#ian malcolm one shots
toomanybandstocare · 2 years
{When You Have a Migraine}
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Program: Headaches. Migraines. Searing pain. It just shuts you down for the day and forces you to bedrest. Tucked away from the world and wrapped in a bundle of cool pads with blankets. This is the only time that Ian Malcolm is quiet and tender with how he carries himself.
Pairing: Professor! Ian Malcolm x GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Headaches/Migraines, Reader has hair, Swears, Pet names (Sweetheart, Doll, Baby, and Honey)
Counselor Notes: I have a migraine rn, so i want to be held softly :( kind of goes along with this thought i had as well as this one. Not proofed bc i have a migraine rn and my eyes feel like they're gonna explode.
Camp Isla Nublar Masterlist
Ian is already up when the sun begins to rise to get ready for his day of lectures and meeting at the school. Already a cup of coffee in and has a second one in hand with lesson materials in his other as he climbs back into bed. His morning ritual is nothing without you curled against his chest and sleepy morning kisses.
But when 8am rolls around, and he knows he needs to head out soon, worry stings at the back of his neck when you haven't woken up yet.
Gently carding his fingers through your hair, Ian's eyebrows scrunch together when you wince. Bleary eyes shy away from the soft sunlight pouring in through the sheer curtains.
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"What's up with you, huh? Look like you haven't see the sun before," he lightly teases. But there's a small waver in his voice, and the normally confident man is so afraid to raise his voice louder than a light mumble. "Migraine," you hum against his chest.
Mans is frozen with panic, but he's not going to let you know that. You're the one in pain, so for once his fucking life, it's not about him. He knows that whenever you say that word, you're down for the count and there's nothing you can do but wait it out.
And he hates it.
Ian Malcolm is a problem solver.
He fixes things using theory, practice, and applied critical thinking.
For fuck's sake he's a doctor in mathematics specializing in chaos theory teaching at a prestigious university.
For fuck's sake, the man survived a dinosaur island that tried to kill him.
But your migraines?
He'd rather be back on that island, because he hates how helpless he feels seeing you reel in pain.
Because there is very little he can do to make it go away.
So Ian Malcolm goes above and beyond during your days of bedrest.
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The only time Ian leaves you alone is when it's to get supplies, make you food, and cancel his classes. That's it.
"I'll be back in an hour okay, sweetheart?" he calmly closes the curtains and then lightly pads your forehead wrinkles. Your weak whine, either of disagreement or acknowledgement, breaks his heart.
His first stop is his university to quickly tell the department's admin to cancel his classes for the day. "No, no. You don't understand- Fucking, I don't care alright. One cancelled class is not going to put them behind for the semester".
Then it's to the corner grocery store, and let me tell you.
This man is intelligent, educated, well knowledgeable on many topics.
But he's so out of his element in the store and what would help. The first time, he nearly bought out the med isle because he didn't want to miss anything that would help.
You're still working through all the bottles of medicine and pain relief from that first trip.
But now? He knows exactly what to get and what isle it's in. God help him if the store changes up their layout So he's in and out within 30 mins with two bags of extra care filled with:
Your favorite tea- both caffeinated and non-caffeinated
A bag of chocolates and some bananas- magnesium helps headaches (it actually does, so a good tip for any of my head pain duderinos, the nurse told me when i had a concussion)
Cooling pads
Bath supplies- bath bomb, salts, a bouquet of flowers to decorate the water with
A light scented candle
Electolyte drinks
A new pair of fuzzy socks
A new bottle of nail polish
Mass paperback copy of a light hearted adventure novel
After becoming familiar with your likes and needs for headache days, Ian knows exactly what will make your day just a little more bearable.
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And for the rest of the day, Ian Malcolm strips himself of his usual bravado and lowers his voice.
Lays in bed with you while reading the adventure novel. His heartbeat and soft, gravelly voice lull you to semi-consciousness.
Makes your tea to your order and also has a travel cup with a straw filled with the electrolyte drink. The small shakes that rattle your arm from bone pain makes holding anything a challenge. So he holds the travel cup straw to your lips or helps you sit up for a tea break. Snack bags between your legs as the two of you quietly discuss the book.
If your bones are really achy, he'll ask you to take off your clothes as you see comfortable to massage your body. Rubbing his finger tips carefully and tenderly against any sore spots. Pressing his palms into the planes of your back and shoulder blades. Squeezing your neck and helping you roll out your muscles. Just to get you to move a little throughout the day.
If you're feeling sleepy and want to doze for a while, Ian quickly dusts off a classical vinyl record and puts it on to listen to. You cuddle up on his side and press your head against the crook of his neck while he grades papers or reads a new article.
Ian is incredibly caring and soft during these days. Normal teasing phrases like "I get that I'm irresistible, doll, but I didn't realize just how needy you are for me" are exchanged for doting sentiments such as "How's my baby feeling? I'm sorry you're going through this, honey. What can I do to help you?"
Meals are simple and homey. Whatever will soothe your stomach and mind is on the menu. Ian rarely cooks, so the sight of him cooking shirtless in your apartment always sends a warm flutter of bliss through you. If you're up to it and make your way over to him, you find yourself wrap in his arms and pressed against his chest. His chest vibrates as he hums along to the record.
Puts on a bath and pours in salts or a bath bomb. His hands grip your hip so securely to make sure you don't fall getting in from not moving around much today. Ian sits on the ledge of the tub to pour little cups of water over the back of your head to at least wash your hair with water. Runs a wash cloth over your body with his body wash to clean you up a bit and care to any tender spots with additional mini-massages.
Ian places you on the couch before bedtime, so he can strip the bed and put on new sheets. Fluffs the pillows and remakes the bed, so it's fresh and free of sick day energy.
"Thank you," you sleepily mumble, tucked under his chin as you lay half on him/half on the bed. Legs a tangled mess. His hands trail over your body trying to ease you into the land of dreams. "Anything for you," Ian presses a kiss to the crown of your head, "I love you so goddamn much. There's nothing I wouldn't do to make you happy and safe".
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lolahauri · 4 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ when you touch me i die just a little inside
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My brain is completely flooded with jumbled scenarios of Ian, so let me just ramble and get this out here before I explode 😩 no proof reading and no warnings btw, someday soon ill rewrite this better, but for now this is what yall get 🥴(MDNI)
Just imagine him being your mathematics professor. he's in his early forties, you're in your early-mid twenties. you've always had a thing for older men, and them being an authority figure only made the fantasies more exciting.
you noticed after some months of being in his class, he seemed to start eyeing you more. lingering gazes cast in your direction were becoming increasingly noticeable. he always asked your thoughts on the subject being taught first. he praised your papers and projects much more than the other students.
you wondered if you were being delusional, or if maybe you actually had a chance...
you wanted to test him and see if your suspicions were correct, but without being too obvious, of course. so to start, you began wearing short skirts more often, maybe with a sweater on top so it didn't seem so clear you were trying to show some skin. you took note of how he looked directly at your legs every time you strolled into class with a miniskirt. you couldn't see after you turned your back, but man he couldn't take his eyes off of them until you got to your seat.
after a couple weeks, you moved your spot to the front row, closer to his main desk. occasionally, when he was up at the board, looking out to the class, you'd switch your crossed legs to the other side. spreading them just enough that he could catch a glimpse of your lace panties. you knew you caught him in the act when he began to clear his throat profusely afterwards, refusing to look you in the eyes for the rest of the day.
you continued to amp up your little game until you were sure you could make a move. but before you could, he did.
class was out for the day, you were the last student to get your things packed and ready to leave. before you could head out the door though, Dr. Malcolm called out to you.
"Uh, Ms. [L/N]?" you turned to look at him, his face was serious. your stomach dropped, shit, what if the teasing wasn't affecting him the way you thought it was?
"Oh- um. yes, professor?" you were trying to play it cool, maybe he'd buy the 'i had no idea' act if you pitched it well enough.
"would you, uh, mind seeing me in my office for a sec?"
"of course! yes..." you walked with him to a door near the corner of his room, hands beginning to tremble a bit. as you entered, he walked in behind you and... locked the door?
before you could ask what this was about, he roughly grabbed your cheeks in one hand, tilting your head up to force eye contact with you.
"do you have something you wanna tell me, Ms. [L/N]" heat pooled in your stomach immediately as his deep brown eyes pierced into yours "you wanna explain this - this little game you've playing? huh?" he squeezed your soft face a little harder, lips slowly inching towards you.
"Sir, i-"
"what? you- you think I didn't notice what you were doing? wearing these little, uh, short skirts, spreadin' your legs right in front me everyday." his voice raised a bit, but oddly enough, he didn't exactly sound angry. it must be the sexual frustration coming out.
and maybe this wasn't the time to be bold, but you couldn't hold back anymore, you needed him now.
"maybe I wanted you to notice, professor."
he smirked down at you, wrapping a strong arm around your back "oh, really? well, uh, you got my attention now sweetheart."
oh, it's game on.
both of you leaned forward to quickly close the gap between your mouths. your lips fit together like puzzle pieces, your head was spinning as you reached up to snake your arms around his neck. he's so tall...
a surprised noise came out of you as he leaned down to pick you up, one arm under your ass, the other still on your back, pressing you into his body firmly. the kiss quickly deepened, he slid his tongue past your lips, swirling it around your own as you moaned into his mouth.
ian stumbles forward a bit, carefully finding the table in the room and lying you down on it, pulling away from the kiss briefly.
"you, uh, wanna take this further sweetheart?" he grinned down at you, his arms caging your head in.
"god, yes" you breathed out, wrapping your legs around his hips and bringing him into another kiss.
he chuckled against your lips, not wasting any time to run a large hand up both your top and skirt. one hand was grabbing your breast as the other worked to pull your panties down. usually he'd prep a woman more before fucking her, but you've worked him up so much he can't wait any longer.
ian pulled back once again, hastily undoing his belt. you watched in awe as he pulled his pants down, just far enough to let his long cock spring out. he let out a breathy laugh, "like what you see?"
under normal circumstances you'd be embarrassed, but you were so turned on and dazed all you could do was nod, slowly lifting your gaze back to his eyes.
he stepped forward and bent down slightly to align his hips with yours, grabbing your legs and wrapping them around his waist. you were breathing heavily as his tip grazed your hole, dripping wet and ready to be fucked.
"are you, um, are you sure you wanna do this? i can stop-"
"just fuck me already, please" you interrupted, you weren't trying to be rude, but you're getting seriously desperate right now.
"shit..." he mutters under his breathe, quickly following your orders and slipping himself in. he was big, but there was no resistance at all from your slick pussy.
ian set a quick, but gentle pace, not wanting to be too rough too fast. you were both filling the small space with moans and groans, getting dangerously loud considering the building you're in. but neither of you could honestly care right now, this felt way too good to hold back.
you gripped onto his biceps tightly, trying to keep yourself stable and grounded. with every thrust he was hitting that spot inside you that made your knees weak, you let out a couple broken whines after he hit your sweet spot particularly hard.
he groaned at the feeling your nails digging into his arms, he loved seeing the affect he had on you. ian picked up the intensity, brutally shoving his hips forward and pounding into you at an almost painful degree.
you were practically screaming his name now, steadily building up to your climax. you could tell he was getting close too, his breathing was heavy and ragged, droplets of sweat running down his forehead.
"Ian, -fuck- please cum in me, please." you sobbed out the sentence, moaning after every thrust. your pussy clenched around him as your orgasm began to erupt. the feeling spread over your entire body, sending jolts of electricity through your nervous system, thighs quivering around his torso as your juices coated his cock.
"oh shit-" ian threw his head back at the sensation, following right behind you as his thrusts became sloppy and irregular, filling you to the brim with his cum as he groaned loudly. he fucked into you a few more times, riding out your orgasms until you were both on the verge of overstimulation.
he stayed inside you for a moment, catching his breath and letting you calm down from the high. soon though, you both sighed as he pulled out, letting his fresh load pour out of you and onto the table, making a complete mess. the sight was truly obscene, but in the best way possible.
you two might need to make a habit of this...
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bonkwosher · 1 year
I'm gauging interest for which I should write this weekend & requests I should prioritize in general! Requests are still open too if you want to request more!
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denaliwrites · 6 months
The Future Ex Mrs. Malcolm
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Ian Malcolm x Fem!Reader
Catch and Release Prompt: "Service"
Summary: (18+) You weren't quite sure how the chaotician became famous, but you were starting to see how he got his reputation.
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Excessive use of filler words. Oral (f receiving). Age gap (only mentioned).
You were pretty sure, from the moment you first saw him, that Ian Malcolm was famous. Did you know who he was or why he was famous? Of course not. He just had an air of superiority about him that only came from spending an extended period of time in the spotlight.
Well, a spotlight, at least.
You later found out that his claim to fame had something to do with math and chaos -- he'd been all too eager to explain it to you, but to be honest, anything to do with numbers slid right off your brain, and his pretty smile didn't really do your retention capabilities any favors.
You first met him when he brought his perfectly ordinary, if a bit "Hot Rod"-esque, car into your dad's shop to be serviced. While he waited for your dad to finish fixing up the car, the two of you talked.
Well, more accurately, you flirted shamelessly with no parent hovering menacingly over your shoulders.
You rather enjoyed the flirtatious attention of the older man, and you suspected he probably liked the equally flirtatious attention of a younger woman.
The next time you saw him, he had a different car. It was new, but only in the sense of whose hand it'd most recently fallen into. It was certainly older in every other way, maybe as old as Ian himself, though none of the previous owners had taken good care of it. The shell was rusted, parts were damaged or missing, and the seats almost certainly had blood in them.
Fixing it was going to be a multi-visit affair.
And that was how you found yourself being serviced by Ian behind your dad's car service shop.
It'd started like any of his other visits. This was his sixth, overall, and the two of you were emboldened by the idea that your father hadn't caught on yet --
Well, you were emboldened. You were pretty sure Ian didn't need a reason to be, he was just like that naturally.
He'd come to your counter, as he always did, to buy a Surge he never actually drank. He'd flirted, as he always did, and you flirted right back, as you always did.
You mentioned taking a break, and he mentioned needing some air.
His Surge was left forgotten on the counter as he made his way out the back door. You followed behind five minutes later and found him waiting for you in a shaded corner where no one would see the two of you.
His eyes feasted eagerly over your legs, bare but for your upper thighs, though they were shielded only by the loose skirt of your sundress.
"Those, uh, go on for days, don't they?" he asked as he stepped nearer. Before you could respond, he swept you into his arms, and you couldn't help but notice that you seemed to naturally fit together, like puzzle pieces.
"I, uh, always wondered... what your, uh. Legs. Looked like," he continued as you were pressed to the wall and his mouth landed hot and heavy on your bare shoulder. "Could never really, you know, see them. While you were, uh, behind the counter."
You whimpered as his lips trailed down your arm a few inches, his heated breath leaving goosebumps as it dissipated over your skin and left only a cool reminder that he'd been there. "I-Ian," you gasped, a hand reaching up to weave into his curls. You tugged down, and he easily let you pull him away from you.
The smirk he shot you had you all but melting, and the growl that accompanied it had you all but quaking.
"Hey, uh, you're the one in control here," he said, though the smirk he wore made you think maybe he was the one that was really in control, he just happened to not mind much what he ended up doing with you, so he could afford to let you have the illusion of control.
Not that you minded, much. Either way, you were getting yours.
"Do whatever you want," you told him.
His smirk grew just a touch wicked at that. "That's a, uh, dangerous invitation," he said carefully, though you could hear the arousal choking his voice even so, "be careful you don't let any, um... vampires... in."
"Are you a vampire?" you asked.
"Maybe," he answered simply, before his lips were back on you, trailing ever downward until he was on his knees before you. "Oh, this is much better."
His breath teased your inner thigh, eliciting another whimper from you. Hearing the effect he had on you only made him do it more, and soon all you could do was whine desperately.
"Pretty, uh, sensitive?" he asked. All you could do was nod in response and gasp as you felt, more than heard, the dark chuckle that emanated from his throat.
He moved on, his hands splaying over your thighs and fingers digging in as his mouth moved over the tender flesh, all but worshipping you as he delicately lifted your left leg up and over his shoulder to lay gracefully across his back.
He had nearly perfect access to you, now, though your panties obscured his view. He didn't seem bothered, though, as his face disappeared under your skirt.
A moment later, you felt a finger gently brushing the cloth aside. You whined as it inevitably made contact with your slit, hips rolling eagerly for more.
"Ah, ah," he tutted, breath dancing over your slit drawing forth a moan. His growling chuckle only made you moan again. "Good girl," he said in amusement, his hands returning to your thighs to rub them comfortingly.
He gave the thick meat of your thighs a squeeze, and then you felt his hot mouth on you -- you choked back a yelp as his tongue teased at your clit, circling it a few times and flicking against it once.
To keep yourself quiet, you bit down on a curled finger, and to keep yourself grounded, you buried your other hand in Ian's curls.
This only seemed to egg him on. His tongue swiped swiftly down your slit and plunged into your cunt. Your teeth sank into your finger and the squeal that would've otherwise sounded instead died in your throat.
A breezy chuckle rolled over your clit as Ian drew back to lave attention on it. Your hips rolled in response, which only made him chuckle more.
You could feel your insides starting to coil, could feel the desperation building. Ian seemed to sense it too, as his ministrations became quicker and more precise. Every breath, every flick of his tongue and touch of his lips, had shifted from teasing to drawing out your orgasm.
You wanted to scream as one last lap of his tongue from hole to clit finally brought you over the edge, but you bit it down, even as his tongue continued to circle your little nub to ease you through the high.
To compensate for your inability to scream your pleasure, you tightened your leg draped over Ian's back, drawing him in deeper to your core. He didn't seem to mind, even as he found his mouth fuller than he anticipated, if the grin you could feel was anything to go by.
Gradually, and with Ian's expert guidance,, you came down. You panted and sagged against the wall once the post-orgasm fog drifted in, and Ian carefully eased your leg down so that he could stand and offer you support.
You could see your slick shimmering on his lips and mindlessly pulled him into a kiss. He eagerly returned it, hands holding you tightly to keep you close.
"Would you, uh... marry me?" Ian asked in a low whisper, his eyes meeting yours.
"Bit quick, isn't it?" you replied, though you were grinning.
He returned the gesture. "I, uh. Never was one for... moderation."
You were about to answer, but then you heard your father calling for you. You shot Ian an amused glance. "Guess you'll have to come back to get my answer."
"I. I, uh. Look forward to it?"
"Maybe you should come back with a ring. Just in case."
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run-clever-boy · 6 months
I’m (kind of) new!
I'm a relatively new writer here! (I also repost absolute ramdom things *cough* peter capaldi *cough*, so my blog is a bit cluttered lol) I would love anyone to request fics or at least help me with the ropes! I have never published any writing before so comments are appreciated!
PLEASE READ: All fics that are requested i have recieved and I am working on them! I publish the fic directly with the ask so that way it is easy to find. I promise I recieved them. (Also I love all the requests <3)
I write for the following characters so far (character list below the cut), however I am not opposed to maybe adding a few more!
Masterlist here!
Doctor who:
9th doctor
10th doctor
11th doctor
12th doctor.
(No doctor who spoilers please, currently in beginning of 13’s run)
BBC Sherlock:
Not opposed to more just don’t really have any ideas
Harry Potter:
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Severus Snape
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
again open to more just no ideas
Stephen Strange
don’t know a lot about the mcu specifics but bear with me
Willy Wonka (2023 only! I can’t write about the others just because of personal icks)
John Wick
Theo Dimas (maybe theomabel pairing) - Only Murders in the Building
Ian Malcolm
OC's!!! (New!) - each name will have a link to their character description
Elise Shepard
Please Please Please help me out here! Can’t wait to see the amazing things created here. I will write 18+ content and many warnings will be provided. I mostly write one-shots, drabbles, quite a few reader inserts (Y/n). Not a fan of multi-chapter fics but may write if persuaded. Thank you!
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lifefindsaj · 10 months
Popular misconception: The core Jurassic Park is about dinosaurs. It's not. It's about this guy...
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It's easy to think that, given how every movie centered around the prehistoric creatures. I mean, the title is JURASSIC Park or World. Heavy emphasis on dinosaurs.
But if one was to look at the entirety of the franchise, even go as far as reading the novels, Jurassic Park seems more focused on the chaos. Cause and effect. Complex systems failing. Unpredictability.
Kind of sounds like a certain scientist now, doesn't it? In the first film, Ian Malcolm makes a speech in the nursery. While the speech is triggered by the raptor, it's not about the newborn or any other animal. He speaks on genetic power.
Ian tells how the hubris exhibited by the staff and John Hammond is a fallacy because manipulating genetics at Henry Wu's level is an untested field with unforeseen consequences. The dinosaurs are more than teeth here, they are variables. And variables can skew data.
While we see the dinosaurs running around eating people, the main narrative is summed up nicely in a popular quote from, yes, Ian; "Life finds a way."
No matter how many fences are put up or how many gene sequence gaps get filled, nature always wins. We see this with the natural repopulation by the dinosaurs in the wild. We see this even with the ending: nature handling nature as the Rex kills the Raptors. They are variables settling as the status quo shifts.
Where am I going with this? Jurassic World Dominion.
One of the biggest complaints I've seen for the sequel is that there was too much focus on the bugs and not the dinosaurs. That Fallen Kingdom promised dinosaurs in the mainland, not some locusts.
I disagree with them. Aside from the bugs, the dinosaurs had plenty of screen time and were even in Malta!!
I think the insects were a great idea, but implemented poorly. Could've been poor writing. Could've been COVID reasons during production. I like to believe that the locusts suffer from being shoved into a movie that really needed to be 2 parts. If Jurassic World Dominion was 2 parts, they could have kept the locusts and flesh them out more AND include dinos in cities.
I'm digressing.
Dominion and the locusts represent the peaking in the abuse of genetic power, told in Jurassic terms. The locusts unchecked may cause a possible extinction of the human race, all because BioSyn was blinded by its own hubris. Lewis Dodgson is dark John Hammond.
Jurassic World and Fallen Kingdom said the same thing about genetic power with hybrid monsters. Hoskins talked about Raptors eating terrorists "belt buckle and all." A black market emerged. People died. All because humanity discovered how to manipulate genetics without understanding the consequences.
So, yeah, Jurassic Park and Jurassic World revolve around action scenes with dinosaurs and a beautiful shot of them here and there. But the core of the franchise, the main narrative, is not about shoving dinosaurs in front of the camera and watching them fight. It is and always has been about genetic power and the mishandling of it by arrogant men.
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ssadumba55 · 1 year
Masterlist: Jurassic Franchise
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All my Jurassic writing will be linked here!
Imagines full one shots of all your favourite Jurassic characters
Ian Malcolm Burden (Gender Neutral Reader) Love Finds A Way (Gender Neutral Reader)
Ian Malcolm First Choice (Gender Neutral Reader) Weak (Gender Neutral Reader)
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Headcanons Headcanons related to Jurassic Franchise and characters
Owen Grady and Dinosaur! Reader (Gender Neutral)
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pocket-lad · 2 months
What was Ian’s POV/thinking when he saw the T-rex was sticking its head into the tent of Sarah, Kelly, and Adelaide? (The three most important women in his life all in danger and out of reach!)
GOOD QUESTION!! Here's how I think it went down:
Ian wasn’t always the hero. He never was, and he never would be. Now more than ever, he had people who he cared about and who cared about him, and he supposed that made him act more heroic than usual. It was incredibly inconvenient, but he guessed he liked it. It was better than the alternative, anyway. And so really, that just made Ian Malcolm human.
A human who wasn’t used to exhibiting care, at that. Sometimes he screwed up. Sometimes he made the cowardly choice. It wasn’t something he was proud of, but it happened. In fact, he could classify now as one of those instances.
The telltale quakes were the first thing to alert him to the T-Rex’s presence. And then it was there, sticking its enormous, scaly snout in the tent where the only three people in his life who were worth a damn currently slept.
Everything froze. Ian wanted to say his mind told him to run over and help but his body made him freeze. Or maybe his body told him to run over and help but his mind made him freeze. Neither was true, though. Every single ounce of Ian’s being told him to freeze, because this wasn’t some bully he could go up to and punch in the jaw. This was an angry, prehistoric animal the size of a building that could kill him and everyone around him in an instant.
Ian’s mind instantly transported back to that day when he was nearly killed in an instant by the same kind of dinosaur. The terror coursing through his veins when he suddenly couldn’t feel his body, when he went completely airborne. The crash into the hut. The stabbing pain that shot up his leg and forced him to black out. The confusion of waking up in a dark, stormy world, not knowing if his best friend was dead or alive. Or if he would even survive.
Ian’s bum leg was a physical manifestation and constant reminder of the fear he felt that night. So it wasn’t any coincidence the pain flared up now, as he stared down a full Tyrannosaurus Rex looking to make a meal out of the three people he loved more than anything.
But these women were smart and capable. They’d know to hold still and they’d do everything right and they’d get themselves out because they were the smartest and most capable people he knew. Logically, there was nothing Ian could do to help them.
The terrified scream of an unknown man brought Ian back to his senses. After the initial scare subsided and the reality of the situation sunk in, he didn’t know how long he’d been standing there. But it was far too long. To his horror, nobody emerged from the tent yet, which meant he needed to get them out now. He chided himself for his hesitation as he ran in that direction, but another man distractedly plowed full force into him as he too tried to get away from the Rex, shoving Ian to the ground if it could buy him a spare few seconds.
Ian couldn’t get up. The running and shouting of dozens of men along with the raging storm disoriented him enough, but the T-Rex’s stomping and roaring sent him over the edge, his bearings completely lost. It was coming in his direction, so he took cover under a log and hoped for the best.
Time passed. Everything was a blur. The screaming subsided and the earthquakes disappeared. The world around him was completely devoid of human beings. He had to find them.
The world is an unpredictable, scary place. It's impossible to stay one step ahead of anything, and anyone who tried would be doing so in vain. Ian lived by those words, but he relentlessly turned that night over and over again in his mind. The clear image of Sarah, Adelaide, and Kelly all cornered in a fabric prison by such a monstrous creature, while exaggerated in his imagination, plagued him nonetheless.
Ian hated himself for his choices that day, subconscious or not. Everyone had trauma. He wasn’t special for his. He should have acted and he shouldn’t have justified himself through the competence of Sarah, Adelaide, and Kelly. Even if they did find their own way out in the end, just like he knew they would.
It was a miracle they all made it out relatively unscathed, and for that, Ian was incredibly grateful. But the dread that overcame him when the T-Rex found them and the panic that followed were feelings he’d never forget.
All of these self-loathing thoughts added up to an irritatingly unproductive mindset, so Ian did what he did best. He buried those thoughts deep in a vault in the back of his brain, locked them inside, and threw away the key.
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raz-writes-the-thing · 5 months
Unpredictable // Chapter Two
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Ian Malcolm x Original Female Character / masterlist / read it on ao3
Chapter Summary: Alan, Ellie and Lyanna meet key investor John Hammond who has an interesting proposition for the three of them...
Unpredictable tag list: (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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When the helicopter didn't land a safe distance away from the uncovered dig, Alan, Ellie and Lyanna began to panic. Lyanna and Ellie shot off towards the dig and Alan took off to, well, take the head off the pilot, if Lyanna had to guess.
While Alan ran towards the landing chopper to get them to shut down the machine that was blowing sand all over the place and damaging the finds, Ellie and Lyanna ran to cover the historical site as fast as they could.
"Cover the site!" Lyanna all but screamed, reaching the area. She skidded to a stop, crashing painfully down onto the ground and reaching for the plastic tarp designed to weather winds and storms. The fossils may be stone, but they were easily damaged. Pain shot up her legs and she knew she’d have some very impressive bruises later on. With a quick readjustment of her positioning, she got to work.
She pulled the tarp over the fossilised bone as fast as she could with the help of some of the other volunteers. They tied it safely down to make sure it wouldn't fly off when Lyanna removed her hands. Ellie winced as sand whipped sharp as glass against her bare arms.
After the dig was secure, Lyanna stood up and strode over towards Alan and Ellie's RV, angry as she’d ever been. Landing so close to a valuable dig like this one- she could understand if it were an emergency, but as far as she knew, no one had called for emergency services.
By the same token, however, Lyanna knew that they didn't get all that many visitors this far out of town, particularly in the dead of Summer as it was right now, so whoever it was and whatever they wanted, it had to be either incredibly good or incredibly bad.
She practically jumped up the few sand-worn steps and all but yanked the door off its hinges in her haste to get inside and get to the bottom of what was actually going on here. Frustration coloured her cheeks, and there was sand in her eye that she couldn't rub out because the rest of her was also, surprise surprise, covered in sand, too.
"Alright. Who's the stupid fuck who-" Lyanna was cut off by her uncle who raised his hand in alarm, silently telling her to shut up. Lyanna clenched her jaw but did as she was told, glaring daggers. She'd definitely grown up with her mothers' temper.
"Ah, this is Lyanna Grant, my niece and one of our best," Alan said hastily, clapping a hand on her shoulder to knock her out of her stupor. Lyanna forced herself to wipe her angered expression from her face and pressed her lips into a tight smile.
"Lyanna, this is John Hammond," he said with an edge to his voice that stressed that Lyanna needed to be nice to the man before him. Lyanna had to think for a minute to figure out why that name sounded so familiar to her. 
"Oh,” she said, realising who the elderly man was. "Oh my god, I am so sorry about how I behaved just now," she apologised profusely, doing her best to dust off her hand on her jean shorts before shaking his own. An embarrassed flush appeared over her cheeks, forced smile turning awfully sheepish but no one was able to tell through the dust and grime coating her skin.
John Hammond was one of the main funders of their digs. He paid fifty thousand dollars a year to keep Alan’s projects from becoming bankrupt and essentially abandoned. No one said archaeology was an abounding field, unfortunately. Digs needed investors, and investors needed money.
Lyanna noticed that the old man had opened the bottle of champagne that the three of them had been saving and she frowned, though quickly covered it back up with a bashful expression. Given that he was currently funding their careers, she supposed he was entitled enough to their celebratory bottles if he wanted them. 
"Would you like a drink?" He asked her, raising the bottle and smiling. Without waiting for an answer, John fussed around the kitchen, getting Lyanna a glass of the sparkling liquid. She took in his appearance. He was wearing mostly white which she thought wasn’t such a good idea in the dusty Badlands. It would only take about five minutes before his pristine clothes were a sandy yellow. But that wasn’t her business, and she doubted a man like him would want to stay long enough to get his hands dirty anyway. Not that Lyanna would complain. Who liked having their bosses boss around?
"I'm sorry about the dramatic entrance," John apologised, interrupting Lyanna’s thoughts and handing her the glass, "but we were in a rush." Lyanna set her jaw. In such a rush they couldn’t land on the designated landing strip, it would seem. Then again, he paid for the circus so she supposed it was his prerogative to damage the lions if he wanted to.
"I've read your book, Lyanna. It was very thorough and informative," Hammond continued without waiting for a reply, lifting a finger from his glass to point at her.
"I aim to please," she smiled, unsure of where he was going with this, but still honoured to know he’d put the effort in to read her work. Always good to meet a fan, as they say.
"Yes, well, let's get right down to business," he paused, taking another sip from his glass. Behind her, Lyanna saw a flash of Ellie's blonde hair. She hadn't realised that she had joined them inside. Perhaps she'd only just got there.
"I like you. All of you," he paused to look at the three of them individually.
"I own an island off the coast of Costa Rica. I've leased it from the government and during the last five years, I've been setting up a biological preserve of sorts. Really spectacular. Spared no expense," he smiled wide, showing them his yellowing teeth. Lyanna fought the urge to squint suspiciously at the man. This was great and all, but if he wanted them to know about his new island, he could have sent an email. 
"It makes the one I've got down in Kenya look like a petting zoo. And there's no doubt that our attractions will drive kids out of their minds," he exclaimed excitedly, not taking pause to note their hesitantly curious expressions.
"What are those?" Alan asked, resting his hand on his knee.
"Small versions of adults, honey." Ellie sarcastically whispered to him in answer. Alan gave her a look before turning back to John. 
"We're planning to open next year but that's if the lawyers don't kill me first," John chuckled, rambling on. "I've got a particular one at the moment who's being a thorn in my side. He represents my investors. He says we need outside opinions," John shook his head irritably.
"What kind of opinions?" Lyanna asked, crossing her arms and taking a sip of her drink, becoming more interested in the old man's rambling by the second. What could any of this possibly have to do with their dig?
"Well, your kind, not to put too fine a point on it," he shifted his weight and took another sip, swallowing before he continued. "Let's face it, in your particular fields, you are the top minds- and if I could just persuade you to sign off on the park, give it your endorsement..." he trailed off for suspense.
"I could get back on schedule," he finished, eyes flashing between the three dusty scientists before him. 
"Why would they care what we think?" Ellie spoke up. At that, Lyanna raised her eyebrow. It was a fair question. Was it some sort of reptile zoo? Or a fancy museum? But then why would either of those need to be on their own secluded island?
"Yeah, what kind of park is this?" Alan added. They were both good questions. Ones that Lyanna had been wondering herself.
"It's right up your alley," John said conspiratorially, a knowing smile growing across his cheeks. That piqued Lyanna’s interest. Up their alley? They were palaeontologists... up their alley were dusty bones and fossilised remains... Maybe it was a museum then.
"Tell you what. Why don't the three of you come down for the weekend? I'd love to have the opinion of an extra palaeontologist as well," he said, gesturing to the three of us.
"I've got a jet standing by at Chateau," he explained, jumping onto the bench behind him and pouring himself another glass once he was seated.
"I don't know. I mean, we just dug up a new skeleton..." Alan trailed off, understandably hesitant. On top of that, they had only just met the man in person as well.
"I'd fully compensate you by fully funding your dig..."
"This is a very unusual time too..." Ellie added, looking justifiably unsure.
"For a further three years," John finished.
Lyanna turned to Ellie and Alan and seeing the hesitant but excited looks on their faces, she knew that Hammond had won them over. Money was an extremely powerful persuasion tool. And archaeology digs were expensive. Soon enough they were bound to run out of fresh-faced volunteers looking for a fun time. 
They began to jump and laugh excitedly. Ellie turned and gestured for Lyanna to join them.
"Oh no. I'm not the hugging type," Lyanna tried to reason, the infectious joy eating away at her resolve. Ellie didn't listen though and brought the both of them to Lyanna who chuckled and joined the group hug.
After the excitement dissipated, Lyanna escaped the tight hold that the two of them had on her and turned back to Hammond, who was grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
"When's the plane leave?" she grinned right back.
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britesparc · 7 months
Weekend Top Ten #613
Top Ten Moments in Jurassic Park
So for no other reason than I want to get it done before the end of the year, this week I’m talking about Jurassic Park. This year is the thirtieth (thirtieth!) anniversary of Jurassic Park. And Jurassic Park is one of the most important films of my lifetime; so important that I genuinely think of my life before 1993, and after 1993. It really was a year.
Jurassic Park is when I fell in love with film. I was always into watching films and stuff like that, but there was something about the synthesis of so many of my interests: Steven Spielberg, the guy who’d been involved in some of my favourite films, from E.T. to Back to the Future to Roger Rabbit; dinosaurs, which were cool; science fiction in general; “grown-up” novels and fiction; blockbuster cinema; special effects; and the whole filmmaking process in general, amped up by all the “making-ofs” I consumed, and especially the fact that I devoured issue 50 of Empire magazine, with its big ol’ T-Rex on the cover. All these things came together, the hinterland between a childish enjoyment of entertaining pastimes and an adult appreciation of an artform; the moment when I dived headfirst into something, wanted to peek behind the curtain, wanted to examine the human beings who’d made all this possible. I’d had a bit of that with comics, learning the names and of writers and artists on Transformers, but now my love of cinema exploded.
It helped that Jurassic Park is an absolute blast, of course.
So as this is the film’s thirtieth year, I wanted to celebrate before the year was over. And it feels apt to go back to a very early format for these Top Tens and list not just my favourite moments, but my favourite moments as represented by a line of dialogue. This was incredibly hard, and not just because there’s no easy line to represent the bit with the kids in the kitchen. But like life, I found a way.
That’s funny coz it’s like a line in the film.
Anyway, unlock the gate, don your yellow poncho, grab a spoonful of jelly and join me as I welcome you… to Jurassic Park. Make sure you’re back here in 2027 for the sequel! More of the same but with Pete Postlethwaite this time!
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“I hate being right all the time.”: surely the centrepiece of the film is the barnstorming, paradigm-shifting T-Rex attack. We can talk all we like about the slow ratcheting of tension; the rain, the goat, the goggles, the claw on the fence, “He left us, he left us”, and – of course, of course, of course, the ripples in the water. But as the beast snaps (that sound!) through the fence, and strides purposely onto the road, Ian Malcolm – famous naysayer and doom-monger – regrets so many of his life choices.
“Clever girl.”: probably the film’s most famous line? We’ve been told all along how smart the raptors are (it’s basically the first thing Alan Grant does); they open doors, they move in packs, they solve puzzles. So when they get the drop on park warden bloke Muldoon, it’s little surprise, but he still has the decency to celebrate their success.
“I think we’re back in business!”: Jurassic Park is a sci-fi adventure movie, sure, but it’s also a horror film. There are moments of sustained tension and outright terror, and then there are also jump-scares; and this is the daddy of them all. Ellie has a moment’s reprieve before a bloody big raptor head smashes through the wall behind her. Famously made Princess Diana jump in the cinema.
“Unless they figure out how to open doors…”: another of the showcase CGI scenes, the fidelity of the raptors as they stalk the children in the kitchen was something unprecedented back in ’93. It’s another masterclass from Spielberg, as we have multiple moments of ramping fear, culminating in the frantic dash into the walk-in freezer. And don’t forget, the sequence really begins with that excellent shot of the jelly on Lex’s spoon!
“I’m gonna run you over when I come back down.”: pour one out for Dennis Nedry, the big slobby oaf who’s greed got everyone eaten. Including himself! In a rather gorgeously wet scene full of mud and rain, he insults a tiny, weird dinosaur before it opens a huge, terrifying neck fan and spits big horrid gobs of phlegm at him. It’s a really creepy scene with a freaky jump-scare at the end. In the book he gets disembowelled! It’s well rad.
“Shoot her!”: the opening scene is, I think, rather undersung. It’s a combination of the misty, sweaty jungle setting, and the businesslike routine of the workers. “Loading team, step away.” It all seems mundane and peaceful until the raptor attacks and we instantly see the power of this beast, even if we don’t see the beast itself. Really spooky.
“Welcome to Jurassic Park.”: so many of these moments are terrifying, but the film also has a great sense of awe and wonder. Yes, part of that is the characters seeing dinosaurs for the first time; but it’s also the wonder of this new CG technology that is able to render the animals in such stunning fidelity, like nothing we’d ever seen before. The way the first brachiosaur is revealed, looming gracefully high up in the frame, merrily chewing on a tree, is stunning.
“You didn’t say the magic word!”: I’ve already singled out Nedry for his wet, messy demise, but he’s a great character throughout, his greedy brand of sarcasm undercutting the serious technical wizardry. Arnold trying to break into his code (whist chewing through dozens of cigarettes) culminates in the cheesy animation of Nedry wagging his finger.
“I’ve decided not to endorse your park.”: this final line is a nice zinger as we see our heroes on their way to freedom and safety, but really it represents the entire denouement of the film. Originally, Hammond was going to come in and kill the raptor with a bazooka; but once they knew they could really deliver on these CGI dinosaurs, we have a return to the film’s true hero – the T-Rex (hey, she ate a lawyer; as Weird Al said, it proves they’re really not all bad!). bursting in out of nowhere like the Close Encounters mothership (seriously, how did no one notice her?) she bites a raptor mid-leap, tosses the other one through a skeleton, and gives a big ol’ roar.
“That is one big pile of shit.”: yes, another moment of levity among all the running and screaming and being digested. They stop to find out what’s wrong with a poorly triceratops, and it results in Malcolm staring at, frankly, an enormous bit of poo. It’s funny.
Really disappointed I couldn’t find room for the dinner conversation (“Condors!”), the intro to Nedry (“Dodgson!”), Lex hacking the park (“Unix!”), or sadly anything from Mr. DNA. But what do you expect? It’s a fantastic film.  
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latenightsandliquor · 10 months
Love in the Time of Dinosaurs
While secretly infiltrating Biosyn, Dr Ian Malcolm finds more than he’s looking for…
A slow burn love story with a new female character. This story will feature an age difference and some eventual smut.
Did anyone ask for this? No.
Am I writing it anyway? Yes.
Welcome and enjoy!
Chapter One
Zoe Bailey made her way down the winding stairs to the coffee counter in the cafeteria of the central Biosyn student building. Her morning lecture wasn’t scheduled for another half an hour. She ordered her usual strong tea and sat down in a stylish, but uncomfortable, wooden chair. It was her third week working as a guest lecturer for Biosyn and she was still adjusting. There was a lot that had lured her to the tucked away Italian mountain campus - generous work conditions and pay, an impressive boost to her career and most importantly to Zoe, a fresh start.
She scanned the cafeteria as she sipped her tea. There were already plenty of eager young students milling about. Some deep in discussion, others tapping away at their laptops. Zoe had been impressed with the tenacity and drive of the students in her lectures. She was enjoying their eager engagement in her sessions, their bright eyed optimism about a better future, even if their tender youth made them naive. Zoe had been like that too at their age.
Zoe looked around again then checked her watch. Time to head to the lecture theatre. As she began to ascend the stairs she spotted who she’d been looking for, the infamous man in black himself - Dr Ian Malcolm. While they hadn’t formally met, his reputation around campus proceeded him. He was Biosyn’s rock star lecturer and the students (and fellow academics) could not get enough of him. He caught Zoe’s eye and smiled at her. She smiled back at him as she passed. This had become a daily ritual for the two of them since Zoe had arrived and each morning Zoe could feel a flutter of attraction inside of her. Ian was older, but still attractive as hell. A silver fox. It had been a long time since she had felt that way about a man and it was enough to put a spring in her step for the rest of the day.
Ian couldn’t help but smile at the woman he’d been passing each morning on his way for coffee. She was younger than him, mid thirties he’s estimated, well dressed and sexy in a subtle, academic kind of way. Just his type. Today as he came down the stairs he observed her - hair in a braid over her shoulder, silk shirt unbuttoned just enough to hint at her breasts below, high waisted pants and heels. He licked his lips and resisted the urge to turn back around to watch her make her way up the stairs. He was here strictly on business he reminded himself. Although come to think of it, why should he deny himself some pleasure at the same time? As he made his way to the coffee counter he looked over his shoulder hoping for one last look at her. Their eyes met and she shot him a flirty look. He really needed to introduce himself.
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toomanybandstocare · 2 years
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{Ian Malcolm}
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Getting Through the Day
Program: The first day of the new school year and semester sits heavy in you. Scorching heat from the summer heat wave and Ian's fleeting touches drive you insane through the day. All you can do it throw it back at him and hope to last until you can escape to his apartment for the weekend. Pairing: Professor! Ian Malcolm x College Junior, GN! Reader Genre: Slowburn NSFW, Requested -> Minors Do Not Interact
When you have a migraine and Ian treats you so carefully with tender touches or acts of care.
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{Ellie Sattler}
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When you have a migraine, and Ellie knows just what you need when the pain hits.
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obwjam · 10 months
Deep within the labyrinthine ruins of an ancient, forgotten structure on Isla Nublar, Dr. Ian Malcolm's quest for answers took an unexpected turn. As he ventured deeper into the darkness, his flashlight revealed a scene of devastation. The old stone walls had crumbled, forming a mountain of rubble, and buried beneath this chaos was a tiny figure.
Ian's heart raced as he realized that this was no ordinary discovery. The figure was a tiny woman, no more than three inches tall, completely covered in rubble, her eyes wide with terror. She was trapped, and the rubble seemed to have formed a makeshift cage around her, leaving her with no means of escape.
Ian carefully approached the pile of debris, his movements slow and deliberate to avoid causing further harm. He knelt down, his flashlight illuminating the terrified face of the tiny woman beneath the stones. She was trembling uncontrollably, her small form hidden beneath the weight of the rubble.
"Hey there," Ian said in a soothing voice, his heart filled with compassion. "I'm here to help. You're going to be okay."
The tiny woman's eyes locked onto Ian's, and she let out a faint, frightened whimper. Her entire body quivered with fear, and her tiny hands gripped a small shard of stone that had somehow missed her. To her, Ian was a colossal giant, and she couldn't comprehend his intentions.
Ian slowly reached out, his giant fingers careful not to cause any harm. He began to carefully move the larger pieces of rubble, his movements deliberate and gentle. With each stone he removed, the tiny woman's fear began to ebb, and her eyes filled with a glimmer of hope.
As Ian's efforts continued, the tiny woman's trust in this giant began to grow. She realized that he was indeed trying to help, that he posed no threat to her. With a final, careful push, Ian managed to clear enough debris for the tiny woman to crawl free from her rocky prison.
Trembling and covered in dust, she hesitated for a moment before crawling into Ian's open hand, seeking refuge from the wreckage. Her tiny form nestled into his palm, and she looked up at him with a mixture of gratitude and relief.
"You're safe now," Ian reassured her, his voice filled with warmth and kindness. "I'm here to protect you."
The tiny woman, still shaken but no longer terrified, nodded in acknowledgment. She had been saved from a perilous situation by this unexpected giant, and in that moment, an unspoken bond formed between them—a connection that transcended the vast difference in their sizes.
Together, they would navigate the mysteries of Isla Nublar and ensure the safety of its unique inhabitants, no matter how big or small they may be.
I may or may not have a lot of first encounters written- maybe I should make a gt one shot book out of all of them because I live for Writing first encounters 😜
literally a first encounter MACHINE i'm shaking screaming sobbing
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watching-pictures-move · 10 months
Movie Review | Jurassic Park (Spielberg, 1993)
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Scattered observations on the 3D re-release:
I don’t remember at what age I first watched the movie, but when I was ten years old, my parents got me the Special Edition VHS (which included a second cassette with extensive making-of features), at which point I proceeded to watch the movie every single day for…at least a few months, quite possibly a year. I don’t rewatch movies with anywhere near the same frequency these days, so it’s safe to say that I’ve seen this more times than any other movie. The point is, I know this movie like the back of my hand, and in particular, certain musical cues elicit a Pavlovian response from me at this point. And by certain, I mean pretty much all the significant ones, and seeing this for the first time in a theatre, with the John Williams score booming through the sound system, I had chills going down my spine for practically the entire runtime. Okay, maybe the air conditioner played a part too.
This is being re-released into select theatres for its thirtieth anniversary in a 3D version that I believe was actually made a decade ago for its twentieth anniversary. The 3D has obvious benefits for the many scenes of spectacle (all of which are iconic), in particular because Spielberg’s blocking and shot compositions here stress the sense of depth and perspective. (For an obvious example, go to the first T-Rex attack and note how often we look over a character’s shoulder or through a window or have anything in the foreground for scale.) But the visual strategy is so consistent throughout the movie that it bears unexpected benefits in the dialogue scenes. Take the scene where Hammond is talking to the scientists and Ian Malcolm is dropping some cold, hard truths about the folly of man in bending nature to his will. It seems a little more profound with the extra dimension. (On a side note, I guess I took it for granted just how quotable this movie is. “When you gotta go, you gotta go.” “Hold on to your butts.” Etc, etc. The only bad bit of dialogue was Ellie Sattler’s speech about taking power for granted, which shouldn’t have passed the first draft.) Also take the scene where the characters interrupt their tour to go see the triceratops. The big pile of shit is even bigger in 3D. Thankfully the movie wasn’t released in smell-o-vision.
Like a lot of people, I went through a Michael Crichton phase in my teens, and I remember the source novel being one of his better books. But while Crichton is skilled at crafting technobabble-infused page-turners, Spielberg solutions pretty effectively for his shortcomings at character development. Most notably, Ian Malcolm in the book is a know-it-all who has the right opinion 100% of the time and also happens to agree with Crichton on every key issue. This probably holds true with the movie as well, but by casting Jeff Goldblum, the character is allowed to be twitchy, off-putting and alive in ways he isn’t in the novel. (As Hammond remarks, "I really hate that man." He's also allowed to be sexy, as anyone who remembers the scene in the emergency bunker where he has his shirt open can attest.) The same goes for the rest of the characters, who are played by a murderer’s row of character actors. I could just rattle off the entire cast list, but a few choices Spielberg makes I found particularly astute include making Alan Grant initially annoyed by children so that he gets something of an arc, combining the treacherous Ed Regis and the lawyer Donald Gennaro into just the latter and allowing Martin Ferrero to put his comedic talents to use. I also understand that Wayne Knight was cast after Spielberg saw him in Basic Instinct, where he used some of the same tics of nervous muttering, profuse sweating and looking down through his classes in a particular way that he repurposes here with more sinister intent. He also has some of that disgruntled quality from his role in Seinfeld. This is probably the best casting choice in the movie. (On a side note, the further I get in my career, the more relatable Dennis Nedry becomes, and the more common skimping on IT spend seems to be a problem. “Don't get cheap on me, Dodgson. That was Hammond's mistake.”)
The most drastic change in characterization is probably turning Hammond from a POS to a kindly old man. Crichton plays him too obviously as a villain, and certain Richard Attenborough could have pulled that off, but I think Spielberg turning him into a more sympathetic figure complicates the material interestingly. I think as something of a mogul himself, Spielberg identifies readily with Hammond’s motivations, and is willing to seek the beauty in these possibilities and present us with images that might take our breath away. (Exhibit A: The first shot of the brontosauruses, built up with reaction shots, then making great use of the height of the frame and the silhouettes of the actors in the foreground before giving us a complete view.) He wants the park to succeed, even if in the back of his head he knows it will fail. To paraphrase a quote about Samuel Fuller, when it comes to dinosaur parks, only the point of view of someone who has been tempted is of any interest. (Compare this to Jurassic World, where the dinosaurs are readily dismissed with ironic distance, and you’ll see what the difference in worldview offers in basic spectacle.) Spielberg is also technophilic when it comes to capturing computer displays, indicator lights and the like, all captured lovingly while being milked for tension.
Obviously, seeing this in a theatre helped me to really soak in the set pieces, but as I’ve seen this movie like a hundred times (and quite possible more), this time around I really took note of the timing. There’s the scene where Nedry steals the embryos, which feels like something out of Mission: Impossible. (I know these guys all watch each other’s movies, and I wonder if De Palma pulled a little bit from this scene.) And a particularly strong sequence juggles Muldoon hunting the raptors with Sattler trying to turn the power back on with Hammond and Malcolm’s guidance and Grant and the kids trying to get over the giant fence. It would be one thing if it was played all relentlessly, but I love the way the movie lets you grasp the relationships between the different lines of action entirely visually (the camera panning down the switches a little faster than Sattler flips them) and occasionally lulls you into a false sense of security (Grant having a goof with the kids before they begin their climb). Just a masterclass in editing. This Spielberg guy is a pretty good director, huh?
I’ve seen this movie countless times but this was my first time seeing it in a theatre, and guess what? It’s still great.
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oh-three · 2 years
You can find me on AO3, here- and fanfiction.net here. 
I crosspost all of my stories to both (but only my favorites are featured on this masterlist), have been since July 14, 2021 (most of my older ones on FFN are not on my AO3). Feel free to kudos, favorite, follow, etc- but know that comments or reviews are always welcome! They make my day every time.
My inbox is always open if you want to talk! (Especially if it’s about Star Wars).
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Wait! Before you continue, consider taking a look at my Ahsoka reactions masterlist.
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When Our Boots Wear Thin & Our Hearts Grow Heavy
Cobb Vanth
Part 1 - When The Suns Grow Low, The Fight Only Gets Tougher
Just before joining in on the battle for Mos Espa, the people of Freetown dropped their wounded, dying marshal off at Fett’s Palace. Fett quickly realizes that Cobb Vanth may be beyond the help of even a bacta tank. He needs outside aid- they all do. Centered around the S1E7 end credit scene. [5/5 chapters]
Part 2 - When Twilight Checks In, The Collars Pull Tight
Bray Ealdel, a close friend from Cobb Vanth’s past, returns to Tatooine under mysterious circumstances. For Cobb, it’s a chance to catch up on lost time. But Bray, if he plays his cards right, gets to keep his life for a little longer. [8/8 chapters]
Part 3 - When The Heart Outruns The Body, The Suns Clear The Fog
Pressured by his aging body and his tired mind, Cobb Vanth ponders stepping down from his role as the Marshal of Freetown. Other, more personal, matters take him offworld for the first time in his extensive life. The fire in his eyes hasn’t quite been stomped out yet. [14/14 chapters]
Part 3.5 - When All Is Right, The Suns Are High [INTERLUDE]
After a lifetime of fighting for freedom, Cobb Vanth has finally won his once and for all. With his health back on the incline, all that’s left is to settle down and embrace the fact that he can finally live his life the way that he’s allowed the rest of his town to. One-shot; series interlude. 18+. [1/1 chapters]
Part 4 - When The Suns Begin To Set, Life Finally Begins
Cobb Vanth has retired from his position as Marshal of Mos Pelgo and embraced the life he had given the people of his town. But after spending near all his years working himself to the bone, it’s hard to drop the habit. [2/? chapters]
Other resources:
OC Guide
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Our Anonymity Is Your Protection (But Sometimes Our Masks Fall Away)
The Grand Inquisitor
A series of short stories centered around our favorite Grand Inquisitor, starting from his time as part of the Jedi Temple Guard.
Incorrect Quotes:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Other resources:
Name pronunciations
Rakesh Brem & his master
Art for the series can be found both here on my blog or on my DeviantArt page.
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Battle Born | Tech & His Goggles
A collection of related one-shots based on a headcanon that Tech’s goggles help him to see. Lots of angst and sibling bonding included. (Non-canon compliant with Batch content that comes out after the first season).
The Lengths We’ll Go, The Heights We’ll Reach
Tech & Hunter
The kidnapping becomes the least of their problems, and now the Bad Batch is plagued with sorrow, regret, and the shadow of what could have been.
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Take A Deep Breath, You're Home
A series of one-shots in which Echo finds his place in the Batch and comes to peace with his losses.
Solus Tome (Alone Together)
The Bad Batch brings Rex to the sunken remains of Tipoca City. Within her walls, they find a cryo stasis chamber- and, inside it, a fractured soul in desperate need of healing. Or, Clone Force 99 finds and adopts another traumatized reg.
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Silence Is A Lonely Country
Ian Malcolm
The dead live, and Ian Malcolm bears that truth in the form of a grizzly wound on his arm. On the run across the wildlands of Central America, he and the others do their best to survive the beginning of the apocalypse.
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Memories Keep Us Alive | Until Next Month
Jack Russell
Once he gathers the courage to send the first letter, they begin to come in after each full moon, telling of tales no one would believe had they not seen the impossible with their own eyes.
Or, five letters that Jack Russell sends to his sister, and one time he gets a reply.
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Let No Man Be Another's Who Can Be His Own
Jack Sparrow
Following Lord Beckett’s demise, Elizabeth Turner leads the Brethren Court in a series of raids against the scattered East India Trading Company. At first, it’s the smaller outposts. And then she leads them against a rather large establishment in West Africa. There, she finally learns how one Jack Sparrow wound up a pirate.
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jsaunderswrites · 19 days
Watching Jurassic World Dominion, hoping for it to be less bad than the others but ready for it to be the worst.
My various opinions pro and con:
The cretaceous prologue was cool, if not entirely accurate.
Seeing dinos in the wider world is cool, the found footage in the newsreel is all reused from Battle at Big Rock but still rocks.
Poachers and breeding mills make perfect sense in this kind of world.
The apatosaurus at the lumber yard was kinda magical.
I never gave a shit about Blue, but dinosaurs building nests in the detritus of human industry is soooo cool!
Neil and Dean IMMEDIATELY have so much better chemistry than Pratt and Howard, it's night and day.
I wanna pet the baby dino too!
Grant being unhappy to learn the T. rex is at the sanctuary, and sarcastically deriding Malcolm's personality are references that feel organic, not forced.
Turning Henry Wu into a supervillain was stupid, so I'm glad they're backtracking that.
Okay Ramsay is cool!
Grant catching Malcolm was a nice moment, should've been built up to more, imagine a version of the movie where they're rocky relationship is the emotional throughline instead of Maisie's clone mum. But it was still nice.
Ian gives shitty directions.
Rexy framed in the water feature was cute.
I hope Rexy (being a very old gal at this point) gets to enjoy her new family in her last years. Apparently they're now theorising that tyrannosaurus was a social hunter too!
Cool shots of dinos in the world.
The T. rex's appearance at the drive-in was filled with people acting pointlessly stupid for no reason. Why weren't they watching a monster movie so them assuming the screams and roars were from that, instead of an ad for the snack bar?
Owen is still in these movies.
The newsreel brings up Maisie for absolutely no reason as there was no connection to the topic she was discussing, it's just for bad exposition.
I am soooo sick of the clone question in fiction. DNA isn't your identity, identical twins and even natural clones already exist. It's a quirk, not a sign you're not "real". Stop whining about it already.
They got through literally 8 words of trying to be nice, and immediately went "Ew, sincerity? Gross! Better cover that up with a joke before people start to think our characters have souls!"
Maybe it's just me but I think hiding your child from the world is waaaay more suspicious than her sharing the face of a woman who died decades ago that no one has ever heard of. If I were a perfect clone of some 80s guy how would anyone who met me ever learn that?
Owen has a psychic raptor sense? What was that shot after Blue attacked the hunters trying to communicate?
Ellie shows up in the exact pink top and dramatically removes her sunglasses the same way as in '93. Did they think they were being too subtle?
Teenagers and phones jokes, gotta play to the septuagenarian crowd. And why is he giving a presentation to just two teenage girls who didn't care?
Owen being able to talk to Blue always feels unjustified, I bet when our ancestors were first domesticating wolves they had big sticks for when they didn't listen.
Hipster coffee jokes, the height of comedy is that young people suck.
The small feathery dinosaur does a chicken thing because we think it looks chicken like, despite all the therapods being just as genetically bird. Details like that pull me out of the film because you know they wouldn't have the velocoraptors or compys run around headless.
Claire sucks at investigating.
Owen's stupid hand thing isn't cool no matter how much they think it is.
Just interrogating a guy while he's being eaten, good guy things.
People just standing around watching while giant predators rampage behind them.
Every chase that relies on the heroes being faster and more agile than raptors feels so dumb.
Oh god two-person hand thing.
Evil smuggler lady signed up for a 1940s noire and doesn't know why no one is matching her lack of energy.
Raptor gets hit by a truck, no problem, because they aren't animals but super monsters.
The movie says "you the audience only care about what happens to Maisie, you have no concern for the people of Malta as they're eaten on screen. That's just fun spectacle."
In some movies having to jump a motorbike onto a plane before it lifts off would be cool, these movies have robbed me of the ability to enjoy that.
Owen shouting "ARE YOU HURT!?" at claire is the first sign he actually gives a shit about her, and it still feels douchey.
(looking back and seeing how long since I listed a pro, nothing in the Malta scenes!)
How are you cloning "pure" dinosaurs? The whole franchise is based around the idea you need to bridge the inevitable gaps!
Maisie's backstory is all retconned for more clone BS.
Figures miss "let's release all these incredibly dangerous creatures into society because I'm sad I share my genetic code with someone else" wouldn't care about stopping the apocalypse.
Quetzalcoatlus murders a plane because... <shrug>
That "I love you" felt fake, how are they so bad at being a couple?
Gotta make sure the new character is military like her parent, because what idiot would make a non-soldier hero!? I am so goddam sick of characters just having a military background for no fucking reason in movies, bring back unlikely heroes!
I'm sorry but I don't care about Maisie's mum and the movie is banking on me actually caring.
Genetic Power is a dumb term.
All the classic heroes met Rexy once and it changed cinema forever, Owen bumps into her every week and we couldn't care less!
There's no reason the bad guy had to be that random guy from JP1. That guy didn't read like evil Steve Jobs.
Dimetrodons do not read dangerous pack hunters to me.
Owen strangles a dilophosaurus because he is a Mary Sue. It's just to show how cool he is while undoing the actual threat of the scene.
When the chamber specifically built to contain and immolate the locusts fails without any kind of sabotage or outside interference. Because NOTHING just works.
And Ian just parks and suddenly they're teetering on the edge of a cliff!? Can't they put in reasons why things are going wrong!?
They try to parallel the old heroes with the new ones and I'm sorry but the old ones have actual fun personalities.
The LARGEST TERESTRIAL CARNIVORE OF ALL TIME eats single bug. Big scary entrance ruined.
Treverrow said the giganotosaurus is "like the joker" it's not in the movie but it's still stupid.
It's chasing them is so understated, where's the freaking music? It doesn't sound big at all!
Oh man this whole giganotosaurus sequence is so bad! So slow and clumsy!
Owen tries to explain how raptor training works, still doesn't work.
Ellie talking to Claire about regrets, why? What regrets is Ellie talking about?
Goddamit Maisie AND Grant double hand thing!? I do not like this movie!
The computers reboot and the bugs come back to life, so the scene communicates that the bugs were rebooted.
Dodgson getting Nedry'd to the extent of LITTERALY HAVING THE SHAVING CREAM. And the cream has no purpose in this film, it's ONLY a blatant reference.
From the dumbass motherhood stuff in World to the obsession with Maisie's biological mum in this, these movies have an incredibly basic and bland view on parenthood. (Goldilocks > Maisie Lockwood)
"It's always him!" Except those times it wasn't, including YOUR OWN movie!
At the start the giganotosaurus killed the T. rex, later they mention there can't be two alpha predators, and now they're fighting. But unlike HtTYD2 that alpha stuff has nothing to do with the rest of the film, so this "rivalry" feels meaningless.
Genetic dino memory.
Why should I care that giga is dead? The humans had already escaped, the fight was meaningless.
Every relationship that is being wrapped up in this ending wasn't built up adequately, Grant an Ellie were ready to get back together in scene one and Maisie ONLY sees that Owen and Claire come to find her and immediately gets over her mummy issues.
Kayla was such a nothing addition to the movie. I don't know why she's here.
"Life has existed for hundreds of millions of years" and "life existed 65 million years ago" dude life has existed for BILLIONS of years! Dinosaurs are our next door neighbours on the ocean of time!
The ending speech is about coexistence, unlike the entire rest of the film.
Atrociraptor is so fake sounding when I saw the toys I thought they would be the new hybrid dinos, not just an actual name some palaeontologists came up with. Honestly, that makes me chuckle.
Howard is shot weirdly, I looked up if she was pregnant during this film because I feel like she's always either wearing heavier coverings or just has her torso blocked behind something. (specifically I am about 1 1/4 hours in) Apparently she was dealing with weight shaming behind the scenes, I don't know if that has anything to do with it though.
So this is the Jurassic Park III; Alan Grant is asked to travel to a location full of free range dinos, and they're searching for a missing kid.
The gate code should've just been 1234 because no one bothered to change it from default.
Final opinion:
Probably the least bad of the three Jurassic Worlds, still an utter mess made up of disparate moments and meaningless speeches that do not add up to any thesis.
I hope Edwards' Jurassic Park 7 is ANYTHING of value, despite not caring for his Godzilla or Rogue One.
Now to get back to Camp Cretaceous.
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