#jurassic park head cannon
toomanybandstocare · 2 years
{When You Have a Migraine}
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Program: Headaches. Migraines. Searing pain. It just shuts you down for the day and forces you to bedrest. Tucked away from the world and wrapped in a bundle of cool pads with blankets. This is the only time that Ian Malcolm is quiet and tender with how he carries himself.
Pairing: Professor! Ian Malcolm x GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Headaches/Migraines, Reader has hair, Swears, Pet names (Sweetheart, Doll, Baby, and Honey)
Counselor Notes: I have a migraine rn, so i want to be held softly :( kind of goes along with this thought i had as well as this one. Not proofed bc i have a migraine rn and my eyes feel like they're gonna explode.
Camp Isla Nublar Masterlist
Ian is already up when the sun begins to rise to get ready for his day of lectures and meeting at the school. Already a cup of coffee in and has a second one in hand with lesson materials in his other as he climbs back into bed. His morning ritual is nothing without you curled against his chest and sleepy morning kisses.
But when 8am rolls around, and he knows he needs to head out soon, worry stings at the back of his neck when you haven't woken up yet.
Gently carding his fingers through your hair, Ian's eyebrows scrunch together when you wince. Bleary eyes shy away from the soft sunlight pouring in through the sheer curtains.
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"What's up with you, huh? Look like you haven't see the sun before," he lightly teases. But there's a small waver in his voice, and the normally confident man is so afraid to raise his voice louder than a light mumble. "Migraine," you hum against his chest.
Mans is frozen with panic, but he's not going to let you know that. You're the one in pain, so for once his fucking life, it's not about him. He knows that whenever you say that word, you're down for the count and there's nothing you can do but wait it out.
And he hates it.
Ian Malcolm is a problem solver.
He fixes things using theory, practice, and applied critical thinking.
For fuck's sake he's a doctor in mathematics specializing in chaos theory teaching at a prestigious university.
For fuck's sake, the man survived a dinosaur island that tried to kill him.
But your migraines?
He'd rather be back on that island, because he hates how helpless he feels seeing you reel in pain.
Because there is very little he can do to make it go away.
So Ian Malcolm goes above and beyond during your days of bedrest.
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The only time Ian leaves you alone is when it's to get supplies, make you food, and cancel his classes. That's it.
"I'll be back in an hour okay, sweetheart?" he calmly closes the curtains and then lightly pads your forehead wrinkles. Your weak whine, either of disagreement or acknowledgement, breaks his heart.
His first stop is his university to quickly tell the department's admin to cancel his classes for the day. "No, no. You don't understand- Fucking, I don't care alright. One cancelled class is not going to put them behind for the semester".
Then it's to the corner grocery store, and let me tell you.
This man is intelligent, educated, well knowledgeable on many topics.
But he's so out of his element in the store and what would help. The first time, he nearly bought out the med isle because he didn't want to miss anything that would help.
You're still working through all the bottles of medicine and pain relief from that first trip.
But now? He knows exactly what to get and what isle it's in. God help him if the store changes up their layout So he's in and out within 30 mins with two bags of extra care filled with:
Your favorite tea- both caffeinated and non-caffeinated
A bag of chocolates and some bananas- magnesium helps headaches (it actually does, so a good tip for any of my head pain duderinos, the nurse told me when i had a concussion)
Cooling pads
Bath supplies- bath bomb, salts, a bouquet of flowers to decorate the water with
A light scented candle
Electolyte drinks
A new pair of fuzzy socks
A new bottle of nail polish
Mass paperback copy of a light hearted adventure novel
After becoming familiar with your likes and needs for headache days, Ian knows exactly what will make your day just a little more bearable.
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And for the rest of the day, Ian Malcolm strips himself of his usual bravado and lowers his voice.
Lays in bed with you while reading the adventure novel. His heartbeat and soft, gravelly voice lull you to semi-consciousness.
Makes your tea to your order and also has a travel cup with a straw filled with the electrolyte drink. The small shakes that rattle your arm from bone pain makes holding anything a challenge. So he holds the travel cup straw to your lips or helps you sit up for a tea break. Snack bags between your legs as the two of you quietly discuss the book.
If your bones are really achy, he'll ask you to take off your clothes as you see comfortable to massage your body. Rubbing his finger tips carefully and tenderly against any sore spots. Pressing his palms into the planes of your back and shoulder blades. Squeezing your neck and helping you roll out your muscles. Just to get you to move a little throughout the day.
If you're feeling sleepy and want to doze for a while, Ian quickly dusts off a classical vinyl record and puts it on to listen to. You cuddle up on his side and press your head against the crook of his neck while he grades papers or reads a new article.
Ian is incredibly caring and soft during these days. Normal teasing phrases like "I get that I'm irresistible, doll, but I didn't realize just how needy you are for me" are exchanged for doting sentiments such as "How's my baby feeling? I'm sorry you're going through this, honey. What can I do to help you?"
Meals are simple and homey. Whatever will soothe your stomach and mind is on the menu. Ian rarely cooks, so the sight of him cooking shirtless in your apartment always sends a warm flutter of bliss through you. If you're up to it and make your way over to him, you find yourself wrap in his arms and pressed against his chest. His chest vibrates as he hums along to the record.
Puts on a bath and pours in salts or a bath bomb. His hands grip your hip so securely to make sure you don't fall getting in from not moving around much today. Ian sits on the ledge of the tub to pour little cups of water over the back of your head to at least wash your hair with water. Runs a wash cloth over your body with his body wash to clean you up a bit and care to any tender spots with additional mini-massages.
Ian places you on the couch before bedtime, so he can strip the bed and put on new sheets. Fluffs the pillows and remakes the bed, so it's fresh and free of sick day energy.
"Thank you," you sleepily mumble, tucked under his chin as you lay half on him/half on the bed. Legs a tangled mess. His hands trail over your body trying to ease you into the land of dreams. "Anything for you," Ian presses a kiss to the crown of your head, "I love you so goddamn much. There's nothing I wouldn't do to make you happy and safe".
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owlcomics101 · 2 months
”Clever Y/N…” Task force 141 x Velociraptor hybrid!reader Head cannons
Warnings: SFW (I am a minor), fluff, blood, language (cussing), mentions of animal abuse/violence (I do not condone), reader is gender neutral
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gif credits: @Deshi Basara
Writers note: If this gets 100 notes I’ll make a series out of this like my fox hybrid one
Context/backstory: Jurassic world AU; The park had been long lost abandoned for over a decade now. What was once a park full of creatures of old was now the ruins to a new world. You were an experiment. A human with the qualities and characteristics of a Raptor. You had the raptor feet, legs, tail. Claws, eyes, and teeth. The task force was sent to Isla Nublar. Back to the old run down park to retrieve a weapon, but little did they know that the weapon was you.
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Price: You see Price as your Alpha. The moment you two met you knew who was in control. Price. He’s the only man you will ever willingly take orders to. The only man you’re afraid of. A muzzle was a common occurrence for you. You were notorious for biting and teething anything you could get your jaws upon. Especially the task force members. Price is the most patient with you about this but this is a problem that needs to be fixed. He either muzzles you or distracts you with a bone like you would do for dogs.
“Ay!” Price pulls you away from his arm sleeve.
“What did we say about biting Y/N?” He glares at you. You immediately stop what you were doing and turn your attention to something else. “No biting ya muppet.”
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Soap was the one to break through to you. He never saw you as a weapon, you were just someone trying to survive. Find your place in the food chain. Soap always kept you calm and grounded even in times of danger or a threat to you and the others. Not even Price could calm you like Soap can. He was pretty laid back with you and let you do about whatever you wanted. He didn’t mind the nipping and teething as long as you were gentle. He was the one to help clean you after missions, including your teeth.
“Oi let’s see those pearly white’s.” Soap says as he gestures for you to open your mouth. You do as asked and he rests his hands on his hip proud of his work.
“Now there’s a smile!”
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Gaz: Gaz is your trainer. Price thought it would be good practice for Gaz if he was your trainer. Perhaps he could learn a thing or two about teaching and be in Price’s shoes for once. You obeyed, but only when food was involved, otherwise Price would have to come down to motivate you to listen to Gaz. The training did well, you were a massive help on the field, but Gaz can’t help but feel bad about it all. You being a ‘weapon’ of massive destruction that he was in trusted to train. It held quite the pressure on him. He’s afraid he’ll turn you into the monster everyone thought you were.
Gaz watches you tear into one of the punching bags, he couldn’t help but picture the stuffing as intestines and flesh being tore out. He could see the cotton stuck in your teeth as blood dripping down and running off your chins
“Y/N! I think that’s enough for today…”
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Ghost: You see Ghost as a beta. You sometimes take orders from him but only if you feel like it. The more irritated he gets with you and more and more you resist his commands and his attempts of control over you. You always snuck up behind him and he didn’t even need to call out to you because you were always there…He wasn’t sure what Gaz has been teaching you but the cold look in your eyes tells him that Gaz wasn’t the first to train you…You wear a head set around your head and neck so he could see out of you and see what your doing. Soap likes to call it Ghost’s “Nanny Cam.”
Price walks into the common room. “Has anyone seen Y/N? I told you all Y/N is not aloud outside unaccompanied!”
Ghost looks over to Price. “Y/N is eating Soap’s cookie stash.”
Soap jumps up wide eyed. “My cookie stash!? Ghost why didn’t you look at your nanny can sooner!?
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ozzgin · 8 months
Is it possible to ask for a head cannon of Pickle vs the Indominus Rex…. or just the baki characters reaction to Jurassic park
Do you genuinely think it would be a good idea to drop Pickle on an island filled with his main source of food? I feel like the original movie would end in half the time. Final scene is Pickle surrounded by carcasses, passed out and stuffed.
The more I think about it, the more ridiculous it looks like. Kids are in the car, trying to find some dinosaurs beyond the electric fence, and suddenly Jack pops out of the greenery with a velociraptor in his teeth, like a dolphin gracefully arching in the sunset. Pretty sure most of the Baki cast can easily hunt down the majority of the species in the movie. Obviously they wouldn’t just start ravaging the poor animals unless it was for the safety of the other humans. If anything, they’d be more concerned about stopping Pickle from devouring the insanely expensive, once-in-a-lifetime research outcomes.
Dr Malcolm would be like “Why is this Pickle boy staring like he just arrived at an all you can eat buffet? He’s drooling on the car seat” while frequently turning back and nervously glancing at Yuujirou (he was asked to join them in case things go wrong).
Baki is too busy checking everything out with the kids, with their heads stuck to the window and occasionally exclaiming their surprise and amazement. Kozue is discussing the downfall of patriarchy with Dr Ellie Sattler (mandatory canon event).
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ghostlyviolets33 · 1 year
anymore headcanons abt violet? i love reading them lol<3
Links to the other parts: Part One, Part Two, Part Three
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Violet Harmon Head Cannons Pt. 4
Doesn't believe in crystals but thinks they're pretty so she always buys one when she's on vacation to keep as a souvenir.
Listens to The Cranberries (band)
Owns The Smiths' entire discography on CDs.
Enjoys going to art/history museums to roam around & observe while listening to music in her earbuds.
Her favorite actresses are Winona Ryder & Christina Ricci.
If she's ordering ice cream, she always gets chocolate vanilla twist in a bowl cause she's too indecisive to decide.
But her favorite ice cream flavors are vanilla & black raspberry.
Thinks orange juice is way better than apple. (Tate disagrees & and argues with her about it)
VERY active Pinterest user (her favorite app besides Tumblr)
Is a major fan of Steven Spielberg films.
On a similar note, one of her favorite childhood movies was Jurassic Park and it still is one of her favorite films ever.
Is a big fan of 70's/80's punk bands like The Cramps.
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I'm so happy you like my head canon posts :) These ones are a little more random, but hopefully they're fun to read anyway! 🖤💜
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toomanheadthinks · 10 months
OW AU: What if the Omnic Crisis ended with the Extinction of Humanity? PT. 1
Overwatch never came to be during the omnic crisis due to AU shenanigans (idk haven't come up with a reason yet). The crisis evolves into a full war one which humanity ultimately lost. Auroras ascension happens much later than in canon but by that time there's really only a few humans left (five to be exact, definitely not enough to form a population). So most omnic become sapient after most humans are gone and they revolt against Anubis which does actually gets destroyed but only sorta.
My personal head cannon is that you can't really kill a god program like anubis as it managed to disperse it's data across the global data-network (i.e what remained of the Internet ) so anubis is still technically around but not in the capacity where it can do actually harm.
So Anubis is gone, humanity is gone and your left with a lot of omics that are still trying to figure out the whole being "alive kinda" deal with the looming knowledge that they've participated in what is essentially genocide. So naturally some of them get guilty and decide undo / make amends for what happened. So the first generation of humans to walk the earth in the past 50 years are brought back (Jurassic park style) from the remains of the dead. In this AU there's only been about three generation of humans since the extinction so there's not a lot of humans quite yet and a lot more omnics since almost all (with the exception of the ones which produced militant types) the omniums are still active albeit under omnic control.
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weloveagayboi · 2 years
Rewatching the Jurassic series for the 16 hundredth time and I just realized the scummy lawyer said “I’ve got Dr Malcolm but the investors think he’s too trendy, they want Dr Grant” which got me a-thinking. Why was Ian Malcolm so trendy?
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Editing credit me; I created this fake magazine cover
The investors didn’t think sexy people could be smart so when Ian Malcolm was voted sexiest man alive they stopped trusting him.
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novasintheroom · 4 years
Hey its ray-jaykub! I saw that you did requests and i was wondering if i could get head-cannons on the turtles and what they like to do with their respective s/os
OMG I love you!!! Okay I gotta calm down hooo
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·         Love love loves to carry you over rooftops and sit on high points to look over the city with you. This is one of his ways to calm down and think about things without his brothers’ around to stress him out, and having you there some nights, looking at the glitter of the lights – poetry for his heart
·         Speaking of poetry – you guys will have contests for who can make the worst poems. Just something to pass off to each other between visits, something you find in your bag or in his bed sheets. Cheesy, unrhythmic, stupid, whatever. You guys have cried laughing before b/c of this. However, every once in a while he’ll slap you with a real intimate and loving poem that just makes you melt.
·         You’ve started trying to sneak up on him. It doesn’t work. He still lets you do it, just so he can turn around and grab you at the last second. Sometimes he throws you on the nearest soft surface, sometimes he gives you a big kiss, sometimes he just starts carrying you around like a sack of potatoes – depends on his mood honestly. Your determination to spook him is cute.
·         Watching or listening to True Crime stuff becomes a quick couple’s hobby for you guys. Usually it’s playing in the background as you each do chores or work on some project, but you’ll each talk about the case throughout. You’ve hit him more than once for giving away what happened or who killed who. He’s too good at figuring this kind of stuff out!
·         He loves when you sit with him when he meditates. Even if you aren’t the meditating type, if you just sit quietly by him or read, he already feels much calmer. If he’s practicing balancing moves, he’ll sometimes grab you to hoist you up in the air, “to practice strength” at the same time. You’ve learned it’s a very bad idea to squirm when he’s got you planking above his head; he will start tickling you if you don’t keep still.
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·         Once he gets a good enough disguise, he loves to ride around on his newly built motorcycle with you on the city streets. It’s fun to zip through cars and people and drive out to the sparser points of the city to watch ships come in and out of the bay or go to a park outside the city to watch the lights as they all turn on at dusk.
·         Loooovvess having movie nights with you. Seriously asks for it every week. You two get comfy on the couch with like 3 blankets thrown over your laps and watch something like Jurassic Park or Mad Max and gorge on buttery popcorn and chocolate. Sometimes you’ll slip in a chick flick like Pride and Prejudice. He acts like he doesn’t like it, but you’ve caught a goofy, happy smile on him more than once at the end of the movie, and then he starts lifting your hand like Mr. Darcy and adopting more “romantic” actions and it’s just *chef’s kiss*
·         You guys will spar together. It’s kinda required once you date him; he wants you to be able to kick butt if he can’t get to you fast enough. But these sessions usually end up with you and him wrestling/tickling each other and him holding you down with a foot while he lifts weights. Get comfy princess, he ain’t moving that foot ‘til he get 100 reps.
·         He has a really good eye for fashion and makeup. He’s actually the one that sews together all of his family’s clothes, as much as possible with the scraps they find around. It’s calming to make something instead of the stigma he has of destroying stuff. He’s the first person you SnapChat with an outfit just to make sure it looks good, and he sends back honest feedback, like “why do you still have that scarf, you know it doesn’t match anything in your closet,” or “try the red sweater with that long gold necklace you have.” Everyone compliments your outfits so much because of his input
·         Likes to go swimming with you. There’s a few clear, clean pools in the sewers (Donnie approved) where you guys go just to have a good swim. There’s usually some candles lit and music playing. More often than not, you’ll end up laying on his chest while he floats on the surface and just enjoy each other’s company. At least until he gets the idea to dunk you.
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·         Sneaking into the rafters of Broadway is a regular event for you guys. He manages to disable any security they have up around your “spot,” and you get a free show with your favorite person. He’ll be quoting his favorite lines for days after, all the while talking about the next show to see. He’d so be a theater kid if he had the chance.
·         One of the main things that got you guys together in the first place was you helping him put together tech he’s working on. It still continues now, since you have a steady hand and a willing ear to listen to his theories and ideas. You’ve even inspired him a few times with your comments! It’s a casual bonding activity for you both, and he values your thoughts.
·         Spontaneous dances are a must. Sometimes he’ll grab you and dance around the room – especially if an experiment of his goes well – sometimes it’ll be goofy dances to see how badly you two can embarrass anyone looking, and other times, you guys will just slow dance before you leave, just as a way to be close before having to part.
·         You guys form your own little potted plant collection in the lair. It’s both a hobby, and a way for you to check on how he’s doing. If he’s doing well, the plants are watered and taken care of. If he’s getting sucked into things and forgetting to care for himself, the plants suffer. He tries to get an auto-watering system for them, but you shut that down quick. It’s good to do some things yourself rather than rely on technology!
·         Cupcake Saturdays are a thing. He’ll take you to a bakery, where you’ll go in and get a box of cupcakes (extra frosting). You guys will then just chow down on them on the rooftop, often with him licking a lot of the frosting off the cupcakes before eating the actual “cake” part.
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·         Such a fan of trying every new restaurant you can find in NYC. It’s become a date-night tradition every Thursday to either order or pick up some hole-in-the-wall place’s food, meet up somewhere, and Gordon Ramsay the crap out of the food. He does a mean Ramsay impression, and you’ve snorted more than one ramen noodle out of your nose from laughing so hard.
·         If you aren’t a fan of video games, you will be once you date this guy. It’s not even just watching or playing video games with him, he’s just funny when he plays! He’ll make the most stupid comments about something going on in the storyline, or mess around, even glitch out a game. He’s managed to get out of the maps of Among Us more than once. You’re convinced if he started his own YouTube gaming channel, he’d be a quick star.
·         Game nights are a must for you guys. It usually turns into a family game night with you, the turtles, Splinter, April and Casey, which Mikey just adores because he gets to see everyone he loves having fun. You two will usually team up against the others, or turn on each other to stab the other in the back. Uno and Cover Your Assets have made you guys question your loyalty to each other more than once. That Uno Reverse card, man…
·         Arts and crafts are his favorite. Anytime a holiday is coming up, Mikey gets hyped ‘cause he knows you guys are gonna start making decorations for it. You guys will usually make decorations for each other. Mikey loves this, just because he feels like a normal person by having actual Halloween decorations around the lair instead of stuff he and his bros scraped together off the streets.
·         Loves to stargaze with you in the summer time. He’ll convince Donnie to let him drive the truck out of the city to the countryside of New York, bring you with him, and set up on the roof of the truck in the middle of a field (that he totally didn’t crash through a wood fence to get to). Fireflies will fly over your faces, and he’ll joke that they’re shooting stars and make a thousand and one wishes on each of them. He won’t tell you that all of those wishes are for you and him to be together forever, but it’s not hard to guess with how mushy he gets after each one.
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duhragonball · 3 years
Hellsing Liveblog Ch 28-34
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“Alucard, you’re the laziest vampire on Mars.”
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So, I’ll be wrapping up the “D” arc in this post.   Previously, we saw a squad of Millennium goons commandeer a British carrier.  Their leader, Lt. Rip Van Winkle, has a musket that shoots magic bullets that can change direction in mid-air.    Also, Integra cut her own finger and made Seras lick the blood off.    As for Alucard, he’s been binging medical blood and taking a nap.
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This is all to set up a one-off gag where Alucard has a dream similar to the one Seras had back in Brazil, where she was visited by the spirit of her cannon, which looked a lot like the guy who played Lord Harkonnen in the Dune movie.   Not the new one, the one with Sting in it.    Not the wrestler Sting, the musician.  
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I don’t know why, but the spirit of Al’s gun, the Jackal, is Bruce Willis, but then Bruce gets killed by another guy who looks like Muldoon from Jurassic Park?  Maybe?   I just googled Muldoon and he doesn’t quite look like I remembered, but there’s no point to any of this, so let’s just move on.  
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Aboard the H.M.S. Eagle, now renamed the Alder by Milennium, Lt. Winkle has painted a swastika on the deck and she’s taking a nap in the middle of it.  Her team is all holed up inside, and they talk about how they’ll never be able to venture out in the sun again.   This seemed like a continuity gaffe to me, but then this one dude points out that unlike them, Winkle is a werewolf.   So that’s why she can go out in the sun and they can’t.  
Maybe the Hellsing Ultimate anime covered this, and I just missed it, but when I watched that series in 2016, I found it strange how there only seemed to be two werewolves in Millennium: The Captain, and Warrant Officer Schrodinger.   And yet, Schrodinger speaks of his fellow werewolves with some pride, as if there were more than just two of them, and it turns out that this was what he meant.    Rip Van Winkle’s a werewolf, and I’m starting to think Zorin Blitz must be a werewolf too.   
And that explains a few things, because the real inner circle of Millennium is those four characters, the Doctor, and the Major.   Their 1,000 soldiers are vampires, but their leaders are not.   Like the guy in this scene observes, Millennium’s vampire corps are “mere rookies” compared to the werewolves, and that’s why they’re the ones the Major put in charge.   
This also puts the Dandyman in context.   The Doctor seemed to have high hopes for the Dandyman, but he failed to put a dent in Alucard.   I never understood his confidence, seeing as Winkle and Blitz were stronger, but now it makes sense.   The Doctor’s been trying to perfect artificial vampirism for the last fifty-odd years.   Dandyman represented the most powerful vampire he could produce, and he paled in comparison to the real thing.    Millennium’s werewolves are far more capable, but I don’t know if the Doctor had anything to do with them.    Even if he did, his success with them is unrelated to his vampire research.   
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Also, Rip just looks... different somehow.   Maybe I’m grasping at straws, but her design might be intended to evoke wolf-like features, as opposed to vampiric features.   Well, I’ll worry about that later.
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In England, Sir Integra barges in on the British Navy HQ and all the officers there take offense. They seem to find the idea of vampires ludicrous, even though Hellsing is an official government agency and has been for over 100 years.   Their commander, Vice-Admiral Shelby Penwood, asks her to stay, but it’s like his subordinates don’t even notice this.   He’s a pretty weak leader, is my point.
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The Navy insists on handling the Eagle crisis without Integra, so she lights up a cigar and observes them in action.   They send some helicopters to check out the carrier, but Winkle shoots them down with her magic bullet.   It quickly becomes apparent that nothing can get close enough to the Eagle without getting destroyed, and since the Navy won’t listen to Integra, she withdraws to her own HQ to consider a proper strategy.   
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The fundamental problem for Hellsing is that they need to get Alucard or Seras aboard the Eagle in order to neutralize the threat, but vampires can’t cross running water.   A boat is out of the question because it’s too slow, and an aircraft would be shot down by the magic bullet.    But there is one aircraft that can get the job done...
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So Integra arranges to launch a modified SR-71 Blackbird.     Comics fans will recognize this as the plan the X-Men used in the comics.   I don’t know if they still use it.    At some point it probably stopped being cool, but in 1999 it was cool enough for Hellsing.   Strictly speaking, the Blackbird in this comic was heavily modified by the RAF’s research and development teams, so it’s practically a whole other aircraft.   The main point, though, is that it’s a reconnaissance plane, capable of flying at speeds of Mach 3 and at altitudes of 16 miles.  Unlike Sir Penwood’s aircraft, this one can approach the Eagle high enough in the air to avoid enemy fire.
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Below, Rip Van Winkle appears to sense Alucard’s approach and seems to have a panic attack over it.   Me, I’m just wondering why Hellsing wasted precious time having their cutesy logo painted on the tailfin of this plane.  
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So how the hell does Alucard plan to get the plane down without getting shot at?   SImple, he doesn’t.    He just nosedives straight down onto the carrier, and what does he care if the plane gets shot to hell on the way down?   
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A lot of this arc is just badass shots of this crash landing, and the ensuing carnage.   I’m skipping a lot of beautiful artwork, but there’s really nothing going on beyond “Alucard crashes his plane onto an aircraft carrier.”
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Once he hits the ground, Al releases his restraints to Level 1, the same level he used against Luke Valentine, and he goes to town on Milennium’s soldiers.    Rip Van Winkle keeps whimpering about Zamiel, which is a reference to Der Freischütz , a German opera about a huntsman with a musket that fires seven magic bullets.   The first six will hit whatever the huntsman aims for, but the seventh belongs to the Evil One, Zamiel, who can guide it wherever he pleases.   
Winkle flashes back to a coversation she had years ago with the Major, who recognizes her musket as a reference to Der Freischütz, and he warned her to remember how the opera ends: With Zamiel coming to claim the soul of Kaspar.   Rip is terrified because it doesn’t take a genius to see how Alucard’s attack might resemble this moment.   
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After her men are all destroyed, Rip gathers enough composure to put up a fight, but her magic bullet can only hit Alucard, not kill him.   Eventually, he just catches the thing in his mouth, neutralizing her power entirely.   
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Then we proceed with what I consider the most gruesome scene in the whole story.   Alucard starts by impaling Rip through the heart with the barrel of her own musket.
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Then he sprouts all these extra hands and grabs hold of her like some horrible nightmare-spider or something.   
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Then he starts licking up the blood from her wound, really taking his time with it.    He’s stuck on this boat, after all, and there’s no one else alive to distract him.   
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And finally he goes for the jugular, as it were.   
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Aboard his zeppelin, the Major is watching all of this.   I guess Schrodinger’s power to be anywhere makes it possible for them to keep tabs on what’s happening.   All he has to do is bring a video camera along.   The Doctor prepares to activate Winkle’s self-destruct chip, but the Major forbids this.   They used this device on Jan Valentine and the Dandyman, but only because they failed in their missions.   As for Rip Van Winkle, the Major declares her mission a complete success.    He orders his men to salute as they watch her die slowly at the hands of Alucard.    A twisted honor, to be sure.
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And with Winkle finally dead, Alucard just laughs up a storm.  
Here’s the problem, he’s stuck on that boat now.  And Hellsing knew it would go like this when they sent him, but they didn’t have a choice.   Early into the crisis, Integra and Walter recognized the Eagle as a mere decoy, one that would distract them from the real threat, but they couldn’t ignore it, and now Alucard’s on the Eagle while Millennium’s true forces are heading for Great Britain.
So yeah, take a good look at Alucard, because we won’t be seeing him again for a while...
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toomanybandstocare · 2 years
{When You Have a Migraine}
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Program: Ellie knows just what you need when a migraine hits. Soft touches, warm tea, and a quiet day of rest.
Pairing: Ellie Sattler x GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Headache/Migraine, Not proofed, Pet names (Love)
Camp Isla Nublar Masterlist
The harsh metallic trill of the alarm clock jolts Ellie awake and fumbling to shut the damn thing off. Sighing at the peaceful quiet, she turns to face you and runs her fingers across your back. The perfect morning routine.
But when her hand falls to your cold pillow, dread jolts her awake.
She sits up in bed trying to see where you went in your tiny apartment. There aren't many places you could hide, considering it's 9 am on her day off.
Especially when you're not a morning person. And she normally needs to pull you out of bed.
The apartment hums in silence.
Throwing the sheets off, Ellie dashes to put on her dressing robe and search for her clothes. A small click catches her attention and she pads her way over to the living room with askew glasses.
"Where were you?" You slightly wince at the inquisition and slowly take off your sunglasses when you face her. "Had to run to the shop, darling. Out of Excedrin," you rasp.
Ellie's shoulders slump in relief as well as understanding. "Come to the kitchen, love. Can I take care of you today?" She gently helps your jacket fall from your shoulders and takes the drug store bag.
"'s your day off though," you weakly protest. "And all I have ever asked is to spend it with you," she reassures.
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Ellie doesn't really change much when you have a migraine, but everything feels so much more soft and careful on these days.
She just makes everything happen without a worry in the world.
The medicine cabinet is always stocked up: either from her digs or the occasional sick day.
The pantry is filled with light snacks anyways in anticipation for munchies or upset stomachs.
A kettle perches on one of the back burners ready for a morning cup of tea to review a site find or lull someone to sleep.
Ellie is prepared for anything. This includes using modern day drugs or consulting wise plants.
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For a migraine day, there are three places that Ellie can be found if not with you.
The small window terrace: to pick fresh herbs and flowers for medicinal properties.
The kitchen: to brew tea, make snacks and meals, and quietly do the dishes so they don't overwhelm either of you later.
The bedroom: slowly piecing a comfy setting for when the day catches up to you and it's time to fall asleep.
Most of the day though, is sat by your side on the living room sofa: either a soft record scratching in the background, lightly snoozing, or watching a nearly mute movie.
Ellie almost waltzes through the apartment in a silent dance while she makes preparations and tends to you.
After years of living together and loving each other, the two of you have perfect the silent language of care and devotion, So, rarely do you have to communicate and bask in the ability to just understand each other.
The comforting silence of your love makes days like these just a little more bearable when just existing seems to take a toll on you.
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"What would you like to do today?" Ellie mumbles into your head. You lay on her chest and press your face further into the crook of her neck. "This," you moan and lay a wet kiss to her neck. Even though everything absolutely kills you, from the sunlight peeking past the cracks in the curtain to the dull echo of a cabinet closing, the sound of Ellie's laugh makes you sigh in bliss.
Ellie wraps you up in a blanket for you to snooze in while she refreshes her knowledge of medicinal plants with her favorite book. Her internal timer knows when to carefully pull the edges away from you to let cool air kiss your flushed cheeks.
When you start to stir, she quietly goes over to make you a cup of tea with peppermint and lavender. And by the time you blink all sleepiness away, she sits in front of you on the coffee table and offers you a mug.
If you struggle with bone aches, Ellie's will grasp your wrist and hold the bottom of the cup to just support you. When you're done, she'll rub your tender joints.
Options. If she asks you something, she gives you options. Because as much as she wants to engage with you, Ellie knows that thinking is not a priority today. "Would you like something sweet or bland for a snack?" "Would you mind Kate Bush on in the background, would you prefer if we stick to classical?" "It's almost lunch, so let's start to figure out what sounds good. Soup or mac n' cheese?" "Do you want another movie on in the background? I can also read you something, if that sounds nice."
After lunch, she'll run a bath for the both of you. Using some of the flowers she thought were pretty, she holds you close to her chest as little petals float by. "How's your day going?" You half consciously ask. "Wonderful- I get to spend it holding you as much as I with no complaint," she teases and brings light laughter from both your lips, "And I got some prep work done for the next dig". "Oh? Tell me about it," you rub her thigh and close your eyes. She knows you aren't going to remember most of what she shares, if anything, but she obliges and tells you the overview of the site's plans.
The rest of the afternoon is spent perched at your teetering breakfast table with a glass of water and another cup of tea. Both of you wrapped in robes as you lightly chat about the weekend coming. Mostly Ellie. "I was thinking we could take a trip to the orchard," she hums taking in your complexion over the rim of her cup, "the weather is going to be cool, and we can get apples to bake into a pie. To celebrate fall coming". While she speaks, she grabs the pill bottle from the kitchen counter and hands you how many you need. Without words, slides the plate of jam saltines over to your side. "Or we could go to the museum for the afternoon and café hop after wards?"
When the sun begins to set, she guides you to the bed room and places you to sit on the ledge of the bed. Her cool hands undress you to then help you get ready for sleep. A wet wash cloth travels down your spine as you hold her hips while she stands between your legs. Another rests on your forehead when you settle down onto your pillows.
Ellie peppers little kisses to your cheeks and then a final one on your bemused smile. "Thank you, doc. You always know what I need," you joke and play with her hair as she gets comfy on your stomach. "I'm a sucker for a fool with pretty eyes. You're lucky I make house calls- not every doc is as attentive as me," she teases. "Trust me, I know. How about I plan this weekend's trip? Let me express my gratitude, doc?" "I think I can make time in my schedule".
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fantasy2739 · 4 years
Maybe you could do a one shot with Douxie and the Arcadia gang spending time with each other and having fun (whatever activity you choose)? after Wizards. Slight canon deviation with Douxie staying a few days before departing with Nari. It’s be fun for them all to the unwind after all the events they’ve been through
Ahhh a little fluff good Anon? A little happy for these children? But of course!
I hope you enjoy!!
“Staying a couple of nights won’t kill you.” Claire had said. Which was how Douxie had ended up in the cul-de-sac that housed the Lake’s and Domzalski’s. He could rough it, or have gone home. Except his home had been blown to bits. Douxie shook the depressing thoughts from his head. No point in dwelling on the past.
“I’m bored.” Toby said as they sat in the Lake living room.
“Bored? We were nearly killed by a flying castle.” Jim pointed out.
“Yeah but that was like yesterday.” Toby said, flicking through his phone. “Nothings’s happened today.”
“Maybe we should enjoy the peace and quiet.” Claire said, leaning against Jim.
“We could play a game.” Krel suggested. “That’s peaceful.”
“Video game?” Steve asked curiously. “I would pound all of you.”
“GoGo Sushi?” Aaarrrgh put forward hopefully.
“To many people.” Jim said with a shake of his head. “Board game?”
“Cluedo?” Claire suggested. Then she frowned before counting the people in the room. “Damn, too many people.”
“We could team up.” Douxie said, stretching out on the floor. His limbs still felt stiff.
“Team up, nah not for cluedo.” Toby said. Then he got an evil grin on his face. “We could play Monopoly.” There were several protests. A chorus of no’s.
“What is this Monopoly?” Nari asked curiously as Krel shot them a questioning look.
“Yes, I am rather curious myself.” Blinky put in. The teens groaned.
“You go around a board earning money and trying to bankrupt everyone else.” Jim explained.
“Except no one can agree on the rules.” Douxie added.
“And it always becomes an argument.” Claire added.
“Usually with at least one person quitting.” Toby finished. Blinky frowned and pondered.
“I think we should play.” He said eventually. Jim went to find their board. He came back with a look of doom.
“Anyone want to pair up?” He asked, setting it down.
“Wingman?” Aaarrrgh asked. Toby smiled.
“Sure thing big guy.” He said, patting the ground. Jim unfolded the board. He shot Claire a hopeful look. She smiled.
“You’re going down Lake.” She said sweetly.
“Nari you want to play?” Douxie asked kindly. Nari looked nervous but nodded. “Alone or with a team?”
“I will try alone.” She said softly.
“Well I intend to take you for all you have.” Archie said with a sly grin at Douxie. Douxie rolled his eyes.
“Everyone keep an eye so that Archie doesn’t walk on the board.” He said. He rubbed the familiar. “He cheats.”
“I don’t cheat.” Archie protested. “I play creatively.”
“Leaping on the board because you owe rent is cheating.” Douxie said. Claire snickered.
“Sorry Archie, but Douxie’s right.” She said. “Do it and we’ll double the rent.” Archie looked properly chastised but still like he might try.
“Fine, but no enchanting the dice.” He said primly. Douxie nearly slapped his forehead.
“It was one time.” He grumbled.
“Okay, so no magic, no jumping on the board.” Jim said. “And Lake house rules are in effect. If you don’t call for rent you don’t get it.”
“What? So I have to focus on you buttsnacks too?” Steve complained.
“I’m guessing no Akiridian tech either.” Krel interjected.
“No Akiridian tech.” Jim agreed. “We need to pick out character pieces. Pe- Uh those that haven’t played before can pick first.”
“Well Miss Nari, if you’d like to go first.” Blinky offered graciously. Nari eyed the little metal pieces.
“I will be this little dog.” She said, picking it up happily. Blinky picked the Top Hat, Krel took the cannon.
“Does it blast people?” He asked.
“What no.” Jim said. “They’re just pieces. They don’t have powers.” Krel looked disappointed. Steve grabbed the battleship with a smirk. Archie chose the Thimble and Douxie picked the Horse and Rider. Toby took the race car before Jim or Claire had a chance. Claire sighed and took the wheelbarrow while Jim took the boot with a wry look. Clearly he was used to Toby grabbing the car first.
“I’ll just run through the rules quickly.” Jim said with a sigh.
“Roll the dice Jimbo!” Toby yelled.
“Huh? Wait you owe me rent Dumbzalski.” Steve snapped.
“Jim rolled!”
“No he didn’t.”
“I’m calling rule break.”
“That was not a rule break.”
“You rolled three doubles!”
“I’m not going to jail after just getting out!”
“Suck it up and go!” Douxie snickered at the arguments that broke out between everyone. It reminded him of many game nights with Archie. He sat back and let the atmosphere wash over him. It felt so relaxing.
“Douxie are you going to roll?” Claire asked. Douxie blinked at her. She gave him a concerned look but he smiled at her. He rolled and landed on Mayfair.
“I’m going to buy it.” He said. “And since I have Park Lane too, I’m going to put a house in both.” Everyone’s eyes went down to the board.
“Oh no.” Toby mumbled. “We’re all doomed. He’s got them both. Why didn’t anyone stop him?”
“I didn’t have enough money to buy it.” Krel said. “Kleb. If you hadn’t called rent on Fleet Street.” Blinky gasped in shock.
“But then I couldn’t stop Master Jim from buying Bond Street.” He said.
“It’s only two properties.” Douxie said.
“The most expensive ones.” Jim grumbled.
“Right near Go.” Claire added. “And you got the train stations.”
“Only because Archie ruined my utilities plan.” Douxie argued.
“The end of the board is a death trap.” Steve said. “We’re doomed.” Nari had curled up against Douxie after being bankrupted three rounds in.
“Is this not the point of the game?” She asked tiredly. “To crush your opponents wealth until they are helpless.”
“Nari remember what we talked about.” Archie said. “It’s not just crushing wealth. It’s crushing their dreams too.” That brought a round of laughter.
“There’s still a chance someone else could win.” Jim said. “If we all target Douxie.”
“Ooo an alliance. How devious.” Toby said while rubbing his hands together. “I’m in.”
“Fine but just remember, Claire’s got all the pink places.” Douxie said with a smirk. “And if you aren’t careful she’ll buy up all the orange too.” Looks of distrust circled the board.
The game took four hours. Four unholy hours of backstabbing, yelling, attempts at cheating and Archie nearly setting the board on fire. Douxie won, naturally.
“Don’t feel too bad.” He said. “I’ve been playing since it came out.”
“I feel a little less bad.” Claire sighed. “Still you are brutal.”
“You should have seen when played with Jeff.” Archie said. “That was a night.”
“Jeff?” Krel asked. “Who’s Jeff?”
“Goldblum.” Archie said, licking his paws. The stares made both Archie and Douxie uncomfortable.
“It was before the Jurassic Park thing.” He said sheepishly.
“Have you met other famous people?” Toby pounced. Douxie flushed.
“I mean a few yes.” He mumbled. “It’s been a long life.” An awkward silence fell. Douxie waved his hands a little. “But still as monopoly victor.”
“Brutal victor.” Blinky said, snapping his fingers.
“Uh yeah brutal victor. I don’t have to tidy up.” Douxie declared. There were a couple of snorts.
“No fair is fair.” Blinky said.
“You should rest anyway.” Claire said. “And then tomorrow we’re going to kick your butt with a different game.” Douxie raised an eyebrow at the challenge.
“Looking forward to it.”
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whowhatifs · 4 years
I was wondering if you'd like to indulge us with some head cannon facts about your Detective if you are interested? 👉👈🙂
Oooh absolutely!! I've done a lot of playthroughs with different MCs, so far I have two Detectives that I've written about and are my "main" ones. Rex (Morgan's route) was my first, so they have a more developed backstory than Charlie (Ava's route).
Rex facts:
They got their nickname after they walked into a room and didn't notice Tina was there until she moved, because they were focused on something. She had watched Jurassic Park recently, with the T-Rex that only sees motion or whatever. 😂
They haven't been interested in anyone romantically since breaking up with Bobby. Even with Morgan, they happily see it as a close-friends-with-benefits situation... 😑 I don't even know how Rex will react to realising that their feelings are more than casual, there's like a 50% chance they'll panic and bail (temporarily).
In their teens they wore uncomfortable coloured contacts because they hoped maybe Rebecca would spend more time with them if their eyes didn't remind her of Rook's. 💔 *sobs* They were really close with him and were devastated when he was killed (and even moreso when they felt like they lost their mom too). They still try to do things to feel close to him, like watching his favorite movies on his birthday. 😔
Charlie facts:
She worries that Ava will regret their first kiss (whenever that happens), so I don't see her initiating it. If Ava leaned in to kiss her, but it seemed like she might just be getting swept up in the moment, I can imagine Charlie slowing things down to give Ava that extra moment to think first (kissing her cheek instead, pressing their foreheads together, or something). *goes off to cry because at this rate I won't get to kiss Ava until like the last book*
She was badly injured in her early 20s which spurred her desire to help keep people safe. Years later she still struggles with chronic pain because of it though, exercise helps her manage it (so has a fairly high combat/physical skill).
She is incredibly caring, understanding, and compassionate and I can barely handle it. 😍😭❤️ She's probably the happiest OC with the least mental health issues I've ever made. She doesn't even have a strained relationship with Rebecca. wtf.
Thank you for the ask!! That was probably more text than you bargained for (or less?? Idk?), but anyways I have so many emotions about these people I made up. 😂❤️ You've cracked opened the floodgates, so we'll see if I end up posting a bunch more about them in the next while. Maybe I'll even finally get around to doing some of the things I was tagged in that I keep forgetting about. 😌
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phr4sing · 5 years
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It’s cannon: Jason hums while he works
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My head cannon: he hums classical music - though the Jurassic Park theme is a stronger contender.
What do you guys think the hums? Reblog and let me know!
PS: doing this because I love this community’s analysis of his character. There aren’t enough essays on Jason Todd’s character.
Taken from from RHatO vol 2 issue 30 and issue 39.
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green-co · 4 years
Famous and Hidden  “ Natural Wonders “ in the U.S.
From Japan's Mount Fuji and Australia's Great Barrier Reef to South Africa's Table Mountain and Israel's Dead Sea, the world is absolutely brimming with au naturel attractions. Of course, this is no surprise to anyone, but what might be is that you don't have to book an expensive flight to see some of the most intriguing places. Whether you're interested in singing sand dunes, flame-lit waterfalls, or prehistoric swamps, we've found 23 off-the-beaten-path natural wonders in the U.S. that will blow your mind.
1 Bisti Badlands, New Mexico
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Hoodoos, prehistoric swamps, desert spires—New Mexico's Bisti Badlands has all this and more. The 45,000-acre swath, which stretches out across the Four Corners region, may now be arid desert, but it was once—65 million years ago—an inland coastal area home to early relatives of the Tyrannosaurus rex. To see what the best park in your state is, check out This Is the Best National Park in Each State.
2 Fern Canyon, California
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Fern Canyon is located a few miles within Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park. If you've never been there but it looks oddly familiar, perhaps you've seen the lush, fern-covered canyon in Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World? The verdant one-mile trail forms a natural maze with walls that grow closer and taller the farther you walk. The leafy environs shade a number of amphibians, as well, including the Pacific giant salamander—so keep your eye peeled.
3 Craters of the Moon National Monument & Preserve, Idaho
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Equidistance between Boise and Yellowstone National Park lies Craters of the Moon—a 1,117-mile preserve that encompasses three major lava fields. The Rhode Island-sized area formed between 15,000 to 20,000 years ago as lava erupted from the Great Rift, and today it's home to the largest-known open rift crack in the world. For more beautiful locations in America, check out the 30 Places So Surreal You Won't Believe They're in the U.S.
4 Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Michigan
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Ireland has the Cliffs of Moher and England has the Cliffs of Dover, but what does Michigan have? Well, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, of course! The Upper Peninsula park includes 15 miles of mineral-stained cliffs, which borrow their color from iron, copper, manganese, and limonite deposits. At their tallest, the cliffs tower 200 feet about Lake Superior, making for a pretty incredible kayaking backdrop.
5 Kelso Dunes, California
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The Mojave Desert is no stranger to sand dunes, but the Kelso Dunes aren't your average find. The 45-mile quartz sand deposit includes five distinct dunes—each the result of a specific period of climate change over the last 25,000 years. As wind moves through the area's vegetation, the sand "sings," letting off a low-frequency rumble that still has scientists scratching their heads as to why.
6 Eternal Flame Falls, New York
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Of all the elements, water and fire usually don't get along the best, but at New York's Eternal Flame Falls? Well, it's a different story. Tucked into the Shale Creek Preserve about 30 minutes south of Buffalo, the 30-foot cascade harbors a small, natural gas-emitting grotto that fuels an "eternal" eight-inch flame. For little-known travel spots, check out the 33 Utterly Amazing Travel Destinations in the U.S. You've Never Heard Of.
7 Palouse Falls, Washington
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Coursing water is no match for stone—just ask Washington's Palouse Falls. The cascade carved out its spot some 13,000 years ago and is one of the last active waterfalls on the Ice Age flood path. At sunset, the dancing shadows make the 200-foot drop even more enchanting.
8 Neskowin Ghost Forest, Oregon
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The Pacific Northwest knows a thing or two about natural wonders, but spots like Cannon Beach and Crater Lake are far from secret. If you're looking for a quieter place, consider the Neskowin Ghost Forest. The ancient spruce forest was once a 200-foot-tall canopy, but after being decimated by a tsunami in 1997, it's now nothing more than a hundred or so barnacle-covered stumps.
9 The Basin, New Hampshire
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Potholes usually aren't sought-after attractions, but then again, most aren't 20 feet in diameter or lauded by Henry David Thoreau as "the most remarkable curiosity of its kind in New England." The glacially formed Basin—which churns icy mountain water all year round in New Hampshire's Franconia Notch State Park—is believed to have been the result of the North American ice sheet melting some 15,000 years ago.
10 Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah
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Turns out you don't have to book a flight to Bolivia to see some of the world's most mesmerizing salt flats—instead, consider what Utah has to offer. Formed at the end of the last ice age, the Bonneville Salt Flats stretch for 30,000 acres along the Utah-Nevada border. What looks like a snow-covered lake is actually crusty salt that's nearly five feet deep in the center.
11 Ruby Falls, Tennessee
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the-awkward-outlaw · 4 years
Author interview
I was tagged by @journal-of-an-outlaw, thanks Carrie! 
Name: Katie 
Fandoms: Red Dead 2 and Jurassic Park are my biggest fandoms, along with Supernatural. But the only one I write for is Red Dead 
Where You Post: Tumblr and AO3
Most Popular One-Shot: I never gave it a title but it was the one where the reader asks a passing rider (Arthur) for a lift to Valentine after her horse dies, but she really doesn’t want to return to her family. Read it here.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: Second Chances. By far my longest project EVER! Read it here 
Favorite Story You Wrote: Second Chances just because it’s what I’ve worked on the most recently
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Second Chances. I’ve never posted any of my writing for people to just read online before and I was terrified no one would like it
How You Choose Your Titles: Sometimes with music, sometimes a theme or a phrase a character says. Honestly though, I hate picking title names. Pain in the ass! 
Complete: Second Chances will be completed tomorrow! 
Incomplete: Second Chances (but only until tomorrow!) 
Do You Outline: Not as much as I should
Coming Soon / Not Yet Started: I am going to be doing head cannons for Arthur coming to modern times and meeting reader, as well as one shots inspired by photos I take from the game
Do You Accept Prompts: Yes but no one will send me any! Seriously, man! Send me your fucking ideas, I wanna hear them! 
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: I have so many ideas for head cannons and a few one shots I wanna get started on, plus an idea for an original story I might want to turn into a novel! (I have not thought enough about it to really release a ton of details.) 
I am going to tag @ladyboltontoyou and @yeet-or-be-hawed as well as anyone else who wants to do this. 
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shitty-fallout-art · 5 years
Got anymore cool fallout head cannons? Maybe something about deathclaws? What do you think of Goris?
I haven't played the earlier fallouts but I think Goris is super fucking cool. Wish they expanded on this whole "intelligent and sentient deathclaw" thing in other games.
As for deathclaw specific headcanons I guess I could do minor headcanons on deathclaw physiology??
-like other types of reptiles, deathclaws have a translucent eyelid that covers their eyes and acts as a protective lens against splattering gore when they hunt.
-a deathclaw tail will grow back if it is detached. But very slowly and it will never function as properly as its original.
-deathclaw females are larger and more aggressive than males.
-chameleon deathclaws will change color based on mood.
-you know that scene in Jurassic park when the velociraptors learned how to open doors? Yeah.
-a deathclaw pack will set up herding paths to ambush prey.
-deathclaws don't die of old age, they usually only die of disease or are killed. If given the right circumstances, they'll continue growing until they get too large to carry themselves and then starve to death.
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pyroflyer23 · 5 years
I wonder what would happen if I told y’all that I self-ship. Cause I do. I have a list of F/Os who I love dearly. Y’all wanna see it? No? Too bad.
Romantic F/Os:
Starscream. (Transformers franchise)
Blizwing. (Transformers Animated)
Wreck-Gar. (Transformers Animated)
Robot Devil. (Futurama)
Nick (Left 4 Dead 2)
David (Left 4 Dead Screamer OC)
Merasmus (Team Fortress 2)
Sniper (Team Fortress 2)
Medic (Team Fortress 2)
Fritz Ludwig (Emesis Blue)
Christian Brutal Sniper (Freak Fortress 2)
George “Digger” Harkness/Captain Boomerang (DC Comics)
Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow, (Batman/DC Comics)
Jervis Tetch/Mad Hatter (Arkhamverse games)
Joker (Young Justice version and Injustice 2 version)
Arthur Fleck (Joker 2019)
The Amazing Mumbo/Mumbo Jumbo (Teen Titans)
Blade (Puppet Master)
Erik Destler (The Phantom of the Oprea, 1989)
Inkubus (Inkubus, 2011)
The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Agent Smith (The Matrix)
Egon Spengler (Ghostbusters franchise)
Peter Venkman (Ghostbusters franchise)
Ron Alexander (Ghostbusters IDW comics)
Dr. Caligosto Loboto (Psychonauts)
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Sir Pentious (Hazbin Hotel)
Vox (Hazbin Hotel)
Father/Benedict Uno (Codename Kids Next Door)
Lou Pottingsworth III/The Toiletnator. (KND)
Jack O'lantern. (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
Dr. 0/Zero (Fallout New Vegas: Old World Blues)
Stu Macher/Ghostface (Scream 1996
Johann Kraus (Hellboy franchise)
Demongo. (Samurai Jack)
Scaramouch the merciless. (Samurai Jack)
Jack Frost (The Santa Clause franchise)
Snow Miser (Rankin/Bass specials)
Springtrap (Goes by “Spring”) (FNAFB and FNAF world cannon mix)
Foxy (FNAF/FNAFB cannon) 
Dr. Insano (Atop the Fourth Wall/The spoony experiment)
Captain Buggy! (One Piece)
Soul King Brook (One Piece)
Sir Crocodile (One Piece)
Ryuma (One Piece)
Señor Diablo (JTHM)
Richard (Looking For Group)
The Terror (The Tick 2017)
Guerrero (Human Target 2010)
Willie Loomis (Dark Shadows 2012)
Pyramid Head (Silent Hill)
Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)
AM (I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream)
Herbert West (Re-Animator)
HP Hatecraft (Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated)
Captain James Hook. (Peter Pan. I like the cartoon version)
The Mask/Stanley Ipkiss (The Mask movie and animated series)
Kowalski (Penguins of Madagascar)
Murdoc Niccals (Gorillaz)
The Spine (Steam Powered Giraffe)
Lore (Star Trek TNG)
Thaddeus “Rusty” Venture (The Venture Bros) 
Zed Blanco (Borderlands)
Ned Blanco (Borderlands)
Giovanni (Pokemon) (It’s complicated.)
Lex Luthor (Justice Leauge Action)
Rorschach (Watchmen)
Dr. Ian Malcom (Jurassic Park)
Eckert (EleTRONica) (It’s a former Disneyland park show)
Spiderman Noir/Peter Parker (Into The Spiderverse)
Ghost Rider/Johnny Blaze (Marvel, 2007 movie)
Papyrus (Most of the Papyruses) (Undertale and it's AUs.)
Gaster (Undertale)
Spamton G Spamton (Deltarune)
Professor Membrane (Invader Zim) (I liked him before the movie. It just reminded me.)
Wade Willson/Deadpool (Marvel) (Both dating and friends with benefits depending on the day)
Cell (Dragon Ball franchise)
Jeice (Dragon Ball Z Abridged)
Skeletor (He-Man)
Cobra Commander (G.I. Joe)
Skullmageddon (Double Dragon Neon)
Remus Sanders (Sanders Sides)
Hades (Disney’s Hercules)
Platonic F/Os:
Jervis Tetch /Mad Hatter (Batman the animated series)
Grim (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
Nergal (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy) (Friends with benefits type)
Reg Barclay. (Star Trek TNG)
Ray Stanz, Winston Zeddamore, Rookie (Ghostbusters franchise) 
The Scooby gang (Scooby-Doo franchise)
Toulon’s Puppets (Puppet Master)
Bubba Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Chop Top Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Slimer (Ghostbusters franchise)
Q (Star Trek) (IDK but you could put Discord from MLP on here as well. I like them both for the same reason.)
Jervis Tetch (DC Comics/Batman the animated series.)
The Eds (Ed Edd n Eddy.) (Childhood friends type.)
Rrazputin Aquato (Psychonauts)
Milla Vodello  (Psychonauts)
Sasha Nein (Psychonauts)
Morceau Oleander (Psychonauts)
Stolas Goitia (Helluva Boss)
Hazbin Hotel staff (Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Charlie, Nifty) (Hazbin Hotel)
Sir Pentious (Hazbin Hotel)
Guzma (Pokemon) (He is friend shaped.)
Sans (Undertale and it’s AUs.)
The robots and Water Workers (Save The Spine) (Steam Powered Giraffe)
All of the Straw hat crew (cept Brook cause we’re dating) (One Piece)
All the Sanders sides save Remus and Deceit. (Deceit might become platonic more we learn about him.)
Gnarl (Overlord games) (Leader and advisor type relationship.)
The Minions (Overlord games) (One-sided devotion on their end. I hold very little attachment to the majority besides appreciation.)
Familial F/Os:
Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas) (Big brother)
Mad Mod. (Teen Titans) (Father)
Master Splinter (TMNT franchise) (Father)
All the Ninja Turtles. (TMNT franchise) (Brothers)
Freddy Kruger (A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise) (Uncle)
Lord Fathom. (Jake and the Neverland Pirates) (Father)
Brewster (Animal Crossing) (Father)
Mad Mod (Teen Titans) (Father)
Bill and Mandy (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy) (I just kinda adopted them.)
Nergal Jr. (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy) (Adopted nephew)
Irwin (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy) (Son)  I'm not as attached to Irwin as I am to the others but he's still my son and I love him.
Nigel Uno/Numbah One (Codename Kid Next Door) (Nephew)
Delightful Children From Down The Lane (Codename Kids Next Door) (Children)
Webber (Don’t Starve) (Son)
Hank and Dean Venture (Venture Bros) (Sons)
Bowser Jr. (Mario) (Son)
Heat Miser and the rest of the Miser family (Rankin/Bass specials) (family in-laws)
Serena (Pokemon) (Daughter)
Silver (Pokemon) (Son)
Yellow (Pokemon) (Daughter)
Toriel (Undertale and it’s AUs) (Mom)
Thor (Marvel) (Brother-in-law)
Charles (Looking for Group) (Adopted son)
Dib Membrane (Invader Zim) (Son)
Gaz Membrane (Invader Zim) (Daughter)
Zim (Invader Zim) (Adopted son)
Shin Godzilla (Godzilla franchise) (Adopted child)
Pet F/Os:
Sparkles (Pikachu) (Pokemon)
Rex (Quagsire) (Pokemon)
Richard (Houndoom) (Pokemon)
Froggy (Greninja) (Pokemon)
Zigzig (Zigzagoon) (Pokemon)
Fifi (Xenomorph, Runner type) (Alein franchise)
Sparky (Licker B) (Resident Evil)
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