The Inner Machinations of My Mind Are An Enigma
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hi i'm eli welcome to my blog / he/him 27 i rarely post on this blog these days, but i follow and like from here while i post to my wrestling sideblog
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
ur-stepdad · 4 days ago
hi everyone hello my name is @estrogenesis-eeveeangelion and i am brand new to tumblr can you reblog this post in case anybody randomly wants to follow me just because i seem niceys? thanks 😇😇
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ur-stepdad · 11 days ago
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ur-stepdad · 11 days ago
Intersex social clubs
I know of only two intersex communities that are social clubs (i.e. communities with organized events that are NOT support groups, nor political advocacy groups).
InterPlay - intersex gaming community. 🎮️🎲 Does weekly livestreams & group gaming events. Active since April 2020. Perisex allies & questioners welcome. Discord invite: https://discord.gg/yEm8v8g9tw
Intersex Book Club - intersex book club. 📚️ Meets monthly to talk about books with intersex characters/themes, usually by intersex authors. Active since June 2023. Perisex allies & questioners welcome. Discord invite: https://discord.gg/T5SarSKtBe
Does anybody know of any other active intersex communities that are social/leisure oriented? I'd like to compile a comprehensive list. Thanks! 💜
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ur-stepdad · 15 days ago
Kinda disheartening tbh when you search for people talking about something on tumblr and you find only a single post with like 10 notes. Anyway, I learned about this from Facebook just today and decided I'm going to abuse my follower count to spread the word.
You'll have a hard time finding this in the news because it's being covered up, but from February 4-present the RCMP have been conducting raids on multiple Mi'kmaw reserves part of Acadia First Nation. Their excuse is that they are searching for illegal cannabis.
During the raids, so far they:
Stole a number of truck houses
Stole money from an 8-yo boy's piggy-bank that he had been saving for two years
Invaded homes and destroyed personal property, including basketwork and carvings
Broke the door down of a bathroom occupied by a 14-yo boy as he was using it - the boy has been traumatized by this
Assaulted a man for questioning why they were searching his property without providing a warrant, pinning him into the snow
Cut power of security cameras to hide these actions
I cannot stress enough that the RCMP coming down this hard on our people over motherfucking cannabis is nothing but a racist excuse. There are countless, countless, countless white-owned massive grow-ops making big money without cops lifting a single finger.
There is an informal petition you can sign here.
If you live in or near Halifax: There will be a public protest on the Angus MacDonald Bridge at noon on March 10, 2025.
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ur-stepdad · 19 days ago
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ur-stepdad · 1 month ago
very strange phenomenon now that many people have learned online not to pet service dogs is that they walk by little bird and me, wave their hands at little bird, and say in a baby voice "oooohh you're so cute! you're so cute! i'm not going to pet you because i know you're working! ooohhhh puppy puppy puppy, i want to pet you but i'm not allowed~" and i have to tell them what they're doing is literally as distracting as petting her. this happens almost every single time i'm out with her.
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ur-stepdad · 1 month ago
Intersex people are also impacted by anti-trans legislation, but too often we are the unmentioned casualties.
We are constantly caught in the crossfire of culture wars or used as the “gotcha” moment in arguments to uplift others’ humanity, even as the painful discrimination our community faces—and the authentic beauty of our presence—remains hidden in plain sight.
Long a vital element in the case for someone else’s truth, we are also tasked with defending our own. Intersex people are human beings too and deserve dignified lives beyond just proving bigotry wrong. We don’t exist to prove a point; we exist because we do.
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ur-stepdad · 1 month ago
yeah this is a self-evident biological hierarchy. that's why we have to enforce it with violence
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ur-stepdad · 2 months ago
Ppl who wanna say r*tard without consequence again are desperate to come off as nonchalant and apathetic to what you think but they're always writing some PhD dissertation to justify it bc deep down they either know it's wrong or hate that ppl think they sound like a COD lobby toddler saying it
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ur-stepdad · 2 months ago
Hey! So I have a Black oc who is a trans man and he has had top surgery, my problem is I'm having trouble finding references for what top surgery scars look like on darker skin (especially since his skin is pretty dark) I've found a few pictures of relatively newer scars but my oc has had them for a while so they've faded a bit
I have trouble finding references for how darker skin scars in general (I've found one video on it! It's called "Why does dark skin scar different than light skin" by you look okay to me and it talks about how keloid scarring and Hyperpigmentation is more common and how they didn't really know what they're scars were gonna look like when they got a surgery because all the references online were white people) so if you have any recommendations at all that would be great! I want to be able to depict it right even if this is mainly just a personal oc and I'm really struggling to know how much they might fade and how long it might take
Also thank you for this blog! It's super helpful and has helped me learn just how many little things I picked up from my conservative upbringing without realizing! Thank you so much and have a great day!
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Keloiding and hyperpigmentation sound right to me! You just might not be able to see it as well on deep brown skin, because it's already deeply melanated.
I absolutely welcome feedback from Black trans folk!
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ur-stepdad · 2 months ago
Do not quit alcohol cold turkey
Do not suddenly stop drinking alcohol as a new years resolution if you have been consistently using alcohol most days
Your body gets used to the presence of the alcohol as a sedative in your system
Suddenly removing the sedative you are chemically accustomed to is like suddenly removing the wall you are leaning on - you will topple over
You brain electricity gets overexcited
This causes seizures
This causes sudden onset dementia (Wernicke's encephalopathy)
This causes brain damage
If you use alcohol often (even in moderate amounts)
Or in large amounts
Or you have ever noticed you get shakey tremors and anxious when you stop drinking
Then your body is chemically dependant and you need to be very careful coming off alcohol otherwise you will cause brain damage
Slowly wean down the amount you drink over days or weeks
Talk to a doctor about your goals to quit and ask about support options
Medically supported withdrawal is a lot safer
If alcohol withdrawal goes badly there is a 15% chance it will kill you.
Do not go this alone
You deserve to be safe
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ur-stepdad · 2 months ago
Cybertruck blew up outside Trump's hotel in Vegas. Wild footage, I've never seen an EV flat-out detonate like that and I'm thinking that it wasn't the battery.
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ur-stepdad · 2 months ago
idk who needs to hear this today but you don't have to marry a man if you don't want to
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ur-stepdad · 2 months ago
reading progressive sex ed caricatures with accurate and detailed and realistic diagrams of sexual organs + shows their variation, but all i can think about is how there is no discussion of what srs is besides the fact that it exists
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ur-stepdad · 2 months ago
I do wish that "oppositional sexism" was a more commonly known term. It was coined as part of transmisogyny theory, and is defined as the belief that men and women, are distinct, non-overlapping categories that do not share any traits. If gender was a venn diagram, people who believe in oppositional sexism think that "men" and "women" are separate circles that never touch.
The reason I think that it's a useful term is that it helps a lot with articulating exactly why a lot of transphobic people will call a cis man a girl for wearing nail polish, then turn around and call a trans woman a man. Both of those are enforcement of man and woman as non-overlapping social categories. It's also a huge part of homophobia, with many homophobes considering gay people to no longer really belong to their gender because they aren't performing it to their satisfaction.
It's a large part of the reason behind arguments that men and women can't understand each other or be friends, and/or that either men or women are monoliths. If men and women have nothing in common at all, it would be difficult for them to understand each other, and if all men are alike or all women are alike, then it makes sense to treat them all the same. Enforcing this rift is particularly miserable for women and men in close relationships with each other, but is often continued on the basis that "If I'm not a real man/woman, they won't love me anymore."
One common "progressive" form of oppositional sexism is an idea often put as the "divine feminine", that women are special in a way that men will never understand. It's meant to uplift women, but does so in ways that reinforce the idea that men and women are fundamentally different in ways that can never be reconciled or transcended. There's a reason this rhetoric is hugely popular among both tradwifes and radical feminists. It argues that there is something about women that men will never have or know, which is appealing when you are trying to define womanhood in a way that means no man is or ever has been a part of it.
You'll notice that nonbinary people are sharply excluded from the definition. This doesn't mean it doesn't apply to them, it means that oppositional sexism doesn't believe nonbinary people of any kind exist. It's especially rough on multigender people who are both men and women, because the whole idea of it is that men and women are two circles that don't overlap. The idea of them overlapping in one person is fundamentally rejected.
I think it's a very useful term for talking about a lot of the problems that a lot of queer people face when it comes to trying to carve out a place for ourselves in a society that views any deviation from rigid, binary categories as a failure to perform them correctly.
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ur-stepdad · 3 months ago
The gynecologist was surprised to learn I wanted an IUD because apparently another trans guy just recently told her, very confidently, that he can't get pregnant because T makes you infertile.
Guys. Boys. Dudes. Folks... Don't play with fire.
Testosterone can inhibit some of the other hormonal levels that trigger ovulation, making ovulation less predictable. Many peoples’ ovaries will release eggs less frequently, if at all. However, this doesn’t mean that ovulation entirely stops if someone is taking testosterone. This means that a person on T can still be fertile and get pregnant while on testosterone.
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ur-stepdad · 3 months ago
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