#junior cop
star-wrld · 7 months
gorgug should autocrit on all future popularity rolls for his time at augefort because you can not tell me this school filled with teenage anarchists would see that video of him oinking at a cop and not think he's the coolest guy alive
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xiewho · 7 months
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bro was not having ANY of it this ep
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scissor-spider · 7 months
Gorgug getting the most pissed off he’s ever been over the most inconsequential shit ever is so real of him actually I feel that
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bacchuschucklefuck · 5 months
riz gukgak is SO distressing to have as a favourite character I can never funckign rest out here
#not art#smthing abt his character being motivated so equally by truth and fear#and he keeps looking for an institution that'd both help him seek the truth and assuage his fears#with him first being a PI bc his mom was a cop and then a junior agent with blessings from his dad#and hes like on that precipice of realising that its not just the people in the seats its the concept of it from the ground up thats fucked#so hes inclined towards conspiracy thoughts and an end-justifies-the-means pattern of action#like. man. hes just so fucking filled with anxiety. he guards the things that make him happy with ferocity#and the thing is! the world encourages this! every time hes paranoid he turns out to be right#that paranoia that already came from having very little control over a world thats unkind to you#honestly all the bad kids were prime radicalization/cult materials in freshman year but I feel like riz is even More so#theyre so fucking lucky they ended up together like that. there are so many things you can promise a kid#who already had plenty of things taken from and kept from him. a kid with an overworked mom and a missing babysitter#if riz didnt run into the bad kids it would be childs play to isolate him. gods. head in hands I cannot fuckign be here dude#this is why the ''small'' comic I tried to sketch ballooned up to almost 30 panels lmao needed to stuff someof this somewhere#but also skip is my favourite from ASO so maybe I just like experiencing hardship and challenges in daily mental exercises
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lesbianaelwen · 7 months
I've been wondering when they were going to look into Jace bc he helped the Abernants sneak into the school during prompocalypse to get the crown and that just never came up again lol
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adaine-party-wizard · 7 months
gorgug “do you have a fucking warrant” thistlespring my BELOVED
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kittyoverlord · 7 months
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Fuck yeah, Gorgug! Exercise your legal rights!!!!
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andyxcds · 3 months
i feel sooo bad coming back but i wrote another chapter of the Barty centric fic and im really excited to share it regardless of the poor writing that was this chapter (I'll fix it tomorrow)
its sort of a filler chapter, creating the pillars of the next few years and chapters, do read it and enjoy!!!
if you've been keeping up thus far, thank you SO much, please leave a comment bc atp i live off them!!
(please please PLEASE read it, 😭🙏🏾)
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ur-stepdad · 4 months
Captain Bill Seacaster consistently reminded his beloved son that he is to only look out for himself. That in Fabian's world, Fabian should be the only person that matters. Everyone else is to be used as you see fit, even your own father, even your own captain.
Fabian very obviously wanted to do whatever his father told him to do. But he was never very good at caring only about himself, even when he tried really hard to do it. it is simply not his nature to do so.
For him to be rewarded with one of the many people he cares about telling him that her favorite trait of his, the most valuable impact he has on the world, is the way that he takes care of others is an excellent reflection of the character development of Fabian Aramais Seacaster: Son of of Bill Seacaster
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sadqueerenergy · 5 months
Gorgug ACAB king?
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endreal · 15 days
Part of the reason that I think shorts have gotten shorter over the past 20 years is because in 2004 I pretty much only wore them at my hips, but today I'm much more open to the concept of wearing clothes with actual waist-level waistbands.
The other reason, of course, is that it's increasingly impossible to find 11-12" inseams at a sane price any more.
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okay so the characters of npmd are the senior class of 2021. do you think that max jägerman was one of those high schoolers that constantly said shit like "the grind never stops for us student athletes"
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verosvault · 8 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 5 "Mall Madness"
Timestamp: 1:12:47
Video Length: 2min. & 6sec.
Fabian's older self in another dimension/timeline never got to be a Maximum Legend! 💀✋
Fabian climbs the clock!
Fabian saying they need to go now and wrap this up! 😂✋
Fabian with his bonus action yells at all of the wizards in here! 😂
Fabian asks the wizards if they want to beat up the jocks that made fun of them in high school 😂😂
Fabian fails on the persuasion check unfortunately 😭
Wizards of the mall: "But we have witnessed the rage stars take them over. Jocks at heart, we know they are not." 😂🤣💀
Fabian: "Oh! Come on!" 💀💀
Mall Cop: "I have to ask you not to stand on the clock!" 😂😂💀💀
Adaine apologizes to Fabian for summoning a mall cop! 😂😂🤣🤣💀💀 Immediately realizing that it was kind of a bad idea! 😂😂🤣🤣✋✋
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rotzaprachim · 2 years
haven’t even finished season 1 of ted lasso but vaguely OT au where leia is the owner of Ferrix F.C., a struggling northern football club that’s the sole property she inherited from her biological father. she brings luke on as a howdy doody i’m-from-kansas american football coach to Get Her Team Back In Shape, all the while scheming horrifically with her assistant Arturito behind the scenes in order to run the fucking place into the ground. note also cassian in a roy-kent like role as the functional team head currently reckoning with the end of his career on the field (and the start of something new),  han solo as an asshole from manchester, bodhi, kes dameron, taramyn, arvel skeen, nemik, and melshi as other players on the team, jyn as hard-edged poker faced journalist from the Independent who leia repeatedly sends in to try to knock luke and co off their feet in the national press, bix calleen as local Influencer brought in to help the team’s Image (it can’t be helped and her main social media gig was making videos about how to repair *unreparable* electronic with black market parts, but she’s gonna take the check anyway), kino loy as the local pub owner, and nurchi, xanwan, and timm as local Trio of Guys In Pub who exist solely to shit on luke’s career 
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chompe-diem · 8 months
also ik some ppl are not the most pleased abt some consistency things like sklonda already being a practicing lawyer but tbh 1) we have no idea how long it takes in brennan's made up fantasy world how long it takes to become a lawyer and 2) it's been several real life years. it's been months since sophomore year but in real life it's been like 4 years. go off i get it king it's not a big deal
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fully convinced that oboro has a nokia phone.....because the buttons are easy for him to make calls and navigate, also it wouldn’t break while bro’s getting his ass beat in every fight  
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