#jeanne bonjour
fidjiefidjie · 1 year
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Bonjour, bonne journée ☕️ 🌞
Fillette buvant à la fontaine ,NY 🗽 USA 1947
Photo de Jeanne Ebstel
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arc-misadventures · 15 days
MFK: Jaune and FATE servants.
Nora: NORA!
Jaune: ...
Nora: ...
Jaune: ...
Nora: Y-You didn't react...? D-Didn't I scare you...?
Jaune: I hadn't seen you in several hours. It was quiet, too quiet. So I assumed you were planning something. It was only a matter of time until you showed up, and screamed something at me trying to scare me. And, you did.
Nora: ...
Nora: We're doing MFK!
Jaune: AHHHH!?!
Nora: Ha! I got my scream~!
Jaune: We're no actually doing it though, are we?
Nora: No, we totally are doing it.
Jaune: Fuck!
Nora: Let me introduce you to today's contestants! First we have this beautiful lady. Jeanne D'Arc!
Jeanne: Bonjour~!
Jaune: Wait, hold up...?
Nora: Her evil clone, Jeanne D'Arc Alter.
Jeanne: Hi.
Jaune: Hold on now?!
Nora: And, last but not least! Jeanne Arc!
Jeanne: Hello~!
Nora: Let the games b...?!
Jaune: What the hell, Nora?!
Nora: Begin...?
Jaune: Good gods... of all the people you wanted me to, MFK, you pick my freaking quad sisters?!
Nora: ...
Nora: T-They're your sisters? Oh, I guess that make sense... they're all named, Arc. Wait, what the hell is, 'quad?'
Jaune: We're quadruplets, Nora. Since we're not twins, we call each other, 'Quad.' They are my quad sister's, and I am their quad brother.
Nora: Quadruplets?! But, I thought you were the youngest, a-and that you had seven older sisters?!
Jaune: Aye. I have four older sisters... that were born one at a time. Then, mom had the four of us, at relatively the same time.
Jaune: Jeanne, the blonde one with the silver crown, is the oldest among us.
Jeanne: That's me~!
Jaune: The platinum blonde with amber eyes, who is often referred to as the black sheep of the family is the second oldest. We call her, Jalter.
Jalter: Hi lil' bro. Your teammates is weird.
Jaune: No kidding...
Jaune: And, lastly we have the third oldest, Jea.
Jea: I think she's nice; a little eccentric, but nice.
Jaune: And, lastly we have me, the youngest.
Nora: Wow... your birthday must be a nightmare, sharing it with three sisters.
Jeanne: Actually, it is not like zat!
Jalter: We were all born on, May 30. However, each of our births took so long that our quad brother, Jaune ended up being born on the, 31.
Jea: So while we three sisters all have a birthday on the same day, Jaune luckily has his own separate birthday.
Jalter: Lucky bugger...
Nora: Okay...
Jaune: Anymore questions about my quads, Nora?
Nora: Yeah, what's with... Jeanne's accent?
Jaune: Her accent?
Jalter: There is a regional language from where we're from, called...
Jeanne: Français~!
Jalter: It's called, French. That's just how you say it in, French.
Jea: Jeanne learned the language just like the rest of us, she just latched on to it so much, that when she speaks the common tongue, with a, French accent.
Nora: Ohh... that makes sense! So, uhh... since this involves your quad brother, you still want to play, MFK?
Jeanne: Oh oui, very much so~!
Jalter: Hell yeah! I can totally use this to tease my little brother! I'm not missing this for anything!
Jea: I wanna tease our older sisters with this! We'll finally learn which sister he has a thing for!
Jeanne: Oh~! Those bro-cons will be so upset when we tell them!
Jaune: Oh gods...
Nora: Well, Jaune, who do you choose~?
Jaune: Haa... I'll marry my older sister... Jeanne!
Jeanne: Oui! Oui! Oui! I get to marry my sweet adorable little brother!
Jaune: Of course you were a bro-con too... you scream 'bro-con!'
Jeanne: It tis not my fault that you are ze only man that meets all of my standards for a marriage partner.
Jaune: You have low standards then...
Jeanne: What did we say about speaking bad about yourself?!
Jaune: To do so quietly?
Jalter: That we would make you regret saying that! And, you will regret saying...?!
Jaune: I'd fuck, Jalter!
Jalter: W-What...? W-W-Why the fuck would you want to sleep with me?!!
Jaune: J-Jeanne has a warm motherly aura that I would like to find in a wife. And, you have a this cool, punk rocker girl that I wouldn't mind sleeping with, okay?!
Jalter: Alright...
Jaune: OH gods, I thought she was going to kill me...
Nora: You did?
Jaune: I love my sister, don't get me wrong, but sometimes, she scares me. She can have such a scary aura about her...
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Jalter: He pick me! He picked me! He picked meeeee~!
Nora: She does...?
Jalter: Ahem! Please continue.
Jaune: Okay...
Jaune: Last, but not least... I kill, Jea.
Jea: Naww... Why do I have to die?
Jaune: Well... Jeanne, is the spicy mom of our quartet...
Jeanne: Spicy~?
Jaune: Jalter is the hot biker bade...
Jalter: I should get a motorcycle..
Jeanne: You would look belle on a motorcycle sister!
Jaune: And, your just the female version of me, Jea.
Jaune: Without the crippling self doubt, but nonetheless, me.
Jea: Rude.
Jaune: I know, being me is terrible.
Jea: ...
Jea: Sisters.
Jalter: On it.
Jaune: Hmm?
Jea: Come here you!
Jaune: Whoa, hey?!
Jeanne: Au revoir, Nora! We will be taking our dear brother away, so we can remind him how much we love him~!
Nora: Okay! Have fun, Jaune!
Jaune: No, Nora! Don't let them take me! Save me! Save meeeeeeeeeeee...!
Nora: What a lovely bunch of people!
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madame-du-barry · 7 months
Hello. *smiles* Are you Jeanne?
Bonjour! Oui, that is me; what may I help you with? *smiles*
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ladamedusoif · 9 months
Bonjour, hello, happy holidays! If they haven't been asked already, 14 and 21, please and thank you. 14 for the curiosity, 21 because I like to see people wearing their crowns (or tiaras if they prefer) with their heads held high 💚
I'm a fledgling writer too, six months and counting -
Bonjour, Maggie/Jeanne!
14: Fic You Didn't Expect To Write
I've noted in other responses that it's the ones for the more obscure P boys that seem most unexpected to me: Ortega, Tim Rockford, and the Thief. But on some level they feel even more fun? There's not a lot to go on, so you can play around with them and have all manner of fun building up little worlds and universes around them. I plan to come back to the Thief again, with a follow-up to 'My Kiss, Only For You'...
21: Memorable Comment/Review
I feel @agentjackdaniels' hilarious Inspecteur Timothée Roquefort fanart is a highlight, for sure. But, while this isn't so much a comment/review, it was a joy and an honour to have people make and send me moodboards inspired by Visiting: thank you to @perennialdoll247 and @wildemaven for these beautiful works!
And most of all, thank you for your ask! (PS everyone needs to go read Maggie's Symphony series thank you)
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philippebresson · 1 month
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Philos in Wonderland
Il y a fort longtemps, j'avais 23 ou 24 ans, il m'est arrivé une histoire proche de celle que vit Donald Sutherland dans Alex in Wonderland de Paul Mazursky. Vous ne connaissez pas cette scène ? Je vous la résume : "You are Jeanne Moreau, aren’t you ?" À la librairie Larry Edmunds Bookshop, Sutherland tombe sur son actrice préférée et se balade avec elle à pied sur Hollywood Boulevard puis… en calèche jusqu’à Sunset Boulevard. Et Jeanne Moreau lui fredonne alors "Le Rêve", un des thèmes de Jules et Jim composé par Georges Delerue et sur lequel elle a imaginé des paroles.
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Dans mon histoire, je marche avenue Montaigne quand soudain une dame dans une Volvo break baisse sa vitre et m'interpelle comme si on se connaissait, comme si on avait rendez-vous : "J'arrive pas à trouver un place (sic), je sais pas où me garer !" Je me retourne pour vérifier si la dame parle à un autre que moi, mais je suis seul sur le trottoir et c'est bien à moi que Jane Birkin vient de s'adresser avant de redémarrer ! Je reste interdit, immobile et empêché comme dans les rêves où il devient impossible de courir ou marcher, quand soudain (again), Jane qui doit avoir fait le tour du rond-point m'interpelle à nouveau : "Dis, tiou peux m'aider ?" "Bonjour... J'aimerais bien vous aider mais j'ai pas le permis." "Ça fait rien, monte dans mon voiture !" Jane finit par trouver une place et m'emmène au bar des théâtres, rue Jean Goujon, à deux pas de la Comédie des Champs-Elysées où elle joue chaque soir L'aide-mémoire de J-C Carrière avec P. Arditi. On passe une demi-heure ensemble à discuter autour d'un verre (première partie de mon premier À voix nue ?) ; Jane me parle de sa solitude, me complimente et je rougis... Elle note mon numéro 04 92 51 .. .. sur son bras qu'elle embrasse avant de partir. "Je t'appelle bientôt !" L'avenue Montaigne brille de mille feux pour les fêtes de Noël qui approchent. Je suis... Philos in Wonderland. Je me souviens avoir donné à Jane le téléphone de mes parents à Gap (pas de portable à l'époque) car je m'apprêtais à y passer deux semaines pour les vacances de Noël. J'ai tressailli à chaque sonnerie pendant tout le séjour. Jane n'a jamais appelé. (P. B.)
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selidren · 1 year
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Printemps 1906 - Champs-les-Sims
A dire vrai, la bonne humeur de Grand-Mère est antérieure à notre retour. Alors que nous étions en Egypte, elle s'est un jour agacé de s'ennuyer à l'hôtel. Elle s'est alors rendue dans un souk non loin de là où vont parfois s'encanailler les voyageurs européens en mal de fantaisies orientales. Elle y a payé une consultation chez une voyante, même si je ne sais dans quel but. Sans doute cela a-t-il à voir avec l'avenir matrimoniale de Cousine Blandine ou des enfants de votre soeur Jeanne.
Transcription :
Rhabba : Bien le bonjour bonne Madame, qu'est-ce que Rhabba peut faire pour vous ?
Eugénie : Vous parlez bien le français pour une égyptienne.
Rhabba : Mon père est algérien, je le parle depuis ma plus tendre enfance.
Eugénie : Fort bien. Je m'adresse donc à la bonne personne.
Rhabba : Il n'y a pas mieux que Rhabba dans toute la ville du Caire Madame. Que désirez vous ? Je lis les cartes de tarot et dans les boules de cristal. Je pratique également l'oniromancie et l'astrologie. Sous peu, votre avenir n'aura plus de secrets pour vous.
Eugénie : Je suis une vieille femme, mon avenir ne m'intéresse pas.
Rhabba : Celui de vos proches alors. Ne désirez-vous pas savoir si vos petites-filles feront de bons mariages ?
Eugénie : Vous pourriez me dire cela ?
Rhabba : Bien entendu. Je pourrai même vous révéler combien d'enfants elles auront et combien d'entre eux seront des fils.
Eugénie : Et bien, tout cela est très tentant, mais je ne suis pas venue pour cela.
Rhabba : Intéressant. La plupart de mes clients veulent connaître leur avenir.
Eugénie : Je ne suis pas n'importe quelle cliente. Je vous paierai bien si vous pouvez entrer en contact avec les morts. Il y a une chose dont je veux avoir le coeur net.
Rhabba : Bien sûr Madame. Rhabba peut invoquer l'esprit des morts, et cela dans le moindre danger. A qui voulez-vous parler ? Votre père ? Votre mère peut-être ?
Eugénie : Mon mari en réalité. Il nous a quitté il y a fort longtemps.
Rhabba : Bien évidemment. Il vous faudra juste répondre à quelques questions si voulez que je vous convoque votre époux.
Eugénie : Fort bien. Je vous écoute.
Rhabba : Votre mari était-il un homme ambitieux ?
Eugénie : Pour sûr, il ne souhaitait rien tant que devenir un homme riche et important.
Rhabba : Vous avez fait un mariage d'amour n'est-ce pas ?
Eugénie : Oh ! Comment le savez vous?
Rhabba : Etait-il un homme aux traits avenants et aux cheveux clairs ?
Eugénie : Exact ! Vous êtes douée Madame !
Rhabba : A-t-il connu une fin tragique ?
Eugénie : D'une certaine façon c'est le cas.
Rhabba : Je crois que j'ai ce qu'il me faut. Pour invoquer l'esprit de votre mari, je pense qu'il est judicieux de commencer par la boule de cristal. Elle fournit une résonnance idéale pour les brumes spirituelles produites par les manes des défunts. De plus, chacun sait que le verre est un matériau sacré, à même de convoquer les âmes du Paradis.
Eugénie : Et celles de l'Enfer ?
Rhabba : Bien entendu. Il me faut à présent commencer mes incantations.
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kemikkadin · 1 year
🎧 Jeanne Bonjour - Creep - Reprise
Melankoli ve ağrıların olduğu bir çukura düşmüş hissederken, kendime bir hatırlatma yapasım var.
#kolaj #kolajçalışması #collageart #collage #collageartist #analogcollage #analogcollageart #minicollage #minicollageart #miniartjournal #artjournal #collagepaper #collageoftheday #handcutcollage
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aisakalegacy · 1 year
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Printemps 1908, Hylewood, Canada (4/6)
Je dois admettre que je ne suis pas tout à fait dans mon état normal ces derniers temps. Une loi est récemment passée, l’Opium Act, qui réglemente l’usage d’un certain nombre de drogues au Canada, dont le cannabis, dont je consomme la résine pour apaiser mes états-limites. Le problème, c’est qu’avec cette loi, il est devenu bien plus difficile de se procurer du haschich, et tout ce à quoi je puis prétendre doit m’être prescrit. Tout ce que j’ai réussi à obtenir du médecin, c’est une malheureuse boîte de bonbons au sucre d’érable et à la résine de cannabis, les mêmes que l’on me donnait lorsque j’étais enfant pour me garder calme - vous pensez donc bien qu’à bientôt trente-cinq ans, ils ne me font plus aucun effet… Je suis donc particulièrement irritable ces derniers temps, et malheureusement, mon entourage en fait les frais. Je songe à faire un nouveau séjour en Egypte afin de m’en faire des réserves, car, bien que sa consommation y soit illégale aussi, on y trouve facilement et à bas coût du haschich en provenance de Turquie et du Maroc.
[Transcription] Eugénie Le Bris : Bonjour, Jeanne, on m’a fait dire de vous rejoindre ? Jeanne Rumédier : Comme je suis contente de vous voir ! J’ai une grande nouvelle, et vous êtes la première personne à laquelle je souhaitais l’annoncer. Eugénie Le Bris : Vous n’avez pas besoin de faire autant de cachettes, dites-moi donc ! Jeanne Rumédier : Vous ne le devinez pas ? Eugénie Le Bris : Non ?… Jeanne Rumédier : Si ! Je suis enceinte ! Eugénie Le Bris : Enceinte ?? Mais… Je croyais… Jeanne Rumédier : Je croyais aussi ! Virgile était si déçu que nous n’ayons jamais eu d’enfants, je pensais que le problème venait de moi. Et pourtant… Je le suis ! Eugénie Le Bris : Je suis ben contente pour vous ! Et pis vu que nous en sommes en train de tout s’dire… Moi aussi ! Jeanne Rumédier : Vous aussi ?… Oh ! Bien sûr, comment ai-je pu ne pas le remarquer ? Jeanne Rumédier : Alors cela va mieux avec Jules ? Eugénie Le Bris : C’est plus compliqué que cela… Jeanne Rumédier : Asseyons-nous. Vous allez me raconter.
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mossy-forrest · 1 year
It's been a while since I've written so go easy on me
Also I know 0 French so dont yell at me about that if it's wrong I'll cry /j
Its Jeanne's birthday so a little drabble writing for @viviook
Warm sunlight pours through the translucent curtains, draping Jeanne and her room in the glow of the early morning sunrise. She stirs slightly as the door creaks open softly.
Heavy, but dulled footsteps follow the man that approaches her bed. He leans down and brushes a stray hair out of her face, pulling her out of sleep and causing her eyes to flutter open.
"Bonjour mon oisillon," Claude whispers to his daughter, "Do you remember what day it is?"
Jeanne takes a moment to think, her brain still foggy from sleep. Her eyes light up when she remembers
"It's my birthday!" She exclaims and practically jumps up into a sitting position.
Claude lets out a light chortle and ruffles the hair on her head. "That's right. You're very bright, mon oisillon. I've baked you a cake, how about you get ready and join your mother and I in the dining room?" With that he gives her a peck on the forehead and leaves to let herself prepare for the day.
He walks back to the kitchen to find his wife lighting the candles on the cake. Vio turns to her husband to ask a question "Will she be coming out soon?"
"Mm, oui mon amour. She will be ready soon. She's very excited," Claude grabs the cake cutting knife and polishes it with a clean cloth.
He never really thought that he wanted children, but the little moments like these made him realize just how happy he was to have his little fledgling.
On the other side of the house, a door flew open and small footsteps hurried as fast as they could to the dining room
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le-brave-des-braves · 7 months
Hello Ney!!! ^7^
Could you please help me Bessie and me choose for a name to our babygirl?
I admit that I have never had to deal with choosing a name for a girl since I only have four sons.
I suggest Aglaé, because it is a lovely name.
I also like Marguerite, Jeanne, Aimee, Adeline. So many beautiful girl names we have!
Just please don’t name her Napoleon (as suggested by one of the other Marshals).
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fidjiefidjie · 4 months
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Bonjour, bonne journée ☕️ 🌥
Jeanne Moreau au Festival de Cannes 📽 1966
Photo © STAFF / AFP
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from-derry · 8 months
bonjour, serait-il possible de réserver jenna ortega pour ✧ (oui, c'est bien mon pseudo!) ; milles mercis !!!
Bonjouur ! J'ai dû plisser les yeux (excuse c'est le matin) - mais la petite étoile a Jeanne Ortega !
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madame-du-barry · 20 days
Madame Jeanne? - A. Fontenay
*looks up and smiles* Alexis! Bonjour!
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cluescorner · 2 years
My Understanding of the Plot of Vanitas No Carte (Through the Shadow the Hedgehog RTFD)
Naenia, to Noé about Louis: Who’s that boy? Do you know him? Is he your friend? That’s kinda cool. Is he alive? Do you know him? Is he alive and you go hang out with him? Did you save him like, ‘cause he’s your friend? That’s awesome dude, I wish I had a friend like you who could save me if I was ever in danger.
Naenia, to Noé about Louis: Weooo Weoo hey I’m in your flashbacks now. It turns out you didn’t save him you did a very bad job. That’s embarrassing. 
Vanitas: Noé and Dante would have answered the call. They would’ve been here to kill me immediately 
Vanitas: Let’s see, the best way to sin would be...antagonizing the Queen. 
Little Dominique: Everything is ok!!
Noé, genuinely upset about the circumstances: Wait, I traumatized you as a child....
Teacher, grinning ear to ear: That’s badass!!!!!
Roland: Hi guys!! I’m here too!! You’re Vanitas, that’s so cool. I’m like your biggest fan. I like your cosplays and have tier one on your Twitch channel M. Vanitas. 
Dante: Oh God, not another one of those Twitch fans...
Vanitas: Oh you’re gonna donate, then donate right now. Where’s the money? I wanna see subs, I wanna see donations, I wanna see those little bit things. Make ‘em rain. 
Jeanne: I need to update my audio equipment. 
Jeanne: *Equips her gauntlet* 
Jeanne: I have updated my audio equipment. 
Dante: GUN! GUN! GUN!
Vanitas: Here it is....the book of Vanitas...I’m going to remove it, get my white out, and rewrite it!!
Teacher: Bonjour mon chatton, it’s me the devil. I love you. I’m having so much fun with you. 
Noé: ...Thank you I suppose?
Dante: Jesus Christ Vanitas what have you done? 
Dominique: Jesus Christ Vanitas what have you done?
Everyone tbh: Jesus Christ Vanitas what have you done? 
Teacher, during the Amusement Park Arc: Heyyyyyyyyy, what’s uppppppppp? It’s meeeee
Everyone: STOP
Teacher while Noé is out investigating The Book of Vanitas: Hey bing bong you’re doing a bad job
Noé, who managed to fall in love with Vanitas on the way: I know I’m doing a bad job!
Dominique: Vanitas, you’re an asshole man. 
Vanitas: You are what you eat, Dominique.
Chloé, about the Beast: That’s my dog, don’t hurt him! Don’t hurt my dog. 
Noé: Gaslight me! Gaslight me!
Teacher and Ruthven: Uh I already am. I was gaslighting you that the whole time. 
Noé: Hahahaha cool. 
Mikhail, throwing random book shenanigans at the wall: I CAN DO THIS!! ANYTIME I WANT!! This is nothing to me!! You’re nothing to me!! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!
Vanitas, once Jeanne tells him that she was given permission by Lord Ruthven to be with him on his day off CONVENIENTLY while Noé is all alone because Dominique and Dante are stalking them: Something just happened. 
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thetruearchmagos · 2 years
Last Line Tag!
Thank you again for your Open Tag, @autumnalwalker ! I'll Tag @lividdreamz , @sanguine-arena , and @jamieanovels
For the WIPs: @dogmomwrites @theprissythumbelina @marinesocks
Swift Seas And Whirlwinds An Excerpt: Teeming Tide
As the song of the people carried through the air, and the streets of Cagnan hummed with the power of thousands, it was a strange thought indeed to Ms Agnes Parquet that this whole spectacle was the result of a club meeting.

Such events had been banned for years, of course, but they were brought back around the time Agnes entered St. Jeanne's University under Old Man Raimond's "Ouverture" of the nation, and she'd only been too happy to sign onto the student societies that had once been deemed halfway to treasonous by older administrations.

It seemed they were right.

A figure, under a black sweater and white respirator mask, ran up to her along the street. They flung themself around Agnes, wrapping them up in a hug that left no doubt in her mind who they were.

"bonjour, ma chere. Enjoying the night?"

The mask was pulled down with a hard tug, and the pretty green eyes of Celine Moreau looked back into her own. What eyes, she thought. They were why she was there. Moreau suggested they take this long walk into a murky future, a spark that Agnes and their friends had merely helped spread among friends and through their classes, until it was the talk of the campus.

They were all here now, and even more than she could have ever imagined. Old Raimond might have weeped had he seen what his successors were doing to the Republic he loved, but now there were ten thousand over gathered to make that right. Workers crushed, students scorned, families who'd been ripped apart under the black gloves of the hated Guepes. They were there, and they would not be made to leave so easily.

"Oui, ma petite rose. It's only the beginning! God, even my brother left his stationmaster to come, and my parents are somewhere here."

A cry rang from the throng, and far ahead shouts came back. The pair were close enough to the front that the police barricade was well in sight, even through the haze of irritant gas released by their grenades. They formed a long, black clad line, straight and steady behind shields of transparent polymer. A truck was wheeling its way down the road behind them, and Agnes cringed at the sight of a water cannon's snout mounted on its roof. They were terrible beasts, but would doubtless find its jet stream a trickle in the face of the people's teeming tide. They would make it through.
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dagss · 2 years
EH VOUS AVEZ VU QUE BONJOUR BONHEUR EST SORTI ? (aka le film court de neil astier et achille de san nicolas)
dedans y'a neil astier, achille de san nicolas, jeanne astier, joëlle sevilla, lionnel astier, une pic et la voix d'alexandre astier, une pic de james astier, on aperçoit vite fait hugo leman à vélo. les costumes sont d'anne-gaëlle daval <3
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