#javelin prayer
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bylagunabay · 2 years ago
Power of Prayer
Javelin prayers are short, simple, heart-felt prayers sent up to God at any time during the day. Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection describes them as “merely a thought of Him from time to time, a little act of adoration, sometimes to ask for His grace, sometimes to offer Him your sufferings, at other times to thank Him for the graces … The least little remembrance will always be the most pleasing to Him.”
In the following true story, the quick aspiration to God of an old lady to protect a soldier from certain death saved not only the young soldier but his entire company as well …
(3-minute read)
In 1945 Spencer January’s division had just been ordered to take the town of Ossenburg, Germany, where a war factory supplied Hitler’s troops. His group had been fighting for hours to get through the thick forest when suddenly they came to an open space with a large stone house.
1 Sure Death
They did not know that the large stone house in the opening was concealing the bodies of soldiers who had tried earlier to cross the clearing, but soon three nests of German machine guns suddenly began blasting away, but it was impossible to take them out since they were too far out of range.
It was sure death to cross the opening, but it was the 35th Infantry’s only avenue since every other passage into town was secured by the Germans. The team was in a quandary. They knew there was no way to survive if they tried to push on through the clearing.
2 Time Running Out
Time was running out, and at any moment his group would be running right though a barrage of open fire. Before he even knew what he was doing, he found himself on his knees, praying passionately, “God, you’ve got to help me! Please, do something!”
Spencer barely had time to finish his desperate prayer when the group was ordered to advance. Memories of home and family, even of Mrs. Tankersly, crashed down on him as he gripped his rifle and made his way across the clearing to the other edge of the forest covering.
3 White Cloud
Suddenly a huge white cloud materialized in what had been, only moments before, a totally clear sky. The cloud dropped down and shrouded the clearing, almost like an eclipse. There was no way for the Germans to see where to fire.
Instantly Spencer and his fellow soldiers took off like runners in a race. Almost beyond belief, Spencer found himself across the clearing and into the thicket. Many more of his group were making it across. The ones in the very back were having to pull some of the wounded to safety, but even those were making it.
No one had to tell him that what he had just experienced was God. As quickly as the miracle cloud had appeared, it vanished miraculously just as the last soldier made it across the cloud.
4 Divine Visitation
All the way to Ossenburg, Spencer kept thinking about that cloud. He was used to the smoke screens that were used to hide the troops, but this was entirely different. This was not a man-made covering. He and the other men knew it was a supernatural intervention. And to continue His miracle, God helped them overtake the war factory in Ossenburg.
A short time later, Spencer received a letter from his mother that had finally caught up with him. In it she told him that Mrs. Tankersly, the very woman who had also been on his mind the day when they were under attack in that open field, had called to tell her about a spiritual visitation from God. It had come in the night when God told her, “Spencer January is in trouble! Get up right now and pray for him!”
5 One Short Prayer
Mrs. Tankersly said that she had prayed until time to go to work, and the last thing she remembered praying was: “Lord, whatever danger Spencer is in, just cover him with a cloud!” She told Spencer’s mother that she had finished praying at 6 a.m.
6 Perfect Timing
By the time he finished reading, Spencer was shaking so hard that he could barely see to read the letter. He realized there was a seven-hour difference in time, so Mrs. Tankersly had been praying just as his group came upon the German ambush. Her prayer for God to send a cloud covering would have been prayed at one o’clock in the afternoon in Germany —just when they were ready to dash across the danger zone.
7 Supernatural Protection
God’s supernatural protection made such an impression on Spencer that he dedicated the early morning hours every day for the next sixty years to pray for friends and relatives. After the miracle intervention in Germany, no one could have taken away his faith in the difference that prayer can make. He was convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that the prayer of that one faithful woman back in 1945 had not only saved his life, but also the lives of the other soldiers with him as they ran unseen through the cloud covering.
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bijoumikhawal · 2 years ago
More Bajoran Headcanons
Archery and charioteering are traditional Bajoran sports associated with women
The preferred animal for chariot racing is the fabor, an animal with green horns. The lopp requires a specialized harness due to their neck spines, and verdanises are generally considered to have too delicate a constitution to pull most chariots (though they are ridden in races by single riders). Fabor also tend to be more fierce than both, making handling them during a race a greater act of skill.
Pre-Interplanetary travel Bajoran architecture had round foundations that gradually faded out of use for many, except in particularly windy locales where they ate still standard
Fasting is believed by some to have a magical/spiritual power, in that fasting against or in favor of an individual can curse or bless/sanctify them, respectively. Folkloric tales abound of a person refusing to eat in grief, and causing whoever aggreived them to fall ill, face misfortunes, or die.
The purpose of the death chant, and reason for it's lack resulting in a ghost, is that not performing grief would be considered a curse stating in its silence that the person did not live well, and is not worthy to enter the Temple.
Bajoran meditation, while not done solely for this purpose, is also said to potentially have magical/spiritual power. In stories it is portrayed that sufficient concentration generates heat, with heroes meditating in snow or icy waters and making them melt, warm, or even boil.
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Hi Friends. Quick update on my life. I'm very excited about having new music to share, but I just wanted to let you know that one of the reasons why I haven't been able to participate in the press and promotion leading up to the release of Javelin is bc I am in the hospital. Last month I woke up one morning and couldn't walk. My hands, arms and legs were numb and tingling and I had no strength, no feeling, no mobility. My brother drove me to the ER and after a series of tests—MRIs, EMGs, cat scans, X-rays, spinal taps (!), echo-cardiograms, etc.—the neurologists diagnosed me with an auto immune disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Luckily there's treatment for this — they administer immuno-hemoglobin infusions for five days and pray that the disease doesn't spread to the lungs, heart and brain. Very scary, but it worked. I spent about two weeks in Med/Surg, stuck in a bed, while my doctors did all the things to keep me alive and stabilize my condition. I owe them my life.
On September 8, I was transferred to acute rehab, where I am now undergoing intensive physical therapy/occupational therapy, strength building etc. to get my body back in shape and to learn to walk again. It's a slow process, but they say I will "recover," it just takes a lot of time, patience, and hard work. Most people who have GBS learn to walk again on their own within a year, so I am hopeful. I'm only in my second week of rehab but it is going really well and I am working really hard to get back on my feet. I'm committed to getting better, I'm in good spirits, and I'm surrounded by a really great team. I want to be well!
I'll keep you posted as I progress. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. And a huge shout out to all the incredible caretakers of the world working night and day to help us heal. They are living saints.
Be well, be joyful, stay sane, stay safe. I love you.
yours truly from a wheelchair XOXOXO Sufjan Stevens
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garagepaperback · 2 months ago
okay trash tuesday <3
this was a scrap of smut written for javelin before it became obvious the legilimency scene had to lean toward trauma instead of sex :,)
“You should have said,” Draco murmurs. The sound thrums inside Harry's skull like a palm wading. It’s another memory. A little drunk and pleased, fingers thread through the heavy wet of his hair. Harry presses his forehead against the marble grace of the bath. “It’s embarrassing,” he says—said. Low. A gentle waver in the eucalyptus evening, under the thick wash of night. Draco’s fingernails press a prayer into his scalp, scratching sweet and perfect, the way Harry always thought he'd love, only no one— He’s hard. Humiliatingly so, mouth slow and wet and too turned on to peel his face up from the pretty pale, up to it, whatever.  “Is this what you like the most?” Harry sinks further into the warm thrum, the lush tide of lazy want. This is just after they’d gotten married, he remembers, and remembers, and remembers. Then, now, a knot-throated knowing. Harry hums something of an acknowledgment and Draco’s fingers tend slower and softer, scrubbing the balm in. “Cedarwood, can you smell that? Tonka, orange flower, vanilla. Do you like that, Harry?”  It’s not. He knows. Under the clear water in the open night, Harry’s let his hand wander between his legs, nothing really, just— “It’s lovely, don’t you think? It’s a nice thing. Do you like that? Being given something nice?”  It smells good, but that’s not— “Oh,” Draco breathes, stroking down the bent nape of Harry’s neck, the pads of his fingers skimming his shoulders. His grasp traces through the velvet black of Harry’s own squeezed shut eyes to get the water, like he had—when he had. In a pooled palm that Harry feels without seeing, knows by heart, Draco rinses, reaches, rinses. Harry had looked up before, years before, and he looks up then, the fat of his lip bitten to shit. He’s been hard for a while, waiting for the need to dissolve, for the want to take a less obvious shape and it hasn’t worked. It never does. The opposite is true; his cock’s aching, so full it’ll barely take a few strokes to get him there. Another hungry, weak sound seeps out. “No.” Draco’s voice is low enough to sink between the brimming bath. Warm, dulcet, too much. And still, it's the simplicity of it that's making all the words congeal, too many and too vague to unburden from behind his teeth. His mouth's a little open anyway; he might be drooling, everything feels damp. Draco smiles, and cups his hand. Another just-enough douse pours over his head. Harry shuts his eyes against the decadent rhythm, the humid woodscent and the syrup of his voice, of being cared for so plainly.  Draco’s hand finds his cheek, thumbing the curve of bone like it’s unbearably soft. “It’s—oh. Harry. Darling.”
show me something that didn't make it, or is otherwise lying in wait, please <3 gently tagging @eleadore, @yiiiiiiiikes25, @kamaela, @hollyhawthorn, @dryrsheet, @letteredlettered, @tackytigerfic, @oknowkiss, @citrusses, @jtimu, @mintawasalreadytaken, @sweet-s0rr0w + everyone who might have an ill-fitting thing hanging around ::)
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vodika-vibes · 4 months ago
Me again 😈 this is the last one (for now)
How about Howzer x reader with "sh, sh, I'm going to patch you up."?? I love Howzer so much and virtually no one writes for him </3
Playing Doctor
Summary: In an ideal world, being trapped in a cramped place with Howzer would be a dream come true. After all, you’ve been crushing on him for ages now. You just wish the situation was a little less sucky.
Pairing: Captain Howzer x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1200
Warnings: Reader is injured, pining, Howzer is jealous but pretends that he isn't
A/N: Sorry that this took so long! I couldn't get Howzer to agree with me. Until I put on a Disney playlist on Spotify and the words just started flowing. (Also, I have been in a not-great mental place since the 6th, but I think I'm better-ish now). I hope you like it!
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You’ve known Howzer for years now. 
You first met him at the beginning of the Clone Wars, all of those years ago. And, looking back now, you can admit that your first impression of him wasn’t the greatest. 
He was arrogant. Cocky, even. And in his opinion, you were a meddling busybody who needed to spend a day or two sitting in a jail cell.
You weren’t, and aren’t, a soldier. You were the former base commander’s receptionist, and when he left for greener pastures, you were left behind with a handful of soldiers and support staff who weren’t important enough to anyone to manage to pull a reassignment.
In truth, you kept the base running through duct tape and a prayer. And then Howzer came along and took it from you. 
It wasn’t until he realized that none of the NatBorn soldiers, or support staff, would listen to him, that they all deferred to you, that Howzer realized that he stepped on a few toes. 
And he didn’t apologize until your Squad of Misfits pulled him and his men out of an ambush that should have killed them, but only left him badly injured and with a scar on his face.
The rest, as they say, is history.
By the time the Jedi Purge happened, you and Howzer were friends. Friends enough that, when he called you to ask for help, you dropped everything and hurried to his side. 
That had been a year ago, and while you won’t ever say that you regret it, you do wish that you had been more clever about your career prospects.
Or, at least, more clever.
Surely, if you had gone to medical school like your mother wanted you wouldn’t be in this situation.
You release a pained whimper as Howzer presses his hands, firmly, over the wound in your side. You try to pull away from his painful touch, but the way he has you positioned against the wall of the cave you’re taking shelter in means that you can’t move.
“I know it hurts, ad’ika.” His voice is low, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen such a grim look on his face before. Well, not directed towards you, at least, “but I need to stop the bleeding.”
Hesitantly, because he’s been funny about you touching him lately, you wrap your hands around his wrists, “‘m sorry. I messed up.”
“It’s not your fault. Who knew that the Stormtroopers had people who could use fucking javelins. Where are we, the Middle Ages?” He sounds stressed and angry.
“Many Indigenous people use weapons like that,” You reply, “Like the Ewoks and the Tusken Raiders of Tatooine.”
Howzer releases a huffed laugh, “Why do you know that?”
“I saw a documentary about it before,” You admit.
“Yeah? When was this?” He applies more pressure and you whimper as the sudden pain knocks the air out of your lungs, and you see a muscle work in his jaw.
“When I was a kid,” You manage to say, “There used to be a show. Tula the Tooka. Tula would teach kids about different races and show how we’re all the same.”
“Fighting bigotry one little kid at a time?”
“Something like that.” You wince, “She also covered some basic language skills, like how to say hello, or I’m lost, in whatever language.”
“Sounds educational,” Howzer shifts his hand and glances at your side, and then he takes your hand and presses it over the wound, “Apply pressure while I pull out my kit.”
“You could always just leave me here,” You offer.
“Don’t be fucking stupid, I’m not leaving you behind.” Howzer replies as he starts digging through the bag he’s been carrying, “You can’t actually think that I would do that.”
“I don’t.” You admit, “Make your life easier if you were less loyal, though.” You pause, “Idiot.” The word is affectionate, and the corner of Howzer’s lips curl up into a small smile.
“Wonder what having an easy life would be like,” He jokes, before he turns back to you, “Alright, move your hand.” You do as he asks, though you don’t realize why he’s saying that until the sharp scent of alcohol reaches your nose.
You yelp and jerk back when an alcohol-soaked cloth presses against your side. Though, you don’t get far.
“Shh, shh,” he effortlessly tugs you closer, so he can keep the cloth pressed against your side, “I’m going to patch you up.”
“You couldn’t have given me some warning?” You choke out.
“Sorry, ad’ika. But you’re kind of a baby when it comes to pain.”
You stare up at him through tear-filled eyes, “And you thought this would help? You’re a jerk. Rex would never—” You yelp again when his touch gets rough enough that it hurts.
The painful pressure vanishes almost immediately, “Sorry, I’m sorry! I forget that you’re so much more fragile than me.” Howzer blurts as he uses the sleeve of his jacket to wipe a tear from your cheek, “Please don’t cry.”
“I-it’s okay, you didn’t mean it.”
Howzer sighs, “It’s not okay, but thank you.” He pulls some bandages from his bag, “I bet Rex would never forget that.” There’s something odd in his voice, and you realize, with a start, that he’s jealous. 
“Are you jealous of Rex?”
He fumbles with the wrapper of the bandage, and his dark eyes flicker up to meet your gaze, before dropping back to your side, “Course not.”
You stare at the top of his head for a moment, and then you sigh and reach up to run your fingers through his hair, “You know you’re my favorite, right?”
“Are you allowed to have favorites?” Howzer asks as he applies the bandage and tapes it to your skin.
“I think you’ll find that I don’t care about what’s allowed,” You counter, “You’re my favorite, and I’m glad that I ended up stranded here with you over anyone else.”
He finally meets your gaze, “You hate being stranded anywhere.” Howzer corrects with a wry smile.
“See, no one else knows me like you do.”
“Well, I have known you for years now,”
Your hand falls from his hair to rest against his cheek, just over his scar. There are so many things you want to tell him. So many thoughts you want to share. 
Things that he deserves to know.
But the words seem to stick in your throat.
After all, there’s no way he feels the same way for you as you do for him.
So, instead, you offer a tiny smile, “I’m guessing you have a plan.”
Howzer turns his head and presses a light kiss to the palm of your hand, “Always do.” He pulls away from you, “Are you okay waiting here for me?”
“Just don’t forget about me.”
“Never.” He stands and peels off his jacket, “Here, use this as a pillow and get some rest. I’ll be back when I’m done.”
You take his jacket and fold it so you can lay down, “Be careful,” Howzer tosses you a wink, and then he’s gone. 
And, now alone, you release a quiet sigh. “I love you, Howzer.”
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primestartes · 8 months ago
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Kranrar Warpkin, Champion of Tzeentch
I looove Oldhammer champions and this one, I always wanted to draw. My fingers leveled up enough to attempt him. I dont know his actual name but this is my snatch of him. Bonus Blarb:
Kranrar Warpkin called out to his warriors under the Wyrdfire Iconoclasts, how he bounded on his avian legs without fear of death nor belief of defeat. The Mark of Tzeentch burning upon his almost wood-like raiment. The face that was once a mere helmet squawked violence, to commit the souls that dare to challenge him to the Master of Fates. His serrate-edged sword came to hack across greenskinned muscles and sinews, slicing as hot as fire. Their screams an unknown incantation to the spell of war. The Chaos Champion extended his double-jointed arm out, the most distinctive of the Mad God’s gifts – the oversized hand of a Tzeentch – wrapped its sucker-ended fingers around a Black Orc’s skull, its fell power warping its helmet like yeast before squeezing with a gory pop. “In the name of Tzeentch, twist their bones! In the name of the Constant Change, flay their flesh! In the desire of plots untold, eat their brains and take their will!” Kranrar Warpkin cried out, the Chaos Champion bounded and carved skull to chest. Nape to ass. Side to side. His madness as true as his skill as a warrior blessed by the Ruinous Powers. He made a mere gesture and a ruby-mote of warpfire lashed from one of his many bewitched rings, claiming a gang of Orcs into a melting pool flailing and changing, only for four mewling Chaos Spawns baring bare resemblance of their former lives with flailing axe-hands, claws, and bubbling maws full of teeth. His marauders with their flesh seared with the magical wards of protection, armed with shields and axes charging to meet against the green horde with javelins lined of fetishes and heathenish prayers hurled with impossible aim. Their greater companions, the Warpkin Warriors themselves, marched forward with a presence that demanded reverence and fear. The goblins crushed under boot, given the attention of mere contempt by these men swollen with Tzeentch’s gifts as their swords gleaming with their magics and shields deflecting arrows to carve into the orcish lines with their master. The chained Chaos Spawn that served Kranrar threw themselves deep into the WAAGH in their unbridled madness for some kind of ease to their screaming minds, and hopefully the solace of death finally claiming them. By the fortune and wisdom to make a pact with a Lord of Change, the ‘gift’ of a Blue Horror retinue was a fine addition into the battle. Their glittering rain of warpfire had turned one of the Greenskins’ beasts into a bubbling twisting monolith of decolored flesh and metal, led by their incandescent horror who cackled and gaggled with a language far beyond mortal understanding or acceptance. With long multi-jointed fingers and a wave of its staff, a storm of falling iron blemished the wasteland’s ugly nothingness to a glittering carpet of pain that earned more of the daemons’ glee!
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bi-numi-aliyani · 2 months ago
Two prayers from ancient Ugarit
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Various “Teraphim” figures representing deities for devotional purposes from ancient Canaan/Judah. Photo from “Exhibit from the Bible Lands Museum” (Biblical Archaeology Review Vol. 25:5 (Sep.–Oct. 2000), p. 22). Source: Fertility Goddesses from the Ancient Near East (Mar. 2000) by Wanda Roux, https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Fertility-goddesses-from-the-Ancient-Near-East-Roux/218a301d5b1f807dd2324e37257cc817912ceeed.
Shulmu 𒁲𒈬 to all! These are a couple more Ugaritic prayers I've given my own take on and filled in blanks based on scholarly texts. The first of these is addressed to 𒀭Prince Ba'al and is found appended to a bimonthly itinerary of Temple rituals classified as KTU 1.119 (=RS 24.266). My source for the text is Pardee 2002 (I mention these works often enough I figure I'll probably make a bibliography), pp. 50–53, 149–50 and the translation in Wyatt 2002, pp. 416–22. The next prayer, found on tablet KTU 1.65 (Wyatt 2002, pp. 363–65), also has a liturgical character and appears to have originally been concerned with the wellbeing of the a City of Ugarit. I've tried to adjust language in both prayers to make them flow as well as possible in English with a distinct ancient tone and I really hope you like what I've got here.
Prayer to Ba'al for Protection
When a terrible foe storms your gate,
a marauder dashes your walls,
You shall lift up your eyes to 𒀭Ba'al and say:
“O 𒀭Ba'al, if You drive the terrible foe from our gate,
“banish the marauder from our walls,
“an offering, O 𒀭Ba'al, we shall sanctify,
“a vow, O 𒀭Ba'al, we shall fulfill;
“a heritage, O 𒀭Ba'al, we shall sanctify,
“a Propitiation, O 𒀭Ba'al, we shall fulfill,
“a feast, O 𒀭Ba'al, we shall offer;
“to the Sanctuary, O 𒀭Ba'al, we shall ascend,
“the paths of the Temple, O 𒀭Ba'al, we shall follow.”
and 𒀭Ba'al will hear your prayer:
He will drive the terrible foe from your gate,
banish the marauder from your walls.
Prayer to El and the Family of the Gods
O Gods of the House of 𒀭El,
Family of the Gods,
Assembly of the Gods,
𒀭Thukamuna and 𒀭Shunama.
O 𒀭EI and 𒀭Ashirat,
Show us grace, O 𒀭El,
Come to our assistance, O 𒀭El,
Grant us peace, O 𒀭EI.
𒀭EI, come close,
𒀭EI, be our guard,
for the love of 𒀭Ba'al of 𒀭Sapon,
for the hope in 𒀭Ba'al of Ugarit.
By the Holy Spear,
by the Holy Axe,
by the Holy Mace,
by the Holy Javelin.
By the Holy Burnt-Offering,
by the Holy Perpetual Offering,
by the Holy Morning Offering,
by the Holy Evening Offering.
By the Holy Censer and Lyre,
by the Holy Image and Propitiation,
by the Holy Threshold and Keystone,
by the Holy Song and Scribal Instruments,
by the Holy Grain-Offering and Young Wine.
O Gods of the Holy Mountain,
Gods and Goddesses in the Dwelling and Court,
remember us at the Assembly in Council,
by your rulings grant us peace in your good time.
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aceofcupsbiggestfan · 7 months ago
~ 23-30 Hekatombaion~
Meaning 'All-Athenian', Panathenaia celebrated Athena as the patroness of Athens. It was the premier festival of the year, sparking large celebration. Two versions of this festival took place, Panathenaia ta mirka (Lesser Panathenaia) and Panathenaia ta megala (Greater Panathenaia). Greater Panathenaia took place every four years compared to its annual counterpart. The only difference in festivals was that of scale and performance, with Greater Panathenaia marking the greater festival.
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Part of the name sake of the month, Panathenaia based with a hecatomb throughout. Processions took place outside of Acropolis, a means to show the new peplos for Athena's statue. This weaving of the new fabric was held at Plynteria. The traditional blue and yellow would be taken to Athena in a ship. Everybody took part.
Kanephoroi (young women with baskets on their heads containing grain), Diphrophoroi (young girls carrying chairs), Thallophoroi (Old men bearing branches and young men in purple robe, and non-citizens proceeded to Athena's temple. Non-citizens often held cakes and honeycomb while freed slaves and non-Greeks carried oak branches. Daughters of Metics carried water jugs. Representatives of City-States throughout Attica brought armor and cows as offerings. The victors of the games were included in the procession.
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The procession walked throughout many Attican cities most notably, Eleusinium, Acropolis and Propylaea where they ended. Sacrifices were completed with prayers. Sacrifices included several epithets of Athena including Athena Hygiaea, Athena Polias and Athena Nike. Each epithet was given something different.
Part of the festival highlighted the Panathenaian Games, similar to its Olympiad counterpart. The games held torch races to determine sacrificial fire, all-night service and meat meals for anyone, all at the city's pocket.
While the early games were for Athenians only, in 566 BCE the games were open to all Greeks. This was part of Panathenaia ta megala. In the annual festival Athenian-Only games persisted, the Greater festival offered the opportunity for others to join.
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Later, musical competitions and recitations of Homer were added. The Iliad and Odyssey were popular choices as well as short-length poetry. Foot-racing, pentathlon, wrestling, gymnastics, boxing and pankration were observed in three male "age" categories: older men, younger men and boys. Chariot races were also added along with javelin-throwing from horseback and races for foals and full-grown horses.
Winners of the games were prized olive oil from Athena's sacred olive tree along with money depending of rank of winning.
Traditional Offerings:
Olives and Olive oil
Water or khernips
Oak branches/leaves
Hymns to Athena
Traditional Acts:
Games, such as running, horse racing and torch racing
Hymns and Offerings to Athena
Reciting or reading poetry, such as Homer
Wearing purple, yellow or blue
feasting with community
Khaire Athena! Happy Panathenaia! 🦉🏅🍃
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plotthotrobin · 9 days ago
Can you imagine a version of Silver Snow that unfolds similarly, except Rhea is present? (ie, I make small changes Silver Snow for the fun of it.)
The presumed-dead Byleth shows up at the ruins of Garreg Mach after five years, and they are greeted very warmly by a stunned Seteth. He hugs them (we get a CG of this) and gets misty-eyed at seeing them safe and sound, which certainly seems a bit odd to Byleth without context. He begins to scold them for staying away so long, but as he checks them over for wounds he notices that they’re swaying a little on their feet. Byleth, still dazed, explains that they’ve been asleep for the last five years - and Seteth just softens in a sudden understanding. He ends up bringing them to the infirmary (much to Manuela’s shock and, after a moment, delight).
It’s here that he explains that the war has been at more or less a stalemate for the last five years. Emperor Edelgard technically failed in her attack on Garreg Mach when it came to seizing the territory, but Rhea (Specifically the Immaculate One) apparently razed through it in a rage when it seemed as though Byleth had been killed. Between Garreg Mach no longer being as fortified as it once was and Prince Dimitri’s execution (and thus, the remainder of Faerghus falling into complete disarray), it’s taken everything they’ve had to hold their ground against the onslaught of Adrestia’s army for all this time. Duke Claude has apparently been cooperative with the church and has moved to team up, though Seteth briefly voices his suspicions that he has other plans.
As for Rhea, Seteth explains that her behavior has been… concerning, to say the least. When she’s not dealing with the war efforts or trying to console the followers of the church, she’s been down in the Holy Tomb. Byleth interjects here and asks to see her, at which Seteth hesitates but agrees - only after Manuela has checked them over and they’ve gotten some food in their system, though.
This is where we get our actual reunion cutscene. Seteth brings Byleth down to the Holy Tomb, where they find Rhea sitting before Sothis’ throne. Her torso is draped onto the seat, and she goes between quiet, tearful bouts of prayer and sharp whispers of anger. It’s only when she sees Byleth that she seems to snap out of it. She scrambles over and clings to them, sinking to her knees and quietly weeping as she hugs their legs tightly. She mumbles something about hope being restored and a new beginning.
The events of Silver Snow play out similarly (with some elements from VW thrown in there such as Dimitri showing up in combat only to get himself killed). Rhea is a playable unit alongside Seteth and other Church members. Claude and the Leicester Alliance occasionally show up to either help in battle or to request support in return. He talks to Byleth alone at one point and attempts to sway them to his side specifically rather than the Church’s, but reluctantly backs down when Byleth holds their ground.
Throughout all of this, Rhea is mostly calm with Seteth, Flayn, and Byleth at her side. She occasionally slips into moments of anger whenever Edelgard and the Agarthans make a move, but she never takes long to regain her composure. She has many conversations with Byleth about the current state of affairs, gradually opening up with her own thoughts and feelings on Fódlan and its people.
Eventually Edelgard falls, allowing for the Agarthans to fully take charge. The fight at Shambala goes as usual, ending with the javelins of light and, yes, the revival of Nemesis.
It is here when Rhea and Seteth finally explain everything to Byleth. Sitri, the Crest Stone, the massacre of the Nabeteans at Zanado, everything. The threat that Nemesis poses is made fundamentally clear, and Byleth agrees to do everything within their power to prevent that. Even as she is recovering and Seteth continually tries to get her to rest, Rhea fervently attempts to revive Sothis’ consciousness within Byleth’s body. For a millennia, she has tried everything she can think of to bring back the Goddess... But with the current rise and reach of the Agarthans, along with her own health, she’s more desperate than ever to prevent their victory.
Byleth is more than cooperative, pushing themselves to the brink in their attempts to not only fulfill Rhea’s wishes and draw upon the necessary power to take down the Agarthans permanently, but also in personal hopes of seeing Sothis again. Her research and experiments gradually grow more and more exhausting for Byleth, and they don’t produce much in the way of results. Seteth is always hovering close by in worry for both of their sakes, and occasionally intervenes for Byleth’s safety.
It’s not too long before we see a conversation similar to the one that happens after Seteth first read Jeralt’s diary: Seteth confronts Rhea, pleading with her that this is far too dangerous for Byleth and that it is cruel to subject them to it - not to mention what it is doing to her own health, mental and physical, as well. For a moment, it almost seems like she is going to lash out and argue… Instead, her expression slowly softens into weary resignation and she quietly agrees on one condition: Rhea insists on being on the frontlines against Nemesis. Seteth can’t help but relent upon seeing the look on her face, even as Byleth protests. He gently reassures Byleth of Rhea’s capabilities, but even he can’t completely mask how deep his doubt and concern run.
There is a confrontation once more on the Taitean Plains. The boss battle against Nemesis goes similarly to that in VW, but takes an abrupt turn towards the end when Rhea lays eyes on the weapon he carries. Seeing the image of Sothis’ very bones once more in his hands triggers her into a state of outrage. Rhea transforms into the Immaculate One once again… except this time she doesn’t have the strength to control herself in this form. She tears Nemesis apart with her own claws before turning on her allies, thus shifting the goal of the battle to striking her down.
From here, things converge back into the canon Silver Snow and the following events unfold about the same as they do in Following a Dream.
Except Byleth gets a letter from Claude - now King Khalid of Almyra since the Leicester Alliance no longer exists - once they’ve become the new leader of Fódlan, hoping to work with them more in the future. No, I’m not playing favorites, shut up-
Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that I only played this route once several years ago and have zero desire to replay it. There’s probably a lot of inaccuracies and whatnot, but it was a fun thought experiment. 🤷 Please don’t take this too seriously.
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omegaremix · 2 months ago
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Finds For 2015.
Dum Dum Girls “Bhang Bhang, I’m A Burnout”
Pop. 1280 “Do The Angelfish”
Eric Copeland “Grapes”
Courtney Barnett ”Pedestrian At Best”
Diet Cig “Harvard”
FF “Caught In A Dream”
Former Ghosts “The Days Will Get Long Again”
James Clarke “Waiting Game”
Pup “Reservoir”
Sex Worker “Tough Love”
Together Pangea “River”
Anthroprophh & Big Naturals “Establishment In Decline”
Nisennenmondai “Souzousuru”
Sleaford Mods “Donkey”
Beech Creeps “Sun Of Sud”
Blossom Dearie “Sunday Afternoon”
Cribs, The “We Were Aborted”
OG Maco & Key! “U Guessed It”
Sleaford Mods “Tieds Up In Knotts”
Black Madonna, The “Stay”
Alessandro Cortini “Dell’ Influenza”
Flying Lotus & MF Doom “Masquatch”
Desire “Mirror Mirror” (dub)
XXYYXX “Witching Hour”
Soft Moon, The “Black”
Chromatics “Candy” (eight-track)
Dot Allison “Lover”
Burial “Wounder”
T.S.O.L. “Code Blue”
Death Grips “Runway J”
Black EL “’95 White Maxima”
Excepter “Forget Me”
Chromatics “Blue Moon”
Burial “Come Down To Us”
Adverts, The “Bored Teenagers”
Shonen Knife “Twist Barbie”
Raveonettes, The “A Hell Below”
Alan Vega “No More Christmas Blues”
Suicide “Hey Lord”
Arca “Sisters”
Consumer Electronics “Murder Your Masters”
Your Old Droog “Porno For Pyros”
Women In Prison “Suicidal Exit”
Ho99or “Da Blue Nigga From Hell Boy”
Soft Moon, The “Want”
Flucts, The “2 Gtr. Practice”
Flying Lotus & MF Doom “My Favorite Ladies / Litemeter”
18+ “Jets”
Shiny Two Shiny “Through The Glass”
Nobunny “(Do The) Fuck Yourself”
Dual Action “No Cologne, Use The Jack”
XXYYXX “Fields”
AIDS Wolf “Nothing But A Tape Recorder”
Grimes “Go”
La Sera “Break My Heart”
Capital Steez “Last Straw”
Honeyblood “Super Rat”
Happy Meals Apero
Fisherman Remixed
Raveonettes, The “Sisters”
Godspeed You Black Emperor! “Piss Crowns Are Trebled”
Eternal Summers “Together Or Alone”
Dinner “Going Out”
Ye Olde Maids “In The Palms Of God’s Hands”
Death Grips “Inanimate Sensation”
Gateway Drugs “Night Swimming”
18+ “OIXU”
Raveonettes, The “A Hell Below”
Polysick “Barry Talks”
Ronnie Laws “Always There”
Sweet Mixture “House Of Fun And Love”
L.A. Boppers “Saturday”
Pharmakon Bestial Burden
Prurient Pleasure Ground
Tantor “Niederwohren”
Dinner “Say What You Want (Love Is Dead)”
Pop Eye “Lazy Haze”
Chocolate Star “Stay With Me”
Disco Ruido! “Prisma”
Soft Moon Deeper
Uniform “Footnote”
Dinner “Say What You Want (Love Is Death)”
Big Youth “Every N*gg*r Is A Star”
Sauveur Mallia “Future Vision”
Metric “The Shade”
MNDR “Lock & Load” (f. Killer Mike)
Uniform “Buyer’s Remorse”
Prurient Frozen Niagara Falls
Steve Moore“Zero-Point Field”
Disco Ruido! “Sol”
Rockwell “Childhood Memories”
Black Lips “Bad Kids”
Prayers Gothic Summer
Work Drugs “Dirty Dreams”
Delta 5 “Mind Your Own Business”
Fantome “Scream” (Hanin Elias & Noia RMX)
Gingerlys Jumprope EP
M.I.A. “Swords”
Pastel Ghost “Slow Gaze”
Neon Indian “Slumlord”
Conor Oberst & The Mystic Valley Band “Breezy”
AFX “Serge Fenix Rendered 2”
Vexx “Black / White”
Chemical Brothers, The “Sometimes I Feel So Deserted”
Adi Ulmanski “A.D.I.”
Death Grips “PSS PSS”
Day Wave “Drag”
Sun Kil Moon Ghosts Of The Great Highway
Alice Glass “Stillbirth”
Pachinko “Adonis Of Denver”
Dry Heaves “What’s Happening”
Stephen Encinas “Disco Illusion”
Mssingno s/t EP
Azar Swan “For Last And Forever” (Cut Hands RMX)
Javelin “Lindsey Brohan”
MNDR & Sweet Valley Dance 4 A Dollar
Chvrches “Never Ending Circles”
Bethlehem Steel “Guts”
Sons Of Magdalene “Can’t Won’t Don’t Want To”
Tropic Of Cancer “I Woke Up And The Storm Was Over”
Theoretical Girls “U.S. Millie”
Happy Meals “Electronic Disco”
Outfit, The “Rise & Shine”
Azar Swan “We Hunger” (Vatican Shadow RMX)
Crimekillz “2mdtbadb”
Algiers “Irony. Utility. Pretext.”
Thrust “Do You Understand?” (Scam RMX)
Joan Shelley “Over And Even”
Dry Heaves “Shoot Yourself”
Grump “Facades”
Kegcharge “Dying For Who?”
Pachinko “Get Along Gang”
Vasska “Policia Policia”
Rixe “Infatigables”
Geologist “Stretching Songs For Spring”
Omar Souleyman “Bahdeni Nami” (Legowelt RMX)
Prince Ikey-C “Who Kicks The Gutter?”
Hemingway “Our Country For Right Or Wrong”
Coughs “Animal Hospital”
Night Ritual “Fornicate With The Dragon”
Dawn Of Humans “Pinned Out Pts. 1 & 2”
Made In Mexico “untitled”
No Fucker “Peace…They Hate That Very Word”
Deathcharge “Hangman”
Prayers SD Killwave
Institute “Living Death”
Tropic Of Cancer “Be Brave”
Bruit Fantome “Kosmos”
Nomenklatur “Fascinated By The Chaos”
Peaches “Bodyline”
Bug, The “Poison Dart”
Bishops Green “We Got Nothing”
Contrast Attitude “Turn Around Again”
JK Flesh Nothing Is Free
David K. Ginn “Bad Boy”
Alan Parker & Alan Hawkshaw “Difference, The”
Ethel Beatty “It’s Your Love”
Dan Deacon “Drinking Out Of Cups”
Major Mackerel “Dutty Bungle”
Shaggs, The “Who Are Parents”
Tiger “Ram Dance Hall”
DJ Bass “Take A Lick”
…And The Native Hipsters “There’s Goes Concorde Again”
Kap Bambino “Zero Life”
Dalhous “A Communion With These People”
Cobra Killer “Mund Auf Augen Zu”
Hooded Fang “Ode To Subterrania”
Quintron “Dirtbag”
G.L.O.S.S. Girls Living Outside Society’s Shit
Sylvano Santorio “Waves”
Looper “Farfisa Song”
William Onyeabor “Better Change Your Mind”
Plaitum “Let Me Hold You”
Hasil Adkins “Ha Ha Cat Walk Baby”
Killing Joke “Euphoria”
Dreamcrusher “Suicide Deluxe”
Keith Droste “When You Come Around”
Soul Vibrations “The Dump”
Dum Dum Girls “Jail La La”
DOM “Bochicha”
Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers “Roadrunner”
Kissing The Pink “Big Man Restless”
Liaisons Dangereuses “Los Ninos Del Parque”
Specials, The “A Message To You Rudy”
Alan Parker & Mike Moran “Your Smile”
Phil Western “Endless”
Bug, The ft. Spaceape “At War With Time”
Ojeda Penn “Happiness Is Having You Near”
Vatican Shadow “Enter Paradise”
Bobbi Humphrey “Jealousy”
Chromatics “Just Like You” (Hazy Mountains RMX)
Bug, The ft. Miss Red “Diss Me Army”
Etant Donnes ft. Alan Vega, Lydia Lunch & Genesis P-Orridge Re-Up
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thosenaturalones · 9 days ago
Tortle clutches, how do they get their names?
Tortle clutches don't have names, per se. A clutch is a group of Tortles who all hatch around the same time. Tortles are raised by their parents but also by the other elders of their Bale. Each individual Tortle takes a second name which they feel suits them. We aren't born requiring years and years to grow up like an elf. When we've hatched we're walking within hours, and learn to swim very quickly. We learn to speak in about a year, and while most of us keep the first name our parents called us, we choose a second name we prefer. I found myself very strong at an early age, so I choose the second name of Deadlift. But my parents called me Butch because of how tall I was, even as a child. So, I am Butch Deadlift. Being so tall I was teased by the other boys, and I never had a sweetheart growing up, but... it was nice being big and strong like my mom. Even if I was a boy. It was just lonely sometimes.
My brother Roll Fizzlebeef rolled around a lot as a kid, but he choose Fizzlebeef because of how much he likes cooking meat. My other brother Fist Rockbone used to punch everyone as a kid, and he wanted to be tough, so he chose Rockbone. Rest in peace, Fist.
I was hatched to Bale Dragon. Our Bale name is probably the closest we have to a family name. I was Butch Deadlift of Bale Dragon, but I did not feel the call of a warrior/scholar. I received a vision in a dream of becoming a Cleric of Sehanine Moonbow when I was quite young. It was very scary because no one in my Bale was a cleric of the Mystic Seer. But my elders who were clerics of Corellon said that I had a good temperament to become a Cleric. And so I switched Bales to join Bale Egret.
Bale Egret focuses on finding peace and harmony within the world and within ourselves. After all, the world we create around ourselves will be a reflection of who we are inside ourselves. But anyway, I joined the Clerics of the Moon of Bale Egret. We had a wood elf envoy who was the official high priestess, Willow Stagheart. She took me under her wing and really helped me to excel in my prayers, devotions, and spell casting.
The Bales, which are akin to Clans, take their names from the animals of the natural world that they see themselves in. Bale Panther you will not see until they are upon you. Bale Hawk swoops in to rescue you, or to kill you, throwing their spears and javelins. Bale Troll, nearly all Nature Paladins and Shapeshifting Druids, do not back down from a fight. They'll heal themselves and each other and then smite you into submission. I hope this answers your question?
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dancing--lights · 1 month ago
If you're like me and constantly thinking about "Varric believed in me when no one else did" and "You know I think I knew the truth. Deep down. But I couldn't face it," and the very specific tragedy of being denied the chance to grieve, that manipulation of denial made easier by your own regret, then I have some songs for you:
But I'm here to attest with no hope that somehow where there's a will, there's a way out. Hey kid, there's no shame, and no reason to doubt.
Say what you said. Say it again. They tell me I'm crazy. But you told me I'm golden.
What if all I want is a work of fiction? A way to run away from my own ambition. I know denial's an odd addiction. I kept playing the game. Nostalgia is such a vicious creature. Another way to say that you fear the future. I see it now as a different picture, fading frame by frame.
Sometimes it hurts when you care about me, but it's going to hurt more when they take you away from me.
In blur, father, glanced over stirred. Imagined you laughing, muddled feet dancing. What is this aching prism? This prison wincing.
Never thought that I was anything special, had nothing to throw myself into. Then you gave me a name, gave me power, power to draw from a model to hold myself to. Chasin' ghosts, the ones I hunt the most don't come around anymore.
For if it had hit its mark, there'd be blood in the place where you stood. It's a terrible thought to have and hold. It's a terrible thought to have and hold.
Put your arms around somebody else. Don't punish yourself, punish yourself. Truth is like blood underneath your fingernails. And you don't wanna hurt yourself, hurt yourself looking too closely.
Hedges of prayer. 'Cause you believe, doesn't mean that it's there. It's so rare. It's so rare that somebody'd look out for you. Thoughts and prayers was all they'd do. When I lifted her urn, Divinity says, "Destiny can't be earned or returned." I feel when I question, my skin starts to burn. Why does my skin start to burn?
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starsofarda · 3 months ago
Ok, I am being a bit on an angsty mood, so have a snippet centred on Aredhel.
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You watch him from the corner of your left eye, a withering side glance you hope your child will not catch, lest your husband finds you hating him.
He did not even grace you with the choice of his son's name, and yet you gave him one, secretly.
You look outside the window, the one marking the line between your freedom and him, and then at the door next to which he is sitting, like a jailer.
Now that all magic has gone and you are not lost anymore, you long for home, for your brother and the safety of the city he rules.
You still long to see your cousins, but maybe this time you will be more prepared. Maybe this time you will not lose your assigned guards.
Such has been the price for freedom.
And yet.
You eye the one who made you his wife against your will - if any will had there been, it was just the magic he lured you with into his realm, this dark forest that seems to be closing down on you like iron bars worse than any enclosure or mountain.
You look back at your child, Ion, you named him Lomion secretly, so that you could reclaim a part of the freedom you always yearned for, you talk to him about Gondolin, your brothers, the beauty of the world outside, and for a moment you smile before becoming sad again.
You have realized that what lured you into that forest was not love long ago and yet you stay for that child of yours.
But do you wish to stay?
Do you wish to still be deceived?
You look into your child's eyes and you find the same answer you have been avoiding all along. You look back at Eol. He has left the chair and the house and your spirit finds courage once again.
You leave with your child, you are sure that King Turgon, your brother, will be understanding. Your child chose to be with you instead of being with that wretched creature who deprived you of your innocence and freedom, you both do not look back at the house in the forest that has hosted you both for so long, not a shred of remorse or regret.
Home is whence you came from many years before - your brother will be understanding as he had been understanding of your desire to leave the Hidden City.
And it is as such, you step back into the throne hall, tired and with a child and your brother just hugs you, because you came back home. You tell him what happened, you tell him you are sorry, you tell him that you will heed his advice from now on.
And yet.
The wretched Elf seems to be hellbound in ruining you - he gives you not even the time to breathe, as he storms in barely held back by the king's guards, as he claims both you and your son, as if you both were just property, objects. You scoff at him, your brother feeling that there is a judgement to be made.
And judgement comes, as you lay your body between his poisoned javelin and your son, the son who discarded a father and chose his mother instead.
As you lay down, breathing your last breaths, when you feel the Halls of Mandos opening for you, you glance at your son and at your brother and pray that everything will be alright.
You will not see your brother casting the wretched man down a cliff, you will not see your child being cursed and yet being raised by your brother with all the honours of a prince, and yet you pray with your last breath that everything will be alright.
So the White Lady of the Noldor, Aredhel Ar-Feiniel, passes on.
With a prayer on her lips and the assurance that her son is safe.
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cagemasterfantasy · 5 months ago
Paladin (5.5e)
Paladins are united by their oaths to stand against the forces of annihilation and corruption. Whether sworn before a god’s altar, in a sacred glade before nature spirits, or in a moment of desperation and grief with the dead as the only witnesses, a Paladin’s oath is a powerful bond. It is a source of power that turns a devout warrior into a blessed champion.
Paladins train to learn the skills of combat, mastering a variety of weapons and armor. Even so, their martial skills are secondary to the magical power they wield: power to heal the injured, smite their foes, and protect the helpless and those who fight at their side.
Almost by definition, the life of a Paladin is an adventuring life, for every Paladin lives on the front lines of the cosmic struggle against annihilation. Fighters are rare enough among the ranks of a world’s armies, but even fewer people can claim the calling of a Paladin. When they do receive the call, these blessed folk turn from their former occupations and take up arms and magic.
Primary Ability: Strength and Charisma
Hit Point Die: D10+ Constitution Modifier per level
Hit Points at level 1: 10+ your Constitution modifier
Saving Throw Proficiencies: Wisdom and Charisma
Skill Proficiencies: Choose 2: Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion, or Religion
Weapons Proficiencies: Simple and Martial weapons
Armor Proficiencies: Light, Medium, and Heavy armor and Shields
Starting Equipment: Choose either (A) Chain Mail, Shield, Longsword, 6 Javelins, Holy Symbol, Priest’s Pack, and 9 gold pieces; or (B) 150 gold pieces to buy yourself starting equipment
Level 1 Lay on Hands: Your blessed touch can heal wounds. You have a pool of healing power that replenishes when you take a Long Rest. With that pool, you can restore a total number of Hit Points equal to five times your Paladin level.
As a Bonus Action, you can touch a creature (which could be yourself) and draw power from the pool of healing to restore a number of Hit Points to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in the pool.
You can also expend 5 Hit Points from the pool of healing power to remove the Poisoned condition from the creature; those points don’t also restore Hit Points to the creature.
Level 1 Spellcasting: You have learned to cast spells through prayer, meditation, and devotion.
Spell Slots: The Paladin Spell slots below shows how many spell slots you have to cast your level 1+ spells. You regain all expended slots when you finish a Long Rest.
Prepared Spells of Level 1+: You prepare the list of level 1+ spells that are available for you to cast with this feature. To start, choose two level 1 Paladin spells. Heroism and Searing Smite are recommended.
The number of spells on your list increases as you gain Paladin levels, as shown in the Prepared Spells column of the Paladin Spell Slots Table. Whenever that number increases, choose additional Paladin spells until the number of spells on your list matches the number in the Paladin Spell Slots below. The chosen spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For example, if you’re a level 5 Paladin, your list of prepared spells can include six Paladin spells of level 1 or 2 in any combination. The Paladin spell list is listed here Paladin Spell List
If another Paladin feature gives you spells that you always have prepared, those spells don’t count against the number of spells you can prepare with this feature, but those spells otherwise count as Paladin spells for you.
Changing Your Prepared Spells: Whenever you finish a Long Rest, you can replace one spell on your list with another Paladin spell for which you have spell slots.
Spellcasting Ability: Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your Paladin spells.
Spellcasting Focus: You can use a Holy Symbol as a Spellcasting Focus for your Paladin spells.
If a Spell of yours requires a Saving Throw the DC is 8+your Proficiency Bonus+ your Charisma modifier
Your proficiency bonus is +2 at level 1 +3 at level 5, +4 at level 9, +5 at level 13 and +6 at level 17
Spell Slots
Level 1 Spell Slots: 2 at level 1, 3 at level 3 and 4 at level 5
Level 2 Spell Slots: 2 at level 5 and 3 at level 7
Level 3 Spell Slots: 2 at level 9 and 3 at level 11
Level 4 Spell Slots: 1 at level 13, 2 at level 15 and 3 at level 17
Level 5 Spell Slots: 1 at level 17 and 2 at level 19
The number of spells you can have prepared is 2 at level 1, 3 at level 2, 4 at level 3, 5 at level 4, 6 at level 5, 7 at level 7, 9 at level 9, 10 at level 11, 12 at level 15, 14 at level 17 and 15 at level 19
Level 1 Weapon Mastery: Your training with weapons allows you to use the Weapon Mastery properties of two kinds of weapons of your choice with which you have proficiency, such as Longswords and Javelins.
Whenever you finish a Long Rest, you can change the kinds of weapons you chose. For example, you could switch to using the mastery properties of Halberds and Flails.
Level 2 Fighting Style: You gain a Fighting Style feat of your choice. Instead of choosing one of those feats, you can choose the option below.
Blessed Warrior: You learn two Cleric cantrips of your choice. Guidance and Sacred Flame are recommended. The chosen cantrips count as Paladin spells for you, and Charisma is your spellcasting ability for them. Whenever you gain a Paladin level, you can replace one of these cantrips with another Cleric cantrip.
Level 2 Paladin's Smite: You always have the spell Divine Smite prepared (Description is below). In addition, you can cast it without expending a spell slot, but you must finish a Long Rest before you can cast it in this way again.
Level 3 Channel Divinity: You can channel divine energy directly from the Outer Planes, using it to fuel magical effects. You start with one such effect: Divine Sense, which is described below. Other Paladin features give additional Channel Divinity effect options. Each time you use this class’s Channel Divinity, you choose which effect from this class to create.
You can use this class’s Channel Divinity twice. You regain one of its expended uses when you finish a Short Rest, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest. You gain an additional use when you reach Paladin level 11.
If a Channel Divinity effect requires a saving throw, the DC equals the spell save DC from this class’s Spellcasting feature.
Divine Sense: As a Bonus Action, you can open your awareness to detect Celestials, Fiends, and Undead. For the next 10 minutes or until you are Incapacitated you know the location of any creature of those types within 60 feet of yourself, and you know its creature type. Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated, as with the Hallow spell.
Level 3 Paladin Subclass: You gain a Paladin subclass of your choice. Oath of Devotion Oath of Glory Oath of the Ancients or Oath of Vengeance. A subclass is a specialization that grants you features at certain Paladin levels. For the rest of your career, you gain each of your subclass’s features that are your Paladin level or lower.
Level 4 Ability Score Improvement: You gain the Ability Score Improvement Feat or another of your choice for which you qualify. You gain this feature again at levels 8, 12, and 16.
Level 5 Extra Attack: You can attack twice instead of once whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Level 5 Faithful Steed: You can call on the aid of an otherworldly steed. You always have the spell Find Steed prepared.
You can also cast the spell once without expending a spell slot, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a Long Rest.
Level 6 Aura of Protection: You radiate a protective, unseeable aura in a 10-foot Emanation that originates from you. The aura is inactive while you are Incapacitated condition.
You and your allies in the aura gain a bonus to saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum bonus of +1).
If another Paladin is present, a creature can benefit from only one Aura of Protection at a time; the creature chooses which aura while in them.
Level 9 Abjure Foes: As a Magic action, you can expend one use of Channel Divinity to overwhelm foes with awe. As you present your Holy Symbol or weapon, you can target a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one creature) that you can see within 60 feet of yourself. Each target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be Frightened for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. While Frightened in this way, a target can do only one of the following on its turns: move, take an action, or take a Bonus Action.
Level 10 Aura of Courage: You and your allies have Immunity to being Frightened while in your Aura of Protection. If a Frightened ally enters the aura, that condition has no effect on that ally while there.
Level 11 Radiant Strikes: Your strikes now carry supernatural power. When you hit a target with an attack roll using a Melee weapon or an Unarmed Strike, the target takes an extra 1d8 Radiant damage.
Level 14 Restoring Touch: When you use Lay On Hands on a creature, you can also remove one or more of the following conditions from the creature: Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Frightened, Paralyzed, or Stunned. You must expend 5 Hit Points from the healing pool of Lay On Hands for each of these conditions you remove; those points don’t also restore Hit Points to the creature.
Level 18 Aura Expansion: Your Aura of Protection is now a 30-foot Emanation.
Level 19 Epic Boon: You gain an Epic Boon or another Feat of your choice for which you qualify. 
Divine Smite is a level 1 Evocation spell unique to Paladin. Casting Time is a Bonus Action which you take immediately after hitting a target with a melee weapon or an unarmed strike. Range is Self Requires a Verbal Component. Duration is Instantaneous.
The target takes an extra 2d8 Radiant damage from the attack. The damage increases by 1d8 if the target is a Fiend or an Undead. Using a Higher-Level Spell Slot: The damage increases by 1d8 for each spell slot level above 1.
Find Steed is a level 2 Conjuration spell unique to Paladin. Casting Time is 1 Action Range is 30 feet Requires a Verbal and Somatic Component and Duration is Instantaneous.
You summon an otherworldly being that appears as a loyal steed in an unoccupied space of your choice within range. This creature uses the Otherworldly Steed stat block. If you already have a steed from this spell, the steed is replaced by the new one. The steed resembles a Large, rideable animal of your choice, such as a horse, a camel, a dire wolf, or an elk. Whenever you cast the spell, choose the steed's creature type-Celestial, Fey, or Fiend which determines certain traits in the stat block. Combat: The steed is an ally to you and your allies. In combat, it shares your Initiative count, and it functions as a controlled mount while you ride it (as defined in the rules on mounted combat). If you are Incapacitated the steed takes its turn immediately after yours and acts independently, focusing on protecting you. Disappearance of the Steed: The steed disappears if it drops to 0 Hit Points or if you die. When it disappears, it leaves behind anything it was wearing or carrying. If you cast this spell again, you decide whether you summon the steed that disappeared or a different one. Using a Higher-Level Spell Slot: Use the spell slot's level for the spell's level in the stat block.
Otherwordly Steed Stat Block
Size: Large Celestial Fey or Fiend (your choice)
AC: 10+ 1 per spell level (12 at base)
Hp: 5+ 10 per spell level (the steed has a number of Hit Dice {d10s} equal to the spell's level.)
Speed: 60ft and a Flying Speed of 60ft (level 4 or higher slot level only)
Strength 18 (+4) Dexterity 12 (+1) Constitution 14 (+2) Intelligence 6 (-2) Wisdom 12 (+1) Charisma 8 (-1)
Languages: Telepathy to a range of 1 mile (works only with you)
Life Bond: When you regain Hit Points from a level 1+ spell the steed regains the same number of Hit Points if you're within 5 feet of it.
Otherwordly Slam: Melee Attack Roll: Bonus equals your spell attack modifier Reach is 5 ft Hit: 1d8 plus the spell's level of Radiant (Celestial) Psychic (Fey) or Necrotic (Fiend) damage.
Bonus Actions
Fell Glare (Fiend only Recharges after a long rest). Wisdom Saving Throw Dc Equals your spell save DC and Target is 1 creature within 60 feet that the steed can see. Failure: The target is Frightened until the end of your next turn.
Fey Step (Fey only Recharges after a Long Rest) The steed teleports along with its rider to an unoccupied space of your choice up to 60 feet away from itself.
Healing Touch (Celestial only; Recharges after a Long Rest). 1 creature within 5 feet of the steed regains a number of Hit Points equal to 2d8 plus the spell's level.
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thepastisalreadywritten · 1 year ago
SAINT OF THE DAY (September 28)
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On September 28, the Catholic Church honors Saint Wenceslaus, a Central European ruler who died at the hands of his brother while seeking to strengthen the Catholic faith in his native Bohemia.
During his 2009 visit to the Czech Republic, Pope Benedict XVI called the country's patron saint “a martyr for Christ who had the courage to prefer the kingdom of heaven to the enticement of worldly power.”
St. Wenceslaus was born around the year 903. His father, Duke Wratislaw, was a Catholic, but his mother, Princess Dragomir, practiced the native pagan religion.
She would later arrange the murders of both Wenceslaus and his grandmother Ludmilla, who is also a canonized saint.
During his youth, Wenceslaus received a strong religious education from Ludmilla, in addition to the good example of his father.
He maintained a virtuous manner of living while attending college near Prague, making significant progress both academically and spiritually.
But with the death of his father Wratislaw, the devout young nobleman faced a spiritual and political crisis.
His mother Dragomir, who had never accepted the Catholic faith, turned against it entirely.
She seized her husband's death as a chance to destroy the religion his parents had received from Saints Cyril and Methodius, through methods that included purging Catholics from public office, closing churches, and preventing all teaching of the faith.
Dragomir's Catholic mother-in-law Ludmilla urged Wenceslaus to seize power from his mother and defend their faith.
His attempt to do so resulted in the division of the country into two halves: one ruled by Wenceslaus, advised by Ludmilla; the other ruled by Wenceslaus' younger brother Boleslaus, who had absorbed his mother's hatred of the Church.
Wenceslaus, who would have preferred to become a monk and not a duke, fortified himself in this struggle through fervent prayer, extreme asceticism, charitable service, and a vow of chastity.
Meanwhile, his mother carried out a plot to kill Ludmilla, having her strangled in her private chapel.
St. Ludmilla's liturgical feast day is September 16.
The Bohemian duke also faced the threat of invasion from abroad, when Prince Radislaus of Gurima demanded that Bohemia submit to his rule.
When Wenceslaus sought to avoid a war by challenging him in single combat, two angels are said to have appeared, deflecting the javelin thrown at Wenceslaus, and immediately inspiring Radislaus to drop to his knees in surrender.
During his period of rule, Wenceslaus received the relics of several saints from the Holy Roman Emperor Otto I, who also conferred on him the title of “King Wenceslaus.”
However, some noblemen of his own country resented the saintly king's strict morals and allied themselves with Dragomir and Boleslaus.
Wenceslaus' brother sought to appear as a peacemaker, inviting the king to his realm for a celebration.
When Wenceslaus was praying in a chapel during the visit, Boleslaus' henchmen attacked and wounded him.
Boleslaus himself delivered the final blow, killing his brother by running him through with a lance.
St. Wenceslaus died on 28 September 935.
Emperor Otto responded to St. Wenceslaus' death by invading Bohemia and making war against Boleslaus for several years.
He succeeded in conquering the region and forced Boleslaus to reverse the anti-Catholic measures he and his mother had taken.
There is no evidence that Dragomir, who died soon after the murder of St. Wenceslaus, ever repented of killing her family members.
Boleslaus, however, came to regret his sin when he learned of the miracles that were taking place at his brother's tomb.
He moved St. Wenceslaus' body to a cathedral for veneration by the faithful.
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who-is-shades · 10 months ago
raz dnd 36
we exit out into a big open field at night. parsley stares up at the sky. zen is instantly taken over and god tells us we've been gone for 2 weeks. whoops. senna walks right up to him and says wheatley needs help. he immediately stops being mad and asks what happaned. he says it wont be an easy fix. teleport back to gods domain!
oh yeah sunnie is here. uh. fuck. god says he will send sunnie home safely. sunnie gives rouge back. teya hugs sunnie. no more fey portals! zen says god usually warns him before possessing him xD
here come some constructs to retrieve wheatley. senna lays wheatley on the gourney and places his hands over his chest. god says he will update us on him, but we need to know what happaned while we were gone. theres a map projection. zorbolt has made a move. expanding his reach. some towns we were gonna go to are gone. some were saved thanks to spingledorf, but hes only one man. senna is biting her thumb in anxiety.
theres another force. The Noble Ember. fun. competiting against them but they are probably not working together. can only hope. more danger! yay. he wants us to try and liberate those towns if possible to stall zorbolt. he doesnt have a fullproof way of halting zorbolts corruption.
level up! we have questions but were worried about wheatley. parsley tells android he has something to explain. why did iris know him? she was one of zorbolts leading engineers. parsley asks zen for a map of the place. nope cause uh why would he xD he finds one tho and sends it to his token. he fucks off. android fucked off. teya decides to follow and bother parsley xD senna goes to the rnd department to wait for news about wheatley.
parsley sets down SP. SP just asks where his dad. then asks where uncle? he doesnt know hmm. SP makes a sad noise aww. parsleys says zen might know. SP goes to find zen xD parsley goes to find a potion shop to get more potions. he sees a bunch on his map right next to each other. parsley grabs several health potions, so does teya. parsley gets some more javelins. he asks what teya is looking for but weapons arent her thing lol.
then he heads towards a clothes shop and looks for frilly dresses for wheatley aww. he asks for the frilliest dress possible. its the double person robot, velvet and silk! they start measuring him and he screams its not for him xD teya is just smirking xD itll take about an hour. he asks teya where they should go now. she doesnt know either lol. to the bar!
android enters the rnd department. senna sees him enter a door and follows behind. wheatley is in pieces floating in the air! fried circuit boards DX senna bites her thumb again and stands by a wall out of the way. she has her hands clasped in prayer. she prays to robotgod. he notices and glances at her and then goes back to work.
whealtleys body is reattached. robogod places his hands on his head and he starts glowing. god looks concerned oh no. some of his mind is gone?! he can restore most of him from the copy but afterwords its all gone. he can restore the events from everyones memories via 3rd person and needs everyones permission. he tells senna and android to go to the soul jar to meetup.
parsley and teya's tokens go ding from god telling them to go to the jar. he has to find spacecore xD he tries to call zen with the token somehow xD he called robogod on accident lol. its voice commands just ask xD he keeps dropping the token in surprise lol. zen hasnt seen SP so parsley hangs up lol. it called robogod again multi-call! 'teya we fucked up.' 'YOU fucked up.' teya uses sending to try and find SP. SP only replies hes at a building lol.
everyones at the jar but not SP. parsley deflates seeing wheatley dead. robogod explains the situation. needs to copy everyones interactions with wheatley. parsley says ok and it takes him by surprise, warning itll be painful. teya replies wheatleys worth it. senna looks a bit relieved aww. time for mind juice time!
time for a handholding conga line! wheatley, god, teya, senna, parsley, zen, and android. gonna get matching circuit tattoos again nice. oh this is gonna hurt. burning in the arms and intense headache. its for wheatley, endure it! screaming in pain. teya bites her tongue trying to control herself, ouch. burning into sennas scales. senna grits and bears it. parsley decides to disassociate. he gets a nat 1 and collapses to his knees as zen and senna hold him up xD. sorry zen thats gotta hurt. androids doing fine the fucker xD
the energy goes into wheatley! he gets a handprint circuit pattern on his head. we got nosebleeds cool. parsley pretends hes ok xD senna wipes the blood off of teya's face. SP shows up with some robots that think hes cool xD wheatleys eye start up! he stares at everyone for a second and asks what happaned. teya and senna tackle him in a hug as does space core. zen bear hugs the group. even android xD wheatley is shocked! 'oh. that looks painful.' god tried to keep the after death memories out. parsley gets off the floor and also hugs wheatley.
senna lets go and wipes her eyes. android whispers hes sorry to wheatley awwwwww. wheatley makes a whining sound. zen lets go, teya still hugs xD 'dont you scare me like that again wheatley!' android lets out a long sigh and lets go. 'im glad your ok.' he cares xD wheatley is just glad he cant remember dying. that makes android smile xD wheatley clings to teya xD
god tells us to get some rest. wheatley asks how everyone got hurt. android points out wheatleys scar on his head. senna holds a makeup mirror behind his head and has teya hold up her shiny shield in front of him so he can see. teya takes a rubbing of it for him. wobbly eye texture he puts it in the token. senna goes 'oh!' and takes the violin and sheet music out of the token and hands it to parsley.
wheatley asks why everyone has the circuit pattern. he thought robogod hurt everyone and asks if they have to kill him xD minus android points for that. 'no?' 'good cause i really didnt want to.' android gets pissy and says we used our memories to restore his memories so uh yeah xD wheatley grabs parsleys burned arm ouch. parsley asks if they can go kill his mom xD
wheatley realises its a fresh wound and backs up. he sits on the floor and parsley pats him. senna heals herself and teya while parsley drinks a potion. parsley pats him again lol. senna is giving wheatley a disappointed look.
from wheatleys perspective, robogod scanned him, then he wakes up with everyone worried and hurt and he has knowledge he doesnt fully understand and some of his friends dont trust god and its confusing. teya says some of those feelings might be coming from them. wheatley says he didnt think about what he was saying before he said it and is sorry.
teya changes the subject and says we need to decompress. parsley says its nap or drink time. parsley pulls out the map "ok dipshit squad roll out." "does that make you head dipshit?" android sighs and says he will forgive him just this once. zen agrees. parsley asks if were coming xD teya tugs wheatley along as senna pats him on the back.
we get to the bar! its jack daniels xD parsley just trauma dumping XD hes gonna make him something extra strong. parsley pauses him and says he has something he has to do. teya wants a strong fruity drink xD parsley tries to get wheatleys attention that he should have a drink. wheatley grabs an orb and parsley tells him to slow down. he also asks what would happen if he had some of the orb. wheatley says it would be bad for him xD
senna asks for their strongest wine. he leaves her the bottle xD senna downs it and then pours herself some more. zen has 6 orbs xD senna sniffs her wine and then writes in her diary. 'no you cant read it.' we remind zen its parsleys turn so he has to woo him xD zen goes to sit next to him. 'yes, talk, hmm.' parsley tries one of zens orbs. it feels like he got shocked xD senna asks for the orb! 'oh thats familiar.' she tries to hand it to teya but she refuses.
parsley gets up to get wheatleys gift. daniels hopes the orb doesnt leave damage and wheatley is unhappy about it. teya leans on him and hums a bit. senna drinks the cup and pours some more. android walks in?! senna waves to him and goes back to writing.
android yells at zen to slow down the drinking. he takes the orbs away boo. zen says android never has a good time and he should join them and have fun! hes mad they always do what android wants. he calls android boring. senna messages parsley to let him know. teya is trying to comfort wheatley in message.
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