#and ofc its not all europeans blah blah blah
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linogram · 8 months ago
everyday europeans find new ways to piss me off
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corwynnasmith · 9 months ago
Ok so it's a funny quote but ACTUALLY you can whitewash white people and it happens all the time! :D (excited special interest noises)
So you know how like European countries are all different with different cultures and histories and blah blah blah well white supremacy actually Hates that and homogenizes things into "white" which is why say, European Americans who have been in the US multiple generations often seem like they don't have any culture from their ancestry. Because even European culture is Not White Enough for white supremacy and it got stamped out in favor of the blandness of White American culture (which does have some mix of European cultural heritage but in a very limited, bland way). It's kind of like being subsumed into the Heathers
Isn't it fascinating how whiteness as a concept just utterly destroys everything in its path? Horrible, too, ofc, but I'm morbidly fascinated by the way white people often don't realize how insidious this is or how even the idea of whiteness hurts them, too
Congratulations your funny post got Special Interested about how white supremacy is bad in all ways and I'm so sorry actually
My friend blocked me because I wouldn’t stop sending him this picture
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gordvendomewhore · 3 years ago
Headcanon of what perps usually do during semester break.
hey anon, thanks for sending something in! i technically... have a lot of other requests that i should really answer, but i wanted to dip my little toes into something new to get me back into the groove. 
awhile back, someone asked me what i would hc the preps’ hobbies as, and i think that post could also answer this ask :) here’s a link if you wanna go ahead and read that :)))
first of all, i def think all of them would travel out of bullworth...
whether it’s fall, winter, spring, or summer break, i think all of them make large plans to go vacation out of country, or at least out of state. with the money they have, it’d be a waste to spend their time in bullworth since there’s not really anything worthwhile (and it’s definitely a competition as to who has the biggest, most extravagant trip).
of course, they wouldn’t go anywhere not popular for its tourism, so they’d mainly stick to european countries, the caribbean, and higher income asian countries like korea and japan. go ahead and throw in hawaii too lmao. they’d def romanticize ethnic countries and ethnic people and def feed into the exploitation of the regions but heyyyy that’s just the allure baby !! what do they care LOL
and i’m betting on my mama they would certainly travel together too, at least once. a nice spring break “road trip” (private jet to every location they want to spend the day in) to bond and gamble and get bailed out of jail by mommy and daddy for petty crimes!!! 
the only exception would be bryce for reasons we’re all aware of LMAO. i bet he’d lie about going out of town with his family and just leave campus and stay at home for a month. maybe order some tacky souvenirs from online and make up lies about how foreign and wild the environment and people were lol
but yknow, if they stayed in bullworth hmm... i think they would just carry on with what they usually do throughout the year tbh. 
as shown by the mission “cheating time,” justin is canonically being given hw answers and selling them so like. you can assume all the preps are buying answers/paying other students to do their hw and tests for them lmaooo so you know, take away the stress of school and basically they’re all free. 
i imagine they mainly just hang around the glass jaw, maybe make bets on who can finally compete against bif and actually win against him (spoiler alert: none of them can). they all have their own personal hobbies to partake in, like tad and his interest in baking and chad with all the extracurriculars he participates in. and ofc, they would continue tormenting everyone at the school and pick fights with the greasers and blah blah blah they’d find ways to entertain themselves in boring ways and in petty ways that wouldn’t really differ from their regular schedules during the school year. 
wahh overall this is a boring way to respond to this lol but i’m burnt out from school and have lost my comedic edge LMAOO
if you’d like me to go into more specifics, just send in another ask lol
thank you for reading! <3 
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tonyglowheart · 3 years ago
same anon: sorry for that! but thank you so much for the response! it made sense to me with the clan and how wwx is treated like family and treats jyl and jc as family and then the fandom. thanks for clearing that up! though i'll probably get confused again i'm gonna bookmark that so i can have that handy when i get my copy since clan is gonna confused me again in a few months. maybe it should be house instead of clan lol
hello again, and yeah no probs! I know the (EN) fandom does tend to take it as given that, well of course WWX is adopted. But like... he very much is not, and that SHOULD inform how you examine the interpersonal relations, and how other people view the relations, thereof. I had said this in some twitter thread ages ago lmao, but if Wei Wuxian WERE adopted, then for some rando to call Wei Wuxian a servant's son would be a huuuge insult to the Jiang clan, and something they rightly could seek recompense or retribution for. And again, the distinction between treating something like family and them being literal (adopted) family is different. There's a political element to the distinction, and also a social (societal) difference, that does in fact affect the interpersonal imo.
Re: if it should be House - I don't agree, because "clan" is the term that IS the translation for a lot of the CN used, and also it's the one that makes cultural & historical sense for the way Chinese historical society (or how it's told through historical dramas or historically-inspired settings the way xianxia/wuxia can be). House is certainly the way GoT does it, ofc and... actually, maybe the way a lot of others do it too..? maybe that is the EN standard lmao.. huh... But I think it's bc a lot of European nobility (okay maybe I mean British here, or the like, public concept of British nobility) & like titles of inheritance and stuff are tied to estates and land. To a literal House, even, an ancestral "home" as synecdoche for the land, people living on the land in the case of tenant farmers or idk knights or whatever, and the title. Like British titles are like, Earl of whatever or Duke of whatever, right, and those are tied to a piece of land or to a specific manor or other such properties, and all accompanying it?
But for the Chinese side (and standard caveats blah blah I'm going quickly so these are generalizations and not definitive or exhaustive), the central key is more the family line (and usually a fortune yes, but it's considered collective, it's like... the investment by your ancestor into their future line - you, and then by you into your future). Which is why I think Clan makes more sense to me, because it's not about the land and the estate, it's very much about the *clan* and family line. I feel like the English/British version has this idea of the people belonging to the land & property & its title, whereas for the Chinese side it's a bit more like any land or property belong to the people/the family. Like the emphasis isn't on the land or the house, it's on the Clan, and the people related to the Clan. The power of the Clan is based in its members, titles are invested to people within MDZS, not inherited as property. (Which isn't to say Chinese history or media doesn't have inherited titles, just that for this specific example at least, I do think clan makes more intuitive sense to me than House, which I have a negative reaction to as being a "good" or viable translation or localization)
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elvesofnoldor · 8 years ago
i screened my thesis project again today along with my classmates, and honestly it went way better than yesterday, so my state of being has gone from “death” to “i think i’m a neurotypical now!!” even though i have a group assignment worth 30% due tomorrow and we more or less just started lol (i got it under control though, its just a fake grant application for a hypothetical arts project). Yesterday, and today morning, I was really worried about “grainy” images--they were not very grainy at all, but they aren’t the most pleasing visuals either.  i can’t really help with it beside making images too soft on edges or with a editing software plug in, so whatever, the images look better when they are projected anyways. 
More people showed up, no one walked out--and a prof who apparently walked out on many other classmates’ presentations stayed for mine and said he liked mine. Couple of more people complimented my project. Oh boy I kinda wish he’s grading my project now, because the profs grading my project were not fans lmao! (Francis--one of the profs grading my project--said the video essay was “very good” but im pretty sure she doesnt like the film itself, which is understandable considering that i basically shot it myself and had some help from a friend). I actually have such complicated feelings about this prof that liked my film (hes called scott). Like, first of all, i think i have a good shot at getting an A in his European films course right now, and he actually LECTURED in this course while he didn’t really do that for any other courses he taught in lol (i got ok grades in his two other courses but not an A yet). On one hand, Scott is just a very typical fine art department prof for not giving a heck in terms of lecturing, but on the other hand, hes super cultured and actually pretty laid back. His lecture in the European cinema class is so rich in content that I think if i recorded his one hour lecture and edited it, it’d be a very solid film editorial. He’s a cool leftist dude, he just doesnt give a heck sometimes. Anyways, my little short film is based on Wong Kar Wai’s aesthetic, and in Scott’s comment, he said that he could see how wong kar wai and Godard (a French new wave pioneer) influenced my short film, and considering that he didnt seem to stay for any other people’s project, I’m pretty sure that the fact that my film reminded him of one of the new wave filmmaker is THE reason he stayed for mine. Ofc he’s the only one who could truly appreciate it. Obviously, weird/unconventional story structure basing off obscure aesthetic influence just doesn’t go well with 0 dollar budget and mediocre film equipment and no professional help! But most importantly! No professional help! This would have worked out if the profs kept in mind the limitation we have and the limitation they have while they graded us!!! Godard also shot with basically no budget as well, but again he was a PIONEER--that’s why his films are any value in this time and day. 
Our class is meeting the thesis course’s profs again on this Wednesday, because we need to discuss our final project submission. i really want my profs to give me feedback on the changes they want, cause i need to give my shot at getting a decent grade in this 6 units course (a full year course done in one term, actually). I already got into grad school, and i dont think anything above B- would ruin my GPA--tbh I’m expecting a B or B+, and i’d throw a goddamn party if i manage to get a A- with the grade i got from mid term presentation (i participated a lot and attended all the classes and got a A- on my proposal, its just that one shit ass grade on mid term). It’s not fucking fair though, I could have a shot at A-, but they didnt properly explain what they wanted from me--or anyone tbh--on the mid term presentation and gave me shit grade for their own incompetence lol! I’m not the only ones who dislike them--most of the class don’t. I could have gotten an ok grade for my mid term if i knew what they wanted! It’s not like I’m not capable of providing the information at the time! Like I said before, they failed people (not me, thank shit) on the mid term based on arbitrary terms. They also got into trouble later because five people out of 26 ppl in the class have gone to our department head and complained lol! And i know the class in general didnt do great on the 25% mid term presentation. So for our final 35% of the mark? They better grade us according to the resources we are given! which is none!!!  They were seriously no help whatsoever, and I will shit on them till I fucking die lol. I don’t shit on profs or teachers often, but how they structured and dealt with the class was beyond unacceptable. i didn’t really talk to one of them, but today at the dinner, she said it to my face--”well we told you, you can’t shoot a film on your own”. WELL SHIT BITCH! YOU DIDN’T GIVE ME ANY SUGGESTION ON WHAT I SHOULD HAVE DONE INSTEAD WHEN KNOW I DONT REALLY HAVE HELP, AND YOU ARE FUCKING PAID TO DO THAT!! SO!! The only positive thing that came out of this experience is that i figured out that i dont wanna have anything to do with shooting on set or directing after this project, because coordinating people and putting together a crew are NOT my strongest suit and I accept that a little too late. If I wasn’t so obsess with wong kar wai, i might have see reason early on...but oh well, i did this, and at least im not doing something like that ever again. To be honest, im in film because im most passionated about story construction anyways, so after my M.A, hopefully I can have a strong enough profolio to apply for screenwriting program. I think i should really write a featured screenplay over the summer, they are easier to churn out and i gotta do it for my career lol. The longest consistent thing i’ve written is a 20 pages short story, but i also wrote that in only two nights. I just gotta sit down and do the stuff, cause i either don’t write at all or i write a lot super fast--mainly to meet a deadline.  But dude i dont wanna figure this important info out regarding my career path on the expense of my grade lol!! i know that we university students are supposed to figure a lot of things out on our own blah blah blah, but that doesnt mean we are paying profs $300 per course for them to sit around and giving us shit grades for nothing!!! Fucking film profs i s2g, they are either no help whatsoever and snobby af, or doesnt give heck and no help whatsoever. I was nothing but polite and civil and sweet when talking to my thesis course profs, but believe me, when i was thinking abt the way they behaved, im in such mood to go off. 
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