lostfoxgirl · 10 months
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for the sad girlies(me)
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lostfoxgirl · 2 years
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lostfoxgirl · 2 years
hey shout out of recognition and validation to all the queer people who didn’t exhibit many queer behaviors or have queer many experiences when they were young!! shout out to trans women and trans men who didn’t feel bad about or uncomfortable with their AGAB when they were younger and didn’t gravitate toward the “opposite side of things”. shout out to nonbinary and genderfluid ppl who felt content with their AGAB all of their childhood or even teen years. shout out to lesbians who didn’t have any crushes on girls growing up and liked traditionally feminine things and shout out to gay men who didn’t have any crushes on boys growing up and liked traditionally masculine things. shout out to bi and pan and omni people who only had hetero attractions growing up. shout out to aros and aces who thought they experienced crushes or attraction or whatever while growing up and didn’t feel excluded by being surrounded by allo people. shout out to literally any queer people who didn’t “show the signs” growing up because that can make you feel invalidated or worried that you’re faking it and you shouldn’t feel worried about that! When we say that everyone’s journey and experience is different, that includes you!! Happy pride month <3
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lostfoxgirl · 3 years
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lostfoxgirl · 3 years
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Him ❤
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lostfoxgirl · 3 years
Thoughts from an inadequate fanfiction author
I just read a Reddit post about feelings of inadequacy and jealousy in relation to other’s writing, that clawing in your stomach when you read something that is so gripping, so incredibly paced, or simply so wildly popular (dripping with kudos, comments, what have you) that you just want to quit, because you can’t write like that, you will never be as talented, as popular, etc, etc.
It’s such a ugly emotion that I hate to even admit to it, but I just feel like so many writers need to hear this and need to know they are not alone when they’re overcome with this feeling.
The thing that has really helped me is remembering that I’m the only person on earth who can tell the stories I tell.
Every person has a history and background that makes them uniquely capable of creating what they do.
I try to equate it to music. There are indie artists whose music I adore (Bright Eyes is a band that specifically comes to mind). What if your favorite band listened to Mozart or Beyoncé and thought, I will never be as talented at composing as Mozart or as famous as Beyonce, and therefore, I will never write another song.
How sad would you be, how bereft, if the artists you love gave up because they weren’t “the best?”
You are that perfect writer, not to everyone, but to someone.
That means something. It is so difficult to remember, but it all comes back to self-esteem. You are worthwhile and your writing is worthwhile NOT because it’s the best, but because there’s only one person in the world who could write it, and there is someone out there who needs to read it. Maybe you can make a stranger smile or feel or laugh, if only for a minute, and what an incredible gift that is.
So I urge you not to dim your shine for any reason. Keep going, find your audience, get better, KEEP AT IT. The worst thing you can do is give up, because that’s the only sure way you will never be that kind of amazing writer you wish to emulate.
If you’re curious, I wrote in college, then took a 10 year break due to feelings of inadequacy after having writer’s block and receiving a lukewarm response to some chapters I posted. I decided 2020 was my year and have written 42 works (some short stories, some long ones) since January. I swore to myself that I wouldn’t let anything stop me from enjoying my hobby again, and that’s why I want to encourage myself and others to feed their passions. 
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lostfoxgirl · 3 years
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lostfoxgirl · 3 years
Hawks: Why are you on fire?!
Dabi: This is just kinda how my day is going.
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lostfoxgirl · 3 years
Aizawa: In my whole life I’ve only said “I love you” to two people and every cat I’ve ever met
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lostfoxgirl · 3 years
Kaminari: On a scale from one to ten, how bad do you think it would be if-
Shinsou: At least twenty
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lostfoxgirl · 3 years
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lostfoxgirl · 3 years
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Small Hawks.
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lostfoxgirl · 3 years
this is it. i have achieved peak shit post with this
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lostfoxgirl · 3 years
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✩ Hawks + World Heroes’ Mission PV ✩
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lostfoxgirl · 3 years
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And what can I say? I’m optimistic to a fault.
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lostfoxgirl · 3 years
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thinking about your anime boyfie sliding his hands over your cheeks, thumbs brushing over your ears as he holds the back of your neck n whispers a little “hi” before he leans in for a sweet kiss.
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lostfoxgirl · 3 years
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Just like how I was saved...
Can I be a shining light for everyone?
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