#just bc they watched disney channel and friends
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linogram · 8 months ago
everyday europeans find new ways to piss me off
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winwintea · 11 months ago
dreamies as your disney world boyfriend
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pairing ▸ boyfriend!dreamies x reader author's note ▸ i am working on the SERIES I PROMISE GUYS... it's just quite long... oops. i needed to channel my inner disney for inspiration for this sorry. the prompt seemed to make more sense in my head so i guess it's just, 'dreamies at disney' now lol. ALSO SOME DISNEY TERMINOLOGY in there i apologize. should make sense but if it's confusing ask me lmfaooo
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mark lee
photographer boyfriend obviously 
doesn’t even complain about how many photos you want to take
is actually dying inside but hides it away with dad jokes to cope with the pain
“it’s not even noon yet and dis-knees are killing me bro” 
will only complain about the heat 
“It’s like we’re on the surface on the sun dude… like satan’s armpit. that’s crazzzzyy.”
you couldn’t help but laugh
but then he just KEPT GOING
“it’s like we’re in the inside of a mouth… there are things sticking to things that-” 
and you cut him off right there.
can’t help the fact that bro is a D1 yapper.
will not wear mickey ears though no matter how much you beg him to :(  
favorite ride: slinky dog dash
least favorite ride: dumbo
huang renjun
the boyfriend that actually disney bounds with you
so y’all are disney bounding as nick wilde and judy hopps from zootopia (renjun’s idea)
chenle took him to shanghai disney once, so he’s a big fan of duffy and friends
oh how disappointed he was when he realized that the mascots don’t exist in WDW
“preferred parking? i would prefer parking to be free, thank you very much.” 
mood is very sour upon entering
“i know you’re cold but i did tell you to bring a jacket.” rude.
however once you two start collecting your first character signature he’s locked in
somehow more excited to meet the characters than the kids are? (ur 24. reality check!)
he gets more into it as the day goes on
although he already had fox ears on to begin with anyways
favorite ride: mickey & minnie’s runaway railway
least favorite ride: seven dwarfs mine train (it was too short)
lee jeno
foodie boyfriend 
wants a turkey leg like really badly 
“that guy has a turkey leg… sir- um sir- where did you get that turkey leg”
you have to bribe this man with food.
which honestly is okay by you because you just wanna take photos of the food.
"yknow with this ride being 50 years old, you'd think they could've made the boats a little bigger. have to man spread now" 
whatever you’re thinking of, that’s literally not what he meant. 
he’s an innocent lil guy. (seriously, it just came out wrong.)
holds ur hand on all rides. 
let’s you grab onto his muscles arms while you are nervous on the thrill rides
no mickey ears though. (it’s the bow that always throws them off)
favorite ride: rise of the resistance 
least favorite ride: teacups
lee haechan
out of pocket boyfriend who will not stfu
“bambi’s the only movie i really couldn’t watch… i could not be as strong as bambi” 
after you give him the, “wtf” look he just continues. on.
“cause if my mom died well… there goes my friend group.”
will randomly start singing disney songs in the middle of waiting for a ride. 
in those show/ride/attractions he’s the only one clapping and screaming. 
especially true for the beauty and the beast sing-a-long attraction, cause yknow he’s gonna scream his lungs out.
yeah he’ll wear mickey ears, but you bought him a goofy hat instead. It was more fitting.
“can’t believe disney made a character after me… should i sue?”
also complains a lot. way too much.
“EPCOT? more like every person comes out tired.”
favorite ride: pirates of the caribbean (he kept making a booty joke over and over again)
least favorite ride: toy story midway mania (bc he lost)
na jaemin
hardcore boyfriend photographer (pt 2) + ‘mom’ boyfriend
man knows all your best angles and where to take photos
“picture, picture over here… yes yes right… in front of the castle angel. oh that’s so pretty… in… in… down… up… okay! smile!”
you two spend like half the day taking photos, jaemin needs to show off his gf ofc.
cares for you the whole entire day, makes sure you drink enough water
aggressively refills your waterbottles every second he gets. 
“when it doubt, chug it out! (cue jaemin chugging his own bottle)
he unfortunately will not wear mickey ears. (jaemin i believed in you.)
he’s not the one being taken photos of, so no mickey ears for him.
“princess i don’t wanna hear it. the humidity is good for you. this is like nature’s pore declogging.”
favorite ride: frozen ever after
least favorite ride: none (bc he did everything with u <3)
zhong chenle
in between buying you everything and calling everything too expensive boyfriend
this man pulls you into that sus green building on main street, and your jaw drops.
club 33, is an exclusive, membership only restaurant at disney. it’s like an elite society filled with rich upper class, but at disney. (never been inside not sure how to describe it but oh boy is membership expensive.) the waitlist got so long in 2007, they closed it for 5 years. look it up on wikipedia disney lore goes hard
“i just asked a couple of friends, and they recommended me this place.” boy.
you’re panicking because you’re severely underdressed. (you’re in a jessie costume.)
he reassures you, since you’re at disney, and being dressed like this is normal.
once u have one of the most expensive meals of ur life, chenle drags u to every single thrill ride.
he also buys you a balloon and a bubble wand <3
but for some reason when you arrive at the gift shop he realizes he’s spent a lot.
“okay enough gift shop. look away from the gift shop. this vacation already has us in poverty.”
he’ll buy you a nice meal at one of the restaurants and then…
“we’re not getting churros they’re 5 dollars.”
no mickey ears either why do you even ask
“next time i’ll take u to shanghai, it’s better okay?”
favorite ride: tower of terror
least favorite ride: it’s a small world after all
park jisung
anti-disney everything boyfriend
gets frustrated at everything. cannot read the map.
when he goes on small world…
he severely questions his mental sanity. like actually guys i think he needs help.
“this ride is for kids.” 
the ride in question: the barnstormer! a 40 second kiddie roller coaster that has top speeds of up to 25mph!
literally jisung’s 13 reason. 
he was screaming his little heart out poor baby.
“I’m not wearing those. Stop.” you do not stop. “Take these off of me right now.”
he wears the ears for half of the day though so a win is a win.
“we’re going to the other park? we’re not going home? there’s 3 more??????”
favorite ride: none
least favorite ride: all
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talxe · 2 months ago
Reading the Iliad, Book 5 thoughts
This is my first time ever reading it and I know next to nothing abt greek mythology so if I interpret anything wrong by all means pls correct me
Im reading the Robert Fagles translation
Alotta shit happened my brain kinda died
Athena leads Diomedes into the middle of battle
Some guy throws a spear at Dio which just misses him. This angers him so Dio throws his spear back and kills him
Then she goes to Ares and suggests they sit this one out and watch the battle
Dio is fucking shit up. So much so, that's its hard to even tell which side he's supposed to be on
I think 2 ppl die in such a way it manages to cut off their tounges
A man named Pandaurs ends up shooting Diomedes in the shoulder and he begins to pray to Athena.
Athena hears him (what happened to sitting this out?) and gives him the strength of his father in the ability to see gods on the battle field.
And Athena goes "Don't fight any of the gods but If you see Aphrodite, spear her♥️."
People die Okay?
Pandaurs and Aeneas go down to jump Dio. His friend Sthenelus warns him to not fight them but Diomedes goes "Actually never tell me to not fight ever again.🤨"
The pair that went down to jumps Dio throw a spear at him which catched his armor but no Diomedes himself.
"You missed, fucking loser." - Diomedes
Athena guides Diomedes' spear and it like enter's Pandaurs' skull just below the eye and kills him. Brutal.
The Dio pick up a damn boulder and shatters Aeneas's hip. But Aphrodite is Aeneas's mother and she goes to takes him aways from the battle.
And. Diomedes. Fucking. Stabs. Her...LMAO.
So she goes crying to Ares bc holy shit a mortal just attacked a god and drew blood.
Then Aphrodite goes to Olympus and cries to her mother and she just tells her to get over it.
And all the Gods tell her to just stick to the whole love thing😭😭
THEN Dio tries to attack Apollo.
Aeneas gets healed.
Apollo goes to Ares who is still sitting down where Athena left him and tell him "Ur the god of war so go kill Diomedes or something idk."
So now Ares and rallying the forces on the Trojan side
Diomedes sees Ares and damn near shits bricks
Sarpedon and Heracles's son Tlepolemus start fighting. Sarpedon ends up killing him but not before Tlepolemus can injure him with a spear to the thigh.
Ody wonders if he should finish Sarpedon off but Athena knows it's not his fate to kill Sarpedon😀...so Odysseus goes off to kill other ppl
While his wound is being treated Sarpedon is freaking out bc he thinks he's dying so he beg Hector to stay with him.
Hector ignores him💀
Ares and Hector have a disney channel style cross over and are just killing so many people
And the greeks are like "Holy shit."
Athena and Hera ask Zeus if they can go and stop Ares and he says yes
"if Achilles was still fighting this would have never happened." -Hera
Athena talks with Dio and is like "Why do you keep stoping the the middle of battle? Not cool." Dio tells her "You literally told me not to fight any gods so i cant fight Ares." and Athena goes, "oh."
THEEEEENNNN Diomedes stabs Ares with his spear. Ares screams super loud.
Ares goes to Olympus and bitches to Zeus abt Athena.
Zeus tell him to get over it and stays if he wasn't his child he's be cast down with the titans. damn.
Nipples mentioned: 2
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nwjws · 2 years ago
getaways with jake
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; pairing - jake x gn!reader
; wc - 385
; genre/tags - fluff ig, just cute fun time w jake at the beach ; warnings - none i think, other than getting salty water in your eyes
; notes - relationship isn’t specified (he could be ur friend or bf or whatever)
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weekend getaways with jake would be SO fun
especially at the beach??
like you guys would just be lounging around your house on a lazy weekend
and he'll just suggest it
"let's go to the beach?"
let's go to the beach each
you two hop in his car and he just drives to one that's like A WHOLE HOUR AWAY.... 😨
but he insists bc "c'mon, it's pretty quiet there bc no one else really goes there"
he found it one day while walking layla to get his mind off things
and now he's bringing you there!! ☹️☹️ so cute
the drive there is definitely NOT boring either
you guys are blasting music with the windows down, the sun is beginning to set, the wind is getting in your hair
it's gonna be hella messy but that's a problem for future you
it's just so fun being with him in general
you guys finally arrive there and he immediately runs up to the shore
you follow him, the water going up to your shins
the breeze feels so nice on your skin
you’re just relaxing, closing your eyes as you listen to the waves crashing
and then water hits you
so you’re like “what the hell???????” 🤨🤨
jake starts up a water fight by flicking some at you
you get him back and send a whole WAVE of water at him
so now, you guys are just chasing each other, trying to see who gets the other more wet while laughing your heads off 😭😭
have fun coughing up the salty water that gets in your mouth :)
speaking of salty water, your eyes HURT SO MUCH by the end of the day
like they feel DRY DRY but keep tearing up too
jake’s just trying to hold his laughter in as he watches you rub your eyes furiously
which obviously doesn’t help, you’re just getting more salt in them
he honestly can’t say anything against you bc his eyes are also dry and hurt like hell 💀
you guys spend the night at a nearby hotel
it’s such a relaxing way to end the day
just watching the tv in comfortable silence
you’d def be watching bluey on disney channel and he’d be SO invested
it’s a weekend well-spent :)
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; author’s corner! hii first fic on here and i’m relatively new to using tumblr but anyways i wanted to get a few short stories out before i release a LONGG one shot i’ve been writing :))
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agentoffangirling · 6 months ago
As a kid, I recall that I was only able to watch certain types of shows. Disney Channel and Nickelodeon were completely off-limits, bc 1, we didn't want to have to pay for it, and 2, they taught "bad morals". Which meant the only content I consumed was PBS Kids
And hey, I'm not complaining about that. PBS Kids really and truly is a good channel, I give it credit to the person I am today. But if you were thinking that Nick and Disney were the only ones, oh no no, my parents' disapproval extended to other things
I was a really big fan of "Ever After High" when I was younger, and one time I invited a friend over to watch it with me. My mom walked in, wrinkled her nose, and asked us to change it. Later on, when I asked why, she said that the girls were too skinny and wore too much makeup
Which. I understand, it's important for young girls to not have self-esteem issues early on, but like
It's Ever After High. It has good lessons, if you're so worried about a bad influence, just tell them the body types are unrealistic and watch it with them. Easy. No need to shut it down for years and years lol
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danvillecheese · 2 years ago
why do u think act ur age is fucked
[cracks knuckles] alright. essay time. you asked for it.
I’ve done a similar response to this before here and mentioned something else about it here but I’ll go over it again since those posts are both from a while ago. also bear in mind I haven’t seen aya recently bc I don’t like it. okay let’s get into it
[also im gonna preface this saying maybe i sound very pessimistic but im ranting and its just gonna sound like im complaining because i am. i mean no real malice by the way. im simply a person with a blog.]
first off. they don’t use the show don’t tell as well as they could. in the what might have been montage, sure, they showed potential scenarios and how phineas felt (very briefly) when isa stopped visiting his backyard but it just feels so rushed. I get that they only had like 11 minutes to show it but idk there has to be another way to write it. or just not have it at all idk its just from a writing point of view the whole episode feels rushed and out of place from everything else continuity-wise. why not use little easter eggs planted in the show beforehand? operation crumbcake? pharmacists? meapless in seattle? god theres so many episodes with evidence that phineas liked her back even if he didnt know. just. continuity!!!!
second. why did their friends not try something sooner. it’s not like they didn’t know. like phineas seems to be okay with saying “i wish! i am so in the friend zone there” in front of his friends (that quote alone makes me lose my shit but that’s a whole other point) so clearly they knew about phineas. and isabella also wasn’t quiet about it (source: pnf s1-4). they had like four years of high school to do something and they planned it the day isa left for college? nah its just the least realistic thing ever for me. also them being 18 is like yeah okay maybe the slow burn was worth it and theyre way more grown up (i love a good slowburn) but ohhhhhh my god SURELY their friends were getting sick of them dancing around each other. just me?
third. and I’m sorry to ash simpson but oh my god I hate the character designs like They Would Not Fucking Look Like That. it almost feels like it completely disregards their arcs during the original summer. like yeah child chub disappears over ur teen years but sometimes it stays a little longer! make phineas less twiggy!! make isa look more like her mother! (am i about to redesign them again? whoops)
four. and i know this is no fault of dan and swampy but the show was about to end anyways and yet the entire friend group was paired off into hetero ships?? get fucking real. none of those kids are straight. realistically, i know it was a different time and gay marriage wasnt even legal in the us yet so it wasnt all that common to have queer romance on screen let alone on disney channel but like i said, the show was about to end. what were the disney channel execs gonna do? cancel it? lmao
five. "I am so in the friend zone there." "we are guys. we do not talk about our feelings." WHAT!!! i cant believe this shit is real. these lines of dialogue are canon. what the hell. what kind of message does that even send to younger, impressionable viewers? if ur a 10 year old boy watching that (ok fine maybe that isnt gonna stick with you forever but listen) and you go 'oh its okay to just bottle everything up and not tell my friends about my feelings about anything ever' that is insane! thats not how things should go!! like i get the whole "im so in the friend zone" and yes, this also has to do with the era but like if they wanted to be a more progressive cartoon that kids look up to and enjoy maybe they just. shouldn't have put that whole conversation in.
i barely have any problems with the b plot. in fact id watch the episode just for the kazoo solo. because that plot lines up with the continuity. i can totally see heinz having bowling night with perry and carl and monogram every week! i can totally see perry and monogram retired! and carl running owca and getting payed for it! that all checks out! that one makes sense and works with the canon! if they got that plot so right how did they get the a plot so wrong?
i can answer this question: fanservice. its an awful word, i know. act your age is a fanservicey episode which is why i think it crashed and burned. mml season 2 is rooted in the same issue: doof is very present and takes away from the original plot of the show. like, the one he wasnt even in until the last episode of s1. slightly getting off topic but it is the crux of the issue. fanservice doesnt make for good storytelling. even if it brings in the big bucks. at its core, telling the story the way it should be told is the best one. even if it pisses people off. a good portion of the viewers will still appreciate whatever ending the creators come up with. and no, im not saying phinbella shouldn't have become canon, in fact i really like the ship and all their dynamics, i just think they went about it the wrong way.
as someone who's written and published fic about them getting together in different universes (granted, they were from when i was younger so its mildly terrible. take them with a grain of salt) there are a lot of other ways to tell that story canonically. honestly, i think the best way of doing it was to keep it ambiguous. dont tell that story. let the viewers pick their own ending for phineas and isabella. maybe they dont get together after all. who knows!
thanks for the ask! hope you had fun getting lectured <3
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antiadvil · 3 months ago
Go to Disney Land with your family?
Go with Dan and Phil?
Have your very own super-successful YouTube channel?
Actually star in one of Dan and Phils vids?
Win £1,247,965,431?
Be best mates with Dan and Phil?
Play Pokémon Go all day long with the boys?
Play The 7 Second Challenge with them and win!
Smell like cheese for a month?
Never be able to watch a Dan and Phil vid ever again?
Have Dan send you one of his epic onasies?
Get to name Phil's next house plant?
Get free Starbucks for life?*
Have a Starbucks date with Dan and Phil?*
Get to do a supermarket sweep style dash around your fave shop?
Have the boys bring you loads of de-lish cake pops on your birthday?
Buy a Dan calendar?
Buy a Phil calendar?
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*It can be a different coffee shop that isn't starbucks
disney land- that's kind of hard because I don't really have any interest in disney land lmao. if I were to actually spend a full day with dan and phil i think i'd be so stressed i'd die so i'd probably just take my siblings ngl 😭
youtube- this one is easier lmao, I think I'd suck at being a famous youtuber or any kind of celebrity. I am the opposite of a people pleaser. and it's just not a career I think I'd enjoy. and I think starring in a dnp video would be fun! still nerve-wracking and I'd be a little scared of the phandom but I think it would be a good time!
money or friendship- I'm ngl here I think I'd probably take the money 😭 I love dnp but if we were actually friends then I don't think I'd really be able to participate in the phandom the same way and I love you guys and the time I spend here <3 I do have parasocial fantasies of talking to them and hanging out but I think they're better off fantasies. and that's a lot of money lmao
pokemon go or 7 second challenge- probably pokemon go bc i don't think i'd be good at the 7 second challenge and we would get to hang out for longer xD
smelling like cheese or never watching a dnp video again- CHEESE. I'll take the cheese. not all cheese even smells bad!! but even if it did, I can't give up my gaming videos.
onesies or plant- I would probably name the plant even though it would die. wtf am i going to do with a dan sized onesie he's like a foot taller than me
free starbucks or starbucks date- ohhhhhhh i'm ngl this is hard bc i LOVE to waste money on my little coffee shop coffees and it's not great for my wallet. so despite it being a poor financial decision i will take the coffee date with dnp lmao BUT THEY'RE PAYING they make way more money than me
shopping vs cake pops: aflhgjfdg i feel like this is really stereotyping teenage girls. i'm not teenage or a girl but i don't have a favorite shop. at all. i mean like. the grocery store? i go there a lot. the cake pops thing is oddly specific yet vague like. do they just drop them off and then run away? but I'll take those lol
calendar- I've never bought a calendar from either of them because we all know I am not going to use it lmao. I just look at the pretty picture scans other people post on the internet <3
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madlyn5ever · 9 months ago
Madlyn headcanons!
-Ashlyn calls Maddox Bub
-when everyone goes back to camp the next year, Ashlyn takes the bunk Maddox’s bed is on so that she can hold hands with her from the top bunk, and she starts writing her little notes and sending them down to her with a string. Maddox makes them a little mail box out of the wood she uses for sets so that she can send notes back. (They paint the mail box like Carl and Ellie in up)
-Ashlyn gets one of those shirts that says “I don’t need google, my girlfriend knows everything” and Maddox gets them both shirts that say “if lost return to Ashlyn” and “I’m Ashlyn” like that cute old couple with shirts that said “if lost, please return me to Dee” and “I’m Dee”
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-Ashlyn says I love you first, and Maddox is so stunned she literally can’t get any words out and had a panic attack cause she wants to say it back but didn’t know what to do on the moment. She ends up asking for tips from Big Red, who is more than happy to help, and she ends up going backstage at the barn at camp and working the stage managers panel to drop a note on a string
(like they would do in the honey comb) where she tells her she loves in the note. (Including that Bug Red helped, cause who else could’ve inspired that -after all his little things like the light up sign, who else was gonna help her think of something that cute-. everyone is waiting outside and being nosey -in a sweet way- to their cute moment)
-Madlyn goes on double dates with Big Red and Andy, -I’m thinking Bandy or Brandy for their ship name, idk. Do we know if they have one and what it is?)
-Maddox becomes good friends with Big Red and bc they’re both neurodivergent they have a sort of symbiotic understanding in certain things. Big red knows all the best spots in school to go for quite. when Maddox gets overwhelmed for the first time around him he takes her to one of his spots, and some time afterwards he shows her where they all are in case she’s in a retain area of the school and needs one
-Maddox is ace and Ashlyn isn’t but she doesn’t necessarily need anything more than to have Maddox by her side and she doesn’t mind going her whole life without that side of a relationship as long as she has Maddox.
(Maddox eventually voices her worries about that when she tells Ash that she’s asexual and subsequently tries to avoid her -Ash is too good at knowing her girlfriend and finding her in a room full of people to not track her down to talk about why she’s avoiding her- it goes very well but Maddox can’t promise her reaction to stress won’t always be her running away and trying to avoid the person or thing causing it)
-For their one year anniversary, Ashlyn gets Dewey Wood to keep the camp running late (they keep it open for field trips and events during the year until camp over the summer) and she gets EJ as Val to drive them to Cali and sets up a movie night where they watch Maddox’s favorite Disney Channel original movie, Camp Rock 2 (the final Jam)
-after opening night Maddox’s mom asks why the hell she put a chunk of a tree in her room until she see’s what’s on it and they have a cute moment where Maddox gets to tell her mom Ash is her girlfriend offically. Her mom’s just happy Madison is out of the picture (she didn’t know what it was but she never liked Madison), but she’s so happy for her cause Maddox has been unknowingly gushing about Ash for weeks.
-When Maddox tells Ashlyn she’s autistic, Ashlyn does some research and gets her a little stuffed animal with the weighted beads inside it, (you can decide what animal cause I couldn’t pick between a d purple triceratops-which is what I have- and a raccoon -this one feels very Maddox I can’t explain why-) (Maddox likes the pressure of it on the side of her face for some reason)
-one of the first times she was there when Maddox was stressed and feeling overwhelmed and had darted to of the the nearest places big red had showed her, Ashlyn went after her and turned off the lights and sat with Maddox on the floor. (Eventually Maddox leaned against Ashlyn and fell asleep from being drained)
-The Balloons, sat in Ashlyn’s room until they deflated, and after that until Gina convince her that they needed to go because they were literally taking up space on her floor just sitting in their original spot. Ashlyn compromised and kept one folded in her drawer (including the note from Madison about how the way she talks about Ash is the way people talk about someone when their falling for them)
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totaleclipse573 · 1 year ago
Incorrect Quotes but Terios bc he is my scrimblo
Terios: I've got a weapon, and I'm… admittedly VERY afraid to use it!
Terios, looking at the squad: Okay, so I need to become a therapist faster.
Terios, holding a gun: If the conspiracies about life being a simulation are true WHOEVERS CONTROLLING MY SIM I JUST WANNA TALK.
Terios: Hello friends! The Squad: Terios: You might be wondering why I’m taped to the ceiling
Terios: Hello, my name is Failure, and you're watching my life crumble into pieces. Terios: waves their finger and sings like they're in a Disney Channel intro
Terios: I don’t care what anyone thinks about me. Shadow: Ok. Terios: Wait, why such a muted reaction? Did that not sound cool?
Shadow: Act natural. Terios: For this kind of situation, the most natural thing would be to panic, so technically I can panic. Shadow: NO, that’s not what I meant! Act like it’s a normal day! Terios: My ‘normal’ days of late, consist of a lot of panic. Shadow: Will you just cooperate? Terios: When a person is panicking, they are not apt to cooperate very well!
Terios: What kinds of sounds annoy you? Eclipse: Are we talking real sounds or imaginary ones? Terios, now interested: Lets say imaginary. Eclipse: Spiders wearing flip flops.
Terios: Hey there demons, It's me, ya boi. Rouge: Terios, NO!
Rouge: How much did you spend on this date? Terios: $1400. But all of it's on credit cards, so it's like $5 a month for the next 2,000 years.
Terios: Didn't you die?! Doleon: That was weeks ago, dude. Things change.
Terios, skipping rocks on a lake with Doleon: It’s such a beautiful evening. Doleon: Yeah, it is. Doleon: whispering Take that you fucking lake.
Shadow: I’m telling you, my team is competent. Eclipse, rushing in: Shadow! Terios tried to make pasta in the coffee pot and now it's broken!
Eclipse: Hey, check out my Spongebob umbrella! Eclipse opens their umbrella while indoors Terios: Eclipse, that’s bad luck… Eclipse: Chill out, Terios! Shadow, kicking down the door: WHO SUMMONED ME?!?! Eclipse and Terios: screams
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seeingivy · 3 months ago
hi Ronnie!
it’s your friendly neighborhood Gojo x Taylor anon 🤍🖤
long time, no talk. How are you?
hello my love!
i put a cut again because somehow i always give you a very unprovoked long answer. i am doing okay!
i've basically rotted the entire week since i've been on thanksgiving break. my break was very uneventful but that was kind of nice with how hectic things got towards the middle of the semester.
i watched wicked twice (once with my sister and once with my best friend) and went casual shopping with my friend who forced me to impulse buy some things for the trip im going on (which i've done no buying for) - at this point, i am a bit nervous as a californian who shivers at sixty degrees to be in europe in january LMFAO but that's a bridge i'll cross when i get there.
i got to eat lots of turkey, which i love! my sister and i have been watching lots of movies and random youtube videos. here's a list of things i've watched this week: yours mine and ours, cheaper by the dozen, instant family, remember the titans, some random girl named caitlyn on youtube ranking the top 100 disney channel songs of all time (was ABSOLUTELY BLASPHEMOUS because she didn't include any good ones), and one direction music videos. a friend also managed to snag me the anthology vinyl (which was ideal bc i did not have to battle in store or online and still got to complete the collection)
i really wanted to do some writings but an inner critic/writers block really got to me there. very sad because the idea is THERE in my mind but i can never seem to put it to paper. been feeling very demoralized when i get on here sometimes since when i don't write, I get very little interactions besides silent likers, and not that I write for notes, but I do write because I like when people interact with my work or tell me what they thought and people don't do that anymore. that and the fact that many of my mutuals who are writers left for basically the same reason makes it feel very quiet sometimes. but im working on letting the critic and the pressure go away and just trying to make it fun again. needless to say that you always checking in makes me smile :)
i hope you had a lovely week wherever you were and that if you had a break it was very restful!
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seancamerons · 1 year ago
as far 90s shows, did anyone watch any of these:
teen angel it was like on after sabrina or something during the tgif era of the 90s? i found it lowkey funny, idk if it was like shortlived i assume that, but idk if it was good or cringey? i think it was only on for one or two at the most seasons, i remember he would literally talk to the moon/stars/god but also like have teenager hijinks
smart guy as it is, a smart guy. young kid maybe 10 years old in college, skiped grade school/high school and is now in college with his dumb brother. i think it was on disney channel.
my brother and me a two season show on nickelodeon in the 90s, i don't remember that much about it tbh, just that it existed and i know i watched it but idk if it held my attention. it seemed run of the mill early nickeloeon two brothers, their friends and random things that would happen like in the style of most of the shows of the time.
gulah gulah island a show about a family and a large amphibian friend of their family on a island (where is gulahgulah?) i was able to do a killer impression of the pollywog. i would make a garden bc the mom had one in the summer before kindergarten and i would sing plant a seed in my garden, my garden my garden plant a seed in my garden watch it grow 🎶 i still if i hear it on a nostalgic video sing the theme. i found out the husband and wife are an actual couple irl earlier this year, and simeon (sp?) and shayna i think was their child biologically. the other two kids were hired to be their other kids, the one daughter was on keenan and kel as far as i know. she played keenan's sister who crushed on kel after gulah gulah ended.
pete and pete a show in the 90's quirky as all get out. good music, good vibes, a child with a beautiful mermaid tattoo and more questions than answers tbh. the mom had a plate in her head, thee dad was oblivious, speaking of oblivious the next show:
the secret world of alex mac yet another 90's show, about a girl with a secret, which the theme gives you the run down, alex is not average in the slightest. i loved that show and people often forget all about it.
so let's just say everyone knows sabrina, but do they remember clarissa? if you don't know, clarissa explains it all. i think there were a few things she didn't know about, or left out. clarissa was the effortlessly cool girl, but she was also painfully average and her brother reminded her of that, much to her chargrin. from her cool ass bedroom, her boy bestie sam who'd climb in the window via ladder, and she nonchalantly greeted him with a friendly, "hi sam!", her weird ginger brother who was like a 'genius' but a jerk at the same time, her descriptions and slideshows about things she'd explain in detail at length, her dated little computer, her pet in the sandbox and a lot more things i forgot or are self-explanatory. na na nanna, nananananaana, hey cool!
doug if he's not bangin' on a trashcan, blasting killer tofu, arguing with his parents, clashing with his thespian sister, in the company of a blue dog named after dinner parents cook and kids love to hate, beefing with a rival in a leather jacket with a cat sidekick, or with mayor's stuck up daughter, surrounded by random kids with quirky names and dining a cool hangout called the honker burger he was writing in a journal or dreaming of fake worlds that are anything but normal. he was doug was one of the defining guys in 90s cool back in the day, he was cool bc he wasn't a showboat or an over confident or arrogant guy like chalky studebaker at times, or green-skinned rival roger who came off like a coward internally but tough and had an obnoxious laugh on the outside. he 's a guy in middle school with tensions with the principal, a total everyman with a big imagination who wrote his dreams, thoughts, and hopes in a journal, crushed on his girl next door/the show essential 'good girl' patti mayonnaise and of course, he had a loyal bestie skeeter. if it were 99-the 00s it was the spongebob/patrick dynamic, and even doug had an alter ego which was quail man. i believe the original story of doug, he was new to town and he came to be fast friends with skeeter, and quick enemies with their principal who always threatened him to put things on his permanent record, which i was afraid of when it was time for me to go to school when it came to going to the office for anything tbh.
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bridgetofwonderland · 1 year ago
i can't say… 😶 i've of only seen bits and pieces of i didn't do it but i have a friend who binge-watched it last year and said season 2 completely changes the show's format for some reason? let me know if you ever watch it so i can get some encouragement too lol i love gravity falls though!! and it's so funny that you mentioned backstage because i have trauma from that show (/j?) but that's a story for another time i've never seen villains of valley view! all i know is a lot of people compare it to wowp, there's a little brother who's always turning into things, and a possible wlw best friends to lovers storyline 👀 what do you like about it? how well do you think it stands as its own show? do you have any favorite episodes? - gcwca secret santa
yeah i heard they got entirely new showrunners and writers for s2 of i didn't do it so it got? weird? but idk, i'd still like to watch it! esp bc i really liked piper curda in the other stuff i've seen her in !! i will absolutely let you know when i finally get around to watching it!
also that's crazy i swear i was one of two people on the internet who had watched backstage. i think part of the reason i got so invested was i was watching it all in 2017 when i wasn't dancing bc my dance studio shut down and my parents were like "well, you're going away to school next year so why should we find you somewhere new?" and i haven't rewatched it since then.
i really like villains! peter and i have been watching it together so we're a bit behind on s2 but i'm having a good time so far — i'm hoping that they stop turning colby into stuff bc like. it's annoying. but ik filming schedules and stuff etc etc. i think it stands on its own pretty well but i also haven't seen wizards in a long time. and like, granted, i do think it's pretty similar to wizards, but also it's disney channel and we all know they have ten plots. i think also hartley and amy's relationship is like, more gay than i remember harper and alex's being (i'd compare them more to stevie and alex? i think?) but. idk i'm having fun, which is my personal standard for "is [x media] good". and if i'm having fun it's good and if i'm not having fun it's bad. (ik this is not the end all be all of media etc etc etc i'm simplifying)
i think my fave episodes so far are the ones towards the beginning/end of the season that get really plot heavy? the filler episodes are fun too i just like stakes and drama lol
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madisonrooney · 1 year ago
2014 was arguably the most formative year of my life, so forgive me as i continue with posts about 10th anniversaries of things cuz anniversaries get me emotional and this year is a big one.
i dont remember the exact date, i wish i did, but some time this month marks 10 years since i started watching shake it up.
i rarely talk about this show, but it was deeply important in my getting back into disney channel. as ive talked about many a time, i didnt watch new disney channel shows, and even fell behind on ones i was already watching, around 2011-12 not bc i was actually growing out of the channel, but bc i felt like i was being forced out of it by my peers, in particular my abuser, and even once that situation had improved, the resulting depression didnt allow me the emotional energy to get into new shows for a while.
as i continued to recover, i decided to binge it leading up to my summer 2014 disneylans trip. binge watching it over a short period im sure is most of if not the entire reason it didnt have the same lasting impact on me that shows like liv and maddie did, but not only did i DEEPLY love it at the time, but it helped me take a big step in the direction of getting back into disney channel as a whole. my growing interest in liv and maddie was simultaneous with this, so i think all this happening at the same time was kismet. i even remember one night thinking "i cant decide if i like shake it up or liv and maddie better." obviously, that decision would be made soon enough, but like i said, i think had the circumstances been different, shake it up may have been even bigger in my life than it was. i feel like theres a parallel universe where it takes the place in my life liv and maddie has since had lol.
and disney channel coming back into my life carries more importance than just it defining a lot of my personality and interests to this day. it was the means by which i continued to move past my abusive friendship. she had made me feel like an embarrassment for enjoying these shows, and even specifically said about shake it up that she didnt want me watching it bc she knew i was gonna like it. so the more i fell in love with it, the more i felt i was gaining my individuality back.
other than helping me get back into disney channel overall, i think it had two other notable impacts, the first being seeing characters i enjoyed helped me identify those personalities in the people around me, like in my high school, and understand and read their emotions better (thats the undiagnosed-at-the-time autism for you). i remember a couple reminding me of deuce and dina and a classmate that i really wanted to be friends with reminding me of rocky. this would be one of the first of a number of shows to have this effect on me.
i also was just enamored with rocky and cece's friendship and, as cheesy as it sounds, it made me learn to value my best friend even more.
again, plenty other disney shows following this would expand and help me understand the world around me similarly, but this was the beginning of it.
so thank you to shake it up. although i don't shine a light on it as much as i do my other favorite shows, i don't think my disney channel fandom and relationship with the shows and characters i love, or even with the world around me and with myself, would be the same without it.
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ivy-saurs · 1 year ago
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you just had to be there (there = watching these knock-off disney channel shows bc you had no friends)
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e-102 · 1 year ago
sometimes it feels like i dodged a bullet bc my family was too poor for cable tv so we never had nickelodeon or CN or disney channel or whatever so I never saw avatar as a kid. i tried watching it reccently as an adult bc all my friends kept talking about it but i just couldnt get through it, idk it just kindaaa lmao i might get crucified for this but it gave me the same feeling as when i tried watching voltron. as in, i couldnt do it.
this is a real hot potato you dropped in my lap
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karatekid1 · 5 months ago
hi guysss its been a while, these days i usually just come on here if something big has happened and i dont really have anyone to tell so i just share it on tumblr. SOOOO a LOT of thing has happened since i last posted on here, when was it, like april? its october now, ive been sick for literally a month idek what it is but ive missed so much school its actually insane. anyway, me and the guy i was w yk, i broke up with him in like may, so ive actually been single since then, or like single single. Ive done things w people but not like been in a relationship w anyone, theres been a few actually, me and this guy H didnt work out, he used to bully me in high school and then suddenly out of nowhere he was in love with me? idek, omg heartstopper season 3 came out, it was so different from the other seasons, but i liked it. anyway back to my stupid guys. hmmm i reconnected w a guy from church who i used to be friends with a few years ago, we were friends for like 2 weeks then he told me i was wierd and that it wouldnt work, so yeah, and THEN i went to a party last week and i met this guy there, he was friends with my friends boyfriend, he was a year older than me tho, his name was Jonathan and we had a lot of fun together there, we kinda ended up sleeping together, and then we said bye and now i found out hes the son to my uncles best friend, like wtf are the odds,. ANYWAY i also got to know this other guy, he's so cool he plays the guitar and hes really fun, we go to the same school. Ive followed him on instagram and commented on his posts where he plays guitar, and then two weeks ago he just walked up to me in the cafeteria and said "omg its my biggest fan" and i straight up said "who the fuck are you" and then he explained and i was so confused cuz i didnt know we even went to the same school, and bc he didnt show his face on instagram so i didnt know whzt he looked like. anyway so weve been texting a lot, today hes gonna help change my guitar strings. OMFG WE'RE LITERALLY AUSTIN AND ALLY IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE. he sings and plays guitar, and i play piano and write songs, i mean i can play the guitar and drums too but still. and he was like "bring your guitar to school and ill help you fix it, then you can play for everyone there on the little stage" like bro wtf is this disney channel moment. but yeah he was joking but still, then we talked ab my job OMFG I HAVENT TOLD YOU GUYS, yeah i work at mcdonalds and we were texting about that and he was like "you should bring your guitar and play there to get some extra money" and i was like hahaha yeah on my breaks. and then he was like "i can come and play with you" LIKE OKAY? AUSTIN MOON IS THAT YOU`? but yeah so thats him, uuhhhhhh i dont think ive missed anything, or i probably have, but i cant post like a whole book as my tumblr life update post, no one even cares ab these, tbh theyre mostly for me to look back on how stupid i was, so hi future me reading this. anyway im sick again if i didnt mention, so now im just gonna be in my bed and watch like henry danger or smthn, see you guys in like another six months, or no actually i usually update more in the winter bc i always get depressed, anyway, bye for now guys
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