#jk this is just a headcanon
back-in-2037 · 9 months
Am I about to break my state of perpetually-lurking-never-commenting/posting-on-this-website over the discourse going on about Wilbur from Meet the Robinson's date of birth? That is an excellent question. Anyhow,
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Point 1.
I think it would be fitting for a time traveler character, specially one responsible for as many paradoxes as he helped create in the film, to have the most inconsistent date in the calendar, that comes and goes every couple of years, as a birthday.
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Point 2.
2024 is a leap year, so it is plausible.
Point 3.
Look at this child. Look at this menace to society and tell me he has a normal day for a birthday. I dare you.
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Point 4.
I thought I had more points.
I don't know, the idea of him being a leap year baby just makes sense to me for some reason.
Whatever the case, happy birth year(?) to Wilbur Robinson.
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Damn, I'm old.
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zephyrchama · 4 months
Water Wrinkles
Seven demon brothers sat solemnly in a circle around you. You did your best to ignore them. It wasn't often that you got to spend time at the human world villa, and you were intent on soaking up as much sun as you could before returning to the Devildom.
You reclined your beach chair back, crossing your arms under your still-wet hair. It was a gorgeous day. Perfect for being at the pool.
Leviathan let out a muffled sob. As the demon with the highest affinity for water, he blamed himself.
"Let us take you to a hospital," Satan insisted for the tenth time.
"They're going to laugh us out of the ER," you nonchalantly repeated.
Satan lowered his eyes and muttered, "I couldn't find any traces of a curse in the water... So how...?"
Asmodeus had his head in his hands, unresponsive. Sometimes his fingers curled around the ends of his hair. You briefly glanced over to make sure he didn't pull his hair out - that would be grounds for a real emergency.
"I can't bear to watch. Lucifer, do somethin'," Mammon whined. He was fidgeting all over the place and winced whenever he looked at your feet.
The oldest glared at you. You knew it was out of concern, but his fears were unfounded. Even Lucifer refused to listen to reason when he thought you were in danger.
"Actually, yeah. Lucifer, can you pass me a towel?" you asked. It was embarrassing having seven shirtless demons intensely staring at you. If they wouldn't let you go back in the water, maybe covering up would make you feel less self-conscious.
Lucifer didn't move. It was Beelzebub who plucked a spare towel off his younger twin and handed it to you with a shaking arm. He looked like a wet puppy, having been the one who first discovered your "condition" and swept you out of the pool.
Belphegor hadn't gone in the water that day. He only hogged the plush towels because of how comfortable they were and, following Beelzebub's lead, dumped them all onto your chair. Now he sat, wide awake. He was anxiously squeezing a loose chunk of concrete but at some point, without realizing, it got crushed to powder in his hand.
You had more than enough towels now.
"In half an hour you're going to forget this all even happened," you said to reassure the worry warts.
"In half an hour, you might be gone!" Mammon snapped back.
"You're going to be a wrinkled mess of skin and bones," Asmodeus weeped quietly.
Leviathan pressed his hands over his ears. Though, with nothing to cover his eyes he was forced to look at your wrinkled hands again. Based on the noises he was making, you'd think someone was torturing him.
"As I've said!" you reiterated. "All humans get wrinkly in water. Look, now that I'm drying off it's going back to normal."
Beelzebub grabbed your ankle, raising it for the brothers to observe at eye level. "I don't see a difference."
You didn't expect the sudden manhandling and slunk several inches down the lounge chair while the demons stared at your foot. Kicking and twisting your leg was futile. You modestly crossed your free leg.
"I think it's getting worse," Satan said.
"We need to take action," Lucifer decided.
Asmodeus was actively quivering now. Belphegor and Leviathan had crept behind you and started picking at your wrinkly fingers. You tried to swat them away to no avail.
"Give me 25 minutes! Literally! Probably even less, this will go away on its own! I just need to dry off."
"We need a solution now," Mammon asserted. The cogs in his brain were turning. "We need fire."
You tried to sit up, to jump up and stop Mammon before he burned the whole villa down in an attempt to dry you off, but Beelzebub had not let go and you stumbled. You grazed your knee on the concrete and winced.
A second round of panic overcame the demon brothers. Beelzebub let go, Lucifer picked you up, and Belphegor wrapped your knee with every available towel he could lay his hands on. Asmodeus and Leviathan were crying on each other's shoulders. Mammon came running back, oblivious to the second disaster that just occurred, with a flaming stick in his hand that Satan tried to keep at bay. If you got burnt on top of everything else, they'd probably go insane and destroy the human world.
In the midst of the chaos you caught a glimpse of your hand. It was practically dry. You couldn't even see the wrinkles anymore. You angrily wiggled in Lucifer's grasp as various hands fussed over you.
"Stay!!" you shouted over the clamor.
The brothers went tumbling to the ground, save for Lucifer who fought to stay rooted in place. You could finally hear yourself think again. There was primarily one thought on your mind.
"I just want to go swimming."
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ryllen · 8 months
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how nice it is if the phone headmage gave u actually has special magic attribute, where it has very shitty network on twisted wonderland universe, but actually very good to connect back and forth between your world to twisted wonderland
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beatcroc · 1 year
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what, didn't you know most amphibians shed and eat their skin? what did you think was going on there, peppino? this is normal frog stuff. come on now.
many more sketches bc i had way too many thoughts about this to try and illustrate all in a comic. horrid beast fp agenda ❤
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twicetheheartx2 · 3 months
“… But baby, can’t you see? There’s nothing left for me to do, I’m hopelessly devoted to you…”
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For @barb-l based off a scene from their fic The First Guest.
I distinctly remember you saying something about how you love when (wish for) people make art off of your fics. So I figured why not, since we’re friends and I’m enjoying all your Chaggie stuff (despite not developing a hyper fixation after watching it a while ago).
Decided to take a page from your own book and do it traditionally. Honestly, I think it was so much easier doing it this way than if I did it digitally tbh.
Bonus: Head shots I drew of them before I started the full piece, to figure out how to draw them in my style.
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spookybeandoodle · 7 months
Because I’m trash, one of my own head canons I have is that Alexis was one of the “friends” Treasure had and was at the club that night and when Porter says “You’re friends suck” it was a double meaning. Also imagine Alexis listening and being in the corner of the bar like-
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And Porter just being like
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Anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk
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ellabsbb · 1 year
abby is mommy and ellie is daddy and the girls that get it get it and the girls that don’t don’t
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simsim54 · 4 months
ron: are you crying? harry: *holding a knitted sweater with a big "H" made by molly* no. harry: harry: well maybe a little, yeah
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seleneprince · 3 months
Sorry, but you can't tell me that Cardan "I support women's rights and wrongs" Greenbriar wouldn't be friends with Nesta Archeron.
Cardan, who bullied and harassed his crush because he didn't know how to handle his feelings, who never received an ounce of genuine affection from his family and was severely neglected since he was a baby, going as far to endure brutal punishments from his brother for not "fulfilling the expectations". Cardan, who grew up to believe he was incapable and unworthy of love, drowning himself in alcohol and sex because it allowed to shut his mind off and forget himself.
The same Cardan who wields words like beautifully sharpened weapons, using sarcasm like it's a second skin, who fell in love with the girl who kidnapped, humiliated, manipulated, betrayed and used him for her best interests, only to admire her even more for it instead of feeling intimidated by her. The Cardan who, at first, could only express his love by being crude and mean because he was never taught any other way.
Cardan would take a look at Nesta and find his own twisted reflection on her. And he'll also enjoy her personality, joining her into throwing shade at the IC and supporting her.
Add Jude Duarte to the mix and trust me, they would've made an unstoppable and terrifying trio. Jude is all for power and ambition but she's also compassionate and selfless. You best believe she'll encourage Nesta to make use of her powers and not let anyone step on her.
Basically it would be like this:
Nesta: *explaining her life and what goes on with the Inner Circle*
Jude: Kill them all.
Nesta: No way, I can't do that.
Jude: Fine, I'll kill them.
And also:
Nesta: *glaring at/insulting someone*
Cardan: So, why do we hate this person? I just need the context to mock them properly.
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forgetfulmachineart · 2 months
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[ID: Black and white digital sketches of four Polaroids. The bottom two are awkward close ups of Geto and Gojo's faces and the top two are their forehead and the crown of their heads respectively. /End ID]
What very normal and silly Polaroids that have no deeper reference
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essenceofarda · 10 months
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Haleth, sparring with Caranthir
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sockendrache · 1 year
Headcanon: Obito gets violently sick whenever he has a crush bc he's an Uchiha and feels everything way more intense
So. Uchiha feel emotions way more intense than non-Uchiha, yes?
Imagine Obito, who doesn't really have any friends but is desperate to be included, hearing the other kids talk about their little puppy-crushes. About feeling butterflies in your stomach and getting dizzy and nervous, all that jazz.
Then, enter Rin. Who's the first person to go out of her way to hang out with Obito and befriends him and gets to know him. And him, being so deprived of social interactions with kids his age, immediately latches onto her and they become besties-
And then he notices that his heart starts pounding and he gets butterflies whenever he's around Rin, and he just thinks to himself "Is this??? A Crush????" Since, y'know. He's got absolutely no reference to go off of and know the difference between friends and crushes.
What I'm saying is: Obito has no idea what having a friend feels like and is operating purely on what he heard other kids describe crushes to be like.
Years later he's slowly making friends with the other kids at the academy and has more experience on what having friends feels like, and he's cONFUSED as hell, because why the fuck does he get butterflies when he's hanging out with Asuma and Kurenai or sparring with Guy??!!
So he asks his Grandma what that's all about, and she just goes
"Well, you're an Uchiha, and we Uchiha are known to experience emotions about 10x more intense than others. What feels like a 'crush' to other kids is just what 'friendship' feels like to an Uchiha. I assure you, you'll know the difference when you truly develop feelings :)"
And Obito just thinks she's trying to comfort him because "No way that's true, how can my feelings get any stronger than this?!"
...flash forward to him, Rin and Kakashi being placed on Team Minato, and Obito realizing that Grandma was right when the sound of Kakashi's voice is enough to make him violently throw up
Turns out that those feelings could get stronger. A LOT stronger.
His friendship with Rin gives him comforting butterflies and a warm fuzzy feel up his spine that makes him smile for days.
Meanwhile, his rivalry (ITS NOT LOVE, IT'S NOT LOVE!!) with Kakashi makes him physically ill. Obito doesn't just feel warm and fuzzy when chatting (arguing) with Kakashi, he actually gets a fucking fever. Obito doesn't get comforting butterflies when he's around Kakashi, he gets violently sick to the point where he throws up whenever Kakashi so much as breathes in his direction.
And the worst part is: everyone knows what's wrong ("wrong") with Obito, literally everyone.
One moment Obito is chatting with Asuma and Genma, he's completely fine and feels great! ....then Kakashi comes up to them (making sure he gets to the training grounds on time, lol). He doesn't even get a single word in before Obito goes pale, then,
Hearing Kakashi say his name is enough to make him throw up into the nearest trashcan
Genma volunteers to help Obito get cleaned up, if only to escape the scene
Kakashi, watching them trott off: Tsk. Why doesn't he just go to the doctor already?
Asuma: ...
Asuma: Uhm. How long has he been... sick?
Kakashi: It's been like this for weeks. I honestly don't get why Minato Sensei has me go out of my way to fetch Obito every day when he's clearly too ill to be of any use during training.
Asuma: ...yea that's odd
Asuma, internally: kakashi how dense are you
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goose-24-7 · 3 months
I like how everyone headcanons Rambley to be like. Super small, im talking AT MOST waist height meanwhile I headcanon him to be like at least 5 feet tall. Still short but not as short as other people think
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createandconstruct · 1 month
toshinko dadmight headcanons you say?? 👀 pls tell me more!!
Ask and you shall receive (because I want to tell. I'm so ill about this family)
Warning again for end of the manga spoilers
From the end of Izuku's second year things shift. Everything becomes about Izuku. Not to say it wasn't before but after Izuku essential throws in the towel toward his dream with a smile and tears streaming down his face Inko and Toshinori go about dealing with it in similar and yet very different ways
There had been this very tentative start of something between the two of them. Moments shared, outings planned, time spent where it was just the two of them and only enough to count on two hands. Neither would call it a date(s?). Something it felt too fragile to name
Which is why it all takes a pause
From Izuku's second to third year the family dinners don't stop—the three of them spend ample time together—but free time is spent elsewhere. Spent on Izuku. Not each other.
It's Inko researching university costs. Monitoring him when he's home. Constantly checking in. She draws into herself again because she knows that sad smile on her son's face. Knows it so well from the 14 years she'd seen it plastered there when he'd come home from school only to say with an defeated, weepy smile that it was "good."
Toshinori throws himself into spending time with the kid. He knows the embers of ofa have begun to grow more and more dim. Every internship, every leap into action, every selfless act his boy does because he can't help himself makes the remains fade a bit more. It's something Toshi can't stop. And Izuku is stubborn on his decision to go into education. Stubborn that he's "fine." That as long as he can make a difference then that's "all he needs."
Somehow, Izuku has accepted the end before Toshi because even now he can't help but see that fire in Izuku to save. And he doesn't know how to fix this so he just throws himself at it. He's checking in on Izuku at the dorms. Keeping an eye on him during class. Inviting him to lunch, asking him to join him for a morning run.
He's pestering Aizawa and the other teachers about Izuku's mood, his performance, his everything. They're willing to share but even they have their limits and think he's being a little overbearing. Luckily Bakugou is a very helpful inside eye on things and he sees it too—the hidden sadness in Izuku's eyes.
Which is why, when Izuku's not seeing his friends and the schedules align, Toshinori invites him to come along to a meeting or two with Hawks. They visit some on site restoration efforts, get to see the pros and even a few recent UA graduates hard at work, and Toshi tries to stress, to show Izuku just how many people Deku did save.
And Izuku... he knows what Toshinori's doing, knows how much his mother's worrying. So... despite his own loneliness as his friends discuss graduation and their entering into hero work (many opting for the field immediately instead of hero studies at university to address the societal issues that remain after the war) he does everything he can to smile and resolve that he'll be okay, if not for himself, then for them. For All Might and Mom.
In all of this... Inko and Toshinori don't really collaborate. Or rather they don't rely on each other as they should. They'll sometimes share with each other during their rather routine weekend dinners (perhaps when Izuku steps away for the bathroom) when they've noticed anything of note. There's one time when Inko breaks down in front of him though. One time where she cries quietly and he reaches cross the table to rest his hand on hers. But they don't really speak. Don't really share. Their conversations stay focused on Izuku. For right now, it's not about each other.
Izuku feels it, too. He'd noticed an air between them, knew that they had been on what all his friends insist are dates, has seen the way they'd smile at each other, had even stopped outside the door to the living room a few times during his second year and heard them laughing. Had seen them sitting on the couch together, a little too close for a parent and teacher, and had felt this nervous bit of hope. Felt like a puzzle piece he didn't know he was missing, a possibility of something he never even considered, could slot into place. And now that possibility (this idea of the three of them, not just Inko and Izuku, but Inko, Izuku, and Toshinori) is slipping away because of him.
So he tries to fix it.
Izuku does enjoy teaching, and the prospect of it as a career. He loves analyzing and planning and coming up with solutions to difficult problems. Discussing his career choice with Aizawa makes him realize that teaching is actually quite a lot of that which actually makes him excited! Sure teaching wasn't his dream but it was something he could be good at, something fulfilling for himself and others! (as well as something that would keep his quirkless-body safe and his mother's eyes dry) He just needs to show mom and All Might that he really believes that and that yes he's sad but he's also happy and optimistic about the future!
Izuku starts making it a POINT at their next ..."family dinners" (he's not really sure what to call them but that) to share the different classes for a few of the universities he's looking. He starts bringing out his entrance exam prep books and asks if they can help him study (even if he doesn't always need it). He asks Toshinori more stories about his college days with Dave, asks his mother about her time at university before she'd apparently settled down with his father. Watches as the two light up at every opportunity he gives them to help him. And even if he'd meant for it to be helping them, he finds it helps him too.
But more importantly with every real smile he gives he sees the tension from his mother's shoulders as it begins to lighten. With every excited and honest ramble he goes on he observes the shadow across All Might's brow lessen once again. And finally he watches on with satisfaction as, sometimes, their little study sessions (All Might quizzing Izuku with flashcards while his mother brings some tea) dissolve into the two adults laughing with each other over some inside joke he doesn't quite get. As, sometimes, the two will break into a conversation all their own after Izuku has started one.
It begins to feel like the unsaid, unlabeled air that was there is returning (along with that possibility of family, which, Izuku realizes, he craves maybe as much as he does his dream)
And so when entrance exams come around Izuku absolutely kills it. He aims for some top schools because why not? And he gets in.
Him, Toshinori, and Inko go out for a celebratory meal when the exam results come out because Izuku insists. He's actually quite adamant he's okay with just the three of them despite Toshinori and Inko saying it's alright if he wants to celebrate with his friends. Afterall, he's been so busy studying (not to mention plotting to keep whatever spark had been flickering between them to keep going).
But Izuku says he'll see his friends later at the dorms (they're 100% planning a celebration he's not entirely aware of for when he returns) and that he wants it to just be the three of them.
And so they go out together. The three of them. Inko, Toshinori, and Izuku. No one is blind to how Izuku beams the entire time. Toshinori and Inko see it, they feel it, they've been relishing in it and even throwing each other unspoken signals about it (even before the entrance exams) because it seemed like Izuku's happiness was real.
Inko is so overjoyed. It feels like now, more than ever, Izuku is practically glowing. Even during his first year, when he had his full quirk, he had struggled so much. There were only small moments, so few and far in between for him to enjoy. She watches now as Izuku talks up a storm, eats up Toshinori and her praise, begins discussing all the exciting things to come before he begins life as a college student and she feels like he's going to be alright.
And as he vacuums down his food a little too fast, choking and needing to clear his throat, she finds herself drawn to the man at Izuku's side who laughs and pats his back to help him work it down.
This man who has been with her for these ups and downs. Who has been there for Izuku whenever she can't be. Who has shown her so much of himself and who stayed during these last few months even when she showed that no matter what her son always came first. Who looks across the table at her and smiles as Yagi Toshinori always does: kind, open, reassuring, and as if he doesn't deserve the smile she returns
They head home from the restaurant: Toshinori planning to take a taxi back to the dorms after escorting them both back, Izuku pouting a bit as he's staying for the evening and heading back in the morning, and Inko musing at all that changed.
It's a big step, one she never thought she'd take, not after all the heartbreak in her first marriage. But now, as the three of them sit on the train, Inko finds herself wanting to take it and knowing that if she doesn't the man beside her never will
And so on that train ride home, she quietly finds Toshnori's hand, and slips her fingers between his.
It means so much, more than she can ever say, that despite his startle, he doesn't pull away
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firefistjaigio · 9 days
OP social media headcanons (only some lol)
thinked too hard about what some OP characters social media use would be like
The Strawhats:
Luffy: avid IG reels and Youtube shorts user, they do not let his ass on tik tok. He posts random shit he sees on his IG story and also makes reels about beetles. He begs Usopp to help him make a YouTube channel but Usopp will do most of the work for it so he's not fully on board yet
Chopper: Gen Alpha realness he is crazy about Roblox, they don't really let him have his own account but he look at reels and shorts with Luffy
Zoro: Literally nothing but youtube to watch workout, sword, martial art, fitness, and like some eastern philosophy motivational content. Nami also downloaded a locator app on his phone so the strawhats can find him and stop him from wandering to another country. Oh and he tried google maps, fucking hated it
Sanji: He is sharing flowery good morning gifs on whatsapp and facebook all the time. He runs the account for the baratie on Instagram and it's actually pretty savvy but also real. Oh and he's on Snapchat for loser reasons
Nami: Gen Z legend, she is PROLIFIC. Makes really cool tik toks about navigation and is lowkey an educational influencer. Also is on Instagram and is somewhat villainous on Twitter with Usopp. Scams people on Discord
Usopp: Lord he is on everything. He will demolish you on Twitter, Nami helps, he has doxxed evil bitches with her help. He's evil in IG reel comment sections but not like that bad. Oh and he posts pretty cool stuff on tik tok and Ig reels about all the stuff he makes, everyone always hypes his art. Oh and like he's probably always just looking for tips on Reddit and sharing answers too
Robin: Tumblr most definitely, archeology and history blog on tumblr
Franky: Runs a facebook account and instagram account for his mechanic? woodworking, robotics just whatever the fuck shop, we love him for it.
Jinbei: Facebook mom, also shares dumb stuff he sees on facebook to the others on whatsapp
Brook: Also just nefarious on Facebook but Usopp helped him open an account to post music, has a following from people who were fans of him back in the day and also just music fans.
This isn't a me post if I don't talk about the ASL brothers sighs
So the brothers overall have a childhood youtube channel with vlogs they would post of their shenanigans, has a lot of of fun and crazy stuff on there. They kept it all out of fondness for the memories.
Sabo: Lord... he is on political twiter bullying THE FUCK out of right wingers. He is practically everywhere, he runs a tik tok account for political organizing and education that Koala also runs with him. He has used tumblr, but not really much. He has an Instagram he mostly neglects for being crazy and discussing theory on Twitter. He goes on Discord sometimes but the modern au version of the revolutionary army shed that for Signal I guess. Sabo is also on bluesky, idk what goes on there though.
Ace: mostly offline, justs uses Whatsapp to chat with his people yeah.
I'm gonna add Law to this post too because bye
Law: LinkedIn... ew... and twitter but like in a stressed way like he just scrolls on it and just tweets about his life.
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mayday396 · 11 months
One thing it hit me when I was scrolling through Harry Potter stuff and I was like, "Oh lord....how did they survive 7 years in Hogwarts" and it was "HOW THE FUCK did the Patil Twins and Cho Chang like not freak out at the fact that Hogwart's Food had no Rice or Noodles"
Like Hogwarts is British, the amount of Rice they are going to get would be from Welsh Rice Puddings, Irish Dunmurry Rice and low chance of Cornish Game Hens with Wild Rice Stuffing, but OH HELL NAW there are no Noodles.
Cho Chang and the Patil Twins must be screaming internally being like,
"Where the Fuck is my Briyani?"
"Where is my Mala Xiang guo when I NEED IT?"
"What do you mean there isn't Chongqing Mian?"
"They don't even have Tikka Masala? WTF?"
And so in Every Fibre of my being, my headcanon is that the Patil Twins and Cho Chang hang out at each other's Houses so they can finally get their Asian Food.
They also make Electricity or Steaming spells to run a Rice Cooker or just Steam a bowl of Rice they got from a bag of Rice and packets of Noodles they brought from home.
Imagine waking up in the Middle of the Night and it's just Cho Chang studying near the Fireplace while having a whole set of Guò Qiáo Mǐxiàn, like she got a platter of Quail Eggs, Ham Slices, Chicken Slices, Vegetables, Rice Vermicelli and a pot of Hot Boiling Soup from her Cauldron Levitating over the fire in the fireplace and just looks at you and be like, "Sup"
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