#jason todd-centric
bluejaysandblackbats · 6 months
Eyes and Ears
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: An AU where Barbara finds Jason instead of Bruce.
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Sheila Haywood, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character(s), Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Older SIbling Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd-centric, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Jason Todd is NOT Robin, Jason Todd Has Issues, Jason Todd Has a Crush, Adopted Siblings
Chapter One: Arrested
They locked eyes as Barbara rose from her perch, and in the dim alley lighting, Jason cursed under his breath and said, "Man am I in trouble..." He sank down to the ground and covered his face.
Barbara sighed and came down to meet him, and she sat down by his side. "You're gonna turn me in, huh?" he asked, still hiding his face.
She didn't say anything at first. "Where are your parents? Maybe I can just take you home after you return the tires you took," she offered. Jason didn't answer her. "Or I could just turn you in."
"My parents are dead," Jason mumbled, "Do you sit and talk to every crook you meet or am I just special?"
"Now, if I tell you you're special, it's gonna make me seem like a jerk," Barbara joked, "But if you don't have any parents to go home to... I kind of have to take you in."
"Can't you just save me the trouble of running away from a foster home and let me off with a warning?" Jason asked. Barbara sucked her teeth and knocked the back of her head against the Batmobile as she tried to think of something to do. "What part of Gotham are you from?"
"Why?" she asked.
"You don't sound like you're from here," Jason whispered, "Are you gonna turn me in?" She shrugged. "You are gonna tell your dad, though?"
"My dad?" Barbara asked. "Oh! He's not my—."
"Is he your boyfriend then?" Jason asked. Barbara screwed her face up and shook her head.
"Please stop talking and let me think for a second... Also, no, he isn't my boyfriend. Let's go get that tire back, and then I'll make my decision. Okay?" Barbara suggested, and she helped him up.
Jason led her back to his apartment, where he kept the tire. They both climbed up the fire escape, and Barbara took a look around at the rundown apartment. Jason's mattress sat in the corner of the living room by the door. He rolled the tire back towards the fire escape window, only stopping when Barbara let out a sigh. "What? I'm gonna put it back the same way I left it, I swear," Jason reassured her.
"No, it's not that... Do you wanna get something to eat after this?" Barbara asked. Jason turned and cocked his head at her. "What?"
"You don't have any Batgirl stuff to do? You and Batman don't go out to dinner—?"
"Again, we're not dating... Also, no. I'm on my own time. If it's too embarrassing to eat dinner with me as Batgirl, I could hang back, and we could eat on one—."
"No, I'm just saying that if I was you, I would do anything to not have dinner with me," Jason interrupted. Barbara chewed her bottom lip.
"Come on, kid. Let's go put the tire back and get something to eat before all the good food places close up for the night," she nudged him before making her way out the window and helping him get the tire out onto the fire escape. They went back to the batmobile, and Jason put the tire back. "Good, now we can—."
"I gotta tighten this one before we go. I loosened the nuts on this one," Jason interrupted as he crouched down with the tire iron and tightened it back up. "Now, I'm done." Barbara smiled at him, and she led him back to where her bike was. "So, if Batman isn't your dad... Does your dad know you ride motorcycles in a bat costume all night?" She messed up his hair.
"No, and you won't tell him," she laughed as she passed him a helmet. Barbara climbed on her bike, and Jason put on the helmet she gave him and climbed on after her. She put her helmet on and turned to him. Jason looked around for something to hold onto, and she chuckled and shook her head. "You're gonna have to hold onto me." Jason nodded and wrapped his arms around her waist. She started her bike up and drove off.
Jason tightened his grip and held on that way until they stopped at a food truck. Barbara told him to order anything he wanted once they got off. Jason took his helmet off to reveal a complete look of bewilderment, and Barbara chuckled. "You'll get used to it," Barbara reassured him.
"You say that like you're gonna be picking me up again after tonight," Jason chuckled uncomfortably. They ordered their food and took a number. "So, are you gonna turn me in?" Barbara nodded.
"Yeah, I decided. You're a hardened criminal... No, I'm not gonna turn you in. I'm gonna take you somewhere, though, because you can't go back there. What's your name, by the way, I forgot to ask?" Barbara whispered as she leaned against the wall. Jason stood next to her.
"My name's Jason," he introduced himself to her, "And I'm kind of glad I didn't go with my first plan of action..."
"What was that?" she asked.
"Hitting you with a tire iron and calling you Carrot Top," Jason raised his shoulders out of embarrassment, and he was a little startled when she laughed at him.
"Carrot Top? Oh yeah, that was a horrible plan. I would've been pissed," she chuckled, "So glad you didn't do that... Also, it's nice to meet you, Jason."
They got their food and ate on the curb together. "Where are you gonna take me?" Jason asked.
Jason spilled a little barbecue sauce on his hoodie. Barbara nudged him. "Want a bite?" Jason asked.
"N—. Why not?" Barbara took a bite of his burger and nodded. "Mm, I was gonna tell you you've got a little something on your jacket."
Jason shrugged and went back to eating. "No big deal... But you never answered my question."
"I know, but I just think it'll be easier to show you than it would be to tell you," Barbara explained, "You trust me?"
Jason looked up at her and nodded. "Yeah," Jason smiled a little half-smile, "Sure." After they finished eating, Barbara took a napkin and wiped her hands, and gave Jason one.
"Wanna ride around for a little bit? Or are you tired?" Barbara asked.
"I'm never tired," Jason replied as he put the helmet back on, and Barbara climbed on her bike. He held on tight while they rode around in circles for a few hours, and she decided it was time to take him back. She parked in an alley and climbed up the fire escape.
"Wait out here, just one second, okay?" she whispered and motioned for him to stay quiet. Jason nodded and stood against the wall as he watched her close the curtains. Barbara came down a few minutes later in civvies and took his hand. "Now, you're not gonna tell my dad anything. If he asks, I met you at my job at the library. Okay?" Barbara asked.
Jason nodded wordlessly, and she moved to lead him into her building, but he didn't move. "What's wrong?" Barbara asked, turning to look at him.
"You look like my mom," Jason mumbled. He swallowed hard, and he wouldn't make any further eye contact with her. The look of her freckles and the softness in her eyes made his chest hurt. Barbara didn't notice. She just wanted to get him inside before she lost the courage to speak with her dad.
"Shush, okay. Now come on," Barbara whispered as she moved again, and he didn't budge. Barbara looked back at him, and she softened up. Tears streamed down Jason's face, and he turned his head away from her. "Come here." Her voice was soft and sincere.
Jason embraced her, and for the first time since his mother died, he wept. Barbara was taken aback by the sudden shift in his emotions, but she hugged him back. "Wanna talk about it?" she asked.
Jason shook his head. Barbara nodded and held onto him until he stopped crying, and he let her take him into her apartment building. They went up the elevator, and as soon as Barbara got the door unlocked, she called for Commissioner Gordon. "Hey, Dad? I brought a friend with me, hope you don't mind. We already ate," Barbara explained, and Commissioner Gordon came out of the kitchen with a bowl of macaroni and cheese.
"Your friend doesn't look old enough to be out this late... Where's his—?" Barbara shook her head. "Oh. Sure you're not still hungry, err... Um..."
"Jason, I met him at the library. I was kind of wondering if maybe he could crash here for a while," Barbara suggested, "Like a long while?"
"Help yourself to whatever's in the kitchen, son... Babs, can I talk to you in private?" Jim asked. She nodded and followed him to his room.
Jason looked around at their family pictures and their furniture. He sniffed and kicked off his shoes and set them aside before going into the kitchen and washing his hands. Jason could hear them arguing, but it didn't sound bad, so Jason made himself a plate of food and sat on the floor at their coffee table. He was about to get up and make himself another helping when Jim and Barbara came back out. "Jason, how old are you?" Jim asked.
"Almost thirteen," Jason answered.
"Why do you look familiar?" Jim asked.
"You might've taken my dad in back when he was around... She didn't tell me you—." Barbara shot him a look. "Were such a good cook..."
"Thanks, and you can stay here. We'll figure things out as we go along, I guess. Also, you can finish eating... I'm gonna go see if I could find something for you to wear," Jim replied. Jason nodded and went back to the kitchen, and Barbara followed him.
As soon as Jim was out of earshot, Jason shot her a look. "Your dad is a cop. The commissioner at that. That's like the king of cops. Are you crazy?" Jason whispered.
"Jesus Christ," Jason turned away to make his plate, "You don't think you could've warned me a little?"
"I knew you wouldn't have gone for it. Besides, it's either this or foster care, kid. I don't know what else to tell you. This way, I can keep an eye on you," Barbara whispered.
Jason knocked her as he passed and sat down on the floor at the coffee table. "Jason—."
"I'm only gonna stay because I have a feeling you're not gonna get off my back... But I want you to know I'm pissed," Jason muttered as he ate. Barbara sat next to him and turned the tv on.
"My dad's fine, trust me... And you'll like it here. We'll fix up your room and—."
"You want me to stay here. How come?" Jason asked. "And you don't have to sell me on staying here. Dinner already did." Barbara smiled and embraced him. Jason went red in the face and stumbled over his words. "Well... Gosh, I guess that answers my question." Jason went back to eating, and Jim came out of his room.
"I'll be right back. I'm going to the store," Jim announced, "Don't let her give you a hard time, Jason."
After Jim left, Jason looked at her. "What?" Barbara asked.
"Your dad's a cop. Why didn't you just become a cop?" Jason asked. Barbara sighed.
"Not for lack of trying, kid. He would rather die than see me put myself in harm's way," Barbara whispered, "Which is why you can't tell him anything about what I do."
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ao3statistics · 6 months
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This is self-made. Date of creation: 25.03.2024
I feel like this was long overdue. I'm gonna post my favourite Jason Todd tags soon.
Includes all tags directly connected to "Jason Todd".
Shiptags and character tags were NOT included.
Please note that "Good Older Sibling Jason Todd" is a subtag of "Jason Todd Has a Sibling" which is a subtag of both "Older Sibling Jason Todd" and "Good Sibling Jason Todd". The results for the subtags are therefore included in the two last mentioned tags but I decided to include them in the chart nonetheless.
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available on Ao3, NOT English only.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
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Also, Thanksgiving with Jason I presume?:
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Hi sorry to bother but do you know any fics where the batfam finds out that Jason is alive bc red hood makes some throwaway comment about him, misunderstandings happen and now they think Jason is friends with/dating red hood? Tysm
Hey Anon!
You're no bother I love answering asks! I think you're describing this fic:  dead ringer by punkrockhades which has exactly what you want! You might have read this fic already so here’s some similar stuff! Unfortunately there’s no set tag for this trope :((( So most of the stuff I was able to dig up had either some sort of ID reveal to the Batfam or had the “Jason is alive!!!” reveal. Similar in vibe if not plot.
prodigal by punkrockhades (Teen, 11k)
a robin (by any other name) by destiny919 (Teen, 3k)
My Secret Murderous Brother by timbitsandpieces (Teen, 5k)
dark sarcasm in the classroom by punkrockhades (Teen, 3k)
Jason Todd: Regular College Student by AddictedApple (Teen, 51k)
Grave Pretender by Ghxst_Bird (Teen, 4k)
Here are some fics that look like something you’ll enjoy, but I haven't had time to read them so I can’t offer any sort of guarantee in terms of quality/plot.
Homeward Bound by SpaceWall (Teen, 12k)
savior(s) of the broken by Aelig (Teen, 13k)
Finally, if you're looking for some filtered searches to browse here’s some suggestions!
Jason + ID Reveal
Jason + Identity Porn
Jason + Secret ID
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phantomchick · 3 months
Summary: “The Red Hood has been good for Gotham,” Robin continued. “Crime in Park Row decreased by sixty one percent almost as soon as you showed up, and that’s even taking into account all the crime you commit. Drug overdoses have decreased by twenty two percent in adults and seventy nine percent in minors. Homeless minors are ninety two percent less likely to—” “Kid,” Jason interrupted. “Enough statistics. What the hell is this about?” Robin slowly lowered the tablet with his powerpoint presentation and looked up at Red Hood. “You care about Gotham,” Robin summarised. “Gotham needs Batman. Batman is missing and so is Nightwing. We need you to fill in for Batman.” “You want me to cover Batman’s patrols?” Jason clarified. “No,” Robin said. “I want you to be Batman.” Jason bluescreened. (Or: Batman and Nightwing mysteriously disappear before Red Hood has even started antagonising them, Robin is desperate, Gotham needs Batman, and Red Hood is Batman-Shaped.)
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onnahu · 6 months
So, a quick fic rec:
Unraveling by audreycritter
It's Jason Todd-centric and visits the most imporant scenes from his life. It's really unnerving, but it's got a happy ending, and we're here for it. I've read it a few times and I like it more and more.
It also got a podfic by frecklebomb, so check it out too, they really made it perfect, with mood and all.
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Chapters: 1/1
Rating: General Audiences
Fandoms: DCU (Comics), Batman- All Media Types
Relationships: No Romantic Relationship(s), Jason Todd & Tim Drake, Jason Todd & Everyone
Characters: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Batfamily Members
Additional Tags: Jason Todd-centric, Jason Todd Angst, Jason Todd has Issues, Good Sibling Jason Todd, De-Aged Tim Drake, Unreliable Narrator Jason Todd, Guilt, Self-Hatred, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Happy Ending
“When you were a kid”, Dick continues, because he takes silence for an opening and not as the plea for distance that it is in actuality, “you’d curl up on the settee and stay there for hours. Bruce would always forget to look for you there first, and you’d be so quiet we wouldn’t hear you when we walked past. You’d get so lost in your books that you wouldn’t hear us either, so we’d be running around the house, searching for you, and we’d find you only when you’d put the book down at patrol time. Do you remember that, Jay?”
𝘐 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳, he thinks, and it hurts less to have bones broken than to think back to a time when the only green at the edges of his vision was that of the Manor library’s worn velvet loveseat, 𝘰𝘧 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦 𝘐 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳
Or, Tim is de-aged, Jason takes care of him, and he buries some of his demons, just for a little while
Inspired by @ky-landfill amazing fanart
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psychologeek · 1 year
so, I try the angstpril 2023 [Jason writes during his world muordertour.]
I'm not sure why I am doing it. But it's night (well, morning) and those memories lay heavy on my shoulders.
I think I had a blog before, I think (some things I still can't remember) There's a good feeling when I think of that.
These thoughts, My mind keeps running. I'm a volcano about to explode I'm a train wreck, driving endlessly off rails.
for the full:
[plz help me think of some replies\rb?]
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fanaticalthings · 4 months
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"He didn't describe you as a failure, though. He said the failure was his. For not knowing how to make it better."
Finally, a DC writer who acknowledges that Jason's title as "Batman's Greatest Failure" is in relation to how Bruce felt he failed Jason, not the other way around :')
The Boy Wonder #2 By Juni Ba
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timmydraker · 4 days
Tim begins to distance himself from his family after Damian becomes Robin.
It was obvious in the way he ran off to rescue Bruce, but that was more of a physical thing at the end of the day. He was desperate and had lost any kind of safety net and support he had after Dick threatened Arkham and how badly he hurt Alfred with his instance that Bruce was alive.
Either way he was going to get Bruce back, if not because he felt like he was an aimless, nothing human being without Batman then there was that he wanted to be believed.
Then Dick handed over Robin to Damian who at that point genuinely despised Tim, though there was also a level of jealously in the young Wayne’s mind at the intelligence and analytical Tim.
It was then that Tim decided he would bring Bruce back and then do his own thing, outside of Robin and outside of Batman.
He clearly had done his job hadn’t he? Sure Bruce was dead, but Dick was acting as Batman and that Batman had a Robin, so his reasoning for being Robin was extinguished.
Tim brings Bruce back and the older man praises and thanks him for several days and then, like everything else, the attention moves away. It goes to him connecting with Damian on a vigilante level and catching up on the last several months of him being ‘dead’. It goes to Jason who, now that he’s lost his foster father has decided that maybe he could try a little harder after all.
It goes to everyone and anyone other than Tim and this time? That’s actually the plan.
Tim isn’t as good of a hacker as Barbara, but she’s basically a god at it so compared to others he might as well be master level, just not against her. This he uses to shift around peoples schedules so Alfred has no choice but to let him go to school on his own (Tim may have also invented an early morning ‘club’ that was totally legit and not at all a fabrication). He makes it so when Dick is over or Jason takes the rare opportunity to visit he had to work at WE or DI, something important he can’t neglect.
He never has to walk Ace or Titus because he’s busy with his team mates.
Team mates who think he’s busy helping out Batman.
Tim still does work as a hero, but it’s entirely through his businesses after a while. A few times he has no choice but to go out in a boring black suit with a full face mask and hoodie. It’s got nothing on it, no symbols or gadgets. Nothing to connect him to anyone.
He starts with the homeless, dishing out vaccines like candy without even doing a campaign to showcase it.
Then he changes Bruce’s rather naive approach to orphanages and makes it so every single child who is put through is given a small amount of funding. He makes it so kids have more chance to stay with siblings, makes sure everyone who even so much as enters the ground of a orphanage have a real background check and sure the adoption rate drops, but so does the missing kids and DV cases.
Tim steals over fifty million from people like Luther and Penguin and all kinds of corrupt rich assholes for the majority of the funding and not even a cent of it is traced back to Wayne or Drake businesses. Whiles he’s digging into Lex be manages to get enough evidence to put a sizeable dent in his reputation, even if Lex manages to smooch a fair bit of it back.
He’s manages to take out a large sized trafficking ring and helps get the victims into a real recovery home that he hand picks out security for.
Later, as in a few days afterward, he discovers a dog meat farm and everyone medical veterinary student suddenly finds themself free of student loans and debt and with multiple work opportunities available and volunteer work being down right pleased for.
Tim knows he’s being noticed but given that he basically lives in his office in the heart of the city, he isn’t there to hear his old teammates and ‘family’ talk about the mysterious Dread.
Dread who was named that after a report came out about a theory of an unknown hacker or ‘cyber vigilante’ who was stealing money and information from rich folk and giving it to the poor, giving all of the 1% dread that he would hit them next.
The exact quote was ‘Those with money deeper than their pockets dread the hackers next moves. And they should feel that dread as a warning for this Robin Hood like legend seems to be getting braver.’
Dick was sure the hacker would have been called Robin if he hadn’t chosen that name already, to which Barbara responded with grumbles and growl because she couldn’t find anything other than holes and traps left by the hacker. It was like they knew her every move before she even made it!
Tim, obvious to his growing reputation until it fully took off, hadn’t even considered that his actions would be framed a threat by Batman. He would say it was because he didn’t think Bruce would ever really target him like that, but in actuality it’s because he knew Bruce was one of the few good rich folk. Surely he would be on the side of a secret vigilante hacker trying to use horrible people to do good? He embraced Dread quickly and was happy he make the rich squirm and brought a sense of hope to people, it was just like Robin but instead of them being safe and given light they were given a peace of mind in a mix of revenge and justice.
What Tim doesn’t know is that Bruce is still too far into his whole image of black and white, good and evil, that he tends to forget there’s grey areas.
At least Jason is on the side of Dread, even if he still thinks the myth of a story is just that, a myth.
It’s when Tim blows up a bank when everyone has gone home for the night just so people will find the underground money ring that and he visits the manner to get a few things that he hears them talking about it.
By that point it’s been around two years since he dropped Robin and as usual Dick always greets him with a look of a desperate puppy, “Tim! Hi, you’re here. I haven’t seen you in months, how have you been?”
Tim smiles at Dick even if he hasn’t gotten over his anger at his oldest brother and moves to sit at the breakfast table with everyone (Alfred, Bruce, Jason and Damian).
“Good. Busy, we’ve had a lot of donations lately.”
Jason snorts, “No shit. Isn’t Wayne Enterprise one of the few ones not hit by Dread?”
Bruce grumbles and shakes his head, “I wouldn’t say that. They’ve managed to get into our system and completely changed the Jason Project.”
Jason grins and laughs happily, “you mean improved! Crime Ally is doing great now. Not the best, but still a fuck of a lot better.”
Smiling at the man who once beat him to an inch of his life, Tim takes a sip of his tea and casually says, “You’re welcome.”
The whole table goes quiet as Tim continues to casually sip his tea.
The silence carries for a total minute before Bruce puts down his cup and leans forward with a slight growl in his voice, “Explain.”
“Explain what?”
Bruce stands over his son even from halfway down the table and very obviously tries to calm himself with a deep breath, “What do you mean ‘you’re welcome’?”
Tim makes an ‘oh’ expression before cocking his head to the side in confusion, “I was the one who fixed the Jason Project? Wait, did you guys not realise I’m Dread?”
Damian shouts out a ‘what?!’ That makes Titus jump and Tim laughs under his breath, “What did you think I was doing?”
“Running the business! Not stealing from people and black mailing politicians!”
It’s Tim’s turn to growl now and he stands up himself with a glare at Bruce that is as close as any of them have gotten to the famed Bat-Glare, “Are you fucking kidding me? Like are you a Tully kidding me with that horse shit?”
Bruce looks stunned and Alfred doesn’t even tell him not to swear.
Tim slams his chair into the table.
“What the fuck else would I be doing, Bruce? I’m not Robin, that was taken from me, so what else was I gonna do? I finished my job, not only keeping you from killing anyone but bringing you back, so I had do pick something else. I’m not stealing from the rich, I’m stealing from selfish cunts who ruin peoples lives for no reason and giving it to people like Jason. So, don’t you fucking yell at me and don’t try to make me feel bad for this, not when I’ve done more in two years than you ever have and- don’t you fucking speak Dick, not when you were the one who took my place here away from me! Now, I have a trafficking ring I need to expose so good. Fucking. Day.”
Jason is the only one who follows him.
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qcomicsy · 2 years
Phrases I bet were said on the Wayne Manor without context Part ll
Tim: You know, everytime we have to say "technically it's not murder" it doesn't sound as great as we hope it so.
Dick, on the living room:
Duke, first time alone with him: So... Discowing, huh.
Dick: Alright-
Alfred, very tired: I suppose I shouldn't ask about the 6'0 orange lady flying of your window this morning?
17 year old Dick Grayson: I'd really hope you not.
Steph: I'm JUST SAYING, that IF "hypothetically" WE both showed up on patrol wearing my cape, hood down and then lifted up the hood just to show matching RedHood™ helmets behind it we could both have the joy to see penguin's henchmen pissing on their pants.
Jason putting his book down: I'm listening.
Dick: Just- Just be nice about it, for once in your life okay?
Bruce: Hn. (lying)
Bruce: I'd like to remind all of you that Diana has international political immunity.
Dick: The fuck you mean by that????
Bruce: No reason. Just saying. In case we all forgot.
Alfred: We are all aware that Master Bruce isn't fond of violence *loads glock*.
Bruce: Be nice to your brother
Jason: I'm not even nice to you.
Jason, 10 years old talking about Dick to his school friend: Yeah, he just comes here, eat all our food, screams at Bruce for 45 minutes and goes away.
Tim, 15 years old, also talking about Dick to his school friend: He just comes here-
Bruce, very, very tired: So... a boat.
Tim: Do it.
Jason, cleaning his gun: Dude what the fuck.
Tim, 7 nights awake in a roll: Do you think if I just scream loud enough Clark will come here and put me out of my misery.
Dick as Batman, 12 nights awake in a roll: He won't.
Dick putting Batman's suit: He couldn't at least had the DECENCY of cleaning- muffled cursing noises*
Harley Quinn at 3 am: I'll pay you fifty bucks if you pretend you never saw me here
Dick, 17 years old: The fuck are you doing here.
Talia, with a shitty ass grin showing the engagement ring on her finger: I live here.
Bruce: Listen-
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deviouz · 2 months
jason todd is a thick thigh and chubby tummy lover. i will not be accepting any criticism
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Eyes and Ears
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: An AU where Barbara finds Jason instead of Bruce.
Chapters: 44/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Sheila Haywood, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character(s), Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Older SIbling Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd-centric, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Jason Todd is NOT Robin, Jason Todd Has Issues, Jason Todd Has a Crush, Adopted Siblings
Chapter Forty-Four: New Roads
After Jim gave Jason the keys to his car, Jason drove to Reese’s house to surprise him. AJ was the only one at home with Eleanor, which felt strange. “AJ, where is everyone?” Jason asked. AJ’s face was drained of all color. “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m sorry that I didn’t come to see you,” AJ whispered, “I’m going through some—. Can you keep a secret from Reese… and everyone?” Jason furrowed his brows as he nodded. 
“Before you tell me, are you in any kind of trouble with the—?”
“No, it’s not legal trouble. I’m—. I got Mason—.A few weeks before you went to Greece, Mason came over to swim and she threw up on the deck… And I—. She never gets sick, so I—. She’s late,” AJ confessed.
 Jason’s eyes widened, and he plopped down on the porch beside AJ. “What does she wanna do? How late is she?” Jason questioned. 
“She wants to keep it, which means we’re gonna have to tell our parents we—. God, Jason. I feel like such an idiot. How could I mess something like this up? I feel like I’m ruining her life,” AJ frowned. 
“Well, I don’t have a lot going on… So at least you guys know you have free childcare,” Jason whispered. 
AJ chuckled. “Jase, I’m sorry. I’m whining about something like this, and you—. How are you?” AJ asked. 
“Everyone’s worried sick… And I just want to get my answers and move on,” Jason replied, “You know what the weirdest part of it is? I wish she would’ve kept me for a little bit longer. I’m getting answers in bits and pieces and the more I find out, the less I know… I know it sounds messed up, but I’m glad you told me about your problems. It makes me feel better.”
“Well, you’ll never forget your sixteenth birthday,” AJ teased. Jason laughed and nodded. “Oh, and—. Hey, are you and Reese—? It’s not any of my business, but he’s been over there a lot lately...”
“I wanted to—. No. I thought I wanted to when I got back because I figured it would take my mind off of how—. I wanna wait a while. Figure out some stuff,” Jason replied, “Is Mason on her way here?” 
“Mason’s in the house… You can go in and see her,” AJ replied, “And can you take Ellie? I need a minute before I head back in there.”
“You good?” Jason asked. 
AJ smiled and nodded. “It felt good to talk to you about it. I wish you could be here when I tell my dad,” AJ replied. 
“Call me and let me know when,” Jason smiled as he took Eleanor inside. “Mason? Where are you?” 
“Jason, what are you—? I thought you were at home,” Mason smiled as she came down the hall. “You look good.” 
“So do you,” Jason smiled, “AJ told me about your situation,” Jason replied. Mason laughed before bursting into tears, causing Eleanor to cry as a result. “Sorry, girls. I just—. Mason, you know I’m gonna support you no matter what. You’re one of my best friends. Also, I’m homeschooled, so I’ll be able to watch the baby while you’re at school.”
“It’s so weird, Jason. Also, I can’t stop eating stuffed crepes and kimchi. It’ll change your life by the way,” Mason sniffed. 
Jason set Eleanor down in the bassinet on her stomach before hugging Mason. “You’re gonna be a good mom,” Jason whispered. 
Jason’s phone rang. “Hey, Barbie,” Jason answered as he hugged Mason and waved. 
“I want you to swing by and pick up your chaperone tonight at nine. I told Daddy you’d be at my place for a few days,” Barbara replied. 
Jason nodded. “But I won’t be, right? Is that what you’re saying?” Jason asked. 
“Mhm. Come by here and pick up your bag. I packed everything you’d need—.”
“I have my stuff in the car already—.”
“You have new stuff now. I think you’ll like it,” Barbara replied, “And I wanna say goodbye in person. I won’t be seeing you for a few days.” 
Jason stepped outside and hugged AJ. “Okay, Barbara… I’m on my way right now. Love you, bye.”
“Love you,” Barbara replied before hanging up. 
“Gotta go?” AJ asked. Jason nodded. 
“I’ve got a therapy camping thing… They say it’ll help me… Decompress. So, if you see Reese, can you tell him I’ll be back soon? And tell him I love him,” Jason whispered. 
AJ chuckled. “You sound like you’re going to war… But yeah. I’ll tell him,” AJ answered. Jason waved once more as he got in his car and drove away. 
Barbara snap buckled his backpack around his chest for good measure. Jason moved to unbuckle it and she shook her head. “So, which one of Charlie’s Angels are you sending with me? Kelly? Jill? Sabrina? Kris? ” Jason teased. Barbara smiled. 
“Think Kelly, but blonde,” Barbara replied. 
“Guess that makes me Bosley,” Jason joked. 
“Nope... Julie,” Barbara corrected him.
“Who?” Jason questioned.
“We haven’t gotten to that season yet,” Barbara smiled. She held Jason’s hand. “I’m not going with you.” 
“I know,” Jason answered, “I’ll be careful… And thanks.” 
Barbara pulled him into a hug. “Don’t thank me… Just come home in one piece. Okay?” Barbara replied. Jason nodded. 
“We still on code names? Or—?”
“You can use real names if you want. I trust them,” Barbara replied, “And they know me. I just wanted to maintain your privacy if that’s what you wanted.” 
Jason kissed her cheek. “See you soon,” Jason whispered as he headed out. 
Jason knocked on her door wearing his regular clothes. A brunette wearing a navy cropped jacket and matching sweatpants answered the door. Jason cocked his head. “Barbara told me you’d be blonde,” Jason replied. 
“I usually am… But not for this mission. I’m Dinah… A friend of Barbara’s,” she introduced herself. 
Jason shook her hand. “Jason,” he replied, “Did she explain the situation to you?” 
“She gave me a location and a picture. That’s it. What’s all this about anyway?” Dinah asked. 
“Let’s head out. I’ll explain on the way,” Jason answered. His stomach ached, and he wanted to call it off. But Dinah was there. Jason drove to the airport with her, and they stood together while Dinah flashed their fake passports and tickets. Barbara set up their cover as a brother and sister going to visit their mother in Thailand. Andrea and Eddie Erikson . Fake names for a fake family. 
It’d be over twenty hours before they arrived. And the thought of spending that kind of time on a plane with a stranger overwhelmed Jason completely. He turned away, trying not to panic as he looked out the window, but it all rushed to the surface. Every moment. He remembered waking up on the plane ride home. The way the authorities looked at him when they arrived. His throat caught. “Hey, are you feeling sick?” Dinah asked. She reached over and felt his forehead. “It’s something else, isn’t it?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” Jason replied. 
Dinah shrugged. “Okay, but you’ve gotta tell me something. Are you in danger?” Dinah asked. 
“No… I wish that was my problem,” Jason whispered. He was half out of breath, half out of his mind with fear. Dinah squinted at him. “I’ll explain when I have to… Not a second sooner.”
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thedevilundercover · 9 months
I might write a fic that’s just Tim running around being a little shit.
Like imagine if Timmy started to go on like hacking forums in his teens bc he was bored and then he just became a little troll on the internet for shits and giggles.
It starts as a stupid dare one of his friends makes him, “I bet you can’t hack into the GCPD database” and Tim’s has had no fucking chill ever.
Then it slowly spirals until he becomes a well known troll on the internet. He has a distinctive tag with his hacking as well. He posted details important politicians doing shady shit, drug cartels, human trafficking gangs. Like every weirdo on the internet wants to kill him and Tim finds it hilarious.
He’s like a part time info broker for the criminal underworld
Until the red hood reached out to him for info and he seems weirdly familiar
Edit: I did write a fic abt this :)
Uhhh I gave timmy a gun so you're legally obliged to read about it now
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Tim Drake Fics On A03
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These are my list of Tim Drake fics on A03. It has everything. Angst, fluff, funny sibling relationship, family fluff, The core four etc... There are few TimKon fics thrown here and there too. Have fun.
Tim Drake (Doesn't) Drink Coffee by BabblingBookends
Every year, Tim goes on a caffeine detox for a month and has to deal with the resulting withdrawal symptoms. He doesn't tell the rest of the Bats about this, because, uh, reasons!
Bang, bang by Ididloveyou_once
‘You shot me!’ Jason gasped, stunned, ‘Holy shit, you actually shot me.’
Tim’s eyes widened and he froze. They stared at each other for a second, dumbstruck and then-
‘Don’t tell Bruce.’
Or: The family enjoy a normal movie night. Except Jason has a gunshot wound and Tim’s the only one who knows and oh- that’s because Tim’s the one who shot him and they really, really need to find a way to leave before anyone finds out.
Play it Again by Jazz020
The manor feels too quiet without music. Tim and Damian bond over music.
Send to All by kerosceene
I, ___________________________, hereby acknowledge that this form represents my wishes should I contract phytoaphrodisiac-induced delirium (hereafter referred to as “PAID”) during engagements with or while apprehending Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley (“Poison Ivy”).
The bats have a sex pollen release form. Because of course they do.
This is on of the most funniest batfam fic I have ever read.
four brothers, one crush, and absolutely zero brain cells to be found by Ms_Trickster
Tim: i need to know what’s the best way to a boy’s heart 
Damian: Easy. The best way to someone’s heart is through their ribcage. Everyone knows that. 
Damian: Come on Timothy, I expected better from you. 
Dick: I-
Dick: Try again
Tim is having boy troubles.
Tim goes to his brothers for help.
Tim...did not think that plan of action through.
(In which the batbros give Tim advice on relationships, told entirely through texts.)
Their sibiling relationship is too damn funny.
Home by sElkieNight60 
“Why didn't you call home?” the Red Hood is scolding him, bizarrely making his head spin with how unreal everything suddenly seems. “Why didn't you call Dad? You've been missing for three days and he is losing his mind―he thinks you've been kidnapped again―everyone has been pulling double runs all over the city trying to find you! You fucking disappeared! Seriously, Baby Bird, give us one good reason why we shouldn't drag your ass back home right now and have Dad bench you until the end of all days!?”
The two vigilantes are staring at him equal parts furious and equal parts relieved, but there must be some kind of mistake, because:
“Who is Tim?”
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Cork Board Contingencies by PrinceJakeFireCake
If you don’t use a cork board to obsessively plan contingencies for every possible way a date with your best friend can go, how can you go on a date at all?
Excerpt: “Are you free next Saturday?” Tim asked, pretty sure that Kon’s jumble of words was agreement that he wanted to date Tim.
“Maybe!” Kon exclaimed.
“Cool,” Tim commented, taking another sip of his drugged grape soda (“Dammit, Tim,” he mentally told himself. “Do not give in! Buy new grape soda! Stop drinking the drugged grape soda! I’ve shotgunned another can of drugged grape soda, haven’t I? Dammit, that makes five!”) then saying, “That gives me just enough time to pass out for fifty-two hours and plan our first date.”
Bloodlines by chibi_nightowl for exiled-one (mistralle)
“Mr. Drake, I can’t think of a better way to say this, so I’ll just be blunt. This file is for your first adoption. By the Drakes.” 
Tim blinked. “My what?” 
“You were adopted as a newborn by Jack and Janet Drake.” 
“Excuse me, but what the fuck are you talking about?”
No words. This fic is just mind blowing.
fill in the blanks by mindshelter
“You?” Tim blurts. Holy shit. “You’re Kon?”
A nod. “Are you in any pain?” he asks again.
Kon’s skin is sun-kissed, cheekbones dusted with a fine smattering of freckles; he is, without exaggeration, the prettiest person Tim has ever seen. “No, I’m—great,” he says, fidgeting. “Do you, uh, come here often?”
Kon raises a brow. “To the medbay?” he intones. “Definitely more often than I’d prefer.”
Road Rage Robin by heartslogos 
"I'd be doing humanity a favor." Tim grinds out, "And I would get away with it. I could totally get away with it. I've done worse."
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Liberal Usage of the Bro-Code by heartslogos for protagonistically (the_protagonist)
“You’re never going to guess who’s blood is on my shirt – similarly, this is not my shirt but these are my pants.”
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Here's a Reminder (That You Haven't Fallen Through the Cracks) by popsunner
If it’s a salesperson, he’ll shove them a hundred dollar tip and tell them to go away, if it’s some religious do gooder, he’ll direct them to Metropolis. If it’s a Rogue, he’ll tell them he’s busy and to please get in the fucking line. If it’s one of his siblings--
“Hey, Tim!” Dick says brightly, forearm braced against the doorframe.
i totally don't have amnesia by impravidus for odd_izzy
Based on this john mulaney bit: “I also think it's weird in movies when someone has amnesia and they wake up in the hospital. A lot of times they'll be surrounded by friends and family, but when they open their eyes they go "Who are you?" Because that's not how you act when you don't recognize somebody. That's very rude. It would be chaos out there if every time you saw someone you didn't recognize, you went, "Who are you?" I always try to be really polite in life, so like if I had amnesia, you'd never know it. I'd wake up and they'd be like "Hi John, we're so happy you're awake." And I'd just be like, "Oh, hey, man, how's it going?", "Oh, hey, dude, nice to see you again." because that's how you act when you can tell that someone recognizes you and you have no fucking clue who they are.”
Detective Timothy Drake and the Mysterious Case of the Unclaimed Dildo by JpegDotJpeg
Tim had a lot of experience with problem solving. Every goddamn day he was solving problems. There was no shortage of problems in Tim’s life. He’d learned how to deal with overbearing parents, underbearing parents, malfunctioning equipment, in-team conflict, lawsuits, emotional breakdowns, financial difficulty, broken ribs, ill-timed boners, and a whole host of other bizarre, anxiety-inducing, or life-threatening issues that plagued his existence.
None of them had prepared him for finding a dildo in the dishwasher.
I had so much fun reading this.
Little Overlooked Dreams by Lunette3002 for Marzue
Tim weighed his options. He was alone at night in some alleyway in Gotham. He had nothing except the clothes left on the ground by someone and the cloak wrapped around his skinny shoulders. His camera was nowhere in sight. His backpack was gone too.
He brought the device to his ear. “Hello?”
Whatever talking had been on the other end of the line immediately cut off at his hesitant greeting.
“Who is this?”
Family Photos by KelpieCodyne 
“I thought you quit your photo stalking?”
“In my defence, I never said I was quitting, and you never asked if I would,” Tim immediately counters. “So really, this is kind of on you.”
Just because Tim became a bat, doesn’t mean he stopped taking photos of bats. Several times Tim took photos of the batfamily, and one time they took photos of him.
One of my all time favorite fic. And only A03 users can read this fic too.
picture perfect memories by Fandom_Trash224 
“I… require assistance with something. I believe you are best-suited for it.”
Tim raises an eyebrow, but motions for the younger boy to enter his room. As Damian does, he slowly closes the door behind him, and Tim notices a small piece of what Tim assumes to be paper in Damian’s hand. Then, he realizes it’s not just a piece of paper: it’s a photo.
Damian approaches Tim, holding out the photo at arm’s length once he’s close enough to do so, saying, “I would like you to explain this photo to me.”
Tim glances down at it, and to both his surprise and mild horror, he recognizes the photo.
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Biphasic Reaction by renecdote
People may have allergic reactions all the time and be fine, but they can also die from them. He has a flash of sudden, morbid curiosity about what the exact statistics for fatal allergic reactions are.
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miles and miles (in their shoes) by JUBE514
Where is Damian? Why can’t he see anything clearly? Where is the little brat? Damian had been by him in the cave when everything had exploded, they had been arguing like always when the two of them had gotten the punishment to go clean the trophy room, stop yelling at each other, stop being at each other's throat for two minutes and go clean the goddamn trophy room-
They had been cleaning, got into another knock out drag out argument, and it had come so close to blows and they had been screaming more than cleaning and-
The stupid fucking shoe, in the magical section- exploded out-
Tim and Damian switch bodies, the two of them realize exactly why the other does the things they do.
The Waynes, Damsels in Distress by hitthedeck
Roses are red, violets are blue, Bruce Wayne and his kids get kidnapped every other week. Some things are just universal, undeniable facts of life.
Or, in which Bruce Wayne is still Batman and his kids are still Robins, but they keep letting themselves get kidnapped because they think it's funny.
Have You Seen My Kids!? by Cute_Bear
Five Times Bruce's kids interrupted him as Bruce Wayne and One Time they interrupted him as Batman with the Justice League.
This is not Tim - centric, but it has really nice batfam fluff.
ten cents richer by Ms_Trickster
You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
That’s how the saying goes. Take enough punches from the universe and eventually it becomes harder and harder to pop back up, to see the worth in fighting back, to stop yourself from turning around and delivering some punches of your own.
Tim never wanted to become the villain—
“Appendicitis,” Tim breathed in disbelief. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
—but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t tempted to burn the world to ashes when shit like this kept happening to him.
A Saturday Evening by malcyon
Jonathan shrugs, catches the expression still on Tim’s face. “We did throw out the cyanide.”
“Only because it expired.”
“Well, it did.”
Kon invites Tim over for dinner. Tim's not sure if he should have accepted that invitation.
unfurl by shipyrds
"Hey, Dick," Tim says. He's in costume, and fiddling with his gloves, but he doesn't remove his mask: nervous, and trying to hide it. "You've had sex with aliens, right?"
"I'm not going to like where this is going, am I?" Dick says, resigned.
"How did you deal with the whole. Junk situation," Tim says, in his best professional Mission Report voice. Its success is kind of undermined with how red his face is below the domino. — Tim asks some questions. Bruce and Clark come to some realizations.
The Conner Kent Conspiracy Board by Hayleythewriter
Tim figures out Kon’s feelings before Kon does.
His Baby by Musafir
Bruce once made Tim a promise that he would never break, just have to reaffirm later in life.
“Hi Tim. I’m Bruce and I am always going to be here for you.”
Banshee In A Well by liverobinreaction (bugbee)
Tim is five years old when he drowns in his parents' pool. He dies quietly, waiting for parents who love him, but will never be there, to realise that something is wrong. They never show up, and he sinks into oblivion.
When he wakes up and claws his way out of the water, the sun has set, and the lights of his house are on. He is cold and wet and his lungs burn.
But most of all, Tim is alone.
(If you die and no-one is there to see it, were you ever alive in the first place?)
The Return by lurkinglurkerwholurks 
What the comics neglected to cover after Bruce returns from being lost in time.
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charity by Valkirin for Ms_Trickster
The biggest downside of being adopted by Bruce Wayne is putting up with rich people events, including one where Jason will be in a room with a bunch of rich kids for a couple very long hours while Bruce goes to the adults' meeting. Jason is ready for a very bad time but the Drake kid listens to him from the start and keeps backing up Jason's ideas even though they've never met.
Jason warms up to Tim Drake long before Mad Hatter tries to take over the meeting and Tim backs him up again.
city of stars by lovelyre
College friends-to-lovers AU with Tim Drake.
This is Tim drake x Reader fic. Trust me its really good.
Tricks of the Trade by Jazz020
Jason and Damian learn about Tim's fool proof method of getting what he wants from Superman
Security Updates by Jazz020
Hal, Clark, and Barry find an unexpected guest playing with the watchtowers security.
Vacation at the Watchtower by Jazz020
A continuation of Security Updates
It may have been a mistake to let Tim stay at the Watchtower while he heals from his injury but the kid really needed to get away from his brothers.
“Wait, what if I go to the Watchtower with you.” “I don't think-” “It’ll be great. I'll even help out if you need me to. I'll be the best unpaid intern the Justice League has ever had.”
Birthdays by Jazz020
Bruce was always aware that Jack and Janet Drake were bad parents, but every once in a while they give him an unfortunate reminder.
Loss by Jazz020
Out of all of Tim’s self-destructive tendencies, it was his willingness to die for his loved ones that frightened Alfred most.
Sick by Jazz020
Tim’s never quite figured out the proper behavior for someone who’s sick. Instead of resting, he often makes his way to the Watchtower.
We Can Work It Out by blackash26, Tigrislupa
Damian endeavors to make up for his treatment of Drake and apologize properly; however, Drake refuses to forgive him no matter what he does. Tim does his best to deny, avoid, and ultimately deal with the fact that the demon brat has a crush on him of all people. (Pulling pigtails never felt like quite such an understatement.) Meanwhile, the rest of the family takes sides.
In all of this, there's only one thing everyone agrees on.
Don’t tell Dick.
Only A03 users can read this fic.
you'll never find a thing like today by remrose
"I'm just saying, I don't think I've ever been to one of these things that hasn't ended in explosions," Bart tells them, eyes on the crowds as he tugs at the ends of his cuffs.
To the Boy Who Called Yesterday by Shirokokuro
Bruce wonders when six-year-old Tim changed, when he shed that sad look he’s wearing now.
Or, perhaps, when he got so good at hiding it.
Cough syrup by Stardustwrites17
It’s the coldest night in the year. So of course Tim falls into the Gotham-fucking-harbor.
Featuring a worried dad, Tim's missing spleen, and of course, Tim battling with himself between being independent and letting himself be loved.
Chili dogs seasoned with tears by Robin_The_Robiner
Ever so slowly, Tim looked down at his plate. On it was a steaming chili dog, topped with fried onions and fresh parsley.
“Oh.” he whispered.
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Taking the place of a beloved dead boy was difficult, but Tim managed to do a decent job. He's smart, confident, and put together, so he wasn't effected by their devastating grief at all.
Tim is also a dirty little liar when it comes to his mental health.
A Pile Of Pillows By The Couch by reinersbigtits
Tim has always hated getting sick. He hates the haze and the pain. But, when he finds out his family is sick he jumps in to help without a second thought. However, without a spleen, he's incredibly susceptible to the illness and quickly realizes just how much he's missed out on.
Or: Tim Drakes repressed trauma followed by worried family feels and lots of comfort.
stepping on landmines by Ms_Trickster
There is a scar curved around Drake's neck that Damian does not understand.
So he asks Todd.
the butler's neighbor by deargalileo
It starts with a baseball, thrown onto the wayne's property. it's alfred's job to deal with such happenings, of course. but over tea and galas, it turns into so much more.
after all, why should bruce be the only one allowed to adopt any child that he finds?
Stranger than Fiction by foxy_mulder
"There are details in this document that absolutely no one should know unless they have inside information on us. There’s hints that they know our patrol schedules and regularly keep tabs on us. I don't know who's behind this, or what they want with Batman, but tracking the writer needs to be a priority."
"And this document is… a fanfiction?"
(Tim Drake writes Batman fanfiction. He doesn't expect Batman to actually find it.)
There are many many more fics which i will post later. Have fun reading
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Cass: Jason?
Jason (facing away from Cass): I'm good, I am good.
Cass walks in front of Jason then hugs him, surprising him.
Jason: ...
Cass: Your jaw was tighter than usual. You're stressed and worried about the Joker. We will protect you, but I thought you needed a hug. If that's okay with you, some people don't like hugs-
Jason sniffles.
Jason: It's okay... I just don't remember the last time I got a hug and enjoyed it.
Jason hugs the girl back, smiling.
Cass: You're a good man, Jason.
Jason: Thanks... I needed this. Not the reminder I'm good, I know I'm awesome, but you know.
Cass (playing along): Mm-hm.
Jason (hesitantly): Um, you're not hugging me as a distraction before you knock me unconscious, right?
Cass: No... Who's done that?
Jason: It's a long story, one more minute for the hug?
Cass pats her brother's back with a smile.
Cass: I got ya.
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So you know how Danny is head cannoned to have two obsessions
Protection and Space
So what if Dani also had two obsessions
I haven’t watched the show, but to my understanding, she immediately went off and started traveling the world, so I would assume that her main obsession would be exploration.
But for her second obsession with would be culture.
But to my understanding, there’s a lot to explore about culture, like history, food, combat, fashion, religion, etc.
This gives any content creator a lot of opportunities to explore how Danis travels affected her political view and world view, in comparison to Danny, who probably didn’t leave the USA (at least not that I know of) she would have a better understanding of what people wanted and need to be happy, who would make her a better ruler of the Ghost zone than Danny would be.
This also gives a lot of crossover opportunities.
For example, what if Dani ended up joining the League of Assassins (bc when has a Fenton actually cared about their wellbeing?) and she meets Jason, Damian, Talia, Cass(?)
To them? She would be a major enigma. A mysterious girl that wants to joins the LOA, has a strange connection with the pits and takes every opportunity to learn different styles of combat? They needed to figure her out immediately.
Unfortunately, she vanished before they could investigate her, and that put a pause on the investigation.
Years later, she and her (never mentioned before) brother randomly appear in Gotham with fake names, traumatic backstory and the Wayne family adoption traits.
Any type of media is welcomed as long as you tag and comment :)))
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