#kain wisteria
onedivinemisfit · 1 year
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Lady and her lovers~
Haruto married Zakura six months after Kain died from a bullet to the heart. She hadn’t imagined domestic happiness existed until then
AnS (c) Akizuki Sorata
Art: Me
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randowwriter · 11 months
To Stay Still For Far Too Long (The Last Family Portrait)
Here's my last oneshot for ANS Platonic Week 2023! I hope you enjoy! <3 <3 <3
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Haruto: Kain, stop! You’re not acting yourself! You’re mad with power!
Kain: Well, of course I have!
Kain: Have you tried being mad without power?
Kain: It’s boring.
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wisteriaphyte · 1 year
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Realizing that I haven't shared my reference sheet made by the talented @windupkaine (´,,•ω•,,)♡ This is Wisteria's 6.3 - 7.0 glam! The purples are a nod to FFIV's Kain with the dyes toned so that it doesn't clash too much with Wisteria's hair :)
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dstntflwr · 2 years
Under the Sky and Moon (Part 5)
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“Kacang-kacangan! Kacang-kacangan dari Kaning!”
“Tuan–” Lucas terlonjak ketika melihat seorang wanita di sampingnya. “Jepit rambut emas ini akan sangat cantik untuk wanita tuan–”
“Aku tak punya wanita.”
“Lalu kain ini untuk lelaki tuan–”
“Aku tak punya–” dia menghela nafas. “Maaf, aku harus pergi.”
Lucas Spiritglade yang tak pernah sama sekali melihat pelabuhan, bahkan mendekat ke arah air sekalipun begitu kebingungan berada di antara para pedagang. Seharusnya dia ikut bersama ayahnya – dimana pun dia berada sekarang.
Dia kembali melihat-lihat, mencoba untuk menghindari mata dengan beberapa pedagang yang mencoba menggaetnya untuk membeli, begitu yakin bahwa jia dia menghabiskan uang disini, ibunya akan membunuhnya.
Lady Rosella Hearthfire terkenal dengan kelembutannya, tapi juga kekejamannya.
–tak menyadari bahwa justru gerak-geriknya menunjukkan betapa miripnya dia dengan para turis tersesat.
Sekumpulan pelayar menoleh padanya, meletakkan minuman mereka, mengangguk kepada satu sama lain.
Oliver melihat-lihat tanaman-tanaman kering yang tergantung, tersenyum lalu menoleh pada pedagang yang memperhatikannya dari belakang.
“Kau tak pernah mengecewakanku, Selene.” Gadis itu tersenyum, mengangguk. “Aku membutuhkan beberapa untuk demam seorang anak, bungkus untukku?”
“Tentu saja, Tuanku.” Selene baru saja mengambil beberapa dari gantungan ketika mereka mendengar suara keributan.
Seorang laki-laki berambut hitam keluar dari sebuah bar, ketakutan. Pakaiannya berwarna ungu muda dengan jejak wisteria di jubahnya. Oliver mengernyitkan dahinya. Wisteria adalah–
“Pasti seorang turis,” gumam Selene, menggulung dedaunan kering dengan cermat. “Tuanku, apa urusan seperti ini juga diurus di Kastil Crystalbone?”
Oliver menerima bungkusan kertas tersebut, tersenyum dan menyerahkan beberapa koin perunggu kepadanya. “Tidak kali ini.”
–dia memasukkannya ke dalam tas sihir kecilnya, dan berlari keluar.
Lucas menarik nafas kuat-kuat, gemetaran.
Dia berharap bahwa dimana pun ayahnya berada, dia takkan melihat putranya satu-satunya dikejar-kejar oleh para pelayar tersebut. Entah siapa yang bersalah. Dia atau mereka.
Awalnya mereka menyelamatkannya dari para pedagang yang berusaha menjual sesuatu padanya, namun mereka membawanya ke sebuah bar. Hal terakhir yang dia sadari adalah dia telah menyerahkan lebih dari sebagian uangnya di atas meja.
Dia tak memiliki uang lagi.
Lucas merasakan tepukan di pundaknya, seorang laki-laki dengan jubah putih menatapnya, dia dapat melihat sulaman perak mawar putih di atasnya, juga sebuah kalung dengan kelopak-kelopak mawar putih terbungkus resin transparan.
Keluarga Crystalbone.
Mati aku, adalah yang bisa dia pikirkan sekarang.
“Ayo pergi,” ajaknya dan keduanya berlari sekencang yang mereka bisa.
Laki-laki itu menggandeng tangannya dan membawanya berkelok di pelabuhan, beberapa pedagang terkejut dan memarahi orang-orang yang mengejar mereka.
Oliver menoleh ke atas, sepanjang mereka keluar dari sana, mereka akan aman. Tapi tidak ada jalan lain. Mereka terlalu berputar, sepanjang yang dia tahu, ini sudah menjauhi Kastil Crystalbone.
Lucas merasakan dirinya terlempar ke belakang, dan dia berdiri di depannya.
Para pelayar tersebut berdiri di depan mereka, terengah. “Serahkan dia pada kami.”
“Apa yang dia lakukan?”
“Dia harus membayar uang yang dia pinjam.”
Lucas meremas kepalan tinjunya. “Aku tidak berhutang.”
“Kau kalah,” mereka membela diri.
Dia belum sempat bicara ketika Oliver membuka mulutnya. “Berapa banyak?”
Mereka menatap satu sama lain, lalu satu menjawab padanya dengan lantang. “Dua ratus perak.”
Lucas melihatnya menarik kantong uangnya. “Tunggu–”
Namun Oliver tak mendengarkan dan melemparkan kantong tersebut pada mereka. “Itu lebih dari dua ratus, sekarang lepaskan dia.”
Seorang lagi justru mencoba peruntungannya. “Tapi dia harus dihukum, aku meminjamkannya modal. Menurut kapal kami, dia harus menjadi budak disana.”
Oliver menoleh padanya, matanya tajam dan Lucas menunduk, mati kutu.
Mereka melihatnya mencabut kalungnya, bandulnya tergantung ketika dia menggenggam rantainya di tangan. Putih kelopak mawar dalam resin berkilat di bawah sinar matahari dan para pelayar tersebut berlutut, ketakutan.
“Dia milikku,” titahnya. “Ada pertanyaan?”
“Tidak, Tuanku.”
Lucas memperhatikan para pelayar yang jauh lebih tua dari laki-laki tersebut bersujud sebelum merengsek mundur, lutut masih menyentuh tanah sejauh tiga langkah sebelum semuanya berlari terbirit.
“Terima kasih–”
“Apa yang kamu pikirkan?” Lucas menelan ludah. “Berjudi dengan pakaian bangsawanmu tanpa takut. Dari keluarga mana kamu?”
Oliver terdiam. “Kamu–” dia berdeham. “Lucas Spiritglade?”
Lucas menunduk penuh rasa bersalah. “Itu aku.”
Dia memakai kembali kalungnya dan mengulurkan tangan. “Oliver Crystalbone.”
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akagami-no-rae · 7 years
someone: Kain
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sabraeal · 2 years
The Only Adult in the Room, Part 2
[Read on AO3]
Before there was a Mother-sized hole left in the halls of Father’s mansion-- or rather, before Father tried to fill it with That Woman-- Izana’s place had been by his knee. If Father’s associates had thought it odd for a small child to be sorting shapes in the corner of a board meeting, they had valued their own jobs too much to say so. He’d seen profiles from those days, business magazines speculating about what Kain Wisteria’s parenting meant for the board room, whether CEO would become the new ABCs. The sort of journalism that business loved to see if only because it humanized them to the masses, turning a soulless conglomerate into a household name overnight. Cute, but naive.
Perhaps they would have taken a different angle now, knowing how easily he’d been replaced. Or maybe they’d see it the way his father did: a removal of a private failure from the public eye; a cunning leap from a sinking ship of an investment. After all, what else could a son from a failed marriage be but a failure himself?
No matter what they think-- or what Father does-- it can’t erase what he learned. They may say Kain Wisteria is a shark in a suit, but oh, they’ll have to make up a new predator for the splash he’ll make when it’s time. Father may be cunning, but Izana could think circles around him before he left primary school.
It’s only too bad he can’t seem to show it. “Garak-san,” he says, the edges of her name worn from repetition. “We have been over this before. I am not, by law, an adult.”
“Oh come on.” Magnanimity should only be seen as a whim from a position of power, Father had told him, otherwise it’s simply a weakness for lesser minds to exploit. With the way Garak fixes one of her eyes on him, sizing him up like a barracuda does a tuna, Izana is loath to admit he might be right. “You know no one would mind.”
In several cases, some might actively prefer him. However, he knows better than to say so; the last thing Garak needs is to be encouraged. “The headmistress is not paying you to run your errands during work hours.”
Garak flaps her hand at him, as if such concerns were beneath her. “Your mother won’t mind. It’ll just be a minute anyway. I bet if you read a book, I’d be back before story time even ended.”
His breath hisses through his nose. “That’s not the--”
“’Ni-chan?” A tiny hand tugs on his trouser. The girls here might say he’s made of ice, but he melts under Zen’s wide-eyed stare. “Did you say you were gonna read a story?”
“Ah...” More eyes peek up, drawn away from their contributions to modern art and fixing on him. “It was Garak-san who said--”
“That’s right!” Father had laughed when Mother hired Garak-- what use is a drop out?-- but she knows how to seize an opportunity better than any shark in the Wisteria board room. “Izana-kun is going to read story.”
He stiffens. “I didn’t--”
Zen’s always been a particularly adorable child, but it’s the hope in those big eyes that arrests him. “Can it be Sir Panda?”
“Nah!” Obi squawks, tumbling over one of the plastic chairs to get to him. “I wanna read Sentai Squad! Can we? Can we?”
He glances up; not for guidance-- he knows better than to expect any help from Garak, unless it’s help making trouble-- but some sort of support, another mind that is not consumed with Saturday Morning Cartoons--
Only to find the space Garak filled empty, and her apron hung up on the door. His only solace is that she at least took Ryuu with her. Hopefully on purpose.
“All right,” he sighs, glancing down at the two dead-weights clinging to his legs. “Get the cushions out.”
Wars were won and lost with simpler logistics than those employed to pull off story time. Generals might issue orders to thousands of men on the field, but all of them took direction better than five children under five.
“Kiki,” he manages, keeping his voice as even as he would with a member of his father’s C-suite. “We all sit on our own pillow.”
 Her eyebrows knit over the sharp line of her nose, her mouth making its mirror beneath it. An expression that would be menacing were Mitsuhide’s cheeks not churning through a dozen different color reds behind it. “You just said to find a cushion. This one is fine.”
“This one,” he says, so calm, “is a person.”
“I-I duwnt mind,” Mitsuhide mutters behind her, resembling a cherry more than a child with every word. “If she’s comfowtibble.”
With extreme patience, Izana drags his attention over her shoulder. “Comfortable. And that’s not the point, it’s--”
It’s not that Izana’s heart skips; that would be...foolish. Absurd, even. He sees Arleon every day, the sweep of her hair as familiar to him as the back of his hand. Which is only to be expected when he spends six hours a day staring at the back of it.
In class, of course, not for any...personal reasons. He’s not stupid.
It’s only that he stands so quickly. A skip, a pound, a stutter-- all just marks of the work needed to compensate for the blood rushing to his head. Nothing to do with the way the school’s tartan stretches over the swell of her hips, or how the swoop of her side part always sees to fall right over her eye, begging to be pushed behind an ear.
“Arleon.” It’s instinct to meet her eyes, but they flutter dangerously, fixed on where Zen clutches to her knee. His gaze drops, caught on the smooth curve of her lips, the one spreading wide even as she stares, and that’s-- that’s even worse. “Can I help you?”
That smile shutters as quick as a house before a storm. She shifts, a dull rattle following her, that he realizes the she’s carrying something. A large something, considering how much translucent plastic dominates her arms.
“No.” Her chin lifts, like maybe if it gains a few more centimeters, she might be able to look down her nose at him the way she likes. “I was only here to look for, um--” her attention fixes to the wall behind him-- “Shidnote-kun.”
“Shidnote?” He stares, watching the way she squirms in the silence. Well, relative silence, considering how Obi is already showing off the new sentai moves from the last episode. “He’s at practice today.”
And quite frankly, I didn’t know you even knew his name, he doesn’t say, because it’s none of his business, not at all. It’s just...new information. Shidnote might not be in the advanced class with the two of them, but he is the sort of boy girls like to whisper about. There’s always a gaggle of them at the chain link fence when he plays, giggling when he’s up to bat. Arleon had just never seemed like one of them.
“Oh.” If anything, she seems relieved. “That’s too bad.”
They stand there for a long moment before he offers, “You could wait for him, if you wanted. He’ll be here to pick up his brother--” the clock is behind him-- “sometime soon.”
At least, so he hopes. Shidnote might like to play at being too cool to be seen with his littler brother, but there’s an apron with his name on it with a reason.
“Oh no, that’s fine.” For someone searching for Shidnote, Arleon isn’t too concerned about finding him. Instead her gaze floats to the floor, fixing on the few children still sitting on it. “Are you watching the children all by yourself? Where’s Gazelt-san?”
“Out.” It comes out too terse for casual, which is how he prefers to be seen with Arleon around. Comfortable even. In control. “We were just sitting down to story time.”
Her brows raise. “By yourself?”
Ah, that’s right. Arleon has definitely been here for one of these before. Tore up his favorite-- ah, a very nice set of her stockings fishing Shirayuki out of the bushes.
“Of course,” he informs her, lofty. “The children are very well behaved--” mostly-- “it’s not as if it’s an issue.”
Her mouth rounds, a perfect ‘o.’ “I wasn’t trying to say-- eek!”
“Whatcha got there?” Obi must have picked up some skills from his shows; one minute he’s standing in the middle of the circle, the next he’s pawing up Arleon’s leg, struggling to get a look at her container. “Is it a snack?”
“Obi!” Izana’s never approved of Shidnote’s method of concussive discipline, but he’s starting to see the appeal of it now. With one swooping movement, he pries the offender off her, depositing him safely on the floor. “Please show some decorum.”
“De-cor...?” Obi blinks up at her, wide and wild like a cat. “Oh are they decorated? Like cookies?”
“Cookies?” Zen rests his chin on her thigh, eyes practically sparkling. “Haki-nee-san, I like cookies.”
“Oh?” Her eyelashes flutter, dark against the smooth porcelain of her cheek, a similar curve to the one pulling at her lips. “Well, I did just make some in Home Ec club. I was going to bring them home, but I suppose if you all would like some...”
It’s a scramble then, toddler climbing over toddler to follow her to the play mat. She kneels, giggling as Zen and Obi trip each other up to get to her, sprawling on the carpet. Izana’s half afraid there will be tears until she says, “Let’s all sit nicely, shall we?”
Father always said that women were a civilizing presence; if the board ever got to squabbling so bad the table shook, he’d buzz one of his personal assistants in with a fresh pot of coffee and watch the room remember itself. He’d claimed it was the reason he hired them exclusively for the position; one Izana believed right up until he married the last one. It’d always struck him as a bit ridiculous anyway-- Mother might be calm and composed, but Garak existed as well, and, well, she was anything but.
So it’s with something akin to annoyance that he watches every one of his wayward little dependents take their seat around her with the sort of reverent awe usually saved for fish tanks.
Mitsuhide is the one to snuggle close, fitting his small thigh right next to hers like two pieces of very different sized puzzles. “Don’t wowwy,” he hums, patting her stocking with one chubby hand. “I’ll pwotect you. I wun let anyone grab anyfing or nuffing.”
As far as Izana’s been able to puzzle out in his few months here, Arleon is the nice girl of this school, the one boys dream about bringing home to their families and then coaxing into their bed. A pretty face with a nice smile with a body straight out of a magazine, Shidnote told him once, grinning the whole time. Plus I heard she cooks as good as your mom.
That stymied him for a moment. My mother can’t cook.
Fine, Shidnote huffed. As good as everyone else’s mom. And she’s top spot for exams.
Or at least she had been, until he outscored her. He’d never had much cause to interact with her beyond the perfunctory niceties the children of long-time family friends were expected to perform, but oh, he did not get any sweet smiles after that. No, the Arleon he knew and the Haki-chan she showed to everyone else were worlds apart.
Which is why it’s so strange to see that polite mask melt into a smile bright enough to warm the room. “Oh, well,” she murmurs in a tone that would make his palms prickle, if he gave in to that sort of nonsense. “My hero must get the first cookie, mustn’t he?”
She opens the container with a flourish, pulling out a cookie that’s still so warm the chocolate smear against her fingertips. And Mitsuhide’s as he takes it, red cheeked and dazzled and sure to smear it everywhere, but even still, Izana’s attention is arrested on Arleon. Those slender fingers rise up to her mouth, pink tongue flashing out before she reaches for another--
“No.” Kiki glowers from her cushion, twisting her chin away. “I don’t want one.”
“O-oh?” Arleon blinks, her soft confidence evaporating under the force of Kiki’s disapproval. “Are you sure?”
Mitsuhide bites into his, cheeks puffed out as a chipmunk’s. “It’s sooooo good.”
If anything, Kiki grows icier. “Quite sure.”
“Well, if I suppose if you really--”
There’s no stopping it; Izana catches only the briefest glimmer of hunger in his wide eyes before Obi’s off like a bullet, tearing across the nursery with a speed even Shidnote might struggle to match. Every older brother instinct he has sends his hands out, and perhaps if it were Zen, too trustful and with the reflexes of a rather slow dog, he would be safely caught. As it is, Obi dodges around his grasp, barreling toward Arleon with a single-minded purpose.
And with all the grace of a three-year-old, his foot catches on the carpet. His fall can’t take more than a second, maybe two, but between one blink and the next, Izana has time to see his hands fly out before him, those cat eyes closing in faith and fear, hoping he’ll be caught. It’s no one’s fault, no one’s at all--
But that doesn’t stop him from landing palms-first on the most protruding bit of Arleon’s anatomy. Or from Shidnote rounding the corner, just in time to witness it.
“Oh!” Haki gasps, the sort of noise that makes his teeth clench down hard and hair stand on end with the same uninvited frisson he felt when he first saw where the pattern of her tights ended. “Oh my!”
Obi blinks down, his eyes flashing like a spun coin behind them. It’s speculation, not fear that weighs in them now, and it’s with mounting horror that Izana witnesses him squeeze.
“Hey!” There’s always been an unevenness to Obi’s mouth, one that always makes his smile into a smirk. It’s worse now, considering the circumstances. “These are way bigger than my mommy’s!”
There is a confluence of events, all at once:
First, Arleon’s cheeks flush, a tide that starts as a pretty bloom high on the apples and then quickly overflows its bounds, flooding up to the pale roots of her hair and down below her collar. That’s where his focus sticks for a second; he is only human, after all, and on skin so soft and smooth as hers, it’s only natural to wonder how far it might extend.
Second, Shidnote storms into the room, his palm already raised, “Obi!” echoing over the walls.
And thirdly, Kiki steps forward. Her small arm extends, and with a cacophonous crack, slaps Obi square across the nose.
He’s not ready for it; Izana hardly is, and he’s not even on the receiving end. Obi’s socked feet leave the floor-- strange, how he only notices now that they have little grips on the bottom, arranged like the pads of a cat-- and he lands hard, albeit on a bottom that is at least made for it.
An impressive show of strength; if Shishiyama-sensei were to witness it, there would most certainly be a level of hooting and hollering unbecoming of an adult. Probably ask Seiran-san if he’d ever considered putting her on a softball team with an arm like that. Even Izana’s gut instinct is to commend her, but the words hardly have time to gather on his tongue before Obi blinks-- once, twice-- and then bursts into tears.
With cool efficiency, Kiki turns to Shidnote, still frozen one step past the door, and informs him, “I handled it.”
This is, apparently, too much indignity for Obi. He struggles to his cat-padded feet and tears off to the play kitchen, taking refuge in one of the cabinets. Shidnote doesn’t give him more than a glance; instead he looks down at where Kiki stands and says, “Nice arm, kid.”
Seiran’s don’t beam-- such displays are frowned upon in the board room-- but Kiki does radiate with satisfaction, tromping straight up to Arleon and jutting out her hand. “I’ll take that cookie now.”
It’s here Arleon’s inexperience truly shines: she gives it to her.
Although out of sight, Obi is clearly not content to be out of mind. Holed up in a plastic cabinet he’s only just small enough to squeeze himself into, it does nothing to muffle the wailing and carrying on inside. Like all younger siblings, he was born with both the ability to shriek and the resolve to use it.
“I’m sorry,” Arleon says, or at least he thinks so; it’s hard to hear anything over Obi’s wails. “I didn’t mean to cause trouble. And I certainly shouldn’t have reward Kiki for--”
“Nah.” Shidnote’s grin pulls lopsidedly across his face. “He deserved it. Trust me, not even mom will mind.”
Knowing Shidnote-sensei, she’d probably thank her for it. Maybe even give Kiki a gold star. And that’s before she heard any of his...commentary.
“I don’t know what to do.” Arleon’s slender hands clap to her face. “He seems really upset, should I--?”
“Is fine.” A small hand pats her own, and Shirayuki gives her the sunniest of smiles. Even with all the screeching, he can’t shake the feeling that it might all be just fine. Funny how a girl who can’t even put on her own shoes can make it feel that way. “I help.”
She holds her palm out, eyebrows taking an encouraging lift. Hesitantly, Arleon hands her a cookie, the chips all cooled to the proper shape. “You want...this?”
“Uh-huh.” She gives a big nod, enough that she nearly topples. “Tank yu, nee-chama!”
With a determined waddle, Shirayuki cross the room dropping down to hands and knees to get past the fridge doors, hanging open on their plastic hinges. She stops, mouth screwed up with concentration as she shuts them, softly, quietly, making sure not to spill any of their contents. It’s the sort of attention to detail Izana appreciates; no one else is going to painstakingly puts the food in its place when the day is done.
“O-bi?” she calls out when she finishes, pigtails shivering as she hops along on her knees. Right up to the cabinet door, where she knocks. “Ohhh-bi?”
The wailing stops. A second later, the door creaks open. “W-what?”
Shirayuki holds out the cookie, a beatific smile rounding her cheeks. “For you!”
The door trembles, and by inches, Obi’s face emerges from behind it, uncertainty and hunger all rolled into one.
“I dun...” He swallows hard, eyes never moving from where the cookie sits. “I dun want it.”
Her smile only pulls wider. “Yours!”
He stares at her, then at the cookie, paralyzed. It’s clear what he wants, but he’s too much like his brother, too filled with senseless pride to take it. “N--”
Shirayuki leans forward, shoving it into his mouth. “I help!” she tells him. “Yum yum!”
Left with nothing else to do, he bites into it. The cookie might not still be warm and melty, but sitting there, half in and out of the cabinet, with Shirayuki clapping as he chews, Obi is.
“Well,” Shidnote grunts, rubbing at the back of his head. “That’s gonna be a problem in a few years.”
“W-what?” Zen drops the cookie in his own hand, letting it crack to three pieces on the mat. “Me too!” he yells, getting to his feet. “Me too!”
“Now that--” Shidnote grins-- “is going to be even worse.”
“Next time we see Haki-chan, you’re gonna apologize,” Shidnote informs his brother, pinching his leg where it’s slung over his shoulder. “And you’re gonna mean it.”
“Fer what?” Obi folds his arms sullenly over Shidnote’s hair. “I didn do anyting wrong!”
“You touched her-- her boobies,” Zen hisses, so helpful, from Izana’s arms. “Dat’s not allowed.”
“You’re supposed to ask before touching another person’s body,” Izana corrects, cutting over Shidnote’s half-baked grumbling. He’s not a man that often wrangles with whys, and it shows. “Especially the personal parts.”
“But Kiki sits on me with her butt all the time!” His arms flail wildly, nearly topping him off. “And she never asks first!”
“That’s a little different--”
“It’s your fault,” Zen informs him, so calm. “You’re annoying!”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“Am--” Obi squiggles, mouth folding into a pout-- “lemme down! I’ll show him who’s annoying!”
There’s a park on the way home, one with enough grass that the kids can tussle a little without hurting anything more permanently. Izana still worries, watching Obi tackle Zen to the turf, but if there’s anything he’s learned the past few months, it’s that sometimes it’s better just to let them get it out.
“The worst part,” Shidnote sighs, “is that I can’t even blame him.”
“Hm?” Izana blinks up. The boys have found a bit of goose poop, they’ll be shouting stinky at the top of their lungs for at least another ten minutes at least. “About being annoying?”
“What? No. I can blame him all I like for that.” He shrugs, his shoulders taking up too much space for someone their age. “I mean the thing with Haki-chan.”
“Oh.” Something about that-- about hearing Shidnote say her name like that, Haki-chan-- irritates him, like sand stuck in an oyster’s shell. The rest of the school might buy her act, but Shidnote-- Shidnote knows how she really is. He doesn’t need to be acting like she’s some sort of girl.
“Well, of course not,” he says instead, stamping out any sign of his annoyance. “It was an accident.
Shidnote huffs, too amused. “Are you kidding me, Wisteria? I don’t care about that. Have you seen the rack on her--” he mimes, so helpful-- “I’d squeeze ‘em too, if she gave me half a chance.”
Izana experiences...something. Something strange.
There’s a pounding in his head, like another heartbeat between his ears. His vision narrows too, growing more acute the louder that second heart pounds, and his chest--
“That’s no way to talk about her,” he manages through the ache, wishing he knew more about the symptoms of a heart attack. Nothing’s gone numb, but that feels like it’s only a matter of time. “May I remind you, Arleon-san is far more than just her cup size.”
He’s certain, after the words are said, that this will pass. Already the pounding grows less pronounced, and the sweat on his palms does not renew after he wipes them on his trousers. All in all, it’s as if it never happened, except--
Except Shidnote stares at him, leaning down as if he needs a closer look, and grins.
“Oh-ho,” he hums, at the precise pitch of a swing of an executioner’s blade, “so you do have a crush on her.”
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honeyfizzly · 3 years
All yttd character name meanings cause I haven't posted on here in forever, long post lolz
Most of this taken from wiki
Beware of spoilers lol, I'll add my own personal notes about the name
Sara-> Sa meaning "(silk) gauze; gossamer" and Ra means "good; pleasing; skilled".
The Hebrew meaning for Sara means "princess/noble women" which is pretty fitting as she has the highest winning rate
Chidouin-> Chi "one thousand", Dou "shrine hall" and In "institution"
Jou-> "length; height"
Note that nankidai said that Jou's name originated from the line "stand up Joe!" From the manga "Ashita no Joe"
Joe isn't really a westernized version of Jou in yttd as vgperson states that both names are used in the source material, the name Joe is used in a more causal manner.
Tazuna-> ta "rice field" zuna "rope; cable"
Kazumi-> Kazu "peace" Mi "oneself"
Mishima-> Mi "three" Shima "island"
I think the island mightve been possible referencing how Mishima would be the first protagonist of your time to shine island existence. Could be just a coincidence though
Kai-> Kai "precept"
Satou- Sa "assistant; help" and Tou "wisteria"
Note that Kai also means shellfish (hence the "kain you believe it" surrounded by shellfish in his laptop) but Kai's name uses different Kanji from the shellfish one.
Alice-> his name is most likely a reference to the band "Alice in chains", since he is a man named Alice who is in chains. The German name Alice means "noble"
Yabusame-> ya "eight", bu "currency" and same "rain"
Reko-> re "waterway" ko "child"
Yabusame-> Ya "eight" Bu "currency" and Same "rain"
Note that her name was spelled as "Reco" but since C isn't really pronounced in the Japanese language, it later on got canonized to be "Reko" and "Reco" was used for her stage name.
Nao-> na "greens" o "cord, thread"
Egokoro-> e "picture" gokoro "heart"
Kanna-> Kan "god; deity" Na "what"
Note that there's also a flower that shares the same name as her
Kizuchi-> Ki "tree" zu "ferry" chi "pond"
Shin-> shin "truth; genuiness"
Tsukimi-> tsuki "moon" mi "see" (aka moon watching or moon viewing)
Qtaro-> Taro "strong, heroic, masculine"
Note that his name is a reference to a Jojo episode where a character uses the name "qtaro kujo"
Burgerburg-> this name dosent really have a meaning.
Qtaro's initials spell out bbq (BurgerBerg Qtaro)
Sou-> sou "suddenly; smoothly"
Keiji-> kei "respect" Ji "two"
Shinogi-> shino "bamboo grass" gi "tree"
Gin-> Gin "silver"
(I couldn't find the meaning for his last name rip)
Note that Sou is also an anagram for the Japanese word for lie, Uso
Hiyori-> hi "sun" yori "harmony"
Note that it can also be read as sunny weather
Midori just means green
Ranmaru-> Ran "orchid" Maru "circle"
Kageyama-> Kage "shadow" Yama "mountain"
Anzu-> An "apricot" Zu "child"
Kinashi-> Ki "tree" Nashi "pear tree"
Shunsuke-> Shun "excellent; genius" Suke "involve oneself; shellfish"
Hayasaka-> Haya "early; fast" Saka "slope; incline"
Naomichi-> nao "direct" Michi "road; path; route"
Kurumada-> kuruma "car" da "rice field"
Mai-> Mai "dance"
Tsurugi-> tsuru "crane (bird)" gi "castle"
Hinako-> Hina "chick" ko "child"
Mishuku-> Mi "honorable; beautiful" shuku "inn"
All of the floormasters have pun names
Sue miley-> smiley
Hoemi-> small smile
Tia safalin-> tears are a fallin
Han'naki-> half crying
Rio ranger-> rearrange
Rio lazier-> realizer
Toto noeru-> to arrange
Koko roeru-> to gain a heart
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phoenix-blessed · 2 years
My Artfight collection so far
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Artfight collection. Posting my artfight adventure is a bit late here lol
Eros Mythos: @asuraid
Skydra: for my old friend Kyra
Rùn and Almet: for some homies lol
Aine: @dragon-wisteria
Aelric: @jessiesketches
Minerva: @neojin
Kain: @kyrjaa
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mbruben-stein · 4 years
list of things I write and take requests for.
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list of things I will write:
Headcanons / HC (I only do four to seven characters.)
Boyfriend Scenarios.
Girlfriend Scenarios.
Dating would Include.
Love stories
X Reader.
x pregnant character or reader.
Character X Character.
X They/Them reader.
X Male Reader
X Female Reader
Girl x Boy.
Boy x Boy.
Girl X Girl.
Yandere Alphabet
S/O Headcanons.
SFW Alphabet.
NSFW Alphabet 18+.
list of prompts writing request ideas and request:
Main Paige/list.
List of animes and characters that I write.
Snow White With Red Hair:
Zen Wisteria
Kiki Seiran
Mitsuhide Louen
Raji Shenazard
Black Butler:
Sebastian Michaelis
Ciel Phantomhive
Grell Sutcliff
Soma Asman Kadar
William T. Spears
Ronald Knox
Alois Trancy
Claude Faustus
Hannah Annafellows
My Hero Academia:
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Momo Yaoyorozu
Shoto Todoroki
Fumikage Tokoyami
Mezo Shoji
Denki Kaminari
Hanta Sero
Kyoka Jiro
Dabi / Touya Todoroki
Mashirao Ojiro
Eijiro Kirishima
Ochaco Uraraka
Tsuyu Asui
Mina Ashido
Himiko Toga
Tenya Ida
Toru Hagakure
Mirio Togata
Tamaki Amajiki
Nejire Hado
Hitoshi Shinso
Melissa Shield
Hawks / Keigo Takami
Eraser Head / Shota Aizawa
All Might / Toshinori Yagi
Midnight / Nemuri Kayama
Mr. Principal / Nezu
Ingenium / Tensei Ida
Tomura Shigaraki
One piece:
Monkey D. Luffy
Roronoa Zoro
Nico Robin
Trafalgar D. Water Law
Portgas D. Ace
Dracule Mihawk
The sacrificial princess and the king of beasts:
Death Note:
l lawliet
Light Yagami
Touta Matsuda
Misa Amane
Vampire Knight:
Zero Kiryu
Hanabusa Aido
Yuki Cross
Kaname Kuran
Senri Shiki
Takuma Ichijo
Akatsuki Kain
Kaien Cross
Ruka Souen
Toga Yagari
Ichiru Kiryu
Rido Kuran
Attack On Titans:
Eren Yeager
Levi Ackerman
Mikasa Ackerman
Armin Arlert
Historia Reiss
Jean Kirschtein
Connie Springer
Hange zoe
Erwin Smith
Annie Leonhart
Sasha Braus
Moblit Berner
Reiner Braun
Marco Bodt
Bertolt Hoover
Yugi Muto
Seto Kaiba
Yami Yugi / Adam Moto
Téa Gardner
Joey Wheeler
Tristan Taylor
Mokuba Kaiba
Avatar the Last Airbender. (Yes, I count this as an anime. This is because I really like it and love it. Sorry for the people who don't think it's an anime, but you can't change my mind.):
Ty Lee
Diabolical lovers:
Yui Komori
Reiji Sakamaki
Ayato Sakamaki
Laito Sakamaki
Subaru Sakamaki
Shu Sakamaki
Yui Komori
Kou Mukami
Ouran High School Host Club:
Tamaki Suoh
Kyoya Ootori
Kaoru Hitachiin
Hitachiin Hikaru
Haruhi Fujioka
Ritsu Kasanoda
Takashi Morinozuka
Violet Evergarden:
Gilbert Bougainvillea
Benedict Blue
violet Evergarden
Cattleya Baudelaire
Claudia Hodgins
Iris Cannary 
 The Ancient Magus’ Bride:
Chise Hatori
Elias Ainsworth
Assassination Classroom:
Nagisa Shiota
Karma Akabane
Hinano Kurahashi
Hinata Okano
Tadaomi Karasuma
Yuri on ice:
Yuuri Katsuki
Yuri Plisetsky
Victor Nikiforov
Mila Babicheva
Otabek Altin
Phichit Chulanont
Ben 10:
Rook Blonko
Ruby Rose
Yang Xiao Long
Weiss Schnee
Blake Belladonna
Pyrrha Nikos
Lie Ren
Jaune Arc
Oscar Pine
Sun Wukong
Crow / Qrow Branwen
Tokyo Revengers:
Takemichi Hanagaki
Mikey/Manjiro Sano
Draken/Ken Ryūgūji
Takashi Mitsuya
Keisuke Baji
Chifuyu Matsuno
Hinata Tachibana
Kazutora Hanemiya
Akkun/Atsushi Sendo
Smiley/Nahoya Kawata
Angry/souya kawata
Emma Sano
Ran Haitani
Rindo Haitani
Shuji Hanma
Izana Kurokawa
list of movies and characters that I write.
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Rubeus Hagrid
Neville Longbottom
Ginny Weasley
Remus Lupin
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Charlie Weasley
Sirius Black
Edward Cullen
Bella Swan
Jacob Black
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Carlisle Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Sam Uley
Embry Call
Hocus Pocus:
Thackery Binx
Max Dennison
Rise of the Guardians:
Jack Frost
Nicholas St. North
Tooth Fairy
Pitch Black
The Hobbit / The Lord of the Rings:
Bilbo Baggins
Thorin Oakenshield
Samwise Gamgee
Frodo Baggins
list of Marvel movies / comics and characters that I write.
The Avengers:
Peter Parker / Spider-Man
Bruce Banner / Hulk
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Clint Barton
Steve Rogers / Captain America
T'Challa / Black Panther
Miles Morales / Spinn Spider-Man / Kid-Arachnid
Guardians of the Galaxy:
Peter Quill / Star-Lord
Rocket Raccoon
list of DC movie / Comics and characters that I write.
Bruce Wayne / Bat-Man
Clark Kent / Superman
Diana Prince / Wonder Woman
Dick Grayson / Nightwing
Jon Lane Kent
Selina Kyle / Catwoman
Zatanna Zatara
Tim Drake
Kara Zor-El / Supergirl
Suicide Squad:
Harley Quinn
Chato Santana
Tatsu Yamashiro
Teen Titans:
Damian Wayne / Robin
Koriand'r / Starfire
Victor Stone / Cyborg
Garfield Logan / Beast Boy
Jaime Reyes / Blue Beetle
list of shows and characters that I write.
Secrets Of Unfortunate Events:
Violet Baudelaire
Klaus Baudelaire
Quigley Quagmire
Isadora Quagmire
Lemony Snicket
Fiona Widdershins
Duncan Quagmire
Gravity Falls:
The owl house:
Luz Noceda
Edalyn Clawthorne/ the owl lady
Willow Park
Lilith Clawthorne
Gus Porter
Amity Blight
Emira Blight
Edric Blight
Hunter/ the golden guard
Milo Murphy's Law:
Milo Murphy
Melissa Chase
Zack Underwood
Sara Murphy
Amanda Lopez 
Balthazar Cavendish
TMNT/ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012:
Splinter/Hamato Yoshi
April O'nell
Cassey Jones
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claudeng80 · 3 years
80s pop not-an-AU
Based on this, this, and this art.
Happy birthday @onedivinemisfit!
Maybe Shirayuki should agree to more benefit concerts, if they’re going to put her up in hotels as nice as this. She hasn’t been sleeping in the roach motels since she left Raji, but still- room service sent her pancakes in the middle of the night. The sheets don’t feel like sandpaper. And above all, the room came with a bathrobe.
She’s had to roll the sleeves up to keep them out of the sink, but it’s heavy and plush against her skin and she smiles at herself in the mirror as she brushes her teeth. The only down side about this hotel is that the walls are thin- she’s currently getting a play-by-play of her next-door neighbor’s shower.
At least he’s a singer. That’s not much of a surprise, given how many are staying here for Friday’s Kain Wisteria Foundation benefit concert to support orphanages in east Africa, but it does improve the experience. It takes her a moment to place the tune, the cadence typical of Royals songs but that’s also no surprise here and now, but at last he breaks into the melody and it’s Fever and Fall.
Haruka was about to cross that one off the list at the planning meeting this morning. It was one of Haruto’s showcases, she doesn’t want to sing it anymore, and it’s technically demanding.
“Oh, I like that one!” Of course Hitman - Obi, he said to call him, although it’s much easier to think of him in character when he’s dressed like this - isn’t going to make things easy. The black lipstick makes his smirk impossible to miss. “I can sing that one.”
Haruka blinks. Of all people he should know the demands of that song- he sang the bass line for ages, after all- but he’s too polite to say no. He just frowns, and Shirayuki doesn’t like the way he’s looking at Obi.
“We can make it duet- I’ll sing with him,” she volunteers. Their styles are different, to say the least, but it’s not meant to be a solo. The Royals were never just about solos.
Haruka weighs her with his eyes and finds her wanting, but that’s nothing new. “We’ll pencil that in,” he says at last. “But you know you don’t have Haruto’s range.”
“That won’t be a problem,” says Obi, and she’s never seen him smile like that before.
She thought he just meant that they’d modulate the song to pull Haruto’s line down into her range and Obi would sing Kirika’s lower accompaniment, or else she’d drop the high A to something she can actually hit, but the voice in the shower, Obi’s voice, is definitely rocking Haruto’s melody line. It’s so catchy her hand moves in time with the beat brushing her teeth, and it’s hard to imagine anyone could sing this without dancing.
That’s a thought, Obi in the shower only a few feet away, dancing as he sings in the steam. His concerts, or as much of them as she’s seen clips of on MTV, tend more toward dramatic poses and acting than the sort of pop dancing that is her bread and butter, but his hips move like a dancer. She recognizes the tells. He’s trained.
She spits out her toothpaste, focusing on rinsing out her toothbrush thoroughly while he soars through the second verse. He doesn’t need her picturing that. She doesn’t need to be picturing that. She takes a mouthful of water, ready to rinse-
And then his voice climbs up and up, nailing Haruto’s high A and holding it.
Shirayuki gasps, then coughs as water dribbles out of her mouth. Her shampoo tips off the shower ledge, rattling into the tub, and his beat falters, volume suddenly dropping to something more appropriate for a hotel at ten at night.
But there’s only one verse to go. She can’t let him stop now. Shirayuki joins in with Kirika’s note- in the recording she and the men give Fever and Fall its throbbing beat, anchoring the harmony so Haruto’s solo can soar. It works as a gesture, Obi matching her beat and suddenly the two voices separated by a wall are even better than his alone, the alchemy that made Fever and Fall a twelve-week Billboard chart-topper snapping into place. Or maybe it’s not The Royals’ formula but their own- she hasn’t enjoyed a duet this much in ages.
The last note rings against the tiles, and a fierce smile grows on her face as she imagines Haruka’s face when he hears that tomorrow. There are times when a performance is good enough and times when it’s perfect. She can feel it in her toes. That was a good one.
There’s a rattling of Obi’s shower curtain torn back, then his bathroom door slams open and she can hear him running. She doesn’t even know why but she runs too, her hand on the door to her room before she even thinks, and with one hand holding the hotel bathrobe closed at her neck she peeks out into the hallway.
Her eyes meet Obi’s, wide open. He looks different without the eyeliner and makeup, and he hasn’t bothered with a bathrobe. One hand clasps a towel at his waist and a giant scar slants across his chest- no wonder he’s never shirtless in public- and on his face there’s the same smile she can still feel on her own.
“They’re not going to know what hit them,” he says.
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onedivinemisfit · 2 years
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Obiyuki Shapeshifter!AU - the haunted volva
Haruto has many regrets. Some are even manifested.
AnS (c) Akizuki Sorata
Art: Me
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pandemordia · 3 years
Pandemordia Intro!
Hello! This is SplendidMeeper’s blog Pandemordia (the name of the region this little hell hole takes place in)
Author: @splendidmeepers
- Symbol*: ✧
Co-Author: @minvt11
- Symbol: ✶
* Symbol indicates who the oc is owned by!! :)
TW: Angst, Violence, Swearing, Blood, etc. (throughout the posts these are possible <:3)
The names link to their reference sheet posts :)
There are three main guilds:
Horizon Guild - Leader: Payeol
Payeol ✧
Satauro ✧
Rouge ✧
Cybic ✧
Kage ✧
Kain ✧
Dr Wisteria (assistants: Chi, Che, Cha) ✧
Cotton ✧
Discipline Guild - Leader: Brahm
Brahm ✧
Ozwald ✧
Kallixtus ✧
Asterios ✧
Rohan ✧
Astoach ✧
Olitram ✧
Baptiste ✧
Python Guild - Leader: Viper
Viper ✧
Felt ✧
Enno ✧
Tasso ✧
Verrell ✧
Valerion ✧
Jack ✧
Haru ✶
And of course there’s the neutral characters here and there… anyway!
Crescent Guild - Leader: Sauyer
Sauyer ✶
RaKhur ✧
KoKo ✧
Ioh ✶
Yosuke ✧
Kotick ✶
Not Guild Affiliated:
Piiko ✧
Bīng ✧
Chōuyān ✧
HoneyDew ✧
Willow ✧
Embr-X ✧
Z ✧
ClockTower (loosely associated with Discipline Guild) ✧
ERoS ✧
Faye ✶
Bunny ✶
[Creadeus] ✧
Constant conflict between the Horizon Guild and Python Guild are kept in place by the Discipline Guild…
Who knows what'll happen if things go awry?
Ask here! ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ
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Kain: I’m back.
Haruto: What the- You can’t be here! How are you alive?! I literally saw you die years ago!
Kain: Death is but a social construct.
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wisteriaphyte · 2 years
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6.3 ready! Wisteria's DRG glam for the remaining of Endwalker ✨ A while back, I was looking at Kain's armor from FFIV and the Dissidia games to get some inspiration for Estinien. Instead I got inspiration for Wisteria, so I tinted her glam with gloom purple in honor of Kain! I went with a purple dye that wouldn't clash with her hair too much.
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gladdyator18 · 3 years
Art Finder
Here is a masterlist of all the art I’ve done over these past few months! Like my fanfiction post, this will be updated regularly as time goes on. Some names may have the same link and lead to the same or previous picture.
My Wattpad Fanfictions Masterlist My Tumblr Fanfictions Masterlist OC Charts & Tier Lists
Eragona 2
Eragona 3
Eragona 4
Eragona and Libby
Eragona and Jet
Eragona and Kat
Eragona and Nina
Eragona and Boombox
Eragona’s House
Galarian Eragona
Eragona Redraw
Younger Elsa
Nina and Eric
Nina Redesign
Grandma Elise
Grandma Elise 2
Professor Cherry
Team Xenon Grunts
Team Xenon Commanders
Team Xenon Leader
Kat 2 and Older Kat
Happy Birthday Kat
Eric and Nina
Eric Redesign
Gym Badges
Pokémon Nursery
Charcoal and Jet
Axew Twins
Professor Willow
Jordan and Grayson
Dragon Slayer Hunter
Dragon Slayer Hunter Redesign
Original 4
Original 4- Kantonian Form
BlackTober2021 Day 11: Self-Insert (Me)
Happy Halloween Libby and Angel
Elsu 2
Vincent (Vinny) | Original151
Jay and London
Merry Christmas Libby and Angel
Assistant Calista
Art Contest
Chusi Redesign
Yelena 2
Chairman Claude
Ezonia Map
Arcanine and Trainer
Professor Wisteria
Ruby and Opal
Luke, Ava, and Isi
HP OC in Pokémon art style
Fancy Pokémon
Luna the Ninetales
Harry Potter
Saraline Dragonhawk
Saraline in Pokémon art style
Silas Dragonhawk
The Dragonhawk Siblings
Eleanor Dragonhawk
Hugo Dragonhawk
Faedra Lucan
Saraline and Ace
Luka Williams
Star Wars
Zelara June
IRL Friend’s Boyfriend
Winx Club
Libelle Pendragon/Dragona
Jasmine Shiori | Shadow Phoenix
Dragona and Shadow Phoenix
Miraculous Ladybug
L’Arachel Crimea
L’Arachel and Luca
Shall We Date: Wizardess Heart+
Gladys Drake | redraw
Gladys the Violinist
Gladys in Armor
Gladys the Fighter
Casual Gladys
Home for Christmas
WH+ OCs; The 355
Gladys Drake (ask)
Spell-casting Gladys
Koda Shiori
Koda Shiori 2
Koda and Todoroki
IRL Friend and Bakugou
IRL Friend and Denki
IRL Friend and Kirishima
IRL Friend and Aizawa
OC Redesign
IRL Friend and Bakugou 2
IRL Friend in MHA UA Uniform
Koda and Todoroki 2
Wings of Fire
Princess Allegra
Allegra and Nether
Allegra, Jericho, and Micha
Prince Jericho
Jericho and Micha
Jericho, Allegra, and Micha
Micha and Jericho
Micha, Jericho, and Allegra
Queen Luna
JoJo’s Bizzare Adventures
Sharena Destiria/Golden Valkyrie
Takahara Kioshi/Crimson Prism
Baisho Sugimoto/Hellhound
Hiro Katsunan/Warlord
Natalina Beneviento/Acrylic
Riccardo Beneviento/Steampunk
Rosa de la Cruz/Debilitar
Theo Maximus/Animosity
Rokai Larksgale/Beta King
Courtney Larksgale/Meta Queen
Takahara and Natalina
Ale Yukage/Infinite Abyss
Lucas Kai/Alucard
Sharena and Ishani
Ishani Destiria-Sugimoto/Dragonfly
Hiro and Riccardo
Natalina and Riccardo
Baisho and Takahara
Kain Kioshi/Prodigy
Tristan Katsunan/Atlas Atmosphere
Sharena and Baisho
Hiro and Tōshirō
Olivia Maximus/Replica Spotlight
Baisho the Guitarist
Sharena and Natalina
Ava Yukage/Autumn Blaze
Jason Kai-Sugimoto/Oracle
Diego Cortez/Horoscope Prophecy
BlackTober2021 Day 8: Hobby (Kain)
Happy Birthday Kain Kioshi
Feliz Cumpleaños Rosa de la Cruz
Happy Birthday Jason Kai-Sugimoto
Happy Birthday Ale Yukage
Ishani Redesign
Happy Birthday Ava Yukage
Happy Birthday Natalina Beneviento
Happy Birthday Olivia Maximus
JJBA Kids (daughters)
JJBA Kids (sons)
Happy Birthday Riccardo Beneviento and Tristan Katsunan
Happy Birthday Courtney and Rokai Larksgale
Happy Birthday Diego Cortez
Happy Birthday Ishani Destiria-Sugimoto and my mother
Happy Birthday Hiro Katsunan
Happy Birthday Lucas Kai
Happy Birthday Baisho Sugimoto
My Little Pony
Princess Allegra Blue
Prince Icarus
Princess Silver Wave
The Imperial Family
Other OCs
Gacha Club Recreation + Genderbend
Lexi the Wolf
Lexi the Wolf 2
Gladia and Jericho
Katherine and Nivia
Horseland Horses (so far)
Monster High
Corrin Atlas
Sailor Moon
My Teacher, Sailor Luz
Krystal Extras
Armored Up
The Overworld Dragons
Endra, the Ender Dragon
Magma, the Nether Dragon
Demon Slayer
Ryoko Nakano
Ryoko Nakano 2
Ryoko Nakano 3
Ririkku Aria
The Apex Guardians
Galilea Reinhardt
Acheron Vadakin
Laura Vega
Nishan Tate
Andy Sterling
Emmerell Vadakin
Landon Quartz
Erzaraph Seraphim-Draconequus
Lurana Paladin
Remi Orlem
Ray Calloway
Raziel Reizen
Renée Caldore
Fire Emblem
Gladiola von Hollister
Annabelle von Laurier
Justin Lorenz Laverre
Kent Lucius Laverre and Nella Opalescent Laverre
Jasper Augustus Pomefiore
Cedric Williams Lanister and Cecil Armond Lanister
Fiona Fairbrook Valencia
Claudia Windgates Goldstein
Kayden Niklaus Goldstein
Quinton Edric Lochan
Lilibeth Isabella Lochan and Rosalind Martinez Lochan
Emery Nirin Orcsguard
Heather Scarlett Orcsguard
Diego Isenloc Glaudrich | scarred eye
Julianna Fairgates Roltindine
Corrina Vlezio Auradeau
Issac Geneva Auradeau
Phoenix Alma Flodaria
Henry and Hunter Malachi Leiado
Cameron Xavier Caldore
Vincent Odalia Airitsed
Layla Arianna Reinhardt
Aubrey von Alastor
Rosalina Lee Fontaine
Lucas Alexander Isadora
Ashton Cromwell Galileus
Jezabelle and Jewelia von Aragoes
Johnathan Luke Callahan
Random Art
Library Run-In
Art Style Practice
Neon Bubbles
Black on Neon
Forehead Kiss
I Can Be Dominant Too
His Personal Assistant
For My Sisters
Signature Practice
Signature Practice 2
Art Style Edit
Forest Sunset + Signature Practice 3
Mysterious City
Bubbly Butterflies + Signature Practice 4
BlackTober2021 Day 19: Original Character
Christmas Themed Signature Practice (5)
Signature Practice 6
Simply Me
Simply Me 2
My OCs and Me
Saphie the Dragon
Christmas Saphie
You and Me
You and Me 2
For My IRL Friends
Doodle 4 Google
Choose + Poem
Cosmic Cat
Proverbs 31:31
Birthday Gift for @made-by-jade-222​
Art for Story
Mermay 2024
New pfp
Summer Fun
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