he starts to relax. You reach up and slide your arms around his neck, interlocking your fingers. You gaze back at him, saying softly, “Now pull me closer.”
He does so.
Maybe just the touch of a hand,
Oh me I fall in love with you every single day,
And I just wanna tell you I am.
“And now follow my lead. We’re going to take one step. And then another. We’re just slowly turning in a circle.”
After a few spins and steps, you stop leading and let yourself be led. Yangyang continues to hold onto you carefully, and you can hear him muttering a 1, 2, 3, 4 count under his breath until he finally gets the hang of it. He grows a little braver, pulling you even closer.
So honey now,
Take me into your loving arms,
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars.
“Are you going with Dejun?” he asks quietly, and you stiffen at the mention at him before shaking your head.
“No, we broke up in July.”
Yangyang falters in his step before recovering. “Oh. You never told me.”
“Yeah.” You struggle to keep your voice level. “I just… he’s your friend, and I didn’t want to make it weird.”
“You’re my best friend though,” he says firmly, looking you directly in the eyes. His grip on your waist tightens. “It’s his loss. That dumbass just lost the best person who’ll ever come into his life.”
You give him a tired half smile, one that doesn’t quite meet your eyes. He hugs you closer to him, wrapping his arms around your waist and securing you against his chest. You rest your head in the crook of his neck and hope that he doesn’t feel how quickly your heart beats in your chest.
Place your head on my beating heart,
I'm thinking out loud,
Maybe we found love right where we are.
“Thanks, Yang,” you whisper, your breath tickling his skin. He envelops you tightly, and the two of you continue to spin in slow circles, quietly dancing in the refrigerator light as the remaining verses of the song warble in the background.
You think you finally understand what Dejun meant when he said he’s breaking up with you because your heart was already occupied by someone else.
You fall in love with him in August.
[ 12:54 a.m. ] yang 🐏🤪: hey you up?
[ 12:54 a.m. ] yang 🐏🤪: 7/11 in ten mins?
Tiredly rubbing your eyes, you stumble out of your dorm building, one of Jeno’s sweaters draped over your figure. November nights are cold, but this one seems chillier than usual. Yangyang stands near the front steps, and he stiffens up when he notices whose hoodie you’re wearing. He makes no mention of it though when you join him.
“Sorry, did I wake you?” He glances over to you as the two of you walk side by side to the small convenience store just on the edge of campus. You shake your head, shoving your hands into the front pocket of your sweater.
“I was up cramming for midterms. I could use a break anyway,” you shrug. A wisp of your hair falls in your face, and Yangyang starts to reach out to fix it, but forces himself to keep his hand by his side. You reach out to carelessly brush it away, tucking it behind your ear.
“What about you?” You look over at him, noting the bags under his eyes. “Rough night?”
He smiles tiredly at you, shoving his hands into his pockets as he kicks a stray pebble along the sidewalk. “More like rough week. Two more midterms left, and they’re for electromagnetic theory and linear systems.”
“Oh god, good luck. I took linear systems today, and it was absolutely brutal.” You wince, brightening up when you see the familiar neon orange, red, and green lights up ahead.
“Maybe I should just withdraw and take it again next quarter,” your best friend grumbles, kicking the stone as far as he possibly can.
“You really want another quarter with Hwang?”
“You’re right,” he sighs, “I just need to get a C+ to maintain my GPA. C if I’m pushing it.”
The two of you hurry over to the 7-Eleven, quickening your pace, until you reach the store doors, and you pull them open. Entering quickly, you push the door open slightly wider, and Yangyang slips in behind you. The cashier doesn’t even look up, texting away on his phone. You make a beeline towards the chips aisle, grabbing a bag of flamin’ hot Cheetos and a pack of sour gummy worms.
“What are you getting, Yang?” You call out over your shoulder, eyes zeroing in on the Red Bull stand at the end of the aisle. When you hear no response, you halt in your steps, turning around. Yangyang stands in the middle of the aisle, looking dazed under the fluorescent lights.
Putting your items back on the shelf, you approach him, reaching out and touching his arm gently. “Yangyang, what’s wrong?”
He jerks back before silently holding up his phone for you to see. There’s a slew of text messages from Ningning a few hours ago, and a quick scan tells you all you need to know. Your heart weighs heavily in your chest when you look back at him, a forlorn expression on his face.
“She dumped me,” he says quietly, shoving the phone back into his pocket. “She said our relationship was like a friendship. She didn’t feel anything. She said we could still be friends if I wanted to be though.”
He jabs a large bag of Lays potato chips angrily as his voice raises slightly higher. “But I don’t get it. Do friends take each other on dates? Do friends spend the night? Do friends hug each other and hold hands walking to class? Do friends spend three hundred dollars to do a surprise weekend trip for their birthday?”
He whirls around to face you, and he’s so close that you can see those pretty golden sparkles in his eyes again. Suddenly, his hands are cupping your face, and the next thing you know, he’s kissing you. Your eyes widen for a fraction of a second before they flutter shut, and you press your lips against his. The 90s pop station music playing overhead seems to fade away, and all you can focus on is that your best friend tastes like spearmint gum and grape soju. He pulls away abruptly, the realization of what he’s done finally hitting him as his chest heaves up and down.
“Do friends kiss like this?”
His voice is barely a whisper, but it cuts through the silence. You feel like you’re spinning out of control, a split second from careening and crashing.
“No, we—they don’t,” you mumble, and Yangyang sees the starstruck look in your eyes, and he wants to apologize: to say sorry for kissing you. But he doesn’t. Because for some reason, he doesn’t feel sorry. He closes his eyes, curling his hands into fists before exhaling slowly. He sees you looking back at him this time, and he wonders if you feel as equally lost as he does.
Because you’re right. Friends don’t kiss each other like that. Friends don’t feel like this about each other.
He kisses you in November.
AUGUST 2020.
The sun still shines bright late into the day, and August greets you like an old friend. You’re absentmindedly doodling in the margins of your notebook designated for Quantum Mechanics. Yangyang sits next to you in the lecture hall, making a bunch of origami cranes before tossing them at Renjun’s head right in front of him. When the bird reaches its target for the sixth time in a row, the annoyed boy whirls around in his seat, glaring at your best friend.
“Stop that,” he hisses, and Yangyang innocently raises his hands in the air. Renjun angrily frowns at him before turning back around in his seat. After a few minutes, Yangyang flicks another crane towards his friend. If this was a cartoon, you would see steam blowing out of your friend’s ears. You silently watch as he wordlessly picks up his phone, seething as he presses on a particular number.
Suddenly, Travis Scott’s SICKO MODE starts blasting, amplified by the large auditorium-like room. The professor goes silent, and everyone turns to see Yangyang scrambling to pick up his phone. He fumbles around for a few seconds with it before finally shutting it off and putting it on vibrate mode. Cheeks burning red, he meekly puts his phone back in his bag and squeaks out a “sorry” before sinking down in his chair (You can see the culprit grinning like the cat ate the canary right in front of him. Karma’s a bitch who also goes by the name of Renjun).
You pat his arm consolingly as he sulks next to you for a few minutes, mouth jutting out into a pout. You decide to take pity on him and lean closer to him, whispering quietly, “Would it make you feel better if I bought you boba after class?”
Immediately, he brightens up. “One oolong milk tea, half sugar with white pearls and coconut jelly?”
“Yes, I’ll pay for your overpriced drink,” you huff, thinking about how his one seven dollar drink could buy you a whole rotisserie chicken that’ll last you a week. At least the fluffy dog at Cloudy with a Chance of Boba is cute and fun to play with. “I’ll even get the honey waffle fries.”
“Heck yeah!” he whisper-yells, fist pumping quietly before he suddenly deflates. “Wait, I can’t. I promised Lia I’d get lunch with her.”
Ah, right, there’s Lia now. Yangyang’s new girlfriend: the only other student who went to Düsseldorf, Germany to study abroad over the summer, and inevitably, the two of them became close. All you really know about her is that she’s pretty, she’s in Iota Theta Zeta, and she followed you on Instagram a few weeks ago (of course, you followed her back because of the unspoken best friend and girlfriend policy).
Her page looks carefully curated, and there’s a common pink tinted theme going on throughout her feed. She has over a thousand followers, and it seems like Yangyang fits perfectly in her magazine curated life, judging by how he occupies nearly every picture taken in the summer with her or how he’s tagged as the photographer. You can’t deny that they look good together, pointedly shoving the green eyed monster back under the bed.
You take a peek at your messy Instagram page where you only post pictures when you’re half drunk, so there’s no semblance of uniformity anywhere. You shrug at him, pocketing your phone.
“No biggie. I’ll see if Karina is up for some boba. She’s been holed up in the dance studio already, and it’s only week two of classes, can you believe it?”
“I remember Ten was the same way,” Yangyang hums, eyes fixated on his phone and fingers tapping away. He laughs quietly, lips curling into a pretty smile, and you glance over curiously.
“What’s so funny?”
“Hmm?” Yangyang finally tears his eyes away from his screen for a split second to look at you before another buzz takes his attention away. He’s distracted, lovestruck, and you wistfully smile before turning back to your notes.
“Sorry, what’d you say earlier?” he loudly whispers a few minutes later, and you barely glance up from the large bulbasaur doodle you’re in the progress of completing right next to the chart marking the wave functions for a bouncing ball that you had copied down from the blackboard.
“Oh, I just asked what was so funny,” you murmur, coloring in the flowers you drew around the Pokémon with your blue ballpoint pen.
He looks confused for a moment before lighting up. “Oh! It was just a German joke. It’s not really funny if I translate it though.”
“Got it, no worries.” You notice the professor starting a new example problem, and you abandon your drawing, focusing on the formulas rapidly filling up the chalkboards in front of you. A quiet chuckle echoes in your ears, and you pause in your note taking to look over and see your best friend still typing on his phone. You make a mental reminder to create a copy of your notes for him later on when you pass the library on the way to the dining hall.
“Hey, Y/N.” Yangyang nudges you gently. “Rain check on the boba?”
You offer him a soft smile. “Of course. Anytime.”
He gives you a quick grin in return before his attention returns to the device in his hand—or rather, the pretty girl behind those texts. Your best friend is sitting right next to you, but you’ve never felt so far away. You know distance makes the heart grow fonder, but you don’t think it’s possible to be even fonder of him than you are now. Bad habits are hard to break, and you’ve made a terrible one of loving him. No wonder it’s beginning to hurt so much.
You lose him in August.
December is the coldest month of the year, yet it is also simultaneously the warmest with all the holiday festivities it brings. If Yangyang were to choose a month to describe you, it’d be this one. You are a walking paradox, a conundrum he might never solve, an oxymoron come to life. He doesn’t understand how you can be his best friend, yet feel like a stranger; a friend who he wants as a lover; someone who has created such an impact in his life, but disappears seamlessly here and there.
He wonders when you’ve gotten so distant. He wonders why he never noticed the way you seemed to slip away through the cracks until it’s now nearing the end of the year, and the last time he’s seen you in person was before the November autumn break.
But you’re here.
You’re standing right next to the punch bowl filled with spiked eggnog, wearing a garish knitted button down jumper with brightly colored Christmas lights decorating it. It’s perfectly in theme with the Ugly Christmas Sweater party Nu Chi is holding, and Yangyang is beyond ecstatic to know that you’re attending. He had texted you an invite two weeks ago, and you merely reacted with a thumbs up.
Yangyang swears he was going to follow up with you on that, but he got so caught up with midterms, then meeting Lia’s family for Thanksgiving, then studying for finals, and then finally, preparing for this party. Buying enough beer for twenty-three keg stands is a lot more difficult than it seems (Donghyuck’s car broke down halfway during one trip, and they all had to carry back the packs of beers to the house in 40 degree weather in their Sperry boat shoes and Patagonia long sleeves that definitely weren’t cut out for this kind of weather).
His girlfriend is somewhere in the room, wearing the other half of the reindeer sweater she forced him to put on, but all he can focus on is you. He hurriedly makes his way over, skidding to a stop in front of you, and you’re startled before a smile spreads across your face.
“Hey, you, I haven’t seen you in a while.” You grin at him, reaching out to poke the reindeer tail sticking out from the front of his itchy sweater (Lia got to wear the head half of the reindeer, while he was stuck with the behind).
“Yeah, how have you been?” He reaches around you to pick up a cup and pour himself some eggnog. He offers you one, but you decline with a small shake of your head.
“I’ve been doing good, a bit tired with finals coming up, but what’s new?” You joke, grabbing one of the sugar cookies from the table. You’re secretly surprised that they actually have real food (No, Hyuck, Jell-O shots do not count as real food). You suspect Jaemin has something to do with it. He always contributes to the annual Greek row bake sale.
“Are you here with someone? Did Karina come?” he asks, curiosity coating every word. He looks around for your roommate, but she’s nowhere to be found.
You shake your head. “No, I actually came with—”
Yukhei bounds over, slipping an arm over your shoulder. He hands you a new cup of apple cider, which you accept gratefully. He grins happily at Yangyang, who freezes up at the sight of his tall friend. “I asked her to be my date for the party, and she agreed. She also made our sweaters! Aren’t they so cool? There’s even lights that spell my name and play Christmas songs. She did a bunch of cool programming tricks to make them work.”
Yangyang realizes with a start that the two of you are indeed wearing matching sweaters, and that leaves a rather sour taste in his mouth (and it definitely wasn’t because of expired eggnog). The corners of his lips tilt downward as he presses his lips together tightly.
“So… you two are together?” He gestures between you and Yukhei with a forced laugh. Jealousy never did look good on anybody, and unfortunately, he’s not an exception.
“We’re just seeing each other and seeing how it goes for now,” you answer quietly, noting the way your best friend reacts. You have always been good at reading him, and you tread carefully now, not wanting to make a scene. Drunk Yangyang never holds anything back, and he’s had quite a few pre-game shots already (It definitely doesn’t help that he’s a lightweight, too).
“I see. How did you guys meet? Or I guess, start talking?” He attempts to look intimidating, staring down at Yukhei, but it’s a difficult feat to accomplish, especially when he’s trying to stare down a six foot guy who’s more like an overgrown puppy and his friend.
“Oh, she came by for one of your boba runs, but you were still out with Lia. So I asked if I could go with her.” Yukhei flashes his pearly whites at you, and you chuckle, leaning your head against his shoulder.
“I said yes, and we hit it off, I guess.”
“You guess? And you took him on our boba runs?”
“You were out with Lia,” you say defensively, and he blanches when he hears his girlfriend’s name come out of your mouth.
“You could’ve waited,” he mutters, but you still hear it, and you give him a scathing look, finally too tired of this push and pull game that’s been going on behind the scenes for nearly three years now.
“I did. I waited over an hour here for you, but you didn’t show up or even text me that you were gonna be late. Yukhei was nice enough to offer to go with me.”
He stays silent, and you gnaw on your bottom lip, unsure of what to say next. Yukhei looks at you in concern, but you reach up and squeeze his hand reassuringly, which your best friend doesn’t fail to notice, his lips pressing into an even thinner line.
“I don’t understand what the deal is,” you finally burst out, startling both boys. “What’s the big deal about me and Yukhei going out?”
Something inside of him finally snaps. “The big deal is that you’re basically sleeping through my list of friends and then breaking up with them! First Dejun, then Jeno, now Yukhei? Who’s next? Should I give Renjun a heads up? Pencil you into his planner? Or Sicheng? Sungchan? You have a class with him, so you’re bound to flirt with him, too, right? When are you gonna stop fucking around with my frien—”
He gasps, stopping mid-outburst as he stares at you in disbelief. Apple cider slides down from his hair, dripping onto his face and soaking into his sweater, the sticky juice clinging to his skin uncomfortably. You’re absolutely seething, the empty cup crackling in your clenched fist. Shocked, Yukhei carefully tugs the plastic away from you and places it on the table before replacing it with his own hand, his thumb caressing circles on the back of your hand soothingly. Yangyang doesn’t dare to meet his furious gaze, lifting his chin to look at you instead. The entire room has hushed down by now, all eyes staring directly at the three of you in a mixture of surprise and slight terror.
“Screw you, Yangyang,” you say lowly, voice shaking with anger. Tears form on the edge of your waterline, but you blink them away before hastily brushing a stray droplet from your cheek. “They asked me out. I said yes. We went out. It didn’t work out. We move on. Just like how you’ve gone out with my friends. And they didn’t work out, so you moved on. So what’s so wrong about that? What’s so wrong about trying again to find love?”
He can’t answer you, curling his hands into fists until his fingernails indent miniature crescents in his palms—until the pain overtakes the feelings that are threatening to spill from his heart. Yangyang may not be yours, but he doesn’t like the fact that he can’t call you his either.
Love. That’s what you want, that’s what you crave, but not if it’s from him. So what is he supposed to do with love that’s unwanted? It’s bursting at the seams, and he has nowhere to hide it anymore.
He loves you in December.
AUGUST 2021.
August sneaks up on you this time around, and you find yourself in Kunhang’s apartment. All of your close friends are here, starting the last year of youth with one final first day party. You think back to that day three years ago: when your eyes met a pair of equally bright ones for the first time.
Curled up next to Yukhei on the couch, you look across the room and meet those very same eyes, although they seem hazier this time around. Lia is wrapped around his arm, and you think it’s quite ironic how both your and his relationships remain the same after all this time. Perhaps you both were bad luck for each other, leading to the other’s demise with short lived relationships. He looks away from you.
The rules of truth or dare are simple. You cannot ask the same person again until three other people have been asked first, and no one can be asked more than three times in each round. And, for reasons you can’t understand, everyone seems to take the code of truth seriously.
“I’ll start,” Kunhang announces, leaning back in one of the several beanbags he has in his place. “Goeun, truth or dare?”
Goeun sighs, leaning back on the palms of her hands. “Dare.”
“You and Mark, seven minutes in heaven.” Hendery points towards the coat closet, and the immediate reaction of hoots and wolf whistles has the girl rolling her eyes. With an exasperated huff, she stands up and pulls a red faced Mark along with her.
“Wait, you gotta pick the next person!” Donghyuck calls out, and she stops in her tracks, throwing open the closet door and shrugging. “You can choose for me.”
With that, she and Mark disappear behind the door, and Donghyuck turns toward the rest of the group, eyes glimmering mischievously. You pay no attention to him, absentmindedly playing with Yukhei’s fingers. You tug one of his rings off his finger, and he smiles, plucking it from your grasp carefully before holding your hand. He carefully slides it onto your right ring finger, but it falls off. Grinning, he pretends to try it on every single one of your fingers until finally settling on your thumb. The ring fits snugly there, and you admire it, wriggling your thumb around.
“Well, look at that. It fits you. I think that means we’re meant to be,” Yukhei says, smiling broadly, and you laugh, interlocking your fingers with his again before glancing down at the silver engraved band resting on your finger. The weight of the metal feels heavy resting against your knuckle.
“Yangyang, truth or dare.”
Donghyuck’s voice cuts through your thoughts, and you instinctively perk up in your seat at the sound of his name before freezing up in your spot. Yukhei squeezes your hand softly, and you tighten your grip around his fingers.
“You’re no fun,” Donghyuck sighs, slouching back against the armrest. Yukhei leans over and whispers something in his ear before settling back next to you, shifting slightly to wrap his arm around you. Donghyuck lifts an eyebrow at your boyfriend before shrugging. “Okay, here’s an easy one. Are you in love…”
“Yes.” is his immediate response, and you notice how Lia absolutely preens next to him.
“… with Y/N?”
Your breath hitches in your throat, and you immediately turn your head to look at Yukhei, your eyes growing wide in horror. He looks apologetic, shoulders drooping. “I’m sorry, but just the way he looks at you, it’s so obvious, and I had to know.”
You whip around to face the boy in question. With bated breath, you look at him, but Yangyang stares at the center of the floor, struggling internally. Everyone is quiet, and it reminds you of the calm before a storm. At last, he looks up, gazing right at you, and you can almost swear that you see those pretty little gold flecks in his irises from here.
“Yes,” Yangyang confesses quietly.
There’s almost a collective gasp rippling through the room, and Yukhei lets out an inaudible swear under his breath. Your grip on his hand grows slack as you fumble to get a grasp on the entire situation.
He loves you. He loves you. He loves you.
The words echo in your mind like a mantra until it grows so loud that you can’t hear any of your own thoughts anymore. Lia is in absolute hysterics, demanding an explanation from him, but he merely shrugs her off. Standing up, he quickly moves to leave the room, glancing at you one more time before disappearing out the front door.
It’s like your body is on auto-pilot after this. You drop Yukhei’s hand, immediately standing up and rushing after your best friend, paying no mind to the hushed whispers that only seem to increase in volume once you leave. You step out onto the porch, and there he is, sitting on the steps.
You quietly stand behind him, contemplating what to say and carefully choosing your next words. But there’s only one question on your mind.
“Why did you say that?”
He stays silent for a moment, staring out at the moon shining brightly ahead. “Because I meant it.”
Your heart wrenches in your chest. “You shouldn’t.”
He finally turns to look at you, an indescribable look in his eyes. It reminds you of heartbreak. “But I do. And I tried not to for the past three fucking years, but I can’t anymore.”
“Since freshman year?” You feel the tears well up in your eyes, and this time, you let them go. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Yangyang grips onto the edge of the stairs tightly, frustration ringing with every word that falls from his mouth. “Because I was scared. And I thought you never felt the same way. You’re my best friend, and I didn’t want to lose you.”
“Yang…” You whisper, hand reaching out as you let it hover over his shoulder for a few seconds. Then, you pull back, curling your fingers into fists, pressing crescent indentations into the palms of your hands.
He stands up, whirling around to look at you, desperate. “Tell me I’m not too late. Please, Y/N.”
Something inside of you breaks. You open your mouth and start to say something when the door opens behind you. Turning around, you see Yukhei. His eyes widen when he sees the two of you standing there.
You know this is it. This is the moment. This is where you have to decide.
“I, I was just looking for you. I wanted to make sure you’re okay.” Yukhei awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, taking a step back. “I’m sorry, I’m gonna go back in and—”
“No, wait, it’s okay,” you gently interrupt him. You reach out and slip your hand into his, and he relaxes, giving you a relieved smile. You smile softly back at your boyfriend before turning to face him, eyes apologetic.
“I’m sorry, Yangyang.”
He and you are asymptotes: two lines curving towards each other, but never touching; two hands reaching towards each other, but never interlocking; two people tangling their red strings of fate, but never tying.
You give him one last glance before going back inside with Yukhei.
You break his heart in August.
September is supposed to be a new beginning: the transition from summer to autumn. Yangyang doesn’t think he can let go of you as easily as the trees shed their green for gold and red. Wherever he goes, wherever he looks, little reminders of you bloom in every crevice. You’re absolutely everywhere and nowhere, and it drives him crazy.
He thinks he’s gone completely insane when he hears your laugh while he’s walking to the laundromat one day. He shoves his airpods in and continues on his way until he sees you. Walking across the street, there you are. You’re on the phone with someone, and he contemplates going over to say hello. But suddenly, you’re hanging up the phone and waving eagerly at someone. When he turns his head to look, his heart drops and gets buried six feet under. He hurriedly ducks into a nearby bookstore and watches as you run up to Yukhei, slipping your hand into his like it’s second nature to you now. The two of you walk off together, and Yangyang is left standing at the window of the store until the shop owner politely asks if there’s anything he needs.
He doubts a time machine is something they have in stock, so he silently shakes his head and steps out onto the street once again. It is now silent and empty.
He loses you in September.
AUGUST 2022.
A lot can change in eleven months.
You’re twenty two years old, but you feel like you’re eighteen again. You know you’re going to see him for the first time since September at Kun’s housewarming. You had repeatedly assured Yukhei that you’d be fine. After all, life goes on; the world doesn’t stop just because you had a falling out with your best friend, even if it may have been a little more than that. Nevertheless, a year has nearly passed. Time is known to be the best healer, and perhaps your heart has shed its old skin and habits.
Your hand is safely enveloped in Yukhei’s, and the two of you walk towards your older friend’s new apartment. He playfully swings your interlocked hands back and forth, and you giggle, tightening your grip around his fingers. You stop in front of the door, the muffled sounds of a party slipping through the cracks. You suck in a breath, shoulders tensed. He’s in there.
“Are you okay?”
Yukhei squeezes your hand gently, voice laced with concern. You remember to breathe, exhaling slowly and relaxing before nodding. You smile up at him. “I’m okay.”
“If you want, we can go back home now, have another NCIS marathon, and drink this by ourselves.” Yukhei waves around the nice bottle of wine the two of you had brought for Kun. “We can even stop by the convenience store and get some ramen.”
You laugh quietly, the corners of your lips upturning with mirth. “It’s okay, I’m fine, Yukhei, I promise. Plus, I have you, right?”
He brightens up at that, practically beaming at you, and your heart skips a beat. “Right!”
You reach out and knock on the door. Kun greets the two of you, and you enter his apartment. Yukhei still doesn’t let go of your hand, and you follow behind him as you weave your way through the living room, greeting some of your friends. You hear Kunhang calling out to your boyfriend from the kitchen and feel him hesitate next to you. You squeeze his hand gently before letting go and nudging him in the direction of his friend. Yukhei gives you one last look, but you wave him off, smiling goodnaturedly and silently assuring that you’re okay. He swoops down and leaves behind a soft kiss for you before going.
You walk over to the alcohol table, pouring yourself something to drink. Leaning against the wall, you take a sip of your drink, your eyes flitting over the rim of your cup and slowly scanning the room. It feels like forever, like everything is moving in slow motion, like the world is submerged underwater, but it couldn’t have been more than a few seconds.
You find him easily. After all, it’s hard to forget someone whose features you’ve memorized over the past four years. Your eyes map the delicate outline of his face once more, and for a moment, you wonder if red is still his favorite color, or who he shares a carton of Ben and Jerry’s with nowadays. You wonder if he thinks of you sometimes, too.
But then, you wonder where Yukhei is. You search around until you see your boyfriend still standing in the kitchen, laughing at something your mutual friend said. Your eyes soften when you see him grab your favorite snack. You turn back around, your heart swelling in your chest tenfold, and your lips curl upwards, an endeared expression on your face.
That’s when you notice that he’s looking at you.
You brace yourself, waiting for the tidal wave of emotions to wash over you and the quickening of your heart rate to greet you like an old friend. Because that’s what always happens when you’re around him. After all, he is the biggest what-if in your life. He is someone you almost loved forever, someone you almost stayed for.
And yet, nothing happens. You wait a little longer. The world still goes round, and you’re still breathing. There’s no shortness of breath, no erratic heart palpitations, no sweaty palms, absolutely nothing. Liu Yangyang is a stranger in a familiar body, and your heart remains still.
You give Yangyang a faint smile, nodding towards him, and it feels like a sudden jolt in his heart. Time stops, and all he can see is you. You look beautiful. You have always been beautiful. This is his chance. Whatever higher entity out there has taken pity on him and given him a second try to make it right. He finally takes a step towards you, and the tender, encouraging expression in your eyes gives him the strength to take another one. After all, the eyes are the windows to the soul. Clutching his drink in hand, he pushes his way through the crowd. He’s only eight, seven, six, five steps away from you now. A smile grows on his face as relief curls around his heart like a bandage. You’re standing there, waiting for him, smiling at him.
And suddenly, you’re no longer looking at him.
You stopped looking at him.
Yukhei makes his presence known next to you, excitedly chattering about something and gesturing towards the kitchen as he hands you something to eat. It’s a snickerdoodle cookie. Your favorite. Your eyes are fixated on the tall boy, positively sparkling as you beam at him.
Yangyang feels like he can’t breathe. The bandage is ripped off, and all he can feel is excruciating pain like a thousand pinpricks into his heart before the numbness hits. He freezes, rooting himself in that spot on the scratched hardwood floor as his colleagues and friends continue to jostle around him. As his world crumbles around him, he can’t tear his eyes away from you. They stay on you, the barest traces of nostalgia lingering in the dimmed golden flecks of his irises that you had still admired all those months ago. It’s like he’s trapped in a silent film, stuck in a fish bowl and swimming in circles, and he watches in horror as you outstretch your hand and intertwine your fingers around Yukhei’s, leaning up to press your lips against his tenderly. Your boyfriend looks at you like you hung the stars in the night sky yourself (He would believe it if you said you did).
You don’t look at him like that anymore.
Yangyang remembers when you used to. When you used to love him. When you were almost his. He feels something inside of him break for a second time.
The world continues to spin, and yet, he’s still not moving. He’s stuck in quicksand, sinking deeper and deeper as everyone around him moves on—as you move on. He desperately tries to keep you in his view, and his feet finally pick up as he lurches forward. He’s not fast enough. You’re slipping away, walking away from him, hand in hand with Yukhei, disappearing around the corner of the hallway, and he can’t do anything about it. It’s too late. He’s too late. The sticky remnants of cheap beer run down his wrist, and it finally registers in his mind that he had crushed the flimsy plastic cup in his hand sometime in between now and then. In a crowded room full of people, he’s left standing there, alone and lonely.
Almost is the worst way to love someone, Yangyang bitterly realizes. It hurts to lose someone you almost love. No, it was never an ‘almost’. He most certainly loved—loves—you. And it should be impossible to lose someone who was never his to begin with, yet he has. All this time, he thought he had you, but it had always been the other way around.
He was your August, he was your everything, and he is yours.
But you will never be his.
You let go of him in August.
#yangyang imagines#yangyang scenarios#nct imagines#wayv imagines#nct scenarios#wayv scenarios#yangyang fluff#yangyang angst#nct fic#nct fluff#nct angst#wayv fluff#wayv angst#nct fanfic#nct scenario#yangyang x reader#liu yangyang#yangyang#nct#wayv
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how would the jojo villians react to a y/n with a cute little black cat?
jojo villains x black cat owner!reader
well it's not gonna be a cat anymore after dio's done with it
turns his hand into a squirrel but your cat tries to chase it so he makes the squirrel attack and kill it
kills you and keeps your cat
scared of cats thinks it's gonna kill him so he screams in terror every time he sees it
i couldn't find any pics of him smiling but he would smile and be happy because cats are god's beautiful creation
146 notes
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Yandere Pillar men x reader who doesn't want their baby
A/N: What would happen if the pillar men made their mate have a baby that they didn't want and their mate didn't want anything to do with the baby. Like they won't breastfeed, look, talk, or hold the baby.
WARNING!!!! :Forced pregnancy, slight child neglect , abuse(On wamuu's part), Suicide attempt (santana's part) This is kinda sad and depressing, so I'm sorry in advance. My next few posts will be wholesome
He will not tolerate any disrespect to his newborn even if you are the mother. During your pregnancy, he tolerated you not wanting to touch your stomach or look at it, but he thought that after the little one was born, you would have changed. oh boy was he wrong.
When he held up the baby for you to look at them and for the new baby to feed on your milk, you closed your eyes and turned your head and body away from the two of them. "You dare turn your body away from me and our child? The life we made together." "You wanted the baby, I didn't." You said as tears stream down your face.
If he was actually kind to you and didn't force you to have a baby, then maybe, just maybe, you would be a little happier about the situation.
As you wish, you could just slip into a deep sleep, he grabbed you with his free hand and turned you to face him. You kept your eyes closed as you didn't want to look at both of them. It was silent and you didn't hear him say or do anything as he put his hand on your head and then everything went black.
He didn't kill, you made you pass out for a little bit while he could let his little one have their milk in peace. He was very disappointed in you, but he knows you will come around sooner or later. Even if he has to make you pass out every time until you understand.
He was in tears when you refuse to hold the life you two created. He tried to put the baby into your arms only for you to move away from him. " Darling... the baby needs their mother." He said as the baby started to cry. "I will not hold that thing. I didn't want it." You said moving further away from him.
This only sent him into a silent rage. He put the wailing infant on the bed and started to walk slowly towards you. He understands maybe you weren't prepared for a baby, but this was the ultimate gift for both of your love. You should be happy that someone like him decided to give you his seed.
As he walked towards you he showed his boiling veins as they leaked a small amount of blood. This was the only way he could get you to do as he said. He wrapped the veins around your arm and raised his temperature, it wasn't hot enough to burn your skin off, but it is going to leave a nasty mark. He told you that you are going to take care and love the baby either you like it or not.
He pulled you back to where the baby laid still crying as he forced you to sit by the baby. He picked up the baby and put them in your arms. You didn't even want to look at the small bundle in your arms. You had a plan to escape from this hell hole, but now there is no way away you are leaving now.
He was heartbroken that you didn't want the baby, but he also understood that you were not totally prepared for one either. However, he expected you to at least warm up to the baby a little bit by now. "Y/n the baby is hungry again." He said holding the whining infant as they made grabby hands at you. "Then I guess YOU should feed them." You said not even glance away from your book. He sighed as he goes to a shelf and grabs a bottle he already had prepared and gave it to the baby.
This can not continue. A baby needs a mother and a father to have a good balance relationship. And he is the only one who is putting his energy into the little. Since they were born, he has done everything, hell, he even named the little one. You haven't touched or held the baby and Wamuu refuses to force you hold the baby because he is scared that you would drop the baby on purpose or something.
He has address his concerns to Kars, who just told him to beat you into submission...but surely he couldn't do that. Not to his beloved mate. Well...he thought he couldn't at least, but that all chanced one day.
He was out training near the house and he left the baby in their crib because he knew even though you didn't want them, you wouldn't harm them in the slightest. That's what he thought anyways...
As he was training, he heard a blood curdling scream from the baby. Thinking the worse had happen, he ran quickly into the house and up the stairs, only to find you sleeping peaceful and the baby on the floor near their crib with a bruise forming on their head. He quickly picked them up and went to Kars so he could give them a check up to make sure nothing was broken or injured.
While Kars was busy while the wailing infant, Wamuu marched back down to the room and roughly woke you up. You could barely understand what he was saying as he yelled and shook you, but what you could understand is that the baby fell from the crib. You rolled your eyes as you tried to stand your ground by telling him that, that had nothing to do with you and if he was really concern for that baby's health, then he would have took them outside with them.
That's when he snapped. He slapped you hard across the face making you fall to the ground, holding your bloody cheek. You tried to get away from him, but he grabbed your foot and dragged you back to him. He then continued to slap and hit you while he degraded you into a bloody mess. After about five minutes, he stopped and lifted you off the ground and onto the bed.
As he was cleaning you off, he told you that if you didn't start caring or at least acting like you far for the life you both have created he would beat you even worse. From that day on, he made you hold and feed the baby while he was around. Kars was proud of him because he was finally acting like an adult, but Wamuu was the least happy about it. He was upset that he went that far on you...but at least he was getting the happy family he wanted right...
He sighed as he looked at you sitting motionless by a window. That's where you would always be. Every since you both find out that you were going to have a baby. Santana was very excited about because he was going to have something none of the other pillar men had and because he was curious about the baby would look. Would they have his horns or rib bones? Would they be able to understand stuff easily like him? Who's hair or eye color would they have? Some many question filled his mind as he thought about your child.
However you were far from excited. You barely liked him, you weren't ready for a child or anything for that matter. You tried to tell him how you felt about it, but he didn't care. "No...y-you are having a b-baby." He told you as you tried to voice your opinion for the fifth time today.
Your pregnancy was anything but smooth. Santana was trying a please you as much as he could, but you were being very stubborn. Any food that he brought you, you would just put into the trash can as soon as he left. He didn't even catch on to this until he saw how skinny and fragile you were becoming. Not wanting you to be to stressed, he scowled you lightly as he brought you some more food, but this time he fed into you, which was another battle. However as you were getting closer to your due date, it got harder and harder to fight against him...so you didn't. You let him feed you, help you around, and even cuddle you. Santana was very happy. He thought you were finally seeing it his way. Oh but how wrong was he.
As soon as the baby was born you did not want to look or hold them. The only thing you did was put your hands over your ears to try and drown out the cries of the little one. You did this until you passed out. This is when santana let the baby nurse from you. This was the only time the baby could nurse in peace. Many times Santana would have to knock you out so the baby could feed in peace without listening to your high pitch cries.
Even though he could see it, all of this was taken a tole on you mental and physically. One day, as Santana was out hunting you slowly went to the window and sat down by it. It's been so long since you have been outside that you almost for forgot what it look like....what it felt like. You opened the window, feeling the light breeze on your face. You could almost feel the sun on your skin, you wanted to feel it again. You wanted peace and happiness and you were intending to get it. You through your legs over the side of the window along with the rest of your body. As you were falling, you couldn't help but smile as you thought you were finally free. However that thought was short lived as you feel right into the arms of your "mate".
He didn't say anything as he walked you back up stairs as you also stayed silent. If he knew that this was the kind of reaction you were going to have from doing what your body is designed to do, he would have waited til you were fully submissive or at least until you accepted him as he mate.
He didn't hit or yell at you, he just out you in the bed and kissed you on your cheek. You are not the one he fell in love with a year ago. You are only the shell of them, but don't worry. He intends on making things right. He will make sure his family is happy...no matter what.
#kars+x+reader#jjba esidisi#esidisi jjba#pillar men#jjba kars#jjba wamuu#jjba part two#jjba pillar men#jjba santana#jjba#jjba yandere kars#yandere esidisi#yandere wamuu#yandere santana#santana x reader#wamuu x reader#esidisi x reader#babies#unwanted pregnancy
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Boba Fett x F!Reader

A/N: For @autumnleaves1991-blog Writer Wednesday! I had a lot of fun with this one as Sci-Fi is definitely my passion when it comes to writing, watching, reading stuff! So I guess a little backstory with this, is my inspirations for the reader came from the above image (left) as well as kind of mixing that with the idea of The Winter Soldier/Bucky from the MCU. Also I loved the idea of Boba facing an opponent that hes never faced before and getting his ass beat lol. So...here ya go! I hope you all enjoy! <3
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: fighting, guns, and knives.
Specter: Specter refers a ghost, or something that is widely feared or is a source of terror or dread.
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In all his years as a bounty hunter traveling the galaxy, It still surprises Boba sometimes that he doesn’t know all of the planets. Granted he is usually only called to the same ones over and over. So, seeing a new planet is something that causes surprise to tug at the edges of his mind. This is how he feels when the bounty he receives is said to be last spotted on a rather large yet secluded planet by the name of Zonuc. The memory of the exchange a few days ago replays in his mind as the ramp to Slave I lowers.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
“I’ve never even heard of this planet before, and you expect me to fly triple the distance I usually do to capture a bounty that you can’t even give me any information on? No age. No species. No name-”
“I gave you a name,” the client interrupts, waving his withering hand dismissively. The client is a wrinkly old Zabrak bastard who has caused Boba more frustration in the last half hour than he’s experienced in years.
“No,” he barks, “You have me an alias, which isn’t that helpful when they can just dump it for a new one whenever they please.”
The Zabrak rolls his eyes, “I was told you were the best. If you feel this is too much of a challenge I can just find someone else to-”
“Save your ultimatums for someone else, Kar,” Boba snaps, “I’ll get them. But I expect heavy compensation for the trouble this causes me.”
Kar sneers at the bounty hunter, “If you manage to bring them back to me alive, I assure you,” he leans back in his chair, “you will never have to worry about credits again.”
Boba scoffs before turning on his heel and leaving to find his bounty.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
The sight that greets Boba as the ramp of Slave I opens before him, is definitely different than anything he’s seen. Immediately he is struck with a familiarity. The city he’s landed in is teeming with life, bustling streets, towering buildings, neon signs hanging everywhere. It reminds him of Coruscant but less…refined. This place is definitely a place where those who want to disappear go. This place also reeks of trouble and shady dealings. What strikes him as the most odd however, is the people that seem to inhabit the place.
They look like humanoid droids. But not the kind that can’t do anything but follow their master around and translate languages. No. These things look like humanoids that have been transformed into machines.
Boba treads carefully - senses on high alert while also listening to the tracking fob that beeps steadily at his side. He spends his first few hours on the planet trying to simply get his bearings, finally having found a non-robotic person to ask about the place. He learns that the people that inhabit the planet in majority are called Exos, a species he’s never heard of. He also finds that this place is exactly what he thought it to be -
A place for criminals and wanted people to come and live and thrive in a life of crime. A safe haven for those on the run from people like him.
He huffed at that information. No place is ever truly safe, and as his tracking fob starts to beep faster, he knows he’s about to teach that lesson to yet another bounty.
He follows where the tracking fob leads him, surprised that the bounty does not seem to be moving. Finally, he rounds a corner at the end of the street he is on and he immediately feels when the bounty clocks him. You are at a stall in a marketplace in the middle of the street. He sees you turn to look just as he rounds the corner and he immediately recognizes the mask from the pictures shown to him by Kar. It's black, with orange glowing detail around the visor, creating a haunting effect. The second that visor lands on Fett, you turn on your heel and sprint in the opposite direction.
The hunter curses to himself and gives chase.
He has faced many different bounties in his lifetime, but this one is the first that he has ever had a sliver of a doubt about. The way you dart nimbly through the streets before literally leaping off of walls to reach the roof tops, giving you a height advantage. Fett follows as best he can with his jet pack, but between dodging speeders and hanging signs he loses sight of you. For a moment, as he lands in a side alley, he thinks he actually lost the bounty.
Until the fob at his side starts going haywire.
He glances up above him and raises an arm just as you come crashing down onto him, razor sharp blade glancing off his vambrace as you land. Fett pulls his blaster from it’s holster and aims faster than most could blink, but not fast enough for you. You reach out and grab the end of his blaster before it even reaches chest level, and you yank it from his grip with a force that strikes a tinge of concern into hunters mind. He watches in utter shock as you break the solid metal in half over your knee before rearing back and throwing a knife in his direction. He barely dodges it and immediately reaches for his own blade to defend the attack he knows is coming. This time he is at least able to draw his weapon completely before you are on him again.
You go to throw a punch at his head, and on instinct he leans into it, used to his opponent crumpling in pain once their fist makes contact with the solid metal. However, this time, he is the one that stumbles when a deafening ringing fills his ears as metal connects with metal.
Wait - metal on metal?
He glances up from where his eyes fell to the floor to see you rearing back to hit him again, and he just manages to finally realize what is happening. The black color of your hand that he had assumed were gloves, is actually smooth metal.
He’s fighting a fucking robot.
Before he can dwell on it too long however, he dodges another blow and thrusts his blade forward and up with the intent of burying the blade in your stomach. But before he can, you reach out and wrap your fingers around the blade - stopping it in its path. You wretch the weapon from his hands before landing a herculean blow to his chest, sending the man flying backwards into the wall behind him. He collapses to the ground in a heap and is forced to watch as you snap his blade in half too before approaching the downed hunter. He can see that you think you’ve beaten him, and perhaps you have to some extent. But Boba Fett is not going out of this galaxy sitting on his ass.
So, just as you approach him, he swings his feet out and takes your own from beneath you. And in a puzzling turn of events, he reaches for the mask on your face instead of a weapon at his side. His fingers just manage to slip the plastoid from your head before a boot is placed into his stomach and he is flung backwards with otherworldly strength once more. This time, he is again surprised to feel his helmet being ripped from his head, watching as you launch it down the alley way before hauling him to sit upright against the wall.
You crouch down in front of him, and it's then that he finally gets a closer look at the first bounty that has bested him. The first thing he thinks is that you’re pretty. too pretty to be hiding behind some mask. The second thing he notices is the rhythmic whirring and clicking of the mechanics coming from the, what he can see now, is two mechanical arms.
He huffs, cringing at the stabbing pain in his side as you glare at him. “So, what are you anyway?” he finally asks, eyes tracing over your arms once more before returning to your face, “I feel like I at least deserve an answer before you kill me.”
Your head tilts to the side slightly at his words, and unbeknownst to him, similar thoughts to his own are running through your head. You find the bounty hunter somewhat attractive and very intriguing
“All you need to know is one thing-” you finally breathe, and Boba finds himself entranced by your voice, “Come after me again...And I won’t go easy on you.”
You stand then, but not before shoving the man back into the wall harshly. You scoop up your mask and slip it back over your face and turn to exit the alley way, leaving the defeated bounty hunter on the ground.
“That was taking it easy on me?” Boba huffs out a laugh and shakes his head.
You pause and turn to look over your shoulder, visor glowing ominously as you say, “I don’t think you want to find out.” and then, with a mighty leap, you disappear into the rooftops.
Boba lets out a defeated sigh as you leave his eyesight, yet, he can’t help the way his lips tug up at the corners slightly.
“I don’t know princess,” he mumbles to himself, letting out a low groan as he finally stands, “I think I want a rematch.”
And in that moment, in a damp ally on an unknown planet, Boba decides that he isn’t done with you yet. Not by a long shot.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Permanent Taglist: @ajeff855 @kaermorons @imnotakilleranymore @hiscyarika @hail-doodles @mrpascals @bestintheparsec @forever-rogue @leaiorganas @wille-zarr @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @princessxkenobi @phoenixhalliwell @theocatkov @swimmingsloths @getinthepoolkeanu @engie115 @somnibats @rosiefridayrogersunday @recklessworry @gooddaykate @niki-xie @amneris21
Boba Fett: @words-way-of-life @itssmashedavo @gallowsjoker @princessbatears @c-a-v-a-l-r-y
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A Broken Heart And A Spotless Mind (Part 4)
Word count: 2053
Warnings: A bit of Angst and I think there’s one swear word in there...
Hello again lovely people, hope you enjoy reading this one.
B!D isn’t in this part.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
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Alex’s phone rings “Kara? Is it ready?” in an anxious tone “Yes the suit is almost ready but we have to hurry, Alex.” The red head is bothered by the blonde’s distressed tone “Why? What happen?” “Lillian just cut the hours, instead of twenty hours we only have three hours left, what do we have to do?” Your sisters’ emotion are mixed of fear, worry, and stress because they don’t have much time left due to Lillian’s rescheduled deadline. “I don’t know, Kara” Alex is over whelmed by her emotions she’s going to lose it. “Hey, we will figure something out. We will get our little dork back. I promise, just clear your mind for now and get ready ok?” Kara reassures your oldest sister. “Ok, I’ll inform them and Kara…” “Yes?” Kara answers her “Thank you” She said causing Kara to smile for a moment. “No problem Alex…Oh I think the suit is ready, Lena and I will be there soon.” The call ended. Kara head over to Lena who’s quietly typing something on her tablet. “Is it ready?” “It will be ready in about thirty minutes.” Kara began to grow impatient as time passes. “Can it go any faster?” “Kara, the suit needs twenty minutes to be finished just wait.” Lena answered her without looking at her, still busy typing. So Kara peaked at the tablet, trying to figure out what’s taking so long because the suit looks like it’s finished then she saw that the suit is having some re-modifications and then she grew antsier. “Lena now is not the time to modify the suit, it’s ready and we have to go now.” The black haired woman is getting more annoyed, in a level we’re she can’t contain herself by snapping at your sister being impatient, to her using that suit with unfinished with its re-modification is just reckless. “Kara. My girlfriend’s life is at risk. And I can’t let you wear this without having any backup features, you could say that I’m being a perfectionist right now because yes, that’s who I am when it comes to (Y/N)’s safety. Aren’t you?” Kara was taken aback because she also wants you to be safe and also but what she is pointing out that “What’s the use of the machine when my sister could be dead because we didn’t arrive there on time.” Lena was pissed by the heroine’s statement. “I’m doing as fast as I can, Kara! I can’t risk (Y/N)’s safety! I can’t watch you going there unprepared for the battle and somehow lose it because I’ve let a small implication in that suit slide because I’ve underestimated it and that later could be the reason why both of you would get hurt or much worse, dead. And I can’t have that. I won’t lose (Y/N) again and even though I’m mad at you. That I wanted to hurt you, to make you feel what I felt when Lex told me that that people that I trusted lie to my face every day, taking me for a fool! How can you do that to me, Kara! How could you? Am I just another Luthor to you? I let down my walls to let you in! I told you secrets that I don’t just simply share to people, you are my best friend…but it seems like I wasn’t yours. Kara’s lips start to tremble and her eyes welled up with tears, “Suit completed.” Lena’s AI system Hope announces. Lena wiped her tears and turns around to face the suite and after running diagnostics and it seems like it works perfectly and she’s satisfied with it she press the center of the suit to transform it into it’s a compact triangular gadget, she gave it to Kara whose still sobbing. “Lena, I’m so sorry.” “Kara, I can’t accept your apology right now just because you’ve asked for it but I’ll set aside my hatred towards you so we can save (Y/N).”
Lena tucked the isotope and the lead dispersing device inside a metallic suitcase. She prepares the transmatter portal to teleport her to the DEO but she sees Kara wasn’t wearing the suite, so she comes over to her. “Give it to me.” Lena says using a cold tone that she uses during business meetings, Kara gave it to her, Lena places the device on Kara’s chest and she presses it to activate the suit. “Hope, will be with you in there, she’ll inform you about everything that you need to know, and what’s going on in your suite, she’ll inform you if there are any damages in the suit and how to operate its features.” Kara nods “Now there’s no time to waste, we have to save (Y/N).” They’ve used the portal to get to the DEO.
Alex goes to the main room to inform all the agents, including Nia, Kelly, and J’onn about the change of time. “Lillian did what? Oh I will put her to sleep alrightt…” Nia said while ready to charge. “Hey, calm down we’re not there yet.” Alex says to Nia to chill out. “So what’s the plan?” J’onn asked her. “I’ll discuss the plan as soon as Lena and Kara arrived for now we have to prepare ourselves, meeting adjourned.” All of them nodded and goes back to their task. “How are you feeling?” Kelly asked her girlfriend in a loving tone. “Honestly, I don’t know…because I’m worried about (Y/N) and scared of what could’ve Lillian and that cyborg goon of hers did to my sister, not to mention that I haven’t informed mom about this cause she’ll lose her mind when she knows about this and…” “Hey.” Kelly grabs Alex’s shoulder to calm down “Look at me babe, breathe for me, We will get her back from Lillian Luthor, (Y/N)’s going to be fine and you can worry about breaking the news to Eliza later, alright.” Alex inhales deeply and then exhales and then smiled at Kelly as she tucks a strand of Kelly’s hair to her right her ear. “Thank you for reassuring me, not that the girl of steel’s words aren’t enough…” They both chuckle. “Don’t tell that to Kara.” She says to her girlfriend. “Don’t tell Kara what?” They saw Kara in the suit with Lena exiting the portal. “Nice, entrance Kar.” Nia shouts, as she welcomes Kara with a hug and as she was about to hug Lena, Lena steps back and only gave her a weak smile and a handshake. “Oh…ok, hi Lena.” She warmly greets her but Lena gave her a cold shoulder. “Hello, Nia.” Alex could sense the awkwardness. “So, since Lena and Kara are here, Shall we start the briefing?” “Let’s go.” Kara flatly says. Alex led them to the meeting room and inside of it were all the other agents including J’onn. “Listen up here’s the plan…” Alex discusses the plan step by step in order to make everything clear because she doesn’t want to make any mistake or making you a collateral damage. “Lena, do you have any ideas of what kind of weapons does Lex have in there?” She looks at her expectantly. “I knew that Lex had installed a Kryptonian radar that could detect any Kryptonian by sixty kilometres away… good thing that I have installed a camouflage mode so that any alien detector specifically kryptonian detector, won’t be able to scan her heat signatures so she should be fine.” The rest of them were relieved knowing that. “So, we’re all set, let’s go, Lena can we use the portal to get us there?.” “I mean I could make it bigger so we can fit the vans but it’ll have me about two hours.” Lena said. “Brainy, how much time do we have?” Alex looks at him. “One and a half hours, director.” “Guess we ride then.” Alex cocks her gun and everyone piles out to the meeting room and goes to the armored vehicles. Alex checks all the agents, weapons and equipment that they need. “Let’s move. Move. Move! People… Agent Williams, stay alert here in the headquarters and always keep a line available just in case we need back up, and set up the medbay, alright.” The agent nodded as Alex climbs on the car and shuts the door, she look back from the passenger side. “You guys ready?” She asked them. Nia, Lena, and the other agent nodded while Brainy is busy typing something in his tablet. So Alex faces the road again and fixes the mirror. “Let’s go for a road trip kids.” Kara and J’onn are already there. “Supergirl, J’onn. What’s the status?” Alex speaks through her coms, “I can’t see anything the whole place is covered with lead…But I can definitely pickup (Y/N)’s heartbeat.” Alex was relieved hearing that you’re still alive. “Director Danvers, ask them if they could find a route or any entrance that we could access.” Brainy says. “Can you find us a route so we can get closer to the lair?” She asked them “Sure thing.” Kara replied. Both Kara and J’onn scan the place and it seems like there are three ways the one that has a bridge in it, the one with the tunnel and the other one that is steep and narrow, so narrow only one van at a time could fit. Lena realizes something “Alex, ask them to check the bridge and the tunnel if there are any traps.” “Good call, Luthor.” Alex asked J’onn and Kara to check the bridge and the tunnel. J’onn checks the bridge while Kara checks the tunnel. J’onn examines the bridge it seems pretty normal, but he check underneath it and it shocked him. “Alex, don’t head for the bridge, it has a bomb underneath it and I think that there is also a detector here that would cause the bridge to detonate the bombs.” “Thanks for the heads up, J’onn…Kara what do we got in the tunnel?” Kara uses her x-ray vision to inspect the surroundings. “Nothing unusual it’s just dark, really dark in here.” “Wait, I think something is happening.” “What? What’s going on in there?” she hears a bunch of metal noises and then she realizes that it was a machine gun cocking. “Uhm Lena? Please tell me this suit is bulletproof.” “Kara, get out of there, now.” Alex commands her. Kara made a run for it and gets to a safe distance and she hears the rapid gun fires. “So don’t go to that path, don’t go to the tunnel.” So that makes it the third option the steep and narrow road. “Alex.” Nia calls her. “Yes, Nia?” She turns to face Nia, expecting another brilliant suggestion. “Do you have a candy bar or a bag of chips in here?” Alex narrows her eyes to Nia. “Are you kidding me right now?” The red head raises her eyebrow realizing that Nia is being serious causes her to sigh. “Agent Dox, give Dreamer (Y/N)’s “Emergency Stash”.” Brainy asked Lena to scoot over so he can lift the hood of Lena’s seat. revealing a stash of snacks, candy bars and “What! There’s even a mini fridge here.” Nia opens it. “And it’s fully stocked!” Lena chuckles at the thought of you having that inside of an armored truck and the fact that you called it “Emergency stash.” Now she wonders if you have something similar to that inside of your car. Nia saw how Lena’s face subtly lights up when she hears your name but she didn’t mention it. And after a two solid minutes of deciding what to pick she chooses the bag of Cheetos and a can of Mountain Dew. Then she happily munch. An hour later they’ve arrived. They’ve already crossed the steep road, so all is left to do was for Lena to call her step mother to give her access to the entrance, Kara landed beside her. “Hope, activate invisibility cloak.” With Lena’s command, Kara’s suite became invisible within five seconds. Alex hands Lena a pair of pearl earrings, “Ok, what are these for?” Lena asked her, while Alex is setting it up. “It’s a special type of earpiece, so Lillian won’t notice that you have back up.” Lena just simply nodded then she calls Lillian. “I’m here.”
“Lena, right on time.” Lillian smirks.
#lena luthor x reader#b!d imagines#supergirl imagine#lena luthor imagine#baby!danvers#lena luthor x female reader#lena luthor x fem#supergirl cw#lena luthor#lena luthor fic
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Double Meaning
Request: Hi, if your requests are open, I’d like to request a tiny Dean x reader fic. In my country Supernatural is very popular, especially with the “shtriga” episode (shtriga is Albanian for witch😂) anyway I’d like to ask for a language barrier fic, where Dean loves his car so much and he keeps talking about it but in Albanian car has an entirely different, inappropriate meaning, so whenever he says something about his car the reader starts laughing? It really has no plot, if you do write it, thank u!
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
A/N: I hope this is alright!
Word Count: 863
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Dean was in a sour mood the whole day. He had to drive a lowly car instead of his Baby because he was in the process of repairing her in Bobby’s garage. But nevertheless he agreed to go to a bar with Sam after a successful hunt.
Which is where the duo found themselves 30 minutes later and both of them found someone to keep them entertained. Dean was talking to this pretty foreigner, who he soon learned was called Y/N was from Albania. The two seemed to be getting along really well and Y/N was enamoured with his pretty green eyes and she found him quite funny and overall a very sweet man.
Dean on the other hand found her accent and the way she spoke quite adorable. He had never met anyone as fascinating and as pretty as her and he wanted to get to know her as well as possible. He didn’t even care about getting laid. Which brought him the idea of impressing her by talking about his Baby.
“I’ll introduce you to Baby!” He exclaimed suddenly.
“Baby?” Y/N frowned.
“Yes, my car!”
Y/N chokes on her drink. “Kar?”
“Yeah! She’s a beauty!”
“Your kar is Baby?” Reader asks giggling to herself.
“Well, yeah! She’s really sexy!” He said grinning like a child who was just given candy.
Y/N was trying really hard to keep it together.
“Your kar is female?” Y/N let a giggle slip.
“Well, yeah. She’s my constant companion and I’d rather it be a girl than a guy.” He shrugged grinning. “Besides, She’s beautiful and perfect! I like tinkering with her. Gives me great pleasure.” Y/N snorted that that. “I can’t wait for you to take a ride!”
She chokes and coughs, and looks at him wide eyed and extremely amused, “R-ride?”
“Trust me, it’ll be the best ride of your life.” He said not noticing her expressions. “The only problem is I don’t have her with me now. Left it at Bobby’s.” He said frowning. “I need to repair it.”
Y/N realised that he was talking about his driving machine. But in Albania, “car” meant something completely different. She was enjoying this very much and let him continue with his awestruck explanation on how much fun she’d have riding his “car”. And she didn’t doubt that at all, in more ways than one.
“She’s pretty big too! Oh and the most beautiful shade of black! And you won’t believe how fast she can go!” He kept going. Y/N was laughing slightly at this point which made Dean frown at her.
“What you think my car isn’t good enough? I groom her very well, Y/N. She’s in awesome condition for her age.” He said giving her a bitch face.
Y/N shook her head trying to control her laughter. He looked so serious and offended. By then Sam approached them wanting to know if Dean was ready to go. He caught the tail end of their conversation.
“Okay, since you don’t believe me, I’m going to show you right now!” He said getting up and adjusting his pant, which only made her laugh harder.
Dean scoffed at her and pulled her up gently ready to take her to Bobby’s just so he can show her his car. But Y/N was laughing and stopped him,
“Dean, in Albanian,” She began before she burst out laughing again. “Kar, means penis.” She said grinning at him.
She watched with amusement how the colour drained from his face. Sam was laughing in the background, having got an idea of what was going on. It didn’t surprise him that Dean chose to impress her with his car, but for it to backfire so royally filled him with such glee.
Dean looked at her with wide eyes, “Y-you… What?! No!” He said, blushing really hard and denying the fact that he spent the last half hour trying to convince this beautiful girl to look at his dick and…ride it?
Y/N grinned wider, chuckling at him. Dean glared at Sam, silently asking him to shut his face before he broke it. He then looked back at Y/N.
“Is it really black though?” Y/N asked cheekily.
He rolled his eyes at her still blushing, making her laugh some more.
“T-then what do you say for the normal car?” He asked changing the topic.
“makinë.” She replied smiling widely.
“Well, Y/N, would you like to take a look at my makinë?” He said smiling sheepishly at her.
Y/N smirked at him and brought her face close to whisper into his ear, “I’d love to take a look at your kar, Dean.”
She winked at him and then walked out the door grinning widely.
Sam laughed at his brother’s shellshocked face which turned a deeper shade of red if that was even possible. He pat his back and walked out the door to follow Y/N and introduce himself.
Dean was left speechless and he slowly followed them out shaking his head at the ridiculousness, thanking all his lucky stars that he met this gorgeous woman that night.
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@hobby27 @akshi8278
#supernatural#supernatural x reader#supernatural fic#spn fic#spn x reader#dean winchester x reader#dean x reader#reader insert#female reader
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do you remember the time when we fell in love?
he dreamt of you every night — it’s almost sickening to think it’s been 10,200 decades since he last laid eyes on his beloved. traveling the earth every decade hoping he’ll find you, or someone as similarly to you but that’s nearly impossible to find a being as unwonted as yourself— you were one of one
he cursed himself every waking moment why he didn’t turn you an immoral once you fell ill— images of your once glimmering cocoa skin falling an washed brown made his stomach turn. he searched the earth of its resources to nurse you back health, however your time was are limited and by the time he returned, your clock had ticked for the last time. your death caused him to take on the ideals of conquering the earth, because to him, if he did you would be right by his side.
ever since he declare his soon rule of the earth, he put his efforts in motion through his loyal companions, however he sensed it wouldn’t be as easy as he thought once news of a ‘jojo’ has made himself known, yet this jojo wasn’t by his lonesome, two women accompanied him. one of fair skin and the other, by the description — made the inside of his chest tighten, ‘it couldn’t be’ he thought, he was sure it could be someone who just favors you but it couldn’t actually be.. you?
and because of that nagging thought that it could possibly be you, it lead him to this very same moment now
“i’ll let you have the amulet in exchange of 5 days and 5 nights with her in my care. i’ll make sure no harm will come to her” he negotiated with the three as they stood on a sidewalk near the royal blue ocean that reflected the dancing night sky. he sensed the intense emotions of the jojo character but nevermind him because his main focus was the woman hidden behind him. he watched her carefully, observing all of her being, which was the main reason why she was hiding behind joseph in the first place
his intense gaze made her nervous, but strangely not in a bad way, somehow it felt.. familiar. it’s been centuries since a man last stared at you in that way and you wish your memory could help you remember who was the first to caused that. the world now since your resurrection (which joseph accidentally caused) has changed greatly yet the beauty of nature still stayed the same and that sadden you because it didn’t feel the same without your beloved who taught the way of the land and learn to worship its beauty, from one being to another.
“you must be bloody mad!” jojo exclaimed with a disapproving brow, you saw him ball up his fist ready to make a foolish mistake so without putting much thought you got in between the two quickly
“joseph…” you shared a begging look and the young man almost looks like a cartoon character with how wide his eyes gotten from what you’re allowing yourself to do.
“but y/n think about this? you’re going to be this monster’s prisoner and we can’t help you” the whole goal was to protect the amulet as well as you and you wanted to leap into the arms of your supposedly biggest threat? of course he was going to look at you like you had two heads
“i understand your concern and it’s greatly appreciated, however when i look at him…” you glanced over to the long raven haired being as he gaze into the distance with soft and longing features, “i feel nostalgic for some reason” you said more to yourself than towards him. soon you felt a dainty hand rest on the small of back snapping you back reality and realizing it was lisa lisa
“jojo, could you please give us a second?” lisa lisa spoke as she ushered you slightly away from the men. she removed her shades to reveal a worried expression, “do you think it’s.. him?” you look away, chewing on your lip as quick flashes of your cloudy memories of the times you spent with a man replayed again. “i don’t know.. however i won’t ever know unless i give this man a chance, besides i could find out his motive with the amulet”
the fair skinned woman pressed her lips as a slight distressed expression formed, but she nodded — giving her final ‘ok’ to the plan before hiding it behind her shades once again. the both of you return to the men and discuss the terms of the arrangement. you hugged both lisa lisa and jojo, “it won’t be long until we’re reunited again” you reassured, “just be careful” jojo warned, giving you one last squeeze before you gave your full attention towards your new guardian
he gracefully extended a palm towards you with gentle yet mysterious eyes
“shall we, my dear?”
➸ part 2
reblogs are ALWAYS appreciated <3.
#jjba fluff#kars x black! reader#jjba part 2#kars fluff#kars x reader#black coded reader#x black reader#black reader#black y/n#jojos bizarre adventure
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A Page From Maggie’s Book
Can you do a Maggie Sawyer x best friend reader badass team up where reader is new to superhero work and decides to go on a ride along with Maggie to see how police handle threats or something?
A/n: Sorry it’s taken awhile for me to do this
Warning: Rape, violence
Maggie Sawyer x BestFriend!Reader
Word Count: 1747
“Do I get a gun?” you asked after putting on bullet proof gear.
Maggie scoffed, “you think I am going to give you a gun? That’s funny.”
“It was worth a try,” you shrugged.
“You don’t need a gun when you’ve got force fields.”
“Are we going to stop a robbery? Car chase? Ooh a...”
Maggie chuckled. “You’re cute, I’m a detective officer not a patrol officer.”
“So what do you do?”
“First off, you don’t need this.” Maggie gestured to the bullet proof vest. “till necessary. Second detectives don’t have your typical police cars, we’re stealthy, we find information. Our ride is unmarked cars.”
“What information do you find?” You asked leaning against Maggie’s desk
“We find anything and everything about suspects, their high school, the clubs they join, the name of their family pet, their sister’s name, parents name, job, friends. Everything.”
“So what do we do now.”
You tapped a pen on your knee continuously. The constants ticks made Maggie look at you with a raised eyebrow. She rolled closer to the right side of her desk, took out a key and opened the bottom cabinet. The detective pulled out a thick beige folder and handed it to you.
“What is this?”
“Victims? Of?”
“Look through them.”
The file revealed multiple women with rape at the bottom.
“All of these women were rapped?” You flipped though several pages.
“You’ve worked with Alex and Kara before, they both go way to fast into action. Punching their way into things. We go the whole way, we want the man responsible to rot in hell. We find evidence and we don’t hold back and we do it for them.”
“Kara and Alex catch the guy. Kara’s a reporter so she has to get evidence.”
“Most of the time, Alex or Kara catch the guys but they get away from lack of evidence. Little Danvers may have evidence but she does not get to control the jury, or how the other side uses the evidence.”
“Sawyer, come have a look at this.”
You followed Maggie down the hall. The other officer played a footage. A view over the city.
“Real-estate, so what.”
“Wait,” The camera flew closer towards a window. Past the window was a girl changing.
“This is disgusting,” you glared at the screen.
“We’ve got a peeping Tom,” Maggie crossed her arms.
“It gets worse,” the screen cut to a bed room corner showcasing the whole master bed room.
A blond millennial woman in a pink shirt and grey sweatpants, walked from what was assumed the bathroom towards the bed. Seconds later a man in a mask pushed her onto the bed. There was obvious signs of struggling from the girl. You turned away as the man ripped open her sweatpants and began thrusting into the woman.
“He’s not a peeping Tom, he’s a serial rapist.”
You sat in Maggie’s passenger seat blankly staring at the the dashboard.
“Feet off the dash!” Maggie was as equally as pissed as your were.
“He clearly is the one in the video! Why can’t we use that?”
“We know it’s him, but for all we know it could be a man in a mask.”
“Ugh!!!!” You kicked at dash board. “You know what makes this more frustrating!”
“You kicking my car?”
“No, it’s that parents are more afraid of their kids being gay than they are of their kids being rapist or sex offenders.”
“At least your parents didn’t kick you out of the house.”
“You’ve got a point.”
It has been a few days since you and Maggie saw those tapes. You were currently twirling your pen going over notes Maggie took home. You had refused to play any games, even when the rest of Superfriends told you it would be a good way to destress.
“Everything is a dead end right now.” Maggie sighed, explaing to Superfriends about the case.
“Did you guys talk to any of the victims?”
“Yeah we did, one of the ladies said he took her necklace.”
“Did he take anything else from them. You know beside this whole thing?”
“We’re looking through it now. We did find that he went to this coffee shop frequently.” Maggie responded.
“Any of the victims connect there?”
“No nothing. I’m gonna check it out tomorrow see if any of the employees notice him or look through cameras if they have any.”
“Bring me along?”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“I know this case is important but can we get on with the game?” Alex frowned.
You opened your mouth to say something but Alex stopped you before you could.
“I’m not being insensitive (n/n). I’m very annoyed and as pissed as you are. But the point of tonight was to get your mind off this and have a mental break.” She picked up the dice.
“Lena’s on her IPad going through projects, and Kara is writing an article.” You pointed your thumbs to the side.
Nia peeked over Kara’s shoulder. “Actually they’re sexting each other.” She sipped her wine.
“What now?” You peeked at Lena’s IPad.
“Little Danvers,” Maggie smirked.
“What! Let me have a moment with my girlfriend.”
“That moment better be CONSENSUAL!” You threw popcorn at Kara.
“Why are you only throwing popcorn at me! Not that I mind.” Kara popped a few piece into her mouth.
“Cause I expected it from Lena and not you.”
“The workers say he comes often but doesn’t usually stay.” Maggie sighed.
“The other regulars say he just gets coffee and leaves.” You rested your chin on one hand.
“It’s not a dead end yet we can still check the cameras.”
The black and white video showed the suspect parking his car, walking into the coffee shop and leaving in the opposite direction. After several videos of the same action you and Maggie got up from your seats.
“Where ever he goes it must be in walking distance if he doesn’t take his car.”
“Mags... you know how in shows people rent out a storage unit to hide evidence or dead bodies.”
“Yeah what about it?”
“There’s one across the street.”
“Get ready with your shields.” Maggie pulled out her gun from her holster.
“We’re not calling for backup?”
“By the time backup gets here he could be gone.”
You followed after Maggie. Your heart beated against your chest. Clear honeycomb like patterns surrounded your two hands.
Besides a couple of people and a few boxes the units were sickenly quiet. The two of you reached a corridor with flickering lights. The circuit was either cut or it was done on purpose.
Your hands were shaking at the thought. Fear flashed across your face and the shields began to glitch. Maggie on the other hand pulled out a flashlight and sneaked with it over her gun.
Maggie slowed her steps as one of the units were opened. It was deserted yet filled with a twin bed, a few boxes, a blue bike, what seems to be a beaten teddy bear, water bottles, paper towels all lightened by a desk lamp.
“Dispatch this is 129F40, I’m gonna need back up at Studio Self Storage on Conova and Mar-”
A loud yell and a slam against metal met the officer and dispatchers.
Maggie joined kicking the man away after he threw a punch at your face. He was not giving you any time to recover and use your shields.
He moved his attention onto Maggie after you struggled to stand from the two head traumas you recieved. Maggie was good but he wrestled the gun out of her hands. He overpowered her and slammed her against another metal door.
Maggie pushed maneuvered her legs up against the wall and pushed him back against the other side. She threw punches.
You got up, crossed your arm on your shoulders and pushed forth a shield to move the man away from Maggie.
“All officers and firefighters calling all back up, officer is in distress. Officer 129F40 is in distress.”
Dispatcher said over the radio. Alex immediately looked over at J’onn. “That’s Maggie’s number!”
They heard several grunts, as they immediately recognized Maggie and your voices. They also heard a whooshing sounds knowing that that was you and your shields.
Alex reaches towards her ear to activate the com.
A gunshot echoed around the room before it went silent.
Kara rushed towards you and Maggie as she reached the self storage. She led the police and found Maggie sitting next to you. Kara rushed over scanning your body for the gunshot wound.
“She’s fine. She has a concussion and a few bad scratches.” Maggie said.
“A few? Her eye is swollen shut and her shoulder is dislocated, don’t forget to mention the other cuts on her face.”
You grinned at Kara. “We got him.”
Kara took a look further down the corridor and found a glaring bloody man with his hands cuffed through the bed frame.
You sat on the bed at Luthor Family Children’s Hospital. You got most of the injuries from the first surprise attack. Your arm was in a sling and several bandages on your face. Maggie only had a busted lip.
“I can’t believe you two went in with no back up.” Alex scolded.
“To be fair, they did catch the rapist.” Lena said from one of the chairs. “And without the help of Supergirl.”
“What took you so long anyways Kara?” Alex looked over at her sister.
Kara turned red.
“You weren’t!” You looked between Kara and Lena.
“Well we still proved that National City does need police officers and detectives after all.”
“No we proved that Superfriends is a good team. Half of this duo doesn’t even get paid.” You were still upset. “But Kara could take a page from Maggie’s book, instead of ogling at Lena.”
#maggie sawyer x reader#maggie sawyer x platonic!reader#maggie sawyer#alex danvers#sanvers#lena luthor#kara danvers#supergirl#supergirl imagine#supergirl imagines#supergirl x reader#supercorp
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Puppy Fever
Kara x Reader
Living with Kara has been the best experience of your life. You guys took care of each other and had so much fun together. You agreed on everything- well almost everything. You have been wanting to get a puppy forever but Kara kept shutting you down.
“A puppy is a lot of responsibility Y/n, I’m not sure you’re ready. Think about all of your goldfish that died” Kara would always say. Ugh.
One day, Kara sent you out with a list of groceries. As you were walking into the grocery store, the store next door caught your eye. You saw a sign that said “Pet Adoption Weekend!”
You couldn’t help but wander inside. A peek wouldn’t hurt, right?
As soon as you entered, a certain puppy caught your attention. She was an adorable, all black french bulldog. You went up to one of the workers and asked to hold her. The worker smiled and grabbed the puppy and handed her to you.
“Hi cutie,” you said in a baby voice, “You wanna come home with me don’t you baby?”
She looked up at you and barked, almost as if she understood what you had said. Your heart melted. Before you knew it, all the forms were filled out and your car was filled with all sorts of toys and supplies. Sitting in your car, you looked back at your new puppy. You swore she was smiling at you, like she was proud of how quick she had stolen your heart.
You drove home and noticed a text from Kara, ‘Going to Eat with Alex. Be back soon’
You sighed in relief. You had time to think of how you would break the news to her. You walked inside and let your new puppy explore.
Looking at her, you said to yourself, “Molly”. Her name was definitely Molly.
Some time went by and you heard someone at the door and realized Kara was home. You quickly picked up Molly and put her in your room so you could have time alone with Kara to prepare her.
Kara opened the door to you standing there, staring directly at her.
You smiled your biggest smile and asked, “Hi Kara, how was lunch with Alex?”
She knew something was up and replied confused, “It was good?”
You approached Kara with the plan to make her happy before you dropped the news. It almost always worked. Almost.
You started to grab her hair, “Did you do something different with your hair?”
Kara was even more confused now, “No? I wear my hair like this all the time”
You smiled at her playing with her hair, “I mean it just looks soo good! You have such nice hair Kar”
Kara swatted your hand away and gave you a look, “What did you do Y/n”
“So now I’m not allowed to compliment my friend?” you asked innocently.
“Y/n. Spill now” she said in her trying-to-be-stern tone which always fails to sound stern.
You started to answer, “I really don’t know what you-”
Suddenly you both heard a bark from your bedroom. You both spun your heads in the direction.
Kara gave you a look, “Y/n, did I just hear a bark from your room?”
Uh oh. “Uh it was my tv?” you responded hopefully.
“Y/n you don’t have a tv in your room” Kara responded walking towards your room.
She walked to your room and opened the door. Molly came running out and ran past Kara and jumped into your arms. Kara couldn’t help but smile but gave you a look that was meant to be intimidating.
“Uhh hey how did you get in here?” you asked Molly, giving it one last shot.
“Y/n” Kara said, waiting for you to explain.
“Okay okay! It’s not my fault! She chose me, we love each other” you said pouting, giving Kara the puppy dog eyes she can never resist.
Kara walked over and took Molly into her arms. Molly started licking Kara all over her face making her laugh.
“Sooo” you took this opportunity, “you’re not mad?”
Kara smiled and booped your nose, “I could never be mad at you. Especially when holding a puppy”
You got excited “So we can keep her?”
Kara laughed and rolled her eyes, “Fine”
You hugged Kara tight with Molly squished in between. That night you played games with Molly and when she was finally tired, you and Kara cuddled with her and watched a movie.
“Y/n” Kara suddenly remembered, “Did you ever end up getting groceries”
You realized you forgot, “I’ll get them tomorrow I promise”
Kara laughed sleepily and put her head on your shoulder, “Just don’t come home with any more animals”
“I’ll try my best” you responded, happily falling asleep with Kara on your shoulder and Molly on your lap.
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Secret Crush
You’re the youngest Danvers (Alex biological’s sister) and you move to National City to study. What will happen, when you’ll find out you have a crush on one of your teacher. And that teacher is Lena Luthor herself. Your sister besfriend.
Gifs are not mine
Pairing : littledanvers reader x Lena Luthor
Warnings : English is not my langage and eventual smut later in chapters
Part 1
You were currently eating your breakfast with energy when Kara came of the bathroom. She was making up her hair. « Are you sure you don’t want me to drop you at Uni (Y/N) » « No thanks Kar’! I will go there by bus. It will be more normal than being drop by Supergirl flying » you laughed. « I meant by car » she responded, rolling her eyes. You were leaving with your sister for one week now and you could say Kara was very cool !That’s why you pick your super sister when you had to choose where to live during the semesters of your degree. And because Alex was living with Maggie so…technically you didn’t have much choice. You were preparing a master degree both in litterature and business (you wanted to be an editor.) and National City had got the best college to finish your studies. Today was the first day of the semester, and you knew you would have so much works to do to succeed and pass. « Anyway, do you need something for lunch ? O can make you a sandwich » « With butternutt ? » « Of course ! Who do you think I am ? » she said with an amused smirk. You smiled at her response : « you’re the best sister but don’t say that to Alex, she will be mad at me. » She chuckled and started making your food for lunch then she gave it to you. You took it, thanked her and grabbed your bag. « See you later Kara » you said. « By sweetheart… call me if you feel nervous or anything » « Kara i’m not a kid who is afraid of the first day at school anymore. » « Maybe, but you’ll always be our little baby danvers » she said with a smirk. You groaned and closed the door behind you when you heard her laugh. She is such a dork. _________________________________________ It was the last course of the day. Your firsts were very interesting and you find yourself doing some research at the Library between two of them. You were so concentrated, you didn’t see the time fly and you were late. So you ran in the corridors of the college, cursing between your teeth for being such an idiot ! You opened the door of the room, where were sitting the others students who stared at you instantly. You were quite shy in public so you felt embarrassment rushing through you. « Well ! Welcome to business course. Glad to see you know punctuality. » You turn you head to your right, to see the most beautiful woman you ever met. Her eyes piercing as hell were as blue as the see that you could drown in them. Her hair was perfectly made, and her lips were as red as a rose. She was breathtaking, and you didn’t know how to make words. And you were blushing with shame as you heard some of the other students chuckle at her ironical comment. « The cat got your tongue ? When we are late, we apologise. »she said. And you seemed to come back from your starring « I’m sorry I was in the library, I didn’t see the time. » She starred at you with a strange smile on her lips and you felt more uncomfortable. « Well, Miss I’m happy to know that you seem to be a good student by already making research at the libraby. » You heart skipped a beat. Her smile were so intimidating and… sexy. What!? Stop thinking with your hormone (Y/N) ! She is your professor for godsakes! « You can sit. As I was saying to your classmates,I’m Lena Luthor. I will teach you business course this semester. » Holy shit ! Your professor was Lena Fucking Luthor ! Not only one of the most intelligent woman of the city… even the world -You have read all her articles and you admired her - but also Kara’s best friend ! She was supposed to present her to you tonight at game night. She had said : « I’m sure you will like each others. You have so much in common . Yeah… the college for example. Man this will be so awkard ! Plus, you didn’t imagine that your sister’s best friend would make you blush so hard. She was very intimidating in her black dress and high heels. Your shyness was showing as you set at a free chair trying to be discrete. « As you may know, I’m the CEO of L-Corp which means I can handle a society. » she continues as if nothing as interrupted her. « So I expect you to be as serious as possible this semester. I will show you any mercy. » If her smile could make you think she was kidding, her eyes were dead serious. Then she began her lesson, with some definitions. You were happy no one were paying attention to you and, you show yourself very attentive, because you didn’t want to make her say any other comment about you. She was very passionate and interesting as you could imagine. Kara was right when she said she may seem cold at first. She seems so indeed. But when she talked about her job, she has a bright smile. The two hours spent like it was ten minutes and then you were getting out the room, deep in your thoughts. How would you do to avoid game night ? Because you couldn’t do game night with your professor right ? This situation was making you uncomfortable and stressed for an unknown reason. Well, you were not a relaxed person and this would be awkward. Plus she made you blushing and you hoped she didn’t notice it ! Yes she was very intimidating and you were very very embarrassed in front of her. —————————— The doorbell rings and Kara opened the door as you put the chips in a bowl. You didn’t succeed to avoid game night. Kara was good at convincing you with her puppy eyes and her « please, please, please,please,please,please » so annoying you were obliged. You sighed as you put the plate of pizza on the table, with the chips. Luckily for you Lena Luthor hasn’t confirmed her presence tonight. Apparently she wasn’t sure she could come. Kara was upset bit you were relieved and hoping she wouldn’t make it to game night. But you were stressed anytime the doorbell rings. Winn was already there. You liked him. He was your favorite nerd. You had many things in common and he was like a brother to you. « Hi Winn ! » you heard « Hi baby danvers ». And you feel Maggie kiss your cheek. « How was this first day in College. » « Great » you responded. « Just great ? » she frowned. « She didn’t say much to me earlier. Maybe she found a boyfriend or a girlfriend and it was love at first sight» said Kara ,bringing the wine Alex had give her on the table and smiling at you. You rolled your eyes. Kara and Maggie were constantly teasing you about a potential boyfriend/girlfriend. The Did want to see you with someone. This was quite annoying, and they knew that. « Maybe some wine will make you talk » Maggie said with a smirk. « Oh no Sawyers I forbid you to get my sister drunk tonight !» told Alex as she embrassed you in her arms. « Hi sweetie. Don’t let them tease you. » « I don’t. I just plan to bit them at the game tonight. » « You wish baby Danvers. I improved myself since last time and you’re not ready for my skilled in monopoly. » You laughed. Maggie was a total looser in monopoly because she didn’t like the game. But you appreciated the effort she maid to try to win. You knew she wouldn’t make it. You were unbitten at this game. But in opposite she was an absolute killer at Jungle Speed and Kara was the queen of the time’s up. « How can you improve skills at monopoly… it’s nonsense » comment Winn. « (Y/N) is just better than you. Accept it. » You smiled wild at the comment and out your tongue at your sister’s girlfriend.
“So childish” She replied.
Then you heard Lena came in the apartment. Honestly, you didn’t know why you were so embarrassed. You didn’t know if it was because of her humiliated yourself in the morning, because of her finding out that you were her best friend’s little sister or because of the strange feelings you had around her. “Hi Kar’. Sorry I’m a bit late.” “Not at all !” your sister replied. “Plus we were teasing (Y/N) about her first day at National City College today. She didn’t tell that much” GREAAAT ! Thanks Kara. You felt Lena’s gaze fell on you and you refused to look at her. But you clearly heard her smile in her comment : “Is that so ? Well I can tell you that she was late at business course today.” Ok now you were blushing hard. And you saw confusion in your sisters eyes. Confusion that vanished as Lena added : “I Know it, because i’m her professor. We met today, although she didn’t tell me she was a Danvers.” This time you looked at Lena, and to your surprise she was smiling warmly at you. “So nice to meet you (Y/N) Danvers !” “Oh hum nice to meet you Miss Luthor.” “Please call me Lena.” “All right... hi Lena.” And then, Game Night began. You first played at Uno, Maggie won with a big satisfied smile. Then you started the serious game : The monopoly. The game lasted one hour and half and at the end, there were just you and Lena. You were surprised that you didn’t feel awkward anymore. On the contrary you were concentrated on the game and motivated to beat your sister’s best friend. But she had the same motive. This was tense until Lena took your last streets and you didn’t have any more money. “I... lost ?!” you said at disbelief. “I knew you couldn’t win tonight Baby Danvers !” told Maggie. “Oh shut up !” “ To your defense (Y/N) you played well and wisely. And as your teacher I couldn’t lose could I ?” You looked at Lena which blinked at you with a smile. You blushed at the compliment and you didn’t see that Alex noticed this but she didn’t tell anything. Then you helped Kara store the room. You decided to do the dishes. You were washing the same bowl for like 2 minutes, lost in thoughts. The evening went better than you’re expected. Lena was very nice and you enjoyed played with her. You almost forgot that she was also your professor because she didn’t act like she was. You admired her more than before. She was very smart, her warming smile was so beautiful. You became to realize that you were crushing hard on her... Oh God, why ! Later everyone was leaving. You waved at Winn, took Maggie and Alex in your arms as they left the room. Lena was the last to stay. “Well, it was very amusing Kara, as always.” “Thank you for coming. I’m glad you could meet (Y/N). It’s crazy that you’re also teaching her business. I hope you’ll tell me if she causes you some trouble.” She was kidding of course. You were quite serious at school and she knew that. Lena smirk at you. “Oh she’ll behave I swear. But I’m glad she is my student. She is smart.” You blushed hard at her comment et they smiled at you. “Yeah, She is.” Kara responded. “Well I gotta go. See you later Kar’” She enlaced your sister et then came to you. “See you at college (Y/N) hope you won’t be late this time, or I’ll have to punish you.” She said with a smirk and then kissed you on the cheek. The teasing and the kiss made you so dizzy as she left. Yep you were crushing hard. God you were in trouble.
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Alex and sister!reader where he finds out that she died a few months after them and she's been a ghost for 25 years? If he finds her with Willie that would be great! Just a fluffy reunion!
Long Ghost Sister
Etsy Shop
Add yourself to my taglist
Pairing: Alex x Sister! Reader
Warnings: Descriptions of an accident.
Summary: You died not long after your brother, but what happens when you meet through a mutual friend 25 years later.
A/N: In this universe, Celeb doesn’t exist. Also this does describe how the female reader died, please note that before reading. Much Love 🌻
It had been three months since Alex died, along with the other two people in your life that you called brothers. Dead by hotdogs, that was a great story that you got to tell.
You were there that night, you were supposed to go get food with the boys, but you were stubborn and didn’t eat hotdogs. You thought back to that night more often then you really should. The night you could have died as well.
“Y/N, did you hear me?” Kara said pulling you from your thoughts. Shaking your head, she sighs before repeating herself. “I said, are you sure that you’re going to be okay driving in the rain? It’s supposed to be getting really bad tonight.”
“Kar, I’ll be fine. I’ve driven in the rain before.” She had always been kind of paranoid. It reminded you of Alex a lot, he hated you driving in the rain too.
“Fine but if anything happens, or your car stops, call me or Warren. Love you” She says before opening the door and running up to her house. Pulling away from her house, you wish you had taken her offer to stay at her house that night.
The rain was pouring onto the roads, you shouldn’t have taken that turn as quick as you did. The car slid into the rails of the bridge, flipping over it. The last thing you heard was ‘Runaway’ playing, then everything went black.
You woke a month later, at my funeral. Staring at your own body is kind of surreal. Now here you am, 25 years later. you’ve been wondering around LA since you’ve woken up.
Only, now you’re not alone. You met this boy, Willie, about 2 years ago and you’ve kept each other company.
Walking down Sunset Boulevard is something you do almost everyday since there isn't much more things to do. Today was supposed to be like every other day, but someone made it a lot more interesting.
Turning around, you saw a boy skating towards you, slipping through humans before hitting you knocking the both of you to the ground.
“I’m so sorry, I thought you were one of the lifers” He says offering his hand to help you up.
“It’s okay, I did too till you went through one of them. I haven’t met another ghost yet.” You say whipping the dust off your legs.
“Well, I’m Willie.” He says extending his arm out for you to shake.
“I’m Y/N.”
You and Willie had been together since that day. It was nice to have company, you and Willie skated around and played tricks on people all day. He was like another brother, granted you still missed yours, but he helped you get through it.
Willie and you had found a old art gallery years ago, since then, the two of you had made it your little home. Every once in a while, he would bring you little things he found on his adventures that he though you would like.
“Hey sis, I brought someone back with me." Willie yells as he walks into the gallery. You can make out the faint voice of another male, followed by Willie responding. “No, she’s not actually my sister, but she’s the closest thing i got to it.”
Walking down to the main floor, you were happy to see another ghost. Just as you were going to introduce yourself, you stopped dead in your tracks. Standing in front of you was the person you missed the most.
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Yandere Kars A-Z *NSFW*

A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
After he finally decided to give you a break from the brutal session, depending on how he feels, he will pick up your sore body and go to the bathroom to wash you off and praise you for keeping up with him and not blacking out this time. After this, he will get you anything you want to eat as he massages you a bit.
However if you have been bad, he will just just take towel and wipe you up. Then if he thinks you earned it, he will cuddle with you.
If he doesn’t think you deserve, then he will just leave the room or start of some work. B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Kars finds his body to be perfect the way it is, but if he had to pick a favorite part it would be his teeth because of how you scream and struggle against him when he sunk his teeth into you.
He’s favorite part about he s/o he mostly their neck because it is the easiest place for him to get blood (if you are not putting up a fight)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He loves to cum in you (even though you don’t want him to) because he wants to start a family with you (even when you don’t want nothing to do with him)
He also loves to cum in your mouth so he could see your teary eyes and his semen leaking from the corner of your mouth. However I would try to keep all his seed inside of you, or he would keep filling you until you learn to keep it in.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He doesn’t have any, because whatever if wants to do to you he will do.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Since he is oldest and can be very charming when he wants something. We all know for a fact that Kars as fucked a lot of people in his life.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He loves to take you in mating press because he likes the power he has over you.
And he likes cow girl because he is a power bottom
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He is very serious unless he is teasing you and making you beg
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He’s is groomed, not a hair out of placed. The carpets do match the drapes.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Since he is very good looking and charming, it doesn’t take much to make you blush.He can be very romantic if he wants to be.
J = Jack off (masturbation )
He doesn’t have to since he has you.
He only does it when he is teasing you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He is into knife play and overstimulation
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He’ll do it anywhere
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He gets the most turned on when he sees you in tight clothes and when you kiss you his neck and chest.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He is willing to try anything once and if he thinks it is too much or too harmful he will not do it.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He enjoys receiving, because he is a king after all. He will please you if you beg for it hard enough.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It all depends on you. He will go slow at first and cafeful if you have been his good little mate, but if you have been bad, then may god have mercy on you. He is know to break beds when he goes fast and hard. So just know that you will have some bruises on you after it’s all done.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He has all the time in the world so he doesn’t have to do quickies. No one can force him to do something he doesn’t want to do and if someone tries to challenge him, he will kill them and go back to fucking you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He fears no risk. He will fuck you anywhere and everywhere. No matter if you are comfortable with it or not.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go all the time, everyday if he wanted to. However he won’t because he doesn’t want to break you.....not yet anyways.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He’ll has a vibrating dildo and a jack rabbit vibrator that he only uses on you if you tried to escape and he can’t punish you right then and there. He will have one in both holes and leaves you tied up in there for hours with the setting on high.
P.S. he doesn’t gagged you, because he wants to hear you from where ever he is.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
.....Come on......this is Kars we’re taking about. Of course he teases you endlessly.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
The only time he is vocal in bed is when he is taunting and teasing you, if you are being really good, then he might praise you, but those are very rare.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Kars had been calling you the past few minutes so he went to look for you. What he didn’t except for him to walk into the room you shared and see you pleasuring yourself. Let’s just say that you didn’t go unsatisfied that night.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s 9 inches when he is not hard, but when he is, he’s a good 11 inch and very thick. He has a perfect mushroom head, but it is a little smaller than the rest of him. He has a vein on the underside and side of his cock.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is really high, but he doesn’t give in to it all the time. You are his little mate and he doesn’t want to break you so soon. However, if you have been bad or tried to escape then he will show no mercy. Depending on what you did he might go a little easy on you, or fucking you for hours and days on end,but that can all change in a flick of a wrist.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He only sleeps when he knows that you are really sleeping and not faking it. Even when he is sleeping, he is not all the sleep. He is still conscious about everything that happens in the room.
And don’t think about trying to escape. He always has an arm wrapped around you preventing leaving unless he decides or tells you to leave.
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