#jim plastic
jtshine · 3 months
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pat1dee · 17 days
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DC Comics Presents #93
May 1986
Cover by Jim Starlin
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glassofoj-twitter · 10 months
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Facial expression practice with the help of 90s Jim Carrey!
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goodomens-girlie · 10 months
This is how I analyze the demons and angels in Good Omens:
The archangels are the plastics, Michael and Uriel are Karen and Gretchen, Gabriel is Cady, Beelzebub is Janice Ian.
Gabriel/Cady leaves the plastics/angels for Beelzebub/Janice.
The Metatron is Regina, Aziraphale is the new Cady being recruited by The Metatron to come back to heaven and become a plastic/archangel.
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forfuckssakejim · 4 months
You wouldn’t print Spock’s Cock on a 3D printer after lovingly sculpting it in blender for a bit would you?
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Jim ignoring any kind of healthy food to eat whatever he wants and Bones having that kind of “my cat is eating fking plastic again” sense whenever he does that and coming after him
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splooosh · 1 year
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“The Elastic”
Jim Starlin
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yz · 2 months
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Jim Dine. Two Big Black Hearts. (1985)
The deCordova Museum, Lincoln, MA. August 2024.
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I can very clearly remember buying this issue of BRAVE AND THE BOLD on a regular trip to the 7-11, for no particular reason. B & B wasn’t a title that I was all that in tune with, and so my readership of the series would ebb and flow, often based on who the guest-star was that particular issues. Over the preceding couple of months, I had gotten into the habit of buying it, and so that pattern…
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momachan · 8 months
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"I said this now, knowing that I cannot have long to remain in this world, for the horror that I have seen could not have been far driven by our meager stinging, and it shall return for me. This I know. How can I describe that which I have seen in the dark-below places? How can I even think the words without succumbing entirely like my former partner, who lies now in a tomb of madness within Arkham's walls?"
Elseworlds: Justice League Vol. 2 (DC Elseworlds). "The Reaching Hand."
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trollamulet · 1 month
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lego. the forbidden cronchy snack.
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jtshine · 17 days
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Catching up on Young Sheldon. . .
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I can't believe Young Sheldon is almost over and Sheldon shall be leaving us for good! 😩 I just hope this finale with George's death and us seeing Sheldon and Amy as an "old married couple" will be worth all this pain!! I am hyping myself up for feeling A WHOLE LOT OF FEELZ. I AM NOT READY.
I was already getting pretty emotional in the A Fancy Article and A Scholarship for a Baby episode. Firstly my heart was aching for my poor baby who was under so much stress to choose which school he would be attending! I was feeling his distress at feeling pressure from all sides (especially since in retrospect we know the decision was genuinely a major life crossroads for him), and I was hating how everyone was manipulating him! It always upsets me a lot when people take advantage of Sheldon because of his naiveté or how his idiosyncrasies make him an easy target. I can definitely relate to some of that, having a similar naiveté as Sheldon and inability to read social behaviors, particularly of those closest to me (weirdly). I think I have gotten better, but mainly I feel like I've just gotten more insecure and socially awkward, but oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
At any rate, I get so upset seeing Sheldon having to struggle with things in a way most people do not and having literally no one understand or acknowledge what he is going through. It might not be scenarios that seem important or vexing for others, but they genuinely and sincerely are for Sheldon, and that is valid. So many people think Sheldon is egotistical, and he definitely can be self-focused and arrogant many times, but come on! This boy is his only advocate! "Well, no one cares that you care," Missy said to Sheldon in episode 10. "I'm someone. And I care that I care. And I care that I care that I care!" To me pretty much sums him up perfectly! Sheldon isn't egotistical, he just knows how to self-advocate (which is actually very difficult for a lot of people) in a world that is difficult for him to navigate! Anyway, thankfully though, my heart was warmed by Dr. Linkletter and Sturgis finally coming around, turning against the awful and shameless President Hagemeyer, and doing right by our Sheldon. Dr. Linkletter loves the annoying little string bean after all! (Like anyone seriously couldn't!) I was very moved by their encouragement of Sheldon, that he had outgrown them, surpassed them, and was going to do great things in theoretical physics and advance science in ways that they never could! It was very touching. My little baby bean is all grown up, and off to destroy maths! 😭 But of course. . . that reveal of Sheldon choosing MIT! 😂😂😂 OMG! That was TOO PERFECT. I was DYING. I absolutely LOVED that twist! Sheldon Cooper is such a stink'in brat! This WHOLE time he was giving Howard (and others) a hard time about MIT, acting like it was a crap institution and that every other university is so far above it - and the only reason he himself did not go there was because of the weather! It was literally HIS FIRST CHOICE. OMG SHELDON LEE COOPER!! 🤣🤣🤣 And I loved how Sheldon Prime was just like "Wait for it. . ." like it was all self-evident his being justified in dissing MIT in the end. It is SO ON BRAND for Sheldon I couldn't take it! Probably the best story twist of this season!
It also made me want to scream because of George travelling with Sheldon to see him off on this new life adventure, and saying how proud he was of him. It is a beautiful parallel to earlier in Season 3 when George took Sheldon to visit Caltech to listen to a lecture by Stephen Hawking, and saying he believed Sheldon would fit right in there. To know that this is probably going to be the last moment that Sheldon and his father have together, and how fitting it should be his father to be the one to see him off, makes me just want to sob my heart out! UUUUUUUUUGH. 😭😭😭 Sheldon and his daddy! THIS ISN'T FAIR!! 😫😫😫😩😩😩💔💔💔 Final random thoughts: - I guess Sturgis and Connie aren't going to get back together. I'm really bummed about that. They were so perfect! No offense to Dale, but Sturgis is kind of the best. IT SHOULD BE STURGIS AND CECE HAVING CUTE GRANDPA AND GRAND BABY MOMENTS TOGETHER! - I go back and forth between being excited for the Georgie and Mandy's first marriage show, to being absolutely devastated that not only will Sheldon not be in it but neither will Missy! - to thinking it might actually be pretty cute. Ugh. I guess I will watch it, but I really don't know how they are going to make a whole show on the concept. I guess we will see! - I am noticing that Sheldon's "brain itch" and focus on organizing and optimizing spaces is developing right when the most change is happening in his family and within himself (puberty). Of course he was always this way, but he didn't used to care about the state of things outside of his own room or his own bubble, e.g. school/dorm/his computer. Now he is trying to order things beyond his immediate needs, and I think that is interesting! These are coping mechanisms and ways he can make himself feel secure and in control. Once again no one around him is taking note of this!!
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Look at him! Look at this baby becoming a lawyer in 24 hours to help out his MeeMaw! My heart genuinely broke when Sheldon looked at his MeeMaw with the purest, most guileless, baby kitten eyes saying he didn't want to see her go to jail. DUDE. If I were Connie, I would shape up right then and there!
My Favorite Sheldon Cooper Quotes: Sheldon: "I finished organizing the religious items! I separated them by New Testament hokum, Old Testament hokum, and general nonsense!" Mary: "Also Sheldon couldn't sleep knowing that the room was only half-organized." Sheldon: "It's true! It was like my brain was itchy and I couldn't scratch it! Very irritating!" Mary: "It was. Very." Connie: "Well, I thank you both, but I should be doing this myself." Mary: "Yes, you should, but we are already here." Sheldon: "Great! I'm going to start with the books! I invented my own Dewey Decimal System, but instead of decimals I use fractions!" (The utter pure joy Sheldon gets from organizing things and inventing his own ways of doing it is the most precious thing. Be your truest self, baby!!" Sheldon Prime: "I'm not proud of this, but that night I relieved myself in Billy Spark's chicken coop. Until my wife, those hens were the only females I exposed myself to. . .I guess I could have left that part out. Oh well." (Me screaming and hollering and throwing popcorn at my screen!!)
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onlylonelylatino · 8 days
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Robby Reed of Dial 'H" for Hero becomes Plastic Man. Art by Jim Mooney
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
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Plastic Meatball has released Labyrinth retro-style toys. The first wave features Jareth (with staff), Sarah (with worm and peach), and Hoggle. Priced at $14.99, each 3.75" scale figure has five points of articulation.
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sketzi · 1 year
Scythe Morrison having an obnoxiously perfect appearance is so fucking funny
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