#juan josé arce
diariodigitalnoticias · 3 months
Presidente boliviano Luis Arce denuncia intento de golpe de Estado y niega crisis económica
La Paz, Bolivia • El presidente de Bolivia, Luis Arce, ha hecho declaraciones contundentes sobre un presunto intento de golpe de Estado y la situación económica del país en una reciente entrevista con The Associated Press. Arce afirmó que un ex general planeaba “tomar el control” del gobierno y convertirse en presidente en un fallido golpe de Estado, rechazando al mismo tiempo las acusaciones de…
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ttimekeepsrollingby · 3 months
Bolivia resiste
Fracasó un intento de golpe de estado en Bolivia. El poder real y “la embajada” agudizan la violencia y pierden los modales por someter el continente. Milei vergüenza internacional Imperio con Bolivia en la mira Imagen: Facebook.
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dodypaz · 3 months
Intento de Golpe de estado por el ejercito en Bolivia que no llegó a mayores
“El intento de Golpe de Estado se produce a raíz de una molestia con la actuación del expresidente Evo Morales quien intenta volver a reelegirse a toda costa como presidente de Bolivia” Sobre un supuesto “Golpe de Estado” fue el anuncio que hizo el expresidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, a través de sus redes sociales, que habría sido planeado bajo el liderazgo del general Juan José Zúñiga,…
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elchaqueno · 6 months
Gobierno anuncia inversión inicial de 94.3 millones de bolivianos para Tarja
El gobierno nacional anunció una inversión inicial de 94.3 millones de bolivianos para obras y proyectos en Tarja, con motivo de la efeméride del departamento. El dato fue dado por el Diputado del MAS, Juan José Huanca Mamani, quien destacó la gestión del Presidente Luis Arce Catacora en la entrega de obras. En total, se mencionaron proyectos por un monto de 94.3 millones de bolivianos,…
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soon-palestine · 3 months
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A failed coup attempt in Bolivia by US-backed General Juan José Zúñiga.
Bolivia, a dramatic coup attempt aimed at President Luis Arce was stopped in its tracks.
Armored vehicles smashed into the government palace, yet Arce stood strong, swiftly replacing the defiant army commander.
His firm actions, backed by massive support from the public waving national flags, led to the troops pulling back.
Bolivian President Luis Arce has met the leader of the attempted military coup in Bolivia face to face at the doors of the Presidential Palace.
Bolivian president emerges VICTORIOUS from the palace:
"Brothers, I want to thank you. You have mobilized quickly throughout the country… No one can take away the democracy we've earned in the streets through the blood of the Bolivian people!"
The leader of the attempted coup, Juan José Zúñiga, has been arrested by his own troops.
The Bolivian government is a big supporter of the Global South and has applied for BRICS membership.
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Lula talks about coup attempt in Bolivia: 'Coups have never worked'
'It was planned and led by the army commander,' said former Bolivian President Evo Morales in social media
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President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers' Party) spoke out about the attempted coup in Bolivia on Wednesday (25). "As I am a lover of democracy, I want democracy to prevail in Latin America. Coups have never worked," said the Brazilian president.
Lula asked Itamaraty, as the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is popularly known, for information to assess Brazil's next steps. "I want information. I've asked Foreign Minister Mauro [Vieira] to call Bolivia, to call the [Bolivian] president, to call the Brazilian ambassador, so we can be sure and take a stance."
According to the Brazilian news website G1, Lula has summoned Minister Mauro Vieira and his special advisor, Celso Amorim, to a meeting. Lula intends to assess the situation in Bolivia and, if possible, contact the country's president, Luís Arce.
At around 3 pm (local time), the Bolivian army, headed by General Juan José Zuñiga, deployed its troops in front of the federal government headquarters in La Paz, the country's capital. Then, Arce went to social media platform X (formerly Twitter) and announced that the maneuver was irregular.
Continue reading.
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qualcosadelgenere · 1 year
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1) Jean Baker: "Australia's strongest goalkeeper. He is the true Poseidon."
2) David Waterman: "Originally an Aussie rules player but was longing to participate in the tournament."
3) Shine Beach: "He cannot stand it when a sandy beach is dirty and picks up garbage every day."
4) Karmei Kohler: "He keeps art handed down from ancient times in Australia as a tradition."
5) Clark Cain: "Eager to protect the rare creatures that live in Australia."
6) Sully Princeton: "A genius at finding the whereabouts of rare minerals. He seems to know by just looking at the terrain."
7) Matt Angle: "Patience strengthened by spiritual discipline is the key to this player's power."
8) Surf Wyndhas: "A worldwide master at surfing. He waits for good waves to always look at the sea."
9) Niese Dolphin: "The brilliant prince of the sea. He is the man to lead Australia."
10) Reef Hamilton: "He is a master at catching tropical fish in coral reefs by skindiving."
11) Joe Jones: "Attacks at once when it comes to opportunities to quietly creep up on the opponent."
12) Quincy Horst: "He travels the wilderness still looking for a new gold mine."
13) Holly Summers: "Although he has a part-time job as Santa every year he envies the cold areas."
14) Clive Scissors: "He is good at cutting through opponents with the use of his sharp arm."
15) Daniel Barrack: "He is working hard to be the best in the world of horse meat that has been kept at his home in Australia."
16) Bruce Marlin: "Does his footwork with a spring characteristic of a kangaroo."
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1) Fermin Sanchez: "Like a bull at a matador, he charges straight through the crowd to grab the ball."
2) José Costa: "He's an experienced and tenacious mountain biker."
3) Rafael López: "He's a great flamenco dancer. Girls are lining up for a chance to dance with him."
4) Antonio Galius: "He's always making sketches for abstract paintings, like Picasso."
5) Querardo Naval: "He's trained to be a matador since he was a child, but he hates hurting animals."
6) Joan Nadal: "He eats five meals a day to keep his strength up when he's travelling overseas."
7) Igor Freire: "He's an avid consumer of paella, but he's really fussy about the type of rice."
8) Mikel Pereiro: "His hobby is making sailing boats. He's assembling an invincible armada in his bathtub."
9) Pedro Moreno: "He's raising a black Iberian pig at home, in the hope of producing tasty ham."
10) Samuel Mayo: "This plucky Pamplonica dreams of one day showing his mettle at the Running of the Bulls."
11) Davi Peroqui: "He's fiercely proud of Spanish football, and doesn't hide his desire to take on the world."
12) Juan Zubeldia: "Everyone is bewitched by his virtuosic skill at flamenco guitar."
13) Isaac César: "An opportunist on and off the field. If he sees a beautiful girl, he'll try to charm her."
14) Laudelino Sastre: "Like Don Quixote, he acts rashly without considering consequences."
15) Carlos Arroyo: "He hopes to raise architectural wonders like the Sagrada Familia."
16) Federico Rubiera: "He'd like to have a go at synchronised swimming, but he can't find a boys' team."
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1) Ladji Paara: "Always draws pictures in Montmartre. He wants to be called the pioneer of soccer pictures."
2) Pierre Godin: "His motto is: always play with style and grace, no matter who your rival is."
3) Miguel Arron: "Despite his appearance, this boy has a gift for French cuisine."
4) Franz Poujol: "He wants to make a building more famous than the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe in Paris someday!"
5) Kévin Pinot: "He wants to apply Napoleonic battle strategies on the playing field."
6) Laurent Pérec: "He always spends his days off relaxing at outdoor cafés."
7) Ronny Weiss: "As one of France's best boy models, he is in high demand for fashion shows and photogravures."
8) Stéphane Henno: "A young genius artist of chansons. All of his CDs are big hits!"
9) Julien Rousseau: "He likes to play with a rose clamped between his teeth. Very pretentious."
10) Jérôme Éloi: "Due to having a keen sense of smell, this person is capable of blending the best perfume."
11) Alain Failliot: "The son of a bicycle repairman. He'd like to help out at the Tour de France one day."
12) Émile Razzano: "He considers himself a devotee of French cinema and has a large collection of DVD movies."
13) André Panzo: "He likes nineteenth-century philosophy, but his friends do not understand him when he explains it."
14) Jean Jetin: "Although he has not yet made the leap to fame, this guy is a fashion prodigy."
15) Claude Moreau: "His baguettes are known throughout France. Mmm … They are delicious!"
16) Michel Morin: "He has a gift for gardening, especially if it's about cultivating life."
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madreemeritus · 1 year
Erik's final arc in the original novel is... intriguing.
alert: mentions of death, violence and possible suicide ⚠️ also spoilers from the Leroux novel and Lucíola (José de Alencar)
We never get to see how or when Erik truly died. I've seen people saying he literally died because of the kiss he recieved on the forehead and even joking about him never being able to sexually satisfy someone (bodyshaming hahaha how funny), but this is restricted to the memes only.
If Erik had died from a discharge of emotions, he would be dead right after kissing Christine (and recieving the kiss). And that's not what happened. He died days after this event. And more, he warned Daroga about his death, he says he was going to die, "dying of love", which means that he knew exactly how and when he was going to die. The kiss didn't actually killed him.
Some people theorize that Raoul actually shot Erik when he broke into his mansion. Which is valid and makes sense, however, it's we cannot know it actually happened since Erik doesn't seem to be hurted, bleeding or injured. And, i don't know, if Erik was shot, wouldn't he try to take care of his wound or at least call for help, since Daroga and Christine were two people that he could trust? Count Philippe seemed certain that his brother killed a simple cat with shinning golden eyes. The golden eyes don't seem like a coincidence to me, though. Maybe Erik did break into De Chagny's mansion, but Raoul couldn't shoot him?
well either way this chapter only makes me hate raoul even more but let's continue
The most obvious answer would be that Erik unalived himself. Considering that he presented suicidal thoughts before, it unfortunately makes sense. The first time he mentioned a suicidal desire was when he explained his Don Juan to Christine. He said that, once his masterpiece was finished, he desired to sleep forever with his score within the coffin-bed. He changed his mind, though, after he believed Christine loved him back.
And the second time, obviously, is when he threatens to blow up the Opera Garnier. He was determined to die alongside with everyone there. Which is an interesting topic about his character because he hated and blamed both himself and the society aroud him that drove him into misery. And his perspective wasn't wrong.
It's very sad to think about Erik unaliving himself. His motivation is understandable, but he needed and deserved a second chance (he earned a second chance actually, he just couldn't use it). I still think his mysterious death only happened because of public preassure, as it has happened with many other serials stories in that time (example: Lucíola by José de Alencar, Lucíola was supposed to end alive and happily married, but the misogynistic public preassured the author to kill her).
But how do you think Erik truly died?
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boomgers · 2 months
La novela “Amor Amargo” da pizarrazo de inicio de grabaciones
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La nueva producción de Pedro Ortiz de Pinedo, encabezada por Daniela Romo, Arturo Peniche, Andrés Palacios y Ana Belena, realizó hoy su pizarrazo en la Hacienda Pedregal, ubicada en el Estado de México.
Previo al inicio de grabaciones, el elenco y la producción se reunieron para celebrar una misa oficiada por el sacerdote José de Jesús Aguilar, quien durante la homilía exhortó al elenco a ser humildes y dejar a un lado el ego para que reine la armonía a lo largo del proyecto.
Con el lema “El amor es como el chocolate, a veces dulce, a veces amargo”, el melodrama se sitúa en el pintoresco pueblo de Todos los Santos, donde Tomás (Andrés Palacios), regresa tras el funeral de su padre, decidido a desentrañar la verdad detrás de su asesinato.
En la ceremonia religiosa estuvieron presentes Daniela Romo, Arturo Peniche, Andrés Palacios, Ana Belena, Francisco Gattorno, Martha Julia, Beatriz Moreno, Alejandro Ávila, Jessica Decote, Karla Farfán, Karena Flores, Óscar Medellín, Pedro Baldo, Valeria Masini, Alejandra Procuna, Daniel Gama, Julio Mannino, Fernando Robles, Adalberto Parra, Juan Ángel Esparza, Magda Karina, Alain Said, Armando Andrade, Arturo Posada, Rodrigo Ríos, Eva Daniela, Julia Arce, Federico Espejo, entre otros.
Estreno: Noviembre de 2024 a las 6:30 pm por Las Estrellas y en ViX.
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ocombatente · 2 months
Quem é Juan José Zúñiga, líder da tentativa de golpe na Bolívia
  Reprodução General é apontado como o nome por trás de tentativa de golpe de Estado que ocorreu na tarde desta quarta-feira (26), na Bolívia Na última terça-feira (25), o General Juan José Zúñiga do Exército Boliviano foi destituído de seu cargo de Comandante Geral, sob acusações de liderar uma tentativa de golpe contra o governo do Presidente Luis Arce. Zúñiga, uma figura proeminente na hierarquia militar desde 2022, é reconhecido por sua experiência em inteligência militar e foi descrito como um espião do governo. Conhecido popularmente como "general do povo", Zúñiga mantinha relações amigáveis com movimentos sindicais, porém enfrentava sérios conflitos com o ex-Presidente Evo Morales. Em 2022, Morales o acusou de envolvimento em um grupo que perseguia líderes políticos, uma acusação veementemente negada por Zúñiga. As tensões recentes escalaram quando Zúñiga fez duras críticas públicas a Morales, afirmando que não permitiria uma futura presidência de Evo. Em resposta, o ex-presidente condenou as declarações do general como ameaças sem precedentes em um estado democrático, exigindo responsabilização dos líderes militares. Em entrevista ao jornal El Deber, Zúñiga reafirmou seu compromisso com a defesa da unidade nacional, alegando ameaças internas e externas visando desestabilizar a Bolívia em benefício próprio. Corrupção Além disso, Zúñiga enfrenta suspeitas de envolvimento em operações de contrabando e acusações de desvio de aproximadamente 3 milhões de Bolivianos destinados a iniciativas sociais. A quarta-feira testemunhou a prisão do general sob acusações de mobilizar tropas e veículos blindados em direção ao palácio presidencial em La Paz—uma ação interpretada como tentativa de golpe. O confronto entre Presidente Arce e Zúñiga marcou um momento crítico na crise em curso, com Arce emitindo ordens diretas ao general destituído.   Fonte: Internacional Read the full article
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noticlip · 3 months
A una semana del presunto intento de golpe, reina la confusión y teorías conspirativas en Bolivia
Un plan para dar un golpe de Estado contra el presidente boliviano Luis Arce no era lo que esperaba el general Tomás Peña y Lillo cuando ingresó a un cuartel en La Paz el miércoles de la semana pasada. El líder de los militares retirados dijo que le sorprendió recibir una llamada del jefe del ejército, general Juan José Zúñiga, pidiéndole que se presentara para conversar sobre cómo defender a…
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ttimekeepsrollingby · 3 months
Milei vergüenza internacional
El único degenerado que no condenó el golpe en Bolivia dentro de la región fue el ladrón argentino que pregona obscenidades financiado por el Estado. Milei solo compartió un mensaje de Mondino que no menciona el caso boliviano El Gobierno argentino, el último en condenar el intento de golpe en Bolivia Entrada la noche, la cancillería emitió un comunicado en el que llamó a “sostener las…
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blogoslibertarios · 3 months
Bolívia transfere militar golpista Zuñiga para prisão de segurança máxima
O ex-comandante do Exército Juan José Zuñiga e outros dois militares foram transferidos neste sábado (29) para a prisão de segurança máxima de Chonchocoro, onde cumprirão prisão preventiva pela “tentativa de golpe” na Bolívia contra o governo do presidente Luis Arce. A polícia realizou uma forte operação policial na Força Especial de Combate ao Crime (Felcc), no centro de La Paz, para que o…
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featurenews · 3 months
Bolivia’s president accused of plotting coup against himself to boost popularity
Opponents say abortive raid on palace by angry ex-army chief was a stunt to bolster support It was the armoured vehicles circling the Plaza Murillo - the normally tranquil central square in historic downtown La Paz – that initially set Bolivians on edge on Wednesday afternoon. By the time a phalanx of troops had marched on the presidential palace, the sense of collective confusion and shock was at fever pitch. By 2.30pm, a small tank was repeatedly ramming the gates of the neoclassical building known as Palacio Quemado until troops forced their way in and, in an extraordinary scene, the coup leader – disgruntled former army chief Juan José Zuñiga – faced off against the president, Luis Arce. Continue reading... https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/29/bolivias-president-accused-of-plotting-coup-against-himself-to-boost-popularity?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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sutrala · 3 months
(NaturalNews) In a dramatic turn of events, Bolivia’s recently dismissed Army commander, General Juan José Zúñiga, threatened to overthrow President Luis...
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cuba-redh · 3 months
Tres horas que conmovieron Bolivia. Por Carlos Fazio
El fallido golpe de Estado militar del general Juan José Zúñiga en Bolivia encierra una serie de interrogantes y rarezas, incluida la versión sobre un eventual “autogolpe” del presidente constitucional Luis Arce, pero se encuadra dentro de la guerra híbrida del Comando Sur del Pentágono y la Embajada de Estados Unidos en La Paz. Tiene que ver, también, con la larga tradición putschista del…
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