lonelydiary · 7 months
I commissioned our lovely Gracie aka @iwishicoulddrawheatherforaliving to bring into life my little silly idea of these two adorable beans bonding and it turned out ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL and of course so so ADORABLE! 😍❤️👏 Just look at this cuteness and gush with me!
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Does Lori has her Jeju's mischief or does her Luthor's genes shine through? Does she know that her mama Lena was actually her Jeju boss? Can Kara resist her daughter's adorable pout (courtesy of her own)? Can mama Lena stay mad at two her favorite persons for more that 1 second? So many questions...
I wanted to say once again thank you, Gracie, for the amazing art and cute chibis, they never fail to cheer me up! 👏🌷For those who want, I encourage you to support Gracie on her Kofi page, our lovely artists deserve all the support!
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es-r-aa7 · 5 days
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Justice League team and lads feelings 4
(inspired by @otty-kun) the next pairing is a personal favorite (well one more than the other) as a reminder in case people who've read this post up till now forgot I am using both team and Justice League members from season 1. So with that said the next pairing are these two:
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Conner Kent and Clark Kent
Initially because Conner's existence is still too new to him and because of his discomfort around Conner. Clark doesn't really trust Conner with any of his family especially Jon. Clark did everything he could to keep Jon from going to mount Justice and meeting Conner however after they finally met Clark's anxiety grew worse as knowing that his son is now known to his clone and the possibility that his clone could be hostile. Clark did everything he could to keep Jon and Conner apart so at first clark disapproved of their relationship. His disapproval went so far as at keep Jon from going to mount Justice in the forms of extra chores, earlier bedtime and so on. When Jon was at Mount Justice Clark became somewhat desperate to keep his son's safe so he used his powers: super hearing, X-ray vision and so on. Clark even when as far as to keep them separated by shortening Jon's visit time, walking in on them and glaring at Conner and sending Conner off on random Missions. However over time Clark started to see just how genuine their relationship is: how Jon is just always so happy to be around Conner and Conner is always smiling around Jon. They're genuine relationship is made clearer when the three of them unwillingly (mostly Clark) work and fight alongside each other. Clark see it clearly how much Jon means to Conner with Conner going as far as to take the brunt of any villains attack just to make sure Jon is safe and Jon is always so worried Conner put himself in that sort of harm just to protect him. Over the course of seeing how much they genuinely care and love each other Clark comes to understand and realize that the only person with the problem is himself. Jon and Conner's relationship even helps Clark see that Conner really is a good person and would not want any harm to happen to anyone it also helps Clark's feelings of violation and unnervousness lessen. It's enough that Clark is even willing to talk to Conner and even tell Connor that he appreciates all he's done for his son risking his life to protect him, making him smile and happy and to an extent taking up a big brother role. It also goes as far as to make Clark apologize and even tell Conner the truth about what he's actually been doing. After all of it Clark approves of their relationship and even decides to leave the two of them be.
Overall overall it starts out as Clark still feeling violated and uneasy around Conner and his suspicion towards him that makes him keep his son and clone apart from each other but realizing how much they genuinely care about and love each other in a family way see the error and what he's been doing and ultimately allow their relationship to continue going as far as to approve and appreciate everything Conner does for Jon.
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qtcomicsblog · 1 year
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Kid Superman
A Young Clark kent ready to become the hero he's meant to be. Batman will come next
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yours3cr3tl0v3r · 1 year
“You’ve come to find the best in me, in the past I’m scared to show..
Love, teach me all I need to know! ‘Cause you’re the giver, giver, giver!”
“So, hide your face! Smile at the people even if it's fake.. 'Cause they can't know your kryptonite!
Fly around the city, make 'em think you're fine, but you can't save them
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh, oh-oh
But you can't save 'еm all
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh..”
I think of you in songs, what you’ve done and what you’ve been through, do you think of me..?
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supercorpkid · 2 years
Hey, I do have to say, I'm not the biggest fan of supercorp, but I just wanted to tell you how much I like your writing. It's amazing, got good story plots, some are so random but there awesome!
💕Thank you for being a writer :D
Have a good one!
Hi!! Thank you for your nice words my friend!!
Are they random? I can’t even tell anymore, my mind is always coming up with the strangest things haha
Honestly, I’ve been having a hard time writing lately because of my new job and I don’t have a lot of time to do the things I like anymore, so I’ve been very inconsistent with posting, sorry.
But thank you so much for this, I love writing and hopefully I’ll find some time for it soon.
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Girl Power💥💥💥 Certificate of excellence Student Megan Well done 👍 #karategirl #superkid #acestudent #workout4kids #karateclass (at Firstdojo Martial Arts and Fitness Academy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoHUD1hNSLl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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captainpirateface · 2 years
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I used to be Superboy...
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bia-wayne-west · 8 months
Mornings and waffles – Clark Kent x Reader
Characters: Clark Kent [Superman], Jon Kent [Superboy], Conner Kent [Superboy] and fem! Reader [You]
Synopsis: You have been married to Clark Kent for 12 years, and you live in the farmhouse in Smallville. You have two children, Jon Kent and Conner Kent. On a sunny morning, her two children jump on the bed to order pancakes and good morning kisses. You couldn't have a more perfect family.
Warnings: Superboys being super cute. N/A: I thought about doing something similar to Batmom but Superman. I always imagined what it would be like to be the mother of two super boys. Hope you like it. I hope you like it and that you feel how cute Superboys are. I'm a Latina girl who doesn't speak fluent English, so I want to apologize for any writing errors you find. Feel free to correct me.
Requests are open waiting for you
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The sun was shining on the farm.  The light came in through the window, but you didn't bother because you were hugging your husband's huge body.  Clark used to sleep completely clinging to you, so the sun didn't hurt him.
You were about to wake up, but you could have a few more good minutes for you and Superman in bed together.  Well, you planned to stay in bed until you decided to leave, but your children didn't want to contribute to your wish.
You felt two heavy bodies jumping on the bed, on top of you.  Your eyes snapped open, and you sighed wearily when you saw Jon's bright blue eyes staring back at you.  He and Conner were in bed, trying to wake their parents.
“Waffles!”  Jon yelled, jumping on you.
Jonathan was ten and Conner was eighteen, but they still liked to jump into their parents' bed on a Sunday morning to order coffee.  They could just ask Martha or wait for you to wake up, but it was more fun to jump on you.
“Jon it's still five in the morning, go to bed.” You grumbled, running your hand through your youngest son's hair.
“It's time for coffee, Mom.  And the father has to fix the barn again.”  This time it was Conner who spoke.  He was hunched over Clark's body, who kept his eyes closed, was awake, but still didn't open his eyes.
It was hard to get Clark to accept Conner.  At first, he treated the boy with utter contempt and it broke your heart.  There were hours of conversation, and he only accepted his eldest son after having a conversation with Bruce, which made your husband open his mind.
Conner suddenly came into your life, but you can't imagine a complete family without their pretty boy.  It took Clark a few years to accept the clone as a son and call him that, but when he called the boy son for the first time, your heart was full of love.
“And we want waffles.”  Jon said again, sitting up in bed.  He was in his pajamas with a dinosaur design on it and his hair was totally disheveled, and his face was crumpled up from sleep.
“Then let's make waffles.”  You said, giving up.  Their children uttered an exclamation of joy, making a high-five between them.  “There will be waffles for you too, Mr. Kent.”  You whispered in the ear of your husband, who now had his eyes open and smiling at Jon.
“Come on, Jon.  Whoever gets to the table first will get the most coffee.”  Superboy suggested, getting out of bed in the field.  Jon also got up, and the two ran to the kitchen, betting on a race.
You let out a weak moan, hugging your husband again.  He hugged you back, pressing a soft kiss to your neck.
“Let's get up, we have to feed the two beasts.”  Clark joked, taking off the blanket so he could put his feet on the ground.
You smiled, repeating your husband's act and going to the bathroom.  Within minutes, you had washed your face, brushed your teeth, and changed your clothes.
You were already in the kitchen, putting the batter in the machine to turn it into a chocolate waffle.  Jon and Conner already had their mouths covered with so much chocolate, but they still wanted to repeat four more servings.
Martha, your mother-in-law, was helping you make coffee.  She was by his side, frying eggs and bacon.  She smiled at you, with that sweet face that only she had.
“They're very gluttonous.”
You both laughed, and smiled even more when you saw that Jonathan was frowning, probably because you heard his grandmother's comment.
“I only ate seven waffles and three pieces of bacon.  I didn't even eat that much.” He confessed, making a cute pout.
“Okay, so, since you're not eating much, that portion of bacon and eggs goes to your dad.”  You joked, putting the fresh food Martha had just prepared on your husband's plate, who thanked you with a kiss on the cheek.
Conner groaned.  After you and your mother-in-law finished cooking, the two of you joined them for a nice family breakfast.
You laughed at each other, talked about silly topics, and showed how much you loved each other.
“We have a perfect family.”  Clark confessed, running his hand gently over his arm.  “A completely loving and amazing family.” He concluded with a smile when he saw Martha lightly pat Conner's hand gently as he tried to grab one of his grandmother's bacon.
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superfandomcorp · 2 months
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thevoidstaredback · 6 months
Do you guys think that the kids know Batman and Superman fought each other (to the death, basically) before the Justice League?
Do the kids know that their respective dads tried to kill each other once upon a time? Do they know that Wonder Woman almost couldn't stop them?
(I am, ofc, talking about Batman vs. Superman)
(correct me if I'm wrong, btw, it's been a minute since I last watched the movie)
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not-another-robin · 2 years
…could we have more Alfred Teddyworth? 🥺
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Into the Alfie-verse (1, 2, 3, 4)
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
I don't understand why everyone wants Bruce Wayne to adopt them when Clark Kent exists?????????SUPERMAN AND LOIS LANE AS YOUR DAD AND MOM??????????????There is no cooler DC parental situation posibility to me so that's why i don't even think of other ones,in my head they've been my adoptive parents since i was 10 and i'm their eldest child.Kon is my oldest younger brother i make look like a dork by being even cooler than him times 10 and we're 'mean to eachother to show affection' siblings and i saved him from all those fuckass groomers in Superboy 1993 by being an actual good older figure in his life and Jon was a semi-normal baby so Chris,Mia and Laney are still canon but so're those obscure ass daughters Carol,Jane and Laura and our Superparents also adopted Match so he got a redemption arc and Laurel is in on it too thanks to Spiderverse style shenanigans and she's a trans girl Jon variant and we are the healthiest most crazy ass unhinged ass trans ass siblings ever.Karen and i have so much in common we make jokes about being variants of eachother and Natasha and i are like 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 and Kenan is my international bro and i used to live with Jonathan and Martha for a few months as teen for trauma recovery and every Superfam member you can think of is canon here because in the Superfamilia nobody gets left behind.Who cares about being Robin or Batgirl,i wanna be half kryptonian!!!
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DC fire emblem A B C support
after a comment by @edledamianfan about A B C supports for my DC fire emblem units I got a little thinking done and decided to make a A B C support between two of DC characters I made into fire emblem units.
(note: to be honest I only thought about their epilogue so that is what I'll go with I will also throw in their title names like they do with most fire emblem games when you beat them)
The two characters I'm giving a epilogue and are too personal favorites the two super brothers:
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jon Kent: kid of steel. Conner Kent: boy of steel
After the war ended the king of Faerghus/emperor of Adrestia/leader of the Leicester alliance offered Jon and Conner positions as knights of the kingdom/empire/alliance positions that both boys turn down they then told the king/emperor/leader that the reason for helping them in their war aside from helping them put an end to it was to find their family from who they had been separated before they even met him/her at the academy. As thanks for their service in the war the King/emperor/leader put together an investigation team to find their missing family. After a month of searching news of their whereabouts we know and the boys to the farm when the boys arrived they were greeted with both their parents and grandparents brilliant smiles and warm embraces which they had missed so much. It is said that both boys spent the remainder of their days happily tending to the family farm and passing it on generation after generation.
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theredheaded-stuff · 2 years
Jon tearfully : why do I always cry when i chopping onions? Makes no sense, a bomb can't harm me but a vegetable can!
Damian : of couse they're hurting you, you're assaulting them with a knife, is a defense mechanism.
Colin : well that just makes i want to assault them even more, rice won't be nice without the onions
Billy : Those petty smelly bastards.
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r4diantgutzzz · 1 year
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Hi tumblr my biggest fans
I have more art
No Batman telltale unfortunately, but it is SuperSons! And.. Billy Batson
I love these little guys, theyre my silly bobillys
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