#jonah griggs
jellybeanbeing · 3 years
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On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta // Fleabag S2 EP4 // Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater // Sex Education S3 EP7
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lovestarlightmoon · 4 years
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jonah griggs & taylor markham + hand holding
➸ a remake of this old edit
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cabeswcters · 4 years
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Jellicoe Road characters
Melina Marchetta.
pt. 1
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Jonah: ten years ago I married my best friend. Taylor is still angry at me but Chaz and I thought it was a fun idea
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lamesiscanon · 5 years
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“A home to come back to every day of their lives.”
- Melina Marchetta, On the Jellicoe Road
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on the jellicoe road 
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the-maidofgevaudan · 7 years
Parallels of my children trying to hold on to happiness
“She stood at Webb’s door: Tate, with the wild hair and the grin that went on forever. Sometimes Webb believed that he would never experience a better feeling than when he was looking at her, would never see anything or anybody bursting with more life and spirit. Sometimes he felt he needed to inhale it and place it in a storage area in his soul. Just in case.” -On the Jellicoe Road
“It’s because they don’t have coverage out here,” Griggs tells him.
“No,” I say, looking up at Griggs. “It’s actually because my heart belongs to someone else.” And if I could bottle the look on his face, I’d keep it by my bedside for the rest of my life.” - On the Jellicoe Road
“It’s a weird smile, but it reaches his eyes and I bottle it. And I put it in my ammo pack that’s kept right next to my soul and Justine’s spirit and Siobhan’s hope and Tara’s passions. Because if I’m going to wake up one morning and not be able to get out of bed, I’m going to need everything I’ve got to fight this disease that could be sleeping inside of me.” -Saving Francesca
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winonariyder · 7 years
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“And life goes on, which seems kind of strange and cruel when you're watching someone die. But there's a joy and an abundance of everything, like information and laughter and summer weather and so many stories.”
–Melina Marchetta, On the Jellicoe Road
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joaquinwhorres · 3 years
Fic Writer Tag Game
I was tagged by the embodiment of sunshine @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle, the queen of edits @sgtbuckyybarnes, and the master of puns @akabluekat
Also, as much as I love everything AO3 stands for, I find FFN more user friendly & I've used it longer, so I'm giving my stats on both.
How many works do you have on AO3? 14! (I have 17 on FFN though.)
What’s your total AO3 word count? 169,469 (274,779 on FFN)
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they? I've written for 12 fandoms: Harry Potter, Avengers, Stranger Things, Star Trek, The Umbrella Academy, Newsies, Inception, Covenant, Hobbit, SyFy's Alice, Riverdale, and Charmed.
What are your top five fics by kudos AO3?
The Dating Game (Diego Hargreeves x Reader) - 123
Dangerous (Steve Harrington x Reader) - 94
Gazes (Joaquín Torres x Reader) - 80
Public Knowledge (Sweet Pea x Reader) - 73
The Fool (Fred Weasley x OC) - 55
What are your top five fics by follows on FFN?
Parting Shot (Clint Barton x OC) - 572
Living Memory (Clint Barton x OC) - 129
Second Wind (Pietro Maximoff x OC) - 125
Whispers in the Dark (Reid Garwin x OC) - 122
The Fool (Fred Weasley x OC) - 75
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? It depends. If a comment asks a question or the person put a whole paragraph of writing into the comment, I'll respond. If it was something quick and surface level that didn't take a lot of thought, I'll generally just smile and move along.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? I haven't written it yet but Volatile Measures gets pretty angsty towards the end because it's canon compliant.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written? I've only ever written one crossover and didn't really end up liking it, so--no!
Have you ever received hate on a fic? I've got some charity reviews on FFN cuz of Tumblr drama, but otherwise not really!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? uh kinda? I'm trying to work up the courage to put it in my stories.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yup. I had some Stranger Things fics stolen and copied to wattpad which was really annoying and also the reason why I hate wWattpad.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope. If you want to, please let me know!
What’s your all-time favorite ship? Taylor Markham and Jonah Griggs from On the Jellicoe Road. But like in fandoms I usually like OCs better. Right now my favorite ship of mine is Mattie Crenshaw + George Weasley.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will? All of them. Although Mind Over Matter is one that I had great ideas and plans for and now just can't seem to find where they all went.
What are your writing strengths? What are your writing weaknesses? I'm pretty kickass at dialogue. And planning. I actually have each of my HP stories plotted on a calendar to make sure things unfold realistically and I remember canon events. My writing weaknesses? Actually writing and following through on my great ideas.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I do this in some of my fics, but I tend to only make it a few lines at most and easy enough to understand in context so the reader doesn't have to run to Google Translate or down to the notes. I try to only write in languages I speak or understand. Even then, I check what I write with Reddit to see if it's actually natural. Otherwise I note the language that's being spoken but keep it in English.
What was the first fandom you’ve written for? The first fandom I wrote for was Harry Potter because I co-wrote a fic with a friend, but the first fandom I ever wrote in by myself was Newsies.
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? It changes day to day. My favorite completed fic I've ever written is Parting Shot, but that's also because it's the only fic I've ever completed.
I am tagging: @raith-way @hiddenqveendom @asirensrage @zeleniafic @barbied-wire @decennia & anyone who wants me to read their fic
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dandylion240 · 5 years
✧ Founders CAS Challenge by @volcano-pasta ✧
Tagged by @simmeronnie Thank you so much. I decided to use this as an excuse to create my founders of my ts3 legacies in ts4.
Rules: Post all of your founders together to compare and contrast them! Share some details to see how similar or different they are. This can be done in CAS, or you can jump in game, or you can share old screenshots!
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1) The Van Winkle Legacy - Founder Peter Van Winkle
Just the average absentminded scientist.
He is immortal due to being tricked by Emit Relevart. 
He was married twice. 
First wife Valari - their marriage ended in divorce 
They had 4 children together 
Second wife Jean - she died of old age 
They had 4 children together 
Valari was killed in a fire she set herself to kill Peter in after luring him into her trap by kidnapping his son.
Peter is now moving on from having lost Jean and is dating River. When Gen 6 starts we’ll see if she becomes wife number 3
Gen 6 currently on hiatus but I am working on it
More under the cut. It got really long,  Plus evidently I write a lot.
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2) Not So Ordinary Life - Founder William Bennett and his wife Jessica
This legacy started because William kept getting abducted by aliens. I asked myself one little question...what if the aliens weren’t as friendly as the game made them out to be? What if they had an agenda all their own? Thus the Bennett saga began.
Why Bennett? Because I gave him the same last name of my favorite character Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice
William was abducted 4 or 5 times. I don’t honestly remember. It did result in two pregnancies.
The alien experiments done on him unfortunately had lasting side effects on his wife. She became prone to fits of anger, jealousy, uncontrollable sexual urges that resulted in multiple children she was unable to take care nor any desire to do so. Also resulted in an affair and a child from that relationship as well. Until she completely lost it and tried to kill her entire family.
William stuck by her because he felt guilty because of what the aliens had done to him.
He also lost his oldest child Sydney in a tragic house fire. She later came back to life through a science experiment but that’s another story.
Gen 6 currently on hiatus but being worked on
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3) Not So Peaceful Life (a side legacy of NSOL) - Evelyn Bennett and her husband Shon Olivia
Evelyn is William’s alien daughter.
She married her older sisters boyfriend after meeting him again once she went away to University.
They were reluctant to move their relationship from friends to something more.
Shon’s estranged father hated her and on more than one occasion tried to kill her. He had been abducted by aliens that drove him to drinking. 
Shon and Evelyn also took in his children from a previous relationship before he was sent to live with his Aunt. He didn’t even know about them until a case he was working on in Bridgeport let him to his ex girlfriends door. 
Shon had two kids with Evelyn and two with his ex.
4th gen is on hiatus.
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4) Not So Quiet Life (a side legacy of NSOL) Casey Bennett and his wife Lynn
Casey is the 3rd child of William and Jessica
Sydney sacrificed herself to save him in the fire that took her life. 
Casey and his younger brother Gene never really got along until years later when Casey had his own breakdown and developed a drinking problem. Gene helped him through it.
Casey got a girl pregnant while he was at University and they lived together for the sake of their son Eddie. 
He came home from work one day to find her gone and his son alone crying in his crib. 
Through the help of is older brother Robert he was able to find a suitable nanny for his son. 
He later married his son’s nanny.
Casey had two kids with Lynn besides Eddie.
Glitter is the continuation of his legacy with Hannah, Benjamin and Christopher Bennett.
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5) Not So Reckless Life (a side legacy of NSOL) Gene Bennett and his wife Aimee.
Gene had emotional problems that developed after the death of this older sister Sydney. He felt responsible for the fire because he took out the batteries from the smoke alarm to operate a toy.
He got into drugs and drinking as a teenager but nothing really helped with the guilt he felt.
He became suicidal.
He became a target of his mother’s to vent her anger and unreasonable hatred on not helping with his own emotional problems.
Things started to turn around when he met his girlfriend (can’t remember her name) They lived together until he decided to sign up Sim Star Idol
Everyone was against him joining the show afraid that the pressure would be too much for him and he’d start drinking again.
If it weren’t for his brother Robert’s firm belief in him that he could do it that he did the show.
He didn’t win but he did meet the love of his life Aimee Vera.
Aimee’s parents were less than thrilled with her choice in men and did everything they could to break them up.
Aimee gave into their demands when Gene found out he was the father of twins from his previous relationship and she had died in child birth leaving him twin girls to raise.
He had a total of 7 kids. 
Knights of Hope is the current gen and will continue once Glitter concludes. Currently on Hiatus
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6) Bring Me Back To Live (a side legacy of NSOL) Sydney Bennett and her husband Tain Sugihara.
Sydney died in a tragic house fire as a teenager.
She was brought back to life by a highly experimental procedure
The scientists wanted to generate good will and funding for their experiment so they insisted she marry and they hosted a BC for her.
Tain Sugihara was the lucky winner
The experiment that brought her back to life led to her death five years later.
She had triplets but it was her son Jackson who developed the genetic degradation that would eventually lead to his early death.
The scientists wanted to continue the experiments in the hopes of perfecting or even duplicating their one and only successful resurrection. 
Made to almost the end of gen 5 - indefinite hiatus
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7) My lil Reagan’s Robin Fairchild and Dominick Reagan started it all.
I will one day post their story.
It is written but I want to fit it in so that it makes sense with where I’m at with my Reagan stories.
These two would be the grandparents or Jonah, Jayden, Raelyn and Sage. 
Sage’s purple hair comes from Dominick
Dominick is a ghost now living with his elderly husband in their youngest son’s home.
My TS4 game play consists of mostly their descendants
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8) Island Living Game play - Octavia Griggs and Wilson McCabe
I’ll probably just play them until the kids age up. 
You may see their kids married to other sims later on
It was started to test out Island Living
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9) 4x4 Challenge and game play - Reo Carmichael and Kasen Rocca
Reo is a well known actor
Kasen is an up and coming artist
The challenge was to start off with a 4x4 house and every 10,000 dollars they make they can add on another 4x4 room. They have to spend all but 500 dollars in the renovation. 
Once the upstairs is complete and their kids are aged this challenge will end.
I have plans for their only son He will have his own challenge to accomplish
Hmm that’s a lot but the majority of my TS3 stories are on hiatus but will be coming back. I just want to have stuff written in advance. I do see I get obsessed with families mainly my Bennett’s and Reagan’s. I love my Van Winkle’s too but I tried to keep all the stories in together since they tell the same overall story. 
Sorry I got a little long winded but I do love to talk about my stories and this helped me realize what I lived about them. Also why I struggle to let any of them even BMBTL. 
Tagging: @fataleromeo​ @cillaben​ @izayoichan​ @ohsimtastic​ @amuhav​ @wannabecatwriter​ @justasimthing​ @cawthorntales​ and anyone else who wants to do this. Feel free to ignore if you want. 
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jellybeanbeing · 5 years
Mid-Year Freak Out Book Tag 2019
1. Best Book You've Read So Far in 2019?
ON THE JELLICOE ROAD BY MELINA MARCHETTA - I will never shut up about this because it’s such a great book. It’s a story within a story about pain, friendships, family, and as cheesy as it sounds, finding yourself and a purpose. It is confusing at first, but once you hit the 50-75 page mark, you’re invested into the story and its characters. It really amazed me at how well it revealed the mysteries and how everything is connected. It makes the story all the more beautiful. The romance is also so so good.
2. Best Sequel You've Read So Far in 2019?
The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater - Holy cow, this book is amazing. I reread The Raven Cycle again this year and this time around, TDT completely captured and stole my heart. It was fun, exciting, thrilling, and so so heartbreaking. Maggie Stiefvater writes the characters (especially Ronan and the Lynch family) so well in here. It’s hard not to fall in love with everyone. This is a book that will make you feel powerful. Also, the slow burn romance is SO UNBELIEVABLY GOOD AND HURTS MY SOUL.
3. New Release You Haven't Read Yet, But Want To?
Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston - I need to get on this book because everyone and their mother are talking about this and are in love with it and I want to be in love with it too.
4. Most Anticipated Release For the Second Half of 2019?
Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater - The Raven Cycle is one of my all time favorite series and I love how well Ronan and the Lynch family are written, so how could I not be excited about CDTH?
The Toll by Neal Shusterman - When Neal Shusterman announced that he finished The Toll, I freaked out! I’m so so excited for it because book two left us on a HUGE cliffhanger and I need to know what happens next and if my children will survive and live happily ever after.
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo - As for Ninth House, the entire premise of the novel intrigues me so much. It seems dark and gritty, and I love that. I’ve seen some author blurbs and review, saying that it is incredible so I’m really hoping that it is and I can love it because I really do like how well Leigh Bardugo can write her complex characters and plots.
5. Biggest Disappointment?
Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta - On the Jellicoe Road is my favorite book so I was hoping that I would love this book too. Sadly, I didn’t. Unlike last year where I didn’t even finished the book for this question, I actually finished Saving Francesca. My overall thoughts were “this isn’t enough”. The character development was meh, the storyline was all over the place, the romance was lukewarm, and everything was brushed over. I definitely saw the parallels between this and Jellicoe Road but the aspects that are in this book and Jellicoe, are written better in Jellicoe. Francesca was a character I couldn’t really put my finger on. Her personality kept changing to the point where I didn’t know what her intentions were anymore. William Trombal is maybe the worst love interest ever. He’s just a cheating smart ass. I guess the thing I’m most disappointed in is that it failed to make me feel sad and really care about anything. Francesca’s mother is in a state of depression but that was like a side thing that wasn’t explored and I wanted it to. I don’t know. I’ll stop here. I was just so disappointed.
6. Biggest Surprise?
Daisy Jones & the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid - I never intended to read this book but everyone was gushing all over it that I just had to. I guess why I didn’t want to read in the first place was because Evelyn Hugo was so good and I was afraid that Daisy Jones would be an almost carbon copy especially with the whole “old famous stars reveal a big secret” kind of plot in both. But I took a chance and boy, did I fall in love. I know people have their opinions on this book and I respect that but I really loved it. It pulled me in and I could see everything that was happening. It was such a great read.
7. Favourite New Author?
I actually don’t have one. I feel like for an author to be my favorite, I have to have read more than one or two books from them and actually liked them.
8. Newest Fictional Crush?
Jonah Griggs from Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta - I love love love love love Jonah Griggs so much and with all of my being. He’s just great and amazing. He’s not your typical YA love interest and that’s one thing I love.
9. Newest Favourite Character?
Ronan Lynch from The Raven Cycle series by Maggie Stiefvater - The way he’s written and the complexity of his character just makes it so hard not to love him. He starts out as this badass who always wants to fight someone to becoming this person who loves and cares so much for the people he is close with. Also, The Dream Thieves is a masterpiece in the way it’s written and how Ronan’s character evolves.
10. A Book That Made You Cry?
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo - I decided to reread SOC & CK this year in preparation for King of Scars and I knew that ending was coming and I was ready for it, but I still bawled my eyes out so hard. I was sad for an entire week, not to mention that it carried on into King of Scars which was just fantastic. So basically I was sad and crying for a good two weeks.
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater - I was not expecting to cry as much because I remembered only crying about one thing, but there was so many things that I hadn’t realized that were so important to the book and to the characters and that related to me so much. I cried so much and for the longest time ever.
11. A Book That Made You Happy?
A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro - It has been so long since I’ve read a book and not cried through it, but that I thoroughly enjoyed and had so much fun with. A Study in Charlotte was so cute and fun, but also very dark with all the murders that had occurred. I love Brittany Cavallaro’s version of Holmes and Watson. They’re very different but they still hold their roots. I also love how the characters are high schoolers because this way, we get to see a version of Holmes who is still growing into their skin with being a genius and all, and Watson learning to deal with younger version of Holmes.
12. Favourite Book To Movie Adaptation You Saw This Year?
Howl’s Moving Castle - I’ve never read the book and probably am never going to, but the Studio Ghibli’s movie of Howl’s Moving Castle is a favorite of mine. It’s basically a tradition for me to watch it every year.
13. Favourite Review You've Written This Year?
The Raven Cycle Music Playlist - I love music a lot and I love The Raven Cycle a lot so putting the two together was just so fun for me. The Raven Cycle is very atmospheric and the dynamics between and within each character is so different that I feel that there is a song that truly belongs to them. And it’s also fun to listen to the songs and be reminded of my favorite book series.
14. Most Beautiful Book You Bought So Far This Year?
How to Make Friends With The Dark by Kathleen Glasgow - I absolutely love the blue and black ombré effect along with the white specks and outlining of the girl. It’s just so beautiful.
15. What Books Do You Need To Read By The End of The Year?
Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng
I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson
Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman
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lovestarlightmoon · 7 years
aka thoughts as i reread the gorgon in the gully with some jellicoe sprinkled in
-danny is always looking to jonah for answers but in reality jonah is always reminding danny of how amazing he is
-“my brother is my god."
-jonah helps danny find beast quest novels on eBay
-danny reads to his mum sometimes because she likes the sound of his voice (MOTHER-SON QUALITY TIME EVERY NIGHT IM DECEASED)
-her name is louise fyi
-~~she’s a mind reader~~ 
-she’s scared of anything happening to her boys and she’s v protective of them
-“he was still thinking and his mum waited. she always waited. she was very patient, his mother was."
-JONAH LAID UNDER DANNY’S BED WITH HIM ALL NIGHT ONCE BECAUSE DANNY THOUGHT THERE WAS SOMETHING UNDER IT (he swore 3 times because he hit his head on the mattress, i bet danny gave him shit for that)
-family dinners at restaurants at least once a week~~~
-jack lets danny help grade his multiple choice questions, use the excellent stamp, and thinks that his handwriting is v neat and had him write on yellow merit cards
-kisses whenever his mum picks danny up (she’s such a mom, she offered to drive danny’s friend home when she saw that he was walking)
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cabeswcters · 5 years
Jellicoe Road characters as John Mulaney quotes:
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Taylor: Jonah and I have this kind of relationship where we finish each other's...
Jonah: sentences
Taylor: Please do not interrupt me
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Girls under the age of fourteen are the most frightening creatures I have ever come across.
Melina Marchetta, On the Jellicoe Road
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the-maidofgevaudan · 7 years
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Out of uniform he’s not playing a role anymore and the real Jonah Griggs is scarier than the Cadet leader. His emotions are a thousand times more real. - On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
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