#journey to minimalism
prettieinpink · 11 months
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MAKE A VISION BOARD WALLPAPER. Create one that aligns with your goals and dream self, so that every time you pick your phone up, you’re reminded of your goals and future vision. Also, great for manifesting! 
KNOW YOUR APP’S PURPOSE. For me, tumblr is a way I share advice and learn, YouTube I also learn from others, pinterest I get inspired, netflix is a way for me to unwind etc. If for any app, you cannot name a proper purpose/intent to use it daily or to help with your goals, delete it. 
DECIDE WHICH TYPES OF APPS YOU WANT. If you have a new phone, or you want to completely reset your phone, write or type, the apps, that you want and those you don’t. 
E.g I want to learn a language, practice mindfulness on the go, get some mental gratification that isn’t addicting, organise my life better and have a way to track my progress. I don’t want apps that support doom-scrolling, make me compare myself and are addictive. 
BE MINDFUL OF WHAT YOU SIGN UP TO. Newsletters, social media, subscribing to YouTubers and so on, just think about your goals and vision and if they align with them, every time you think about signing up/subscribing. 
HAVE NO PHONE TIME/ZONES. For me, my phone is not allowed to be used in bed. If I must use my phone, I have to get out of bed first. My phone is also not allowed during study time, so I put it in a separate room which makes it inconvenient. 
REGULARLY DO A DIGITAL DECLUTTER. Delete any old contacts that you don’t talk to, unsubscribe from newsletters and YouTube channels, organise your socials etc. Removes space and helps us to see our phones with more clarity. 
SET PURPOSEFUL WIDGETS. These can be anything, motivational quotes, your daily to-do list, reminders of your habits and so on. However, make sure you’re looking at them and they're not just taking up space. 
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cametotheshowinsd · 1 year
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1989 WORLD TOUR | 13 iconic moments
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rafamonzo · 5 months
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R.Tanaka - From the series " The Wedding of the Earth"
http://rafamonzo.tumblr.com   / http://tanaka-clan.tumblr
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fountainpenguin · 4 months
Things that happened in Martyn & Cleo Double Life canon:
Cleo hoping to find her soulmate and start a life with them
Cleo dumping Martyn without giving him a chance to explain his side of the story, but hearing him out when he comes to her later
Martyn watching Cleo through his spyglass and telling the audience she seems safe and happy even though he thinks it's weird she's outside at night
Martyn, after he's had time to consider how he wants to play this, spinning a story about trying to be a provider for her and Cleo explaining that she wanted him, not things
Cleo not being remotely impressed by the "I was providing" sob story, lol
Martyn calling Cleo selfish for choosing to be with Scott because she's supposed to be HIS soulmate and he wants a partner
Cleo willing to forgive Martyn if he meets them halfway
Martyn refusing to meet them halfway because he doesn't think he did anything wrong
Martyn screaming about how Cleo's building bridges with Scott but "When will she think about mending our bridges???"
Martyn explaining to Cleo that he doesn't understand why his Session 1 actions bothered them
Martyn centering his character arc and roleplay on trying to win Cleo back without actually apologizing
Cleo giving Martyn a flower and stating that if he loses it, she'll be real cross with him
Cleo chasing Martyn out of her yard because he tried to put an HOA sign on her base and she wanted to make it clear that she wasn't associated with them and their hate for his base (even though she does think his heart base is strange)
Martyn attacking Cleo after she said attacking is a form of affection to her
Cleo setting boundaries with Martyn and explaining what he can do to get her back
Cleo sighing when Scar set her up on a date with Martyn, but taking the chance to talk to him instead of walking out
Cleo genuinely wanting Martyn in her alliance
Martyn and Cleo giggling constantly when they chat
Scar asking if Martyn wanted him to play a romantic music disc for him and Cleo (and Martyn getting excited and saying yes)
Martyn offering to take Cleo's armor and weapons to the deep dark so he can enchant them and bring them back while she stays safe
Cleo gifting Martyn diamonds, expecting nothing in return but not wanting him to die from lack of a good sword
Martyn and Cleo forming a secret alliance that allows Cleo to live with Scott while being on good terms with Martyn
Martyn expressing frustration that Cleo wants to keep this alliance secret because he wants them to be public allies; Cleo softly shushes him when people approach and might overhear
Martyn telling Cleo that she's putting out a lot of mixed signals because she keeps reeling him in and then pushing him away, claiming he is very confused about where he stands with her
Martyn teasing Cleo by punching her off a cliff and accidentally killing her and feeling so bad about it that he apologizes profusely despite roleplaying as someone who refused to apologize for Session 1
Martyn and Cleo immediately threatening Bdubs together when he said hi to them while they were hanging out, sdkfj
Martyn genuinely apologizing to Pearl for dumping her after Session 1
Martyn hiding under Cleo's bed while she defends him from an enderman attack
Cleo offering to let Martyn move into her house after Etho and Joel grief his base; Martyn saying he might take her up on that
Cleo and Martyn agreeing to move out and base together at Box
Cleo trusting Martyn with the location and resources of her red life base
Martyn rushing to Cleo's aid in the deep dark and trying to turn everyone against him instead
Cleo responding to Martyn's panicked shouts for her to eat by opening her inventory to get food (and drowning because she forgot she was in water)
Cleo hanging back and letting Martyn attack Scott while she does nothing to stop him from doing so, implying as much as she likes Scott, she won't kill Martyn (and herself) for him (and/or she trusted Scott to handle himself even though he ran away while Martyn was shooting at him)
Things that did not happen:
Cleo unwilling to forgive Martyn or consider being his friend and partner
Martyn and Cleo hating each other
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
#Listen. listen. I understand. but consider... them#Zombiewood#ZombieCleo#Martyn InTheLittleWood#Limited Life canon: Cleo making Martyn godfather to her kids#I 100% support everyone taking their own interpretations from the episodes-#but I often see ''Martyn and Cleo hate each other'' and I wonder ''Did we even watch the same thing?''#and with so many POVs that only see them from the outside perhaps we did not!! So consider... them. Let's rotate them <3#This post is about the sheer amount of 'Martyn dumps Cleo for Ren' fics tagged Martyn/Cleo vs. minimal affectionate fics. help??#also fics where Martyn/Mumbo was canon but Martyn claims he was never attracted to him- only Ren?? Fascinating.#sir can the whole plot be about that because hold up I feel like we should unpack your loveless marriage before you date Ren#I will 100% read a story about you charging into marriage with Mumbo and then going ''Uh I just made a big mistake.'' hilarious#I mean I'm not Ren but if my crush confessed he never loved his husband in the first place I feel like I'd have Questions#To each their own! And I for one greatly enjoy how much Martyn will chase Cleo without humbling himself. lol. idiot. get wrecked.#but just to be clear I am a huge fan of break-up 'fics and choosing to be with someone you want. ergo my interest in Grian/BigB#This post is about Martyn/Cleo and Grian/BigB being fandom rarepairs despite having canon interest in each other#which is 100% fine because everyone should write what they want but!! Come rotate them with me because they are so fun and silly#Grian the man who deliberately cuts comments about Grian/Scar and Martyn/Mumbo from his vids but pursues BigB?? hilarious#In-universe this man went from ''Romance? I do not see it'' to ''Actually I want the cute cookie man'' and took the leap??#Yes king tell me more about this journey of self-discovery. I am aspec-beam'ing you.#Anyway. Need more Martyn/Cleo in my life which is why I'm writing fics of that and other people write fics about what they like <3#but sometimes people don't like it when I pair Martyn and Cleo because ''They hate each other'' and I laugh sfdlkj
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lightuponearth · 2 months
daily log ₊˚⊹
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the weekend went wonderfully despite me not being the most productive academics wise, but i did accomplish a lot of tasks that i'm proud of myself for.
- deep cleaned my room, i'm doing this once a week
- rearranged my wardrobe, i was putting this off for so long only to finish it within 10 minutes lol
- rearranged my desk setup (will be doing a reveal soon!) because as much as i love the whole maximalist layout, it is so tedious to dust and clean
- cleaned my bookshelves
- started journaling again!! i'm trying to practice having a more neater handwriting because ever since i got into uni, i've only been taking digital notes and my handwriting has practically deteriorated
- began reading a new book, i've had the copy for ages but only got around to it now lol will be letting you all know my thoughts when i'm done
- today i started with the basics of react! i'm following along some tutorials on youtube, hopefully i'll be able to have a steady grasp on it by the end of august and create at least one proper project
- my skincare, pilates, and bedtime yoga + meditation game has been going strong! i've been consistent with my routines and i'm feeling pretty good about it. i used to do pilates 4 times in a week during july, and towards the end of the month i started doing it 5 times. this week, i'm aiming for 6! move with nicole's weekly workout routines have been a major help with this tbh i love her workouts even though they sometimes destroy me
- i went to bed last night earlier than usual and i managed to wake up earlier today too!! did some adjustments to my routine and i now have ample time to do what i want and still go to bed early :)
i hope you all are doing well. thank you for reading this far ♡
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sidewalkchemistry · 8 months
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bliss babes don't get cabin fever...during the winter, they are immersed in sentiments of cabin euphoria
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whumpbug · 3 months
since seth keeps TORTURING these guys i had to step in. /lh /pos. i needed to see them Happy and Not bleeding and/or injured and being the Special Friends they are
(to be fair i just really wanted to draw them. GOD i love them. they are so precious to me. they are my everything. i hope i did them justice i sincerely apologize if anything is out of character but i needed them to SMILE. MY BABIES!)
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@seth-whumps (also gonna tag your main just incase @sethlost)
hope you like it!!!!!! i love your sillies with my WHOLE heart.
(pose ref from @/mellon_soup)
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free-grandmaa · 4 months
"To be so tightly surrounded by nature is the most liberating thing."
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spinnysocks · 4 months
spinny!! I’m curious, what got you into the lion guard?
EHEHEE YAY I LOVE ASKS LIKE THIS!! don't mind me rambling about how i got into it :3
i watched the lion guard originally as a young teen! my memories are foggy, so i can't say how much i liked it, but i do remember ono being my favourite and that i watched enough to remember a lot of the episodes when i revisited it a few years later. i rewatched it out of childhood nostalgia and curiosity - i wanna say around 2020 maybe? - and developed a hyperfixation on it, specifically on janja! back then, i kinda only cared about his character and a few others such as timon, pumbaa, scar and kiburi, though janja was the character who i was actually interested in. i had even bought a lion king notebook to write a snippet of an au i had for him, i still have it lmaoo
because of how my hyperfixations work, i get obsessed over one fandom for a while until it switches to another. for instance, most of last year i hyperfixated on the madagascar movies - those periods of hyperfixating would last anywhere from hours to months until shifting to, for example, the lion guard. it also wasn't my main fandom at the time, madagascar was. that changed in november last year, when i found that there was a LOT of cool lion guard content on here (especially @devilsrecreation's outlanders posts!). i began to interact a little bit which made me hyperfixate on it even more. i made my first lion guard post in december, and that's where my posting and very long hyperfixation on it began!! since then i've had like a landslide of constant thoughts about this silly show, and i've picked up a lot of new favourite characters along the way (such as kiburi and his float, beshte, goigoi, dogo, literally all of the outlanders...). i've barely shifted hyperfixations since then and the show has very swiftly become a favourite media of mine! :3
so, i guess seeing content being made AND making my own has made me hyperfixate on it endlessly (/pos btw). i've specifically hyperfixated on the outlanders as you can probably tell lol. essentially, ✨the power of hyperfixations✨ lead me to being on and posting on this site, but the show has always been for me since i was a teen c:
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takeariskao3 · 7 months
is harry/ginny your otp? or is it draco/hermione?
i feel like my ao3 author page with zero draco/hermione fics and 30 harry/ginny fics sorta answers this question, right?
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atomickawaii · 1 year
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Spooks and Nya's
Spooks and Nyas
💜 I did this as an ode to Inktober, which truly has just become a fun challenge month for artists, but I started as a traditional artist so it has a special place in my heart.
💜 Color minimalism is become a dirty obsession of mine lately. There is something about it that just hits different.
💜 This actually is a redraw of a piece from 2018! It's crazy to think that was 5 years ago now
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oncewater · 7 months
Letting go of material things is what naturally happens once you're far enough in your spiritual journey, not something you have to do to get there.
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fleeting-sims · 1 year
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yes,,, we could easily use sabers for this but exercise is importanter
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why dont you just write it down on your phone, said skeleton lady with a smartphone
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teen geologist and archeologist rian in his natural habitat
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such a handsome kid 🥺
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dont worry, he's not looting em, just restoring then giving it back to the locals frfr
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encountering and fighting a sith inside a tomb? typical daily jedi chores~~
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well, not everyone can say the sith is actually their father, no?
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father oh father, we are based on a story where a jedi kid had a sith dad, but somewhere in the future, somehow?
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oh truly? wow, you can see the future? my son is so awesom!!!1
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yeeees yes, can you let me continue excavating now?
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well, a good way to end this trip... back to homeworks and prom
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anonymousdormhacks · 7 months
I'm eternally trying to declutter my items but so many clothing decluttering tips don't work for me. If I put clothes in a box to see if I will miss them, it's not that I don't like the clothes in that box (or even that I won't wear them regularly) it's that if you put anything outside of my immediate eye sight I will forget it exists.
I could hide my computer that I use every day and I'll forget about it 3 days later and wonder why my school work is so hard to get done. "See which clothes you don't wear by hanging them up" trick question if they're in a closet I won't see them and at that point they're not objects that I own
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lightuponearth · 2 months
daily log ₊˚⊹
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today went wonderfully, although i still haven't gotten the hang of fixing my sleeping schedule. i'm trying to sleep earlier and wake up earlier, but i end up falling asleep a bit late and wake up late as well, which doesn't give me enough time throughout the day to do everything i want to accomplish. but despite that, i managed to do most of the things!
- did my daily workout, it was cardio today :) i managed to get into the habit of exercising regularly which i'm really grateful for because it's been keeping me sane lol
- practiced javascript for a little over an hour, i'm aiming to enhance my skills this summer
- cleaned my room and organised my shelf. been meaning to rearrange my things and i've been putting it off for so long, but i decided to finally do it. i listened to this youtube video on self compassion and shame, and how shame is rooted in the need for love. it was really insightful, definitely recommend watching/listening if you have an hour to spare
- i'm trying to incorporate more protein and really just maximising my protein intake and omg this snack i discovered is so so good... its basically yoghurt mixed with peanut butter, vanilla protein powder, and cinnamon, and i used that as a dip for apples! very delicious very filling
- i'm going to try meditating after i do my bedtime yoga so i can get back into the habit of meditating regularly, i miss it tbh
i hope all of you are doing well ♡ can't believe i managed to post twice in a row this week woah! gonna try to keep this up lol
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
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from the 'sacred spaces {feng shui + adornment}' & atmospheric airs {autumn living}' Pinterest boards
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