#sith positive
“the jedi are like buddhist monks not evangelical christians”
their whole schtick is “be like me or you’re an evil abomination that needs to be killed”, don’t play dumb
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kingoffantasy516 · 21 days
Ok you know what, let's spread some positivity. Reblog this if you actually like Star Wars
And I am refering to all of star wars and not just select parts of it. Even if you have issues with parts of it, you still enjoy it.
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omegas-spaghettios · 3 months
*The Acolyte Episode 5 Spoilers*
I think it's funny that after so much of the fandom saying the Acolyte is anti-jedi and pro-sith the sith's point of view is literally just "the jedi oppress me cause I'm not allowed to murder whoever I want 🥺😡"
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cestacruz · 1 year
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Hairstyle swapp with the tam lin and the round table knights
I apologize for Lancelot. It couldnt get better.
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charmwasjess · 7 months
It’s always confused me how Sifo-Dyas had visions of a horrible doom future and came up independently with this idea that the only way to prevent it was ordering up a clone army. And yes, I understand “see Order 66/the Republic attacked by an army, decide they need an army TOO” but it just doesn’t logically flow very smoothly. When have the Jedi used an army? Why leap to that as a Plan A?
But it makes a lot more sense if he had visions of the Clone Wars. Visions that specifically included the partnership between the Jedi and the clones. 
So he would have seen brave, intelligent clones working alongside Jedi, collaborating on a thousand different worlds. He would have seen them covering each other’s back, fighting side by side against literal and figurative monsters. He would have seen the Jedi Order fundamentally changing and growing alongside these people, perhaps even the future that never came to pass after winning the war. And the connections during it: Jedi wearing armor, forming bonds of respect and camaraderie, clones attached to “their” Jedi. Family units developing. Friendships, romances, sibling relationships... 
He would have seen Cody throwing Obi-Wan his dropped lightsaber for the dozenth time. And as a lifelong Jedi, he would have deeply understood the significance of that act. The trust.
If Sifo-Dyas truly believed the battle for the end of their world was coming, maybe for him, it wasn’t about just getting an army, it was about making that army. One built on mutual respect and absolute trust. It was seeing those exact people and the connections that would bloom there, and working backwards from that conclusion to make it exist. 
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kanansdume · 1 year
Reading Light of the Jedi for the first time has made the fact that the first (non-preschooler) TV show set in the High Republic time period is going to be a Sith-centric anti-Jedi mess even more disappointing than it already was.
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happycattail · 1 year
Wheezing (if I don’t I may strangle someone instead). Got into a debate with an anti Jedi person about the Jedi code. Managed to get it across to them the code doesn’t fucking promote Jedi to become emotionless.
They then decided to take a different angle where they claim the code is wrong because it could be misinterpreted and that many council members misinterpreted to mean you have to be emotionless. I proceed to ask them to name me a council member.
Guess who they named guys? Guess which council member they named as someone who thinks the code means you can’t show emotions and abide by that interpretation?
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so far all the s2 visions episodes featuring Jedi or mentioning them have been like 'things were beautiful and pure and safe until THE SITH SHOWED UP AND RUINED EVERYTHING LIKE THE MONSTERS THEY ARE. anyway good thing these kind selfless jedi are here to help make things better'
😂 i'm so here for it
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weepylucifer · 2 months
AND ANOTHER THING about hot sith girl summer, i've managed to write myself into addressing a common issue in the codywan fandom, but in a weird way: that thing where fandom sometimes treats cody like he's only there to babysit obi-wan and his every single thought and action revolves around obi-wan
like, you know who'd also think of cody as existing only in relation to obi-wan, as a kind of appendage of obi-wan? vader. it's probably the only reason he keeps cody alive after cody challenges him between chapter one and two. as bait to draw obi-wan out of hiding, and just to fuck with someone obi-wan held dear, to cause him pain. and wouldn't it be interesting if cody noticed this and started chafing at it, even as he also feels (irrational) guilt over what he did during order 66. and even when he escapes vader and takes up with maul, he expects the exact same treatment: to be treated as a thing that obi-wan owned, and that can now be used as a tool to exact revenge on obi-wan (but he and maul are actually going to have a rapport, weird and fucked up as that's going to be in its own right. but at least it will be true, equal-level codependence). so he's just like "oh it's gonna be the same humiliating dehumanizing shit again but at least i'm no longer in the empire... so i'll take it 🙄" (but then it is actually different, eventually, as maul begins to see the merit of cody as simply cody)
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 10 months
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there’s no such thing as “light” or “dark” sides of the force, there never was. its all just different expressions & experiences of the same energy field. “falling to the dark side” is but a religious scare tactic akin to “you’re good and are going to heaven if you believe what we believe but if you don’t you’re gonna burn in hell for all eternity”, no amount of palpatine’s generation of fuckery, the psychos within the sith that could also be found within any group of ppl, or jedi worship will ever convince me otherwise.
suck it bitches
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circle-around-again · 7 months
"Sidious smiled. 'I suspect that others might question my teaching methods, but I am glad you do not. I can assure you that you are an excellent pupil. Not once did you cry out during your recent exercises. Not once. You are an exceptionally strong boy, and you are becoming stronger every day.'" (Windham, 63).
The exercises he was talking about, by the way, was torture. What follows this comment is another form of torture.
Given that, I would not be surprised if Maul developed actual trauma from being praised, given its constant proximity to punishments. As per design, likely.
Kick a puppy and then soothe it and it will be loyal forever.
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commandercodes · 5 months
think the key to understanding the attachment/non-attachment theory always just comes down to "the things that you personally like are not actually and literally the Best Things in the entire world, and you shouldn't make prioritise them over the wellbeing or opinion of other people just because they're Yours" and if you do not want to follow this particular rule, you do not actually Have To Be a jedi if you don't want to be.
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beginnerblueglass · 1 year
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*takes a deep breath*
(Context: this is a comment on a pin saying that people should stop taking their “Catholic trauma” out on the Jedi, since they are based on Buddhism and other eastern religions, not Christianity. I am concerned about the presence of a cross in this dude’s username. Read the book of Acts please.)
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thesunlikehoney · 11 months
my most offensive and controversial star wars opinion is that every single clone/jedi ship is the exact same degree of Problematic
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my-star-war-sblog · 10 months
I was bored and made myself as a force user
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I'd be a Jedi Padawan focusing on research probably. I'd like to think I'd end up working in the archives. My lightsaber would look like this :
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I'd live during the clone wars era and probably die during the march on the temple (I'm shit at fighting so NO WAY I'd escape or be made an Inquisitor) What would you look like ? This link will lead you to the character maker This link will lead you to the lightsaber maker
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