#jayden x antonio
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kenobivirgin69 · 10 months ago
Jayden: You're the love of my life, my soulmate, and I would do anything for you.
Antonio: I want you to eat three meals a day and get decent sleep.
Jayden: Absolutely not.
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regaliasonata · 6 months ago
Someone make a fic of Jayden reaction to Antonio in this outfit and I’ll thank you
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Or I will…idk☠️❤️🧡
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isadorajaneschaos · 2 years ago
Jayden: I fell-
Antonio: From heaven? 
Jayden: No, I literally fell- 
Antonio: In love with me the moment you saw me? 
Antonio: Okay, but do you think I'm pretty? Be honest.
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allythetiger · 2 years ago
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khruschevshoe · 2 years ago
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At Waterloo, Napoleon did surrender
And I have met my destiny in quite a similar way
The history book on the shelf
Is always repeating itself
Waterloo, I was defeated, you won the war
Waterloo, promise to love you forevermore
Waterloo, couldn't escape if I wanted to
Waterloo, knowing my fate is to be with you
-ABBA, Waterloo
Antonio is like the sun; Jayden knows he shouldn’t look, but he can’t help but stare because of just how glorious Antonio is. He is loud and brave and loyal and kind, and everything Jayden can’t help but love.
But he can’t. Jayden wants more than he has any right to have, and he knows it.
-aletterinthenameofsanity, i'm the hero of the story (don't need to be saved)
The perfect angst with a happy ending pairing. The greatest source of untapped potential in all of power rangers. The sheer yearning in Jayden and the devotion in Antonio could power entire power plants. Their dynamic is basically the emotional backbone of Samurai and in this essay I will-
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thatjoelguy81 · 2 months ago
I'm doing a rewatch of Power Rangers Samurai and I gotta say the NeoSaban era's unintentional Queer vibes start off very strong with Jayden and Antonio.
-Seriously there is no Heterosexual explanation for the chemistry between them in their first meeting.
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missunderstood-with-ideas · 8 months ago
Mia *giving a presentation to the other rangers*: welcome to my TED talk about “if these people just kissed everyone’s lives will become 100% better”
Jii: No one! It’s gross that you think people need to make out to make other people happy-
Mia *steam rolling over Jii’s opinion*: Antonio Garcia and Jayden Shiba. Just make out already! I’m tired of watching you two pine!
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mrfandomwars · 7 months ago
The majority of the fandom ships Antonio and Jayden and here I am, shipping Kevin and Jayden
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augment-techs · 1 year ago
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allythetiger · 2 years ago
they making out for the entire night and having fun/j
WOW okay I always knew about the whole gay subtext between Jayden and Antonio but it wasn’t until I actually watched Samurai that I realized how obvious it was
I mean like
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is that my bae
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omg its my bae
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i have died everyday waaaaaiting for you
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oh man
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then they started making out in front of the entire team right
and don’t forget the very next episode
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omg my bf’s so adorable
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ruler-of-superhell · 8 months ago
I've decided Mike, Mia, Kevin and Emily are in a quad
They're all dating
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kenobivirgin69 · 9 months ago
Antonio: *to other rangers* if i run and jump at Jayden, he'll drop anything he has in his hands to catch me.
Jayden: *walking in with take-out bags*
Antonio: *runs towards Jayden*
Jayden: Toni no, I have- *drops everything to catch Antonio*
Jayden: *wrapping arms around his boyfriend* you're lucky i love you
Mike: *staring at dropped food, trying not to cry* THAT WAS MY FOOD
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bluektw · 11 months ago
So I recently found a channel that has all seasons of Power Rangers in it, and have been rewatching MY favorite one (aka Samurai)
I have been digging Mike x Emily for a while but WHY IS EPISODE 16 (the one Emily loses her soul) MAKING ME LOVE THEM EVEN MORE
"Mike I know you like Emily... We all do" LIKE WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SEPARATE HIM FROM YOU ALL?? HUH???
"The person I want to save now is Emily" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
(Love Jayden x Antonio too, but that's a different topic)
Anyway, best season, was my favorite growing up and will forever be (is it mostly because I LOVE the fits? Yes, I won't lie)
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azurezfiction · 1 year ago
Power Rangers ship list
Because everyone seems to be doing it; here is my ship list!
Everything under the read more because it's a ton:
MMPRS1-Turbo 1: Tommy x Kimberly Zack x Trini Billy x Trini Jason x Tommy Billy x Skull (because of augment-techs) Stone Canyon Trio Rocky x Adam Aisha x Shawna Bulk x Connie David Truehart x Trey Tanya x Kat Tanya x Adam Tanya x Zack Aisha x Zack Turbo II - Lost Galaxy: Ashley x Cassie Andros x Ashley Zhane x Andros Zhane x Astronema/Karone Karone x Maya Mike Corbett x Carlos Vallerte Kai x Damon Leo x Andros TJ x Damon Lightspeed Rescue - Wild Force Joel x Miss Fairweather Kelsey Winslow x Nancy Thompson Carter x Ryan Dana x Taylor Taylor x Alyssa Merrick x Cole Eric x Wes Wes x Jen x Eric Katie x Trip Eric x Trip Danny x Max
Ninja Storm - SPD Dustin x Hunter Tori x Blake Blake x Trent Tori x Kira Dustin x Conner x Hunter Ethan x Cassidy
Mystic Force - RPM Nick x Xander Chip x Vida Udonna x Leanbow Leelee x Phineas Claire x Xander RJ x Casey Lilly x Theo Jarrod x Camilla Casey x Jarrod (x RJ) Ziggy x Dillion Flynn x Gemma
Samurai - Dino Charge Antonio x Jayden Lauren x Mia Troy x Jordan Noah x Orion Gia x Emma One-sided Jake x Noah (Jake crushing on Noah). Tyler x Shelby Tyler x Ivan Ivan x Tyler x Matt Koda x Phillip
Ninja Steel - Cosmic Fury Brody x Preston Calvin x Preston Calvin x Men. Sarah x Hayley Devon x Blaze Ravi x Roxy Ollie x Javi Amelia x Javi Izzy x Fern Zayto x Aiyon Zayto x Javi
Comics: Ace x Gent* Trek x Ace* Violet x Zack Ellarien x Remi Nikolai x Daniel Grace x Jamie x Terona Grace x Terona Matt Cook x Billy Cranston Crossover ships: Andrew Hartford x Mr Kelman (1995 Movie) x Dane Romero Fred Kelman x Justin Stewart Cam x Kimberly Conner McKnight x muscular guys Merrick x RJ Chad x Danny Chad x Aurico Delphine x Hayley Ziktor
*I have so many headcanons about these two ships and how it connects to canon, I'm really hoping to get it out soon!
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fandomstars · 2 years ago
Writing Request Form..Aka What I write and how you can request
Star Wars (Clone Wars / Rebels / Bad Batch )
Star Trek (AOS)
Pokémon (Anime / Games) (Minus Pokemon Games before Pokémon Diamond) (Ex. Anime + Main games + PMD/Conquest etc.)
Steven Universe
TMNT 2012
Beyblade Burst (Valt centric best)
Power Rangers (Mainly Jungle Fury/SPD cause it’s the series I’m more familiar with)
Trolls (Dreamworks) (Love Broppy + any Poppy centric stuff (<~ not much content out there compared to Branch centric stuff.)
DBZ (I’ve only watched Z Kai and few of Super so bear with me if whatever I write isn’t “canon” enough.)
The Hobbit (It’s the only LOTR movie I’ve watched so…)
Writing limit / Won’t dos:
Limit = Tumblr word count (But if needing to go beyond one post I might do part 2/3/4/etc.)
Nothing rated R ( sexual/dirty/etc.) aka not NSFW
No horror/poetry
No poly nor incest
No trans (never written such before and idk how sorry)
No medical (transition/amputation/mental health) (just not comfortable/not knowledgeable)
Also nothing on pregnancy / periods (never done so)
Headcanons / Oneshot requests only
My OCs:
• Feel free to request Headcanons/Oneshots of them too!
Alex Diamond
Link to bio: Here
{ Steven Universe x Star Wars Bad Batch/Clone Wars }
Oliver Diamond
Link to bio: Here
{ Steven Universe x DBZ}
Aster Diamond
Link to bio: Here
{ Steven Universe x TMNT 2012 }
Jim Kirk Diamond
(Technically not an OC, but more a canon character but my version of…idk call what you call it)
Link to bio: Here
{ Steven Universe x AOS Star Trek }
How to request:
Go to the chat box with the + on it in the upper right corner of my blog.
Click “Submit request & more here!” tab
Write request
Wait and see the final result!
Share please? Want my inbox to be filled.
OTPs I will write/ NOTPs I won’t ever write:
Kylohux / Kalluzeb / Alex (my oc) x Crosshair / Obi-wan x Cody | Reylo / Ezrabine
Ash x Gary / Ash x Gou / Ash x Paul / Ash x Kiawe / Ash x Gladion / Ash x Lillie | Ash x Serena / Misty / any other pokegirl
Jim x Spock | Anything that isn’t the two paired together
Leo x Aster (my OC) / April x Donnie | Leo x Karai / April x Casey
Casey x Jarrod / Fran x Dom / Troy x Orion / Jack x Sky | Casey x Lily / Jarrod x Camille / RJ x Casey or Fran / Jayden x Antonio, Mia, Kevin, Mike, or Emily (thought they were more siblings) / Troy x Gia or Emma / Noah x Jake / Orion x Emma or Gia / Jack x Z or Syd / Bridge x Sky
Branch x Poppy | Otherwise nothing else
Oliver (my oc) x Gohan / While I ship ChichixGoku, Krillinx18, and VegetaxBulma, idk yet if I’m capable to writing them centric wise as oppose to in the background or something. | Otherwise nothing else unless it’s platonic
Valt x Shu and nothing else
Bilbo x Thorin and nothing else
Feel free to ask if I ship/write with any other ships I haven’t mentioned and what not.
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theorangerangers · 2 years ago
Per team:
Mmpr- Jason/Kim
Zeo- tomkat
Turbo-Cassie x TJ
In space- Andros x Zane
Lost galaxy- kendrix x maya
Lightspeed rescue- Carter x Ryan
Time force- wes x Eric
Wild force- Cole x Alyssa (also Taylor x Shayla)
Ninja storm- Dustin x Hunter
Dino thunder- Connor x Trent
Spd- sky x bridge
A squad- Charlie x a squad pink
Mystic force- Nick x Maddison
Operation overdrive- Mack x Dax
Jungle fury- rj x Casey
Rpm- ziggy x Dillon
Samurai- Jayden x Antonio
Mega force- Troy x robo knight
Dino charge- Shelby x Tyler
Ninja steel- Brody x Preston
Beast morphers- Nate x Zoe
Dino fury- Ollie x Amelia
Over all my faves are Connor and Trent though.
I kinda wanna know, ranger fam, what are your favorite Power Rangers ships??
Like #1 or smth??
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