Sol Dial
156 posts
Just here for the vibes, merely passing by…but also rambles a bunch about Marvel things (comics) (Animated shows, specifically Avengers Assemble) (focusing mainly on Iron Man/Tony Stark and Captain America/Steve Rogers but others too!)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
sol-dial · 2 days ago
٩( ᐛ )و ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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I really just wanted to fill the page after that one sketch so heeere’s iroing man
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sol-dial · 2 days ago
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sol-dial · 2 days ago
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everybody shut up hes asleep
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sol-dial · 4 days ago
me & @olivtr33 had a whiteboardfox and... these.. were the results. Here's the best doodles!!
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the greatest captain america drawing of all time (by yours truly)
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aa stony kisses <3
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the brainrot:tm:
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mcu steve NOOO
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the stupid
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mv!stevetony (minevengers!stevetony) doodles SDSJFJS
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aa stony canon
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mv!tony doodle
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baby girl!!
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the husband <3
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apron 616 tony dkfkdsfgsd
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cw!steve when ults steve
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the gays
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more brainrot
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pretty princess aa tony!
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mcu steve is dumb i think
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aa stony sjdsjfas [ that's all you guys!!! this has so many versions of steve and tony i've decided to tag them all, go say hi to oliver for me :D, likes and reblogd are GREATLY APPRECIATED XD ]
#LOOK AT BOTH OP’s GORGEOUS ART#1: Steve’s face is amazing xD#2: AA!STONY KISSES YAYAYAYAY#3: Yes these two silly idiots are so stupid <3#4: Tony being LITERALLY on fire is hilarious xD#5: Ah yes Steve is the biggest hater for not letting Tony do dangerous experiments without protection 😔 💔#6: Eepy Tony my beloved <3#7+8: OH MY GOSH KEEP CALM EVERYONE REMAIN CALM! Minevengers!Stony MY BELOVED <3#9: I love my cannon AA!stony yes 😌#10: RAHHH Mineavengers!Tony YAYAYAYAAY <3#11+12: More baby girl Tony and husband Steve <3#13+14: 616!TONY RAHHH <3 and YEAHH BITE ULTS STEVE GET HIM YEAHH (LOLOL ULTS!Tony reaction xD)#15+16: I AM WEAK..Steve holding Tony while they’re both flirting and Cling suffering <3#17+18+19: Tony just wants cuddles <3 AA!TONY IN A GORGEOUS PRETTY PRINCESS DRESS?! YES PLEASE! <3 and PFFFT#20: AA!Stony will forever be in my heart <3 YEEES AA!Tony working himself to exhaustion and AA!Steve wearily caring for him!#YA’LL. Trust me when I saw Minevengers!SteveTony is also domestic bliss and yeah those two are the main focus and CARE SO MUCH FOR ANOTHER!#(Minevengers is basically from YouTube about the Avengers but in Minecraft and Steve and Tony being the main characters)#(Screeching and running in circles) Them them them <3#I cannot get over how gorgeous this is like wow <3#Avengers Assemble things#(yes there are so many other universes too but I wanna look back at this in my AA tag <3)#SteveTony/Superhusbands#Iron Man#Tony Stark#Steve Rogers#Captain America
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sol-dial · 4 days ago
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On YouTube, the Marvel HQ is posting season 4 episodes of AA! Spin and hug..spin and hug moment soon..RAAHH!!
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sol-dial · 7 days ago
Hey, uh- Tony, what did you mean by this...
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sol-dial · 9 days ago
Rest of episode! qwq
Boom, it’s done. But the original Avengers (Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Falcon, Hawkeye, and Black Widow) were sent there too..Dr. Strange says he can only hold the portal for a short time and says that “I know Tony’s closest friends would want to be with him” and he’s RIGHT. SOB.
In this no-tech dimension, both Ultron AND the arc reactor shut down. But, as Falcon mentioned, Tony CAN’T live without the arc reactor.
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(Tony is free from Ultron..but his arc reactor shut down. The Avengers are looking down at Tony and they’re helpless to do anything.)
Dr. Strange says he has an enchantment that will keep Tony alive and Steve gets to the conclusion that Tony wouldn’t be able to leave since when the arc reactor reboots, Ultron would take over again and gosh of course Steve is the one to figure it out.. D:
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(Oh. OH. Okay. Break my heart, why don’t you. Tony climbed up and gosh Steve and Sam immediately tried to grab him and their hands phase right through him. Steve’s devastated face when his hand phases through Tony gosh. Steve wanted to help and comfort Tony but couldn’t. He was right in front of Tony and COULDN’T.)
Tony’s obviously in pain as he says “Can’t believe..I’m saying this. Magic. Now” and GOSH him closing his eyes.
After the cast is done, the team is looking around and Steve says very tentatively “Tony?” and HEAR IT. He said it so softly and sadly and looks so lost.
And everyone immediately perked up when Tony said (not so convincingly and even confused) that he’s okay, where it’s revealed that he and the others are on different platforms. 
The team wastes no time thinking of ways to get Tony out, and he immediately shuts them down and says that they have to leave. Hulk saying “Not going anywhere without you”..MY HEART </3
Hulk jumps and is blocked by an invisible force..which can I say is so cruel. SOB. Anyways, Hulk and Thor keep hitting the invisible force while Tony tells all of them that they have to leave him in order to rebuild trust between humans and Inhumans.
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(He looks so sad when saying that, probably still feeling guilty that his tech was used to control the inhumans. Gosh, the guilt and sadness is so evident.)
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“You wouldn’t leave any of us. We’re not going to abandon you.” (as Steve says this, he places his hand gently on the invisible barrier). “We all have work to do. I just have to do it from here.” (Tony mirrors Steve). Those quotes alone AND them just..holding out their hands to each gentle and soft, yet sad because physical touch is their thing for comforting each other, their sign of trust. And they can’t do that here. It’s so bittersweet because Steve wants to comfort Tony and Tony wants to be comforted, but they can’t.
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“Tony, you’ve been the best friend I’ve have since -- well, maybe ever.” (STOP. Him holding eye contact with Tony until he can’t anymore, closing his eyes and lowering his head for a moment before looking back at him. The pain this is causing Steve HURTS and hear his voice, he sounds so devastated). “I like to think I work best alone, Cap. But the truth is, I’m better because you’re my friend.” (Hear. His. Voice. His voice shook after saying "Cap"). This scene. STOP IT. D:
Nat saying that they don’t know if they can do it without Tony (her voice is shaking and SOB), Hulk saying they’re a team, Thor proudly saying there is no better than in ALL the nine realms, Clint desperately saying they’ll figure it out, Sam declaring that they will bring Tony home (home..SOBBING).
“This isn’t goodbye forever. I’ll be back.” (Screams and sobs as the word “back” echoes, almost hauntingly, as the connection breaks and the Avengers cruel that the connection closes at that moment).
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(I’m screaming because of course the camera blurs out Steve’s surroundings as it focuses on him lowering his head and looking so defeated.)
The Avengers are using an old S.H.I.E.L.D. facility as base since Avengers Tower was destroyed. Hulk saying he’s not going to put a lot of effort decorating, Thor feeling wrong that Tony isn’t with them, Nat building up armor around herself and saying they don’t have time to feel sorry for themselves (sobbing) D:
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(Steve looking so closed off, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and his stoic face.)
Falcon saying they forgot someone..and GOSH.
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“Hey. How about you guys get back to work? There’s a whole world out there that needs Avengers.” (Steve immediately perks up and fondly smiles as soon as he hears Tony’s teasing voice..STOP IT. And Tony sounding so playful to keep the mood up because he knows that they miss him). 
Clint taking off his glasses in shock is everything to me <3
 Sam recalibrated their comm system to scan for interdimensional frequencies (Thor and Hulk high-five </3).
“He’s not here, but --” “But he’s here.”  (Sobbing as Sam said it so tentatively and Nat interrupting to say that..SOBS). “Avengers Assemble.” Says Tony..and I sob </3
It's AA rambling time! <3
Basically, I summarize episodes and react and ramble because I can :D
The episode itself will explain what the lore is for season 3, but basically the main villain is Ultron.
Note: I have so many screenshots that it goes over the limit per post so I will split the reaction into different posts and reblog the next part!
AHH it’s revealed Truman Marsh is actually Ultron. He took apart Avengers Tower to use the material to build huge robots. He also is mind controlling the Inhumans with the registering discs.
Hehe I love that in fights, Tony and Steve are drawn to each other’s side:
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(Them! <3)
Ultron is giving them a last chance to join him since tactically, the Avengers on his side will make humans less scared and less suffering..o_o. Cap says no and woahh gonna be destroyed! Jk they dodged of course!
Even though teamwork is great, the Ultron Sentries are rebuilding themselves. Cap says they have to regroup and of course Tony agrees! He tells everyone to follow him aand:
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(Of course Tony is carrying Steve, of course! <3)
Oouu making plans with Dr. Strange and Tony, Falcon, and Ant-Man will focus on helping free the Inhumans and Steve tells them to do their thing while he’ll take a team to hold off the mind-controlled Inhumans. 
Tony, Falcon, Ant-Man, Hulk, Black Panther, and Captain Marvel are at Tony’s dad’s old lab. He reminisces a bit before revealing that the tech Ultron is using for the discs is Tony’s tech. Falcon asks how Ultron was able to do that. And Tony sounds so defeated when he says he doesn’t know and how he feels responsible for what’s happening D: (I know for a fact if Steve was at Tony’s side, he would immediately comfort him q-q)
Three inhumans (Gorgon, Karnak, and Inferno) found them so Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and Hulk fight them.
WOO Tony and Falcon found a way to break the link via coding! Hulk manages to subdue Inferno to test the signal to save the Inhumans. SOBS. Hulk is concerned and doesn’t want him to get hurt and he looks so terrified when Dante is withering in pain. But it worked, yippee!
The geniuses will hack into the global satellite network to add the code, which will broadcast the signal worldwide!
But dang, so okay, this Inhuman can see the physical weak spots of anyone that will temporarily paralyze them (e.g. the eyes, sides of waist, side arms, etc.). And well, Tony’s armor is connected by circuitry and when he gets hit in that spot, he cries out in pain and sinks to the floor and can’t move. He is about to be hit by a finishing blow, but tiny Ant-Man kicks the hand away and Tony is able to turn on the signal worldwide! 
As soon as the Inhumans stopped fighting, since they were freed, Cap immediately tells Tony and gosh Steve looks and sounds so happy. 
Oh gosh. Ultron uses the global satellite to transfer himself from his current body to the body of vibranium in Wakanda. indestructible body. 
Tony tells everyone via radio to go to the coordinates he sent and it shows how the other superheroes are dealing with the Ultron Sentries:
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(IT’S MY FAVORITE TRIO: Songbird, Hawkeye, and Black Widow. Clint and Nat share a high five while Songbird is happy <3)
Black Panther managed to slice a claw in Ultron’s vibranium armor, since only vibranium can damage vibranium and Black Panther’s suit is made of vibranium, including the claws. Oh also, Songbird’s screech amplified by Cap’s vibranium shield also damages vibranium! Vision even refocuses the radiation array to only hurt Ultron instead of Earth.
Okay so. Ultron suddenly tackles Tony but Red Hulk and Thor punch Ultron away, who seems to be offline. Cap immediately runs up to Tony, who is still lying down, and asks if he’s okay:
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(I’m so, so weak. Steve wasted no time and immediately ran to check on him. He cares so much!)
Ultron is no longer in the vibranium body and everyone is on high alert, looking at their tech for any sign of Ultron.
Tony suddenly throws away Captain Marvel, Steve asking in surprise what Tony is doing. And and. It’s revealed Ultron is controlling Tony NOOO D:
Steve sounds so defeated when he yells “Tony, no!” and Nat tells Tony to fight back.. D:
“A body even more destructible than vibranium, because you will never destroy it.” OKAY? WHY, ULTRON? I’M SO SAD WHAT. THE WORSE THING IS THAT IT’S SO TRUE.
It’s so ominous how Ultron is smug about taking control over Tony. It makes sense since the arc reactor IS technology and gosh the electrical veins connecting to his veins and y’know OH GOSH:
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(Tony looks so terrified STOP IT. STOP. D:)
I’m sobbing because Ultron says that he has control over the electrical impulses of Tony’s body (e.g. thoughts, memories, movements) and SOB. Remember, Ultron isn’t taking control of the armor itself, but the arc reactor. Which is Tony’s artificial in reality, taking control of Tony’s whole body.
Falcon asks everyone how they will stop Ultron without hurting Tony. Widow looks so sad when saying that they can’t, loading her stingers. Everyone follows, with Hawkeye knocking an arrow, weapons being drawn, powers being charged up. 
Except Steve:
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His face of shock. He is paralyzed by fear. He does not want to hurt Tony and it shows (and it hurts D:) He quickly recovers though:
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However, he is shielding himself, his face. He isn’t holding his shield to throw it at Tony. No, he’s shielding himself. Because no matter what, he does not want to hurt Tony.
Suddenly, some pink cloud things surround Tony and it's Dr. Strange, who reveals that he created a space where tech cannot function. With Tony going through, Ultron wouldn’t be able to control him nor have any other body to transfer into.
Tony regains control of himself and tells everyone that he can’t do this alone. Then Ultron gets back control and says how ironic it is for him that he “became” human to defeat them. Tony gets back control and tells Dr. Strange to do it now (Tony’s voice sounds so strained sob SOB).
Hehe next post will be the rest of the episode :D
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sol-dial · 9 days ago
It's AA rambling time! <3
Basically, I summarize episodes and react and ramble because I can :D
The episode itself will explain what the lore is for season 3, but basically the main villain is Ultron.
Note: I have so many screenshots that it goes over the limit per post so I will split the reaction into different posts and reblog the next part!
AHH it’s revealed Truman Marsh is actually Ultron. He took apart Avengers Tower to use the material to build huge robots. He also is mind controlling the Inhumans with the registering discs.
Hehe I love that in fights, Tony and Steve are drawn to each other’s side:
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(Them! <3)
Ultron is giving them a last chance to join him since tactically, the Avengers on his side will make humans less scared and less suffering..o_o. Cap says no and woahh gonna be destroyed! Jk they dodged of course!
Even though teamwork is great, the Ultron Sentries are rebuilding themselves. Cap says they have to regroup and of course Tony agrees! He tells everyone to follow him aand:
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(Of course Tony is carrying Steve, of course! <3)
Oouu making plans with Dr. Strange and Tony, Falcon, and Ant-Man will focus on helping free the Inhumans and Steve tells them to do their thing while he’ll take a team to hold off the mind-controlled Inhumans. 
Tony, Falcon, Ant-Man, Hulk, Black Panther, and Captain Marvel are at Tony’s dad’s old lab. He reminisces a bit before revealing that the tech Ultron is using for the discs is Tony’s tech. Falcon asks how Ultron was able to do that. And Tony sounds so defeated when he says he doesn’t know and how he feels responsible for what’s happening D: (I know for a fact if Steve was at Tony’s side, he would immediately comfort him q-q)
Three inhumans (Gorgon, Karnak, and Inferno) found them so Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and Hulk fight them.
WOO Tony and Falcon found a way to break the link via coding! Hulk manages to subdue Inferno to test the signal to save the Inhumans. SOBS. Hulk is concerned and doesn’t want him to get hurt and he looks so terrified when Dante is withering in pain. But it worked, yippee!
The geniuses will hack into the global satellite network to add the code, which will broadcast the signal worldwide!
But dang, so okay, this Inhuman can see the physical weak spots of anyone that will temporarily paralyze them (e.g. the eyes, sides of waist, side arms, etc.). And well, Tony’s armor is connected by circuitry and when he gets hit in that spot, he cries out in pain and sinks to the floor and can’t move. He is about to be hit by a finishing blow, but tiny Ant-Man kicks the hand away and Tony is able to turn on the signal worldwide! 
As soon as the Inhumans stopped fighting, since they were freed, Cap immediately tells Tony and gosh Steve looks and sounds so happy. 
Oh gosh. Ultron uses the global satellite to transfer himself from his current body to the body of vibranium in Wakanda. indestructible body. 
Tony tells everyone via radio to go to the coordinates he sent and it shows how the other superheroes are dealing with the Ultron Sentries:
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(IT’S MY FAVORITE TRIO: Songbird, Hawkeye, and Black Widow. Clint and Nat share a high five while Songbird is happy <3)
Black Panther managed to slice a claw in Ultron’s vibranium armor, since only vibranium can damage vibranium and Black Panther’s suit is made of vibranium, including the claws. Oh also, Songbird’s screech amplified by Cap’s vibranium shield also damages vibranium! Vision even refocuses the radiation array to only hurt Ultron instead of Earth.
Okay so. Ultron suddenly tackles Tony but Red Hulk and Thor punch Ultron away, who seems to be offline. Cap immediately runs up to Tony, who is still lying down, and asks if he’s okay:
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(I’m so, so weak. Steve wasted no time and immediately ran to check on him. He cares so much!)
Ultron is no longer in the vibranium body and everyone is on high alert, looking at their tech for any sign of Ultron.
Tony suddenly throws away Captain Marvel, Steve asking in surprise what Tony is doing. And and. It’s revealed Ultron is controlling Tony NOOO D:
Steve sounds so defeated when he yells “Tony, no!” and Nat tells Tony to fight back.. D:
“A body even more destructible than vibranium, because you will never destroy it.” OKAY? WHY, ULTRON? I’M SO SAD WHAT. THE WORSE THING IS THAT IT’S SO TRUE.
It’s so ominous how Ultron is smug about taking control over Tony. It makes sense since the arc reactor IS technology and gosh the electrical veins connecting to his veins and y’know OH GOSH:
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(Tony looks so terrified STOP IT. STOP. D:)
I’m sobbing because Ultron says that he has control over the electrical impulses of Tony’s body (e.g. thoughts, memories, movements) and SOB. Remember, Ultron isn’t taking control of the armor itself, but the arc reactor. Which is Tony’s artificial in reality, taking control of Tony’s whole body.
Falcon asks everyone how they will stop Ultron without hurting Tony. Widow looks so sad when saying that they can’t, loading her stingers. Everyone follows, with Hawkeye knocking an arrow, weapons being drawn, powers being charged up. 
Except Steve:
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His face of shock. He is paralyzed by fear. He does not want to hurt Tony and it shows (and it hurts D:) He quickly recovers though:
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However, he is shielding himself, his face. He isn’t holding his shield to throw it at Tony. No, he’s shielding himself. Because no matter what, he does not want to hurt Tony.
Suddenly, some pink cloud things surround Tony and it's Dr. Strange, who reveals that he created a space where tech cannot function. With Tony going through, Ultron wouldn’t be able to control him nor have any other body to transfer into.
Tony regains control of himself and tells everyone that he can’t do this alone. Then Ultron gets back control and says how ironic it is for him that he “became” human to defeat them. Tony gets back control and tells Dr. Strange to do it now (Tony’s voice sounds so strained sob SOB).
Hehe next post will be the rest of the episode :D
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sol-dial · 9 days ago
I'm working on my AA Season 3, episode 26 (aka season 3 finale) reaction cuz I have so many thoughts but have a silly reaction meme I made based on a silly screenshot I took of the episode! :D
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sol-dial · 19 days ago
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we are cloak and dagger ❤️🗡️👥
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sol-dial · 19 days ago
Steve Rogers who was in the army so he does swear and can be crude and blunt vs tony stark who thinks things like this mid battle:
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sol-dial · 20 days ago
The subtle moments are everything to me
This is one of my favorite subtle stony scenes in Avengers Assemble. Like, the way Steve puts his hand on Tonys hand?? 🥹💖
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And it’s not like there was a practical reason Steve did it. What was he gonna do? Feel the shrapnel through Tonys hand? He js did it for the sake of doing it. 🙏
The writers were 100% stony shippers and I am HERE for it.
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sol-dial · 20 days ago
OH MY GOSH?! I love the idea of Steve just waiting (not so) patiently for Tony to finish showering and then just walking together like yes!
Just so we’re all on the same page here, we all collectively agree Steve and Tony showered together at the end of the Super Adaptoid episode, right? 🤨
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In my eyes, there’s really no explanation. Did they simply take the shower together? Did Steve wait up for Tony? Do they just take post shower walks in the tower?
But who knows, maybe Tonys holding a sweat rag and they just had a sparring session or something. 🧍‍♀️
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sol-dial · 23 days ago
No character will ever be as important to me as Tony Stark like bro I get why you hate him and that’s okay because he can be really shitty sometimes but at the same time he’s such a deep and flawed and wonderfully imperfect character who makes bad decisions with only the best intentions and his biggest fear is his team dying and him being the only one to survive and he’s terrified of not being enough and others suffering because of his shortcomings and I really truly think he’s just such a wonderful character and his arc isn’t clean and perfect from selfish and arrogant to selfless and giving because he started off as arrogant but with the underlying morals of trying to protect people and then moved forward in protecting people in ways that were actually effective but remained arrogant and then he lost a bit of the arrogance and actually started to really truly care about his team but that drove him to selfishness in the form of selflessness as he takes on the sole burden of protecting the entire planet in making ultron which gets people killed and he just moves forward and simultaneously shoots himself in foot in every single movie but he does it because he perceives himself as a threat to the safety of the planet if he fails to turn himself into a weapon that can be used to protect which is obviously arrogance but he was raised in an environment in which that belief was formed under the blows of a hammer on an anvil that he had to take on the burden (of the company) to keep American citizens safe and that he had to take on the burden (of iron man) to keep the world safe to atone for the damage he’s already done and he sees a kid and immediately changes his entire facade because he wants to be better than his father and he finally gets a family but throws away his chance at being happy in a life that he never even dared dream of in order to atone for his personal failure of letting Peter die because he cared about that kid so much and I understand if you hate him because he is so deeply flawed but I can never hate him because he is so human.
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sol-dial · 23 days ago
YEAAHH ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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We're so fucking back stevetony nation
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sol-dial · 1 month ago
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Marvel’s Avengers on PS4 - Tony’s Email to a Presumed Dead Steve:
Hey Steve,
I thought about writing this on an actual piece of paper with a pen because that’s exactly the corny garbage that would have made you smile.
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But you’re dead and my hand cramped up just thinking about it, so you get an email. It’s gonna bounce off of your email address undeliverable, but I’m feeling nostalgic.
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I told you about Golden Acres, the family retreat right? I know nostalgia is basically your super power, but I guess I expected to feel something... more, coming back here. This is one of the last properties in my name, where I spent my childhood summers, and somehow I just can’t summon up the strength to care. Maybe I’ve lost too much already... like a defense mechanism against more pain.
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Geez, what an insufferable killjoy I’ve become. You’d hate me, right now Steve. God knows I do.
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It’s too late to change sheets and air out a bedroom. I’m going to crash in the RV tonight. Get to it tomorrow, I guess.
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I miss you pal.
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(I thought about populating this post with landscapes of Golden Acres, but let’s face it: this letter is really Tony thinking of how much of a mess his life has become and also wishing he could talk to Steve, so I imagine his mind’s images are of him. It hits me that Tony wrote an email to Steve when he believed he was dead, even going as far as sending it despite what I could only see as inevitable hurt when the Non-Deliverable Report bounce comes back to his inbox.)
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sol-dial · 1 month ago
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drew my friend's main (Magik) and mine (Mantis) having a girls night (mass murder)
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