anabelsbrother · 2 years
releasing some of my very old saved tumblr urls into the wild....why did i need to save so many urls???? u can pry anabelsbrother out of my cold dead hands
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i KNOW it is a CRIME one we’re going to fix soon(ish) but heyo @artsymusingsofabibliophile anything you want to say for yourself in the meantime?
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sawthefaeriequeen · 4 years
anabelsbrother mentioned you on a post “Trying to change my blog theme for the first time in IDK, 3 years? My...”
@sawthefaeriequeen GEM!!!!! i miss talking to you lols i hope you're doing well and staying safe <333
I’ve missed talking to you too! <3 I’m doing okay! Have been reading a lot of historical romances lately, and they make me think of you. :D
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parchaayi · 7 years
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on the jellicoe road by melina marchetta + parallels
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totallyshelfaware · 6 years
Tagged by @hithelleth. Thanks, you. :) (And I’m sorry for how late this is!)
rules - bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people
AIR I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls • I play an organized sport • I love dogs • I’m not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • summer is my favourite season • my radio is always playing
WATER I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midday most days • I love dimly lit diners • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colours not words
EARTH I wear glasses/contacts • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • I have an excellent sense of time • My humor is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers  • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have learned to accept and live with a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally 
Tagging… @amycvdh, @ambiengrey, @bookvoyage, @sawthefaeriequeen, @anabelsbrother, @theairtwit, @swirlypinkswirl, @vivenna, @bluecharizardfire
In case you don’t feel like doing this, please feel free to ignore. :)
[P.S. I recently changed from bookdates -> elemenopew, just in case the username seems unfamiliar]
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winonariyder · 7 years
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“And life goes on, which seems kind of strange and cruel when you're watching someone die. But there's a joy and an abundance of everything, like information and laughter and summer weather and so many stories.”
–Melina Marchetta, On the Jellicoe Road
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astreiants-archive · 7 years
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top 10 marchetta characters as voted by followers
mostly because the marchetta tags need to be more active. but also because i'm bored.
vote here
voting closes 5th june
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evamohns · 8 years
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‘because i remembered your words,’ she said quietly. ‘i remembered that you liked me least. you said it in my palace chamber. ‘have one of the others wake me, for i like you least’.’
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kingcardan-archive · 8 years
ally carter meme
this is just for fun bc she’s my favorite author but it’d be cool if other people did it too
10 characters
8 scenes
7 missions
6 friendships
5 locations
4 otps
3 books
2 families
1 ending 
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rhymaresh · 8 years
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look at my beautiful
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drunklesbian · 8 years
for the artist thing: bastille?
thank u so much!!
the draw
send me an artist and i’ll list my top 5 songs by them!!
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sawthefaeriequeen · 8 years
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^Melina Marchetta when we asked her for “more Jimmy”
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averagejoesolomon · 4 years
Has this already been talked about? How Rachel and Joe finally became a couple? We seem them in OOST.... not quite yet a couple and then bam. UWS they are (basically or definitely?) a couple. Do you think they talked about it or it just sort of happened? I love anything Joe and Rachel but like, actually how did they go about it?!? 🤔
Anonymous said: how do you think joe proposed to rachel :3
I wrote a little thing about this a long, long time ago, and it’s pretty darn decent.  And then @anabelsbrother made this absolutely amazing edit for it.
I’m pretty partial to the idea that they became a couple while they were on the run.  Something about bouncing from country to country, sleeping in the same bed, and worrying about the kids just finally made it all click for them.  It was an inevitability that someone finally said out loud.
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totallyshelfaware · 7 years
Favourite female characters in ten different fandoms
Tagged by @amycvdh - thanks, Amy!  (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) ♥
Rules: list ten of your favourite female characters in ten different fandoms and then tag ten people.
In no particular order - 
Toph “well it sounds like a sheet of paper” Beifong - Avatar : The Last Airbender
Mosca “I don’t want a happy ending, I want more story” Mye - Fly By Night
Sun “is that all?” Bak - Sense8
Alanna “if I killed everyone who was stupid, I wouldn't have time to sleep” the Lioness - Song of the Lioness Quartet
Sloan “I’m delightful” Sabbith - The Newsroom
Professor “have a biscuit” McGonagall - Harry Potter
Mulan (”I never want to see a naked man again”) - Mulan
Peggy "Do as Peggy says" Carter - Agent Carter
Rosa “What kind of woman doesn't have an axe?” Diaz - Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Daria “I believe in coffee” Morgendorffer - Daria
I tag - should they be so inclined - @sawthefaeriequeen, @dropkickgina, @theairtwit, @anabelsbrother, @hithelleth, @timeywimeyteatime, @jynersoandor, @quincy360 and anybody else who wants to do this :)
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kaphka · 4 years
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search on pinterest for your name + “core aesthetic” and make a moodboard with what comes up!
bored sorry. tagging @kalewestfall @parrysh @anabelsbrother @trixietricoter if they are as bored from social isolation as me ~
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tag game
I was tagged by @thescorpioracer to answer ten questions and then write ten more!
1) What’s a hobby you’d like to pursue more?
Hmm this isn’t much of a hobby but I got out of the habit of listening to The Magnus Archives and I’d like to get back into it! I’d also like to actually follow through with learning new languages/improving at Spanish and Hebrew.
2) Favorite dish that a parent or relative makes? 
Ok this sounds lame BUT my dad has been making bruschetta lately and it is. so good. Mostly it’s just miles better than the half-assed tomato toast I was making before I moved back home and I love it very much
3) What is something popular that everyone seems to like but you don’t?
 Oooh. Reality tv maybe?? I just absolutely can’t get myself to care about it, although I’ve tried a few times. I watched a couple episodes of Love is Blind and Tiger King but never finished either. What can I say, I like plots!! Also, Game of Thrones, which I avoided on principle until my parents started watching it, and now I avoid it because I genuinely don’t enjoy it.
4) If you could suddenly just be fluent in a languages you don’t already speak, which would it be? 
See I kind of want to say something really difficult, like Russian or Mandarin, even though they’re not the languages I most want to know? Only because I feel like it would be kind of a waste to use this on something like Dutch or German or Italian. I guess I’ll choose Mandarin.
5) A small goal you’d like to accomplish in the next few years? 
This question made me realize I don’t have any small goals. Alas. I’m not a very ambitious person. Would love to think of myself as a good person again though!!
6) Right now, would you rather spend a day at the beach or in the mountains?
The mountains for sure because my entire life has been very beach-adjacent and I’m mildly sick of it. 
7) Favorite kind of weather? 
I’m way too indecisive to answer questions like this. However, when I was little, I hated when it was sunny and raining at the same time, and now I love it. I think I hated it because it made me Feel Things and tbh I don’t think I grew a heart capable of having feelings until I was like seventeen.
8) Is there a different name you wish you had?
Not really, I like Emily. But my parents were considering naming me Charlotte and I do think that it would have suited me well.
9) Favorite kind of jewelry or accessory? 
Piercings! I want to get my nose pierced and maybe my eyebrow if I work up the nerve. I already have more than a few in each ear and I Love Them.
10) Is there a book you like that had a really bad adaptation?
I mean. I feel like Percy Jackson is the obvious answer. To be honest, though, I’m usually pretty willing to divorce an adaptation from its source material, and that means I still enjoy some bad adaptations. I really liked the Percy Jackson movie when I was little! I just thought of it as something else entirely. It’s the same with Howl’s Moving Castle; I love the book and the movie but they’re pretty separate in my head. (But I’m thrilled that Percy Jackson is getting the adaptation it deserves<3) 
New questions:
1. What’s the last book that surprised you?
2. What media from your childhood influenced you the most?
3. Favorite beverage?
4. What’s something you love but aren’t good at?
5. What’s something you’re good at but don’t love?
6. Describe your ideal personal aesthetic in some detail. (yes this question is very 2016 no I do not care)
7. Is forgiving people easy for you?
8. What’s your favorite kind of puzzle or game?
9. Do you care about birthdays?
10. What’s your favorite tumblr trend of the last year or two?
I’m tagging the last few people in my activity ( @livvyluna @jennyholzertattoo @anabelsbrother @cunumicita @bakctodecember @arianwen and whoever wants to do it) to answer the questions I wrote and then write ten more for the people they tag <3
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