#Golpe de Estado
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valhalla-awaitsfor-us · 1 year ago
I hope that no one takes the posts that I reblogged as meaning that I don't care about what happened on 9/11 in the USA. I remember being 3 years old and watching television and not understanding what was happening but crying when I saw so much suffering.
However, I do believe that it is important to give MUCH more visibility to the military coup in Chile than what the media gives it on this date (Both happened on the same day, different years). It is worrying how the entire world only talks about what happened in the USA while many, including the gringos themselves, do not even know what their own government did not only in Chile but throughout Latin America. The millions of dead and missing people that affect us to this day. Look for Operation Condor if want to know what happened here not that long ago.
"Never forget" seems like a phrase only applicable to the United States and the rest of the "first world", while the crimes committed here by their imperialist governments seem irrelevant in their school history books.
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chilegp · 5 months ago
In a day like today 9/11 in 1973, a CIA backed coup overthrew the democratically elected government of Chile leading to decades of death and dictatorship.
Miles de detenidos desaparecidos hasta el día de hoy, hay que recordar para no repetir.
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reconcavo · 11 months ago
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Gilberto Gil e Chico Buarque durante a Passeata dos Cem Mil, em 1968.
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cannibalsurprise · 1 year ago
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Letter from a daughter to her disappeared-detainee dad. Circa 1973. Chile.
Dear Daddy:
I am sad because you’re not coming, daddy, I love you so so much, I’m waiting for you, because you’re good and not bad. Poor daddy. I remember you so much and I love you more.
Daddy, in school I got good grades and I study very hard, so you don’t have a lazy daughter, mommy says I have to be well-behaved and study a lot so you can come home. Lulu (her sister) and I don’t know why they took our daddy. Our mommy says that when we grow up we will understand, that now we are little and we gotta study.
I love you so much, and when you come back, we’re going out to play, with my sister we can’t be happy because you’re far away, I caught mommy crying, but she says it’s nothing. We are all sad.
A hug and a kiss from your daughter.
Little duck.
Sin perdón ni olvido.
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welele · 8 months ago
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viejospellejos · 8 months ago
🔴 AHORA | Se está produciendo un intento de golpe de estado en Bolivia:
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carolinareyestorres · 5 months ago
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Pasan los años, los lustros, las décadas, la cincuentena y frente a la felonía de la corruptela de jueces, políticos, abogados y empresarios la figura de Allende solo se agiganta. Lo investigaron cinco años después de muerto, nada encontraron porque su conducta fue ejemplarmente proba. Los que hace cincuenta años en sus partidos políticos abalaron la persecución, tortura y muerte de sus opositores hoy abalaban una red de corrupción infinita, sin división de poderes y con un solo objetivo; mantener el poder y la riqueza en las 3 o 4 familias que manejan este fundo llamado Chile.
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bocadosdefilosofia · 2 months ago
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«Si la democracia es una forma de gobierno justa, lo es en cuanto significa libertad y libertad quiere decir tolerancia. Pero, ¿puede permanecer tolerante la democracia cuando tiene que defenderse de ataques antidemocráticos? Sí, en la medida en que ella no reprime la exteriorización pacífica de las concepciones antidemocráticas. Precisamente es esta tolerancia lo que distingue la democracia de la autocracia. Mientras esta distinción se conserve, tenemos razón para rechazar la autocracia y estar orgullosos de nuestra forma democrática de gobierno. La democracia no puede defenderse renunciando a sí misma. Pero un gobierno democrático tiene también el derecho de reprimir con la fuerza y evitar con medios adecuados lo intentos que procuren derrocarlo violentamente. El ejercicio de este derecho no contradice ni el principio democrático ni el de tolerancia. A veces puede ser difícil trazar una línea divisoria entre la divulgación de ciertas ideas y la preparación de un golpe revolucionario. Pero la conservación de la democracia depende de la posibilidad de encontrar esta línea divisoria.»
Hans Kelsen: ¿Qué es la justicia? Distribuciones Fontamara, págs. 81-82. México, 2008.
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claudiosuenaga · 3 months ago
No Cerne da Distopia 02: Transhumanismo e o Fim da Humanidade | Sergio Beck e Claudio Suenaga
Nesta segunda live da série "No Cerne da Distopia", Sérgio Beck e Cláudio Suenaga falam sobre as implicações do transhumanismo no futuro da humanidade.
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✅ "As Raízes Hebraicas da Terra do Sol Nascente: O Povo Japonês Seria uma das Dez Tribos Perdidas de Israel?"https://www.lojaenigmas.com.br/pre-venda-as-raizes-hebraicas-da-terra-do-sol-nascente-o-povo-japones-seria-uma-das-dez-tribos-perdidas-de-israel
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jamevu · 8 months ago
Esse romance é pequeno só na extensão, porque é uma porrada atrás da outra.
Episódio 2 do audiobook-folhetim liberado!!
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cegodaltonico · 7 months ago
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xxx28pm · 7 months ago
Free Venezuela
Venezuela possesses the largest oil reserves in the world, which has been both a blessing and a curse. Dependence on oil has turned the economy into a single-product system, vulnerable to global market fluctuations. Poor economic policies, such as exchange control, expropriations, and excessive money printing, have led to hyperinflation and severe currency devaluation. Additionally, endemic corruption and poor management have diverted public funds and weakened institutions.
Deals with countries like China and Russia have allowed the government to stay in power in exchange for natural resources, benefiting the elites while the population suffers. This dynamic has made Venezuela function as a low-interest bank for more powerful nations. Foreign influence complicates reform efforts and the internal stability of the country. International pressure and the possibility of renegotiating agreements could be crucial for future change.
Dubai, although also rich in oil, has heavily invested in diversifying its economy. It has developed sectors such as tourism and technology, among others. In contrast, Venezuela has excessively relied on oil without significant diversification, making it vulnerable to market fluctuations.
Corruption in Venezuela has eroded trust in institutions and diverted funds necessary for development.
The country has suffered significant political instability, with leadership changes, repression, and humanitarian crises, negatively affecting its development.
Possible Reforms: -Reducing oil dependence through economic diversification is essential. Investing in other sectors and fostering a favorable business environment can help stabilize the economy in the long term.
-Implementing economic and political reforms that improve transparency, reduce corruption, and promote sustainable development is crucial for the country's resilience. A government with popular support can better withstand external pressures and gain international support.
-International assistance in terms of food, medicine, and essential resources can alleviate the immediate suffering of the population.
In summary, Venezuela's situation is a reminder of how natural resource wealth can become a trap if not managed properly. Solving the Venezuelan crisis will require a comprehensive approach that combines internal reforms, international support, and a careful diplomatic strategy.
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ttimekeepsrollingby · 7 months ago
Venezuela defiende la dignidad Nuestroamericana
La revolución bolivariana resiste un brutal ataque imperialista basado en mentiras y estrategias de guerra de cuarta generación. Buena parte de la posibilidad de un continente soberano se juega en territorio venezolano. Milei fracasa con su banda terrorista Maduro sofocó un golpe de estado Imagen: Ministerio Poder Popular.
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nicolasfolch · 1 year ago
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Hay fotos que se hacen prácticamente solas, de las que creo que nunca me aburriré. Santiago de Chile.
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raurquiz · 1 year ago
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#11DeSeptiembre1973 #50AnosdelGolpedeEstado #golpedeestado #salvadorallende #niperdonniolvido #chile
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carolinareyestorres · 1 month ago
Mi reseña del poemario "Siempre volvemos a Comala" de la escritora Soledad Fariña publicado por Editorial Universidad de Santiago de Chile :)
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