#just in case ppl are still denying it at that point
bomber-grl · 22 hours
Enemies to lovers with Leo Valdez
Pairing(s): Leo Valdez x Gn!Reader
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If anything it probs stemmed from a misunderstanding
Maybe you were cranky the first two times he ever approached you
And perhaps you may have taken it out on him
And maybe just maybe he thought u were those stereotypical condescending people
Basically what ensued from then on was just you two attacking each other verbally each time you ran into each other
But then you’re officially introduced to him by either Percy or Annabeth or anyone else that’s part of the 7 that’s close to you
He’d be especially shocked if it’s Piper or Jason who introduces you two to eachother
Of course that doesn’t automatically solve anything and you’re both total assholes to each other still
Leo is complaining about you and how could any of his friends also be yours?
You feel the same exact way
And unfortunately this is a case of forced proximity as is all my hcs because I’m an uncreative bitch
Maybe it’s just me but I’d imagine constant bickering and making faces would be a bit hard to ignore and go unnoticed
So they all agree to force you two to get along
So you’re on the Argo ll and are forced to clean the stables
(Before the Athena Parthenos is put there obv)
It’s not messy messy but it’s still something
You two both finally agreed to be quiet
But then he gets almost thrown out the window by the ship getting rocked by a monster or something
And so you have to save him by obligation
You two are literally hanging out the window and Leo is yelling like crazy bro
Eventually you bring him back and he thanks you
It was done reluctantly- you make sure he knows that
Plus the situation gives you material to make fun of him for 💀
Then some time after that you’re fighting some daily monsters and he (despite not rlly being a fighter) helps you out by firing some of the weapons on the Argo
This incident spawns this unspoken alliance??
Literally everyone else is made aware of it too and even they’re confused
But honestly at least you’re not constantly at each others throats anymore
Instances where you saved each others asses continued from then on out
It got to the point where you saved eachother so often that you became literal 4lifers
Like genuinely enjoying each other’s company despite the occasional off handed remarks
There was obvious tension that you were both teased for by your individual friends
Even couch Hedge acknowledged it 💀
And youd both deny it
I mean it was the obvious choice
But there had always been tension between you two if you’re being honest
Like if someone asked you if you thought Leo was cute , well let’s not say you’d say he was, just that you really couldn’t deny it
And so your interactions and dynamic continued all the way until the prophecy that started this quest came to an end
And so did you interacting with Leo
He was dead, and despite having liked him, you’d never be able to tell him.
That’s something you had come to accept, and something you realized you’d never get the chance to admit to him
Until you could.
Leo appears back at camp with Calypso in tow
Let’s just say Leo felt ok about her and saved her cuz he’s a good guy and she went along cuz she wanted an escape)
Anyway like everyone else you line up to hit him
Ain’t no way you’re running to him when there’s so many other ppl infront 💀
Gods forbid YOU end up being the one that gets jumped
Even from the good amount of distance you’re away from him you can still very much see his- what can be best as described- upset demeanor
Why he looked that way? You didn’t know and couldn’t tell even if held at gunpoint
Well anyways eventually you end up face to face with him and his expression can’t even be described with just a few words
So ill try anyway
Hes absolutely star struck and, in truth, made breathless from the sight of you alone
I mean with the way Leo looks at you, you’d think he spotted his only true want in this world.
The guy doesn’t say anything at all but then he sorta gains consciousness (?)
He tries to hug you but then hesitates- tries again/ then hesitates
Before he could do anything else you slap the hell out of him 💀
The act is honestly so violate and loud it was genuinely startling
Some would say that you jumped him that day of his return but what did they know??
And then you hugged him
A deep, emotionally charged hug
All the days you had spent mourning him, being tortured by his death that you couldn’t help but feel was avoidable despite the prophecy-
And yet you couldn’t help but melt into the hug
Obviously awkwardness follows after- and for a good while after too
But in the end you two end up together (per advice from emmie and Jo once Apollo casually mentioned the undefined relationship between you two as defense against a remark Leo had made)
And after Apollo is done at the waystation (and you’re not already involved there)Leo will ask if you’d want to stay there together and go to school and be “normal” teens.
The answer is up to you, but we all know what you’re gonna choose
Cmon you’re reading this so you’re obviously down bad 💀
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chirpsythismorning · 2 months
Imagine them not only bringing out Heroes by David Bowie in s5 for a byler scene, but also throwing these lyrics in the mix too 😂😭
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doberbutts · 11 months
just a random guy w no stake in this but yr guy also fully regurgitated israel’s/zionist lies abt the “””misfired rocket””” hitting the hospital as if there isn’t documented evidence of israel admitting to - wanting to do that - doing that - expressing joy at the fact that they did that. the israeli govt spent days saying they were gonna bomb a hospital, bombed a hospital, /said they bombed the hospital/, and then changed their story to “misfired rocket” among other things (not a single hamas rocket is capable of that kind of destruction…) when they got flack for it. and Avi has yet to retract that statement despite it being another blatant lie from the israeli govt.
& obv this is much smaller but when pointed out that what ngaiman said that was zionist (“israel has the right to exist”, which he reconfirmed was still his stance), avi doubled down on that…not being zionism. and said ppl only call gaiman a zionist bc he’s jewish (which.. sure some ppl do, but the claim that a settler colonial state (or any state, tbh) has an inherent “right” to exist, and specifically that Israel has a “right” to exist, is literally zionism. which avi seems to think is not.)
i don’t think he’s a zionist himself but he certainly repeating a lot of zionist bs uncritically
I literally just got an article this morning talking about the forensics going on regarding the hospital bombing, from CNN, citing multiple sources saying the same thing; that it was a misfired rocket originating from somewhere in Gaza and probably not intentional, with all parties with munitions denying that it was theirs despite the firing of rockets nearby from all of said parties. No shrapnel or casings have yet been recovered and until that is recovered there is no way to know for sure where the device was made or where it came from.
So unless you are leaning on the antisemitic claim that Jews control the media, either all of CNN's sources are wrong including the Palestinian ones, or he's literally just repeating what multiple sources have been saying as of this morning.
Also conveniently you're leaving out that he's also stated that it doesn't matter where the device came from, the targetting of hospitals and other civilian centers is abhorrent and an immediate ceasefire needed to be called the moment it happened. Weird how he's not praising it, he's stating what the forensic team on site is reporting, and he's stating that no matter who is at fault they shouldn't be involving peaceful civilians.
As for whether or not Israel should exist... where exactly do you want the Israelis to go? A significant number of them were born there, with ancestors that originated there, as Arabic people living alongside Palestinians. They do have just as much right to be there as Palestinians because they have common ancestry with Palestinians. Those that came from elsewhere largely were forcibly expelled as an act of genocide- "going back where (they) came from" means going back to somewhere that's made it plain they are not welcome and they'll be killed on sight. They went to Israel because they were told that was the only correct choice for them.
Also I think it is incredibly dicey to be wielding "Jews are inherent outsiders that need to go back where they came from" because that is an antisemitic statement that has echoed across history ANDDDDD I think it's uhhhh incredibly hilarious as afronative to hear fucking Americans saying this when we're on stolen land ourselves with a government that is still trying to wipe out the few indigenous people we have left and sweep its continued atrocities under the rug.
What's that saying about glass houses and stones? If you're on American soil and you're not indigenous, how about you go back where you came from? Oh? You were born here? You have a family history here? You have deep ties to the area and can't just uproot your entire life? It's a little more complicated than just getting on a plane back to Europe or Asia or Africa? Hmm. Interesting. Don't you know that makes you complicit in genocide? No no no, it doesn't matter that your family was fleeing genocide yourselves, or that your ancestors were forced to come here, or that you personally took no part in the ongoing political war being waged against the dwindling number of Natives we have left. You don't belong here. You need to be forcibly detained and expelled. Maybe even kept in a cage for a while until we figure out what to do with you.
Whoop. But that's the silent part you're not saying. You can call it Zionist if you want. But I think people need to think a little more critically about the actual logistics of what caused this problem in the first place, before firing off about it. Especially not when a lot of these talking points are at their heart incredibly antisemitic.
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merakiui · 1 month
i agree with the assignments but hmmm... i think malleus should be gluttony and idia lust! I feel like the same reasons we can confuse idia for pride can be the reasons why he fits lust. Whereas the reasons malleus can fit greed, is why he's gluttony if that makes sense? Also when it boils down to it, i feel like malleus can be in a sexless relationship based on pure love but i can see idia blowing his lid if he gets continually denied. I also feel like malleus has more self control and even with biological ruts, he can hold back and not "make a mistake" where i feel like idia would downright demand darling to take care of his lust. I know we always joke abt shy subby uwu idia, but ppl forget who he represents and just how depraved he can be. It can get rlly dark w him and lust >_<. But malleus, i see more of like gluttony for life and experiences. I think nothing would make him happier than to be at the center of the table, surrounded by food and drink and company and having a ball of a time. Even as the night weighs on and people are exhausted, malleus wont dismiss them as yet because HE is enjoying himself and having a good time, to the point where he is the only one smiling at the table anymore and everyone else is tortured to be there because of his gluttony for companionship. Mal is a spoiled prince and if he lacked any less, he would be envy, but he has everything. He has a lot of pride too, but not infront of player, and when it boils down to it, Idia has desire, but Malleus really just has a hunger to be accepted and loved.
AAAA ANON, THESE ARE WONDERFUL POINTS!!!!! Very thought-provoking!!! I wanted to separate sex and lust for what I have in mind for the fic (and if I wasn't writing about the seven Overblots then Rollo would immediately take the sin of lust for very obvious reasons and symbolisms. <3). I definitely agree that Malleus and Idia fit lots of different sins and so it can be difficult to assign just one to them (as well as the rest of the cast, but it's a little easier for some of them,,, i.e. Riddle's infamous temper grants him wrath by default. Azul's insatiable avarice (when it comes to his contracts) grants him greed. Etc etc.)
I do think there is a solid difference between desiring something and hungering for it, but then they also pair well together from time to time. Perhaps desire gives way to hunger. To hunger for something is to do so out of desperation (in some cases), and since Malleus is such a lonely soul and has never truly had a connection in which someone looks past the lofty title of heir apparent and future ruler of Briar Valley it makes sense for him to hunger so desperately for that sort of connection. It's why he's unable to simply let Lilia go and why he doesn't want to lose him. He can't accept the finality of an ending or parting, which is why he puts everyone to sleep in hopes that they can all find happiness in their dreams.
I think you can also argue that Idia hungers a little in book six. He desperately doesn't want the job he's set to inherit, and even when he was little he wanted to find a way to escape with Ortho. But due to the circumstances and the curse of his lineage there's only so much that can be done, or so he views it as such.
Perhaps these sins are interchangeable with Malleus and Idia depending on how you frame it. They both desire and hunger for things in their own ways. Idia's guilt and stress overwhelms him and his idea of getting what he's always desired is to reset the world alongside Ortho. Malleus's loneliness and desperation to hold onto the bonds he currently has (his unwillingness to let these go, to accept the fact that everyone will inevitably grow old and that life goes on, his desire and/or hunger to be seen and accepted for himself)......... aaaaa it's great!!!!
Rambling aside, I do love the thought of Idia embodying lust and Malleus embodying gluttony. I'm still debating between the two, but now I'm inclined to lean more towards these assignments after reading your thoughts and dissecting my own. They're very fitting from your perspective!!! >w< also,,,, I like a very dark, messed up Idia, so perhaps pairing him with lust will make for very yummy concepts.
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hi bread, I received an ask from someone who thinks that because they’ve been called the r slur for being autistic, that they can say it even though they’re not ID.
i am LSN autistic and don’t have ID so I answered the ask to the best of my ability but I don’t want to speak over anyone or accidentally spread untrue info. I know you don’t have ID, but I respect your posts and advocating for people with ID, so would you be okay with me sharing the post with you, and if you want you can provide your insight. you don’t have to at all, i just wanted to ask because I don’t want to misrepresent the issue.
thank you.
would prefer not be sent that post (upset me & often lead to harassment) but here some things can say or send:
this only post that can find right now that explain why not but there a lot just tumblr search system suck. if anyone have posts written by ppl w ID about why not that want share please feel free
some off top of head thoughts from listening to people w ID & in general disability/ID history:
(you = general you / people like person you talking about)
r slur come from old medical term for intellectual disability. “mental [version of r slur that end in -tion].” n version that end in -d shortened from it.
come from medical term for ID. not autism. not ADHD. not general any neurodivergence.
r slur & mental r word been used historically AND NOW to deny rights of people w ID. it been used for eugenics. think that word been watered down nowadays but by eugenics am meaning literal eugenic policies n direct actions. it been used for dehumanize people w ID, for deny rights n dignity, for deny education, for deny services n help, for forced sterilization, for involuntary institutionalized in abusive institutions with horrific abuse & neglect to point of barely alive or straight up death, for basically murder even.
in fact, word still in laws. many them old laws but still in affect n can be (& is) used any time to deny rights of people with ID.
while it really unfortunate n bad that be bullied n be called that word. as someone who been bullied with that slur, am sorry but that simply not on same level as this systemic level of abuse behind this word.
when be called r slur when not have ID, is comparing you to people with ID. is say you near/just as bad as them.
can’t reclaim something that never about you in first place.
especially when people most affected by slur (aka people with ID) want it disappear forever.
plus. many people without ID’s idea of “reclaim” that slur is just. use as insult. use as deprecation, use as self deprecation, use as poke fun of self. wow look am nearly as bad as people with ID.
while all not even bother learn what ID is n history behind people with ID n advocate for people with ID. (does person you talk about even know what it is. that it is intellectual functioning + adaptive functioning + symptom before technically 18 but usually before child. that it not same as dyslexia dyscalculia dysgraphia. do they say “intellectual disabilities” “an intellectual disability.” do they know what ID look like. do they know what severe profound ID look like. can they name one person with ID. just one. by name.)
disability’s not like gender sexuality. disability’s not like queerness. some experience may overlap but most things, can’t just copy paste because simply not same.
why you wanna say slur so bad. why you wanna collect slurs like it cool rocks so bad.
wow. you so cool n edgy n original (sarcasm)
if want able say & “reclaim” “fun” slur so bad. then also have hundreds (n thousands bc people with ID existed before it documented by modern western doctors) years of oppression & abuse & life lost that come with it. have the mistreatment n abuse that people with ID experience now—n. if that’s case. would be extremely lucky if even able make this far n be able to sit here use your communication privilege to talk about how want “reclaim” a fucking slur. because. did i mention people with ID are treated horribly.
denied education denied communication denied autonomy denied life changing therapies & help & aides. denied personhood.
still. today.
think that’s all
(tone = not mad at asker. just wish people dare think about anything other than themselves. just tired of this same old thing. am tired. my friends with ID double that. triple that. unspeakable amounts. but yeah am mad.)
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ohwormwood · 17 days
i've lost my goddamn mind: rambling on parallels in isat and frankenstein
i need to write this down so i can try and defend my ass because it sounds crazy until you read the goddamn book and suddenly IT ALL MAKES FUCKING SENSE.
[woe, spoilers be upon ye! for both isat and frankenstein of course]
for context: i am a gender studies minor. i write on queer theory for funsies. and sometimes i like to let my hyperfixations melt together like cheese. this is the result.
Siffrin and victor. it's the fucking rampant mental illness for me. i cannot stress how many times i stopped mid-chapter and went "theyre the same fucking picture". it's fucking uncanny at times. The absolute extent of their self loathing is so in tandem that it's kind of scary. Both of them, despite not being directly involved, hold the weight of the deaths of their loved ones upon themselves (even if in Siffrin's case it was temporary, the point still stands). They both love their families so dearly???? like, to the point of self destruction and death. The absolute terror of losing your family to a force you cannot control, created by your own hand???
"I often suffered my mule to lag behind, and indulged in the misery of reflection. At other times I spurred on the animal before my companions, that I might forget them, the world, and, more of all, myself." (Shelley 67) Hello???? Siffrin???? is that you
So, as you probably guessed.... Loop is the creature in this case. The foil. The reflection. the absolute anguish of being denied humanity and comfort and love but having the capacity and inclination to love a family you cannot obtain. The simultaneous scorn yet codependence upon the other half they didn't get to choose, a need for revenge but also a profound and all-consuming self-hatred and remorse??? the self-denial of love???
"my heart yearned to be known and loved by these amiable creatures: to see their sweet looks turned towards me with affection" (Shelley 96) Head in fucking hands. loop watching the party. ough.
"if i cannot inspire love, i will cause fear" (Shelley 107) LIKE. MOTHERFUCKER. OUGHHH.
the fact that victor cannot fucking die for the vast majority of the story, spurned on by revenge and grief and self-loathing.... yeah act 5 siffrin...
I see this as like. the ISAT bad ending. Two Hats if loop had a lil chat with the king and went off the deep end. Or just loop, if they had no concept of their former self. if siffrin was a true frankenstein in that situation, i think that loop would definitely end up as a true version of the creature.
both siffrin and victor feeling undeserving of their family's love because of their actions
Oh here's the one that will send ppl over the edge: "or longed, with a devouring maladie du pays..." (Shelley 139) When i tell you I fucking almost yelled in the middle of work. I had to take a fucking pause. because the topic of homesickness and love for one's culture comes up a LOT in both of these. even if siffrin doesn't remember it.
Sidenote: i will forever and always hold in my heart that victor is ace. i am literally writing a fucking theoretical essay on this. I cannot explain here how much i have picked apart every allusion to this over the course of the text. it's genuinely a problem.
"You hate me; but your abhorrence cannot equal that with which I regard myself." (Shelley 170) i. i cannot say anything else about this but. Loop. yeah.
something something, fallen angel motifs in both the creature and loop
the creature's overseeing of the family in the cottage makes me think a lot about how loop would have seen their family interacting with who they could have been/used to be every fucking loop. but being unable to do anything about it. and then when they DO meet them. they do not recognize them and see them as inhuman. i simply fucking cry.
Anyways to end on a lighthearted note: isa is my walton. hopelessly gay. devoted to a fucking fault. secretly holds the braincells. the most loving man on gods green earth. Sympathizer 1000. Yeah.
did i need to do this? no. does it make any logical sense? absolutely fucking not. but am i going to be thinking about this for the next 3 weeks? yes. yes i am. thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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nothorses · 2 years
re: your recent ask abt terf recruitment
Long ask, but your anecdote struck a cord as I had a very similar experience to you when it comes to hidden terfs online
I was a younger and less experienced in online spaces, I had no idea what a terf was (had originally assumed it was some garden variety Internet insult not to be taken much note of) and ended up following a terf that didn’t openly say they were a terf (but openly labeled themself a radfem, another label I was only vaguely aware of)
I was very lucky that I had also followed ppl who were anti terf and one of their posts on identifying terf rhetoric set off alarm bells, which led to me digging into the other persons blog and realizing the “predatory men” they referred to were actually trans women
This revelation led to a lot of self reflection of how I ended up in the early stages of terf recruitment, especially the “men bad” mindset I was prone to (which is how I was drawn in in the first place), but the idea that I had thoughtlessly agreed with such beliefs was obviously horrifying to me
It’s because of this experience that I get so frustrated with many ppl who seem to be unable to pick up terf rhetoric and gotcha tactics without a neon sign saying they hate trans women in specific. Especially bc I see so many ppl who openly say they’re anti terf & anti transphobia but blatantly and thoughtlessly regurgitate terf talking points (men bad, equating genitalia/hormones to personal morality, aspec & bi/pan exclusion, “q slur”, etc etc)
The idea ppl seem to have that they’re magically immune to terf rhetoric bc “well I don’t hate trans women” is so dangerous, the most dangerous thing to believe when it comes to a pervasive ideology is that “I could never be tricked into believing that” when clearly you can! Many are! Without even realizing who they’re agreeing with!
And when ppl DO get called out and told that it’s terf rhetoric many bury their heads in the sand and deny it
It’s just so disheartening, I don’t know how ppl expect to prevent terfs recruitment if they refuse to acknowledge how they gain foothold and exploit pre-existing mindsets in the first place
God, yes, all of this.
imo, people who have actually been through and seen how TERF recruitment works are also the most valuable resources we have in learning how to prevent it. I interviewed an ex-Radfem a while back, and the insight is genuinely so helpful.
(I also have a couple of other people I asked to interview before I left for camp and never followed up with 😬 if that's you, I'm sorry, and I will probably try to DM you again soonish in case you're still down for that.)
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ca-suffit · 2 months
I was going to say this off anon but I have a second blog for iwtv and I don't want the og one out in the fandom kind of. But I never understood why people say Louis was abusive to lestat and the instances they point out are a) neglect b) not being affectionate c) withholding affection. Which like. Ok. Maybe my inexperience but I just don't think not giving love back in this instance is abusive. Because I genuinely do think he wasn't capable of love in those times. Like early on we see him lying to his family juggling 3 roles to spend time with lestat and shopping dates and what not. He was loving. And then HIS CHILD RAN AWAY. i don't think any caring parent is capable of love in that time. And then there's his malnutrition which ofc lowers his sex drive and the mental toll malnutrition takes is depression and anhedonia. But to call that manipulation??? To call that abuse?? Withholding affection as abuse in this case? Like mf What makes you think he was capable of love you can't deny something you don't have/aren't capable of!? His child is missing. His child is gone do you get it??? He's supposed to be making date plans??? Ik withholding affection and then lovebombing is a thing for abusers but ffs. He's depressed that's why he isn't loving when you're depressed you're literally not capable of it because your brain has drained all of it out WHAT DO YOU MEAN WITHHOLDING LOVE? Same with Armand. His child is dead. A part of Louis died with her. Is he supposed to be ffs. I don't want to type anymore. And ykw both these partners have the power to leave at any time. If you're not getting love that's what you do i get lestat why he wouldn't in America like he'd be pretty much alone and Armand always had that choice too. It's their specific personalities which made them stick with him but at the same time.my guy you're both more powerful than him fucking leave if it's so bad. But that's what love does and they stayed but at no point was it abusive on Louis' end?? At no point did it justify the abuse he's met with at lestat's or armand's hands??? And there's always intent behind abuse and if Louis' is not loving it's not because of some scheme. No his child is missing. The child.is also female and tiny we know what happens to them when they're alone how tf do you not get what state he'd be in?? And to expect love from him? And that's what's actually funny to me about both lestat and Armand like they really didn't think about what the loss of a child would mean to both their respective relationships with Louis. Like they really thought a parent could chill live laugh love with them while his child is gone. Ok. Sure why not. Um yea. Sorry for the long rant. Anyway I just don't think withholding affection applies to anyone here least of all Louis and never Louis no matter what the "pAtTeRn" is with him. No the pattern is depression brought on by the loss of his child. If you had actual brains you'd make that connection but no. No. Since this is the abusive partners yaoi show we have to see abuse where it isn't and minimize where it is. It'll be wonderful when Marius the guy who does loooooooove children will show up. Then we'll surely talk about love and loss and see the connections
ppl just made shit up bcuz they needed to soften lestat tbh. then armand to a degree too.
the angle never was "what are louis' partners doing to help him thru these bad times." it was always "louis isn't loving *them* enough!!" louis is also younger than *both* of them and comes from a different life experience which is still alive for him too, unlike their individual experiences and/or traumas. armand is still experiencing racism but it's not like the antiblackness louis and claudia face.......which then ends up in the trial too?! which *both* louis nb partners have a part in???
u bring up a good point for the marius angle too. this fandom makes me sick lol.
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soaps-mohawk · 6 months
I saw you mentioned that you have been playing COD since 2011?!?! Omgg!! It's always nice to hear when ppl have been into something about the same amount of time as you have. I think I might have started in like 2009? I was literally like 10,11,12. Me and my cousin would watch my uncle play and then I was like I WANT TO PLAY TOO 😡 I remember me and my cousin playing one of the extra features on the game? Sorta of like zombies now but it was something else way back then I think. We ended up getting chased down my juggernauts in some house and got stuck in a bathroom literally fighting for our lives 😂 I've come a looong way from just playing the games to now playing the games and then scavenging the internet to find fics about them lmaooo
Yes!!! I started playing when the original MW3 came out!! I got a PS4 for Christmas and the game came with it lol. Of course, me having been denied video games up to that point went insane and thought it was the greatest thing I've ever played 😂
I was already very familiar with fanfiction at that point and there was a surprising number of fanfics for the originals. I'd say that's the first time I dipped my toes into the fandom, more as a spectator than a creator.
I didn't play again until Ghosts came out. I actually enjoyed it a lot. I still think it needs a sequel I cannot believe they just left us with that ending 😭
I didn't play the games again (well I didn't play any games at all) until 2020 when I bought myself a PS4. Then the lockdown happened and I decided to get back into the games and made my roommate at the time pull out her ps3 and played the original MW trilogy again. I got back into the fandom (which was still very small) and played through Ghosts again, played Advanced and Infinite Warfare and like one and a half of the Black Ops games. (I didn't really like them and couldn't get into the story. I know I'm sorry 😭). I bought the reboot Modern Warfare but then got distracted by a different fandom and it sat in my DVD case up until about 2022 when I went through and played the original series again and then broke down and played the first MW. This was pre-MWII reboot so the fandom was still very much small and almost nonexistent (at least on the platforms I was looking at).
Then I got back into it somehow this year. Honestly I cannot remember how. Probably was a tiktok or something 😭 and here we are!! The fandom exploded (love to see it) and I now have the most popular fic I've ever written 💚
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sonicreferencephotos · 7 months
I ALSO dont rlly like sss but u asking ppl not to play it is so funny T.T just bc its rlly not that fun? like i wouldnt exactly recommend it, but ur point of the devs not having much time to finish things is pure speculation. they have to develop things weeks/months in advance. theyre just shitty devs.
It's not just speculation. I have not personally worked for Gamefam, but me saying that the devs are getting crunched was based largely on the fact that Sonic Speed Simulator makes a point of advertising their weekly updates
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Obviously, they don't make an entire update worth of content in a single week, but they still have to move things along pretty quickly in order to have something ready to release every week.
Also important to note is that ex-Gamefam employees have made many allegations against the company, stating that there was a terrible crunch to push out content, that they were underpaid, that Gamefam threatened to take action against employees who discussed their wages — which is illegal by the way —and that they were terminated with little to no warning, including many who were allegedly laid off before the holidays. Details are below the cut.
An article from The Gamer included statements made by former employees. One employee claimed to have received an email informing them they had been fired three days after the date the email said they were fired on
"According to a screenshot of the apparent termination email, they were told on October 31 that they were fired on October 28"
Another specifically mentioned the crunch
"'While I was employed under Gamefam it was a constant struggle due to heavy crunching in the development team,' they continue. 'We were mandated to update Sonic Speed Simulator every week. this was a heavy toll on my mental and physical self [sic].'"
"Multiplesources [sic] put the lowest average Roblox salaries between $32,000 and $35,000"
Gamefam denied the allegations, which then led to more former employees speaking out about the poor work environment.
One employee, Joshua DeBoer, reported facing trouble after discussing wages with other employees. From a Games Industry article
"DeBoer claims that as he presented the salary concerns to CEO Joe Ferencz, the executive said, 'Do you think it's good to go among your colleagues and spread dissatisfaction? You need to be seen as a leader if you want to stay here long.'"
Bloxy News further elaborated
"DeBoer was then suspended for a week [...] According to a Tweet put out by DeBoer, Gamefam forced him to reveal by name who he was discussing wages with, and also threatened to fire him if he continued to do so. Gamefam also failed to pay DeBoer’s final paycheck with the company on time, and refused to let him exercise stock options after repeated attempts."
DeBoer took this to the National Labor Relations Board, resulting in Gamefam settling by giving him a $5,000 bonus, and sending a notice to all employees, shared by Polygon
“WE WILL NOT tell you that it is toxic or poisonous to the company if you talk to coworkers about pay,”
Maybe it's just me, but that feels like a very passive aggressive way to phrase that.
It's possible that the devs aren't very good, but even if that's the case, there's a lot indicating a toxic work environment built around crunch culture. It's true that my previous post about SSS included some of my speculations about why exactly the game has the issues it has, such as positing that many elements of the game are poorly set up in order to encourage microtransactions, but the idea of the devs being rushed is not purely based on my own assumptions.
I will admit to being a biased party, due to disliking the game but playing multiple hours a week to get reference pictures of the week's content before it's gone, but I have tried to keep this post mostly limited to known facts, or statements by people who have actually worked on Speed Sim.
People are welcome to play the game if they so desire. The main reason I add disclaimers is because, while it's ultimately their decision what games they play, I don't want to be the one encouraging people to play it.
Hopefully this helped clear things up. You can look at any of the linked articles for more information. You can also direct more questions to me, but as far as the allegations go, my knowledge is limited to what I found reading through those articles. This is definitely a longer response than you were looking for, but I wanted to give a proper explanation
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golbrocklovely · 1 month
Tbh on this whole Sam and Katelyn situation, i have no real opinion, cause obviously some bigger things must have happened behind the scenes, cause i doubt that Sam reacted this way just like this. I mean he wasn’t acting this way with Katrina and Colby didn’t unfollow her either. It’s a shame it was taken to social media and that Sam at least didn’t add to his message smth like “we are broken up, but please do not hate” yk, but tbh guilty is on both side. Katelyn was the one who kinda stirred into the pot which was a dumb move from her, because if she knows that Snc have bigger fandom made mostly of young girls who are basically in love with them, she should be more protective of herself and if she wanted to be petty, she could do it privately. Sam response was meh.. could be smth more mature for sure, but i could bet that something just happened behind the scenes, because even Colby unfollowed her, which is like weird to me, considering once again that Colby still follows Katrina who made a a song about Sam after their breakup (which is so good btw)
I am no hater of Katelyn or any of the girls around boys (i am here for ghosts and demons, not delusion) and didn’t send her any, don’t worry. I just say that i think people should stop taking any sides and be angry at people when they do not know the full story. Something must have happened bts that made both snc angry and it’s not our business to know, so i think it’s better to just move on and focus on the upcoming videos (especially am excited for the one with triplets )
i mean, i agree with you that there's definitely more that happened bts that we don't know about. every relationship is more than what it appears to be. only katelyn and sam know the real story on what happened.
the thing is, it's hard to compare relationships bc kat and sam one, ended on good terms (all things considered) and two, were together for almost a decade. so bc of that, there is a level of respect there, a level of friendship that was there, that katelyn and sam didn't quite have. and colby clearly unfollowed katelyn bc of her posting the pic, since it was so out of left field given that her and sam had been broken up for a couple weeks (by my guess).
like i mentioned in my other asks on this, what katelyn did was dumb. while i found it funny in the moment, i never thought it was the smartest thing for her to do. it was petty and childish and odd. i've never denied that once. that being said, she was always gonna be the loser in this scenario. not only did she lose the guy, but on top of that has been hated since the minute she came into the fandom, well before she did things that ppl claim are the "real reason" they don't like her (whatever that case may be). not only that, she doesn't have any true supporters. she gained an audience of both lovers and haters bc of sam. and while sam had every right to post his comment, or to post that story explaining he was single, there does come a certain point where in my opinion, he took it too far.
once he liked a post claiming katelyn was not a good person, she doesn't deserve all he did for her, she took advantage of him, she's a bad influence (which let's be honest is fucking rich coming from snc lol) AFTER liking a post that was nicer to both of them a couple hours earlier… that's where i think he did more harm than good. bc his fans saw that shit and literally all agreed that this was him giving the green light to hate on her more than they had been. and again, katelyn was never gonna win. i mean for fuck's sake, she was getting hated on before she ever posted the photo. and she wasn't even dating him anymore. and sam was only getting hated on this past year because he was dating her.
was it dumb for her to post the pic? yeah. but it was also dumb for sam to like a post basically saying "yeah go ahead and hate her, she's the worst". he has MILLIONS of fans. the only fans she has are ppl who are fans of him. who do you think ppl sided with?
and that's not to say that she's a good person in all of this. she probably did things she shouldn't have in the relationship. and vice versa, if we're honest. but she couldn't have done anything that bad considering the fact that colby was still following her up until she posted this.
like i've mentioned before, pettiness comes out of hurt. and clearly both of them are hurting, so i do feel for them there. but if i'm honest, i just expected sam to remain quiet on this, like he does with literally everything else. the comment made sense, the story was fine, everything afterwards felt like jabs to knock her down a peg.
and sure, she's posted clips that have been filmed by him and unarchived shit that was about him. big whoop. she still lost. i'm not on either of their sides, but i feel for katelyn a little more than sam.
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raveneira · 10 months
hi, do you think when sarada awoken the mangeko (as much as i wish that trashy awakening wasn't real it unfortunately is) because of she cared for brto and was a die hard fan or was she just really upset that no one belived her and thought she was spouting nonsense? for me i low-key feel that it is the latter since sarada seems to have more concern for herself and the fact that she thinking that everyone denying her reality affected her so much to the point of awakening ms? it's still bad tho
Unfortunately if we're being realistic, nobody fkin knows what triggered it, there are two primary theories in the fandom and both are factually false
1 She was overwhelmed, everybody suddenly hunting/attacking Boruto, hearing Naruto was killed, her father not believing her, and finally her desperate plea for him to save Boruto is was caused her MS
2 her immense love for Boruto and fear of him being killed is what triggered it
Both of these are factually wrong, others may wanna live by Ikemoto's bs rules but Im not, Kishimoto didnt spend 15 yrs establishing this power up for us to just be like 'well none of that matters now cuz Ikemoto did different' stfu, the original creator >>> an incompetent assistant that constantly says fk what Kishimoto established in his own verse to make whatever bs plot/scenario he needs to work. In this case, he needed 'change Boruto's fate' and justify Sasuke leaving with Boruto for 3 years so he pulled that omnipotence bs and then made Sarada awaken her MS solely to convince Sasuke to believe her, there was literally no other purpose than that.
So for a memory refresher, why is her MS awakening factually wrong? because neither of the explanations people give are how the MS WORKS.
This is literally in part one where we're first introduced and explained to how the MS is obtained.
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Itachi says you have to kill your closest friend to obtain the MS which isnt a lie, but its not the entire truth either, but the general idea is the same as I will show here where we get more detail.
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Tobirama, like Itachi, are correct in their statements, but once again it is not the entire truth either because as we've seen several times the BASE Sharingan can evolve without feelings of hatred, but a strong desire to protect those dear to you, grief, and losing a dear loved one are all triggers for the Sharingans evolution, this is further proven by the fact that Kagami and Shisui never fell into the 'curse of hatred' and still had fully evolved Sharingan, Shisui even had MS despite wanting to follow a completely pacifistic path.
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Now lets go over the actual difficulty in how it is obtained, lets look at the databook first, I took the liberty of highlighting the relevant parts for those who like to stay in denial whenever this topic comes up.
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A cursed ocular ninjutsu only obtainable through great sacrifice.
Through the entire history of the Uchiha clan, it was rare for a member to be able to weild the Mangekyou Sharingan.
Here's the part I want you to keep in mind going forward because I WILL be coming back to it later.
Through the entire history of the Uchiha clan
Remember that for later, now moving on to the next point, ok so thats databook statements but what about in verse? the same thing.
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It was rare to obtain the MS, the clan would literally slaughter eachother trying to gain it to no avail because its NOT a simple and easy thing to obtain, otherwise everyone in the Uchiha clan would've had MS if it was just as simple as killing your own kin or being overwhelmed etc [refer to the bs reasons ppl give for why Sarada gained hers] but it actually took SPECIFIC requirements to gain, and we were shown what those were several times.
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I think you notice the common theme here, Obito got his MS from seeing his best friend kill Rin, his first love, Kakashi got his at the same time from the act of killing Rin by accident, Itachi got his from watching Shisui commit suicide, Sasuke got his after killing his brother and then learning the truth about Itachi and his clan.
The theme is clear, the requirements to awaken it are even more clear, there is literally no amount of gaslighting anyone can do to overrule whats literally been consistently shown in the canon danm manga by the original creator himself.
'Oh yall just wanted Sarada to be edgy like everyone else Im glad her MS was different' is the stupidest response to this, nobody said they wanted her to be edgy, they just want her danm MS to follow the rules that have been established for 15 years. Also Shisui wasnt edgy and he had MS, so I dont even know how anyone thinks thats a gotcha anyway, she could literally still be the loving Sarada she's always been and still get MS because hatred isnt the only way the Sharingan evolves. I dunno why someone actually thought that was a rebuttal, but it just goes to show how ignorant these ppl are about how the MS works and only care about things being 'different' instead of caring about the actual worldbuilding.
Now lets move onto Sarada, her base Sharingan, although lackluster, still evolved in a way that was consistent with what was set up in OG. She awakened her sharingan for the first time due to her years of pain and longing of missing her dad and then being overjoyed when she was finally about to meet him at last. This wasnt unusual because Sasuke awakened his third tomoe because of how overwhelmed he was that Naruto considered him a brother, his first bond, and his dear friend, despite Sasuke literally trying to kill him right now and cut ties with him, Naruto's sincere love for him made his final tomoe appear. This is why the base Sharingan evolving in this way is not unusual, as long as the emotions are strong enough and struck a cord with them, then the Sharingan will evolve.
This is not the same for MS though, it is a completely different eye with a completely different set of rules, this is why Sarada's awakening is complete ass and not only that but literally breaks the rules of the verse.
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Keep this in mind, she hears Naruto, her idol, the man who she aspires to be like, who at one point she wished was her dad, is dead, but not only that, she hears Mitsuki say hes going to kill Boruto. Remember this for what Im about to say next.
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This is several minutes after she was told Naruto was dead and that Mitsuki was going to kill Boruto, her eyes didnt budge when she heard Naruto was dead, nor did her eyes budge hearing literally EVERYONE is actively hunting Boruto now.
At the very least the news of Naruto's death was more in line with how the MS awakens, so if she heard that and got her MS from it then it wouldnt have been all that difficult to accept, but unfortunately thats not what happened, she just sat there and cried, no reaction to Naruto dying, and no reaction to hearing and seeing Mitsuki trying to kill Boruto.
So what did trigger it? her being overwhelmed? false because thats what she was in the panels I've shown, she had been sitting there for several minutes with all this chaos goin on around her and no MS, not even her dad not believing her is what triggered it, literally NOTHING anyone tries to say it was triggered it, your literally looking at the panels, her eyes didnt BUDGE.
So what did trigger it then? if none of that did it then what did?
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I shit you not, I cannot make this shit up, what triggered her MS was literally because 'Why cant Boruto ever catch a break?'
When I tell you my blood boiled reading that line words cannot describe the rage I felt because the total and I mean TOTAL disregard of everything, EVERYTHING that has happened to her dad, her idol Naruto, and Kawaki was infuriating because she NEVER asked why they cant catch a break, but now all of a sudden because poor Boruto is going through it right now all of a sudden its too cruel.
Her father lost his eye and got fatally beaten up by both Borushiki and Isshiki, Naruto was nearly killed by Isshiki and Borushiki, Kawaki was hunted down by Delta, Code, Isshiki, and Momo, Amado put karma back on him without his permission or anyones knowledge, Kawaki was slowly being consumed by Isshiki through his karma the same as Boruto was with Momoshiki and she didnt give af about NONE of that.
She didnt give af about ANY of it, know who she did tho? Boruto, in chapter 69 who is she telling Mitsuki she feels bad for being unable to protect? Boruto, who is she angry at herself for not being reliable for? Boruto, who does she want to get stronger for so she can help them more? Boruto. This is literally right after Naruto nearly died, Kawaki nearly died, and Boruto nearly died, but the only one she gave a danm about was Boruto.
So you want the real answer to what triggered her MS? Ima be real with you, its honestly anybodys guess because Ikemoto is so bad at properly building up and portraying things clearly compared to Kishimoto, you can see clearly what the MS triggers were for everyone I showed and it isnt up for debate, its clear as day, but Sarada? you literally have to friggin guess because it just pops up so randomly your caught off guard wondering where tf that even came from.
Im not even kidding I've reread this scene so many times and I can NOT pinpoint what the trigger actually was, the only thing I can say is that the turning point was Sumire telling Sarada the cause of everything thats going on, Sarada then falls apart more because 'This is too cruel, why cant Boruto ever catch a break' which again is complete bullshit but I digress...so then she pleads for her dad to believe her and help Boruto because he's innocent but Sasuke doesnt, this is supposedly where the shift happens because her eyes are hidden during these panels.
She basically tells her dad that even if none of this makes sense to him, just to please trust her and grant her this one selfish request, aka saving Boruto.
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Im not even kidding but...this is just so danm bad for her...like if I were to be completely generous and unbiased here then I can only make one conclusion from whats been laid out here and that is that her MS awakened simply because she desperately wanted her dad to save Boruto, she wanted her dad to do her this favor no matter what, she wanted him to do it so badly that her MS awakened.
That is the only explanation that can be taken from this, and that is why this is rightfully seen as the WORST MS awakening we've ever seen and why its a complete and utter disappointment because look at this shit, LOOK AT IT, she's just standing there crying and beggin daddy to help when she's had the chance to do something her danm self.
Remember earlier when she heard Mitsuki say he was gonna go kill Boruto? if she was that concerned why she aint go try to stop him? she heard everyone else out to hunt him too and yet she didnt try to go protect him from them either, I mean she could jump infront of Boruto to protect him from KK, she could jump infront of Boruto to protect him from Kawaki, she can abandon her mission to come save Boruto from Shojoji, but FOR SOME REASON she cant stand up and protect Boruto from all the people hunting him right now? her childhood friend this fandom swears up and down shes madly inlove with? she cant stand up and protect him when he needs her the most!?
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I aint sayin I wanted her to be the one to leave with Boruto hell no, but leaving with him and protecting him are two entirely different things, she could've easily saved him from Inoshikacho, Chocho would've definitely tried hearin Sarada out, Sasuke could've arrived and Sarada tries to appeal to all of them there, most likely Inojin and Shikadai wouldnt believe her, Chocho is her best friend so she'd know atleast something has to be wrong for Sarada to be so insistent, and Sasuke would be the most inclined to believe her because hes already witnessed something similar with the infinite Tsukiyomi, so is it really all that impossible that Ada, who literally has Otsutsuki dna, to mass brainwash ppl? Sasuke could've told Inoshikacho to leave and let him deal with Boruto and then thats when they discuss Sarada staying behind and Sasuke leaving with Boruto for the time being.
There was no NEED for MS to achieve that, all it would've taken is a little time and effort and CARE to make that ending WORK without having to throw in a forced af power up to justify it because you were too lazy to actually write something that made sense.
But if she MUST have gotten her MS before part one was over, I can show the best opportunities they could've made it happen at.
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Kawaki was about to kill Boruto, she tried asking him calmly what is going on but Kawaki just tells her not to interfere if she doesnt wanna die which shocks Sarada because this isnt like Kawaki at all, they were all friends and teammates and not long ago Kawaki was on edge trying his hardest to protect Boruto and now hes suddenly trying to kill him. Boruto told her to run but she refused and chose to protect him anyway despite Kawaki being serious about killing her if she interfered, however when actually faced with that reality she froze which resulted in Boruto saving HER instead and losing his eye.
This was a good place for MS to awaken because someone she thought was a friend is now trying to kill her other friend, her friend shes known since childhood and she cant understand why. She thought she could protect him but failed to be able to follow through and that caused her friend SHE was supposed to be protecting to end up protecting HER and losing his eye because of it. She's feeling immense guilt, betrayal, frustration, helplessness, and now she knows for sure that Kawaki really will kill both of them without hesitation.
However for this to work the scene will have to be changed a bit, Kawaki would knock Sarada out of the way cuz she isnt who he really wants to kill and then proceed to seemingly kill Boruto right infront of her before she can react in time to stop it, I say seemingly because Momo has consistently saved Boruto from otherwise fatal/irreversible injuries. Anyway after Kawaki seemingly deals the fatal blow, Sarada's MS will awaken, right then is when everyone arrives to restrain Kawaki, things play out relatively the same but only even more hostile since he apparently killed Boruto, eventually after their back and forth Boruto wakes up but its Momoshiki in control now same as the manga and he helps Kawaki escape the same way too, only difference is everyones not just shocked Momos helping but that Boruto somehow even survived, this is just another flex of Momos healing capabilities however.
Anyway thats one way she could've gotten MS that is consistent with the established rules of how the MS works.
The other moment that would've worked is the Boro fight, when everyone was getting taken out one by one and seemingly all about to be killed and Sarada was helpless on the ground after being crushed, that was more than enough reason for her MS to awaken as Boruto, Kawaki, and Mitsuki were all out cold and as good as dead.
Unfortunately neither of those happened, and thus were given the weakest, stupidest, most lackluster MS awakening in Uchiha history. Speaking of Uchiha history, remember that like I told you to remember? this is why.
A cursed ocular ninjutsu only obtainable through great sacrifice.
What did Sarada sacrifice for her MS? nothing, she sat there and cried and then begged her dad for help.
Through the entire history of the Uchiha clan, it was rare for a member to be able to weild the Mangekyou Sharingan.
THROUGH THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE UCHIHA CLAN, it was RARE for a member to obtain the MS
Keywords, through the entire history of the Uchiha clan, so tell me Saradas MS is bullshit deniers, why was it SO RARE for Uchihas throughout their ENTIRE history to gain the MS if all it took was being a little overwhelmed and scared? this clan faught WARS, children DIED loved ones DIED Uchihas [and Senjus] lived in constant fear EVERY SINGLE DAY and they NEVER awakened it it from that, not even through killing their own kin willingly to gain the power up worked, so please tell me how Sarada can just change something THATS NEVER BEEN A THING in the ENTIRE history of the Uchiha clans existence, please tell me how you think Sarada can just completely change history just by crying and begging.
You cant, because its bullshit and you know it, the MS was rare for a reason, it took SACRIFICE, it took LOSS, you didnt gain it by just sitting on your ass crying and doing nothing, being scared wasnt enough to trigger it, being overwhelmed wasnt enough to trigger it, fearing for your loved ones life wasnt enough to trigger it, but you want me to believe suddenly NOW it is? do you have any idea how disrespectful that is to the entire Uchiha clan to say that none of them ever had to die, they just simply had to be in a chaotic situation [which they were] and cry about it and boom, every single Uchiha could've had their MS easy peasy.
Gtf outta here man and just be real, her MS is bullshit plan and simple and it breaks the established rules of the verse created by Kishimoto himself. IN NO WAY is simply desperately wanting your dad to save your friend enough to awaken your MS, maybe evolve your base Sharingan, but not MS.
So yea to answer your question, the most accurate conclusion to be had from this scene, although factually incorrect for the rules of the verse, In Ikemotos verse however, Sarada's MS awakened because of her desperation for her dad to save Boruto, she wanted that so bad her MS awakened as proof of just how desperate she was for her dad to grant her request, that is the truth of what triggered it.
Im not saying this happened out of some romantic love she has for Boruto, no, but thats still her dear friend shes known her entire life, I dunno why ppl treating her MS awakening in reference to him means she loves him romantically...like I literally saw a tiktok recently where Sarada says 'I awakened my MS for you' and when asked why/how she saids 'Because I like you' and I was just like 😑 yea no wonder people keep defending this garbage, they really do NOT understand how the MS works at all. Out of all the Uchiha's we've seen awaken MS, Obito was the only one who did out of romantic love, the rest was familiar or platonic love, so why her MS awakening is somehow proof of her romantic love for him that till this day is still unconfirmed is beyond me but whatever, these ppl will stay delusional no matter what the facts same so yea, I hope this was able to answer your question.
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will80sbyers · 1 year
Why do you think it is so common for ppl to confuse Will's character with Mike? Because honestly the takes i keep seeing here makes me think that some ppl just completely missed the canon and events in the story.
I don't think it's a question of confusing their characters but mostly of believing a headcanon that people have written and imagined a lot about, even if we don't actually have that confirmed in canon yet, it is possible they will confirm it maybe, I can't know for sure yet!
In my opinion it makes more sense for Will to be the one really struggling with internalized homophobia(but already making steps to accept himself) and for Mike to be more accepting of his queerness and so help him to accept himself too by being ready to be with him immediately because he follows his heart before all the social conventions around them and has experienced way less homophobic hate on his skin and sees being different as a positive thing... Otherwise if both Mike and Will are wallowing in deep internalized homophobia I don't think byler happening on screen would be realistic tbh especially if Mike is suicidal over it I don't see it happening in a decent way... instead Will is already on his journey to overcome that and has to just take the last step and in that case it makes sense for byler to happen naturally when he does take the last step
But that's my opinion, if I have to be fair in the canon of the show for now Mike is not yet being revealed as queer so we should say that in theory he's straight or we just don't know yet, but people have spent many hours thinking about that interpretation of the text where he's gay and they think some things in the show point to that so they take that as a confirmed thing...
I don't think it's wrong to have a headcanon and they should be allowed to talk about it!
The only thing I don't agree with is diminishing how much Will thinks of himself as a mistake for being gay and how in the text of the show that's being acknowledged now, he even has a mental breakdown on screen because he couldn't deny his feelings anymore... saying he's okay with being gay is just completely ignoring his own words, things are getting better but he's still scared of telling the people that he loves the most, he's crying and can't even tell Jonathan he's right when he understands that Jonathan knows... He lived homophobia on his skin growing up and was abused by his father and the people around him, it's not easy for him and he does repress his feelings on screen, saying he's okay with it it's clearly a lie!
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crayonon · 2 months
Here’s the fated relationship post. Under the cut is all the relationship stuff between each and every “canon” Comet ship and why it will or won’t be in the comic. Here we go!
Doolly/Winternight: I feel like this has some potential. They’re both sort of introverted so maybe they can find some common ground in that area. Both would feel some kind of… jealousy for the other’s life? Polly would want nothing more than to be left alone and Doom wants to be seen as wanted by people. Strangely enough, opposites attract in this case. They will be the only married couple on the polycule, and will have a child.
Barruni/FactFiction: There is no chemistry, they will just be friends.
Pollarry/Northern Lights: Polly in this has little to no feelings for Barry. In this I feel like it’d be hard to imagine it having feelings for almost anyone. When it first got its TUC, it noticed how everyone started acting different. I imagine it was a school outcast before and didn’t really have the social skills for any friends. Until it got TUC, then everyone wanted to be its friend. After that, she had built a guarded personality, assuming that anyone who even liked or showed romantic interest in her just liked her because of base instincts, and in Barry’s case she was right. Barry’s infatuation just made her uncomfortable. There was one who didn’t like her, though…
Polluni/Kissmas Story: Uni was the only one who didn’t like her back at the hospital. At first she was confused about why. What did she ever do to her? But after a while, he realized that he almost forgot what it was like to actually have someone think negatively of him. Call him crazy, but it was… almost refreshing. His interest grew from there, and he decided to make a deal with Uni. They don’t bother her, she doesn’t bother them. Maybe after a while they can be acquainted. After a while, the feelings got stronger, but it wasn’t the cold. After the release, and after Polly gets their treatment (I’m gonna also be combining my Defrosted AU into this), they expected Uni to no longer be interested, but instead they marveled at the newfound softness and warmth of their fur, and the beautiful color that sprouted as a result of the treatment. It was all over at that point. They are dating, but they don’t have any children.
Doomi/Darkmagic: Maybe in another timeline where Doom wasn’t part of an organization where he had to kill ppl? But I can’t deny that I like the ship, so I’ll make it true for this AU. They are dating and they have a child.
Doomry/Labrat: No chemistry, plus they hate each other. Roommates. I don’t see it personally but I feel like their dynamic works better as a slow, cautious friendship rather than a romance. I’d like to think they’d start to be allies for each other as time goes on. Maybe it would later turn into a will they-won’t they situation? No kids in the end, either way.
Chem will not exist. Same goes for Ally, Eve, Sly, and Wendy. 2 kids :3
Outside Families
They will all be relegated to family friends and aunts, uncles, or auncles, and all of their relationships will be tweaked too
For one, all of Hemmie’s additional qpps are gone, it’s too much to keep track of, she’s only gonna be qpps with Carrie. But they won’t have a child.
Only Jay and Till will be together, since I feel like there would still be some raw spots in they and Carrie’s relationship. Miley will only be with Bec and Jandy will be dating Carrie.
Carrie will live with the 4 as a roommate and will be qpps with Uni. Funfi, Lovella, and Piñata will still be together, but there is no romantic connection between Puppy and Piñata. Mood and Rem are still together and have Maddie (renamed to Madge).
That might be all of them, and in total we cut down on 14 children!!
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ca-suffit · 3 months
How do you rationalize the violence of the characters on this show? Imo, it's easier when it's self defense or when they're just killing to feed, specially the latter since most are just extras and we don't get to know or be attached to those characters. But there are more complicated cases, including physical and psychological abuse and literally everybody has been the abused and the abuser at some point. Not to/with each other, but definitely other people. There is power imbalance in all of the dynamics. Some may forget that since they keep jumping through timelines where things are perfectly okay or they're closer to making amends and making up. And also because the actors are friends and have chemistry on screen (speaking about the whole cast, not any duo in particular). But technically all main characters have abused each other. Nobody is "safe". So, where to draw the line? Psychological abuse? Physical abuse? The severity of the action (like continuously torturing someone who can't respond or match your strength is definitely worse than one punch, for example)? The frequency of the action, like, as long as it happened once it's okay? When a character is still redeemable/forgivable giving the fact they are immortals, so, in theory, they have eternity to better themselves and see if they can make it work? Or should they all be narratively punished (end up alone, suffering, locked up, dead etc)? What are your thoughts? Btw, I'm genuinely asking. I've become obsessed with this show recently and I haven't been able to talk about it with a lot of people, but I have these questions in my mind. Personally, the more I think about it, the less I know, tbh. It's part of why I love the show and I'm asking, btw. I want to see if I reach some conclusion lol. P.S. I understand if you can't/don't want to answer and I'm sorry this got too long. And if you do answer, feel free to make it long as well if you want, even if you want to make comparisons, add interviews etc. I love reading people's takes hehe. Anywa, thanks!
I don't try to rationalize it tbh. I think that's a goal of the show and the original books as well. What are u supposed to do if u have to "endure" each other forever? What still holds meaning if ur all immortal, how do u have relationships, hobbies, not get bored? Especially when everyone is born from trauma and sometimes that trauma was yesterday and sometimes it was 1000 years ago or 5000 years ago from a society u don't understand at all. How do u bring together so many ppl like that and not erupt on each other?
Trauma and mental illness and whatever else is not always pretty. Violent reactions to things are common and, at least in a society where punitive justice is the norm, we get used to putting these things in these boxes. "u did this bad thing so now ur going to jail / hell." The eternal question of the VC books is where do vampires belong, anyway? Where do they go when they die and for what reasons? Anne Rice never gives a v clear answer on this and it's not just bcuz she wasn't a good writer, the point rly is to just ask the questions. We don't have these answers as humans now, we can't confirm or deny if there's an afterlife and whether these things we do matter for a "soul" or not. We create social rules for many reasons but even those are not actually built on the back of "justice" the way ppl are made to think they are.
I don't think these stories are asking u to find a true "good" or "bad" character or characters. I think we're just meant to watch their choices and reflect on them, reflect on our reactions to them. The fandom's desire for Louis to have done something to "deserve" the drop is all about racism and nothing else. They blame Claudia for "manipulating" Louis into killing Lestat bcuz a black girl is never allowed to be a victim either. She's not even a girl to them anyway, adultification of black girls is another angle they use all the time ("she doesn't look 14 to me!"). They'll say look what Louis did to goad Lestat into fighting him more but they'll never say look what Lestat did to hurt Claudia and push her to that point, as someone who was acting as her parent for most of their lives together. That's always "ooc Lestat." What's happening on screen is a rorschach test for us as the audience and as individuals.
Like I wrote, I don't believe in punitive justice, so I don't think long term these stories are going to focus on that much. The trial was a sham to begin with and Lestat was never "rly" dead or meant to be gone forever. They're going to hurt each other and isolate each other in different ways, but if the show wants to focus on any real character growth, it needs to focus on ways the characters can learn to understand each other instead of banishing / killing each other. Relationships take real work like this too. Anne Rice could never write any of this but I'm hoping the show does. Seeing Lestat have awareness of the pain he caused Louis and the reasons he did it fr was a step in the direction I was hoping the show would go. The big question *is* how does a relationship recover from that? For immortals? How will it make others feel too, particularly Armand, if Louis and Lestat get back together? Will Armand reflect on his own abuse too? They all have a lot in common and they all want to be loved. If that's brought out into the open and treated with kindness and understanding, then the desire to maim and kill each other will greatly diminish tbh. Everything these vampires do to each other originates from a place of personal pain, feeling unlovable. "love is a monster" is one of the taglines for a reason.
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strangertheories · 1 year
I completely disagree with the other anon's take. When El defeated Vecna at the lab, she was able to hurt him, not outright kill him either. It is a parallel because in S4 she was able to seriously hurt Vecna again, even if she didn't outright kill him. Both situations are the same basically, in both cases she was able to 'defeat' Vecna without fully killing him. Also she got strength from Mike's words and that's how she was able to survive and bring Max back. That's not to say her love for Max did not play a role, but her getting strength from Mike's words were there too. It could even be a parallel to Max's memories, she used both Lucas and El (and her friends' love) to escape her demise before. C'mon. It is a blatant parallel, I am not sure how ppl can deny it.
No, I agree. Eleven loves Mike and I have no doubt his words encouraged her. Regardless of what you ship, they have a very strong emotional bond with each other and I think they do love each other, even if people debate whether that's romantic or platonic on Mike's side. I also think Eleven loves a bunch of other people, like her family and Max and I think her needing a bit of encouragement from the people she loves is not an issue. I've said it hundreds of times but I'd have loved to see Will and Johnathan cheering her on as well to further that message.
I just disagree that Eleven sees it that way if that makes any sense. I think they're building up between her and Mike arguing because she's scared that relying on him puts both of them at risk, even if needing others' support isn't always a bad thing. I also think that they're going to bring up Will's painting with the whole 'the heart' thing. Because Eleven didn't feel that way; Will did. And Eleven clearly did not commission the painting as she didn't even know what it depicted.
I also think the scene furthered the whole 'without heart we'd fall apart' message because I believe that even if Mike didn't romantically like El, he still would've cheered her on because that's the direction they're taking with his character. I really don't think we saw that in the earlier seasons (except S2 Mike, my beloved) and I think Will is the heart more than anything BUT that's what they're trying to do with that scene. I am aware of all the points of the scene and how it can be interpreted regardless of ships, even though I still don't like it as I think they should've had encouragement come from everyone. Hell, even Argyle could've joined it.
Thanks for the ask!
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