#jedi are evil
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Stop with the bs! Jedi & Sith are evil in Star Wars Canon and it's a fact! Grievous is a hero who kills both & it's a fact!
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underwaterspiderbird · 4 months ago
from someone who grew up in the same area a freethinking sith & had to fight through oceans of evengelical jedi and adults who tried to force me to believe i’m evil if i don’t believe what they believe, never.
agency, personal power, & sithy freedom all day over here baby.
and what “dark conclusions” do you mean? that maybe the people that call themselves “good guys” aren’t as good as the say and the people they call “bad guys” aren’t as awful as they’re made out to be? that people might come to their own conclusions that aren’t positive for you? oh noooooooooooo
As a person who grew up in an incredibly conservative area and now has religious trauma I have to say this: stop projecting your problems with the Christian church onto the Jedi.
And before you click away or send me a nasty anon: I get it! I used to be one of you! Around the time I started deconstructing the only way I could think of to cope with having to completely reevaluate my life was to project every wrong the church committed against me onto the Jedi. It was therapeutic in a way: this ginormous religious institution harmed me, so in turn I would map that hurt onto a fictional religion.
But here’s the thing: the Jedi aren’t Christian analogous. A minutes worth of research into GL’s intentions, the Prequel trilogy, and a bit of critical thinking will prove I’m right. When you view the Jedi as Christian not only do you take away the core tenets of the Jedi, you run the risk of homogenizing real world religions.
it’s no secret that the Jedi are based off of Buddhists Taoists and other miscellaneous eastern religions, with little to no western flavoring. If you view every belief system within the western idea of religion you can lead yourself down a road that has some very dark conclusions.
In short, to the Jedi antis: I know how you feel, I really do. It took a long time to heal from the hurt evangelical christianity caused me. The Jedi aren’t the enemy you think they are. Take a step back, examine the source material critically, and you’ll see what I mean.
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stealingpotatoes · 5 months ago
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the great thing about star wars fix-it aus is no matter how you fix it, everyone is still gonna need SO much therapy
(commission info // tip jar!)
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underwaterspiderbird · 4 months ago
no it’s not, it’s “i deserve to exist and view & access the force the way that works for me without evangelical crusaders like the jedi othering and trying to kill me for existing, and i will protect myself by any means necessary”. same way any minority that systemic evangelicals deem “an abomination” has to defend themselves against bigoted weirdos just to continue existing. we’re not slow pastor
*The Acolyte Episode 5 Spoilers*
I think it's funny that after so much of the fandom saying the Acolyte is anti-jedi and pro-sith the sith's point of view is literally just "the jedi oppress me cause I'm not allowed to murder whoever I want 🥺😡"
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ddeck · 1 year ago
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recently ive been doing nothing but sketches of my jedi oc. yes her lightsaber is gatorade green
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maulfucker · 11 months ago
racism in star wars will have wikis saying shit like "this species that is inspired on a real life non-white people is just too stupid to use the Force"
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foundfamilynonsense · 1 year ago
Mace Windu said fuck the rules fuck the law fuck tradition the Chancellor is a Sith Lord and has made himself an emperor and I’m not going to sit by and let it happen.
Mace Windu said if I do nothing I’d be betraying the democracy I thought I was fighting for this whole time, which means more than the crimes I’ll be charged with when this is over.
And yet people try to praise Anakin or Dooku for “leaving a corrupt system”. As if that was why Anakin left. As if Dooku did anything but make it worse. People praise the Mandalorians for only following their own rules. As if we’ve ever seen the Mandalorians truly stand for anything.
As if we don’t already have the most metal anti-authoritarian, badass character for people to praise.
And yet these parts of the fandom hate him. I wonder why 🤔
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walkawaytall · 2 months ago
Also, also, why is it that Yoda straight-up says the Luke's anger reminds him of Anakin's in The Empire Strikes Back and the movie very subtly shows Luke's face under Vader's helmet and fandom just glosses straight over that and says that Luke is just like his mom, but Leia yells about a plan being dumb and likely to get everyone killed a few times, and suddenly she's got the same anger in her that turned Anakin evil for twenty-some years?
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One day you're gonna just have to admit that Grievous is a hero & it's a fact & Jedi are villains & it's a fact or continue to live a lie and be ignorant!
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blackflash9 · 4 months ago
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To all my Trump-supporting Star Wars fans eagerly awaiting the next season of Andor—congrats. You voted for the fucking Empire.
You’re not the "Chosen One," not the Jedi, not courageous resistance members like Cassian Andor, not loyal soldiers like Rex, not noble leaders like Bail Organa or Mon Mothma, and not even lovable rogues like Han Solo or Cad Bane. You’re background characters, sycophants blindly supporting a regime that will keep treating you like nobodies.
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jedi-starbird · 11 months ago
My Feemor proposal
A popular headcanon for Feemor is that he's a Jedi Shadow. Shadows are spies and basically detectives. Feemor's lineage has a reputation for being eccentric, infamous, and finding trouble everywhere they go. So, walk with me here, Feemor's an eccentric, famous, blonde detective.
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This is Feemor.
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iolaussharpe-24 · 5 months ago
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Who are you choosing to keep you safe?
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cogentranting · 2 months ago
There's the recurring idea through the show of kids being forced to act like adults, and Jod telling them they're sheltered and soft and that they have to look out for themselves.
And the finale carries through on it really well. Jod's thing, the source of his bitterness, was this idea of 'no one is coming to save you'. When Wim says the Jedi are coming, Jod doesn't say the Jedi aren't real, or they're not heroes or anything like that. He says, "The Jedi are dead." And that's what's at his center. To him the Jedi are good, they are heroes. The jedi who trained him was the only one who ever looked out for him and tried to protect him. And she died. It's not that the Jedi aren't good, they're just dead. Good is real to Jod, it's just not enough. It's 'just pinpricks of light'. Good can't protect you. No one can but you.
And the finale picks up that idea and challenges it. Because the kids have learned and grown and are able to use that to save the day, but they don't have to do it alone. Wim's dad and Fern's mom are both right there with them in the end. It's the parents who are actually the ones to bring down the barrier (by listening to their kids, by trusting them, and by having faith that there IS good in the world so they can protect their kids but they don't have to literally hide them away from the world to do so). And then when the barrier is down there is good out there waiting to help. Someone bigger wanting to help! Someone to protect! The pinpricks of light were x-wings waiting to swoop in! The real good guys were REAL.
So Jod is wrong that no one will save you. The kids get to grow without being forced to lose their childhood because they still have grownups to help them.
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skywalkr-nberrie · 5 months ago
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Padmé so obvious about how obsessed she is with Anakin that even nasty pricks like Palpatine can tease her about it.
(Star Wars: Labyrinth of Evil, James Luceno.)
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Bonus: Even right in front of OW. They’re not slick at all.
(Star Wars: Secrets of the Jedi, Jude Watson.)
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nathandrqke · 1 year ago
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Games I've Played in 2023
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underwaterspiderbird · 7 months ago
order 66 was NOT a genocide. you can only genocide people & cultures, you can’t genocide a systemically deified super-religion that wants everyone in existence to either agree with them & exist their way or burn in hell for eternity. any decent ppl who went down with the purge forfeit their lives down the drain along with their family, home & very sense of self. they. had. it. fucking. coming.
from an indigenous person, fuck y’all for even comparing order 66 to genocide & talking all over survivors of real genocides to save face for your evangelical faith & the people you think are good guys. you are not about to disrespect the continent-sized OCEANS of blood that make up our ancestors & loved ones who were lost to real genocide. fuck off.
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