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valhalla-awaitsfor-us · 1 year ago
I hope that no one takes the posts that I reblogged as meaning that I don't care about what happened on 9/11 in the USA. I remember being 3 years old and watching television and not understanding what was happening but crying when I saw so much suffering.
However, I do believe that it is important to give MUCH more visibility to the military coup in Chile than what the media gives it on this date (Both happened on the same day, different years). It is worrying how the entire world only talks about what happened in the USA while many, including the gringos themselves, do not even know what their own government did not only in Chile but throughout Latin America. The millions of dead and missing people that affect us to this day. Look for Operation Condor if want to know what happened here not that long ago.
"Never forget" seems like a phrase only applicable to the United States and the rest of the "first world", while the crimes committed here by their imperialist governments seem irrelevant in their school history books.
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postcard-from-the-past · 4 months ago
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View of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Mexican vintage postcard
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deadpresidents · 1 year ago
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Today is a good day to remember Salvador Allende, the democratically-elected President of Chile, who died in September 1973. Allende most likely shot himself in the La Moneda Presidential Palace in Santiago when he could no longer fight off the forces of General Augusto Pinochet as they executed a violent coup heavily supported by the United States and Henry Kissinger. Pinochet then ruled Chile as an American-supported "anti-communist" military dictator for nearly two decades in which tens of thousands of Chileans were killed, jailed, or simply disappeared.
Allende, a socialist, was popularly elected as Chile's President with promises to strengthen democracy in Latin America and institute significant economic, education, and health reforms in order to dramatically improve the social welfare of the Chilean people. Some American leaders, like Henry Kissinger, saw him as a potential threat -- a South American version of Fidel Castro -- and the CIA begin laying the groundwork for eventual regime change.
The biggest problem with Allende, in Kissinger's mind, was the very fact that he was freely and democratically elected. In a memo to President Nixon that is still somewhat shocking to read, Kissinger wrote that "Allende was elected legally...He has legitimacy in the eyes of Chileans and most of the world; there is nothing we can do to deny him that legitimacy or claim he does not have it." Kissinger then reminds Nixon that "We are strongly on record in support of self-determination and respect for free election; you are firmly on record for non-intervention in the internal affairs of this hemisphere and of accepting nations 'as they are.'" Then he spends several pages outlining ways in which to undermine, delegitimize, and potentially eliminate "the Problem." After all, as Kissinger wrote shortly before Allende was elected, "I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves."
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pedropascalito · 3 months ago
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thepursuitofunderstanding · 4 months ago
The longer I live, the more uninformed I feel. Only the young have an explanation for everything.
Isabel Allende
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allglittersisnotgold · 1 year ago
No hay que olvidar nunca lo que pasó un día como hoy.
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flo-zoinks · 1 month ago
You're an Abraham lover? That's crazy... This is me but with Allende and De Santa nobody gets me bro, like yeah they're horrible characters but like... Like... You just don't get me fr🐺🔥
I LOVE DE SANTA HES SO FUNNY (at times tho I still hate him but generallyyyy) And tbh I dont think i focused enough on Allende to acc have an opinion him but i get u
We can be misunderstood lone wolves together...⛓🖤🐺
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mangopodcast · 1 year ago
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Never forget! September 11, when democratically elected Chilean president Salvador Allende was assassinated during a coup by dictator Augusto Pinochet the 11th of September of 1973. this coup was sponsored by the USA.
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drapeau-rouge · 1 year ago
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grandboute · 6 months ago
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aitan · 6 months ago
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A più di mezzo secolo dopo il suo assassinio.
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nerdvi · 1 year ago
Honor y gloria🌹
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dkingsphoto · 1 year ago
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Romería a Cementerio General, a 50 años del golpe de Estado en Chile.
Santiago de Chile - 10 de septiembre 2023
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bookswisdom · 4 months ago
“Dios ayuda a los buenos cuando son más que los malos.”
El plan infinito, Isabel Allende
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hammersonthewall · 8 months ago
En el intento de superar la dispersión del nuevo conocimiento, Salvador Allende busca sistematizarlo bajo el concepto general de realidad médico-social chilena, un concepto integral que considera la sociedad-real-histórica[1]. Al mismo tiempo, saca a este acervo de sus compartimiento biocientíficos y lo transforma en un programa político de reforma nacional(...)
A través del propgrama de reforma del Estado Asistencial que emprenderá desde el Ministerio de Salubridad, Allende actía como un intelectual orgánico, un médico político...
(...)Había llegado el momento, (Allende) dice, de
devolver a la raza, al pueblo trabajador, su vitalidad física, sus cualidades de virilidad y de salud que ayer fueron su característica sobresaliente; readquirir la capacidad fisiológica de pueblo fuerte, recobrar su inmunidad a las epidemias; todo lo cual habrá de permitir un mayor rendimiento en la producción nacional a la vez que una mejor disposición de ánimo para vivir y apreciar la vida. Y, finalmente, conquistar para todas las capas sociales el derecho a la cultura en todas sus manifestaciones y aspectos. Un pueblo vitalizados, sano y culto, he ahí la consigna la cual debemos atenernos todos los chilenos que anhelamos ardientemente servir a la patria y que luchamos sin ddescanso por que el pueblo supere la etapa de explotación y de ignorancia en la que ha vegetado[2]
Especial interés para el nuevo gobierno, también para la persona de Allende, adquirió el cuerpo del pueblo, diezmado por la tuberculosis, la sífilis, el tifus exantématico y el alcoholismo. Todo esto era la culminación, a su juicio, de 120 años de abandono político.
Antes de terminar el día, me di el lujito de releer lo que escribe Illanes de Allende. No todo, realmente, empecé hace unos 20 minutos y saqué las citas más interesantes, creo. Hay más igual.
En fin, que extraño haber sido el Dr. Allende y ver la vida escondida entre la miseria y la muerte. No es raro, viniendo de Allende, pero que extraño se ve de un doctor. Un loco, un loco lindo. Antes de los locos lindos aún.
Feliz natalicio, Doctor Allende.
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the-leegend-99 · 6 months ago
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I made this last year, to honor the real tragedy of the real 9/11. The day the US destroyed the dream of justice in Chile.
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